Army General Tolubko. Chief Marshal of Artillery Tolubko

On November 8, 1932, he voluntarily joined the Red Army and was sent to a junior commanding school with a separate sapper squadron of the 14th Cavalry Division, after the successful completion of which he was appointed assistant platoon commander of the same school, and then - tank commander of a mechanized regiment under 14th Cavalry Division. In November 1935, Vladimir Fedorovich became a cadet of the Ulyanovsk armored school. After graduation in 1937 (since April 1937 - Ulyanovsk Armored School) he was sent to the Kyiv Military District as the commander of a tank platoon of the 12th mechanized brigade. Successfully continuing his service in the 12th mechanized brigade, in April 1938 he was appointed platoon commander of a reconnaissance battalion. The young, energetic platoon commander skillfully and persistently passed on to his subordinates the knowledge gained at the school, instilled in them a love for military equipment, instilled in them a sense of self-confidence and reliability of equipment and a constant readiness to take up arms to defend their homeland.

In the harsh pre-war years, the country's army and navy needed highly educated command personnel. The best commanders were sent to study at higher military educational institutions.

In September 1938, a student of the Military Academy of Mechanization and Motorization of the Red Army named after. I.V. Vladimir Fedorovich also becomes Stalin. While studying at the academy in the party description for senior lieutenant V.F. Tolubko noted that he was "very capable and energetic." And from the final certification of 1941 it followed: “Firm and persistent, strong-willed, works hard on himself. Deserves to be promoted to the rank of "Captain" in an extraordinary manner." However, the title was awarded only in January 1942. In May 1941, after graduating from the academy, he was appointed assistant chief of the 1st department of the headquarters of the 21st tank division of the Leningrad Military District.

From the first days of the Great Patriotic War, V.F. Tolubko takes an active part in the defense of Leningrad. From August 1941 he was chief of the 1st division of headquarters, from October he was chief of staff of the 21st Panzer Division; from February 1942 he was chief of staff, and from July - commander of the 104th tank brigade already on the Kalinin front. During heavy fighting in January 1942, the chief of staff of a tank division was given the following description: "In the most difficult conditions of battle, he does not lose his composure and makes the right decisions, putting them into practice to the end." When nominated for the post of tank brigade commander V.F. Tolubko is characterized as follows: "He can independently organize and conduct a battle with a tank brigade in any conditions." At the end of July 1942, V.F. Tolubko was seriously wounded, after recovering from February 21, 1943 he was appointed teacher of tactics at the Military Academy of Mechanization and Motorization of the Red Army. I.V. Stalin. However, it was difficult for a combat officer to come to terms with work in the rear. He submits one report after another with a request to send him to the front. Finally, in February 1944, his request was granted, and he was sent to the active army - first to the post of chief of staff of a special military unit, and from April 1944 - chief of the operational department of the headquarters of the 4th Guards Mechanized Corps of the 3rd Ukrainian Front. Vladimir Fedorovich takes part in planning the combat operations of the corps in the Iasi-Kishinev, Belgrade, and Budapest operations. During the battles V.F. Tolubko shows creative initiative, high organizational skills, courage and determination. In the combat description of May 16, 1944, the chief of staff of the guard corps, Colonel V.F. Chizh and Commander of the Guards, Major General of Tank Troops V.I. Zhdanov wrote: “In offensive battles in the Odessa region, he showed the ability to lead the headquarters of mechanized units. Having sufficient experience in controlling mechanized units in battle, he correctly aimed headquarters to fulfill the will of the commander. Headquarters, led by Comrade. Tolubko, they coped with the assigned tasks in battles.

During the Iasi-Kishinev offensive operation, Vladimir Fedorovich, being in the battle formations of his troops, set an example of courage, courage and courage to his subordinates. He personally led the brigades in the direction of the main attack on the enemy. The fact that the corps was the first to reach the river. The rod, thereby cutting off the retreat route that fell into the "bag" of the enemy grouping, was to a certain extent his merit. In the following days, the head of the operational department of the corps actively participated in the destruction of the encircled group of Nazi troops. In one of the sections, the tank battalion, in which Vladimir Fedorovich was located, met a retreating German column. Tolubko quickly orientated himself in the situation and clearly distributed the directions of attacks on it. About one and a half thousand soldiers and officers remained lying on the ground after a stunning attack by tankers, 720 people surrendered.

In the presentation for the next awarding of the order, in particular, it says: “The head of the operational department of the guards corps. lieutenant colonel V.F. Tolubko took an active part in the preparation of troops for military operations in the mountains ...

In the last combat operation - during the mountain march and the capture of Belgrade - he was always in the operational group with the corps commander, leaving for the most difficult and critical areas of the battle, directly into the battle formations of the formation. With the 13th Guards Motorized Rifle Battalion, he participated in the assault on the Yugoslav capital and was the first to break into the southwestern outskirts of Belgrade, which subsequently contributed to the overall success of the corps during the assault on the city.

Guard Colonel V.F. Tolubko was the first Soviet commandant in the Bulgarian city of Varna.

The combat experience gained during the war years, Vladimir Fedorovich skillfully applied in the training and education of troops, occupying in 1945-1948. positions of commander of the 13th Guards Mechanized Brigade, Chief of the Operations Department of the Headquarters of the 2nd Guards Tank Army, Chief of Staff of the 4th Guards Mechanized Division, Chief of the Operations Department and Deputy Chief of Staff of the 5th Guards Mechanized Army of the RVGK.

In December 1950, V.F. Tolubko graduated from the Higher Military Academy with a gold medal. K.E. Voroshilov and in March 1951 was appointed commander of the 19th Guards Mechanized Division of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany (GSVG). In May 1953 he was appointed chief of staff, in December 1954 - first deputy commander of the 4th Guards Mechanized Army, from June 1956 assistant commander in chief - head of the combat training department of the GSVG, from July 1957 - commander of the 1st guards tank, from April 1958 - the 8th guards army. Autumn inspection check in 1959 under the leadership of the Minister of Defense of the USSR Marshal of the Soviet Union R.Ya. Malinovsky showed that combat training in the army is at the proper level, strong military discipline is maintained in the units, and the morale of the personnel is high. The leadership of the country and the Armed Forces gives Vladimir Fedorovich special confidence, and in March 1960 he was appointed 1st Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces. Arriving in Moscow, V.F. Tolubko embarked on a new, completely unfamiliar business for him: together with the Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces, Chief Marshal of Artillery M.I. Nedelin, other military leaders, to create a new, most powerful branch of the Armed Forces of the USSR from scratch.

In 1960-1961. by decision of the government of the country, work was launched on a wide front to select and approve the position areas for connections of intercontinental ballistic missiles. The main organizational work was entrusted to the Main Staff of the Missile Forces and directly to the Deputy Commander-in-Chief, Colonel-General Vladimir Fedorovich Tolubko. The work was successfully completed.

In 1962, the Rocket Forces took part in Operation Anadyr. It was necessary to secretly transfer to Cuba a missile division consisting of five regiments, a large amount of equipment and over 10 thousand people. This was the first time such a task had been solved in the Strategic Missile Forces. Vladimir Fedorovich was responsible for communication with the Ministry of the Navy on issues allocated to troops in the Baltic, on the Black Sea - in Odessa, Nikolaev and Sevastopol - transports. We had to coordinate hundreds of issues for each port, monitor the timely arrival of units and equipment for loading and their shipment to Cuba. The Deputy Commander-in-Chief coped with this task successfully.

But the most important thing was that in the 60s. of the last century, conditions were created for nuclear-missile parity with the United States. “It was a critical period,” recalled Vladimir Fedorovich, “when the scales fluctuated: will we have time for the Americans, will we have time to deliver our missiles without being late, without falling behind, without giving them the temptation to unleash a war.”

During the formation and development of a new type of troops, he carried out the selection and placement of leading personnel, organized activities for the operational-strategic training of senior officers, developed ways to improve the field and combat skills of troops, and carry out combat duty. With his direct participation, missile systems were created, the organizational structure of the missile forces was improved, and the level of combat and political training was raised.

Vladimir Fedorovich recalled the first years of his work as First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces: “It was a difficult, but very interesting and truly heroic time. The task was to create and strengthen a new type of Armed Forces at any cost. To solve it, they did not spare themselves, they worked hard. It was important to implement the decisions of the party and the government within the allotted time, erect a powerful missile shield of the country, capable of protecting it from any surprise, putting an insurmountable barrier to lovers of military adventures.

In 1968 V.F. Tolubko graduated from the Higher Academic Courses at the Military Academy of the General Staff. K.E. Voroshilov and was appointed commander of the Siberian Military District, from May 1969 - the Far Eastern Military District. During this period, the situation in the Far East remained tense and difficult. The events on Damansky Island in March 1969, the violation of airspace by an American aircraft in the summer of 1969 in the area of ​​the Kuril Islands led to a sharp aggravation of the situation in this region. The new commander had to immediately get involved in the work of increasing combat readiness, strengthening order and organization in the district. Under the leadership of V.F. Tolubko district troops persistently improved their combat skills. Much has been done to equip the troops, a modern training and material base has been created, new military equipment and weapons have been received. Most of the time V.F. Tolubko spent in the garrisons, and not in the office silence of the district headquarters. With his generals and officers, he was directly in the units and formations, taught the command and political staff how to organize the training and education of subordinates, and solve the assigned tasks. All this contributed to an increase in field and air skills, technical and combat training of troops. The Far Eastern District rightfully occupied leading positions in the Armed Forces of the USSR, was a forge for the training of command personnel. It was from the Far Eastern District that many military leaders came out, who later became the country's defense ministers, commanders-in-chief of the branches of the Armed Forces, districts, and also held positions in the central apparatus of the Ministry of Defense.

In September 1970, the troops of the Far Eastern District were visited by the Minister of Defense of the USSR, who got acquainted with the state of combat and political training of motorized riflemen, tank crews, pilots, missilemen, gunners, with the study of cadets of military schools and training units, with their life and way of life. A.A. Grechko drew attention to the high demands of commanders, headquarters, political agencies and party organizations, their responsibility for the state of combat readiness of the troops, and, based on the results of the work, he highly appreciated the commander of the district, Vladimir Fedorovich Tolubko.

In April 1972, V.F. Tolubko is appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces - Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR. Vladimir Fedorovich invested all his energy, knowledge and experience in improving the combat and operational training of troops and headquarters, in ensuring the constant combat readiness of the Strategic Missile Forces, in the development of missile technology and weapons. He actively led the rearmament of the Strategic Missile Forces and the putting on combat duty of third-generation missile systems - with multiple warheads and means of overcoming anti-missile defense (RS-18, -20, -16) and Topol mobile intercontinental missiles, and subsequently work to improve tactical -technical characteristics of these missiles.

The Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces had a considerable merit in creating the grouping of the first Pioneer mobile-based RSD missile systems, developing the foundations for their combat use, combat duty and maneuvering. V.F. Tolubko directly organized their flight tests, the development of principles for their placement and combat use.

In the conditions of lack of time, representatives of the Rocket Forces had to solve a lot of issues, coordinate them with representatives of the industry. Therefore, under V.F. Tolubko, such a form of work appeared as joint meetings of the military council of the Strategic Missile Forces and collegiums of the Ministry of Defense Industries, as well as visits directly to factories to resolve issues on the spot, as a result of which many problems were resolved promptly and efficiently.

The commander-in-chief paid special attention to issues of combat duty. Under his leadership, in December 1976, a transition was made to a unified system of organizing and carrying out combat duty on the scale of the Strategic Missile Forces. Common days were established for all and a single procedure for preparation, intercession and shifts, optimal composition of calculations.

Vladimir Fedorovich did a lot to improve the living conditions and life of the personnel of the missile garrisons. Only in the period 1978-1980. more than 1 million square meters of residential buildings and more than 20 thousand apartments were built and put into operation. During these years, the movement "For towns of high culture and exemplary social order" was widely developed in the rocket garrisons. And now, in terms of infrastructure development and arrangement, the residential towns of the Strategic Missile Forces are among the best in the Armed Forces.

In all posts, Vladimir Fedorovich Tolubko showed a high sense of responsibility, gave his knowledge and extensive experience to strengthening the Armed Forces, increasing their combat readiness. He enjoyed the well-deserved respect of his subordinates and comrades in the service, he was repeatedly elected a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

During his service in the Rocket Forces, he was present at almost all tests and at most launches of ICBMs, spacecraft, and during the explosions of developed samples of nuclear and thermonuclear munitions.

On August 12, 1976, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, V.F. Tolubko was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, and in 1983 - the military rank of Chief Marshal of Artillery. July 10, 1985 Vladimir Fedorovich was appointed Inspector General of the Group of General Inspectors of the USSR Ministry of Defense.

V.F. Tolubko was fond of sports from his youth. Athlete-weightlifter E.A. Penkovsky recalled how the Commander-in-Chief once attended a training session for athletes: “Medium height, stocky, with a small scar near the superciliary arch, he could easily pass for a weightlifter or a classical style wrestler ... The training was in full swing, and the Chief Marshal of Artillery also decided to train , recall your cadet years at the Ulyanovsk Armored School. I will say that on that day he was 57 years old and weighed 80 kg. The marshal's retinue bustled again. We quickly found the smallest barbell. There were small folk bars in those years. Vladimir Fedorovich refused to lift it. I went up to the Olympic and tried to lift 55 kg. He squeezed the weight easily and beautifully, it was felt that once great strength was walking in his muscles. He asked to install 70 kg and also easily overcame them. A smile lit up the marshal's manly face. Now the youth was surprised at the veteran of the Great Patriotic War. ...Marshal Tolubko finished his performance in the bench press with a weight of 85 kg. Pulled out 75 in scissors and pushed 95 kg. I tore off 150 from the platform and sat down with a weight of 130 kg, causing a storm of applause from those present.”

Marshal Tolubko managed to obtain permission from the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR A.N. Kosygin, according to which the rocket troops, as an exception, were allowed to build a sports palace in the city of Odintsovo. On September 6, 1979, the Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces signed a directive “On secondment of a volleyball team to the Military Academy. F.E. Dzerzhinsky with a place of deployment in the Vlasikha garrison. The team named "Iskra" still represents the city of Odintsovo at the Russian volleyball championship.

V.F. Tolubko is the author of the books "Rocket Forces", "To Live - to Serve the Motherland". In collaboration with N.I. Baryshev Vladimir Fedorovich published a historical and memoir essay "From Vidin to Belgrade" about the military operations of Soviet tankers in the Belgrade operation and the book "On the southern flank" dedicated to the combat path of the 4th Guards Mechanized Corps in 1942-1945. In 1979, the publishing house "Young Guard" in the series "Life of Remarkable People" published a book by V.F. Tolubko "Nedelin. First Commander-in-Chief Strategic. Vladimir Fedorovich knew well the front-line and post-war activities of M.I. Nedelin, worked directly with him, performing complex and responsible tasks for the creation and development of the Strategic Missile Forces. Many lines from this work help to get to know Tolubko himself better. He wrote: “I have been working on this book for several years. I wanted to describe the life and combat path of a remarkable person, a prominent and talented military leader Mitrofan Ivanovich Nedelin, with whom my service was connected. Working with this wonderful and charming person, together with him to carry out complex and responsible tasks for the creation and development of the Strategic Missile Forces, has always been a great happiness for me, which brought complete moral satisfaction.

The motherland highly appreciated the merits of V.F. Tolubko before the country. He was awarded five Orders of Lenin, four Orders of the Red Banner, the Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky 2nd class, two Orders of the Patriotic War 1st class, two Orders of the Red Star, the Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" 3rd class. , foreign orders and medals. Chief Marshal of Artillery V.F. Tolubko was an honorary citizen of the city of Odintsovo, where a bust of the marshal was erected, and one of the streets of the city was named after him.

Vladimir Fedorovich died on June 17, 1989 and was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.

Grave of the Hero of Socialist Labor V.F. Tolubko at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.

Sergei Migulin,
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher
Research Institute of Military History
Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Vladimir Fedorovich Tolubko was born on November 12 (25), 1914 in the city of Constantinograd, now the Kharkov region of Ukraine, in a working class family.

After graduating from high school, he worked as an instructor in the district committee of the Komsomol in Krasnograd.

Pre-war years and the Great Patriotic War

He served in the Red Army since 1932 in the positions of junior commanders and political workers. In 1937 he graduated from the Ulyanovsk armored military school, was sent to the Kyiv military district, served as a commander of a tank platoon and a reconnaissance platoon. In 1941 he graduated from the Military Academy of Mechanization and Motorization of the Red Army.

During the Great Patriotic War he fought on the Leningrad and Kalinin fronts: assistant chief of the operational department (since July 1941), chief of the operational department (since August 1941), chief of staff of the 21st tank division (since October 1941), chief of staff of the 104th tank brigade (since February 1942), commander of the 104th tank brigade (since July 1942). At the end of 1942 he was seriously wounded, after recovering from March 1943 he taught at the Military Academy of Mechanization and Motorization of the Red Army. In February 1944, he was again sent to the active army, was the head of the operational department of the headquarters of the 4th Guards Mechanized Corps (1944-1945) on the 3rd Ukrainian Front. In this position, he participated in the Iasi-Kishinev, Belgrade, and Budapest operations.

post-war period

Since 1945 - the commander of a mechanized brigade, after its disbandment until 1948 - the commander of a mechanized regiment. In 1950 he graduated from the Military Academy of the General Staff named after K. E. Voroshilov. Since 1950 - head of department and deputy chief of staff of the corps, chief of staff of a mechanized division. Since 1951 - commander of a mechanized division. Since May 1953 - chief of staff and first deputy commander of the army. Since 1956 - Assistant to the Commander-in-Chief - Head of the Combat Training Department of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany. Since 1957 - commander of the 1st Guards Tank Red Banner Army in Dresden. Since 1958 - commander of the 8th Guards Combined Arms Order of Lenin Army in the city of Nora.

When a new type of troops was created - the Strategic Missile Forces, Tolubko was transferred to them and in March 1960 he was appointed First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces. He played a big role in the formation of a fundamentally new kind of troops. In April 1968 he was returned to the ground forces and was appointed commander of the Siberian Military District. Since May 1969 - Commander of the Far Eastern Military District. General of the Army (1970). But then he was again transferred to the Strategic Missile Forces and on April 12, 1972 he was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces. In 1983 he was awarded the military rank of Chief Marshal of Artillery. This is the only case when such a rank was awarded to a person who previously had the rank of "general of the army", all other chief marshals of the military branches previously had the rank of marshal of this branch of service. Tolubko's activities as Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces are assessed positively by most military experts.

On July 10, 1985, he was relieved of his post and appointed Inspector General of the Group of General Inspectors of the USSR Ministry of Defense. Lived in Moscow.

Awards and Titles

  • In 1976 he was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.
  • He was awarded five Orders of Lenin, four Orders of the Red Banner, the Order of Bohdan Khmelnitsky 2nd Class, the Order of the Patriotic War 1st Class, two Orders of the Red Star, the Order for Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR 3rd Class, medals, foreign orders and medals.
  • Honorary citizen of the city of Odintsovo, Moscow Region, where a street is named after Tolubko.


  • In the city of Odintsovo, a bust of his hero was erected, the name of Marshal Tolubko was also given to a street in the microdistrict 7-a of this city.
  • A commemorative breast medal was issued in memory of Tolubko.
  • Honorary citizen of the Moldavian city of Comrat.

Was born November 12 (25), 1914 in the town Constantinograd,
(now - the city of Krasnograd, Kharkov region of Ukraine), in a working class family.

After graduating from high school, he worked district instructor
committee of the Komsomol
in the city of Krasnograd.

In the Red Army since 1932.
In 1937 he graduated Ulyanovsk armored military school.

Military service began cadet of the school of junior commanders, then assistant platoon leader, tank commander.

In 1937-1938 he commanded tank platoon and reconnaissance platoon
in Kiev Special Military District.

From May 1941 - assistant Chief of the 1st division of the headquarters of the tank division
Leningrad Military District.

In 1941 he completed two courses Military Academy of Mechanization and Motorization of the Red Army.

From the first days Great Patriotic War participated in battles with fascist german invaders on the Leningrad and Kalinin fronts.

From August 1941 - chief 1st (operational) branch of headquarters, since October - Head headquarters 21st tank division.
From February 1942 - Chief of Staff, from July the same year
Commander of the 104th Tank Brigade.

Was wounded twice.
The first time - in the autumn of 1941.

After recovery Vladimir Tolubko it was suggested to continue
war study in armored academy, but the enemy rushed to Moscow,
and Tolubko refused it offers, leaving study for later,
and went back to
active army.

After being wounded in March 1943 - Tactics Department Lecturer
Military Academy of Mechanization and Motorization of the Red Army

From April 1944 until the end of the war - Head of Operations Division
Guards Mechanized Corps (3rd Ukrainian front).

V.F. Tolubko took part in the planning and conduct of hostilities mechanized corps in Iasi-Chisinau, Belgrade and Budapest operations, showing high organizational military skills and courage.

Combat experience gained during the war years, skillfully used in teaching and education of troops,
holding positions in 1945-1948 Commander of the Guards Mechanized Brigade
and a shelf
Chief of the Operations Department of the Headquarters of the Tank Army,
Chief of Staff of the Guards Mechanized Division,
Head of Operations Department and deputy Chief of Staff of the Guards Mechanized Army.

After the war, in 1946, colonel Tolubko who graduated armored academy,
was given a military rank
"major general".

In 1950 he graduated higher military academy
(now - General Staff Academy).

From March 1951 - Commander guards mechanized
divisions of the Group of Soviet Forces
in Germany ,
since May 1953 - Chief of Staff.

Since December 1954 - 1st Deputy Commander of the 4th Guards
mechanized army

From June 1956 - Assistant Commander-in-Chief
- Head of the Combat Training Department of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany .

Since July 1957 - commander of the 1st Guards Tank,
since April 1958 - 8th Guards Army.

From March 1960 - first Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces.

In 1968 General V.F. Tolubko graduated Higher academic courses
at General Staff Academy.

AT April of the same year he is appointed Commander of the Siberian troops,
and since May 1969 - Far Eastern military districts.

April 30, 1970
colonel general V.F. Tolubko assigned
highest military rank "army General" .

April 12, 1972 to July 10, 1985 Vladimir Fyodorovich Tolubko - Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces
- Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR, Chairman Military Council of the Strategic Missile Forces.

In this high post, V.F. Tolubko contributed significant personal contribution
in improvement of combat and operational training of troops and headquarters ,
to ensure
constant combat readiness of missile troops,
in rocket technology development and weapons.

He led the rearmament, entering into military personnel of the Strategic Missile Forces and staging
for combat duty of third-generation missiles with separable warheads and means of overcoming the enemy's anti-missile defense
"RS-18" , "RS-20" , "RS-16" and missiles "Poplar" ,
as well as work on improving the performance characteristics of these missiles.

Under his leadership were created groupings of the first missile systems of mobile-based medium-range missiles "Pioneer" and organized acceptance into serviceand setting upcombat duty of missile systems, differing high reliability, combat readiness and efficiency, including mobile , such as, for example,"Poplar".
Besides, Tolubko made the transition to unified system of organization
and combat duty to scale Strategic Missile Forces .

Being in office First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces
with the first day of their creation, V.F. Tolubko selected
and placement of leadership, organized measures for the operational-strategic training of senior officers, development
ways to increase the field and combat training of troops
He paid special attention management automation problems, development of the foundations for the combat use of missile forces, combat readiness checks of formations and units,
the state of their weapons and equipment
In this position they much has been done for improving living conditions
and life of personnel
garrisons of warrior-rocketmen.

Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR
from March 25, 1983
army general
V.F. Tolubko awarded the highest military rank
"Chief Marshal of Artillery".

In 1985, based on a personal report, Chief Marshal of Artillery V.F. Tolubko leaves the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces and moves to group
General Inspectors of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR

Since 1971 V.F. Tolubko elected candidate member of the Central Committee of the CPSU,
and since 1976 - a member of the Central Committee of the CPSU.
Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR 8th-10th convocations.

"From Vidin to Belgrade" (M., 1968. 240 p. , in collaboration with N.I. Baryshev) ;
"On the southern flank"
(M., 1973. 400 p. , in collaboration with N.I. Baryshev) ;
"Rocket Troops"
(M., 1977. 64 p.) ;
"To live - to serve the motherland"
(M., 1978. 87 p.) ;
"Nedelin: First Commander-in-Chief of Strategic"
(M., 1979. 222 p.)

IN AND. Petrov "Chief Marshal of Artillery V.F. Tolubko"
( Military history magazine. 1984. 11. P. 49-52.)

Hgrads :
Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from August 12, 1976
"For his great personal contribution to the creation and development of rocket and space technology and rocket launch complexes", general of the army Tolubko Vladimir Fedorovichawarded the title Hero of Socialist Laborwith the award Lenin and gold medal"Hammer and sickle" .

Awarded five Orders of Lenin
(1972 , 1974 , 1976 , 1982 , 1984 ),
four orders
Red Banner
(September 9, 1944, September 29, 1944, 1953, 1968),
orders Bohdan Khmelnitsky 2nd degree (1944 ),
two orders
Patriotic War 1st degree (1944, 1985 ),
two orders
Red Star (1948 , 1964 ),
order "For service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" 3rd degree (1971)
and medals
as well as foreign orders and medals
including Polish order "Virtuti Military".

Honorable Sir cities of Odintsovo, Moscow region
and Comrat (Moldova).

TOLUBKO Vladimir Fedorovich (November 25, 1914 - June 17, 1989).
Hero of Socialist Labor (1976).
Chief Marshal of Artillery (1983).

Ukrainian. In the Soviet Army since 1932. Since 1937 he served in the tank troops. In 1941 he graduated from the Military Academy of Mechanization and Motorization of the Red Army. He was admitted to the CPSU in 1939.
During the Great Patriotic War, assistant chief and chief of the operations department, chief of staff of a tank division, chief of staff and commander of a tank brigade, from 1943 on teaching at the academy, from 1944 head of the operations department of the headquarters of the guards mechanized corps.
After the war, the commander of a mechanized regiment, brigade, head of department and deputy chief of staff of the association. In 1950 he graduated from the Military Academy of the General Staff. He served as chief of staff of a mechanized division, and from 1951 he commanded a mechanized division. Since 1953, the chief of staff of the association. In 1956 he was appointed assistant to the commander-in-chief - head of the combat training department of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany. Since 1957 he was appointed to the post of commander of the association. In 1960, he was promoted to the post of First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces.

Since 1968 he commanded the troops of the Siberian, and since 1969 - the Far Eastern military districts. He made a great personal contribution to strengthening the eastern borders and turning the border into an impregnable fortress, which greatly contributed to sobering the leadership of Maoist China and reducing its aggressive aspirations.
Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces - Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR from April 12, 1972 to July 10, 1985.
Actively supervised the re-equipment of the Strategic Missile Forces and the putting on combat duty of third-generation missiles with MIRVs and means of overcoming missile defense RS-18, RS-20, RS-16, and subsequently - major work to improve the performance characteristics of these missiles.
He supervised the creation of the grouping of the first Pioneer mobile-based RSD missile systems, developed the basics for their combat use, combat duty and maneuvering operations.
He organized flight tests of mobile missile systems MKR ground and rail-based, the development of principles for their placement and combat use.
He made the transition to a unified system of organizing and carrying out combat duty on the scale of the Strategic Missile Forces. The fighters on duty must have stood and dreamed of a bespoke bedroom where they could sleep.
Increased the stability and reliability of combat command and control of troops and weapons by introducing an automated command and control system.
He visited our school four times: in March 1975, in November 1977, in August 1981 and 1982.
Member of the Central Committee of the CPSU since 1976 (candidate since 1971). Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 8th - 10th convocations.

Born on November 25, 1914 in the city of Constantinograd, now the city of Krasnograd, Kharkov region of Ukraine, in a working class family. Ukrainian. After graduating from high school, he worked as an instructor in the district committee of the Komsomol in the city of Krasnograd.

In the Red Army since 1932. In 1937 he graduated from the Ulyanovsk armored military school. In 1937–1938 he commanded a tank platoon and a reconnaissance platoon in the Kiev Special Military District. Member of the CPSU (b) / CPSU since 1939. In 1941 he completed two courses at the Military Academy of Mechanization and Motorization of the Red Army.

From the first days of the Great Patriotic War, he participated in battles with the Nazi invaders. Was wounded twice. He fought on the Leningrad and Kalinin fronts, was an assistant chief, from August 1941 senior lieutenant Vladimir Tolubko - head of the operational department, from October - chief of staff of the 21st Panzer Division, from February 1942 - chief of staff and from July commander of the 104th Panzer brigades. After the second wound in March 1943 - teaching at the Military Academy of Mechanization and Motorization of the Red Army. From February 1944 until the end of the war, he was the head of the operational department of the headquarters of the 4th Guards Mechanized Corps (3rd Ukrainian Front).

He took part in the planning and conduct of combat operations of the mechanized corps in the Iasi-Chisinau, Belgrade and Budapest operations.

In 1945-1948 he held the positions of commander of a mechanized brigade and regiment, head of department and deputy chief of staff of the association, chief of staff of a mechanized division.

In 1946, Colonel V.F. Tolubko, who graduated from the armored academy, was awarded the military rank of major general.

In 1950 he graduated from the General Staff Academy. From March 1951 - commander of a mechanized division, from May 1953 - chief of staff, first deputy commander of the formation. In 1956-1957, Assistant Commander-in-Chief - Head of the Combat Training Department of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany. In 1957-1960 he was the commander of the formation and since March 1960 he was the first deputy commander-in-chief of the Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN).

In 1970, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Colonel-General Tolubko V.F. awarded the highest military rank of General of the Army.

As First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces V.F. Tolubko carried out the selection and placement of leading personnel, organized activities for the operational-strategic training of senior officers, the development of ways to improve the field and combat skills of troops, and their combat duty.

Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces - Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR from April 12, 1972 to July 10, 1985. In this high position, the fifth Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces made a significant personal contribution to improving the combat and operational training of troops and staffs, to ensuring the constant combat readiness of the missile forces, to the development of missile technology and weapons, actively supervised the rearmament, commissioning of the Strategic Missile Forces and putting on combat duty third-generation missiles with separable warheads and means of overcoming the enemy's anti-missile defense.

He supervised the creation of the grouping of the first Pioneer medium-range mobile-based missile systems, developed the basics for their combat use, combat duty and maneuvering. He organized flight tests of mobile missile systems MKR ground and rail-based, the development of principles for their placement and combat use.

He made the transition to a unified system of organizing and carrying out combat duty on the scale of the Strategic Missile Forces. Increased the stability and reliability of combat command and control of troops and weapons by introducing an automated command and control system.

By a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of August 12, 1976, General of the Army Vladimir Fedorovich Tolubko was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor for his great personal contribution to the creation and development of rocket and space technology and rocket launch complexes.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of March 25, 1983, General of the Army V.F. Tolubko was awarded the highest military rank of "Chief Marshal of Artillery".

In 1985, based on a personal report, Chief Marshal of Artillery V.F. Tolubko leaves the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces and moves to the group of General Inspectors of the USSR Ministry of Defense.

Since 1971 V.F. Tolubko was elected as a candidate member of the Central Committee of the CPSU, and since 1976 - a member of the Central Committee of the CPSU. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 8th - 10th convocations.

Lived in Moscow. He was awarded five Orders of Lenin, four Orders of the Red Banner, Orders of Bogdan Khmelnitsky 2nd class, Orders of the Patriotic War 1st class, two Orders of the Red Star, the Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" 3rd class and medals, as well as foreign orders and medals.

Vladimir Fedorovich Tolubko died on June 17, 1989. He was buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

Honorary citizen of the city of Odintsovo, Moscow Region, in which his bust is installed, and the name of Marshal Tolubko is given to a street in the microdistrict 7-a of this city. Honorary citizen of the Moldavian city of Comrat. A commemorative breast medal was issued in memory of him.