What promises the school the appearance of such an important person as Mira Shards Ever After High.

We are extremely happy about the appearance of any new characters in Ever After High school - both good and evil. Indeed, without those and others, our favorite fairy tales would not exist. Today we meet one of the most important villains who has repeatedly threatened the school and everyone who is waiting for their Happily Ever After. Meet the new Ever After High doll Mira Shards. She was paid unforgivably little attention in the episode "Dragon Games", so we are in a hurry to correct the situation, and we also inform you that the Mira Shards doll can now be bought in the online store site.

Ever After High Mira Shards doll - welcome, Your Majesty!

The school remembers perfectly how the meeting with this cunning and power-hungry person ended for her. But we, as lovers of Ever After High dolls, are extremely happy about her appearance among other characters and now she can replenish the collection of each of you. Meet Her Highness, the Evil Queen, in person! What, you didn't wait? That's the twist, you think. Surely, you imagined her in a completely different way, but here is a very sweet and pretty girl (very similar to Raven, by the way). Yes, you're right, in her usual appearance, the Evil Queen really looks different. But after being released from the magic mirror, she decided to change her appearance so that she would not be recognized at school. Thus, the Mira Shards doll was among those who wrote legends about her and personally suffered from her atrocities.

Her appearance perfectly describes her character. After all, she is a terrible egoist, loves to command and command everyone around. That's her appearance to match these habits. Bright, ambitious, defiant, Mira Shards Ever After High would certainly be among the winners of any beauty contest. A sly look can mislead everyone who decides to communicate with her. The Mira Shards doll is very beautiful and will certainly become a real decoration of your collection.

What promises the school the appearance of such an important person as Mira Shards Ever After High?

At first, no one suspected anything. Apple White was silent, not daring to talk about her own mistake (it was she who released the queen from her "mirror prison"), and Raven was busy watching her mother so that she did not do things. The purpose of the appearance of the Evil Queen at school is quite clear - she has long dreamed of subduing Ever After High and creating her own script for a fairy tale so that everything ends up completely different from what is written in the book. To do this, the doll Ever After High Mira Shards used all her meanness and cunning, but again overestimated her own capabilities and her plan failed.

The Dragon Games, which she wanted to use as a cover to carry out her ideas, still took place and gave an unforgettable spectacle to everyone present. And Mira Shards was forced to go back to her mirror, where she continued to plan revenge and weave intrigues. We definitely advise you to watch this cartoon, where you will see this hottie in all its glory.

Ever After High doll Mira Shards, you can buy in this section!

Once again, we note that it makes no difference to us whether it is a positive hero or a negative one. Fairy tales are fairy tales to show vivid examples of how to do and how not to do. And the role of evil characters is very important here. This happened with the Mira Shards doll, which you can now buy right on this page. She became a hostage to her own illusions about unlimited power, forgetting that Long and Happily her fairy tale has already taken place and this cannot be changed!

A long time ago, when the most famous fairy tale characters were children and studied at the Ever After High School, the Dragon Games were invented. And one day in the finals of the Games in the sky above the School of Long and Happily, two teams came together, almost equal in strength. One of them was captained by Snow White and the other by the Evil Queen. All students and teachers were rooting for Snow White, but no one was rooting for the Evil Queen. But the Evil Queen played much, much better and her dragon Nevermore was stronger than Snow White's dragon. And the Evil Queen won. However, instead of giving her the goblet, Headmaster Grimm announced that Snow White would be the champion because good always triumphs over evil...

How about a good story? Fair? Yes, that's not fair! Well, nothing, today the Dragon Games will resume, then everyone will see who really deserves to win! And, of course, who is worthy to rule the Fairyland, and simply - who is sweeter in the world, all blush and whiter. What? What's the difference to me? Oh dear, you don't seem to understand who's in front of you! I am Mira Shards, that is, “shards of mirror”, that is, “mirror shards”. Well, it finally arrived! I'm the Evil Queen, yes. No, you know, I did without apples of rejuvenation, they give me heartburn, I just know some great spells. I also know how to shop for clothes at Monster High Russia, so it wasn't hard to transform into a stylish teen princess.



How did I manage to get out of the mirror prison? Oh, this is a very funny story! Of course, I heard that blondes are not very smart, but so! In short, our little white Apple White was so nervous about her Happily Ever After that she threw an apple right at my mirror! The mirror broke, and I just stepped over the frame and ended up at the Ever After High School! Of course, I thanked her and I will definitely thank her again ... For example, I myself will poison her with an apple. Raven Queen, my stubborn daughter, doesn't want to hear about poisoning. By the way, despite the kindness, she is so cool! I am proud of my Heir… What does “not an Heiress” mean?! Today is not the Heiress, but tomorrow, you see, she will change her mind! And in general, we are similar to her, so everything is not hopeless, I will re-educate her! After all, we have already become friends, and today I will still win the cup at the Dragon Games!




Do you think Mira Shards of the Dragon Game has too light an outfit? Darling, you forget that an experienced player does not need all this armor! Yes, when you learn to ride a dragon, protection is necessary, but when you are a professional, you can do without all these trinkets. I make do with a bare minimum of silver plates and chains, and what I have is more for beauty than protection. However, almost all the girls in the School wear them as jewelry. And do not believe if they say that it is not so!

In general, it is better to trust only me. Of course, I'm Evil, but I never lie. Mira Shards is very honest and fair, not like Principal Grimm... By the way, do you want to know what happened to him? But, you see, a frog sits in a jar and croaks? It is he. Then I'll break up. May be. In the meantime, let him sit and think about his behavior. This, in my opinion, is fair!

Evil Queen doll from the Dragon Game series

Mira Shards is a new character in Ever After High and will make her first appearance in the dragon series, Dragon Games.

Mira - Mira - is very consonant with the word Mirrow - a mirror, and Shards are fragments. Shards of a mirror?.. In the image of Mira Shards, there is a lot of black and silver shades, like fragments.

Mira - a girl with burgundy-red hair, fair skin, bright makeup (as for the eyes), dressed in a black dress with glitter - really looks a bit like shards of a mirror.

Clarification: The Evil Queen (Raven Queen's mom) wants to ruin the Dragon Games. In order to sneak into the event unnoticed, she changed her appearance and turned into a younger version of herself. For all she is known under the name Mira Shards (Mira Shards).

See PROMO PHOTO Mira Shards. There are also "live" photos of this doll.

Previously, I had to guess who she was, there were such options:

Speculation as to whose daughter Mira Shards might be.

Perhaps she is the one we've been waiting for as Brooke Page, daughter of the Narrators? This option was rejected.

Maleficent's daughter (she can turn into a dragon and loves mirrors)? No, not her, Maleficent's daughter is Feibel Thorne.

An assumption that seems very likely is that she is one of the heroines of the Snow Queen fairy tale. The daughter of the Snow Queen herself was shown in the background in the episode about the treats of Ginger, she is different there. But Mira could be the daughter of Kai or Gerda. Probably Kaya, because fragments (of which the name of Mira Shards speaks) - this is exactly about him. And it turned out not to be.

See all Ever After High dolls for sale.