The main criteria for the formation of general cultural competencies. Formation of key competencies (general cultural and professional)

E. N. Nurieva, L. V. Bakeeva


Key words: competencies approach, interdisciplinary connections, competencies.

The article considers the competencies approach, the main targets in the implementation of which are competencies formed during training. The interdisciplinary connections of the disciplines of the mathematical and natural science cycles are analyzed in the aspect of the competence-based approach. The mathematical and general chemical universal competencies necessary for the formation of general cultural and general professional competencies of a graduate are formulated, their implementation is described in terms of a competency-based approach.

Keywords: competence approach, interdisciplinary relations, competence.

This article describes the competence approach and the main professional skills formed during education, which constitute the main targets of this method of realization. The interdisciplinary relations between mathematics and natural sciences in the aspect of competence-based approach are also analyzed in the paper. The authors formulate universal competences in mathematics and general chemistry required for the formation of general cultural professional skills of a graduate, besides their implementation is described in terms of the competence approach.

Accelerating the pace of scientific and technological progress requires significant changes from modern higher education. Changes in the nature of vocational education, which are distinctive for the beginning of the 21st century, increasingly clearly orient it towards the free development of the individual, creative initiative, independence, competitiveness, and mobility of future bachelors, specialists and masters. The set of requirements that are mandatory for the implementation of basic educational programs by higher educational institutions is determined by the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education of the third generation. These standards are qualitatively different from the previous ones. The educational standards of the first generation (1995) determined the minimum content for the level of training of a graduate in a particular specialty, and the educational standards of the second generation (2000) determined the direction of training, within which a list of educational programs (specialties) was determined. These standards formulated general qualification requirements for the professional training of specialists and established the required depth (didactic units, number of hours) of teaching disciplines included in various cycles, in accordance with the specialization. The implementation of the third generation standards in universities highlights the competence-based approach, the main targets of which are the competencies formed in the course of training. At the same time, the concept of "competence" as components includes knowledge, skills, personal qualities (initiative, purposefulness, responsibility, tolerance, etc.), social adaptation (ability to work both independently and in a team) and professional experience. Together, all these components form behavioral models - when a graduate is able to independently navigate the situation, skillfully solve the tasks facing him (and, ideally, set new ones) and fruitfully engage in self-education, self-development, i.e. com-

the petency approach provides for a different role of the student in the educational process. The student should be able not only to reproduce information, but to think independently, engage in self-formation and self-improvement and be prepared for real life situations. In this regard, the implementation of the third generation standards is aimed at creating an integral educational space that ensures the development of theoretical concepts, practical skills and abilities necessary to perform the corresponding type of professional activity, and the organization of the educational process aimed at the formation of general cultural and professional competencies in production and technological, experimental

research, organizational and managerial and settlement and design activities.

A special role in the formation of the competencies of future bachelors and masters of technical universities today, and in the past of specialists, is played by the disciplines of the mathematical and natural science cycle (mathematics, physics, chemistry, ecology, etc.). Consider mathematics not just as a powerful tool for solving various applied problems, but as a universal language for many other sciences, as something included in the general cultural context of human activity. The significance of mathematical courses and its intracycle interdisciplinary links with physics, chemistry and other disciplines for representatives of various areas of training is very high. Various researchers offer their own points of view on the concept of interdisciplinary communications. The reason for the ambiguity in the definition of interdisciplinary links lies in their objectively existing multifunctional nature. Ultimately, they are considered in relation to the educational process as a condition for improving the entire educational process. In the competency-based approach, interdisciplinary communication should be understood as the application of knowledge in one discipline in the subject field of another discipline.

ciplins. Interdisciplinary links, understood in this way, open up additional ways to update the content, forms, methods and means of teaching at a university in order to form general cultural and general professional competencies. The set of functions of interdisciplinary connections is realized in the learning process when the learning process covers all the diversity of their types. For example, actual interdisciplinary connections make it possible to establish the similarities of facts, the use of general facts studied in the courses of mathematics of physics, chemistry and their comprehensive consideration in order to generalize knowledge about individual phenomena, processes and objects of study. Conceptual interdisciplinary connections contribute to the expansion and deepening of the features of subject concepts and the formation of general subject concepts. So, in the courses of the mathematical and natural science cycle, general subject concepts are the concepts of the theory of the structure of substances - proportions, consequences, movement, mass, etc., which are widely used in the study of processes. At the same time, they deepen, concretize on mathematical material and acquire a generalized, general scientific character. Theoretical interdisciplinary connections contribute to the development of the main provisions of general scientific theories in related disciplines, in order to assimilate a holistic theory. Interdisciplinary connections perform a number of functions in teaching mathematics: methodological, educational, developmental, educational and constructive, each of which contributes to the formation of different qualities in students (modern ideas about the integrity and development of nature, consistency, depth, awareness, flexibility, systemic and creative thinking, cognitive activity, independence and interest in learning, etc.).

In the course of mathematics, you can develop and study the basic models necessary for general professional and special disciplines. Thus, a model of interdisciplinary links between the course of mathematics and general technical and special disciplines will be built, which will allow students to successfully act on the basis of knowledge, skills and practical experience in solving problems of a professional kind of activity, i.e. aimed at the formation of various competencies.

Let us consider as an example the relationship between the courses "Physical Chemistry" (the discipline is a general professional with a laboriousness of 340 hours) and "Mathematics" (the discipline is a general education with a laboriousness of about 500 hours). Both disciplines in the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the direction of preparation 240100 "Chemical Technology" are disciplines of the mathematical and natural science cycle. "Mathematics" is studied by students in 1-3, or 1-4 semesters, depending on the form of education, "Physical Chemistry" - in 5-6 semesters or 6-8, respectively. Note that in different universities the proportion of hours allocated to the study of each section of the disciplines under consideration varies, but both disciplines are “settled”, which makes it possible to analyze interdisciplinary connections at the program level.

The study consists in reviewing the work program and the content of textbooks in the discipline "Physical Chemistry" to identify the necessary mathematical apparatus that students should master when studying each section (Table 1). In Table 1, rows correspond to the main sections of the discipline "Physical Chemistry" (1 - chemical thermodynamics, 2 - chemical equilibrium, 3 - solutions, 4 - electrochemistry, 5 - chemical kinetics), columns - sections of the discipline "Mathematics" (a

Analytic geometry, b - linear algebra, c - functions and limits, d - differential calculus, e - integral calculus, f - differential equations, g - series, I - TV and MS,) - computational mathematics, k - discrete mathematics)

Table 1 - Relationship between the main sections of the disciplines "Physical Chemistry" and "Mathematics"

a b c a e f e i ) k

As you can see from the table, the discipline "Physical Chemistry" is largely mathematized. Students studying in the direction 240100 use the apparatus of classical algebra, analytic geometry, probability theory and mathematical statistics; they must know mathematical analysis and be able to solve simple differential equations. Rows are used to a much lesser extent. Among the methods of mathematics that have found effective application in chemistry in general, in "Physical Chemistry" in particular, a special role is given to topological constructions and, first of all, to graphs - the most general method for depicting chemical structures. With the help of graphs, interactions between elementary particles, crystal fusion, cell division, etc. are successfully described. In this sense, graph theory, one of the branches of discrete mathematics, serves as a clear and universal language for interdisciplinary communication. Mathematical knowledge obtained by students in the study of the discipline "Mathematics" is enough to master the program of the general course "Physical Chemistry". Of course, for the final conclusion about the expediency of studying certain sections of general education disciplines, a comprehensive analysis of interdisciplinary relations with all general professional and special disciplines (not only with "Physical Chemistry") is necessary. But even this analysis allows us to see what mathematical and general chemical universal competencies a bachelor should have as a result of studying mathematical disciplines, necessary for the formation of general cultural and general professional competencies of a graduate.

Mathematical universal competencies:

The ability to use basic knowledge from the field of mathematics in cognitive professional activities;

Have a deep knowledge of basic mathematical disciplines and show a high degree of understanding, know and be able to use them at the appropriate level (basic, advanced, advanced);

Be able to translate into mathematical language the simplest problems posed in terms of other subject areas, and use the advantages of this reformulation to solve them;

The ability to acquire new mathematical knowledge using modern educational and information technologies;

Own the mathematical logic necessary for the formation of judgments on relevant professional, social, scientific and ethical problems;

Own methods of analysis and synthesis of the studied phenomena and processes.

Possess the ability to apply in practice, including the ability to compile mathematical models of typical professional problems and find ways to solve them; interpret the professional (physical) meaning of the obtained mathematical result;

Possess the ability to apply analytical and numerical methods for solving problems (using ready-made software);

Possess mathematical thinking, mathematical culture as a part of professional and universal culture;

Demonstrate the ability to abstract, including the ability to logically develop individual formal theories and establish a connection between them;

Own methods of proof of statements and theorems as the main component of cognitive and communicative functions.

General chemical universal competencies:

Ability to use chemical language and modern chemical nomenclature;

Own the basics of the theory of fundamental sections of chemistry (inorganic, analytical, organic, physical, chemistry of macromolecular compounds, chemistry of biological objects, chemical technology);

Own methods of safe handling of chemical materials, taking into account their physical and chemical properties, the ability to assess possible risks;

Ability to observe and explain chemical phenomena, evaluate technological, environmental and other problems associated with the use of chemicals;

The ability to monitor chemical phenomena, document the results, interpret the data obtained from laboratory measurements, taking into account their significance and compliance with the theory, apply the basic laws of chemistry when discussing the results obtained, including with the involvement of information databases;

The ability to carry out qualitative and quantitative

vein analysis of substances and chemical compounds, perform computational and experimental tasks;

Possess the skills of a chemical experiment, basic synthetic and analytical methods for obtaining and studying chemicals and reactions.

General cultural and general professional competencies formed by the acquired universal mathematical and general chemical competencies in the process of studying the disciplines "Mathematics" and "Physical Chemistry", defined by the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education for the direction of bachelor's training 240100:

Own a culture of thinking, the ability to generalize, analyze, perceive information, set a goal and choose the steps to achieve it (OK-1);

Possess the ability to logically correctly, reasonably and clearly build oral and written speech, the ability to correctly (logically) formulate the results of thinking in oral and written speech (OK-2);

The ability to self-development, improve one's qualifications and skills, to acquire new knowledge in the field of engineering and technology, mathematics, natural, humanitarian, social and economic sciences (OK-7);

Recognize the social significance of their future profession, have a high motivation to perform professional activities (OK-9);

Ability and willingness to use the basic laws of natural sciences in professional activities, apply the methods of mathematical analysis and modeling, theoretical and experimental research (PC-1);

The ability to use knowledge about the structure of matter, the nature of chemical bonds in various classes of chemical compounds to understand the properties of materials and the mechanism of chemical processes occurring in the surrounding world (PC-3);

The ability to make mathematical models of typical professional tasks, find ways from solutions and interpret the professional (physical) meaning of the obtained mathematical result (PC-8);

The ability to apply analytical and numerical methods for solving problems, use modern information technologies, process information using business application programs; use network computer technologies and databases in their subject area, application packages for calculating the technological parameters of equipment (PC-9);

Ability to analyze the technological process as a control object (PC-17);

The ability to plan and conduct physical and chemical experiments, process their results and evaluate errors, mathematically model physical and chemical processes and phenomena, put forward hypotheses and set limits for their application (PC-21);

The ability to use knowledge of the properties of chemical elements, compounds and materials based on them to solve problems of professional activity


Summing up, we note that the ongoing changes in the life of society have brought to the fore the idea of ​​revealing and enriching the inner potential of each person, his independent development and self-education throughout his life. The growth of socio-economic, cultural, informational changes in society increases the requirements for the quality of education. There are inevitable causal dependencies of the success of life on the personal capabilities of a person. Each person needs to tirelessly and fruitfully engage in self-education and self-development. This should be facilitated by educational programs of disciplines. which are focused on improving the quality of training of specialists based on the creation of mechanisms for the effective development by students of the competencies necessary in professional activities in accordance with the requirements of the new Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education, including in the direction 240100 "Chemical Technology". All branches of modern science are closely interconnected, therefore, academic disciplines cannot be isolated from each other, but must be taught together, which allows students to form a holistic view of their future professional activities. The choice of interdisciplinary connections as a way of forming general cultural and general professional competencies improves the quality of the educational process, contributing to the formation of a holistic picture of the world among students, the holistic development of the student's personality and serves as a means of self-education and self-development of students not only at the university, but throughout their lives.


1. Distinctive features of the FSES VPO of the third generation (

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5. Vershinin, V.I. Interdisciplinary communications in higher school

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© E. N. Nurieva - Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Assoc. Department of Chemistry, NCTI KNRTU, [email protected]; L. V. Bakeeva - Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Assoc. Department of Mathematics, NCTI KNRTU, [email protected]


The article deals with the implementation of the competency-based approach in the system of higher education, in particular the formation of general cultural, general professional and informational competencies among master students on the example of the course "Organization of scientific research". The experience of the Ural State University of Economics in the implementation of the competency-based approach in master's training is considered. It is shown that using traditional methods of teaching and learning, as well as current control, namely tests and exams, it is impossible to check the formation of general cultural, general professional and informational competencies. A technology for the formation and verification of the formation of competencies is proposed, including methods of teaching, learning and assessment, which allow both to form and adequately assess the degree of formation of the relevant competencies. Criteria for evaluating the achievements of master's students in various types of educational activities have been developed.

checking the formation of competencies.

formation of competencies

information competence

competence approach

1. Vidrevich M.B., Maramygin M.S., Pakhalchak G.Yu. On the experience of using the British education quality system in the practice of master's training at the Ural State University of Economics // Guarantees for the quality of vocational education: a collection of methodological materials, articles and abstracts of forum participants. – M.: RAGS, 2010. – P.35-41.

2. Vidrevich M.B., Pervukhina I.V. Methodological guide to preparing for the validation of Russian-British curricula. Programs of the Russian-British partnership in the field of higher education (double diplomas / qualifications). - M.: British Council, Moscow, 2008.

3. Ionova O.N. Conceptual bases for the formation of information competence of adults in the system of additional education // Additional professional education. - 2006. - No. 4 (28). – P. 34–36.

4. Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education. -URL:// (accessed 05/18/2015).

5. Wisker G. The Good Supervisor: Supervising Postgraduate and Undergraduate Research for Doctoral Theses and Dissertations (Palgrave Research Skills). - Palgrave, Macmillan, 2012.

The development of society at the present stage, the quantitative and qualitative growth of information has set the task of overcoming the contradiction between the rapid growth in the volume of information in the world and the limited possibilities of their assimilation by a person before higher education. It is this contradiction that encourages universities to develop the ability of students to learn how to find information, evaluate it critically and use it creatively. In the process of modernizing education, the emphasis is shifting from the content of education to new methods of pedagogical work, in which new technologies and analytics will play an important role. For the training of a specialist who is able to think creatively, capable of self-development, self-education, traditional teaching methods (transfer of knowledge in finished form from a teacher to a student) become ineffective. The student's competencies, as skills confirmed by practice, can only be formed as a result of practice-oriented and interactive learning aimed at self-development, as well as learning in the environment, in particular, with surrounding fellow students. In the new conditions, not only and not so much the professional competencies of the graduate, but his ability to receive information and work with it, become very significant. This means - to form students' information competence, which in the future will provide the opportunity to successfully study throughout their lives; prepare for the chosen professional activity and constantly improve professional skills, live and work in the information society. This is what creates the basis for the further development and self-development of the individual.

The adopted federal state educational standards (FSES) as the main premise assume the formation of three enlarged groups of competencies in the student: general cultural, general professional and professional. Let's add here the formation of information competence as the basis for the above groups.

The Information Competence at California State University study identified the components of information competence:

Determine the research topic and information need (define the problem, formulate terminology and keywords, determine the types of materials needed for research, use electronic means to search for the necessary information);

Identify and search for relevant materials, identify different types of sources for different tasks, use citations correctly;

Classify the information found and use it in the study;

Evaluate the information found (check their accuracy, timeliness, expediency);

Organize the found materials: group according to the sections of the study, use citations, compile a bibliography.

According to O.N. Ionova, information competence is an integrative quality of a person: a systematic education of knowledge, skills and abilities of a subject in the field of information and information and communication technologies, and experience in their use, as well as the ability to improve their knowledge, skills and make new decisions in changing conditions or unforeseen situations using new technological means .

The process of forming the information competence of university students can be divided into three stages.

Stage 1. Information literacy. It is formed during the study of basic disciplines in the direction of "Informatics". As a result of studying the courses, the student must be a trained user, be able to work with various software products (programs for working on the Internet, office programs, mathematical packages, modeling programs, data processing and visualization, etc.). The foundations of information literacy are laid at school.

Stage 2. Information education. It is formed during the study of general professional disciplines. As a result of training, students develop the ability to choose software, justify their choice, analyze the results obtained when solving professional problems.

Stage 3. Information competence. It is formed in the process of own scientific research. As a result, students demonstrate a systematic knowledge in the field of information technology, confident knowledge of intelligent information retrieval technologies and the identification of trends hidden in this information, the ability to visualize the results.

One of the essential aspects of ensuring the quality of education is the following: the structure of the program should be such that it enables students to reach the learning outcomes determined by the Federal State Educational Standard. Teaching methods should ensure the achievement of learning outcomes. Methods for evaluating learning outcomes should be such as to allow adequate verification of the achievement of these outcomes.

Let's consider a variant of the implementation of this principle on the example of the formation of some general cultural and general professional competencies in the course "Organization of scientific research", taught in the first year of the master's program. Undergraduates get acquainted (in the classroom and independently, using appropriate methodological support) with the basics of scientific research, their essence and organization, as well as methods, ways of planning, obtaining and presenting the results of scientific research, structure, content, sequence of presentation of the material and methods of designing scientific work . Based on the information received, structured by the teacher, undergraduates independently write a scientific work in accordance with the requirements for its content, structure and design.

At the same time, the student partially forms information and general cultural competencies OK-1, OK-3 (ability for abstract thinking, analysis, synthesis (OK-1); readiness for self-development, self-realization, use of creative potential (OK-3)). Further, students publicly present in the audience and discuss the results of their work according to certain, predetermined requirements. At the same time, the competence of OK-2 is partially formed (willingness to act in non-standard situations, to bear social and ethical responsibility for the decisions made (OK-2)). It is clear that it is impossible to check the formation of the discussed competencies by traditional methods, such as a test or exam.

Works are evaluated by the teacher and the students themselves in accordance with the criteria developed by the authors for evaluating written works and presentations (table). The criteria are developed taking into account the principles set out in G. Wisker. The overall assessment is given taking into account three components: assessment for the content of scientific work (search, selection, analysis, structuring the necessary information), assessment for the presentation of the work (structuring and visualization of information) and assessment for public presentation (the ability to clearly and confidently state the content of the completed research, reasoned answering questions and leading a scientific discussion). The total number of points is calculated by analogy with the requirements for learning outcomes in master's training in the UK.

Criteria for evaluating learning outcomes and levels of competency formation

Criterion and its weight in the overall assessment

Availability of up-to-date legal and economic information

The presence of a reasoned critical position of the author on the problem under consideration

The style of presentation of the material, its compliance with the norms of vocabulary, the sequence of presentation

80 to 100%

The work is based on the study of relevant information sources. All data provided refer to the current year. Legal regulations are studied taking into account the latest changes

All aspects of the researched problem (questions) are critically evaluated by the author. For each critical statement, the author gives a clear and logically built system of arguments.

A high level of proficiency in the style of written speech, the work fully complies with the norms of vocabulary, competent speech turns are used. The material is presented sequentially

The work is based on the study of relevant information sources. The data given mainly refer to the previous year, although some data for the current year are also given. Legal regulations are studied taking into account the latest changes

Almost all aspects of the problem under study (questions) are critically assessed by the author (you can notice 1-2 positions for which the critical attitude of the author is not clearly indicated). All criticisms are justified.

The author has formed and substantiated a system of proposals (recommendations) aimed at solving the problem under study. Most of the proposals have real practical value, but some are unrealistic

A fairly high level of proficiency in the style of written speech, the work basically complies with the norms of vocabulary, there are some errors; in general, competent speech turns are used. The material is presented sequentially

60 to 79%

The work is largely based on the study of relevant information sources. The data presented mainly refer to the previous year. Separate legal norms are studied without taking into account the latest changes

Almost all aspects of the problem under study are critically assessed by the author (you can notice 1-2 positions for which the critical attitude of the author is not clearly indicated). However, the argumentation of the author's position is not present for all declared critical positions.

The author has formed and substantiated a system of proposals (recommendations) aimed at solving the problem under study. However, the bulk of the proposals have no real practical value, although there are absolutely realistic measures.

The level of proficiency in the style of writing does not fully comply with accepted standards and norms of vocabulary, there are some errors; although literate speech turns are quite often used. The material is presented sequentially

Thus, the use of the proposed approaches allows not only to form the information, general cultural and general professional competencies listed above, but also to adequately check the degree of their formation.


Ivanitsky V.P., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Chief Advisor to the Rectorate, Professor of the Department of Financial Markets and Banking, Ural State University of Economics, Yekaterinburg;

Rezer T.M., Doctor of Pediatric Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of State and Municipal Administration, Ural State University of Economics, Yekaterinburg.

Bibliographic link

URL: (date of access: 04/03/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History" 1

The article deals with the formation of general cultural competencies provided for by the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education. Personnel training in the specialty 37.05.02 Psychology of official activity at the Institute of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia is carried out according to specialization No. 2 “Moral and psychological support of official activity”. The field of professional activity of graduates of this qualification involves the solution of complex problems of psychological support for management; security of the individual, society and the state; organizing the work of psychological services providing services to individuals and organizations, etc. As part of the implementation of this program, the formation of general cultural competencies is ensured through the organization of educational activities using an activity approach, as well as by involving students in scientific and educational work. Thus, an integral cultural and educational space of the university is being formed. Not only the content of each academic discipline has a cultural, educational and educational potential, but all types of extracurricular activities of students, the cultural infrastructure of the university. The developing space of the Institute of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia provides effective training of competitive graduates in the specialty 37.05.02 Psychology of performance, with all the necessary competencies, including general cultural ones. The most important pedagogical components, such as educational, scientific and educational work, allow future specialists to master the technology of social communication, the achievements of the world and domestic artistic heritage already on the student bench, develop critical thinking, form their own life position and value orientations.

general cultural competencies

scientific work

specialist's program

educational process

activity approach

1. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 19, 2016 No. 1613 "On approval of the federal state educational standard of higher education in the specialty 37.05.02 Psychology of performance (specialist level)" [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of access: 07/24/2018).

2. Sinyakova M.G. Basic approaches to determining the essence of general cultural competence of a bachelor of management / M.G. Sinyakova // International Journal of Experimental Education. - 2010. - No. 9. - P. 24–25.

3. Horvat D.A. The educational environment of the university as a factor in the formation of general cultural competencies of students: Abstract of ... dis. can. ped. Sciences - M.: 2015. - 34 p.

4. Nigmatzyanova G.Kh. Structure and content of general cultural competencies of a student // Humanitarian scientific research. - 2014. - No. 2. [Electronic resource]. URL: (date of access: 07/24/2018).

5. Troyanskaya L.S. Fundamentals of the competency-based approach in higher education: study guide / L.S. Trojan. - Izhevsk: Publishing Center "Udmurt University", 2016. -175 p.

Personnel training in the specialty 37.05.02 Psychology of official activity at the Institute of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia is carried out according to specialization No. 2 “Moral and psychological support of official activity”. The field of professional activity of graduates of this qualification involves “solving complex problems of psychological support for management; security of the individual, society and the state; organizing the work of psychological services providing services to individuals and organizations”, etc.

The requirements for the results of mastering the program indicate 12 general cultural competencies that are comprehensively formed in the educational process. These competencies are of global importance for the formation of a personality, its adequate socialization and successful adaptation not only to the conditions of future professional activity, but also to the requirements of the time.

"General cultural competencies are stable personal formations that affect the adaptability of a graduate in the dynamic course of various spheres of social and professional life, form a system of relations with these spheres and determine a person's life position." According to M.G. Sinyakova, they "... can be considered as the basis for the formation of professional mobility of a specialist ...". General cultural competencies are readiness for productive interaction with the social environment, focused on results; the ability to clearly build oral and written speech; the ability to think logically and others. YES. Horvath believes that "general cultural competencies are key competencies associated with the personal qualities of a person, his ability to navigate in the social and cultural environment, and the experience of mastering the cultural space" . G.H. Nigmatzyanov defines general cultural competencies "as the basic competence of an individual, which ensures entry into the world space of culture and self-determination in it, the application of professional knowledge and skills in practical activities, mastering the norms of speech etiquette and literary language, as well as the culture of interethnic communication and the ability to navigate in society" . These competencies are of decisive importance for the development of the personality, its successful socialization and adaptation not only to the conditions of future professional activity, but also to the requirements of the time.

To solve the problems of forming general cultural competencies of a graduate of the Institute of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, an integrated approach is used. This means "the priority orientation of education to its results: the formation of the necessary general cultural and professional competencies, self-determination, socialization, development of individuality and self-actualization." .

The formation of general cultural competencies is carried out in the process of studying the disciplines of the basic part of Block 1, such as philosophy, a foreign language, history, general psychology, organizational psychology and others, as well as in the framework of scientific and educational work with students. The educational process at the Institute of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia is based on the activity approach formulated by the American scientist and teacher, a representative of the philosophical direction of pragmatism John Dewey. The activity approach is based on the concept of “learning through activity”. The main principles of this system include taking into account the interests of students; learning through teaching thought and action; knowledge and knowledge - a consequence of overcoming difficulties; free creative work and collaboration.

The activity nature of training at the Institute of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia is manifested in the use of methodological techniques and tasks based on gaming, simulation and free communication. The organization of the educational process, taking into account these principles, is carried out through mastering the methods of research activities; modeling and analysis of professional and life situations; use of active and interactive techniques; involvement of students in gaming, evaluation and discussion, reflective and project activities.

The purpose of mastering the academic disciplines of Block 1 is not only mastering the knowledge system, but also mastering the means of intercultural interaction. Lectures, seminars and practical classes provide the development of cognitive, pragmatic and motivational spheres of general cultural competencies. In the cognitive realm, the goal is to gain information about the characteristics of other cultures. The pragmatic goal provides for the acquisition of practical skills necessary for intercultural and professional communication. The motivational sphere is responsible for the formation of such an attitude in the student, which includes openness, tolerance and respect for the culture of another people, and also excludes prejudices, stereotypes and discrimination. Work programs and educational and methodological complexes in all taught disciplines in the specialty 37.05.02 Psychology of performance at the Institute of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia involve the use of active, interactive, research, design and creative methods within the activity approach. Thus, classes in jurisprudence are held in the form of simulation of court sessions. Trying on the roles of participants in court hearings, students actively use the knowledge gained in classes in psychological disciplines and history. Such an integrated approach contributes to the formation of sustainable general cultural competencies.

In the classes on cultural studies, philosophy, history, such an interactive form of conducting as a lesson-travel is used. Creative methods are optimally integrated into traditional classes in the disciplines "Foreign Language", "Psychology of Personality". For example, as part of these classes, competitions of presentations and interviews are held. Forms that are especially popular with students: the case method (analysis of specific situations), defense of projects, round tables with the invitation of practitioners - are used quite widely. As part of the training sessions at the Institute of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, a round table was held on the topic "Intercultural communication: psychological problems and current trends", a training case "Philosophy and its role in society", defense of projects on professional ethics and office etiquette on the topic "Ethics in the professional culture of a psychologist. Lecture classes are also diverse in form: problem lectures, lectures-conversations, lectures-provocations. Thus, the use of modern teaching aids that meet the needs of the time forms a value system of knowledge and general cultural competencies of students, stimulates the experience of independent activity and personal responsibility, cognitive and creative abilities of students.

Let us consider the means of which academic disciplines form certain general cultural competencies. So, OK 1 and OK-7 are formed within the framework of philosophy, since it is this discipline that covers a wide range of issues, such as scientific, philosophical and religious pictures of the world; man, society, culture; a person in the system of social relations; ideas about the perfect person in different cultures; aesthetic values ​​and their role in human life, etc. Classes in philosophy develop the ability for logical thinking, the correct design of oral and written speech, polemics and discussions. OK-2 and OK-3 are formed in history lessons that develop the ability to analyze the main stages and patterns of Russia's historical development, form a civic position and develop patriotic feelings and the ability to navigate political, social and economic processes in the world. OK-4 and OK-5 are formed as part of the study of such disciplines as sociology, religious studies, cultural studies, professional ethics and office etiquette. Fulfillment of professional tasks in accordance with the norms of morality, professional ethics and work etiquette, the ability to work in a team, tolerantly perceiving social, cultural, confessional differences, stress resistance in the process of professional activity is an integral part of the general and professional culture of the graduate. OK-6 is formed by a whole block of various psychological disciplines - "Psychology of conflict", "Psychology of communication and negotiations", "Psychology of personality", etc. The ability to maintain psychological stability in difficult and extreme conditions, to be able to apply the methods of emotional and cognitive regulation to get out of these situations and to optimize the psychological state and one's own activity is the basis of conflict-free interaction. OK-8 and OK-9 form the ability to make acceptable organizational and managerial decisions and organize one's life in accordance with socially significant ideas about a healthy lifestyle, which is facilitated by the study of such disciplines as sociology, anatomy and physiology of the central nervous system, and a number of other disciplines. OK-10 forms the Russian language in business documentation, as a result, students develop the ability to carry out written and oral communication in Russian. OK-11 is formed within the framework of the discipline "Foreign language". The ability to communicate professionally in one of the foreign languages ​​is one of the fundamental competencies. Since language is an element of culture, it functions within a certain culture, which covers cognitive, educational, developmental and educational aspects. These aspects involve the acquaintance and study of not only the linguistic and grammatical system of the language, but also its culture, its relationship with the native culture, as well as the structure of a foreign language, its character, features, similarities and differences with the native language. They also include the satisfaction of the personal cognitive interests of the student in any field of activity. OK-12 is formed in the classroom in the framework of mathematics, computer science and information technology in psychology, as well as mathematical methods in psychology and develops the ability to work with various information technologies and resources, apply the main methods and means of obtaining, storing, searching, systematizing, processing and transfer of information.

The formation of general cultural competencies, provided for by the Federal State Educational Standards for Higher Education, is also ensured through the involvement of students and trainees in scientific and educational work. At its core, this is the creation of a creative environment for the development of the student along an individual trajectory. At the Institute of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, educational and scientific work is structured in such a way as to fully meet the needs of students in self-realization.

Thus, the formation of OK is facilitated by activities carried out within the framework of the spiritual-moral and civil-patriotic areas of educational work, as well as activities of a scientific nature. In the civil-patriotic direction of educational work, the following events are held at the Institute of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia: within the framework of the Day of Remembrance of Russians who performed military duty outside the Motherland, meetings are held with participants in local wars. On the eve of Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War, the Institute of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia annually hosts the St. George Ribbon and Songs of Victory campaigns. On May 9, as part of the events dedicated to the anniversary of the Great Victory, the students of the Institute take part in the international action "Immortal Regiment". Curatorial hours on the eve of Victory Day are dedicated to the people of Ryazan, who fought valiantly against the Nazis; in the hall of the 2nd floor of the institute, the exhibition "Memory is stronger than time" is annually updated. Students visit thematic exhibitions. On the eve of the Day of Military Glory of Russia (September 21 - Victory Day of Russian troops led by Prince Dmitry Donskoy in the Battle of Kulikovo over the Tatar-Mongol yoke), excursions to various thematic exhibitions are organized, for example, the exhibition "Russian Army" in the Ryazan Kremlin; students of the institute held lessons of courage for students of schools in Ryazan, dedicated to the lifting of the blockade of Leningrad and the victory of Soviet troops in the battle for Stalingrad. The spiritual and moral direction of educational work is marked by such events as fundraising campaigns for the Orphanage, concerts for veterans and employees of the P.A. Malshina; participation of students in the unique social project "Donate blood - give life".

The following events are aimed at the formation of OK-2 and OK-3, such as debates on the topics: “Temptation by power”, “Does society need religion”, “The death penalty in Russia”, “Ensuring regional security” with the invitation of experts on these issues; intellectual quiz "Own game", dedicated to the celebration of the Day of Russia; scientific-practical seminar "Actual problems of the humanities through the eyes of students". Institute students take part in a number of round tables organized by the Council of Young Scientists of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, where issues of countering terrorism, the influence of the media on world politics, etc. are discussed; scientific events of various levels on the basis of the Russian State University named after S.A. Yesenin; Kazan (Privolzhsky) Federal University and other Russian universities.

When forming OK-4, special attention is paid to the prevention of corruption. In addition to educational conversations and meetings with law enforcement officials, on the eve of the International Day against Corruption, the Institute of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia hosts round tables “Fighting Corruption in Russia”. Every year in April, Career Weeks are held with the participation of representatives of employers. As part of the events dedicated to the founding day of the faculty, the Day of Professional Excellence and the Day of Cooperation are held, where students get a unique opportunity to communicate with practitioners and leading experts in various fields of activity, to join the unique experience of people who have reached considerable heights in the profession.

The ability to think logically, reasoned and clearly build oral and written speech, conduct polemics and discussions is formed in scientific events - the intellectual game "Forum agere" in the format of a simulation of a court session; a master class in oratory with the participation of the coordinator of the city competition of oratory "Orators of the city of R", a series of intellectual games "What? Where? When?", as well as in the traditional cultural and educational event "Literary Lounge", which is timed to coincide with various significant dates in the history of Russian classical literature. On the eve of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, the Institute of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia hosts a debate on the topic “Say NO to violence!”.

The formation of a healthy lifestyle also does not go unnoticed. On the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, the Institute of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia hosts the "Save Your Life" action. In order to popularize sports, promote physical culture and a healthy lifestyle, the department of educational work of the Institute of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia and the Department of Physical Training and Sports hold sports festivals “Forward, to the TRP!” with the involvement of teams of students from secondary schools of the city; meet with famous athletes. On June 27, on Youth Day, the students of the institute traditionally take part in the youth exercise “Health Marathon”, organized by the Ministry of Youth Policy, Physical Culture and Sports of the Ryazan Region.

OK-8 are formed by involving students in the work of self-government bodies. In 2016, the Student Council of the Institute and the Council of Cadet Self-Government were transformed into the Council of Students. On the basis of the institute, the Council of Headmen was created, which solves such important tasks as: 1) creating conditions for the active creative inclusion of students in the life of the university; 2) support of various student initiatives and creation of conditions for their implementation; 3) providing access to information necessary for the versatile development of students in the conditions of modern society in accordance with the individual needs and needs of young people.

The formation of OK-12 is ensured by involving students in scientific, cultural and educational activities. Preparation of scientific reports and messages, organization and participation in cultural and educational projects are impossible without students studying the general principles of the functioning of intelligent information and information retrieval systems, mastering practical skills in working with reference systems.

In this way, an integral cultural and educational space of the university is formed. Not only the content of each academic discipline has a cultural, educational and educational potential, but also all types of extracurricular activities of students, the cultural infrastructure of the university. The developing space of the Institute of the Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia provides effective training of competitive graduates in the specialty 37.05.02 Psychology of performance, with all the necessary competencies, including general cultural ones. The most important pedagogical components, such as educational, scientific and educational work, allow future specialists to master the technology of social communication, the achievements of the world and domestic artistic heritage already on the student bench, develop critical thinking, form their own life position and value orientations.

Bibliographic link

Andreeva G.B., Nikitina O.A. FORMATION OF GENERAL CULTURAL COMPETENCES OF STUDENTS STUDYING IN THE SPECIALTY 37.05.02 PSYCHOLOGY OF SERVICE ACTIVITIES // Modern problems of science and education. - 2018. - No. 4.;
URL: (date of access: 04/03/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"

Employers adopted professional competencies in various specialties, formulated in the state educational standards of the third generation, as evaluation indicators in monitoring the professional training of students and graduates. After analyzing the educational standards for most of the specialties taught at SUSU (more than 150 areas of training), it was revealed that the same competencies are formulated differently in different standards, that is, there is no single classification of competencies for all educational standards.

Therefore, in order to conduct monitoring at the university, competencies were analyzed according to the standards of various areas of training, and a list of 166 competencies was compiled for all specialties in which bachelors, masters and specialists are trained at SUSU. All competencies were classified into three general cultural and seven professional groups (Figure 1.6).

Figure 1.6 - Structure of competencies

Assessment of general cultural and professional competencies of students and graduates is carried out on an individual basis in the course of industrial and undergraduate practice at various courses. To this end, the practice diary contains a mandatory review of the student's work in the form of an assessment sheet of competencies.

Each competency presented in the review is evaluated by the employer according to the importance and degree of mastery of it by the direct student. Further, the obtained estimates are entered by the head of practice from the university in the IAS "Univeris", with the help of which the data is subsequently processed.

The entire process of preparing the necessary documents for the internship of students at SUSU is carried out in an automated mode by the internship leader. At the same time, information about the place and timing of internships for all students is stored in the university network. The formation of a practice diary, together with a review on the assessment of professional competencies by the employer, is also carried out electronically by the head of practice from the university.

The main results of processing the received information are:

· SUSU average indicator of employers' satisfaction with the quality of training of students and graduates, with dynamics over the years in the future.

· Satisfaction indicator for individual specialties and faculties and their correlation with the average for SUSU.

· Determining the importance, from the point of view of employers, of individual professional competencies.

· Evaluation of the level of training of students and graduates in individual competencies in general for the university and individual specialties.

As a result of studying the material in this chapter, the student should: know

  • general cultural and professional competences of a social work specialist;
  • pedagogical foundations of social work;
  • psychological foundations of social work;
  • ecological foundations of social work;
  • economic foundations of social work; be able to
  • use knowledge, skills, experience, competencies in the system of social work;
  • use fundraising skills in practice;
  • to implement psychological and social technologies of social work with different groups of the population;
  • develop and test social and environmental projects; own
  • technologies of social work on the introduction of professional competencies in the system of social protection of the population.

General cultural and professional competences of a social work specialist

The idea of ​​a competency-based approach to education has recently been actively developed in the world of pedagogical science. The initial prerequisites for the formation of a competency-based approach were the changed realities of the modern world and the emerging social order for the training of specialists flexibly associated with the functional content of professional activity. In the context of the growing processes of global integration and the mutual influence of cultures, higher education is faced with the task of training a specialist who must not only have deep professional knowledge in the chosen field, but also be able to adapt them to changing social conditions, have a communicative culture and the potential for self-development, be able to make decisions in changing operating conditions. The result of vocational training is increasingly called not the knowledge and skills of a specialist, but his competence.

Social work was one of the first to face the need to revise the traditional standards of vocational training. This is largely due to the fact that in this profession, with its communicative nature, the use of interdisciplinary knowledge and the mandatory conversion of this knowledge into the personal competencies of a specialist were initially laid down.

In the competence-based approach, knowledge and skills are considered from the point of view of the accumulation of experience. It is no coincidence that in modern pedagogy complex culturally appropriate types of actions are called competencies.

The terms "competence" and "competence" are widely used today in many socio-pedagogical works, however, these concepts are understood differently by researchers.

The "Big Encyclopedic Dictionary" defines the concept of "competence" as the terms of reference granted by law, charter or other act of a particular body or official, or as knowledge and experience in a particular area. The explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, as a rule, interprets competence as a range of issues in which someone is well-informed, and a dictionary of foreign words - as a range of issues in which a person has knowledge and experience. Competence includes a set of interrelated qualities of a person (knowledge, abilities, skills, methods of activity), set in relation to a certain range of objects and processes and necessary for high-quality productive activity in relation to them. Competence is a person's possession of the relevant competence, including his personal attitude towards it and the subject of activity.

In world educational practice, the concept of competence is wider than the concepts of "knowledge", "skill" or "skill", but includes them.

The term "competence" is derived from the word "competent". The dictionary of foreign words interprets the concept of "competent" as having competence, i.e. as knowledgeable, versed in a particular area. After analyzing the definitions of the concepts of "competence" and "competence" in various dictionaries, we can identify their common characteristics: knowledge, experience in a particular area.

The first mention of the word "competence" is found by the German philosopher Jürgen Habermas, who uses it as a sociological term in the context of the theory of speech communication. In the future, the concept of "competence" appears in works on social psychology, where it is interpreted as a thorough knowledge of one's business, the essence of the work performed, complex relationships, phenomena and processes, possible ways and means to achieve the intended paths. Psychologists consider competence as a set of qualities inherent in the most authoritative specialist, those qualities that each individual mastering the profession must achieve. Thus, competence is understood as an attribute of professionalism.

In American cognitive psychology, the concept of "competence" is considered as a factor that determines the self-awareness of the individual, his behavior and self-esteem. Thus, it correlates more with the general characteristics of the individual than with the characteristics of his professional activity.

So, we see that in psychological research, competence is mainly considered from two positions: as the level of professional development of the subject and as an element of his general psychological characteristics.

In the 80-90s. 20th century the term "competence" also appears in works on management. In them, in addition to the totality of knowledge, it also reflects the knowledge of the possible consequences of a particular method of influence. Competence is considered as one of the components of the personality or a set of known personality traits that determine success in solving the main tasks encountered in the field of human activity and carried out in the interests of this organization.

Competence arises in the course of mastering a professional activity by a person.

Educational management studies use the concepts of professional competence and professional competence. Thus, the concept of professional and pedagogical competence determines the scope of competencies, the terms of reference in the field of professional and pedagogical activity. In a narrower sense, professional and pedagogical competence is interpreted as a range of issues in which the subject has knowledge, experience, and their totality reflects his social and professional status, professional and pedagogical qualifications, as well as some personal, individual characteristics that provide the possibility of implementing certain professional activities. . Thus, competence is considered as a systemic concept, and competence as its component.

Some researchers define the concept of "competence" as a general ability based on knowledge, experience, values, inclinations that are acquired through training. In their opinion, competence is not limited to knowledge, nor to skills, nor to skills, it is seen as the ability to establish a connection between knowledge and a situation, or as the ability to discover a procedure (knowledge and action) suitable for a problem. To be competent means to be able to mobilize the acquired knowledge and experience in a given situation. It is possible to speak about competencies only when they are manifested in some situation. Unmanifested competence is not it, and at most it is only a latent possibility.

In modern pedagogical science, the concepts of professional competence and professional competence are widespread, which are defined as a qualitative characteristic of the degree of mastery of a specialist in his professional activity. Some scholars identify these concepts with professional skills and abilities.

Many researchers include a personal component in the definition of professional competence. Competence is considered as a combination of mental qualities (i.e., a mental state that allows one to act independently and responsibly), as a person's possession of the ability and ability to perform certain labor functions. In other words: the essence of the professional competence of an employee is expressed in the degree of connection between the objective standard of his professional activity, reflected in regulatory documents, and the subjective capabilities of his personality.

Obviously, despite the widespread use of the terms "competence" and "competence", there are many different approaches to their definition and use. In addition, it is necessary to distinguish between competence and skill. Skill - this is an action in a specific situation, a manifestation of readiness and ability to act, providing the opportunity to perform an action in a specific situation. Only skills are observable. Thus, skills are competence in action. Competence defined as the ability to establish a connection between knowledge and a situation, or as the ability to discover knowledge and take actions appropriate to solve a problem.

Thus, competence cannot be considered only as a certain amount of knowledge and skills, since circumstances play a significant role in its manifestation. To be competent means to be able to mobilize the acquired knowledge and experience in a given situation. Competence cannot be isolated from the specific conditions of its implementation.

The emergence of the concept of competence fits into the history of vocational training, which was associated with changes in economic activity, in the development of industry. Changes in many professional tasks, in particular, with the introduction of new technologies, require new qualifications. Skills that usually characterize the performance of any activity are not always enough. You also need to be able to anticipate difficulties, make decisions, cooperate and coordinate your activities. Uncertainty in assessing professional performance and employment only reinforces the need to develop key competencies.

The definition of a competency-based approach to the training of specialists in the field of social work is based on the use of the concept of the key competencies of an individual. The concept of key competence includes elements of knowledge, activities, methods of orientation, as well as the ability to work with information (to search for, store, process and evaluate it).

Under key competencies of the individual refers to the possession of general scientific and special knowledge and the ability to apply them in practice, turning into skills and further - into qualifications.

The result of solving a professional problem can be expressed in different ways - in a "productive" form or in the form of psychological and pedagogical changes. Evaluation of the effectiveness of this result indicates the competence of a specialist. If a social worker has found (finds or can find) a way out of a certain situation, then he is competent.

But the concept of competence is not reduced to the sum of knowledge, skills and abilities, it is much broader.

In the West, competencies are understood as the result of the development of fundamental abilities, which are mainly acquired by the individual himself, and competence is understood as the ability to carry out activities in accordance with social requirements and expectations. Thus, competence is a measure of the development of competence, and it is determined by the ability to solve prescribed tasks. The concept of competence includes cognitive, operational-technological, motivational, ethical, social and behavioral components. It includes learning outcomes (as personal achievements), a system of value orientations, habits, responsibility for the consequences of actions taken, etc.

With regard to each competence, we can talk about different levels of its development (for example, minimal, advanced, high).

Key qualifications or competencies are understood as the properties of an employee that go beyond the scope of knowledge and skills in their immediate specialty. This is due to profound changes in the world of work, and these changes were realized mainly through work to improve the system of organization and management. For example, the professional qualities required today include the ability to work independently, without constant guidance; the ability to take responsibility on one's own initiative; the ability to take the initiative without asking others if they should; willingness to notice problems and look for ways to solve them; the ability to analyze new situations and apply existing knowledge for such an analysis; the ability to get along with others; the ability to master any knowledge on their own initiative (i.e., taking into account their experience and feedback from others); the ability to make decisions based on sound judgment (i.e. without having all the necessary material and not being able to process information mathematically).

In Western countries, the specific content of the concept of "key competencies" is associated with an analysis of the request of employers. When deciding whether to move up the career ladder, the employer pays attention to the following characteristics of the employee:

  • - readiness for growth;
  • - competence motivation;
  • - initiative;
  • - responsibility for the decisions made;
  • - thoroughness and accuracy in working with documents;
  • - productivity (ability to manage several projects at once);
  • - mobility;
  • - experience in problem solving in a group;
  • - experience in organizing a group to solve problems;
  • - ability to plan and predict;
  • - ability to work with information for oneself and for the group;
  • - the ability to effectively present the results of work;
  • - the ability to make rational, reasoned, reflective decisions.

In the European project "Identification and selection of key competencies", based on the generalization of expert opinions, the list of competencies includes:

  • - autonomous reflexive action;
  • - interactive use of funds;
  • - participation in the work of heterogeneous groups;
  • - critical thinking;
  • - problem solving.

In general, the competence-based approach to education (training) focuses on the result of education, and it is not the amount of information learned that is assessed, but the ability of a person to act in various problem situations. The type (set) of these situations depends on the type (specificity) and level of professional education.

The competency-based approach requires taking into account key competencies: generalized and applied subject skills, life skills. Key competencies (basic, key skills) are of an oversubject nature. These include, for example, techniques and technologies for processing various information, actions in a group. Generalized skills (i.e., the ability to solve problems in a particular field of activity) are of an objective nature. Applied practical skills are the sphere of direct activity of a social worker. In addition, the content of education should be adequate (relevant) to modern trends in the development of the theory and practice of social work.

In studies on the competence-based approach in education, it is noted that the paradigm of traditional education does not satisfy both the “customer” of education (in particular, the sphere of social security) and the public. A university graduate whose training was aimed purely at the transfer of knowledge turns out to be unprepared for independent and responsible work in specific conditions and continuous professional training. Traditional forms of vocational training do not give young people the opportunity to reveal their creative potential and gain experience in successful independent and responsible activities.

For reference

Materials on key competencies, developed by the Cambridge University Examination Board, aim to determine the degree of development or formation of a particular competence in a situation of professional activity. Five levels or degrees of mastery of competencies are provided, depending on the complexity of the tasks that the applicant faces. At the same time, the first level is the base on which all the others rely.

For example, at the first level of competence, the student is asked to show that he is able to correctly understand the problem proposed to him and make two proposals for its solution.

At the second level, the task becomes more complicated: the student must show that he is able to see the problem (problem situation), describe its main characteristics and suggest two ways to solve it.

At the third level, the requirements are even higher: the student must show that he is able to study a complex problem and offer three ways to solve it.

At the fourth level, the applicant must build a strategy for using the problem-solving competence and show that he is able to create opportunities for the use of this competence and determine the results that he seeks. In other words, he must show what opportunities he sees for developing problem-solving competence in the various situations in which he is involved over a period of, say, three months.

At the fifth level, the student must show that he is able to manage the work of the group, i.e. is able to take a leadership position, adapting the strategy, if necessary, to solve at least two complex problems, and at the same time achieve the necessary results. In the process, he is required to keep employees motivated, to establish effective relationships in order to help himself and others. At this level, the integration and use of other competencies are required: communication and the competence of working with people.

Based on this, the following key competencies should be formed as part of the university training of a specialist:

competence of learning (transformation of learning into self-learning, self-development, work on oneself);

  • - communicative competence;
  • - information competence;
  • - organizational competence.

The competence approach in relation to social work has developed historically, based on the nature of professional activity. When clarifying the leading competencies of social workers, the opinions of employers about the most important professional and personal qualities of a social worker were studied.

We list the most significant knowledge, skills and abilities for a social work specialist: knowledge:

  • - family development,
  • - national problems,
  • - specifics of settlements,
  • - dynamics of group development,
  • - problems of teenagers,
  • - fundamentals of the theory and methodology of education; skills:
  • - verbal contacts,
  • - written contacts,
  • - Involving clients in problem solving
  • - formulating professional conclusions,
  • - interracial interaction; values:
  • - understanding of privacy,
  • - strict adherence to ethical standards,
  • - understanding of humanistic values,
  • - responsive to the needs of others
  • - work within the competence of the organization.

The competency-based approach corresponds to the understanding of the fundamental goals of education formulated in UNESCO documents: to teach to acquire knowledge (to teach to learn); teach to work and earn (teaching for labor); teach to live (teaching for being); teach to live together (teaching for living together).

  • See: FookJ. Social Work: Critical Theory and Practice. L., 2000.