Distant star Algol city white church. Algol: the star of the devil from the constellation Perseus

In the first centuries of Christianity, the title "pope" (ancient Greek πάππας, páppas - father) was applied to all bishops, and originally to all priests who enjoyed the right of blessing.The Pope is an intermediary between God and people, and it is natural that he cannot be any secular ruler, but since the 8th century, the Pope has received from his father Charlemagne,Pepin the Short, the lands surrounding Rome.

From that time on, he organized his state and already united both spiritual and secular power. But especially this secular power has been strengthened since the appearance of the Jesuit order. Since that time, the intelligence of the Vatican with the help of the Jesuits has become one of the best in the world, and the Vatican banks store no less gold than the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. So such a pope arouses objective interest not only among believers, but also among the rulers of the world.

Example 1: Star Algol b Perseus.

The Arabic name "ras-elgul" means "the head of the dragon or the spirit of evil."

Epigones: Saturn, Neptune, Pluto, Black Moon.

The most sinister of all stars. Gives seduction from the true path and deprives the sense of conscience. In exceptional cases, a person with this star becomes a conductor of an evil system. Such a person can have a paralyzing effect on others (like the Gorgon jellyfish) and turn others into a herd of sheep that must go to the abyss.

So Pope Pius IX

Pius IX Pope Pius IX

85 – 8 – 25

Giovanni Maria Mastai-Ferretti

1 3 . 05 . 1792 12:36 (0)

Senigallia, Italy

43º 43" N 13º 13" E

† 7.02.1878 17:40 Vatican, Rome, Italy

Quoted BC/BR Biography: Garry Wills, "Papal Sins."


ASC 18:02 Virgo R 17:48 Virgo



This is the pope, who proclaimed at a meeting he called I Vatican Council, the dogma of papal infallibility. He has the longest pontificate in the history of the Roman Catholic Church, lasting 31.5 years.

Pope John Paul II numbered him among the blessed.

So why does the holy pope have the star Algol in the Sun, and even in the exact orb? The epigones of this star form together the "half wagon" configuration, which makes it possible to move, but the question where ? Algol on the Sun, this eclipse of the spirit leaves a satanic seal on the deeds of this person.

Future dad, Giovanni Maria Mastai-Ferretti, was born on May 13, 1792 in the townSenigallia of the Papal State. He belonged to an old county family.

Let's start with the fact that he had no right to become a priest at all. From the age of five, he developed epilepsy, with this disease it was impossible to become a priest, because. these patients were considered possessed.

Among the epileptics there are good writers, artists, like Dostoevsky, Van Gogh, but there should not be priests among them, because. a priest is a mediator between God and man, and if he falls into an epileptic fit, which can be compared with demonic possession, then he cannot be God's mediator. The church knows this well, which is why there is a ban on epileptics.

But since the pope at that time was Pius VII, a relative of the Mastai-Ferretti family, he gives Giovanni special permission to accept the priesthood in spite of epileptic seizures, and after graduating from the Roman Seminary, he takes holy orders (April 10, 1819).

Let's see his horoscope. This data from the Rodden database is given from a biography, the reliability is very accurate. During rectification, I shifted the ascendant just two minutes ago.

First, the Sun is in the star Algol in Taurus conjunct Mercury in the 9th house.

Mercury and the Sun Almutena 11 and 10 houses.

Sun with Mercury, a person imposes his opinion on others, thinks a lot about himself. Sun in the 9th house - selfishness, vanity, megalomania. Almuten 10 in the 9th house. A good indicator of career growth in the ideological sphere. This is a good indicator for a religious figure.

Almuten 11 to 9 - Sun. Reforms in the ideological sphere, in this case in the Catholic Church. These reforms are under the influence of the star Algol.

He called I the Vatican Council to proclaim the papal dogma, i.e. own infallibility. This is, in essence, opposing oneself to God. It can go papa, possessing that satanic star,

There was great opposition in the Roman Catholic states to this reform, but Taurus rested, and overcame all obstacles on the way.

Like Taurus, he was distinguished by a terrible jealousy for his reforms and all those who disagreed with them, at best, he called "donkeys" and "traitors", and at worst he simply shrugged off the light.

And to the objection of the cardinal that the infallibility of the pope is contrary to the tradition of the church, he said: "Tradition is me"!

So the French writer Charles de Montalembert, in the midst of controversy, expressed concern that an idol was going to be erected in the "Vatican." The Pope was mortally insulted and the writer after that, on March 13, 1870, died suddenly at the age of 50.

Probably, the Jesuits and the Vatican intelligence worked here. The general of the Jesuit order, the black pope Father Bex, was an ardent supporter of the dogma of papal infallibility.

So, the horoscope of Pius 9. Mars in conjunction with Vakshya on the ascendant at 17 degrees Virgo. This is the degree of the flying squirrel, the largest squirrel.

Mars on ASC character is sharp, assertive, quick-tempered. He does not make any concessions and compromises, his voice is hoarse. Mars is the ruler of the 8th house, such a person always feels good in moments of extreme sports, there should always be a field for him to fight.

But in the same degree, Vakshya, which makes this struggle absurd, besides, Vakshya singles out the opposite house - 7, such a person feels charged with society, such as AdolfHitler, De Gaulle, Henry Kissinger, who have Vakshya on ASC.

So, we see an extremely active, stubborn personality, ready to fight in society for absolutely false ideals.

He was elected pope on June 16, 1846.

And a month before that, he turned 54 years old.

Let's build a solarium.


In this solarium, we see how the Sun has joined the planet Jupiter on the star Algol. The exact conjunction of Jupiter with the Sun in the solarium shows the main period of life, when he actively manifests himself, but from that moment he becomes arrogant, he has a false feelingown significance in religion. The star Algol will contribute to this.

So after being elected pope, his personality changes dramatically and he needs to compare himself with God, and the dogma of his own (papal) infallibility has become the apotheosis here.

The adoption of this dogma caused a split in the Catholic Church, after which the so-calledold catholic church .

On July 18, 1870, the document was adopted and immediately a terrible thunderstorm broke out over Rome, enveloping the basilica, its domes and stained-glass windows with incredible flashes of lightning and thunder.

And three weeks later, in August 1870, another thunderstorm broke out over the Eternal City. Napoleon entered the struggle with Prussia III , withdrew his troops that defended Rome and on September 20, the army of the Italian king Victor Emmanuel captured the city without a battle.

The secular power of the pope was abolished.The papal state, which existed for 1114 years starting from 756, no longer existed, and the pope declared himself a "prisoner" of the Vatican and did not leave it until his death in 1878.


3 days before his death, his state of health deteriorated sharply, and then, on this occasion, they ordered to ring the bells of city churches without interruption to announce a universal prayer for the pope's recovery. Hearing the noise of the bell ringing, Pius IX said to his cardinals: "Why do you prevent me from going to heaven?"


The Pope died on February 7, 1878. In the horoscope of his death, Pluto also rises on the Sun and on the star Algol, and Pluto, one of its epigones, at that time was in a stationary phase, which maximally indicates the influence of this star. Hades-Pluto in Greek mythology, the god of the underworldkingdom has power over the shadows of the dead. In Avestan mythology, this Ramman is associated with Heavenly Kara. Here Ramman punished Pius IX for unreasonable pride. He did not go to heaven after his death.

As you know, on September 3, 2000, after a long process that began in 1907, Pius IX was beatified by the Roman Catholic Church. What is the reality of this "holiness"?


If we superimpose the horoscope of beatification on the horoscope of Pius IX , then we see that Jupiter and Pluto at that time were in opposition exactly on the star axis of the catastrophes Antares-Aldebaran and Jupiter on the Black Moon of the pope, which indicates a great catastrophe that awaits the Roman Catholic Church for this sacrilege.

Anyone who is at least superficially familiar with the map of the starry sky knows such names as Sirius, Bellatrix, Vega. However, even an astronomer cannot list the full number of stars located in the heavens. Their number is as limitless as their distance from us. The latter makes astrologers argue: do the fixed stars have any significance in the compilation and interpretation of a horoscope?

Let us immediately determine that all stars except the Sun are called fixed or fixed because of their low mobility relative to the Zodiac. Basically, professionals agree that there are about a hundred significant stars that can be used in astrological practice to one degree or another. They also include the diabolical category, which includes the suicide star Sheat, Alcyone, known as the "weeping sisters", and a number of other celestial bodies. But the most sinister glory rightfully belongs to Algol, a beta star in the constellation Perseus.

The name of this star comes from the Arabic "gul", which means demon. Traditionally, the influence of Algol is associated with troubles, misfortunes, loss of reason and violent death. Some astrologers believe that if there is a conjunction of Algol with the Sun or the Moon in a person’s horoscope, the owner of such a horoscope, with other astrological indications, can go crazy, die a premature death, lose his head both literally and figuratively. Algol is considered the most and dangerous star of all existing.

The constellation Perseus, including Algol, is located in the northern hemisphere of the sky and visually resembles an open compass. It is formed by two groups of stars, one of which depicts the figure of Perseus, and the other the severed head of the Gorgon Medusa, which the hero holds in his hand like a trophy.

Algol is located in the place of Medusa's eye. According to Greek myth, before turning into a monster, Medusa was a beautiful sea maiden with luxurious hair. Among the Gorgon sisters, she was the only one who did not possess immortality. Poseidon, captivated by the beauty of Medusa, decided to seduce the girl in the temple of Athena. Poseidon's attempts were crowned with success, and Medusa bore him the children of Chrysaor and Pegasus. And then the virgin goddess Athena, angry at Medusa for defiling her temple, turned the unfortunate beauty into a disgusting monster. Instead of luxurious hair, snakes appeared on Medusa's head, and from her gaze all living things turned into stone. After a terrible transformation, Medusa began to live on Gorgon Island with her sisters, where Perseus later went. On the instructions of the stern king Polydectes, the hero had to cut off the head of the monster, which, as you know, was done. Obviously, it was this myth that played the main role in the formation of Algol's notoriety associated with decapitation and loss of reason.

In addition, there is an opinion that the influence of this star is like a female demonic force that carries aggressive destructive passion and sexuality. If we consider Algol in this vein, then it can be compared with the image of Lilith, the first wife of Adam, the mother of demons in Kabbalistic theory and Jewish legends.

Looking up to the sky, the ancients noted that one eye of a severed head shines like an ordinary star, while the other changes its radiance, winking ominously. Astronomically, this is due to the fact that Algol is an eclipsing variable star and has a regularly changing brightness. The two components of Algol in turn outshine each other, causing the effect of variability. However, there is also a third star in the Algol system, located at a relatively large distance from the other two components. The presence of a third star explains such an unusual demonic rhythm of changing the brightness of Algol. She changes the shine three times: from dark to light, then to dark, but less dark than at the beginning, then again to light. It was thanks to this astronomical feature that ancient astrologers attributed various demonic properties to Algol. And yet, is the devil as terrible as he is painted? And can Algol really break the fate of a person?

Astrologers disagree on this matter. Most experts believe that fixed stars can be considered in karmic astrology, as well as in astropsychology. It is impossible to describe the phenomena of the physical plane, that is, the events of life with the help of only fixed stars - other confirmations in the horoscope are needed. This, in turn, means that a person who does not have indications of a violent death in the horoscope will not be beheaded, wherever Algol is located. But if such indications are combined with the influence of a demonic star, Algol can give color to the event, realizing its destructive potential.

Consider now the real story of one girl whose Sun is in the 26th degree of Taurus, the very place where the Devil's star is located. In her horoscope, the astrologer, even without taking into account Algol, will see indications of difficult emotional experiences, depression, painful longing and painful feelings. In addition, the influence of Algol contributes to the loss of reason, gives a mystical coloring to events. What did this girl face in life? Neuroses, treatment by a psychiatrist, obsessions, dreams and states with a clear paranormal tinge, up to an uncontrolled exit to the astral plane.

And here is another horoscope from the author's personal archive, confirming the destructive influence of Algol, contains the conjunction of a demonic star with Jupiter. The owner of this horoscope really has astrological indications of danger to life. However, it is surprising that this danger was realized in life precisely through a blow to the head.

Summarizing various examples of the influence of a fatal star on a person’s fate, it should be said that Algol has a certain demonism, which can be expressed in mental disorders, dangerous situations, the presence in a person’s character of such qualities as aggressiveness, obsession, loss of control.

At the same time, astrologers believe that Algol can also carry good things: leadership traits, the desire for wealth and fame. This is due to the fact that Algol has the nature of Saturn and Jupiter. Jupiter is traditionally considered the planet of wealth, success and high position, while Saturn is responsible for troubles, misfortunes and evil.

If in a person's horoscope the Sun, Moon or any planet is in the 26th degree of Taurus (plus or minus half a degree), the owner of the horoscope is under the influence of this star. Such a person should control his mind and feelings well, in every possible way excluding indulgence of the lower nature, his weaknesses and vices. Then Algol, born under the star, will be able to direct the energy of the luminary in a positive direction.

Star ALGOL in astrology in the human natal chart

Lovers of astrology and horoscopes are often interested in the significance of the fixed stars in conjunction with their planets in the birth chart.
This article is about one of the stars of the first magnitude - the star Algol.

Are you interested in degrees, where is Algol now? - The stars are slowly (about one degree per 100 years), but constantly shifting. In June 2017, the coordinates of the star Algol 26 ° 24` ​​Taurus.

Algol. Women's intense passion.

Algol is a variable star from the constellation Perseus. Historically considered one of the most complex, even dangerous stars. This is a passionate demonic force, this is female sexual energy, something that many were afraid of, because they did not know how to understand and realize. This star contains the immense female passion and strength. It should not be called evil if it is incomprehensible.

Just as, for example, the power of the atom is very powerful, it can be both good and evil. A strong passion can devour you with anger and fury. But if
a person will be able to restrain the subconscious desire for revenge and focus this passion on something more productive, Algol will give such a person energy of great power. Any planet touched by this star will be charged with a strong, intense sexual energy that can potentially be wonderful or, if suppressed, can give rise to rage and violence.

Algol as a heliactic rising star. In such a birth, your whole being lights up with intensity and passion. At least this
will mean that you are a person who does not tolerate injustice.

Since you can control the intensity, you will encounter similar situations throughout your life. Worst case possible
destructive action, so the energy of this star requires great attention.

From Bernadette Braddy's "Fixed Stars"


beta perseus

Legend: Algol is the head of the Gorgon Medusa, killed by Perseus. Medusa, the only mortal of the three Gorgon sisters, used to be a beautiful girl, but Athena turned her hair into hissing snakes because she gave birth to children (Chrysaor and Pegasus) from Poseidon in one of her temples. She became so ugly that everyone who had a chance to look at her turned to stone.

Reference: A white, multiple, variable star representing the head of Medusa in the hands of Perseus. Its diameter is 1.705.540 km, and the density is slightly less than that of a cork. The name comes from Ra "asu-l-Gul, which means "head of the demon"; another name: "Hood of Algul" or "Hood of Medusa". The Jews were known as Lilith, they considered this night demon to be the first wife of Adam; the Chinese called this star Tsai Shi - "gathered detachments". Algol is part of an eclipsing binary star system. A darker star has a purely Saturnian nature, a lighter one transmits not only Saturnian, but also Mars-Uranium influence. If a darker fellow is facing the Earth, then invisible destructive actions.This is the hour when Algol is less bright.In ancient times, people were afraid of it.

Influence: The nature of Saturn and Jupiter. Trouble, violence, death by beheading, hanging, or in the electric chair; mass unrest; the irreconcilable, unbridled nature of one who is born under this star is the cause of his own death and the death of others. It is the most malevolent of all stars. "Highly spiritual rays" also emanate from Algol, but only those people who have already reached a high level of spiritual development can receive them.

In most cases, the influence of this star is destructive. Possibilities of poisoning, susceptibility to alcoholism. It seduces a person, seduces him from the true path, gives isolation and all sorts of difficulties in life.

At the climax: destroys all undertakings, leading to mental complexes and diseases. You can be a "demon - seducer" for others. Murder, needless death, beheading, violent tendencies, ruin. If the Sun, Moon or Jupiter culminates at the same time - victory in the war.

If you are also interested in other stars in conjunction with planets in astrology, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with.

Algol in combination:

With Sun: forms a tendency towards leadership in the military, legislative, sports fields or in areas of activity related to the occult sciences, communication with people. Legal complications are possible. Unnatural death or serious illness. If there is no aspect with any good planet or if there are none in the eighth house, and the hyleg (lord of the Sun in daytime birth and the Moon in nighttime) is in square or opposition with Mars, the person will be decapitated. If the Sun or Moon is at its zenith, it will be maimed, mutilated or quartered. And if Mars is at the same time in Gemini or Pisces, his hands or feet will be cut off.

With Moon: gives the ability to defeat your rivals, although before the final victory you can survive the failure. You are never short of words to express your feelings. The possibility of hidden diseases, complications with the law and a court sentence. Violent death or serious illness.

With Mercury: indicates perseverance and calmness, conducive to an entrepreneurial career, but a tendency to make unwanted business connections can lead to legal complications. Hidden or overt complications in the family are possible.

With Venus: warns that your marriage partner must be congenial and in no way inferior to you, otherwise family problems ending in divorce are possible. It is necessary to develop foresight in order to avoid actions of a dubious nature.

With Mars indicates stubbornness, determination and fearlessness. Often you "walk where angels fear to walk". You have the courage to act according to your convictions. But a tendency to reckless, breaking the law, risky acts is possible. If Mars is higher than the Sun and Moon (relative to the horizon), and Algol is in one of the corners of the horoscope: the person will be a killer, and he himself will die prematurely.

With Jupiter: speaks of the ability to accumulate wealth, collecting items of a certain value.

With Mars or Saturn when the Moon is in conjunction with Sadalmelik - execution by royal decree. If the Moon is in conjunction with Denebola, the verdict will come from the court. Moon with Alphard - death from water or poison.

With hyleg in an angular position: cut off the head. Or a person will die at the hands of a murderer who himself will be killed.

With Wheel of Fortune or his master: poverty.

The magical influence of the talisman:

Image: severed human head. Success written requests; makes a person fearless and generous, preserves the body, protects from evil spells, drives away evil, bewitching intruders.


With Sun: snow.

With Saturn: cold and humid.

In June 2017, the star Algol is at 26° 24` ​​Taurus.

A conspiracy is not entertainment; you should not use them without the need. And do not forget that you can not self-medicate, but you should definitely consult a doctor.

ALGOL (ALGOL) - Beta Perseus

The name of the star comes from the Arabic Ra'asu-l-Ghul. In the Russian translation, it no longer sounds so bewitchingly beautiful - the Demon's Head. According to legend, Algol is the head of the Gorgon Medusa, who was killed by Perseus.

Medusa, the only mortal of the three Gorgon sisters, was once a very beautiful girl, but Athena turned her hair into hissing snakes because she desecrated one of her temples, giving birth to the children of Poseidon - Chrysaor and Pegasus. Meduza became so terrible and ugly that everyone who looked at her turned to stone with horror.

The Jews were known as Lilith, they considered this night demoness to be the first wife of Adam, just the one that seduced him.

The Chinese called this star Cai Shi - "gathered detachments."

Reference: A white, multiple, variable star representing the head of Medusa in the hands of Perseus. Its diameter is 1.705.540 km, and the density is slightly less than that of a cork.

Algol is a double star of an eclipsing nature. In it, a darker companion revolves around a lighter one with a period of 69 hours in such a way that on Earth for 9 hours we observe an eclipse of a star, and then a periodic change in brightness. This permanent change in brightness ranges between 2.2 and 3.5.

Doubles are called not just stars located very close in the starry sky - these are just usually optical, or false, doubles. In true binaries, two stars revolve around the same center of mass and are gravitationally bound together.

But it turned out that Algol even consists of three components: two stars rotate very close to each other, and the third is somewhat further. Two close stars, rotating, outshine each other in turn - and this is the key to the strange variable brightness of Algol. And Algol, and all similar stars, they called it: eclipsing variable stars.

Algol also brought another surprise to astronomers: it was found that a star with a lower mass surpasses the second one in both age and size. It seemed impossible: after all, massive stars evolve faster!

This is how the Algol paradox arose, now one of the fundamental ones in astronomy. He made it possible to describe the phenomenon of the flow of matter from star to star in close stellar pairs. And there were many stars like Algol in the sky, and the name Algol became a household name for all similar ones.

In it, a darker companion revolves around a lighter one with a period of 69 hours in such a way that on Earth for 9 hours we observe an eclipse of a star, and then a periodic change in brightness. This permanent change in brightness ranges between 2.2 and 3.5.

It is assumed that other dark stars also belong to the Algol star system. A darker star has a purely Saturnian nature, a lighter one conveys not only Saturnian, but also Mars-Uranium influence.

If the darker brother is facing the Earth, then invisible destructive actions are performed. These are the hours when Algol is less bright. In ancient times, people were afraid of him.

Influence: Nature of Saturn and Jupiter. Trouble, violence, death by beheading, hanging, or in the electric chair; mass unrest; the irreconcilable, unbridled nature of one who is born under this star is the cause of his own death and the death of others. It is the most malevolent of all stars.

Dr. Lomer in August 1959 in the journal "Cosmobiology" wrote: "Arab military leaders noticed that when conquering lands, decisive battles should not be started when Algol is at a loss."

Despite its significant distance from the ecliptic, the influence of this double star is very strong and destructive in most cases. The collective consciousness of primitive peoples as a whole tends towards cruelty and violence during those periods when Algol is connected with Mars or Saturn.

In most cases, the influence of this star is destructive. The possibility of poisoning, exposure to alcoholism. It seduces a person, seduces him from the true path, gives isolation and all sorts of difficulties in life.

In the climax: destroys all undertakings, leading to mental complexes and diseases. You can be a "demon - seducer" for others. Murder, needless death, beheading, a tendency to violence, ruin. If the Sun, Moon or Jupiter culminates at the same time - victories in the war.

In the cosmogram of the recidivist killer Haarman, Algol is on the Ascendant in conjunction with Mars. This configuration in this case indicates not only a criminal nature, but also his own execution.

Another recidivist Courten also had Algol on the Ascendant and Mars/Saturn midpoint. In addition to this, he had El Sheratan conjunction with Venus, and this, in combination with other indicators, corresponds to the card of a rapist and a murderer. According to Asbog, it is very difficult to avoid accidents and severe injuries if Algol is connected with the Sun, Moon or malefic planets.

Mars in conjunction with Algol was in the chart of Bormann, one of Hitler's closest associates, who tarnished his name with many murders.

We find the conjunction of Algol with Pluto in the astrogrammer Lomer, a writer specialized in frontier sciences; in Neslein, an artist-medium, and in the dictator Stalin.

Since everything has two sides, it could be said that “highly spiritual rays” also emanate from Algol, but only those people who have already reached a high level of spiritual development can receive them. But it should be noted that even then these chosen individuals will have difficulties and obstacles in their path, and they must have enough strength to overcome them.

The constellation Perseus is one of the most beautiful and expressive in the sky. And not only because its brightest stars form an easily remembered figure. The main reason, of course, is the opportunity to admire a significant number of interesting objects in it. In late autumn and early winter, this constellation is located high above the eastern side of the horizon in the evenings. The bright stars of Perseus resemble a giant star chair: there is a back, a seat, and two pairs of legs. Take a look at the star located at the base of the "back leg" of this chair, its name is Algol, which means the star-shaitan or the star-devil. I wonder why she got such a terrible name?

Ancient maps of the starry sky depict Perseus in armor, in a warlike pose, and he holds a sword in his right hand, and the severed head of Medusa in his left. This is the same Gorgon, in which snakes curled instead of hair, and from her gaze all living things turned into stone. And although Medusa died long ago, one of her eyes seems to wink from time to time. These stellar hints struck the ancient Arabs so much that they gave the star such an original name - the eye of the devil or Algol.

In Europe, the variability of the devil-star was first noticed by the Italian Geminiano Montanari in the seventeenth century, but only after more than a hundred years, the eighteen-year-old Englishman John Goodryk was able to guess the cause of star blinking. This exceptionally gifted young man had a physical defect - he was deaf and dumb. And I must say that in those days, deaf and dumb people in England were considered mentally handicapped and treated accordingly. But Goodrayk's parents did not pay attention to popular opinion and gave him the opportunity to get an academic education and prove himself in the scientific field. Unfortunately. Goodryk died very early, when he was only 21 years old, but in his short life he managed to make many discoveries.

Probably, if you persevere in what you love, you can achieve something that will leave a mark on science for many years. Goodraik has been following the star for a whole year and found that the brightness of Algol does not change for two and a half days, then for nine hours the brightness first decreases almost three times, and then increases to its previous state. And in 1783, he absolutely correctly interpreted his observations, writing: "If it were not too early to express considerations about the causes of variability, I could assume the existence of a large body revolving around Algol ...".

The brilliant young man was ahead of the development of science, putting forward the idea that somewhere in outer space the stars are adjacent to each other, moving around a common center of mass. But it was only at the end of the last century that the truth of Algol's duality assumption was confirmed. With the help of spectral analysis, it was proved that the dips in the brightness of Algol are due to the fact that one star of the system covers another.

Astronomers should thank nature for creating double stars. If it weren't for them, it's hard to imagine how we could "weigh" the heavenly bodies. After all, the masses of stars are connected with the characteristics of the orbits along which they circulate, by simple laws, which in our time are studied in school. Thanks to binary stars, it is possible to determine the masses of single stars, comparing them with the standards that are included in binary systems. A lot of things in her life and even the very time that she lives are connected with the mass of a star. About the Sun, we know for sure that it will shine for billions of years! And if the Sun were ten times more massive, its life would be much shorter.

As for the Algol system, it consists of a blue giant with a surface temperature of about 15 thousand degrees, which is two and a half times higher than that of the Sun, and its yellow satellite, the surface of which is only a thousand degrees hotter than the sun. Both stars are also larger than ours: the main one is 4 times larger, and that one. which is less - almost 3 times.

Every person can see the eclipse in the world of stars and be convinced of the variability of the shaitan star, because it is visible to the naked eye. To do this, try to remember its brightness during the next minimum and compare it with the star's brightness the next night. The exact dates and hours of Algol minimums for three months ahead are given in the table on this page. However, you yourself can easily continue this table, each time adding the same number to the last date. After all, eclipses in this system occur with truly royal precision every 2.8674 days (which corresponds to 2 days 20 hours and 49 minutes).

And if you want, you can even get the light curve during the eclipse yourself. In order to estimate the brightness of a variable, one must first choose two comparison stars: one is brighter, the other is fainter than Algol. The map below will help you with this, on which, next to the recommended stars, their brightness in magnitudes is indicated by numbers.

During observations, you must first compare the brightness of Algol with the first star and evaluate how many "steps" (they are also called degrees) Algol shines weaker. In this case, for one "step" take the smallest difference in brilliance, which, as you think, you could notice. After that, to the same extent, it is necessary to evaluate how much Algol shines brighter than the second star of comparison. At first it may seem that the size of one "step" that the eye can notice is very vague and subjective, but. as practice shows, it is quite real and is about 0.2 magnitude v for beginners and 0.06 for experienced observers.

Let's say you appreciate it. that the magnitude of the variable (let us denote it by the letter v) is 2 powers less than the bright star (a) and 3 powers greater than the faint one (b). Write down the result in the form a2v3b, not forgetting to look at the clock and indicate the point in time at which the assessment was carried out.

Now we can calculate the brilliance of the variable. Let us assume that the stars chosen for comparison have magnitudes of 3.1m and 4.7m. The difference between their brightness is 1.6 m , and the total degrees are: 2+3=5. So, one degree corresponds to: 1.6 m / 5=0.32 m. It remains for us to add 2 powers (0.32 m x2=0.64 m) to the value of the brightness of the bright star and, rounding off, get that the brightness of the variable is 3.7 m .

This result can be plotted on a graph, on one axis of which time is plotted, and on the other - the brightness of the star in stellar magnitudes. Over time, more and more observation points will appear on your chart. The desired line will appear more and more clearly if you bring all the data to the same epoch. Indeed, during one night it is impossible to get the entire light curve, so it is made up of many "pieces". To do this, it is necessary to plot along the horizontal axis not the time of observation itself, but the difference between this value and the nearest past moment of the minimum brightness of the variable, which, recall, can be taken from the table or calculated independently.

Of course, the Algol light curve you obtained in our time can no longer claim scientific value, but big things always start small, and two hundred years ago, for such research, young John Goodryke received the highest award of the British Royal Society!