Voenmeh selection committee documents for admission. Baltic State Technical University (bgtu "voenmeh") named after d.f.ustinov

In our city, sports traditions are treated with great respect. Both in boxing and in other sports, they honor the winners and their mentors and always hold competitions dedicated to the memory of sports veterans - participants in the Great Patriotic War with great responsibility.

December 13 in the boxing hall of BSTU "VOENMEH" named after. D.F. Ustinov hosted another tournament dedicated to the memory of Anton Iosifovich Guretsky, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, a trainer-teacher who was at the origins of the creation of the Department of Physical Education and Boxing of Voenmekh.

Rare purposefulness, indomitable coaching energy in achieving the goal and the diligence of the pupils could not but affect the sports results. After some time, the Voenmekh team became the winner of the championship of universities in Leningrad and for 26 years has not been inferior to leadership. She becomes the silver medalist of the USSR team championship.

The well-deserved fame of Leningrad boxing was created by military mech boxers: Boris Usoltsev, Viktor Elnitsky, Vladimir Veselov, Mikhail Marchenko, Nikolai Morozov, Viktor Plis, Boris Pavlovs (two), Valentin Kripaitis, Viktor Dreev, Leonid Shusharin, Alexander Kosach and others.

After the death of Anton Iosifovich, by the unanimous decision of his many students and friends, it was decided to hold a tournament dedicated to his memory every year. And the best gift to the talented coach-teacher was the sporting achievements of boxers-military mechs of subsequent generations. Pyotr Khamukov, Maxim Dadashev, Alexei Mazur declared themselves not only at the All-Russian, but also at the world level with victories in the ring: Maxim Dadashev was twice the silver medalist of the world championships; Pyotr Khamukov - world champion (2011), European champion (2015), Olympic Games participant (2016), Russian champion (2016); Alexei Mazur is a multiple champion of the city, a member of the Russian national team.

Voenmekh students are champions of Leningrad universities in 1951-1952. (from left to right) V. Kripaitis, K. Lyashchenko, V. Zaitsev, B. Pavlov, V. Utkin, I. Tarasov. Trainer A.I. Gurecki

By tradition, the next boxing tournament was opened by a student of A.I. Guretsky, master of sports of the USSR, nine-time champion of Leningrad Boris Petrovich Usoltsev. The guests of honor were the daughter of Anton Iosifovich - Tatyana Antonovna, masters of sports of the USSR, winners of the USSR championships Alexander Skorokhodov and Sergey Zaremlyuk.

The strongest boxers from different universities of our city took part in the competition. Tournament in memory of A.I. Guretsky was organized and interesting.

Sergey PISKOV, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education and Sports

schedule Working mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu. from 10:00 to 17:00

Latest reviews of BSTU "VOENMEH"

Regina Gutieva 15:12 10.05.2015

She graduated from this university with a degree in political science. She received an excellent liberal arts education, which was difficult to expect from a military-technical university. I am currently a postgraduate student here. I like everything too. For some time, enrollment for this specialty, unfortunately, was not carried out, but already this year a bachelor's degree in political science should be opened.

Maria Zhukova 08:38 08/05/2014

Here they train professionals in their field! Learning is hard, but very interesting! I studied at the Department of International Industrial Management and Communication, as an economist. I am glad that I made the right choice by enrolling in BSTU "VOENMEH" them. D. F. Ustinova! Now I regret that I did not receive a second higher education in parallel, although I had such an opportunity from the second year.

general information

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Baltic State Technical University" VOENMEH "named after D.F. Ustinov"


No. 02238 valid Indefinitely from 06/28/2016


No. 02298 is valid from 10/20/2016 to 12/12/2019

Previous names of BSTU "VOENMEH"

  • Leningrad Military Mechanical Institute
  • Leningrad Mechanical Institute

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for BSTU "VOENMEH"

Indicator18 year17 year16 year15 year14 year
Performance indicator (out of 7 points)3 6 6 4 5
Average USE score in all specialties and forms of education62.36 62.59 62.46 63.00 62.47
Average USE score credited to the budget68.42 68.86 66.93 65.70 63.64
Average USE score enrolled on a commercial basis56.03 56.68 57.09 54.85 57.78
The average for all specialties is the minimum USE score enrolled in the full-time department46.49 45.21 46.14 45.69 46.02
Number of students6021 5634 4991 4872 5066
full-time department5293 4998 4367 4220 4345
Part-time department136 225 416 591 721
Extramural592 411 208 61 0
All data Report Report Report Report Report


The Baltic State Technical University "Voenmeh" is a prominent representative of the Russian engineering school, which has managed to maintain and increase the achievements of domestic and world engineering education.

This is confirmed by our graduates, the pride and glory of Voenmekh. Over its 83-year history, the university has trained more than 75,000 first-class specialists for the defense industry, the national economic complex of the country, many of whom are now at the helm of enterprises, firms, design bureaus, and head research teams. Our graduates have not only high professional qualifications, but also creative potential - qualities that allow them to master new areas of knowledge, create new technologies and be in demand in various fields of activity.

About 4,500 students study at the university at 5 faculties of engineering, economics and the humanities and a military training center.

Among the graduates of BSTU "VOENMEH" named after. D.F. Ustinov: famous cosmonauts Sergei Krikalev, Georgy Grechko, Andrey Borisenko, President of the Russian Railways Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin, statesmen Sergei Naryshkin, Yuri Maslyukov, heads of enterprises, banks, business structures, talented engineers.

The high demand for graduates makes it possible to speak of BSTU "Voenmekh" as a dynamically developing scientific and educational institution.

BSTU "VOENMEH" today is a successful university for successful people, for those who want to get a quality and competitive education, fully realize their creative and scientific potential and be an active participant in the life of the country.

In our city, sports traditions are treated with great respect. Both in boxing and in other sports, they honor the winners and their mentors and always hold competitions dedicated to the memory of sports veterans - participants in the Great Patriotic War with great responsibility.

December 13 in the boxing hall of BSTU "VOENMEH" named after. D.F. Ustinov hosted another tournament dedicated to the memory of Anton Iosifovich Guretsky, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, a trainer-teacher who was at the origins of the creation of the Department of Physical Education and Boxing of Voenmekh.

Rare purposefulness, indomitable coaching energy in achieving the goal and the diligence of the pupils could not but affect the sports results. After some time, the Voenmekh team became the winner of the championship of universities in Leningrad and for 26 years has not been inferior to leadership. She becomes the silver medalist of the USSR team championship.

The well-deserved fame of Leningrad boxing was created by military mech boxers: Boris Usoltsev, Viktor Elnitsky, Vladimir Veselov, Mikhail Marchenko, Nikolai Morozov, Viktor Plis, Boris Pavlovs (two), Valentin Kripaitis, Viktor Dreev, Leonid Shusharin, Alexander Kosach and others.

After the death of Anton Iosifovich, by the unanimous decision of his many students and friends, it was decided to hold a tournament dedicated to his memory every year. And the best gift to the talented coach-teacher was the sporting achievements of boxers-military mechs of subsequent generations. Pyotr Khamukov, Maxim Dadashev, Alexei Mazur declared themselves not only at the All-Russian, but also at the world level with victories in the ring: Maxim Dadashev was twice the silver medalist of the world championships; Pyotr Khamukov - world champion (2011), European champion (2015), Olympic Games participant (2016), Russian champion (2016); Alexei Mazur is a multiple champion of the city, a member of the Russian national team.

Voenmekh students are champions of Leningrad universities in 1951-1952. (from left to right) V. Kripaitis, K. Lyashchenko, V. Zaitsev, B. Pavlov, V. Utkin, I. Tarasov. Trainer A.I. Gurecki

By tradition, the next boxing tournament was opened by a student of A.I. Guretsky, master of sports of the USSR, nine-time champion of Leningrad Boris Petrovich Usoltsev. The guests of honor were the daughter of Anton Iosifovich - Tatyana Antonovna, masters of sports of the USSR, winners of the USSR championships Alexander Skorokhodov and Sergey Zaremlyuk.

The strongest boxers from different universities of our city took part in the competition. Tournament in memory of A.I. Guretsky was organized and interesting.

Sergey PISKOV, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education and Sports

In our city, sports traditions are treated with great respect. Both in boxing and in other sports, they honor the winners and their mentors and always hold competitions dedicated to the memory of sports veterans - participants in the Great Patriotic War with great responsibility.

December 13 in the boxing hall of BSTU "VOENMEH" named after. D.F. Ustinov hosted another tournament dedicated to the memory of Anton Iosifovich Guretsky, a participant in the Great Patriotic War, a trainer-teacher who was at the origins of the creation of the Department of Physical Education and Boxing of Voenmekh.

Rare purposefulness, indomitable coaching energy in achieving the goal and the diligence of the pupils could not but affect the sports results. After some time, the Voenmekh team became the winner of the championship of universities in Leningrad and for 26 years has not been inferior to leadership. She becomes the silver medalist of the USSR team championship.

The well-deserved fame of Leningrad boxing was created by military mech boxers: Boris Usoltsev, Viktor Elnitsky, Vladimir Veselov, Mikhail Marchenko, Nikolai Morozov, Viktor Plis, Boris Pavlovs (two), Valentin Kripaitis, Viktor Dreev, Leonid Shusharin, Alexander Kosach and others.

After the death of Anton Iosifovich, by the unanimous decision of his many students and friends, it was decided to hold a tournament dedicated to his memory every year. And the best gift to the talented coach-teacher was the sporting achievements of boxers-military mechs of subsequent generations. Pyotr Khamukov, Maxim Dadashev, Alexei Mazur declared themselves not only at the All-Russian, but also at the world level with victories in the ring: Maxim Dadashev was twice the silver medalist of the world championships; Pyotr Khamukov - world champion (2011), European champion (2015), Olympic Games participant (2016), Russian champion (2016); Alexei Mazur is a multiple champion of the city, a member of the Russian national team.

Voenmekh students are champions of Leningrad universities in 1951-1952. (from left to right) V. Kripaitis, K. Lyashchenko, V. Zaitsev, B. Pavlov, V. Utkin, I. Tarasov. Trainer A.I. Gurecki

By tradition, the next boxing tournament was opened by a student of A.I. Guretsky, master of sports of the USSR, nine-time champion of Leningrad Boris Petrovich Usoltsev. The guests of honor were the daughter of Anton Iosifovich - Tatyana Antonovna, masters of sports of the USSR, winners of the USSR championships Alexander Skorokhodov and Sergey Zaremlyuk.

The strongest boxers from different universities of our city took part in the competition. Tournament in memory of A.I. Guretsky was organized and interesting.

Sergey PISKOV, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Education and Sports