The most characteristic personality traits. The most significant characteristic features of a person's personality

This article explains in detail, accessible and even very simply what is Philosophy Synthesis. At the beginning, a little about the historical and planetary events that influenced the fate of all mankind and the planet Earth as a whole.We are at the point where it is not possible to apply the old experience and the old paradigm of life to move forward. As it turned out, God the Father literally does not sit on the clouds, and neither the pilots nor the astronauts met an elderly bearded man surrounded by angels praising him.

The allegories and metaphors of yesterday are NOT inspiring today. Obviously, we need new knowledge, new teachings, new practices of life, adequate to modern realities. The development of civilization requires a deeper understanding of life and new approaches to its development. If a Person does not understand some parts of his life, then the teaching that he uses does not correspond to the conditions of his life, because. can't explain what's going on with him. The conclusion follows from this: either you need to change your life, attaching it to the teaching, or you need to change the teaching that explains this life. The truth, as always, is in the middle: it is time to rebuild both life and the teaching that explains it. Grandiose changes are taking place on our Planet and in the Solar System, from which it is impossible, and nowhere to hide. Life invites us not to hide from these changes in the illusions of yesterday, but to actively rebuild internally and externally. By the beginning of the third millennium (namely August 11, 1999. at the moment of an astronomical phenomenon known as the parade of the Planets of the Solar System) the Fire of the Metagalaxy came to our Planet as a new expression of the Father for Man. With this Fire, the old era was de jure completed. And we still see echoes of the former de facto only because matter is inert and more time is required for its gradual and, what is extremely important, non-conflict, non-catastrophic transformation.

From the point of view, which inevitably saturates the second ten years, it is inferior, materialized, underground and almost motionless existing with minimal possibilities and in the most limited conditions. Yes, the Planet is already living with elements of metagalactic life. Today the Earth is not isolated from the Cosmos, but is open and permeable to its emanations (radiation). However, it is naive to think that everything will change for the better by itself somehow and without our participation. After all, there is an immutable law that says that everything is done by human hands and feet. Yes, he has already approved new standards for the Planet with his Fire, but have we learned to deeply perceive them and live by them? The question is when and how each of us and all Humanity as a whole will be reorganized to new conditions of development.

What requirements does the New Age make of us, and what opportunities does it open up for us? What specifically needs to be changed, what exactly needs to be done in order to correspond to the new time? What hinders the development of life in the new conditions, and what contributes to it? These questions are answered by the Philosophy of Synthesis - a new educational direction that reveals the fundamental database of the New Age. The Synthesis itself, as such, is the most important result of the New Age. New Philosophical Concept.

Philosophy Synthesis- this is the doctrine of, as the Primordial source of Fire, Spirit, Light and Energy and of Man - his structure and development, as well as the relationship between the Father and Man. At the heart of the Philosophy of Synthesis is the direct Synthesis of the Father and Man.

Philosophical readings of the Synthesis in Kyiv 2-3.11.2013 L. Barysheva. Acquaintance with Synthesis introductory part.

The beginning of the Philosophy of Synthesis on our Planet in 1995 gave - Son of the Metagalaxy. The spokesman for the Avatar of Synthesis for Humanity was the Lord Kut Hoomi, according to the previous era, the Teacher of the Second Ray of Love-Wisdom in the Hierarchy of the Father of the Planet. Over the past years, the disciples of the Lord Koot Hoomi developed and implemented a new philosophical concept of the development of Man and Mankind, which provides answers to the deepest and most intimate questions about each of us and Mankind as a whole. The Teaching of Synthesis is completely practical: every theoretical research is confirmed or refuted by practitioners. After all, the principles of geocentricity and anthropicity are at the heart of the philosophical concept of Synthesis. development of metagalactic life Scientists know that even a slight deviation of the parameters of the external environment makes it impossible to continue our life. But we live and will live. Indeed, according to the principle of geocentricity, the entire Metagalaxy is concentrated on our Planet in order to support and develop life on it by creating comfortable conditions. not in the fact that it is the center of the Metagalaxy - the Metagalaxy has a material core, around which all metagalactic matter rotates. The essence of geocentricity is that our Planet is the centering of life for the entire Metagalaxy. Remember the famous words of Archimedes: Give me a point of support and I will move the world . Planet Earth has become a fulcrum that transforms the life of the entire Metagalaxy. Why is it so? What is so important for the entire Metagalaxy on our Planet? Why does the development of metagalactic life depend on the development of life on our Planet - the smallest speck of dust in the colossal volume of metagalactic matter? These questions are answered by the Anthropic Principle.

essence: each Man is the spokesman of the Father, and all Mankind as a whole collectively expresses him. This became possible from the moment when the Avatar of Synthesis concentrated the expression of the Synthesis of the entire Metagalaxy on our Planet, and we began to integrate into the new metagalactic paradigm of life, and it, in turn, began to adapt to us. Synthesis is manifested on our Planet, which is fixed and unfolding, including in the form of Synthesis seminars called

Our Planet is the Synthesis fixation point for the entire Metagalaxy, i.e. transformation point of the Metagalaxy. Thanks to the anthropic principle, Man, like the Father, is at the center of any event, any phenomenon, and all conditions, both planetary and metagalactic, are aimed at supporting and developing the life of each Man and Mankind as a whole. At present, of all beings, only Man, taking into account his structure and capabilities, is a full-fledged spokesman of the Father with the ensuing opportunities and responsibility. Moreover, Man is not fictional, not abstract, not ideal, but the most concrete. Such a Person, in fact, is each of us.

The idea of ​​the anthropic principle is that the entire Metagalaxy influences us so that we live and develop. On the other hand, in Synthesis there is also an inverse anthropic principle: each Man and all Mankind influences the Metagalaxy so that it overcomes chaos and organizes correctly.

To the question: How is this possible? answers Paradigm Omega.

The essence of the Omega paradigm is as follows: everything that surrounds us - the entire Metagalaxy - is the body of the Father of the Metagalaxy. Every person is Omega- a cell in the body of the Father. Each Omega has a source of life from the Father - Alphas. When a Man is incarnated, the Father gives him an impulse of life with his Fire, Spirit, Light and Energy, where the goals and programs of a Man's life are written down. The most important goal of every Man is to be the spokesman of the Father, for every Omega has the potential of Alpha. The Teaching of Synthesis provides methods for the practical achievement of this goal.

Where is Mankind going?

Let's define the concept of race. Race is a set of laws and constants that determine the life of a Human on the basis of his structure. Race is an expression of a certain type of life, shaped by a certain body. Those. representatives of different races have a different structure of parts adapted and reflecting different living conditions. The evolutionary development of the Planet corresponds to the race existing on it. When one race completes its mission, the next one takes over.

The task of each race– to form a new type of body in which a new kind of life is realized. The racial identity of a Human is not determined by his phenotypic features - skin color, skull shape, or eye shape, but is determined by his internal structure. For example, the Man who has a mind and the Man who has no mind belong to different races. A person who has a soul and a person without a soul are representatives of different races.

Each race has its own specific laws and living conditions. The next race is based on the highest achievements of the previous one was the highest achievement in the fifth race, for example, the commandments of Christ, is the foundation, ie. the minimum starting point for the Man of the sixth race. At the beginning of the 21st century, for the first time in the history of the planet, the transition occurred catastrophically, but evolutionarily. The reason for this phenomenon is that at the end of the fifth race, some of its representatives managed to enter into the conditions of the sixth race and reorganize themselves accordingly. Thus, the implementation of the principle Bodhisattvas the need for the global destruction of the civilization of the fifth race was removed: If one ascends, everyone can ascend. We will not repeat the fate of the Atlanteans and lemurs, whose civilizations were swept away by natural disasters. The doctrine of Synthesis is devoted to the transformation of Man in accordance with the new conditions of the sixth race, which actually saves civilization from destruction.

Let's define the concept of an epoch. Epoch These are the external conditions for the development of the race. The race determines its ways and possibilities in relations with the Father, and the epoch fixes external conditions for this.

The essence of the New Age is in its four characteristics: New era is the era Father.

So, where is Humanity of the sixth race going? The Teaching of Synthesis answers this question by revealing the external and internal task of Humanity in the New Epoch. An external task for Mankind is to master the Metagalaxy. Moreover, to master not so much technically, flying around the Metagalaxy on spaceships, as the development of the ability to free spatial movement from any point of the Metagalaxy to any other point without the use of technical means. The internal task for Humanity is to develop a metagalactic life. This means that Man must learn to express the Father so deeply that no matter where in the Metagalaxy Man appears, he is able to create new living conditions for new metagalactic beings. In other words, Synthesis prepares us to become the rulers of planets, stars and other metagalactic objects and create new life on them. The Law of Evolution of the Fathers says: There is no Father who is not a Man, and there is no Man who will not become a Father. . But there is another law: You can only give to others what you have yourself. . And if we declare for the development of life throughout the Metagalaxy, then the first thing to do for this is to accumulate a sufficient amount of high-quality life in ourselves. In this context, the words of Jesus: Save yourself and thousands around you will be saved can be paraphrased as follows: Improve your life so that wherever you are and whatever you do, from your presence the surrounding life awakens, develops and perfects itself in the expression of the Father. According to the results of the sixth race, Humanity will have the opportunity of a full-fledged life anywhere in the Metagalaxy. Therefore, the Sixth Man is called the Man of the Metagalaxy, and the Mankind of the sixth race is called Metagalactic Civilization.

However, there is a higher goal than settling in the Metagalaxy and controlling its parts. We are talking about the Primordial Superior Humanity, whose representative for us is The Primordial Superior Father (IBO). That is, we are going to where the Primarily Higher Father lives – beyond the boundaries of the Metagalaxy. Initially, the Superior Father is the external manager for the Metagalaxy. In order for a Man to be able to go beyond the limits of the Metagalaxy, he needs to contain the potential of the Metagalaxy in himself. To understand this perspective, let's see how planetary thinking developed in Humanity at the end of the last epoch. We have covered the entire planet with our presence. Culture, politics, economics, information, knowledge, technology have become global. Mankind has mastered the Planet and has ceased to fit only on it. In the 20th century, the space age began - we physically began to explore not only the nearest space, but also sent spaceships outside the solar system. Something similar in the New Epoch Mankind will have to accomplish on the scale of the Metagalaxy.

What is new in the Teaching of Synthesis? What are the discoveries of the Synthesis of Fire?

1. Epoch of Fire of Metagalaxy Fa (Universe).

In the previous epoch, Mankind aspired to the Light, and the peak for Man was the Spirit, because. The Father was expressed by the Spirit, and fellowship with the Father was in the Spirit. In the new epoch, Mankind aspires to the Spirit, and the top is Fire. The Father is expressed by Fire, and communication with the Father takes place in Fire. According to the law of similarity, we can interact with the Father only within the limits of the Fire that is in us. New era is the Age of the Father, and the Father is fire. If there is no Fire in a Man, then he simply does not notice the Epoch - it is not attracted to him, it passes him by, no matter how much Spirit the Man has accumulated by previous acquisitions in all previous lives.

To answer this question, we need to distinguish between elemental fire and the Fire of the Father. Elemental fire is born from material interactions. For example, firewood is burning in a fire - we see and feel the heat of its flame. Underground magmatic fire is elemental. The processes of digestion, respiration, movement give rise to elemental fire in the human body.

Fire of the Father is born as a result of the interaction of subjects - the expressions of the Father. For example, in the sixth race, something is possible that had no precedent before - interaction.

Due to the fact that the Fire of the Father is a kind of very high substance that the Father emanates by himself, along with Energy, Light and Spirit, the Fire of the Father is not perceived by people of the fifth race, because they do not have the corresponding organs of perception. At the same time, it was known earlier that the Father is a consuming fire. Rhythmically flashing, steadily fading away, it was not created by any of the gods, by any of the people, but was, is and will be. You can also cite the words of Seraphim of Sarov, who spoke about the main task of a Christian - acquisition of the fire of the grace of the Holy Spirit. Elemental fire and the Fire of the Father suggest two options for the development of life. An ultra-high concentration of energy spontaneously gives rise to self-organizing dissipative systems. The energy of high vibrations gives birth to Light; from high vibrations of Light the Spirit is born; Fire is born from the high vibrations of the Spirit. This is how the Mother creates Life, evolutionarily raising it from Energy into the Fire of the Father.

The involutionary way of the birth of Life by the Father: the Fire of the Father slows down its vibrations and becomes the Spirit; Spirit slows down its vibrations and becomes Light; Light, fading, passes into Energy. The Epoch of Fire presupposes the Fire of the Father both within Man and around him. Whether we are engaged in Synthesis or not, the epochal Fire of the Father is everywhere and we are in it. Another thing is that without thinking about these issues, Man is saturated with the Fire of the Father only indirectly through Nature, i.e. goes maternal, i.e. material, through the development of his life. Through the practice of Synthesis it is possible to acquire the direct Fire of the Father. The path of the development of life by the Father greatly accelerates and facilitates the ascent of Man in the Epoch of Fire.

Epochs succeed each other, following musical notes, . The Age of Fire lives by the note F. Therefore, in the Teaching of Synthesis, we are talking about the Fa Metagalaxy, about Fa Syntheses, about Fa as such. The sound of Fa permeates the entire Metagalaxy, which is experimentally confirmed by science. F is the Form of the Absolute. In the previous epoch, the Metagalaxy sounded like a note MiMother Hierarchy. What is Fa? Fa is the source of the Fire of the New Epoch. Fa is the ultimate concentration of the Fire of the Father. The Fa contains the standards, laws, methods, and rules of the New Age. The Fa burns in the Hum of the Father. By acquiring the Fa from the Father, we place it in our Hum, are kindled by it, and realize it ourselves. Just as the laws of the Father for the Man of the 5th race were written in the Gospel, the fundamental data for the 6th race are written in the Fa.

The peculiarity of the New Epoch, discovered by the Synthesis, is that the source of Human life is now not on the Planet, but in the Metagalaxy. The task of Synthesis is to prepare Man for metagalactic life and to master metagalactic Fire - a new source of life for Man of the sixth race.

Actions is an expression of Spirit and Will. Pondering is an expression of Light and Wisdom. Force is an expression of Energy and Love, . Fire is none of the above. Fire begins with the synthesis of parts and develops through the synthesis of presences. And only Fire, unlike Spirit, Light and Energy, allows you to go to the Father and stand in front of him.

2. Synthesis is the key to managing conditions.

Love shapes Energy and governs it. In the previous epoch, records of persistently incorrect movements of energy recorded in cause-and-effect relationships were called karma. Wisdom shapes the Light and governs it.

Love are records in Energy.

Wisdom are records in the Light known to us as essences (sutras) of certain teachings. The will shapes the Spirit and governs it.

Will- these are records in the Spirit, known as dharma - the duty of creation of Man to the Father. Synthesis shapes Fire and governs it.

Synthesis- these are the records in the Fire, prophetically predicted earlier by the ascetics of the Spirit, as the fiery writings of the Father. The discovery of Synthesis is that through the accumulation and application of Synthesis, Man can control the conditions of his life, since the conditions come from Fire, and Synthesis governs Fire.

3. Parts of a Man

. It is revealed by the Synthesis.

The previous age was the age of the Trinity, and Man had three parts - heart, mind and soul. With its parts, Man reflects the incarnations of the Father. The Christian Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit or the Hindu Trinity: Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver, Shiva the Destroyer were reflected in the parts of Man - the heart from the Mother, who carried the Love of the Father and was expressed by the hypostasis of the Holy Spirit or Shiva , the mind from the Son, which carried the Wisdom of the Father and was expressed by the hypostasis of God the Son or Vishnu, the soul from the Father, which carried the Spirit and was expressed by the hypostasis of God the Father or Brahma.

Why is there such close attention to the parts of Man in the Synthesis? Because if we try to deeply answer the question: Who is Man?, then we inevitably come to the phenomenon of parts. Man has A heart– not only as an organ of the physical body, but also as an independent part, living with Energy and Love. Is Man a Heart? Obviously not. Man has Intelligence– not only as a physical brain, but as a part that lives by Light and Wisdom. Is Man Reason? No. Similarly, we can talk about other parts of Man. We have them, but we are not them, because Man is not some separate part, but an organic and natural Synthesis of them all. A practical guide on how to acquire, charge and develop each part with Fire, Spirit, Light, Energy of the Father. After all, in the Epoch of Fire, each part and Man in their synthesis lives not only by Energy, Light and Spirit, as we are used to from the previous era, but also by direct Fire. The Metagalactic Man of the New Epoch has 128 parts, each of which is studied in detail at Synthesis seminars, and according to the results of the Synthesis, they acquire from the Father its standard structure. The peculiarity of the Epoch, discovered by the Synthesis, the Father directly supports the Man with his Fire, directing it to the parts of the Man. Each part of Man lives by the specific Fire of the Father. Synthesis answers the question of how to receive the Fire of the Father into one's own parts and ascend through the Synthesis of Fire into them.

The Father is Fire. By special practices we accumulate the Fire of the Father in our parts. And by the accumulated Fire we become like the Father. Our parts are attracted to the parts of the Father, and we are reunited with the Father part by part. Thus, the Father enters us with his fiery presence, for as below, so above: Man has parts expressing parts of the Father. The principle of fusion, as a pre-Synthesis, is based on the fulfillment of the first commandment

Jesus: Merge with the Heavenly Father with all your heart, mind and soul . Deepening this fusion, we are synthesized with the Father by our parts, and acquire the Fire of the Father's parts into our parts, renewing, perfecting and developing them in this way. Synthesizing, we do not just merge (in the sense we embrace the Father, dissolve in the Father), but give the Father the Fire of our parts, for which the Father gives us the fire of his parts. These Fires intersect and, being synthesized, give birth to a new single Fire of the Father and the Man in their Synthesis, the Fire that creates new possibilities for both the Man and the Father. This process in the Metagalaxy belongs only to Man, because only Man is the full expression of the Father.

General principle Fire, Energy are personified. Those. someone subjectively owns each potential and is personally responsible for it before the Father. There is no one's energy, or just Light from nowhere. There is no one's Spirit and there is no one's Fire. By cultivating his parts and applying them, Man receives more and more opportunities and bears more and more responsibility for the application of what the Father gives him.

4. Direct instantaneous and natural contact between Man and Father

If in the previous era a Man could communicate with the Father only through intermediaries in the person of Angels, Gods, Teachers, then in the New Epoch, each Man not only can, but is obliged to communicate with the Father without intermediaries. One on one. Just you and the Father. Living communication with the Father is available to every Human. But striving and preparation for contact with the Father is necessary: ​​after all, we were not able to speak from birth. Synthesis teaches fellowship with the Father. Knowing and applying the standards of Fire, the laws of the Spirit, the methods of Wisdom, the rules of Love, Man learns to perceive and decipher the emanations of the Father - verbally and figuratively. From this it follows that in the New Age there are no secret knowledge, no secret teachings. Father is always open to contact with everyone. To a correctly posed question, an answer is always given that is accessible for perception and decoding: to each according to readiness, to each according to consciousness.

In the previous era, such contact was almost impossible - Man was not allowed to communicate with the Father due to insufficiently developed structure for this. Simply put, there was nothing to contact, because. Man was in the childhood period of his development and interacted not so much with the Father as with Mother Nature. For the Man of the New Epoch, the Father transforms the existing ones and gives new parts that are able to perceive and decipher the emanations of the Father. One of the most important tasks of the Synthesis– learning, practicing and applying these parts.

From this follows a simple answer to the question: How do we receive knowledge and new opportunities from the Father? For a Human having new parts, it is simple, easy and natural. The process of living communication with the Father is the organic state of the Man of the New Epoch. If we give a more detailed, but still simplified answer, technologically it looks like emanate Fire, which has holographic records in the form of images and text. Fiery records carry the program of Fire in the form of standards, goals and tasks of its application. The Fire of the Father is attracted to Man by law of attraction of like to like: each Man of the New Age has a personal fire, similar to the Fire of the Father. And in the previous era, each Man carried a spirit similar to the Spirit of the Father. So, the 11th part of Man, which is called Goloversum, the form is deciphered by all parts of the Man, including the mind, intellect and the mental body that generates thoughts. To be more precise, every part of a Human can and should participate in communion with the Father - we communicate with the Father both spiritually, and cordially, and consciously, and bodily, etc. Everyone who has the appropriate structure can communicate with the Father and fully perceive both the process of communication itself and its results. With a certain preparation, the communication of a Man with the Father takes place as clearly and simply as communication between two close people. The system of education which prepares Man for communion with the Father through the development of the parts is the Synthesis seminars, which will be discussed below.

5. Daughter - a new Hypostasis of the Father

The third, the Lemurian race, lived in merger with Nature, worshiped her and aspired to Energy. Lemurs perceived energetically engaged in comprehension and accumulation of Love. The essence of the Lemurian teachings: Everything is Love, and there is nothing higher than Love. I love everyone and merge in boundless love with everyone and everything. A person can be happy and healthy only by living in the bosom of Nature, merging with it. The fourth, the Atlantean race, worshiped the Mother. The Atlanteans lived by Energy and accumulated Light. Atlantean principle: Everything is Light. There is nothing higher than Light. Holiness, learning and wisdom are the highest benefactors of Man. The goal of the Atlanteans is the ascent from collective intelligence to individual intelligence.

Fifth Aryan race, lived by Energy in the Hierarchy of Light and was led by the Son. Arya's perception of the Father was carried out in the Spirit. The Aryans activated the body so that the Spirit of the Father would enter and accumulate in it. To do this, they were guided by the laws of Christ. Fulfillment of what is expressed in his laws is the highest goal of the Man of the fifth race. The discovery of the Synthesis is that with the end of the fifth race, the Father ascended from the Spirit into the Fire, and transferred the principles of Will, Spirit and Body to the jurisdiction of the Daughter - the new Hypostasis of the Father, not known in previous eras. The fourfold expression of the Father today: The Hypostasis of the Mother expresses the Father in Love and Energy; The hypostasis of the Son expresses the Father by Wisdom and Light; The Hypostasis of the Daughter expresses the Father by Will and Spirit; The Hypostasis of the Father expresses the Father through Synthesis and Fire.

sixth, Metagalactic race, lives by the Light in the Hierarchy of the Spirit and is directly controlled by the Father, perceiving it as Fire. In the sixth metagalactic race Man is hierarchical in Spirit and aspires to Fire. Above all for the metagalactic Man is not Love, as such, not Wisdom and not Will, but the direct expression of the Father by the Synthesis of Fire accumulated in its parts. Obviously, if there is no Energy, no Light, no Spirit, no Fire, then there is nothing to synthesize and nothing to express. According to the law of the Hierarchy The superior includes and controls the inferior . Therefore, Synthesis, as a new expression of the Father, is only possible for a Human being of sufficiently high-quality accumulations of Love, Wisdom, Will.

Man of the sixth race lives freely in the Fire and acts by the Will of the Father. Who is the man of the new era of the 6th race . The call and test of us by the Hierarchy: Be ready! . To enter the Hierarchy, we answer: Always ready! Translated into the language of the Spirit, we are asked: Are you ready for the realization of the Will of the Father? and we answer: Not my will, but yours, Father , in me always in everything and everywhere. One can act in Fire only by the Will of the Father, which is carried and expressed by the Daughter.

6. Truth in Man

For the first time in all eras and races, the Father recorded that True is in every person. It is obvious that the fullness of Truth is with the Father. But every Man of the New Epoch is a bearer of the Truth. Man is not necessarily true, does not necessarily express it with himself, but necessarily wears it in himself. The task of a Human is to bring the Truth from within to the outside, to apply it and thereby manifest it in oneself. In the previous era, we got used to the fact that the truth must be sought somewhere outside, in the New Age - the truth is inside each of us. It is present in us exactly to the extent that we express the Father with ourselves. The revelation of the Truth depends on our inner work: rebuilding our inner world, we come to know the Truth. We learn to live the Truth and express it ourselves. The external expression of Truth is shaped by philosophy. Therefore, in the Synthesis, we say that each Man of the New Age puts together his own philosophy and, expressing the Truth with himself, i.e. becomes a Man of Truth.

Buddha Truth: The world is made up of and built by Dhammas.

Truth of Christ: Man and Father are One.

Truth of Maitreya: Man creates in Synthesis with the Father .

The Truth of the Avatar leads us into the Primordial Father.

Way of the Buddha– the awakening of the Mind and the creation of an environment that supports Man in his ascent to the Father.

Way of Christ- the transformation of the Body and the development of life, both one's own and those around.

Maitreya's path– creation by fire in Synthesis with the Father.

Path of the Avatar– Synthesis of the Foundations and action by the Standards of Primordiality.

The Truth of the Synthesis of Fire in that it practically prepares us for the path of Buddha, Christ, Maitreya and Avatar. And which of us, what he can take and what he can implement, is determined by the individual preparation of each and the readiness of the environment for this.

7. Path of the Father

For the first time, the path of ascent was opened to Humanity by the Father. Prior to this, Humanity lived and ascended by the way of the Mother, because the era of Mi, as mentioned above, the era of the Mother, i.e. material, the Hierarchy of Light.

What is the idea of ​​the Mother's way? In the fact that with our lives we processed the matter around us, and as a result of this long, laborious and sometimes ambiguous process, we nurtured our parts. For example, in the throes of love and moments of happiness they gave birth to the Heart, in remorse and acceptance of responsibility - the Mind, and from the resolution of contradictions in relationships with each other and moments of inspiration they gave birth to the Soul. These processes could go from life to life, from century to century, until bit by bit the corresponding part was formed, sometimes destroyed by overflowing incorrectness. Thus the Mother creates Man. After all, the task of any Mother is the upbringing of children, i.e. replenishment of their nutrition: the child must be fed, clothed and his life must be out of danger. But the dominance of maternal education is useful only as long as the child is small, weak and not ready for conscious responsibility for his life, for his behavior, for his aspirations. Having raised the child, the Mother passes it on to the Father so that the child becomes a Human not only in the form of its birth, but also in its inner content.

What is the idea of ​​the Father's way? In that we consciously make contact with the Father. Conscious contact is a necessary condition for the path of the Father. The Mother, unlike the Father, does not require us to consciously perceive her. She loves us and supports our lives without it. It is precisely according to the degree of Man's conscious search for the Father, according to the degree of striving towards the Father, that the Father determines our readiness to follow a new path. Ascending by the Father, we consciously acquire from the Father the standard structure of Man. The programs for the development of life are created by the Father. For example, the human genetic code is created by the Father. But the Mother is in charge of the implementation of these programs. The Father gives the standard, the Mother implements it. Having acquired the standard from the Father, we receive with it the necessary potential to be transformed, express and realize the standard given by the Father, ascending it. Those. The father sets an ideal goal and potentializes to achieve it. Acquisition from the Father greatly accelerates and facilitates the ascent of Man to the Father. But, as before, an immutable law applies: Living the Father, we serve the Mother . Honorable and worthy is the ascent both in the way of the Mother and in the way of the Father. These are not contradictory, but complementary paths. After all, with what we have acquired from the Father, we go to the Mother in order to revive, grow, develop in ourselves what was given by the Father, and then give it away for the benefit of the ascending evolutions, so that, having become empty before the Father, in order to pay off the debt of creation, enter into a new higher acquisition. Top of Mother's Path- the combination of the incompatible, the resolution of the contradictory, the realization of the incredible. The pinnacle of the Father's way– creation by pure fire in the direct expression of the Father by oneself.

8. Ascension to the House of the Father.

With the advent of the New Epoch, the system of Apprenticeship changed: if the Chelo of the fifth race ascended to the Hierarchy, then the disciples of the sixth race do not ascend to the Hierarchy, but to the House of the Father. Contact with the Teachers, as the spokesmen of the Father and servants of the Hierarchy department of the House of the Planet Father, was developed by the disciples throughout the fifth race. Ascension to the Father's House is education by the laws by which the Father lives, it is the realization of the Father's plans.

is a direct expression of the Father. The House of the Father is a necessary condition for the manifestation of the Father: the Father manifests in his House. The House of the Father determines the set of conditions and opportunities by which a Human lives. If in the previous era not only Man, but not even all the Teachers of the Rays of the Hierarchy were admitted to the House of the Father - the Father of the Planet lived so far and high in relation to us, then in the New Age the doors to his House the Father opened to everyone who aspires and is ready to enter. We enter the Father's House and learn to live in it with the Father. What was outrageous yesterday is the norm today. Such is the law of the change of races and epochs. Love and Energy accumulate in the Heart. Wisdom and Light in Mind. Will and Spirit in the Body. Synthesis and Fire accumulate in the House of the Father. In the New Epoch, there are two types of Father's Houses - the individual Father's House of each Human and the collective hierarchical expression by a group of Humans located in a given territory.

Any Father's House carries the package of the Father's conditions. The task of any Father's House is the Synthesis of all the conditions that it has. In the fifth race, for all Humanity, there was only one House of the Father, spherically covering the entire Planet. Those. there was one package of conditions for all Humanity. The conditions coming to us from the Father of the Planet are not individualized. Every Man is the Father's conditions. Accordingly, the variability and flexibility of the conditions in which we live increase many times over. By the power of his Father's House, Man is able to influence the conditions, becoming a co-creator of his life. The House of the Father, as a part, appears in the structure of Man, which means that Man receives the right to manage it.

Consider the individual House of the Father of Man of the 6th race. Firstly, the Father gives each Person of the sixth race an individual House of the Father. Individual House of the Father of Man- this is the sphere of Fire around the Body with the center at the point Hum - the middle of the chest. Point Hum- this is the point of direct and instant contact of the Man with the Father. The radius of the sphere of the Father's House is several meters. Thus, there is no need to look for Shambhala outside - the ethereal expression of the House of the Father of the Planet in the previous era - the physical House of the Father is always around the Man. This means that each Man of the New Age expresses the Father by himself, and the Father is expressed by him. Collective House of the Father is the pillar and sphere of Fire. A Pillar of Fire with a radius of several tens of kilometers covers this territory and everyone who is on it. The height of the pillar is from several kilometers to several tens of kilometers. Sphere of Fire of the collective House of the Father is a sphere that encompasses the planet. The surface of the sphere is several kilometers above the surface of the earth, corresponding to the height of the pillar. To date, there are dozens of territorially fixed Houses of the Father of different hierarchical expression. They are located in many cities of Russia and the CIS countries - where Synthesis seminars are held and Chelo teams operate. Collective House of the Father- this is a condition for serving the Father in the New Epoch, this is a constant fixation and concentration of the Fire of the Father in a given territory, this is the help of the Father to every Person who is in this territory in his transformation, development, ascent. Without which there is no Man of the 6th race - eight principles of the sixth race

1. The whole work of the brain. The fire of the New Epoch is fixed first of all in the brain. Fire always carries wholeness, and in order for Fire to be fixed in the brain, it must also be whole. What does whole brain function mean? This means that each signal received by the brain is simultaneously processed by two hemispheres. At the same time, each of them has its own functional specialization, but they act in a coordinated and synchronous manner. brain task- decoding of the Energy that emanate from the Father. Not only to acquire the Fire of the Father and be ignited by it, but to decipher the programs and standards that the Father has written into His Fire by Synthesis. Not only to acquire the Spirit of the Father and be filled with it, but to decipher with text and images the purpose and laws that the Father, by His Will, wrote down in the Spirit. Not only to acquire the Light of the Father and be illuminated by it, but to decipher the tasks and methods that are written by Wisdom in the Light of the Father with the text and images. Not only to acquire the Father's Energy and recharge with it, but to decipher the aspirations and rules that are written in the Father's Energy by Love with the text and images. The functional integrity of the brain is a necessary condition for dhyana, with which we decipher the emanations of the Father.

2. Physical metagalactic four-dimensionality. What physically transforms the fifth race into the sixth? The transition is due to the transformation of the physical planetary three-dimensionality into the physical metagalactic four-dimensionality. Those. from the three dimensions of space: length, width, height, we move on to four: the three above and the fourth dimension - depth, explanatory . Physical four-dimensionality naturally requires the restructuring of the physical body. And until we physically learn to live four-dimensionally, all reasoning about the sixth race remains a theory. Moreover, from January 1, 2008, the Father stopped his contact with people of the fifth race and from now on does not support their life. People of the former era continue to live by inertia, not being filled with the Spirit of the Father, living out what they were given from birth.

Dimension- the principle of organizing space. Each dimension creates and determines the number of options for the realization of the Will of the Father. In the physical metagalactic presence, there are four options for the realization of the Will of the Father. Each next presence has one dimension more, which means it opens up greater freedom and greater possibilities of the Spirit. The general principles of combining life and dimensions are as follows: firstly, the higher the organization of life, the greater the dimension of this life; secondly, the higher the dimension, the more freedom and easier to live, and the lower the dimension of the living space, the stronger the pressure of matter and fewer options for action.

What does it mean to live four-dimensionally?

A simple answer: you need to see depth in everything - the depth of feelings, thoughts, meanings, images, etc. in everything. 4D is the depth of view. At the moment, most people do not know how to live and see like this - their life and perceptions are superficial and not deep. A deeper answer is as follows: The New Epoch erases the isolation of the life of the Planet from the life of the Metagalaxy. Those. Fire, Spirit, Light, Energy of the Metagalaxy now freely pierce the Planet and every Person on it. It is these four Metagalactic emanations of the Father that give rise to physical four-dimensionality on the Planet. In the three-dimensional space of Energy, Light and Spirit lived the Aryan race; Atlantean race lived in a two-dimensional space of Energy and Light; Lemurian race lived in the one-dimensional space of Energy. Representatives of the second and first races did not have physically formed bodies. It is the Fire of the Metagalaxy that transforms the planetary physical three-dimensionality into the metagalactic physical four-dimensionality. Let us approach the realization of four-dimensionality in the following way. In the previous era, we lived in three-dimensional space. However, those who actually have a two-dimensional life coexist with us, such as cockroaches and flies that can crawl on the ceiling or dragonflies that fly according to the laws of not three-dimensional, but two-dimensional aerodynamics. The space of flies and cockroaches are two-dimensional surfaces, so they cannot fall from the ceiling - they simply have nowhere to fall - they have no third spatial coordinate. Their space is a set of surfaces. If flies, dragonflies and other insects can make flights that are not reproducible in three dimensions, with a characteristic broken inertial trajectory, then birds can no longer fly like that - they live in three dimensions.

Let's take two straight lines, each of which is one-dimensional, because one coordinate is enough to determine the position of any point of the line relative to any other point on it. Obviously, the intersection of two lines is a point. The dimension of a point is zero. Accordingly, two two-dimensional planes intersect along a one-dimensional straight line. Similarly, we have that two three-dimensional spaces are intersected by a two-dimensional plane. Therefore, a Planetary Man is characterized by a flat, and not three-dimensional perception of the intersection of different spheres of his life. For example, consider the perception of smell. If we instinctively, i.e. automatically, registered that there is a smell, without any conscious decoding of it, then this is a zero-dimensional perception. It's like a point on a plane - it either exists or it doesn't. In general, it is and is characterized by functional one-dimensionality. The general principle is that the processing of the dimension N is carried out from the position of the dimension N + 1. When we delve into the quality of the smell, its intensity and the location of its source, add three more coordinates and we perceive the three-dimensional space of the smell - where, how and how much it smells. Thus, we have the perception of two three-dimensional spaces - a space with a smell and a space without a smell. But these are just two three-dimensional planetary spaces, no matter how vividly we perceive them. Their intersection is a plane. And we have a flat look: like it - don't like it, but what does it smell like? , I will come closer - I will move away, etc. Like Zhvanetsky: Don't like the smell? Go away, don't sniff. And why you don’t like it, in what image you ended up in the same space with this smell, what features of yours this smell emphasizes or hides - such questions are not characteristic of a flat look.

So that from the planetary three-dimensionality the metagalactic four-dimensionality, but three-dimensional space. Those. smell is totally perceived by us simultaneously in all contexts available to us according to our accumulations. On the one hand, everything in our space is pierced by the smell and mutually coordinates with it. On the other hand, our space is superimposed on the space of smell and influences it. Thus, from the three-dimensional intersection (three-dimensional superposition) of three-dimensional planetary spaces, we enter the metagalactic four-dimensionality. It is appropriate to recall the parable of the blind men examining the elephant by touch. The one who touched the elephant's leg said that the elephant is a column. The one who touched the elephant's belly said that the elephant is a wall. The one who touched the elephant's tail was convinced that the elephant is a rope. Similarly, in three-dimensionality we can perceive only three-dimensional projections of four-dimensionality, each of which characterizes four-dimensionality, but does not express its fullness. Obviously, in order for the blind in this parable to have a more or less adequate perception of the elephant, each of them would have to feel the whole elephant and add up-synthesize a whole hologram, i.e. voluminous image. The synthesis of the transition of the three-dimensional planetary space gives birth to the inferior to the superior. Synthesizing among themselves three-dimensional spaces we receive four-dimensionality. We enter the four-dimensionality through the opening of relationships, interdependencies Synthesis of particulars into the whole. It is by Synthesis that the depth of perception is born. physical Metagalactic presence. If we do not enter the four-dimensionality, but keep the three-dimensional perception, which is a property of the physical Planetary presence, then we can see the Metagalaxy only from the angle of the Planet.

Moreover, without Synthesis it is impossible to get out of the Planet into the Metagalaxy. Although it is possible to perceive the Metagalaxy from the planetary point of view. But it will not be the Metagalaxy, but only its three-dimensional projections. Another variant of comprehension of four-dimensionality. Imagine having zero-dimensionality. Let's start moving it randomly. The trajectory of the point movement forms a one-dimensional line. Now let's move this line. The trajectory of the line movement forms a two-dimensional surface. Obviously, the movement of a two-dimensional surface gives rise to a three-dimensional space. The movement of three-dimensional space gives rise to four-dimensionality. To imagine four-dimensionality, consider the perception of a three-dimensional object from a two-dimensional space. Let's agree that the finger of the hand is a three-dimensional object, the surface of the table is a two-dimensional space. By touching the table with a finger, we form the area of ​​​​their intersection. From the point of view of a hypothetical creature living two-dimensionally in the plane of the table, a miracle happened - in its perception, an object instantly appeared from nowhere, and then instantly disappeared into nowhere after we stopped touching. In the same way, higher dimensions that are inaccessible to us appear for us: something appears from nowhere in our space, and then goes nowhere. The transition processes can be both instantaneous and gradual - in the previous example, we could touch the surface of the table first with the tip of the nail, and then gradually press the pad of the finger, or we could immediately touch the table with the entire pad of the finger.

Universe- this is the etheric body of the Primordial Higher physical metagalactic four-dimensionality energy, life-affirming accent. 4D is the synthesis-perception of the continuum, i.e. continuous set of three-dimensional spaces. Of the continuum of four dimensions, a physical universum five-dimensionality is born in us with an emphasis on the sensuality of perception and the interdependence of metagalactic four-dimensionalities among themselves. Etc.

In the age of Kali Yuga, we were given the key of ascent: Without the law of Hierarchy, you will not enter the New Epoch. and what is its law?

- this is the Synthesis of nonlinear systems, which, being magnetically attracted to each other, complement each other and the birth of a whole by them. An example of the lack of practical hierarchy: I study Synthesis and follow it, but in my head I have the paradigm of the school that I studied before, and I look at everything, even Synthesis, from the perspective of this school of the fifth race. Therefore, I cannot achieve anything in Synthesis. to express hierarchy by their power over others. The feeling of one's own power, as a kind of hierarchical way of management, gives such a Person participation in the Hierarchy. But from the point of view of the Hierarchy, this is an underdeveloped Human. The Hierarchy of the New Epoch leads by Fire. Power is not Fire, power is the expression of Will. The powers of authority come from the Spirit, but not from the Fire. There is an immutable hierarchical law: It will open to the one who knocks. You rushed, you made an effort - you got the answer. He did not make an effort, did not strive - there is no contact with the Hierarchy. Such words as must and must violate hierarchical ethics. We are one in Spirit and Fire, and each of us owes nothing to anyone. The correct expression of the Hierarchy is that, without using the word must, must, etc., convey to the consciousness and convince the Human that by his free will he agrees to accept and fulfill this or that action, this or that assignment. This is the essence of hierarchical interactions. It is necessary to convince not by power, but by awakening to the essence of what is happening. Do not push or shove the one who is walking, but reveal the truth of the path in such a way that the Man is kindled and fulfills his own path. At the same time, the Will of the Hierarchy is unshakable. And if the Hierarchy needs to fulfill this, then it will be fulfilled. But it will be fulfilled only by those who have consciously awakened to this necessity and act with their free will. Yes, Hierarchy presupposes freedom. But freedom is not chaos. freedom- this is a vision of the boundaries of what is possible and what is not possible, according to the position taken. Hierarchy and permissiveness are opposite principles. Hierarchy does not exist in despotism, nor does it exist in anarchy.

is not only where, how, with whom and whom you serve, but also the hierarchy of values ​​in your head. We distinguish, develop, accumulate in ourselves the values ​​of the New Era - the value of freedom, the value of creative self-expression, the value of depth and speed of perception, etc. etc. The most important value of the New Epoch is the expression of the Father in oneself. However, it is not enough for the Hierarchy to simply express the Father by itself; one must be able to serve by this expression. Ability to serve The hierarchical fulfillment of Man in relation to the Father. Man is cognized by Hierarchy. Man is the Synthesis of its parts. Every part of Man is free. But Man is not just a set of free parts, but the integrity of their hierarchical Synthesis. Hierarchy is the birth of a whole from many free parts. We begin to enter the Hierarchy when we see and accept a higher principle and responsibility, first of all, to ourselves. That is why it is not given to all to enter the Hierarchy, for many are called, but few have come down. Let's give definitions and consider the Hierarchy of the four foundations of the New Epoch: Love, Wisdom, Will and Synthesis.

Love is the basis. There is no Love - there is no Wisdom, no Will, no Synthesis. From Love grows Wisdom. There is no Wisdom without Love. Without Love, there is not Wisdom, but cunning and manipulation. From Wisdom comes Will. There is no Will without Wisdom. Without Wisdom, there is no Will, but fanaticism, dogmatism, tyranny and dominance of the strong over the weak. Synthesis is based on Will. There is no Synthesis without Will. Without volitional action it is impossible to synthesize with the Father. In order to be synthesized with the Father, one must reach him, and for this, Will is necessary. Tell me about the people who surround you, and I will tell you what kind of Love you have. Tell me what is important in your life and I will tell you what your Wisdom is. Tell me about the actions that you regularly perform for a long time, and I will tell you what your Will is. Tell me what's new with you and around you, and I'll tell you what your Synthesis is.

Love is our relationship with the outside world. Wisdom is the mutual coordination of the external internal and external. Will It is action from within to without. and internal, the distinction of Synthesis is what has developed inside as a result of Love, Wisdom and Will. If you have Love in you, then you are charged with energy and full of creative forces. Love is the power to unite. First of all, Love connects us with the higher, and the manifestation of the higher in the lower gives rise to passionarity, creative energy excess. You have Wisdom, which means that you find a common one and adequately interact with any Person, tk. you understand it and are not alienated from it. A hallmark of Wisdom is an invariably joyful perception of life. If you have Will, then you are on the way to the goal that you see. The highest goal of the previous era: to merge with the Absolute, dissolving in it.

The Highest Goal of the New Age: to dissolve to express to be reunited with the Father, the continuation of the Father, to contain the Father in oneself and at the same time preserve one's individuality. If you have Synthesis, then you control the conditions of your life and your life is comfortable. How is love tested? A source of strength for the union of lovers. How is Wisdom tested? Mutual usefulness and non-conflict relations in the management of matter. How is Will tested? Mutual assistance in the development of life. How is Synthesis tested? conditions necessary for its implementation.

4. The four-present physical world.

What is presence? The semantics of the word presence is simple: presence is a place where someone is present. AT Synthesis is the presence of the Father. where someone is the Father - this is wholeness. Whole Fire emanates from the Father. The Father directs his whole Fire into his Hierarchy. The Hierarchy of the Father translates his whole Fire into a system of particular Fires. This is a top down view. Looking up from below, we see a multitude of particular Fires of the Father, which we need to collect and put into a system in order to enter into the whole Fire of the Father. When we are synthesized with the Father, the whole Fire of the Father, i.e. the whole Fire of the whole Metagalaxy goes to us. But in order to embrace the Metagalaxy and fold it into an integral system, we must go through its parts, which consist of particular Fires of the Father. Presence are the hierarchical parts of the integral Fire of the Father. There are 4096 presences of the Father in the Metagalaxy.

First, i.e. the physical metagalactic presence is born and lives by the fire of the first part of the Father – the Image of the Father. Second, i.e. ethereal metagalactic presence, is born and lives by the fire of the second part of the Father – the Word of the Father. Third, i.e. astral metagalactic presence, born and lives by the fire of the third part of the Father - the Soul. Etc. by 4096 presences Metagalaxies. Each part of the Father emanates Fire, which builds the presence of the Father. Each presence expresses a corresponding part of the Father. However, according to the law of All in all, each presence can express not only one part of the Father, but also his wholeness from the perspective of the present fire. Presence is the non-linearity of a part that can express wholeness. The paradox of presence is that it expresses one part of the Father, but the whole Father can come to his presence alone. Presences are the multidimensional development of the Father in each Human and each Human in the Father. The essence of presence is the expression of the Father.

Presences are governed by the Hierarchy. Moreover, the Hierarchy arises from the Synthesis of the presences of the Father. Each presence has its own standards, laws, methods and rules; its database in which the life of this presence exists. For example, the laws of physical presence state that Man cannot fly and pass through objects. The laws of the astral presence allow Man to fly and pass through objects. Another presence is another dimension and other laws of life.

What is the world? The world is the accumulator, the organizer of our possibilities, interactions, perceptions. The world defines life within and around us. In the fifth race there were three worlds: physical, subtle and fiery. There are four worlds in the sixth race: physical, subtle, spirit world and fiery world . The physical world was rebuilt from one ethereal-physical plane of the fifth race into a four-present one. The physical synthesizes the wholeness of the physical presence, ethereal (or energy) presence, astral (or sensual) presence and mental (or mental) presence of the Fa Metagalaxy. From this it follows that a Human begins to physically perceive and cognize not only matter, but energy, feelings and thoughts. Therefore, for the New Epoch, the phenomenon of extrasensory perception turns into the phenomenon of ordinary sensitivity - we physically perceive the thoughts, feelings and energy of other people.

5. Multi-presence life.

A person of the sixth race lives not only by physics, but freely by 4096 presences of the Metagalaxy Fa, where physics is the first of them. At the same time, Man masters time, laws, dimensions and other characteristics of these presences of the Father, synthesizing them into his new abilities physically.

Man is the Omega of the Father by the fact that Man expresses all his accumulations and possibilities physically. It is the physical presence that is the most creative presence of the Father, and this is why our physical life is especially valuable: F- this is also the Physics of the Absolute. But we live not only by physics, but by the synthesis of presences. By the standard of the structure of the Human of the sixth race, the Father approved the life of the Human in the synthesis of the presences of the Metagalaxy Fa not as a possibility, but as a necessity. How can we synthesize presences? By its parts, in which the present Fire is accumulated. Without the synthesis of presences it is impossible to be in the House of the Father. Synthesis begins with the fact that we synthesize each presence with its parts. Presences build the hierarchy of the House of the Father. Man of the sixth Metagalactic race hierarchical to the extent that he was able to synthesize the presence of the Metagalaxy with his parts.

6. Conscious life is the essence.

Man of the Metagalactic Race is a conscious person. Awareness of the Father, awareness of the path of one's development, awareness of Fire and Matter - these are the foundations of the New Epoch. All previous races Mother of the Planet stimulated and developed Man through external (natural, royal, social, economic) interactions. And it was forbidden to touch the unknown: children are not given matches. The conditions of the sixth race require that Man consciously enter into it. Consciousness involves seeing the essence.

essence is the answer to the questions: What is the most important thing for you? What is the first thing for you? To reveal a deeper essence, we put the question as follows: What is the value of this object or subject as such? What is its value to the Father? What are its highest tasks? The essence is the same, but everyone sees its different depth, according to their training. If in the fifth race Man mastered the thought and struggled with the question: What is the meaning of life? , and as a result of this battle, he realized that the main thing in his life, then in the sixth race, a Man masters, puts together the correct expression of an individual attitude to what is happening. There is no specific Fire to put together a specific situation. There is an abstract Fire, which relies on the specific accumulations of a specific Human. When we speak about Fire, we speak in terms of abstraction, i.e. we speak the language of the essence. The concretization of Fire occurs at the moment of its interaction with Man. This is the abstracted essence of life by Fire.

essence- this is an extremely capacious, short, complete and precise shell, inside of which there is Light. But the Light of the Father is applied by us not in purity, but in accordance with the teaching that we have in our heads, i.e. in accordance with how we imagine life and its laws. Our essence is what our teaching is. Changing the teaching changes the application of Light and essence. In the New Age, each Man must intelligently put together his own philosophy from many teachings. sixth race requires the self-determination of each Man. Man himself must see the boundaries of his evolutionary ascent and make his own way. The Law of the New Epoch says: either you yourself consciously decide, transform, ascend, or you don't exist in the New Epoch. Eventually, wakefulness is the process of revealing and unfolding the essence of what appears. The chelo sees the essence, but if he simply sees the essence, he becomes wise. And if a person uses the revealed essence, his Will turns on and he becomes hierarchized. There is no action - there is no hierarchy, and then you are wise, but not in the Will of the Father.

7. House of the Father and the new structure of Man.

Consider the concept of acquisition. Asking for something, we hope to receive it, but we do not know for sure whether it will be given to us. Those. when we make a request to someone, we assume two possible answers: Yes and No. Acquisition differs from asking in that we take what is rightfully ours, and there is no need to ask permission for this. We go out to the Father and acquire that Fire of the Father which we have the right to take. Those. we use the rights of Man, ordained by the Father. We acquire what the Father endows Man in accordance with the plan for the development of Man, which is approved by the Father. There are three important points when acquiring: First of all you can acquire something from the Father only by your own free will, only by your own striving and effort; Secondly, without justification of acquisition by the standards, laws, methods and rules of the Father, it is impossible to acquire correctly; third, the contraction must be prepared, i.e. one must be able to contain, assimilate and apply what is acquired. To the questions: How can one find out what a person is supposed to acquire and what is not given to acquire? How to prepare and how to carry out the acquisition? , - answers the teaching of the Synthesis of the Foundations, which prepares us for the ascent by the way of the Father, i.e. through contractions and applications of the contracted.

The principle of acquisition and the word itself were known to the disciples of the previous era. The disciples acquired assignments from the Teachers - the right to engage in one or another hierarchical activity. If the Teacher gave an order, the student was the spokesman for the Teacher's representative in the fulfillment of this order. It is impossible to enter the sixth race, having the structure of the Man of the fifth race. Therefore, in order to pass from the fifth race to the sixth, Man fulfills a series of acquisitions from the Father. In particular, we are talking about the acquisition of new parts. One of them - Image of the Father. At the end of the fifth race, Mankind was given the task of acquiring the Image of the Father, i.e. implementation of the words of Jesus: Only by being born again will you come to the Father . By acquiring the Birth from Above, Man ascends from a childish state under the care of the Mother into Man as such - not from the point of view of those around him or the number of years lived, but from the point of view of the Father. The physical birth from a physical mother, which everyone has, gives us likeness to the Father. However, in addition to the physical birth, the Birth from Above is necessary, giving us the Image of the Father.

Birth From Above is the Synthesis of the contracted Image and the existing likeness of the Father in Man. The Birth from Above, like everything else in the New Epoch, does not happen by itself, but requires a conscious effort. As Jesus said, only by effort do we enter the Kingdom of Heaven. With an effort, we contain the Image of the Father, which is the first part of the Man of the New Age: there is no Image of the Father - there is no Man of the New Age. The Birth from Above presupposes the Synthesis of the Image and likeness, due to which we, synthesizing the Image of the Father and the physical likeness, enter the Fire of Synthesis for the first time and fix it in ourselves.

Image of the Father- these are 256 components: Open-mindedness, Hierarchy, Non-alienation, Perfection, Naturalness, Sincerity, Speed, Freedom, Movement, Sensation, Feeling, Thought, Meaning, Essence, Idea, Flame, Comfort, Development, Perception, Organization, Scale, Competence, Creativity , Service, Clarity, Skill, Vision, Creation, Joy, Enlightenment, Inspiration, Kindling, which the Father gives to Man as 32 developing standards. Standards are the goals towards which the Father directs the Man and helps to achieve them. The image of the Father, as the first part of the Man of the sixth race, is acquired at the first seminar of Synthesis.

8. Synthesis of the conditions of the new era.

Synthesis is the basis of New Life. The sixth race lives in the Age of Fire. The task of the race is to control Fire. Synthesis is the governing principle of Fire. Similarly, in the fifth race we learned to control the Spirit. To do this, throughout the race, we concentrated on the Body - sports and physical culture, starting with the Olympic traditions of ancient Greece, health, in all its forms and methods - nutrition, breathing, exercise, etc., obtaining bodily pleasures - food, sex , dancing, extreme, etc. The Spirit came from the Father, and the Man, as best he could, voluntarily activated the Body so that the Spirit of the Father would enter it, because water does not flow under a lying stone. The Spirit is accumulated by the activity of the Body, i.e. execution of the will. The more Spirit in the Body, the more free will. And, in fact, with our bodily activations, we were striving for greater freedom of our own Will. For the sixth race, free will is not a goal, but a basic condition for development: one cannot enter the Fire of the Father without one's own Will. And in the New Epoch, we concentrate not on the freedom of the Will, but on the synthesis of conditions and strive to saturate not so much the Body with the Spirit, but rather to saturate the House of the Father with Synthesis.

First, what is necessary for the synthesis of conditions is the accumulation of Synthesis as such. One of the methods of accumulation of Synthesis is as follows: each part of Man lives by Fire, Spirit, Light and Energy of the corresponding presence of the Father. For example, the Image of the Father, as a part of Man, lives on the first, physical presence of the Father, the Soul lives on the third - astral presence of the Father, Consciousness lives on the fourteenth presence of the Father's logos, etc. By studying and applying the standards, laws, methods and rules of the structure and functioning of the parts, we accumulate Fire, Spirit, Light and Energy in each part. First of all - Fire, because. and Spirit, and Light, and Energy can be revealed from the Fire of the part. If there is the Fire of the Father in the parts, then we are able, firstly, to synthesize our parts among ourselves into pillars of parts, secondly, we are able to synthesize our parts with the parts of the Father, thirdly, with our parts we are able to synthesize the present Fire of the Father into the wholeness of the Fire of the House Father.

Condition is the striving word of Hierarchy. Rushing into the Fire and deciphering the Words of the Father, written in it, with his hierarchically organized parts, Man gets the opportunity to synthesize the conditions that come from the Father. All conditions come from the Fire of the Father. The synthesis of conditions by Man presupposes the creative co-creation of Man and the Father in the growth of the expressibility of the Father by Man.

Educational system of seminars of the Syntheses of Fundamentals.

In order for any Person to be able to get acquainted, study and, having mastered, apply the new opportunities that have been developed, a special education system: 16 seminars of the whole course of Synthesis and 16 seminars of the higher course of Synthesis.

Purpose of the Whole Course- retraining of the Man from the fifth to the sixth race. The purpose of the higher course- training of specialists - professional leaders of the Fire. All acquisitions at the seminars of Synthesis occur directly from the Father of the Masters individually by each Person in direct contact with them. It is impossible to make such acquisitions in individual work outside the seminars of Synthesis - this is approved by the conditions of the Father for the sixth race. At the seminars of Synthesis, the Father gives a special collective fire that goes directly, without any intermediaries, to each participant individually. By studying the materials of Synthesis seminars in absentia, a Person can attract the corresponding Fire, Spirit, Light, Energy of the Father only in his own likeness, and not in the standard purity and completeness, as is given by the Father to the participants of the seminar. Therefore, on the one hand, the texts, audio and video recordings of the Synthesis seminars are in the public domain; the new structure of Man is acquired only by the direct Fire of the Father, and only at the seminars of Synthesis.

All Sintez seminars are led by Lord Kut Hoomi. The employee leading the seminar deciphers the fire of the Lord in words, which, with a certain preparation, each participant in the seminar should do independently and simultaneously. Students comprehend the material of the seminar in the Fire of the Father and the Lords and participate in practices in synthesis with the Father and the Lords. The participants of the Synthesis Seminar do not learn from the employee leading the Synthesis, but directly from the Masters. This Synthesis seminars are fundamentally different from any other types of education. This eliminates the possibility of influence on the participants of the seminar by the leading Synthesis employee. For Synthesis, the laws of non-violence and freedom of choice are mandatory.

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Features of behavior, communication, attitudes towards people, objects, work, things show the character traits that an individual possesses. According to their totality, an opinion about a person is determined. Such clichés as "the soul of the company", "bore", "pessimist", "cynic" are the result of an assessment of a person's character traits. Understanding how character is structured helps in building relationships. And this applies to both their own qualities and others.

Human character traits: classification.

2. Other people

  • Closeness-sociability. It shows the openness of a person, his looseness, how easy it is for him to make acquaintances, how he feels in a new company, team.
  • truthfulness-falsity. Pathological liars lie even in trifles, hide the truth, easily betray. There are people who embellish reality, most often they do it because reality seems boring or not bright enough to them.
  • Independence-conformity. This quality shows how a person. Whether he relies on his experience, knowledge, opinion, or follows someone's lead and it is easy to suppress him.
  • Rudeness-politeness. Anger, inner feelings make a person rude. Such people are rude in queues, public transport, disrespectful to subordinates. Politeness, although it refers to positive character traits, can have a selfish background. It can also be an attempt to avoid confrontation.

3 things

  • neatness-slovenliness. Creative mess or meticulous cleanliness in the house can show how neat a person is. You can also characterize it by its appearance. Sloppy people often arouse antipathy, and there are not always those who want to see a broad soul behind external absurdity.
  • thrift-negligence. You can evaluate a person by his attitude to the accumulated property, borrowed items. Although this trait of a person ended up in the material group, it can also manifest itself in relation to people.
  • greed-generosity. To be called generous, it is not necessary to be a philanthropist or give the last. At the same time, excessive generosity is sometimes a sign of irresponsibility or an attempt to "buy" someone else's favor. Greed is expressed not only in relation to other people, but also to oneself, when a person, out of fear of being left without money, saves even on trifles.

4. Self

  • exactingness. When this personality trait is clearly expressed, two extremes appear. A person who is demanding of himself is often just as strict with others. He lives by the principle "I could, so others can." He may not be tolerant of other people's weaknesses, not realizing that each is individual. The second extreme is built on uncertainty. A person tortures himself, considering himself insufficiently perfect. A striking example is workaholism.
  • Self-criticism. A person who knows how to criticize himself has a healthy. Understanding, accepting and analyzing your achievements and defeats helps in the formation of a strong personality. When the balance is disturbed, either self-blame is observed.
  • Modesty. It must be understood that modesty and are different concepts. The first is based on the value system instilled during education. The second is a call to development. In a normal state, modesty is manifested in moderation, calmness, knowledge of the measure in words, expression of emotions, financial spending, etc.
  • Egoism and egocentrism. Similar concepts, but the feature here is egoism, but egocentrism is a way of thinking. think only of themselves, but use others for their own purposes. Egocentrics are often misanthropes and do not need others, believing that no one is worthy of them.
  • Self-esteem. Shows how a person feels internally. Outwardly, it is expressed in a high assessment of their rights and social value.

Assessment of personality and types of characters.

In addition to the main character traits that are formed in the system of relations, psychologists also distinguish other areas:

  • Intellectual. Resourcefulness, curiosity, frivolity, practicality.
  • Emotional. Passion, sentimentality, impressionability, irascibility, cheerfulness.
  • Strong-willed. Courage, perseverance, determination.
  • Moral. Fairness, responsiveness, .

There are motivational traits-goals that drive a personality, determine its guidelines. As well as instrumental traits-methods, they show exactly what methods the desired will be achieved. So, for example, a girl may appear when she persistently and proactively seeks her lover.

Gordon Allport put forward a theory about what character traits are. The psychologist divided them into the following types:

  • dominant. They determine the behavior of the individual as a whole, regardless of the sphere, and at the same time influence other qualities or even overlap them. For example, kindness or greed.
  • Ordinary. They are also expressed in all . These include, for example, humanity.
  • Minor. They do not particularly affect anything, often stemming from other traits. For example, diligence.

There are typical and individual personality traits. Typical ones are easy to group, noticing one of the dominant qualities or a few minor ones, you can “draw” a personal portrait as a whole, determine the type of character. This helps to predict actions, better understand a person. So, for example, if an individual has responsiveness, then most likely he will come to the rescue in a difficult situation, support, listen.

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Positive and negative character traits.

Personality is a balance of positive and negative qualities. In this regard, everything is conditional. For example, it is considered a bad property, but some psychologists argue that it can become an incentive to work on yourself or improve your life. The distortion of positive traits, on the contrary, can lead to their transformation into negative qualities. Persistence develops into obsession, initiative into self-centeredness.

It is necessary to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of character, they often have to be remembered when filling out a resume. They terrify many, because it can be difficult to evaluate oneself. Here's a little cheat sheet:

  • Weak. Formality, irritability, shyness, impulsiveness, inability to remain silent or say "no".
  • Strong. Perseverance, sociability, patience, punctuality, organization, determination.
  • Negative., vindictiveness, cruelty, parasitism.
  • Positive. Kindness, sincerity, optimism, openness, peacefulness.

Character traits are formed in childhood, but at the same time they can change, transform depending on life circumstances. It's never too late to change what you don't like about yourself.

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In everyday life, we often mention the character of a person: "light", "good" or, conversely, "heavy". What is character and whether it can be changed, we will tell in detail.

What is a person's character

Translated from Greek, character is translated as “seal”, “chasing”, that is, on the one hand, it is a distinctive sign, and on the other, something stable and inherent in a particular subject or object.

In psychology character is a set of persistent individual personality traits that determines the type of behavior and the form of relationships with other people.

Character traits, as personality traits, are as follows:

  • its components have a long-term effect, stability, do not change quickly and easily;
  • character has an applied value, it determines the actions of a person in all spheres of life.

A person can show heroism, cowardice, be anxious, aggressive or soft, weak-willed. If such manifestations occur frequently and are clearly expressed outside, then they will say about a person: “He has such a character.”

When a kind-hearted and gentle personality flares up under certain conditions, manifests, then others will not call it a character, rather, they will attribute it to specific circumstances.

Knowing the nature of the individual allows you to predict his behavior and actions in various situations, as well as correct them if necessary. We always know in advance who we can turn to for help, with whom it is not scary to enter into risky ventures: "He cannot do it differently, such a character."

Character traits: general information

Not every feature of a person can be attributed to his stable permanent trait of character. We have already said that a good-natured person can flare up, and for example, an optimist can fall into melancholy. But we will not describe the first as an aggressor, and the second as a whiner.

In psychology, there are three leading groups of character traits, which together make it up.

1st group of traits - attitude towards oneself

This group includes both positive and negative characteristics that show the attitude of the individual towards himself, her.

Inner dignity, honor, pride, self-criticism, appropriate modesty, adequate.

Lines with a minus sign- vanity, inflated conceit and self-esteem, pride (not to be confused with pride), resentment, shyness (not to be confused with modesty).

Group 2 - attitude towards others

Characteristics that show the basis of the relationship of the individual with other people - in the family, in the team, in the circle of friends.

Character traits with a plus sign- Responsiveness, respect, communicativeness, sensitivity, readiness to help, ability to work in a team, decency.

Lines with a minus sign- callousness, contempt for others, snobbery, rudeness, neglect, isolation, callousness, individualism.

3rd group of traits - attitude to activity

This group combines character traits related to their work, profession, work in general.

Character traits with a plus sign- industriousness, activity, responsibility, inclination to creativity, initiative.

Lines with a minus sign- laziness, procrastination, irresponsible attitude to business, lack of initiative, passivity.

Based on a sample of these characteristics, a portrait of a person can be drawn up.

Features of the formation of a person's character

For a long time, philosophers believed that character is an innate human trait. That is, he is born already with a certain set of qualities that do not change in the process of formation. Today this view is not supported. It has been proven that character is formed throughout life and depends on upbringing, environment, entry into a certain social group, professional activity, etc.

For the first time, the idea of ​​a significant influence on the character of external factors was expressed by the scientist D. Locke, who argued that psychophysical properties and education affect the formation of character equally.

Modern science (last century) supports this hypothesis.

According to researchers, the impact:

  • labor education;
  • personal example;
  • physical education;
  • self-development;
  • moral and ethical education;
  • proper habit formation.

Regardless of age, the process of character formation is exposed to the information field, including the following perceived by a person:

    cultural values, ideology cultivated in society;

    a personal example of respected people for a particular personality;

    public opinion and judgments widespread in society;

    literature, television, cinema, theater.

A mature, thinking person can also engage in the correction of his character. Thus, the formation of character occurs throughout life.

Three main factors influence its changes.:

  • physiological (gender,);
  • social (education, culture, family, school, team);
  • personal (self-development, self-education).

The first stage of character development is early infancy. At this level, it is very important to give the child love, care, give a lot of attention, because it is here that the emotional component is formed for the rest of his life.

Further development of personality occurs in early preschool age. The child learns and copies the behavior patterns of adults nearby. Direct teaching with appropriate emotional reinforcement (praise) is important. It is at this age that such traits as kindness, responsiveness, diligence are formed.

In primary school age, the main role is played by the assessment of the actions and actions of the baby by adults, the concepts of “good” and “bad” are instilled. There are character traits related to work: responsibility, punctuality.

Adolescents are actively developing moral and ethical standards and a strong-willed sphere. By the end of schooling, the character, as a rule, is already formed, then it is only corrected.

Relationship between temperament and character

Character and temperament are often equated, but they are different concepts.

In psychology, there are different points of view on this issue.:

  • both concepts are identical;
  • temperament is a part, a core of character;
  • the two concepts are antagonists;
  • temperament is the natural basis of character.

Temperament is more closely related to the properties of the human nervous system and is directly conditioned by them. The character is greatly influenced by society and upbringing. If the character is subject to correction, then temperament is an innate property that remains with a person for life.

The social environment in which the individual grew up and lives has a strong influence on the character, while the temperament remains unchanged. The content of a person’s actions depends on the character, and only their manner and style depend on the temperament.

Important: temperament cannot be assessed as “good”, “bad”, but the character consists of those traits that can be regarded as positive or negative.

The type of temperament and character are connected and interact with each other in a single image of a person, forming an inseparable alloy - a characteristic of his personality.

What are the types of character

In psychology, there are several classifications of character types. One of the most famous is the typology proposed by the American psychoanalyst Alexander Lowen.

Character type Its characteristics
Oral A person has a sharp change, dependence on others is expressed. , a tendency to melancholy and, fear of being rejected, low self-esteem.
Masochistic A person who loves to suffer has a very high sensitivity. There is intuition. They are not sure of themselves, they are closed.
Hysterical A high level of ambition, the ability to control behavior and actions. Arrogance, rational thinking. Developed emotions with the ability to contain them.
Schizoid Very low self-esteem, lack of control over emotions and their inadequacy. affective disorders.
psychopathic Desire to dominate, increased anxiety. Prevalence of image issues over internal content. Preoccupation with control over circumstances.
Narcissistic Self-confidence, high ambitions. Aggressiveness, assertiveness, arrogance, perseverance.

Also in psychology, individuals are divided into introverts (closed) and extroverts (sociable).

One more typology of characters can be distinguished.

Character type Its characteristics
Hyperthymic The person is very sociable, "talkative", with pronounced facial expressions. Lots of initiative and energy, but easily loses temper.
distymny Pessimists are introverts. They have a heightened sense of justice, the circle of friends is very limited. Difficult to make decisions, slow.
Excitable Power-hungry, love conflict situations. Very unpleasant in communication. In a calm state they are attentive and pedantic, in an excited state they are aggressive and irritable.
stuck An arrogant person, loves to teach others, considers himself smart. Excessive demands on oneself and other people
alarming The person is extremely insecure, afraid of disputes and conflicts. Looking for support everywhere.
Demonstrative Protective, adaptable. Schemer. They can cause irritation due to their self-confidence. Born entertainers, boastful, hypocritical.

The psychological character of a person

Character is one of the components of the psychological portrait of a person. But it alone is not enough to form a full-fledged opinion about a person, which is necessary, for example, for hiring for a responsible job or a conscious choice in personal life.

At the same time, you need to determine the temperament of a person.

There are four in total:

  • sanguine. A person with a stable nervous system is quite mobile and balanced. The processes of excitation and inhibition of the nervous system quickly appear and also quickly decline. Optimistic, sociable. Of the minuses - capable of irresponsibility and frivolity.
  • choleric. Very mobile nervous system. Excited quickly, but cools down slowly. Extremely restless, always have to do something, energetic. Cons - conflict, aggressive, quick-tempered.
  • phlegmatic person. The nervous system is very stable and balanced, but not dynamic. Cannot switch from one theme to another, does not work at "high speeds". But the result will be impressive - everything is thought out to the smallest detail. Reliable, responsible. Cons - clumsy, dryish in communication.
  • melancholic. The nervous system is very weak, vulnerable, impressionable. Soft, sensitive people. Cons - low efficiency, suspiciousness, isolation.

As the third component within the framework of the psychological portrait, the abilities of the individual are considered.:

  • general, formed under the influence of intellect. This is the flexibility of the mind, diligence, the ability to adapt.
  • special, appealing to a certain direction: on oneself personally, on communication, on the completion of a task.

To draw up a psychological portrait, the following are also taken into account: intellectuality, emotionality, feelings, communication skills, self-esteem.

The social nature of personality

The concept of social character was introduced into science by E. Fromm.

The social nature of personality is a set of traits that occurs in people who are part of the same social group. Moreover, these special features appeared under the influence of common experiences and an identical lifestyle.

The psychologist has developed two types of social characters: unfruitful and fruitful.


These types are called unfruitful because they are “takers”, who believe that the good can only be obtained from outside.

fruitful type

This is a kind of humanistic ideal to which one should aspire. It is characterized by: relying on one's own strengths and using them both to receive benefits and to give back to other people. A fruitful social character gives and does not receive; it is based on love, the highest degree of which is motherly love, which knows no selfishness.

Hidden and explicit accentuation of the character of the individual

Accentuation refers to the dominant personality traits, that is, some signs are moderately developed in us, while others are excessively developed.

As a result of accentuation (from the word "accent", i.e. strengthening), the personality becomes disharmonious.

Strengthening individual traits:

  • determine the vulnerability of a person, are his weak point, "Achilles' heel";
  • limits the ability of a person in certain areas of activity.

For example, a personality with an accentuation of weak will can be used by people and is completely unsuitable for working in leadership positions.

Accentuation is not a psychological or mental deviation, but an extreme version of the norm.

There are several reasons for this:

  • the dominance of one trait is formed only at certain stages of development, it can be minimized with age;
  • accentuation does not always appear, but only under certain circumstances;
  • accentuation does not prevent a person from adapting in society, with the exception of a number of restrictions that we mentioned above.

Depending on the dominance of one of the character traits, the following types are distinguished:

Type of accentuationCharacteristic
Demonstrative The desire to be in the spotlight: "at the wedding of the groom, at the funeral of the dead." Behavior deliberate, boasting.
Pedantic Caution, fear of change, thoroughness, thoughtfulness.
Excitable Very impulsive behavior. Lives impulses, instincts, drives.
Hyperthemic Always cheerful, active, eager for life. Sociable, optimistic, easily overcomes difficulties.
stuck Long remembers grievances and troubles, vengeful, petty
dysthymic Pessimist, always sad and gloomy. Concentrated on the dark sides of life.
Cyclothymic The swings from lust for life to pessimism are frequent and regular.
Exalted A violent reaction to any event, a state of delight to universal sadness.
emotive High sensitivity, sincerity, tearfulness.
alarming Anxiety for any reason and for no reason. Alertness, timidity, uncertainty.

Accentuation is considered explicit in cases where it accompanies a person most of the time, almost always.

If the dominance of any trait appears in stressful or critical situations, then the accentuation is called hidden.

Being born, a new personality receives a unique character as a gift. Human nature can consist of traits inherited from parents, or it can manifest itself in a completely different, unexpected quality.

Nature does not just determine behavioral reactions, it specifically affects the manner of communication, attitude towards others and one's own person, to work. Character traits of a person create a certain worldview in a person.

A person's behavioral responses depend on the nature

Temperament or character?

These two definitions create confusion, because both of them are involved in the formation of personality and behavioral responses. In fact, the character and temperament are heterogeneous:

  1. The character is formed from a list of certain acquired qualities of the personality's mental make-up.
  2. Temperament is a biological quality. Psychologists distinguish four types of it: choleric, melancholic, sanguine and phlegmatic.

Having the same warehouse of temperament, individuals can have a completely different character. But temperament has an important influence on the development of nature - smoothing or sharpening it. Also, human nature directly affects temperament.

What is character

Psychologists, speaking of character, mean a certain combination of traits of an individual, persistent in their expression. These traits have the maximum impact on the behavioral line of the individual in diverse relationships:

  • among people;
  • in the work team;
  • to one's own personality;
  • to the surrounding reality;
  • to physical and mental labor.

The word "character" is of Greek origin, it means "to mint". This definition was introduced into use by the naturalist of Ancient Greece, the philosopher Theophrastus. Such a word really, very accurately defines the nature of the individual.

Theophrastus first coined the term "character"

The character seems to be drawn as a unique drawing, it gives rise to a unique seal that a person wears in a single copy.

Simply put, character is a combination, a combination of stable individual mental characteristics.

How to understand nature

To understand what kind of nature an individual has, you need to analyze all his actions. It is behavioral reactions that determine examples of character and characterize the personality.

But this judgment is often subjective. Not always a person reacts the way his intuition tells him. Actions are influenced by upbringing, life experience, customs of the environment where the person lives.

But you can understand what kind of character a person has. Observing and analyzing the actions of a certain person for a long time, one can identify individual, especially stable features. If a person in completely different situations behaves in the same way, showing similar reactions, makes the same decision - this indicates the presence of a certain nature in him.

Knowing what character traits are manifested and dominated by a person, it is possible to predict how she will manifest herself in a given situation.

Character and traits

A character trait is an important part of a personality; it is a stable quality that determines the interaction of a person and the surrounding reality. This is a defining method of resolving emerging situations, therefore psychologists consider a trait of nature as a predictable personal behavior.

Variety of characters

A person acquires features of character in the course of his entire life span, it is impossible to attribute individual features of nature to innate and characterological. In order to analyze and assess the personality, the psychologist not only determines the totality of individual characteristics, but also highlights their distinctive features.

It is the character traits that are defined as the leading ones in the study and compilation of the psychological characteristics of the individual.

But, defining, evaluating a person, studying the features of behavior in the social plan, the psychologist also uses knowledge of the content orientation of nature. It is defined in:

  • strength-weakness;
  • latitude-narrowness;
  • static-dynamic;
  • integrity-contradiction;
  • integrity-fragmentation.

Such nuances constitute a general, complete description of a particular person.

List of personality traits

Human nature is the most complex cumulative combination of peculiar features, which is formed into a unique system. This order includes the most striking, stable personal qualities, which are revealed in the gradations of human-society relationships:

Relationship system Inherent traits of an individual
Plus Minus
To self fastidiousness Condescension
Self-criticism Narcissism
Meekness Boastfulness
Altruism Egocentrism
To the people around Sociability Closure
Complacency Callousness
Sincerity deceitfulness
Justice Injustice
Commonwealth Individualism
sensitivity Callousness
Courtesy shamelessness
To work organization Laxity
obligatory stupidity
diligence slovenliness
Enterprise inertia
industriousness laziness
to items frugality Waste
thoroughness Negligence
Neatness Negligence

In addition to character traits included by psychologists in the gradation of relationships (a separate category), manifestations of nature in the moral, temperamental, cognitive and sthenic spheres were identified:

  • moral: humanity, rigidity, sincerity, good nature, patriotism, impartiality, responsiveness;
  • temperamental: gambling, sensuality, romance, liveliness, receptivity; passion, frivolity;
  • intellectual (cognitive): analyticity, flexibility, inquisitiveness, resourcefulness, efficiency, criticality, thoughtfulness;
  • sthenic (volitional): categoricalness, perseverance, obstinacy, stubbornness, purposefulness, timidity, courage, independence.

Many leading psychologists are inclined to believe that some personality traits should be divided into two categories:

  1. Productive (motivational). Such traits push a person to commit certain acts and actions. This is the goal-feature.
  2. Instrumental. Giving personality during any activity individuality and way (manners) of action. These are traits.

Gradation of character traits according to Allport

Allport's theory

The famous American psychologist Gordon Allport, an expert and developer of gradations of personality traits of an individual, divided personality traits into three classes:

Dominant. Such features most clearly reveal the behavioral form: actions, activities of a certain person. These include: kindness, selfishness, greed, secrecy, gentleness, modesty, greed.

Normal. They are equally manifested in all the numerous spheres of human life. These are: humanity, honesty, generosity, arrogance, altruism, egocentrism, cordiality, openness.

Secondary. These nuances do not have a particular effect on behavioral responses. These are not dominant behaviors. These include musicality, poetry, diligence, diligence.

A strong relationship is formed between the traits of nature existing in a person. This regularity forms the final character of the individual.

But any existing structure has its own hierarchy. The warehouse of man was no exception. This nuance is traced in Allport's proposed gradation structure, where minor features can be suppressed by dominant ones. But in order to predict the act of a person, it is necessary to focus on the totality of the features of nature..

What is typicality and individuality

In the manifestation of the nature of each personality, it always reflects the individual and typical. This is a harmonious combination of personal qualities, because the typical serves as the basis for identifying the individual.

What is a typical character. When a person has a certain set of traits that are the same (common) for a particular group of people, such a warehouse is called typical. Like a mirror, it reflects the accepted and habitual conditions for the existence of a particular group.

Also, typical features depend on the warehouse (a certain type of nature). They are also a condition for the appearance of a behavioral type of character, in the category of which a person is “recorded”.

Having understood exactly what features are inherent in a given personality, a person can make an average (typical) psychological portrait and assign a certain type of temperament. For example:

positive negative
Activity Incontinence
Energy irascibility
Sociability Aggressiveness
Determination Irritability
Initiative Rudeness in communication
Impulsiveness Behavior instability
Phlegmatic person
persistence Low activity
performance slowness
calmness immobility
Consistency uncommunicative
Reliability Individualism
good faith laziness
Sociability Rejection of monotony
Activity Superficiality
benevolence Lack of persistence
adaptability bad perseverance
Cheerfulness Frivolity
Courage Recklessness in actions
Resourcefulness Inability to focus
Sensitivity Closure
Impressionability Low activity
diligence uncommunicative
Restraint Vulnerability
cordiality Shyness
Accuracy Poor performance

Such typical character traits corresponding to a certain temperament are observed in each (to one degree or another) representative of the group.

individual manifestation. Relationships between individuals always have an evaluative characteristic, they are manifested in a rich variety of behavioral reactions. The manifestation of individual traits of an individual is greatly influenced by emerging circumstances, a formed worldview and a certain environment.

This feature is reflected in the brightness of various typical features of the individual. They are not the same in intensity and develop in each individual individually.

Some typical features are so powerfully manifested in a person that they become not just individual, but unique.

In this case, typicality develops, by definition, into individuality. This classification of personality helps to identify the negative characteristics of the individual that prevent them from expressing themselves and achieving a certain position in society.

Working on himself, analyzing and correcting the shortcomings in his own character, each person creates the life he aspires to.