Observation diary of a pupil of an orphanage. student observation diary

Publication date: 25.11.2015

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Emelyanov Kirill Dmitrievich

MBOU Theological School

Class teacher: Yagupova I.V.

    Full name Emelyanov Kirill Dmitrievich

  1. Date of birth 05.06.2006

    Home address: NSO Ust-Tarksky district, Bogoslovka village, Zelenaya st., 28 kv.1

    Child's family:

Mother: Emelyanova Tatyana Yurievna.

Father: Emelyanov Dmitry Alekseevich.

Place of work: Bogoslovskoye LLC

    Living conditions: 3-room apartment, where mother, father, three children live.

    Relationships in the family: elements of dictate from the father are traced. Mom does not have her own opinion, she agrees with her husband in everything.

The presence of deviations from the norms of behavior in the family: the father's behavior is inadequate - he reacts to any comments regarding Cyril with outbursts of anger. He starts talking in raised tones, insulting the interlocutor, not paying attention to his gender, age and status.

The educational potential of the family Parents are characterized by a low level of general and pedagogical culture, the inability to properly organize family leisure, the life of the family in order to overcome the mistakes made in raising children.

    The nature of the child is quick-tempered - easily upset, offended. He tries to eliminate the causes of his grievances with the help of abuse and fists. Not sensitive to others.

    Personal qualities (positive, negative) Curiosity can be attributed to positive qualities. To the negative - hot temper, unreasonable discontent, pugnacity.

    The position of the child in the team is at the junction of neutral / rejected

    Educational activities: program material is difficult to learn, needs constant help from adults.

The level of knowledge is characterized by low indicators.

Motivation for learning is low.

Class attendance is regular, but without interest. Does not understand the task.

    Extracurricular activities. A personal contribution to the life of the class, the school likes to participate in school-wide activities and competitions.


Kirill has been studying at this school since the 1st grade. The boy entered school at the age of 7.

Outwardly, the child is neat, cultural and hygienic skills are sufficiently formed. He comes to school in clean clothes, combed, neat. Physical development corresponds to age. She loves sports and physical education lessons.

The level of education is low. The learning process is very difficult for him. Distracted in the lessons, attention is unstable - it is fixed with difficulty for a short time. Kirill quickly gets tired, loses interest in classes, and is inattentive. Thinking is concrete, rigid. The amount of memory is reduced. Knowledge about the surrounding world is unsystematic and fragmentary. Logical operations: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization at the stage of formation.

Reading is syllable-by-syllable, jerky, monotonous. Highlights the intonation of the text according to the model. Consistent retelling only based on clarity or leading questions. The hidden meaning of the text is determined with the help of the teacher.

The writing is slow, sloppy. Sometimes skips letters in words, rearranges letters and syllables in compound words, letters of different sizes. Easily copies from printed and handwritten text; writing from dictation is difficult. Does not perform tasks in Russian independently, requires repeating the teacher's verbal instructions several times.

Direct and reverse counting within 20, calls "neighbors", numbers, knows how to count from a given number to a given number, performs counting operations with difficulty. When solving problems, it is difficult to write down a brief condition. The construction of geometric shapes is performed with the help of a teacher.

Relationships with classmates are difficult. The boy pushes the guys away from him: he constantly tries to offend someone, call them names, and is often aggressive. In conflict situations, he prefers to solve the problem with his fists.

Kirill violates the rules of behavior for students at school: during breaks, he runs away home or to his grandmother without permission, goes to the dining room, uses obscene expressions in his speech, insults students and dissolves his hands.

Class teacher Yagupova I.V. _____________




Obscene language at change.

Message to parents through a note. Conducting an individual conversation about the culture of communication.

Threatened Yana: "I'll break your nose."

Class teacher Yagupova I.V. _____________


Hit Leroux. Swears by mother.

Class teacher Yagupova I.V. _____________


Fights for change. Insults students, swears.

Message to parents through a note. Conducting an individual conversation about the rules of behavior of students at school.

Class teacher Yagupova I.V _____________


In the morning he was aggressive. Didn't respond to comments. Hit Lera and Yana. Provoked a fight.

Conversation with parents about Cyril's behavior.

Class teacher Yagupova I.V. _____________



Educational activities:


    unwillingness to learn;

    low academic performance;

    difficulty in mastering curricula;

    systematic failure in one or more subjects.

Relationships with peers.

Position in class:


    opposition to the team;

    the position of the leader of a micro group consisting of difficult students.

Attitude towards other children:

    mistreatment of the weak and the younger;

    neglect of peers.

Relationships with adults.

With teachers:

    the conflict nature of the relationship with one or more teachers;


    faux pas;

With parents:

    conflict nature;

    rudeness, rudeness.

Behavior and actions.

At school:

  • violation of the requirements of school discipline;

    foul language;


    damage to school property;

    disruption of lessons;

Class teacher Yagupova I. V. _____________

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Dynamic Observation Diary Tretyakova Alexandra 2_ class student of the Novo-Voskresenskaya secondary school

(Name of the child)

Escort Specialist

Conclusion (conclusions)

Classroom teacher

Difficulties in mastering the curriculum (indicate subjects, typical mistakes ...), relationships with peers and teachers, attitudes towards their duties ... ..

Poorly learns the program in Russian, reading, mathematics. Does not know letters, cannot read, copy from printed text, write from dictation; written speech is not developed, the outlook is narrow. Attention level is low. Makes mistakes in calculations for addition and subtraction within 20, poorly solves problems (does not know how to write down her solution). Relations with peers and the teacher are on a benevolent basis, he has friends in the class, he is passive in his school affairs, he shows little educational activity.

Social teacher

The family is incomplete, large, low-income. Relationships in the family are smooth, conflict-free. Mom is ready to cooperate.

medical worker

Satisfactory condition, no chronic diseases


An assessment of the dynamics of the child's development indicates a slight increase in the level of stability of (voluntary) attention. Can carry out generalizations and classification of objects mainly by external signs, the development of self-control skills is more productive, the pace of activity has increased slightly, the formation of fine motor skills is reduced. It should be noted that the development of Alexander Tretyakov's abilities has an unstable positive trend. This is mainly due to impaired shifting of attention, difficulties in assimilation of instructions (reduced perception, impaired sense of distance in communication), increased anxiety (fear of making a mistake), the child's need for approval, and impaired short-term auditory memory.

An active participant in the creative association "School Museum", visits the creative association "The World Through the Eyes of Children".

Reaching child

Episheva Romana student of grade 5 MOU Novo-Voskresenskaya secondary school

(Name of the child)

Escort Specialist

Dynamics of development at the beginning of the academic year

Dynamics of development at the end of the academic year

Conclusion (conclusions)

Classroom teacher

Together with subjects

Poorly learns the program in Russian, mathematics. narrow horizons, status in the group, relationships with peers and the teacher are built on a benevolent basis, they are passive in their school duties, and show little educational activity.

Social teacher

Information about the family, parenting style, family environment, living conditions ...., parents' willingness to cooperate ...

The family is incomplete, large, low-income. Relationships in the family are unstable, conflict. Mom is ready to cooperate.

medical worker

The state of health of the child, the presence of chronic diseases, health group ... ..

The state of health is satisfactory, registered with the surgeon, health group 2 main


Assessment of the level of intellectual development, emotional sphere, behavioral characteristics

An assessment of the dynamics of the child's development indicates a slight increase in the level of stability of (voluntary) attention, the ability to generalize and classify objects (mainly) according to external signs, the development of self-control skills, an increase in the pace of activity and the development of motor skills. I would like to note that the development of Roman Epishev's abilities has a pronounced unstable positive trend. This is mainly due to a violation of the switching of attention, difficulties in learning instructions (reduced perception), a wary attitude to the new (difficulties in learning new things), weakened short-term auditory memory.

Evaluation of speech development, signs of impaired speech development, prospects for correction (setting sounds ....)

Public (school) activity of the child, assessment of the realization of his abilities (self-expression) in artistic, aesthetic, sports .... other activities (employment in the circle)

Attends the sports section "Hockey", a member of the national team of the school district.

Member of the creative association "Wooden architecture and woodcarving"

Reaching child

Certificates, participation in competitions ....

Dynamic Observation DiaryAlushkina Olga 4th grade students of the Novo-Voskresenskaya secondary school

(Name of the child)

Escort Specialist

Criteria for assessing the development of a child

Dynamics of development at the beginning of the academic year

Dynamics of development at the end of the academic year

Conclusion (conclusions)

Classroom teacher

(), together with subjects

Difficulties in mastering the curriculum (indicate subjects, typical mistakes ...), relationships with peers and teachers, attitudes towards their duties ... ..

Poorly learns the program in Russian. The nature of the difficulties is temporary, makes mistakes, written speech is poorly developed, violates the syllable division, allows the replacement of letters in words, the status in the group is preferred, relations with peers and the teacher are built on a benevolent basis, they take their school duties responsibly, show active learning activity.

Social teacher

Information about the family, parenting style, family environment, living conditions ...., parents' willingness to cooperate ...

The family is complete, low-income, is registered on the intra-school register. Father is disabled. Family relationships are unstable. Parents are ready to cooperate

medical worker

The state of health of the child, the presence of chronic diseases, health group ... ..

The state of health is satisfactory, registered with a pediatrician, health group 2 main


Assessment of the level of intellectual development, emotional sphere, behavioral characteristics

An assessment of the dynamics of the child's development indicates a significant increase in the level of stability of (voluntary) attention, the ability to generalize and classify objects according to external signs, the development of self-control skills, an increase in the pace of activity and the development of fine motor skills. Weakened anxiety caused by situations of failure, the overall emotional background increased. I would like to note that the development of Olga Alushkina's abilities has a pronounced stable positive trend.

Evaluation of speech development, signs of impaired speech development, prospects for correction (setting sounds ....)

Deputy educational director

Public (school) activity of the child, assessment of the realization of his abilities (self-expression) in artistic, aesthetic, sports .... other activities (employment in the circle)

Active member of the sports section "Table Tennis".

He develops his abilities by visiting the creative association "The World through the Eyes of Children".

Reaching child

Certificates, participation in competitions ....

Multiple winner, winner of the school district in table tennis.

Diary of dynamic observation of Amelkova Oksana, a student of the 4 ___ class of the Novo-Voskresenskaya secondary school

(Name of the child)

Escort Specialist

Criteria for assessing the development of a child

Dynamics of development at the beginning of the academic year

Dynamics of development at the end of the academic year

Conclusion (conclusions)

Classroom teacher


together with subjects

Difficulties in mastering the curriculum (indicate subjects, typical mistakes ...), relationships with peers and teachers, attitudes towards their duties ... ..

The program assimilates in all subjects. He does his work carefully and diligently. The level of attention is average. Behavior in class is good. He reacts calmly to the remark, worries about his own failures. Makes mistakes in solving problems, in the methods of written multiplication and division by three-digit numbers. Relations with peers are good. The relationship with the teacher is built on a benevolent basis; Responsible for their school responsibilities. Attention is unstable.

Social teacher

Information about the family, parenting style, family environment, living conditions ...., parents' willingness to cooperate ...

The family is complete, large, low-income. Relations in the family are even and friendly. Parents are ready to cooperate

medical worker

The state of health of the child, the presence of chronic diseases, health group ... ..


Assessment of the level of intellectual development, emotional sphere, behavioral characteristics

Figurative thinking is developed at an average level, prolonged activity leads to a strong decrease in concentration and a decrease in the efficiency of task completion.

anxiety and restless discontent, caused either by circumstances or by the dissatisfaction of emotionally significant needs.

Evaluation of speech development, signs of impaired speech development, prospects for correction (setting sounds ....)

Deputy educational director

Public (school) activity of the child, assessment of the realization of his abilities (self-expression) in artistic, aesthetic, sports .... other activities (employment in the circle)

Reaching child

Certificates, participation in competitions ....

Dynamic observation diary of Darya Sobchenko, student of grade 1 of the Novo-Voskresenskaya secondary school

(Name of the child)

Escort Specialist

Criteria for assessing the development of a child

Dynamics of development at the beginning of the academic year

Dynamics of development at the end of the academic year

Conclusion (conclusions)

Classroom teacher

(), together with subjects

Difficulties in mastering the curriculum (indicate subjects, typical mistakes ...), relationships with peers and teachers, attitudes towards their duties ... ..

The program assimilates in all subjects. He does his work carefully and diligently. The level of attention is average. Behavior in class is good. He reacts calmly to the remark, worries about his own failures. Makes mistakes in calculations for subtraction within 10; speech is poorly developed. The relationship with the teacher is built on a benevolent basis; Responsible for their school responsibilities. There is stiffness, shyness, isolation. Attention is unstable.

Social teacher

Information about the family, parenting style, family environment, living conditions ...., parents' willingness to cooperate ...

The family is complete, low-income. Relations in the family are even and friendly. Parents are ready to cooperate

medical worker

The state of health of the child, the presence of chronic diseases, health group ... ..

Satisfactory condition, childhood disabled with a disease of the nervous system and dysfunction of the digestive tract, health group 4, exercise therapy is recommended


Assessment of the level of intellectual development, emotional sphere, behavioral characteristics

Low workability, exhaustion, the severity of feelings of depression and anxiety, difficulties in establishing contacts with peers. Forecast of the level of adaptation and risks is medium

Evaluation of speech development, signs of impaired speech development, prospects for correction (setting sounds ....)

Deputy educational director

Public (school) activity of the child, assessment of the realization of his abilities (self-expression) in artistic, aesthetic, sports .... other activities (employment in the circle)

Reaching child

Certificates, participation in competitions ....

Dynamic Observation DiaryNeplyukhina Natalia 9th grade students of the Novo-Voskresenskaya secondary school

(Name of the child)

Escort Specialist

Criteria for assessing the development of a child

Dynamics of development at the beginning of the academic year

Dynamics of development at the end of the academic year

Conclusion (conclusions)

Classroom teacher

(), together with subjects

Difficulties in mastering the curriculum (indicate subjects, typical mistakes ...), relationships with peers and teachers, attitudes towards their duties ... ..

The program assimilates in all subjects. Makes mistakes in calculations for division and multiplication of three-digit numbers. Written speech is not sufficiently developed, he writes prepositions with words together, reading skills are reduced, his horizons are narrow.

Relations with peers and teachers are built on a benevolent basis, they treat their school duties responsibly, and show educational activity to the best of their ability. Has many friends among classmates and other students of the school.

Social teacher

Information about the family, parenting style, family environment, living conditions ...., parents' willingness to cooperate ...

The family is complete, large, low-income, prosperous. Relations in the family are even and friendly. Parents are ready to cooperate

medical worker

The state of health of the child, the presence of chronic diseases, health group ... ..


Assessment of the level of intellectual development, emotional sphere, behavioral characteristics

The productivity of attention is somewhat reduced during prolonged mental (or physical) stress. The process of classifying and generalizing objects on a specific and abstract basis is reduced, often due to the haste of conclusions, it makes mistakes in drawing analogies, establishing generalizing relationships and classifying objects.

Evaluation of speech development, signs of impaired speech development, prospects for correction (setting sounds ....)

Deputy educational director

Public (school) activity of the child, assessment of the realization of his abilities (self-expression) in artistic, aesthetic, sports .... other activities (employment in the circle)

Attends the sports section of basketball. For two years in a row she has been carrying out the “Memory Watch” at Post No. 1 in Novosibirsk, the Polevoy camp camp.

Reaching child

Certificates, participation in competitions ....

Participates in school sports activities.

Auxiliary information for the subject teacher, class teacher:

Attitude towards learning (interest, passion, indifference, negative):

    The quality of the performance of educational work (diligence, accuracy, organization); Level of development of attention (high, medium, low); What subjects does he have difficulty with? Implementation of the school regime and the rules of conduct in the classroom; Reaction to criticisms and assessments (calm, interested, passive, aggressive, unpredictable); Reaction to own failures (experience, rise in activity, decline in activity, passivity, indifference); The student's ability to self-assess his abilities, successes and failures (overestimated, underestimated, adequate).

Special abilities.

Interpersonal communication and social experience:

    How does it relate to the opinion of the collective, collective requirements (benevolently, seriously, painfully, indifferently, hostilely); Style of relations with peers (calmly friendly, aggressive, unstable); Does he have authority in the team; Does he have friends in his class, outside the class; In what capacity does he participate in the affairs of the class (active participant, passive performer, organizer, disorganizer, does not participate); How does he carry out orders? Who do you have the most conflicts with?


Stage activities
preparations for the council

Activities within the framework of psychological
pedagogical council

Implementation of council decisions


Carrying out diagnostic
work: diagnostic
minimum and various schemes
in-depth diagnostics in
"problem" students

Preparation of materials for

Providing participants
information on psychological
pedagogical status
specific students and
student groups


Planning directions and forms
psychological work within
accompaniment of specific
students, student groups
and parallels in general

Carrying out psychocorrection,
developing and advisory
activities with schoolchildren

Conducting group and individual
consultations with teachers and parents

Planning to work with
class teachers

Social dispatch activity

Psychological education


Collection of pedagogical
information about pedagogical
aspects of student status
(own observations,
interviews or surveys
subject teachers)

Providing the necessary
pedagogical information
members of the council

Participation in strategy development

Planning forms and directions
support work
specific students or class

Holding specific molds
educational work within the decision

Counseling for parents and teachers
- subject matter experts
accompanying students and
student groups

subject teacher

Participation in expert surveys
at the stage of diagnostic

Providing the necessary
information to the classroom
manager and psychologist
as part of their preparations for

Does not participate or participates as needed

Participation in group and individual
counseling by a psychologist
head teacher or physician

Development of individual strategies
pedagogical support
specific students and their
subsequent implementation

Parent Counseling

Participation in methodical seminars,
accompanying activities in
various school parallels

Head teacher

Organizational assistance in
diagnostic measures

Organization of the work of the council

Participation in development
pedagogical aspects
accompaniment of individual
schoolchildren and student

Helping educators develop strategies

Consulting teachers on
methodical and meaningful

Administration consulting


Organizational and
administrative assistance in

Does not participate

Meetings with a psychologist and head teacher
discussion of the results of the consultation

Participation in the accompanying
assistance activities,
support or intervention

Often, mothers come to the doctor with complaints of delayed speech development in a child. But in some children, with a close look, the specialist, in addition to this, sees the features of the child's behavior that differ from the norm and are alarming.

Consider a clinical example:

Boy S. Age 2 years 9 months. According to the mother, the child's vocabulary is no more than 20 separate words, consisting of two or three syllables. There are no phrases. Mom says that the child often has tantrums, is restless, it is difficult to fall asleep. The child's mother has no other complaints. On examination, the doctor notices that the child does not look into the eyes, is constantly in motion, reacts with a cry if something is not given or forbidden to him. You can calm the child only by giving him a mobile phone or tablet. Shows interest not in children's toys, but more in shiny pieces of furniture and interior. Starting to play something, quickly loses interest and switches to something else. Asking the mother, it turns out that the child is very selective in food. Not accustomed to the potty, defecation only in a diaper in a standing position. Difficulty falling asleep and waking up during sleep. The child underwent Electroencephalography and consultations with a clinical psychologist and a speech therapist. Based on the results of the diagnosis and the clinical picture, the diagnosis was made - Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are complex disorders of mental development that are characterized by social maladaptation and inability to social interaction, communication and behavioral stereotypy (multiple repetitions of monotonous actions).

Back in the middle of the last century, autism was a fairly rare disease. But over time, more and more children suffering from this disorder began to appear. Statistics show that the incidence of ASD in children over the past 30-40 years in countries where such statistics are carried out has risen from 4-5 people per 10 thousand children to 50-116 cases per 10 thousand children. At the same time, boys are more susceptible to this disease than girls (approximately 4:1 ratio).

Causes of RAS.

All over the world, until today, scientists studying the causes of autism have not come to a consensus. Many assumptions are put forward. Among the possible factors for the appearance of this disorder in children are some hypotheses:

Hypothesis of genetic predisposition

A hypothesis based on disorders of the development of the nervous system (autism is considered as a disease caused by disorders of brain development in the early stages of a child's growth).

Hypotheses about the influence of external factors: infections, chemical effects on the mother's body during pregnancy, birth trauma, congenital metabolic disorders, the influence of certain drugs, industrial toxins.

But whether these factors really can lead to the appearance of autism in children has not yet been clarified.

Features of the mental development of children with ASD.

To understand and recognize the presence of autism in a child, parents need to carefully monitor the behavior of the child, notice unusual signs that are not characteristic of the age norm. Most often, these signs can be detected in children under the age of 3 years.

Childhood autism is considered as a developmental disorder that affects all areas of the child's psyche: intellectual, emotional, sensitivity, motor sphere, attention, thinking, memory, speech.

Speech Development Disorders: at an early age, the absence or weak cooing and babbling can be noted. After a year, it becomes noticeable that the child does not use speech to communicate with adults, does not respond to a name, and does not follow verbal instructions. By the age of 2, children have a very small vocabulary. By the age of 3 they do not build phrases or sentences. At the same time, children often stereotypically repeat words (often incomprehensible to others) in the form of an echo. Some children have a lack of speech development. For others, speech continues to develop, but there are still communication impairments. Children do not use pronouns, address, speak about themselves in the third person. In some cases, there is a regression of previously acquired speech skills.

Difficulties in communication and lack of emotional contact with others: Such children shun tactile contact, eye contact is almost completely absent, there are inadequate facial reactions and difficulties in using gestures. Children most often do not smile, do not reach out to their parents and resist attempts by adults to take them in their arms. Children with autism lack the ability to express their emotions, as well as to recognize them in the people around them. There is a lack of empathy for other people. The child, along with the adult, does not focus on one activity. Children with autism do not make contact with other children or avoid it, they find it difficult to cooperate with other children, most often they tend to retire (difficulties in adapting to the environment).

H violation of exploratory behavior: children are not attracted by the novelty of the situation, they are not interested in the environment, they are not interested in toys. Therefore, children with autism most often use toys in an unusual way, for example, a child may not roll the whole car, but turn one of its wheels monotonously for hours. Or not understanding the purpose of the toy to use it for other purposes.

Eating disorders: a child with autism can be extremely selective in the products offered, food can cause a child to be disgusted, dangerous, often children begin to sniff food. But along with this, children may try to eat an inedible thing.

Violation of self-preservation behavior: due to the large number of fears, the child often finds himself in a situation that is dangerous for himself. The cause can be any external stimulus that causes an inadequate reaction in the child. For example, a sudden noise may cause a child to run in a random direction. Also, the reason is ignoring real threats to life: a child can climb very high, play with sharp objects, cross the road without looking.

Motor Development Disorder: as soon as the child begins to walk, he is noted for awkwardness. Also, some children with autism are inherent in walking on their toes, a very noticeable violation of the coordination of hands and feet. It is very difficult for such children to teach everyday actions, it is rather difficult for them to imitate. Instead, they develop stereotypical movements (performing the same actions for a long time, running in circles, swinging, flapping “like wings” and circular movements with their arms), as well as stereotypical manipulations with objects (tweaking small details, lining them up). Children with autism have significant difficulty in learning self-care skills. Pronounced motor awkwardness.

Perceptual disturbances: difficulties in orientation in space, fragmentation in the perception of the environment, distortion of a holistic picture of the objective world.

Difficulties in concentrating: children hardly focus on one thing, there is a high impulsiveness and restlessness.

Bad memory: Often, both parents and professionals notice that children with autism remember well what is meaningful to them (this may cause them pleasure or fear). Such children remember their fear for a long time, even if it happened a very long time ago.

Features of thinking: experts note difficulties in arbitrary learning. Also, children with autism do not focus on understanding the cause-and-effect relationships in what is happening, there are difficulties in transferring the acquired skills to a new situation, the concreteness of thinking. It is difficult for a child to understand the sequence of events and the logic of another person.

Behavioral problems: negativism (refusal to listen to the instructions of an adult, to perform joint activities with him, leaving the learning situation). Often accompanied by resistance, screams, aggressive outbursts. A huge problem is the fears of such children. Usually they are incomprehensible to others, because often children cannot explain them. The child may be frightened by sharp sounds, some specific actions. Another behavioral disorder is aggression. Any disorder, violation of a stereotype, interference of the outside world in a child's life can provoke aggressive (tantrum or physical attack) and auto-aggressive outbursts (damage to oneself).

Each case of the disease is very individual: autism can have most of the listed signs in an extreme degree of manifestation, and it can manifest itself only in some barely noticeable features.

Diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders

To diagnose autism, specialists use the criteria of 2 international classifications: ICD-10 and DSM-5.

But the main three criteria (“triad” of violations) that can be distinguished are:

Violation of social adaptation

Communication disorders

Stereotypical behavior

The main diagnostic steps include:

Examination of a child by a psychiatrist, neurologist, psychologist

Observing the child and completing the Autism Rating Scale, which can be used to determine the severity of the disorder

Conversation with parents

Filling out questionnaires by parents - "Questionnaire for the diagnosis of autism"

Types of RAS

There are several existing classifications of ASD, and the division often occurs on completely different grounds, which, of course, can bring some inconvenience to a person who is initially little familiar with medicine or psychology; therefore, the most basic and frequently encountered types of ASD will be highlighted below: - Kanner's syndrome (Early childhood autism) - characterized by a "triad" of the main violations: difficulty in establishing contacts with the outside world, stereotypical behavior, as well as a delay or violation of the communicative functions of speech development . It is also necessary to note the condition of the early onset of these symptoms (up to about 2.5 years)

It manifests itself in children in 4 forms, depending on the degree of fencing off from the outside world:

Complete detachment from what is happening. This group is characterized by the absence of speech and the inability to organize the child (to establish eye contact, to achieve the implementation of instructions and assignments). When trying to interact with the child, he shows the greatest discomfort and impaired activity.

Active rejection. It is characterized by more active contact with the environment than the first group. There is no such detachment, but there is rejection of a part of the world that is unacceptable to the child. The child shows selective behavior (in communication with people, in food, in clothes)

Preoccupation with autistic interests. It is characterized by the formation of overvalued addictions (for years a child can talk on the same topic, draw the same plot). The gaze of such children is directed at the face of a person, but they look "through" this person. Such children enjoy the stereotyped reproduction of individual impressions.

Extreme difficulty in organizing communication and interaction. Autism at its mildest. Children are characterized by increased vulnerability, contact with the world stops at the slightest sensation of obstacles. These children can make eye contact.

Asperger Syndrome. Formed from birth. Children have an early onset of speech development, a rich vocabulary, developed logical thinking, and there are no disorders in mental development. But at the same time, the communicative side of speech suffers: such children do not know how to establish contact with other people, do not listen to them, can talk to themselves, do not keep a distance in communication, and do not know how to empathize with other people.

Rett syndrome. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the development of a child up to 1-1.5 years proceeds normally, but then the newly acquired speech, motor and subject-role skills begin to disintegrate. Characteristic for this condition are stereotypical, monotonous movements of the hands, rubbing, wringing, while not carrying a purposeful character. The rarest of the presented diseases, occurring almost always only in girls.

Child psychosis. The first manifestation of symptoms before 3 years of age. It is characterized by violations of social behavior, communication disorders. There are stereotypes in behavior (children run in a monotonous circle, sway while standing and sitting, fingering their fingers, shaking their hands). These children have eating disorders: they can swallow food without chewing. Their unclear speech can sometimes be an incoherent set of words. There are times when children freeze in place, like dolls.

atypical autism. It differs from autism in terms of age manifestation and the absence of one criterion from the “triad” of major disorders.

Correction of patients with ASD

One of the most important sections of habilitation for children with ASD is undoubtedly the provision of psycho-correctional and social rehabilitation assistance, with the formation of social interaction and adaptation skills. Complex psycho-correctional work, which includes all sections and types of rehabilitation assistance, which will be described below, is, along with drug therapy, an effective means of stopping the negative symptoms of ASD, and also contributes to the normal inclusion of the child in society. Types of RAS correction:

1) Psychological correction - the most common and well-known type; It is characterized by a fairly wide range of methods, of which the TEACCH and ABA-therapy programs are most widely used and recognized in the world.

The first program is based on the following principles:

The features of each individual child are interpreted on the basis of observations of him, and not from theoretical ideas;

Increasing adaptation is carried out both by learning new skills and by adapting existing ones to the environment;

Creation of an individual training program for each child; use of structured learning; holistic approach to intervention.

The second program is largely based on learning, which depends on the consequences that have arisen after the behavior. Consequences can be in the form of punishment or reward. In this model, it is necessary to highlight the main methods, such as the procedure for creating a contour and reinforcing behavior similar to the target; method of teaching chains of behavior; method of teaching discrimination of stimuli.

2) Neuropsychological correction - this type includes a set of exercises consisting of stretching, breathing, oculomotor, facial and other exercises for the development of the communicative and cognitive sphere, and the exercises themselves differ markedly in time and quantity.

3) Work with the child's family and environment - first of all, this type of correction is aimed at alleviating emotional tension and anxiety among family members, since often parents of children with ASD also need help, including psychotherapeutic support and training programs (such programs are mainly aimed at developing feelings of understanding of the problem, the reality of its solution and the meaningfulness of behavior in the current family situation).

4) Psychosocial therapy - in fact, work with the child himself to form the cognitive, emotional and motivational-volitional resources of the individual for the possibility of further social adaptation, the need for which becomes more pronounced as the child with ASD grows older.

5) Logopedic correction - given the fact that speech development disorder is one of the cardinal manifestations of ASD, this type of work with a child will be an integral part of the correction program. It is characterized by a focus on the formation of vocabulary, the development of auditory attention, as well as phonetic and speech hearing.

6) Medical correction of RAS. In some forms of autism, medication is needed for the child. For example, to improve concentration and perseverance, a doctor may prescribe vitamins and nootropic drugs that improve thinking processes and stimulate speech development. And with high impulsivity, aggression, negativism, pronounced signs of "withdrawal into oneself", psychotropic drugs can help. In some cases, autism is combined with epileptic seizures. In such cases, anti-seizure medications are needed. Many mothers are afraid of drugs. But drugs are prescribed for a certain period, and not forever. Adverse drug reactions are rare. And the result of the effect in most cases is worth the courage of the parents. In each case, it is necessary to individually decide what kind of therapy is needed. And the doctor should be able to clearly explain to parents all questions regarding medications.

The Children's Diagnostic Center in Domodedovo has all the facilities for diagnosing Autism Spectrum Disorders. Such as: examination by a pediatric neurologist, clinical psychologist, speech therapist, examination - electroencephalography and. As well as correction techniques, such as ABA therapy.

"Center for the provision of psychological and pedagogical services "Doverie""

keeping observation diaries.

For the successful work of the tutor, it is provided for him to maintain the following documentation:

  • Recommendations of specialists for working with a child with disabilities.

  • Child observation diary.
Diary - a reporting form that allows you to record observations, track the dynamics of a child's development.

Types of diaries:

1. A diary in which the tutor records significant manifestations of the behavior of the ward in order to track the dynamics of the educational and social life of the ward. In addition to the characteristics of the child's behavior, the tutor fixes both his own actions and the actions of the teacher; emotional reactions to a given situation.

Daily diary entries will help to track how the child is involved in tasks, in communication, what changes, what difficulties he encounters.

2. Diary as a form of application to reporting to a higher psychological and pedagogical authority. This form of reporting must be maintained in accordance with the requirements of this authority. The logic of this kind of document assumes the presence of the date of the entries, the goal (it can be general, at the beginning of the diary), the tasks, the methods used, and the marks like "succeeded - failed."

3. Diary as a way of informing parents about the life, education and success of their child. Thanks to this form of diary, parents will be able to fully imagine the picture of their child's life at school and understand how the learning process goes. Often, reading tutor notes is very useful for parents, as it allows them to come to the realization that their child is successful in activities and can lead an active life without their participation.

The tutor may keep any other records that help to objectively assess the child's abilities; identify issues that need to be addressed; formulate specific tasks in working with this student; draw up an individual work plan. For example, at the beginning and at the end of a semester, or an academic year, fill in the table of formation of basic skills proposed by I.V. Karpenkova:

Table of formation of basic skills

child activity

Does +

Does not always

It does, but rarely -+

Doesn't -

Route activity

Knows where the dressing room is; coming to school, he goes to the locker room, to the appropriate place; hangs outerwear on a hanger, changes shoes, also hangs a bag of shoes on a hanger

Takes his briefcase and goes to his class

Finds its place in the classroom; takes out the necessary things from the briefcase, in accordance with the lesson; the briefcase is placed in the appropriate place

Stays in class during class, sits or moves as instructed by teacher

After the lesson, he changes textbooks and notebooks for the next lesson.

During the break, together with other students, under the guidance of a teacher, leaves the classroom, walks in recreation or goes to the canteen, to the gym, to other classes, after school - to the locker room

After class, he collects all things in a briefcase.


vital activity

(self-care skills)

During the lesson (or at recess) may ask to go to the toilet

Can go to the toilet on his own during breaks

Washes hands before eating and after going to the toilet

While in the dining room, eat


Communicative activity

Follows teacher's instructions

Can repeat actions after the teacher

Looks at the teacher

Asking questions

Answers the questions

Raises hand when he knows the answer

Can, at the request of the teacher, leave the desk and answer at the blackboard

Copies what other students are doing if they did not have time for the teacher

Communicates with peers during recess


Learning activities

Can write independently

Can independently open a textbook or notebook at the right place

Uses not only a pen, but also other stationery, in accordance with the assignment


Uses paints, felt-tip pens, crayons


Relationship Ethics

Greets (says goodbye) in accordance with the situation

Refers to teachers as "you", to peers - as "you"

Waiting when you have to wait for everyone

Helps others on request

Helps others, without asking, according to the situation

Congratulates, expresses joy for the success of others

Worries about others in case of a sad situation


Awareness of oneself and the meaning of learning

rejoices in praise

Understands and is serious when his actions are criticized

Strives to correct one's behavior or evaluation

Expresses varying degrees of interest in topics and lessons

Something likes more, something less (draw, move, listen)


Agreed I approve:

at the MS school Director of the Center "Trust"

Head of MS _____________Goberkorn A.Ya.

Vostrikova N.I. "______" _____________2014

  1. An observation diary is one of the main documents that allows you to track the dynamics of a student's (pupil's) development.

  1. The tutor fills in the diary based on personal observations, diagnostic results.
3. The entry should reflect:

-dynamics development of the pupil;

Analysis of the results of psychological and pedagogical monitoring.

4. Terms of filling: daily.

To be fixed:

  1. The state of the sense organs.

  2. Features of attention - stability, switchability, volume, attractiveness.

  3. Features of the perception and comprehension of educational material - whether he quickly captures the main thing, the assimilation of new material, how the teacher understands the explanation, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

  4. Features of understanding and reproducing educational material - memory processes, memorization strength, what remembers better (numbers, facts, descriptions), reproduction accuracy, conditions conducive to reproduction accuracy, for example, the use of visibility.

  5. Features of speech - speech defects, understanding, vocabulary, written speech.

  6. Features of the assimilation of educational material - attitude to individual subjects, the ability to apply knowledge in new conditions.

  7. Progress - general, by subject, facts that affect academic performance during the school year or over several years of study.

  8. Features of cognitive interests - absent, weak, awareness of interests, their motivation, special interests in something, inclination to any kind of activity, career orientation.

  9. Personality characteristics - a general characteristic of behavior, the implementation of the school regime, the requirements of adults, the attitude to the social life of the team, what social duties, assignments he has and how he performs them.

  1. Relations with the team - position, authority in the team, what determines this position.

  2. Character traits - a vivid expression of the positive and negative sides of character, the prevailing mood and what caused it (gloom, apathy, euphoria, dysphoria), the presence of strong-willed character traits, attitude towards one's own defect.
12. General conclusions: difficulties arising in the process of education and upbringing, their overcoming; to overcome what shortcoming, first of all, the attention of the tutor should be directed, what positive qualities of the personality the tutor should rely on in his work, what correctional and pedagogical measures should be carried out in the future with this student, the dynamics of development.





Last name, first name

student ____ class ____ MOU secondary school s. Varlamovo

classroom teacher ______________________________

2015-2016 academic year

    Explanatory note.

    Information sheet.

    Personal qualities.

    Observation map.

    Formation of educational skills in the Russian language.

    Formation of educational skills in mathematics.

    Grades list.



This diary is intended for the work of teachers in correctional classes. With his

with the help of the teacher will be able to track the development of children in a particular subject,

using methods of observation, analysis, synthesis, comparison, as well as psychological

methods for timely correction of the thinking process of students.

The correctional diary allows you to see the dynamics of the development of the mental processes of the student, the results of the correctional work carried out by teachers.

An important condition for successful remedial work is the continuity

pedagogical impact.

Goal: increase the level of general development of students, filling gaps

prior learning and development, correction of developmental disabilities

cognitive sphere and speech, preparation for the perception of new educational material,

individual work on the formation of insufficiently mastered skills and abilities.

 elimination of individual gaps in knowledge

 development of motivation for learning activities

- development of self-control function

- Improved performance and independence

- Formation of adequate self-esteem

 formation and development of logical thinking

- development of skills in planning one's own activities

- development of attention and memory

 development of control and verbal reporting skills

Subject of correction: the development of thought processes in students.

Object of correction: children with mental retardation.


    Full name of student(s) ________________________________________________________________

    Class _______________

    Date (day, month, year) and place of birth ____________________________________________

    Home address__________________________________________________________________

    Child's family:_________________________________________________


Father ____________________________________________________________________________


(name, place of work, contact phone number, education)

    Child's health group, diseases: ______________________________________________

    Conclusion of the PMPK________________________________________________________________




moral education

foul language


Respects elders

Follows school rules

Helps classmates

Looks after appearance

Shows independence

Maintains personal hygiene


Likes animals

Learning activities

studies well

Learns with passion

Performs homework

Keeps school supplies in order

Active in class



Maintain discipline in class

Attitude towards work

Loves labor lessons

Ready to help

Easy to master labor skills

Accurate in work


Not visible

Educational activities:


    unwillingness to learn

    poor academic performance

    difficulty in mastering curricula

    systematic failure in

    one or more items.

Relationships with peers.

Position in class:


    opposition to the team

    the position of the leader of a microgroup consisting of difficult students.

Attitude towards other children:

    mistreatment of the weak and the younger;

    neglect of peers;

    belonging to various youth groups.

Relationships with adults.

With teachers:

    the conflict nature of the relationship with one or more teachers;


    faux pas;

With parents:

    conflict nature;

    rudeness, rudeness.

Spending free time:

    not engaged in circles and sections;

    spends free time outside the home (with friends on the street);

    consumes alcoholic beverages;

    earns his living;

Attitudes towards work, professional orientation.

Choice of profession (for high school students):

    ignorance of their capabilities and abilities

    professional uncertainty

    underdevelopment of those four personalities that are necessary for the chosen profession

Attitude towards work:

    negative attitude

    non-performance of work duties at school and at home

    dishonest attitude

Behavior and actions.

At school:

    violation of the requirements of school discipline;

    foul language


    damage to school property

    disruption of lessons

In family:

    runaways from home

    failure to do household chores

Illegal acts:




    drug use




    damage to property

    infliction of bodily harm (fight)

5. Formation of educational skills in the Russian language.

Type of work

The nature of the errors

Main directions

corrective work

6. Formation of educational skills in mathematics.

Type of work

The nature of the errors

Main directions

corrective work


student _____ class _____________________

Academic year

FI _________________________________

List of items

1 quarter

2 quarter

3 quarter

4 quarter

Russian language


Social science




Physical Culture


local history

Informatics and ICT