Mfti passing score for the official budget. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University)

The Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology is one of the leading universities in the country, which is included in the rankings of the best universities in the world.Here they teach fundamental and applied physics, mathematics, computer science, chemistry, biology, photonics, computer technology and other natural and exact sciences.

The founders of Phystech were Nobel laureates Pyotr Kapitsa, Lev Landau and Nikolai Semyonov. When creating a new institute, Academician Kapitsa formulated the "Phystech system", which is being implemented at the university to this day and consists in the painstaking selection of talented students, an individual approach to learning and early involvement in scientific research work in basic organizations. There are more than a hundred such organizations at Phystech. Among them are Yandex, Sberbank Technologies, ABBYY and other world's leading research centers and large companies.

Phystech gave the world two Nobel laureates - Andrey Geim and Konstantin Novoselov, three cosmonauts, three ministers for science, Boris Babayan, one of the authors of the architectural principles for building computer systems, and others.

Becoming a physicist means being a member of an unusual community of talented people who achieve success in various fields of science, business and even art thanks to the ability to think systematically and outside the box at the same time.

Learn more about admission on the website of the admissions committee.

I want to enter MIPT. What should I do?

What specialties are taught at Fiztekh?

In 2017, admission will be carried out in four areas of training (specialties), in which there are 16 competitive groups. The first specialty is Applied Mathematics and Physics (9 groups), the second is Applied Mathematics and Informatics (4 groups), the third is System Analysis and Control (2 groups) and the fourth is Computer Security (1 group).

Competitive group

Entrance tests (in order of priority)

Olympiad profiles

1. FRCT Mathematics and Physics

2. FFPF Mathematics and Physics

3. FACT Mathematics and physics

4. FEFM Mathematics and Physics

5. FPMI Mathematics and Physics

6. FBMF Mathematics and Physics



Russian language





7. FEFM Mathematics and Chemistry

8. FBMF Mathematics and Chemistry



Russian language



9. Foreign citizens entering paid places (mathematics and physics)


Russian language

10. FACT Mathematics and computer science

11. FPMI Mathematics and Informatics

12. FBMF Mathematics and Informatics



Russian language



13. Foreign citizens entering paid places (mathematics and computer science)


Russian language

14. FACT System analysis and management



Russian language



15. FACT System analysis and management together with RANEPA



Russian language



16. FRCT Computer Security



Russian language



At what minimum scores can I apply for Phystech?

50 points in Russian, 65 points in mathematics, chemistry, physics or computer science. If you have less than the specified number of points, then your applications for competition groups where these items are used will not be accepted. If you have higher scores in all subjects, feel free to apply. Please note that the presence of the indicated points does not guarantee admission, but only allows you to participate in the competition for admission. To predict your chances of entering the chosen direction, we recommend focusing on past years and on the direction. Here are the average scores for the subjects, which means that if your results are slightly lower, you can still qualify for admission. Passing points are determined only by the results of the competition after the issuance of the last order for enrollment. Until this moment, no one can name the exact passing score - the selection committee can only predict it.

How many areas can I apply for?

No more than three areas of training (specialty). The number of competitive groups within one direction is not limited.

I became the winner of the Olympiad. How can I calculate my result?

All Olympiads can be classified into three categories: the first is the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, the second is the Olympiads of the Russian Council of Olympiads for Schoolchildren (RSOS), and the third is the rest of the Olympiads that did not fall into the first two categories. The olympiads of the RSOS include olympiads, the list of which is approved annually by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Olympiads of all categories can give additional points as individual achievements, read more at .

The All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren and part of the RSOSH Olympiads provide more significant benefits for admission - 100 points in a subject or admission without entrance examinations (BVI).

The All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in specialized subjects - mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science and astronomy (for physics) - gives the right to enter the BVI in areas of training (specialty), which take into account these general subjects, but the Olympiad in the Russian language gives the right to get 100 points in Russian language.

All RSOS Olympiads in each academic year have a certain level (from 1 to 3). Depending on the level of the Olympiad, it gives a corresponding benefit. The list of Olympiads indicating the level depending on the year of obtaining the result, as well as the benefits provided depending on the level of the Olympiad, the result and the subject can be found on the page.

Please note that the results of the All-Russian Olympiad are taken into account only from the final stage, regardless of the class in which the applicant studied, confirmation of the USE results is not required. The results of the RSOS Olympiads must be confirmed by the presence of the USE result in the relevant subject of 75 points and above, only the results that were obtained by the applicant in the 11th grade are taken into account.

Benefits for Olympiads have been in effect since 2013, Olympiads for the last 3 years are taken into account as individual achievements.

How many state-funded places are there at Phystech?

The number of budget and paid places is indicated in the table below. If a special quota (disabled people, orphans, etc.) remains empty, they move to the main places. Each year, in total, they occupy no more than twenty places according to a special quota.

Budget places

Paid places

Competitive group

Special quota

Main places

03.03.01 Applied mathematics and physics

FRCT Mathematics and Physics

FFPF Mathematics and Physics

FACT Mathematics and Physics

FEFM Mathematics and Physics

FPMI Mathematics and Physics

FBMF Mathematics and Physics

FEFM Mathematics and Chemistry

FBMF Mathematics and Chemistry

Foreign citizens entering

paid places (mathematics and physics)




01.03.02 Applied mathematics and informatics

FACT Mathematics and computer science

FPMI Mathematics and Informatics

FBMF Mathematics and Informatics

Foreign citizens entering paid places (mathematics and computer science)

27.03.03 System analysis and management

FACT Systems analysis and management

FACT System analysis and management together with RANEPA

10.05.01 Computer security

FRCT Computer Security

With one benefit to one university?

If you belong to one of the categories of people who are granted first-level benefits (BVI, a special quota), then you can exercise your right only in one university, and enter other educational institutions - according to a general competition. Moreover, you can use this benefit only once (when applying for one direction at one university). If you have a privilege of the second level (100 points in a subject), then it can be used without restrictions (five universities, three areas of study in each).

How to pass an interview?

Each applicant to MIPT is invited to an interview procedure. Representatives of the directorate of the educational unit, dean's office, administration, basic and institute departments are present at the interview. In a word, all those people with whom you will encounter in the event of your enrollment. The main task of the interview is to understand what the applicant is like, what he is fond of, what he would like to do at the institute, to help determine the choice of the direction of training and faculty. Each faculty has its own characteristics. They can either ask a question about the literature or the subject of the chosen faculty, or give a small problem to solve.

Tell at the interview why you are interested in Phystech, the chosen direction, show your willingness to study here. By the way, do not forget to bring to the interview all the certificates and diplomas that you have. Even if it is a diploma from a music or art school.

A big plus of the interview is that they will evaluate your chances of admission. If they say that they are glad to see you at the faculty, then this is a very good sign! Almost everyone who was promised admission at the interview of the first stream was taken to the institute. This means that already in mid-July you can be 99% sure of your enrollment.

Is it possible to apply for Phystech in absentia?

Yes, you can send your documents by mail. However, experience shows that sometimes it may turn out that your application will not be accepted at all (in case of incorrect filling). In addition, the decision about such applicants is made solely on the basis of the data that will be indicated in the letter. As you understand, through personal communication you can get much more information about a person.

Applicants who send documents by mail usually do not pass the interview. They get acquainted with all the achievements on the basis of those papers that appeared in the letter. If suddenly the dean's office has a question, he will call and talk to you on the phone.

What are streams? Is it the same as the enrollment stages?

At MIPT, the submission of documents is divided into two streams. The first stream includes those who submit documents before the first interview on July 12, 2017. The second stream includes those who submit documents after the first interview or send them by mail and those who have yet to take internal entrance exams. From a legal point of view, both streams are equal.

There are several stages of enrollment. The zero stage is the enrollment of applicants who enter according to a special and target quota, BVI. The order comes out July 29th. The first stage of enrollment in the general competition includes admission to 80% of the places remaining after the zero stage. The order comes out August 3rd. And, finally, the second stage of enrollment is carried out for all the remaining places, the order is issued on August 8 - after this day there are no budget places left.

How long to wait for results?

So, you have applied and passed the interview. Now it remains to wait. On July 27, a complete list of applicants who have submitted documents and participate in the competition is posted. Absolutely everyone will be on this list, except for those who did not cope with the entrance exams.

Every day the situation changes: some applicants bring certificates, some take them away, changes are made to the enrollment priorities. You can clarify your position and get advice on how to act correctly in the directorate of the educational unit that you are considering for admission.

The enrollment steps are discussed in detail above.

Can I apply for paid education?

Yes, the cost of education this year will be 250 thousand rubles a year. You can apply for paid training immediately upon submission of documents for the budget. If you didn’t do this right away, then you can add an application for a paid one even after the deadline for accepting documents for the budget, the deadline is August 6.

To enroll in a paid place, you must conclude an agreement on paid education and coordinate it with the leadership of the educational unit in which you are enrolling. Each year, the admission committee sets the minimum score required for admission to a paid place. Usually it is at least 210-220 points.

Can I apply to MIPT for part-time studies?

The creation of Phystech schools is, first of all, a revision of priority areas, their clarification, consolidation of resources, organization of the educational and scientific process according to modern standards.

One of the main recent trends is a multidisciplinary approach. The classical system of faculties to some extent has exhausted itself. Today, no research can be done within the framework of only one laboratory or direction. Any modern problem is solved at the intersection of several technologies, scientific directions and areas. The purpose of Phystech schools is to make the structure more open and transparent, to build a flexible educational process in order to solve global scientific problems. This system gives the student more freedom. Entering the Phystech School, he is not limited to choosing only a faculty with a certain set of disciplines. At the School, a student can choose subjects of interest to himself at different faculties and almost any basic department.

An educational environment is being created that can meet the needs for new specialists, whose educational opportunities are currently limited not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Since 2017, applicants have been enrolled in Schools according to directions and then distributed by faculties. Already from the first year, they begin to participate in real, relevant scientific research in order to understand the process from the inside and choose the area of ​​interest. As part of the Schools, it is planned to “link” laboratories and faculties as much as possible. Such a construction will accumulate the best achievements of these - until now separately existing - divisions and create conditions for their close interaction. Coordination of their work will allow achieving significant educational results, as well as attracting investments for research and development. Leading experts and scientists will be involved in teaching activities. The base organizations, which previously belonged to the two faculties, will be open to the choice of all students of the School.

How to come to Phystech?

From the Savelovskaya or Timiryazevskaya metro stations, you can take a commuter train from Moscow (except for the Aeroexpress trains). If the train stops at Novodachnaya station, you need to get off the first car, cross the tracks and walk in the direction of the train along the track to the campus (5-7 minutes).

If the train does not stop at Novodachnaya station, you need to get off at Dolgoprudnaya station from the center of the train, cross the tracks and walk along Pervomaiskaya Street against the train to the campus (10–12 minutes).

Accounting for individual achievements of applicants upon admission
in 2017

When applying for undergraduate and specialist programs, the University awards points for the following individual achievements:

For the presence of a certificate of secondary general education with honors or a certificate of secondary general education (secondary (complete) general education), containing information on awarding a gold or silver medal, a diploma of secondary vocational education with honors, 2 points are added.

For individual achievements when participating in olympiads and other intellectual competitions and competitions for schoolchildren, points are added according to Table 1. The applicant's achievements for the past three years prior to admission are taken into account, unless otherwise indicated in the table, provided that they are not used to obtain special rights.

For individual achievements when participating in sports and creative competitions and competitions of schoolchildren, points are added according to Table 2, the applicant's achievements are taken into account for the entire time elapsed until the moment of admission, unless otherwise indicated in the table.

The total score for individual achievements cannot exceed 10 points.

Table 1. Table of accounting for intellectual individual achievements

Event Conditions for adding points
Tournament for schoolchildren in experimental physics "The best experimenter of Naukograd" (regional stage) Winners - 2 points, prize winners - 1 point.
International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) Participants - 10 points.
International Physics Olympiad (IPhO) Participants - 10 points.
International Olympiad in Astronomy and Astrophysics (IOAA) Participants - 10 points.
International Astronomy Olympiad (IAO) Participants - 10 points.
International Physics Olympiad "Romanian Masters" Participants - 10 points.
International Olympiad in Mathematics "Romanian Masters" Participants - 10 points.
International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) Participants - 10 points.
International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO) Participants - 10 points.
International Space Olympiad in Mathematics, Physics and Informatics in Korolev Winners - 3 points, prize-winners - 2 points
International Olympiad in Experimental Physics (IEPhO)
Moscow Physics and Mathematics Olympiad MIPT Provided that the special rights obtained as a result of participation in the subsequent final stages of the Physics and Technology Olympiad in mathematics and physics are not used (regardless of the presence of other qualifying stages), the winners - 3 points, prize-winners - 2 points.
International Junior Natural Science Olympiad in Physics, Biology and Chemistry (IJSO) 10 points for winners, 9 points for 2nd place winners, 8 points for 3rd place winners.
MIPT Physics and Mathematics Olympiad Provided that the special rights obtained as a result of participation in the subsequent final stages of the Physics and Technology Olympiad in mathematics and physics are not used (regardless of the presence of other qualifying stages), winners - 2 points, prize-winners - 1 point.
International Zhautykov Olympiad in Mathematics, Physics and Informatics Winners - 8 points, prize-winners of the II degree - 7 points, prize-winners of the III degree - 6 points
National Olympiads for schoolchildren of the IV stage (final stage) in mathematics, physics, astronomy, computer science or chemistry
National Olympiads for schoolchildren of the IV stage (final stage) in biology Upon admission within the framework of the competition groups “FBMF and INBIKST Mathematics and Physics” and “FBMF and INBIKST Mathematics and Chemistry”, winners and prize-winners are given 10 points. When entering within other competitive groups, the winners are given 4 points, the prize-winners - 3 points.
National Olympiads for schoolchildren of the III stage (regional stage) in mathematics or physics or astronomy or computer science or chemistry or biology Upon admission within all competitive groups, winners in mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science are given 7 points, prize-winners in mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science of the II degree - 5 points, winners in mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science of the III degree - 3 points. When entering within the competition groups “FBMF and INBIKST Mathematics and Physics” and “FBMF and INBIKST Mathematics and Chemistry”, winners in biology are given 7 points, winners of the II degree - 5 points, winners of the III degree - 3 points. When entering within other competitive groups, winners in biology are given 2 points, prize-winners in biology - 1 point.
Open competitions within the framework of training in the Winter Computer School (WCC) for schoolchildren in the city of Dolgoprudny
Open competitions within the framework of training at the Summer School "Combinatorics and Algorithms" Winners - 5 points, prize-winners of the II degree - 4 points, prize-winners of the III degree - 3 points.
Olympiads for schoolchildren of the first level in mathematics or physics or computer science or chemistry or biology included in the approved list of Olympiads for schoolchildren in the 2014/15 or 2015/16 or 2016/17 academic year (provided that special rights are not used) Upon admission within all competitive groups, winners in mathematics, physics, computer science are given 8 points, winners in mathematics, physics, computer science - 6 points. Upon admission within the framework of the competition groups "FBMF and INBIKST Mathematics and Physics" and "FBMF and INBIKST Mathematics and Chemistry", winners in chemistry and biology are given 8 points, winners in chemistry and biology - 6 points. When entering other competitive groups, winners in chemistry are given 6 points, prize-winners - 4 points, winners in biology - 2 points, prize-winners - 1 point.
Olympiads for schoolchildren of the second level in mathematics or physics or computer science or chemistry or biology included in the approved list of Olympiads for schoolchildren in the 2014/15 or 2015/16 or 2016/17 academic year (provided that special rights are not used) Upon admission within all competitive groups, winners in mathematics, physics, computer science are given 6 points, winners in mathematics, physics, computer science - 4 points. Upon admission within the framework of the competition groups "FBMF and INBIKST Mathematics and Physics" and "FBMF and INBIKST Mathematics and Chemistry", winners in chemistry and biology are given 6 points, winners in chemistry and biology - 4 points. When entering within other competitive groups, winners in chemistry are given 4 points, winners in chemistry - 2 points, winners and prize-winners in biology - 1 point.
Graduate of Correspondence School of Physics and Technology (ZFTSH) For the end of ZFTSH 4 points are added. For the presence of grades "excellent" in the subjects in the certificate of completion of the ZFTSH, an additional 1 point is added for each subject with this grade. For a certificate with honors (red), an additional 2 points are added.
Speech at the scientific-technical and scientific-practical conference of schoolchildren "Start in science" (except for the section of pedagogy, economics and management) For a diploma of I, II or III degree - respectively, 4, 3 or 2 points, for a diploma of a laureate - 6 points.
Participation in the work of the Minor Academy of Sciences (MAS) in the natural sciences For a certificate of a full member of the Minor Academy of Sciences (MAS), 8 points are added.
Open Chemistry Olympiad for schoolchildren 2015/16 and 2016/17 academic year (provided that special rights are not used) Winners - 8 points, prize-winners - 6 points.
Robotics Olympiad Roboton.MiR Winners - 10 points, prize-winners - 8 points.
Olympiad "Phystech.International" Winners - 6 points, prize-winners - 4 points.
Open competitions within the framework of the engineering physics school "LYS-2" Depending on the assigned status: bronze - 1 point, silver - 3 points, gold - 6 points, platinum - 10 points.
Open competitions within the spring online school "Combinatorics and Geometry"
Open competitions within the framework of the project shift “We Benefit from the Big Data” Winners - 5 points, prize-winners of the II degree - 4 points, prize-winners of the III degree - 3 points.
International Mendeleev Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Chemistry Winners and runners up - 10 points.
Integrated professional exam (competition) (Pre-professional exam) Winners and prize-winners (who received a score of 60 points or more) - 2 points.
International championship "SPHERE" for programming robotic devices Diploma for active participation in the championship final - 3 points.
Moscow Olympiad for schoolchildren (engineering Olympiad) (Moscow pre-professional Olympiad for schoolchildren) Winners - 5 points, prize-winners - 3 points.

Table 2. Table of records of sports and creative individual achievements

Achievement Conditions for adding points
Holder of champion status based on the results of participation in sports competitions, participant in international sports competitions, winner and / or prize-winner of national sports competitions, holder of sports titles and / or categories. If you have the sports title "Grandmaster of Russia", 4 points are added. In the presence of one of the categories (except the 4th), a colored belt in martial arts, the title of "Candidate for Master of Sports" or "Master of Sports", 2 points are added.
The owner of the badge "Ready for labor and defense" In the presence of a gold badge received for the results of passing the norms of the sports complex "Ready for work and defense", 1 point is added.
Music school, music school, art school For graduation from school or college - 2 points.
Student of this university: I think that subscribers can be conditionally divided into those who have not heard about MIPT at all, and those who have heard, but think that it is very difficult there. There is still a thin layer of people who are convinced and convincing that it is not worth going there for various reasons. Basically, such an opinion can be spread by students, schoolchildren, to whom the teachers explained that it is better to go to Moscow State University.
In general, MIPT is the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. The main educational buildings are located in the city of Dolgoprudny (Moscow region). However, in 20 minutes you can always get to Timiryazevskaya, so the remoteness does not scare students much.
And you don't even have to travel to the capital. Educational buildings stand apart in Dolgoprudny, hostels, a swimming pool, a stadium and a clinic are located across the road.
Couples start at 9:00 and end at 8:00. On average, students have 4-5 pairs per day. Freshmen do not study on Saturdays, sophomores on Mondays. There is no such thing as a long lunch break at MIPT. As a rule, the problem is solved by breaking into one pair. At this time, students living in a hostel can safely walk either to the dining room (there are many of them) or to their room and eat in peace. The hostel is given to all non-residents and partially Muscovites.
Hostels are different. Basically, 4 people live in the first courses, corridor type. Facilities on the floor. There is only one shower for the whole hostel. There are several block-type dormitories, where the conditions correspond to the name.
Studying at MIPT is not difficult, the main thing is to keep the desire to do it. Control is sparse but abundant. In each semester, the student receives a worksheet, where he sees what tasks he must solve. For convenience, they are divided into weeks. A month later, the task drawn up in notebooks is handed over to the seminarian, who can ask any task. All this work is taken into account when setting the final grade.
As a rule, it is not those who experience difficulties, but those who do nothing during the semester that leave the MIPT. There are unique people who manage to learn everything at the session. True, others, looking at them during the semester, cannot quickly learn anything and roll down to retake.
Partly, in MIPT you can change your own schedule. For example, moving from seminarian to seminarian, choosing your specialization in physical education, choosing which humanitarian course to attend.
Extracurricular activities are represented by various sports sections, self-development circles, chamber choir, dances, volunteer activities, and work with applicants. In general, there are a lot of opportunities for development. For students, free access to the local pool is possible.
The easiest way to enter MIPT is through the Physics and Technology Olympiad, for which it is easy to prepare by solving the options of previous years. Other olympiads are also accepted. Of course, you can enter the exam. The entrance fee for the main direction - Applied Mathematics and Physics - about 276 points (for the Budget). However, it is almost impossible to get into more prestigious faculties with such scores.

I want to enter MIPT. What should I do?

What specialties are taught at Fiztekh?

In 2017, admission will be carried out in four areas of training (specialties), in which there are 16 competitive groups. The first specialty is Applied Mathematics and Physics (9 groups), the second is Applied Mathematics and Informatics (4 groups), the third is System Analysis and Control (2 groups) and the fourth is Computer Security (1 group).

Competitive group

Entrance tests (in order of priority)

Olympiad profiles

1. FRCT Mathematics and Physics

2. FFPF Mathematics and Physics

3. FACT Mathematics and physics

4. FEFM Mathematics and Physics

5. FPMI Mathematics and Physics

6. FBMF Mathematics and Physics


Russian language




7. FEFM Mathematics and Chemistry

8. FBMF Mathematics and Chemistry


Russian language


9. Foreign citizens entering paid places (mathematics and physics)


Russian language

10. FACT Mathematics and computer science

11. FPMI Mathematics and Informatics

12. FBMF Mathematics and Informatics



Russian language



13. Foreign citizens entering paid places (mathematics and computer science)


Russian language

14. FACT System analysis and management



Russian language



15. FACT System analysis and management together with RANEPA


Russian language


16. FRCT Computer Security


Russian language


At what minimum scores can I apply for Phystech?

50 points in Russian, 65 points in mathematics, chemistry, physics or computer science. If you have less than the specified number of points, then your applications for competition groups where these items are used will not be accepted. If you have higher scores in all subjects, feel free to apply. Please note that the presence of the indicated points does not guarantee admission, but only allows you to participate in the competition for admission. To predict your chances of entering the chosen direction, we recommend focusing on the scores of previous years and the number of places in the direction. Here are the average scores for the subjects, which means that if your results are slightly lower, you can still qualify for admission. Passing points are determined only by the results of the competition after the issuance of the last order for enrollment. Until this moment, no one can name the exact passing score - the selection committee can only predict it.

How many areas can I apply for?

No more than three areas of training (specialty). The number of competitive groups within one direction is not limited.

I became the winner of the Olympiad. How can I calculate my result?

All Olympiads can be classified into three categories: the first is the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, the second is the Olympiads of the Russian Council of Olympiads for Schoolchildren (RSOS), and the third is the rest of the Olympiads that did not fall into the first two categories. The olympiads of the RSOS include olympiads, the list of which is approved annually by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Olympiads of all categories can give additional points as individual achievements, for more details follow the link.

The All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren and part of the RSOSH Olympiads provide more significant benefits for admission - 100 points in a subject or admission without entrance examinations (BVI).

The All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in specialized subjects - mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science and astronomy (for physics) - gives the right to enter the BVI in areas of training (specialty), which take into account these general subjects, but in the Russian language Olympiad it gives the right to get 100 points In Russian.

All RSOS Olympiads in each academic year have a certain level (from 1 to 3). Depending on the level of the Olympiad, it gives a corresponding benefit. The list of Olympiads indicating the level depending on the year of receipt of the result, as well as the benefits provided depending on the level of the Olympiad, the result and the subject can be found on the page of the selection committee.

Please note that the results of the All-Russian Olympiad are taken into account only from the final stage, regardless of the class in which the applicant studied, confirmation of the USE results is not required. The results of the RSOS Olympiads must be confirmed by the presence of the USE result in the relevant subject of 75 points and above, only the results that were obtained by the applicant in the 11th grade are taken into account.

Benefits for Olympiads have been in effect since 2013, Olympiads for the last 3 years are taken into account as individual achievements.

How many state-funded places are there at Phystech?

The number of budget and paid places is indicated in the table below. If a special quota (disabled people, orphans, etc.) remains empty, they move to the main places. Each year, in total, they occupy no more than twenty places according to a special quota.

Budget places

Paid places

Competitive group

Special quota

Main places

03.03.01 Applied mathematics and physics

FRCT Mathematics and Physics

FFPF Mathematics and Physics

FACT Mathematics and Physics

FEFM Mathematics and Physics

FPMI Mathematics and Physics

FBMF Mathematics and Physics

FEFM Mathematics and Chemistry

FBMF Mathematics and Chemistry

Foreign citizens entering

paid places (mathematics and physics)

01.03.02 Applied mathematics and informatics

FACT Mathematics and computer science

FPMI Mathematics and Informatics

FBMF Mathematics and Informatics

Foreign citizens entering paid places (mathematics and computer science)

27.03.03 System analysis and management

FACT Systems analysis and management

FACT System analysis and management together with RANEPA

10.05.01 Computer security

FRCT Computer Security

With one benefit to one university?

If you belong to one of the categories of people who are granted first-level benefits (BVI, a special quota), then you can exercise your right only in one university, and enter other educational institutions - according to a general competition. Moreover, you can use this benefit only once (when applying for one direction at one university). If you have a privilege of the second level (100 points in a subject), then it can be used without restrictions (five universities, three areas of study in each).

How to pass an interview?

Each applicant to MIPT is invited to an interview procedure. Representatives of the directorate of the educational unit, dean's office, administration, basic and institute departments are present at the interview. In a word, all those people with whom you will encounter in the event of your enrollment. The main task of the interview is to understand what the applicant is like, what he is fond of, what he would like to do at the institute, to help determine the choice of the direction of training and faculty. Each faculty has its own characteristics. They can either ask a question about the literature or the subject of the chosen faculty, or give a small problem to solve.

Tell at the interview why you are interested in Phystech, the chosen direction, show your willingness to study here. By the way, do not forget to bring to the interview all the certificates and diplomas that you have. Even if it is a diploma from a music or art school.

A big plus of the interview is that they will evaluate your chances of admission. If they say that they are glad to see you at the faculty, then this is a very good sign! Almost everyone who was promised admission at the interview of the first stream was taken to the institute. This means that already in mid-July you can be 99% sure of your enrollment.

Is it possible to apply for Phystech in absentia?

Yes, you can send your documents by mail. However, experience shows that sometimes it may turn out that your application will not be accepted at all (in case of incorrect filling). In addition, the decision about such applicants is made solely on the basis of the data that will be indicated in the letter. As you understand, through personal communication you can get much more information about a person.

Applicants who send documents by mail usually do not pass the interview. They get acquainted with all the achievements on the basis of those papers that appeared in the letter. If suddenly the dean's office has a question, he will call and talk to you on the phone.

What are streams? Is it the same as the enrollment stages?

At MIPT, the submission of documents is divided into two streams. The first stream includes those who submit documents before the first interview on July 12, 2017. The second stream includes those who submit documents after the first interview or send them by mail and those who have yet to take internal entrance exams. From a legal point of view, both streams are equal.

There are several stages of enrollment. The zero stage is the enrollment of applicants who enter according to a special and target quota, BVI. The order comes out July 29th. The first stage of enrollment in the general competition includes admission to 80% of the places remaining after the zero stage. The order comes out August 3rd. And, finally, the second stage of enrollment is carried out for all the remaining places, the order is issued on August 8 - after this day there are no budget places left.

How long to wait for results?

So, you have applied and passed the interview. Now it remains to wait. On July 27, a complete list of applicants who have submitted documents and participate in the competition is posted. Absolutely everyone will be on this list, except for those who did not cope with the entrance exams.

Every day the situation changes: some applicants bring certificates, some take them away, changes are made to the enrollment priorities. You can clarify your position and get advice on how to act correctly in the directorate of the educational unit that you are considering for admission.

The enrollment steps are discussed in detail above.

Can I apply for paid education?

Yes, the cost of education this year will be 250 thousand rubles a year. You can apply for paid training immediately upon submission of documents for the budget. If you didn’t do this right away, then you can add an application for a paid one even after the deadline for accepting documents for the budget, the deadline is August 6.

To enroll in a paid place, you must conclude an agreement on paid education and coordinate it with the leadership of the educational unit in which you are enrolling. Each year, the admission committee sets the minimum score required for admission to a paid place. Usually it is at least 210-220 points.

Can I apply to MIPT for part-time studies?

There is no part-time or evening form of education at Phystech, only full-time.

Some schools appeared at the Phystech this year. Does this mean there are no more faculties?

Ten faculties were included in six schools, and one became a separate structural unit - an institute.

1. Phystech School of Radio Engineering and Computer Technologies (FRCT)

Faculty of radio engineering and cybernetics. Director - Alexander Yulievich Drozdov, Head of the Laboratory for Modeling and Designing Architectures of Special Computer Systems at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, General Director of SMWare. 2. Phystech School of Fundamental and Applied Physics (FFPF) Faculty of General and Applied Physics. Faculty of Problems of Physics and Energy. Director - Valery V. Kiselev, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical Physics, Chief Researcher of the Institute for High Energy Physics, Dean of the FSPF since 2016. 3. Phystech School of Aerospace Technologies (FACT) Faculty of Aerophysics and Space Research. Faculty of Aeromechanics and Aircraft Engineering. Director - Alexander Vyacheslavovich Rodin, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Researcher at the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Infrared Spectroscopy of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology from the Russian side, Deputy Dean of the FPFE. 4. Phystech School of Electronics, Photonics and Molecular Physics (FEFM) Faculty of Molecular and Chemical Physics. Faculty of Physical and Quantum Electronics. Director - Viktor Vladimirovich Ivanov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, General Director of the Metrological Center in the RUSNANO group, Dean of the FFKE since 2013. 5. Phystech School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics (FPMI) Faculty of Control and Applied Mathematics. Faculty of innovations and high technologies. Director - Andrey Mikhailovich Raigorodsky, Ph.D. 6. Phystech School of Biological and Medical Physics (FBMF) Faculty of Biological and Medical Physics. Director - Sergey Viktorovich Leonov, PhD, Head of the Laboratory for the Development of Innovative Medicines and Agrobiotechnologies of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Institute of Nano-, Bio-, Information, Cognitive and Socio-Humanitarian Sciences and Technologies (INBIKST) on the basis of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and the National Research Center "". Director - Pavel Konstantinovich Kashkarov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Assistant to the President of the Research Center "".

The creation of Phystech schools is, first of all, a revision of priority areas, their clarification, consolidation of resources, organization of the educational and scientific process according to modern standards.

One of the main recent trends is a multidisciplinary approach. The classical system of faculties to some extent has exhausted itself. Today, no research can be done within the framework of only one laboratory or direction. Any modern problem is solved at the intersection of several technologies, scientific directions and areas. The purpose of Phystech schools is to make the structure more open and transparent, to build a flexible educational process in order to solve global scientific problems. This system gives the student more freedom. Entering the Phystech School, he is not limited to choosing only a faculty with a certain set of disciplines. At the School, a student can choose subjects of interest to himself at different faculties and almost any basic department.

An educational environment is being created that can meet the needs for new specialists, whose educational opportunities are currently limited not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Since 2017, applicants have been enrolled in Schools according to directions and then distributed by faculties. Already from the first year, they begin to participate in real, relevant scientific research in order to understand the process from the inside and choose the area of ​​interest. As part of the Schools, it is planned to “link” laboratories and faculties as much as possible. Such a construction will accumulate the best achievements of these - until now separately existing - divisions and create conditions for their close interaction. Coordination of their work will allow achieving significant educational results, as well as attracting investments for research and development. Leading experts and scientists will be involved in teaching activities. The base organizations, which previously belonged to the two faculties, will be open to the choice of all students of the School.

How to come to Phystech?

From the Savelovskaya or Timiryazevskaya metro stations, you can take a commuter train from Moscow (except for the Aeroexpress trains). If the train stops at Novodachnaya station, you need to get off the first car, cross the tracks and walk in the direction of the train along the path to the campus (5–7 minutes).

If the train does not stop at Novodachnaya station, you need to get off at Dolgoprudnaya station from the last car, cross the tracks and walk along Pervomayskaya Street against the train to the campus (10–12 minutes).

On June 7, the 2010 Nobel Prize winner in physics and a graduate of the Faculty of Physical and Quantum Electronics Konstantin Novosyolov came to MIPT.
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You are attracted by mathematics or physics, and this year you have to decide on the educational institution where you will receive knowledge, then we suggest that you choose the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. This university in 2016 was recognized as one of the most prestigious in the world according to one of the British magazines, so next year the competition for each place will be incredibly high. But in order for the entrance campaign to MIPT in 2017 to be easy and without problems for you, we suggest considering its features.

Undergraduate admission

For applicants, this procedure officially begins in the first month of summer, namely June 20. It is from this date that it will be possible to submit a package of documents. But do not forget that this stage of the introductory campaign will end for certain categories of citizens at different times. Therefore, we will pay special attention to this issue:

  • July 14 - the category of citizens who will take exams finishes submitting documents;
  • July 26 - until this date, all those who will enter the places provided for in the control figures will be able to apply;
  • August 06 - for those who will study on a paid basis;
  • August 25 - the deadline is provided for foreign citizens.

It is worth noting that the admission rules provide for a very beneficial procedure that can help correct any mistakes that might have been made when submitting documents. So, in his application, the applicant must indicate his e-mail address, from which later the necessary changes can be sent to the address of the selection committee.

Please note that you must prepare a package of documents in advance, but what it will include, we propose to consider in more detail. Of course, first you need to fill out an application, which can be easily generated on the university website by creating your personal account. After you need to collect the following documents.

First, you will need to verify your identity and citizenship. To do this, you can submit either a copy of your passport or another relevant document. Secondly, it is necessary to confirm the applicant's education. You also submit either a copy or the original. It is worth noting that this list of documents is submitted by all applicants without exception, but there are also additional ones. They are served by those categories of citizens who have some advantages in admission.

As for the entrance examinations, they can be divided into two types. Firstly, the standard exam, and secondly, the entrance exams, which will be conducted directly by the university. As for, applicants should remember about the passing scores, which are provided both for admission to the budget and to the paid form. So, in the Russian language, the minimum score is set at 50. You will need to score a little more for such subjects as physics, mathematics, chemistry and computer science, namely 65 points. At the same time, the good news for applicants should be the fact that these indicators cannot be changed directly during the introductory campaign. Also, they will be the same regardless of which form of study and faculty you choose.

Considering this issue, it is worth paying attention to the benefits that may be provided to some citizens upon admission. Of course, in this case, we necessarily note the right to enter without entrance examinations, which is granted to the winners or prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiads, which must correspond to the chosen direction of study. These citizens also include those who became members of the national teams of the Russian Federation that participated in international Olympiads.

As you can see, the admission procedure for future bachelors is not difficult, but the main thing is to clearly follow all the instructions and adhere to the deadlines.

Master's degree at MIPT

This procedure also has its own characteristics, so it also needs to pay attention and understand all the subtleties. The first thing we pay attention to is the submission deadlines. As in the case of undergraduate applications, it will be possible to apply from June 20, but there is a difference in the completion of this stage. For those who choose the international direction, it will be September 20th. All other applicants to the magistracy submit documents until July 26. As with undergraduate admissions, applicants will be able to make changes via email. We will not additionally pay attention to the documents, since they are similar to those already indicated, but we will consider the features of entrance examinations.

To begin with, we will highlight the forms in which they will take place, and this is written and oral. Also, this university provides the opportunity to use distance technologies during entrance examinations. As for the languages ​​in which the exams will be held, in most cases it is Russian, with the exception of only tests provided for international master's programs. Separately, we will pay attention to the passing scores, which will be set at a particular faculty, depending on the prescribed exams. First, all tests will be evaluated on a twelve-point scale. In this case, a passing score will be considered five or more. In addition, there is a gradation of excellent and good marks. The first corresponds to fifteen, and the second, respectively, to twenty.

During the introductory campaign, various incidents may occur to you. Therefore, if you do not come to the exam for a good reason, you can take it on the provided reserve day.

Well, indeed, this admission procedure has its own characteristics, but if you read all the rules in detail, there will be no obstacles for you.

Prices in 2017

For those applicants who plan to study on a paid basis, it is important to know the cost of education for 2017-2018. But while this information is not available, therefore, in order to somehow navigate this issue, we suggest considering prices for previous years. Thus, in 2016, a bachelor's degree was generally estimated at 200,000 rubles for one year of study. A master's degree costs fifty thousand rubles more. But these indicators will change in any case, and such a conclusion can be drawn, given the indicators of 2015. Back then, student education cost 176,000 rubles. As you can see, in one year the cost of education has changed by twenty-four thousand rubles. And what changes will be next year, one should only expect the appearance of fresh information on the site.

And finally, we will pay attention to such an urgent issue as holding open days. Such events have already won the sympathy of many applicants, so universities every year are preparing more carefully for them. MIPT, of course, will not be an exception and on April 9 will open its doors to everyone. Recall that applicants will have the opportunity to communicate with teachers, as well as with deans. But the main highlight will be a meeting with university students. It is they who will tell about all the pitfalls that each applicant may encounter and advise how to avoid them. So do not miss this opportunity and now add this event to your to-do list.

We hope you have learned all the details of the admission campaign and now you are ready to enter.. It is there that you will find quality articles about the features of admission campaigns at other universities, including