What happens to the body when we are nervous. Meditative Breathing: Basic Exercise

Not every person is able to enjoy life in a dynamic modern world. This is a whole science, the principles of which are not studied at school and are not included in the compulsory curriculum of higher educational institutions. It takes time to learn to remain calm in any situation, as well as the ability to achieve peace of mind in any critical situation. Consider current situations when it is necessary to calm down in time and stop being nervous.

Why is a person nervous

Each of us, at least once in our lives, found ourselves in a situation where the nerves “heated up” to a critical point, and you lost control not only over the situation, but also over yourself. At the same time, your heartbeat quickened, your palms began to sweat, and discomfort appeared in the abdomen. In addition, you become irritable and sometimes aggressive. These are standard symptoms of nervousness that cause internal discomfort in a person.

It should be noted that nervousness is associated with the physiological and psychological characteristics of the individual. For example, with the type nervous system or temperament. A person becomes nervous in those situations when he is afraid to fail, to do something wrong or to be rejected. If in this situation a person cannot calm down, but is constantly in a state of nervousness, he has the following conditions:

  • Decreased mental activity and defocusing of attention;
  • Loss of control over one's own facial expressions, intonation, gestures;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases and the development of new ailments;
  • Focusing on unimportant things.

Nervousness is an individual trait of each person. In this regard, all people experience and are nervous in different ways. In one person, it manifests itself in a surge of violent emotions, and in another - in isolation and alienation from the real world.

Psychologists are sure that every person can get rid of nervousness in critical situations and master himself. After all, in our life there are very few reasons to worry and worry a lot. Basically, we are nervous unreasonably and for nothing.

How to calm down after a fight

Parting with a loved one is always difficult, regardless of whether you have lived with your soulmate for only a year or more than ten years. Female representatives react quite sharply to divorce, falling into a state of stress and mental imbalance. Psychologists first of all recommend that women calm down and not be nervous in the situation that has arisen. In addition, you can use some tips from professionals to help you master your own feelings and emotions:

  • Don't torture yourself with endless worries. After all, time will put everything in its place, and your torment will be in vain.
  • If you feel that you have treated a man incorrectly, you should admit your guilt and ask for his forgiveness.
  • Look at the quarrel with a certain amount of positivity. Indeed, in the near future, reconciliation with your beloved man is possible, which will give you a lot of positive emotions.
  • Take a break from sad thoughts. To do this, visit the gym, go to the cinema or enjoy the beauty of nature.
  • Chat with friends more often and make new acquaintances with interesting people.

In addition to the above tips, psychologists do not recommend restraining your own emotions. If you feel like crying, don't hold back your tears. After all, unrealized emotions can cause various neuroses, depression and other mental disorders in a woman.

In order to no longer be nervous about a quarrel with a loved one, completely refocus on your own person. First, raise your self-esteem. To do this, go in for sports, change your appearance with a new hairstyle or makeup. You can also radically change the image, and even the place of work.

In addition, surround yourself with true friends and good acquaintances, communication with which will definitely help you distract from problems.

Herbal infusions of mint, valerian, lavender and chamomile, as well as relaxing baths with essential oils, effectively help to calm down. Don't forget to rest on time as well, as proper sleep is the best solution to many problems.

Thus, all of the above tips are not complicated. They will help you quickly cope with experiences, as well as restore lost harmony with the outside world and yourself.

How to master yourself before an important event

Sometimes it is very difficult to maintain composure and mental balance before any important event in your life. It can be a difficult exam, an important meeting or a speech. In order for everything to go smoothly and you show the best result, you need to remain calm and focus on the goal. In addition, you should definitely think about a positive result, and completely discard thoughts of failure and failure.

  • Deep breath for 4 seconds;
  • Hold your breath for 2 seconds;
  • Gradual exhalation for 4 seconds;
  • Hold your breath for 2 seconds.

It should be remembered that when performing this exercise, you need to breathe not with your chest, but with your stomach. After all, it is diaphragmatic breathing that normalizes the heartbeat and has a calming effect on the body.

During breathing exercises, concentrate only on breathing and do not think about upcoming events. In a few minutes you will become a completely calm person.

In addition, you can use two effective ways that will help you stay calm before an important event or event. Let's consider them in more detail:

  • Create a visual image in your mind. Psychologists recommend relaxing, restoring breathing, closing your eyes and imagining white clear water, which gives you coolness and cheerfulness. Water should drain into a deep funnel. All your worries and troubles go away with it. Then take a deep breath and open your eyes.
  • Perform a neck and shoulder massage. Retire to the bathroom, soak your hands in cool water, and start massaging your neck and shoulders. At first, the movements should be slow, and then more active. After the massage, wet the neck area again with cool water.

If breathing exercises and a psychological attitude did not help you get rid of your worries, try to demonstrate external equanimity and calmness. This will help you achieve inner peace and confidence.

To begin with, eliminate the habits that appear in you in critical situations: tapping your fingers, walking in different directions, fidgeting in a chair, etc. Try to control your own emotions. In addition, stop rushing and being nervous over trifles. After all, because of the haste, you will instantly lose composure and calmness. Before an important event, set yourself up only for success, and also radiate self-confidence, despite external circumstances.

How to maintain mental balance at work

Everyone faced a situation when disagreements arose with the team or the boss at the workplace, as well as important projects or business meetings were disrupted. As a result, negative emotions overwhelm a person, he begins to lose self-control and control over the situation. For instant stress relief, psychologists recommend doing the following:

  • Wash your face. This procedure will help you relieve stress. Use cool water for washing.
  • Perform breathing exercises. Simple exercises will help stabilize your heart rate and heart rate, as well as calm your nervous system.
  • Drink herbal tea. A warm drink made from various medicinal herbs will help restore lost emotional balance. If you do not have herbal tea on hand, you can brew regular black tea with mint.
  • Take a break from work. Try to switch to a new object, as well as listen to your favorite tunes, call a loved one, or do some physical exercise. Changing the type of activity will help you quickly distract from problems.
  • Communication with colleagues and friends. Talking with people close to you will help you look at the situation from a different perspective, and also distract you from negative thoughts. In addition, you will quickly find a way out of an unpleasant situation.
  • Go for a walk. Fresh air and walking will help you cope with emotions and stabilize the nervous system.
  • Put the situation on paper. Take a blank sheet of paper and describe in detail the situation that made you worry and nervous. After that, you will definitely feel better, and the problems that have arisen will not seem unsolvable.
  • Get rid of problems. Pleasant fantasies will help you cope with depression or stress that has arisen after troubles at work. You can imagine yourself on a beach with golden sand or on a desert island.

Each person should have their own effective way to help stop being nervous. In addition, psychologists recommend following these simple rules:

  • Rationally plan your own working day;
  • To engage in labor activities only during working hours;
  • Learn to say “no” to leaders and refuse new assignments.

These rules will help save your energy, do not waste your own time, and also save you from overwork at the workplace. Strive to get only positive emotions from work and not be nervous about trifles.

Techniques for controlling your emotions

To learn how to control your own emotions, it is important to strengthen the nervous system daily. This will help you to be more relaxed and calm in stressful situations. Psychologists are sure that thanks to these methods, you can stop being nervous over trifles and quickly restore emotional balance. Let's consider them in more detail:

  • Learn to meditate. This is an effective way to relax the nervous system and get rid of stress.
  • Lead a healthy and active lifestyle. Proper nutrition, taking vitamins, playing sports will help to cope with the troubles that have arisen very quickly.
  • Spend a lot of time outdoors. Walking after work and active walking will help strengthen the human nervous system.
  • Learn to do breathing exercises. This breathing technique will help you restore emotional balance in any situation.
  • Eliminate all bad habits. Don't relieve stress with alcohol, smoking, excessive coffee consumption, or overeating. Such ways of relaxing will adversely affect your health.

In addition, learn to sincerely rejoice in your own successes, and perceive failures as a temporary phenomenon. At the beginning of the day, think about what good and pleasant things can happen to you today. Orient yourself to a positive result and a good mood that will not leave you during the day.

Try not to be nervous about events that you have no control over. For example, the weather forecast or the dollar exchange rate. Plan your day correctly, solving the most pressing problems first. If you need to implement a large project, do it in several stages. This will help you not be nervous about missing deadlines. Learn to manage your emotions, relax and enjoy life and you will not have to be nervous over trifles.

When we talked about alcohol, we mentioned childish, “outdated” ways of relieving fear and tension as one of its causes, which for some reason were steadfastly preserved or “revived” in an adult. The same is true for eating excess food in stressful situations. Pouncing on food, a worried person is likened to an anxious baby, whom his mother consoles with a bottle or pacifier.

The process of digestion and the feelings of satisfaction that accompany it give a temporary feeling that life is getting better. However, as soon as the signals of increasing saturation cease to actively enter the cerebral cortex, the half-hour period of bliss ends. Anxiety arises again and pushes to the search for "additional sources of nutrition." The more powerful the stress, the more you need to eat to calm down.

What to do?
In any case, you need to reduce the impact of stress or switch attention from it to other things and phenomena.
You can get a feeling of relaxation and satisfaction in a different way, but close to the "childish". Ask someone close to you to hug, tickle, stroke your head, give you a massage, whisper kind words in your ear, etc. Sometimes it’s worth removing an old toy from the depths of the closet. Perhaps in the first moments you will so passionately want to tinker with her that you will be horrified by your "childhood". But do not worry - time is running out against our will and desire, and having completed its therapeutic mission, the toy will be hidden again.

Dress warmly, keep warm. It is best to wrap yourself in a fluffy fur coat with fur inside (not for long in summer). If you are cold, then the body gives the command: “Prepare for winter! To gain weight!" The thicker the layer of fat, the less you seem to freeze and the more weight you gain.
To break the vicious circle, follow the example of dancers and athletes - they often wear warm tights or sweaters for training to warm up their muscles faster. Purely psychologically, you replace excess clothing with excess layers of fat, and your need to store it in reserve gradually decreases. As for the fur coat specifically, its protection function is more effective, reinforced by the "memory of the ancestors." Archaic, but helps!

Warm up not only outside, but also inside. Drink a glass of very warm milk with sugar, perhaps an infusion of soothing herbs. Naturally, alcohol is not meant. Squat down and look around the world in the literal sense from the point of view of the child, that is, from the bottom point. Let everything seem big to you.

Lie on your stomach and, putting your chin on your hands, consider the microcosm - the villi of the carpet, the dust particles on the floor.
Imagine that you are an ant or some other small creature. You have your own, completely different things to do and concerns. What is the ant concerned about? What saves such a small creature from fear of the vast world? What advantages do you have over an ant?

Try meditation: in a comfortable position, imagine that you are a grain of sand flying in the vastness of the universe. What is your stress and what is the Universe?
-Instead of eating, take a shower, go to the park or visit nature.
- Do not lose sight of any of your goals, be persistent in achieving it.
To begin with, the goal may be modest. Often people who are prone to overeating consider success only what is significant to them. For example, lose 10 kg in a month. At the same time, they tend to ignore small steps on the way to the goal. And instead of praising themselves, they begin to worry about the lack of results, scold and reproach themselves. The same approach usually extends to other goals - people who love to eat are often maximalists. The skill of self-encouragement will help you cope with unnecessary appetite.

Be able to insist on your own in a dispute. Because overweight people, especially women, get used to being less visible and more likely to experience embarrassment and guilt, they are less likely to be defensive. It is difficult for them to pronounce words that would indicate their firmness or aggressiveness, they get used to the "softness" of behavior. However, many people notice that when they manage to convince someone or successfully respond to criticism (offensive words, accusations, etc.), then their appetite disappears somewhere. Check if it works in your case. Does defeating someone or something have the maximum effect? There is a good chance that this is the object that brings you the most anxiety.

Imagine the impression you make on others. What are you doing to create and maintain this or that image (compliant, responsible, kind, etc.)? What impression would you like to make? What do you need to add to your arsenal to correct your image in the desired direction? What happens when others don't react the way you expect? What do you think would be their “correct” answer, i.e. one that matches your expectations?

If you're a woman, pick out some great outfits that will make you look as attractive as possible. It's not about the price, but about emphasizing your dignity and instilling a sense of confidence. Talk to someone. If you are a man, argue and criticize. It doesn't matter if it's related to the problem that caused the stress or not. If you are a woman, discuss the problem from all sides in detail, just talk about it. These methods are far from exhausting the entire list.

Weight gain can accompany certain moments in your life. Draw a graph or just write down the dates when you suddenly began to gain weight most intensively. What events in your life do they coincide with? With the beginning of family life or parting? With the birth of a child or a job change? There may be other, less common causes of appetite flares, but you will most likely be able to detect certain patterns.

Recycle those stressful moments -- identify their pros and cons and their significance to you. Forgive yourself and others for the mistakes of that situation. Play it over and over again with different variations: insert mentally new words and remarks into dialogues, add new characters, change the details of the situation.

It has long been established that some people can work calmly under the most severe psychological pressure, while others begin to get nervous over any trifle.

When you need to change your attitude to the world

How often we would like to remain calm, balanced and unruffled under any life circumstances. But, unfortunately, this is not always possible. If, in principle, you react with restraint to most situations, and lose your temper only for serious reasons, then there is no reason to panic. It is vital to change your attitude towards people around you, the world and things in the following cases:

  • any situation causes you to have a negative surge of emotions;
  • only sedatives can calm you down;
  • any conflict causes the strongest feelings;
  • solving a non-standard problem drives one into a panic state;
  • you ask yourself questions: "how to learn to be less nervous or not at all nervous", "what to do if I suffocate when I'm nervous", etc.

In everyday life, conflict situations and all sorts of unpredictable problems are simply inevitable. Therefore, each person must learn to adequately respond to any challenges of the environment. If this is not done on time, then the result will be nervous breakdowns, prolonged neurosis, depression, of which there is only one way out - long-term treatment in specialized institutions, while you will have to swallow handfuls of sedatives.

Why is a person nervous

There is nothing strange or surprising in the fact that people are nervous, since in the modern realities of the high-speed rhythm of life, stress is a familiar companion (at work, in public places, in lines, and even at home). The whole problem lies precisely in how the individual perceives the situations that have arisen, how he relates to them and reacts to them. Quite often people don't realize that the problem is unnecessarily contrived. Mankind likes to exaggerate the scale of conflicts, unpleasant or unusual situations.

A few simple rules to help get out of a state of excitement

Are you wondering "how not to be nervous"? The answer is quite simple and lies on the surface. You just need to change your emotional state for the better. How to calm down and not be nervous? It is necessary to take as a basis, understand and accept one main statement, which is that in fact there are no hopeless situations. There are always at least two solutions to any problem. If you are unable to influence the situation, then you can only change your own attitude towards it. Also, when you get upset and nervous about something, you should think about whether this cause will worry you after a year. Most likely not, but if so, then what's the point of wasting your nerve cells?!

Try to become to some extent, as today's youth likes to say, indifferent, and then the result will pleasantly surprise you. You will notice that the world consists not only of white and black, but also saturated with all the colors of the rainbow. You need to learn to look at the situation from a different angle. Have you been fired from your job? So it's wonderful - you were given the opportunity to find a new, more promising or interesting job. When you begin to react in a completely new way to emerging unpleasant situations, then after a while you will understand that there are simply no reasons for excessive worries.

How not to be nervous

First of all, it is necessary to introduce a rule for yourself: to solve any problematic issue immediately after its occurrence. Do not postpone their decision indefinitely, as this leads to excessive excitement. After all, unresolved issues tend to accumulate, and over time you will acquire new cases. This will lead to confusion. You won't know what to grab first and what to put off. Naturally, such a suspended position cannot but affect the emotional and mental state.

How to be less nervous

You need to learn to stop feeling guilty towards people if you do not act as they would like, to stop depending on the opinions of others. Whatever the situation, you must put your own psychological comfort first. Don't strive to be good to everyone - that's just not possible. Even gold is not loved by everyone. If you refused to satisfy someone's request, then you do not need to reflect on this. If you did so, then you had a reason to do so.

How to learn to remain calm and self-control

One of the simplest, most reliable and affordable methods to quickly calm down and stop worrying about trifling things is walking. A daily promenade, in addition to psychological comfort and harmony with yourself, will give you a great mood and positively affect your physical health.

The contemplation of fire and water, the behavior of animals, as well as communication with wildlife perfectly removes the negative effects of stress and experiences.

If you have an acute question about how not to be nervous at work, you need to solve it immediately! To begin with, try to keep an aquarium with fish, and in situations that make you nervous, watch them. If this is not possible, the aquarium can be replaced with a plant. Get the flower you like and take care of it. Watching plants in pots gives people a sense of peace and tranquility.

Other ways to deal with psychological overwork

If you are haunted by an obsessive question: “I’m very nervous - what should I do?”, You need to remember the words of the old musical work, familiar to many since childhood, “The song helps to build and live.” Singing is one of the simplest and most effective ways to relieve nervous tension. You can sing while getting ready for work or back home, taking showers, or doing other daily activities. The main thing here is not to think about whether you have a voice, whether you hit the notes or how developed your ear is. You sing for yourself! At this time, all accumulated negative emotions are released.

An equally relevant way, especially for those who are indifferent to animals and plants, is to take a relaxing bath. To achieve a quick and 100% effect, it is recommended to add various aroma oils or sea salt with various additives that suit you.

Have you tried all of the above methods, and the thought “how to learn not to be nervous” is still haunting you? It is necessary to captivate yourself with some kind of hobby, become interested in something, switch from the useless solution of unsolvable problems. Alternatively, you can start painting or collecting stamps.

In extreme cases, you can resort to the help of pharmaceuticals. If you feel that you are on the verge, purchase sedatives at the pharmacy. The latest today - a dime a dozen! Starting from valerian, motherwort tincture and Corvalol, and ending with the now "promoted" sedatives "Persen", "Novo-Passit", "Cipralex", etc. But do not forget that these are drugs, and their uncontrolled intake can give rise to lots of problems. In addition, many of them are available by prescription. Therefore, it is still necessary to pay a visit to the doctor first. A qualified specialist will advise you on a remedy that is really effective in this case. If there is no time for trips to hospitals, consult at least a pharmacist.

Learning not to be nervous in the work team

Colleagues shun you, because they consider you not always an adequate person, the authorities do not trust new projects, you are tortured by the same obsessive question "how not to be nervous at work"? Remember: there is a way out, and not one!

Quite often, misunderstandings at work, always dissatisfied management, nervous "always right" clients lead to stressful situations. At first, overstrain manifests itself in constant fatigue, then in increased irritability, and as a result we have a nervous breakdown. To prevent this, follow a few simple recommendations:

Did you know that a good imagination is the source of problems?

Situations that can be described by the words “very nervous” are quite familiar to people with creative imagination. It has long been established that people with a well-developed imagination are much more likely to be agitated than subjects who are completely devoid of imagination. This is due to the fact that mentally solving any problems and analyzing options for resolving the situation, they very vividly imagine a picture of a possible development of events. And these pictures are quite convincing. People begin to worry, experience fear and panic. The fear felt by such subjects is of an irrational nature. However, for people with a vivid imagination, the possibility of a worse course of events is transformed into an expected reality. The only thing that can help in such a situation is a kind of auto-training. You need to constantly repeat to yourself that so far nothing terrible has happened, which means it is unlikely to happen in the future. Therefore, this fear is premature.

Paper will endure everything

A well-established method that solves the problem of “how not to be nervous” is the method of transferring troubles to paper. Most people worry more about non-existent, far-fetched problems. They are haunted by obsessive thoughts that take away a lot of strength that could be directed in another direction. Therefore, many psychologists advise putting all your fears and anxieties on paper. To do this, take an ordinary sheet and divide it into two halves. In one column, write down all the problems that you can solve on your own without the help of other people. And in the other - fears about situations that you cannot influence. For example, the fear of a possible terrorist act. Transferring irrational fears to a piece of paper allows you to come face to face with them. This leads to the fact that a person understands that he is not able to change anything, so he stops worrying in vain.

Love will save the world

Everyone around knows and accepts the statement that the world is far from perfect. But why then do many people not want to give themselves the right to make mistakes? Nobody's perfect. People don't have to be perfect. We love this world with all its shortcomings, negative sides, so why can't we love ourselves the way we are? Self-love is the basis of harmony and peace of mind.

Love yourself with all physical and psychological shortcomings, direct your internal energy not to anxiety, but to creation. Do something you've never tried before, like start embroidering. This type of needlework requires perseverance and measured movements, which contributes to inner relaxation. And then the question "how not to be nervous" will never again arise in front of you!

Have you ever asked for more during a family feast, not because you're hungry, but to please your mother-in-law who tried so hard? Or maybe you have ordered dessert in a cafe just because your best friend really wanted to share a big piece of creamy cake with you? You didn’t want sweets at all, but you honestly ate your half, because your friend would be offended if you refused ...

If you have been in such situations, it may very well be that you suffer from a pathological desire to please others. At the same time, the desire to make family and friends happy makes you eat more than you need. And this is just one of the emotional reasons that can lead to the appearance of extra pounds.

Anger, loneliness, guilt, regret, sadness - these feelings and stress often cause us to seek solace in food. A cup of hot chocolate, a piece of cake, some cheese and wine - and life no longer seems so sad, and the weather - so cloudy and cold. There is hardly a woman who, at least once in her life, has not tried to brighten up the tedious waiting with a bag of chips or console herself for a scandal at work with a package of ice cream with roasted nuts and chocolate chips.

Stress and excess weight

Someone with the help of delicious food tries to please others, someone is looking for pleasant emotions, and someone only a bar of chocolate allows you to get rid of stress. First of all, understand the reasons that make you overeat, and then choose the right tactics.

Everyone's Favorite

You eat for others, not for yourself. Psychologists have long noticed that being in a company where it is customary to eat a lot, even those who are usually used to limiting themselves unconsciously increase portions. That is why this statement is true: if all your girlfriends are overweight, then your chances of gaining unnecessary kilograms also increase. And if, among other things, you also strive to please others without fail, then you will eat even more.

And after overeating, depression sets in, and not just because you didn’t fit into your favorite jeans. When your main concern is to please others, you end up letting others decide what is good for you. You stop listening to your own desires. There is only one way out of this situation: listen to your inner voice.

  1. Think about what you want. If you are not really hungry, praise the hostess, you can say something like this: “The pies are just wonderful, and the flavor is such that you will lick your fingers. But I ate so much at dinner that, perhaps, I will refrain now. Ask to wrap some pies to go and eat them at home when you are hungry. Or treat them to friends and colleagues in the office.
  2. Learn to say no. Of course, you are used to doing everything the way others like it, and at first it will be difficult for you. Mainly because you will be forced to fight your own habits, even your reflexes. After all, most likely, you grew up with the belief that you need to take care only of loved ones, and not take your own interests into account. And you can deal with it only with some effort. You have to master a skill that you have not mastered before, that's all.

    Gradually learn to say a polite "no". Start with those who push you with unnecessary services or products. Then try to refuse acquaintances who invite you to an uninteresting event. And when you master all this, perhaps you can already refuse without remorse the second piece of cake at the birthday party of an aunt who is famous for her culinary talents.

Looking for thrills

You are bored and you take out a bag of candy. Most likely, you do not need food, but an influx of dopamine - a substance that is produced in the brain and is responsible for pleasure, excitement and appetite. Dopamine is associated with basic human needs and is primarily needed so that we do not forget to eat on time.

But the frequent use of various drugs and improper nutrition have led to the fact that the internal systems of the body go astray and fail. Substances that are designed to ensure that our body receives the necessary energy, become the cause of a variety of addictions and overeating. It has already been proven that in the process of digesting sweet and fatty foods in the brain, there is approximately the same sharp release of dopamine as after taking drugs. The difference is only in the strength of the impact, but the principle, as the doctors assure, is the same.

Little has been studied by scientists about how boredom affects the amount of food you eat. But in 2011, American doctors conducted a small study (only 139 people participated in it), the results of which caused a real shock among specialists. Young men and women admitted that most often they overeat out of boredom, and not at all when they are sad or worried.

  1. More emotions! Think about activities that could lift your spirits. Dancing? Skiing? Scuba diving? Everyone has their own idea of ​​fun. Someone needs to jump with a parachute for a shake-up, and someone just needs to master crocheting. Listen to yourself and choose what you like.
  2. Maximum variety. Do you always take the subway to work? Get off one station early and walk the rest of the way. If you need to lose weight, don't stick to one program. When you get tired of counting calories, switch to separate meals, then to a protein diet, then to the menu. In the same way, change the types of physical activity: dance today, yoga tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow go to a strip plastic class.

sleep against hunger

Regardless of the type of personality and character traits, all people on the planet have one thing in common: when we do not get enough sleep or are tired, we automatically look for sources of energy. And the most common source is food - usually something sweet or fatty. This is how weight gain begins during stress! Studies confirm that a person who did not get enough sleep the night before is simply not able to make the right choice of products, because his brain does not function at full capacity. This is why proper sleep is so important! And if you still do not get enough sleep, try these techniques the next day. Every 45 minutes, give yourself a short break for 2-3 minutes and only then return to business. And try to find other sources of energy besides food - it will be completely replaced by an active walk in the fresh air or listening to energetic music (in headphones).

Workaholic and Altruist

You work too hard, get too tired, and eat too much. It is these three components that lead to the fact that energetic and active women, to their own amazement, gain excess weight. If you work a lot, you often find yourself in a state of stress and calm down with the help of food - this is quite understandable. But this may not be the only issue.

Women who take on too many things often forget about themselves. After all, you need time for yourself, and there is never enough of it. And there is always time for a serving of ice cream or a bag of chips!

If this is your problem, know that even small lifestyle changes can help you tame your appetite.

  1. Start with the simplest. Think about how you can reduce the effects of stress you often experience. For example, make it a rule to give yourself a five-minute break between work and home. Sit in your car for five minutes before you go home. Close your eyes, listen to pleasant music, meditate. Or just stand in the fresh air, looking at the sky. Take a few deep breaths and head out to your family in a good mood.
  2. Learn to listen to yourself. When you are nervous and your hands are reaching for the box of chocolates, take a little time out - at least for 5-10 seconds. Think about what else you can do to please yourself at the moment. And let this joy not be associated with food! Make a list of things you can do in a short break to get some distraction and calm down. Play solitaire on the computer, call a friend, and if you have pets, pet a cat or dog.
  3. State your intentions. A recently published study by Greek researchers found that people who are trying to learn a new skill do better when they say key words out loud. When you're nervous and ready to grab the box of cookies, try to change the situation by saying out loud, "Now I'm going to read for five minutes." This will help you break the vicious cycle of automatic actions. Your autopilot will turn off and you will be able to control your actions again.

    If none of these remedies work, don't be so quick to blame yourself. Instead, be curious and reflect on what went wrong and what could be done differently next time. As a rule, those people who know how to take into account their experience, use it, so as not to repeat mistakes, achieve what they want. Therefore, turn to your natural wisdom, and you can find answers to these simple questions.

It happens that we are looking for complex recipes to improve the quality of life. We think: “I’ll go to yoga, so I’ll immediately become calmer.” And of course, we do not go to yoga. And we have a sincere excuse - why do we feel so bad. There is no good yoga in the area! Sadly...

Nevertheless, there are primitive emergency self-help remedies that have been used for centuries for stress, irritation, frustration, in a situation where someone or something is eating away at your brain.

They were used for recommendations by general practitioners (and not only) of the old school. Of those who took the patient by the hand, and that already felt better from this. Self-help tips were taught by physiotherapists, masseurs and sports instructors. Advice now costs more and is more difficult to formulate. Self-help is suppressed, this is not a market approach.

And we will return to the good old days, when self-help was welcomed.

Method 1 Take a break

This way to relieve emotional stress is suitable in cases where you are trapped, cornered and cannot escape anywhere. For example, sit at a planning meeting and listen to your boss, boiling internally. You can't escape, but... At the same time, being distracted by the contemplation of something extraneous, neutral and infatuation with this extraneous is the best way not to wind yourself up over trifles.

For example: "What, however, Masha's manicure ... I wonder how she did it?"

It only works if you yourself understand the benefits of such a strategy - do not look at the nasty things, do not listen to the nasty things. If you like to boil and get into disputes, this is your right.

Method 2 Get out of the annoying situation (it is also an emotional zone)

Did something make you sad at someone else's birthday party? On a picnic? You can’t stand some group, public, page on a social network? Do you dream of removing an unpleasant person from your friends list?

So, quickly left the group forever. They banned a provocateur-debater, a troll, a boor, a fool. Deleted your profile, if that.

They quickly called a taxi (don’t sting, don’t sting), smacked the hostess and rush home - away from the party, away from the barbecue, away from the annoying, emotional zone.

Method 3 Drink some water

Now this is the crown recipe of all brilliant general practitioners who do not sell dietary supplements from pharmaceutical corporations.

A glass of water, drunk slowly, stops all seizures known to science. The first thing that is offered to a person who has been twisted by something terrible is a glass of water. Drinking water starts the mechanism of self-rehabilitation of the body. Most often, people become ill for two reasons:

  • hysteria (sympatho-adrenal crisis in a different way),
  • dehydration not noticed in time.

Since we don’t listen to our body and don’t teach life safety, we drink tea, coffee and soda all day long - we all have dehydration, and you have it too. Go drink a glass of water right now and then read on.

Method 4 Get Involved in an Exciting, Interesting Thing

This method is suitable in a situation where you cannot “let go”. You need to break the jam on chewing “And they, And I, And yes, all of them” with something flying, even stupid and tasteless. Reading detective. Computer game. Hunting and gathering. Surveillance and tracking. An attempt to reveal someone's secret. Even peeping and eavesdropping, damn it.

You must be involved in intrigue, in a detective story, in the rapid development of events, in a hunt, in a game, in courage, in flight.

Your ears should rise and your tail should twitch.

You yourself know what can captivate and amuse you. Everyone has their own, individual. Just don't play this game. Do no harm to anyone.

Method 5 Physical Discharge

Everyone is familiar with this method by hearsay, but, as usual, no one cares. And I remind you once again that the rapid physical discharge, which includes:

  • walking,
  • swim,
  • general cleaning of the apartment (you can - someone else's),
  • sex,
  • trash destruction,
  • work in the garden
  • dance,
  • floor washing and hand washing

relaxes knotted muscles and relieves stress, frustration fantastically effectively. General hand washing even helps to cope with grief - again, the advice of the old doctor, which I share with you.

Method 6 Make contact with water

Washing dishes is a free hypno-psycho-therapy session. The noise of clean running running water relieves our fatigue and takes away with it all the "dirt", not only household.

In addition to washing dishes, there is a well-known classic: take a bath, take a shower, go to the bathhouse, go early in the morning or in the evening - swim in the sea, in the river, in the lake, in the spring. Refresh, in short.

Method 7 Positive reframing of a stressful event

So much has been written about positive reframing (including by me) that I don’t want to repeat myself. I'll just give an example:

“It’s good that it happened that I won’t go anywhere this summer! Finally, I look like English courses, fitness and even self-development courses! When else would I allow myself such a "useless" luxury? Yes, and in the summer there is a dead season everywhere and there are only discounts around. So I'll save even more!"

Method 8 Could be worse, others even harder

You are not satisfied with the outcome of the event? Imagine what could have been a worse outcome. Imagine how bad some people around you are. If you master this art and stop turning your nose up at this strategy, then you will not need any psychotherapy at all.

Method 9 Laughter kills everything terrible and terribly important

Ridiculing, lowering, vulgarizing something inflated and important is an old recipe for human culture, dating back to the Neolithic. Thanks to grandfather Bakhtin for his term "carnival-laughter culture". Read, ask.

Or watch one episode about the adventures of SpongeBob SquarePants. When he was terrified of speaking at a school seminar, a smart squirrel gave him super glasses. Wearing these glasses, SpongeBob saw all the students and the teacher... in their shorts. That was funny! True, from laughter, he did not read out his report. And what were the teacher's panties .. Mmm ...

Method 10 Count to 10

Just read to ten. Slowly. Controlling your inhalations and exhalations. To myself, not out loud. This is the recommendation of doctors and sports coaches.

Method 11 Cry

Crying relieves stress. With the tear fluid, the body leaves those toxic substances that are formed under the influence of stress hormones. You can’t cry about your own - come up with a pitiful topic and specifically cry over it.

Method 12 Verbalization of everything that is on the soul

Pronunciation or verbalization - wrapping a vague "something" in clear words. However, great thing. And even better - write it all down on paper, write a long letter.

Just don't send it anywhere!

Here are 12 tips for dealing with stress and the diseases that stress causes.

These 12 are those who help us and do not require money for it. And the rest is expensive and from charlatans.