Do-it-yourself model of a black pearl made of wood. The ship "Black Pearl": how to do it yourself

That's all ready for the next step. We lay the deck. I used maple slats 5mm wide, 1.5mm thick.

The stumbling block in all forums is how to blacken the joints, imitating a caulk. Options: black thread, tinted PVA, chamfering and subsequent patination, dark veneer, painting the ends, paper from photographic packaging, dyed drawing paper / tracing paper, etc. I chose calque.

Cut off a piece of tracing paper. We paint over with ink from the heart and hang to dry. Consumption came out small - about one and a half dyed A4 sheets.

Since there is no theoretical drawing of the "Black Pearl", I had to come up with the location of the beams, guided by common sense - if possible, place them along the borders of hatches and future ladders into the hold.

The average distance turned out to be 2.5 cm.

I put the center rail. Be sure to complete, so as not to overwhelm the direction.

Cut the tracing paper into "noodles",

glue on the end of the rails.

After some time, we observe the beauty increasing with each new lath laid. The first two slats around the lattice imitate a reinforced belt. Boards are as long as possible. Then he laid it in three boards. Wanted at five, but the deck is not wide enough.

By the end of the second day, the deck is covered. We scrape with a knife. The surface is leveled well, it is difficult to make holes. Unless the knife enhances microroughnesses, jumping over them during wiring, so it is better to leave problem areas. Still skin everything.

To lay the remaining decks, bulkheads need to be ennobled. I attached a template, here you can see how much the feed curve I had - the consequences of the propeller and numerous corrections. Later, I built up the side with linden slats.

Bulkhead in the nose. My first pear design. I sealed the hold with molar tape.

Next, we construct the aft bulkhead. To do this, we collect a primitive conductor. We glue paper on the main plywood, on top of another plywood, repeating the death of the deck, on paper we outline the approximate location of doors and windows. The bottom two slats had to be steamed out and held in another jig.

After a while, the main part of the bulkhead is ready.

It's for the windows. We assemble gratings from 1x2 mm rails.

We soak the outer part and bend it on the window template. Then we glue it on the plexiglass and then glue the gratings.

We return to the decks. On the bow, we separately imitate the boards around the mast (they quickly wore out and then changed), we narrow the main boards from 5 to 4 mm. We make a cut along the edges.

Feed is a little more difficult. We narrow 19 rails from 5 to 2.5 mm. Could not mechanize the process. I had to tighten my hands. First with a small planer, then with a skinner. The decks have been laid.

Performed nailing on the nose.

By the way, here are the real pins:

The process looks like this. We do markup. We prepare round bars with a diameter of 0.6 mm, drill holes.

We dilute PVA with water. We dip the rod, insert it into the hole, bite off. And so 700-800 times.

Then gently skin.

The Pirates of the Caribbean series of films has become one of the most popular masterpieces of the cinema of the new century. The incredible adventures of sea robbers will not leave anyone indifferent.

"Pirates of the Caribbean"

The idea of ​​creating a film about sea adventures came to director Gore Verbinski in the late 90s of the 20th century. This happened when he visited the attraction "Pirates of the Caribbean" in Disneyland.

It was only in 2003 that the idea of ​​a film with sea robbers, incredible adventures, and pirate treasures was brought to life.

From that moment began the era of pirates. To date, 4 films have been released. The release of the fifth part of the famous story is scheduled for 2017.

Movie highlight

The star of "Pirates of the Caribbean" is the hero of Johnny Depp - pirate captain Jack Sparrow. His ship "Black Pearl" has become a real highlight and symbol of the film. The design of the frigate was based on the pirate sailboats of the Middle Ages. The ship "Black Pearl" has become an integral part of the film's script.

All the main scenes, exciting adventures were filmed on board the sailboat. It is not surprising that the Black Pearl is considered the standard of a pirate frigate.

How to draw the "Black Pearl" (ship)

Which of the boys did not dream of feeling like a real sea robber? The image of the brave captain Jack Sparrow is invariably associated with his sailboat. Therefore, at least once everyone would like to be a pirate on a real robber frigate.

So, you can buy a New Year's carnival and apply makeup on your face. The image is ready. But a real captain needs a Black Pearl ship. It can be drawn on paper. This is easy enough to do.


So, in order to draw Jack Sparrow's Black Pearl ship on our own, we need the following items:

  • Paper.
  • Pencil.
  • Eraser.

Working process

Before you start drawing the Black Pearl ship, you need to plan the main stages of the creative process. According to them, the main work will be carried out.

So, the drawing of the Black Pearl ship consists of the following parts:

  • Masts.
  • Sail.
  • Ropes.
  • Frame.
  • Additional drawing details.

Draw the masts

"Black Pearl" is one of the most spectacular and beautiful sailboats. Drawing it on paper will be interesting for both children and adults.

We start the drawing process with a designation. To do this, put a landscape sheet in front of you. Orientation - vertical. Draw 3 straight lines in the center. They should be at some distance from each other.

Draw 4 perpendicular lines on the lines of the masts. They will become the basis for the sail.

Draw a small horizontal line from the bottom edge of the left mast. She will become the prow of the ship.


The main decoration of the Black Pearl. located along the masts. Draw them as curved quadrilaterals. Thus, there will be 4 small sails on the first and second mast of the ship.

On the third vertical line, draw a triangle on top and a curved square below. These will be the sails of the last mast.

You should start drawing from the bottom edge. Extra and wrong lines can be removed with an eraser.


So far, our sails are located on their own, separate from the main part of the ship. They need to be connected. To do this, we will depict the ropes.

We connect the very first mast with a thin line with the bow of the ship. We draw black on it. We also connect the sails with the bowsprit using thin curved lines.

On the bottom of the first and second masts, draw several ropes connecting the sails to the ship. Circle the drawn lines with a pencil, giving the image clarity.

We connect the third mast to the Black Pearl hull also with the help of a drawn vertical rope.


We just have to draw the ship itself. You can draw with light and fuzzy movements without pressing the pencil. So our ship will be perceived as hidden by the waves.

We draw a line of water. Above and below it we denote the edges of the ship's hull. We connect the upper line with the nose of the frigate. We make the lower part hidden by waves.

Extra parts are removed with an eraser. We increase the clarity of the image by tracing the main lines with a hard pencil.

Additional details

Our drawing is almost ready. It remains to add personality to it. To do this, we depict the following small details:

  • Waves.
  • Horizon line.
  • Clouds.
  • Soaring birds.
  • The sun.

On the ship itself we draw the steering wheel, guns, sides. You can portray Captain Jack Sparrow looking through binoculars.

We got an excellent pirate sailboat "Black Pearl". Any child can draw a ship with his own hands, even those who do not know the art of painting at all. It is enough to turn on your own imagination. If the drawing does not work the first time, do not be upset. After all, you can always re-depict a pirate frigate with a brave captain on board.

We make a sailboat model

In order to make the Black Pearl ship yourself, you will need the following materials:

  • Styrofoam pieces of various sizes.
  • Scissors.
  • Glue.
  • Scotch.
  • Velvet or corrugated paper.
  • Thin wooden sticks (you can take special long sticks for sandwiches or barbecues).
  • Thick thread (you can use woolen).
  • Toothpicks.
  • Black beads.
  • Cardboard.
  • Drawing of a pirate flag.

Working process:

  1. First you need to print the image of the Black Pearl ship. The drawing will serve as the main reference for work.
  2. From various pieces of foam we form the main part of the ship. We glue the parts with adhesive tape.
  3. Using a knife, you should align the sides and give the frigate its final shape.
  4. We add small details of the base of the sailboat.
  5. Using a glue stick, we apply dark-colored corrugated or velvet paper to the body.
  6. Wooden skewers are used to make masts. We install 3 sticks in the middle of the base and 2 at the edges.
  7. We glue the perimeter of the ship with a thick thread.
  8. We attach black beads to the toothpicks, attach them to the skeleton of the frigate and pull the rope between them. Got a fence.
  9. Glue the sails cut out of corrugated paper onto wooden skewers.
  10. With the help of cardboard and toothpicks we form an observation deck. Glue it to the central mast.
  11. We fix the image of the pirate flag on the sails. Our frigate is ready!

So, we learned how to draw and make the "Black Pearl" on our own. Now everyone can feel like a real sea robber.


about the construction of the model of the Black Pearl
based on the Pirates of the Caribbean saga

The cost of a complete set of drawings is 2000 rubles.
The cost of a part of a set of drawings (only the hull or only the rigging) - 1000 rubles.
For questions about purchasing, contact the author by e-mail.

I want to introduce you to my 2 work in shipbuilding. This model was going to be given as a housewarming gift to a good friend of mine. It had to be done within a fairly short time frame. The main goal of the work is to create the appearance of an almost complete copy of a real ship for a viewer uninitiated in materiel. I think that I coped with this task adequately.

In connection with this condition, I deliberately reduced the detail, but only where it will not be visible to the "uninitiated". With the hull assembled in detail, the maximum simplifications affected the rigging. Somewhere there are no blocks, somewhere the wiring of gear is simplified. There are no buoys at anchor, no bells, the tying of guns is simplified, there are no coils of ropes on bollards, etc. etc.

As a frame, elements from the magazine series "Collect the Black Pearl" were used. Everything else is the "Mozhga" rulers and the "Cosmofen" glue. Sails - synthetic fabric plus cotton. Rigging - nylon threads plus ropes ordered at the Shipyard on the table. Cannon barrels, yufers and blocks are also from the Shipyard.
The blog is divided into 2 parts:

For the past twelve years, millions of viewers around the world have been following the extraordinary adventures of the captain of the pirate ship "Black Pearl" (Black Pearl) - Jack Sparrow (Sparrow) with pleasure.
The "fathers" of Jack and his sailboat can rightfully be considered Hollywood screenwriters Ted Elliot and Terry Rossio, who were impressed by the attraction in Disneyland - the Pirates of the Caribbean theme park, as well as the director of the first film of the franchise (2003) - Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Sea. pearls" (Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of The Black Pearl), Mount Verbinski.

The Caribbean pirates and their ship, which immediately fell in love with the viewer, became participants in many computer games and literary projects.
In 2011, as part of the so-called "inter-author cycle", the novel "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Price of Freedom" by American science fiction writer Anne Carol Crispin was published, which describes 14 years, leading up to the events of the first Black Pearl and Jack Sparrow movie.
Well-known companies specializing in the production of assembly kits (Artesania Latina, ZVEZDA), meeting the wishes of modelers, developed and put on sale the Black Pearl model in wood and plastic. pearl."
Modellers, who prefer to build models of sailboats from scratch, did not stand aside either. as their own project. Some of them use drawings from said whales and partworks. But there are also those who are trying to "restore the true appearance" of the Black Pearl.
And here one has to face a mass of paradoxical deviations from historical and constructive authenticity in the guise of a legendary sailing ship.
Let's try to deal with the paradoxes of the Black Pearl.
According to the plot of the film and Crispin's novel (already considered by many to be practically a "prequel" to the story of Elliot and Rossio), the Black Pearl was originally called the "Wicked Wench" and was owned by the East India Company as a merchant ship. It was a three-masted galleon with a golden yellow hull and snow-white sails (the name "Wicked Wench" appears on the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction at Disneyland).
It is not known exactly when the ship was built, but Lord Cutler Beckett, director of the West African office of the East India Company, got it at a very respectable age. when the brig "Fair Wind" came into port under the command of Jack Sparrow.
The Tailwind was also owned by the East India Company. The ship's captain, Nathaniel Breinbridge, was killed by Esmeralda, a Caribbean storm and pirate lord of the day. But Jack Sparrow, the first mate of the Tailwind, saved the ship from falling into the hands of pirates. Cutler Beckett, having received Sparrow's report on how he saved the ship and most of the cargo from pirates, was so impressed that he offered him to become the captain of the Slutty Wench.
Captain Jack Sparrow, commanding the Slutty Wench, completed many contracts for the East India Company on behalf of Lord Beckett, but refused to transport slaves. Furious Beckett, after keeping Jack in prison for a couple of months, branded him as a pirate, but returned him to the Slutty Wench ".However, later, Beckett engaged Jack Sparrow's ship and sank it.
Jack made a pact with Davy Jones that brought him and the ship back to life.
Having recruited a new team on Tortuga and renaming "Wicked Wench" to "Black Pearl", Jack Sparrow became the most formidable pirate of the seven seas.

Three years later, while sailing to the Island of Death - Isla de Muerte (Isla de (la) Muerte), senior officer Hector Barbossa mutinied and overthrew the captain, leaving him on a nameless island in the middle of the sea. Because of the robbery of the treasury on Isla de Muerte, the crew of the Black Pearl fell under a curse that affected the ship itself: the black sails of the ship became tattered, and an eerie fog began to surround the ship ...

To date, there are certain difficulties with showing a real sailing ship in a movie. And even more so, a combat sailboat from the Middle Ages. On the fingers of one hand, you can count real historical ships that have survived to this day - the English HMS Victory, the Swedish Vasa ...
In the ports of different countries you can find the so-called "replicas" - operating sailboats built according to old drawings and models in our time: the English HMSBounty ("Bounty"), the Dutch Batavia ("Batavia"), the ships of Columbus, Golden Hind ("Golden Hind ").
There are still a lot of fakes "under the old sailboat", most often used as an attraction for tourists.

The Black Pearl is a fictional ship. The construction of the model "based on the Black Pearl" can hardly be called a "recreation of the real appearance" ... unless we are talking about the film version of the ship.
But even in this case, a lot of difficulties and problems arise, because the film mostly used computer models, large-scale models of the ship and the scenery of individual sections of the ships, built in pavilions and on floating platforms.

Full scale deck decoration of the Black Pearl

Large scale model used for filming

Lack of topmasts and their rigging on the filming ship

The real ships that participated in the filming of general plans on location were modern replicas: the galleon "Sunset" ("Sunset"), which depicted both the "Pearl" and "Queen Anne's Revenge", as well as the famous HMS Bounty ("Bounty"), to Unfortunately, he died off the coast of America during Hurricane Sandy in 2012.

"Black Pearl"

"Queen Anne's Revenge"


Director Gore Verbinski describes Black Pearl as "newly refurbished" for Pirates 2 and 3. But it's actually much more than a renovation. Hollywood decorators have created an original ship that can hardly be called such. It was a hull set on top of a barge that was towed out to sea for filming.

But the filmmakers wanted to have a real sailboat.
Eight months before principal photography began, production designer Rick Heinrichs was given the task of creating a new Black Pearl. To speed up construction, Heinrichs built the Black Pearl on the basis of an existing 109-foot tourist vessel, the Sunset galleon; found in a parking lot in Bayou La Batre, Alabama. "The result was that above the waterline it was a beautiful pirate ship. And below and inside, the Sunset... with engines, fuel and water tanks, a galley and berths." "Because of the importance of the Black Pearl, we created our own mini-art department that only worked on the design of the ship," says Heinrichs. "We've had contact with some of the best artists who have worked on other ship pictures in the past. We also used CGI.
The Black Pearl was computer modeled, which allowed us to provide a link between shipbuilders and computer scientists to link the visual appearance of the ship and its real incarnation without compromising its seaworthiness. Sometimes it was difficult to achieve a unified look - to make the ship both beautiful and floating, and accessible for filming with their specific requirements. "
Regarding the changes to the design of the ship (in 2-3 films), Heinrichs says, "We built it on a grand scale. The Black Pearl in the first film was created by the circumstances - from what was left. They built the Ship directly on a barge and were limited size of this barge. We had a bit more freedom in that. I think Gore got what he wanted but couldn't get in the first movie - a much more agile "Pearl" that can go faster than 1-2 knots ".
"In this film, the Black Pearl is a much sexier, tougher ship," says lead art director John Dexter, who was in charge of the ship's color scheme. "He couldn't just be black," he says. "The ship must have life. There are some metal parts on the ship that are rusty. There must of course be sea spray influences. We started with pure black and ended up with something that was a bit more interesting."
"There's a whole glossary of terms that refer to a wooden pirate ship," says Greg Kallas, construction coordinator. "We had to build the winch and helm, fife rail, mizzen mast, main mast and fore mast, rigging, all sails."
The ship's visuals and special effects were handled by Industrial Light and Magic artists led by John Knoll.

Attempts to unambiguously classify the "Black Pearl" and attribute it to any particular type of historical sailing ships constantly lead to a dead end. Jack Sparrow's ship resembles both an English galleon, and the so-called "Dunkirk frigate", and a pinnace ... and in general, god knows what!
According to the characteristics, the ship is approximately 40 meters long, 3 masts and thirty-two 18-pounder guns: 18 on the gun deck and 14 on the upper deck. On the "Pearl" there are no bow (linear) or stern (retirade) guns.
Drawings of "Black Pearl" as such do not exist in nature, however, there are several variants of models.
In principle, the profile of the ship is quite consistent with the image of the English galleon of the first half of the 17th century.

They raise questions, perhaps, the shape of the latrine, characteristic of small battleships (in particular, frigates) of the late 17th - early 18th centuries and an uncharacteristic smooth transition from the transom to the stern plate (usually the lower deck crossed the transom at an obtuse angle and was supported knees - it was the base of the stern, which was rectangular in galleons) and the absence of a helmport for the passage of the rudder tiller.
Doubtful look:
- straightened sides (for galleons, blockages of the upper part of the sides inward were characteristic to complicate boarding);
- velvets repeating the lines of the decks, which does not meet the design requirements of shipbuilding;
- aft gallery raised to the quarterdeck (usually the gallery was placed at the level of the main gun deck, where the captain's cabin was located, and, if necessary, a second gallery was located on the quarterdeck);
- lack of anchor hawse and stem design.

However, it was difficult for Hollywood masters to keep all the proportions and structural elements of the hull, having as a base a ready-made design of a tourist pleasure ship built on the hull of a modern boat with transverse screw rudders.

"Walk" on the deck of the "Black Pearl":

- the main thing that catches your eye is the unusually empty main deck, on which there are no rigging fixtures (bitten, bollards, coffee-nail strips) or the rigging itself, most of which was carried out precisely to the deck around the masts. Particularly striking is the complete lack of rigging at the foot of the main mast (main mast) - the main mast.
But we see a capstan (spire) "put on" a mast on the mainsail ... This is complete nonsense!

I understand that such a design allowed the directors to shoot several very spectacular scenes, but functionally such a spire could not work. And not only because it weakens both itself and the main mast of the ship. can work from 3 to 6 sailors (i.e. about 36 people). In addition, the spire was used both for lifting the yards and for loading and unloading. This unit, as a rule, stood closer to the mizzen mast in the quarter-deck superstructure, exactly between the stairs to the poop. anchor hawsers are made in the bow of it, through which anchor ropes pass;
- in the bow of the ship - on the bik-deck (a section of the deck in front of the bow bulkhead) and a latrine - desolation! There are no hed-timbers (latrine frames), no beams connecting their heads, no gratings ... there are no doors from the cockpit (tank room) to the latrine. However, why the doors if the latrine is not equipped with latrines for sailors - shtultsy...
The forecastle itself (bow setting) is too low. The estimated height between the decks of ancient sailboats was taken at 160-170 cm (it was believed that the sailor could not be taller).
- an operdeck of some 70-80 cm. It turns out that the cockpit on the tank of the Black Pearl is not functional - it is either too low (if the operdeck does not break off at the bulkhead of the tank), or excessively high, since it is located in this case on the orlop- deck. Where the crew of the pearl sleeps on rainy nights, where the ship's galley is located - remains a mystery.

Forcastel, as well as a latrine, do not shine with the wealth of rigging. One cofel-nagel of the plank and the pins on the gunwales is not enough for tightening the rigging of the fore, topsail, bramsel, blind and two jibs and their spars.

Finally, yut. Its main drawback is the presence of a steering wheel. Steering with a steering wheel appeared only at the beginning of the 18th century, and if we take the time of the construction of the "Pearl" as the middle of the 17th, then the ship's control should be lever - with the help of a calderstock).

The obvious shortcomings of the cinematic pearl can also be attributed to the rectangular areas of the Mars, characteristic of the 18th century.