This term is both needs and. Spiritual needs of the individual

The need can be understood as a kind of hypothetical variable, which, according to circumstances, manifests itself either as a motive or as a trait. In the latter case, the needs are stable and become qualities of character.

There is an opinion that this concept, which describes the internal relation of the subject to other subjects or objects and explains the behavior of living beings, is redundant, since the behavior of living beings can be described without using it.

  • with the cultural level and personality of the individual
  • with historical, geographical and other factors of the country or region

Innate drive, primal drive(a person possesses from birth) - pain, thirst, hunger, orientation and other stimuli associated with physiological states within the body

Goods are the means of satisfying human needs.

The degree to which a person's needs are met is welfare .

The set of actions aimed at the optimal satisfaction of the spiritual and material needs of a person is life support

Satisfaction of material needs in food, clothing, housing, health is life(as a set of connections and relationships).

The primary emotional manifestation of human need is attraction

The social process of reducing and/or depriving individuals or groups of the basic needs of life is deprivation

Features of human needs

Since the process of satisfying needs acts as a purposeful activity, needs are a source of personality activity. Realizing the goal subjectively as a need, a person is convinced that the satisfaction of the latter is possible only through the achievement of the goal. This allows him to correlate his subjective ideas about the need with its objective content, looking for the means of mastering the goal as an object.

It is characteristic of man that even those needs that are connected with the tasks of his physical existence are different from the similar needs of animals. Because of this, they are able to significantly change depending on the social forms of his life. The development of human needs is realized through the socially determined development of their objects.

Subjectively, needs are represented in the form of emotionally colored desires, inclinations, aspirations, and their satisfaction - in the form of evaluative emotions. Needs are found in motives, inclinations, desires, etc., which induce a person to activity and become a form of manifestation of a need. If in need activity is essentially dependent on its object-social content, then in motives this dependence manifests itself as the subject's own activity. Therefore, the system of motives revealed in the behavior of the individual is richer in features and more mobile than the need that constitutes its essence. The education of needs is one of the central tasks of personality formation.

As certain needs are satisfied, a person develops other needs, which allows economists to argue that, in general, needs are unlimited.

Needs are associated with a person's feeling of dissatisfaction, which is due to a shortage of what is required.

The presence of a need is accompanied by emotions: first, as the need intensifies - negative, and then - if it is satisfied - positive.

Needs determine the selectivity of perception of the world, fixing a person's attention mainly on those objects that have the ability to satisfy needs. At the physiological level, needs are expressed as stable foci of excitation of the corresponding nerve centers, identified by Academician Ukhtomsky A.A. as dominant. Under appropriate conditions, strong dominants can suppress the functioning of other nerve centers. For example, the very phenomenon of dominant was discovered in the study of motor reflexes of a dog to certain stimuli. At some point in time, the animal stopped responding to stimuli, and after a few seconds, he had an act of defecation. After that, the reflexes were restored. Dominants are lower, corresponding to the lower levels of the hierarchy of needs and higher. Higher dominants are characterized by long-term process of their formation.

The number of needs increases in the process of phylogenesis and ontogenesis. Thus, the number of needs increases in the evolutionary series: plants - primitive animals - highly developed animals - man, as well as in the ontogenetic series: newborn - infant - preschooler - schoolchild - adult.

Various scientists have explained the essence of human needs in different ways:

An approach
(need like...)
The essence of the approach Author
need The state of the individual in need in the conditions of life, objects and objects, without which his existence and development is impossible. S.L. Rubinstein
attitude Need is a system of relations between the subject and the environment YES. Leontiev
deviation from the level of adaptation The need is the result of the deviation of external or internal reality from the prevailing expectations of the subject about this reality. D.K. McClelland
condition A need is understood as a dynamic state of increased tension, which “pushes” a person to certain actions. This tension is "discharged" when the need is satisfied. Thus, in the process of the emergence and satisfaction of needs, a person goes through a number of dynamic states that differ in the level of their tension. Kurt Lewin
behavior program Needs are the main programs of behavior through which the functioning (life activity) of the subject is realized. F.N. Ilyasov
psychopathy Need is a forced subjective suffering of the psyche, which is the main cause of all neuroses. V.V. Monastic


When considering the relationship of needs with activity, it is necessary to immediately distinguish two stages in the life of each need: the period before the first meeting with the object that satisfies the need, and the period after this meeting.

At the first stage, the need, as a rule, is not revealed to the subject: he may experience a state of some kind of tension, dissatisfaction, but not know what caused it. From the side of behavior, the need state is expressed in anxiety, search, sorting through various objects. In the course of the search, the need usually meets its object, and this completes the first stage of the life of the need. The process of "recognition" by the need of its object is called the objectification of the need. By the very act of objectification, the need is transformed - it becomes a definite need, a need in this particular object. In elementary forms, this phenomenon is known as imprinting.

Objectification is a very important event: in this act, a motive is born. The motive is defined as the subject of need. We can say that through objectification, the need receives its concretization. Therefore, the motive is still defined as an objectified need. Following the objectification of activity and the appearance of a motive, the type of behavior changes dramatically - it acquires a direction that depends on the motive.

In the process of objectification, important features of needs are revealed:

  1. initially a very wide range of items that can satisfy a given need;
  2. quick fixation of a need on the first item that satisfies it

Classification of human needs

There are many classifications of needs. There are needs:

  • by areas of activity:
    • labor needs
    • knowledge
    • communication
    • recreation
  • according to the object of needs:
    • material
    • biological
    • social
    • spiritual
    • ethical
    • aesthetic, etc.
  • by importance:
    • dominant/minor
    • central/peripheral
  • in terms of temporal stability:
    • sustainable
    • situational
  • by functional role:
    • natural
    • culturally conditioned
  • by subject of needs:
    • group
    • individual
    • collective
    • public

By spheres

Needs are divided according to the nature of the activity (defensive, food, sexual, cognitive, communicative, gaming).

Separation in connection with those goals that are achieved as the need is met

  • biological,
  • labor,
  • knowledge,
  • communication,
  • recreation;

The American psychologist W. Mac Dougall believed that certain instincts lie at the basis of certain human needs, which manifest themselves through the corresponding sensations and motivate a person to certain activities.

Instinct His manifestation
1 food instinct Hunger
2 Self-preservation instinct (fear) Escape
3 herd instinct The desire to communicate
4 Acquisitive instinct Greed
5 The instinct to procreate sex drive
6 parental instinct Tenderness
7 Creativity Instinct The desire for activity
8 Disgust Rejection, rejection
9 Astonishment Curiosity
10 Anger Aggressiveness
11 Embarrassment self-deprecation
12 Inspiration self-affirmation

Guilford's list of motivational factors:

  1. factors corresponding to organic needs:
    1. hunger,
    2. sexual urge,
    3. general activity;
  2. environmental needs:
    1. the need for comfort, a pleasant environment,
    2. pedantry (need for order, cleanliness),
    3. the need for self-respect from others;
  3. work-related needs:
    1. ambition,
    2. persistence,
    3. endurance;
  4. social needs:
    1. the need for freedom
    2. independence,
    3. conformism,
    4. honesty.
  5. social needs:
    1. the need to be among people
    2. the need to please
    3. need for discipline
    4. aggressiveness;
  6. common interests:
    1. the need for risk or, conversely, for security,
    2. the need for entertainment.
  1. acquisitive (the need for accumulation, acquisition),
  2. altruistic (the need to perform selfless actions),
  3. hedonistic (need for comfort, serenity),
  4. gloric (the need to recognize one's own significance),
  5. gnostic (need for knowledge),
  6. communicative (need for communication),
  7. praxic (the need for the effectiveness of efforts),
  8. pugnic (the need for competitive activity),
  9. romantic (the need for the unusual, the unknown),
  10. aesthetic (the need for beauty).

According to H. Murray, needs are divided primarily into primary needs and secondary needs. There are also explicit needs and latent needs; these forms of existence of the need are determined by the ways of their satisfaction. According to the functions and forms of manifestation, introverted needs and extraverted needs are distinguished. Needs can be expressed at the actual or verbal level; they can be egocentric or sociocentric, and the general list of needs is:

  1. dominance - the desire to control, influence, direct, convince, hinder, limit;
  2. aggression - the desire to disgrace, condemn, mock, humiliate by word or deed;
  3. search for friendships - the desire for friendship, love; good will, sympathy for others; suffering in the absence of friendships; desire to bring people together, remove obstacles;
  4. rejection of others - the desire to reject attempts at rapprochement;
  5. autonomy - the desire to get rid of any restrictions: from guardianship, regime, order, etc .;
  6. passive obedience - submission to force, acceptance of fate, intrapunity, recognition of one's own inferiority;
  7. need for respect and support;
  8. the need for achievement - the desire to overcome something, to surpass others, to do something better, to reach the highest level in some business, to be consistent and purposeful;
  9. the need to be the center of attention;
  10. the need for play - the preference for playing any serious activity, the desire for entertainment, the love of witticisms; sometimes combined with carelessness, irresponsibility;
  11. selfishness (narcissism) - the desire to put above all one's own interests, complacency, auto-eroticism, painful sensitivity to humiliation, shyness; tendency to subjectivism in the perception of the external world; often merges with the need for aggression or rejection;
  12. sociality (sociophilia) - forgetfulness of one's own interests in the name of the group, altruistic orientation, nobility, compliance, concern for others;
  13. the need to search for a patron - expectation of advice, help; helplessness, seeking solace, gentle treatment;
  14. the need for assistance;
  15. the need to avoid punishment - restraining one's own impulses in order to avoid punishment, condemnation; the need to reckon with public opinion;
  16. the need for self-defense - difficulties in recognizing one's own mistakes, the desire to justify oneself with references to circumstances, to defend one's rights; refusal to analyze their mistakes;
  17. the need to overcome defeat, failure - differs from the need to achieve an emphasis on independence in actions;
  18. the need to avoid danger;
  19. the need for order - the desire for accuracy, order, accuracy, beauty;
  20. the need for judgment - the desire to raise general questions or answer them; propensity for abstract formulas, generalizations, passion for "eternal questions", etc.

By object

Separation in connection with what object the need is directed to.

  • physiological (food, water, air, climatic conditions, etc.),
  • material (housing, clothing, vehicles, tools of production, etc.),
  • social (communication, social activities, public recognition, etc.),
  • spiritual (knowledge, creative activity, creation of beauty, scientific discoveries, etc.),
  • ethical,
  • aesthetic,
  • other;

By functional role

  • dominant/secondary,
  • central/peripheral,
  • stable/situational;


There is a division into two large groups - natural and cultural. The first of them are programmed at the genetic level, and the second are formed in the process of social life.

By analogy with conditioned and unconditioned reflexes, needs are also divided into

  • congenital,
  • simple acquired and
  • complex acquired.

Simple acquired needs are understood as needs formed on the basis of an individual’s own empirical experience (for example, the need of a workaholic in his favorite job), while complex ones are understood on the basis of his own conclusions and ideas of non-empirical origin (for example, the need of a religious person for confession, based on an idea grafted from outside about positive consequences of the ritual, but not on the empirical feeling of guilt and humiliation at its performance).

According to the subject of needs

  • individual,
  • group,
  • collective,
  • public.

Hierarchy of Needs

Human needs form a hierarchical system, where each need has its own level of significance. As they are satisfied, they give way to other needs.

Classification according to the level of complexity divides the needs into biological, social and spiritual.

  • To biological one can attribute the desire of a person to maintain his existence (the need for food, clothing, sleep, security, sexual satisfaction, economy of strength, etc.).
  • To social Needs include the human need for communication, popularity, dominance over others, belonging to a particular group, leadership and recognition.
  • Spiritual human needs are the need to know the world around and oneself, the desire for self-improvement and self-realization, in knowing the meaning of one's existence.

Usually a person simultaneously has more than ten unfulfilled needs at the same time, and his subconscious mind arranges them in order of importance, forming a rather complex hierarchical structure, known as Maslow's Pyramid of Needs. A. Maslow divided the needs according to the sequence of their satisfaction, when the needs of the highest level appear after the needs are satisfied by the level below.

  • Biological (physiological) needs are due to the need to maintain life. For a normal metabolism, a person needs food, living conditions and the opportunity to rest and sleep. These needs are called vital because their satisfaction is essential for life.
  • The realization of the physiological and psychological need for security and confidence in the future allows for a long period of time to maintain homeostasis. Sex is necessary for procreation. (The physiological and psychological needs can also include the need for information, since in the absence of nerve signals, the nervous tissue degrades, and the psyche of people under conditions of sensory deprivation is upset.)
  • The need for communication, love and support from others is a psychological and social need, the realization of which allows people to act in groups (see affiliation).
  • The need for recognition and self-affirmation is a social need, the implementation of which allows you to determine your place in society.
  • The need for self-expression is a creative, creative need, thanks to its realization, people create art objects.

The simplest types of needs are vital needs that are programmed in a long process of existence, development, evolution (food, drink, air, sleep, sex drive). Freudianism reduces the needs of high levels to unchanging vital ones.

The need for security is also associated with the need for the stability of the existence of the current order of things - confidence in the future, the feeling that nothing threatens you, and old age will be secure.

By type of behavior

F.N. Ilyasov, within the framework of the ethological approach, identifies the main types of behavior (needs) that describe the life activity of higher animals and humans. There are only six of them: 1) food, 2) sexual (sexual and reproductive), 3) status (collective, social), 4) territorial, 5) comfortable, b) juvenile (playing). Within the framework of the ethological approach (that is, giving the "lowest" level of description), it is permissible to believe that the above six needs are able to exhaustively describe the functioning of such a complex system as a person. The problem of the hierarchy of needs within the framework of this approach is solved through the problem of the typology of individuals according to the ranking of dominant needs. Even everyday experience tells us that there are subjects with the dominance of different types of behavior - sexual, nutritional, status, etc. It is possible to build a typology based on ranking the importance of needs from the point of view of the subject. This question, of course, requires empirical justification, however, it is possible that 2-3 dominant needs can fully reflect behavior.


Dialectical materialism

Even the philosophers of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome achieved significant success in understanding human needs. Ancient thinkers recognized needs as the main motivating forces of human activity. Democritus, for example, considered need as the main driving force that made the human mind sophisticated, made it possible to acquire language, speech, and the habit of work. Without needs, man could not get out of the wild state. According to Heraclitus, needs are determined by the conditions of life. He distinguished that every desire must be reasonable. Moderation in meeting needs contributes to the development and improvement of human intellectual abilities. Plato divided needs into primary ones, which form the "lower soul", which is like a herd, and into secondary ones, which form a "reasonable, noble" soul, the purpose of which is to lead the first. French materialists of the late 17th century attached great importance to needs as the main sources of human activity. P. Holbach wrote that needs are the driving factor of our passions, will, mental activity. Man's needs are uninterrupted, and this circumstance is the source of his constant activity. N. G. Chernyshevsky assigned an important role to the needs in understanding human activity. With the development of needs, he linked the development of human cognitive abilities. K. Marx emphasizes that "man differs from all other animals in the boundlessness of his needs and their ability to expand." As an independent scientific problem, the question of needs began to be considered in philosophy, sociology, economics, and psychology in the first quarter of the 20th century. In general, a need can be defined as a need, a need for something. It should be emphasized that a fairly large number of scientists "consider the need as a state of tension." In life, one can observe how the very appearance of need changes the state of a person. Such a (need) state makes him look for the cause of discomfort, find out what the person lacks. Thus, the need induces a person to action, to activity, to activity. Currently, there are many different points of view on the essence of the need. Most scientists agree only that almost everyone recognizes the need as the main motivating force of human activity. However, there is neither complete unanimity nor unambiguity in the interpretation of this concept.



  • Shcherbatykh Yu. V. General psychology. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008. - S. 171-177.
  • Frager R., Feidiman J. Personality: Theories, Experiments, Exercises. - St. Petersburg: Prime-Eurosign, 2001.- S. 487-494.
  • Ilyasov F.N. Correlation between the structure of needs and the structure of prices // Ilyasov F.N. Status theory of price (basic approaches to the formation of a conceptual model). Moscow: Institute of Sociology RAS. 1993.

a form of manifestation of the intentional nature of the psyche, in accordance with which the living organism is encouraged to carry out qualitatively defined forms of activity necessary for the preservation and development of the individual and the genus. The primary biological form of need is NEED. Instincts are aimed at its completion, in which both the properties of objects relevant to the need and the basic behavioral acts necessary to achieve them are specified. It is characteristic of man that even those of his needs that are connected with the tasks of his physical existence are different from the similar needs of animals. Because of this, they are able to significantly change depending on the social forms of his life. The development of human needs is carried out at the expense of the socially determined development of their objects. Needs are divided according to the nature of the activity (defensive activity, food, sexual, cognitive, communicative, play). Subjectively, needs are represented in the form of emotionally colored DESIRES, INTENSIONS, STRIVINGS, and their realization - in the form of evaluative emotions.


NEED). In Rotter's theory, a set of different behaviors that have in common how they acquire similar reinforcers (eg, recognition, love, and affection). (J. Frager, J. Feidiman, p. 705)


the initial form of activity of living beings is a form of manifestation of the intentional nature of the psyche, according to which the living organism is induced to carry out qualitatively defined forms of activity necessary for the preservation and development of the individual and the genus. Dynamic education that organizes and directs cognitive processes, imagination and behavior. The main driving force of human development. Irritation of attraction. Through needs, life becomes purposeful, and either the satisfaction of the need is achieved, or an unpleasant collision with the environment is prevented.

Need is the primary biological form of need. Certain states of tension periodically arise in the body; they are associated with a lack of substances (object) required for the continuation of life. These states of the organism's objective need for something that lies outside it and constitutes a necessary condition for its normal functioning are called needs. This is the state of the individual, created by the need he feels for the objects necessary for his existence and development, and acting as a source of his activity. Instincts are aimed at filling the need, in which the properties of objects relevant to the need and the basic behavioral acts necessary to achieve them are given.

A need is a dynamic force emanating from an organism. Neither pressure nor need exists in isolation: meeting a need involves interacting with and transforming social situations in order to achieve adaptation; at the same time, the situations themselves and the needs of other people can act both as an incentive (need) and as an obstacle (pressure).

Needs do not remain unchanged, but change and improve depending on the growth of a person’s general culture, his knowledge of reality and attitudes towards it. It is better to start the analysis of needs with their organic forms.

To the set of elementary biological needs innate in man and higher animals, we must add the need for communication - the need for contacts with their own kind, primarily with adult individuals, and the need for knowledge. With regard to these two needs, two important points should be noted: at first they are closely intertwined with each other, and both constitute a necessary condition for the formation of personality at all stages of development. They are necessary in the same way as organic needs, but if the latter only ensure biological existence, then contact with people and knowledge are necessary for the formation of the subject as a personality.

Needs are divided according to the nature of the activity (defensive, food, sexual, cognitive, communicative, play activities). When considering the relationship of needs with activity, it is necessary to immediately distinguish two stages in the life of each need: the period before the first meeting with the object that satisfies the need, and the period after this meeting.

At the first stage, the need, as a rule, is not revealed to the subject: he may experience a state of some kind of tension, dissatisfaction, but not know what caused it. From the side of behavior, the need state is expressed in anxiety, search, sorting through various objects. In the course of the search, the need usually meets its object, and this completes the first stage of the life of the need. The process of "recognition" by the need of its object is called the objectification of the need (-> need: objectification). By the very act of objectification, the need is transformed - it becomes a definite need, a need in this particular object.

The need can be understood as a kind of hypothetical variable, which, according to circumstances, manifests itself either as a motive or as a trait. In the latter case, the needs are stable and become qualities of character.

According to H. Murray, the list of needs is as follows: 1) dominance - the desire to control, influence, direct, convince, hinder, limit;

2) aggression - the desire in word or deed to disgrace, condemn, mock, humiliate;

3) search for friendships - the desire for friendship, love; good will, sympathy for others; suffering in the absence of friendships; desire to bring people together, remove obstacles;

4) rejection of others - the desire to reject attempts at rapprochement;

5) autonomy - the desire to get rid of any restrictions: from guardianship, regime, order, etc.;

6) passive obedience - submission to force, acceptance of fate, intrapunity, recognition of one's own inferiority;

7) the need for respect and support;

8) the need for achievement - the desire to overcome something, to surpass others, to do something better, to reach the highest level in some business, to be consistent and purposeful;

9) the need to be the center of attention;

10) the need for play - a preference for playing any serious activity, a desire for entertainment, a love for witticisms; sometimes combined with carelessness, irresponsibility;

11) selfishness (narcissism) - the desire to put above all one's own interests, complacency, autoeroticism, painful sensitivity to humiliation, shyness; tendency to subjectivism in the perception of the external world; often merges with the need for aggression or rejection;

12) sociality (sociophilia) - forgetfulness of one's own interests in the name of the group, altruistic orientation, nobility, compliance, concern for others;

13) the need to search for a patron - expectation of advice, help; helplessness, seeking solace, gentle treatment;

14) the need to provide assistance;

15) the need to avoid punishment - containment of one's own impulses in order to avoid punishment, condemnation; the need to reckon with public opinion;

16) the need for self-defense - difficulties in recognizing one's own mistakes, the desire to justify oneself with references to circumstances, to defend one's rights; refusal to analyze their mistakes;

17) the need to overcome defeat, failure - differs from the need to achieve an emphasis on independence in actions;

18) the need to avoid danger;

19) the need for order - the desire for accuracy, order, accuracy, beauty;

20) the need for judgment - the desire to raise general questions or answer them; propensity for abstract formulas, generalizations, enthusiasm for "eternal questions", etc.

Since the process of satisfying needs acts as a purposeful activity, needs are a source of personality activity. Realizing the goal subjectively as a need, a person is convinced that the satisfaction of the latter is possible only through the achievement of the goal. This allows him to correlate his subjective ideas about the need with its objective content, looking for the means of mastering the goal as an object.

It is characteristic of man that even those needs that are associated with the tasks of his physical existence are different from the similar needs of animals. Because of this, they are able to significantly change depending on the social forms of his life. The development of human needs is realized through the socially determined development of their objects.

Subjectively, needs are represented in the form of emotionally colored desires, inclinations, aspirations, and their satisfaction - in the form of evaluative emotions. Needs are found in motives, inclinations, desires, etc., which induce a person to activity and become a form of manifestation of a need. If in need activity is essentially dependent on its object-social content, then in motives this dependence manifests itself as the subject's own activity. Therefore, the system of motives revealed in the behavior of the individual is richer in features and more mobile than the need that constitutes its essence. The education of needs is one of the central tasks of personality formation.


English needs) - a form of communication between living organisms and the outside world, the source of their activity (behavior, activity). P. as the internal essential forces of the organism induce it to the implementation of qualitatively defined forms of activity necessary for the preservation and development of the individual and the genus.

In their primary biological forms, P. act as a need experienced by the body for something that is outside of it and necessary for its life. Biological P. is inherent in a homeostatic character: the activity they stimulate is always aimed at achieving the optimal level of functioning of the basic life processes, resumes when it deviates from this level, and stops when it is reached (see Homeostasis, Organic Sensations). P. animals are reduced to the preservation of the individual and procreation, metabolism with the environment, the development and improvement of vitally important orienting and executive reactions. Most animals have the form of instincts, in which not only the properties of objects relevant to the needs are “recorded” from birth (see Motive), but also the main sequence of behavioral acts necessary to master them.

Items of the person and animals are not identical. Even the physical existence of a person, due to the characteristics of his organism, is different from similar animal P., since in humans they do not determine the forms of his life activity, but, on the contrary, are able to transform depending on the higher, specifically human forms of life activity, to which they enter into submission. .

The specificity of human P. is due to the fact that he opposes the world not as an isolated individual, but as an element of various social systems, including humanity as a whole as a tribal community. Therefore, a person's higher P. reflect, first of all, his connections with social communities of different levels, as well as the conditions for the existence and development of the social systems themselves. This applies both to the P. of social groups and society as a whole, and to the P. of each individual, in which its social essence is expressed.

Nevertheless, the question of the nature of human P. remains debatable. Some researchers consider them innate (see, for example, A. Maslow, 3. Freud). Others believe that the sociality of all human desires, without exception, is manifested in their content, origin, and in the ways of realization (satisfaction). From this t. sp. P. of a person are not innate, they are formed in the process of mastering social reality, the formation of his personality. The development of human P. occurs through the expansion and change in the range of their subjects. The social production of material goods and spiritual values ​​determines the development of social goods, which are appropriated by individuals in the process of their socialization, entry into the world of social relations, and mastery of the material and spiritual culture of mankind.

The main basis for singling out P.'s types is the nature of the activity to which P. is induced by the subject. On this basis, defensive, food, sexual, cognitive, communicative, play, creative, etc. P. are distinguished. Among them, substantial P. are distinguished, the vital significance of which is determined by the need for one form or another of interaction with the subject of P. ), and functional P., inducing to activity, the main point of which is the process itself (recreational, game P.). There are several dozen other bases for the classification of human mental health. The most significant and widespread of these classifications are: by origin (biogenic, psychogenic, and sociogenic mental health), by subject (individual, group, social, universal), by object (material and spiritual), by function (P. of physical and social existence; P. of preservation and P. of development), etc. However, many P. are difficult to unambiguously classify on these grounds; so, there are P., combining the features of material and spiritual or aesthetic and cognitive P. (see Problem-based learning).

P. of a person are formed in ontogenesis on the basis of innate prerequisites that create the possibility of certain interactions with the world, and the need for certain forms of activity, determined by the biological and social program of life. A prerequisite for the formation of P. in a particular activity is the experience of this activity, which at the early stages of development is carried out jointly with an adult and / or can act as a means of implementing other P. So, for example, P. in alcohol develops in the process of its consumption , initially acting as a means of implementing P. in communication, self-affirmation, belonging to a group, or being a consequence of an example and direct persuasion of elders.

P. manifest themselves in human behavior, influencing the choice of motives that determine the direction of behavior in each specific situation. P. of a person represent a dynamic hierarchy, in which the leading position is occupied by one or another P., depending on the implementation of some and the actualization of other P. In this case, the choice of motive is determined not only by the dominant p. in a given situation, but also by others. , comparatively less pressing. Subjectively, P. are experienced in the form of emotionally colored desires, inclinations, aspirations, and the success of their implementation - in the form of evaluative emotions; P. themselves may not be realized at the same time. Actual P. also organize the course of cognitive processes, increasing the readiness of the subject to perceive information relevant to them. (D. A. Leontiev.)


Needs). In Rotter's terminology, it is practically synonymous with goals. When Rotter focuses on the environment, he talks about goals; when talking about a person, he uses the word "needs", sometimes understanding by them the behavior or a set of behaviors that, in the opinion of a person, bring him closer to the goal. The six categories of needs that Rotter considers are recognition/status, dominance, independence, protection/dependence, love/affection, and physical comfort. The need complex includes three components - the potential of the need, freedom of movement and the value of the need.


in the Gestalt approach, interest is aimed more at need in the broad sense of the word than at desire. Needs can be organic (for food, sleep), psychological, social (eg the need to be included in a group) or spiritual (eg the need to give meaning to one's life), etc. (A. Maslow). They are not always easy to detect and clearly articulate. The "need satisfaction cycle" (or "contact cycle" or "Gestalt") is often broken or disrupted. Finding these gaps, blockages or distortions is one of the goals of therapeutic work.


Specificity. In accordance with them, the living organism is encouraged to carry out qualitatively defined forms of activity necessary for the preservation and development of the individual and the genus. Need is the primary biological form of need. Instincts are aimed at its completion, in which the properties of objects relevant to the need and the basic behavioral acts necessary to achieve them are set. It is characteristic of man that even those of his needs that are connected with the tasks of physical existence are different from the similar needs of animals. Because of this, they are able to change significantly depending on social forms of life. The development of human needs is carried out at the expense of the socially determined development of their objects. Subjectively, needs are represented in the form of emotionally colored desires, inclinations, aspirations, and their realization - in the form of evaluative emotions.

Kinds. Needs are divided according to the nature of the activity (defensive activity, food, sexual, cognitive, communicative, play).


Demand, urgent need. Often used in this sense in relation to internal or external states that have motivating properties; for example, the need for food or the need for a family.


1. Some thing or some state of affairs which, if present, would improve the welfare of the organism. A need, in this sense, can be something basic and biological (food), or it can involve social and personal factors and come from complex forms of learning (achievement, prestige). 2. The internal state of an organism that needs a thing or a state of affairs. Note that the value 1 refers to what is needed, while the value 2 refers to the hypothetical state of the organism in a state of deprivation. These two definitions are simple, although they may hide some important subtleties of usage that are reflected in the specialized literature. For example, some people tend to view need as equivalent to drive. This usage extends the above meanings in a theoretically interesting but sometimes confusing direction. The equation with drive endows the state of need with motivational properties that are not explicitly represented in meaning 1, although they are implicit in meaning 2. To appreciate the problem, it should be understood that there are needs for which there are no drives, for example, the need for oxygen, since the tension you feel when you hold your breath is not a craving for oxygen, but a craving to lower your carbon dioxide levels. In the behaviorist tradition, attempts have been made to subject the concept of need to a strictly operationalist analysis. That is, this need is characterized in terms of procedures. The body's "need" for food, for example, is specified in any of several ways, such as comparing body weight to what it would be on a normal diet (for example), or establishing how much time has passed since a meal. Although this lexicographic device helps to clarify some issues, it does not help to understand the complex relationships between biological needs, social needs, and the problem of motivation. There are other uses, but they are neither as common nor as inevitable as these. For example, need is sometimes used as a synonym for such terms as motive, incentive, desire, aspiration, etc. An excess of quasi-synonyms is a characteristic feature of concepts whose main characteristics are essential to the theoretical basis of psychology, but whose connotations are so diverse that it is impossible to establish the boundaries of these concepts. In general, most authors use clarifying phrases in order to delineate the exact meaning of the term, as shown in the following articles.


an experienced state of internal tension that arises as a result of the reflection in the mind of a need (need, desire for something) and encourages mental activity associated with goal setting.

The need can be understood as a kind of hypothetical variable, which, according to circumstances, manifests itself either as a motive or as a trait. In the latter case, the needs are stable and become qualities of character.

There is an opinion that this concept, which describes the internal relation of the subject to other subjects or objects and explains the behavior of living beings, is redundant, since the behavior of living beings can be described without using it.

  • with the cultural level and personality of the individual
  • with historical, geographical and other factors of the country or region

Innate drive, primal drive(a person possesses from birth) - pain, thirst, hunger, orientation and other stimuli associated with physiological states within the body

Goods are the means of satisfying human needs.

The degree to which a person's needs are met is welfare .

The set of actions aimed at the optimal satisfaction of the spiritual and material needs of a person is life support

Satisfaction of material needs in food, clothing, housing, health is life(as a set of connections and relationships).

The primary emotional manifestation of human need is attraction

The social process of reducing and/or depriving individuals or groups of the basic needs of life is deprivation

Features of human needs

Since the process of satisfying needs acts as a purposeful activity, needs are a source of personality activity. Realizing the goal subjectively as a need, a person is convinced that the satisfaction of the latter is possible only through the achievement of the goal. This allows him to correlate his subjective ideas about the need with its objective content, looking for the means of mastering the goal as an object.

It is characteristic of man that even those needs that are connected with the tasks of his physical existence are different from the similar needs of animals. Because of this, they are able to significantly change depending on the social forms of his life. The development of human needs is realized through the socially determined development of their objects.

Subjectively, needs are represented in the form of emotionally colored desires, inclinations, aspirations, and their satisfaction - in the form of evaluative emotions. Needs are found in motives, inclinations, desires, etc., which induce a person to activity and become a form of manifestation of a need. If in need activity is essentially dependent on its object-social content, then in motives this dependence manifests itself as the subject's own activity. Therefore, the system of motives revealed in the behavior of the individual is richer in features and more mobile than the need that constitutes its essence. The education of needs is one of the central tasks of personality formation.

As certain needs are satisfied, a person develops other needs, which allows economists to argue that, in general, needs are unlimited.

Needs are associated with a person's feeling of dissatisfaction, which is due to a shortage of what is required.

The presence of a need is accompanied by emotions: first, as the need intensifies - negative, and then - if it is satisfied - positive.

Needs determine the selectivity of perception of the world, fixing a person's attention mainly on those objects that have the ability to satisfy needs. At the physiological level, needs are expressed as stable foci of excitation of the corresponding nerve centers, identified by Academician Ukhtomsky A.A. as dominant. Under appropriate conditions, strong dominants can suppress the functioning of other nerve centers. For example, the very phenomenon of dominant was discovered in the study of motor reflexes of a dog to certain stimuli. At some point in time, the animal stopped responding to stimuli, and after a few seconds, he had an act of defecation. After that, the reflexes were restored. Dominants are lower, corresponding to the lower levels of the hierarchy of needs and higher. Higher dominants are characterized by long-term process of their formation.

The number of needs increases in the process of phylogenesis and ontogenesis. Thus, the number of needs increases in the evolutionary series: plants - primitive animals - highly developed animals - man, as well as in the ontogenetic series: newborn - infant - preschooler - schoolchild - adult.

Various scientists have explained the essence of human needs in different ways:

An approach
(need like...)
The essence of the approach Author
need The state of the individual in need in the conditions of life, objects and objects, without which his existence and development is impossible. S.L. Rubinstein
attitude Need is a system of relations between the subject and the environment YES. Leontiev
deviation from the level of adaptation The need is the result of the deviation of external or internal reality from the prevailing expectations of the subject about this reality. D.K. McClelland
condition A need is understood as a dynamic state of increased tension, which “pushes” a person to certain actions. This tension is "discharged" when the need is satisfied. Thus, in the process of the emergence and satisfaction of needs, a person goes through a number of dynamic states that differ in the level of their tension. Kurt Lewin
behavior program Needs are the main programs of behavior through which the functioning (life activity) of the subject is realized. F.N. Ilyasov
psychopathy Need is a forced subjective suffering of the psyche, which is the main cause of all neuroses. V.V. Monastic


When considering the relationship of needs with activity, it is necessary to immediately distinguish two stages in the life of each need: the period before the first meeting with the object that satisfies the need, and the period after this meeting.

At the first stage, the need, as a rule, is not revealed to the subject: he may experience a state of some kind of tension, dissatisfaction, but not know what caused it. From the side of behavior, the need state is expressed in anxiety, search, sorting through various objects. In the course of the search, the need usually meets its object, and this completes the first stage of the life of the need. The process of "recognition" by the need of its object is called the objectification of the need. By the very act of objectification, the need is transformed - it becomes a definite need, a need in this particular object. In elementary forms, this phenomenon is known as imprinting.

Objectification is a very important event: in this act, a motive is born. The motive is defined as the subject of need. We can say that through objectification, the need receives its concretization. Therefore, the motive is still defined as an objectified need. Following the objectification of activity and the appearance of a motive, the type of behavior changes dramatically - it acquires a direction that depends on the motive.

In the process of objectification, important features of needs are revealed:

  1. initially a very wide range of items that can satisfy a given need;
  2. quick fixation of a need on the first item that satisfies it

Classification of human needs

There are many classifications of needs. There are needs:

  • by areas of activity:
    • labor needs
    • knowledge
    • communication
    • recreation
  • according to the object of needs:
    • material
    • biological
    • social
    • spiritual
    • ethical
    • aesthetic, etc.
  • by importance:
    • dominant/minor
    • central/peripheral
  • in terms of temporal stability:
    • sustainable
    • situational
  • by functional role:
    • natural
    • culturally conditioned
  • by subject of needs:
    • group
    • individual
    • collective
    • public

By spheres

Needs are divided according to the nature of the activity (defensive, food, sexual, cognitive, communicative, gaming).

Separation in connection with those goals that are achieved as the need is met

  • biological,
  • labor,
  • knowledge,
  • communication,
  • recreation;

The American psychologist W. Mac Dougall believed that certain instincts lie at the basis of certain human needs, which manifest themselves through the corresponding sensations and motivate a person to certain activities.

Instinct His manifestation
1 food instinct Hunger
2 Self-preservation instinct (fear) Escape
3 herd instinct The desire to communicate
4 Acquisitive instinct Greed
5 The instinct to procreate sex drive
6 parental instinct Tenderness
7 Creativity Instinct The desire for activity
8 Disgust Rejection, rejection
9 Astonishment Curiosity
10 Anger Aggressiveness
11 Embarrassment self-deprecation
12 Inspiration self-affirmation

Guilford's list of motivational factors:

  1. factors corresponding to organic needs:
    1. hunger,
    2. sexual urge,
    3. general activity;
  2. environmental needs:
    1. the need for comfort, a pleasant environment,
    2. pedantry (need for order, cleanliness),
    3. the need for self-respect from others;
  3. work-related needs:
    1. ambition,
    2. persistence,
    3. endurance;
  4. social needs:
    1. the need for freedom
    2. independence,
    3. conformism,
    4. honesty.
  5. social needs:
    1. the need to be among people
    2. the need to please
    3. need for discipline
    4. aggressiveness;
  6. common interests:
    1. the need for risk or, conversely, for security,
    2. the need for entertainment.
  1. acquisitive (the need for accumulation, acquisition),
  2. altruistic (the need to perform selfless actions),
  3. hedonistic (need for comfort, serenity),
  4. gloric (the need to recognize one's own significance),
  5. gnostic (need for knowledge),
  6. communicative (need for communication),
  7. praxic (the need for the effectiveness of efforts),
  8. pugnic (the need for competitive activity),
  9. romantic (the need for the unusual, the unknown),
  10. aesthetic (the need for beauty).

According to H. Murray, needs are divided primarily into primary needs and secondary needs. There are also explicit needs and latent needs; these forms of existence of the need are determined by the ways of their satisfaction. According to the functions and forms of manifestation, introverted needs and extraverted needs are distinguished. Needs can be expressed at the actual or verbal level; they can be egocentric or sociocentric, and the general list of needs is:

  1. dominance - the desire to control, influence, direct, convince, hinder, limit;
  2. aggression - the desire to disgrace, condemn, mock, humiliate by word or deed;
  3. search for friendships - the desire for friendship, love; good will, sympathy for others; suffering in the absence of friendships; desire to bring people together, remove obstacles;
  4. rejection of others - the desire to reject attempts at rapprochement;
  5. autonomy - the desire to get rid of any restrictions: from guardianship, regime, order, etc .;
  6. passive obedience - submission to force, acceptance of fate, intrapunity, recognition of one's own inferiority;
  7. need for respect and support;
  8. the need for achievement - the desire to overcome something, to surpass others, to do something better, to reach the highest level in some business, to be consistent and purposeful;
  9. the need to be the center of attention;
  10. the need for play - the preference for playing any serious activity, the desire for entertainment, the love of witticisms; sometimes combined with carelessness, irresponsibility;
  11. selfishness (narcissism) - the desire to put above all one's own interests, complacency, auto-eroticism, painful sensitivity to humiliation, shyness; tendency to subjectivism in the perception of the external world; often merges with the need for aggression or rejection;
  12. sociality (sociophilia) - forgetfulness of one's own interests in the name of the group, altruistic orientation, nobility, compliance, concern for others;
  13. the need to search for a patron - expectation of advice, help; helplessness, seeking solace, gentle treatment;
  14. the need for assistance;
  15. the need to avoid punishment - restraining one's own impulses in order to avoid punishment, condemnation; the need to reckon with public opinion;
  16. the need for self-defense - difficulties in recognizing one's own mistakes, the desire to justify oneself with references to circumstances, to defend one's rights; refusal to analyze their mistakes;
  17. the need to overcome defeat, failure - differs from the need to achieve an emphasis on independence in actions;
  18. the need to avoid danger;
  19. the need for order - the desire for accuracy, order, accuracy, beauty;
  20. the need for judgment - the desire to raise general questions or answer them; propensity for abstract formulas, generalizations, passion for "eternal questions", etc.

By object

Separation in connection with what object the need is directed to.

  • physiological (food, water, air, climatic conditions, etc.),
  • material (housing, clothing, vehicles, tools of production, etc.),
  • social (communication, social activities, public recognition, etc.),
  • spiritual (knowledge, creative activity, creation of beauty, scientific discoveries, etc.),
  • ethical,
  • aesthetic,
  • other;

By functional role

  • dominant/secondary,
  • central/peripheral,
  • stable/situational;


There is a division into two large groups - natural and cultural. The first of them are programmed at the genetic level, and the second are formed in the process of social life.

By analogy with conditioned and unconditioned reflexes, needs are also divided into

  • congenital,
  • simple acquired and
  • complex acquired.

Simple acquired needs are understood as needs formed on the basis of an individual’s own empirical experience (for example, the need of a workaholic in his favorite job), while complex ones are understood on the basis of his own conclusions and ideas of non-empirical origin (for example, the need of a religious person for confession, based on an idea grafted from outside about positive consequences of the ritual, but not on the empirical feeling of guilt and humiliation at its performance).

According to the subject of needs

  • individual,
  • group,
  • collective,
  • public.

Hierarchy of Needs

Human needs form a hierarchical system, where each need has its own level of significance. As they are satisfied, they give way to other needs.

Classification according to the level of complexity divides the needs into biological, social and spiritual.

  • To biological one can attribute the desire of a person to maintain his existence (the need for food, clothing, sleep, security, sexual satisfaction, economy of strength, etc.).
  • To social Needs include the human need for communication, popularity, dominance over others, belonging to a particular group, leadership and recognition.
  • Spiritual human needs are the need to know the world around and oneself, the desire for self-improvement and self-realization, in knowing the meaning of one's existence.

Usually a person simultaneously has more than ten unfulfilled needs at the same time, and his subconscious mind arranges them in order of importance, forming a rather complex hierarchical structure, known as Maslow's Pyramid of Needs. A. Maslow divided the needs according to the sequence of their satisfaction, when the needs of the highest level appear after the needs are satisfied by the level below.

  • Biological (physiological) needs are due to the need to maintain life. For a normal metabolism, a person needs food, living conditions and the opportunity to rest and sleep. These needs are called vital because their satisfaction is essential for life.
  • The realization of the physiological and psychological need for security and confidence in the future allows for a long period of time to maintain homeostasis. Sex is necessary for procreation. (The physiological and psychological needs can also include the need for information, since in the absence of nerve signals, the nervous tissue degrades, and the psyche of people under conditions of sensory deprivation is upset.)
  • The need for communication, love and support from others is a psychological and social need, the realization of which allows people to act in groups (see affiliation).
  • The need for recognition and self-affirmation is a social need, the implementation of which allows you to determine your place in society.
  • The need for self-expression is a creative, creative need, thanks to its realization, people create art objects.

The simplest types of needs are vital needs that are programmed in a long process of existence, development, evolution (food, drink, air, sleep, sex drive). Freudianism reduces the needs of high levels to unchanging vital ones.

The need for security is also associated with the need for the stability of the existence of the current order of things - confidence in the future, the feeling that nothing threatens you, and old age will be secure.

By type of behavior

F.N. Ilyasov, within the framework of the ethological approach, identifies the main types of behavior (needs) that describe the life activity of higher animals and humans. There are only six of them: 1) food, 2) sexual (sexual and reproductive), 3) status (collective, social), 4) territorial, 5) comfortable, b) juvenile (playing). Within the framework of the ethological approach (that is, giving the "lowest" level of description), it is permissible to believe that the above six needs are able to exhaustively describe the functioning of such a complex system as a person. The problem of the hierarchy of needs within the framework of this approach is solved through the problem of the typology of individuals according to the ranking of dominant needs. Even everyday experience tells us that there are subjects with the dominance of different types of behavior - sexual, nutritional, status, etc. It is possible to build a typology based on ranking the importance of needs from the point of view of the subject. This question, of course, requires empirical justification, however, it is possible that 2-3 dominant needs can fully reflect behavior.


Dialectical materialism

Even the philosophers of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome achieved significant success in understanding human needs. Ancient thinkers recognized needs as the main motivating forces of human activity. Democritus, for example, considered need as the main driving force that made the human mind sophisticated, made it possible to acquire language, speech, and the habit of work. Without needs, man could not get out of the wild state. According to Heraclitus, needs are determined by the conditions of life. He distinguished that every desire must be reasonable. Moderation in meeting needs contributes to the development and improvement of human intellectual abilities. Plato divided needs into primary ones, which form the "lower soul", which is like a herd, and into secondary ones, which form a "reasonable, noble" soul, the purpose of which is to lead the first. French materialists of the late 17th century attached great importance to needs as the main sources of human activity. P. Holbach wrote that needs are the driving factor of our passions, will, mental activity. Man's needs are uninterrupted, and this circumstance is the source of his constant activity. N. G. Chernyshevsky assigned an important role to the needs in understanding human activity. With the development of needs, he linked the development of human cognitive abilities. K. Marx emphasizes that "man differs from all other animals in the boundlessness of his needs and their ability to expand." As an independent scientific problem, the question of needs began to be considered in philosophy, sociology, economics, and psychology in the first quarter of the 20th century. In general, a need can be defined as a need, a need for something. It should be emphasized that a fairly large number of scientists "consider the need as a state of tension." In life, one can observe how the very appearance of need changes the state of a person. Such a (need) state makes him look for the cause of discomfort, find out what the person lacks. Thus, the need induces a person to action, to activity, to activity. Currently, there are many different points of view on the essence of the need. Most scientists agree only that almost everyone recognizes the need as the main motivating force of human activity. However, there is neither complete unanimity nor unambiguity in the interpretation of this concept.



  • Shcherbatykh Yu. V. General psychology. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2008. - S. 171-177.
  • Frager R., Feidiman J. Personality: Theories, Experiments, Exercises. - St. Petersburg: Prime-Eurosign, 2001.- S. 487-494.
  • Ilyasov F.N. Correlation between the structure of needs and the structure of prices // Ilyasov F.N. Status theory of price (basic approaches to the formation of a conceptual model). Moscow: Institute of Sociology RAS. 1993.


discipline Psychology and Pedagogy

on the topic "Needs. Their types and development"

need communication motivational achievement


1.Identification of needs

2. Types of needs

3. Development needs. The concept of professionally significant features of the motivational-need sphere of personality.

4. Achievement needs and affirmations and their role in achieving professional success



Human needs know no boundaries, the more a person has and knows, the more needs. At present, when a rich world of material and spiritual possibilities is bustling around us, needs play a special role - the role of our guide. Needs are our engine, they guide us, make us move forward and not stop there.

But at the same time there are also negative sides. Needs are often confusing and make it difficult to determine the true goal, they also instill in us a number of complexes and shortcomings.

The world of needs is as rich as our imagination, and since I am only an amateur in the field of psychology and pedagogy, I propose to turn to the works of famous authors.

1.Identification of needs

Maklakov A.G.: “Need is the initial form of activity of living organisms. Need can be described as a periodically occurring state of tension in the body of living beings. The occurrence of this condition in a person is caused by a lack of a substance in the body or the absence of an object necessary for the individual. This state of an organism's objective need for something that lies outside it and constitutes a necessary condition for its normal functioning is called a need.

A need is a state of need of a person in certain conditions of life and activity or material objects. A need, like any state of a person, is always associated with a person's feeling of satisfaction or dissatisfaction. All living beings have needs, and this distinguishes living nature from non-living. Another difference, also related to needs, is the selectivity of the response of the living thing to exactly what constitutes the subject of needs, that is, to what the body lacks at a given moment in time. The need activates the body, stimulates its behavior, aimed at finding what is required.

The quantity and quality of needs that living beings have depends on the level of their organization, on the way and conditions of life, on the place occupied by the corresponding organism on the evolutionary ladder. Plants that need only certain biochemical and physical conditions of existence have the least needs. A person has the most diverse needs, who, in addition to physical and organic needs, also has spiritual and social needs. Social needs are expressed in the desire of a person to live in society, to interact with other people.

The main characteristics of human needs are the strength, frequency of occurrence and method of satisfaction. An additional, but very significant characteristic, especially when it comes to a person, is the objective content of the need, that is, the totality of those objects of material and spiritual culture with the help of which this need can be satisfied.

2. Types of needs

The man of modern society is engaged in a variety of activities. It is hardly possible to classify all types of activities, since in order to represent and describe all types of human activity, it is necessary to list the most important needs for a given person, and the number of needs is very large, due to the individual characteristics of people.

However, it is possible to generalize and single out the main activities characteristic of all people. They will correspond to the general needs that can be found in almost all people without exception, or rather, to those types of social human activity in which each person inevitably joins in the process of his individual development.

There are needs:

by areas of activity:

labor needs


according to the object of needs:




aesthetic, etc.

by importance:



in terms of temporal stability:



by functional role:


culturally conditioned

by subject of needs:





Desire (specified need) - a need that has taken a specific form in accordance with the cultural level and personality of the individual with historical, geographical and other factors of the country or region

A need is a state of an individual created by his need for something. There are various classifications of needs, one of the most significant of them was proposed by P. V. Simonov, he believed that human needs can be divided into biological or organic (the need for food, water, oxygen, etc.), and social. Social needs should include, first of all, the need for contacts with their own kind and the need for external impressions, or a cognitive need. These needs begin to manifest in a person at a very early age and persist throughout his life.

An important contribution to the classification of needs was made by the American psychologist A. Maslow. His ideas are most detailed in the 1954 book Motivation and Personality (Motivation and Personality).

Maslow himself identifies 5 levels of needs, without putting them in a hierarchical sequence:

    Physiological: hunger, thirst, sexual desire, etc.

    Existential: security of existence, comfort, constancy of living conditions.

    Social: social connections, communication, affection, concern for others and attention to oneself, joint activities.

    Prestigious: self-respect, respect from others, recognition, achievement of success and appreciation, promotion.

    Spiritual: knowledge, self-actualization, self-expression, self-identification.

Later, a more detailed classification was drawn up. There are seven main levels (priorities) in the system:

    (lower) Physiological needs: hunger, thirst, sex drive, etc.

    Need for security: feeling confident, getting rid of fear and failure.

    The need for belonging and love.

    The need for respect: achievement of success, approval, recognition.

    Cognitive needs: to know, to be able, to explore.

    Aesthetic needs: harmony, order, beauty.

    (higher) The need for self-actualization: the realization of one's goals, abilities, the development of one's own personality.

As the lower needs are satisfied, the needs of a higher level become more and more urgent, but this does not mean at all that the place of the previous need is occupied by a new one only when the former is fully satisfied. Also, the needs are not in an inseparable sequence and do not have fixed positions, as shown in the diagram. This pattern takes place as the most stable, but for different people the mutual arrangement of needs may vary.

The most famous distinction between the concepts of "need" and "need" belongs to Karl Marx. By “need” he understood the urgent desire of a person to receive a vital good, for example, food, clothing, housing, etc. This also includes the desire to protect oneself from such undesirable situations as loneliness, mortal danger, illness, etc.

“Need” is already a need that takes a concrete form. For example, experiencing a need for food, a person has a need to eat pasta, canned food or other dishes and products that he likes the most, or he has the opportunity to use them exclusively due to a certain amount of money, health and well-being, living in a certain region, etc. .d. Thus, a need is a personal characteristic of a person that distinguishes him from other people.

Karl Marx divided needs into individual and collective, into material, which are satisfied with the help of goods, and intangible, satisfied by obtaining certain services.

Differences between the concepts of "need" and "need"

One of the main differences between needs and needs lies in the unsaturation of the former and the saturability of the latter. This means that a person needs food, water, shelter throughout life, which makes these needs insatiable. Needs are often satisfied once: having purchased a particular product or received a certain service, a person ceases to feel the need for them for a certain time or forever.

There is a current debate about the attribution of certain human desires to needs or needs. This includes the desire to communicate. In fact, communication is an integral part of human life, but at the same time, a person can exist without it and without negative consequences. The same goes for love, intimacy and procreation - for some people this is a vital need, while for others it is a common need.

Needs and occupy one of the central places in philosophy, legal and other disciplines, since they are important factors in human existence. They most often form the image and meaning of a person's life, his goals and aspirations, his attitude towards other members of society, etc. It is important to be aware of your desires, to distinguish positive needs from negative ones and try to achieve what you want.