Alexander Dugin: Bernard Henri Levy is our ideological enemy (05/17/2018).

The shameful colonial war in Libya, where the international community (represented by the still sane part) faced undisguised aggression against a sovereign country, culminating in the virtual liquidation of the national leader who refused to capitulate and the defeat of the state and its institutions, requires a comprehensive political and legal assessment. Just as the role of the leaders of the states directly involved in the organization and implementation of military aggression against Libya, hypocritically covered up by UN Security Council Resolution No. 1973, which was not respected from the very beginning, requires its assessment, it seems that it should be assessed from the position of still valid international law. At the same time, one should not forget about the ideological inspirers of aggression, who acted under far-fetched and obviously non-legal motives in the spirit of “humanitarian interventionism” now popular in well-known circles, who should also be responsible for the ideological justification of war and military aggression. The very fact that they are at the same time recognized public intellectuals should not guarantee them immunity in this regard - after all, no less prominent intellectuals of the twentieth century, like the father of "classical" German geopolitics, appeared before the judges of the Nuremberg Tribunal on very similar charges. Karl Haushofer (who committed suicide before the end of the process and sentencing) and one of the theorists of the "conservative revolution" Karl Schmit (who was nevertheless ultimately acquitted).

In the subjective opinion of the author, in connection with the war against Libya, the prominent French public intellectual, the representative of the “new philosophers” Bernard-Henri Levy, the “shadow minister of foreign affairs” of France and the “mentor” for the incumbent President Nicolas Sarkozy deserve no less attention - in fact, and inspired the latter to the "Libyan adventure" tragic in its consequences.

The biography of this character is more than expressive and revealing.

Like many prominent French intellectuals and politicians, Levy is a native of Algeria. He was born in the Algerian city of Beni Saf into a Jewish family. Bernard-Henri's father was the owner of a large timber company La Becob. In 1954, the family moved to France, to the Parisian suburb of Neuilly-sur-Seine, getting rid of what are called "provincial complexes" relatively soon. In 1968, Bernard-Henri entered the Ecole Normal, an elite educational institution that nurtures the humanitarian elite of France. The left-wing sentiments prevailing at that time in the "nest" of the French intellectual elite did not bypass Levy, who gradually turned into their firm adherent and one of the "left intellectual gurus" of France.

Characteristic is the ideological evolution of Bernard Levy, who consistently moved within the ideological spectrum “from left to right”.

He started out as a left-wing radical and pacifist. He began his journalistic career by working for the Combat newspaper. In 1971 he traveled to India, covering the war for the independence of Bangladesh from Pakistan. Since 1973, Levy has been the editor of the Grasset publishing house, which subsequently published his books. He has written more than 20 books, mostly on topical political topics. Most of Levi's writings are a bizarre mixture of journalism, philosophical and quasi-moralistic maxims, which initially and in principle cannot be reduced to any system. The main features of this style are eclecticism and obsessive publicity. Its most famous adherents among the "new philosophers" - André Glucksman and Bernard Henri-Lévy - are intellectuals who feel great on the media platform. Bernard Henri-Lévy and his friend Glucksmann (as he affectionately calls him) are willing to do anything to be shown on TV. The highest achievement here, of course, is considered to be an invitation to some official program dealing with "prudence", with Thierry Ardison on the program "Everyone is talking about it" on France 2, for example. Well, if it doesn’t work out, Andre Glucksman will have enough of a page in the newspaper Liberation, Le Monde or any other liberal or radical publication ready to debunk the next enemy of “progress” or “the public”.

In the philosophical "field" Levi is known as one of the founders of the "New Philosophy" school, a critic of modern Marxism (the book "Barbarism with a Human Face", 1977). This philosophical direction initially had a postmodern character, consistently destroying traditional value hierarchies and ideas, and characterized by commitment to a certain totality and obsessive fatalism. In the intricate philosophical constructions of Levi, one can feel the influence of F. Nietzsche, A. Camus, structuralism (mainly M. Foucault, J. Lacan) and R. Bart. Levy defined the goal of his philosophical constructions as the creation of a “new ontology of power”, where power and social reality actually coincide, and ontology acts as a theory that explores the political structures of the world; knowledge also acquires the features of political epistemology, philosophy takes on the forms and images of politics. The central ontological question: "what is being?" skillfully replaced by the question: "what is power and how does it differ from everything else?". Power is identified with society itself, with its organism, turning into a kind of non-material principle: power lays the foundations of society, streamlines it, and manages it. At the same time, power cannot be localized, it completely fills the whole world, it is “the place of all places”, and there can be no counter-power, and therefore no real struggle with power. The existence of power, therefore, is similar to the existence of language, which in the process of its development is increasingly approaching the function of power, and the one who masters the language in all its possible meanings and modes of existence is the ruler. The structures of power imprinted in the language require a complete leveling of the individual-personal principle and lead to an endless increase in alienation and evil: people always speak the language of their rulers. According to Levy, only the values ​​of the Judeo-Christian tradition are able to withstand the pervasive "pathology of power." As a result, power and public space actually turn out to be “beyond good and evil”, prompting the individual to accept the “rules of the game” imposed by the “totality”. Within the framework of such an “unfavorable context”, a free intellectual is left with a very limited choice - either to continue to defend those same Judeo-Christian values ​​(in their very different interpretation), or, seeing no other alternative for himself, to start pragmatically serving the “total” (read - “ global") power, making a good gesheft on this. The latter option turned out to be the final choice of many former “leftist intellectuals” who wished to become kings of the global “spectacle society” that had taken shape before our eyes. However, first things first.

Thus, early enough, Levy declared himself as an adherent of "multiculturalism" and a champion of "tolerance", although very selective and peculiar. So, in 1984, he participated in the creation of the public organization "SOS racisme" designed to attract the votes of black and Arab voters for the Socialist Party of France and its leader Francois Mitterrand. In 1986, he traveled to Ethiopia, demonstrating the breadth of his views and beliefs.

But "world socialism" fell, the left movement in Europe began to decline - and Levi began to subtly capture and serve the interests of the emerging "world order" - which, however, was characteristic of many former "left radicals". And even then, his “ideological bias” manifested itself, his readiness to participate in the demonization of those against whom the interests and aspirations of the creators of the “brave new world” were directed.

In the early 1990s, the "new philosopher" covered the conflict in the former Yugoslavia, speaking out in defense of the Bosnian Muslims, and, together with Glucksmann, participating in the demonization of the Serbs, presented by him exclusively as representatives of the "slave-owning style." Since the events of 2011, Levy, as a "progressive globalist", has actively supported the war on terror in Afghanistan. At the same time, it turned out that Henri-Levy did speak out against the attack on the Iraqi people that began in March 2003, but this information must be taken with caution, since all his public positions are ambiguous and extremely volatile.

At the same time, Levy declared himself as a fiery fighter against Muslim fundamentalism. In 2005, together with Salman Rushdie, he launched the manifesto “Together Against the New Totalitarianism” in which he criticized the caricature scandal of 2005-2006 and the attempts to spread the Muslim way of life to Europe, constantly comparing the “advancing Islamism” with “totalitarian communism” and in parallel giving a wide the public the lessons of "politically correct anti-fascism". At the same time, “militant anti-Islamism” did not prevent Levy from supporting GNA activists in Libya, many of whom were prominent Islamists and even members of Al-Qaeda.

During the war in South Ossetia in 2008, he reported from Georgia, interviewed President Mikheil Saakashvili. Naturally, even then the breadth and selectivity of the view inherent in the “global interventionist” did not allow to notice the crimes committed by the Georgian military against the peaceful Ossetian population in Tskhinvali.

It does not prevent Levy from setting aside "progressive globalist convictions" and his Jewish origin. In May 2010, he signed a petition from the JCall group to the European Parliament, calling, among other things, to put pressure on Israel. The petition caused mixed responses in Israel, and in the whole world - which, however, did not confuse the "politically influential" intellectual.

In March 2011, he participated in negotiations with the Libyan "rebels" in Benghazi and publicly promoted the international recognition of the newly created National Transitional Council. Later that month, he, along with Nicolas Sarkozy, promoted an initiative for military intervention in Libya, emphasizing one-sidedly interpreted "humanitarian values" and "democratic ideals." It is noteworthy that the gap in time between the idea and the action turned out to be very insignificant: on March 11, 2011, Levi’s “pupils” (“new Masuds”) were received at the Elysee Palace and called “legitimate representatives of the Libyan people”, and already on March 19, French bombers bombed Libyan airfields and air defense systems.

Later, in his recently published publicistic book, The Unloved War, Levi admits that in Benghazi he dealt with a handful of rebels who, without outside support, had practically no chance of success. At the same time, Levy, as a consistent “postmodernist philosopher”, was very pleased with the “grand happening” he organized, despite the civilian casualties caused by the invasion of Libya, the destruction of the country and the victory of the Islamists as a natural outcome of the campaign.

For all the seeming inconsistency and mutually exclusive nature of Levi's actions, everything he did in the field of ideological propaganda is not surprising. In the author's opinion, before our very eyes, there has been an almost postmodern transformation of the former "ideological left" and nonconformist into a quasi-thinker and "public ideologist" serving the "new world order", skillfully using the effects of the "spectacle society" and giving birth to "ideological simulacra" one after another, invariably collapsing upon collision with reality (which, however, few people care about after the successful promotion of the next "ideological product"). The modern dominance of such “public gurus” is evidence of a common disease of European and, in particular, French philosophical and political thought, which is no longer able to give birth to truly great thinkers, but brings theorists “upstairs”, transforming their distorted ideas about the world into “catastrophic politics”. However, such a "transformation" is the same "many glorious path" followed by a number of former leaders of the "generation of nonconformists" of the 60-80s of the last century. Suffice it to recall in this connection the similar “ideological evolution” of the former leader of the “Red May” in Paris and the “thunderstorm of de Gaulle”, and now a staunch supporter of “European integration” and leader of the “Green” faction in the European Parliament, Daniel Cohn-Bendit, now the former head of the organization Doctors Without Borders, Bernard Kouchner, who eventually became an adherent of the “American neocons”, as well as the former Stalinist and later also the “new philosopher” Andre Glucksmann, who also became an adherent of “new values” today. But no “postmodern ideological evolution” should exempt from responsibility for justified and committed crimes. The thinking and acting part of humanity, if it wants to survive, must stop the "glass game" of postmodern "quasi-intellectuals from politics" leading before its eyes, returning from the world of "propaganda simulacra" to the world of genuine values, justice and law, access to which it today they are trying to block the glamorous "ideological jugglers". And indeed, we must hurry before Bernard Henri-Lévy and his ilk make the darkest dystopias of the 20th century "an obsessive reality."

“The invasion of Syria must be launched for the sake of thousands of shops, bazaars, leather shops and the spice market”

"In the center of B'nai B'rith"

Bernard Henri Levy (Bernard Henri Levy) Born in the Algerian city of Beni Saf in the family of the owner of a large timber company La Becob. In 1954 the family moved to France. Here B.A. Levi managed to be a Trotskyist, a Maoist, but finally established himself as a Zionist (moreover, he managed to meet with all"Israeli" prime ministers). He trained as a journalist, became a writer and listed himself as one of the founders of the New Philosophy, with a claim to the title of "ruler of thoughts."

"Liberator of Sudan"

In the 80s, along with Marek Halter and Bernard Kouchner wrote extremely Russophobic articles against Soviet troops in Afghanistan. In 1984 he participated in the creation of the organization "SOS racisme" designed to attract the votes of blacks and Arabs in favor of the Socialist Party of France. In the early 1990s, he covered the conflict in the former Yugoslavia, speaking out in defense of Bosnian Muslims. In 1999, on the side of the Kosovo Liberation Army, he called for bombing in Serbia.

"Liberator of Georgia"

In 2008 falsified events for the Western press during the attack of Georgia on Ossetia.

In March 2011, he participated in negotiations with Libyan rebels in Benghazi and publicly promoted the international recognition of the puppet National Transitional Council. Then actively participated in the propaganda of the war in Libya against M.Gadaffi.

"Liberator of Libya"

According to some sources, he was associated with the customers of the provocative film "", which caused calculated indignation in the Islamic world and led to pogroms - which created an additional wall between Europe and the world of Islam. According to the same sources, one of the organizers was Christopher Stevens (Christopher Stevens ), later appointed U.S. Ambassador to Libya and .

Now Bernard-Henri Levy is actively promoting against the legitimate government of Syria. On June 20, 2013, he released another article entitled "Save Aleppo!" (“Sauvez Alep!”), which calls for an invasion of sovereign Syria against “ bloody regime Bashar al-Assad ».

Why does he need all this?

According to British musician and critic of Zionism Gilad Atzmon(Gilad Atzmon), at a conference in early 2012 organized by the French Zionist Council of Jewish Organizations (CRIF), Bernard-Henri Levy announced that “ like a jew", is he " took part in the political adventure in Libya". And added " I wouldn't be doing this if I wasn't Jewish».

(Bernard-Henri Levy). French political journalist, philosopher, writer. The man who organized the visit of Poroshenko and Klitschko to Paris in February and ensured that Hollande received them on an official visit.

Those who read S.N.U.F.F must have noticed the striking similarity of the plot with the sad events taking place in Ukraine (meaning the leading role of the media in the development of the military conflict, and not a love line, of course).
It turns out that there is an even more amazing similarity between the novel and reality:

“The last few wars, Bernard-Henri Montaigne Montesquieu worked with me ... He himself preferred to call himself a philosopher. It was also featured on the news. But in the payroll, which is compiled in Church English, his position is unequivocally called: "crack discourse-monger first grade." That is, in fact, he is exactly the same military man. But there is no contradiction here - we are not children, and we understand very well that the strength of modern philosophy is not in syllogisms, but in aviation support ... " V. Pelevin. "S.N.U.F.F" 2011

* * *

“Any narrative is like a fabric stretched on the blades of precise insights” - this line of Viktor Pelevin’s novel “S.N.U.F.F.” fully conveys one of the amazing features of this literary work.
The events that have been taking place for several months now and continue to take place on the territory of Ukraine are described in the novel with the degree of accuracy that only serious sociological analytics is usually capable of (and even then not always).
In this sense, the author's insights rushed not only deep into modern culture, which is a kind of visiting card of Viktor Olegovich's style, but also forward in time - "S.N.U.F.F." appeared on the shelves of bookstores in December 2011.
This applies not only to events, but also to the characters of the novel, the images of which are taken "from life" - in some cases, they correspond to real prototypes. In this book, such a character is the philosopher Bernard-Henri Montaigne Montesquieu.
His role in the plot of the novel, which takes place in the distant future, is determined by the interaction of two countries - Urkaina and Byzantium. Urkaina is written here as a collective image of the countries of the third world, although, of course, as we see from the title itself, the main emphasis is on a very specific state. Byzantium, in turn, is a metaphor for the modern Western world (Europe and the USA).
In the novel S.N.U.F.F. for Pelevin, as in his other books, he is primarily interested in the mechanisms of media influence on public consciousness. Byzantium completely controls both the cultural and economic and political spheres of Urkaina's life. One of those specialists who form the information field in a way that is beneficial for the leadership of Byzantium - in the novel they are called "discoursemongers" (in translation - "discourse merchants" or "peddlers of discourse"), is Bernard-Henri Montaigne Montesquieu.
“The last few wars, Bernard-Henri Montaigne Montesquieu worked with me - you probably know this name. He himself preferred to call himself a philosopher. It was also featured on the news. But in the payroll, which is compiled in Church English, his position is unequivocally called: "crack discourse-monger first grade." That is, in fact, he is exactly the same military man. But there is no contradiction here - we are not children, and we understand very well that the strength of modern philosophy is not in syllogisms, but in aviation support. That is why orcs scare their children with the word "discoursemonger".
As befits a true philosopher, Bernard-Henri wrote a muddy book in Old French. It is called "Les Feuilles Mortes", which means "Dead Leaves" (he himself translated a little differently - "Dead Leaves"). Percussive discoursemongers take pride in their knowledge of the language and trace their ancestry back to Old French thinkers, inventing similar names for themselves. This, of course, is pure travesty and carnival. They, however, take the matter seriously - their special unit is called "Le Coq d'Esprit", and in public they constantly throw incomprehensible burr phrases.

The image of Bernard-Henri Montaigne Montesquieu, in addition to containing references to French writers and philosophers Michel Montaigne and Charles-Louis Montesquieu through the name, refers us to Bernard-Henri Levy (fr. Bernard-Henri Levy) - a modern French political journalist, philosopher and a publicist writer who plays a prominent role in modern geopolitical processes of interaction between the countries of the West and the Third World (his website:
The events of the novel "S.N.U.F.F." are directly related to a certain type of interaction between Urkaina and Byzantium, namely, wars that take place each time according to the model that Byzantium's discoursemongers have developed. The scheme includes several stages: a liberation revolution, a war with the repressive regime of orcs (the name of the people of Urkaina) and, finally, the overthrow of the tyranny of Urkaina's strict government and the emergence of a new one.
Needless to say, Pelevin, of course, described this sequence of events as a completely media reality, disguising the total information control established by Byzantium in all spheres of Urkaina's life. This media reality is formed by the discoursemonger Bernard-Henri Montaigne Montesquieu.
“In fact, a huge number of people work on every war, but their efforts are not visible to outsiders. Wars usually begin when the orc authorities are too cruel (otherwise they do not know how) to crush the next revolutionary protest. And the next revolutionary protest happens, so it turns out, when it's time to shoot a new batch of snaps. Approximately once a year. Sometimes a little less. Many do not understand how orc riots start at exactly the right time. I myself, of course, do not follow this - but the mechanics are clear to me. In orc villages, they still go into religious horror at the sight of microwave ovens. They don’t understand how this is so - there is no fire, no one touches the hamburger, and it gets hotter and hotter. This is done simply - you need to create an electromagnetic field in which the particles of the hamburger will come into violent motion. Orc revolutions are prepared in exactly the same way as hamburgers, except that the particles of shit in orc skulls are set in motion not by an electromagnetic field, but by an information one.
You don't even need to send emissaries to them. It is enough for some global metaphor - and all our metaphors are global - to hint to the proud orc village that if love of freedom wakes up in it, people will come to the rescue. Then the love of freedom is guaranteed to wake up in this village simply in the form of profit - because the central authorities will pay more and more every day to the village headman so that he does not wake up in full for as long as possible, but the indomitable ascent to freedom and happiness will no longer be stopped. Moreover, we will not spend a single manitou on this - although we could print as much as we like for them. We will just follow the process with interest. And when it develops to the desired degree, we will start bombing. Not a village, of course, but who do we need to shoot.

The role of Bernard-Henri Levy in those political processes that take place in the modern world is the formation of discourse, public opinion. At an Internet conference with readers of the French liberal newspaper Le Monde, he introduced himself as "an activist of people's diplomacy, who has no authority other than that which his conscience gives him."
The biography of this conscientious activist is noteworthy, giving an idea of ​​why Bernard-Henri Levy was written out as the prototype of the discoursemonger from S.N.U.F.F.

Bernard-Henri Levy is the author of more than 20 books, mostly on topical political topics, as well as the editor of the Grasset publishing house, which publishes his books. He embodies the image of a modern successful intellectual - a millionaire, married to a model, in his activities he is in direct contact with the President of France.
Here it is appropriate to quote one more quote from Pelevin: “The French are the shock intellectuals of Big Biz. Anyone can start a war, but no one will do it so elegantly. All the best discoursemongers from the Le Coq d'Esprit special forces must know a little Old French. They are great. The military even has a saying, "disciplined like a platoon of French intellectuals." It means, of course, the discipline of the mind. But hearts too - because not every heart will be able to selectively bleed for a given target, bypassing any number of false targets fired by the enemy - with the highest accuracy of maneuver, in any weather conditions, and even at a great distance.
Levy is known as one of the founders of the "New Philosophy" school. He signs his articles - "Bernard-Henri Levy, philosopher." His novel won the Medici Literary Prize. In 1991, he was appointed director of the French State Film Commission, which distributes state subsidies for cinema. That is, Levy, being a figure of the media, combined in his activities all these three components - philosophy, literature and cinema in a single channel of politically colored discourse.

And here is the "modest" track record of Bernard-Henri Levy, consisting of those countries where, in his opinion, a democratic society should bring freedom and European values.
In 1971, Levy went to India to cover the war for the independence of Bangladesh from Pakistan.
In 1986 - visits Ethiopia.
In the early 90s, Bernard-Henri covered the conflict in the former Yugoslavia, speaking in defense of the Bosnian Muslims.
And in 1999, after Basayev's attack on Dagestan, the same Levy recommended that the West recognize the power of Chechen President Maskhadov and his Prime Minister Basayev.
In the same 1999, in his articles, he called on NATO countries to bombard Serbia in favor of the Kosovo Liberation Army. Levy demanded urgent military intervention in the Serbian conflict, considering this the optimal political solution.
A couple of years later, Bernard-Henri came out with support for the war on terrorism in Afghanistan, positioning himself as a fighter against Muslim fundamentalism in a global context.
He supported Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili, who came to power as a result of the revolution, and during the 2008 war in South Ossetia, he reported from Georgia.
In 2010, on behalf of the political group JCall, which deals with the problems of resolving conflicts in the Middle East, he signed a petition to the European Parliament calling for pressure on Israel.
In 2011, he promoted the initiative for military intervention in Libya. This time, Bernard-Henri Levy is a participant in negotiations with Libyan rebels in Benghazi. It was he who in 2011, with the help of Nicolas Sarkozy, achieved international recognition of the National Transitional Council created in Libya as a result of a coup.
In 2013, he actively promoted against the Syrian government, releasing an article calling for an invasion of Syria against the "bloody regime of Bashar al-Assad."
Called on European athletes to withdraw from the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi to protest the violence in Kyiv.

And finally, on February 9, 2014, Bernard-Henri delivers a speech on the stage of the Kyiv Euromaidan.

On February 10, the speech was published by Le Monde under the heading "We are all Ukrainians." Those who wish to get acquainted with the rhetoric of one of the most formidable discoursemongers of our time can do this at the link .
As Pelevin writes: “Any reality is the sum of information technologies. This applies equally to the star that the brain guessed in the impulses of the optic nerve, and to the orc revolution, which is reported on the news program.

It is characteristic that on the page of the Internet encyclopedia dedicated to him, in addition to a meager list of humanitarian and philosophical missions of Bernard-Henri Levy to those countries that, in his opinion, need democracy, there is, in particular, the following phrase: “Some observers see in the presence of Levy on the Maidan is a harbinger of an escalation of tension in Kyiv and in Ukraine as a whole.”

In a bizarre interweaving of the plot of a literary work and current social events in Ukraine, the image of the discoursemonger Bernard-Henri Montaigne Montesquieu appears before us as a living evidence of the media reality that surrounds us.
As if left the pages of Pelevin's novel, not only today's socio-political processes and the territory in which they occur, but also the characters involved in these processes.
And this is another reason to think about your own interpretation of what is happening.

I would like to complete the review of the parallels between the book and life with one more quote from S.N.U.F.F.:
“A hostile discoursemonger, like a missile with multiple warheads, is best destroyed at the launch stage. Instead of finding out the fiery essence of his syllogisms and applying them to your life and destiny, you must first of all take an interest in the sources of his funding and the tasks he faces - that is, the question of who he is and why he is here.
This is almost always enough, because the appearance of a mouth-opening body in front of a television camera lens is never a spontaneous quantum effect. Just as the TV camera itself does not happen to them. ”

The French intellectual Bernard-Henri Levy made his next fiery speech on February 9 at the Kiev Maidan. And the very next day it appeared in the form of an article in the Paris Le Monde under the heading “We are all Ukrainians”. I don’t know what Oleg Tyahnybok, another passionary from Maidan, thought with such audacity of this native of an Algerian Jewish family, or what Viktor Yanukovych experienced when the “Ukrainian” Levi, having reached ecstasy, called Yulia Tymoshenko “The Mother of God of Kyiv”. But I am happy to make sure that the French are sane people, finding on the Internet among the venomous comments on the article of the newly-minted “Ukrainian” the following: “We were all Libyans, now we are Ukrainians. And if we just be French - is it so difficult?

Alas, it is difficult for Bernard-Henri Levy. He is a brand man. For several decades, it has served as a patented aphrodisiac for Europeans. And it's not even that in his 65-year life he managed to make several films and publish two dozen books, having staked out for himself the glory of one of the masters of the "new philosophy" - a direction of thought that was fashionable in the last century, but quickly withered, as an intellectual product withers, in which you will not find anything but extravagance. The secret of Bernard-Henri Levy's fame is that in certain circles he is considered as a "man of the Mission."

... For the first time he was in a "hot spot" in 1971, going to war for the secession of East Pakistan. Then there will be many "hot spots" in his life. In 1981, he infiltrated the location of the Afghan Mujahideen, who fought against the Soviet army. In 1999, he passionately called for the bombing of Yugoslavia. In 2001, he welcomed the US intervention in Afghanistan. In 2008, during the attack of the Georgian army on South Ossetia, he interviewed Mikheil Saakashvili. In 2011, he became the inspirational singer for the destruction of Libya. Then he began to tirelessly promote the overthrow of the "bloody regime".

After Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, our "new philosopher" identified Ukraine as his next object. In an interview that he handed out to journalists on the Kiev Maidan, he confidently stated that he did not see “neither xenophobia nor anti-Semitism” on the Maidan. He was lucky - the activists of "Svoboda" and "Right Sector", well-known guardians of racial purity, had a clear instruction about Levy: do not touch this.

Let's listen to what a man without a face was talking about from the Maidan - yesterday's Libyan, today's Ukrainian: “I salute Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who led the party of Our Lady of Kyiv thrown into prison, who just announced from this rostrum the creation of a “parallel government”: this is a government born Maidan, now has more legitimacy than the current Kremlin puppets ever had... The President of my country, Francois Hollande, is meeting with the President of the United States in a few hours: who knows if he will convince him to unite again in the rescue operation of this part of Europe , which remains hostage "...

“Yes, it is true that you have friends in Europe. It is also true that you have friends here, in the European diplomatic missions,friends working in the shadows(highlighted by me. - I.L.), about whom I can say that they are with you in heart and act in your interests.

Bernard-Henri Lévy has long been kept in the zone of public attention solely because he acts as a traveling merchant selling to the public a salable ideological commodity: he "sells" public opinion into the international political adventures of the global elite. He is a fighter against "dictatorships" wherever the "masters of discourse" point. It's not easy bread, but Levi is inspired. Recently presenting his film on the intervention in Libya on BFM, he pompously called the plundering of that country a "Libyan miracle." For the third year now, he has been casting spells, counting on a repetition of the "miracle" in Syria.

Speaking last year at the Foreign Policy Initiatives forum hosted by American neocons, the hyperactive "new philosopher" demanded that a Russian veto on a Western draft resolution on Syria be ignored. Telling the Americans about their "moral duty" to occupy Syria, Levy convinced them that the world did not converge on the UN, that there are other forces that can lead Syria to democracy, primarily NATO. When arguments about "moral duty" were exhausted, he flaunted his "scholarship" by talking in bad English about Sophocles and the "law of Antigone". It looked like kitsch, but the Americans fell silent, listening to incomprehensible words, and the inflamed prophet continued to broadcast.

At home, in, it is already difficult for Bernard-Henri Levy to claim the role of master of minds. Once a well-known French historian of antiquity, Pierre Vidal-Naquet (1930-2006), a man of extraordinary erudition, was stunned by Levy's intellectual antics and spoke about his next book as follows: “The problem is not to criticize the next craft of Bernard-Henri Levy, for it is beyond all criticism. The problem is to understand how a person who has received a philosophical education ... can despise his readers so much as to slip them such "science" and behave, using his own expression, like an illiterate buffoon?

Once Bernard-Henri Levy admitted that he "took part in the political adventure in Libya" "as a Jew" and would not have done this "if he had not been a Jew." Now, introducing himself as a Ukrainian, Levi switches to a new and, apparently, burning topic - the struggle, as he put it, with "master Vladimir Putin and his lackey Viktor Yanukovych." And he gets involved in a new political adventure, which he calls "the salvation of Ukraine."

So the “people of the Maidan,” as Bernard-Henri Levy eloquently called his Kyiv listeners, can only congratulate themselves on the appearance of a street theater in their city, in which Victoria Nuland, who regularly visits from Washington, distributes cookies and swears to policemen, then as a carrier of the European spirit tours aging illiterate buffoon.