National composition of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The population of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug

↘ 41 960 ↗ 42 019 ↗ 42 023 ↗ 42 090 ↗ 42 642 ↘ 42 437 ↗ 42 789 ↗ 43 025 ↗ 43 373 ↗ 43 838
Birth rate (number of births per 1000 population)
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 1996 1997 1998
20,4 ↗ 21,3 ↘ 19,3 ↗ 19,8 ↘ 16,7 ↘ 12,4 ↘ 11,2 ↗ 11,6 ↗ 12,2
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
↘ 11,2 ↗ 11,8 ↗ 13,0 ↗ 13,1 ↗ 15,9 ↘ 14,2 ↗ 14,5 ↘ 14,0 ↗ 15,6
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
↗ 16,4 ↗ 16,5 ↘ 16,4 ↘ 15,0 ↗ 17,4 ↘ 16,6 ↗ 16,6
Mortality (number of deaths per 1000 population)
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 1996 1997 1998
7,5 ↗ 9,3 ↘ 7,9 ↘ 7,0 ↗ 7,0 ↗ 11,7 ↘ 10,1 ↘ 9,1 ↗ 9,4
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
↗ 9,4 ↗ 11,5 ↗ 12,2 ↘ 11,7 ↗ 14,1 ↘ 12,4 ↘ 12,2 ↗ 12,9 ↘ 12,6
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
↗ 12,8 ↘ 11,7 ↗ 11,7 ↘ 10,4 ↘ 10,2 ↗ 10,7 ↘ 8,9
Natural population growth (per 1000 population, sign (-) means natural population decline)
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 1996 1997 1998
12,9 ↘ 12,0 ↘ 11,4 ↗ 12,8 ↘ 9,7 ↘ 0,7 ↗ 1,1 ↗ 2,5 ↗ 2,8
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
↘ 1,8 ↘ 0,3 ↗ 0,8 ↗ 1,4 ↗ 1,8 ↗ 1,8 ↗ 2,3 ↘ 1,1 ↗ 3,0
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
↗ 3,6 ↗ 4,8 ↘ 4,7 ↘ 4,6 ↗ 7,2 ↘ 5,9 ↗ 7,7
Life expectancy at birth (number of years)
1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
60,7 ↘ 59,8 ↘ 59,3 ↗ 60,7 ↗ 63,3 ↗ 63,3 ↗ 63,4 ↘ 60,6 ↘ 59,2
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
↗ 61,5 ↘ 59,3 ↗ 62,1 ↗ 63,0 ↘ 62,2 ↘ 62,0 ↗ 63,1 ↗ 65,2 ↘ 64,9
2011 2012 2013
↗ 66,7 ↗ 68,2 ↘ 65,8

According to the All-Union and All-Russian censuses:

National composition

% 1989
% 2002
Total 45534 100,00 % 53912 100,00 % 41546 100,00 % 42090 100,00 %
Russians 31312 68,77 % 35489 65,83 % 25942 62,44 % 63,45 % 26648 63,31 % 66,13 %
Nenets 4957 10,89 % 6423 11,91 % 7754 18,66 % 18,96 % 7504 17,83 % 18,62 %
Komi 5012 11,01 % 5124 9,50 % 4510 10,86 % 11,03 % 3623 8,61 % 8,99 %
Ukrainians 2068 4,54 % 3728 6,91 % 1312 3,16 % 3,21 % 987 2,34 % 2,45 %
Belarusians 506 1,11 % 1051 1,95 % 426 1,03 % 1,04 % 283 0,67 % 0,70 %
Tatars 364 0,80 % 524 0,97 % 211 0,51 % 0,52 % 209 0,50 % 0,52 %
Azerbaijanis 93 0,17 % 69 0,17 % 0,17 % 157 0,37 % 0,39 %
Uzbeks 63 0,12 % 10 0,02 % 0,02 % 118 0,28 % 0,29 %
Lezgins 19 0,04 % 48 0,12 % 0,12 % 116 0,28 % 0,29 %
Mari 26 0,05 % 33 0,08 % 0,08 % 84 0,20 % 0,21 %
Chuvash 171 0,32 % 88 0,21 % 0,22 % 75 0,18 % 0,19 %
Udmurts 308 0,68 % 184 0,34 % 95 0,23 % 0,23 % 73 0,17 % 0,18 %
Tajiks 16 0,03 % 17 0,04 % 0,04 % 50 0,12 % 0,12 %
other 1004 2,20 % 1000 1,85 % 373 0,90 % 0,91 % 372 0,88 % 0,92 %
indicated nationality 45531 100,00 % 53911 100,00 % 40888 98,42 % 100,00 % 40299 95,74 % 100,00 %
did not indicate nationality 3 0,00 % 1 0,00 % 658 1,58 % 1791 4,26 %

Guarantees of social rights and interests of the Nenets people

According to the Charter of the region, the issues of socio-economic development of the Nenets people are decided by the state authorities and administrations of the district with the participation association of the Nenets people "Yasavey".

Measures for the social protection of the Nenets people equally apply to representatives of other peoples engaged in traditional types of economic activity in the Okrug.

In order to preserve and develop the historically established and sustainable nature management methods of using objects of the animal and plant world, other natural resources, as well as the original culture of the Nenets and other small peoples of the North, territories of traditional nature management. Legal regulation of relations in the field of education, protection and use territories of traditional nature management is carried out by federal legislation, as well as laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

When using subsoil resources in the places of residence of the Nenets and other small peoples of the North, part of the payments received by the district budget is used for the socio-economic development of these peoples.

General Map

Map legend (when you hover over the label, the real population is displayed):

see also

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              1. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2016
              2. . Retrieved October 10, 2013. .
              3. . Retrieved October 14, 2013. .
              4. All-Union Population Census 1979
              5. . Retrieved June 28, 2016. .
              6. . .
              7. Permanent population as of January 1 (people) 1990-2013
              8. . .
              9. . Retrieved 2 January 2014. .
              10. All-Russian population census 2010. Number of municipalities and settlements of the Arkhangelsk region
              11. . Retrieved May 4, 2014. .
              12. . Retrieved May 31, 2014. .
              13. . Retrieved November 16, 2013. .
              14. . Retrieved 2 August 2014. .
              15. . Retrieved August 6, 2015. .
              16. :
              17. :

              An excerpt characterizing the population of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug

              “You calm Muscovites, artisans and workers, whom misfortunes have removed from the city, and you scattered farmers, whom unreasonable fear is still holding back in the fields, listen! Silence returns to this capital, and order is restored in it. Your countrymen come out boldly from their hiding places, seeing that they are respected. Any violence committed against them and their property is immediately punished. His Majesty the Emperor and the King patronizes them and considers no one among you as his enemies, except those who disobey his commands. He wants to end your misfortunes and return you to your courts and your families. Follow his charitable intentions and come to us without any danger. Residents! Return with confidence to your dwellings: you will soon find ways to meet your needs! Artisans and hardworking artisans! Come back to your needlework: houses, shops, guards are waiting for you, and you will receive your due payment for your work! And you, finally, peasants, leave the forests where you hid from horror, return without fear to your huts, in the exact assurance that you will find protection. Sheds are established in the city, where the peasants can bring their excess stocks and land plants. The government has taken the following measures to ensure their free sale: 1) Counting from this number, peasants, farmers and those living in the vicinity of Moscow can bring their supplies to the city, no matter what kind, without any danger, in two designated storehouses, that is, on Mokhovaya and Okhotny Ryad. 2) These foodstuffs will be bought from them at such a price that the buyer and seller agree between themselves; but if the seller does not receive the fair price demanded by him, then he will be free to take them back to his village, in which no one can interfere with him under any pretense. 3) Every Sunday and Wednesday are scheduled weekly for big trading days; why a sufficient number of troops will be posted on Tuesdays and Saturdays on all major roads, at such a distance from the city, to protect those carts. 4) Such measures will be taken so that the peasants with their carts and horses will not be hindered on their way back. 5) Immediately the funds will be used to restore normal trading. Residents of the city and villages, and you, workers and craftsmen, whatever nation you may be! You are called upon to fulfill the fatherly intentions of His Majesty the Emperor and King, and to contribute with him to the general welfare. Bear at his feet reverence and trust and do not hesitate to unite with us!”
              With regard to raising the spirit of the troops and the people, reviews were constantly made, awards were distributed. The emperor rode on horseback through the streets and comforted the inhabitants; and, despite all his preoccupation with state affairs, he himself visited the theaters established by his order.
              With regard to charity, the best valor of the crowned, Napoleon also did everything that depended on him. On charitable institutions, he ordered the Maison de ma mere [My mother's House] to be inscribed, by this act combining tender filial feeling with the greatness of the monarch's virtue. He visited the Orphanage and, having kissed his white hands to the orphans he had saved, he graciously talked with Tutolmin. Then, according to the eloquent presentation of Thiers, he ordered that the salaries of his troops be distributed to Russians, made by him, counterfeit money. Relevant l "emploi de ces moyens par un acte digue de lui et de l" armee Francaise, il fit distribuer des secours aux incendies. Mais les vivres etant trop precieux pour etre donnes a des etrangers la plupart ennemis, Napoleon aima mieux leur fournir de l "argent afin qu" ils se fournissent au dehors, et il leur fit distribuer des roubles papiers. [Elevating the use of these measures by an action worthy of him and the French army, he ordered the distribution of benefits to the burnt. But, as food supplies were too expensive to give them to people of a foreign land and for the most part hostile, Napoleon considered it better to give them money so that they could get their own food on the side; and he ordered them to be clothed with paper rubles.]
              With regard to the discipline of the army, orders were constantly issued for severe penalties for dereliction of duty and for an end to robbery.

              But the strange thing is, all these orders, cares and plans, which were by no means worse than others issued in similar cases, did not affect the essence of the matter, but, like the hands of a dial in a watch separated from the mechanism, spun arbitrarily and aimlessly, not capturing the wheels.
              Militarily, the ingenious campaign plan that Thiers speaks of; que son genie n "avait jamais rien imagine de plus profond, de plus habile et de plus admirable [his genius never invented anything deeper, more skillful and more amazing] and regarding which Thiers, entering into a polemic with Mr. Fen, proves that the drawing up of this brilliant plan should be attributed not to the 4th, but to the 15th of October, this plan has never been and could not be carried out, because nothing was close to reality. [mosque] (as Napoleon called St. Basil's Church) turned out to be completely useless. Laying mines under the Kremlin only contributed to the fulfillment of the emperor's desire when leaving Moscow that the Kremlin be blown up, that is, that the floor on which the child was killed should be beaten. Persecution of the Russian army, which so worried Napoleon, presented an unheard of phenomenon.The French military leaders lost the sixty-thousandth Russian army, and only, according to Thiers, art and, it seems, also the genius of Murat managed to find, like a pin, this sixty-thousand-strong Russian army.
              In diplomatic terms, all Napoleon's arguments about his generosity and justice, both before Tutolmin and Yakovlev, who was mainly concerned with acquiring an overcoat and wagon, turned out to be useless: Alexander did not receive these ambassadors and did not respond to their embassy.
              From a legal point of view, after the execution of the imaginary arsonists, the other half of Moscow burned down.
              As regards the administration, the establishment of the municipality did not stop the robbery and brought only benefit to certain persons who participated in this municipality and, under the pretext of maintaining order, plundered Moscow or saved their own from robbery.
              In regard to religion, the work so easily arranged in Egypt by visiting the mosque did not bring any results here. Two or three priests found in Moscow tried to fulfill the will of Napoleon, but one of them was nailed on the cheeks by a French soldier during the service, and the following French official reported about the other: “Le pretre, que j” avais decouvert et invite a recommencer a dire la messe, a nettoye et ferme l "eglise. Cette nuit on est venu de nouveau enfoncer les portes, casser les cadenas, dechirer les livres et commettre d "autres desordres". breaking doors and locks, tearing books and making other disturbances.”]
              In terms of trade, there was no response to the proclamation to the hard-working artisans and all the peasants. There were no hard-working artisans, and the peasants caught those commissars who went too far with this proclamation and killed them.
              With regard to the amusement of the people and the troops with theaters, the matter did not succeed in the same way. The theaters established in the Kremlin and in Poznyakov's house immediately closed because actresses and actors were robbed.
              Charity and that did not bring the desired results. False banknotes and non-false ones filled Moscow and had no price. For the French, who collected booty, they needed only gold. Not only did the counterfeit banknotes that Napoleon so graciously distributed to the unfortunate have no value, but silver was given below its value for gold.
              But the most striking manifestation of the invalidity of the higher orders at that time was Napoleon's effort to stop the robberies and restore discipline.
              That's what the ranks of the army reported.
              “Robbery continues in the city despite orders to stop it. Order has not yet been restored, and there is not a single merchant who conducts trade in a lawful manner. Only marketers allow themselves to sell, and even then stolen things.
              "La partie de mon arrondissement continue a etre en proie au pillage des soldats du 3 corps, qui, non contents d"arracher aux malheureux refugies dans des souterrains le peu qui leur reste, ont meme la ferocite de les blesser a coups de sabre, comme j "en ai vu plusieurs exemples".
              “Rien de nouveau outre que les soldats se permettent de voler et de piller. Le 9 October.
              “Le vol et le pillage continuent. Il y a une bande de voleurs dans notre district qu "il faudra faire arreter par de fortes gardes. Le 11 octobre".
              [“Part of my district continues to be plundered by soldiers of the 3rd Corps, who are not content with taking away the meager property of the unfortunate inhabitants who have hidden in the basements, but also with cruelty inflict wounds on them with sabers, as I myself have seen many times.”
              “Nothing new, just that the soldiers allow themselves to rob and steal. October 9th.
              “Theft and robbery continues. There is a gang of thieves in our district, which will have to be stopped by strong measures. October 11".]
              “The Emperor is extremely dissatisfied that, despite strict orders to stop the robbery, detachments of guards marauders are only visible returning to the Kremlin. In the old guard, disorder and plunder, more than ever, resumed yesterday, last night and today. With condolences, the emperor sees that the selected soldiers assigned to protect his person, who are supposed to set an example of subordination, extend disobedience to such an extent that they break cellars and stores prepared for the army. Others stooped to the point that they did not listen to sentry and guard officers, scolded them and beat them.
              “Le grand marechal du palais se plaint vivement,” wrote the governor, “que malgre les defenses reiterees, les soldats continuent a faire leurs besoins dans toutes les cours et meme jusque sous les fenetres de l"Empereur."
              [“The chief master of ceremonies of the palace complains strongly that, despite all the prohibitions, the soldiers continue to walk for an hour in all courtyards and even under the windows of the emperor.”]
              This army, like a dissolute herd, trampling underfoot the food that could save it from starvation, disintegrated and perished with every day of extra stay in Moscow.
              But it didn't move.
              It ran only when it was suddenly seized by panic fear, produced by the interception of convoys along the Smolensk road and the Battle of Tarutino. This same news of the battle of Tarutino, unexpectedly received by Napoleon at the review, aroused in him a desire to punish the Russians, as Thiers says, and he gave the order to march, which was demanded by the whole army.

From the history of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug

The first human settlements on the territory of the district date back to the 8th millennium BC. e. (paleolithic). There are numerous sites of the Bronze Age (II-I millennium BC). In the 5th-13th centuries A.D. e. tribes of unidentified ethnicity lived here, which the Russians knew under the name "Pechera", and the Nenets called "sirtya". This culture includes the Orta settlement, the sanctuaries on the Gnilka River and on the island of Vaygach.

The Nenets migrated to the territory of the district from the lower reaches of the Ob at the beginning of the 2nd millennium AD. e. Around the same time, the colonization of the extreme north-east of Europe by the Novgorodians began. Russian chronicles note the dependence of Pechora and Ugra on the Kyiv princes in the 9th century and the systematic collection of tribute. The final establishment of Novgorod's power over Pechora took place in the 13th-15th centuries. After the annexation of Novgorod to Moscow (1478), the territory of the current Nenets Autonomous Okrug also passed to the Moscow state. In 1500, the military expedition of Prince Semyon Kurbsky on the Pechora founded the border fortress Pustozersk. This now defunct city was for centuries the administrative and commercial center of all the lands from the Mezen to the Urals.

The Lower Pechora and the coast of the Barents Sea were mastered, in addition to Russians (Pomors) and Nenets, also by Komi-Zyryans, Komi-Permyaks and Komi-Izhma. In the 18th century, Pomors began to settle on the Kaninsky Peninsula.

In the XIX - early XX century, the territory of the district was part of the Mezen and Pechora districts of the Arkhangelsk province.

In 1928, a decree was issued on the administrative centers of the Kaninsko-Timansky district of the Mezen district and the Telvisochno-Samoyed district of the Pechora district of the Arkhangelsk province.

In 1929, the Nenets (Samoyed) district of the Northern Territory was formed. P. G. Smidovich and N. E. Saprygin took an active part in the creation of the district. The structure of the district from the Arkhangelsk province included: Kaninsko-Timansky district, Peshsky and Omsk village councils of the Mezen volost of the Mezensky district, Telvisochno-Samoyedsky district of the Pechora district. From the Komi Autonomous Region (Zyryans): Bolshaya Zemlya (tundra) of the Izhmo-Pechora district. Thus, according to the Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, the following composition of the Nenets Okrug was approved: the Kanin-Timansky district, with a center in the village of Nizhnyaya Pyosha, and the Nenets district (Bolshezemelsky), with a center in the Khoseda-Khard cult base.

By the Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of December 20, 1929, changes were made to the administrative boundaries of the district: the Pustozersky volost of the Pechora district (with the exception of the Ermitsky village council) and coastal islands were included in the composition, and a third administrative district was formed - the Pustozersky district, with the center in the village of Velikovisochnoe.

On January 1, 1931, the population was 14,983 people (all rural), density - 0.07 people / sq. km. Area - 214,500 sq. km.

In 1931, the Pustozersky district was renamed Nizhne-Pechorsky, and its regional center was moved to the village of Oksino.

By a decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of March 2, 1932, the administrative center of the Nenets National District, the Northern Territory, was transferred from the village of Telvisochnoye to the working settlement of Naryan-Mar.

By the Decree of the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee dated February 10, 1934, many islands located near the territory of the district, including Vaigach Island, as well as the territory of the Nessky Village Council of the Mezensky District, were included in the Nenets Okrug.

In 1940, the Amderma region and tundra councils were formed - Karsky, Yu-Sharsky and Vaigachsky (island).

In October 1940, the village of Vorkuta was transferred from the Bolshezemelsky district to the Komi ASSR.

In July 1954, Kolguev Island was assigned to the district.

In 1955, the Nizhne-Pechora region was abolished.

In 1959, all districts of the Nenets NO were abolished, and their territory passed into direct subordination to the district.

In 1977, the Nenets National Okrug was renamed the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

In 1980, in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, at the Kumzha-9 well, gas was released during drilling, after which a fire started. In May 1981, a nuclear charge was detonated at the deposit at a depth of about 1.5 thousand meters in order to shift the geological layers, but the accident could not be eliminated, the deposit was mothballed.

In 1993, the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, in accordance with the constitution of the Russian Federation, received the status of a subject of the federation.subject of the federation.

In 2005, the Zapolyarny District was formed in the Nenets Okrug.

Geography and climatic conditions

The Nenets Autonomous Okrug is located in the north of the East European Plain, most of it is located above the Arctic Circle. Includes Kolguev and Vaygach islands, Kanin and Yugorsky peninsulas. It is washed by the White, Barents, Pechora and Kara Seas of the Arctic Ocean. To the south, the county is bordered by Republic of Komi , in the southwest with Arkhangelsk region , in the northeast - with the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. To the west of the Kara River is the Kara meteorite crater with a diameter of 65 km.

The Nenets Autonomous Okrug belongs to the regions of the Far North.

The climate is subarctic everywhere, turning into arctic in the far north: the average temperature in January is from -12 °C in the southwest to -22 °C in the northeast, the average temperature in July is from +6 °C in the north to +13 °C in the south ; rainfall - about 350 mm per year; permafrost.

The Nenets Okrug is subject to the systematic invasion of the Atlantic and Arctic air masses. The frequent change of air masses is the reason for the constant variability of the weather. In winter and autumn, winds with a southern component prevail, and in summer, northern and northeastern winds are due to the intrusion of cold Arctic air onto a heated continent, where atmospheric pressure is lowered at this time.

The air temperature in summer is determined by the amount of solar radiation and therefore naturally rises from north to south. The average July temperature in Naryan-Mar is +12°C. In the cold half of the year, the main factor in the temperature regime is the transfer of heat from the Atlantic; therefore, a decrease in temperature from west to east is clearly expressed. The average January temperature in Naryan-Mar is -18°C, winter lasts an average of 220-240 days. The entire territory of the district is located in the zone of excessive moisture. The annual amount of precipitation ranges from 400 mm (on the coasts of the seas and on the Arctic islands) to 700 mm. The minimum precipitation is observed in February, the maximum - in August - September. At least 30% of precipitation falls as snow, permafrost is present.

Administrative-territorial structure and population

In administrative-territorial terms, the Nenets Autonomous Okrug consists of 1 city of district subordination ( Naryan-Mar ), 1 district (Zapolyarny district), 1 urban-type settlement ( Seekers village ). All other settlements have the status of rural (the village of Amderma was transformed into a rural-type settlement in 2004.

In the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the population is 42,344 people. Of these, 27280 people. live in cities and 15064 people. are considered villagers. In terms of population among the subjects of Russia, the Nenets Autonomous Okrug ranks 81st, in terms of the number of urban population 81st place and 80th place in terms of the number of rural residents.

The population density is 0.2 people per square kilometer (80th place). The density of the urban population is 0.2 people per sq km (80th place) and 0.1 people per sq km (79th place) of the rural population.

The territory of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug is the original land of residence of the Nenets, who belong to the tundra group.

According to the State Statistics Committee of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the number of Nenets living in the Okrug is 6.381 thousand people, or 15.2%.

Over thousands of years of habitation, the peoples of the region have created a vibrant and original culture, maximally adapted to the natural conditions of the harsh Arctic.

The main area of ​​activity of the Nenets is the traditional sectors of the economy - reindeer herding, hunting and fishing.

The Nenets people are represented in the bodies of state power and local self-government. In the office of the Administration of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, there is a department for the affairs of the indigenous peoples of the North.

Among the population living on the territory of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the following nationalities are found (arranged in descending order): Nenets, Komi, Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians.

Diversified complex of the region's economy

The state balance of reserves registered 83 hydrocarbon fields: 65 oil fields, 6 oil and gas condensate fields, 1 oil and gas field, 4 gas condensate fields and 1 gas field.

The first of the hydrocarbon deposits, the Shapkinskoye oil field, was discovered in 1966;

On the territory of the Nenets Okrug, industrial gas production began in 1975 at the Vasilkovskoye gas condensate field in order to supply gas to the city of Naryan-Mar.

Commercial oil production began in 1988 at the Kharyaginskoye oil field. Explored recoverable reserves of hydrocarbon raw materials amount to 1.4 billion tons of standard fuel, of which oil and condensate reserves account for 61%. In terms of oil reserves, 5 fields belong to large ones (with recoverable oil reserves of the category of more than 60 million tons): Kharyaginskoye, Yuzhno-Khylchuyuskoye, Inzyreyskoye, Toboysko-Myadseyskoye, im. R. Trebs, 36.8% of explored oil reserves are concentrated on them. 16 deposits are classified as medium, with reserves ranging from 15 to 60 million tons, and 57 deposits are classified as small.

Free gas, including gas caps, contains 12 hydrocarbon fields, 4 of which are large (with reserves of more than 75 billion m3): oil and gas condensate Layavozhskoye, Vaneivisskoye, gas condensate Kumzhinskoye, Vasilkovskoye, they contain 90% of free gas reserves. Medium, with reserves of 40-75 billion m3, includes 2 fields, small - 6. According to the degree of industrial development, the group of developed hydrocarbons includes 16 fields of hydrocarbon raw materials, of which the largest in terms of reserves are Kharyaginskoye, Toraveyskoye, Varandeyskoye, Khasyreyskoye, Tedinskoye oil fields. fields, Yuzhno-Shapkinskoye oil and gas condensate-oil and Vasilkovskoye gas condensate fields. The group prepared for industrial development includes 21 deposits, 39 explored, and 2 deposits in conservation.

As of January 01, 2009, 83 hydrocarbon fields were discovered in the NAO, of which 60 are in the distributed subsoil fund, 21 are being developed

The unallocated subsoil fund contains 24% of proven oil reserves and 19% of free gas.

With the existing volumes of oil production, the provision of oil and gas producing enterprises with proven oil reserves in the NAO is 64 years, and in some fields more than 100 years. The availability of free gas reserves of Pechorneftegazprom CJSC, which produces natural gas for the needs of the Nenets Okrug, is about 600 years old.

The Timan-Pechora oil and gas basin is of strategic importance in the fuel and energy complex of the European North of Russia. Its industrial reserves and undiscovered resources, taking into account the resources of the Pechora Sea shelf, will play a significant role in fuel

Russia's energy balance in the near future due to its favorable geographical position and proximity to sales markets.

The prospects for further development of the mineral resource base are high. The subsoil of the district is attractive because the degree of depletion of explored oil reserves has reached only 9%, and free gas is less than 1%.

By the presence of natural resources, the Nenets Autonomous Okrug is not accidentally called the second Klondike. In addition to oil and gas, the bowels of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug contain almost the entire periodic table. Manganese, vanadium, titanium, iron, copper, gold, platinum, diamonds, nickel, cobalt, mercury, collection minerals, uranium, silver and other minerals have been found here. Moreover, most deposits have favorable geological and economic conditions for development.

At present, there are all conditions for the development of highly efficient coal mining, primarily through open-pit mining of the Verkhnerogovskoye deposit and coking coals of the southwestern Pai-Khoi, as well as the extraction of jewelry, colored, ornamental stone, collection materials, and building materials.

In the case of setting up exploration work, fluorite and barite deposits can be prepared for development, the predicted resources of manganese, polymetals, copper, nickel, cobalt are specified, industrial prospects for precious metals and stones, as well as other types of solid minerals are determined.


The agro-industrial complex of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug is one of the components of the region's economy and the main source of livelihood for the indigenous population. Due to the natural climatic conditions, the agriculture of the Okrug is primarily focused on traditional industries for the Autonomous Okrug - reindeer breeding and fishing.

The structure of the agro-industrial complex of the district is represented by agricultural, fishing, processing enterprises, communities and private households.

25 farms with various forms of ownership, 38 peasant farms and 192 personal subsidiary farms are engaged in the production of agricultural products. About 3 thousand people are employed in the agricultural sector, of which 2 thousand are representatives of the indigenous peoples of the North.

Currently, 11 fishing production cooperatives with their own fleet of 4 vessels, 17 collective farms, 3 family and tribal communities engaged in fishing and selling products in the markets of the district, and 14 individual entrepreneurs without education are engaged in fishing in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. legal entity.

In the reindeer farms of the district, they breed domestic reindeer, a European subspecies of the Nenets breed. The number of livestock is naturally regulated by the size of pastures. Most of the territory of the district is under reindeer pastures, the length of which is 800-1000 km. In 2000, there were 134.8 thousand heads of deer in the district's farms for personal use.


The Nenets Autonomous Okrug is in last place among the subjects of the North-Western Federal District in terms of the length of the public road network. The road density in the district is 1.11 km per 1,000 km2. This is one of the lowest indicators in Russia. The share of roads with an improved type of coverage in the district is 28%, and with transitional and low - 48% and 24%, respectively. In the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, there are no permanent road connections with neighboring regions of Russia. Therefore, the priority task of the road committee of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug is the construction of the Naryan-Mar - Usinsk road (Komi Republic).

The most important role in the transport network of the district is played by air transport. By means of aviation, the district center of Naryan-Mar is connected with all settlements of the district and regions of Russia. This type of service is provided by the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Naryan-Mar United Aviation Squadron. The squadron's own fleet of aircraft consists of AN-2 aircraft, MI-8T and MI-8MTV-1 helicopters and is used for local air transportation. The second largest airline in the district is the State Unitary Enterprise "Amderma Airport".

Passenger transportation is carried out from Naryan-Mar to Moscow, St. Petersburg, Arkhangelsk, Pechora (Komi Republic).

The main companies that carry out transportation are JSC Arkhangelsk Air Lines (outside the district) and Federal State Unitary Enterprise Naryan-Mar United Air Squadron (local air lines).

Water transport is of great importance for the national economic complex and the population of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The length of navigable river routes is over 240 km. The main seaports are Naryan-Mar, Amderma, as well as 16 port points located at the mouths of rivers flowing into the White, Barents and Kara Seas.

The port of Naryan-Mar simultaneously accepts ships of sea and river traffic. The port is freezing, the duration of sea navigation is 135 - 150 days a year. When using icebreaking escort, maritime navigation can last until mid-November. The main sea carriers are OAO Nenets International Freight Forwarding Company TRANS-NAO and OAO Northern River Shipping Company.

River navigation lasts from June to mid-October. Regular river passenger traffic is carried out by motor ships of the companies OJSC SK Pechora River Shipping Company and OJSC Pechora River Port.

Flora and fauna

The territory is located in the zones of tundra (76.6%), forest-tundra (15.4%), the southwestern part - in the northern taiga subzone (8%). In the tundra zone, subzones of arctic (4.9%), mountain (3.5%), northern (10.3%), southern (57.9%) tundras are distinguished.

In the Arctic tundra subzone (the coast of the Kara Sea and Vaigach Island), vegetation does not form a continuous cover. Frozen soil, exposed on dry soils from snow by strong winds, cracks, and the surface of the tundra is divided into separate polygons (polygons). The vegetation consists largely of mosses and lichens, herbs: small sedges, grasses, cotton grass, as well as slaty forms of shrubs.

In the subzone of mountain tundra, the main background is created by sedge-lichen associations and creeping shrubs of willow and dwarf birch.

The northern tundra covers the north of the Malozemelskaya tundra, in the Bolshezemelskaya tundra they are confined to large uplands, the southern slopes of the Pai-Khoi ridge. Here, the moss and lichen cover are closed, thickets of dwarf birches and low-growing willows appear. Significant areas are occupied by grass-sedge swamps, in the valleys of rivers and streams there are willows and tundra meadows with abundant multi-species forbs and cereals.

In the subzone of the southern tundra, large areas are covered with thickets of dwarf birch (dwarf birch), as well as various types of willows, wild rosemary, and juniper. A moss and lichen cover is developed, shrubs, forbs, marsh plant complexes are widely represented. In the forest-tundra zone, sparse forest vegetation appears on the watersheds, and in the river valleys and on the southern slopes of the hills, woody vegetation appears in islands: low-growing spruce and birch, less often larch, alternating with areas of tundra and swamps.

The subzone of the northern taiga is characterized by the presence of significant tracts of dense woody vegetation with a predominance of spruce and spruce-birch forests; pine grows along the sandy terraces of rivers and in swamps. In the floodplains, areas with impenetrable thickets of various species of willow and alder alternate with sedge bogs and meadows. Cereals (reedgrass, bluegrass, foxtail, red fescue) with an admixture of herbs grow on tundra meadows and lays.

More than 600 species of flowering plants, several hundred species of mosses and lichens are found on the territory of the district. Brown algae predominate among macrophytes, which are represented here by algae (about 80 species), in rivers and flowing lakes - sedge, horsetail and arctophila. Diatoms and blue-green algae dominate in river phytoplankton, while green and diatom algae dominate in lakes.

In the flora, species of the northern groups are widespread, and taiga (boreal) species are quite widespread. Among the flowering plants, cereals, cruciferous, sedge, and willow predominate. Under anthropogenic impacts on the vegetation cover of the tundra, shrubs, mosses, and lichens are replaced by grasses that form the secondary vegetation cover. The largest areas with secondary vegetation are found in the Bolshezemelskaya tundra, in the areas of geological exploration and oil and gas production.

The flora is rich in various food plants: berries, edible herbs. Cloudberries, blueberries, lingonberries, blueberries, crowberries are of the greatest importance. In the forest-tundra zone, along the river valleys and in the taiga zone, red and black currants, honeysuckle grow, raspberries, strawberries, and wild roses are found. In warm years, bird cherry and mountain ash ripen, and in the south of the Malozemelnaya tundra and in Kanino-Timanye - cranberries. Sorrel, wild onion and other meadow plants are used for food.

The resources of fodder plants of floodplain meadows are rich - cereals, legumes, herbs, sedges; significant reserves of lichens on deer pastures - cladonia, cetraria; Medicinal plants are ubiquitous.

There are more than 100 species of cap mushrooms in the district. Their species composition increases in the direction from north to south. In the northern tundra, russula, mushrooms, boletus, dry mushrooms grow from edible ones, aspen mushrooms appear to the south, in the forest-tundra and taiga - milk mushrooms, mushrooms, volnushki, white and others.

Represented by the inhabitants of the tundra, taiga, arctic deserts. Aquatic invertebrates are numerous: ciliates, phytomonads, oligochaetes, nematodes, rotifers, lower crustaceans, mollusks, etc. The species composition of insects is diverse, a huge number of blood-sucking ones: mosquitoes, midges, gadflies. Of the cyclostomes, lamprey is found. More than 30 species of fish are found in rivers and lakes. From the passage - salmon, omul and others; from semi-anadromous - nelma, whitefish, vendace; from non-water (local) - pike, ide, horned roach, perch, burbot, peled, grayling and others. In the coastal seas - herring, saffron cod, flounder, polar cod, smelt and others (about 50 species of marine fish).

From amphibians there are grass frog, Siberian salamander, common toad, from reptiles - viviparous lizard. The species composition of birds is diverse - about 160 species, including 110 species of birds nesting in the area. Winters about 20 species. In terms of species richness and abundance, passerines and shorebirds (waders) are most represented - more than 40 species each, and waterfowl - about 30 species. Geese, ducks, as well as ptarmigan, one of the background species of the tundra and forest tundra, are of commercial importance.

There are 31 species of land mammals. The most numerous rodents are lemmings (Siberian and ungulates) and voles (water, housekeeper, Middendorff, narrow-skulled), squirrels are found in the taiga. Of the other groups of mammals, the arctic shrew and mountain hare are common; predators include arctic fox, wolf, fox, wolverine, brown and polar bear, marten, otter, ermine, weasel; of artiodactyls - wild reindeer and elk.

In the coastal seas there are marine mammals: white whale, North Atlantic porpoise, narwhal, ringed seal, bearded seal, gray seal, Atlantic walrus. Among terrestrial mammals, the main objects of fishing are arctic fox, fox, brown bear, marten, otter and elk. Of the marine mammals, only ringed seals and bearded seals continue to be hunted. A number of species are acclimatized in the region. Of the rodents, this is the muskrat, which has spread widely throughout the territory and has been an object of hunting; from fish - sterlet, but its population remained very small. Single specimens of pink salmon acclimatized in the Barents Sea basin come to spawn.

The population of the district according to the State Statistics Committee of Russia is 43 373 people (2015). Population density - 0,25 person/km2 (2015). Urban population - 71,75 % (2015).

  • 1 Population dynamics
  • 2 National composition
  • 3 Guarantees of social rights and interests of the Nenets people
  • 4 General map
  • 5 Notes

Population dynamics

1959 1970 1979 1989 1990 1991 1992
36 881 ↗39 119 ↗47 001 ↗54 840 ↘51 993 ↘51 667 ↘50 245
1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
↘48 235 ↘46 504 ↘44 526 ↘43 367 ↘42 549 ↘41 774 ↘41 513
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
↘41 174 ↘40 931 ↗41 546 ↗41 699 ↗41 832 ↗41 954 ↗41 989
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
↘41 960 ↗42 019 ↗42 023 ↗42 090 ↗42 642 ↘42 437 ↗42 789
2014 2015
↗43 025 ↗43 373
Birth rate (number of births per 1000 population)
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 1996 1997 1998
20,4 ↗21,3 ↘19,3 ↗19,8 ↘16,7 ↘12,4 ↘11,2 ↗11,6 ↗12,2
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
↘11,2 ↗11,8 ↗13,0 ↗13,1 ↗15,9 ↘14,2 ↗14,5 ↘14,0 ↗15,6
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
↗16,4 ↗16,5 ↘16,4 ↘15,0 ↗17,4 ↘16,6 ↗16,6
Mortality (number of deaths per 1000 population)
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 1996 1997 1998
7,5 ↗9,3 ↘7,9 ↘7,0 ↗7,0 ↗11,7 ↘10,1 ↘9,1 ↗9,4
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
↗9,4 ↗11,5 ↗12,2 ↘11,7 ↗14,1 ↘12,4 ↘12,2 ↗12,9 ↘12,6
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
↗12,8 ↘11,7 ↗11,7 ↘10,4 ↘10,2 ↗10,7 ↘8,9
Natural population growth (per 1000 population, sign (-) means natural population decline)
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 1996 1997 1998
12,9 ↘12,0 ↘11,4 ↗12,8 ↘9,7 ↘0,7 ↗1,1 ↗2,5 ↗2,8
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
↘1,8 ↘0,3 ↗0,8 ↗1,4 ↗1,8 ↗1,8 ↗2,3 ↘1,1 ↗3,0
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
↗3,6 ↗4,8 ↘4,7 ↘4,6 ↗7,2 ↘5,9 ↗7,7
at birth (number of years)
1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
60,7 ↘59,8 ↘59,3 ↗60,7 ↗63,3 ↗63,3 ↗63,4 ↘60,6 ↘59,2
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
↗61,5 ↘59,3 ↗62,1 ↗63,0 ↘62,2 ↘62,0 ↗63,1 ↗65,2 ↘64,9
2011 2012 2013
↗66,7 ↗68,2 ↘65,8

According to the All-Union and All-Russian censuses:

National composition

% 1989
% 2002
Total 45534 100,00 % 53912 100,00 % 41546 100,00 % 42090 100,00 %
Russians 31312 68,77 % 35489 65,83 % 25942 62,44 % 63,45 % 26648 63,31 % 66,13 %
Nenets 4957 10,89 % 6423 11,91 % 7754 18,66 % 18,96 % 7504 17,83 % 18,62 %
Komi 5012 11,01 % 5124 9,50 % 4510 10,86 % 11,03 % 3623 8,61 % 8,99 %
Ukrainians 2068 4,54 % 3728 6,91 % 1312 3,16 % 3,21 % 987 2,34 % 2,45 %
Belarusians 506 1,11 % 1051 1,95 % 426 1,03 % 1,04 % 283 0,67 % 0,70 %
Tatars 364 0,80 % 524 0,97 % 211 0,51 % 0,52 % 209 0,50 % 0,52 %
Azerbaijanis 93 0,17 % 69 0,17 % 0,17 % 157 0,37 % 0,39 %
Uzbeks 63 0,12 % 10 0,02 % 0,02 % 118 0,28 % 0,29 %
Lezgins 19 0,04 % 48 0,12 % 0,12 % 116 0,28 % 0,29 %
Mari 26 0,05 % 33 0,08 % 0,08 % 84 0,20 % 0,21 %
Chuvash 171 0,32 % 88 0,21 % 0,22 % 75 0,18 % 0,19 %
Udmurts 308 0,68 % 184 0,34 % 95 0,23 % 0,23 % 73 0,17 % 0,18 %
Tajiks 16 0,03 % 17 0,04 % 0,04 % 50 0,12 % 0,12 %
other 1004 2,20 % 1000 1,85 % 373 0,90 % 0,91 % 372 0,88 % 0,92 %
indicated nationality 45531 100,00 % 53911 100,00 % 40888 98,42 % 100,00 % 40299 95,74 % 100,00 %
did not indicate nationality 3 0,00 % 1 0,00 % 658 1,58 % 1791 4,26 %

Guarantees of social rights and interests of the Nenets people

According to the Charter of the region, the issues of social and economic development of the Nenets people are decided by the state authorities and administrations of the district with the participation of the association of the Nenets people "Yasavey".

Measures for the social protection of the Nenets people equally apply to representatives of other peoples engaged in traditional types of economic activity in the Okrug.

In order to preserve and develop the historically established and sustainable nature management methods of using objects of the animal and plant world, other natural resources, as well as the original culture of the Nenets and other small peoples of the North, territories of traditional nature management are formed. Legal regulation of relations in the field of formation, protection and use of territories of traditional nature management is carried out by federal legislation, as well as laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

When using subsoil resources in the places of residence of the Nenets and other small peoples of the North, part of the payments received by the district budget is used for the socio-economic development of these peoples.

General Map

Map legend (when you hover over the label, the real population is displayed):

Komi Republic Arhangelsk region Arhangelsk region Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Naryan-Mar Settlement of Seekers Krasnoye Nes Velikotemporal Ust-Kara Nelmin Nos Oma Nizhnyaya Pyosha Amderma Indiga Khorey-Ver Kharuta Karatayka Bugrino Kotkino Oksino Settlements of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug


  1. 1 2 Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2015. Retrieved 6 August 2015. Archived from the original on 6 August 2015.
  2. All-Union population census of 1959. Retrieved October 10, 2013. Archived from the original on October 10, 2013.
  3. All-Union population census of 1970. The actual population of cities, urban-type settlements, districts and regional centers of the USSR according to the census on January 15, 1970 for the republics, territories and regions. Retrieved October 14, 2013. Archived from the original on October 14, 2013.
  4. All-Union population census of 1979
  5. All-Union population census of 1989. Archived from the original on August 23, 2011.
  6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Permanent population as of January 1 (people) 1990-2010
  7. All-Russian population census 2002. Volume. 1, table 4. The population of Russia, federal districts, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, districts, urban settlements, rural settlements - regional centers and rural settlements with a population of 3 thousand or more. Archived from the original on February 3, 2012.
  8. The number of permanent population of the Russian Federation by cities, urban-type settlements and districts as of January 1, 2009. Retrieved January 2, 2014. Archived from the original on January 2, 2014.
  9. All-Russian population census 2010. Number of municipalities and settlements of the Arkhangelsk region
  10. Population by municipalities of the Arkhangelsk region as of January 1, 2011. Retrieved May 4, 2014. Archived from the original on May 4, 2014.
  11. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities. Table 35. Estimated resident population as of January 1, 2012. Retrieved May 31, 2014. Archived from the original on May 31, 2014.
  12. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2013. - M.: Federal State Statistics Service Rosstat, 2013. - 528 p. (Table 33. Population of urban districts, municipal districts, urban and rural settlements, urban settlements, rural settlements). Retrieved November 16, 2013. Archived from the original on November 16, 2013.
  13. Table 33. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2014. Retrieved August 2, 2014. Archived from the original on August 2, 2014.
  14. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
  15. 1 2 3 4
  16. 1 2 3 4
  17. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5.13. Birth rate, mortality and natural population growth by regions of the Russian Federation
  18. 1 2 3 4 4.22. Birth rate, mortality and natural increase of the population in the subjects of the Russian Federation
  19. 1 2 3 4 4.6. Birth rate, mortality and natural increase of the population in the subjects of the Russian Federation
  20. Fertility, mortality, natural increase, marriages, divorce rates for January-December 2011
  21. Fertility, mortality, natural increase, marriages, divorce rates for January-December 2012
  22. Fertility, mortality, natural increase, marriages, divorce rates for January-December 2013
  23. Fertility, mortality, natural increase, marriages, divorce rates for January-December 2014
  24. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 5.13. Birth rate, mortality and natural population growth by regions of the Russian Federation
  25. 1 2 3 4 4.22. Birth rate, mortality and natural increase of the population in the subjects of the Russian Federation
  26. 1 2 3 4 4.6. Birth rate, mortality and natural increase of the population in the subjects of the Russian Federation
  27. Fertility, mortality, natural increase, marriages, divorce rates for January-December 2011
  28. Fertility, mortality, natural increase, marriages, divorce rates for January-December 2012
  29. Fertility, mortality, natural increase, marriages, divorce rates for January-December 2013
  30. Fertility, mortality, natural increase, marriages, divorce rates for January-December 2014
  31. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Life expectancy at birth, years, year, annual value, total population, both sexes
  32. 1 2 3 Life expectancy at birth
  33. Population censuses of the Russian Empire, USSR, 15 newly independent states
  34. Volumes of the official publication of the results of the All-Russian population census of 2010
  35. Demoscope. All-Union population census of 1959. National composition of the population by regions of Russia: Nenets Autonomous Okrug
  36. Demoscope. All-Union population census of 1989. National composition of the population by regions of Russia: Nenets Autonomous Okrug
  37. All-Russian population census of 2002: Population by nationality and knowledge of the Russian language by subjects of the Russian Federation
  38. Official website of the 2010 All-Russian Population Census. Information materials on the final results of the 2010 All-Russian Population Census
  39. All-Russian population census 2010. Official results with expanded lists by national composition of the population and by region: see.

Population of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug Information About

Assessment of the economic and geographical position and natural resource potential

The Nenets Autonomous Okrug is one of the most important strategic subjects of the Russian Federation. The presence of exploited hydrocarbon deposits and a dynamically developing oil-producing complex on its territory determine its high economic potential, and the enormous importance of the North in the current geopolitical situation makes the district a reference point for strengthening the sovereignty of Russia as a whole.

The Nenets National Okrug was formed in 1929, in 1979 it was renamed the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

The territory of the district is 176.8 thousand km2, which is 1% of the territory of the Russian Federation and ranks 23rd among its subjects. The Nenets Autonomous Okrug is the fourth largest subject of the Russian Federation in the North-Western Federal District after the Arkhangelsk Region, the Republics of Komi and Karelia. It occupies 10.5% of the territory of the Northwestern Federal District. The Nenets Autonomous Okrug is part of the Northern Economic Region, which also includes the republics of Karelia and Komi, the Arkhangelsk and Murmansk regions.

The district is located in the north of the East European Plain, most of it is located beyond the Arctic Circle. Includes the islands of Kolguevi and Vaygach, the Kanin Peninsula. It is washed by the White, Barents, Pechora and Kara Seas of the Arctic Ocean.

In the south, the district borders on the Komi Republic, in the southwest - on the Arkhangelsk region, in the northeast - on the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District.

The administrative center of the district is the city of Naryan-Mar.

The relief of the territory is mostly flat; the ancient Timan ridges, the Pai-Khoi ridge (height up to 467 m), swampy areas of the Bolshezemelskaya and Malozemelskaya tundra stand out. Tundra- and peat-gley soils are common on the territory of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Geologically, the territory of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug belongs to two Precambrian sedimentary plates of different ages: Russian and Pechora. The conditional boundary between them coincides with the zone of the West Timan deep faults.

The Nenets Okrug is subject to the systematic invasion of the Atlantic and Arctic air masses. The frequent change of air masses is the reason for the constant variability of the weather. In winter and autumn, winds with a southern component prevail, and in summer - northern and northeastern ones, due to the intrusion of cold Arctic air onto a heated continent, where atmospheric pressure is lowered at this time.

The air temperature in summer is determined by the amount of solar radiation and therefore naturally rises from north to south. The average temperature in July in Naryan-Mar is +12° C. In the cold half of the year, the main factor in the temperature regime is the transfer of heat from the Atlantic, therefore, a decrease in temperature from west to east is clearly expressed. The average January temperature in Naryan-Mar is −18°C, and winter lasts an average of 220-240 days. The entire territory of the district is located in the zone of excessive moisture. The annual amount of precipitation ranges from 400 mm (on the coasts of the seas and on the Arctic islands) to 700 mm. The minimum precipitation is observed in February, the maximum - in August - September. At least 30% of precipitation falls as snow, permafrost is present.

There is a dense river network on the territory of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (an average of 0.53 km per 1 km² of area), an abundance of lakes. The rivers belong to the basins of the seas of the Arctic Ocean, they are mostly flat in nature, and the ridges are rapids. Among the rivers, the Pechora River occupies a special place; its lower reaches (220 km) with a vast delta are located within the district. Depths allow sea vessels to rise to Naryan-Mar. In terms of water content, the Pechora is inferior in the European part of Russia only to the Volga. Bogs occupy 5-6%.

The land fund of the district as of January 1, 1999 amounted to 17,681,048 ha. It is divided into the following categories: agricultural land - 16,799.3 thousand hectares (95.01%); lands of settlements - 12.4 thousand hectares (0.07%); lands of enterprises of industry, transport and other non-agricultural purposes - 39.8 thousand hectares (0.23%); land for nature protection - 2.0 thousand hectares (0.01%); reserve land - 827.5 thousand hectares (4.68%). The area of ​​agricultural land (hayfields, pastures, arable land) is 25.9 thousand hectares, or less than 0.15% in the structure of the district's land fund. 847.8 thousand hectares (4.8%) are occupied by forests, 1089.3 thousand hectares (6.2%) are occupied by swamps, 1000.4 thousand hectares (5.66%) are under water. Reindeer pastures account for 13,202.2 thousand hectares (74.67%).

Depending on bioclimatic conditions, topography, nature of parent rocks, depth of surface waters, the following main types of tundra soils are distinguished: arctic-tundra gleyic, tundra primitive, tundra surface-gley, peat-bog, sod. Tundra podzolized illuvial-humus soils are formed on sandy and sandy soil-forming rocks under conditions of good drainage. Arcto-tundra gleys are found on the island of Vaigachi on the coast of the Kara Sea, primitive tundras are found in the upper part of the slopes of Pai-Khoi, tundra surface-gleys, as well as peat-bogs, are widespread throughout the entire district. In the south-west of the district, in the northern taiga subzone, gley-podzolic soils and illuvial-ferruginous-humus podzols are formed.

The soil-forming process is caused by low temperatures, short summers, widespread permafrost, waterlogging, and develops according to the gley-bog type. Chemical weathering proceeds poorly, while the released bases are washed out of the soil, and it is depleted in calcium, sodium, potassium, but enriched in iron and aluminum. Lack of oxygen and excess moisture hinder the decomposition of plant residues, which slowly accumulate in the form of peat.

The territory is located in the zones of tundra (76.6%), forest-tundra (15.4%), the southwestern part - in the northern taiga subzone (8%). In the tundra zone, subzones of arctic (4.9%), mountain (3.5%), northern (10.3%), southern (57.9%) tundras are distinguished.

In the Arctic tundra subzone (the coast of the Kara Sea and Vaigach Island), vegetation does not form a continuous cover. Frozen soil, exposed on dry soils from snow by strong winds, cracks, and the surface of the tundra is divided into separate polygons (polygons). The vegetation consists largely of sedges, grasses: small sedges, cereals, cotton grass, as well as slate forms of shrubs.

In the mountain tundra subzone, the main background is created by sedge-lichen associations and creeping shrubs of willow and dwarf birch.

The northern tundra covers the north of the Malozemelskaya tundra, in the Bolshezemelskaya tundra they are confined to large uplands, the southern slopes of the Pai-Khoi ridge. Here, the moss and lichen cover are closed, thickets of dwarf birches and low-growing willows appear. Significant areas are occupied by grass-sedge swamps, in the valleys of rivers and streams there are willows and tundra meadows with abundant multi-species forbs and cereals.

In the subzone of the southern tundra, large areas are covered with thickets of dwarf birch (dwarf birch), as well as various types of willows, wild rosemary, and juniper. A moss or lichen cover is developed, shrubs, forbs, marsh plant complexes are widely represented. In the forest-tundra zone, sparse forest vegetation appears on the watersheds, and in the river valleys and on the southern slopes of the hills, woody vegetation appears in islands: low-growing spruce and birch, less often larch, alternating with areas of tundra and swamps.

The subzone of the northern taiga is characterized by the presence of significant tracts of dense woody vegetation with a predominance of spruce and spruce-birch forests; pine grows along the sandy terraces of rivers and in swamps. In the floodplains, areas with impenetrable thickets of various species of willow and alder alternate with sedge bogs and meadows. Cereals (reed grass, bluegrass, foxtail, red fescue) with an admixture of herbs grow on the tundra meadows in the khilides.

More than 600 species of flowering plants, several hundred species of mosses and lichens are found on the territory of the district. Brown algae predominate among macrophytes, which are represented here by algae (about 80 species), in rivers and flowing lakes - sedge, arcticophila horsetail. In river phytoplankton, diatoms and blue-green algae dominate, and in lakes - green idiatom algae.

In the flora, species of the northern groups are widespread, taiga (boreal) species are quite widespread. Among the flowering plants, cereals, cruciferous, sedge, and willow predominate. Under anthropogenic impacts on the vegetation cover of the tundra, shrubs, mosses, and lichens are replaced by grasses that form the secondary vegetation cover. The largest areas with secondary vegetation are found in the Bolshezemelskaya tundra, in the areas of geological exploration and oil and gas production.

The flora is rich in a variety of food plants: berries, edible herbs. Cloudberries, blueberries, lingonberries, blueberries, crowberries are of the greatest importance. In the forest-tundra zone, along the river valleys and in the taiga zone, red and black currants, honeysuckle grow, raspberries, strawberries, and wild roses are found. In warm years, bird cherry and mountain ash ripen, and in the south of the Malozemelnaya tundra and in Kanino-Timanye, cranberries. Used in the squirrel, wild onions and other meadow plants.

The resources of fodder plants of floodplain meadows are rich - cereals, legumes, herbs, sedges; significant reserves of lichens on deer pastures - cladonia, cetraria; Medicinal plants are ubiquitous.

There are more than 100 species of cap mushrooms in the district. Their species composition increases in the direction from north to south. In the northern tundra, russula, mushrooms, boletus, dry mushrooms grow from edible ones, aspen mushrooms appear to the south, in the forest tundra and taiga - milk mushrooms, mushrooms, volnushki, white and others.

The animal world is represented by the inhabitants of the tundra, taiga, arctic deserts. Aquatic invertebrates are numerous: ciliates, phytomonads, oligochaetes, nematodes, rotifers, lower crustaceans, mollusks, etc. The species composition of insects is diverse, a huge number of blood-sucking mosquitoes, midges, gadflies. Of the cyclostomes, lamprey is found. More than 30 species of fish are found in rivers and lakes. From the passage - salmon, omul and others; from semi-anadromous - nelma, whitefish, vendace; from non-water (local) - pike, ide, hornet, perch, burbot, peled, grayling and others. In coastal seas - herring, saffron cod, flounder, polar cod, smelt and others (about 50 species of marine fish).

From amphibians there are grass frog, Siberian salamander, common toad, from reptiles - viviparous lizard. The species composition of birds is diverse - about 160 species, including 110 species of birds nesting in the area. Winters about 20 species. Geese, ducks, as well as white partridge, one of the background species of the tundra and forest-tundra, are of commercial importance.

There are 31 species of land mammals. The most numerous rodents are lemmings, voles, and squirrels are found in the taiga. Of the other groups of mammals, the arctic shrew and hare are common; among predators - polar fox, wolf, fox, wolverine, brown and polar bear, marten, otter, ermine, weasel; from artiodactyls - wild northern deer.

In the coastal seas there are marine mammals: white whale, North Atlantic porpoise, narwhal, ringed seal, sea hare, gray seal, Atlantic walrus. Among terrestrial mammals, the main objects of fishing are arctic fox, fox, brown bear, marten, and torn. Of the marine mammals, only ringed seals and bearded seals continue to be hunted. A number of species are acclimatized in the region. Of the rodents, this is the muskrat, which has spread widely throughout the territory and has been an object of hunting; from fish - sterlet, but its population remained very small. Single specimens of pink salmon acclimatized in the Barents Sea basin come to spawn.

However, despite all of the above, of all the polar territories of Russia, the district has the most advantageous geographical position, because. is closest to the European part of the country, which is characterized by high human potential, infrastructural security, and a dynamically developing industrial complex.

The Nenets Autonomous Okrug has the richest reserves of minerals that are of great strategic importance for the country. First of all, these are oil fields. The shelf potential of the Barents Sea is a single super-province with the Timan-Pechora province, which is a unique base of hydrocarbon raw materials. Of no small importance for the development of the region is a high degree of exploration of oil and gas areas and at the same time a low degree of their depletion, their fairly compact location and proximity to European markets, as well as good physical and chemical properties of oil. All of the above significantly increases the competitiveness of the district.

Population characteristics

Due to its natural and climatic conditions, the Nenets Autonomous Okrug belongs to the underdeveloped territories with a low population density. The permanent population of the district as of 01.01.2007 amounted to 41.9 thousand people, which took 0.3% of the total number in the North-West. The population density was 0.2 people/km2, which is 40 times lower than in the Northwestern Federal District (8.0 people/km2).

At the same time, the level of urbanization of the Okrug is quite high and amounts to 64% (about 27 thousand people, of which 12,702 are men and 7,845 are women), which is explained by the high concentration of the population in the only city of the Okrug, Naryan-Mar, although this indicator and lower than in Russia (73.1%) and in the Northwestern Federal District (82.2%). The rural population of the Okrug lives in 42 rural settlements and their number is about 15 thousand people. 7845 men and 7459 women.

The number of pensioners is 11 thousand people, of which 5 thousand are employed.

Born in 2008: 691 people, 16.4 per 1,000 population.

Deaths in 2008: 537 people, 12.8 per 1000 population.

The natural increase per one thousand people in 2008 was 3.6.

Among the inhabitants of the district, the Russian population prevails; other nationalities also live on its territory. In the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the Nenets are 12% of the population.

General results of population migration to the NAO in 2008:

- arrivals - 548 people, of which within Russia - 515 (including within the regions - 320, from other regions - 195), from foreign countries - 33;

There were 698 people who left, 696 of them within Russia (including 352 within the regions, 344 to other regions), and 2 to foreign countries.

The migration balance as of 01.01.2009 amounted to (-)150 people.

The distribution of the population by main age groups in the NAO and the average age of the population as of January 01, 2009 are presented in Appendix A (Tables 3, 4).

Despite the fact that in the Autonomous Okrug the incidence of tuberculosis is less than the national average among the rural and nomadic population of the Autonomous Okrug, these figures are 3-5 times higher. This is facilitated by the extreme conditions of living in the plague, problems with the isolation of patients and the implementation of sanitary - anti-epidemic, medical - diagnostic measures.

The territory of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug is the original land of residence of the Nenets, who belong to the tundra group.

According to the State Statistics Committee of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the number of Nenets living in the Okrug is 6.381 thousand people, or 15.2%.

Over thousands of years of habitation, the peoples of the region have created a vibrant and original culture, maximally adapted to the natural conditions of the harsh Arctic.

The main area of ​​activity of the Nenets is the traditional sectors of the economy - reindeer herding, hunting and fishing.

The Nenets people are represented in the bodies of state power and local self-government. In the office of the Administration of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, there is a department for the affairs of the indigenous peoples of the North.

According to Rosstat, the district ranks first in Russia in terms of income. In the Nenets Autonomous Okrug in 2009, the maximum amount of per capita cash income of the population was recorded - 48 thousand 146 rubles - despite the fact that the average figure in Russia is about 16 thousand rubles. The highest wages are in the extractive industries, in financial activities, in transport and in construction. Since 2005, the wages of state employees have been increasing. In 2009, a novice doctor or teacher received from 40 thousand rubles a month.

Another positive aspect is that the growth rate of cash income outstrips the growth rate of the subsistence minimum in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Today, the subsistence minimum for one person is about 10 thousand rubles. This figure, as in previous years, is almost 2 times higher than the average for the Russian Federation, which is associated with a high level of prices in the district due to the cost of transportation costs for the delivery of goods to the district.

The unemployment rate in the district is slightly higher than the national average - 3.5 percent against 2.5.

Characteristics of the economy (industry, transport, agriculture)

The main industries of the district are fuel (96.5%) and food (2.3%) (fish, dairy, meat-packing). Agriculture is also developed in the region - crop production: potatoes and turnips, animal husbandry: reindeer breeding, hunting: fishing, hunting and sea fur hunting.

On the territory of the Okrug, on the basis of the development of oil, gas and coal deposits, the Timan-Pechora fuel and energy complex is being formed. Currently, 12 hydrocarbon deposits are being developed. In recent years, the Okrug has acquired the importance of an important energy region, which is associated with the discovery of significant hydrocarbon reserves in the Okrug. Also, 81 oil and gas fields have been discovered in the region.

State Unitary Enterprise "Naryan-Mar Power Plant" is the largest enterprise in the power industry of the district. It accounts for about 80% of all electricity generated in the district. The rest of the settlements are provided with electricity from local diesel power plants.

The volume of industrial production in 2006 amounted to 77,300.9 million rubles, an increase of 64%.

Shipped goods of own production in 2006 by type of activity:

Extraction of minerals - in the amount of 76,188.0 million rubles (production index - 106% compared to 2005);

Manufacturing industries - 473.1 million rubles;

Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water - 639.8 million rubles.

More than 1028 enterprises and organizations operate on the territory of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. In the structure of industrial production of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, 98.6% is occupied by the fuel industry.

As of January 1, 2007, the largest oil producing companies are Lukoil-Komi LLC (43% of oil produced), Polar Lights Company LLC (9% of oil produced), OJSC Severnaya Neft (OJSC NK Rosneft ) (32% of oil produced), OAO Total Exploration Development Russia (7% of oil produced).

Land resources and pastures

The area of ​​the land fund of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug is 17,681 thousand hectares. Reindeer pastures (99.8 percent) dominate in the structure of agricultural land (73.5 percent).

biological resources

Among aquatic biological resources fish stocks are of the greatest economic importance. 32 species of waterfowl have been recorded in the county. The main object of personal hunting is the white partridge, which lives in the shrub tundra, its number in these places reaches 30–60 breeding pairs per 1 square kilometer.

The main commercial mammals in the NAO represented by arctic fox, white hare and ermine. Much less common are the brown bear, fox, wolf, marten, weasel, otter, muskrat. On Novaya Zemlya and in the mainland tundra of the district, wild reindeer live (from 7 to 12 thousand heads). The polar bear is found along the coast of the Barents Sea to the Czech Bay. The main economically valuable hunting species is the arctic fox. The main areas of its fishing are located in the north of the Bolshezemelskaya tundra and the Yugorsky Peninsula.

Transport development.

The road network of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug includes public roads (of federal and territorial significance) and departmental roads built at the expense of various ministries and departments. Since the 1960s for the transportation of goods in winter, temporary and permanent roads are built - the so-called winter roads. The length of public roads is 229 km, of which the length of federal roads is 4 km (1.7%), territorial - 225 km (98.3%). The length of paved roads is 179 km (76.7%). For the transportation of goods in winter, the so-called "winter roads" are used. The length of departmental roads and winter roads of the district is more than 1000 km.

Prospects for the development of road transport are associated with the completion of the construction of the Naryan-Mar - Usinsk road. It will connect hydrocarbon production centers with the district center, and the district will also have the opportunity of land transport access to the Komi Republic and the all-Russian transport system.

Air transport

The most important role in the transport network of the district is played by air transport. The two main enterprises are JSC "Naryan-Mar United Air Squadron" and Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Amderma Airport". By means of aviation, the district center of Naryan-Mar is connected with all the settlements of the district, and through Arkhangelsk, Moscow and St. Petersburg with almost all regions of Russia.

The airfield of Naryan-Mar belongs to class "B" and meets modern requirements, which allows you to receive aircraft AN-24, AN-26, TU-134, TU-152, IL-76 and BOEING-737. The squadron's own fleet of aircraft consists of AN-2 aircraft, MI-8T, MI-8 MTV-1 helicopters and is used for local air transportation.

Water transport

The length of navigable river routes is over 240 km. The main seaports are Naryan-Mar, Amderma, as well as 16 port points located at the mouths of rivers flowing into the White, Barents and Kara Seas.

The port of Naryan-Mar simultaneously accepts ships of sea and river traffic. The port is freezing, the duration of sea navigation is 135 - 150 days a year. The main sea carriers are OAO Nenets International Freight Forwarding Company TRANS-NAO and OAO Northern River Shipping Company.

The Amderma Sea Port of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug is located on the Northern Sea Route and is an Arctic offshore port, where unloading is carried out on an open road.

River regular passenger traffic between settlements located along the Pechora River is carried out by motor ships of the State Unitary Enterprise NAO Naryan-Mar Transport Company. Freight transportation is carried out by OAO IC Pechora River Shipping Company and OAO Pechora River Port. In 2005, a river station was built at the expense of the district budget.

Pipeline transport

The beginning of the development of pipeline transport in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug was laid in 1978 with the commissioning of the local gas pipeline Vasilkovskoye field - Naryan-Mar with a length of 63 km.

Currently, oil is exported from the territory of the Okrug to the south from the largest Kharyaginskoye field being developed via the Kharyaga-Usinsk oil pipeline, 149 km long, 530 mm in diameter, and further along the Usinsk-Ukhta oil pipeline, 406 km long, 720 mm in diameter. Within the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the most significant oil pipeline connects the Ardalinskoye and Kharyaginskoye fields (length 64 km, diameter 325 mm).

In the northern direction, oil supplies are carried out by OAO Lukoil through the sea terminal in the area of ​​the village. Varandey, whose throughput in 2005 was 1.5 million tons, and by 2010 should reach 12-14 million tons.