Future tense. Future tense in English: varieties, education

Topic: Simple and complex forms of the future tense of verbs. A lesson in learning new knowledge.

Didactic goal: to form in students the ability to form the forms of the verb of the future tense.


1. Create conditions for the formation of ideas about the formation of future tense verbs; create conditions for the formation of skills to form the future complex and future simple forms of verbs;

2. Create conditions for the development of regulatory UUD (goal setting, planning, evaluation) and communicative UUD (correct construction of speech statements, coordination of actions with a partner); create conditions for the development of general educational skills and abilities (development of attention, comparative skills and abilities, the ability to generalize and draw conclusions);

3. Create conditions for fostering friendly partnerships, love for books, patriotism.

Teaching methods:

1. problematic;

2. partial search;

3. visual.

Forms of organization of cognitive activity:

1. frontal;

2. collective;

3. group;

4. in pairs;

5. individual.

Means of education:

1. ICT. Presentation on the topic.

2. Cards.

During the classes.

1. Motivation for learning activities.

Guys, I wish all of us good luck and new discoveries. Forward for knowledge!

Solve the riddle.

He is cheerful and gentle,

This cute weirdo.

With him is the owner - the boy Robin

And a friend - Piglet.

For him, walking is a holiday.

And honey has a special scent.

This plush prankster -

Bear cub ... (Winnie the Pooh.)

What do you know about Winnie the Pooh? Who invented it? (He loved honey, composed poetry. This hero was invented by Alan Milne.) Exactly 60 years ago, Boris Zakhoder translated the story of Winnie into Russian, and the whole world recognized our Winnie the Pooh.

2. Actualization of knowledge and fixation of difficulties in trial action.

Read the poem he composed. What did you notice?

It's good to be a bear, cheers!

It's good to be a bear, cheers!

No, I will win!

I will conquer heat and frost

If only the nose was smeared with honey!

No, I will win!

I will overcome any trouble

If only all paws were in honey! ..

What word does Winnie the Pooh pronounce differently? How will be correct? Let's look into this issue.

3. Identification of the place and cause of the difficulty.

What can you say about this word? (verb) Prove. (A verb is a part of speech that denotes an action and answers the questions: what to do? what to do? and others) What else do you know about the verb? (The verb changes with tenses.)

What tense is this verb in? Prove it. (In the future, as it answers the question: what will I do? and denotes an action that will take place.)

What is our lesson about? What time are we talking about? (Future tense).

Try putting this verb in the indefinite form. Write it down. How many verbs did you get?

what to do? win

what to do? win

Why are there two verbs? (answer different questions)

what will i do? I will win

what will I do? ???

Were we able to help Winnie choose the correct form of the verb? (You can say “I will win”) What to do with the verbs that answer the question: what to do? Don't they have a future tense form?

4. Building a project to get out of the difficulty.

What are you offering? (You need to put other verbs in the future tense) Maybe this will clarify the situation? Will you help me?

Let each row choose 2 verbs for itself and put it in the future tense: read, read, make friends, make friends, jump, jump.

What can you say about these verbs? (These are verbs in the indefinite form) Prove. What groups can they be divided into? (These verbs answer different questions.)

Try to write down all options. I suggest for convenience to write down in the table.

Children work in a notebook in rows.

What happened? Compare your work with that of a classmate. Check the template. If there are errors, correct them. Rate yourself and your friend in the margins. (The table appears on the screen.)

I will be friends

you will be friends

he will be friends

we will be friends

you will be friends

they will be friends

I will jump

you will jump

he will jump

we will jump

you will jump

they will jump

What did you notice? (A verb in the future tense can be expressed in one word or two.)

How can you call the verbs of 1-2 columns? (Answers of children). In Russian, there is a special name for them: the future is complex and the future is simple.

Make a conclusion. Compare the formation of the future simple and future complex tenses. (From the verb answering the question: what to do?, a complex form of the future tense is formed. Such verbs answer the question: what will I do? and others. From the verb answering the question: what to do, a simple form of the future tense is formed. Such verbs answer to the question: what will I do? and others)

What can be said about the simple form of the future tense of the verb? (All verbs with prefixes).

How is the verb of the future compound tense formed? (The first verb changes: to be, and the second verb is a verb in an indefinite form.)

What is the name of the first verb that changes? Is he in charge or helping? What role does he play?

In Russian, it was called auxiliary.

5. Realization of the constructed project.

Let's go back to Winnie's first poem. How to say right?

Guys, can we form a simple form of the future tense? (no) What should we do? (to form a complex form of the future tense)

It is correct to say: I will win.

Drawing up an algorithm.

1. Form an indefinite form of the verb.

2. Ask a question.

3. If the verb answers the question WHAT TO DO?, a complex form of the future tense is formed.

4. If the verb answers the question WHAT TO DO?, a simple form of the future tense is formed.

5. If it is impossible to form a simple form of the future tense, then a complex form of the future tense can be used.

6. Primary consolidation in external speech.

Guys, help Winnie the Pooh write another poem. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the future tense. It must be a beautiful poem. (Work in pairs on cards)

Peacefully and joyfully we (live),

Together (play)

Strong (to be friends),

We (give) each other laughter and flowers,

And (to fulfill) all our dreams in life!

What happened? Check in pairs. Read for everyone.

Explain how you chose the correct form of the future tense verb. (Algorithm)

From a verb answering the question: what to do? a complex form of the future tense is formed; from the verb answering the question: what to do, a simple form of the future tense is formed.

7. Independent work with self-checking according to the standard.

Let's do the exercise from the textbook. Open your textbooks on page 40, exercise 33. Read the assignment. (Each row 1 verb, 3 students work at the blackboard)

Repetition of the algorithm.

8.Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.

We perform exercise 29 on page 35. Repetition of the algorithm.

9. Reflection of educational activity.

Guys, you are so great! At home, try playing the game “What will I do when I grow up? What will I do special? Write down the answers. (Example from Winnie the Pooh: I will fly. I will fly to the moon.)

Guys, our lesson is over. And Winnie the Pooh's friend, Piglet, came to us.

He was very upset that he did not get to our lesson. Let's share our experiences with him.

What did you discover today? What are you interested in? What surprised you?

Rate your work. (For working together, for working in a notebook, for working in pairs) What happened?

English grammar contains several possible forms of using verbs in the future tense. Each of them has its own construction laws and use cases. First, we will get acquainted with them separately, and then we will reduce all the ways of expressing the future tense in English into one common table.


The first category is used to designate actions that are expected to be performed in any time period. In other words, this case is suitable for phrases: “I will do it tomorrow”, “I promise to do it later”, “I will do my homework tomorrow, and then I will play”, or if we make a decision right at the moment of the conversation.

The simple future form is formed by adding an auxiliary verb will(in 1st person also used shall) to the predicate of the sentence in the form of an infinitive (without to). In writing, these combinations are often abbreviated to construction "pronoun +'ll».

We (1) + will (2) + go (3) + onholiday thissummer (4) – We're going on vacation this summer.

To turn a statement into a question, all you need to do is swap the subject with the word will/shall. Interrogative sentences in Future Simple can be schematically represented as follows:

Will (1) you (2) go (3) onholidaythissummer (4)? – Are you going on vacation this summer??

To create a negation, you need to add a particle to the verb will / shall not. In abbreviated form, the structure looks like this: won't/shan't. Consider how the simple future is expressed in all types of sentences.


The future tense in English can have the so-called continuous form, that is, we are talking about an action, the process of which will take place at a specific moment in the future time. Such constructions are called Future Continuous. Their education is similar to the previous group, only will is added to be, and the predicate of these sentences is the participle form I.

Mike (1) will (2) be (3) stillsleeping (4) whenIcome (5) – Mike will still be sleeping when I arrive..

Sometimes there are sentences in which the circumstance of time comes first, and after it follows the standard scheme: In a week we'llbecelebratingmybrother'sbirthday (A week later we will celebrate my brother's birthday).

Questions in the future continuous are also built on the principle of making will in the first place, only between the subject and the predicate wedged be.

Will (1) Mike (2) be (3) sleeping (4) whenyoucome(5) ? Will Mike be sleeping when you come?

To create a negative form is still used not. Let's explore the options.

+ ?
Their friends will be watching the football match tonight. Will their friends be watching football match tonight? Their friends won't be watching the football match tonight.
Their friends will be watching a football match tonight. Will their friends watch the football match tonight? Their friends won't be watching football tonight.
I' ll be still working at 6 o'clock. Will you be still working at 6 o'clock? I won't be working at 6 o'clock.
I will still be working at 6 o'clock. Will you still be working at 6 o'clock? I will not work at 6 o'clock.

Perfect / Ending (Perfect / Perfect Continuous)

This group always causes difficulties, since many often do not distinguish between the meanings of these structures. Fortunately, such combinations in English are very rare. But it is still necessary to be able to understand them.

Verbs can take the form of the Future Perfect in cases where the speaker plans to complete some action by a precisely specified time. In this case, the construction, in addition to will and the predicate, contains another verb - have.

I(1) shall (2) have(3) painted (4) the picture by 3 o'clock (5) – Ifinishdrawpicturetothreehours.

The negation of sentences for the future perfect tense is built using not, and to create a clarifying question, it is necessary to put will in front, and after it the subject, have, predicate, etc.

Will (1) you(2) have (3)painted (4) the picture by 3 o'clock (5) ? – Youfinish drawingthispicturetothreehours?

As we have already noted, when studying English, it is practically not necessary to meet the future tense called Future Perfect Continuous. Therefore, we only note that its constructions largely coincide with the tenses given above, but between have and the predicate is inserted been. According to the difference between these times, the use of Perfect shows the completion of the action, and the use of Perfect Continuous indicates that the action has already been going on for some time and will still continue when a certain moment comes.

I (1) shall (2) have (3) been (4) painting (5) thepicturefor3 monthsbyOctober (6) – In November it will be 3 months since I paint this picture (and it is still not completed).

Let's consider a possible expression of the future in given times using specific examples.

+ ?
Jack says that he will have read this book by Friday. Will Jack have read this book by Friday? Jack won't have read this book by Friday.
Jack says that he will have read this book by Friday (finished reading it). Will Jack have read this book by Friday? Jack will not have read this book by Friday.
I will have been living in Prague for 10 years by next year. Will you have been living in Prague for 10 years by next year? I won't have been living in Prague for 10 years by next year.
Next year it will be 10 years since I have lived in Prague (and will continue to live there). Next year it will be 10 years since you live in Prague? Next year will not be 10 years since I live in Prague.

Special cases

There are several other ways to talk about the future, although they do not grammatically belong to the above groups. We are talking about constructions to be going to and Future in Past, which can also express the future tense in English.

The turn to be going to + the infinitive is used in situations where there are specific plans for the near future, i.e. the speaker is determined to do it at the first opportunity.

Jane (1) is (2) goingto (3) tell (4) herparentsthetruthJane is going (intends) to tell her parents the truth.

It is important to note that go, come cannot be used as a predicate in this construction. Following this rule, they are used only in the simple present tense.

Combination " The future is in the past”, as the name implies, is used when talking about long-past events. It can be translated by the phrase: would have done, should have, etc. In general, these are relative clauses of a conditional nature. To use this construction, you need to take any sentence of the Future tenses group, and replace in it will on the would.

Future tense in English in tables

This generalized table will help you remember new material faster.

+ ?
Simple Subject + will + inf.

She will write…

Will + Subject + inf.

Will he speak…?

Will + not + subject + inf.

We won't work...

continuous Subject + will + be + adverb I

I will be telling…

Will + Subject + be + adverb I

Will they be watching…?

Subject + will + not + be + adverb I

You won't be washing…

Perfect Subject + will + have + part II

We will have finished…

Will + Subject + have + part II

Will you have painted…?

Subject + will + have + not + adverb II

He won't have typed…

Perfect Continuous Subject + will + have + been + adverb I

I will have been living…

Will + subject + have + been + adverb I

Will we have been standing…?

Subject + will + not + have + been + adverb I

They won't have been spending…

To be going to

A special case

Subject + to be + going to + inf.

We are going to learn…

To be + subject + going to + inf.

Are you going to run…?

Subject + to be + not + going to + inf.

She isn't going to lie...

verb tense expresses the relation of the action denoted by the verb to the time of its implementation. Forms stand out past, present and future tense.

In most cases, the use of forms of time is determined by the attitude to the moment of speech; this use of them is called absolute time.

In relatively rare cases, the starting point for the use of tenses is not the moment of speech, but other starting points, for example, the time of other actions reported in the speech. This is called the relative use of tenses. In additional (explanatory) clauses of a complex sentence, the tense of verbs is determined by the relation to the time of the action of the main part:

My brother said that he sent (sends, sends) the book I need.

The grammatical reference point of time here is the verb of the main part “reported”, in relation to which the action of the verb of the subordinate part is performed, is being performed or will be performed. “He wrote that he works”: the present tense of the verb “works” indicates the coincidence of the time of the action not with the moment of speech, but with the time of the action expressed by the verb “wrote”.

Imperfective verbs have all three forms of tense (I decide - I decided - I will decide).

Perfective verbs, denoting actions limited by a limit, are used only in the past and future (simple) tense (I decided - I will decide), but they do not have a present tense.

Past tense denotes an action that precedes the moment of speech. It is formed by adding a formative suffix to the stem of the infinitive -l-: write-t - write-sa-l, read-t - read-l, count-t - count-l.
When forming forms of the past tense, some features are observed:

    If the stem of the past tense ends in r, k, x, z, s, b, then when a masculine verb is formed, the suffix -l- drops out: guard, peck, soh, carried, carried, rowed, but remains in the feminine and neuter gender, and also in the plural: guarded, baked, dried up, carried, carried, guarded.

    Verbs for - heret in the past tense lose the second in full vowel combination e, and in the masculine gender they do not have the suffix -l-: erase - erased, die - died.

    Verb go and derivatives from it form the past tense from another basis - shed - with the loss of the root d: walked, walked, walked, came, came, came.

The past tense allows the verb to change in numbers. In turn, the singular can easily be declined by gender. It should also be noted that verbs in the past tense in the plural do not change by person.

Verbs in the form present time denote an action that is happening at the moment of speaking, for example: I am looking for a meeting with you. Verbs in the present tense change in person and number.

From verbs perfect look forms of the present tense are not formed: the concept of completeness, effectiveness, characteristic of perfective verbs, is incompatible with the concept of the present tense.

Only verbs have present tense forms imperfect form . These forms are formed with the help of personal endings, depending on whether the verb belongs to I or II conjugation.

I conjugations: -u (-u), -eat, -et, -eat, -ete, -ut (-yut)
II conjugations: -u (-u), -ish, -it, -im, -ite, -at (-yat)

An example of a verb I conjugation:

1st person → I am walking, we are walking
2nd person → you walk, you walk
3rd person → he walks, they walk

An example of a verb II conjugation:

1st person → I drive, we drive
2nd person → you carry, you carry
3rd person → he carries, they carry

The present tense has the following meanings:

    shows that the action expressed by the verb coincides with the moment of speech: the Caucasus is under me. Again, solemnly and wisely, an old coniferous forest rustles over me (V. Belov);

    denotes action permanent, timeless; The earth revolves around the sun.; In communicating vessels, the surface of the liquid is set at the same level.;

    denotes an action that passes into a property. Compare: a boy reads a book and student Petrov reads Pushkin well; birds fly in the garden and swallows fly faster than sparrows.

    is used instead of the past to give liveliness to the story and make the reader (listener) as if a witness to the event depicted: I was walking down the street yesterday and I see. This is the so-called real narrative (picturesque, historical);

The present tense is used in the sense of the future, if we are talking about an action that must certainly take place; Tomorrow I pass the last exam and leave to rest. The use of present tense forms in this function is usually characteristic of verbs of motion - to run, to go, to go. Sometimes the forms of the present tense convey the picture imaginary by the author: One more day of this accursed hell - and here you have a hungry winter, typhus, cattle are falling, children are dying (A. N. Tolstoy).

Future tense denotes an action (process) forthcoming or subsequent in relation to the moment of speech. It has two forms: synthetic (simple) and analytical (complex). These forms differ from each other both in their structure and in their meaning.

The synthetic form is characteristic of perfective verbs (I will write, I will tell, I will read), the analytical form is characteristic of imperfective verbs (I will write, I will tell, I will read).

The future tense of the analytical form is formed from the personal forms of the future tense of the verb be and infinitive (necessarily imperfect form). Acting as a service component, an auxiliary verb be forms with infinitive one grammatical form.

The future compound always denotes an unlimited, limitless action that will take place after the moment of speech and cannot be used in the meaning of another tense: We will continue to consistently defend the cause of peace.

The form of the future tense from perfective verbs is simple: it coincides with the present tense form of imperfective verbs: read, read, read, read, read, read; build, build, build, build, build.

The future of the synthetic form (from perfective verbs) has a variety of meanings:

    its main meaning is the expression of upcoming (future) actions that have a limit, completeness: We will get everything, understand and open: the cold pole and the blue vault (V. Lebedev-Kumach);

    denotes an action that turns into a property: Whatever task you give him, he will definitely solve (it is impossible to say solves or solved). The future tense in this sense is often used in proverbs: Tell the truth - the truth will help out. On a crooked road you will break your legs.

    denotes a repeated action (in descriptions next to the present):
    A storm covers the sky with darkness (present tense),
    Whirlwinds of snow twisting,
    Like a beast she will howl
    That will cry like a child (A. Pushkin);

    with negation does not mean the impossibility of action in the present: will not read quickly (cannot read quickly), will not say simply (cannot say simply), will not see at a distance (cannot see at a distance);

    used in the meaning of the past tense: During the day she mostly dozed off. He sits in an armchair in front of the table ... and takes a nap (present tense). Then he shudders, wakes up, looks out the window and for a long time, without any conscious thought, does not take his (present) eyes off the endless distance (M. Saltykov-Shchedrin).

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The future is complex

The analytical form of the future tense of imperfective verbs, formed by the conjugated form of the auxiliary verb to be (sometimes to become) and the infinitive of another verb and denoting an action that is fully related to the plan of the future, but associated with the present tense I will write. I will say rolling pins. The future tense is used instead of the present:

a) to denote the usual, permanent result of an action. As it comes around, it will respond (proverb);

b) to express the impossibility of performing an action.

Do not apply water with a sieve


c) to express conjecture, uncertainty. It will be five miles before me(Turgenev);

d) to designate repetitive single actions. A storm covers the sky with darkness, twisting snow whirlwinds; then, like a beast, she will howl, then she will cry like a child, then she will suddenly rustle on the roof with dilapidated straw, then, like a belated traveler, her window will knock on us(Pushkin).

The future tense is used instead of the past:

a) to indicate the sudden onset of an action I approached ... When she suddenly opens her eyes and stares at me(Turgenev);

b) to express repetitive actions. The mother skims the marks, sees a deuce for rieo-eansh or calligraphy, and shakes her head in displeasure(Gaidar);

c) to indicate past facts as future, subsequent in relation to other past ones. Old Taras will tear out a gray-haired tuft from his chuprina and curse the day and hour, which gave birth to such a son to shame(Gogol).

Dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms. Ed. 2nd. - M.: Enlightenment. Rosenthal D. E., Telenkova M. A.. 1976 .

See what "future complex" is in other dictionaries:

    See future tense. the future is complex, see the future tense ... Dictionary of linguistic terms

    Inflectional category of conjugated forms of the verb in the indicative mood. The general meaning is to designate the time of the occurrence of the event relative to the moment of speech. In Russian the language has three tenses of the verb: present - represents the event as coinciding ... Literary Encyclopedia

    Self-name: Mokshen kal Countries: Russia ... Wikipedia

    Language Self-name: Mokshen kal Countries: Russia Regions: Mordovia, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Penza region, Samara region, Saratov region, Orenburg region, Ryazan region, Tambov region ... Wikipedia

    Mokshan language Self-name: Mokshen kyal Countries: Russia Regions: Mordovia, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Penza region, Samara region, Saratov region, Orenburg region, Ryazan region, Tambov region ... Wikipedia

    tense of the verb in relation to the category of aspect- Imperfect verbs have three tense forms: 1) past; 2) present; 3) the future is complex (composite, analytical). Perfective verbs have two forms of tense: past and future simple... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    Gordian knot- a complex, confusing set of circumstances, from the legend of a complex knot tied by King Gordius and cut by Alexander the Great: ஐ Usually, when the ship was under its own power, all the crew members were in a good mood; especially… … Lem's world - dictionary and guide

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The purpose of the lesson

Lesson objectives:

Development tasks :

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"Complex and simple form of future tense verbs"

Lesson topic: Complex and simple form of future tense verbs.

The purpose of the lesson: to teach correctly on the issue to determine the future tense of the verb, to expand children's knowledge of parts of speech.

Lesson objectives:

Educational tasks: to create conditions for the formation of skills to form the future complex and future simple forms of verbs;

Development tasks : development of general educational skills and abilities (development of attention, comparative skills and abilities, the ability to generalize and draw conclusions);

Educational tasks: to create conditions for the education of friendly partnerships, love for the book.

Equipment: textbook L.Ya. Zheltovskaya, O.B. Kalinina, table of verb forms.

Lesson structure:

I. Organizational moment (2-3 minutes).

II. Actualization of knowledge (7min).

III. Learning a new topic (25min).

IV. Fixing (8min).

V. Homework (2min).

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment.

I'm sitting in class
I don't make noise and I don't scream
I quietly raise my hand
If asked, I answer.

II. Knowledge update

Guys, let's remember what we studied in the previous lessons.

Can you tell me what is a verb? (Part of speech that answers the questions what to do? What did you do? What did you do? What will you do, etc.)

How does the verb change? (At times, in the past tense it changes by gender, number.)

What is another name for changing the verb in numbers and persons? (Conjugation.)

Well done boys.

Now open your notebooks, write down today's date.

III. Exploring a new topic.

Today we will continue to study verbs. We will learn to distinguish between simple and complex forms of verbs.

A table is posted with indefinite verbs to play, read, write and tablets indicating the tense form with questions.

Past tense (what did you do?)

Present tense (what is it doing?)

Future tense ( what will he do? What will do? )

Look what we got:

will play / will play

will write / will write

Job well done, well done! I want to draw your attention to the fact that the verbs of the future tense are simple and complex.

The future simple tense answers the questions What will do? What will they do? What will you do?

The future difficult tense answers the questions What will he do? What will they do?

Verbs of the past tense are completely magical, because they can be in the feminine, and in the masculine, and in the neuter gender. They can also vary in numbers.

Now guys, you will carefully listen to the text and we will all write the verbs together in a column on the board, highlight the ending, determine the time.

Students are given the text "Hurricane" on the sheets.

Hurricanes, sometimes called tropical cyclones or typhoons, often break trees, destroy crops, and destroy buildings. Heavy rain causes flooding and coastal areas are flooded as winds reaching 300 km/h kick up huge sea waves.

The student writes the verbs in a column on the board, highlights the endings, determines the tense of the verbs. Students work in notebooks.

The present tense of the verb (what is doing? what are they doing?).

are flooded;

Now let's put these verbs in the future tense, in a simple and complex form. We use a table.
Review student and class work.

Children note the difference between the verb - “will be called” from the verbs: cool, become, turn, leave. (From one word, from two words).
- We conclude:

one-word verbs answering the questions: what will he do? what will they do? - these are the verbs of the future simple tense

verbs, consisting of two words, answering the questions: what will do? what will they do? are verbs of the future compound tense

IV. Consolidation of the studied material.

Think of a sentence with a verb in the present tense;
- Think of a sentence with a verb in the future simple or compound tense.

What question do the words answer, they will sing, they will run, we will attack, you will shout, you will think.

V. Homework.

Complete the written exercise 61 on page 27.