When will they give the exam certificate. Certificate of USE results: how to get and what it means

The certificate of the results of the exam is a document that is issued to persons who participated in the exam. The procedure and form for issuing a certificate is established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The results of the Unified State Examination in those subjects in which the participant scored not lower than established by Rosobrnadzor are presented as a certificate. The certificate does not record the results of examinations for which the minimum threshold has not been overcome. However, information about all subjects handed over by the USE participant is entered into the federal database.

In the certificate of the results of the exam, test scores are indicated on a hundred-point scale.

The certificate of the results of the exam is issued:

  • to the USE participant or his parents (legal representatives) upon presentation of an identity document;
  • to a person authorized by the USE participant, on the basis of a document proving his identity, and a power of attorney drawn up in the prescribed manner

The certificate of the results of the exam is valid until December 31 of the year following the year of its receipt.

Persons who received a certificate of the results of the Unified State Examination and were called up in the same year to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have the right to use the results of these exams within a year after their dismissal from military service when entering accredited universities and colleges (clause 4.5. Article 15. Law of the Russian Federation "On Education").

Loss, damage of the certificate of the results of the exam

In cases of loss of the certificate of the results of the exam or its damage (damage), it is necessary to write a corresponding application to the authority that issued the certificate.

In case of loss, the circumstances of the loss of the certificate must be stated and documents confirming the fact of loss must be provided.

In case of damage, the circumstances and nature of the damage must be stated, excluding the possibility of further use, with the damaged (spoiled) certificate of the USE results, which is destroyed in the prescribed manner.

A duplicate is issued within 7 days from the date of submission of a written application by the USE participant to an educational institution (the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that manages education, the local government that manages education), if this certificate has not expired.

Presentation of the certificate to the university (college)

Please note that when applying and enrolling in a university or college not necessary submit a certificate of the results of the exam.

When submitting documents, the applicant in the application has the right only to indicate information about the results of the exam or the place where the exam was taken. If there are several USE results that have not expired, the applicant indicates in the application which results of the unified state exam and in which general education subjects he uses.

The admission committee of the university (college) is obliged to monitor the accuracy of the information provided by the applicant by sending a corresponding request to the federal database.

Applicants who have submitted false information and forged documents to the admission committee of the university are liable under the legislation of the Russian Federation.

In preparing the article, materials from the official information portal of the Unified State Examination were used

The USE certificate after September 1, 2019 is valid for four years following the year the exam was taken. That is, the certificate of 2018 expires in December 2022 and can be used for admission to universities in the period from 2018 to 2022. Therefore, certificates issued in 2018 and 2019 are valid until 2022 and 2023, respectively.

The certificate of passing the exam can be used upon successful completion of two compulsory subjects. The rest of the items will be included in it, provided that they score more than the minimum.

Cancellation of paper media

In 2014, it was decided to stop issuing paper certificates to graduates in their hands, now all the results of the exam will be stored electronically. Each participant of the Unified State Exam will receive his personal login and password to access the federal website of the Unified State Examination, where he can easily find out his results.

How to enter a university without a certificate

When the applicant brings the documents to the university where he is going to enter, he only needs to indicate his USE scores. In turn, the educational institution is obliged to check this data in the federal information system.

If you were drafted into the army

If a graduate was drafted into the army for service in the year he received the USE certificate, then its validity period is extended for one year after the end of the service. For the period of study itself, several deferrals are provided for young people who are subject to conscription.

Multiple Certificates

If it so happened that a graduate has two valid USE certificates, then when entering a university, he himself chooses which one to provide. Such a situation may arise if, without enrolling in the current year, the applicant in the next year tried to improve the USE score by retaking one or more subjects.

Not every graduate seeks to decide his future for the next few years immediately after passing the exam. Some want to wait and understand where they really want to do. Others go to serve in the army. Therefore, for many, the question of the expiration date of the received certificate is relevant.

Until 2012, the results of the exam were relevant for only a year and a half. But the rules have changed. The validity period of the certificate has increased significantly.

USE 2013

Exam results obtained in 2013 are valid for four years. They expire in December 2017. 2017 is the last chance to go somewhere with the results of 2013. Fortunately, the exam can always be retaken, even with actual results.

USE 2014

The exam, passed in 2014, is relevant until 2018. Also, for four years. In 2014, it was decided to cancel the issuance of results on paper. All results are available in digital format, which makes life much easier for graduates.

Everyone receives a personal login and password for the site, where you can find out your personal results at any time. A certificate can be printed at the request of the student.

USE 2015

USE 2015 is valid until 2019. The term expires in December.

If you wish, you can retake the exam if you are dissatisfied with the result. Both received certificates will be valid. You can represent any of them, if you wish.

USE 2016

The results of the exam passed in 2016 will be valid until 2020. Also 4 years, the terms have not changed recently.

USE 2017

If you passed the exam in 2017, then the results will be valid until 2021. No changes are expected.

How long are USE results valid?

Exam year Shelf life
2013 4 years (until 2017)
2014 4 years (until 2018)
2015 4 years (until 2019)
2016 4 years (until 2020)
2017 4 years (until 2021)

Initially, the duration of the exam was very short: 1.5 years. But modern certificates are active for 4 years. Whether there will be new changes, time will tell.

After the exam itself has already been written, future graduates, of course, can not wait to find out their result. After all, their further education depends on the number of points scored! There are several ways to get your exam results:

1. Directly at your educational institution or where you registered for the exam. The maximum term for checking the examination paper is 12 days from the date of writing. But most often, the results are announced a few days earlier. Many schools designate a special day when the student must come to school to collect the results.

Attention! Enter your passport and other data only on official websites, otherwise there is a high possibility that scammers will use them!

2. On www.ege.edu.ru - this is the address of the official website of the Unified State Exam. This method has several obvious advantages. Firstly, to get the results you do not have to go anywhere, you only need the Internet and passport data. And secondly, on the site you will not only find out the exact number of points in all disciplines, but you will also be able to see in which tasks you made a mistake, as well as how many points were deducted from you for each of them.

3. On the regional site. If the results have not yet appeared on the main USE website, there is a chance to find them on the official website of your region.

You can find out the results of the exams for free. If you are asked for any amount for this service, then beware, this is a scam!

The results of the exam can be found in the educational institution or on the website ege.edu.ru

Where can I get a certificate of USE results and how to get a duplicate?

USE participants who successfully passed the exams are issued a document in which all the results are located. The certificate can be obtained:

  • if you are a graduate of the current year, then at your educational institution;
  • For other participants, the certificate can be collected from the local education authorities.

The following persons are entitled to receive the document:

  • the participant of the exam, upon presentation of an identity document, such as a passport;
  • parents of minor graduates upon presentation of the same document;
  • representative of the USE participant, who needs to have a power of attorney and an identity document with him.

The validity period of the certificate is 4 years. Copies of the certificate can be made, but it is necessary to certify them with a notary. In addition, such a need rarely arises, because when entering a university, the certificate does not need to be submitted along with other documents, it is enough just to name the number of points scored in the selection committee.

Attention! The certificate does not list exams in which the participant did not achieve the minimum score.

What to do if the certificate is lost or damaged? In this case, you must apply to the place where you were given this document. If you have lost the certificate, then the statement must indicate the circumstances of the loss. If it is damaged, then a description of the damage and the circumstances under which they were received are entered in the application. And also, do not forget to attach a damaged certificate to the application. A duplicate of the document is issued no later than seven days after the application is submitted.

USE scores - what result is considered good?

Whether the examinee got a good score depends on where he plans to enter, because each university has its own passing scores for different faculties. For example, an applicant for a medical degree will have to try and score much more points than, say, an agronomist who is going to study.

You can always find out the number of points you need for admission on the official website of the selected educational institution. But at the same time, keep in mind that each subject has its own minimum score that you need to score for admission to universities. If the graduate received points less than this threshold value, then he cannot study at the bachelor's degree. You can find up-to-date information on the minimum score on the website of the Unified State Exam.

Hundreds of thousands of eleventh-graders take the exam every year. And it is not surprising that during the preparation they constantly have more and more questions about this difficult test. We hope that we have answered at least some of them and wish you successful completion of the Unified State Exams!

How to find out the results of the exam - video

So who is he, this mysterious USE expert, and how is he different from ordinary teachers? Where do the mysterious super-intelligent people who are entrusted to decide the fate of graduates come from? How can I become an examiner and get a certificate of an USE expert? And who can even count on it? And where do they, these experts, live? Is it among us ordinary people?

Logically, you need to start with understanding the word "expert". In Latin, it means "experienced".

An expert is a specialist with deep knowledge in some area of ​​science, art, etc. and practical experience in their application. Thanks to his great competence and many years of practice, he is invited to evaluate any work performed.

Who can become an USE expert? Of course, a person, first of all, having a pedagogical education. And in the relevant subject.

So, any teacher can become one in his discipline? Does a young specialist who has just graduated from a university also have the right to become one? Or do you first need to prove yourself as a real teacher, that is, those who have already innovatively, creatively applied the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in an educational institution, working with schoolchildren of different ages, but especially with high school students? And his students demonstrate excellent results in their studies (according to their abilities, of course), actively and successfully participate in Olympiads at various levels, pass the Unified State Examination with high scores.

Such a teacher should be able to instill in his students the desire for self-development, deep knowledge, the desire to constantly learn new things and enjoy it. And a strong motivation to study, and always - both as a student and after school.

So, is it possible that all the teachers in the school are experts, that is, specialists of the highest level? Only speculatively, theoretically - yes. In fact, one or two people from the school decide to become experts. Such courageous teachers who are confident in their knowledge, skills and abilities undergo a certification procedure: special courses at advanced training institutes, pass the relevant exams and receive a precious certificate confirming the fact of training in a particular discipline.

Becoming an USE expert is not easy and very responsible, however, there are many advantages. The most important are the following.

All students want to get into the class of such a teacher: parents and children hope that he teaches in such a way that the guys will be able to pass this fateful exam well.

He can work as an exam expert.

Such a person is in demand as a tutor. The time has come when when choosing a tutor for a child to prepare for the exam, it is necessary to look for not just a “good”, smart, knowledgeable teacher, but just one who is also competent in the field of passing these exams, knows perfectly well their structure, specifics, nature of tasks, takes into account in his work the results of the analysis of examination papers of past years. Only such a specialist will explain to the child why a particular question should be answered in this way and not otherwise.

The requirements for the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of teachers who wish to become tutors have increased dramatically. Feel free to ask a tutor candidate to show an expert certificate. And for greater certainty, check the authenticity of the presented document with the organization that issued it. It is possible that the certificate is fake. After all, for exam preparation, as you know, tutors claim higher pay. Especially if you hire an expert or chairman of the expert commission.

In order not to make a mistake with the choice of the person to whom you entrust the preparation of the child for the successful passing of exams, it is best to pay attention to the organizations of additional education that are engaged in this area of ​​training. In reputable organizations, they are very scrupulous in the selection of teachers who will work for them. Only there you can find qualified experts who are guaranteed (!) to prepare your beloved child for the state exam, and will not just repeat the material covered.

So, few teachers dare to become an expert, even with such advantages. But those who nevertheless achieved this are, indeed, top-class professionals.