9 steps to eternal life read. Your Path to Ultimate Health and Longevity

Ray Kurzweil, Terry Grossman

Transcend: Nine Steps to Eternal Life

Ray Kurzweil

Terry Grossman



Published with permission from Loretta Barrett Books and Synopsis Literary Agency

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Scientific editor Nadezhda Nikolskaya

All information in this book is for reference only. This book is not a medical manual. The information provided here can help you make informed decisions about your health. The information in this book is not intended to replace the treatment prescribed by your doctor. If you have health problems, we urge you to seek qualified medical care.

The information in this book should be used as a supplement to, but not a substitute for, proper exercise.

The exercise and dietary programs presented in this book cannot replace the exercise program and dietary regimen prescribed by a physician. To perform the exercises and follow the diets described in the book, you need to get permission from a doctor.

Legal support for the publishing house is provided by Vegas Lex law firm.

© 2009 Terry Grossman, Ray Kurzweil

© Translation into Russian, edition in Russian, design. LLC "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", 2015

Dedicated to Sonya, Ethan and Amy who inspire me to live forever.

Dedicated to Karen... forever.

From a publishing partner

It sounds incredible, but before my eyes, the simple advice of the authors of this book gave a few extra years of life to a large number of people!

Sounds even more incredible, but the authors claim that we can double our life expectancy and slow down the aging process. Moreover, new technologies and knowledge that will be available in 20-30 years will reverse the aging process and give all of us the chance to stay young and live forever! Even if you don’t believe in such a possibility or don’t want to live forever, the prospect of being healthy, active and happy for as long as possible sounds tempting, doesn’t it?

Unfortunately, in terms of life expectancy, Russians lag behind residents of other countries by decades. For example, in France, men live an average of 15, and women - 10 years longer than ours.

I considered it impossible to significantly increase the duration of my life, or rather, I did not even think about such issues until a few years ago. However, the book Transcend convinced me that the prospect of living 100+ years is very real. Frankly, this figure looks much more attractive to me than the average age of 60-70 years. I really like to live, and I want to see a lot, try and learn a lot. A prerequisite for this is to be of sound mind and in good physical shape.

Why do people die so early, especially in our country? To some this will seem surprising, to others - banal, but in any case it needs to be understood: the main reason is that we are not aware of the responsibility for our health.

What most of us simply don't know is that the main factor affecting our health, well-being and life expectancy is the simple choices we make every day: what we eat, how we respond to stress, how active we are. Add here whether we take into account our predispositions and, in general, how well we know our own genetic portrait.

If we suspect that we make the wrong choice every day, we do not understand what exactly needs to be changed in order to avoid health problems. Meanwhile, according to the World Health Organization, annually in Russia more than 80% of deaths occur due to cardiovascular diseases, cancer, respiratory diseases, and all of them are caused primarily by lifestyle.

According to the authors of this book, avoiding deadly diseases and doubling life expectancy is easy enough. In this book, they talk about what modern science knows about the aging process and the occurrence of chronic diseases. And about how - armed with this knowledge and the latest technologies - you can easily and effectively adjust your life and health: reduce or eliminate the risks of developing diseases, slow down the aging process, and in some cases stop it and even reverse it.

Transcend: Nine Steps to Eternal Life Ray Kurzweil, Terry Grossman

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Title: Transcend: Nine Steps to Eternal Life
Author: Ray Kurzweil, Terry Grossman
Year: 2009
Genre: Health, Other educational literature, Foreign applied and popular science literature, Foreign educational literature

About Transcend: Nine Steps to Eternal Life by Ray Kurzweil and Terry Grossman

Longevity is real wealth, which, alas, is not given to everyone. The modern ecological system, the quality of food, the frantic rhythm every day, the lack of rest - all this has the most negative effect on our health. Sports are not included in the list simply because it still occupies a significant part of many people today, because we all want to look good. But here, too, there is one "but". Sports are different, and just the desire to get pumped up can lead to health problems. In general, everyone decides what he needs.

Transcend: Nine Steps to Eternal Life by Ray Kurzweil and Terry Grossman is incredible. This is a book that every person simply must read and have in their arsenal. You can find a huge number of works about a healthy lifestyle, but at the same time they miss some points, they focus more on something.

Transcend: Nine Steps to Eternal Life not only has clear advice on how to live to 150 and beyond. All the facts that lead the author are scientifically confirmed. Health is not something that can be assumed or fantasized.

Ray Kurzweil and Terry Grossman write about how to lead your life right, how to exercise, what to eat. But most importantly, you will learn how to identify various diseases in the early stages, which doctor to go to, what tests to take, what to eat, how to be treated. It has everything from a to z on how to take care of your health. That is why the book will be extremely useful to young people, and for the elderly it should become a daily reading matter.

The book "Transcend: Nine Steps to Eternal Life" also tells that modern technologies and breakthroughs in medicine allow humanity to forget about many diseases, because cures have already been found for them. And, it is quite possible that soon we will all really get the opportunity to live, if not forever, but more than 100 years for sure.

Unfortunately, the modern system dictates such rules that only the strongest survive. There has always been competition, but it is today that people are required to have real superpowers. He should not sleep, have a personal life, should work like a machine, constantly giving out creative solutions, should be able to multitask. In the beginning, this is all real, but after a couple of years, between the ages of 23 and 25, we turn into old people who are constantly sick. And no one needs us anymore.

Separately, I would like to note the food. In the working rhythm in which each of us is, it is very difficult to eat right. When you come home from work late, you don’t feel like cooking something useful. At work, snacks - sandwiches, cookies, liters of coffee. Will the body survive on dry rations, and even of dubious quality?

Transcend: Nine Steps to Eternal Life is a treasure trove of advice, guidance, programs, research, and examples. You will be able to become more sensitive to yourself and your body, you will know how to eat in order to always feel good, which doctors to go to with a particular problem. But the important thing here is that Ray Kurzweil and Terry Grossman reveal the secret of longevity.

Published in Russian for the first time.

On our site about books lifeinbooks.net you can download for free without registration or read online the book "Transcend: Nine Steps to Eternal Life" by Ray Kurzweil, Terry Grossman in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For novice writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you can try your hand at writing.

Ray Kurzweil

Terry Grossman



Published with permission from Loretta Barrett Books and Synopsis Literary Agency

Thank you for helping us publish ABBYY Language Services

Scientific editor Nadezhda Nikolskaya

All information in this book is for reference only. This book is not a medical manual. The information provided here can help you make informed decisions about your health. The information in this book is not intended to replace the treatment prescribed by your doctor. If you have health problems, we urge you to seek qualified medical care.

The information in this book should be used as a supplement to, but not a substitute for, proper exercise.

The exercise and dietary programs presented in this book cannot replace the exercise program and dietary regimen prescribed by a physician. To perform the exercises and follow the diets described in the book, you need to get permission from a doctor.

Legal support for the publishing house is provided by Vegas Lex law firm.

© 2009 Terry Grossman, Ray Kurzweil

© Translation into Russian, edition in Russian, design. LLC "Mann, Ivanov and Ferber", 2015

Dedicated to Sonya, Ethan and Amy who inspire me to live forever.

Dedicated to Karen... forever.

From a publishing partner

It sounds incredible, but before my eyes, the simple advice of the authors of this book gave a few extra years of life to a large number of people!

Sounds even more incredible, but the authors claim that we can double our life expectancy and slow down the aging process. Moreover, new technologies and knowledge that will be available in 20-30 years will reverse the aging process and give all of us the chance to stay young and live forever! Even if you don’t believe in such a possibility or don’t want to live forever, the prospect of being healthy, active and happy for as long as possible sounds tempting, doesn’t it?

Unfortunately, in terms of life expectancy, Russians lag behind residents of other countries by decades. For example, in France, men live an average of 15, and women - 10 years longer than ours.

I considered it impossible to significantly increase the duration of my life, or rather, I did not even think about such issues until a few years ago. However, the book Transcend convinced me that the prospect of living 100+ years is very real. Frankly, this figure looks much more attractive to me than the average age of 60-70 years. I really like to live, and I want to see a lot, try and learn a lot. A prerequisite for this is to be of sound mind and in good physical shape.

Why do people die so early, especially in our country? To some this will seem surprising, to others - banal, but in any case it needs to be understood: the main reason is that we are not aware of the responsibility for our health.

What most of us simply don't know is that the main factor affecting our health, well-being and life expectancy is the simple choices we make every day: what we eat, how we respond to stress, how active we are. Add here whether we take into account our predispositions and, in general, how well we know our own genetic portrait.

If we suspect that we make the wrong choice every day, we do not understand what exactly needs to be changed in order to avoid health problems. Meanwhile, according to the World Health Organization, annually in Russia more than 80% of deaths occur due to cardiovascular diseases, cancer, respiratory diseases, and all of them are caused primarily by lifestyle.

According to the authors of this book, avoiding deadly diseases and doubling life expectancy is easy enough. In this book, they talk about what modern science knows about the aging process and the occurrence of chronic diseases. And about how - armed with this knowledge and the latest technologies - you can easily and effectively adjust your life and health: reduce or eliminate the risks of developing diseases, slow down the aging process, and in some cases stop it and even reverse it.

The authors do not just theorize: Ray Kurzweil is an inventor, a futurist scientist, Terry Grossman is an MD, founder of the longevity clinic. They are at the forefront of science, they are direct participants in information, scientific, and medical progress.

Unfortunately, most representatives of traditional medicine refuse to apply modern knowledge and advances in technology in treatment. That is why, in order to get the maximum benefit from the latest medical discoveries that are quite accessible today, each of us must independently monitor our own health and be, in a sense, a doctor for ourselves.

The advice of Ray and Terry made me radically change my attitude towards my body and health. A few years ago, a book by Transcend gave me the impetus to get serious about studying and then promoting a healthy lifestyle. All this was embodied in the launch of my blog Live up! on the pages of which I recommend this book to readers and often refer to its authors.

Their functional approach to diagnosing health conditions impressed me and my husband so much that we got to know Terry Grossman, and my husband became his client.

I am very glad that thanks to the efforts of the co-founder of PROFI.RU Yegor Rudy, one of those whose lives this book has changed, it has now become available in Russian. The last thing we want is for you to treat this book as just another book about healthy eating and exercise. This book is much more.


Until very recently, health care and medicine developed at random. We made discoveries without clearly understanding the principles of work. We know that this substance lowers blood pressure, but we have no idea why. We often "discovered" drugs with the necessary spectrum of action, in addition to getting a lot of serious side effects, but were not able to create drugs that exactly met our needs.

For example, in the mid-1980s, Pfitzer developed a new type of drug called Sildenafil. It blocked an enzyme that helps regulate arterial blood flow. It was hoped that blocking this enzyme would dilate the arteries and lower blood pressure. Sildenafil has passed all stages of testing up to clinical trials in humans, but its effectiveness was not enough to be released to the market. The researchers informed all patients of the completion of the trial and asked for the return of the provided samples.

Almost all women responded to the request - in contrast to a significant part of the men participating in the study. Follow-up phone interviews revealed that these men experienced a completely unexpected side effect. Today you probably know Sildenafil under the brand name Viagra. The developers of Viagra did not try to invent a cure for impotence: they wanted to create a popular blood pressure remedy, but they were lucky to invent an incredibly popular drug that brought in billions of dollars in revenue.

Zozhnik publishes a preface-interview with the famous visionary of the future, Google staff futurologist Ray Kurzweil to the book “Transcend” about how we can live longer and reach immortality.

We at Zozhnik are fascinated by the idea of ​​eternal life. They wrote about the fact that perhaps we are one of the pros that are breathtaking.

Now we bring you Ray's book on the future and health. The purpose of this book is to explain how, right now, you can begin to take full advantage of available medical information in order to reduce the risks of various diseases to zero and radically slow down the aging of the body.

9 steps to eternal life

Until very recently, health care and medicine developed at random. We made discoveries without clearly understanding the principles of work. We know that this substance lowers blood pressure, but we have no idea why. We often "discovered" drugs with the necessary spectrum of action, in addition to getting a lot of serious side effects, but were not able to create drugs that exactly met our needs.

For example, in the mid-1980s, Pfitzer developed a new type of drug called Sildenafil. It blocked an enzyme that helps regulate arterial blood flow. It was hoped that blocking this enzyme would dilate the arteries and lower blood pressure. Sildenafil passed all stages of testing up to clinical trials in humans, but its effectiveness was not sufficient to be released to the market. The researchers informed all patients of the completion of the trial and asked for the return of the provided samples.

Almost all women responded to the request - in contrast to a significant part of the men participating in the study. Subsequent telephone interviews revealed that these men experienced a completely unexpected side effect. Today you probably know Sildenafil under the brand name Viagra. The developers of Viagra did not try to invent a cure for impotence: they wanted to create a popular blood pressure remedy, but they were lucky to invent an incredibly popular drug that brought in billions of dollars in revenue.

Medical discoveries that happen by chance, at random, are a typical phenomenon. But today the situation is changing quite quickly. The completion of the Human Genome Project just a few years ago and the recent discovery of the mechanisms that make it possible to change the way genes work in adults has moved us from an old paradigm where progress in health and medicine was unpredictable to a new one in which healthcare is an information technology. . Ray wrote in detail in his works that the key characteristic of information technology is its rapid, exponential development.

And we are already reaping the fruits of this new knowledge. Today, we have the tools to dramatically reduce the risk of being hit by the major killer diseases, cancer and heart disease, and to significantly slow down aging.

Unfortunately, many practitioners of traditional medicine are stuck in the old paradigm and still treat as if medicine had not become information technology. This means that in order to get the most benefit from the latest medical knowledge available today, you will have to take care of your health on your own, in a sense becoming your own doctor. There is no one else to rely on - even doctors, although they can provide tangible help.

The purpose of this book is to explain how, right now, you can begin to take full advantage of available medical information in order to reduce the risks of various diseases to zero and radically slow down the aging of the body.

Reader : “Sounds good, but tell me this: how long will I live if I do everything you say?”

Ray : “It is important to understand that we are dealing with unlimited possibilities. Every year new important knowledge appears and new scientific discoveries are made. It's happening faster and faster."

Reader : “Okay, but if I listen to your advice and do exactly what is described in this book, how many years will this add to me?”

Terry : “A lot depends on how things are going for you personally. For example, you are genetically predisposed to heart attacks, but follow our recommendations, which reduces the risk of having a heart attack by 95% - we believe that this is possible. So the answer to the question is: you will live 20 years longer.”

Reader: "20 years sounds impressive."

Ray: “Oh, wait. Later we will tell you that after living these 20 years, you will find yourself in a future where fundamentally new technologies will be available that can literally change your genes. Today, more than a thousand drugs based on these technologies are being developed. and it can extend your life for another couple of decades.”

Reader: "Now it turns out that I can live 40 years more."

Ray: "Right. That way you'll live to see the middle of the century, and that's more than enough for new developments to emerge, like microscopic devices that can move around in your bloodstream and manage your health from the inside - at the cellular level: this kind of technology will give you many more years to come."

Reader: "Okay, now I'm starting to understand what it's all about."

Ray: "Fine. The emergence of new developments in one period of time makes it possible to survive until the next. As new advances emerge with increasing frequency, we believe that in less than 20 years, life expectancy will increase by more than a year each year.”

Reader: "The average life expectancy of a newborn?"

Terry: "No, the duration of your personal life."

Reader: "it turns out that we live in a turning point."

Terry: "Well said! Of course, there are no guarantees. Tomorrow you may be struck by lightning, but we are close to the moment when the sand of time in your personal hourglass will change direction.”

Reader: "But I don't feel like being a 95-year-old for decades or even centuries."

Ray: “That's not what we mean. in this book we will tell you how you can slow down aging today. as a result, you will remain young until much better knowledge and technologies are available that can stop and even reverse aging. So it's about endless youth and life."


In 1964, when Terry began studying physics at Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts, there were no computers for students. A few miles away, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, the situation was different. MIT was such an advanced institution that in 1965, when Ray entered his first year there, they already had their own computer. That is why Ray went there to study. That computer (IBM 7094) cost $11 million (at today's exchange rate), occupied a significant portion of the building, and was used by professors and thousands of students. Today, your cell phone computer is a million times smaller, a million times cheaper, and a thousand times more powerful. The price/performance ratio has increased by a billion times. Already now possessing powerful and serious information technologies, in the next 25 years we will witness the next leap in development, as a result of which the productivity of technology will increase millions of times without additional investments. By the way, the last such leap was made in 40 years: all because the rate of exponential growth itself is increasing.

Another important point: this amazing exponential growth is not only observed in the field of computing and communications. More recently, it has begun in relation to human biology. For example, consider the Human Genome Project. When its launch was announced in 1990, it caused a lot of controversy. Skeptics, and they turned out to be the majority, referred to the fact that, having the most modern equipment and the best specialists, in 1989 only one ten thousandth of the genome was deciphered. The project was designed for 15 years. Seven and a half years after the start of the project, skeptics were not going to give up, pointing out that half the way had already been passed, and only one hundredth of the genome had been deciphered.

In fact, the decryption went strictly according to plan - exponentially. The first graph on the next page illustrates that doubling one percent seven times is 100%. This is exactly what happened: the project was completed not only on time, but also ahead of schedule. The second graph on the same page shows how the cost of sequencing* one DNA base pair has dropped a million-fold, from $10 in 1990 to 0.001 cents in 2008.

Since 1990, the amount of genetic data collected has doubled every year. Since the completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003 to the present, this pace has been maintained. Each year, the cost of sequencing one base pair of DNA—the building blocks of our genes—has been halved.

Deciphering the first human genome cost $1,000,000,000. Today, anyone can do it for $350,000. But if you still can't afford it, wait a bit. Only a few years separate us from the moment when the decoding of the human genome will cost $1,000. The annual doubling of the rate of information development is characteristic of almost every aspect of our understanding of biology.

Our genes are, in fact, little computer programs designed in conditions that are not like today. Consider, for example, the gene for the insulin receptor in adipose tissue, which actually says, "Hold on to every calorie, because fortune might turn its back on you next hunting season." This gene served its purpose tens of thousands of years ago, in conditions of constant food shortages and the absence of refrigerators. In those days, starvation was common, and death from malnutrition was real, so storing as many calories as possible and storing them in your fat cells was a great idea.

Today, the presence of this gene in adipose tissue has created an epidemic of weight problems. Today, two out of three American adults are overweight and one in three are obese. What would happen if we suddenly turned off this gene in all fat cells? At the Joslin Diabetes Center, a similar experiment was carried out on mice. Animals with a disabled insulin gene ate as much as they wanted, while remaining slim. And it was not painful thinness. They did not suffer from diabetes or cardiovascular disease and lived on average 20% longer than mice from the control group, in which this gene continued to function. Experimental mice experienced the benefits of dietary calorie restriction, the only scientifically proven way to prolong life. At the same time, they did the opposite: they ate as much as they wanted. Several pharmaceutical companies are already rushing to bring this idea to market.

Consider how often you update software on your computer. And the software of our bodies - the genetic code - has not been updated for thousands of years. The insulin receptor gene in adipose tissue is just one of many that were more useful in the stone age than in the computer age. We are constantly working on updating software for the human body. Almost simultaneously with the completion of the assembly of the human genome in 2003, work on the study of RNA interference was completed. This technology allows you to permanently turn off certain genes in adulthood. Remarkably, just a few years later, the authors of the study received the Nobel Prize for it. There are already new forms of gene therapy that allow new genes to be introduced into the body. It turns out that we not only found the program code underlying human life, but also got the opportunity to change it.

We also have access to computer simulation of biological processes. This means that it is possible to test new drugs and treatments on computer models, which significantly speeds up the process compared to animal and human trials. Every year, the power of such computer simulation tools doubles. Today we can see with unprecedented precision what is happening in the depths of our brain and body. Every year the resolution of scanning technologies doubles, providing fundamentally new opportunities for the study of diseases (such as heart disease).

In the past, drug discovery was referred to as drug discovery. In fact, we were looking for substances that would give a visible positive effect. In the same way, primitive people created tools by simply picking them up from the ground: “Oh, here lies a useful stone. It will make a good hammer." In those days, people did not know how to give tools the desired shape, later they learned to invent and create tools for solving specific problems. Today, for the first time in history, we can do the same for medicinal purposes. New drugs are already being developed in smarter ways than trying to rely on luck, as is the case with Viagra. We can now create molecules to perform specific tasks, such as turning off an enzyme that causes a disease, or making proteins that can fight a disease. In the following, we will take a closer look at these developments.

Today, healthcare and medicine are truly information technologies, which means that new horizons are opening up before us. It follows that the power of health technology is doubling every year - what Ray calls the law of accelerating returns on investment. This means that in the next 10 years we will get a thousand times, and in another 10 years - a million times more opportunities to understand, model, imitate and reprogram information processes that trigger the mechanisms of disease and aging. According to Ray's models, the size of technology is shrinking at the same exponential rate - about 100 times per decade. Thus, in 20 years, technology will be 10,000 times more compact than it is now.

The most amazing thing is that the first fruits of this biotechnological revolution are already available to us. Judging by recent discoveries in genetics, medical scanning, and biological modeling, it is clear that many misconceptions about the mechanisms of disease have turned out to be deadly in the literal sense of the word (we will talk about this in more detail later). Many of these discoveries, such as the discovery of the mechanism of heart attack, were made very recently and formed the basis of the recommendations that we present in this book.


Aging is not a single process. It consists of about a dozen processes, each of which, over time, leads to the loss of physical, sensory and mental abilities. We will talk about how to radically slow down these processes, how to stop them or even reverse them. In this way, you will be able to maintain youth until the knowledge appears that makes it possible to become even younger.

Some of the aging processes are real diseases. For example, atherosclerosis, in which the arteries are filled with plaque of varying quality, both soft and hard (see Chapter 2). In addition to the fact that this disease leads to heart attacks and strokes, it personifies aging, since it affects not only the coronary and cerebral arteries.

We will also talk about one aging process that can be reversed right now. The membranes of all 10 trillion cells in the human body are composed primarily of a vital substance with the complex name "phosphatidylcholine" (PC). Thanks to its remarkable properties, PC allows cells to maintain structural integrity without affecting elasticity, ensures the supply of nutrients to cells, and also controls the elimination of toxins. 90% of the cell membrane of a ten year old child is made up of phosphatidylcholine. In the human body, PC is produced very slowly, and over the course of a lifetime, its reserves are gradually depleted. As a rule, the content of PC in the cell membrane of an elderly person is about 10%. Over time, the cell membrane is filled with solid fats and cholesterol, which cannot perform the functions of PC. It is for this reason that the skin of older people loses its elasticity, and the organs do not work as well as they used to.

You can reverse this process right now by taking Phosphatidylcholine as a dietary supplement. In addition to helping to maintain youthful skin, it will also improve the functioning of the body's organs. We will discuss this and many other ways to slow down and in some cases stop or reverse the processes that underlie aging.

The key to our recommendations will be an assessment of your personal health condition. What are your main health problems? Are you at high risk for cardiovascular disease? Are you in a high risk group for cancer? Is your body utilizing glucose efficiently? Do you have an overactive immune system? The answers to these questions play a fundamental role in the formation of a program that is optimal for you. To help you answer these questions, we will offer some simple tests (most of them you can do at home). We will also tell you how, based on an assessment of your health, you can immediately create your own individual program.

And remember that we cannot be in the future we have described instantly. This will require countless steps to be taken. But now your steps are getting faster, thanks to the fact that healthcare has become an information technology with a characteristic exponential pace of development.

When the manuscript was almost finished, we were very lucky: from time to time, our avatars from the future began to appear with stories about what an amazing world awaits everyone. Ray2023 and Terry2023 will talk about technologies that will be available in 2023: stem cell therapies, bionic organs and prostheses, and organ cloning. Thanks to genomics, by 2023 we will be able to see the genetic structure more clearly, as a result, high-precision therapies will allow us to treat and prevent diseases with much greater accuracy, based on the individual characteristics of each individual patient. The development of such therapies is just beginning, but due to the accelerated exponential pace of technology development, they will become fully-fledged in the near future. As noted earlier, the annual doubling of information technology capacity will lead to the fact that in ten years they will increase by 1,000 times, and in 20 years - by 1,000,000.

By 2034, nanotechnology will begin to have a serious impact on life, changing all aspects of life. Ray2034 and Terry2034 will help explain how, with the help of nanotechnology, we can control matter at the atomic level, creating almost any necessary materials and forms in a short time and at low cost. Today, there are already projects for the development of submicroscopic nanobiotic robots, or nanorobots, and soon there will be a scientific and technical basis for their creation. Experiments with the introduction of nanoengineered devices the size of a blood cell into the bloodstream of animals for therapeutic purposes turned out to be successful. In one such study, a similar device was used to treat type 1 diabetes in rats. In 20 years, tiny nanorobots will be circulating in our bloodstreams, performing the same functions as our own cells and tissues, only with much greater precision and reliability. Our avatars from the future will talk about how nanobiotic erythrocytes (red blood cells) will deliver oxygen to our tissues - faster and more efficiently than our own; nanobiotic leukocytes (white blood cells) will be able to completely and accurately destroy foreign substances, and nanobiotic thrombophages - to regulate blood clotting.

When talking about the three steps to radical life extension, we often use the comparison with three bridges. Our book will become a guide for you on your journey along the First Bridge.

The first bridge is all you can do right now to slow down, and in many cases stop, the processes that lead to disease and aging. We will tell you how, based on the unique characteristics of the body and brain, you can create your own healing method. On the First Bridge you will cross a moving barrier, because our knowledge of biology and ways to go beyond its borders is increasing exponentially.

The first bridge will lead to the second, and we will find ourselves at the epicenter of the biotechnological revolution. In about 20 years, we will be able to improve our own bodies by completely reprogramming the information processes taking place in them. We will indeed be able to change our genes in order to live, say, a few decades longer than today's centenarians.

Thus, we will come to the Third Bridge, where the nanotechnological revolution awaits us: enjoying its fruits, we will overcome the limitations of our own bodies and live forever.

Ray and Terry2023 “Now is the time for us to introduce ourselves.”

Reader : "What do you mean?"

Ray and Terry2023 : "We are avatars of ourselves from the future."

Reader: "Hmm, and with what miracle technology are you two talking to me from the future?"

Ray2023: “It's actually old technology. It's called "poetic liberty."

Reader: "Understandably. You look as usual, you haven't aged much in the last 15 years."

Terry2023: “Exactly. we are now in our 70s, but thanks to a major breakthrough in anti-aging medicine that occurred in the first quarter of the 21st century, we are holding up well.”

Ray2034: “And you will be happy to know that we are in great shape in 2034, and we are already over 90. If you use your grandfather’s ways of maintaining health for some time, then you have a chance to meet the 2030s young."

Reader: “Well, well, there are already four of you! But your 90-year-old avatars look even younger than 75-year-olds.”

Terry2034: “That’s because the best achievement of the early 2020s was the ability to slow down aging. Now we can reverse it."

Reader: “I like your clothes. Where is she from?"

Ray2023: “It was made to order in an online store. Now almost everyone does this: scan your body, and then in a virtual environment with full immersion, dress your three-dimensional avatar in whatever you want: you can choose any style, fabric and color. If you like the clothes on the avatar, order them to be sewn - automated seamstresses will quickly complete your order.”

Reader: "No offense, but I meant the clothes of your avatars from 2034."

Ray2034: “In this day and age, we create clothes - like virtually everything else - with desktop nanomolecular machines at home. Thanks to nanofibers, clothes repel dirt and prevent bacteria from multiplying, so they are always clean and fresh.”

Reader: "Great news - no more laundries in the future."

Terry2023: "That's right, and now is the time to talk a little about medicinefuture."

Reader: "I am sure that the diagnosis of diseases in the early stages has advanced a lot."

Ray2023: "Very far! Even in your day, it was possible to diagnose many diseases at an earlier stage, but with your outdated diagnostic and imaging systems, it cost insane amounts of money. Moreone obstacle was your inefficient health insurance system.”

Terry2023: “Today, there are improved stem cell therapies without the use of embryonic stem cells. We can turn skin cells into pluripotent stem cells.”

Reader: "Polypotent?"

Terry2023: “Pluripotent stem cells can become cells of any body tissue. If you have heart damage, for example, you can create new heart cells with your DNA. If you have type 1 diabetes, you can create new cells in the islet of langerhans (a structure in the pancreas that produces insulin). In this way it is possible to renew all the organs of your body.”

Ray2023: “We also managed to find cancer stem cells that cause cancerous tumors. Today, there are effective treatments for almost all forms of cancer.”

Terry2023: “With regard to cardiovascular disease, with the help of new generation imaging devices, doctors can find even the smallest deposits of cholesterol (plaque) in the arteries of the heart or brain. The tiny robots that travel through these arteries are equipped with a laser attachment that turns small plaques into steam, preventing them from growing. Heart attacks - the leading cause of death these days - are now a rarity."

Ray2023: “Today, the biotech revolution is in full bloom. In your day, medicine has evolved at random. Medicines were not developed, but found. In fact, it was just a search for substances that would perform the necessary functions, sometimes with serious side effects. But in your time, there were also several breakthroughs in medicine that turned it into information technology. The mapping of the human genome was completed in 2003: this is how we got the programming code of human life (the genetic code). at the same time, technologies for changing genes began to appear: RNA interference to turn off genes and new forms of gene therapy to introduce new ones. computer-assisted development of innovative therapies and their testing in increasingly complex biological models. One of my thesis postulates that about once a year the power of information technology doubles at no additional cost. so today, in 2023, information technology used in medicine is about 30,000 times more powerful than it is in your time.”

Reader: "Looks like you've perfected biology."

Ray2023: Yes, we are working on it. However, it is clear that even if we reprogram outdated software that a person inherited thousands of years ago, the capabilities of the human body will invariably yield to the capabilities that nanotechnology opens up.”

Terry2034: “Indeed, today we have stepped far beyond the possibilities provided by the reprogramming of the human body. We have nanorobots, devices the size of a blood cell that patrol the blood vessels. They can remove plaque from the arteries if their size is no more than a few molecules. therefore, these days, the arteries of 90-year-olds are as clear as children's. In addition, nanorobots find and destroy harmful viruses, bacteria, prions and cancer cells before they can cause harm.”

Reader: "Looks like it's worth the wait."

Ray-and-Terry: "The way it is. But waiting alone is not enough, as disease and aging work throughout our lives. you have to face the future in good shape.”

Reader: "Yes, I would just live to see this."

Ray-and-Terry: “Our book is about just that. We'll tell you what to doto live long enough for the future eternal life!”


We have divided the book into two main parts. The first part describes the Problem - questions about why our genetic program does not allow us to enjoy a long life and what are the main dangers that lie in wait for us.

Today, our main killers are chronic diseases: cardiovascular disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease. The first part of the book includes chapters that go into detail about each of these "killers" without losing sight of the main idea: we are genetically programmed to die young. For example, certain metabolic processes, such as glycation, methylation, and inflammation, emerged millennia ago to increase survival in the primitive world (see Chapter 5). That world was very different from ours: it had saber-toothed tigers, but there were no traffic jams; all the food was organic, but there were no refrigerators to store it. In the absence of antiseptics and antibiotics, inflammation was necessary to heal wounds and fight infections, but today, inflammation exacerbates the problem more than it solves. One of our topics will be a solution that helps to maintain the optimal functioning of metabolic processes throughout life.

After describing the Problem, we will move on to the second part of the book, which tells about the Plan - our program to overcome the limitations that are inevitable due to the outdated genetic code. The main idea of ​​the book is that the completeness of knowledge and the power of technology is not yet enough to allow us to overcome these limitations, but it is very likely that such technologies and knowledge will appear in the near future. This means that our goal is to live long enough (and stay healthy for a long time) in order to be able to take advantage of the achievements of bio- and nanotechnologies in their entirety. And, as we remember, the development of these areas has already begun, and in the coming decades, its speed will increase.

Our Plan is based on two main principles: prevention and early diagnosis of the disease. Key points of the Plan:

Conversation with the attending physician
- Relaxation (stress management) - Assessment of the state of the body
- Nutrition
- Nutritional supplements
- Reduced calorie intake - Physical activity
- New technologies
- Detoxification (cleansing the body).

To make it easy for you to remember the composition of this complete wellness and prevention program, we have coined the acronym TRANSCEND (“Overcoming”)*.

The Key Points of the Plan are the nine steps of our Overcoming program that you can use to achieve optimal health and longevity. In the English dictionary, the word transcend has the following definition: "to exceed, or go beyond what is expected or normal." To live long enough to live forever, is that not transcendence and transcendence of the genetic heritage?

So, we invite you on an amazing journey to learn how to transcend the limits set by human nature. By staying at the forefront of rapidly advancing scientific knowledge, you can indeed “live long enough to live forever.” Let's hit the road.

Our genes are, in fact, little computer programs designed in conditions that are not like today. For example, the insulin receptor gene in adipose tissue actually says, "Hold on to every calorie, because next hunting season Fortune may turn its back on you."

Sleep is not chaos

The latest advances in brain scanning are amazing. In the pictures you can see how the living brain reorganizes itself during sleep and processes the information received during the day. Sleep is not a chaotic process of excitation of neurons: it is vital for mental and physical health.

Oral cavity and ... heart

Periodontal disease is a chronic inflammation of the gums that is associated with an increased risk of heart disease. It is still unclear whether gum disease itself contributes to the development of heart disease, or whether inflammation and infection is the cause of both gum disease and heart disease.

human software update

Almost simultaneously with the completion of the assembly of the human genome in 2003, work on the study of RNA interference was completed. This technology allows you to permanently turn off certain genes in adulthood. The authors of the study received the Nobel Prize for it.

Plus 40 years of life

Following simple tips, you will live 20 years longer with a 95% chance. Impressive? And here's some more news. In 20 years, you will find yourself in a future where new treatments for diseases will be available. And it can extend your life for another couple of decades. Total 40 extra years of life!

The cure for stress

Make sure that there are people in your life with whom you can talk openly and without embarrassment about your dreams, doubts, hopes and fears. Intimate conversations with those you trust and who care about you can lead to the most significant events in your life. And reduce stress!