Make a wish and it will surely come true. How to make a wish for the new year so that it will come true

They say on New Year's Eve all wishes come true. And not by chance!
Psychics, astrologers say that positive energy is formed on this day, caused by the festive mood of a large number of people.

Accordingly, making a ritual for making a wish, a person, as it were, directs this energy flow in the direction he needs.

Psychologists say that the New Year's ritual for desire is self-programming, which subsequently, on a subconscious level, helps to fulfill one's own intentions.

Whatever it was, but just take it and want it is not enough. If a person nevertheless decides to conduct a specific ritual, then he should prepare in a certain way.

It's not hard:

  • Before you wish for anything at all, you need to clearly understand what you want to achieve over the next year and form the “right” desire.

For example, if you want to buy a new car, it is better to specify the brand or approximate cost of the vehicle. Otherwise, there is a risk of getting a really new car, but one that will create more problems than benefits.

Therefore, it is worth thinking not spontaneously, during the chimes, but in advance to allocate a little time in order to formulate your desire or several desires in peace and tranquility.

  • The wish made must be sincere. Whatever motives move a person, he cannot desire what others impose on him. Even if he thinks that he completely agrees with someone else's opinion, subconsciously a person may not want what others want, and are asked to wish with him.
    Therefore, the goals that you want to realize, you need to form, based solely on your own will, and believe in their implementation.
  • New Year's rituals are quite simple and do not require any complicated preparations. But one requirement is extremely important - to arrive in a festive mood.

The fact is that from the point of view of both the occult and the psychological explanation of the fulfillment of desires for the New Year, the corresponding state of mind plays an extremely important role. After all, the fulfillment of desires is, first of all, joy and the same “mood” must be used when performing the ritual.

Otherwise, in the general New Year's mass, a person turns into a "white crow" along with his desire, whatever it may be.

What should be desires and what should not be made

In no case should desires be negative and cannot have a “not” or “no” particle.

The fact is that this particle is not perceived by the subconscious. And when a person, for example, thinks “so that they don’t get fired from work” or “so that my half doesn’t leave me”, what is read without the prefix “not” is performed. And from the point of view of the occult, desire is a program for profit or achievement, which is contrary to the negative message.

  • Desires, even the most unimaginable ones, must be made in real time, as if they had already been fulfilled.

For example, in the desire: “so that this year I have a new apartment”, you should not use the prefix “to” and then the desire sounds like it has already been realized.

And you should never use the word “want” because a person wants to “want” the fulfillment of his goal. In general, in desire, every word plays its role, so it is worth formulating them as clearly and concisely as possible.

  • You don't need to limit yourself.

For example, if a person wants to buy a new apartment and for this he needs a promotion, you should not formulate the desire in this way. It is better to concentrate on what kind of housing he wants to buy, and the “universe” will already throw up the necessary opportunities. After all, it may be easier for a single person to win an apartment in the lottery or receive it as a gift than to achieve the necessary promotion.

  • Do not resort to abstractions, especially such as: "I am rich", "I am happy" or "I am healthy."

In the subconscious or by the decision of the universe, it may turn out that the person who wishes is already rich enough for a person of his level. In the end, he can be spiritually rich, happy in poverty, and there are few ideally healthy people, but at the same time, not all of them consider themselves sick. Therefore, it is better for yourself to determine what wealth, happiness and health are.

  • You need to believe in the fulfillment of your desire.

That is, the goal can be the most unrealistic, up to the flight to Mars. But if a person subconsciously understands that he wants something that is a priori impossible to achieve, then the desire will not come true.

It is necessary, first of all for oneself, to be sure of the reality of its fulfillment. Whether it's a logical belief or just a belief doesn't matter. The main thing is not to have even a shred of doubt.

How many wishes can you make for the New Year?

In principle, no one limits you. But the fewer desires there are and the more clearly and correctly they are formulated, the greater the chance that it will come true.

Best of all, make a New Year's wish list for yourself in advance, then cross off the ones you can do without and end up with the one that is most cherished for you.

Ways to make wishes for the New Year

Now you know how to make a wish for the New Year. And now we will consider various ways and options that will help you fulfill your cherished dream.

We make wishes for the New Year on paper and burn
The most common method is to burn the wish leaf, throw the ashes into a glass of champagne and drink it at midnight sharp.

The method is really effective, but you should not write the wish itself under the chimes. After all, here the main role is played not so much by the performance of the ritual, but by the concentration of one's thoughts over the desire itself.

Therefore, if it is not large, then you can write directly under the chiming clock, then set it on fire and throw the ashes into a glass.

If the wish consists of many points, then it is better to write it in advance, and at the right time just read it out loud or to yourself before burning it.

And in no case should fuss be allowed in the performance of the ritual, since a person will distract his consciousness from desire for actions that he is trying to manage to carry out while the chimes are striking.

coin in hand

Prepare a coin in advance, preferably gold in color, you can even pre-clean it to a shine.

In the battle of the chimes, you need to hold a coin in your hand and mentally represent your wish in all its glory. After that, throw it into a glass and drink champagne while the chimes are chiming.

Then this coin must be carried with you as a talisman until the plan is fulfilled.

12 grapes

This method is suitable for those people for whom the ashes in champagne are wildness. The fact is that in Europe they also make wishes on New Year's Eve, but for this they use grapes, which symbolize wealth, happiness and good luck.

To do this, you need to take 12 grapes and eat them exactly at 12 o'clock at night. At the same time, you need to get rid of the bones while the chimes are beating. But some Europeans go to the trick and take seedless grapes.

Candle burning

Another European way is to light a candle at exactly midnight. At the same time, when a candle is lit, you need to clearly imagine what you have planned, you can also whisper. After that, the candle is placed on the festive table in the middle.

If by the end of the evening it does not go out, then the desire will come true.

The number 12:12 is the frequency of knowledge and wisdom, as well as an indicator of the protection of the Higher Forces. This is a very favorable combination of numbers, which indicates that a person has reached an energy-informational balance with the outside world. Specifically, on December 12, all numerologists and astrologers advise you to make your deepest desire and you can do more than one!

1. Write your wish ON PAPER. This helps to think about the desire well and to concretize each word. A pen and a piece of paper are magical tools.

2. Many recommend formulating a wish in the PRESENT or PAST tense, as if it had already come true. For example: "My weight is 57 kg." And if, for example, you want to buy an apartment, then you can use the past tense: "I bought a 3-room apartment", "I got married". There are those who recommend thinking in the FUTURE tense. Almost all psychologists and book authors forbid the use of the word WANT. But I, for example, many times made wishes with the word I WANT - and they all came true! Therefore, the most important rule here is your inner feelings. If the formulation of desire in the present tense causes a contradiction in you, do not use it.

3. In the formulation of desire, avoid using the particle "NOT". For example: “I am not sick” is not good. Instead, you should write: "I am healthy."

4. Desire to be eco-friendly. Those. Your desire should not harm other people

5. Don't make a wish for other people. For example, you can’t think, “so that my husband quit smoking.” Maybe he doesn't want it? And if he wants, then let him guess: “I lead a healthy lifestyle, I am free from smoking.” If, nevertheless, your desire includes other people, then formulate your desire as you see it through YOURSELF. For example: "I see my husband sober, leading a healthy lifestyle" or "I am a happy mother of healthy children."

6. In your desire, you cannot influence the fate of other people. For example, when making a wish to get married, do not formulate it like this: “I am married to Vasya Ivanov.” Formulate better "I am married to a kind, intelligent and generous man." Firstly, in this way, you do not force Vasya, do not influence his soul, his own choice, and secondly, your future husband may turn out to be 100 times better than Vasya.

7. Specify your desire, pay attention to DETAILS. For example, if you want to buy a car - indicate the make, color, year of manufacture, be sure to write how you buy it - paying the full amount or on credit (I think paying off the car right away is much nicer than getting into debt).

8. Avoid "blurry" desires with the words BETTER, MORE, MUCH. These words can only be included in a specific wish. For example, you can’t think like this: “I earn a lot.” Formulate a desire like this: "I earn more than 500 thousand rubles a month."

9. Consider EVERY WORD in your desire. For example, you can think of WIN a tour to Paris (or a car). You may win it (for example, in the lottery), but you won’t be able to get it and use it for some reason.

For example, by this time you will not have a visa (or you can bet with someone for a car, which of course no one will buy later). Therefore, it is better to formulate that you are already traveling in Paris (or you already own a car).

10. Write your desire so that you LOVE every word in it. If a word causes at least a modicum of doubt, formulate it differently.

11. Avoid abstract desires - when drawing up a desire, you should have a clear picture, a CLEAR SPECIFIC IMAGE. For example, the abstract desire “I am happy”, “I have improved my living conditions”, “I have found my vocation” does not carry any picture, any specific image. Therefore, after drawing up a desire, check whether a clear, specific image of your desire arises in your head.

12. Add other important components to your "picture":

Rumor (what do you hear when your wish is fulfilled?). For example, you hear the hum of your car; hear how your friend congratulates you on this acquisition, etc.

Smell (what smell do you feel when your wish came true?). For example, you smell the expensive smell of the leather interior of your car or the aroma of freshly baked goods in your new apartment, etc.

Taste (what taste do you feel at the moment when your desire came true?). For example, you feel the sweet taste of a freshly baked croissant and the taste of fragrant coffee while having breakfast in a street cafe in Paris…
- tactile sensations (what do you feel when you touch the object of your desire with your hands?). For example, when you touch your new fur coat, you feel the smoothness and tenderness of the fur, you are very pleased to do this ...

13. In order for your desire to be fulfilled in the best and most favorable way, without causing any harm to you or other people, it is better to add the following phrases at the end of the desire:

My desire is fulfilled in the best and highest way.
- It's good for me and for the whole world.
- For the common good.
- For the Higher good and in harmony with the world.
- Let it be so or even much better.

14. It is also desirable to insert into your desire such words as EASY, JOYFULLY, WITH PLEASURE. After all, you want to get what you want just like that - EASY, JOYFULLY and WITH PLEASURE! For example: I EASILY buy a car…, I JOY travel…, I JOY earn…

15. And most importantly - DO NOT TELL ANYONE about your desire. Because, telling about your desires to other people (even the closest ones) - you waste the energy necessary for fulfillment. That's when the wish comes true, then everyone will know about it. True, there is one caveat here!

If you have a COMMON wish, for example, with your husband (wife, mother, child), then naturally it is better to make a wish together. Thus, on the contrary, you do not waste energy, but increase it many, many times over!

For example, you want a new apartment for your whole family; or want your relative to recover; or want to have a child in your family. Gather the whole family - and guess! This item works very well, it has been tested by me from personal experience. Once, we made a very important wish with the whole family. And, of course, it came true in the most amazing and wonderful way!

Oh, if the dream came true

Such a life would then begin ...

A cherished desire. How much energy do we sometimes spend on getting at least a little closer to him. But luck is not always on our side. Why? Usually the reasons lie in ourselves - this is internal discomfort, and doubt, and self-doubt, and a skeptical attitude towards life. The realization of a dream seems to many to be a plot from a beautiful fairy tale, which is why everyone loves to point out that one must live in the real world.

However, if you decide to expand your comfort zone and let a little magic into it, even for a short time, a lot of things around you will change only for the better. Want to be sure of this?

I propose to adopt a great way for making wishes - the golden minute of the day.

What is the golden minute of the day?

60 seconds, opening the "green corridor" for the fulfillment of desires.

It is believed that once every 24 hours the entire Heavenly Chancellery of the Universe sits down at a table of orders. And if you have time to send your wish in a magical moment, it will instantly get to them for consideration.

How to calculate the golden minute?

The calculation technique is based on the close collaboration of astronomy and numerology. We will not climb in these wilds, but take the very essence:

So, you need to take the ordinal numbers of the calendar date - the day and the month. The number of the day is the hour, the number of the month is the minute. For example, date:

Bottom line: the golden minute of July 21 comes at 21:07 local time. This is the time to make a wish.

Exceptions to the rules: calendar days falling from the 25th to the 31st are calculated the other way around.

For example: 29.11 (November 29)
11 - counted as an hour
29 - per minute.
Bottom line: the golden minute on November 29 will come at 11 hours 29 minutes

This is a very rare performance of our beloved and kind Hottei.

Every person dreams of happiness, someone dreams of great and bright love, someone just fills his house with happiness and good luck, prosperity.

And when it comes to happiness, everyone rises in their striving to some distant and sometimes unattainable ideal. Since life is so complicated, and happiness is so simple, then you need to start simple.

You need to guess what you most want, while looking at the picture. She has incredible strength. After all, we all know that this image brings wealth and many in the house you can find his figurine, and maybe several.

I checked it out for myself. And my happiness knows no bounds! My wish came true! I told my friends and it works, now I can 100% recommend it to you!

As Snezhana Tikhonova's teacher, Feng Shui Queen Lillian Tu, says: "If Hottei meets you in the morning, you will have a lot of reasons to laugh." Better not to say! Invite this magical Hottei to your wall right now. Let him be your regular guest.