Summary of classes for children of primary school age. Theme: Terrorism

svetlana swan
Summary of classes for children of primary school age. Subject: Terrorism.

Ministry of Education of the Omsk Region

state educational institution of the Omsk region "Krasnoyarsk adaptive boarding school»

Lesson summary

for children of primary school age

Subject: « Terrorism»

prepared by Lebed S.V. - educator.

Target: Explain to children what is terrorism?


1. Show students, using examples of events in the world, what is terrorism what are its consequences, what possible ways of protection against it exist;

2. Show on examples of a real tragic event in Beslan what mutual assistance, heroism, patriotism, vigilance are.

3. To cultivate fortitude of character, a sense of compassion.

Equipment and materials:

1. Cards.

2. Computer.

Event progress:


Lord Almighty!

Stop evil!

Innocent without humiliating excuse

Don't need blood

Give us all love

Fill your hearts

Happy waiting!

Broken world...

And the pain is unbearable...

How can I help,

Find a reason?

How can I cure this disease?

To uproot

A vile disguise?

Dear Guys!

Adults no longer lead you by the hand, you already go shopping on your own, at home, of course, you walk without educators, moms and dads, in school your parents bring you on the bus. Every day of your life brings new impressions, knowledge, interesting events! But you know that in life there are sorrows, and sometimes grief: traffic accidents, fires, bruises, fractures, etc. We also talked about this with you on our classes.

And today I want to talk to you about a very terrible grief that can happen to each of us in any city, in any country. This is terrorism.

We must understand what it is, how to behave correctly if this misfortune suddenly happens to you, what are the ways to protect yourself.

TERROR- translated from Latin is "horror", "evil", suppression and intimidation of people.

TERRORISM is murder, arson, explosions, hostage-taking. Where terror, there is death and crippled people.

TERRORISTS are a group of people who carry out terrorist attacks. These are extremely cruel people who want to intimidate us by any means.

All of them are criminals, although very often they hide behind beautiful words. But these words cannot be trusted. They commit terrorist attacks. Their task is to subjugate the state, its bodies, the entire public, to force them to comply with the requirements terrorists and the individuals and organizations behind them.

A TERRORIST ACT does not know in advance its victims, because it is directed against the state, but people always suffer.

Major terrorist attacks include the events in Japan in the subway in 1995 (12 people died, 5 thousand people were poisoned with gas).

Explosions of residential buildings in Moscow, Buynaks, Volgodonsk in 1999 (more than 300 people died). Attack on the towers of the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington on September 11, 2001. (More than 3,000 people died.) and many other terrible terrorist attacks.

memo (hand out children) .

Whatever happens, we must know how not to become a victim terrorists.

1. You should never be afraid, and this is the main thing. But you must always be on your guard. You need to be attentive to what is going on around you. You need to know where the exit from the building you are in is.

2. Be vigilant. You can not accept bags, boxes, EVEN GIFTS from strangers. In no case should you touch any objects left unattended, even if they are toys or mobile phones.

3. What actions should be taken when suspicious objects are found (do not touch, do not open, notify the educator, administration).

4. If you heard shots. Your actions? (do not enter the room from which shots are heard, do not stand by the window).

5. If there was an explosion. Your actions? (fall to the ground or floor, if injured, wait for rescuers).

6. If you are taken hostage. Your actions (remember the main thing is to stay live: do not allow tantrums, do not try to resist). Execute all commands. Do nothing without permission, remember that the special services already know about your trouble, and they will definitely help you.


Once upon a time, people carefully kept the fire, passing it to each other.

The fire of life was dearest of all. The light of achievement is also passed on from generation to generation. This light helps people to live, overcome difficulties, makes them spiritually richer, purer and nobler. One of these feats was children, teachers, the military in the fatal terrorist attack in the city of Beslan.

That day the sun was shining hot. And autumn rustled outside the window. The Day of Knowledge began joyfully and brightly, but became the blackest day for thousands.

On the line about the Day of Knowledge gathered in the North Ossetian school about 2000 people. The terrorists have thought of everything, because according to the national tradition children to school accompanied not only by parents, but also by numerous relatives and friends. Their calculations justified: only there were about 130 preschool children, most the youngest of them, Alina Suleymanova, was 5 months old. terrorists broke in cars into the yard schools suddenly and immediately began to shoot and drive people into school. 3 days Beslan looked like a powder keg. People from all over the world followed the events that unfolded in Beslanskaya school. For 54 hours, the bandits held the hostages, mocked them, starved them, did not give water, threatened and shot some in order to intimidate others. In the Russian language room, the militants set up a firing chamber. terrorists they put against the wall those who behaved badly - shouted or did not listen to commands. Only on the first day there were 20 such children. In total, just listen to these terrible numbers: according to official figures, 334 people died, of which 186 children, 17 teachers, 118 relatives, guests and friends, 13 special forces soldiers, over 700 people were injured.

Again the road, again the danger,

Again you are not thinking of yourself.

People in uniform!

Honor and glory to you!

You rushed to save the Beslanskys children!


Let the guys listen to a song dedicated to this terrible grief.

Song by M. Mikhailov "Beslan".

Let us honor the memory of the people who died in the city of Beslan and other terrible terrorist attacks around the world with a moment of silence.

Thank you for your attention!

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From 15 competitive stories, you chose the best ones and here they are, the winners. There are many of them today.
Bronze goes to the story “People can’t always be around…”, it was written by Some people are such fools, and 32 people voted for it
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Tatyana Timofeeva

Today I received a remark from a close, as I used to think, friend. For neatly sewn thermal patches on the knees of the jumpsuit. In the form of figures of animals from cartoons (I buy it on purpose, because holes are rubbed on my knees all the time, even on Reim).
And it turns out, such patches are fuuuu. And you have to immediately go and buy a new jumpsuit. I said that my children's home clothes are also sewn up, it happens that with small stains that are difficult to wash, mainly from all sorts of dark-colored juices. This is also fuuuu! children, as a friend said, from infancy should be taught to be neat and to ensure that clothes are always intact! Not sewn and not patched! This forms the worldview of a rich person, and patches and seams - the consciousness of a rogue in a child grows from childhood.
She also asked this: I suppose you also sew up tights on your heels? I was confused and answered that yes, I sew up on the heels and on the socks. A friend said sadly: you see. Don't let your kids get rich. From childhood, you prepare them for the fact that they will walk in rags all their lives.
And I really sew tights and socks! Truth be told, I can't screw up.
Do you sew up baby clothes or throw them away right away? Are you trying to wash the stains, bleach or do something else with them, or is it also immediately discarded?
Something about this entry from above directly upset me. I never thought that I was raising rogues. I really don't want to talk to my girlfriend after this.


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I decided again to create a photo theme, I hope it will turn out with illustrations and informative

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So I'm starting...

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Maria Sukhova

Good day! Need advice. Now the family (mother with a child and a grandmother) lives in a three-room apartment of 65 sq.m, of which there are 9 kitchens and 3 rooms (10, 12 and 21 sq.m). At the same time, there are no normal walls for placing cabinets and there is no dark one. With a separate bathroom, the washing machine did not fit there (it also had to be installed in the kitchen)! In short, everything is very inconvenient for life. In the kitchen, everyone bangs their butts, access to the refrigerator is inconvenient, the kitchen has the shape of a hexagon and it was not possible to organize the space differently. And if 1-2 people come to visit, then there is a guard in the kitchen. At the same time, there is a lot of space in the living room (it is far from the kitchen) that is not used at all. And yet, the grandmother lives at home for only six months (the rest - in the country). I like the area, there are no travel treshkas, or rather there is not enough money. Now the grandmother lives in a room of 10 sq.m, a mother with a baby in 13 sq.m. The child will grow up and become very uncomfortable ...
There is an alternative - eurotreshka. Kitchen-living room 17 sq.m., 2 bedrooms (10 and 12 sq.m.), a good corridor (you can place a huge closet in the entire wall). Well, a separate bathroom is more adequate (the washing machine can definitely be placed and an additional closet can be made in the entire wall behind the toilet). The total area will be 55 sq.m. It is 10 sq.m less, but the Euro-three is somehow more rational for life. Place a grandmother in a bedroom of 10 sq.m, place a mother with a one-year-old in 12 sq.m (there is also a loggia of 3.5 sq.m, all in glass). Well, the gathering place for everyone is a large kitchen.
The first question is, what are the disadvantages, in your opinion, of such a three-ruble note? It's for this family.
And the second question, is it profitable to pay for heat meters? There is a heat meter in Eurotreshka, but the calibration period has expired. Is it worth doing verification (6 thousand rubles) or is it more profitable to pay according to the average standard? How are your heat meters?


No ... what a feijoa ...

Good day. They offer me a job here. To sit with the child of a girl with whom she is familiar with a hat. The boy is 2.5 years old. You will not need to sit every day, but only for a few hours during the illness, until the baby’s grandmother or mother comes from work. In principle, the matter is simple, I love children. But. Confuses me two things. The schedule is fuzzy, that is, it may turn out that I plan something for tomorrow, and in the evening they call me and say that I need to sit. Well, payment. 100 rubles per hour. We are not far from Moscow, but in my opinion, this is not enough even for us. You will most likely need to sit on their territory. Would you agree to such a "job"?


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  • explain the essence of terrorism, its types and goals;
  • improving schoolchildren's knowledge about terrorism;
  • formation of public consciousness and civic position of the younger generation.


  1. Learn the rules of conduct in a terrorist attack;
  2. Show the brutality of terrorist acts.

Equipment: multimedia projector, posters with the inscriptions "Terrorism is a threat to society", "War against the defenseless".

Today we have gathered to discuss the problem, which is stated as follows: "Terrorism is a threat to society."

So what is terrorism? Where does this word come from? What does it carry? And how to behave in such a situation? These are the questions of the conversation, to which we will try to answer.

Terrorism is a serious crime when an organized group of people seeks to achieve their goal through violence. Terrorists are people who take hostages, organize explosions in crowded places, use weapons. Often the victims of terrorism are innocent people, including children.

Terror - intimidation, suppression of opponents, physical violence, up to the physical destruction of people by acts of violence (murder, arson, explosions, hostage-taking). The concept of "terrorism", "terrorist", appeared in France at the end of the 18th century. This is how the Jacobins called themselves, and always with a positive connotation. However, during the French Revolution, the word "Terrorism" became synonymous with a criminal. Until very recently, the concept of "terrorism" already meant a range of different shades of violence. In 1881, Tsar Alexander II was killed by Narodnaya Volya using a homemade bomb. In 1911, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers P.A. was killed by an Okhrana agent. Stolypin. In the period 1902-1907. terrorists in Russia carried out about 5.5 thousand terrorist acts. Their victims were ministers, deputies of the State Duma, gendarmes, policemen and prosecutors.

In the USSR, terrorism before the aggravation of national conflicts was a very rare phenomenon. The only notorious case was the explosion in the Moscow metro car in January 1977, which claimed more than ten lives. At that time, the situation in the country was different, and potential terrorists knew that they would not achieve their goals by such actions. Our country seriously encountered terrorism during the "perestroika".

Already in 1990, about 200 explosions were committed on its territory, in which more than 50 people died. In 1991, in what was then the USSR, more than 1,500 people died as a result of bloody clashes, more than 10,000 citizens were injured, and 600,000 became refugees. During the period 1990-1993, about one and a half million firearms were illegally imported into Russia. Question: for what? Since 1992, in Russia, such a phenomenon as contract killings of objectionable persons has become widespread. Journalists, deputies of the State Duma, entrepreneurs, bankers, mayors of cities, businessmen became and become their victims.

A terrorist act does not know in advance its specific victims, because it is directed, first of all, against the state. Its task is to subjugate the state, its bodies, the entire public, to force them to comply with the demands of the terrorists and the individuals and organizations behind them.

attacks(verse by Lydia Serova)

Attacks are disgusting and vile,
Stupid antics of cowardly scoundrels.
Sick people snake seizures,
Peddlers of warlike sins.

Terrorist attacks are a very scary phenomenon.
Shadows of criminals in the world of fragility of hopes.
With my heart I write my poem
With a soul without covering clothes.

The attacks are the screech of closed betrayal.
Attacks - human blood is shed.
All the facts of their any circumstance
Destroy holiness and love...

The current international situation can hardly be called stable. And one of the reasons for this is the scope of terrorism, which today is acquiring a truly worldwide character. Significant changes in the forms of terrorism and in the practice of combating it have also taken place in our country. Russia has faced the egregious facts of its manifestation, both on its own territory and in the near abroad. The events of recent years have clearly proved that Russia, like the entire world community, is unable to resist the scope of terrorism. It was these circumstances that necessitated the development of the Federal Law "On the fight against terrorism", adopted in July 1998.

In 2000 alone, 423 terrorist acts were committed in the world, 405 people died and 791 were injured. For ten years, 6,500 acts of international terrorism have been committed, from which 5 thousand people died, more than 11 thousand people suffered!

In recent years, major terrorist acts in our country have been:

  • On September 9, 1999, a monstrous terrorist attack took place in Moscow: 124 people were killed and 164 were injured in the explosion of a residential building on Guryanov Street. A few days later, explosions of houses on the capital's Kashirskoye Highway and in the city of Volgodonsk followed.
  • The terrorist act on May 9 during the parade in Kaspiysk in 2002 claimed the lives of 45 people, 86 were injured.
  • 2002 50 Chechen militants (18 of them women) seized the theater on Dubrovka during the performance of "Nord-Ost" and held the hostages for three days. 130 people died, dozens were injured.
  • Explosions in the Moscow metro on March 29, 2010 by two female suicide bombers Dagestan origin claimed the lives of people from several countries: 40 people were killed, 88 injured.
  • Terrorist act in the Domodedovo Moscow airport in the international arrivals hall on January 24, 2011. 37 people were killed, 117 were injured.

Rampant terrorism is today not only a Russian, but also an acute international problem. Many facts testify to this, but the explosion in New York of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, which claimed the lives of 5417 people from 90 countries, is especially eloquent.

What is happening strikes the mind, but here is the paradox: at the beginning of the third millennium, the population of Russia began to get used to reports of regular contract killings, shootings on the streets of cities.

To EVERYONE who was burned in a hijacked plane, blown up by a bomb on the street, in a cafe, bus, express train, killed, being taken hostage, littered with rubble of buildings senselessly and forever, a poem is dedicated

Yesterday you were alive.

Just yesterday you were alive
Dreamed, thought, loved.
But fate broke the thread
And took a young life.

Yesterday you hugged
Father, mother, brother and sister
And my chest breathed freedom
But, today you are in paradise.

How can we help you?
Don't know.
But pain grips my heart.
I call to God with my heart
And tears choke my soul.

But, and now we are together
Prayers, tears and words
Turned to Him, and I only
I mourn and remember you always.

When I finish these lines, I cry
My tear is not cold
I know you are free now
You will never be forgotten!

How not to become a victim of a terrorist attack? About this, about the basic rules of conduct in the face of the threat of terrorist acts, we ask our guest, a representative of our police, the inspector of PDN, to tell us Sevastopolev M.R.


Guys, how not to become a victim of a terrorist attack? (Answers: Visiting regions, cities, places and events where terrorist attacks are possible should be avoided. Such a region, for example, the North Caucasus. Crowded places are crowded events. Caution and civic vigilance should be exercised here.) What is civic vigilance? (Answers: for example, a suspicious object left by someone (package, box, suitcase, bag, toy, etc.).

What actions should be taken when suspicious items are found? (Answers: do not touch, do not open, fix the time, notify the administration, wait for the police to arrive).

If you heard gunshots while at home, what would be your first action? (answers: do not enter the room from which shots are heard, do not stand by the window, report by phone). If you received a threat by phone, you need to (answers: remember the conversation, estimate the age of the speaker, speech rate, voice, fix the time, contact law enforcement after calling). If there was an explosion nearby, what would you do? (Answers: fall to the floor, make sure that you have not received serious injuries, look around, try, if possible, provide first aid, follow all the orders of the rescuers). If you were among the hostages? (Answers: remember that the main goal is to stay alive, not to allow tantrums, not to try to resist. Do nothing without permission, Remember - the special services have begun to act).

Reflection. Let's play the game "If ..."

  • If you were walking down the hallway of the school. Silence. You heard the ticking of an alarm clock, but you didn't see anything around you. Your actions.
  • If the school was called and warned that the school was mined. Your actions.
  • If you went into the entrance and saw a suspicious object (package, box, toy, lying unattended). Your actions.
  • If you were returning from school and met a standing stranger at the entrance. Your actions.

Rules of conduct in the event of a threat of a terrorist act.

  • Remember - your goal is to stay alive.
  • Do not touch, do not open, do not move the detected suspicious objects, as this may lead to an explosion.
  • Notify an adult or the police.
  • If you still find yourself a hostage, do not allow actions that can provoke terrorists to use violence or weapons.

Now you will receive a memo. Here are some tips to help you save your own life and the lives of your loved ones.

Ask why we need it? We are far from big cities and it would never occur to anyone to commit a terrorist attack here. But let's remember 2004 with you. Holiday 1 September. No one thought that the terrorists would seize school No. 1 in the city of Beslan (Republic of North Ossetia). For two days, teachers, students, and their parents were kept in the gym - more than 1200 people in total. The explosion killed 335 people, including 186 children. 559 people were injured. These are terrible pages of history. These are also our tears.

Also our tears

Beautiful and bright, but sad face
Looks from the portrait into the soul.
Fallen scarlet petal from the wreath
It's like he's telling you, "Listen!

Do you know who he is, who he once was?
He was like you, he was just as young, careless,
He was also full of life, full of strength,
He loved to look at the stars on a warm evening.

He began to live, not thinking about anything.
Like everyone else, one of us, just like us.
It seemed to him - everything is so unimportant ...
He believed in the power of his native country.

Happened to him, but though not to me,
He is also our tears. Ours too...
And tomorrow let him not, let another
Don't stop, don't help...

He is our twin, as in a thousand mirrors,
All twins, although they are weakly similar ... "
And on the grave he read the inscription:
"He fell at the hands of an Arab terrorist."

Video "In memory of the victims of the terrorist attack in Beslan".

Let's sum up our event.

It is impossible to be afraid of terrorism, because life under fear is very difficult and this is what terrorists seek, but one must be vigilant and cautious in any situation.

The entire civilian population of the planet hopes that someday this will end and the word "terrorism" will disappear from the dictionary forever.


Jealous bunch of idiots
Gargon - death is launched in a circle.
From smoked, viciousness, cigarette butts -
they collect their "cigars" again.

And put them on public sale
with a smirk of overseas sellers,
having replenished the life "barge" with death,
despising the orders of the wise forefathers.

Inhumanly warm their hands
on troubles and misfortunes dashing.
But the times of all-seeing bail
condemn them, ruthless, "others".

"Others" - who betrayed truth and memory,
exploding all bright dreams.
Let's remember everything! Love will rule here
for the continuation of eternal beauty!

With the dream of flying, with the mysticism of phenomena,
multiplying knowledge in the hearts!
Forever remember the blackness of eclipses,
experiencing with pain an ancient fear!

Suffering, revealing all the mistakes,
biting the bit of death!
Let's return smiles to the faces of joy,

The representative of the Regional Operational Headquarters spoke about the most common ways to attract minors to commit terrorist attacks. “For example, they give out a radio station, put it in a certain place and order them to report the appearance of objects that are of interest to the bandits,” Shabalkin said. As a rule, the child stands near or on a pre-planted explosive device, and the given radio station is the initiating device. “As a result of the explosion, the teenager himself dies,” Shabalkin noted.

In particular, an attempt at a terrorist act, which was prevented in February 2002 in Grozny, can serve as an example of such crimes. A 15-year-old girl, Zarema Inarkayeva, tried to carry an explosive device into the building of the Zavodskoy District Department of Internal Affairs.

As it turned out later, the militants instructed to bring the “hellish machine” to the office of the head of the criminal investigation department, but the girl was detained. The terrorists planned to blow it up with a remote device after the child entered the building. During the investigation, it was established that she did not know that she was carrying a bomb.

"Using children as weapons to carry out terrorist attacks is an Arab technique practiced by mercenaries, and Chechen children are cannon fodder for them," Shabalkin said. He stressed that the use of such barbaric methods by militants is a stable trend, and similar cases cannot be ruled out in the future.

Such is the guise of terrorists of the new XXI century. It would be impossible to believe that children are both the instrument and the victims of the crime, if it were not for the truly shocking evidence.

Terrifying footage of several episodes of the war - the current Chechen one - ended up in the hands of the special forces of the Federal Security Service after a night battle near Gudermes. The sapper from the detachment of the field commander Naib diligently filmed his every operation. It would seem that there is no better documentary evidence of the crime. However, this time something more fell into the hands of the operatives. They witnessed the very process of laying the landmine. A hole is dug in the roadside, and an ordinary artillery shell is mounted into it. The fuse is also homemade, usually made from a Chinese-made children's radio-controlled toy.

The road to the 71st Shalinsky motorized rifle regiment. Twice a day, sappers inspect the area there in search of hidden ambushes or land mines. What it is to play with death twice a day, to wait for a crushing explosion from under the feet of a comrade or a sudden burst from the bushes, only they know...

Demining group commander Aleksey Efremenko says:

In the video, children act as miners. Years 13-14. Rarely older. Life proves that this is not a propaganda film. Chechen boys are often undermined when they set such bookmarks.

To the question: “Did any of them have to be detained?” - the officer thoughtfully and angrily answers:

Do not detain, but collect the remains. It is immediately clear from them: not an adult - a child. They install them on the road and blow themselves up.”

Ordinary Chechens have long hated war, which is why it is increasingly difficult for Maskhadov, Basayev and others to recruit death volunteers. FSB operatives talk about mentally ill people recruited by bandits. The madman, they believe, has already crossed the line between life and death with one foot. But much worse, they are increasingly processing children.

Says the commander of the special company Sulim Yamadayev:

Boys who have no fathers, brothers, elders can be processed. Two hundred dollars, three hundred dollars - and most agree to help the bandits. Most young people today have a difficult situation in Chechnya. There is no work, it seems to be late to study, but I want to eat. But a Chechen will never go to a neighbor, he will not say: give me food! We consider it indecent, unworthy ...

The age of the bombers surprises even seasoned Russian contract soldiers. One of the scouts recalls that he somehow found footprints no larger than thirty in size on a twenty-kilogram land mine installed on the road.

And as soon as the kid dragged such a burden ?! he wondered.

According to the commander of the demining group Alexei Efremenko, at least half of the child terrorists are blown up during their night attacks. “They make all these explosive devices, apparently, in some handicraft workshop. Contacts are poorly insulated. I did not take into account the factor of wet weather, and that's it - “flew away”, - he sighs heavily.

Today it is too early to make predictions whether the new president of Chechnya will be able to stop the wave of child terrorism. Ultimately, everything is decided by money - the basis of any policy. And until money flows from abroad are stopped, children will die on both sides. War is not fair.

The Russian soldiers already knew the youths shooting from around the corner with a fanatically burning gaze of crazy eyes. In Germany, back in 1945. And how it ended, too, everyone knows ...

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school in the village of Maly Uzen, St. Petersburg district, Saratov region"

Antiterrorism for children

(talks for children)

What is terrorism?

Rules of conduct in case of a terrorist act

Prepared by Deputy Director for VR Makasheva M.R.


Terrorism in Russia

Behavior in a crowd

In the event of a terrorist attack

Suspicious Item

You are being threatened

Transport safety

When taken hostage

How to protect yourself from the threat of an explosion

If the explosion happened

If you got overwhelmed

In case of fire

Natural disasters


School safety

Main Rules when people are taken hostage

When abducted

If a relative is kidnapped

chemical attack

In production

OBZH standard

General rules

It is impossible to prepare for a terrorist attack in advance, so you should always be on your guard. The main rule: avoid unnecessarily visiting regions, cities, places and events that may attract the attention of terrorists. As a rule, this is:

    Regions of the North Caucasus

    Israel, Middle East states, Iran, Iraq, Yugoslavia

    Massive events with thousands of participants

    Popular entertainment venues

    pay attention to suspicious people, objects, any suspicious little things. Report anything suspicious to law enforcement;

    never accept packages and bags from strangers, do not leave your luggage unattended;

    the family must have a contingency plan, all family members must have phone numbers, email addresses.

    you need to designate a meeting place where you can meet with your family members in an emergency;

    in case of evacuation, take a set of essential items and documents with you;

    always find out where the emergency exits from the premises are;

    in the house it is necessary to strengthen and seal the entrances to the basements and attics, install an intercom, free the stairwells and corridors from cluttering objects;

    organize the duty of the tenants of your house, who will regularly go around the building, observing whether everything is in order, paying special attention to the appearance of unfamiliar faces and cars, unloading bags and boxes;

    if there was an explosion, fire, earthquake, never use the elevator;

    try not to panic, no matter what happens.

Terrorism in Russia

Terrorism in any form of its manifestation has become one of the most dangerous problems with which humanity has entered the 21st century. In Russia, the problem of terrorism and the fight against it sharply escalated in the 1990s. Terrorism poses a real threat to the national security of the country: kidnappings, hostage taking, cases of aircraft hijacking, bomb explosions, acts of violence in ethno-confessional conflicts, direct threats and their implementation, etc.

It is no coincidence that the National Security Concept of the Russian Federation lists the factors that create a wide range of internal and external threats to the national security of the country as an increase in the scale of terrorism. The activities of extremist organizations and groups currently continue to be a serious factor in the destabilization of the socio-political situation in Russia and pose a serious threat to the constitutional security and territorial integrity of the country.

Among the most famous terrorist attacks of the last decade: hostage-taking in a hospital on July 14, 1995 in the city of Budennovsk, Stavropol Territory. In September 1999, a series of terrorist attacks took place in Moscow and Volgodonsk. On September 8, terrorists blew up a residential building on Guryanov Street. On September 13, there was an explosion on the Kashirskoye highway, on September 16, 1999, a house in Volgodonsk was blown up.

On October 23, 2002, a hostage-taking took place in the Theater Center on Dubrovka during the performance of the musical Nord-Ost. This went on for three days. On July 5, 2003, two explosions thundered at the entrance to the Tushino airfield, where the Wings rock festival was held.

February 6, 2004 there was a terrorist attack in the Moscow metro. The explosive device was set off in the second car of the train on the stretch between Paveletskaya and Avtozavodskaya stations. On September 1, 2004, about 30 terrorists seized a school in the North Ossetian city of Beslan. Within a few minutes, more than a thousand hostages were in their hands - students, teachers, parents. Three days later came the bloody denouement.

Terrorism in Russia has risen to a new level. And Russia needs the consolidation of society to fight this global evil.

Behavior in a crowd

Terrorists often choose to attack crowded places. In addition to the actual damaging factor of a terrorist act, people are killed and injured as a result of a stampede that arose as a result of panic. Therefore, it is necessary to remember the following rules of behavior in the crowd:

    Avoid large crowds of people.

    Do not join the crowd, no matter how much you want to see the events taking place.

    If you find yourself in a crowd, let it carry you, but try to get out of it.

    Inhale deeply and spread your arms bent at the elbows slightly to the sides so that the chest is not squeezed.

    By all means, try to stay on your feet.

    Don't keep your hands in your pockets.

    When moving, raise your legs as high as possible, put your foot on a full foot, do not mince, do not rise on tiptoe.

    If the crush has become threatening, immediately, without hesitation, get rid of any burden, especially a bag with a long belt and a scarf.

    If something is dropped, never bend down to pick it up.

    If you fall, try to get back on your feet as quickly as possible. At the same time, do not lean on your hands (they will be crushed or broken). Try to stand on your soles or on your toes at least for a moment. Having found support, “emerge”, sharply pushing off the ground with your feet.

    If you can’t get up, curl up in a ball, protect your head with your forearms, and cover the back of your head with your palms.

    Once in a crowded room, determine in advance which places are the most dangerous in case of an emergency (passages between sectors in the stadium, glass doors and partitions in concert halls, etc.), pay attention to emergency and emergency exits, mentally make your way to him.

    It is easiest to hide from the crowd in the corners of the hall or near the walls, but it is more difficult to get to the exit from there.

    When panic occurs, try to remain calm and able to soberly assess the situation.

    Do not join the protesters "for the sake of interest." First, find out if the rally is sanctioned, what the speakers are campaigning for.

    Do not join unregistered organizations. Participation in the activities of such organizations may result in criminal penalties.

    During riots, try not to get into the crowd, both participants and spectators. You can fall under the actions of special forces soldiers.

In the event of a terrorist attack

Always control the situation around you, especially when you are at transport facilities, cultural and entertainment, sports and shopping centers.

If you find forgotten things, without touching them, inform the driver, employees of the facility, the security service, and the police. Do not try to look inside a suspicious package, box, or other item.

Do not pick up ownerless things, no matter how attractive they look.

Explosive devices can be camouflaged in them (in beer cans, cell phones, etc.). Do not kick objects on the ground outside.

If suddenly the activation of security forces and law enforcement agencies began, do not show curiosity, go in the other direction, but do not run, so that you will not be mistaken for the enemy.

In the event of an explosion or the beginning of shooting, immediately fall to the ground, preferably under cover (curb, trade tent, car, etc.). For greater safety, cover your head with your hands.

If you accidentally learn about an impending terrorist attack, immediately report it to law enforcement agencies.

If you become aware of an impending or committed crime, immediately report it to the FSB or the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Suspicious Item

Recently, there have been frequent cases of citizens discovering suspicious objects that may turn out to be explosive devices. Similar objects are found in transport, on landings, near the doors of apartments, in institutions and public places. How to behave when they are discovered? What actions to take?

If the discovered item should not, in your opinion, be in this place, do not leave this fact without attention.

If you find a forgotten or ownerless thing in public transport, ask people who are nearby. Try to establish whose it is and who could have left it. If the owner is not identified, immediately report the find to the driver (driver).

If you find an unknown object in the entrance of your house, ask your neighbors, perhaps it belongs to them. If the owner is not identified, immediately report the find to your police station.

If you find an unknown item in an institution, immediately report the find to the administration or security.

In all of the above cases:

    do not touch, move, or open the detected object;

    fix the time of object detection;

    try to do everything possible so that people move as far as possible from the find;

    be sure to wait for the arrival of the operational-investigative group (remember that you are a very important eyewitness);

Remember: the appearance of an object may hide its true purpose. The most common household items are used as camouflage for explosive devices: bags, packages, boxes, toys, etc.

Parents! You are responsible for the life and health of your children. Explain to the children that any object found on the street or in the entrance can be dangerous.

Do not take any actions on your own with finds or suspicious objects that may turn out to be explosive devices - this can lead to their explosion, numerous casualties and destruction.

You are being threatened

Threats received by phone

Currently, the telephone is the main channel for receiving messages containing information about planted explosive devices, about taking people hostage, extortion and blackmail.

As a rule, the suddenness factor, the resulting panic, and sometimes even a shock state, and the information itself, lead to the fact that a person is unable to correctly respond to a call, assess the reality of the threat and get the most information from the conversation.

Threatening calls may come personally to you and contain, for example, demands to pay a significant amount of money.

If your phone has received such calls before or you have reason to believe that they may come, be sure to install an automatic caller ID (CALL) and a sound recording device on your phone.

If you have AON, immediately write down the determined phone number in a notebook, which will avoid its accidental loss.

If you have sound recording equipment, immediately remove the cassette (minidisk) with the recording of the conversation and take measures to preserve it. Be sure to install another cassette in its place.

Remember that without the number of the caller and the soundtrack of the conversation, law enforcement agencies have very little material to work with and there is no evidence base to use in court.

In the absence of sound recording equipment and AON, the following actions will provide significant assistance to law enforcement agencies in preventing the commission of crimes and searching for criminals:

    try to verbatim remember the conversation and fix it on paper;

    as you speak, note the gender and age of the caller, the features of his (her) speech: voice (loud or soft, low or high), pace of speech (fast or slow), pronunciation (distinct, distorted, stuttering, lisping, with an accent or dialect ), manner of speech (cheeky, mocking, with obscene expressions);

    be sure to note the sound background (noise of cars or railway transport, the sound of television or radio equipment, voices, etc.);

    mark the nature of the call - city or long distance;

    be sure to record the exact time the conversation started and its duration.

It is necessary, if possible, during the conversation to get answers to the following questions:

    where, to whom, on what phone is this person calling?

    What specific requirements does he/she make?

    Does he/she make demands personally, act as an intermediary or represent some group of people?

    on what conditions does he (she) or they agree to abandon the plan?

    How and when can I contact him/her?

    Who can or should you report this call to?

Try to get as much time as possible from the caller for you to make decisions to "satisfy his requirements" or take any other action.

Don't be afraid to intimidate criminals , at the end of the conversation, immediately report it to law enforcement agencies. If there are fears that criminals are tapping your phone, call back from another number. Practice shows that concealing the fact of such threats significantly complicates the situation and contributes to the commission of a crime with impunity.

In addition to phone threats to you personally, criminals may use your phone number to provide information that you will need to turn over to law enforcement. For example, your phone receives a call in which an unknown person reports that your house is mined. When conducting a conversation of this kind, try to follow the recommendations above and get as much information as possible. At the end of it, immediately report this information to law enforcement agencies.

Threats in writing

Threats in writing can come to you both by mail and in various kinds of anonymous materials (notes, inscriptions, information on a diskette, etc.).

Once you receive such a document, handle it with the utmost care.

Try not to leave your fingerprints on it.

Do not wrinkle the document, do not make notes on it. If possible, put it in a clean, tightly closed plastic bag and place it in a separate hard folder.

If the document arrived in an envelope, open it only on the left or right side, carefully cutting off the edges with scissors.

Save everything: the document itself with the text, any attachments, envelope and packaging - do not throw anything away.

Do not expand the circle of people familiar with the content of the document.

All this will help law enforcement agencies in their subsequent forensic investigations.

Acceptance from citizens of anonymous materials containing various kinds of threats and demands is formalized by their written statement or protocol for the acceptance of an oral statement on the receipt or discovery of such materials.


An evacuation message can be received not only in the event of the discovery of an explosive device and the elimination of the consequences of a committed terrorist act, but also in the event of a fire, natural disaster, etc.

Having received a message from representatives of the authorities or law enforcement agencies about the beginning of the evacuation, remain calm and clearly follow their commands.

If you are in an apartment, follow these steps:

    take personal documents, money and valuables;

    turn off electricity, water and gas;

    assist in the evacuation of the elderly and seriously ill people;

    be sure to close the front door with a lock - this will protect the apartment from the possible penetration of marauders.

Do not allow panic, tantrums and haste. Leave the premises in an orderly manner.

Return to the abandoned premises only after the permission of the responsible persons.

Remember that the life and health of many people will depend on the consistency and clarity of your actions.

Transport safety

Public transport has recently become a frequent target for terrorist attacks, so constant attention must be paid to ensuring personal safety.

    Do not sleep while the vehicle is in motion.

    Pay attention to all suspicious persons and suspicious objects, inform the driver, station attendants or police officers about their discovery.

    Do not stand at the edge of the platform, approach the doors after the train has stopped and the passengers have exited, try to get into the cars in the center of the train, they usually suffer less from an accident than the front or rear ones.

    If there is an explosion or fire, cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief and lie down on the floor of the car or cabin so as not to suffocate.

    Dress neutrally, discreetly, avoid military colors of clothing and uniforms, a lot of jewelry.

    Don't drink alcohol.

    If the vehicle is hijacked, follow all the instructions of the terrorists, do not look them directly in the eyes.

    If you feel that an assault is imminent, try to stay away from windows so as not to interfere with snipers shooting at terrorists. During the assault, the main thing is to lie on the floor and not move until the operation is completed.

    Under no circumstances pick up weapons thrown by terrorists - the capture team may mistake you for one of them.

On buses

The basic personal safety measures that must be observed when traveling by public land transport (buses, trolleybuses, trams) are in many ways similar to those measures that must be applied while on an airplane.

    Carefully inspect the interior to make sure there are no suspicious objects and personalities, and also remember where the emergency exits and fire extinguisher are located.

    It is better to sit in public land transport, thus reducing the likelihood of being hit in the event of an explosion, or when a bus is hijacked by terrorists.

    Do not talk about politics, do not read pornographic, political or religious publications.

    Have a mobile phone with you.

In the event that a bus, tram or trolley bus is seized by terrorists, experts advise choosing the tactics of passive resistance, not taking risks. When capturing, you must:

    Before you move or open your bag, ask permission.

    When shooting, lie on the floor and take cover behind the seat, do not run anywhere.

    Keep photos of family and children close at hand.

An assault on a public ground vehicle is much faster than an assault on an aircraft. If you feel that an assault is imminent, try to stay away from windows so as not to interfere with snipers shooting at terrorists. During the assault, the main thing is to lie on the floor and not move until the operation is completed. Obey the orders of the assault team, do not distract her with questions. In no case do not rush towards your saviors. When released, get out of the vehicle after the appropriate order, but as soon as possible. Help children, women, the sick, the wounded, but don't waste time looking for your belongings and clothes. Remember that the salon can be mined.

In the underground

Do not stand at the edge of the platform, approach the doors after the train has stopped and the passengers have exited. In the event of a crush on the subway, use other lines or ground transport, do not expose yourself to unnecessary danger. If a person falls on the rails, immediately send two passengers to the subway employee, and one to the edge of the platform, so that he gives signals to the train driver, waving a bright cloth. If the fallen person can move independently, help him to get out, while making sure that he does not touch the contact rail at the edge of the platform. If a person cannot quickly get out himself, he must be told to run to the end of the station in the direction of the train, or lie down between the rails and not get up until the train leaves. While on the escalator, hold on to the handrail firmly. In the event of a serious escalator accident, you must be prepared to jump onto the adjacent escalator.

On the train, try to get into the carriages in the center of the train. They usually suffer less from a crash than the front or rear. Pay attention to all things left behind. Report any such finds immediately and do not touch them under any circumstances. It is best to move away from them as far as possible. Explosive devices can also be planted under the seats, so it is better to stand during the movement rather than sit.

If, nevertheless, there was an explosion in the subway and the train stopped in the tunnel:

    Try to open the door right away.

    In this case, do not seek to immediately get out of the car. Before passengers can get out of the cars into the tunnel, the voltage must be removed from the contact rail.

    If there is smoke in the tunnel, cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief and lie down on the floor of the car so as not to suffocate.

    Try not to touch the metal parts of the car.

    Follow the advice of the driver, he will tell you when you can leave the car and in which direction to move.

    If possible, try to wait for the rescuers.

On the train

The basic requirements for personal safety on the train are the same as for other vehicles. But there are also some features:

    When buying tickets, give preference to the central carriage. In the event of a railway accident, they suffer much less than the head or tail ones.

    Choose seats against the movement of the train.

    Do not fall asleep if your fellow travelers make you distrustful.

    Don't turn off the lights in the compartment.

    Keep the compartment door closed.

    Keep your documents and wallet in a safe place, and keep your briefcase close to the window.

    Pay special attention to your belongings at intermediate stops.

In airplane

Unfortunately, despite serious security and control measures, the terrorists manage to get on the plane. If you are using an aircraft, please remember the following general safety rules.

    Choose your airline carefully.

    It is best to fly economy class as it is safer. Terrorists usually start hijacking an aircraft from the 1st class cabin, and use the passengers there as human shields during the assault.

    It is best to sit by the window, not in the aisle. In this case, other chairs will provide you with protection during an assault or in the event of terrorists opening fire, while places in the aisle are easily shot through.

    It is best to travel with direct flights, without intermediate landings.

    Always get off the plane during intermediate landings, as terrorists sometimes hijack the plane during such stopovers.

    Dress neutrally, discreetly, avoid military colors and uniforms.

    Do not talk about politics, do not read pornographic, political or religious publications, so as not to become a justified target for terrorists.

    Wear as little jewelry as possible.

    Don't drink alcohol.

In the event that the plane is hijacked by terrorists, experts advise choosing the tactics of passive resistance, not taking risks. Most often, such behavior dulls the terrorists' attention, gives them the opportunity to gain time, and any delay is to the benefit of the hostages. When capturing, you must:

    Follow all the instructions of the terrorists, having determined for yourself which of them is the most dangerous, give all the things that the terrorists demand.

    Don't look terrorists in the eye.

    Look around for the most secluded place where you can take cover in case of shooting.

    If you have a child with you, try to be with him all the time, make him as comfortable and safe as possible.

    Do not try to resist the terrorists, even if you are sure of success. There may be an accomplice in the cabin who can detonate the bomb.

    Draw as little attention to yourself as possible.

    Do not respond to provocative and defiant behavior.

    Ask permission before moving or opening your bag.

    When shooting, lie on the floor and take cover behind the seat, do not run anywhere.

    If you have compromising documents, hide them.

    Keep photos of family and children handy.

The main thing to remember is not to panic. Think about salvation. Do not lose faith in a happy ending. Try to keep yourself busy - read, or if you are allowed - talk with your neighbors. Some captures last for several days. Be calm, get ready to wait. Negotiations are underway with the terrorists and you will be released!

If an assault has begun, it happens with lightning speed. But during the assault, the main thing is to lie on the floor and not move until the operation is completed. The special forces will bombard the salon with flash-bang grenades, and will demand to lie down and not move. Those who remain on their feet or with weapons in their hands are considered by the special forces as potential terrorists. Therefore, we repeat, the main thing is to lie on the floor and not move. Obey the orders of the assault team, do not distract her with questions. In no case do not rush towards your saviors. When released, get off the plane after the appropriate order, but as soon as possible. Help children, women, the sick, the wounded, but don't waste time looking for your belongings and clothes. Remember that the plane can be mined.

When taken hostage

Unfortunately, none of us is protected from a situation where we can be held hostage by terrorists. It should be remembered that:

    Only at the moment of hostage-taking is there a real opportunity to escape from the scene.

    Tune in psychologically that you will not be released immediately, but remember that you will definitely be released.

    In no case should you shout, express your indignation.

    If an assault has begun, it is necessary to fall to the floor and cover your head with your hands. At the same time, try to take a position away from windows and doorways.

    You should not take up arms so that you are not confused with terrorists.

    Do not try to resist terrorists on your own.

    If a bomb has been hung on you, you need to let the intelligence officers know about it with your voice or hand movement without panic.

    Record in memory all the events that accompany the capture. This information will be very important to law enforcement.

bomb threat

Intruders seek to place explosive devices in the most vulnerable place, where the effect of the explosion can be achieved the greatest effect. Attention should be paid to "forgotten" items: suitcases, attaché cases, umbrellas, bundles, books, etc., in which an explosive device may be planted.

How to protect yourself from the threat of an explosion

    Do not accept gifts, parcels, bouquets of flowers and other items from unknown persons that allow you to hide an explosive device.

    Pay attention to "forgotten" items: suitcases, bundles, books.

    Do not move or inspect such "forgotten" things on your own, be sure to call specialists.

    Bomb-in-a-letter explosive devices are usually 5-10 mm thick, and letters of this kind are quite heavy. If you receive a suspicious letter, you should call specialists.

    If an explosive device is found, move away from a dangerous place, do not smoke, do not try to defuse it yourself, and report the find to law enforcement agencies.

If the explosion happened

    Fall to the floor, covering your head with your hands and tucking your legs under you;

    Leave this building and premises as soon as possible;

    Never use the elevator;

    In case of fire, bend down as low as possible, crawl if necessary, wrapping your face in wet rags or clothes to breathe through them;

    In case of a blockage, do not try to get out on your own, strengthen the "ceiling" with nearby fragments of furniture and buildings, cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief and clothes; knock to attract the attention of rescuers, shout only when you hear the voices of rescuers - otherwise you risk choking on the dust.

If you got overwhelmed

In the case of a blockage formed after an explosion:

    do not try to get out on your own;

    try to strengthen the "ceiling" with nearby fragments of furniture and buildings;

    move sharp objects away from you;

    if you have a mobile phone, call the rescuers at "112";

    cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief and clothing, if possible damp;

    knocking in order to attract the attention of rescuers is better on pipes;

    shout only when you hear the voices of the rescuers - otherwise there is a risk of suffocation from the dust;

    never light a fire.

In case of fire

Often, an explosion can cause a fire, then you should:

    duck as low as possible, trying to get out of the building as quickly as possible;

    wrap your face with wet rags or clothes to breathe through them;

    if there is a fire in the building, and there is a closed door in front of you, first touch the handle with the back of your hand. If it is not hot, open the door and check if there is smoke or fire in the next room, then go through. If the door handle or the door itself is hot, never open it;

    if you cannot get out of the building, you need to signal to the rescuers, while screaming should be only as a last resort, because. you can choke on the smoke. It is best to wave something or clothing out of the window.

Natural disasters

In case of any natural disasters, first of all, follow the instructions of the civil defense headquarters.

    In case of flooding, it is necessary to turn off electricity, gas, water, close all doors and windows, climb to the upper floors, having everything you need: blankets, boots, food, water, documents and money. If there is a danger of being in the water, take off your shoes and heavy things, fill your shirt and trousers with light floating objects (balls, plastic bottles), use tires, furniture to stay on the surface.

    If there is a threat of an earthquake, it is necessary to inspect and strengthen the house, check the means of rescue, a set of essentials. During an earthquake, take cover under strong tables, near main walls or columns or in the subway, constantly listen to information on the radio, do not go out on balconies and do not use the elevator.

    In case of a snow drift or a blizzard, limit movement along the streets, stock up on food, water, fuel; seal rooms, conserve fuel. If you are caught in a snowfall or avalanche, wait until the snow stops moving, then push the snow around you with your body, moving up into the air.

    In case of a storm or a hurricane, close doors and windows, avoid being on the top floor, turn off water, gas and electricity, take cover in the basement; if the storm caught outside the shelter, try to get into the lowland, do not take cover under the trees, stay away from metal structures, pipes, towers.

    During a tsunami, try to be as far from the sea as possible (2-3 km) and on a hill (30-50 meters above sea level), avoid being in river valleys.


A few useful observations for those caught in a thunderstorm:

    the wind does not give a correct idea of ​​the direction of the thunderstorm, thunderstorms often go against the wind;

    the distance to a thunderstorm can be determined by the time between a flash of lightning and a roll of thunder (1s - distance 300-400 m, 2s - 600-800 m, 3s - 1000 m);

    just before the start of a thunderstorm, usually there is a calm or the wind changes direction;

    wet clothing and body increases the risk of being struck by lightning;

    it is preferable to hide in the forest among low trees, in the mountains 3-8 meters from the high "finger" of 10-15 meters, in open areas - in a dry hole, ditch;

    sandy and rocky soil is safer than clay soil;

    signs of increased danger are: hair stirring, buzzing of metal objects, discharges at the sharp ends of the equipment.

During a thunderstorm it is forbidden:

    take cover near lone trees;

    stop at the edge of the forest;

    walk and stop near water bodies;

    hide under a rocky canopy;

    move in a tight group;

    store metal objects in a tent.


This natural phenomenon, not always predictable, can cause enormous damage. It is necessary to obtain information about the seismic classification of the residential area in order to increase the resistance of buildings.

To strengthen the structure of the house you need:

    remove the protruding part of the roof, reinforce the floors with wooden or steel beams, connect flights of stairs together, strengthen the main walls;

    make an audit of water supply, electricity, heating and gas supply systems.

Before an earthquake:

    inspect your home in terms of seismic stability;

    familiarize all family members with the evacuation plan and take note of the places where a fire can start and keep combustible substances away from them;

    participate in exercises organized by civil defense authorities;

    check the suitability of fire extinguishers, learn how to use them;

    keep ready supplies of food and drinking water and have medical supplies, prepare a backpack with a set of essentials.

During an earthquake:

    do not panic, remain calm;

    hide under strong tables, near the main walls or columns;

    constantly listen to information on the radio;

    do not go out onto the balconies and do not use the elevator;

    do not hide near dams, river valleys, on sea beaches and lake shores - you can be covered by a wave from underwater shocks;

    follow the instructions of local authorities;

    in public places, the main danger is the crowd, which, succumbing to panic, runs without understanding the road - in this case, try to choose a safe exit that has not yet been noticed by the crowd.

    underground stations are a safe place in the event of an earthquake: metal structures allow them to withstand shocks well.

Upon returning home, you must:

    see if the building has received serious damage;

    do not use matches or an electric switch, as there may be a risk of gas leaks.


Ensuring the safety of children is very important.

Main rule: talk to children as often as possible, help solve them, even the smallest, in your opinion, problems. Another important rule: if you want to teach your child safety rules, first of all, follow them yourself.

    The best way to learn is by example;

    when teaching a child the rules of safe behavior, in no case try to intimidate him;

    each school must have its own safety data sheet approved by law enforcement.

    at the school, it is necessary to introduce the position of deputy director of security, with whom it is necessary to constantly contact to ensure security in the educational institution.

In emergency situations, teachers need to:

    tighten the access control at the entrance and entrance to the territory of the facility, install alarm systems, audio and video recordings;

    walk around the territory daily;

    conduct periodic inspections of storage facilities;

    carefully select and check personnel;

    organize and conduct, together with law enforcement officers, briefings and practical exercises on actions in case of emergency;

    if a suspicious item is found, immediately report the incident to law enforcement agencies by calling the territorial divisions of the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;

    do not try to defuse the explosive device yourself;

School safety

Recently, concerns about school safety have increased significantly. This concern is not only related to physical factors, but psychological factors can also be associated with danger. There are many vulnerabilities in the school and surrounding areas where covert intimidation or intimidation of children is quite possible. The experience of Yekaterinburg, where the position of "deputy director for internal security" was introduced as an experiment in a number of schools, can only be assessed positively. And this immediately gave a positive effect - the number of offenses dropped sharply.

In accordance with Article 1 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Security" dated October 8, 1992 "Security is the state of protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and the state from internal and external threats. The main objects of security include: the individual - his rights and freedoms; society - its material and spiritual values; the state - its constitutional system, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Article 2 of the same law defines the subjects of ensuring security: citizens, public and other organizations and associations are subjects of security, have the rights and obligations to participate in ensuring security in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the republics within the Russian Federation, the regulations of state bodies the authorities and administrations of territories, regions, autonomous districts, adopted within their competence in this area, Such regulations governing the introduction of the staffing of schools, participants in the experiment, the position of deputy director of the school for safety, may be: the order of the head of the Territorial Administration of the Vyborg Administrative District , the order of the head of the Department of Education of the TU and the order of the director of the school.

The need to consider the approach to solving the problem of school security as a system of adequate response to a complex of threats is clearly defined in Article 3 of the Law: "Security threat is a set of conditions and factors that endanger the vital interests of the individual, society and the state. Real and potential threat to security objects, coming from internal and external sources of danger, determines the content of activities to ensure internal and external security.

The answers to questions about how integrated school safety should be ensured are found primarily in Articles 4 and 9, which state that:

firstly, " is achieved by pursuing a unified state policy in the field of security, a system of measures adequate to threats to the vital interests of the individual, society and the state...";

secondly, the main functions of the security system created at the school, namely:

Identification and forecasting of internal and external threats to the vital interests of security objects.

Implementation of a set of measures to prevent and neutralize the identified threats.

Creation and maintenance of forces and means of ensuring security.

Management of forces and means of ensuring security in everyday conditions and in emergency situations.

Implementation of a system of measures to restore the normal functioning of security facilities affected as a result of an emergency..."

Based on the methodology of the legislator's approach to the issue of solving the problems of security of the individual, society and the state, it becomes obvious that in order to achieve these legally defined goals of the functioning of the integrated security system at school, the deputy director of the school for security must (taking into account the actual technical condition of the school, the conditions for organizing the educational and educational process and other features), to solve five main tasks:

1. To detect threats in a timely manner and warn the principal of the school and other interested persons and organizations about them.

It means:

1.1. Timely detect potential and real threats to the integrated security of the school: criminal, natural, and man-made security threats:

c) Immovable and movable property of the school and personal property of its employees and visitors while they are at the school;

d) Technical systems and means of ensuring school security;

1.2. Inform interested persons and interested organizations about these threats in a timely manner (school principal, fire department, police officers on duty, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the prosecutor's office and the FSB, the district police officer, an ambulance, the heads of a private security company guarding the school).

2. Difficulty (restrain) the implementation of emerging threats.

2.1. Prevent the threat from growing, contain its spread, advance to the school, staff, students, to the most important objects. For example, when a school is exposed to technogenic threats, their containment will increase the time reserve for the evacuation of people, valuables and the organization of preparations for eliminating the threat.

3. Eliminate, neutralize threats.

3.1. Independently or in cooperation with representatives of law enforcement agencies, private security and detective structures, firefighters and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, take the necessary measures to eliminate or neutralize the threats that have arisen.

4. Document processes, relating to important events in the life of the school in terms of security, in the course of its daily functioning, as well as in cases of the implementation of threats and measures to counter these threats.

The implementation of these tasks determines the improvement of the system of integrated school security and the provision of assistance to law enforcement agencies in the investigation of incidents.

Summarizing the above, it can be assumed that as one of the working options for the discussion of the working group, the following version of the qualification characteristics of the deputy director of the school for safety can be proposed.

2. Qualification characteristics of the deputy director of the school for security.

Main tasks:

1. Timely detect potential and real threats to the integrated security of the school: criminal, natural, and man-made security threats:

a) The teaching staff, students, parents of students, school visitors and citizens living in the school district.

b) Finance own, borrowed and kept in school, documentary and computer information, information transmitted by all means of communication;

d) Immovable and movable property of the school and personal property of its employees and visitors while they are at the school;

e) Technical systems and means of ensuring school security;

2. Timely inform interested persons and interested organizations about these threats (school director, fire department, police officers on duty, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the prosecutor's office and the FSB, the district police officer, an ambulance, the heads of a private security company guarding the school).

3. Prevent the growth of the threat, contain its spread, advancement to the school, staff, students, to its most important objects.

4. Independently or in cooperation with representatives of law enforcement agencies, private security and detective structures, firefighters and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, take the necessary measures to eliminate or neutralize the threats that have arisen.

5. Document processes related to important events in the life of the school in terms of security, in the course of its daily functioning, as well as in cases of implementation of threats and measures to counter these threats.

    if necessary, proceed with the evacuation of people according to the existing plan.

When taking people hostage, you must:

    immediately report the situation to law enforcement agencies;

    not enter into negotiations with terrorists on their own initiative;

    take measures for the unhindered passage (passage) to the facility of law enforcement officers, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, ambulances;

    upon arrival of the employees of the special forces of the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, assist them in obtaining the information they are interested in;

Main Rules

Rule One

It's better not to be taken hostage. Going on a trip or a business trip, consider the political situation in the regions. First of all, avoid countries with unstable regimes and countries where various factions are waging political struggle by non-parliamentary methods. Avoiding travel to conflict zones will greatly reduce the risk. Hostage-taking is a favorite means of Islamic groups and separatists of all stripes. Before you go to India, Lebanon, Yugoslavia, Israel and other disadvantaged countries in this regard, think about whether this trip is really necessary.

Rule Two

If you do find yourself in the hands of terrorists, remember that you should not take any action that could irritate the terrorists. Do not resist, do not react to the actions of terrorists in relation to other hostages. Whatever happens, stay calm. Attempts to enter into discussions with terrorists on moral and ethical topics are not recommended. Don't ask unnecessary questions, follow their demands, and try not to show them your fear. Endure hardships without complaints, groans and insults.

Rule Three

You should not try in any way to make yourself felt at will. If it fails, the terrorists will interpret this as resistance, and at best, it will lead to a deterioration in the conditions of detention. Try to show the terrorists complete loyalty in maintaining the containment regime - this, in turn, can lead to its mitigation. Being held hostage, it should be understood that imprisonment can last quite a long time (history knows examples when hostages were held captive for many years), and therefore your main task is to save life and health. It's bad if you were captured for political blackmail. In such cases, the governments of most countries refuse to negotiate so as not to give rise to a repetition of such actions. But if you've been captured for ransom, you're in luck.

Rule Four

Don't skimp on promises. But at the same time, keep in mind that if you were captured for ransom, then the terrorists are well aware of your affairs, so do not give unrealistic obligations. Sooner or later, a moment may come when everything, including life, turns out to be unnecessary and meaningless. Then you need to focus on your physical and mental state.Don't let yourself be discouraged. Use every opportunity to talk to yourself about your hopes, about the family that is waiting for you. While in captivity, it is very important to observe personal hygiene and, if the situation allows, do exercises, calm down and relax with the help of meditation, solve an imaginary problem, try to remember the poems that were taught at school. Religion helps believers. Optimism and a sense of humor also mean a lot, which help to cope with apathy and depression.

The experience can greatly affect the psyche of the hostage: feelings of guilt and shame for their behavior among terrorists, loss of self-esteem due to irrational behavior, nightmares, criticism from those who have not experienced it for themselves, difficulties in sexual and interpersonal relationships, a drop in working capacity , fear of everything. Know that this is a typical reaction and it will take a long time for you to bounce back.

When abducted

Being in conditions of severe restriction of freedom of movement and lack of means of communication, not knowing how events are developing, it is difficult to make decisions. Of course, even before your "captivity" it would be ideal to agree in detail with your loved ones on how they should behave in such a situation, but hardly anyone will do this. Justifying our hindsight, we often refer to the saying: "If I knew where I fell, I would spread straws."

So you've been kidnapped. When making contact with loved ones, try to calm them down and explain that a favorable outcome of the case depends on how correctly they act. If the offender requires a large amount of money, find an opportunity to explain to loved ones where and from whom they can get it, without explaining why they are needed. Discuss how to explain to them at your job why you are away and how long you will be away.

Try immediately, even before calling your relatives, to convince the person who detained you that he is offering a completely unrealistic period for ransom. Try to convince him that you do not have what he asks for, and you should be released in peace. It is unlikely that he will go for it. When attempting to take physical measures, declare that under such conditions you will do nothing at all to fulfill the demands of the blackmailer. Convince him that he should not dissolve his hands. Constantly control the situation, not letting a single detail out of your field of vision: whether the mood of the criminals changes, the reasons for these changes, how the discussions of various issues between the participants in the abduction take place. Even if you are deprived of the opportunity to hear what they are talking about, but you have the opportunity to see, pay attention to their emotional state, to who and with what facial expression looks in your direction, how active and aggressive gesticulation has become, and much more.

Do not take risks unnecessarily, try to resolve everything peacefully. But if there is a chance to get rid of a society that is unlikely to give you aesthetic pleasure, do not miss it. In this case, you should act quickly and decisively, since any delay will deprive you of the possibility of release, and the criminals will strengthen the security regime and it is unlikely that you will be given another chance. As soon as you are free, immediately let your loved ones know about it by calling them or someone you know. This is necessary already in the interests of loved ones, their safety, and the safety of your money, if they are prepared to be transferred in exchange for you.

The main thing is prudence in the choice of commercial partners, keeping the financial situation and income secret. You should be careful in communicating with strangers, in a timely manner to catch an increased interest in you, your family and colleagues.

Recently, extortionists have increasingly resorted to kidnapping. Unfortunately, it is far from always that they turn to the police about this, preferring to pay off. This gives terrorists confidence in their impunity and endangers the lives of potential victims.

People are abducted most often in the morning, when leaving the house. As a rule, there are no witnesses, because everything happens very quickly. The kidnapped are usually kept in rented apartments, warehouses, sometimes in offices.

Your relative is held hostage

If you find out about the capture of a loved one, immediately call the Regional Directorate for Combating Organized Crime of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate.

Hostage release is taken very seriously. Police special forces are involved in the operation - SOBR (special rapid response detachment) and FSB (federal security service) officers with their unique technical means. Preliminary preparation lasts from several hours to several days. It depends on the speed with which the bandits put forward their demands, and on the relatives of the victim - how quickly they turn to the police and how they behave in the future. The matter becomes more complicated if the relatives try to pay off the bandits on their own or play a "double game".

The sanction for kidnapping is quite severe. Article 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for the capture and holding of people as hostages, punishment by imprisonment for up to 15 years.

The same actions, if they did not entail grave consequences, are punishable by imprisonment for a term of 4 to 10 years. In addition, the criminals must remember that a decision may be made to eliminate them in the process of releasing the hostages.

If one of your loved ones is taken hostage and some action is required as a condition for his release, first of all make sure that he is alive and unharmed. It is unlikely that you will be given the opportunity to personally see the captured person, but it is simply necessary to talk to him on the phone. At the same time, the blackmailer should firmly state that you will not negotiate anything with him until you talk to the hostage. When conducting a conversation, first, make sure that the person on the other end of the wire is really the person in question. Telephone communication is imperfect, and it is not always possible to identify even a very close person by the voice, so in a conversation try to get information that will convince you that it really is him.

Secondly, conduct the conversation in such a way as to make sure that you are communicating with a live person, and not a tape recording.

Thirdly, try to calm the hostage by saying that you will do everything in your power to free him as quickly as possible. Fourthly, ask if he is all right, how he is being treated, whether they have caused any harm.

Fifth, convince him that it would be better if he does not take any active actions so as not to aggravate the situation and not harm himself.

Sixth, in no case do not try even indirectly to find out who captured him and where he is. This kind of curiosity can be very costly.

After that, you can listen to the blackmailer, his conditions. Most likely, we will talk about a certain amount of money in rubles or USD. Regardless of whether you have such an amount available or not, try to ask for a delay in payment, citing the fact that at the moment there is no such money at hand (except for the situation when you are immediately told that this amount of money lies with you in the bottom drawer of your desk).

If the negotiations are in person, ask for a second meeting, if by phone - a second call. And during this time, you should quickly decide what to do: fulfill the conditions of the criminal without turning to anyone for help, or still resort to the help of law enforcement agencies or a private company (keep in mind that currently not all firms problems of this kind can really solve them).

As world experience shows, blackmailing gives a delay for a very short time, and if you decide to turn to professionals for help, you should do it right away, since it takes some time to develop a plan of joint action and prepare a group specializing in the release of hostages. .

It is best to do this immediately, but by telephone, since the possibility of establishing surveillance of your movements from the moment of contact with the blackmailers should not be ruled out. Be prepared for the fact that when you call again, they can state with a confident voice that they absolutely know that you called the police and asked for help. In a personal meeting, such a question can also be asked, and here the matter is complicated by the fact that they only hear you on the phone, but they also see you in a personal meeting. You need to be psychologically prepared for such questions. Here, for self-confidence, it can help that such questions, quite clearly, are nothing more than an attempt to take you on a gun. Although there is a possibility that attackers have reliable information.

If the next telephone conversation with a person who has taken your loved one as a hostage will take place in the presence of law enforcement officers, try to discuss with them in advance the scheme and various options for talking with the criminal. This will eliminate the possibility of delays in answering questions, and there will be no suspicion on the other end of the wire that after each question you are getting advice from someone about what and how to answer.

It often happens that the blackmailer demands at any cost to speed up the time of the exchange. In this case, try, without losing self-control, to convince him that everything possible is being done, but due to circumstances beyond your control, you are not yet ready to give what is expected of you. Most importantly, do not forget to remind this person that you are much more interested in the successful outcome of the case than he is. You can justify the impossibility of obtaining the requested amount in such a time by saying that the person from whom you wanted to receive money is currently on a business trip and will return in a few days, but without even waiting for his return, you are trying to find this money through other channels. It is quite possible that the pause that you bargain for will make it possible to better prepare the operation to free the hostage, and increase the guarantee of his safety.

When you agree on where and at what time to bring what the extortioner requires, set a condition - this is possible only if you have guarantees that the hostage is not in danger. Either this will be an exchange, or before transferring the money, you will receive information that the hostage is already in a safe place at the moment. It is clear that in reality everything is much more complicated than in words, but the kidnapper is also interested in getting your money. Of course, the initiative belongs to him, but far from all issues should be led by him. The firmer and more reasonable your position, the greater the chance of a favorable outcome of the operation. It should not be forgotten that as soon as you fulfill their demand, the hostage will no longer be needed as a bait or, rather, a leash for you. Having freed himself, he becomes the owner of certain information and can turn from a hostage into a witness, and a very dangerous one at that.

If you have trusted law enforcement, strictly follow their instructions and the plan they have developed. Know that the slightest deviation from the originally developed plan due to your fault, the manifestation of unnecessary initiative can significantly complicate or make it impossible to release the hostage.

If you decide to act without outside help, pay attention to the conditions under which the transfer of money is supposed: whether it will be a transfer from hand to hand or you will be asked to leave it in a certain place and at a specified time. It's one thing in a fairly crowded place and during daylight hours, the other - in the evening or at night, and even in a secluded place. In short, be prepared for all sorts of surprises.

Having a large amount of money with you, and even in a secluded place, drastically reduces the degree of your own security, although when it comes to releasing a loved one, hardly anyone will think about it. You can offer a lot of options on how to reduce the threat to you personally, but still a lot will depend only on your self-control and ingenuity. Remember the main thing: as soon as you transferred the money, try to make every effort to get away from the attackers as soon as possible.

chemical attack

The first signs of an attack: the appearance of drops, fumes and mists of unknown origin, specific foreign odors, initial symptoms of damage, indications of chemical reconnaissance and control devices.

When declaring a chemical or biological attack:

    Take shelter immediately.

    If you are in an apartment, seal the windows and doors with improvised means, turn off the air conditioning and ventilation devices, take cover in the inner room, preferably in the bathroom.

    Turn off the power.

    Do not seek refuge in a cellar or basement: heavier than air, toxic gases accumulate near the surface of the earth.

    If you are directly exposed to a gas or liquid, cover your nose and mouth with a handkerchief, scarf, etc. to clear the air you breathe;

    Avoid exposure to air.

    Before entering the room, remove outer clothing that has been in contact with contaminated air.

    Do not wear contaminated clothing without washing thoroughly; if this is not possible, it is better to throw it away;

    After the end of a chemical or biological alarm, do not eat fruits and herbs from the garden, products offered for sale in the open air, do not drink well water and tap water.

In production

Terrorists can choose to attack a large industrial facility, so business leaders and ordinary employees should remember a few rules:

When threatened by phone:

    do not disregard any such call, transfer the information received to law enforcement agencies, remembering the gender, age of the caller and the features of his speech;

    fix the exact time of the beginning of the conversation and its duration;

    During the conversation, try to get as much information as possible.

Preventive actions:

    Tighter access control at the entrance and entrance to the territory of the facility;

    Installation of alarm systems, audio and video recording;

    Carrying out daily site visits;

    Periodic commission inspection of storage facilities;

    Careful selection and verification of personnel;

    Conducting regular staff briefings on the procedure for receiving telephone messages with threats of a terrorist nature.

Actions when taking hostages:

    if possible, immediately report the situation to law enforcement agencies;

    refrain from entering into negotiations with terrorists on their own initiative;

    prevent actions that can provoke attackers to use weapons and lead to human casualties.

Remember that in accordance with the law, the manager is personally responsible for the life and health of his employees.

Anti-Terror Library

Since there are a lot of materials on terrorism and it is not always possible to find exactly what you need, several sections have been created in the "Anti-Terror Library" in which it is easier to find the necessary information.

Instructions: how to behave after a terrorist attack; psychologist's advice; how to behave in an emergency situation; How not to become a victim of a terrorist attack.

Lectures: amendments to the concept of security; world order after 9/11; global terrorism in 2002; political psychology of terrorism.

Books and brochures: security encyclopedia; textbook life safety; book "Russian way".

Also in the "Anti-Terror Library" section, you can get acquainted with the latest significant media publications, and look at the list of Internet resources dedicated to the fight against terrorism. Each section is constantly updated.

Citizen Participation

Terrorists try to be invisible and invulnerable to law enforcement agencies, to hide among ordinary citizens. Only the citizens themselves can help in the fight against terror, showing vigilance.

The preparation of terrorist attacks is carried out in such a way as not to be conspicuous, but terrorists always act suspiciously, strangely and unusually. The main rule is to act as discreetly as possible!

    Pay special attention to suspicious faces, deliberately inconspicuous, not standing out, but somehow strange; leased and rented apartments, basements, utility rooms, warehouses.

    Try to remember the signs of criminals, their faces, clothes, names, scars and tattoos, features of speech and behavior, topics of conversation.

    Don't try to stop the terrorists yourself - you could be the first victim.

    Carefully check if they are who they say they are?

    Immediately report suspicious persons to law enforcement agencies.

    Duplicate the signal to several departments at once (for example, to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB in your region).

    Warn your family and friends about the possible threat of a terrorist attack and ask them to increase their vigilance.

    In no case should panic arise, which can only provoke terrorists and accelerate the attack!

OBZH standard


The study of the basics of life safety at the basic level of secondary (complete) general education is aimed at achieving the following goals:

    learning on safe human behavior in dangerous and emergency situations of a natural, man-made and social nature; health and healthy lifestyle; state system of protection of the population from dangerous and emergency situations; on the obligations of citizens to protect the state;

    upbringing value attitude to human life and health; feelings of respect for the heroic heritage of Russia and its state symbols; patriotism and duty to defend the Fatherland;

    development personality traits necessary for safe behavior in emergency situations and during military service; vigilance to prevent acts of terrorism; the need for a healthy lifestyle;

    mastery of skills evaluate situations dangerous to life and health; act in emergency situations; use means of individual and collective protection; provide first aid to the injured.



A healthy lifestyle as the basis of personal health and safe life. Factors affecting health promotion. Factors that destroy health.

reproductive health. Personal hygiene rules. Pregnancy and pregnancy hygiene. Baby care.

First aid for heat and sunstroke, electric shock, fractures, bleeding; skills in artificial respiration and indirect heart massage.


Basic Provisions of the National Security Concept of the Russian Federation.

Emergencies of natural (meteorological, geological, hydrological, biological), man-made (accidents in transport and economic facilities, radiation and chemical contamination of the area) and social (terrorism, armed conflicts) character.

The main activities of state organizations and departments of the Russian Federation for the protection of the population and territories from emergency situations: forecast, monitoring, warning, protection, evacuation, emergency rescue operations, public education.

Unified State System for the Prevention and Elimination of Natural and Technogenic Emergencies (RSChS).

Civil defense, its purpose and tasks to ensure the protection of the population from the dangers arising from the conduct of hostilities or as a result of these actions.

Rules for the safe behavior of a person in the event of a threat of a terrorist act and capture as a hostage. Security measures for the population in the territory of hostilities.

State services for the protection of health and safety of the population.


Defense of the Fatherland is the duty and duty of the citizens of Russia. Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the defense of the state and military duty of citizens.

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are the basis of the defense of the state. History of the creation of the Armed Forces. Types of the Armed Forces. Types of troops.

Mandatory preparation for military service. Requirements for the level of education of recruits, their health and physical fitness. Initial military registration, medical examination. Conscription.

General duties and rights of military personnel.

The procedure and features of military service on conscription and contract. Alternative civilian service.

State and military symbols of the Russian Federation, traditions and rituals of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Military-professional orientation, the main directions of training specialists for service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.


As a result of studying the basics of life safety at a basic level, the student must


    the main components of a healthy lifestyle and their impact on the life safety of the individual; reproductive health and factors affecting it;

    potential hazards of natural, technogenic and social origin, characteristic of the region of residence;

    the main tasks of public services to protect the population and territories from emergency situations;

    fundamentals of Russian legislation on the defense of the state and military duty of citizens;

    the composition and purpose of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

    the procedure for initial military registration, medical examination, conscription for military service;

    basic rights and obligations of citizens before being called up for military service, during military service and being in the reserve;

    main types of military professional activity; features of military service by conscription and contract, alternative civilian service;

    requirements for military service to the level of training of the conscript;

    purpose, structure and tasks of RSChS;

    purpose, structure and tasks of civil defense;

be able to:

    own ways to protect the population from natural and man-made emergencies;

    have skills in the field of civil defense;

    use means of individual and collective protection;

    evaluate the level of their training and exercise conscious self-determination in relation to military service;

use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life for:

    maintaining a healthy lifestyle;

    first aid;

    development in oneself of the spiritual and physical qualities necessary for military service;

    contacting emergency services if needed.


On September 1, 2004, a monstrous terrorist attack took place in Russia, the pain from which will never go away. On Wednesday, September 1, at about 8 am, militants seized secondary school number 1 in Beslan. The terrorists refused to negotiate, mined several rooms of the captured school, and also put a sniper on the roof of the building.

By 12 noon, President of North Ossetia Alexander Dzasokhov and Chairman of the Government of the Republic Mikhail Shatalov arrived at the scene of the tragedy. The terrorists handed over to representatives of law enforcement agencies a videotape and a note in which they stated that they would negotiate only with the presidents of North Ossetia and Ingushetia, as well as doctor Leonid Roshal. Dr. Leonid Roshal flew to Beslan, where he arrived at 20:00.

In order to prevent a possible assault, the militants put children taken hostage in the windows. The terrorists categorically refused to exchange the hostage schoolchildren for two high-ranking republican officials. By 4 p.m., militants in the captured school in Beslan began to threaten to shoot hostages for every killed or wounded bandit.

The telephone conversation that Leonid Roshal maintained with the militants until three in the morning was interrupted. During the negotiations, the terrorists turned down offers to exchange the child hostages for adults and provide them with a corridor for passage to Ingushetia and Chechnya.

The militants once again declared that they would negotiate only with Aslambek Aslakhanov, the presidents of North Ossetia and Ingushetia Alexander Dzasokhov and Murat Zyazikov and children's doctor Leonid Roshal.

On Thursday, the terrorists, who did not put forward any demands, released 26 hostages - women and children.

On September 3, at 7 am, the terrorists holding the hostages in the school building again opened unprovoked fire.

At 13.30, the militants blew up explosive devices previously installed in the captured school at the time of the evacuation of the bodies of the dead by employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. As a result of the explosions, a partial collapse of the roof of the school occurred.

An hour later, shooting from the school building began with renewed vigor. By 15.00, about 100 hostages had been released. Children and adults tried to leave the school building on their own. Terrorists in Beslan shot children in the back and beat them with gun butts.

Federal special forces and local residents began to protect children and began fighting against terrorists.

The battle, which lasted several hours and during which a greater number of militants were destroyed, ended only by 23.30.

On the night of September 4, many victims began to be sent to Moscow hospitals in special mobile hospitals.

At 5 am on September 4, Russian President Putin arrived in Beslan and immediately went to the hospital, where the injured hostages were treated.

As a result of the hostage-taking in Beslan, 338 people were killed and more than 700 were injured.

On September 9, after Russian Prosecutor General Vladimir Ustinov reported to Vladimir Putin on the first results of the investigation into the seizure of the school in Beslan, it became clear that the data again diverge: it is not clear the number of terrorists, the number of hostages, the number of deaths among the hostages, where did the three detained terrorists go, and how many militants fled from the school.

According to the terrorist Shamil Basayev, 33 militants participated in the seizure of the school. He confirmed the information of the Russian special services about the international composition of the gang. According to the letter, the terrorist attack in Beslan was carried out by 12 Chechens and two Chechens, nine Ingush, three Russians, two Arabs and two Ossetians, as well as a Tatar, a Kabardian and a Guran (a representative of one of the ethnic groups of Transbaikalia).

Russian law enforcement agencies claim that Aslan Maskhadov, together with Basayev, was involved in the preparation of the terrorist act in Beslan.

On October 27, the first charges were filed in connection with the Beslan terrorist attack. They were presented to three employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ingushetia and North Ossetia, the policemen were accused of negligence. Other charges were later brought.

Until now, Russian society has a lot of questions and few answers about what happened in Beslan.