Report “Modern lesson of the Russian language in elementary school. "Modern Russian language lesson in elementary school

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    Glumova S.N.

    Municipal educational institution "Veydelevskaya secondary school" village of Veydelevka, Belgorod region

    In the most general form, without going into the problems of linguistics, psychology and methodology, I would answer this way: the modern lesson of the Russian language is, firstly, not one lesson, but a system of lessons. Even the most beautiful, spectacular open lesson demonstrated by the teacher still does not allow assessing the place of this lesson in the system of work on the study of a particular subject in a particular class, I emphasize - in a particular class. And if this is a system of lessons, then their sequence should be determined by clear scientific logic, so that not at the request of the teacher, head teacher or methodologist, this or that topic is studied, certain methods or forms of organizing the lesson are selected, and these topics, methods and forms are provided the logic of the course itself, the author's logic in the first place.

    Secondly, a modern lesson in the Russian language can by no means be imagined as a lesson in which students work only frontally: with one hundred percent frontal work, we get (we form ourselves) an average, non-initiative, passive student who works only on the commands of the teacher: “Open , read, write down, check, etc. To achieve the stated goals, achieve the planned results of mastering the educational program in the Russian language, individual, pair, group work is required. It is these forms of organizing a lesson that should prevail over frontal work (although I note that frontal work is certainly necessary, but not more than forty percent of training sessions during the school year).

    Thirdly, an obligatory component of the modern lesson of the Russian language is attention to the individual characteristics of the student - the level of his development, the pace of work, the characteristics of memory, etc. offer a form of their implementation (individual, pair, group), which will be psychologically comfortable for a particular student.

    Fourthly, the modern lesson of the Russian language in elementary school is also a mandatory acquaintance with topics that do not involve working out, that is, topics that expand the student's horizons, form his motivation to study the subject, aimed at the zone of his proximal development, predicting the continuation of the study of Russian language in the middle school.

    Fifth, it is the formation of interest in learning the language spoken by the student. Moreover, for different children, this interest can be formed on different grounds: one is interested in what part of speech this or that word is, another - why we write this way and not otherwise, the third - what is the history of the origin of the word, the fourth - how to compose a text so that be understood as accurately as possible, etc. Consequently, the program, the textbook, according to which the teacher works, must take into account all of the above aspects.

    However, let me rise to an even higher level of generalization, more precisely, to the supposed motivation for learning the Russian language, which ideally should be formed in an elementary school student when learning the Russian language: “I study Russian because it is the language of my country, the language , which is spoken not only by my parents and friends, but also by everyone who lives in Russia. I am interested to know how this language works, what units are distinguished in it, how these units interact with each other. I would like to learn this by talking with classmates in class, offering my arguments and taking into account the position of my friends. I would like to learn how to write correctly, without mistakes, because literacy is an indicator of my culture. I would like to learn how to express my thoughts orally or in writing so that my interlocutor unambiguously understands me, so that my speech, oral or written, testifies that I am an educated, cultured person. And all this I want to achieve in cooperation with the teacher and my classmates.”

    I think that if at least some part of such motivation (and ideally all) in the process of learning the Russian language is formed among elementary school students, it can be argued that the goals formulated by the second generation standard have been realized.


    Subject: A capital letter in the names of patronymics, surnames of people, nicknames of animals and geographical names.

    Target: to develop the ability to write capitalized words patronymic names last names of people nicknames of animals geographical names speech memory of students. To cultivate attention, accuracy, love for one's country.

    Equipment: slides, words, petals of different colors

    During the classes

    1. Organizing time

    Work on cards, punched cards

    1. A minute of calligraphy: O s L m A i d

    Name the letters. What two groups can we divide them into?

    1. vocabulary work

    Listen to the riddles and write the answers

    Straight across the field

    Rides white collar

    There is a mop in the middle of the yard

    front fork rear broom

    He sleeps in a den in winter

    Under the big pine

    And when spring comes

    Wakes up from sleep

    Checking, exchanging notebooks

    4 Preparing for the perception of a new

    (Slide) - Vladimir, Vera, Victor

    Read. What unites them?

    Lesson topic message (slide)

    Make up words from scattered letters (slide)

    Today we are going to the country of capital letters

    5 Reading a poem

    The letter ordinary suddenly grew

    Has grown above all letters - girlfriends.

    The letter did not want to grow by itself

    The letter is entrusted with an important task.

    A letter is placed at the beginning of the line,

    To start everyone noticed.

    Name, surname are written with her,

    To be more noticeable and visible to them.

    To sound loud and proud

    Your name, the name of the street, the city.

    The big letter is not a trifle!

    In the letter is a big respect sign!

    Listen to the poem and remember what rules you know about writing a capital letter in words.

    Reading output (slide)

    6 Read the words in the columns (slide)

    What can you say about the words of column 1, column 2?

    From what names are patronymics of people formed?

    Name pairs of words.

    Reading output (slide)

    Patronymics are formed from male names and are written with a capital letter.

    7 (Slide) cat, dog

    Give nicknames to a cat, a dog.

    Let's remember and write down in the notebook the names and nicknames of the main characters from the work of E. Uspensky "Vacation in Prostokvashino"

    Remember! Animal names are capitalized. (slide)

    8 Read the poem and find the names of the animals

    Mariska the cat

    kitten Tishka,

    puppy friend,

    chick Fluff,

    cow Burenka,

    Goat Naidenka.

    All their nicknames to one are written with a capital letter.

    9 Fizminutka: I name the words, if the word is a proper name, you raise your hands up, if it is not a proper name, squat.

    10 (Slides) coat of arms of our district, map of the district, coat of arms of the Belgorod region, coat of arms of the country.

    11 Work according to the textbook (in groups)

    12 Reflection (choose a petal that matches their mood)

    13 Summary of the lesson

    What words did we learn to write?


    Glumova S.N.

    Municipal educational institution "Veydelevskaya secondary school" village of Veydelevka, Belgorod region

    In the most general form, without going into the problems of linguistics, psychology and methodology, I would answer this way: the modern lesson of the Russian language is, firstly, not one lesson, but a system of lessons. Even the most beautiful, spectacular open lesson demonstrated by the teacher still does not allow assessing the place of this lesson in the system of work on the study of a particular subject in a particular class, I emphasize - in a particular class. And if this is a system of lessons, then their sequence should be determined by clear scientific logic, so that not at the request of the teacher, head teacher or methodologist, this or that topic is studied, certain methods or forms of organizing the lesson are selected, and these topics, methods and forms are provided the logic of the course itself, the author's logic in the first place.

    Secondly, a modern lesson in the Russian language can by no means be imagined as a lesson in which students work only frontally: with one hundred percent frontal work, we get (we form ourselves) an average, non-initiative, passive student who works only on the commands of the teacher: “Open , read, write down, check, etc. To achieve the stated goals, achieve the planned results of mastering the educational program in the Russian language, individual, pair, group work is required. It is these forms of organizing a lesson that should prevail over frontal work (although I note that frontal work is certainly necessary, but not more than forty percent of training sessions during the school year).

    Thirdly, an obligatory component of the modern lesson of the Russian language is attention to the individual characteristics of the student - the level of his development, the pace of work, the characteristics of memory, etc. offer a form of their implementation (individual, pair, group), which will be psychologically comfortable for a particular student.

    Fourthly, the modern lesson of the Russian language in elementary school is also a mandatory acquaintance with topics that do not involve working out, that is, topics that expand the student's horizons, form his motivation to study the subject, aimed at the zone of his proximal development, predicting the continuation of the study of Russian language in the middle school.

    Fifth, it is the formation of interest in learning the language spoken by the student. Moreover, for different children, this interest can be formed on different grounds: one is interested in what part of speech this or that word is, another - why we write this way and not otherwise, the third - what is the history of the origin of the word, the fourth - how to compose a text so that be understood as accurately as possible, etc. Consequently, the program, the textbook, according to which the teacher works, must take into account all of the above aspects.

    However, let me rise to an even higher level of generalization, more precisely, to the supposed motivation for learning the Russian language, which ideally should be formed in an elementary school student when learning the Russian language: “I study Russian because it is the language of my country, the language , which is spoken not only by my parents and friends, but also by everyone who lives in Russia. I am interested to know how this language works, what units are distinguished in it, how these units interact with each other. I would like to learn this by talking with classmates in class, offering my arguments and taking into account the position of my friends. I would like to learn how to write correctly, without mistakes, because literacy is an indicator of my culture. I would like to learn how to express my thoughts orally or in writing so that my interlocutor unambiguously understands me, so that my speech, oral or written, testifies that I am an educated, cultured person. And all this I want to achieve in cooperation with the teacher and my classmates.”

    I think that if at least some part of such motivation (and ideally all) in the process of learning the Russian language is formed among elementary school students, it can be argued that the goals formulated by the second generation standard have been realized.


    Topic: Capital letters in names, patronymics, surnames of people, nicknames of animals and geographical names.

    Purpose: to develop the ability to write words with a capital letter patronymic names, last names of people, nicknames of animals, geographical names, speech, memory of students. To cultivate attention, accuracy, love for one's country.

    Equipment: slides, words, petals of different colors

    ^ Lesson progress

    Organizing time

    Work on cards, punched cards

    A minute of calligraphy: O s L m A i d

    Name the letters. What two groups can we divide them into?

    vocabulary work

    Listen to the riddles and write the answers

    Straight across the field

    Rides white collar

    There is a mop in the middle of the yard

    front fork rear broom

    He sleeps in a den in winter

    Under the big pine

    And when spring comes

    Wakes up from sleep

    Checking, exchanging notebooks

    4 Preparing for the perception of a new

    (Slide) - Vladimir, Vera, Victor

    Read. What unites them?

    Lesson topic message (slide)

    Make up words from scattered letters (slide)

    Today we are going to the country of capital letters

    5 Reading a poem

    The letter ordinary suddenly grew

    Has grown above all letters - girlfriends.

    The letter did not want to grow by itself

    The letter is entrusted with an important task.

    A letter is placed at the beginning of the line,

    To start everyone noticed.

    Name, surname are written with her,

    To be more noticeable and visible to them.

    To sound loud and proud

    Your name, the name of the street, the city.

    The big letter is not a trifle!

    In the letter is a big respect sign!

    Listen to the poem and remember what rules you know about writing a capital letter in words.

    Reading output (slide)

    6 Read the words in the columns (slide)

    What can you say about the words of column 1, column 2?

    From what names are patronymics of people formed?

    Name pairs of words.

    Reading output (slide)

    Patronymics are formed from male names and are written with a capital letter.

    7 (Slide) cat, dog

    Give nicknames to a cat, a dog.

    Let's remember and write down in the notebook the names and nicknames of the main characters from the work of E. Uspensky "Vacation in Prostokvashino"

    Remember! Animal names are capitalized. (slide)

    8 Read the poem and find the names of the animals

    Mariska the cat

    kitten Tishka,

    puppy friend,

    chick Fluff,

    cow Burenka,

    Goat Naidenka.

    All their nicknames to one are written with a capital letter.

    9 Fizminutka: I name the words, if the word is a proper name, you raise your hands up, if it is not a proper name, squat.

    10 (Slides) coat of arms of our district, map of the district, coat of arms of the Belgorod region, coat of arms of the country.

    11 Work according to the textbook (in groups)

    12 Reflection (choose a petal that matches their mood)

    13 Summary of the lesson

    What words did we learn to write?



    1. Basic requirements for the Russian language lesson

    1 . Purposefulness, clarity and meaningful logic of the lesson

    The goals formulated by the teacher in preparation for the lesson should be consistent with the topic of the lesson and the requirements of the curriculum.

    The goals set by the teacher for the students in the lesson must be formulated specifically, correctly and in the field of activity of the students.

    All exercises performed in the lesson should correspond to the theme of the lesson and contribute to the achievement of the goal, each new exercise should build on the previous one and take a step forward.

    Methods and forms of organization of educational activities should be adequate to the topic, purpose and content of the lesson.

    The final result should correspond to the goal and be achieved in the most optimal way.

    2. Implementation of the communicative-activity approach

    The leading requirement is a properly organized speech orientation of the lesson, the development of students' speech and fluent language skills in various communication situations.

    Main areas of work:

    1. coherent speech (work on the text, retelling, teaching oral and written presentations and compositions);
    2. development of the syntactic structure of speech (work on a sentence and a phrase);
    3. vocabulary and word-formation work (work to enrich the vocabulary of students);
    4. work on the sound culture of speech (articulation, correct pronunciation).

    Requirements for students' speech: content, consistency, accuracy, expressiveness, purity, clarity and correctness of speech.

    3. Systematic and systematic work on the development of calligraphic writing skills

    3.1. Minutes of calligraphy at each lesson (5-7 minutes): Grade II - at least 2 lines; III class - 2-3 lines; IV class - 3-4 lines.

    Requirements: a combination of collective and individual forms of work; sample teacher on the blackboard; reliance on the analysis of graphic errors of students; connection with the lesson (if possible).

    3.2. Translation into a letter in notebooks with a line in one line.

    Grade II (beginning of training from the second half of the year) - the gradual development of a new height and width of letters, spending minutes of penmanship in notebooks with a new line.

    Grade III - transition to writing in notebooks lined in one line in accordance with the Instruction on the procedure for the formation of a culture of oral and written speech in general educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus.

    3.3. Samples of letters and compounds are written in students' notebooks: in grade II - every lesson; in grade III - 2-3 times a week; in IV grade - 1-2 times a week.

    A mandatory requirement is to take into account individual graphic errors of students.

    4. Systematic and systematic work on mastering the spelling of words with unchecked spelling (dictionary words)

    It is carried out at each lesson as a separate stage of the lesson (5-8 minutes of the lesson) or as an additional component in the process of working on calligraphy (dictionary words are taken to develop graphic skills), included in another type of activity. Vocabulary work goes well with work on the development of speech and grammatical work (selection of single-root nouns, adjectives, verbs; definition of gender, declension, etc.).

    The classic version of the work - 1 new word is introduced per week: the first lesson is acquaintance with a new word, on the next two - consolidation, the word is necessarily included in the exercises performed in the lessons.

    Algorithm for introducing a new dictionary word:

    1. awareness of the lexical meaning of a word (using a picture, riddle, oral selection from a sentence);
    1. sound analysis of the word (pronounce - highlight syllables - put stress - intotone all sounds);
    1. visual image of the word (demonstration of the correct spelling of the word - on the board, card with the selection of letters, the spelling of which must be remembered);
    1. spelling reading;
    1. establishing a difference in pronunciation and spelling;
    1. solution of the spelling problem: "Is it possible to check the spelling of a word?" (students try to find test words - a very useful task for understanding the general mode of action);
    1. writing a word, setting stress, underlining spelling;
    1. selection of single-root words, their recording, underlining spelling;
    1. determination of the lexical meaning of single-root words, compilation of phrases, sentences (1-2 can be written down).

    To prevent possible errors, it is important to pay attention to the uniform spelling of all cognate words.

    At the stage of fixing, various methods are used:

    1. grouping by thematic principle (birds, tools, furniture, school, etc.);
    2. grouping alphabetically;
    3. grouping according to the principle of “similar vowel” (a / a; a / a / a; o / o; o / o / o; o / a; a / o); "double consonant" (ll, kk, mm, nn, ss), etc.;
    4. compiling an individual spelling dictionary;
    5. visual dictation - “take a picture” (mentally) of vocabulary words and write them down from memory in a minute;
    6. picture dictation - the teacher silently shows a drawing depicting an object whose name is included in a group of vocabulary words, students write down words in notebooks;
    7. dictation "Self-control" or "I check myself" - the notebook sheet is divided into two parts: 1) I can write; 2) I don't know, I doubt (+ and?). The teacher dictates vocabulary words, the students distribute them in two columns. Then check the correct spelling in the dictionary;
    8. dictation "Self-check" or "Mutual check" - the dictionary dictation is checked by the dictionary by the student himself or by a neighbor on the desk, while developing the need and ability to use the spelling dictionary; and etc.

    The volume of vocabulary dictations (in quarters):

    Grade II - 4-6-6-8 words;

    1. class - 8 8 10 10 words;
    1. class - 101012-12 words.
    1. Organization of concomitant repetition.

    Conducting five-minute spelling trainings at each lesson (spelling minutes; five minutes of literacy, etc.) in the structure of a lesson of any type - as a separate stage of the lesson; as an additional spelling analysis of 1-2 sentences from the text of the exercise; preliminary spelling analysis of homework, etc.

    6. Purposeful work on the formation of practical skills in performing various types of analysis

    At each lesson, it is necessary to find the opportunity to refer to one of the types of analysis: sound-letter (full or partial) - only oral form, according to the composition of the word (morphemic) - oral and written form; word as part of speech (morphological) - only oral form ; sentences - we graphically highlight only the main members of the sentence, orally establish the connection of words in the sentence (we find phrases with the obligatory formulation of questions).

    7. Accounting for the psychological nature of the formation of a spelling action

    7.1. Regularly use spelling exercises based on auditory perception, presented by ear (not to be confused with oral work that has visual support, for example, orally insert letters into words written on the board).

    In school practice, there is a contradiction between the method of teaching and the method of control - dictation is based on auditory perception, and the main work in the lesson has visual support (exercises in the textbook, words are written on the blackboard). These types of exercises are based on different patterns of perception, so the development of some does not lead to the formation of skills in relation to others.

    7.2. Use dictations of various types in the lesson (warning, commentary, explanatory, etc.)

    At the stage of studying the spelling rule and fixing it in the exercises, the student has the opportunity to "step by step" implementation of actions with language material. Dictation as a type of spelling exercise has its own specific indicative basis. When a student writes a dictation, he is placed in conditions of instantaneous response to what he hears. In the mind of the child, there should already be a whole arsenal of ready-made spelling models of language units, which are the result of a “folded” action to master the spelling rule. There is a scientific theory of M.S. Schechter, according to which a “folded” action is based on a new orienting basis, requires special pedagogical measures for its formation, and does not rely on the orienting basis that is built at the beginning of assimilation, when the action is performed “expanded”.

    Conclusion: it is necessary to practice teaching dictations of various types (up to 10 minutes of a lesson).

    8. Teacher's goal setting for error-free writing

    It is implemented by consistent work to prevent possible errors of students at all stages of learning: during oral analysis of the text to be recorded, in the process of writing and after writing the work.

    The means of preventing and correcting errors are sound-letter analysis, preliminary spelling analysis of the text, commented writing, pronunciation by syllable, selection of test words, comparison of studied spellings, use of algorithms, reference tables, etc.

    9 . The work of the teacher on the development of self-control skills, the ability to work on mistakes

    A variety of techniques are used to check what is written: reconciliation of what is written with a sample (according to the book); reconciliation of what was written with the record on the board; mutual check (change notebooks and check each other); the teacher puts a sign in the margins, the children themselves must find and correct the mistake (as a teaching technique in the lesson!), etc.

    Systematic work on mistakes is a mandatory requirement of the curriculum, teaching methods, Instructions on the procedure for the formation of a culture of oral and written speech in educational institutions.

    The following forms should be distinguished:

    1) work on the mistakes made in the teaching class and homework - is carried out independently in workbooks;

    1. work on the mistakes made in the teaching presentations and essays - is carried out collectively in workbooks (only in the classroom under the guidance of a teacher!);
    1. work on the mistakes made in the control work - is carried out collectively and independently in notebooks for control work (only in the classroom under the guidance of a teacher!).

    Children need to be taught how to correct mistakes. General methodological setting: as soon as a new rule is learned, time is allotted in the next lesson to demonstrate a sample of how to work on bugs. The teacher explains and shows how to correctly work on the errors related to this type.

    10. Instructing the teacher to do homework:

    1) checking the understanding of the content of the exercise:

    1. Review your home exercise.
    2. What needs to be done?
    3. For what rule?
    4. Why?
    5. Let's read the rule again;

    2) checking the understanding of the formal side - how to make an entry?

    11. Conducting a mini-test at the end of the lesson as a diagnostic for the next lesson

    The most objective way to find out the quality of your (teaching!) work is to conduct a mini-testing work at the end of the lesson (dictate 2-3 words or 1 sentence with words for the rule that was practiced in the lesson). The results of the work will show the teacher what to pay attention to when developing the content of the next lesson.

    12. Fulfillment of general didactic requirements:

    1. linguistic literacy of the lesson;
    2. rational distribution of time in the lesson;
    1. the presence of feedback (frontal oral survey; educational dialogue; operational verification work; the use of punched cards, cards for individual Work, feedback means - fans of vowels and consonants, color signal cards, etc.);
    1. individual and differentiated approaches;
    2. formation of general educational skills and abilities;
    3. accounting and use of intersubject communications;
    4. perspective and continuity in work;
    5. effective use of visualization and technical (electronic) teaching aids.

    2. Spelling exercises

    in primary school

    For spelling exercisesinclude the following types of work:


    1. dictation;
    2. spelling analysis;
    3. free (independent) writing - selection of own examples, presentation, composition, etc.;

    Text proofreading (error correction).

    2.1.DESCRIBE - transmission in writing of a visually perceived word, sentence, text. Used in teaching writing techniques and calligraphy, as well as spelling and grammar (usually with additional tasks). There are the following types of writing off:

    1. copying from the finished sample- words, sentences or text are offered for cheating without skipping letters and additional tasks; the goal is to write off correctly, without errors and distortions;
    2. cheating with additional tasks- cheating is most often combined with the performance of tasks of a spelling, grammatical, lexical or derivational nature - to divide words into syllables; highlight the root mark the parts of the word; mark the parts of speech; indicate gender, number, case, declension, conjugation; emphasize the main members of the sentences; emphasize unstressed vowels in roots, prefixes, suffixes, endings; insert missing letters, etc.;
    3. creative cheating - restoration of deformed sentences or text; changing the grammatical form of written words;
    4. selective write-off- write off only the words of a certain part of speech, a certain conjugation; write out phrases, etc.

    stacking with grouping- writing words in two, three columns, taking into account the spelling contained in the words; writing words in a certain sequence: first, words with an unstressed vowel at the root of the word are written, then in a prefix, then in a suffix, etc.

    Unfortunately, the school stubbornlyignores the method of teaching cheating,and as a result, our students, even in the fourth grade, do not know how to copy. Copying is practically replaced by copying, "copying" at best by syllables, at worst - by letters. There is no need to talk about any influence of such "cheating" on the formation of spelling skills.

    How to teach a child to write correctly?

    Copying as a type of spelling exercise contributes to the formation of spelling skills only if it is specially organized as an action aimed at active spelling orientation in the text. In this case, the write-off must be connected withcorrect auditory analysis of the wordand back it upcorrect pronunciation.You need to teach cheating systematically, starting from the letter period. Depending on the didactic goal, preparation for cheating is organized: pronunciation of words with spellings that require verification, and a rationale for why the word is spelled this way, counting spellings in the text for a certain rule, etc.

    P. S. Zhedek proposes to teach cheating using a special algorithm, which is based on the theory of speech movements by N. I. Zhinkin, L. N. Kadochkin, L. K. Nazarova, N. N. Kitaeva and the results of research on working memory V. V. Repkina and G.V. Repkina.

    Teachers can use an adapted version of this methodology in their work. Cheating rules (memo 1) must be enteredwhen writing the first word in writing.If children have already learned the “easy” way of cheating-“copying”, it will be very difficult to explain the need for a “hard” way, although it is possible (in this case, the formation of motivation can begin with an analysis of a large number of mistakes made when cheating and finding ways to prevent them).

    Memo 1 Write-off rules

    1. Read.
    1. Close the sample and repeat from memory.
    1. Underline all spellings.(Students underline in the pattern.)
    1. Read the syllables as written. Speak each syllable clearly.
    1. Close the sample (with a bookmark, sheet) and repeat from memory the way you will write. Speak all syllables clearly.
    1. Dictate to yourself in syllables and write it down.(Sample closed.)
    1. Check if you wrote down all the syllables. Read your entry word by word.(Sample closed.)
    1. Underline the spellings with a pencil.(Sample closed.)
    1. Open the sample and check the spellings that you underlined with the spellings in the sample.

    At the initial stage of training,only the full cheating algorithm,taught under the direct supervision of a teacher. Actions are performed step by step - one operation after another. In the first lessons, such work will require more time than the usual “copying”, but the result will convince you of the correctness of the chosen path. The mastered method of writing off a word is transferred to writing off a sentence. If the sentence is long and the child cannot remember it in its entirety, it is broken into parts. Each part is worked out separately according to the memo.

    Mandatory conditions:

    1. closed sample for paragraphs 5-8 (memo 1);
    2. pronunciation when writing words - aloud (1st stage), in a whisper (2nd stage), to oneself (3rd stage);
    3. checking written (the child must understand that the work is considered completed if it is checked).

    In class II not earlier than the second quarter, an abbreviated cheating algorithm is introduced (memo 2).

    Memo 2

    Cheating rules (abbreviated cheating algorithm)

    1. Read the sentence and repeat it from memory.
    1. Read the sentence again as it is written.
    1. Dictate each word to yourself as you write the sentence.
    1. Check what you wrote. Read every word. Open the sample and compare what is written with the sample.

    Control copying serves as a way to checkthe formation of the ability to write off from printed or handwritten text, detect spelling, determine the boundaries of sentences and correctly format them in writing. Implementing in practice the principle of the naturalness of the control process, the text of the control cheating shouldprint on separate sheets(according to the number of students in the class) in a font thatthe height of the letters corresponds to the script font,and distribute to each student. This will provide students with natural conditions for completing the task, since the main type of copying during the period of literacy was copying from copybooks, and not from the blackboard.

    Methodology for conducting control cheating

    1. The text is read aloud by the teacher and then by the students.
    1. Checking reading comprehension (2-3 questions).
    1. Repetition of the rules of cheating. The teacher reminds that beforehand each sentence should be read, try to remember. While recording, you need to dictate to yourself in syllables, then check. Then work in the same way with the second sentence, and so on.
    1. Self-writing of the text by students.
    1. Self-test. The teacher offers to check what was written down again - now not by sentences, but by the whole text. The written text must be carefully checked against the sample.

    2.2. DICTATION - a type of spelling exercise, the essence of which is to record a sentence, word, text perceived by ear or visually. According to the main purpose of the conduct, all dictations are divided into training and control. The main task of teaching dictations is to teach children how to spell, the main task of control dictations is to test the already acquired knowledge and mastered methods of spelling.

    Quantity and volumecontrol dictationsfor each class are determined by the Instruction on the procedure for the formation of a culture of oral and written speech in general educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus. Control dictations are written in notebooks for control work, work on errors is also carried out there. A separate lesson is given for writing a control dictation.Educational dictationsusually occupy part of the lesson, their implementation is regulated by the teacher, they are written in workbooks.

    Dictation as a type of spelling exercise has its own specific indicative basis. By studying the spelling rule and reinforcing it with exercises, the child has the opportunity to “step by step” implement actions with language material. When a child writes a dictation, he is placed in conditions of instantaneous response to what he hears. In his mind, there should already be a whole arsenal of ready-made spelling models of language units, which are the result of a “folded” action to master the spelling rule.

    Classification of teaching dictations:

    1) by the volume of dictated units:

    1. dictionary (individual words);
    2. phrases;
    3. offers;

    2) according to the ratio of dictated and recorded material:

    1. solid;
    2. selective;

    3) on the characteristics of self-control. which the writer does:

    1. warning (before recording);
    2. commented (in the process of recording);
    3. explanatory (after recording);
    1. “Checking myself” (in the course of the letter they emphasize or
      skip letters, the spelling of which is in doubt,
      after recording, ask the teacher or check on

    4) according to the degree of independence of the writer:


    5) according to the source of perception:

    1. auditory;
    2. visual;
    3. by memory;
    4. picture;
    5. subject.

    Mandatory the sequence of introducing the reception of a letter under dictation:individual letters -» individual syllables --> individual words-» individual sentences --> text.

    To write individual letters introduced game "Sound-letter".

    Game conditions: the teacher pronounces a sound (not the alphabetical name of the letter!), students must indicate the sound letter. Since individual letters are taken for writing, and not syllables,soft consonants are not used for playing.


    1. The teacher speaks clearly sound.
    1. The students repeat in chorus.
    1. The teacher offerslabel a soundand
      write it down in writing.

    4. Reception is introduced pronunciation. The teacher demonstrates how to dictate to yourself while writing:
    [a-a-a], [o-o-o], [m-m], [sh-sh], [b], [k], etc.

    1. Students write down letter c pronunciation.
    1. Introduces the verification method. The teacher slowly repeats the sounds, students with a pen in hand (the pen should
      slide in the air under a letter) check the letters they wrote down to represent those sounds.

    Recording from dictationsyllables are carried out in the following order:

    1. The teacher pronounces the syllable clearly.
    1. The students repeat in chorus.
    1. Students dictate a syllable to themselves in the process of recording it (pronounce it).
    1. Self-test. Students read the syllables and underline the vowels with a pencil.

    5. Verification. The teacher slowly repeats the syllables, the students check the correctness of their record.

    For writing words from dictationthe algorithm is introduced (reminder 3).

    Algorithm for writing words from dictation

    1. Hear the word.
    1. Repeat the word.
    1. Speak the word by syllable.
    1. Highlight the stressed syllable.
    1. Dictate to yourself in syllables.
    1. Do a check. Read the written word, put the stress.After the introduction of the concept of "spelling" -underline the spelling.

    We draw special attention of teachers to the obligatory nature of points 2-5 in the above algorithm. This ismandatory operationsindependent actions of the student, which cannot be skipped at this stage of learning.

    The method of conducting dictation, including recording individual syllables and words under dictation, is given considerable attention in the works of well-known methodologists in the field of the Russian language. So, F. I. Buslaev (1818-1897) during dictation demanded from studentsrepeat dictated and analyze words. For check recommended the use of a variety of tricks: reconciliation of written with a sample (according to the book); reconciliation of what was written with the record on the board; mutual checking (change notebooks and check each other); the teacher puts a sign in the margins, the children themselves must find and correct the mistake.

    as a sampledictation of the word(student writes the word on the board) bring working method,described by N. A. Korf:

    1. The teacher dictates the word.
    1. Student repeats clearly.starts writing on the board.
    1. The teacher repeats the word.Can be several timessince the child's hearing is not yet developed enough to
      could hear at once, make out all the sounds that make up the word.
    1. Student in the process of writingdictates to himself.The teacher does not interrupt the student, even if he writes with errors.
    1. Checking in progress. The teacher asks the student to read the written word. Teacheragain (already as a sample for verification)pronounces the same wordextends especially that soundwhich, when writing, was omitted by the student or written incorrectly by him. The student must, according to the rumor, “get to the error” and correct it

    Recording under dictation of a separate sentence.

    The teacher reads the sentence 3 times.

    Students should be clear about the purpose of each reading:

    1st time - children listen, comprehend, remember.

    In chorus, you can repeat the sentence, then the students pronounce "to themselves."

    2nd time - the teacher clearly pronounces each word, the children pay attention to the pronunciation.

    Step 1 - the students repeat the sentence in chorus as they will write - clearly pronounce each word in syllables.

    2nd step - write down, dictating to yourself in syllables.

    3rd time - reading to perform the control operation; the purpose of this reading should be specified in advance: "Check if you forgot any word."

    Students must hold a pen in their hand and follow the teacher's reading.

    Recording under the dictation of the text.

    The teacher reads the text 3 times:

    1. the entire text is for general perception;
    1. each sentence with pauses is for recording;
    1. Listen to the first sentence.
    2. Repeat it.
    3. Dictate to yourself in syllables.
    4. Check the sentence (read again).

    3) all text - for verification.

    The choice of the type of dictation is determined by the stage of work on the formation of a spelling skill and the purpose of the lesson. 3. F. Ulchenko proposed the following system for using various types of dictations:

    Stage of work on spelling

    Spelling recognition at the level of familiarity with it

    Selective dictation

    Oral explanation of the spelling before writing the text

    Warning dictation

    Explaining spelling while writing

    Commented dictation

    Explanation of spelling after writing the text

    Explanatory dictation

    Including spelling in new links

    Selective explanatory dictation

    Return on a higher level to the stage of awareness of the spelling

    Dictation "Checking myself"

    The combination of learned private actions into one complex activity in conditions of complete independence of students

    Control dictation

    2.2.1. Auditory dictation- spelling exercise, during which the writer correlates the sound and letter composition of words, phrases, sentences, text.

    2.2.2. Warning dictation- a type of auditory dictation. The goal is to prevent errors by explaining spelling before recording text, words. It is used at the primary stages of studying the topic. As the method of verification and assimilation of the material is mastered, it is replaced by an explanatory dictation. The teacher dictates a sentence (phrase, word). Before recording, a spelling analysis is carried out - students explain how they will write the word and why.

    2.2.3. "Unmistakable" dictation- a kind of warning dictation. Students are given the task of fully understanding the spelling side of the text and writing a dictation without errors. ProAfter listening to the text, students ask questions about the spelling of certain words. These questions are answered by students who are confident in the spelling of the given word. If it is difficult, the teacher is connected to the explanation of spelling.

    2.2.4 Preventive and control dictation- a kind of warning dictation. Before the dictation for 8-10 minutes, the spelling rules that are reflected in its text are repeated. As examples, words from the text of the dictation, specially selected by the teacher, are considered.

    2.2.5 Prepared dictation- a kind of warning dictation with explanatory elements. The text is first parsed, then recorded and checked.

    2.2.6 Explanatory dictation -type of auditory dictation. After writing down the sentence or text as a whole, students explain spelling. This is a kind of collective check of the written, developing students' attention to spelling. It is carried out when fixing the topic. In the process of writing the text, students emphasize the spelling that needs to be checked, after recording, they control the correctness of the work.

    2.2.7. Explanatory dictation with preliminary preparation.Before writing down the text, the teacher allocates time to repeat the spelling rules learned and ways to check the necessary spelling. After spelling preparation and a kind of "tuning" of students to a certain type of spelling, a dictation is carried out. After recording, students prove the correct spelling of words with the studied spelling, correct the mistakes made.

    2.2.8. Dictation "Checking myself"(introduced by A. I. Kobyzev) - a type of auditory dictation, characterized by a high level of self-control. It contributes to the development of spelling vigilance, a critical attitude to one's own text, comprehension of spelling at a sufficiently high level, develops self-checking skills. While writing the text, the student is allowed to ask the teacher how one or another spelling is written, use a dictionary, reference books, etc. The student underlines the spelling that caused doubt (this is important for the teacher to use for analysis). If a correction is made to the underlined spelling, it is not considered an error. At the same time, the mistakes made on the learned rules are taken into account more strictly, since the student did not see spelling dangerous places.

    2.2.9. Letter with missing letters (dictation with missing spelling)- a kind of dictation "I check myself." In the process of writing the text, students skip letters (spelling) if they do not know or doubt the spelling. A dash is put at the place where letters are skipped; a line is drawn along the bottom line. The entry in the notebook looks like this: Vl_su hears a ringing trill from_l_vya. After recording, a spelling analysis of words with missing letters is carried out. The gaps are being filled. This technique prevents the appearance of errors and a large number of corrections, is one of the most effective methods for developing spelling vigilance. Students should understand: if you don’t know how to check, it’s better to skip a letter, but you can’t write at random!

    2.2.10. Commented dictation (commented writing, grammar and spelling commenting) -type of spelling exercise - a type of spelling exercise, a kind of auditory dictation in combination with spelling analysis. Spelling analysis of the text is not performed before or after the recording, but is combined with the writing of the text.

    One student in the process and at the pace of writing comments out loud all spellings, indicates their types, names the verification rule, briefly names the steps of the spelling action algorithm, selects the verification words, draws a conclusion. In this case, the form of explanation of spelling should be short, otherwise, the connection between words is lost. For example:“I am writing green with an unstressed vowel e. Test word- greens" or "Green. I check the unstressed vowel - I put it under stress - greens. I write green with the letter e.A prerequisite is that all students in the class are involved in commenting in turn, not only the strong ones. With systematic use, spelling vigilance is developed. The commented dictation provides students with the mastery of the algorithm of action, is aimed at practicing the methods of applying the rule in the process of writing.

    2.2.11. Combined dictation -a type of auditory dictation with signs of warning, explanatory and control dictations. It is used mainly in generalization lessons, as well as in working with lagging behind. First, a preliminary explanation of spellings is carried out (2-3 sentences), in subsequent sentences, spellings are explained simultaneously with the letter or after writing the sentence, then several sentences are written without explanation, according to the method of control dictation.

    2.2.12. Selective dictation- a type of auditory or visual dictation. It involves recording not the entire text, but only those words, phrases, sentences in which there are spellings (punctograms, grammatical forms) for the rule being studied. May be accompanied by an additional task. Selective dictation develops spelling vigilance, attention, the ability to detect the studied linguistic phenomena, and teaches students to analyze the text before writing it down.

    2.2.13. Selective distributive dictation -a kind of selective dictation. It involves the selection from the text and the recording of words with certain spellings and their simultaneous grouping according to some criteria, for example, words with checked unstressed vowels are written in the left column, with unverified ones - in the right.

    2.2.14. Morphemic dictation- a kind of selective dictation. The teacher dictates words, phrases or sentences, the students write down only the significant parts of a word indicated by the teacher with the desired spelling. This type of dictation helps to memorize the graphic appearance of morphemes, develops spelling vigilance, combines grammatical and spelling analysis of words.

    2.2.15. Creative dictation- on the instructions of the teacher, students insert certain words into the dictated text or change the grammatical form of the dictated words. For example, in the course of studying the name of an adjective, the teacher suggests supplementing the sentences with appropriate adjectives; when studying the plural of a noun, replace the singular form with the plural, etc. The skill of applying the spelling rule is developed in conditions when it is necessary to think about the content of the sentence and its grammatical design.

    2.2.16. Free dictation- in the process of writing the text, students can replace individual words, change the structure of the sentence. The text is dictated first as a whole, then in parts (3-4 sentences); each part is written down after reading it again. Students write down each part of the text from memory, as they remember. Memory is trained. An additional goal is the development of students' speech. The methodology is considered as a type of work that prepares students for writing presentations.

    2.2.17. visual dictation- a type of spelling exercise that develops spelling vigilance, visual memory and attention. The text written on the board (words, sentences) is read by students, analyzed, then erased. Students write it from memory. After recording, verification is carried out.

    Visual dictations according to the method of Professor I. T. Fedorenko- a system of specially selected sets of sentences that ensures the development of RAM. Each of the 18 sets contains 6 sentences. Each subsequent sentence gradually, one or two letters, increases in length. The first sentence of set #1 consists of two words and contains only 8 letters, the last sentence of set #18 consists of 10 words and contains 46 letters. If the sentences do not correspond to the content of the lesson, they can be replaced with equivalent ones with the same number of letters.

    Working time with all sets takes 2-3 months. It takes 5 to 8 minutes to write down six sentences in a lesson. Visual dictations should be written daily (working memory training can be carried out in the lessons of both Russian and Belarusian, selecting sentences in Russian and Belarusian, respectively). A letter every other day does not give an effective result!


    1. On the board, the teacher writes down 6 sentences of one set in advance and closes it with a sheet of paper (you can prepare each sentence on a separate strip of paper by printing it in large print, or use multimedia teaching aids to demonstrate sentences).
    1. The first sentence opens (a sheet of paper is shifted down). Students for a certain time (from 4 to 8 seconds depending on the set of sentences) read the sentence “to themselves” and try to
      remember him.
    1. After the time has elapsed, the teacher erases the sentence and offers to write it down in notebooks from memory.

    If the student failed remember proposal, he is allowed to look at a neighbor. If many students in the class do not have time to remember the sentence and turn to their deskmates, work with this set of sentences is repeated the next day. And so on until almost all students can write sentences from memory on their own. Only then can you move on to the next set.

    4. The second sentence opens. Students read and try to remember. The sentence is erased, the students write it down from memory.

    5-8. Reading, memorizing and writing from memory the following sentences of the set (work is organized in a similar way).

    2.2.18. Letter from memory or self-dictation -self-recording of a text learned by heart, which is perceived by students visually or by ear. At the end of the work, the text is opened for self-examination.

    2.2.19. Learned dictation (prepared dictation) -a kind of writing from memory, you can practice in the fourth grade. Preliminary preparation for writing the text is carried out by the students on their own, possibly at home. The text is learned by heart. The next day in class, students write the memorized text from memory or from the dictation of the teacher.

    2.2.20. Picture dictation (silent dictation) -the teacher silently demonstrates the subject picture, the students write down the name of the depicted subject.

    2.2. 21. Subject dictation (silent dictation) -the teacher silently demonstrates the subject, the students write down the name of the subject.

    2.2. 22. Dictation game "Who will remember more?"(introduced by L.P. Fedorenko) - a kind of auditory or visual dictation with an installation for accurate reproduction from memory of what was heard or visually perceived words, aimed at training memory.


    1. The teacher pronounces once a chain, for example of 3 words, or demonstrates it on a board or screen for 9-15 seconds (approximately 3-5 seconds per word) or more does not repeat.
    1. Students write down what they remember.
    1. The teacher reads or demonstrates a new chain of 3 words and pauses long enough for the students to write down the words from memory.
    1. Self-check or mutual check. Students count each other's or each one's own number of words. One point is awarded for each correctly spelled word. For a missing or replaced word and for each spelling mistake - a penalty point.
    1. The teacher demonstrates correctly written words on the board or screen. Students check the accuracy of their calculations. The one who scores the most points wins.

    6. The notebook of the candidate for the winners is checked by the teacher.

    Number of words for dictation:

    II class - 4-6-8 words (chains of 2 words); 6-9 words (chains of 3 words);

    III class - 8-10 words (chains of 2 words); 9-12 words (chains of 3 words);

    4th grade- 10-12-14 words (chains of 2 words); 12-15 words (chains of 3 words).

    The lightest for memorization are chains of words belonging to one part of speech and one thematic group, for example:cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes. Difficult but the most effective for memory training (you can develop memory only by loading it) are chains of words related to different parts of speech and thematic groups, for example:bed, decide, hot.

    The dictation “Be accurate” (introduced by L.P. Fedorenko) is a kind of dictation “Who will remember more?”, But not individual words are offered for recording, but suggestions. The name of the dictation indicates that, in relation to the sentence, it is important to accurately reproduce it, and not the number of written words. The teacher reads each sentence only once. Students write as they remember. First offer does not repeat! Then the teacher reads once second sentence, and so on.

    2.2.23. Control, or test, dictation - viewauditory dictation, is a grammar-spelling analytical-synthetic exercise and is carried out as a completely independent work: students must understand the content of the text and write it down without distorting the meaning, understand every word and grammatical form, detect spellings and punctograms, check them, write without errors. The goal is to find out the level of students' knowledge of the studied rules and the ability to apply them in practice.

    Text the control dictation should include the main spelling and punctograms studied at the time of the test. If possible, spellings should be evenly distributed in different parts of the text. This is explained by the fact that the greatest number of errors, corrections, omissions of letters, syllables and even whole words is made by students at the beginning and at the end of the text: at the beginning of the text, other things being equal, students have not yet had time to concentrate, get involved in the work, at the end of the dictation - on against the background of general fatigue, attention weakens. Number of words with unlearned spellingsshould not exceed three. If the text contains more than three such words, it is not used for dictation.

    The control dictation may be accompanied by additionalgrammar exercises,the content of which should correspond to the curriculum. The number of tasks should not exceed three.For each option, the same type of grammar tasks are selected.

    Methodology for conducting a control dictation

    Words with unknown spellingspre-recorded On the desk and are pronounced clearly by the teacher during dictation.Words with incomprehensible lexical meaningshould be commented by the teacher beforetext readingdictation in general. staging punctuation,beyond the scope of the curriculum for elementary grades, is warned by the teacher while reading the text.

    It is important to prepare in advancestudent jobs:remove all unnecessary items from the tables, leaving only the educational supplies necessary for recording the dictation and completing grammar tasks.

    At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher informs the students goal carrying out control work. Slow and expressivereads the entire textoffered for dictation. At the time of reading the text, students listen carefully to the teacher, comprehend the content of the text. The primary perception of the text by ear helps students avoid a number of errors, often arising from the writer's misunderstanding of what he is writing down.

    Then the text of the dictation is read by the teacheron individual proposals.Each suggestion is a teacherdictates twice in a row:the first time for perception and understanding, and the second time for recording. Pupils should start writing the sentence only after the teacher has finished reading it. We must not allow the tendency, widespread among students, to hurriedly write down what is dictated when the teacher has not yet finished reading.

    If the sentence is difficult to understand or is complicated by homogeneous members of the sentence, in this case one should dictate, as well as write, not in separate sentences, but in complete semantic segments (phrases).

    One of the main requirements for a dictator is a sufficiently loud voice. It is necessary that all students clearly hear the entire text dictated by the teacher. Clear diction will save students from unnecessary tension when listening and from the need to “guess” what they hear poorly. Dictate should be standing in one place, so as not to force students to strain their ears in a new way each time.

    In the process of the control dictation, the teacher's hints are excluded, including when pronouncing words. It is absolutely unacceptable to distort the pronunciation in order to “catch” the student, as well as spelling, “prompting” reading, in some cases sharply at odds with the norms of speech (for example, reading the words ko[th], your[th] instead of ko[vo] , yours/in]).

    Reading should be slow, but not so slow that the thought expressed by this sentence is lost or broken. It is necessary to ensure that all students have time to write down the dictated text, for which it is necessary to observe an even pace of reading. The teacher should choose one, not very hasty student and, following the pace of his writing, focus on him in reading.

    After recording all the sentences, the text of the dictation is read by the teacher again, with longer pauses after each sentence, so that the students have time to check the spelling of the words, correct the identified errors, and add the words if they were omitted. After self-checking the dictation, students perform grammar tasks.

    After completing the grammar tasks, if time permits, students should be given the opportunity to check the entire work again.

    With a call from the lesson, the teacher collects all the work of the students.

    2.3. SPELLING- type of language analysis; includes the analysis of words, phrases, sentences, texts in order to detect spellings, their explanation, an indication of the method of verification and the performance of a spelling action - verification. It is the most important method of teaching spelling, ensures the conscious assimilation and application of the studied spelling rules, forms spelling vigilance, develops the thinking and speech of students. It is used as an independent exercise and as an element of another type of exercise. It is performed only orally (other actions should not be the subject of student activity).

    The absence of an oral spelling analysis of the text before writing it (at the first stage of working with spelling) leads to mechanical writing, therefore it is regarded as a gross methodological error.


    Types of spelling parsing:

    1. full - all spellings are parsed;
    1. thematic, selective - only certain spellings are parsed.

    The order of spelling

    1. Finding spelling.
    1. Determining the type of spelling (bringing it under the appropriate rule).
    1. Reproduction of the rule to which the given orthogram obeys.
    1. Selection of a test word (for spellings being checked) or establishing that the spelling is not checked, its spelling must be remembered.

    An example of a full (expanded) spelling parsing:

    1. frost - frost, stress on the second vowel o;
    1. spelling o in the first syllable, unstressed vowel at the root of the word, not checked by stress. It must be remembered that the word frost is written with a vowel o;
    2. spelling h, paired consonant for voiced-deafness at the end of a word. To check a double consonant, you need to change the words so that the consonant comes before the vowel. We check: frost - frost /, frost.

    A sample of a brief spelling analysis (in a brief analysis, the spelling and the test word are called):

    Frost - frost, unstressed vowel o in the first syllable, its spelling must be remembered, paired consonant z, test words - frost, frost.

    2.4. FREE (INDEPENDENT) LETTER.At the final stage of the formation of a spelling skill, spelling exercises are used, which are varieties of free writing, during which the ability to designate the studied spellings manifests itself in natural conditions - selection of own examples, presentation, composition, and other creative works of students.

    The selection of examples as a spelling exercise is effective if the students verbally explain the spelling of the corresponding spelling.

    2.5. PRESENTATION as a type of spelling exercise, it is characterized by a clearly defined focus on the development of students' speech on the basis of a sample, a written retelling of a listened or read work. In elementary grades - only teaching. It is carried out at the final stage of studying the spelling topic, when students have mastered the rule and learned how to apply it. The correctness of the application of the rule when writing presentations testifies to its assimilation.

    For the presentation, a text saturated with the studied spellings is used. In preparation for the presentation, an oral spelling analysis of the corresponding words is carried out. After writing the presentation, students are given the task - to check the spelling of words in which there are spellings for the rule being studied, to perform the check orally, to underline the spellings.

    You need to start learning the presentation with a narrative text that has a clear plot, close and understandable to a child of this age. The story should have a small number of episodes. All words must be clear in their meaning, syntactic constructions are available for use in children's speech. The construction of the story should also be simple: 3-4 parts, easily separated into paragraphs.

    It is very important that independent writing, based on the speech of the children themselves, be introduced as early as possible. From writing individual words taken from oral retelling, children move on to writing sentences, then fragments of text and full statements of specially selected short texts.

    Presentation requirements:

    1. independence of students in the presentation of the text (the sample should not be memorized and completely copied);
    2. the use in the text of the presentation of vocabulary, turns of speech, syntactic constructions taken from the sample;
    3. completeness of the transfer of essential points - compliance with the sequence of presentation, cause-and-effect dependence, basic facts.

    Presentation methodology

    1. Introduction to the text.The teacher reads the text, the students listen to it carefully, follow the storyline. The teacher highlights the main parts of the text with pauses. The text presented can be read not by the teacher, but by the students themselves.
    1. Conversation, a brief analysis of the content on the questions of the teacher.3-4 questions are posed on the content of the text in order to determine whether everyone understood correctly, understood what they read, and established causal relationships.
    1. Rereading the text.The text intended for presentation is read no more than 2 times so that students do not memorize it.
    1. Drawing up a plan (can be combined with a conversation).Logical and compositional division of the text into parts, their heading. The presentation plan is written on the board.
    1. Spelling preparation, vocabulary work.Analysis of the meanings of words and their spelling, observation of the use of visual means of the language in the text, construction of the most important syntactic constructions. Write on the board words and phrases that require special attention of students.
    1. Preliminary retelling of text fragments. Selection of key words.The teacher offers to retell individual fragments, asks: “How would you tell about it yourself?”, “How is this thought expressed, as it is said in the text of the writer?”. Questions like these encourage students to express their thoughts on their own. At this stage of the work, separate proposals are collectively drawn up, if necessary, fragments of the text. Key words for each item in the plan are written on the board.
    1. Oral retelling of the text.Several students orally retell the text according to the plan and key words.
    1. Analysis of oral retelling and its improvement.Collective correction of shortcomings, clarification of individual points. If necessary, the text is read again.

    9. Self-writing essay.Provision of individual assistance.

    1. Self-examination and improvement of the text by students.Accurately made corrections of students are not taken into account when setting a mark.
    1. Checking the presentation by the teacher.The check is carried out in accordance with the Instruction on the procedure for the formation of a culture of oral and written speech in general educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus, the marking is based on the standards for assessing the results of educational activities of younger students in the Russian language.

    For subsequent work on errors, the teacher analyzes the presentations and classifies them taking into account:

    a) the accuracy and consistency of the transmission of the content of the text;

    b) errors in the construction of sentences;

    c) misuse of words;

    d) the most gross and typical spelling and punctuation errors.

    12. Work on the bugs(to be done in the next lesson).

    It is necessary to compare the presentations written by the students with the original text in order to clarify the shortcomings in the content and language of the children's presentations, to sort out spelling errors.

    The work is organized as follows:

    1. the teacher reads the original text of the presentation;
    1. the teacher reads one or two or three works with violations of the sequence of the content of the text; it is collectively established which episodes are missing, moved, inaccurately stated; how to write, etc.;
    1. the teacher writes or reads incorrectly written sentences on the blackboard, the errors are collectively corrected;
    1. the teacher writes out on the board or reads the words unsuccessfully used in the presentation, together with the children determines why this word should be considered unsuccessful, which word would be better to use instead of it;
    1. spelling analysis of words with typical or gross errors is carried out;
    1. individual work of students on mistakes is organized.

    2.6. WRITING as a type of spelling exercise, it provides for the independent construction of the text, the expression of one's own thoughts in writing.

    To write an essay, students must be able to: generalized skills:

    1. understand and reveal the topic of the essay;
    2. subordinate your essay to a certain thought;
    3. collect material, organize it and arrange it in the desired sequence;
    4. define the boundaries of the essay;
    5. make a plan and write according to plan;
    6. create text and write it down;
    7. use the means of language in accordance with the idea and speech situations;
    8. improve what is written, find and correct errors and shortcomings.

    Classification of essays by sources of material:

    1) based on the personal experience of students:

    1. an essay about what was experienced, seen, heard by the students themselves;
    2. writing on the material of excursions, observations, hikes, games and other experiences;

    2) based on indirect sources of information:

    Paintings are divided into three main types:

    a) narrative essays based on a series of paintings or according to a picture plan;

    b) narrative essays based on one picture, where one moment of the plot is given;

    c) a description of the painting;

    1. essay based on reading;
    2. an essay based on a watched film, a key performance;
    3. an essay based on the teacher's stories and other sources of mediated experience;
    1. based on various sources- book information and material of own experience, own observations;
    1. based on creative imagination- according to a given beginning or end, improvisation of fairy tales, etc. (at the same time, personal experience and book information are creatively processed).

    The work on the essay is divided into 3 stages:

    1 . Material accumulation: observation, excursions, hiking, walking, looking at pictures, watching movies, performances, reading fiction or other literature.

    1. Selection and systematization of materialin accordance with the topic and the intention of its disclosure: conversations, discussion, highlighting the essential, drawing up a plan, separate notes, preparing vocabulary, etc.
    1. Verbal, speech design of the essay, i.e. compilation of the text itself, its recording, improvement, correction of errors by the students themselves, verification.

    Thus, the essay writing lesson is a kind of result of the work done. Stages 1 and 2 are outside the scope of the essay writing lesson. Preparation begins a few days (weeks) before the composition itself and can be carried out outside school hours, in other lessons, not only in Russian language lessons. Observation on excursions is organized in a few days, observations in nature - in a week or a month. The picture is considered immediately before the composition. It is possible to pre-plan the essay. Preparatory work before writing an essay makes it possible for the lesson to organize deeper work on the text, its improvement.

    Essay writing lesson methodology

    1. Message topics and tasks of the upcoming essayand discuss them with students. At this stage, it is necessary to arouse interest, restore motives, the desire to express one's thoughts, create a good mood.
    1. A conversation to organize the material,if it is accumulated in advance (during observations, etc.), or its accumulation (examining the picture). It is necessary to activate all students, restore in memory
      students accumulated material or ensure its receipt.
    1. Making a plan or updating itif the plan was made in advance. In elementary grades, a simple plan of 3-5 points (no sub-points) is recommended. The essay plan must be written down On the desk.
    1. Speech text preparation: compilation of separate phrases, sentences or separate fragments of the text on the teacher's questions. The best options availablewrite on the boardas a support.
    1. Oral composition, storytelling and discussion of text optionsupcoming composition (if necessary) - collective or individual (1-2 students). The teacher can as an example
      submit your essay.
    1. Spelling preparation for writing difficult words. writing on the board and spelling analysisindividual words. Particular attention is paid to the words on the studied rule.
    1. Self-writing essay- the main part of the lesson, the longest in time (Grade III - 20-25 minutes, Grade IV - 25-30 minutes). The teacher observesindividual help.
    1. Self-test. Improving the written text, correcting errors. Corrections should not lead to a decrease in the mark for essays, on the contrary, a successful replacement of a word, an improvement in the construction of a sentence
      should be encouraged. Students check the spelling of words for the rule being studied, orally check all spellings (you can offer to underline them).

    Memo for editing the text of the essay

    Check it out!

    1. Did you convey your idea clearly?
    1. Are there any repetitions of the same words, turns of speech?
    1. Are all words well used?
    1. Are unstressed vowels written correctly, all difficult words, punctuation marks?

    9. Checking essays by the teacher.Analysis and classification of essays by shortcomings (for organizing work on mistakes):

    a) inconsistency of the content of the essay with its topic;

    b) violation of the composition of the construction of the text, incorrect connection between the individual parts of the whole story or the absence of such a connection;

    c) unsuccessful construction of individual sentences, unsuccessful connection between individual sentences or the absence of such a connection;

    d) incorrect connection between individual words in a sentence, unsuccessful or incorrect word order in a sentence;

    e) lexical (speech) defects: unsuccessful or incorrect use of words and expressions;

    f) gross and typical spelling and punctuation errors.

    10. Work on the bugs(carried out in the next lesson):

    the best essays are read; collective analysis of essays:

    1. content;
    2. building a whole text and linking its parts;
    1. construction of individual sentences and methods
      connection of sentences into a whole;
    1. word order in a sentence;
    2. relationships between words in a sentence;
    3. use of certain words and sentences.

    collective work on mistakes (spelling, punctuation, speech, logical, content, etc.);

    individual troubleshooting.

    Collective composition- one of the types of teaching essays (in the methodology of the Russian language it is described in the works of L. N. Tolstoy, A. V. Mirtov, K. B. Barkhin, etc.). The text of the essay is compiled by the whole class in the lesson, written on the blackboard, subjected to collective processing, improvement.

    It can be used as a separate stage of preparation for an essay. In this case, after collective editing, the text is erased, and students begin to create their own composition.

    2.7. TEXT PROOF- a spelling exercise aimed at correcting intentionally made mistakes in printed text.

    In the methodology of teaching the Russian language, one of the most controversial opinions has developed about the proofreading of the text. Many methodologists are strongly opposed to the use of misspellings for teaching spelling. At the same time, the skill of correcting students' mistakes (their own and others') is recognized as important by everyone without exception.

    One should agree with the well-known Russian scientist in the field of Russian language methodology N. A. Korf (1834-1883), who believed that “it is possible to teach the rule and fix the correct combinations of letters only with the help of correctly written samples; but next to them, and only occasionally from time to time, it is useful to present samples that are not written correctly, with errors in relation to the rules passed. Such an exercise will serve as a means to encourage children to carefully compare what is before their eyes with those patterns that have already been imprinted in memory. Exercises involving the correction of errors should, according to N. A. Korf, “less than one tenth of the total number of works”, so for 120 exercises only 11 can be with errors for correction.

    Let's formulatebasic methodological requirementsto the use of text proofreading exercises in teaching practice:

    1. intentionally misspellednot usedat stagesdatinga andanchoringspelling skills;
    1. a text with errors on a certain rule can be presented to students for correction only after this rule has not only been studied, but alsofrom worked on a practical level- formed
      the correct way of action, students have mastered the necessary skills and abilities;
    1. studentsmust knowthat there are errors in the text of the exercise that they have to find and correct. This should be directly indicated by the task: “Find and correct errors in the text”, “Help
      Dunno to correct errors in the text”, “Mistakes were made in the text. What rules will help you write words correctly? and etc.;
    1. additional,but not the only oneOrien Tiromcan become a sign"Trap",indicating that errors may occur in the text, you need to be especially careful when doing the work;

    5) erroneous writing on the blackboard (even intentional)should not remain uncorrected for a long time,so as not to fix the wrong visual image of the word in students. The error on the board must bedefinitely fixed!In this case, to correct it, it is better to use the technique of crossing out and writing the correct letter on top - a visually “crossed out” image of the error will help to exclude the holistic perception of the incorrect sample as one of the spelling options for the word;

    6) at the first stages of work on proofreading the text or when organizing mutual verification of student work, students are givenreference- a sample of correct spelling against which they check the text to be

    1. Formation of spelling literacy

    First of all, children must be taught to putspelling problem:identify elements in spoken words that cannot be identified by ear.

    6 steps to solve this problem:

    1) see the spelling in the word;

    2) determine its type: checked or not, if so, to which grammatical and spelling topic it belongs. Remember the rule

    3) determine the way to solve the problem, depending on the type (kind) of spelling;

    4) compose an algorithm for solving the problem, i.e. determine the “steps” of the solution and their sequence;

    5) perform a sequence of actions according to the algorithm, i.e. solve a problem;

    6) write a word in accordance with the solution of the problem and carry out a self-test.

    As a result, aspelling skill.An important condition for its development iserror warning and correction.

    4. Work on the bugs

    Working on mistakes is an integral part of the Russian language teaching system, penetrating all its organizational forms: lessons, homework, etc. As noted in the psychological literature, this is the actualization of the chain of correct knowledge and the inhibition of incorrect ones. The purpose of such work, on the one hand, is to explain the spellings for which errors were made, on the other hand, to consolidate the spelling skill and thereby prevent the possibility of recurrence of errors. There are the followingkindsbug fixes:

    1. prevention of possible mistakes when studying various topics of the Russian language course based on forecasting, knowledge of typical mistakes and difficulties;
    2. detection and correction of errors by the students themselves in the training and control written work on the basis of self-checking, editing;
    3. correction, accounting, classification of errors by the teacher with subsequent generalization and use of data both for general diagnostics and forecasting
      in the classroom, and for the organization of specific collective, group and individual work of students on mistakes;
    4. organizing and conducting special lessons for working on mistakes, fragments of working on mistakes in different, ordinary lessons, using “error cash registers”, dictionaries, etc.

    Undoubtedly, the most important thing is to prevent mistakes. Painstaking, professionally organized effective work with children on the conscious mastery of spelling (the formation of the ability to detect elements that are problematic for writing in a word, correlate them with a certain rule and then write in accordance with it) - this is the activity that will minimize the appearance errors in student writing.

    But in the Russian language lessons, special systematic work should be carried out to prevent errors. It is provided by the performance of such spelling exercises as a warning dictation, a commented letter, a letter under dictation with the omission of "doubtful" letters, spelling analysis.

    The teacher must understand that each student's answer during the lesson, each of his written work gives him information, on the basis of which one can judge the degree of assimilation of educational material in the Russian language, the difficulties experienced in the study of a particular topic, knowledge gaps, skills and skills. It is always important for a teacher to know how each of his students is progressing in the field of grammar and spelling. In this, he will be invaluably helped by such a type of work as taking into account the mistakes made by students in the class in written work. This type of work is realized through the maintenance by the teacher of an accounting journal (notebook), in which a page or two is allotted for each student for regular errors. Such records provide the teacher with the opportunity, firstly, to monitor the spelling development of all students, help them in a differentiated way, offer individual tasks for working on mistakes; secondly, to classify typical mistakes and build collective work to correct the knowledge and skills of the program material that was not fully assimilated by children; thirdly, to compile a holistic picture of the performance of the entire class and each student individually for a particular period of study.

    Based on observations and data obtained in the course of daily activities at school, when checking homework, the teacher will be able to find out the causes of students' mistakes and build appropriate work to prevent and eliminate them.

    Not only the teacher keeps a record of mistakes, but every student must monitor his successes and shortcomings, control his teaching. In order to work on mistakes, the student must know how to do it, i.e. to clearly imagine the system of actions with the help of which it can be carried out. From the first days of children's stay at school, the teacher teaches them to be independent in their work, teaches them to analyze their activities and shows examples of work to correct mistakes. Students, in turn, acquire the skills of self-control and self-examination. So, having received a workbook with home or class assignments checked by the teacher, having analyzed the errors in them, the student independently starts working on them in the same notebook: he repeats the rules, fixes spelling, and prevents the appearance of new errors.

    Analysis of mistakes made in control tasks is another form of practical teaching of spelling. This work is carried out collectively and independently in control notebooks only in the classroom under the guidance of a teacher. For its organization and

    conducting, a special lesson (or part) is required, the topic of which is recorded in the classroom journal: “Working on mistakes”.

    The structure of such lessons depends on the nature of the written work, and their effectiveness depends on the time elapsed from the moment the control work was carried out to its analysis. The first part of the lesson is devoted to working on common mistakes. Having announced the topic and objectives of the lesson, giving a general description of the work, the teacher distributes control notebooks to students. There is an individual review. Next, the teacher draws the attention of the children to the typical mistakes that are present in most of the work. To do this, he pre-writes on the board the words and sentences in which the students made mistakes. They are grouped by type, for example: words with spelling errors of combinations zhi - shi, cha - cha, chu - shu; words with errors in the spelling of an unstressed vowel in the root of words, etc. It is important that no more than 4-5 typical errors be selected for one lesson. It turns out what knowledge and skills the children did not use while taking dictation and therefore made mistakes; the theoretical material is remembered and reproduced.

    Then corrective collective work is carried out on one or another group of errors. In order to avoid their appearance in words in the future, students (who made these mistakes) are called one by one to the board, who perform the corresponding work with commentary:

    put stress in the word, emphasize the spelling (or spelling), determine its (their) type;

    1. name the spelling rule (for checked spellings) or report that the spelling is not checked, its spelling must be remembered;
    2. establish how the word should be written and why, select a test word;
    3. give an example of writing a single-root word.

    At this time, the whole class is doing the same work in the control notebooks.

    The second part of the lesson is devoted to the analysis of individual mistakes that were not worked out collectively. For students who have completed the control work without errors, the teacher distributes personal cards with tasks to prevent possible shortcomings. The rest of the children are invited to find in their notebooks all the words corrected by the teacher, write them out in the notebook, and carry out proper work on the mistakes using the “Reminder”. At this stage of the lesson, the teacher acts as a consultant, and, if necessary, provides assistance to the children in the process of work.

    At the end of the lesson, the control notebooks are collected and checked with a mark for correcting the mistakes.

    Practice shows that in educational institutions primary school teachers compile various classifications of spelling errors. The question of the number and names of errors in these classifications is still open. Uncertainty is associated with the discrepancy in the number and name of spellings intended for study in elementary school. A "bug fix" might look something like this:

    No. p / p

    spelling errors

    Work on bugs


    Omission, rearrangement, replacement of a letter in a word ("graphic" errors)

    New but new


    Capital letter at the beginning of a sentence

    The children were waiting for the arrival of their father.


    Capital letter in proper nouns

    Dima, Masha


    Word hyphenation

    Aspen, axis-on


    Unchecked vowels and consonants in words

    sparrow, crow, road


    Letters and, a,atafter sibilant consonants

    Mice, mouse cup, cup


    combinationsch, chk

    daughter, daughter, daughter

    Eastern, Eastern, Eastern


    Unstressed vowels in word roots

    Wall- "walls


    Voiced and voiceless consonants in word roots

    Pillar - "pillars


    Silent consonants (verifiable) at the root of words

    sun - "sunny," sun


    Separating b and b signs

    "Blizzard, blizzard Detour, detour; o&uyezd^noy


    Unstressed case endings of nouns

    lived onedge -existent,

    well. r., 1st fold, in P. p.; on the wall


    Unstressed case endings of adjectives

    In the sky (what?)clear|om|-adj., cf. r., in P. p.


    Unstressed personal verb endings

    The student writes- vb., write, present, vr,

    1 sp., Z l., units. h.


    Soft sign (ь) after nouns hissing at the end

    Daughter - noun, f. R., 3rd skl. Doctor - noun, m.r., 2nd cl.


    Soft sign (ь) after sizzling verbs at the end of the 2nd person unit. h.

    You write - ch., n. c., 2nd sheet, ed. h.


    Soft sign (ь) after hissing in an indefinite form of the verb

    (what to do?) save- ch., n.f.


    Not with verbs

    Didn't come - ch.


    Verbs ending in -tsya and -tsya

    (what to do?) laugh - ch., n.f.

    (what is he doing?) laughs - ch., n. vr., 3rd sheet, singular


    Prepositions (separate)

    I'm walking down the road

    walking on a dusty road


    Attachments (fused)

    Posted by


    Unstressed vowels in prefix

    We arrived


    Voiced and voiceless consonants in a prefix


    jumped up

    The errors indicated in the table can be grouped in accordance with the studied educational material in the Russian language, divided by years of study. In a generalized form, they are included in the manual "Reminder on working on mistakes" and are recommended for students to use in their work.

    5. Spellings that are being worked on in primary grades


    Names of spelling topics, spelling, spelling principles

    General and particular identification signs of spelling (what students recognize)


    Unstressed vowels at the root of a word

    Unstressed, lack of stress on the root vowel;

    Vowels a, o, and e as the most "dangerous";

    Place in the word: the vowel is at the root of the word


    Voiced and voiceless consonants at the root of the word

    Verifiable - morphological (phonemic) principle, unverifiable - traditional

    Consonants forming pairs "voiced / deaf": b / p, g / k, v / f, d / t, s / s, w / w; special attention to consonant combinations: “mystery”, “request”;

    Place in the word (at the root);

    Place in the root (at the end of the root or the whole word)


    Unpronounceable consonants at the root of a word

    "Dangerous" sound combinations (letter combinations) - "snt / sn";

    place in a word (at the root)


    Dividing b

    The graphic rule is one of the ways to designate the sound [j] and the softness of the consonant in front of it

    the presence of sound [j] after a soft consonant;

    the presence of vowels e, i, e, u or sounds [e], [a], [o], [y]


    Dividing b

    Rule of graphics and morphological principle

    the presence of the sound [j] after the consonant;

    the presence of vowels i, e or sounds [e], [a], [o];

    spelling place: after the prefix. Ending in a consonant, at the junction of a prefix and a root


    Separate spelling of prepositions, fused - prefixes

    The principle of differentiating spellings and the morphological principle

    the presence of a preposition / prefix such as by, on, for, in, with, over, under, etc. (children must remember these prepositions / prefixes);

    part of speech - the verb cannot have a preposition, the preposition refers to a noun or pronoun


    Capital letter in the names of people, names of cities, rivers, and other proper nouns

    place in the word: first letter;

    meaning of the word: name, surname of a person, nickname of an animal, name of a city, river, sea ...


    Capital letter at the beginning of a sentence (the "signal" of its beginning)

    The principle of differentiating spellings

    place in the word: first letter;

    place in a sentence: first word


    Letters and, a, y after hissing (combinations "zhi", "shi", "cha", "scha", "chu", "shu")

    The principle is traditional

    the presence in words of sounds denoted by the letters zh, sh, h, u, the presence of their combination with vowels


    Soft sign at the end of nouns after sibilants

    The principle of differentiating spellings

    the presence at the end of the word of hissing consonants w, w, h, u;

    part of speech: noun;

    masculine - feminine


    Spelling of unstressed vowels e, and in case endings of nouns

    Morphological (phonemic) principle

    the place of the spelling is in the ending;

    the presence of a vowel e / and at the end;

    part of speech: noun


    Spelling of the endings of adjectives "-th", "-his" (genitive case)

    Morphological principle

    the presence of sound combinations [ov] (accented version) and [bb] (unstressed version);

    the place of the spelling (at the end of the word, at the end);

    part of speech: adjective


    Spelling of unstressed personal endings of verbs I and I I conjugation in present. and bud. Tenses: 3rd person plural. h - u / a, u / ya (endings “-ut / -ut”, “-at / -yat”), in other forms e / and (endings “-eat, - et, -em, -et” and “-ish, -it, -ite”)

    Morphological (phonemic) principle

    place of spelling (at the end);

    part of speech: verb;

    lack of stress at the end;

    the presence of the endings “-ut/-yut”, “-at/-yat”, “-ish/-eat”, etc.;

    present or future tense (not past - it is checked in a different way)

    6. The system of work on the development of speech in primary grades


    program material


    The writing

    1. Statement of the text on questions for each proposal, according to the picture plan

    1. Compiling a story based on a series of pictures and questions

    2. Presentation on generalized questions and key words

    2. Drawing up a story on generalized questions (based on impressions, observations)

    1. A detailed presentation of the narrative text according to a given plan and key words

    1. Composing a text based on a series of plot pictures according to a given plan

    2. Presentation of the narrative text according to a collectively drawn up plan

    2. Writing a narrative text according to a given plan

    3. Presentation of the text-description (selective) according to a collectively drawn up plan

    3. Essay on the picture (text-description) according to a collectively drawn up plan

    4. Detailed description of the text-description according to a collectively drawn up plan

    4. Writing a narrative text with elements of description according to a collectively drawn up plan (edited plan)

    1. Presentation of the text-narrative with a creative task (to complete, the beginning, the ending, the main part) according to a collectively or independently drawn up plan

    1. Writing a narrative text according to a given beginning, ending or main part according to a collectively or independently drawn up plan

    2. Statement of the text of the business style according to a collectively or independently drawn up plan

    2. Writing a text-description according to a collectively or independently drawn up plan

    3. Presentation of the narrative text with elements of reasoning according to a collectively or independently drawn up plan

    3. Writing a narrative text with elements of reasoning according to a collectively or independently drawn up plan

    4. Presentation of the text-reasoning according to an independently drawn up plan

    4. Essay on text-reasoning according to an independently drawn up plan


    Over the past hundred years of the formation of the Russian and Soviet system of teaching, a tradition has developed according to which the school version of the tribal Russian literary language is studied concentrically and in sections. in primary school ( I - IV ) provide literacy training and an introductory grammar course, which includes elementary information about the main parts of speech - noun and adjective, verb and pronoun, - their ways of changing (declension and conjugation), spelling rules associated with them, as well as practical skills to determine and the sound and morphemic composition of the word.

    Traditionally, teaching the Russian language consists of the following forms of educational work:

    • classroom activities;
    • extracurricular activities (in-depth study);

    extracurricular activities (circles for the curious, additional classes related to the correction of learning).

    The main organizational form of learning the native language is the lesson.There are several classifications of traditional lesson forms.

    Classification of lessons according to the psychological and pedagogical stages of mastering the educational material and control:

    A) a literacy lesson; b) a lesson in learning new material;
    c) a lesson in consolidating ZUNs; d) iterative-generalizing lesson;

    D) combined lesson; f) control lessons (dictation, independent work, testing);

    G) a lesson in the analysis of the results ("work on the mistakes").

    Classification of speech development lessons:

    a) a lesson in preparing and conducting a presentation;

    b) a lesson in preparing and conducting an essay;

    c) a lesson in the analysis of written (creative) works.

    Currently, there is a change in trends in the school course of the Russian language: there is a gradual shift in emphasis from spelling and grammar to the formation of types of speech activity, in particular, the development of oral and written speech.

    Based on the established classifications of lessons, using the usual stages of traditional lessons, the teacher, with a communicative-activity approach to teaching, changes the value orientations of their structural components, defining the goal of each stage of the lesson in terms of the formation or development of certain skills and abilities. At the same time, students should also set goals in the lesson. But the goals of the teacher and the student are not the same. The teacher organizes, directs and manages the process of learning the Russian language. The student has the goal of “acquiring” knowledge and skills. Remember: there is no goal - there is no motive for action, there is no motive - there is no conscious approach to the information received, there is no understanding of the information, there is no need to transform it into knowledge.

    The main way to learn the Russian language in a modern lesson is the derivation of a concept (or rule)problem solving method.In other words, the teacher, preparing for the lesson, should think over the organization of educational activities with the help of clearly formulated tasks.


    1. The introduced concept should be extremely that subsequent topics appear for children as a specification, clarification of the first topic.

    1. Before introducing new knowledge,it is necessary to create a situation of vital necessity for its appearance.
    2. Do not enter knowledge in finished form. Even if there is no way to lead children to the discovery of something new, there is always the opportunity to create a situation of independent search, preliminary guesses and hypotheses.
    3. Definition or rule(verbal formulation of new knowledge)should appear not before, but after all the work of searching and discovering new content. It is easier for children to formulate a rule (definition) by reading it from a diagram. This will make it possible not to memorize the rule, but for each child to formulate it in his own words.
    4. The logic of transition from task to task should be clear and open to students. If the teacher managed to set the learning task correctly, then the students will be able, having received an answer to the first task, to almost independently set the next one.

    The communicative-activity approach requires a certain dynamics and a clear organization of the stages of schoolchildren's learning activities from a modern lesson, therefore, the concepts of the above types of lesson will guide you in preparing a lesson summary that is adequate to modern conditions. In accordance with the theory of the stage-by-stage formation of educational activity, exemplary lesson schemes have been drawn up. Typologized schemes of Russian language and reading lessons are presentedfollowing tables.

    Lesson learning new material

    Target: the formation of training skills for the construction of a new concept (derivation of a rule), the design of new knowledge.

    Structural component of the lesson

    1. Organizing moment (goal: motivation to take action in the classroom

    The teacher organizes a problem situation (a riddle, a plot story with difficulty, etc.), in which the knowledge necessary for a new topic, the skills of previous lessons are restored, a problem is formulated and a goal for the lesson is set.

    Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson

    2. Checking homework(goal: to test the assimilation of previous knowledge and skills)

    On the material of home exercises, knowledge on the topic of the lesson is updated. The task must be modified in order to check not only the execution, but also the meaningfulness of the completed task.

    3. Preparing to study a new topic

    (goal: create motivation for educational research)

    In a conversation from the topic of the lesson, students, under the guidance of a teacher, clarify the purpose of the learning activity in this lesson, for which they restore (say out loud) already known concepts.

    4. Observing the Facts of Language(goal: using comparison and comparison of linguistic facts, highlight the essential features of a concept (or rule)

    A text or other didactic material is read, it is advisable to pick it up in the literary work that is studied in the lesson of literary reading;

    Word forms are distinguished that carry the essential features of the concept or rule being studied; signs of the studied concept are graphically drawn up;

    Features are compared and which of them are essential for the topic being studied (categories, concepts or rules)

    5. Generalization of structural and semantic features of the concept

    or rules (goal: learn to generalize, draw conclusions)

    A conclusion is formulated from observations; the definition of a concept (or rule) is read in the textbook;

    The received and book definitions (their wording) are compared, analyzed and specified.

    1. Application of a concept/rule in new language material(goal: consolidate understanding of a new concept / rule)

    6. FIXING

    Exercises are performed to identify word forms according to certain essential features (first verbally, then in writing); in parallel with the identification, units are graphically drawn up - carriers of this feature; essential features are fixed, and a generalizing scheme is derived; a scheme of actions is derived - an algorithm for applying a concept or rule

    7. Summary of the lesson (goal: formulate new knowledge: - WHAT - linguistic content

    - and HOW - method of action)

    Actions are restored to determine the essential features of the concept / rule (reflection of the course of the lesson); acquired knowledge:

    A concept/rule is formulated,

    An algorithm of actions is displayed, i.e. linguistic analysis of a particular unit (phonetic, morphemic, morphological, syntactic, i.e., the linguistic analysis of the unit being studied is “born”). The assessment is set independently by the students to themselves and each other for knowledge, skills and activity in the lesson.

    8. Homework (goal:

    The teacher asks what skills the children will practice at home. An exercise is proposed to consolidate the skills acquired in the lesson to find and determine the studied language units or categories. Children must name the skills that they will need to complete the task.

    Lesson to consolidate new material

    Target: train the algorithm of learning actions with a new concept

    Structural component of the lesson

    Characteristics of learning activities

    1. Organizing moment (goal: motivation for action in the classroom

    Organization of a problem situation to determine the purpose of this lesson, in which the course of the previous lesson is briefly restored

    2. Preparing to apply the concept/rule(goal: to check the degree of assimilation of new material)

    Homework conversation: a modified check of what has been done (selective written task on cards for students with varying degrees of assimilation

    3.Inclusion of a new concept in the system of previously studied(goal: determine the role and meaning of the concept in the system of language units)

    Work with the exercise: independent identification of word forms-carriers of a new concept in a new text. Students schematize, compare the structural and semantic features of the concept with the features of already studied concepts, find out its role in speech

    4. Text analysis (goal: find out the function of the concept / rule in oral and written speech)

    Independent application of the action algorithm (grammatical analysis). Partial supervision by a teacher is allowed. The essential features of the concept/rule under study are clarified to deepen the understanding of the text.

    4. Summary of the lesson (goal: fix language parsing algorithm)

    The role of the concept in the organization of the text is formulated. The skills of language analysis are fixed, its algorithm is displayed, and a name (term) is given. Evaluation is given by both the teacher and the students to themselves and each other for knowledge, skills and activity in the lesson.

    5. Homework ( goal: to give an orientation to the training of certain skills)

    An exercise is proposed for constructing your own text using the studied language units. The students formulate the task: “During the exercise, I will train the ability to do ... (names the type of analysis) analysis, find ... (names the concept that was fixed in the lesson), determine its role in this text "

    Iterative-generalizing lesson

    Target: systematize the acquired knowledge and skills on the topic.

    Structural component of the lesson

    Characteristics of learning activities

    1. Organizing moment (goal:

    set a goal for the lesson yourself)

    A problematic conversation is organized to determine the place of the concept and its meaning for the language system, from which the goal setting by the students for this lesson follows

    2. Preparation for the generalization of the learned rules and the application of the algorithm(goal: repeat the definition of the concept and the algorithm for its derivation)

    Homework is checked using various methods (self-analysis of selectively taken words or sentences, reading own texts, their analysis, group work on “expertise”, mutual spelling check)

    3. Identification of all studiedconcepts and rules on this topic(goal: find out the genus-species relationships of the concepts of the topic being studied)

    Concepts similar in kind and type related to the topic under study are identified, their formulations are repeated, their definitions are correlated with the topic of the lesson, a single algorithm of actions is derived for applying all the concepts of the topic.

    4. Generalization of knowledge about the concept / rule

    (goal: to define it classification grounds)

    Tables or other schemes are compiled, a grouping of similar concepts, the place of the studied concept in this system of relations is determined (according to a table or based on a classification scheme)

    5. Independent work (goal: check the formation of knowledge and skills on the topic)

    An individual written work is given, which the teacher checks after the lesson by collecting notebooks.

    6. Lesson summary (goal: to form a skill

    summarize and formulate the definition)

    The formulations of all related concepts on the studied topic are repeated, the algorithm of actions using essential features. Evaluation is given by both the teacher and the students to themselves and each other for knowledge, skills and activity in the lesson.

    7. Homework (goal: to train the written skill of using the studied concept)

    Mini-composition with the use of word forms-carriers of the concept (rule). Students formulate a learning task: “We will train the ability to use ... (they call the concept being studied) in an essay that we will come up with ourselves”

    Combined lesson

    A combined lesson involves the study of a small and simple topic (for example, “The Root of a Word”), so its structure includes all the components of the three types of lessons mentioned: the introduction of a new concept / rule, its consolidation and repetitive-generalizing work.


    Dictation lesson

    Targets teach how to write a dictation to test the assimilation of spelling and punctuation rules on specific topics.

    Dictations are educational and control. This type of lesson is aimed at mastering by children all the necessary educational actions when writing control dictations. To teach a child to translate sounding speech into written speech, it is necessary to understand that this activity consists of a number of skills that are formed gradually and separately from each other. These include the following skills:

    Keep in mind the boundaries of the whole text, individual sentences and small syntagmas;

    hear "traps", i.e. erroneous places - spelling and punctograms;

    identify and check these error-prone places - spellings and punctograms (determine whether a rule is needed, or is it a dictionary word);

    remember the graphic representation of the necessary letters (lowercase, uppercase, sentences and paragraphs);

    Exercise self-control over writing.

    Therefore, the clarity of the teacher's actions duringteaching dictationis the key to student success. Preparing at home for this type of lesson, the teacher should divide the sentences into syntagmas that are convenient for dictation (the number of words included in the syntagma for a one-time reading is determined by the age and individual characteristics of the students in a particular class). From lesson to lesson, syntagmas, as well as their saturation with erroneous places, should be increased gradually. For the rules that have just been studied, the use of "cheat sheets" is allowed: dictionaries, tables, reference materials made by students on their own.

    The teaching dictation may be accompanied by the performance of grammar tasks on the topic.

    Structural component of the lesson

    Characteristics of learning activities

    1. Organizing moment (goal: provide guidance on translating spoken language into written language)

    Psychological setting for independent work: a situation is created in which children clearly define the range of their actions, they can explain what they will do, working as a “clerk

    2. Dictation (goal: teach to act correctly during dictation, memorize sentence boundaries

    1. The text of the dictation is read completely, unhurriedly, expressively, clearly.
    2. Read the proposal in its entirety. Pupils are warned to listen to the sentence in its entirety (“up to the point”).
    3. The teacher dictates according to II - III classes according to syntagmas, the segment of the sentence is pronounced once (without repeating). The teacher observes whether all the children put down their pens, only after that he continues

    3. Self-test (purpose: learn to see mistakes

    The teacher dictates the text slowly in sentences, making sufficient pauses between them, allowing the children to check what they have written.

    4. Completing grammar tasks(goal: consolidate knowledge on the topic studied)

    For a grammar task, usually related to the topic being studied, language units are selected from the text of the dictation (according to options) and language parsing skills (full or partial) are checked

    5. Bottom line (goal: teach self-control)

    Self-checking the control task and checking the written dictation

    Methodical activity of the teacher

    The tasks of the teacher include not only the organization of the educational process at the lesson in the Russian language, but also ensuring that the students assimilate the educational material proposed in the lesson.

    The traditional lesson involves a one-way process of transferring information from the teacher to the student, control over the assimilation of this information by the teacher. In the modern school, the main focus of the teacher's activity opens the way for the idea of ​​a communicative-activity approach in teaching. Let us find out how the teacher's activity is organized and what it consists of.

    I stage - awareness of the goal, tasks and orientation in the conditions of methodological activity.

    1. Orientation in the subject content of the lesson, i.e. in the linguistic material itself.

    What exactly is to be studied? What for? What is the role of this sawing in language, in speech?

    What do I know about this phenomenon? What are its characteristics, and how are they identified?

    With what other linguistic concepts is the thing under study connected: with which it is in the same row, on which it relies, for which it serves as a base? Why is this concept introduced at this particular moment of training?

    2. Orientation in specific learning conditions.

    What do students know about this concept, what will they learn in the future? What should you learn, work out in this lesson, to what extent, to what level?

    What features of the concept should be the focus?

    What related knowledge and skills should be relied upon in the course of work?

    What learning activities are required to master the material?

    What specific difficulties must be overcome?

    What are the possible mistakes of students who have not yet mastered all the features of the concept?

    What other language (speech) work can be organically connected with the development of this concept, skill? Why?

    3. Orientation in the methodological arsenal of methods and means learning.

    What methods of organizing educational work, types of tasks, teaching aids that meet the general idea of ​​the lesson, do I know?

    How does the textbook work? What is the purpose of each task, the logic of their location?

    What methods of work, what specific material are prompted by other means of methodological assistance (own methodological card file, manuals, journal articles, etc.)?

    How, according to what criteria, to assess whether the students have mastered the concept, the mode of action?

    As you can see, the first stage of the teacher's methodological activity in preparing the lesson is quite voluminous in content. The result of it should be, firstly, an understanding of the topic of the lesson and

    II The next step is to plan the lesson.

    1. What is the purpose of the lesson, i.e. what should be the end result? (What concept to introduce, what signs to help students realize what actions they need to master or consolidate)
    2. How to achieve the goal of the lesson, through the solution of what intermediate tasks? (What needs to be done according to the logic of actions, find out first, and then what, etc.)
    3. What additional learning tasks (from the field of vocabulary, grammar, spelling, speech, etc.) should be implemented in this lesson? At what stages? Why?
    4. How to organize a lesson?

    How to set a learning task for children in order to include them in active activities: a) what needs to be done so that students find that they lack some knowledge or skill; b) how to make this knowledge necessary, so that there is a desire to learn, to overcome the “barrier”?

    How to ensure the assimilation of the necessary information in the lesson?

    How to achieve the mastery of the necessary actions by children and, in general, conscious possession of the material?

    Learning activity planning determined standard Basic Plan approved by the Ministry of Educationand being the main governing and financial document for each educational structure (school, secondary specialized and other educational institutions). The basic plan has two parts: the core (invariant) and the variant part, which takes into account the characteristics of the area (ethnic component of education), individual characteristics of students (standard contingent, correctional type of education, the specifics of students with physical or mental disabilities).

    In the basic planthe following main content areas are distinguished:

    federal componentensures the unity of school education in the country and is a mandatory minimum containing general cultural and general scientific information, on the basis of which knowledge, skills and abilities common to the entire state in the Russian language are formed;

    national-regional componentprovides for the special needs and interests of the area of ​​education of small peoples or a particular region with its specific features and ethno-cultural content;

    school componentreflects the specifics of a particular educational institution, allows for independent development of the curriculum and programs in accordance with the chosen direction of learning (deepening or strengthening the study of certain subjects, focusing on a specific area of ​​culture, especially the psychophysical development of students, etc.).

    In addition to general planning, there is planning for the teacher's individual activities: for the entire period of study (1- IV classes), annual planning, quarterly and lesson-by-hour.

    A teacher is a creative person: his activity carries moments of craft, science and art at the same time. The teacher cannot be an executor by the very essential characteristics of his profession, therefore he should be attributed to the figures. If the state program determines the goals and content of teaching the Russian language, then how independent can a teacher be considered? The independent methodological activity of the teacher as an actor begins directly with a certain group of children (“class”), when the teacher, focusing on the generally accepted state requirements for teaching the Russian (native) language, builds his own teaching system for a specific period and a specific group of children. "Here and now" the teacher becomes a doer, because before setting specific goals for a specific period of study (a year, a quarter, a lesson), he necessarily analyzes the "material" (student knowledge, skills) with which he will have to work and which will need to be converted into an intermediate product (knowledge, skills and abilities) outlined by the teacher in order to approximate the goal fixed in the program.

    It's technology oversubject activities of the teacher,those. organization of teaching in the classroom in any school subject. Technologyprivate subject- directly related to the subject "Russian language" - is connected with the private goals of our subject. So, for a Russian language teacher:

    material - these are speech samples (fiction works, texts of scientific, journalistic, colloquial style, etc.), texts of tasks and exercises placed in the textbook (including the textbook for reading), as well as in numerous manuals for Russian language lessons;

    change processes- these are methods of language research (phonetic, morphemic, word-formation, etymological, morphological, syntactic analysis, used, unfortunately, only in one function - control);

    facilities - educational texts, as well as graphic images (diagrams, models, drawings, etc.), auditory "visibility" (records, disks with records of correct, expressive speech, etc.);

    product of activity- linguistic concepts, categories, works of speech (compositions, presentations, oral answers), spelling and punctuation rules, norms of written and oral speech, as well as the ability to use them.

    Analyzing the situation before planning further actions is part of the methodical activity of the wordsmith, for which you can use the following tricks:

    observation, analysis, accounting individual psychophysiologicalthe characteristics of each student and the construction of a graph (trajectory) of state changes during a quarter (year, etc.);

    observation, analysis, accounting of the level of literacy(speech, spelling and punctuation errors) of each student and the construction of a graph (trajectory) of state changes during a quarter (year, etc.);

    observation, analysis, accounting of reading skillsand building a graph (trajectory) of state changes during a quarter (year a, etc.).

    When a teacher has such a detailed "map" of the state of knowledge and skills of a student, you can plan your future pa-bot y , i.e. move on to the second part of the methodological activity.

    Preparation for each lesson is carried out in accordance with the adjustment of the program material based on the results obtained in the course of the teacher's analytical work, and taking into account the planned for all three - the main school, the academic year, a quarter - directions of the material.

    As a rule, the teacher has to focus in the classroom on several groups of students, united by him according to the pace of assimilation and level of knowledge. Therefore, often the lesson summary becomes a summary of several lessons at once, according to the number of selected groups, since the “research” and tasks performed by students in the lesson must be individualized for each of these groups.

    The teacher exercises leadership and management in the lesson by personal example, i.e. he takes on the role of the organizer of communication and shows the children how to master the language material. Acting as a "scientist-researcher", the teacher organizes a conversation, and not an explanation of new material. Therefore, everything that he wants to explain as new knowledge should be restructured into the form of questions that will lead the children to the right answers. Psychologists have proven that a long affirmative speech is perceived with benefit by the listener no longer than 7-10 minutes, in children this time is even less, while interrogative intonation excites the cognitive centers of the cerebral cortex and allows you to attract attention.

    The problem of attention in the classroom is the most serious and painful topic for the teacher. Therefore, only reliance on the psychophysiological patterns of development of a growing organism can help in its solution.There is no discipline problem - there is a poorly organized lesson! A child immanently possesses such an important quality for development as mobility, and such an important quality for cognition as curiosity. These qualities "work" for the teacher during a properly organized conversation (and not a long-winded explanation).

    Another important psychological lever for managing the learning process ischild's success, so it is necessaryto praise him more often, to refuse disapproving words and intonations: on the one hand, it stimulates the student to activity in the lesson, on the other hand, it brings up his positive attitude towards the surrounding interlocutors.The teacher must (this is his professional duty) teach, but the student must not, but can only learn. And the task of the teacher is to organize the conditions for learning for him, i.e. opportunity to learn. The communicative-activity approach to teaching provides the teacher with technology and other methodological tools for the correct organization of the lesson.

    When organizing learning as an activity, it is difficult to assess the student's actions on a five-point system, since the quasi-research in which the child participates in the lesson cannot be subjected to a strict gradation of "excellent", "good", etc. Here it is appropriate to evaluate activity at parts in the lesson in pluses and minuses, the accumulation of which can eventually add up to a grade of "5", "4", etc. The teacher in the already mentioned "class magazine", i.e. notebook of his own observations, captures everything that affects the child's learning process, and what he needs to know about the student:

    living conditions (family, relatives, neighbors, additional extracurricular activities, etc.);

    psychophysiological characteristics of the body (temperament, degree of development of the intellect, emotional-volitional sphere, health, etc.);

    specifics of perception (left/right hemispheric priorities, type of analyzer activation, etc.);

    the degree of activity in various types of activity (“spectator”, “analyst”, “synthesizer”, “organizer”, etc.);

    typical mistakes in all sections of the Russian language.

    This helps to properly organize the work in the lesson, as well as correctly assess the knowledge and skills of the student. Grades on a five-point scale are given only on the basis of the results of control sections: dictations, independent work, individual answers to assignments, essays and presentations (grading criteria, as a rule, are published in programs, in the journal Primary School).

    To basic professional skills of a teacher relate

    • development of lesson plans,
    • conducting and analyzing them,
    • regular diagnostics of the assimilation of educational material by schoolchildren.

    The criterion for assessing professional knowledge and skillsRussian language teachers are considered to have the following skills:

    • set the type of lesson depending on the topic and the stage of its assimilation;
    • determine the objectives of the lesson (educational, developmental, upbringing);
    • organize goal-setting of students;
    • create motivation for learning at the beginning and during the lesson;
    • carry out a purposeful repetition of the material covered in order to prepare students for the perception of new knowledge;
    • apply various methods of checking oral and written homework;
    • use different forms of checking the quality of assimilation of theoretical material during the lesson;
    • apply different methods and mobilizing techniques for studying new material;
    • select rational exercises to consolidate knowledge, skills and abilities and repeat the material covered;
    • skillfully summarize the lesson;
    • Give homework;
    • to implement throughout the lesson didactic and special methodological principles, including level ones;
    • use adequate teaching aids in the classroom (a training complex in the Russian language, visual aids, technical teaching aids);
    • to carry out a differentiated approach to children with different levels of preparation and advancement in learning.
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    "Modern lesson of the Russian language in elementary school"

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    Bondaryuk V. F.

    "Modern lesson of the Russian language in elementary school" At present, the problems of increasing the creative activity of schoolchildren in the educational process, finding ways to stimulate the general intellectual development of students and improving the quality of their knowledge in specific academic disciplines, including the Russian language, are relevant in the education system. The method of teaching by means of subjectivization, aimed at solving these issues, is intended for use in the traditional system of education and strengthening its developmental focus. Subjectivization is understood as a qualitatively new level of organization of the educational process, which provides for the direct and direct participation of the student in planning and conducting all or most of the structural stages of the Russian language lesson. The main means of subjectivization are (slide No. 2): 1. The systematic use of anticipation at all structural stages of the lesson. 2. The use of a system of specially designed logical exercises that involve the active intellectual activity of schoolchildren. 3. Intensive use of students' oral speech. The implementation of these methodological tools is provided by innovations in the content of schoolchildren's educational activities. Changes in content can be called the enrichment of the educational material provided for in the curriculum used. Changes in the content of training relate to several areas (slide No. 3). First direction- work with terms, with lexical meanings of dictionary words as with concepts. The element of novelty in comparison with the traditional system lies in the fact that students master the content of the relevant terms and words more deeply and meaningfully due to the practically independent (under the general guidance of the teacher) going through the path of forming a particular concept, including formulating its definition. Second direction- introduction into the learning process of lexical and spelling exercises of a new type, which are characterized by a specific selection, an unusual arrangement of language material and non-traditional setting of tasks that provide a versatile impact on the intellect of students. With the help of each of these exercises, attention, memory, thinking, and oral speech of schoolchildren are simultaneously developed. third direction- a new approach to the implementation of text exercises. In accordance with the principles of this technique, in the course of working with text exercises, a number of conditions are required: a) all texts must have an educational and cognitive character; b) the text is presented to students in an unfinished form without a task formulated for it; c) work with the text is completed by the students completing additional search tasks related to different sections of the Russian language. More significant changes are envisaged in the organization of the process of teaching the Russian language. They are associated with the introduction of a new stage of the lesson - mobilizing a significant change in the methodology for conducting each structural stage of the lesson, the implementation of new principles for conducting Russian language lessons, used along with generally accepted ones. These include (slide number 4):
      The principle of anticipatory reflection in the mind of the student of the content and types of educational activities ahead of him, which consists in the gradually increasing role of schoolchildren in planning, organizing and conducting a Russian language lesson. Schoolchildren predict and verbally formulate the topic and didactic purpose of the lesson, the content of the work in a minute of calligraphy, determine the topic of vocabulary work, make assignments for the exercises performed in the lesson, etc., i.e. become active and conscious participants in learning activities. The principle of a complex impact on the child's intellect, which assumes that the teacher uses in teaching and educational work such methods and techniques, exercises selected and compiled by him, in the process of which the students form linguistic knowledge, skills, skills and at the same time develop and improve intellectual qualities. Their set can be different, but includes at least four qualities at the same time (for example, the development of speech abilities, verbal-logical thinking, stability and distribution of attention, long-term memory). The principle of a reasonable, reasoned, evidence-based response of a student, implementation
    which involves the installation in working with students from the first days of their schooling for complete, consistent, evidence-based coverage of their opinions, mainly in the form of a text (text-description, text-inference, text-reasoning, etc.) in the process of completing all or most tasks and exercises in the Russian language.
      The principle of cooperation, business partnership between teacher and students. It provides for a combination of reasonable rigor and exactingness towards students with deep patience and respect for the personality of each child, his opinion, point of view; the possibility of free expression of the student in the lesson on the topic under study; ensuring proper attention on the part of the student to the words and actions of the teacher, the answers of classmates, respectful attitude towards other students.
    To organize the learning process, traditional types of lessons are used with the preservation of all their main structural stages. However, the methodology for conducting each stage of the lesson changes significantly and a new one is introduced - mobilizing. The mobilizing stage takes place immediately after the organizational moment. It allows you to solve the following tasks (slide No. 5): 1. At the very beginning of the lesson, a high level of student involvement in educational activities is set and the development of his most important intellectual qualities (oral speech, attention, memory, thinking) is ensured, which, in turn, provide direct influence on the effective formation of linguistic knowledge, skills. 2. The studied language material is repeated. 3. Based on the linguistic material used at this stage, students with varying degrees of independence predetermine and formulate the topic and didactic goal of the lesson. The content of the mobilizing stage of the lesson is made up of four groups of specially designed exercises that provide for various operations with toys, graphic representation of letters, images and studied language material. Exercises of this type take two to four minutes. The exercises in each group gradually become more difficult, ensuring the intellectual development of schoolchildren. A minute of calligraphy(slide No. 6), carried out by means of subjectivization, consists of two stages: preparatory and performing. In turn, in the preparatory stage, there are two parts:
      definition and formulation by students of the theme of a minute of calligraphy; children drawing up a plan for upcoming actions to write a letter and its elements.
    In the first part of the preparatory stage, special exercises are used, with the help of which students determine the letter intended for prescribing in this lesson and report this to the class (usually in the form of text). To obtain a high effect, it is necessary to comply with the following requirements for all groups of exercises of the preparatory stage. 1. From lesson to lesson, the degree of difficulty in each group of exercises gradually increases. 2. The content of the exercises is somehow connected with the topics of the Russian language course being studied, which makes it possible to increase the efficiency of their assimilation. 3. Each task provides for the active speech-thinking activity of schoolchildren, during which they create a story-reasoning, story-inference, giving an idea of ​​the actions taken by the student to find the letter intended for writing. I will give an example of an exercise for the preparatory stage of a minute of calligraphy in grade 4 on the topic “Changing verbs by tenses” (slide No. 7). The teacher pronounces the words fled, swoop in, win and offers schoolchildren a task: “Name the letter with which we will work for a minute of calligraphy. It is in the prefix of the present tense verb and denotes a consonant, voiced, unpaired, solid sound. ”An exemplary student answer: “Today, for a minute of calligraphy, we will work with the letter n . She is in the attachment on the verbs of the present tense swoop and denote a consonant, voiced, unpaired, hard sound n. In the second part of the preparatory stage, students establish the order of writing letters proposed by the teacher. They define and formulate aloud the pattern of recording, which changes at each lesson, providing a gradually increasing level of difficulty of intellectual activity. For example (slide number 8): 1. n a nn a nnn a ... (regularity: lowercase letters n, the number of which increases by one with each repetition, alternate with the letter a); 2. ra rb rv rg ... (regularity: the lowercase letter p alternates with the letters of the alphabet going in order); 3. ma me mb mu… (regularity: the lowercase letter m alternates with the letters of the alphabet going in the forward and reverse order), etc. At the performing stage of a minute of calligraphy, students write down chains of letters either in the pattern proposed by the teacher, or focusing on the pattern they compiled. Previously, the teacher pays attention to the specifics of writing letters, their most complex elements, letter combinations. Carrying out vocabulary and spelling work(slide No. 9) is associated with a further increase in the active and conscious activity of schoolchildren in the educational process. The most significant innovations here are: 1. independent definition and formulation by students of the topic of vocabulary and spelling work; 2. work with the lexical meaning of the new word as with a concept. The formulation of the topic of vocabulary and orthographic work is carried out with the help of a new type of exercise aimed at the simultaneous development of the most important intellectual qualities of the student, the intensification of the speech-thinking process and a significant increase in the role of the student in the presentation of a new "difficult" word. Just like in a minute of calligraphy, the exercises are compiled taking into account the increasing degree of their complexity. The content of the exercises is necessarily associated with the topic of the lesson. The answer is mostly in the form of text. For example (slide number 10): the teacher writes the words on the board building, timid, funny, rare and offers students the task: “Find the spelling in each written word. Think about what action to take with the letters that are orthograms. Name a new dictionary word.” An exemplary student answer: “In the word construction, the spelling is the letter o in the prefix. There is no prefix pa. In the word timid double consonant b. The check word is timid. In the word funny, the unstressed vowel e at the root is checked. The key word is laughter. The word has a rare double consonant e. The test word is rare. If you connect these letters together in order, you get the word dinner. So, today we will get acquainted with the word dinner . The lexical meaning of a new dictionary word in the method under consideration is mastered as a concept. I will give an example of familiarization with the word hare (slide number 11). Teacher. Choose a more general word or phrase for the word hare. Student. The hare is an animal. Teacher. Right. But cow, goat, sheep are also animals. What's the Difference? Student. The hare is a wild animal, and the cow, goat, sheep are domestic. Teacher. Look at the picture of the rabbit. What is the difference between a hare and other wild animals? Student. The hare has long ears; the hind legs are longer than the front legs. He has a short tail. Teacher. Now give a complete description of the hare. Student. A hare is a wild animal with long ears, a short tail, and its hind legs are longer than its front legs. In the process of such reasoning, students form a conceptual apparatus. Schoolchildren master the most complex mental operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, and generalization. They form a clear, evidence-based, well-constructed oral speech. Conscious and active activity of students during learning new material is provided by the introduction of a partial search method in all classes of the initial link. For these purposes, each operation performed by students under the guidance of a teacher during the formation of a linguistic concept is transferred to the speech plan. The teacher provides a sequence of mental operations, directs the course of educational actions, introducing the necessary speech turns and language terms. Let's consider the study of the topic in grade 2 "Types of sentences" (slide No. 12). The following is written on the board: it’s good in the cold it’s snowing outside, you love winter Teacher. Read what you have written on the board so that the three sentences stand out clearly. Student. Good in the cold outside! There is light snow. Do you love winter? Teacher. Read a sentence in which something is calmly reported, that is, it is narrated. Student. There is light snow. Teacher. How can you call a sentence in which something is reported or narrated? Student. A sentence in which something is reported, narrated, can be called narrative. Teacher. What sign should be put at the end of a declarative sentence, given that it is pronounced calmly? Choose one of the three characters ( . ! ? ) Student. A period must be placed at the end of a declarative sentence. (Then students get acquainted with other types of sentences and summarize their observations.) At the stage of fixing the studied a system of exercises of a new type is used, which in their content and functional purpose are complex intellectual and linguistic. With their help, the intellectual and linguistic development of students is simultaneously stimulated. Linguistic knowledge, skills, and abilities are acquired by students in the process of active speech and thinking activity. At the same time, in the course of completing the task for the exercise, the student performs several mental operations (for example, comparison, grouping, generalization) and mobilizes various types of speech: internal and external, oral and written. In the next year, the complexes of exercises of the previous year of study are repeated, but at a higher level of difficulty, at the same time, new ones appear. For most of the exercises performed, students formulate tasks on their own. This work is carried out by schoolchildren on the basis of the analysis of the source material, additional records. Here is an example of such an exercise (slide No. 13). An entry has been prepared on the board: 1. steppe, sea, ... 2. rare, well-aimed, ... 3.local, flattering,… Teacher's tasks: “Look carefully at the record. Formulate the task for the exercise. Approximate student answer: “It is necessary to continue the rows of words according to two criteria - grammatical and spelling: in the first row include feminine adjectives with a checked unstressed vowel in the root, in the second row - masculine adjectives with a double consonant in the root, in the third row - adjectives neuter gender with an unpronounceable consonant at the root. The necessary words must be taken from the indicated exercise. The novelty of this technique lies in the fact that: within the framework of the traditional system of education, a qualitatively new level of involvement of schoolchildren in creative learning activities is ensured by transferring some of the teacher's functions to them; the complex intellectual development of students is carried out through a systemic and simultaneous impact on their most important mental functions: attention, memory, thinking, speech; - the speech activity of schoolchildren is organized mainly in text form, which, in combination with the first two factors, contributes to a significant increase in the language literacy of students. The experience of teachers using this method shows that its systematic and correct application ensures a sufficiently high level of intellectual development of students, forms their steady interest in the Russian language, and has a serious impact on improving the quality of teaching this academic subject.