Foreign Legion military conflicts. Living Legend - French Foreign Legion

The French Foreign Legion is a unique elite military unit that is part of the French armed forces. To date, it has more than 8 thousand legionnaires, who represent 136 countries of the world, including France. One thing for all of them is serving France at a high professional level.

The creation of the legion is associated with the name of King Louis Philippe I, who in 1831 signed a decree on the creation of a single military unit, which was to include several active regiments. The main purpose of the new formation was to carry out combat missions outside the French borders. To exercise command, officers were recruited from Napoleon's army, and not only natives of Italy, Spain or Switzerland were accepted as soldiers, but also French subjects who had certain problems with the law. Thus, the French government got rid of potentially dangerous people who not only had significant combat experience, but could also use it in conditions of political instability within the state.

This policy of the king was very logical. The fact is that the legionnaires were trained to conduct a large-scale campaign to colonize Algeria, which required a large number of troops. But at the same time, France could not send its subjects to Africa. That is why foreigners who lived in the vicinity of Paris were recruited into the legion.

Around the same period of time, the tradition of not asking for the real names of new soldiers also occurs. Many desperate people had the opportunity to start life anew, getting rid of the criminal past.

To date, the legion's rules also allow for the anonymous reception of soldiers. As before, volunteers are not asked for their name or country of residence. After several years of service, each legionnaire has the opportunity to obtain French citizenship and start a completely new life with a new name.

It should be noted that the first rule of legionnaires is never to give up. This tradition began as early as 1863, when three legionnaires held over 2,000 well-armed soldiers of the Mexican army. But, taken prisoner, thanks to their courage and valor, they were soon released with honors.

As at the time of its foundation, the French Legion is under the direct control of the head of state.

The modern Foreign Legion consists of tank, infantry and sapper units. Its structure includes 7 regiments, including the famous GCP paratrooper with special forces, one special detachment, one semi-brigade and one training regiment.

Legion units are deployed in the Comoros (Mayotte Island), in Northeast Africa (Djibouti), in Corsica, in French Guiana (Kourou), and also directly in France.

A feature of the French Legion is that women are not allowed into it. Contracts are awarded exclusively to men aged 18-40. The initial contract is for 5 years. All subsequent contracts can be concluded for terms from six months to 10 years. In the first five years, you can reach the rank of corporal, but only a person with French citizenship can become an officer. The main composition of the officers of the unit is, as a rule, regular military men who graduated from military educational institutions and chose the legion as their place of service.

Since mercenarism is considered a criminal offense in many countries of the world, recruitment points exist exclusively in France. For everyone who wants to join the legion, testing is carried out, which includes three stages: psychotechnical, physical and medical. In addition, a separate interview is conducted with each recruit, during which it is necessary to clearly and truthfully tell your biography. The interview is conducted in three stages, and each new stage is a repetition of the previous one. Thus, a kind of check "for lice" is carried out.

Foreign volunteers can be easily recognized by their white headgear, although only privates wear it. The unit's colors are green and red.

To date, about 7 and a half thousand soldiers are serving in the legion. The training of soldiers allows them to conduct operations in the jungle, at night. They are trained to carry out special operations to neutralize terrorists and rescue hostages. The main task of the legionnaires today is to prevent hostilities. They are called upon to carry out the evacuation of the population from the combat zone, provide humanitarian assistance, and restore infrastructure in regions of natural disasters.

Thus, there is information that the French Foreign Legion provided serious support in conducting a ground operation during the events in Libya. In August 2011, the legionnaires managed to eliminate the fuel and food supply base, which was the main one for Gaddafi's troops. According to some reports, several companies of the legion were transferred to Libya from Tunisia or Algeria. A little wound, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bEz-Zawiya, the Foreign Legion, with few losses, managed to break into the city center, providing free access to the fighters from Benghazi. The command of the legion hoped to raise the Berber population in revolt, but this was not possible.

The participation of the French Legion in the Libyan war is denied in every possible way by the official authorities of France, despite the fact that the press is actively discussing this issue. This position of Paris is quite understandable, since any invasion of the territory of Libya would be contrary to the UN resolution regarding this state, which refers only to the closure of airspace. A similar situation had already happened before, when in 1978 in Zaire the French government recognized that the Foreign Legion took part in the military conflict only after the legionnaires had completed their mission.

The Arab Spring has shown that foreign military personnel are present in many conflict zones. In addition to Libya, the French Legion also took part in hostilities in Syria. So, in Homs, 150 were arrested, and in Zadabani - 120 French legionnaires, mostly paratroopers and snipers. And although no one can confirm that they were legionnaires, such an assumption is quite logical, since this unit is completed from citizens not only of France, but also of other states. Thus, France again has the opportunity to claim that there are no French citizens in Syria.

Another place where the French Foreign Legion also noted is the conflict that broke out in Côte d'Ivoire. One gets the impression that France has set itself the goal of creating for itself the most aggressive image on the entire European continent. Very often, Paris starts the game "for big", ignoring the interests of its allies in the North Atlantic Alliance. So, in April 2011, French paratroopers occupied the airport of the economic capital of Côte d'Ivoire, Abidjan. Thus, the total number of the French military corps stationed there was about 1,400 people.

The total number of the UN peacekeeping contingent in this country is 9 thousand people, of which only 900 were French. France independently decided to increase the size of its military corps, without coordinating actions with the UN leadership. The basis of the French military corps is the military of the Foreign Legion, which has been taking part in Operation Unicorn for several years. In addition, the French government stated that the contingent that arrived in Côte d'Ivoire is coordinating actions with unoci troops, thus actually recognizing that, in addition to the Unicorn, France is also conducting its own independent operation on the territory of the country.

Thus, the French Foreign Legion is sent to areas where France seeks to protect its interests within or "under the cover" of the European Union or the North Atlantic Alliance, as well as where there are certain historical obligations or a threat to the lives of French citizens.

Tips for those who want to get into the French Foreign Legion and serve in it

These tips are written from the words of Russians who have served in the legion, and they should in many ways help those who decide to become a legionnaire.

How to get into the Legion.

Do not trust travel agencies that promise to make you a legionnaire. Most likely, you will be deceived and, at best, will be taken to France, “teared like sticky”. It is best to prepare a passport in advance, get a pre-visa at the French embassy or consulate for an independent "tourist" trip. A visa will also work for one of the EU countries due to the openness of the borders between them. You can go on a tour of France through one of the travel agencies, but in any case, do not talk about your real purpose of visiting this country. Otherwise, instead of serving in the Legion, you can “rattle” under the corresponding 359th article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. If you are not a complete layman, then, of course, it will not cost you anything to avoid punishment, but all the same - why such complications? Moreover, you should not believe that some firms will be able to guarantee you admission to the Legion. Except for the legion authorities themselves, no one can guarantee this to you. Some "peck" on the proposals of other travel agencies, which swear to those who want to become a legionnaire that in case of non-receipt, they will take him home on account of the money already paid for delivery to Europe. Do not believe this, because enrollment in legionnaires sometimes lasts up to 3 months, and by this time the travel agency will have already forgotten about your existence. Upon arrival in France, you need to find the Legion reception point. It is best to come to Strasbourg or Marseille. There are its large depots. It goes without saying that a person who has never been in these cities himself, without outside help, will not be able to find such points. But this is not a problem: it is enough to say or show the phrase written on a piece of paper: “Legion Etrangere” to any taxi driver and you will certainly be taken there. If there is no money, you can contact the police and then you can be taken to the legion point at public expense, although this is not suitable for everyone and instead of the Legion you can be at best at home. You can try to find the location of a regular French military unit and declare at the reception point the purpose of your visit. To find such a part, you need to pay attention to the signs. If you see: "0uartier", "Fort" or "Camp", then you are on the right track. What to do and what not to do when thinking about the decision to go to the Legion In no case do not bring with you to the reception center and then, if you are accepted into the legionnaires, any narcotic or narcotic substances. If you find even a small fraction of a gram of the potion, you can say goodbye to the idea of ​​becoming a legionnaire forever. What matters here is not the amount of “dope” found, but the fact that you have a certain inclination towards it. For the same reason, it is not recommended to take any medications with you. They can be identified by their analyzes as belonging to the drug group. You don’t have to worry about your health in the Legion: local doctors, unlike the old days of the Legion, are responsible for you and “will not let you die”, unless it is the specific conditions of the colonies. Before sending to the Legion, carefully check with the maximum number of doctors, ranging from an ophthalmologist and dentist. This is for your own good. The fact is that otherwise, due to the slightest deviations in health, even such trifles as a hole in the tooth or a scar on the knee, you can be turned back home. This is at best, and at worst, if you managed to hide some serious illness, it threatens you that you can aggravate your health and even die if you find yourself in a desert or jungle. If you have at least a hint of some, even at first glance, a trifling disease, it is better not to waste your money and time. Sooner or later it will manifest itself, and it will happen at the most inopportune moment. Before leaving for the Legion, it is better to stock up on the most comfortable sports shoes for you, which will be very useful at the time of physical exercise. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to live for a long time, at least up to 3 years, and possibly forever, under a different name, under a different surname, have a different day, month and place of birth, a different nationality and people completely unfamiliar to you as parents.

How to behave immediately outside the gates of the Legion reception point

First, present official documents to interrogators. It can be a passport, driving license, etc. Even if it is a fake, it can still easily help. Be as sincere and respectful as possible. No one needs your "coolness" at the first stage, and such people are quickly and with pleasure "break off". Some people are trying to download rights from the first step to the threshold of the Legion's reception point, demanding to let him through. Such too impudent types are not honored even to be heard. One of the first questions asked of you here may be a question about your nationality. Do not hesitate and boldly say that you are Russian, although you will be more likely to become a legionnaire if you are a representative of another, preferably the most obscure nationality. The fact is that the command of the Legion pursues a policy of preventing the dominance of one or another nationality here. But the Russians are in good standing here, so there is nothing to be afraid of belonging to our nation. Do not give in if they start to assert to you that there are an overabundance of Russians here and that they are not being accepted now. This is a lie and at the same time a "test of character." Stand your ground, and soon you will be admitted to further tests. Speaking of this, it should be noted that in order to become a legionnaire, you need luck. The fact is that if a thousand Russians and 20 Frenchmen came to the reception point, and there are, say, 4 places, they will take, at best, 2 Russians and 2 Frenchmen, regardless of their fighting qualities. It is not surprising if another time 1 Russian and 3 French are selected from this number, so that the ratio is in favor of the French, who are recorded here mainly as Swiss and Canadians. The fact is that Western Europeans here do not get along for very long even against the general background, and the Slavs, mainly Russians, hold on mainly because of the desire to get money or citizenship. Therefore, the number of Russians here is steadily increasing, not declining. Therefore, the legionary authorities are forced to "level" the number of legionnaires of different nations. If you want to become a legionnaire, you must remember that the first six months will be a continuous physical, moral and moral torment for you. And this is regardless of who you were "in a past life", even as a colonel-order-bearer of special forces and a professional warrior. This must be noted when filling out the questionnaire and taken into account. However, it will take time for your best qualities to be revealed here, and at first everyone here will be “on the same face”. You need to be ready at first for the most difficult and dirty work - from cleaning toilets to the work of a loader. Do not hesitate to refuse such work, unless, of course, you want to lose your service in the Legion. True, refusing to perform such work can also cause severe beatings, no matter how strong you are. In the Legion, even the “coolest” know how to break off the horns”, for almost 200 years of history, everyone has been seen here. Remember that order is valued above all else and you need to clean the room in which you are located without warning and especially carefully. Remember that the construction here is treated very zealously and any violations are punished quite harshly. So do not be late for it, do not try to talk or make any movements without the permission of the commanders. Otherwise, at least, the outfits and the guardhouse and the bad attitude of the authorities are provided to you. Much attention in the Legion is also paid to hand-to-hand combat. His system here does not boil down to a long duel, as it used to be in the Soviet Army, but to destroying the enemy with a minimum number of blows. God forbid you, even if you are a master of sports in one of the martial arts, to show your superiority over the instructors. The legion of the self-confident does not tolerate, and you will certainly be “lowered”, putting up a tougher or tougher fighters at the same time, you can be sure of that.

Be prepared for constant hikes and exercises.

If in the Soviet and Russian armies many held weapons in their hands only a few times, then here you will almost never let go of it, constantly improving your fire training. You will constantly, while hiking, spend the night in the open air, cook for yourself, wash clothes, put up tents or hang hammocks. The legion of whitehands will not tolerate it, so be prepared for this. You should also consider whether you can jokingly do 50 push-ups if the sergeant, for example, did not like how your boots were polished; whether you can endure undeserved beatings and just kicks if the authorities do not like the pace of cleaning the premises, etc. Remember that physical punishment of this kind in the Legion is not a violation of the charter. If you come here only for money and for nothing else, then it will be doubly difficult for you to adapt here, and then you will not survive here for more than 3 years. In addition, legionary service is contraindicated for "creative individuals." In this case, the work of a legionnaire will be in conflict with your nature, and you will be forced to stop further service. Contract The future legionnaire needs to know as much information as possible about the details of his imprisonment. It is concluded shortly after coming here, and a 5-year term of service begins with it. But the future legionnaire should not be deceived much: he is not yet in the service. Officially, the contract comes into force with the oath of the legionnaire. First comes a preliminary contract of 6 months. During this period, the contract can be terminated by superiors without any explanation. The reason for this can be anything: you can not pass various tests, show poor physical fitness or inability to adapt to the conditions of the Legion, etc. But even after the expiration of the 6-month period, you should not think that you grabbed God by the beard and that after that you can do everything. The French Ministry of War has the right to terminate the contract with you even after 6 months before the expiration of the 5-year contract, when you are already estimating how much you will receive for your long-suffering service. The legionnaire himself can easily terminate the contract within the first 4 months. Further it is more difficult to do this, motivating it with serious reasons, for example, poor health. The negative here is that a legionnaire cannot marry and buy cars in the first 5 years. It is necessary to say especially about how the legionary authorities encourage the longest possible service of a simple legionnaire and lure him, given the above-described naturalization procedure. If a person got into the Legion, then if he firmly decided to make a career as a legionnaire, he must remember that he receives French citizenship after 7 years, and he can apply for a bonus of 30 thousand euros after 8 years of service; he earns a pension of 1,000 euros after 15 years of service, which, at the request of the legionnaire, will be delivered to any part of the world.

Exams and tests

In Aubagne, for the newly-minted legionnaire, a “streak” of trials and tests begins, which can last up to 2 months. The most important thing here is the running test. As legionnaires testify, “a person who managed to run 8 standard 400-meter laps in a stadium in 12 minutes has a 100 percent chance of entering. The closer the candidate is to this result, the higher his chances.” In general, be prepared for the fact that you have to run here every day for 15 kilometers. Those who do not perform well enough in running and other indicators should know that all his labors upon arrival in the Legion may be in vain and that he can be sent home very quickly without any compensation. The loads here are monstrous, and the fulfillment of legion standards is quite difficult even for very well-trained people. Former legionnaires write that, even when they were already in the Legion, these loads not only did not decrease, but even increased. So, once after such exercises, the legionnaires were supposed to engage in fire training, but they could not fire a shot, because they fell asleep from incredible fatigue. It is important to pass other tests, especially important of which are the test for 10 - for mental abilities and for quick thinking and a psychological test. Regarding the first one, it must be said that it is better to practice with this type of tests at home, since textbooks with similar tests are available to anyone today. The highest score here is 20, but, despite the fact that the level of the “average” person is 9-11 points, 7 or 8 is enough to enter the legionnaires, but, as you know, the more the better. Regarding the psychological test - this is "how it will fall on an eagle." It has its own selection methodology, but, as you know, obvious psychopaths and people with mental disabilities in general will not pass this test - you never know how you behave in battle! But as mentioned above, great running is key to Legion admission, and all other tests are looked at through that lens. Even if you have a level 10 close to zero and in addition you are a person with a manic-depressive syndrome, but if you cover the above indicators in running, you can consider yourself a legionnaire. Do not despair if, despite the high performance in passing tests and exams, you were not picked up and told to come later, at such and such a time. There is almost 100% certainty that next time you will do it. The second visit will be credited to you in the future on the positive side: the Legion appreciates perseverance and perseverance in achieving the goal. There is another important test, the language test, but more on that below.


Among those who dream of becoming legionnaires, a false opinion is widespread that in order to be admitted to the Legion, one must invent some beautiful “miracle legend”. As mentioned above, it’s better not to lie and tell it like it is, unless, of course, you are a drug addict, a suicidal person and an international criminal. According to Russian legionnaires, you don't have to show that you are too smart. Here, as elsewhere, they are not very fond of. It is better to seem like a sort of "hillbilly", but a capable person, from whom you can fashion everything that the legionary authorities need. There is no need to hide the fact that you have already served in the military before. This is another erroneous opinion that the Legion does not take those who have already passed the army. Another thing is that the combat experience you have already gained here may not be in demand, especially when fighting in urban conditions. The methodology of urban combat in the Legion has been worked out to the smallest detail, and it implies other methods of action than, for example, in the same Russian army. On the other hand, the experience of the military in domestic matters will undoubtedly help you adapt better here. Language In order to quickly adapt to the Legion, the legionnaire needs to learn French as soon as possible and better, and it is better to join the legionnaires with his knowledge. Otherwise, he will be in big trouble and will not get a promotion, which may lead to premature sending home. We must also remember that communication between legionnaires in a language other than French is punishable here. Firstly, for the benefit of the legionnaire himself, so that he knows the language better, knowledge of which can subsequently, in combat conditions, save his life, and secondly, for reasons of tact. After all, it is quite unpleasant when your partners, or even subordinates, speak in a language that others do not understand on purpose. You need to get used to the fact that if your French is weak or “not at all”, then you will be given a French partner, a “binoma”, with whom you will learn the language together, doing everything together. He will teach you "colloquial vocabulary". Remember that in the Legion there is an incentive to "study, study and study again." The better you improved your score in the language from the moment you studied to the new test on a 5-point system, the better you are. This indicator will be included in the sum of the total marks, and if your scores from the issue are among the best, then you, among the few lucky ones, will be able to choose your own place of service and 1 of 10 Legion regiments. In general, it must be said that the Legion has a well-developed system for stimulating the work of a fighter. Here you have to be, if not the first, then among the first. Being the last here is not only shameful, but also “harmful” for oneself, because then all the “bumps” will fall on you. Here it is better not to mow from physical exercises, otherwise you will lose your shape and become the last one. It must be remembered that here, in the very unit where you yourself are, they do not like those who are lagging behind. The fact is that between the individual units of the regiment there are constantly competitions for achieving the best results. This is interesting and financially beneficial, since the winning unit will go on a 4-month trip outside of France, and the salary will be raised from 1.5 to 3 times during this time. One of the most desirable trips can be a business trip to Gabon, where the legionnaires actually have a rest. This approach to the training of personnel fully justifies itself, since it is a powerful incentive for self-improvement.

Relations with superiors

Basically, you will have to deal not with officers, but with non-commissioned officers. I must say that over the long decades, the legionary authorities have done a great job in order to bring the command and rank and file as close as possible, between which there is an impassable abyss in other armies. But what has remained unchanged is that the sergeant in the Legion is still "king and god." This is a serious and positive difference between the Legion and the Russian army, where often, if you are physically stronger, then you can “score” on the sergeant, “send” him or even punch him in the face. Doing it here is suicidal. In the best case, you will simply find yourself in a "citizen" without having time to understand what happened. At worst, you can simply be maimed or even left in the Legion, but after that your whole life here can turn into hell. In the Legion there is a powerful layer of non-commissioned officers, consisting of 5 "categories": corporal, sergeant, major, ajudan, senior ajudan. To become a non-commissioned officer yourself, you need to serve at least 1 contract, after which you can be sent to non-commissioned officer school. To do this, you must have a high level of intelligence and you must be respected by your colleagues and superiors. It is thanks to this powerful non-commissioned officer layer that the intensive and high-quality training of legionnaires is successfully carried out, which is not the case in other armies of the world. Despite the fact that the interaction between ordinary legionnaires and non-commissioned officers takes place constantly and the latter do not miss the barracks for a second without attention, we must remember that it is not customary to ask “extra” questions during training and in general here, so as not to tire the authorities.

Relations between legionnaires

As in any army, clashes between simple legionnaires are not uncommon here. But, since everything is kept under the control of non-commissioned officers, such conflicts are quickly extinguished. That is why there is no "hazing" here. It should also be noted that strong friendship is often established between legionnaires of different nationalities, which often serves as the basis for joint business projects in the future.

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The Foreign Legion of France was created on March 9, 1831 in accordance with the decree of King Louis Philippe of Orleans. Then for the first time seven battalions went to conquer Algeria.

At the same time, the Legion was forbidden to serve in France due to the fact that it included emigrants - participants in the Polish and Italian uprisings, fighters of the foreign troops of Napoleon I, as well as mercenaries of Charles X. Thus, the king wanted to get rid of potentially dangerous for the existing regime foreign soldiers, while at the same time strengthening the expansion of France in the territories of North Africa.

Foreign Legion of France today

Currently serving in the French Legion 7699 legionnaires, arrived from 136 countries not excluding France itself. All legionnaires are formed into 11 regiments and, depending on the rank, are divided into:

  1. Officers - 413 people,
  2. Non-commissioned officers - 1741 people,
  3. Ordinary - 5545 people.

Legionnaires are located territorially both in France itself (internal operations, exercises and maneuvers are carried out here), and in other countries and territories of the world.

This is Antilles, New Caledonia, Guiana, Reunion, Mayotte and other territories where external Legion operations may take place.

The external operations of the French legion include the restoration or maintenance of peace, riot control, mediation military operations and other tasks that the Government of France puts before the legionnaires.

Today, the regiments of the Legion are deployed in the territories Afghanistan, Guyana, Côte d'Ivoire, Djibouti and other places where required by French foreign policy.

How to get into the foreign legion?

In order to try to enter the Legion, you need to apply for a visa yourself and get to France at your own expense. Reception points for potential recruits are available in the following cities:

  • Paris, which also includes , and ,
  • Auban, which includes , and .

These recruitment centers operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Legion recruitment requirements and conditions

Healthy men have a chance to get into the foreign legion of France (exclusively) aged 18 to 40 years physically fit for military service and holding a valid passport.

Primary selection - an interview and a medical examination are held in Paris, then, if the recruit passes, he is waiting for the main qualifying round at the base in the city of Aubagne.

Here you need to go through 3 stages of selection:

1.Medical examination which includes:

  • Dental requirements - healthy or cured teeth, the number of missing teeth - no more than 4-6;
  • General medical and surgical requirements: the absence of serious diseases or confirmation of their complete cure, medical cards and certificates confirming good health, etc.

2. Sports tests:

  • Shuttle run with sound signals: at least 7 approaches in which you need to run 6 times 20 meters (Luc-Leger test),
  • Pull-ups on the bar - at least 4 times,
  • Rope climbing 5 meters long
  • Press exercises - at least 40 times.

3. Psychotechnical tests, including tasks for memory, attention, logical thinking, and questions about the recruit's past will also be asked.

As a result of the selection, the recruit will be offered five year contract, after the signing of which the title of legionnaire is awarded.

Also, after the conclusion of the contract, the newly-minted legionnaire is issued "anonymous" - a document with a changed name, surname, date and place of birth.

After a year of service, you can apply and, if agreed, continue to serve under your last name.

What is the salary in the foreign legion of France?

All employees of the foreign legion of France from ordinary legionnaires to corporals inclusive (service period from 2 to 4 years) fully provided with food, clothing and housing. Plus, recruits receive a salary of 1043 Euros.

Also, each legionnaire has the right to leave - 45 working days a year.

Examples of minimum and maximum salaries in the Legion

Rank length of service Minimum salary Maximum salary*
Legionary 10 months 1205 € 3567 €
Corporal 03 years old 1226 € 3626 €
corporal chief 10 years 1303 € 3939 €
Sergeant 7 years 1351 € 3929 €
Sergeant Chief 10 years 1779 € 4186 €
Ajudant 17 years 2007 € 4748 €
Adjudant Chief 21 years old 2078 € 4818 €

* - The maximum salary depends on the allowance for service as a paratrooper, the allowance for service in the overseas department and the supplement for staying abroad.

In addition, compensation payments are added to the surcharges.

Legionnaires' benefits also include their right to obtain French citizenship at the end of three years of service.

After 15 years of service, legionnaires receive a lifetime pension of 1,000 Euros.

Career in the Legion

If a recruit has qualities such as hard work, dedication, motivation and ability for military service, he has a great opportunity to advance in the service.

Promotion does not depend on professional achievements in civilian life or on education, promotion is carried out solely on merit, military and / or technical achievements during service.

According to Legion statistics, every fourth legionnaire reaches the rank of non-commissioned officer.

Typically, a recruit serves in the rank of legionnaire from 1 to 6 years, while after 2 years of service he can be promoted to corporal.

After receiving the rank of corporal or corporal chief, after 3 years of service, you can get the rank of sergeant. After serving 3 years in the rank of sergeant, you can expect to receive the rank of sergeant-chief, then adjunct and, finally, adjunct chief.

After 4 years of service in the rank of adjuntant chief, one can be elected to the highest rank in the Legion - major. This is the chief non-commissioned officer who is appointed by the command or wins as a result of the ongoing competition.

For more than 170 years of its existence, the regiments of the Legion have participated in a variety of operations around the world, and the French Foreign Legion itself has turned from a gang of thugs into an elite unit, where the best representatives of many countries of the world strive to get into.

French Foreign Legion – VIDEO

How to prepare fighters in the Legion, see this video

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Already 186 years have passed since the start of the formation of the Foreign Legion by France. On March 9, 1831, nine months after the capture of Algiers in June 1830, King Louis Philippe the First decided to create a new army unit. Its structure is identical to infantry troops, divided into battalions, the number of which varies depending on the number of recruits. The name of the mercenary army is due to the recruitment of military personnel exclusively from among foreigners. The French, in exceptional cases, were appointed as members of the command staff.

The beginning of the second period of the creation of a powerful colonial empire was associated with large losses in regular army units, and replenishment at the expense of a predominantly foreign contingent leads to the successful completion of numerous military operations.

History of the Foreign Legion

Having suffered significant losses during the Algerian conquest, additional troops were formed from professional soldiers who remained unclaimed after the end of internal wars and revolutions in European countries. With a wave of immigration, a flood of people, often left without documents, sought asylum in France. For many years, foreign soldiers served in the legion, mostly in regiments drawn up along national lines. One of the features of entering the service was the opportunity to start life from scratch, declaring one's identity, in accordance with internal needs. The outcast, the exiled, the offended were given a chance to build a change of fate.

The first legionnaires landed in Algiers in August 1831 and on April 27, 1832 received a combat mission, and with its implementation, the reputation of valiant and staunch warriors. Possessing a pickaxe and a gun equally well, the merit of the legionnaires was the construction in the occupied territories of the base training camp and the headquarters of the 1st foreign regiment in Sidi Bel Abbes in 1843.

On June 29, 1835, four years after its creation, the foreign legion took part in supporting the Spanish government and Queen Isabella II in the fight against the Carlists. Four thousand military personnel were sent to participate in the mission, and after 3 years only five hundred of them remained alive. In the course of this campaign, the need for a mixture of recruits and for the rejection of the formation of battalions along national lines became apparent. In the future, members of the units will be forced, regardless of the origin of the fighters, to communicate in French.

On December 16, 1835, the king decided to create a new foreign legion to solve the problem of the shortage of troops in Algiers. Thus, by 1840, the legion was divided into two parts. Without interrupting the Algerian mission, the troops take part in other hostilities designed to increase the country's colonial territories. The soldiers fought on the fronts of the Crimean War against the Russian Empire in 1854-1856, besieged Sevastopol. In 1859 they supported the Italians in the second war of independence.

During the Franco-Mexican War, they gained fame in the battle of Cameron. Heroic resistance was adopted as a model of courage to emulate by all units of the Legion.

In 1883, the government revives the policy of colonial expansion and strengthens the forces of the legion, sending them to the front line.

Legion Companies:

  • Tonkin in 1883;
  • Formosa Island in 1885;
  • Sudan from 1892 to 1893;
  • African Dahomey from 1892 to 1894;
  • Madagascar from 1895 to 1905;
  • Morocco from 1900 to 1934.

The Legion was actively involved in the development of civilian infrastructure in the colonies.

During the First World War, five infantry regiments were formed for command in Morocco. Four years of fighting were spent by soldiers under the flag of the colonial infantry regiment of the French army.

Since 1920, units have been serving in Syria, Lebanon and Morocco as peacekeepers. An impressive road tunnel drilled into granite for many years immortalized the stay of the pioneers of the third foreign brigade.

At the beginning of World War II, the number of the legion was significantly increased, reaching 45 thousand fighters. The established 11th and 12th Foreign Infantry Regiments (REI), the 97th Group, the 22nd and 23rd Regiments of the 21st Foreign Volunteer Infantry Unit (RMVE) fight in the turmoil of 1940. Recruits serve in Norway, bringing victory at Narvik. The Foreign Legion, which has made a great contribution to the liberation of Europe, does not know peace.

In 1946 the first foreign cavalry regiment (REC) landed in Indochina. It included a new type of unit: a foreign parachute battalion. The number of troops reaches 30 thousand people, a significant part of which is occupied by the Germans defeated in the Second World War. I remember Dien Bien Ph in Indochina for its colossal losses. The army is losing 300 officers, including four corps commanders, more than ten thousand sergeants and privates. This campaign became the deadliest in its history. Even before the end of the conflict in Indochina, there is a new combat mission in North Africa.

Between 1962 and 1969, the foreign legion was constantly present in Madagascar and Guyana, in Djibouti, French Polynesia and the Comoros archipelago. The 5th Foreign Regiment (RE), stationed in French Polynesia, was preparing a nuclear test site. In Guyana, a cosmodrome and a space center were developed.

It was in the century of the legion that he stayed in Chad from 1969 to 1970, and returned there from 1978 to 1988. In 1983, the legion was sent to Beirut as part of the multinational security forces. In 1991, during the war in Iraq, more than two and a half thousand legionnaires participate in the victorious Operation Desert Storm. Since 1992, peacekeeping operations have begun under the auspices of the United Nations. The legion is located in Cambodia, Somalia, Rwanda. In 1993, legion units are sent to the former Yugoslavia. In 1996, in Bangui and in 1997 in Brazzaville, fighters participate in an operation to protect civilians.

In 2003, units were sent to Afghanistan, as part of the Pamir operation, to Côte d'Ivoire under the auspices of UNICORN, to Chad, Djibouti, Gabon and French Guiana.

Legionnaire's code of honor

In the Foreign Legion, brotherhood in arms is a fundamental value. The code of honor itself is a relatively new document that emerged in the 80s of the last century. The rules for military personnel are clear and strict. The concept of voluntary discipline, comradeship, pride in one's status, respect for the defeated enemy, the sacredness of the mission - the legionnaire learns at the stage of training. When entering the contract service, each recruit receives a brochure in their native language containing a set of rules and ethical standards that single out an employee in an elite military unit. Instructions on everyday issues are also important: from the peculiarities of wearing a uniform to recommendations for communicating with fellow soldiers. The main parting word to the young is a set of instructions on the topic of combat. The code is strictly observed so that the glory of the fallen in battles does not fade away, and the young change becomes worthy of the memory of the heroes.

Important points of the legionnaire's code:

  • The legionnaire serves France with all honor and loyalty on a voluntary basis.
  • Soldiers are brothers in arms, and it does not matter what nationality a comrade belongs to and what religion he professes. The fighters are in solidarity, like members of the same family.
  • Honor traditions, respect the commander. Discipline and a sense of elbow are strength, and dignity is courage and loyalty.
  • The warrior is proud, modest. He wears an impeccably prepared uniform, regularly cleans the barracks.
  • A representative of the elite troops must train hard, tirelessly improve their skills in handling weapons, constantly confirming their qualifications.
  • The fulfillment of a combat mission is a sacred duty that must be fulfilled even at the risk of life.
  • To enter into battle without fear and hatred, to respect the vanquished, not to leave a wounded or dead comrade and weapons on the battlefield.

This military formation is part of the history of France. Open to technical innovation, adaptable to reorganization, the Legion is always at the forefront of the war effort. Much of this success is due to personnel policy. The best warriors in the world, from 18 to 40 years old, whose vocation is military service, healthy in mind and body, even today prefer to serve under French command.

Military history has many pages that mention various military formations that are directly involved in hostilities and located in the hottest spots on our planet. The most famous among them is the French Foreign Legion. This is a truly legendary military unit, the military glory of which is fanned by various myths and stories. Many books have been written about this elite unit and more than a dozen films have been shot. For generations of men, service in this unit was considered the ultimate dream. Many have dreamed and continue to dream of how to become legionnaires and quickly put on a special military uniform. However, in reality, instead of bravado and ostentation, the Foreign Legion is a hard service and work associated with constant risk and danger. Is a person ready to voluntarily give up all the advantages that civil life promises, starting his military career in accordance with the harsh and strict military Charter?

You can refer to weighty arguments in favor of making such a decision: a good salary, full social security, the possibility of obtaining French citizenship as a result. However, a great price must be paid for all this: personal freedom, hard physical labor and deprivation, and finally, the constant danger and threat to life, despite the fact that the romance of military service, future privileges and decent pay are a serious motivation.

French Foreign Legion - what is it really?

It should be noted right away that the legion is not an interest club in which everyone does what they want. This is a full-fledged military unit belonging to the armed forces of the French Republic. Here, not only the military Charter applies, but also a number of provisions that regulate the procedure for serving. Unlike traditional armed forces, the legion has a different system of recruitment and recruitment. The servicemen of this unit undergo a completely different, transcendent level of training. Subsequent service in the Legion takes place in conditions as close as possible to combat, in various parts of the world.

Only representatives of the stronger sex can become legionnaires. The way is ordered for women to serve in the foreign legion!

The history of this legendary military unit has less than two hundred years. In 1831, King Louis Philippe I of France undertook an adventurous military operation in North Africa. The military campaign, according to the plan of the French court, was to divert the attention of civil society from internal problems in the state. The purpose of the military expedition to Algeria was the declared expansion of the borders of the colonial empire.

This dubious undertaking required a significant number of troops, of which France at that time was clearly not enough. In addition, the French generals were not enthusiastic about the military adventure of the French king and opposed in every possible way the sending of units of the regular French army to overseas possessions. Life itself suggested a way out of this situation.

France in the first half of the 19th century was going through hard times. The economy was in decline, the population of the country was in distress. The consequences of fifteen years of continuous wars that France waged under Napoleon Bonaparte were showing. Inside the country, a huge number of idle males appeared, who were looking for any ways and opportunities to improve their plight, not disdaining robbery at the same time. Neither the police, nor the gendarmerie, nor the army could cope with such negative phenomena. The only way out of this situation was a royal decree on the creation of a new paramilitary unit under the leadership of French officers, which could be recruited by people who had problems with the law.

In this way, it was possible to immediately solve two problems:

  • by means of legalization, remove criminal and unreliable elements from the streets of French cities and from the roads;
  • collect the necessary number of people for subsequent preparation and sending to the colony.

The only condition that was stipulated in the royal decree was that the newly created paramilitary formation could not be used on the territory of the metropolis. As a result of such actions, in just a few months, the required number of people were recruited through recruiting centers. The set did not differ in special requirements. The recruits were not asked, neither name nor social background. It was enough for a man from the street to become a legionnaire to have tolerable health and to have an idea of ​​​​how to hold a gun.

Shortly after the first months of basic military training, recruits were sent to Algiers to suppress the uprising of local natives and to participate in the expansion of colonial possessions. The new army was given the name - Foreign Legion.

The first combat experience showed that the chosen tactics fully justified themselves. Legionnaires, unlike the soldiers of the regular army, knew what they were fighting for. Having shown enviable ingenuity, perseverance and steadfastness on the battlefield, the soldiers and officers of the foreign legion were able to quickly suppress not only the centers of the rebellious Arabs, but also establish a strict and harsh colonial regime in the colony. From that moment on, the foreign legion began to be involved in almost all the wars waged by France. In the 19th century, legionnaires had to fight in Spain and Mexico. The French foreign legion also participated in the Crimean War, fighting the Russian troops near Sevastopol.

In the next XX century, legionnaires became participants in the largest military conflicts that affected not only France, but also shocked the whole world. The conquest of Indochina, participation in hostilities in the French colonies in Madagascar, Morocco, then the First World War. Everywhere in the most dangerous areas, soldiers and officers of the foreign legion were involved. The French Foreign Legion became a kind of special forces that solved the most complex tactical and strategic tasks. At some points, the number of units of the Foreign Legion was about 50 thousand people. The soldiers of this unit had to serve in various parts of the world, from hotel islands in the Pacific Ocean to the dense jungles of South America and tropical Africa.

The essence of the Foreign Legion as a unit and how to get into it

Despite the fact that the Foreign Legion is officially part of the structure of the French army, in fact it is a separate military unit that reports directly to the head of state. At first it was the King of France, the Emperor, and in modern times, the President of the French Republic. Neither army charters nor orders of the Minister of Defense apply here. To date, the legion has its own, developed infrastructure. Each regiment that is part of the legion has its own place of quartering, with barracks, with headquarters and even with its own guardhouse. At its core, it is a closed organization, reminiscent of medieval knightly orders in its structure.

Financing of the legion is carried out at the expense of the state treasury and thanks to sponsorship. A large part of the budget of the Foreign Legion is made up of income from financial and economic groups and lobbyists, who have a lot of weight in the domestic and foreign policy of France. In other words, there are no permanent and fixed appropriations for the upkeep of the legion. Unlike the regular French army, legionnaires do not have broad social state guarantees.

The French Foreign Legion is also distinguished by its military doctrine. There is an unspoken restriction on the equipment of units that are part of the Foreign Legion. There are no full-fledged tank formations and own aviation here. Armed with armored personnel carriers, light artillery systems, helicopters. The bulk of the combat work has to be done by infantry units. To date, the legion includes:

  • one armored cavalry regiment;
  • two airborne units;
  • engineer-sapper regiment;
  • infantry and training regiments.

Some military units are stationed on the territory of continental France and on the island of Corsica. In the town of Aubagne, Bouches-du-Rhone department, on the territory of the 1st regiment is the Headquarters of the Foreign Legion. Other units are located in overseas territories controlled by France.

The procedure for recruiting military units belonging to the French Legion is curious. In contrast to the previously used recruitment methods, when citizens of any reputation and any nationality could become legionnaires, today the recruitment conditions for this elite unit have been tightened.

In order to become a legionnaire today, it is enough to know the mechanism of the admission procedure and have a relatively clean reputation. Gone are the days when the Legion was a convenient hiding place for those who tried to hide from the law, even from another realm. The main and main condition for starting the process is a voluntary desire, which, together with your passport, must be shown at the recruiting center. This is followed by a rigorous medical board and an assessment of your physical abilities. Today, the Legion is not ready to support soldiers with poor health and not fully aware of what they have to deal with. The first contract is signed for a period of 5 years, and the main article of the contract directly indicates that you will not have to sit out in the rear in a warm resort. The main function of legionnaires is service in hot spots, where the likelihood of hostilities and clashes is always high.

Not only a person of French origin can become a legionnaire, but also a foreigner. Over the years of the existence of this unit, representatives of more than 130 states have served in the Foreign Legion. Only privates and sergeants are recruited into the Legion. Command at all stages is carried out by French officers, so French is the main command language.

After the end of the first contract, military personnel who have shown valor, courage and have an impeccable reputation receive either French citizenship or a residence permit in France. Having received a wound during operations, there is a chance to immediately receive not only French citizenship, but also a serious increase in salary. The service life of a legionnaire is limited only by the period of the contract. In other words, if the legionnaire's contract has ended and he is tired of fighting, you can leave. For those who have served under the banner of the Foreign Legion for 19 years or more, a lifetime pension with the right to provide housing is assigned.

Despite the fact that today the number of military conflicts in which the French Foreign Legion is involved is limited, the life of a legionnaire is not sugar. In parallel with high salaries and relative comfort in peacetime, the soldiers of the foreign legion, as before, experience the hardships and hardships of military service in a double or triple volume.