Summary of social studies what makes a person a person. What makes a person a person? Interesting and concise information

Most often, students have to write essays on this subject. At leisure, I wrote an essay on social studies, maybe this example will be useful to someone.

Social Studies Essay:

According to L. Feuerbach, man is a part of nature, a biological, sensual-bodily being. It is impossible not to agree with his opinion. Man, whose development process - anthropogenesis began more than 2 million years ago, really combines the biological and spiritual principles.

There are various theories of its appearance. The evolutionary one has the greatest number of adherents. In accordance with this theory, developed by the naturalist Charles Darwin, modern people descend from anthropoid apes. Some are of the opinion that life came to the planet from outer space. According to theological theory, man was created by God, and the basis for this was the dust of the earth. After its appearance, anthropogenesis begins.

This process combines the formation of society and man as an individual and personality. All these concepts characterize it from different positions, but prove the combination of natural and spiritual features in it. Man is a biological being, first of all, because he is a part of nature. In addition, he has instincts, base needs. The products of the activity of nature in the human body are the body and the brain. All these characteristics support Feuerbach's idea of ​​biological traits.

As a spiritual being, a person is characterized by the ability to suppress and control instincts. Many qualities, such as the ability to communicate, speech, thinking and a number of other skills, appear only among people. A person does not imagine himself outside of society. This is evidenced by the concept of N.M. Karamzin personality. It includes the definition of man as a social being. In other words, a person is formed only in society and functions most effectively there. It is no coincidence that people who grew up outside of society among animals are qualitatively different from individuals who were brought up among their own kind.

The ability to control instincts is the most striking argument confirming that a person is a sensual-bodily being. Social norms, upbringing, morality - all this does not allow individuals to act, focusing solely on their desires. Feelings play an important role in human actions. The proof of this is the behavior of people in difficult situations. Mercy for the wounded, compassion, for example, became stronger than the sense of self-preservation among nurses who rescued soldiers under bullets during the Great Patriotic War.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that Feuerbach is absolutely right in characterizing man as both a natural and sensual-corporeal being. From birth, possessing exclusively biological features, the individual in the process of socialization becomes a personality, in which his spiritual principle is manifested.

The difference between man and other living beings What is a man and how does he differ from animals? People have been thinking about these questions for a long time. For example, the ancient Greek philosopher Plato answered them like this: "Man is a two-legged animal without feathers." And Blaise Pascal spoke like this: "A man without legs still remains a man, and a rooster without feathers does not become a man."

What is it that separates humans from animals? Great thinkers have come to the conclusion that the most important sign of a person is that he is a social being. Only in society, in communication between people, did the formation of such human qualities as language (speech), the ability to think, etc. take place. Each born child becomes a person only in society. Animal cubs are born with instincts that help them navigate what is possible and what is not.

The human child after birth is the most unfit for life of all living beings. And a person grows out of him only in a family, in a society where he is taught to live, they give him knowledge about the world around him, and form the ability to work. There were cases when very young children got to animals. Growing up among animals, they did not learn to walk on two legs, talk, use various objects. They were not able to think like people, and when they were among people, they behaved like trapped animals.

But, being a social being, man does not cease to be a being of nature. Nature created the human body. Man is a wonderful creation of nature. It has many biological needs and needs a certain thermal environment. Our body, blood, brain belong to nature. Therefore, man is also a biological being. The social and the biological are merged together in man. In man, the biological and social principles are organically interconnected, and only in such unity does man exist. This inseparable unity makes it possible to say that man is a biosocial being.

Thinking and speech Along with labor and social relations, the most important difference between man and animals is the ability to think. Thanks to thinking, a person not only adapts to natural conditions, like animals, but transforms the world. A person will first think, imagine what goal he wants to achieve, and then he will work to realize his plan. Consequently, human activity has a creative character: based on knowledge of the world, he creates something new, first in thoughts, and then by practical actions.

The need of people for communication, thanks to which only collective work is possible, led to the appearance of the first words. Human speech gradually developed, helping people to exchange thoughts. There is a close relationship between thought and language. Language does not exist without thinking, and thinking cannot be separated from language.

How does a person realize himself? Probably, every person would like his life not to be in vain. When a person passes away, they write on the tombstone: he was born in such and such a year, he died in such and such. Between two dates is a dash. What's behind this dash? He drank, ate, walked, and that's it? Or left behind a good memory? What is left for people?

Created by the work of the poet - his poems, poems, stories. Gardeners - parks and gardens. Teachers and doctors are a smart and healthy generation. However, philosophers have noticed: it is natural for a person to want to stand out in some way, to become famous. O such desire often takes an ugly form. Now in our lives, more and more attention is paid to the acquisition of material goods.

But very often, people, as if having overlaid themselves on all sides with material goods, forget about their own capabilities. Abilities, talents of a person are manifested and developed only in the process of activity. While the child is small, he plays, and after all, diverse human qualities develop in play activities. There comes a time when learning activity develops next to the game. Along with study, there is also work activity.

The great Charles Darwin at one time put forward a very interesting theory, which, according to the scientist, could perfectly explain all the unclear questions related to the origin of species, including answering the burning question of the origin of man. The far-sighted materialistic scientists, having at their disposal such a wonderful weapon in the fight against the Christian doctrine of Creation, immediately practically raised Darwin's theory to the rank of an axiom and immutable truth.

However, now we will not enter into any disputes about how everything that exists on Earth, including man, happened. We are more interested in another question: What makes a person a Human...

Man is, in essence, just a highly organized animal with a mind. But is there something that distinguishes humans from primates? So what is it anyway? What does Let's analyze some opinions on this matter.

The ability to learn is what makes a person human. Indeed, the ability to learn favorably distinguishes a person from highly organized animals - this is how it seems at first glance. But very many dog ​​owners, trainers and tamers will not agree with this statement, confirming the correctness of their words with the numerous achievements of their pets. Moreover, there are computer programs capable of self-learning, and this cannot even be called alive.

It is only human nature to think. Maybe. But if you take a closer look at the behavior of many animals, birds and even insects and remember that not a single scientist in the world has yet proven otherwise, we can assume that our smaller brothers can also think...

Perhaps society makes a person? Yes, society is a great force that can influence the thoughts and actions of each individual person. But this also does not always happen. How then do outcasts and hermits turn out? After all, if society makes a person, then everyone should be the same?

Another question that worries the minds of many is the question of morality. It is precisely morality, as well as the ability for creativity and Love, as it seems, that distinguishes a person from highly organized animals. In this regard, too, not everything is clear. It is believed that only an educated person can be moral. But does education make a person moral? You can answer this question simply by looking around. Surely in the life of every person there have been brilliantly educated people who have excellent manners, are pleasant in communication, well-dressed, but at the same time are able to betray and, in order to achieve their goals, literally go over the bones of those around them. Does education make a person moral? Alas, that would be too easy...

Love and Creativity - that's actually what makes a person a Human. Only this can be peculiar only to a person from the whole diversity of Creation. It is these qualities that bring a person closer to the Creator. “And God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; He created them male and female” (Genesis 1:27).

Elsewhere (1 John 4:8) in the Scriptures we find wonderful words: "God is Love." So, it is the manifestation of Love that gives a person the right to this high title? Man is the best of all the Creations of the Lord, and the Lord loved us to such an extent that He sacrificed His Son so that we would have a chance to be saved and become His Children. Great, great Love, which each of us is able to recognize, makes us related to the Creator, and therefore makes a person a Human...

It brings a person closer to the Lord, therefore, makes it possible for creativity, which is endowed only by a person and none of the animals. But here it must be borne in mind that the Creativity of God is primary. He creates from nothing. Human creativity is secondary, because works of art are created only on the basis of what is around or in the human heart...

Of course, all arguments on these topics may seem very controversial, like any philosophical conclusions, but they can be regarded as a good attempt to get closer to the answer to one of the most exciting questions of all people: Who am I? Where? What for?


28.10.2013 21119 0

Epigraph to the lesson:

Nature has no other brain than the one she squeezed into man's head with such difficulty.

Bernard Show

Target:to form in students an idea of ​​the origin of man and his differences from animals.

Students should know that:

1)the most important characteristic of man is that he is a social being;

2)in the process of communication, the formation of such human qualities as language, the ability to think, etc .;

3)social and biological are merged in a person together;

4)along with labor and social relations, the most important difference between man and animal is the ability to think;

5)in the game, educational and labor activities, diverse human qualities develop.

Students should understand what:


2)man is a biosocial being;




6)gaming activity;

7)educational activity;

8)labor activity;

9)production activity;

10)state activity;

11)political activity;

12)intellectual activity;

13)artistic activity;



Students should be able to:

1)explain the meaning of concepts;

2)characterize the qualities of a person;

3)trace the ability of a person to creative activity.


I. Learning new material.


1.The difference between man and other living beings.

2.Thinking and speech.

3.How does a person realize himself?

This lesson is a study of new material, but this is not a lecture lesson, since students have information about the difference between a person and an animal from the course of the history of the ancient world.

1.Introductory conversation.

-Remember what you know about the origin of man.

-Why did man stand out from the animal world? What contributed to this?

-How is man different from other living beings? (Composecluster.)

The results of the group's activities are recordedto the table:



1.Completing tasks.

Exercise1. Analyze the statements. Express your own opinions. Agree or refute these points of view.

1)“The essence of man is unchanging and it will not be possible to create a “new man”, you just need to go to that - this is the true meaning of progress - so that humanity lives in its own human, and not its animal essence.(Alexander Kruglov.)

2)"Man is the sickest and ugliest of animals, he has deviated dangerously from his life instincts."(Friedrich Nietzsche.)

3)"A man stood firmly on his feet until he had four of them."(Srba Pavlovich.)

4)“Since man originated from the animal kingdom, it is clear that he will never get rid of the animal elements.”(Friedrich Engels.)

5)"Man is the only animal that has the ability to laugh and deserves to be laughed at."(Paul Valery.)

6)“From the fact that a person is an animal, it does not at all follow that it would be necessary for him to be cattle.”(Nikolai Mikhailovsky.)

-What does it mean that man is a social being? Is man a biological being?(The text of the paragraph will help students answer this question.)

-How do you understand the words of the Russian design scientist, journalist Alexander Loktev: "Of the entire animal world, only man thinks what he thinks."

After the students have made their comments, it is necessary to draw their attention to the fact thatalong with labor and social relations, the most important difference between man and animals is the ability to think.

Exercise2. Give examples of the need for mental activity.

Exercise3. Analyze the following statements about a person. Which one is closer to your point of view? Why?

1)"Man becomes man only through language."(W. Humboldt.)

2)"Man differs from all other creatures in his ability to laugh."(D. Addison.)

3)“A man does what he is told. Most animals are not.(E. Bern.)

4)"Man is knowledge that knows itself."(E. Evtushenko.)

5)"Man is a being capable of activities that no other being is capable of."(Eastern philosopher.)

6)"Man is the only animal whose behavior is largely determined by thought."(J. Cullingwood.)

Students express their thoughts, in this case, a discussion is possible.

-But why did philosophers constantly turn to man, analyze and analyze various aspects of his material and spiritual existence?

N. Berdyaev said: “Philosophers constantly returned to the consciousness that to unravel the mystery of man means to unravel the mystery of being. Know yourself and through this you will know the world. All attempts to external knowledge of the world without immersion in the depths of man, gave only knowledge of the surface of things. If you go from a person outside, then you can never reach the meaning of things, because the solution to the meaning is hidden in the person himself.

A person lives among other people, he develops in a human environment, is formed as a person.

-Remember R. Kipling's tale about the brave Indian boy Mowgli.

-What happens to children who live outside of human society?

-What was missing from Mowgli?

Exercise4. Give examples when a person lived and was brought up in a different environment.

Human life is aimed at leaving a good memory behind.

Exercise5. Name the people whose life has not passed without a trace. What was done by them?

Philosophers have noticed that a person has a desire to become famous, to stand out in some way, to deserve recognition.

-Name what helps a person achieve this?

Wilhelm Schwöbel - German scientist, publicist wrote: "A person constantly needs something that would help him live, that would prevent him from living and that he could overcome."

That is, a person in his life does something thanks to his abilities, in his activity he reveals himself, his talents.

Exercise6. Using the text of the paragraph “How does a person realize himself?”, determine what types of activities are inherent in a person.

Activities contribute to the self-realization of the individual.

-How do you understand what self-realization is? Write down the words that come to mind when you hear the word "self-realization."

"A person must certainly use up adaptive energy - a hereditarily determined limited supply of viability, in order to satisfy the innate need for self-expression."(Hans Selye - Canadian physiologist.)

I. Consolidation.


1.How do you understand the words: “Man is a biological being”, “Man is a social being”?

2.Give examples of the biological and social in man.

3.How can a person show his abilities?

4.What is self-realization?

Homework: § 1.

foundation of the foundations

Man, as you know, is a social and collective being. It can exist only by maintaining social ties. There are cases when small children fell into the jungle and were picked up by animals, but after some time, they were returned back to people. They were just humanoid beings. They lacked speech, communication skills, and, most importantly, they could not

adapt socially, all the while striving back to the jungle. Communication with their own kind is vital for everyone, this is what makes a person a person. Homo sapiens is not born with a set of fixed skills. Of course, we have basic reflexes in our arsenal. We need them for physiological existence. But in addition to them, we are given one more skill. It is he who is at the core of what makes a man a man. This is the ability to learn. We can process the experience accumulated by our ancestors, develop our own and pass it on to our descendants. That is why humanity is developing so fast. Dinosaurs evolved over hundreds of millions of years. And we got down to about a hundred thousand. From the universal point of view, these are, in general, moments.

Society and man

The following factors influence the development of each personality: heredity, environment, upbringing and one's own cognitive activity. All of them are closely related. Even fifty years ago, a line was clearly drawn between them. In the West, it was believed that heredity and environment are the main ones. So

to say, you can’t pick genes with your finger. Soviet scientists argued that upbringing can kill any hereditary tendencies, and a communist society makes a person deeply moral. As time has shown, both were wrong. In the Soviet state, universal virtue was far away. Yes, and heredity can still be overcome. What makes a person a person? Maybe Wednesday. She, no doubt, plays an important role in this matter. Here we are talking about the formation of passions, habits, worldview. But she doesn't solve everything.

Family and school

The formation of personality originates in the family. Here you have heredity, environment, and upbringing, multiplied by your own activity. Our habits, attitude to life, our complexes and fears - everything comes from there. We often treat our parents condescendingly, we consider them behind the times. But watch yourself: do your gestures, intonations, statements remind anyone?

Yes, you can't argue with genes. And our attitude to life is adopted by our children. And if you want to educate a worthy person, educate yourself first of all. Because no matter how you hammer rules into your child that you do not adhere to, you will not succeed, except that your son or daughter will learn to be hypocritical. Because that's what their parents do. Many believe that education should be done by the school, teachers are paid for this. But does education make a person moral? No, this is a delusion. Morality is the ability to empathize, responsibility for one's actions. This can only be taught by close and caring people. So everything that surrounds him. The better the world in which a child grows up, the more human he will be.