What is a sentence structure. See what the "sentence block diagram" is in other dictionaries

The concept of a structural scheme of a sentence arose in the depths of the structural (constructive) direction of syntactic science. The main idea is that all sentences are built according to certain models, the number of which can be finite, although the number of sentences implemented in speech is infinite.

Structural scheme- an abstract model consisting of a minimum of components necessary to create a proposal.

Structural diagrams can be minimal(SH contains only components of the grammatical basis) and extended(in CX, in addition to the gram. bases, they include components that are essential for the semantics of the sentence).


Students write lecture notes

N 1 V f→ min. SH

noun in the 1st (Name) case, vb. in conjugated form

N 1 V f N 4 obj→ extended CX

plus n. in the 4th (V.) p., denoting the object

I remember a wonderful moment

Pron 1 V f

places in the 1st (Name) p.

Pron 1 V f N 4 obj

The night was quiet

N 1 (cop) Adj 1/5

link in comp. nominal tale; adj. (only as part of a tale) in I. or Tv. p → Compare: The night was quiet

calling is a problem

inf (cop) N 1/ 5

infinitive, link, noun in I. or TV. n. → Wed: Calling was a problem.

It's getting light

V f 3 S

vb. in harness form, 3 l., unit. h → impersonal sentence

I'm cold

Pron 3 Preread

places. in 3 (Dat.) p., predicative (for impersonal sentences).

5. Classification of proposals

There are various types of sentences in Russian.

According to the purpose of the statement :narrative,interrogative and incentive.

By intonation each of the sentences of these three groups can be exclamatory or non-exclamatory.

In relation to reality : affirmative / negative.

By structure : a) depending on the number of grammatical bases - simple and complex;

b) simple sentences are divided into one-component and dvmustache rest, i.e. having one or two main members as organizing centers of supply;

in) articulating and non-segmented ( indivisible sentences do not distinguish either main or secondary members from their composition and cannot be extended by new components. Hello. Thanks . How did you spend the weekend? -Wonderful! Do you love classical music? -Undoubtedly . Yes , certainly !

d) according to the presence or absence of secondary members, proposals differ common and uncommon;

e) complete / incomplete(in incomplete sentences, one or more necessary members are omitted due to context);

e) complicated / uncomplicated(the sentence can be complicated by homogeneous members of the sentence, participial and adverbial constructions, introductory and plug-in constructions).

Simple sentence. Formal organization of a simple sentence

    Three aspects of considering a simple sentence.

    The main members of a two-part sentence:

A) the subject and ways of expressing it;

B) types of predicate.

    Principles of classification of secondary members of the proposal.

    Syncretic minor members of the sentence.

1. Three aspects of considering a simple proposal

In modern linguistics, the sentence is considered from three sides, or aspects:

– formal (structural);

– semantic (semantic);

- communicative.

Formal(or structural) aspect studies P from the point of view of its construction.

Semantic(or semantic) aspect considers the content side of the P and depends on its lexical content. For example, suggestions: He is sad. - He is sad. - He is sad. - He is sad. - are sentences of different formal classes, and from the point of view of the semantic aspect, they convey the same content.

The formal and semantic aspects consider the sentence as an autonomous, self-sufficient unit.

Communicative aspect considers the sentence not by itself, but as part of the text, in the linguistic and extralinguistic (extra-linguistic, situation-dependent) context in which it exists, i.e. as a unit of communication. So offer Ivan has arrived may be the answer to the following questions: 1) What do you hear about Ivan? 2) Who has arrived? 3) What happened?. The communicative aspect is manifested in actual articulation Suggestions: divide by topic(already known) and bump(new).

Hello doppelgangers. I recently wandered around the Internet and came across a textbook on the Russian language. I remembered this school, which I had to go to every day and sit out my pants. Even though I have always studied well…. let's say not bad, I would not want to repeat this experience. In the textbook I found a lesson on how to properly structure sentences. And I decided to write an article about this, so that you, caught by nostalgia for school days, or, suddenly, by necessity, would not wander in search of Russian language textbooks, but would come to my blog. And here's a check for you:

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  1. With an answer
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  1. Task 1 of 10

    1 .

    Find among the presented sentences the structure [ __ and __ ====== ]

  2. Task 2 of 10

    2 .

    Find among the presented sentences the structure [│О│,…]

  3. Task 3 of 10

    3 .

    Find among the presented sentences the structure [│ВВ│,…].

  4. Task 4 of 10

    4 .

    Find among the presented sentences the structure [│DO│, X ...].

  5. Task 5 of 10

    5 .

    Find among the presented sentences the structure [ X, │ PO │, ...].

  6. Task 6 of 10

    6 .

    Find among the presented sentences the structure "[P!]" - [a].

  7. Task 7 of 10

    7 .

    Find among the presented sentences the structure “[П..,│О│!] - [a]. - [│BB│, ... P ..] ".

  8. Task 8 of 10

    8 .

    Find among the presented sentences the structure […..], and […..].

  9. Task 9 of 10

    9 .

    Find among the presented sentences the structure […..], (what ….).

  10. Task 10 of 10

    10 .

    Find among the presented sentences the structure […..], (which ....).

Someone will object: “The school ended a long time ago, we will write without diagrams.” This point of view is quite correct. For those who communicate via SMS and game chats. So, today the topic of our lesson is: “How to draw up a proposal scheme?” Especially if you are a copywriter or want to become one and earn more than your teacher, knowledge of sentence schemes, unfortunately, is necessary.

The procedure for drafting an offer scheme

To draw up a diagram, you need graphic symbols. Equal sentences in a complex sentence are denoted by square brackets. The subordinate together with the union are in parentheses. The main word from which the question is asked is a cross.

Simple sentence scheme

Let's look at an example right away. Let's start with the easiest task for elementary school.

This is a simple two-part sentence. There is also one-component, when the main members of the sentence are expressed by one subject or one predicate. Simple sentences are common, as in our case, or non-common, for example:

We pay attention to the predicate. It can be simple or complex:

  • Simple: " Michael composed ».
  • Compound verb: " Misha wanted to write on the sofa».
  • Compound nominal: " Misha was a friend for me».

In a simple sentence, there may be an appeal:

Ivan, sit in the left lane. The proposal scheme is as follows


It is important to separate the treatment with commas in the same way as introductory words.

Unfortunately, this happened quite often.


Do not forget to find and highlight the adverbial or participial phrases.

Without taking his eyes off, the dog looked at her

[│DO│, X ...].

The view before him was like an enchanted realm of cold.

[ X, │ ON │, ... ..].

In literary texts, in reasoning texts, direct speech is often found.

"Don't go into the yard!" the stranger shouted loudly.

"[P!]" - [a].

“Hurrah, brothers!” he shouted. “It seems that our business is starting to go smoothly.”

“[P ..,│O│!] - [a]. - [│BB│, ... P ..] ".

So, English teacher. Imagine I have all fives (80 percent), I go to a red diploma from a technical school, olympiads, conferences - everyone knows me. And this one…. well…. a woman gives me a shake. I tell her: are you not normal, look at my grades, what are you doing? And nifiga - supposedly a principle. Although what the hell is the principle when she gave fours to athletes who did not come to couples at all and put fives for a can of coffee. And everyone told her this, Pasha needs to put at least a four. In short, tin. Already at the defense of the diploma, the director himself intervened and she gave me 4 after the defense, but the red diploma was lost.

Scheme of a complex sentence.

There are several types of complex sentences. Let's consider them in order.

Compound - these are two simple equal sentences connected by a coordinating union.

The walls of the tunnel parted, and the travelers found themselves in a huge sublunar grotto.

The scheme here is simple […..], and […..].

In a complex sentence, one part is main, the second obeys, accompanies the first.

Individual columns were so huge that their tops reached to the very vault.

[…..], (what ….).

The air around him was much cleaner than the one he breathed at home.

[…..], (which….).

Subordination in such sentences occurs with the help of subordinating unions.

A non-union sentence is similar to a compound one, but does not have a union.

The television studio offered a ridiculously small amount - Miga got angry.

[…..] — […..].

In our example, Migi's dissatisfaction is caused by the actions performed in the first part of the complex sentence. But there is no union, it is replaced by a dash.

Don't get confused by drawing up a diagram with different types of connections. Breaking down such sentences without losing the main idea can be very difficult.

The bottom of the tunnel went down, so it was easy and simple to go: it seemed that someone was pushing in the back, and the light would soon come on ahead.

[…..], (therefore….): [│BB│,...], and [....].

A complex sentence can have several subordinate clauses that follow one from the other. This is sequential submission.

The children were told that tomorrow there would be a holiday that would end with a carnival procession.

(which the ….).

There is also parallel subordination. From the main sentence, different questions are asked to the subordinate parts. The subordinate clauses in this case can become separate simple sentences practically without change.

When the photographer arrived, Serenky wrapped the action in a handkerchief to hide it in his bosom.

↓ when? ↓ why?

(when ....), (to ....).

In Russian, homogeneous subordination is distinguished. This is a list of simple sentences. They are asked the same question from the main part, and they are connected by the same union.

Watching nature in spring, you can see how birds fly in, how tender leaves appear, how the first flowers bloom.

↓ what? ↓ what? ↓ what?

(as ....), (as ....), (as ....).

The main types of proposals are considered. When reading and analyzing the text, carefully look through the sentences that are large in structure. Highlight key information. Mentally ask questions from the main word or main part to the subordinate or subordinate. This will help to capture the essence and correctly punctuate.

All creative success. Well, find 10 differences in these pictures and write how much you managed to do it.

find 10 differences

In this analysis, the researcher asks the question: what is that abstract pattern, that formula or that structural scheme, in accordance with which this sentence is constructed as a communicative predicative unit? The purpose of constructive syntax is to create a finite list of block diagrams of a sentence.

At this level of abstraction, for example, the following sentences will be of the same type:

1) Streams run.

2) This year, the plant will release a new car model.

3) You better shut up!

4) These poems were written by V. Mayakovsky.

Their commonality in the constructive-syntactic aspect is explained by the fact that the abstract scheme on which they are built includes two components connected by predicative relations and expressed by the nominative case of the name (the component with the meaning of the carrier of the predicative feature) and the conjugated form of the verb (the component with the meaning of the predicative feature itself ). Thus, the block diagram that underlies all four proposals can be represented as:

In "Russian Grammar"-80, a block diagram is defined as an abstract pattern, according to which a separate minimal relatively complete sentence can be built. The word “relatively” emphasizes that the components necessary from the point of view of lexical semantics may not be included in the structural scheme, however, the predicative meaning, i.e. the main grammatical meaning of the sentence, will be expressed by it, i.e. really abstract block diagram as a carrier of predicative meaning.

If the block diagram includes one component, it is one-component scheme, if two, - two-component. The components of the scheme are denoted by alphabetic characters corresponding to the Latin names of the corresponding parts of speech or morphological forms:

Vf - conjugated form of the verb;

Vf3s - conjugated 3rd person singular verb

N - noun;

Fdj - adjective;

Pgon - pronoun;

Adv - adverb;

Advo - adverb in -o (cold, hot etc.);

Praed - predicative;

Part- participle;

Interj- interjection;

Neg - negation, negation;

Sor - a bunch;

quant - quantitative (quantitative) value.

With the symbol N, the numbers from 1 to 6 indicate case forms; with the symbol N, the number 2 with an ellipsis (N 2 ...) means "a noun in the form of one of the indirect cases with or without a preposition."

(Adv quant N2) - “A quantitative adverb in combination with the genitive case of a noun” (the number of the noun is not essential here). According to such a formula, the scheme is built, for example, the following sentences; A lot of things, Today I have a lot of things, Tomorrow our whole family will have a lot of things to do. Little time, U You are never enough time for me Enough arguing...

(Inf + Vf3s) - “Infinitive in combination with a conjugated verb in the form of 3rd person singular. numbers." The proposals are structured like this: Smoking is prohibited; Friends, smoking is prohibited in our university; It is impossible to meet; Friends never manage to meet; Will be able to meet etc.

(N1) - "A noun in the form of the nominative case." The proposals are structured like this: Night, Memories, Silent summer night, Dark summer night on the Crimean coast etc.

(Inf cop Inf) - "Infinitive - copula - infinitive." For example: To be friends means to trust.

the block diagram of a simple sentence is an abstract syntactic pattern from which a separate, minimal, relatively complete sentence can be built. Structural schemes are differentiated according to the sets of the following features: the formal structure of the scheme (the forms of words included in it and in schemes organized by two forms, the relationship of these forms to each other); schema semantics; paradigmatic properties of sentences constructed according to this scheme; regular implementation system; distribution rules. Sentences completed according to one or another structural scheme are combined into a certain type of simple sentence. The structural scheme of a simple sentence is organized by the forms (perhaps even one form) of significant words that are its components; in some schemes, one of the components is a negative particle - alone or in combination with a pronominal word.

Note. In specific sentences, the place of a schema component can, under certain conditions, be filled with some other form or combination of forms; there are certain types and rules of such substitutions. They are described in the chapters on individual types of simple sentences.

In addition, each block diagram has its own meaning - the semantics of the diagram. The semantics of the structural scheme of a sentence is formed by the mutual action of the following factors: 1) the grammatical meanings of the components in their relation to each other (in single-component schemes, the grammatical meaning of the scheme component); 2) lexico-semantic characteristics of words specific to the given scheme, which occupy the positions of its components in specific sentences.

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21. Block diagram of the proposal.

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Why would you need a proposal outline? There are several options. For example, you need to draw up a sentence scheme when parsing it.

You can also schematically depict the parts of the sentence for yourself in order to more clearly present its structure and trace the logic of joining the parts of the sentence to each other (relevant for complex sentences).

If we are already talking about complex sentences, using diagrams it is convenient to analyze sentences with different types of connections. And in simple ones, the scheme helps to visualize the syntactic structure.

In general, whatever one may say, sentence schemes in Russian are far from useless. Now we will summarize this topic. So that you can use this article as a reference material. By the way, in order to correctly draw up diagrams, it does not hurt to repeat some topics on syntax. Now we will analyze examples of circuits and repeat at the same time. So you will benefit from the article twice - at the same time you will get a summary of the types of sentences, punctuation marks in direct speech, homogeneous members, etc. will be.

Proposal Mapping Plan

  1. Read the sentence carefully, pay attention to what it is according to the purpose of the statement: narrative, interrogative, or incentive. And take note of the emotional coloring: exclamatory or non-exclamatory.
  2. Define grammatical foundations. What parts of speech are they?
  3. After that, it will be easy to say whether the sentence in front of you is simple or complex.
  4. In a complex sentence, determine the boundaries of the simple ones included in it and use a simple pencil to mark them with vertical lines. By the way, also separate the participial and participle turnover and other types of complications with such features.
  5. Underline the additional members of the sentence (with a broken line - the addition, a wavy line - the definition and the whole participial turnover, “dot-dash-dot” - circumstance and adverbial turnover). What parts of speech are they?
  6. If you have a complex sentence with an allied connection between its parts, pay attention to the unions: they are coordinating or subordinating.
  7. The previous paragraph will help you correctly identify the predicative parts of a complex sentence. So, the parts of a compound and non-union complex sentence are equal, mark them with square brackets. The subordinate clause in the complex sentence is marked with parentheses. Do not forget that the union / union word must also be included in them.
  8. In a complex sentence in the main part, find the word from which you can ask a question to the subordinate clause, mark it with a cross. From the word, draw an arrow with a pencil to the subordinate clause and write down the question. It also happens that the question to the subordinate clause is posed from the entire main sentence.
  9. And now the next step is the scheme of a simple / complex sentence - depending on what you have there. Draw a linear graphical diagram, on which you transfer all the main symbols with which you have previously drawn the proposal. In particular, sentence boundaries, grammatical foundations, complications if the sentence is complicated, the connection between sentences and the arrow with a question, conjunctions and allied words.
  10. Complex sentences with multiple clauses will require a vertical diagram to correctly display sequential, parallel, or homogeneous subordination. We will consider these below with specific examples.
  11. The numbers above the parts of a complex sentence can indicate the levels of the subordinate clauses, which will reflect their position in the composition of the complex sentence. The main sentence is not marked in any way.

Sometimes teachers may have specific requirements. For example, it will indicate on the diagram, in addition to the main ones, additional members. In addition, there are also reverse tasks when you need to make a sentence according to the scheme. An example of such a task can be found below.

Schemes of simple sentences

So let's start right away and start with a task, no kidding, at the level of grade 2: we need a simple sentence scheme of the form “subject - predicate - subject”. Simple example:

At the same time, you keep in mind that a simple sentence, based on the presence of main members, can be one- and two-part. By the presence of secondary members - common and non-common (in the example above, which one?). And also, according to the presence of a complete or truncated set of necessary members, the proposals are divided into complete and incomplete.

Transferring the main members of the sentence to the diagram, do not let the predicate confuse you. They are:

Now let's move on to the 5th grade and take up sentence schemes with appeal and other types of complications of simple sentences.

Appeal: denoted by O, the sign is separated from the rest of the sentence in the diagram using two vertical lines - │ │. The appeal is not a member of the sentence and only its location and punctuation marks are important:

On the diagram with homogeneous members the latter sentences are indicated by a circle - ○, in which their syntactic role in the sentence can be noted (homogeneous objects, or circumstances, or subjects - any of the possible options). Also, the unions and punctuation marks that stand with them are transferred to the diagram. Generalizing words are also indicated, for example, by a circle, only with a dot in the middle. And in this article we use a square - it’s more convenient for us:

Offers from introductory words: we can designate them as BB and also enclose them in two vertical lines - introductory words are not a member of the sentence. Otherwise, the same aspects are important for the scheme with an introductory word as for the scheme with an appeal:

In the scheme with participle turnover, except for punctuation marks, denote the word being defined. In the scheme with participle turnover and constructions with the meaning of addition and refinement- the most important thing is to indicate their place in the sentence:

You also probably remember that a simple sentence can be complicated. separate members(some of which are already reflected in the examples above):

  • separate definitions (coordinated and inconsistent, single and common, this category also includes participle turnovers);
  • separate additions;
  • isolated circumstances (germs, participles, nouns and adverbs in the role of circumstances).

Direct speech sentences

The scheme of a sentence with direct speech is not at all difficult: only the boundaries of the sentence, the words of the author and the actual direct speech, as well as the punctuation marks attached to them, are indicated on it. Here are some examples:

Schemes of complex sentences

And now we finally got to the high school program. And now we will consider the schemes of complex and complex sentences with examples. And we will also definitely analyze proposals with an allied, as well as various types of communication.

Let's start with compound sentence: its parts are equal, so we denote them in the diagram with the same square brackets.

AT complex sentence the main and subordinate parts are clearly distinguished, therefore we denote the main part with square brackets, and the subordinate part with round brackets. The subordinate clause can take different positions in relation to the main clause: stand in front of or behind it, break the main clause.

Parts non-union complex sentence are equivalent, therefore, the same square brackets are used here to designate them in the diagram.

Charting offers with different types of communication, easy to get confused. Carefully study the proposed example so as not to make mistakes in the future:

A special case - compound sentence with multiple clauses. When drawing diagrams of subordinate clauses, they are placed not horizontally, but vertically. Sequential submission:

Parallel subordination:

Homogeneous submission:

Make sentences according to the given schemes

Now, after we have analyzed the whole theory in such detail, it will, of course, not be difficult for you to write proposals for ready-made schemes yourself. This is a good training and a good task to test how well the material is learned. So don't neglect them.

  1. Proposal with appeal: [ │О?│… ]?
  2. A sentence with homogeneous members: [and ○, and ○, and ○ - □].
  3. A sentence with participial turnover and an introductory word: [X, |PCH|, ... |BB| …].
  4. A sentence with direct speech: "[P, - a: - P]".
  5. A complex sentence with several types of connection: [ ... ], but [ ... ], (which ...): [ ... ].

Write us your options in the comments - at the same time you can check whether you have learned everything well and figured out the schemes. See for yourself that there is nothing archaic here!


You have worked on a large and voluminous topic. It includes knowledge from different sections of syntax: types of sentences, types of predicates, punctuation marks with homogeneous members of a sentence, direct speech, etc. If you carefully studied all the material, you could not only remember how to designate the members of the sentence in the diagram, but also repeat very important and useful rules.

And if you are not too lazy to write down proposals according to the schemes, then you can say with full confidence: you will meet the control and exams fully armed.

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