What coat of arms can be drawn. Ancient world

The Babylonian kingdom reached the height of its power in the 6th century BC. under Nebuchadnezzar II. He became famous as a successful conqueror who conquered Judea and took Jerusalem, expelled the Egyptians from Asia Minor, successfully fought the Elamites who inhabited the territory of modern Iran. Biblical legend has made Nebuchadnezzar's name synonymous with a ruthless conqueror, but for Babylonia, his reign was a time of economic and cultural renaissance after a long three-century subjugation of Assyria.

The palace, which the perpetually dissatisfied Nebuchadnezzar continued to expand, was a real miracle with the richest decorations and multi-colored bas-reliefs made of glazed brick. The king claimed that he built it in fifteen days and this version was passed down from generation to generation for centuries as absolutely reliable.

Fragment of a palace wall, 6th century BC Pergamon Museum, Berlin

Reconstruction of the entrance to the throne room of the palace

The last picture I took is from a video created in 2013 by the staff of a Canadian university for the Royal Ontario Museum. This is a kind of "flight" of the 3D reconstruction of Babylon, which, in my opinion, gives the best idea of ​​the city of Nebuchadnezzar's time.

0:25-0:35 - Procession Road and Ishtar Gate

0:47-1:05 - Palace of Nebuchadnezzar

1:13-1:35 - "Hanging Gardens of Babylon"

Herodotus ranked the gardens among the wonders of the world, but by modern standards it was a rather modest structure. Nebuchadnezzar married the Median princess Amitis, who grew up in the mountainous and green Media (now Iran). To please his wife, who was bored in dusty and flat Babylon, the king ordered gardens to be planted on stepped terraces, constantly irrigated by water flowing from below. They received the epithet "hanging", apparently due to inaccuracies in translation from Greek. And in history, the name Amitis turned out to be mixed with the name of the Assyrian queen Semiramis, who lived 200 years earlier than her. This is how the name of the gardens was formed, in which two words out of three are incorrect.

1:50-2:05 - Tower of Babel

The tallest building in Babylon was the ziggurat E-temen-anki (House of the Foundation of Heaven and Earth), which the Bible called the Tower of Babel. It existed at least since the 18th century BC, was repeatedly destroyed by the conquerors, but again and again restored by the Babylonians. The last reconstruction was started by Nebuchadnezzar's father, and his son added a proud inscription: "I had a hand in building the top of E-temen-anka so that it could argue with the sky." The tower rose in gigantic terraces stacked on top of each other; the higher, the smaller the floor size. The width of the lower floor was 90 meters, the total height of the ziggurat was also 90 meters. Near its base was the main temple of the god Marduk, where stood his golden statue weighing more than 20 tons. Thousands of people flocked here to worship their supreme deity.

2:13-2:35 - Panorama of the city from the sanctuary of Marduk

The topmost floor of the ziggurat was occupied by the sanctuary of Marduk. Covered with gold and lined with blue glazed brick, it was visible from afar and, as it were, greeted travelers. Unlike the lower temple, there were no statues here, and only a bed and a gilded table stood. The people did not have access to this sanctuary, since Marduk himself appeared here, and an ordinary mortal could not see him with impunity. Only one chosen woman spent night after night here, ready to share a bed with God.

Volumetric reconstruction of Babylon made for the Royal Ontario Museum

For many centuries in Mesopotamia, they built from bricks dried in the sun, which, under the influence of wind and time, quickly collapsed. Therefore, there are almost no traces left of the buildings of the early eras, except for semi-crumbled hills. Nebuchadnezzar began to use in the construction of real brick, fired in furnaces. But almost as little of its buildings remained as of the previous ones, though for a different reason: for centuries, the local population looked at their ruins as a kind of quarry and took strong bricks there for their needs. Many villages and even cities in the vicinity of the former Babylon are built entirely of bricks, which bear the mark of Nebuchadnezzar. We can say that he has firmly entered the history ...

More about Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon and Koldewey excavations:

Features of creating the coat of arms and the flag of the family with a pencil on assignment from a school or kindergarten.

The kid adapts in society by interacting with other children and adults. The latter, in turn, try to transfer knowledge to him and support his creative abilities.

A school or kindergarten assignment to create a family emblem and flag is interesting from different perspectives:

  • child - as a transfer of their feelings and creativity to paper
  • educators / teachers - to deepen the understanding of each baby
  • parents - to unite the family, add new traditions to everyday life

Let's talk in the article about the nuances in creating family heraldic attributes, about the meaning of their constituent elements.

How to draw a family coat of arms for school with a pencil step by step?

three different coats of arms of families drawn by children to school

Drawing the coat of arms of the family is a collective work.
Gather a family council in the evening or on a common day off and make time for this task for the child. Perhaps you yourself dreamed of compiling a similar attribute to your family.

To draw a family coat of arms with a pencil, consider a number of points:

  • Collect information about relatives up to the fifth generation or at least to the third. It will give you the opportunity to systematize the way of life, talents, characters that prevail in the family.
    On the other hand, a child of early school age may wish to depict the coat of arms of the family with reference to the traditions that have developed in it, personal creative perception.
  • Pay attention to your last name. If it clearly indicates the occupation, natural phenomenon and similar things, they can be depicted schematically on the coat of arms. For example, for Tkachenko - a piece of cloth, for the Morozovs - a snowflake.
  • The geometric shape of the coat of arms.
    The brightest heraldry was presented in the Middle Ages, the time of chivalry. Perhaps for this reason, the shape of the family coats of arms was akin to the geometry of the shields.

As an example, look at these…

  • Presence/absence of divided areas inside the coat of arms. These are wide stripes at different angles that share the values ​​\u200b\u200bthat are honored by the family.

For example, the stripes are arranged like this

the location of the stripes on the shield of the coat of arms at different angles
  • Animals, objects, symbols of different activities. The main thing is to follow the rule of conciseness so that the coat of arms does not turn out to be oversaturated with symbols and drawings.

If you decide to insert silhouettes of animals and birds, then consider their meaning:

the meaning of some animals that are depicted on coats of arms

the meaning of trees, animals and birds that are used in the painted coats of arms of the family a series of symbols used in the creation of the family coat of arms, with meanings
  • The presence / absence of a place for the motto of the family. The child understands the saying in his native language, although in Latin a number of catchphrases are easy to learn and remember.

The topic of family mottos will be discussed in more detail in a future article, and now we will give a few examples.

a selection of mottos for use when drawing a family coat of arms by a child

If it is possible to color the coat of arms of the family with felt-tip pens / paints / pencils, consider the meanings of colors, for example, yellow emphasizes generosity as a quality of family character and justice as the main value, and red - courage, courage and love, respectively.

the meaning of the colors used to color the shield of the family coat of arms

The process of drawing the coat of arms of the family looks like this:

  • prepare whatman paper, a few simple pencils of different hardness, a ruler, an eraser,
  • light lines mark inscribed in equal sectors,
  • in the center draw a shield of the selected shape,
  • add other attributes of the coat of arms - signs, symbols, animals, birds,
  • hover more clearly the contour lines of the shield and the boundaries of the zones,
  • if there is room for the motto, write it in with a soft pencil,
  • erase the markup
  • Let the child color the finished drawing if desired.

How to draw a family flag?

painted colored family flag

It is easier to draw a family flag after working on an idea and its image in the form of a coat of arms.

Pay attention to these details:

  • color range. Ideally, it should be repeated with the one on the coat of arms,
  • the presence of a letter, symbol, sign, animal. Place any of the listed options, for example, in the center of the canvas or in the upper / lower free corner,
  • think about the form. There are flags in the form of a rectangular canvas, with a jagged free end, triangular.

For example, these flag options:

child's drawing - a knight and a number of flags of different families

Family coat of arms for school and kindergarten: drawings with descriptions

ready-made drawings of coats of arms of families on the blackboard at school

Below we will consider several options for family coats of arms, which were drawn by schoolchildren and younger.

image of the coat of arms of the family by a child and a description of its meaning, option 1

image of the coat of arms of the family by a child and a description of its meaning, option 2

image of the coat of arms of the family by a child and a description of its meaning, option 3

image of the coat of arms of the family by a child and a description of its meaning, option 4 image of the coat of arms of the family by a child and a description of its meaning, option 5

image of the coat of arms of the family by a child and a description of its meaning, option 6

image of the coat of arms of the family by a child and a description of its meaning, option 7

So, we examined the nuances of drawing up a family coat of arms and flag, their images with a pencil. Helped the child to choose the attributes and colors for this task.

If your baby has not yet brought home a similar request from a teacher or educator, work ahead of the curve. Then the child will have more time for a flight of fancy, and you will have more time to buy a beautiful frame for a family heraldic attribute and choose a place on the walls of the house.

Inspiration to you and a fruitful family council!

Video: how to draw a family crest for school?

Not many people become professional artists, despite the fact that everyone draws in childhood. It’s just that someone develops creative abilities in themselves, while for someone they remain in their infancy. But sometimes the desire to create wakes up sharply in a person, and he wants to immediately draw a masterpiece. Of course, it is difficult to realize such a dream, but you can try. Today we will talk about how to draw the coat of arms of Russia in stages with a pencil and get a little closer to your cherished desire - to master the art of drawing.

The history of the creation of the coat of arms of Russia

In this article, we will analyze in detail how to draw the coat of arms of Russia in stages with a pencil, but in order to draw something, you need to at least know the history. Firstly, it's interesting, and secondly, after you study all the details, it's much easier to draw them.

The first drawing of the flag and coat of arms of Russia in the form in which we know it was mentioned in the annals of the 15th century. Under Ivan III, the eagle acquired two heads turned in different directions. And what was the state symbol before? Russian princes borrowed the eagle from Roman culture as early as the 12th century. But at that time the bird had only one head and its color was black.

Under Ivan III, the eagle not only acquired a second head. The belly of the bird began to decorate the shield, in the middle of which Andrei the Victorious delivered a fatal blow to the snake. Why did this change happen? Moscow becomes the capital of the state, and the shield with Andrei the Victorious was the symbol of the Moscow principality. The merger of the two symbols gave rise to what we see today on the coat of arms. Gradual changes in state symbols took place under each king. First, each head of the eagle received a crown, and then the third crown began to decorate the coat of arms. In 1589, the eagle acquired an almost modern look; they gave him a scepter and an orb in his hands.

The meaning of the coat of arms of Russia

After reading about the history of the appearance of state symbols, you need to find out its meaning. How to draw the coat of arms of Russia in stages with a pencil, we will analyze in detail below, and now we will find out what hidden meaning lies in the eagle. Many are interested in why a two-headed bird holds an orb and a scepter. The state represents power. Moreover, complete and undivided power over the entire country. The scepter represents the power of the church. The two heads of the bird show the unity of the Christian faith and the power of the state ruler, now the president.

And what does George the Victorious mean? This legendary saint was known in Russia even before the adoption of Christianity. According to legend, he saved the city from a monster that devoured young maidens. The legend says that before the duel with the serpent, George offered up a prayer to God, and it was with his help that the knight managed to behead the monster. In 988, at baptism, Vladimir the Red Sun received the Christian name George. It is believed that this is why the symbolic hero appeared on the Russian coat of arms.

The correctness of the construction of the composition

How to draw the coat of arms of Russia in stages with a pencil? You need to start with building. In order for the drawing to subsequently look harmonious, it is necessary to compose the coat of arms immediately. We choose the A4 paper format - this is a landscape sheet. Do not draw a small eagle. In its center is George the Victorious, and this figure requires detailed study. Therefore, we leave 5 cm from the bottom, 3 cm from the top, and enter an oval into the rest of the space. With a thin line, we divide the geometric figure into two equal parts. Now you can draw the outline of the eagle. We immediately outline the upper, central crown. If this is not done, subsequently it may go beyond the contours of the oval, and the drawing may move up by itself. Visually, the coat of arms can be divided into three parts: the tail, the shield in the center and the bird's head.

At this stage, you do not need to do a detailed drawing. You just need to proportionally build the composition.

drawing rules

To answer the question "How to draw the coat of arms of Russia?", You need to know the elementary rules of drawing. You need to start working on your creation from the center. Otherwise, there is a high probability that in the future the drawing can be smeared by hand. To prevent this from happening, you need to put a clean sheet of paper under the brush. When working on the heads of the eagle, the sheet should be at the bottom, and when drawing the tail, the paper will cover everything drawn above. Hatching should be applied only after the entire drawing has been worked out in detail. Otherwise, the feathers on the wings will lose their presentable appearance, and dirt will turn out. Small details: eyes, mesh on crowns, etc. are drawn last.

Draw an eagle

The work must be carried out in stages. How to draw a coat of arms so that it looks like the original? You need to start by drawing an eagle. We draw the bird's head, to make it easier to do, we can divide the oval we have already drawn. It looks like a square.

In the upper left part, draw a semicircle from the center to the side. Here you need not get carried away and remember that at the top is the central crown. Now draw the left wing. This will be an arc that comes out of the middle of the first square and reaches almost to the middle of the bottom one. We mirror the workpiece to the other side. Now let's move on to the paws of the bird. We outline in circles the places where the scepter and orb will be located. Be sure to keep the proportions. The symbols of power are located exactly in the middle of the wings. Next, draw the tail. In the center of the eagle you need to draw a shield. As already mentioned above, in proportion it is equal to the height of the tail. We draw a clear outline of the bird and detail it. Crowns, scepter and orb should be drawn at this stage.

Detailing the drawing

We continue to reveal the secrets of how to draw a coat of arms. The description is step-by-step, so you need to follow the sequence of operations.

We have the outline of the eagle ready, now we need to detail our bird. Before you start drawing feathers, you should thoroughly approach the image of the paws. This is a difficult task, so first you need to depict the right paw, where there are only two "fingers". Then we move on to drawing the left limb. The main thing here is to convey the capture realistically. Having studied the original picture, you can trace the trend in the arrangement of feathers. Everywhere: on the neck, wings and paws, the plumage is arranged in three rows. This is what we transfer to our drawing. Feathers on the necks look like jackdaws. The feathers on the wings are oval, at the base they are small and gradually lengthen towards the end of the wing. Feathering on the paws is the most difficult to draw. Here you need to count the curls and copy them exactly. It is necessary not to miss the moment when the feathers smoothly pass from the neck to the wings, and from the wings to the paws.

We draw George the Victorious

The eagle is ready, now you need to depict the central shield. Answering the question "How to draw the coat of arms of Russia?", We have already said that George the Victorious is the center of the composition. You need to start drawing with a horse. The animal occupies 1/3 of the entire space of the shield. His figure does not need a clear drawing, you can draw a horse as a cartoon character. George himself is also miniature. His body is not quite proportional, the torso is large, and the legs are short. The raised hand is on the same level with the head. And of course, we must not forget about the raincoat. The final touch is a kite that sprawled at the feet of the winner. The head of the kite is under the front hoof of the horse, and the tail is under the back. The wings will be located exactly in the middle.


You need to finish the work by applying chiaroscuro and working out small details that could be rubbed during work. To understand what needs to be done, you need to look at the various coats of arms of the Russian Federation. How to draw the final part of the work in stages?

We start with the drawing of St. George the Victorious. We put a shadow on the horse, rider, snake. We slightly shade the shield itself from the eagle. There should not be sharp borders, the shadow should be soft. To achieve this effect, you can rub the lead with a piece of cotton wool. Next, draw the heads of the eagles. Here you need to emphasize the eyes, tongues. Apply small details to the crowns. The final action is the drawing of feathers. Here you can experiment and separate all three rows of feathers with a shadow from each other. If you do not want to do this, then you just need to draw one or two small strokes on each of the wings.

Making a drawing in color

So we answered the question of how to draw a coat of arms in stages with a pencil. You can teach your family a lesson in fine arts. After several trainings, even schoolchildren can get a completely similar image. To make the work look more vivid, it can be drawn with watercolor pencils.

Then, after the completion of the creative process, it will be possible to draw a wet brush over the entire drawing. Get an interesting effect of a watercolor sketch. True, in this case, small details will have to be drawn again. And this is already worth doing with a gel pen.

Babylon is one of the cities of ancient Mesopotamia. It was located in the central part of the Mesopotamian lowland, or rather in its southern half - Lower Mesopotamia or Mesopotamia. Babylon was founded no later than the 3rd millennium BC. e. To date, the oldest finds from Babylon date back to about 2400 BC. e. The city reached its heyday in the VI century BC - under King Nebuchadnezzar II. Then the lands of Akkad and Sumer were subject to him, and Babylon turned into a major trade and cultural center. The Euphrates flowed through it, along which ships with copper, meat, building materials came to the city from the north, and caravans with wheat, barley and fruits followed to the north. During the reign of Nebuchadnezzar II, the treasures flowing to Babylon from Asia Minor were used to rebuild the capital and build mighty fortifications around it.

During its heyday, Babylon was a large, well-organized city with powerful fortifications, developed architecture and a high level of culture in general. It was surrounded by a triple ring of walls and a moat, as well as an additional outer wall covering part of the suburbs. In plan, the city represented an almost regular rectangle with a perimeter of 8150 m and an area of ​​​​about 4 km², and taking into account the territory of the “Great Babylon”, covered by an outer wall, the area reached about 10 km². Babylon had a carefully thought-out plan: its walls were oriented to the cardinal points (in accordance with local ideas), the streets intersected at right angles, surrounding the central temple complex, which represented a single ensemble. The Euphrates river divided the capital into two parts - the Western city and the Eastern city. The streets were paved, including multi-colored bricks. The bulk of the buildings consisted of several-story houses with solid outer walls (windows and doors usually faced courtyards) and flat roofs. Both parts of Babylon were connected by two bridges - stationary and pontoon. The city communicated with the outside world through eight gates. They were decorated with glazed bricks and bas-reliefs of lions, bulls and dragon-like creatures - sirrus. In Babylon, there were many temples dedicated to various deities - Ishtar, Nanna, Adad, Ninurta, but the patron of the city and the head of the pantheon of the kingdom, Bel-Marduk, enjoyed the greatest respect. In his honor, a large-scale Esagila complex was erected in the very center of the capital.

The luxurious royal palace of Nebuchadnezzar II was located in the corner of the city wall, between the Processional Road and the Euphrates. It occupied a trapezoidal area of ​​approximately 4.5 hectares and was divided into two halves, separated by a wall and a corridor. According to scientists, the western part of the palace was an earlier building. The palace was a real fortress in the city, as it was surrounded by powerful walls with a total length of 900 meters. It consisted of five complexes, each of which included an open courtyard, around which ceremonial halls and other premises were grouped. The yards were interconnected by fortified gates, and thus each complex was a kind of “fortress within a fortress”.

The entrance to the territory of the palace of Nebuchadnezzar II opened from the east. From here began an enfilade of several large courtyards, which served as the basis for the entire palace composition. Around the first courtyard, most likely, there were quarters for guards; around the second - for officials and close associates of the king; the third courtyard united the front rooms of the palace. On the south side of the third courtyard there was an elongated across, the largest in area (52 by 17 meters) hall with openings facing north. According to its size, especially magnificent decoration of dark blue glazed tiles with floral ornaments and a large niche opposite the central entrance, in which the royal throne stood.

The private chambers of Nebuchadnezzar II, which constitute the most ancient buildings of the entire palace ensemble, were located around the fourth courtyard, and the apartments of the queen and the premises of the royal harem overlooked the fifth courtyard. The majestic palace of the king consisted of 172 rooms with a total area of ​​​​about 52,000 square meters.

The palace was surrounded by greenery. The embankment in front of him and all the yards were planted with trees and bushes, standing in large clay vases and on artificial mounds. The embankment in front of the palace was lined with burnt bricks, and from the palace itself a stone staircase descended directly to the Euphrates. A pier was built at its foot, near which a luxurious royal boat always swayed in the waves, ready at any time to receive the king and queen.

2 Hanging gardens

The famous Hanging Gardens were built in the northeastern part of the palace of Nebuchadnezzar II. "Gardens" was a pyramid, consisting of four tiers-platforms. They were supported by columns up to 25 meters high. The lower tier had the shape of an irregular quadrangle, the largest side of which was 42 m, the smallest 34 m. plates. Fertile land lay on them with a thick carpet, where seeds of various herbs, flowers, shrubs, and trees were planted.

The pyramid looked like an ever-blooming green hill. Pipes were placed in the cavity of one of the columns, through which water from the Euphrates was constantly supplied by pumps to the upper tier of gardens, from where it, flowing in streams and small waterfalls, irrigated the plants of the lower tiers.

3 Esagila

The Esagila complex, whose construction was finally completed under Nebuchadnezzar II, was located in the center of Babylon. The complex included a large courtyard (about 40×70 meters in area), a small courtyard (about 25×40 meters in area), and, finally, a central temple dedicated to Marduk, the patron god of Babylon. The temple consisted of the front part and the holy of holies, where the statues of Marduk and his wife Tsarpanit stood.

In addition, on the territory of the complex there was a small reservoir called Abzu, which was the image of Marduk's father, Enki, who was the god of all fresh waters.

4 Etemenanki

Etemenanki, in Sumerian "House of the foundation of heaven and earth", the so-called "Tower of Babel" - a ziggurat in ancient Babylon. One of the very first ziggurats was built there even before the era of the great king Hammurabi (1792-1750 BC). It was destroyed. It was replaced by another tower, which also collapsed over time. Most of the information about the Babylonian ziggurat is from the era of the Neo-Babylonian kingdom, VII-VI centuries. ekov BC. It was then, under the kings Nabopolassar and Nebuchadnezzar II, that Etemenanki was not only restored after a period of desolation, but also reached its highest splendor. It was from that ziggurat that the most detailed descriptions and outlines of the foundation remained, which have survived to this day and help to judge the size of Etemenanki.

The ziggurat of Etemenanki was located in the depths of the sacred site in the center of Babylon - Esagila, at the southwestern corner of the main courtyard, and was located somewhat asymmetrically to the courtyard. In fact, it was a multi-stage (most likely, seven-tiered) ziggurat-tower 90 m high, erected on a high terrace, at the base having the shape of a square with a side of 250 m.

The lower tier - the base of the ziggurat - a square with sides of 91.5 m, reached a height of 33 m. The second tier had a height of 18 m, all subsequent ones - 6 m in height. The inner core of the tower (60 × 60 m) was made of raw brick. The cladding of the tower was up to 15 m thick and consisted of fired bricks with bituminous mortar. Perhaps, in ancient times, the tower was covered with bitumen on top of the facing layer.

Unlike earlier ziggurats, its walls dissected by rectangular ledges (12 on each side) were strictly vertical, or had a slight slope. From the southeast, the main staircase of the ziggurat, 60 m long and 9 m wide, rose to the tower.

At the top of the tower there was a sanctuary 15 m high, most likely built of baked bricks, lined with blue tiles. The sanctuary was revered as the place of residence of the god Marduk and his wife. The dormitory housed furniture made of gold - a bed, armchairs, statues.

5 Ishtar Gate

A paved street led from the main entrance to the ziggurat - the Processional Road, 35 meters wide. It ended at the Gate of the goddess Ishtar. The Ishtar Gate is the eighth gate of the inner city in Babylon. Built in 575 BC. e. by order of King Nebuchadnezzar in the northern part of the city.

The Ishtar Gate was a huge semicircular arch, bounded on the sides by gigantic walls. The gate was dedicated to the goddess Ishtar and built of brick covered with bright blue, yellow, white and black glaze. The walls of the gates and the Processional Way were covered with bas-reliefs of extraordinary beauty, depicting animals in poses very close to natural. Sirrushes and bulls were depicted on the gates, in total about 575 images of animals. The roof and gate doors were made of cedar.

The family coat of arms is the emblem of the family, inherited. Often, children first encounter this concept when they are given the task of drawing a family coat of arms for school. We admit honestly that few families in our time have their own coat of arms, yet historically this is more typical for noble or ancient noble families.

However, any family has the right to make their coat of arms. Of course, it will not perform the initial function of identification (it hardly makes sense to put the image of your family coat of arms on clothes or a car), but it will help unite family members, emphasize the continuity of generations of the family. In addition, in the preschool and school curriculum there are lessons and activities devoted to the study of the family tree and the family coat of arms, and if you do not already have a family emblem, then you will have to invent and draw up your family coat of arms with your child.

Do-it-yourself family coat of arms for kindergarten

If you just need craftwork or a drawing of a family crest for kindergarten or elementary school, then you can draw:

  • Hobby or hobby of each family member
  • Photo or drawing of relatives
  • As animals, you can depict animal symbols of the years according to the eastern calendar in which your family members were born.

In this case, it is difficult to talk about the "family coat of arms", rather, we help the child draw a business card than the emblem of the family.

You can use the application, for kids it will be easier than drawing and coloring the family emblem with your own hands.

How to compose and make a family coat of arms for a student

For older children, it is possible to create a family coat of arms according to all the rules of heraldry.

So, the family coat of arms is a composition of symbols that indicate the origin of the clan, the merits of the ancestors and the current position of its members. It should reflect the values ​​that your family considers to be the most important.

A simple coat of arms has the following mandatory parts:

  1. shield (usually traditional and less commonly free-form)
  2. crest
  3. motto

Coat of arms form

The main forms of the shield are shown in the figure below. The most popular form is the French shield: along with elegant lines, it provides the maximum area for filling with symbols.

The shield field can be divided into parts:

If you choose a field divided into two parts, then you can dedicate one part to the paternal branch of the family relative to the child, and the second to the mother.

Above the shield is a helmet and crest. A gold-colored helmet speaks of the noble origin of the family, and representatives of any families can choose a silver color.

For the crest are used: hats, horns, feathers, wings, flags, or even a monogram with the image of the first letter of the surname. Helmet and crest must be kept in the same color scheme.

On the sides of the shield there can be figures of shield holders. More often these are animals, branches of plants, sometimes figures of people. Shield holders can be decorated with ribbons.

Color Meaning

The color of the coat of arms has its own meaning (see table)


Natural phenomenon

Qualities of character, human soul

Philosophical concepts

Nobility, generosity, independence


Moon, water, snow

Purity, truthfulness


Courage, Courage, Courage

fidelity, truthfulness


Youth, joy, freedom, abundance

education, modesty



nobility, dignity

Wisdom (prudence)


The shield field inside is filled with symbols that are most important to you. And you need to choose what your family is proud of, what they consider their achievements, what they strive for. Choose those aspects that are inherent not to one person, but to several relatives.
If some features are inherent in your family members, but you do not consider it necessary to emphasize them, then you should not display them on the coat of arms either. Or you can highlight positive traits, for example, instead of greed - thrift, instead of aggression - strength, etc.

So, for example, you can place on a coat of arms:

  • Symbols of a profession that several family members have (for example, grandmother and mother are teachers, or grandfather and grandson are military).
  • Favorite pastimes or hobbies that family members are proud of: fishing, solving puzzles, traveling, reading, sports.
  • Moral qualities that are inherent in your family members (care - in the form of protective palms, kindness - the heart).

Heraldic symbols and their meaning


  • Leo - strength and courage, generosity
  • Bear - wisdom and strength
  • Dog - devotion
  • Snake - wisdom and precaution
  • Unicorn - invincible
  • Boar - fearlessness
  • dragon - power
  • Crane - vigilance
  • Horse - courage and speed
  • Vulture - fearlessness
  • Cat - independence
  • Wolf - anger


  • Rooster - militancy, readiness for battle
  • Dove - purity and peace
  • Falcon - courage, mind beauty
  • Eagle - strength and power
  • Peacock - narcissism and boasting


  • Oak - strength and durability
  • Lilies - the flowering of the family, success
  • Roses - holiness and spiritual purity
  • Olive branches - peace
  • Laurel and palm branches - victory, glory

Other symbols

  • The sun - wisdom and warmth, but also readiness for war
  • Heart is passion
  • Star - nobility
  • Crown - power
  • Bees - tireless diligence
  • Ax - consciousness
  • Hands - sincerity and justice


Under the armorial shield there is a ribbon with a motto or some kind of base: a stone or marble pedestal, a hill.
You can choose a proverb, catchphrase or saying that characterizes your family.

Variants of mottos for the family coat of arms

  • The case of the master is afraid
  • Where there is honor, there is truth
  • Skill and work will grind everything
  • Consent in the family - prosperity in the house
  • Good brotherhood is better than wealth
  • A friendly family knows no sorrow
  • To each his own honor and dear
  • Valor and Strength
  • life in good
  • Hurry up for a good deed
  • Hold on to the good and stay away from the bad
  • What kind of labors and fruits
  • Each one is great in his own way.
  • The road to happiness lies through work. There are no other paths to happiness.

Examples of family coat of arms templates

In drawing up the family coat of arms, ready-made templates of coats of arms with a given form and years for the motto will help you, which you only need to color and fill in with symbols.