Dead souls 8 9 chapter summary. Dead Souls



1. Norms of setting stress (accentological norms).

2. Pronunciation of vowels.

3. Pronunciation of consonant sounds.

4. Features of the pronunciation of foreign words.

1. Orthoepic correctness of speech- this is the observance of the norms of literary pronunciation and stress. Correct placement of stress and correct, exemplary pronunciation are important indicators of the general cultural level of a person. In order for an oral presentation to be successful, it must be expressive, and expressiveness is achieved by competent, clear and clear pronunciation, correct intonation and stress. Let's analyze sequentially main aspects of Russian orthoepy, namely: stress norms, rules for pronunciation of stressed and unstressed vowels, hard and soft, voiced and deaf consonants, rules for pronunciation of individual grammatical forms and words of foreign origin.

Due to the heterogeneity and mobility of stress in the Russian language, there are words with the so-called double stress, or accent options. Some of them are equal. For example: rust and rust, meatballs and meatballs, crispy and sparkling, loop and loop´, pale and , the waves are pale and waves. However, most often the stress variants are characterized as unequal, i.e. one of them is the main (preferred), and the other is acceptable (additional). For example: cottage cheese[add. cottage cheese],satiety[add. ta dosy], otherwise[add. otherwise], phenomenon[add. phenomenon],briefly[add. briefly].

If the dictionary contains two unequal accentological variants without marks, then the main variant is put in the first place, followed by an acceptable, less desirable variant.

There is also the problem of distinguishing between so-called semantic options- pairs of words in which the diversity of stress is intended to distinguish the meaning of words: flour and flour, sharpness and sharpness, cowardice and shake, castle and castle, submerged and immersed etc. These pairs of words are called homographs.

Sometimes the diversity of stress slightly modifies the ending of words that are semantic variants. For example: clear prizes(cry) - conscription(age), developed(about activity) – developed(child), linguistic(about sausage) – linguistic(about the error).

Among the unequal options, one should distinguish stylistic options. These are such pairs of words that, depending on the place of stress, are used in different functional styles of the literary language or narrow areas of communication, or belong to professionalism. In these cases, stylistic variants are accompanied in dictionaries by the corresponding labels: "specialist."(special use) "poetic."(poetic speech) "tech."(technical term) "prof."(professionalism), etc., in contrast to "common use"(common variant). Compare: underbite(generally used) – bite(specialist.), silk(generally used) – silk(poet.), atomic(generally used) – atomic(prof.), compass(common) - compass(for sailors) stroke(generally used) – Advice(honey.).

The unequal options are normative-chronological options. These are m pairs of words in which the variability of stress is associated with the time period of the use of this word in speech. The obsolete, obsolete version is accompanied in dictionaries by a note "outdated". For example: industry(modern) – industry(outdated), Ukrainian(modern) – Ukrainian(outdated), angle(modern) – perspective(outdated), waited(modern) - waited(outdated), visible(modern) – watery(outdated), needed(modern) - need(outdated), apartments(modern) – apartments(outdated).

According to L.I. Skvortsov, in the Russian language, researchers have more than 5 thousand commonly used words in which stress fluctuations are recorded.

Many errors occur in the pronunciation of nouns during their declension. In this regard, we will consider different groups depending on the stability of the place of stress in them.

a) Nouns with a fixed stress on the stem.

In the nouns of this group, the stress always falls on the stem, i.e. does not move to the ending when changing by numbers and cases. In some words, stress fluctuations in the oblique plural forms (*) are acceptable. Typical paradigm: watermelon - watermelon - watermelon - watermelon - about watermelon; watermelons - watermelons - watermelons - watermelons - about watermelons. watermelon, dish, pain, valve, camel, blizzard, elm, diagnosis, diesel*, leisure, soil, bison, drop, pocket, quarter, treasure, club, faucet, minus, area, module, power, industry*, essay, landscape, song, plan, piston*, honor, profit, admixture, profile, mixture, convocation, means, suffix, current, cake, hold, flag, fund, trunk, goal, compasses, caricature, scarf, driver, storm, penalty , tier, yacht.

b) Nouns with fixed stress at the end.

In the nominative singular and/or genitive plural form, some of them may have a null ending, i.e. accent based. Typical paradigm: ox - ox - volya - ox - volum - about will; oxen' - oxen - oxen - oxen - oxen - about oxen. This paradigm includes: luggage, garage, graph, heat, tourniquet, wand, whale, hook, track, almond, walrus, fruit, raft, regiment, belt, line, ruble, sickle, bench, foot, foot, edition, iron, queen, wick, hill, crystal, thorn, jester, shield, tongue, amber, barley.

c) Nouns with mobile stress.

There are 5 types of mobile stress of nouns.

Type 1. Unit - stress on the basis, pl. hours - at the end. doctor - doctor - doctor - doctor - doctor - about the doctor; doctors - doctors - doctors - doctors - about doctors, ball, boron, board, buffer, shaft, fan, monogram, goal, director, circle, camp, order, warrant, district, plow, sail, sable (fur), alcohol, soup, tone, poplar, bargaining, move, chorus , Tea, Wardrobe, Headquarters, Stamp. Exception: on a ball, in a forest, on a shaft, in a circle, on alcohol, in a closet.
Type 2. Unit hours and them. n. pl. - stress on the basis, the rest of the forms - at the end. x mi - about the statement m - the statement statement - the statement - the statement - about the statement; statements - statements - statements, news, wolf, thief, dove, position, share, fraction, beast, stone, root, swan, trifle, news, hoop, perch, guy, plane, story, tablecloth, speed, sable (animal), salt, degree, shadow, third, cane, church, quarter, gap.
Type 3. Unit - accent on the ending, pl. hours - on the basis. widow - widow' - widow - widow - widow - about the widow; widows - widows - widows - widows - about widows, thunderstorm, gum, snake, needle, goat, ring, scythe, sheep, window, horde, wasp, family, sister, orphan, rock, servant, resin, owl, pine, glass, dragonfly, trail, prison.
Type 4. Unit and date., tv., etc. p. pl. h. - stress on the ending, im., genus., wine. plural – on the basis (the scheme of stress movement is unstable). wave - waves´ - wave - wave - wave - about the wave; waves - waves - waves - waves - about waves, furrow, lip, iron, boundary, stripe, earring, frying pan, string. fluctuations: furrow - furrow, stripe - stripe, frying pan - frying pan, waves - waves.
Type 5. Unit h. - stress on the ending (except for wines), pl. – stress on the basis or according to type 4 (the scheme of stress movement is unstable). soul - soul - soul - soul - about the soul; souls - souls - souls - souls - souls or heads - heads - heads - heads - heads, beard, harrow, head, mountain, board, soul, earth, winter, river, back, environment, wall, side, price, cheek. fluctuations: board - board, river - river, boards - boards, Wednesday - Wednesday, walls - walls.

Some prepositions take on the stress, and then the word following it (noun or numeral) is unstressed:

on: coast, water, year, head, two, day, house, soul, winter, leg, nose, night,

arm, back, wall, hundred, side, three, corner, ear, six;

for: hair, year, head, city, two, soul, winter, leg, nose, night arm,

back, one hundred, three, ear, ears, six;

under: mountain, legs, nose, arm;

by: two, two, forest, sea, nose, floor, field, one hundred, three, three, ear;

uz: mind, house, forest, nose;

without:lead, year, sense;

from: year after year, hour after hour;

before: to semi.

Emphasis on adjectives. The least stable accent in short forms of adjectives. These are, as a rule, words with monosyllabic stems without suffixes (or with the simplest ancient suffixes -to-,-n-, partially "absorbed" by the base).

There are three patterns in the movement of stress in these adjectives, which, however, are not always observed, and therefore fluctuations are permissible in some cases.

1) Short feminine form- stress on the ending, in other forms - on the basis. Fluctuations are allowed in the forms of the middle gender and plural (types 1-3).

2) In all forms - stress on the basis. Feminine fluctuations are allowed (type 4).

3) In the short form of the masculine accent based on, in other forms - at the end (type 5).

2. Vibrations in the plural form are allowed (in some cases, the accent is only on the ending *). *, visible, true, important stras, quick, bli, pale poor, heat, dirty, sinful, hungry, good, stupid, harmful delicious *, long thick (longer than necessary), friendly, kind, *, empty, simple, necessary, new, nil, we are greedy, *, modest strong, difficult, fat, thick - hard, cramped, hard, old boring. sty - callous, chi, callous, cold narrow
3. Fluctuations in neuter and plural forms are allowed. ; try tro - hi; hi (far away); short - shorts; far (far) - far; deep - deep high - high. wide - wide
4. Stress on the basis in all forms (in some cases, fluctuations in the stress in the feminine form * are acceptable). brenna, -o, -s; burna*, -o, -s; eternal, -o, -s; domineering*, -o, -s; tna, vnya -o, -s la, ; ya -o, -s; anger*, -o, -s; delna, -o, s; vna, di -o, -s; fractional*, -o, -s; vicious, -o, -s; hot, -o, -s; bka *, zy -oh, -and; multiple, -o, -s; false, -o, -s; bottom*, lu -o, -s; fashion*, -o, -s; padka, -oh, -and; know, svyato -o, -s; tna, hide -o, -s; urgent -o, -s; flax, sti -o, -s; stand*, -oh, -and; passionate*, -o, -s; perishable, -o, -s; shna, hee -o, -s; valuable, -o, -s; rosary, -oh, -and; wonderful, -o, -s (beautiful); na, i -oh, -s.
5. Emphasis on the ending, except for masculine forms. easy, -ó, -ú; mala, ; -o, -s acute, (witty); -o, -s full, ; -o, -s equal, ; -o, -s dark, ; -o, -s heat, ; -o, -s hard, ; -o, -s smart, ; -o, -s drunk, ; -o, -s black, ; -o, -s wide, -ó, -ú (wider than necessary).

Preparation for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language for high school students begins with a repetition of the basic rules, in particular those relating to the placement of stress in nouns. In exam tests, such tasks are number 4. And, although the rules for setting are studied in detail in high school, many high school students need to repeat the basic material. This will help you avoid common mistakes when performing a task.

Information to help you prepare for the exam

    Emphasis in masculine nouns. Emphasis in feminine nouns.

    • In words with the ending -a in the singular in any case, the ending remains stressed. For example, wall, board.
    • In nouns used in the form of the accusative case together with a preposition, there is a shift of stress to the preposition. For example, make preparations for the winter.
    • In words with the suffix -izn, the stress falls on the ending. For example, curvature. There are several exceptions to this. In a number of nouns with the suffix -izn, the stressed vowel in any form remains in the suffix. For example, fatherland, reproach.
    • In words with the suffix -from, the placement of stress depends on the source.

    A) If this is an adjective, then in the singular form the ending will be stressed, and in the plural form - the suffix -ot. For example, beauty-beauty.

    B) In verbal nouns, the stress falls on the suffix and is stored there in any form. For example, hiccup-hiccup.

  1. Stress in masculine nouns.

    • In many monosyllabic words, the stress is fixed, that is, it remains in the same place in any form. For example, bow, syringe.
    • In words with any stem that end in -wire, the last syllable becomes stressed. For example, gas pipeline.
    • If we are talking about nouns that end in -atai, in absolutely all cases the stress will fall on the second a from the end. For example, herald.
    • In borrowed words in -al, the fixed stress in all cases falls on the last syllable. For example, portal.
    • In nouns of foreign origin ending in -men, the last syllable becomes stressed. For example, frontman. The exception here are the words bartender and phenomen.
  2. Stress in neuter nouns.

    • In words with the suffix -eni, the suffix is ​​stressed. For example, burning, solution, section.
    • In a number of neuter words, the stress remains on the same syllable as in the verb from which they were formed. For example, provide - provide.

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For some nouns, the stress always falls on the stem, i.e. does not move to the ending when changing by numbers and cases : watermelon - watermelon - watermelon - about watermelon, watermelons - watermelons - watermelons - about watermelons; suffix - suffix - about suffix, suffixes - suffixes - about suffixes.

For most nouns, the stress is mobile, it moves the stem to the ending and from the ending to the stem (singular and plural). ): doctor - doctors - doctor - doctors - about doctors; wave - waves - wave - waves - on waves.

In the accusative singular of feminine nouns, the stress falls either on the ending or on the stem: spring, country, ash, burrow, pitch; winter, price, cheek, beard.

In indirect cases, nouns can have prepositions with them. Some of these prepositions take on stress, then the word following them is unstressed: downhill, without a trace, by the hair, at night, hour by hour.

Stress in adjectives

The least stable stress is in short forms of adjectives. These are, as a rule, words with monosyllabic stems without suffixes or with suffixes –k-, -n-, often “absorbed” stems.

There are three patterns in the movement of stress in these adjectives, which, however, are not always observed, and therefore fluctuations are permissible in some cases.

1) In the short form of the feminine - the emphasis is on the ending, in other forms - on the basis. Fluctuations are allowed in the forms of the middle gender and plural: young - young - young - young; yuna - yun - yun - yun; narrow - narrow - narrow - narrow; deep - deep - deep.

2) In all forms - stress on the base. Feminine fluctuations are allowed: valuable - valuable - valuable - valuable; eternal - eternal - eternal - eternal.

3) In the short form of the masculine gender, the stress is on the basis, in other forms - on the ending: easy - easy - easy - easy; smart - smart - smart - smart.

The emphasis in the comparative degree of adjectives falls on -ee, if in the short form of the feminine it is at the end: long - longer, smart - smarter. If the stress in the short form of the feminine is on the basis, then in a comparative degree it is on the basis: beautiful - more beautiful, terrible - worse, urgent - more urgent. Exception: efficient - more efficient, ancient - ancient, healthy - healthier (not sick), pink - pinker, predatory - more predatory.

Stress in verbs

In verbs in –ing a more productive version with an I accent. In words that entered the Russian language in the last century, the stress often falls on the last syllable: block, deform, transform; bombard, form, corrugate.

In passive participles formed from these verbs, the stress falls on And, if the participle is formed from the verb on - play, the stress falls on O if the participle is formed from the verb on -ing: copy - copied, costume - costumed, formulate - formulated; seal - sealed, reward - rewarded, equip - equipped.

In verbs call, turn on, raise, hand the emphasis always falls on the ending in all personal forms of the present and future tenses: call - call, call, call; hand over - hand over, hand over, hand over; grow - grow, grow, grow; turn on - turn on, turn on, turn on. These verbs, when combined with prefixes (except for the prefix you-, which, as a rule, takes the stress on itself) and the suffix -sya, usually do not change the place of stress: call, call, call, call back; switch (s), turn off (s), turn on, etc.

In past tense forms, the stress usually falls on the same sound as in the infinitive: walk - walked, walked, walked. If the verb ends in –sti and -who, then the stress in all forms of the past tense falls on the ending (except for verbs with the prefix you-): carry - carried, carried, carried; rake out - raked out, raked out, raked out.

Fluctuations in stress are observed in about 280 verbs. The most frequent in use are: take, be, take, heed, lie, drive, give, live, call, ask, borrow, steal, pour, drink, swim, raise, tear, shine, sleep, etc. and prefixed formations from them. The stress in such verbs in the form of the past tense is placed according to the scheme: take - took, took, took, took; understand - understood, understood, understood, understood.

In reflexive verbs in the neuter and plural forms of the past tense, the stress, as a rule, moves to the last syllable, i.e. to the ending (in contrast to their corresponding irrevocable verbs): spill - spilled, spilled, spilled, spilled cf. spill - spilled, spilled, spilled.

However, most reflexive verbs allow fluctuations in stress in the neuter and plural forms, with the accent on the ending being preferred: to take - to take, to take; to be distributed - was distributed, were distributed; pour - poured, poured.

Emphasis in participles

The least stable is the stress in passive participles, especially in their short forms.

In passive participles with suffixes -t-, -nn-, formed from infinitives into -nut, -ot, -at, -yat, the stress moves one syllable forward: weed - weeded; scoop up - scooped up; stick - stuck.

In passive participles with the suffix -enn-(-enn-) the stress obeys the rule: if in personal forms of the simple future tense the stress falls on the ending, then in participles it, as a rule, falls on the suffix -yonn-:enter - entered; turn on - turned on; litter - littered. With an unstressed personal ending of the verb, the passive participle suffix -enn- is also unstressed: you will feed - fed; you give - gifted; voiced - voiced; anticipate - anticipated; satiate - satiated. However, not in all participles, the stress obeys this rule: change - changed; tilt - tilted, pass - passed.

If the stress in the personal forms of the future simple tense fluctuates, then in the passive participles the stress will also fluctuate: load - load (load) - loaded (loaded); pepper - pepper (pepper) - pepper (pepper).

In short participles formed from passive participles with a stressed suffix -enn-, the stress falls on the suffix in the masculine form, and in other forms it moves to the ending: in love - in love, in love, in love; turned on - turned on, turned on, turned on, turned on.

Participles with an unstressed suffix -enn- in short forms they have the same stress as in full ones: praised - praised, praised, praised, praised; buried - buried, buried, buried, buried.

In short participles formed from full participles that end on - twisted, - given, - lived, - cast, - taken, - perty, - drunk, - chat, - yaty, the stress is preserved on the same syllable as in the full form, except for the feminine form with stress on the ending, in which some verbs allow stress to fluctuate: perceived - perceived, perceived, perceived, perceived; given - given, given, given, given; busy - busy, busy, busy, busy.

In participles from verbs live, pour, drink the accent is mobile and unstable. If the stress fluctuates in the full form of the passive participle, then in the short participle in the forms of masculine, neuter and plural it will also fluctuate: poured - poured, poured, poured, poured; inhabited - inhabited, inhabited, inhabited, inhabited.

In passive participles formed from verbs beat, be, take, lie, drive, tear, wait, call, lie, tear, send, sleep, weave the stress is preserved on the basis in full and short forms: elected - elected, elected, elected, elected, recalled - recalled, recalled, recalled, recalled.

As you can see, in most cases there are no firm norms of stress. Stress is acquired along with the word, it must be remembered and translated into a speech skill. In case of difficulty, refer to the orthoepic dictionary of the Russian language.

Sometimes, to better remember the stress in some words, you can rely on an analogy: monologue - dialogue - catalog - obituary; philanthropist - philanthropy; veterinary - veterinarian; reflex - reflection; concentrate - concentration; provide - provision; information - to become aware; beautiful - more beautiful; kitchen - kitchen; gene - genesis; Ukraine - Ukrainian.

2. Reduces the culture of oral speech not only the wrong placement of stress, but also the wrong pronunciation of words. Here are the basic rules for pronunciation.

Pronunciation of vowels

The strong position for vowel sounds is the position under stress. In an unstressed position, vowels are reduced (subject to qualitative and quantitative changes). A qualitative reduction is a change in the sound of a vowel with the loss of some features of its timbre, for example, pronunciation [vada] instead of [water]. Quantitative reduction is a reduction in the duration and strength of an unstressed vowel. To a lesser extent, the vowels that are in the first pre-stressed syllable, at the absolute beginning and end of the word are reduced, to a greater extent - the vowels of the remaining unstressed syllables.

1. Under stress, the vowel [a] sounds in place of letters a and I (p[a] lets, tʼ[a] nosh); vowel [o] sounds in place of letters about and yo (pl[o] tick, weightʼ[o]ly); vowel [e] sounds in place of letters uh and e ([e] then, vrʼ [e] me); vowel [y] sounds in place of letters at and Yu (n [y] one hundred, lʼ [y] ty); vowel [and] sounds in place of the letter and (h [and] b [and] s, tʼ [and] pʼ [and] ch); vowel [s] sounds in place of the letter s(in[s]wash, on the ts[s]kidneys).

2. In the 1st pre-stressed syllable, as well as at the beginning of a word in place of letters about and a a sound is pronounced similar to [a] under stress, but differing in brevity and a smaller mouth solution ( s[a] close, k[a] role, [a] open, [a] scripture). In other unstressed syllables in place about and a pronounced sound [b] middle between [s] and [a] ( t [b] rakan, cut [b] forces).

3. After h and sch in place of the letter a in the 1st pre-stressed syllable, the sound is pronounced [and e] middle between [i] and [e] ( h [and e] shchoba, sh [and e] vel). In the remaining syllables, [ь] is pronounced, similar to a short weakened [and] ( h[b] owl, sh[b] ordering).

4. After hard hissing w, w, c in the 1st prestressed syllable in place of the letter a pronounced short [a] ( c[a]ri, sh[a]ry); the middle sound between [s] and [e] is pronounced in place of letters a and e(w[s e] fly, w[s e] spit).

5. The vowel [s] is pronounced in place of the letter and after w, w, c (w[s] zn, w[s] roko, c[s] rk); after prepositions ending in a hard consonant ( on [d-s] zboy, and [s-s] india); in the middle of compound words at the junction of a consonant and a vowel ( ped[s]institute).

6. In some words, the vowel sound [o], denoted in writing by the letter yo, mistakenly substitute the stressed vowel [e], and vice versa ( whitish, maneuver, bile; scam, pronominal, guardianship). This is due to the fact that in books, as a rule, instead of a letter yo letter is used e. The pronunciation of such words is determined in dictionary order.

In some cases, the letters e and yo are used to distinguish words by meaning: the past year - bled out; screams like a catechumen - an order announced yesterday; procession - godfather.