Methods for studying professional interests and inclinations. The study of professional interests and inclinations of students in the framework of psychological and pedagogical support of profile education

"Express diagnostics of professional interests and inclinations of students in grades 8-9" is intended for individual and group diagnostics of the motivational, intellectual, emotional and volitional sphere of students in grades 8–9, who are faced with the choice of profession and profile of education.
This methodological recommendation presents an algorithm for conducting group psychological diagnostics in grades 8–9 in order to clarify the profile of further education and provides methods for diagnosing professional interests and inclinations, features of the intellectual, emotional and volitional spheres that are essential for choosing a profession.
The manual is addressed to school psychologists and specialists responsible for career guidance work at school.

Profile education, which is designed to help students make a reasonable and realistic choice of a profession and ways to get it, for all its relevance, does not have sufficient theoretical justification and methodological support. Therefore, the search for effective methods of occupational diagnostics, which cannot be reduced to a single statement of some arbitrarily chosen parameters, is of particular importance, as is happening now.
"Express diagnostics of professional interests and inclinations of students in grades 8-9" fills the gap in the methodological support of the psychological and pedagogical support of the choice of the profile of education and the future profession by students. Its content is made up of domestic and foreign methods, carefully selected, modernized and successfully tested within the framework of events.
national project "Education" (2006-2010).
Methods can be used for individual and group examination of students in grades 8–9 for the purpose of diagnosing:
1) professional interests and inclinations (“Profession choice matrix”, “Profile”, “One of two”);
2) features of thinking ("Intellectual potential test", "Erudite" (modification of the STU method), Bennett's test ("Definition of technical abilities");
3) features of the psycho-emotional and communicative sphere (“Determining the level of anxiety”, “Behavior in conflicts”, “Social intelligence”).
The main point of the methods of psychological diagnostics presented in the methodological manual is to familiarize students with their psychological characteristics and awareness of the information received.
The choice of methods is determined by the goals and objectives of diagnostics, however, in order to narrow the field of choice, it is advisable to start with clarifying professional interests. When choosing methods, the following principles must be observed:

  • excess information or duplication of tests;
  • optimal number of tests;
  • optimal sequence of test presentation.

The principle of excess and overlap of information requires the selection of diverse, but similar in purpose, methods. Thus, the propensity to a certain type of activity can be identified using the “Profession Selection Matrix”, the “One of Two” methodology and the “Profile” methodology.
When examining mental abilities, it is advisable to combine methods for diagnosing verbal and non-verbal intelligence, for example, the P. Rzhichan test of intellectual potential and the Scrabble method.
The principle of the optimal selection of methods is to find a balance between the necessary and sufficient information. By following it, we reduce the time spent on testing, while maintaining its high quality. The optimal sequence of test presentation involves the alternation of questionnaires and drawing techniques, blank and computer forms.
The optimal working time with one technique is 10–15 minutes. It is not recommended to use more than three methods during one group consultation.
The test results are influenced by the psycho-emotional state of a person, his well-being, mood. Therefore, the psychologist must do everything to reduce the stress and anxiety of students. It is necessary to explain to students and their parents the goals of psychological diagnostics and ensure comfortable working conditions: silence, normal temperature and lighting, and the absence of external stimuli.
Compliance with these conditions makes psychological diagnosis more reliable and comfortable. Based on the results of the diagnostics, a certificate is prepared with recommendations for students on choosing a training profile. It is advisable to familiarize parents with the results of this work, the conditions for admission and the specifics of studying in specialized classes. Completed questionnaires, forms and self-diagnosis notebooks are reporting material that must be stored in conditions that exclude access to them by third parties.

  • 6. The problem of psychogenic school maladjustment in primary school age. Types and nature of psychological assistance to younger students.
  • 7. Neoplasms of primary school age.
  • 8. The problem of transition from primary school to adolescence. Readiness for high school education. Types and diagnostics of readiness.
  • 9. General characteristics of adolescence. Theories of adolescence. The problem of the duration of adolescence, the criteria for its beginning and end.
  • 10. The problem of the crisis of adolescence in psychology. Views of psychologists on the causes of the crisis of adolescence.
  • 11. Anatomical and physiological features of adolescence and their significance for mental development.
  • 12. The social situation of a teenager's development. Relationships between adults and adolescents.
  • 13. Leading activity of a teenager.
  • 14. Neoplasms of adolescence and their characteristics.
  • 15. Educational activity of a teenager: reasons for the decline in academic performance.
  • 16. Feeling of adulthood "as an indicator of the main neoplasm of adolescence and as a form of self-consciousness. Forms of manifestation of a sense of adulthood.
  • 17. The role of a new type of communication in adolescence in the formation of self-awareness and self-esteem. Features of the need for communication, self-affirmation and recognition.
  • 18. Friendship among teenagers. Orientation to the norms of collective life.
  • 19. Difficulties in relationships with adults.
  • 20. Development of cognitive processes: conceptual thinking, creative imagination, voluntary attention and memory.
  • 21. Adolescents of the "risk group".
  • 22. Accentuations of character in adolescence.
  • Classification of character accentuations according to A.E. Lichko:
  • 1. Hyperthymic type
  • 2. Cycloid type
  • 3. Labile type
  • 4. Astheno-neurotic type
  • 5. Sensitive type
  • 6. Psychasthenic type
  • 7. Schizoid type
  • 8. Epileptoid type
  • 9. Hysteroid type
  • 10. Unsteady type
  • 11. Conformal type
  • 12. Mixed types
  • 23. General characteristics of adolescence (age limits, social situation of development, leading activities, neoplasms).
  • 24. Features of professional self-determination in adolescence.
  • 25. The social situation of the development of an older student, "the threshold of adulthood."
  • 26. Courtship and love, preparation for marriage and early marriages as a way of self-affirmation in adulthood.
  • 27. Neoplasms of senior school age.
  • 28. Educational activities of an older teenager as preparation for future professional activities.
  • 29. Career guidance system.
  • 30.Methods for determining professional interests, inclinations and special abilities in adolescence.
  • 31. Boys and girls of the "risk group".
  • 32. The concept of acmeology. Different approaches to determining the period of adulthood. General characteristics of the period of maturity.
  • 33. General characteristics of early adulthood. Youth as the initial stage of maturity. The main problems of age.
  • 34. Features of student age.
  • 35. Features of transitional age. Crisis 30 years.
  • 36. The transition to maturity (about 40) as an "explosion in the middle of life." Personal shifts inherent in this age. Change in the hierarchy of motives.
  • 37. Maturity as the pinnacle of a person's life path.
  • 38. Opportunities for learning in adulthood.
  • 39. Causes of manifestation of the next crisis (50-55 years).
  • 40. Old age in the history of mankind. Biological and social criteria and factors of aging.
  • 41. Periodization of aging and the role of the personality factor in the aging process.
  • 42. Attitude towards old age. Psychological readiness for retirement. types of older people.
  • 43. Old age and loneliness. Features of interpersonal relationships in old age.
  • 44. Prevention of aging. The problem of labor activity in old age, its importance for maintaining normal life and longevity.
  • 45. Emotional and creative life of elderly and senile people. The value system of the elderly and its impact on social adaptation.
  • 46. ​​Old people in families and boarding schools. Mental disorders in old age.
  • 30.Methods for determining professional interests, inclinations and special abilities in adolescence.

    To study the professional intentions and professional plans of schoolchildren, such methodological techniques as questionnaires, conversations, essays on the topic of choosing a profession can be used. At the same time, it is necessary to find out whether the student has preferred professions, whether the ways of mastering them are thought out (educational institutions, specific enterprises, etc.), whether there are reserve professional intentions in case the main ones are not realized, etc. It can be assumed that professional intentions are serious if students can answer questions about the content of work, the attractive aspects of the profession, the mode and conditions of work, opportunities for professional growth, etc.

    Professional advice.

    The consultation is built as a process of cooperation between the psychologist and the student. Its success largely depends on whether the psychologist succeeds in establishing a trusting relationship with the student. Any pressure, directive tone, imposing one's opinion is unacceptable. From the very beginning, it is necessary to make it clear to the student that the choice of a profession will only be correct when he is conscious, independent, when he is preceded by painstaking and long-term work on self-knowledge and the study of the world of professions.

    High school students need to consult a psychologist about their professional choice. Depending on the degree of formation of their professional plans, the level of development of abilities and inclinations, the success of their studies, students need different consultations. For some, 2-3 conversations and a brief diagnostic examination are sufficient for the decision to choose a profession to be made (or strengthened) and preparations for it begin. For other schoolchildren, an in-depth examination, multiple consultations with a psychologist are required in order to come to a decision about choosing their life path. In order to decide who needs only prompt help and who needs a lot of attention, the psychologist should begin studying the professional intentions of students no later than the 6th grade. Starting from the 7th grade, individual consultations should be carried out (primarily with those who plan to continue their studies at a vocational school, technical school, etc. after the 8th grade). Schoolchildren striving to graduate from grade X may become the object of closer attention of a psychologist in grades IX-X.

    Prior to the start of individual professional consultations, it is necessary to study the professional intentions of schoolchildren and the level of development of certain abilities in them (for which it is advisable to use group tests). Students who have expressed professional interests and a sufficiently stable professional plan need the help of a psychologist the least. Consultations are held with them only if they independently turn to a psychologist for help, which most often consists in confirming the correctness of the choice made.

    It is necessary to identify their interests and inclinations and determine, at least in the first approximation, the range of professions of interest to them, formulate recommendations for familiarization with them. The psychologist himself will not be able to reveal to the student the full requirements of the profession, but must, relying on the help of parents and teachers, outline a plan for the student to study the professions of interest to him in depth. This plan includes familiarization with literature on professions (including vocational literature), consultations with employees of career guidance centers, participation in excursions, meetings and conversations with professionals, etc. It is very important that the student himself finds out the necessary information about the ways of acquiring a profession , its mode, working conditions and pay, etc. Enriching his knowledge of the profession will contribute to the formation of a more adequate idea not only of the professional activity itself, but also of all the conditions in which it takes place.

    As a result of such work, some students will strengthen their professional plans, and it will be necessary to plan work with them to prepare for the profession, others may change their intentions, therefore, the psychologist will have to return to the previous stage of working with them, analyze interests, inclinations, outline new areas of work and ways to get acquainted with them. In any case, this work is necessary and very useful, as it activates the student, gives him the opportunity to gain experience, an algorithm for familiarizing himself with the profession, and expands his circle of knowledge about the world of professions.

    When students identify certain areas of work for themselves and begin to get acquainted with professions, the psychologist proceeds to psychodiagnostic and corrective work.

    The selection of diagnostic methods should be based on an adequate understanding of the professional activity itself, taking into account its two important aspects - meaningful and dynamic. The first reflects the actual content of the profession in terms of the required knowledge, skills, and goals of the activity. This is expressed in the specific requirements of the profession for the features and level of development of thinking, memory, attention, motor skills, perception, etc., which are formed under the influence of professional activity and are necessary even at the stage of mastering the profession. The second side of professional activity - dynamic - is expressed in the form of certain requirements for the formal-dynamic side of the psyche, that is, for the speed, pace, and strength of the flow of mental processes.

    In each individual case, an in-depth psychodiagnostic examination of a student should be carried out more specifically, based on an understanding of his problem and the results that were obtained at the previous stages of professional consultations. It is not necessary to absolutize the data obtained with the help of methods of psychological diagnostics, to look for a direct way to a profession in them. If no contraindications to the profession are found, if there are no serious "failures" in the development of qualities important for mastering it, it is necessary to outline a plan for self-training, self-education of the student, and the formation of the required abilities in him. Now the task of the psychologist is to help in the implementation of this plan, in organizing control over how the necessary qualities are formed, for which it is necessary to discuss in detail with the student his achievements in preparing for the profession, the difficulties that arise and ways to overcome them.

    If there are serious reasons to doubt whether the level of development of certain abilities, knowledge, skills is sufficient for successful mastery of the profession, then the student discusses the issue of either changing the professional plan, or the need for a very rich and, probably, long-term work to develop the necessary qualities. , mastering the required knowledge (including school subjects). He is offered a system of psychotraining (development of the necessary type of attention, memory, spatial thinking, etc.), recommendations for self-education. These students require especially close attention of a psychologist, strict control over the implementation of the recommendations formulated during professional consultations. Diagnostic and training activities are of great importance for the student's understanding of himself, his resource, the very activity of schoolchildren strengthens their professional intentions.

    A psychophysiological examination can not only reveal contraindications for certain types of professions in individual students, but serve as the basis for recommending to students such a range of professions and work positions that are most consistent with their individual psychophysiological organization. The data of the psychophysiological examination allow the psychologist to formulate recommendations to students on how to take into account their individual characteristics in the period of preparation for the profession and at the initial stage of mastering it, in particular, on the development of an individual style of activity.

    Thus, when conducting a professional consultation in the work of a psychologist, there may be several stages: 1) ascertaining (stating at what stage of the formation of a professional plan the student is); 2) diagnostic (diagnosis of interests, inclinations, abilities, individual psychophysiological characteristics); 3) search (development of a plan for preparing a student for a profession); 4) correctional (development of recommendations for self-education, correction and development of the necessary qualities); 5) consultation itself (development of a strategy and tactics for conducting conversations with a student, their distribution in time, etc.).

    In conversations with schoolchildren during consultations, it is necessary to consistently carry out the idea that in choosing a profession and preparing for it, the role of motivation, perseverance, activity, and independence of the schoolchildren themselves is great. Vocational consultation is a kind of catalyst for the large and often lengthy independent work of the student, which he must carry out - from studying the profession to labor trials in it. In this case, the choice of a profession cannot be considered as a one-time event, which is the result of a psychological examination. It provides for a lot of cognitive work, self-study, to a certain extent, remaking oneself in accordance with what the profession requires from a person.

    In general, all career guidance work should be built in such a way that it turns from diagnostic into developing, formative, diagnostic and corrective. Therefore, all stages of the consultation should serve one goal - to activate the student, to form in him the desire for an independent choice of profession, taking into account the knowledge gained with the help of a psychologist about himself, his abilities and the prospects for their development.

    Accounting for interests and inclinations when choosing a profession. Usually, students with pronounced interests and inclinations have practically no difficulty in choosing a profession, they are guided by the content of work, its process and results.

    Under interest in psychology, the selective orientation of a person to a certain area of ​​​​cognition or activity is understood. Under inclination the need of the individual in a certain activity is understood. Often it is with interest in any type of activity that an inclination to it begins to form.

    The main indicator of the severity of the propensity is the child's desire for a long and systematic engagement in a certain type of activity, which can be expressed in a preferential attitude to certain school subjects, the desire to engage in circles, sections, and devote free time to a favorite business.

    Therefore, even simple observations of the child's school and extracurricular activities, conversations about preferred activities with him, his parents and teachers give the psychologist reason to judge the severity, depth and stability of the student's interest and his inclinations.

    To study the interests of the individual for the purpose of professional consultation, special questionnaires and questionnaires can also be used. For example, manuals for professional consultants provide methods for identifying and evaluating the interests of high school students: the Questionnaire of Interests or its modified versions.

    Often, a psychologist can obtain information about the interests and inclinations of schoolchildren by analyzing library forms, studying lists of books, magazines, and newspapers preferred by students for reading.

    As a rule, with age, the interests of the child from amorphous, indefinite and unstable become more stable, concentrated in certain areas of activity. But this does not always happen. Sometimes in adolescence and adolescence, interests and inclinations are little expressed, sometimes they are so diverse that it is difficult to separate the main, pivotal from secondary, temporary. In this case, the psychologist may be helped by a psychodiagnostic study of the level of development of certain abilities. A high level of development of abilities can be considered as an indicator of a certain predisposition to a certain type of activity, which may serve as evidence of a propensity for it.

    However, data on interests and inclinations alone is clearly not enough to choose a profession, because the same inclinations can be correlated with different professions. For example, a propensity to engage in technology can find expression in the profession of an engineer, and in the work of a machine tool adjuster, and in pedagogical activity in teaching technical disciplines. All these types of activities (working positions within the profession) require a special level of training, certain preferences for working with people or machines, etc. Therefore, further study of the characteristics of interests and inclinations is necessary, which will narrow the range of chosen professions and specializations.

    It must be borne in mind that when diagnosing interests and inclinations, none of the methods should be absolutized. Directed observations of children for a long time (which is available to a school psychologist, unlike a career counselor of a career guidance center), conversations with students, teachers, and parents can provide quite reliable information for planning and building work to enhance professional self-determination.

    Ability diagnostics. In psychology, general and special abilities are distinguished. The former provide mastery of knowledge and skills that a person implements in various activities. Special abilities, on the other hand, are a condition for the successful implementation of certain types of activity, such as musical, mathematical, artistic, pedagogical, etc. Both general and special abilities depend on the conditions of education and training and on natural inclinations.

    To study the abilities, researchers use a variety of techniques: observation, natural and laboratory experiment, analysis of activity products, tests. It should be noted that the diagnosis of artistic, musical, artistic abilities requires the participation of expert experts. As for abilities for other types of activity, the level of their development can be measured using psychodiagnostic methods. It is necessary to be aware that the diagnosis of abilities is a very delicate matter, requiring a high qualification of a psychologist.

    Abilities do not exist in static, they are dynamic, are in the process of development, depend on how the child is trained and brought up. Consequently, any diagnostic test ascertains a "cut" of development, but does not give grounds to build a prognosis on this, especially a long-term one. Any changes in the conditions of life and activity of the subject, his motivation can lead to unpredictable changes in the development of abilities.

    Some tests of intelligence and special abilities can be used to identify the predominant development of certain abilities related to the choice of profession (many intelligence tests have subtests that measure special abilities). So, for example, R. Amthauer's test allows you to get a "test profile" of the subject in three parameters - the severity of humanitarian, mathematical and technical abilities. The STUR test (School test of mental development) helps to determine the severity of abilities in social science, physics, mathematics, and natural sciences. When the area of ​​preferred professions for students is outlined, many tests of special abilities can be used for an in-depth study of the individual psychological characteristics of the student (sensory, motor, technical, and others).

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    Sections: School psychological service , Competition "Presentation for the lesson"

    Presentation for the lesson

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    From the success of the process of professional self-determination of the student depends on his success in school, which directly affects his self-esteem and psychological health. The inability to correctly choose an individual educational trajectory, subjects for passing exams, distribute forces in the study of school subjects leads to overwork and negatively affects the process of educational activity. In order to prevent the occurrence of difficulties in students associated with professional self-determination, the program “Studying the professional interests and inclinations of students” was compiled and implemented. Program hypothesis: targeted early professionalization of education contributes to the most complete development of conscious professional self-determination.

    The main goal of the program.

    The purpose of the proposed program is to create conditions for the formation of an information field, focusing on which each student could build their own professional profile throughout the entire period of study, monitoring the dynamics of students' readiness for professional self-determination.

    Program objectives.

    Achieving the goal ensures the solution of the following tasks:

    • Early study of the personal characteristics of students that influence the choice of a further professional path;
    • Determination of professional preferences, interests, inclinations of students;
    • Determination of the structure of the intellectual development of students in the cycles of school subjects;
    • Providing the results obtained during the psychodiagnostic study to its participants;
    • Getting feedback from program participants;

    In order to have a clearer picture of the components of professional self-determination, it is necessary to have as extensive (qualitatively and quantitatively) and reliable information as possible. The quality of information is achieved by the presence of various methodological research, and the quantity early research and management of the student throughout the entire period of study (starting from elementary school). Thus, program implementation period covers the entire period of study: from the 1st grade, participating in this preventive program, students begin to form ideas about themselves, their professional orientation.

    Stages of program implementation.

    Psychological and pedagogical support of students in the conditions of profiling education is a step-by-step process based on age features, respectively, can be distinguished program implementation stages studying the professional interests and inclinations of students, taking into account their age and psychological characteristics:

    The first stage (grades I-IV) is the study of personal characteristics that influence the choice of a further professional path, the creation of conditions for the formation of interest in professional self-determination.

    The second stage (grades V-VII) is to assist students in understanding their interests, abilities, and social values.

    The third stage (VIII - IX grades) is the development of self-awareness, focused on the formation of a personal choice in schoolchildren of the sphere of their future professional activity, the ability to correlate the choice of the path of continuing education with their real opportunities.

    The fourth stage (grades X-XI) is the clarification of the socio-professional choice in the conditions of the chosen training profile, to which stable inclinations and interest have appeared.

    Stage structure.

    Each stage has a clear structure, starting from preparation for the study, and ending with an individual discussion of the results of psychodiagnostics in accordance with the purpose of the stage, receiving feedback:

    • Preparation for the study (preparation of forms);
    • Psychodiagnostic study of professional interests and inclinations of students;
    • Psychodiagnostic study of the development and structure of the intellect of students;
    • Analysis of the dynamics of the level of readiness for professional self-determination;
    • Processing of the results obtained during the study;
    • Analysis of the received data;
    • Presentation of a general picture of the results of the study (group consultation of students using computer presentations, see Appendix 1.);
    • Individual discussion of the results of psychodiagnostics in accordance with the purpose of the stage, receiving feedback.

    Expected results: formation of a database of students' professional preferences and abilities in order to create conditions for their independent, conscious and adequate choice of further professional education. Development of students' abilities to build their own professional profile throughout the entire period of study. Thus, each student participating in the preventive program “Studying the professional interests and inclinations of students” at the output has a clear idea of ​​​​his professional preferences, interests, abilities, builds his own project of vocational training, in which he himself is an active, acting party.

    Depending on the age of the students and the purpose of the stage, appropriate research methods:

    1. Observation
    2. Poll "I love!"
    3. Drawing test “I am in the future”
    4. ASTUR technique (Modified by Akimova M.K. Borisova E.M….)
    5. SHTUR-2 technique (Modified by Akimova M.K. Borisova E.M...);
    6. GIT technique (Modified by Akimova M.K. Borisova E.M. ...);
    7. Questionnaire of professional preferences (J. Holland);
    8. Map of interests (Golomshtok);
    9. G. Eysenck's personality questionnaire
    10. Differential diagnostic questionnaire (E.A. Klimov).

    Diagnostics of students and group consultations of students and their parents take place in classrooms equipped with desks and chairs, possibly to increase the visibility of the information provided through computer presentation, the presence of an interactive whiteboard.

    Individual counseling based on the results of the diagnosis is carried out in the psychologist's office.

    Consistent formation of a child's knowledge about himself, his professional interests, inclinations, preferences allows to remove a number of problems that arise in secondary school and are associated with self-determination. It is important not only to obtain information about the students, but to familiarize them with the results themselves. That is, according to the results of a psychodiagnostic study, each of the students has the opportunity to receive the necessary consultation. The presentation of the results is advisory in nature.

    A mandatory step in the implementation of the program is filling Individual vocational consultation card, where the results of all diagnostic studies of the child are placed in a compact form. Based on the results of each study, the psychologist conducts a qualitative and quantitative analysis, generates analytical reports, summary tables.

    Parents of students are informed about the process of implementing the program, its goals and objectives, as well as the results ( Parent meeting).

    The implementation of this program is carried out on the basis of the municipal educational institution of the gymnasium No. 77 of the city of Togliatti since 2005 and covers all students of the gymnasium (more than a thousand students). An analysis of the participants' feedback shows that in the process of implementing the preventive program, students develop the ability to independently, consciously and adequately make a choice of further vocational training.

    The main positive points noted by the students can be characterized by referring their statements to such areas as: definition with a learning profile, an individual learning path, the choice of a subject for an exam, the choice of a university, professional definition. A feeling of support during counseling and a desire to be active were especially noted.

    Positive feedback from students is also confirmed by the analysis of the results obtained during the implementation of the program, which implies that as they study, students begin to take the choice of their future profession more seriously and more often correlate their interests with their future professional activities. And starting from the 8th grade, the choice of professional areas and interests is already quite stable.

    Thus, targeted early professionalization of education contributes to the most complete development of conscious professional self-determination.

    Used Books:

    1. Azarova S.G. Stages of professional work at the Lyceum of Arts.// Modern problems of vocational education. Sat. scientific works. - Tolyatti, 1999. - S. 210-213.
    2. Anastasi A. Psychological testing. St. Petersburg: Piter, 2007. - 688 p.
    3. Obukhova L. F. Developmental psychology. Tutorial. - M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2000. - 374 p.
    4. Pryazhnikov N.S. Professional and personal self-determination. - M .: Publishing house "Institute of Practical Psychology", 1996. - 256 p.
    5. Gurevich K.M. Psychological diagnostics. Tutorial. M.: URAO, 1997. - 236 p.