Belarusian National Technical University, Grodno branch of the specialty. Educational Institution "Belarusian National Technical University"

The condition for the stability and prosperity of our state is to improve the quality of education. Over the years since its foundation, the BPI - BSPA - BNTU has grown from a small polytechnic school, in which several hundred students studied in 1920, into the leading and largest technical university of the Republic of Belarus, has achieved international recognition, and remains an important historical and cultural center, a forge professional personnel for all sectors of the national economy of Belarus.

Today, the Belarusian National Technical University provides many sectors of the country's national economy with qualified personnel.

Since its founding, the university has produced and produced:

Over 175 thousand highly qualified specialists for the Republic of Belarus;

Over 6500 specialists for 120 countries of the world.

In the context of the sovereign development of Belarus, the university has done a lot of work both to preserve the specialties that are vital for the country, and to open new specialties for which specialists have not been trained in the republic before, including: “Urban electric transport”;, “Low-temperature equipment” ;, "Shipbuilding and operation of inland water transport";, "Vacuum and compressor equipment";, "Expertise and property management";, "Packaging production";, "Nuclear energy";, "Transport logistics";, "Technology and equipment peat production";, "Computer mechatronics";, "Geodesy" and many others. It should be noted that in the last 10 years alone, 33 new specialties have been opened at the university.

Currently BNTU provides training in 88 specialties and 121 specializations.

These are specialties, the training of personnel in which determines the positive dynamic development of the real sector of the economy, the solution of many social issues, the improvement of the well-being of our people and the strengthening of the national security of our native Belarus. The effectiveness of BNTU personnel training is manifested in the work of the flagships of our industry - BMZ, MTZ, MAZ, BelAZ, BelOMO, Amkodor, etc., which ensures their stable operation and efficient functioning.

It can be argued that the development and formation of BNTU in dynamics reflects the dialectics of the development of the economy of the Republic of Belarus.
The use of BNTU graduates is a prerequisite for the successful commercial development of the New and High Technologies Park.
Real, fast and competent progress in the development of software and mathematical software for solving specific problems determined by the needs of industries (for example, energy, construction, mechanical engineering) can be achieved by “industry workers” - engineers, technologists - who have received some training in the field of information technology. Such specialists make the most successful “industry” programmers, specialists in the field of mathematical modeling, numerical experiment, etc. for the needs of a particular industry. Such specialists are being trained at BNTU - with increasing attention to training in the field of information technology.
There are 17 dormitories, a sanatorium, a rich scientific library with free access to information at the disposal of students and teachers.

Not only applicants from our country, but also citizens of other states strive to enter the Belarusian National Technical University, which, of course, reinforces the authority of the university abroad. Today, 1077 students from 30 countries of the far and near abroad receive higher education at the university. This is the highest indicator among the universities of the Republic of Belarus.

The University actively cooperates in the field of science and personnel training with 114 foreign higher technical educational institutions in 31 countries of the world.

Work is underway to expand the university's cooperation with higher scientific and educational centers of Germany, China, Vietnam, Austria, Sweden, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, the Baltic countries and other highly developed countries.

Rector of the University:
Khrustalev Boris Mikhailovich , Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, member of the National Olympic Committee of Belarus

The structure of the university (faculties and departments):

Autotractor (ATF)
Mining and Engineering Ecology (FGDE)
Engineering (MSF)
Mechanical and technological (MTF)
Marketing, Management, Entrepreneurship (FMMP)
Energy (EF)
Information Technology and Robotics (FITR)
Technologies of Management and Humanization (FTUG)
Branch Soligorsk
Engineering and Pedagogical (IPF)
Energy Construction (FES)
Architectural (AF)
Construction (SF)
Instrument-making (PSF)
Transport Communications (FTK)
Military technical (WTF)
International Cooperation (FMS)
Sports and technical (STF)
International Institute for Distance Education (IIDO)

Graduating departments:

Architecture of residential and public buildings
Architecture of production facilities and arch. designs
Armored weapons and equipment
Vacuum and compressor technology
Water supply and sanitation
Military automotive technology
Military engineering training
Hydropneumoautomatics and hydropneumatic drive
Hydrotechnical and energy construction
mining machines
urban planning
Internal combustion engines
Design of Architectural Environment
Reinforced concrete and stone structures
Intelligent systems
Information measuring equipment and technologies
Information systems and technologies
Information technology in management
Design and manufacture of devices
Shipbuilding and hydraulics
Laser technique and technology
Materials science in mechanical engineering
Machinery and foundry technology
Machines and technology of metal forming them. S.I. Gubkina
International economic relations
Metal cutting machines and tools
Metallurgical technologies
Metallurgy of foundry alloys
Micro- and nanotechnology
Bridges and tunnels
Organization of road transport and traffic
Organization of construction and property management
Organization of the financial activities of the troops
Business Basics
Valuation activities in transport and industry
Political science, sociology and social management
Powder Metallurgy, Welding and Materials Technology
Computer software and automated systems
Road design
Industrial heat power engineering and heat engineering
Vocational training and pedagogy
Robotic systems
Computer-Aided Design Systems
Resistance of engineering profile materials
sports engineering
Standardization, metrology and information systems
Construction and road machines
Construction and operation of roads
Tactics and general military training
Theoretical mechanics
Thermal power plants
Heat and ventilation
Vehicle maintenance
Technology and teaching methods
Engineering technology
Economics and logistics
Economics and organization of machine-building production
Economics and organization of energy
Economics and Law
Economics and management of scientific research, design and production
Construction economics
Electrical systems
Power stations
Electric drive and automation of industrial plants and technological complexes
Power supply
UNESCO Energy Saving and Renewable Energy

Address: 65, Independence Ave., Minsk, Republic of Belarus, 220013

Directions to the main building:
underground: metro station "Academy of Sciences";
buses: No. 25, 100 stop "St. P. Brovki", 20c, 37 stop Metro station "Academy of Sciences"

1st building: 65 Independence Ave. (metro station "Academy of Sciences");
6th building: 65 Independence Ave., bldg. 6 (metro station "Academy of Sciences");
Building 8: Ya. Kolas, 12 (tram stop "St. Doroshevicha");
10th building: Partizansky Ave., 77 (metro station "Partizanskaya");
Building 15: 150 Nezalezhnosti Ave. (metro station "Borisovsky Trakt");
20th building: st.F. Skaryny, 25/3 (metro station "Borisovsky Trakt")


375 17 292-38-42
+375 17 292-81-00

Fax: +375 17 292-91-37
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.
Official site:

Higher educational institution of engineering and technical profile. The leading educational institution in the national education system of the Republic of Belarus in this profile.

The large and complex tasks of restoring the economy of Belarus in the 1920s required the training of highly qualified personnel for all sectors of the national economy.
Concerning December 10, 1920. Minsk Polytechnic School of the "Technical School" type was transformed into a higher technical educational institution "Belarusian State Polytechnic Institute (BSPI)
for the training of engineers with higher education in the main areas of production activities of the state.

The recruitment of students was carried out by five faculties:

  • mechanical
  • engineering and construction
  • cultural and technical
  • chemical-technological
  • electrotechnical.
The first director (rector) was appointed N.K.Yaroshevich. The teaching staff consisted of about 50 people. In the first academic year, 305 students and 119 students of the preparatory department studied at the institute.

Later, after a series of reorganizations, on July 1, 1933, the Council of People's Commissars of Belarus decides to restore the Polytechnic Institute, which in September 1933 employed 120 teachers and 20 departments. 1200 students studied at the institute.

In the early 40s of the XX century. BPI became one of the leading technical universities in the Soviet Union. At 32 departments of four faculties, engineers were trained in seven specialties. The number of teachers has increased to 180, including 19 professors and 71 associate professors. For 1933-1941. about 2000 engineers were trained.

The Great Patriotic War interrupted the work of the BPI. It resumed in 1945, when 375 students started classes. In 1949, the number of students grew to 1500 people, more than 160 teachers worked in 37 departments.

1991- Belarusian Polytechnic Institute of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor was transformed into Belarusian State Polytechnic Academy (BSPA)(Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Byelorussian SSR dated January 17, 1991 No. 149).

1997- The Belarusian State Polytechnic Academy was granted the status leading engineering and technical educational institution in the national education system of the Republic of Belarus (Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated January 17, 1997 No. 6).

2002- The Belarusian State Polytechnic Academy was transformed into Belarusian National Technical University (BNTU)(Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 165 dated April 1, 2002).

2005. - The decision to give the Belarusian National Technical University the status of a basic organization of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States for higher technical education (Decision of the Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States dated November 25, 2005).

Since its founding, the university has produced and produced:
over 175 thousand highly qualified specialists for the Republic of Belarus;
over 6500 specialists for 120 countries of the world.

  • Region: Minsk Region
  • Locality::Minsk
  • Type of ultrasound: university
  • Type of ultrasound: Education
  • Address:

    220013, Minsk, Independence Avenue, 65.

  • Phones:

    292-77-52 (reception), 292-38-42, 237-39-25, 292-81-00 (admission committee)

  • URL:
  • Email: [email protected]

On December 10, 1920, the Minsk Polytechnic School of the "Technical School" type was transformed into a higher technical educational institution "Belarusian State Polytechnic Institute" (BSPI) to train engineers with higher education in the main areas of the state's production activities.
In the early 40s of the XX century. BPI became one of the leading technical universities in the Soviet Union. At 32 departments of four faculties, engineers were trained in seven specialties. The number of teachers has increased to 180, including 19 professors and 71 associate professors. For 1933-1941. about 2000 engineers were trained.
The Great Patriotic War interrupted the work of the BPI. It resumed in 1945, when 375 students started classes. In 1949, the number of students grew to 1500 people, more than 160 teachers worked in 37 departments.
1991 - The Belarusian Polytechnic Institute of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor was transformed into the Belarusian State Polytechnic Academy (BSPA) (Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Belarusian SSR dated January 17, 1991 No. 149).
2002 - The Belarusian State Polytechnic Academy was transformed into the Belarusian National Technical University (BNTU) (Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 165 of 04/01/2002).
Since its foundation, the university has trained and graduated: over 175 thousand highly qualified specialists for the Republic of Belarus, as well as over 6,500 specialists for 120 countries of the world.
Today, the university is the coordinator of the activities of engineering and technical universities of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus in the development of standard and curricula and programs, the preparation of textbooks, manuals and other educational and methodological literature. He is actively involved in the formation of the regulatory framework for the system of higher and secondary specialized education.
BNTU is the initiator of the adoption of educational standards in engineering specialties, the development and implementation of new equipment and technologies in domestic production.
The Belarusian National Technical University has the most developed sports base in the Republic of Belarus: 18 sports halls, a stadium, a ski base, a bicycle base, sports grounds, a sports and amenity complex.
Currently, more than 35,000 people study at BNTU, of which 18,833 full-time students, 14,538 part-time students, 267 postgraduate students, 6 doctoral students, 503 full-time and part-time master students, 240 lyceum students, students of the preparatory department - 112, cadets of the military technical faculty - 423.
The training of engineering personnel for the national economic complex of the country in 89 specialties is carried out by 17 faculties, 5 institutes, which include 119 departments and 2195 faculty members. Of these, 1049 have academic degrees and titles, including 2 academicians of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 199 doctors, professors and 829 candidates of science, associate professors.
One of the most important tasks facing the Belarusian National Technical University is the formation of human resources adequate to the modern parameters of world political, economic and technological development. The condition for the stability and prosperity of our state is to improve the quality of education. The objective replacement of the thesis “education for life” with the thesis “education throughout life” is becoming the norm in the educational sphere.
Over the years since its founding, the university has grown from a small polytechnic school, in which several hundred students studied in 1920, into the leading and largest technical university of the Republic of Belarus, has achieved international recognition, and remains an important historical and cultural center, a forge of professional personnel for all branches of the national economy of Belarus.
Today, the Belarusian National Technical University provides many sectors of the country's national economy with qualified personnel.
The activity of a team of many thousands over nine decades allows us to speak about the high potential of the Belarusian National University, which in the near future will certainly take its rightful place among the leading universities in the world.


(belor. Belarusian National Technical University) is a higher educational institution of engineering and technical profile. The leading educational institution in the national education system of the Republic Belarus in this profile. To enter the university, you must pass a centralized testing.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 5

    ✪ Belarusian National Technical University (BNTU)

    ✪ All about admission to BNTU, studying at the university and prospects for graduates

    ✪ Building Faculty of BNTU. Promo. 2015

    ✪ Sanatorium-dispensary BNTU "Polytechnic"

    ✪ BNTU Knowledge Day 2012 Rector's message



The large and complex tasks of restoring the economy of the BSSR in the 20s of the 20th century required the training of highly qualified personnel for all sectors of the national economy, in connection with which, on December 10, 1920, the Minsk Polytechnic School (technical school) was transformed into a higher technical educational institution: Belarusian State Polytechnic Institute(BSPI), the purpose of which was the training of engineers with higher education in the main areas of production activities of the state.

The recruitment of students was carried out by five faculties: mechanical, engineering and construction, cultural and technical, chemical and technological, electrical.

Nikanor Kazimirovich Yaroshevich was appointed the first rector. The teaching staff consisted of about 50 people. In the first academic year, 305 students and 119 students of the preparatory department studied at the institute. Later, after a series of reorganizations, on July 1, 1933, the Council of People's Commissars of the BSSR decided to restore the Polytechnic Institute, in which in September 1933 there were already 120 teachers and 20 departments, and about 1,200 students.

In the early 1940s, the institute became one of the leading technical universities in the USSR. At 32 departments of four faculties, engineers were trained in seven specialties. The number of teachers has increased to 180, including 19 professors and 71 associate professors. For 1933-1941. about 2000 engineers were trained.

After the declaration of the sovereignty of the Republic of Belarus, in 1991- Belarusian Polytechnic Institute of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor was transformed into Belarusian State Polytechnic Academy(BGPA) (Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Byelorussian SSR dated April 17, No. 149), and in 1997- The Belarusian State Polytechnic Academy received the status of a leading engineering and technical educational institution in the national education system of the Republic of Belarus (Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated January 17, 1997 No. 6).

AT 2002- The Belarusian State Polytechnic Academy was transformed into Belarusian National Technical University(BNTU) (decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 165 dated April 1), after which in 2005 it was decided to give the university the status of a basic organization of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States for higher technical education (Decision of the Council of Heads of Government of the Commonwealth of Independent States dated 25.11. 2005).


Automotive Faculty (ATF)

The largest and one of the most prestigious faculties of the university, a center for training specialists for the automotive and tractor industry and the transport industry of the Republic of Belarus, scientists in many areas of the national economy, teaching staff.

In the early years, he trained engineers in four specialties: road transport, auto construction, tractor construction and mechanization of agricultural production.

About 300 employees work at the faculty, the teaching staff represents almost 170 people. Of these, more than 20 doctors, professors, more than 80 candidates of sciences, associate professors conduct classes. They train not only specialists in the automotive and tractor profile, but also conduct scientific research closely related to the needs of further technical progress in this industry. Thousands of graduates of the Automotive Faculty work at industrial, motor transport enterprises, in design bureaus, educational institutions not only in the country, but in more than 60 other foreign countries. They create new cars, special machines, equipment, maintain them, manage production, and organize traffic. And everywhere they show deep knowledge of their business, are an example in work and behavior, train and educate technical personnel.


  • Cars
  • Heavy vehicles and road trains
  • Hydropneumoautomatics and hydropneumatic drive
  • Internal combustion engines
  • Engineering graphics of machine building profile
  • Organization of road transport and traffic
  • Valuation activities in transport and industry
  • Vehicle maintenance
  • Tractors
  • Economics and logistics


  • NIIL of hydropneumatic systems and oil products
  • NIIL vehicles
  • SIC of traffic
  • Research laboratory of tractors, mobile systems and equipment
  • Research Institute of Drive Systems
  • Computing center
  • driving school

Faculty of Mining and Engineering Ecology

  1. redirect

The specialties of the faculty appeared during the years of the establishment of the Belarusian State Polytechnic Institute (now - BNTU). Their name was originally associated with the subject of development: "peat extraction", "peat business", "deep drilling". In 2002, during the reorganization of the BSPA, a separate faculty of natural resources and ecology was allocated to BNTU (since 2007, the faculty of mining and engineering ecology). The faculty trains personnel for mining and industrial enterprises not only in the Republic of Belarus, but also in Russia, the Republic of Turkmenistan, China, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan.


  • Mining
  • mining machines
  • Ecology
  • English No. 1


  • Branch at the Institute of JSC "Belgorkhimprom"
  • Branch at RUE "Belarusian Research Geological Prospecting Institute"
  • Branch at the Institute of Nature Management of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Base enterprises for internships and distribution of graduates

  • JSC "Belaruskali"
  • OAO Belgorkhimprom"
  • RUE "Belarusneft"
  • OJSC "Dolomit"
  • RUE "Mikashevichi"


The Faculty of Mining and Engineering Ecology is the only training center for miners in the Republic of Belarus. Mining engineers and environmental managers are trained by highly qualified personnel. Teachers, undergraduates and students annually participate in the international programs TEMPUS and INTENSE, international and republican conferences.

  1. mining machines and equipment
  • open pit mining
  • underground mining
  • enrichment and processing production
  • electromechanics
  1. development of mineral deposits
  • open pit mining
  • underground mining
  • mineral processing
  • drilling work
  • mine surveying
  1. environmental management and audit in industry

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (MSF)

It is one of the oldest faculties of the university.

Its history began on December 10, 1920 with the opening of the specialty "Machine tools, tools and machining of metals" in the first higher technical educational institution created in the republic. The faculty received a new life in 1934 as a mechanical faculty of the Belarusian Polytechnic Institute, formed in 1933, and in 1958 the faculty was renamed into mechanical engineering.

The role of the mechanical engineering faculty in the training of engineering and technical personnel for the national economy is great. In the period from 1958 to the present alone, more than 25,000 young specialists working in various branches of the national economy have been trained. Among the graduates of the faculty are well-known scientists, statesmen and public figures, production managers.


  • Engineering technology;
  • Metal-cutting machines and tools;
  • Economics and organization of machine-building production;
  • Intelligent systems;
  • Resistance of materials of machine-building profile;
  • Theoretical mechanics;
  • Machine parts, hoisting and transport machines and mechanisms;
  • Theory of mechanisms and machines.

Faculty of Mechanics and Technology (MTF)

The faculty of the university is the main center in the Republic of Belarus for the training of engineering and scientific and pedagogical personnel in the field of metallurgy and foundry technology, processing of materials by pressure, welding processes, heat treatment of metals, materials science, composite and powder materials, coatings. At present, it is a large educational, scientific and industrial complex, which allows training and retraining of specialists in accordance with modern requirements. It includes departments and their branches in academic and industry institutes, factories; research laboratories and engineering centers. Over the long history, the faculty has trained more than 10,000 engineers, more than 200 researchers for various sectors of the national economy of the republic and foreign countries. Many of them are heads of large enterprises and institutions, leading scientists in our country and abroad. The faculty, its departments and scientific divisions are always open for mutually beneficial cooperation in the training of engineers and highly qualified personnel, the implementation of scientific research and the implementation of their results, and the organization of production using new technologies.

Students are trained according to new curricula that take into account international trends in engineering education. They are based on a multi-level system, providing for the best graduates to receive bachelor's and master's degrees in technical sciences. This year, the faculty recruits in 6 specialties and 7 specializations, which make it possible to provide engineering personnel for the metallurgical industry and the procurement base of mechanical engineering and instrument making of the Republic of Belarus.


  • Machinery and technology for metal forming
  • Metallurgical technologies
  • Metallurgy of foundry alloys
  • Materials science in mechanical engineering
  • Powder Metallurgy, Welding and Materials Technology
  • Occupational Safety and Health
  • Chemistry
  • Machinery and foundry technology

Faculty of Information Technology and Robotics (FITR)

In 1998, by order of Rector M. I. Demchuk, the Faculty of Robots and Robotic Systems was renamed the Faculty of Information Technology and Robotics.

In 1999, an international conference "Information Technologies in Education, Science, and Business" was held. In 2000, the International Institute of Distance Education was established on the basis of the faculty. In 2002, the faculty opened training in the specialty "Information Systems and Technologies".


  • Computer software and automated systems
  • Computer-Aided Design Systems
  • Robotic systems
  • Electric drive and automation of industrial plants and technological complexes
  • Technical Physics
  • Higher Mathematics No. 1

Faculty of Transport Communications (FTC)

The name of the faculty has its own history. Due to the acute shortage of road specialists in the BSSR, on the initiative of the leadership of the road industry of the republic, on August 23, 1958, order No. 868 was issued signed by the Deputy Minister of Higher Education of the USSR M. roads" and the organization of the department "Road Construction" at this institute, which was the reason for the opening of the Faculty of Hydraulic Engineering and Road Construction (FGDS). In the future, due to the increased tasks for the development of the road network in Belarus and, accordingly, the need to increase number of road engineers, a separate faculty of road construction (FDS) was formed in 1978. In 1998, in connection with the expansion of the list of specialties for the training of engineers, the faculty of road construction was renamed the faculty of transport communications (FTK) (BGPA order No. 31-p dated April 14, 1998).

The first graduation of road engineers took place in 1961.


Faculty of Management Technologies and Humanization (FTUG)

The faculty was established in 1995 as part of the Republican Educational Center. The faculty ranks first in the university in terms of the number of faculty (about 300 people) and the number of foreign students (more than 60 foreign students enter annually). In total, about three thousand students study at the faculty, of which more than 1,600 people are full-time students. A number of students of the faculty became laureates of the Special Fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus for social support of gifted pupils and students, as well as other nominal scholarships.

The faculty includes ten departments. Training of specialists is carried out according to new curricula and programs corresponding to national and international standards in the following specialties: "Management", "Energy Efficient Technologies and Energy Management", "Economics and Management at the Enterprise", "Customs", "Accounting, Analysis and audit”, “Low-temperature equipment”, “Organization of packaging production”, “Design of production equipment”, including the reduced form of training. In all economic specialties, an in-depth study of foreign languages ​​is provided for by choice: English, German, French, Spanish, Polish, Lithuanian. Since 1997, the specialized international UNESCO Chair "Energy Efficient Technologies and Energy Management" has been operating at the faculty, which was recognized as one of the best among universities in Europe.


  • UNESCO "Energy Saving and Renewable Energy Sources"
  • Organization of packaging production
  • Customs
  • Management

Faculty of Energy Construction (FES)

The faculty was established on October 1, 1986. The faculty combined specialties and specializations related to the construction and operation of energy facilities, water management, using natural, primarily energy, resources. Hydropower, hydraulic engineering, water transport and shipbuilding, heat and gas supply, water supply and sanitation - these are the main activities of the faculty. These areas are among the most important in the economy of the Republic of Belarus today. Therefore, the specialties of our faculty become the most prestigious, and its graduates, among whom there are many well-known people in our country and abroad, are in great demand in various industries. Relatively young, but in terms of the roots of its specialties dating back to the distant 1920, that is, being the same age as the university, today the faculty of power engineering combines departments, research laboratories with highly professional personnel, a modern, well-equipped teaching and laboratory base, with extensive business connections in Belarus and abroad.


  • Hydrotechnical and energy construction
  • Water supply and sanitation
  • Heat and ventilation
  • Physics
  • Department of English No. 2
  • Hydraulics

Faculty of Energy (EF)

The faculty begins its history in December 1920, when the Belarusian State Polytechnic Institute was formed on the basis of the Minsk Polytechnic School, one of the five faculties of which was electrotechnical. The faculty was tasked with training specialists for the operation of small power plants, which were then built to illuminate cities, supply urban transport and large factories.

Then, on December 22, 1920, the GOELRO plan was approved, which marked the beginning of the electrification of the entire USSR.

Over time, laboratories of electrical engineering, electrical measurements, electrical machines, heat engineering, etc. were created at the Faculty of Energy. To perform laboratory work in certain special disciplines, students were sent to the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute.

In 1946, the activity of the faculty was restored in the specialties: production and distribution of electricity and boiler and heat engineering installations.

In 1949, the first group of 15 people defended their engineering diplomas. The republic received thermal power engineers. Later, 20 power engineers were added to them. Since that time, the regular release of power engineers and thermal power engineers began.

In the mid-60s of the last century, 6 energy specialties were already formed at the faculty. By 1970, about 3,000 students were studying in these specialties. The faculty has become a cumbersome structure within the Belarusian Polytechnic Institute. The rectorate decides on the division of the faculty and in 1973 three specialties are separated from it, which form the Faculty of Industrial Energy

In 1978, the faculty was again divided into two parts, but now into the heat and power and electrical engineering faculties, and in 1986 the faculty was restored with the name "energy", which it bears to the present.


  • Electrical systems
  • Power stations
  • Thermal power plants
  • Power supply
  • Industrial heat power engineering and heat engineering
  • Higher Mathematics No. 2
  • Economics and organization of energy

Sports and Technical Faculty (STF)

The youngest faculty at the university and the first engineering faculty in the universities of the CIS countries, which trains engineering specialists for the sports industry. With its opening, the domestic physical culture and sports industry will receive qualified specialists who are able to participate in research, production, technical, organizational and managerial activities at enterprises and organizations of industrial and physical culture and sports complexes, specializing in the production and maintenance of sports simulators, referee information systems, inventory, instruments and equipment for special purposes. Today, graduates of the sports and technical faculty are in demand at the existing and commissioned cultural and sports complexes. Effective operation of technological equipment at these facilities is currently impossible without the presence of qualified personnel with solid engineering training, knowledge of economics and management methods, and the use of information technology tools.


  • sports engineering

Faculty of Marketing, Management, Entrepreneurship (FMMP)

In August 1994, by order of the rector, a faculty was created to provide our country with specialists in the economic and managerial profile with a technical bias.


  • Trade equipment and technologies
  • Economics and management at the enterprise
  • Business Administration
  • Marketing
  • Management of innovative projects of industrial enterprises
  • Design project management in an industrial enterprise

Military Technical Faculty (WTF)

Faculty of International Cooperation (FMS)

Instrument Engineering Faculty (PSF)

The beginning of the training of specialists in the instrument-making direction at BPI-BGPA-BNTU was laid in 1961 by the creation of the department "Precision Mechanics Instruments". Its first head, who headed the department for 23 years, was the Honored Worker of the Higher School of the BSSR, Professor S. S. Kostyukovich.

The development of the optical industry necessitated the opening in 1976 of the Faculty of Optics and Mechanics, which at various times was headed by Associate Professor R. I. Tomilin, Associate Professor V. I. Kletsko, Professor M. G. Kiselev. In connection with the further expansion of the list of demanded instrument-making specialties, in 1978 the Faculty of Engineering and Physics was opened, the deans of which were Professor G.S. Kruglik and Associate Professor A.G. Litvinko. In 1984, the Optical-Mechanical and Engineering-Physical faculties were merged into one - Engineering-Physics, which was renamed the Faculty of Instrumentation the following year.