Interregional Competence Center Cheboksary Electromechanical College. Admissions Committee - MCC chemk

Entrance tests are not conducted.
Upon admission to the MCC - CHEMK of the Ministry of Education of Chuvashia, the results of mastering the educational program of the basic general or secondary general education indicated in the submitted documents on education are taken into account.
Profile subjects are
algebra, geometry, physics, computer science and Russian language.

List of documents required when applying:

    Document on education (original or certified copy).

    Copy of passport (pages 2,3,5)

    Photos (4 pieces, size 3x4 cm.)

Applicants have the right to send an application for admission, as well as the necessary documents through public postal operators, as well as in electronic form to e-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.. When sending documents by mail, the applicant attaches to the application for admission photocopies of documents proving his identity and citizenship, as well as a copy of the document on education and 4 photos 3x4.

Applicants have the right to provide the original or a photocopy of documents confirming the results of individual achievements, as well as a copy of the contract about targeted learning, certified by the customer of targeted training, or an uncertified copy of the specified contract with the presentation of its original.

Conditions for admission to study under contracts for the provision of paid educational services (download)

Hostels MCC - CHEMK Ministry of Education of Chuvashia is located at the address: I. Yakovlev Ave., 20. The number of places in hostels allocated for non-resident applicants in 2019 - 120 seats.

Do you want to get a prestigious profession?

MCC - CHEMK Ministry of Education of Chuvashia
offers applicants on the basis of 9th and 11th grades
choose the desired specialty

Hostel provision!

Guaranteed employment in a highly paid job!

For those who wish, an excursion to the modern
Technical Training Center.

Sport sections
  • Light alethic
  • Basketball
  • Mini football
  • Ski base

The medicine

The college has created satisfactory conditions for medical care. In each building, paramedics conduct primary outpatient appointments daily from 8.00 to 16.30, providing emergency medical care if necessary. The medical rooms in the buildings are equipped with all the necessary equipment. Preventive medical examinations and examinations are carried out annually, preventive vaccinations are made. The necessary specialized medical care for students is provided by the Central City Hospital, Polyclinic No. 2, and Children's Polyclinic No. 2 on the basis of an annually renewed contract.

Among the secondary specialized educational institutions of Chuvashia, the Cheboksary Electromechanical College occupies a prominent place. Established in the terrible years of the Great Patriotic War, the college has trained more than 12.5 thousand specialists in electrical apparatus and instrumentation, cold working of metals, maintenance of electronic computers and machine tools with numerical software during its existence. In recent years, specialists have been trained here in the production, installation and commissioning of electrical devices, the operation of electronic computers, marketing and management.

R.I. Golitsyn

A very important issue facing educational institutions today is the revival of the spiritual traditions of Russia with a clear understanding of such concepts as Motherland, Fatherland, Native land, citizen, patriot.
Educational institutions are the place where an important task in educating students remains the assertion of patriotism, pride in our Motherland, our land, readiness to defend it. It is best to carry out work in this direction on concrete examples of the patriotism and heroism of the people, on the fighting and labor traditions of the people, the native land, and the educational institution. Museums of educational institutions play an important role in this, the main task of which is to ensure the continuity of generations, so that the older generation is replaced by such young people who will be able not only to master the experience of older generations, but also enrich it with their own achievements.
In the Cheboksary Electromechanical College, the museum was created in 1999 on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the founding of the college; here, material is collected about the history of the creation of the technical school, about the organization of laboratories and classrooms.