Personalized model of advanced training of teachers. Personalized model of teacher training

Oksana Novikova
"Personalized model for advanced training of leaders and teachers of preschool educational institutions"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 32

« Personalized model of advanced training

leaders and teachers of preschool educational institutions»

"An educated person differs from an uneducated person in that he continues to consider his education incomplete. "K. Simonov

At present, the same idea was expressed by V. V. Putin, saying that “Knowledge acquired once in a lifetime can no longer serve as the key to professional success ...”.

We, teachers, also should not stop there.

In our preschool educational institution, one of the possible options for such models of PPC for leaders and teachers of preschool educational institutions.

This model is: Creating conditions for .

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Reveal the problem area leader or teacher based on the analysis of diagnostic results (monitoring, as a request for the content of educational services;

Organize personalized enhancement through the implementation of individual educational routes.

System advanced training as a form of continuous education teacher has recently undergone a number of positive changes.

success advanced training is determined by how much teacher subjectively included in this process. The role of a performer is not enough for him, he acts as an author, "a scriptwriter of his actions, with certain preferences, and ideological positions, and the purposefulness of the creator"

However, in order for him to take a subjective position in learning, it is important that education becomes personally significant, and internal needs and motives act as an incentive for activity in this direction. This is optimally achieved in personalized model of advanced training(PPK).

Personalized advanced training in the presented model begins with an analysis of the state and social order for the content of competence leader or teacher, since it is such an order that dictates the requirements for a professional in accordance with modern state policy and regulatory documents.

The next step is diagnosis (monitoring) difficulties leader or teacher of a professional nature in order to determine requests for educational services, since it has been repeatedly emphasized in various sources that such training will be effective, the content of which will correspond to the needs, needs, problems that everyone has teacher.

It should be noted that when choosing the forms advanced training preference should be given to the so-called "active learning methods"(master classes, pedagogical trainings, business games, brainstorming sessions, etc., since they are built mainly on a dialogue that involves a free exchange of views on ways to solve a particular problem, on independent mastery of knowledge in the process of active cognitive activity. Also, full-time and part-time, distance courses may be present in the CPD forms, and therefore it becomes necessary to create an individual site.

Professional development can pass through various levels: intragarden, municipal, federal.

When comparing APC leader and teacher, it becomes clear that leader the focus will shift to the municipal and federal levels, while teacher all three levels will be present.

To bring the selected material into the system, it is necessary to draw up an individual educational route, which is not a frozen fact. It is important to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of the educational route and make timely adjustments.

The result of the development of this models of personalized advanced training is the conformity of professional competence, qualifications of managers and teachers requirements of modern educational space.

To the presented models an explanatory note was developed.

Main Components models are:

The conditions under which it occurs personalized professional development of the leader and teacher;


The purpose of this models: Creating conditions for personalized approach to professional development of managers and teachers.

The result is achieved in a few stages:

Diagnostics (monitoring) difficulties leader or teacher of a professional nature in order to determine requests for educational services (questionnaires, testing, sections, questionnaires, conversations, monitoring the work teacher with children and parents).

The development of an individual route takes place on the basis of drawing up a plan for solving the problem, choosing forms, venues for events at different levels (within the preschool educational institution, municipal, regional, federal levels). When choosing forms advanced training preference is given to active teaching methods, in which the activity of the student is productive, creative, exploratory in nature (master classes, pedagogical trainings, business games, brainstorming, full-time and correspondence courses at various levels, online seminars, individual website).

At the final stage:

-teacher and leader evaluates his professional growth himself, with the help of independent expertise, peer review, assessment head of preschool educational institution, the passage of the PDA, self-assessment;

They demonstrate their successes at different levels (within the preschool educational institution, GMO, PDS, generalization and dissemination of experience, publication of experience, competitions of professional skills at the regional and federal levels).

Result: Compliance with professional competence, qualifications of managers and teachers requirements of modern educational space

This model has a variability in the forms of PC, while the emphasis is on the use of active learning methods, taking into account the individual request, since it is this approach increases the personal motivation of the teacher and ensures high efficiency professional development of the leader and teacher, professional growth and its competitiveness in the market of educational services.

Never assume that you know everything

what do you already nothing more to learn.

The other day, a primary school teacher came to work, apparently, a person who is interested in the latest in education, owns information technology (moreover, we met her through blogging). They talked about course retraining, they say, I studied according to a personalized model. What is it? The question put my interlocutor in a stupor. This is what I want to talk about today.

At the core personified model lies the social order, the order of a particular teacher (institution) system of advanced training. For many years, the system of professional development was dominated by such an approach, when teachers (every five years) were given the same content in the same form, the difference was only in the subject taught. At the end of the training, the teacher received a certificate, and that was enough. For what? Mainly for validation. Now the period has come when the teacher himself is interested in improving his qualifications, in professional retraining. People of different experience, different ages, with different goals, different motivations come to study at courses (full-time, part-time, distance learning), and they need completely different knowledge and the level of their acquisition. The transition to a personalized system of advanced training is a general strategy of state policy in this direction. So what is a personalized model? What are its components

The first is the general pedagogical component, which is implemented through modular courses addressed to those who are interested in expanding their knowledge in the field of sociology, pedagogy, psychology, education, additional education of students, management, economics, in teaching their subject. In a word, this is a targeted training system focused on a particular teacher, his needs and perceived deficits in professional competencies.

Second moment. The training system is personalized in terms of the task for advanced training that each educational institution (in particular, the school) sets, depending on the development program, on the characteristics of those projects that are implemented at the school, in which the teacher is included (and not only in the educational institution itself). organizations, but also in the district, city, region, etc.) This is, indeed, the personification and at the level of activity of each particular teacher, the functions that he carries out both as a subject teacher and as a member of the teaching staff, as a member of the pedagogical communities. For example, courses for methodologists, tutors, courses for candidates for members of subject commissions of the Unified State Exam, courses for experts of the Unified State Examination, courses for members of the SEC, courses for specialists from the ShVR, etc., and, of course, courses for subject teachers.

Where are these courses? Yes, almost everywhere. And here we have the GBOU Krasnodar Regional Institute of Additional Professional Pedagogical Education - one of the largest centers for advanced training of educators in the south of Russia, where there are budgetary and extrabudgetary courses. As a rule, they get to budget courses on the basis of an application made by an educational institution in advance for a calendar year (funds are allocated for this). There were not enough places, a new teacher came, there is a need for training - we are looking for funds, we are sending teachers to extrabudgetary courses.

But if the teacher himself decided to learn, then you can do it remotely. I would like to note that teachers have become more demanding in terms of the choice of courses and the institution that conducts advanced training courses, professional retraining according to a personalized model. Distance learning significantly expands the range of courses and, most importantly, makes it possible to choose them freely and independently. In addition, the organization of such training does not require large expenses, and you can study without leaving your home.

The purpose of my article is to focus on the features of a personalized model of advanced training and course retraining, but if you want to remotely improve your skills, choose an interesting module for self-education, then I advise you to read the material on the blog Geographer teacher Kazantseva Lilia Pavlovna

And I liked the colleague who came to the school, she liked our school too. If nothing disturbs our plans, we will start cooperation in August.

Collection output:


Maslovskaya Svetlana Viktorovna

Tsygankova Lidia Mikhailovna

cand. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor, Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Russian Federation, Orenburg



Svetlana Maslovskaya

candidate science,assistant professor of , Russia,Orenburg

Lydia Cygankova

candidate science,assistant professor of Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Russia,Orenburg


The article reveals the possibilities of a personalized model of advanced training of pedagogical and managerial personnel based on systemic updates of modern education: the content of education; technological complex; humanitarian information and educational environment; systems for assessing the results of education. The result was the development of requirements for the implementation of a personalized model of additional professional education for teachers, which will ensure its stability, effectiveness and relevance.


The article deals with the possibility of personalized models of professional development of teachers and managerial personnel on the basis of modern education system updates: the content of education; technological complex; humanitarian educational environment; assessment system of education outcomes. The result was the development of requirements for the implementation of a personalized model of additional professional education of teachers that will ensure its stability, effectiveness and relevance.

Keywords: personalized model of advanced training; modernization; opportunity analysis; system updates; humanitarian expertise.

keywords: personalized model of excellence; modernization; analysis capabilities; system updates; human expertise.

The implementation of modernization ideas into the practice of the modern system of advanced training for teachers and managers requires a deep understanding of the specifics of the functioning of the system of continuous education, its sociocultural, historical and humanitarian components in the context of the essential changes that are taking place in modern Russia. The global challenges facing Russian education determine the goals of the modern system of professional development of pedagogical and managerial personnel - the formation of a viable personality of a modern teacher, ready to perceive and implement modernization ideas, able to determine not only the meanings, personal goals of his activity, but also to compile his portfolio of orders for promotion qualifications, to see themselves in the process of professional development as a true subject of activity and positive changes.

However, as reality shows, the activity of a modern teacher is subject to various kinds of risks associated with the challenges and paradoxes of the existing educational practice, the main features of which are:

change in the subject of the educational process;

change in the nature of goals;

changing the context of learning;

change in subject matter.

The state of modern practice of school education testifies to the difficulties that a modern teacher has to overcome, where the main paradox, according to V.V. Serikov, it becomes that a teacher who grew up and formed in the "old world" today needs to prepare children for the "new world". The situation is complicated by the fact that every five or six years, according to D.I. Feldstein, "completely different children" come to school. In this connection, mechanisms for constant updating of both the processes of self-development of the teacher himself and the system of additional professional education are needed.

The implementation of the goal of the Orenburg Institute for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining of Educational Workers is carried out by the methodological and teaching staff within the framework of the scientific school of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor N.K. Zotova "Humanitarian design of a continuous adult education system in modern socio-economic conditions."

This stage is associated with the formation and testing of a personalized model for advanced training of teaching and management personnel in the region. The institute team has created a collective monograph in which the theoretical and methodological determinants of designing the institute's activities under the conditions of a personalized model are indicated.

The basis of a personalized model of advanced training in the context of modernization is the idea of ​​systemic updates, which ensures the transformation of new values ​​and meanings of modern education into personal determinants of pedagogical and managerial personnel, creates a willingness to constantly search for new ideas and opportunities without "losing oneself". Among the main system updates of additional professional education, we include the update

The content of additional professional education of pedagogical and managerial personnel in the context of the transition to the requirements of the professional standard of a teacher based on the introduction of a personalized model of advanced training, where the principles of diversity, universalism, substantiality, freedom, and integrity become the methodological core of designing the content of education, which are implemented through:

o creation of relevant additional professional educational programs based on the response to the updating of the regulatory framework;

o expanding the variability of additional professional educational programs based on elective modules;

o providing effective consulting services (group and individual), which will make it possible to block professional difficulties, problems and risks of teachers and educational leaders;

o strengthening the practice-oriented orientation of final qualification works of students of the advanced training system;

o expanding the independent activities of teachers in the system of additional professional education;

o dissemination of the experience of teachers based on the generalization of the best teaching experience, holding master classes on topical issues of organizing the modern educational process, poster presentations, holding conferences and webinars;

o expanding and intensifying the activities of internship sites;

o continuing effective work on holding seminars with the authors of educational and methodological complexes and leading publishing houses of Russia on updating the problems, risks of updating the content of educational subjects, as well as finding ways to solve the problems of modern education in the conditions of testing modern educational and methodological complexes.

updating the technological tools of the advanced training system based on interactive humanitarian educational technologies that support the subjective position of teachers and managers in the educational process, revealing the personal, social and professional characteristics of students;

· updating the humanitarian information and educational environment of the advanced training system on the basis of systematic work on organizing a set of educational, methodological, technical and information support for the implementation of the subject position of the listener as a subject of his own development.

updating the system for assessing the educational results of students based on substantive criteria and indicators of the professional competence of the teacher, the creation and adjustment of diagnostic tools for an objective assessment of the levels of professional competence of the teacher in the process of input, current and final diagnostics. During the academic year, coursework was carried out in 36 additional professional programs.

During the 2013-2014 academic year, at the Orenburg Institute for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining of Educational Workers of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of the State Pedagogical University, significant work was carried out to test a personalized model of advanced training:

Modernization of the system of additional professional education, aimed at achieving the indicated result, should be distinguished by the following essential characteristics: variability and flexibility (outpacing the development of additional professional programs and services in various areas of development of the education system based on the specifics of the contingent of students and the requests of employers); modularity (stage-by-stage mastery of the variable modules of vocational educational programs for the formation of basic competencies of teachers); accessibility in time and space (development of forms of distance learning with the use of info-telecommunication technologies).

These characteristics determined the features of advanced training and professional retraining of educators in the construction of a personalized model that takes into account the strategic development of Russian and regional education, as well as the individual needs of consumers of educational services.

To ensure the demand for educational services that meet the needs of pedagogical and executive employees of the region, the mechanism for studying the demand and supply of consumers of educational services is being improved.

The institute is effectively developing the proposed by S.V. Maslovskaya’s idea of ​​designing the cultural and anthropological practices of a teacher, which makes it possible to provide meaningful content both to the very model of designing additional professional education for a teacher, and to concentrate the key ideas of human life support, namely:

support for legal status;

· inclusion in the processes of cultural identification;

Ensuring the integrity of the body-mental-spiritual organization;

promotion of freedom as the main characteristic of a person;

· Ensuring a variety of opportunities for the teacher, which realize the independence of the subject in the choice of strategies for their development in culture.

Examination of the quality of additional professional education is currently one of the most relevant. By the quality of additional professional education, we mean an integral characteristic that reflects the degree of compliance of real educational results with regulatory requirements (objective cognition), social (interpersonal cognition) and personal expectations (subjective cognition).

As a diagnostic tool for tracking results additional professional education we use quality monitoring. The main purpose of the monitoring was to diagnose the socio-pedagogical and educational situation in the space of additional professional pedagogical education, including a social reflective assessment of the quality of the system for advanced training of general education specialists; course learning outcomes; coursework process.

The main carriers of the problem under study were the students of advanced training courses, which were considered as the object of the study. The subject of the monitoring study was the relationship and evaluative opinions of the subjects of additional professional pedagogical education. The objectives of the monitoring study included: organizing and conducting the collection of primary sociological information; processing and interpretation of statistical and sociological information; generalization of results, development of conclusions and recommendations; preparation and execution of an analytical report.

Working with the audience of managers in education, i.e. people mature, critical, independent, with their own established views, values, with their own individuality, having rich life, professional, educational and managerial experience, requires a special strategy. Subjective knowledge in the context of humanitarian expertise of a personalized model of advanced training, in our opinion, should be associated, first of all, with the formulation of questions:

Is the training system clear enough to understand realneeds and interests consumers of educational services, their motives and requests?

· Is the advanced training system ready to design additional professional education in such a way that each customer of educational services can find something useful and applicable for solving professional and/or life problems?

What can the professional development system give adults - besides, what can they themselves learn from books or other sources?

What exactly is a specific teacher working in the system raisequalifications may be of interest to this specific audience, in which hisresource, strengths and differences from other teachers?

· Does a teacher working in the system of advanced training for management personnel have their own position on the issues under consideration, what does it consist of and is it sufficiently justified? What kind values he actualizes and defends what they meaning?

· what means of activating the resource of individual experience, knowledge and abilities of the students themselves does the advanced training system have today?

· Is the advanced training system ready today for the diversity of individual opinions and assessments of adult students?

· Can the advanced training system today be open and flexible, but not lose its own position?

Work of this kind provides both diagnostic and developmental opportunities. However, an objective context is possible when obtaining comparative data between "self-assessment" and "assessment", where monitoring of the satisfaction of consumers of educational services acts as an "assessment".

The result of our study was the development of requirements for the implementation of a personalized model of additional professional education for teachers, which will ensure its stability, effectiveness and relevance:

orientation of the content of refresher courses and professional retraining towards real modernization of educational practice, for which an educational institution or a private entrepreneur must have internship sites, the content of which has passed professional examination;

· in additional professional programs, various types of diagnostics should be designed in accordance with the "Procedure for the organization and implementation of educational activities for additional professional programs": input, current and attestation, ensuring the objectivity of the process of achieving the quality of additional professional education;

the customer of the educational service must receive various types of pedagogical support provided for by an additional professional program (distance materials, forums, individual materials);

The result of the implementation of an additional professional program should be a sufficient level of formation of the basic competencies of pedagogical workers, in connection with which, in the course of educational activities, the measurement of the level of basic competencies should be organized, an analysis of their state should be provided and ways to improve this work should be identified.


  1. Ganaeva E.A. Educational marketing: textbook / E.A. Ganaev. M.: Publishing House of SGU, 2009. - 141 p.
  2. Klarin M.V. Conceptual paradoxes and challenges of innovative educational policy. [Electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL:
  3. Personalized model of advanced training of educators in modern socio-economic conditions: a collective monograph / edited by N.K. Zotova. M.: FLINTA: Nauka, 2012. - 342 p.
  4. Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation No. 544n “On approval of the professional standard “Teacher (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher)” dated 18.10. 2013
  5. Serikov V.V. On the preparation of a teacher in accordance with the requirements of the standard of professional activity of a teacher. News of the Volgograd State Pedagogical University, - 2014 - No. 6 (91). - S. 8-13.
  6. Maslovskaya S.V., 2013. Theoretical background update problems cultural and anthropological design in the advanced training of the teacher in the context of modernization Applied and Fundamental Studies Proceedings of the 3rd International Academic Conference. Publishing House Science and Innovation Center, Ltd.. 2013, - pp. 270-274. [Electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL: (accessed 11/20/2014).
  7. Zotova N.K., Ganaeva E.K., Maslovskaya S.V. Humanitarian expertise of the personalized model of supplementary professional education of the educational establishment principals. - Life Science Journal 2014, 11(12). [Electronic resource] - Access mode. - URL: (accessed 11/20/2014).

School can be improved just improving skills teachers" Ya.A. Comenius

"A personalized model of professional development and an individual plan for the professional development of a teacher"

Moscow 2013


  • Training-

it is a mechanism for the development of professional

activities of the teacher, his pedagogical competencies.

But most importantly, this model is an impulse for the movement of the teacher, for his constant methodological development and self-improvement.

The personalized model of the PC corresponds to the dynamic changes taking place in society and in the education system as a whole, and is focused on social transformations, achieving a new quality of education to increase the prestige of the school, its competitiveness, and also to meet the basic requirements for the modernization of Russian education until 2020.

  • “Knowledge acquired once in a lifetime can no longer serve as the key to professional success. The ability of people to navigate in a huge information field, the ability to independently find solutions and successfully implement them comes to the fore.

Vladimir Putin


the main objective :

To form the subjective position of teachers in building their own educational trajectory.

Tasks :

  • Make professional development accessible and of high quality;
  • Create conditions for continuous professional development.

PROJECT INTENT Personalized model of advanced training.

Teacher's professional activity

Diagnostics of professional activity

Stage of self-education

Refresher courses

(a basic level of)

Refresher courses

(problematic and targeted)

Intermediate forms of advanced training

Intraschool PC

Participation in ped. competitions


Fulfillment of individual creative tasks


Stages of project implementation

Work packages

Implementation (launch, testing,

Separate works (tasks)


1Module - aimed at mastering basic level programs (for a particular teacher)

Requirements for the performance of work (results)

Stage 1 - study of the needs of teachers in advanced training in educational institutions (responsible administrator)

A unified system of diagnostics, control and analysis of the state of education has been introduced.


2 Module - small forms of advanced training of a problematic or targeted nature

Stage 2 - building possible individual educational trajectories for each teacher (administrator + teacher)

Conditions have been created for organizing advanced training based on network interaction.

Stage 3 - selection of an educational service provider using the generated PC program database (administrator)

For the duration of the standard

3Module - represented by the teacher's self-educational activity

Stage 4 - conclusion of contracts with providers of educational services

District methodological associations are held 3 times a year.

Stage 5 - organization of the educational process for teachers.

Temporary research teams of teachers of the BSOS and satellite schools have been organized.

4Module-Research and experimental work.

Organized places for the accumulation of achievements in the portfolio.

Competition "Teacher of the Year", 2 conferences, various competitions.

The experience of teachers is studied and broadcast.

Plan-schedule for the implementation of a complex project

Single projects


Studying the needs of teachers in advanced training in educational institutions.



possible individual educational trajectories for each teacher.

Project Managers

Selection of an educational service provider using the generated base of PC programs.

The ending

Expert group


Conclusion of contracts with providers of educational services

List of requirements and provisions for the content and level of development of professional competence.


Expert group

Organization of the educational process for teachers

Methodical advice

“Complex diagnostic technique “Professional needs and difficulties”.

Methodical advice

Supplier agreement

Continuous scientific and methodological support for the development of professionalism.

Development of professionalism through advanced training courses

Implementation of a cumulative advanced training system

Ganeeva M.R.

Director of the Kirov Gymnasium

named after the Hero of the Soviet Union Sultan Baimagambetov"

Kirovsk, Leningrad region

Personalized qualification system

opportunities and results

The transition to a new - personalized system of advanced training 1 - is a general strategy of state policy in the field of education. Indeed, the effectiveness of the activities of an educational institution and the quality of education received by students depend on the level of professional competencies of managers and teachers. Therefore, the issue of improving the skills of school staff is so relevant.

Currently, the advanced training system (PC) consists of two components. The first is general pedagogical. Without this, in fact, there can be no personification. Personalized means address, focused on a particular teacher, his needs and deficits in professional competencies.

second moment. She is personified in terms of terms of reference, which the school assumes, i.e. depending on the school development program, on the characteristics of those projects that are being implemented at the school, and in which the teacher is included. This is the second, very important part. This is, indeed, a personification at the level of activity in the school of each particular teacher, of the functions that he performs both as a subject teacher and as a member of the teaching staff.

So, personification is the realization of the right to improve one's qualifications once every five years in the area in which deficits are recognized. On the other hand, it is also the responsibility to the employer for the implementation of the tasks that the head of the educational institution sets for the teacher. And the responsibility for providing the school with the results of the product that the school expects from the teacher.

When switching to a new PC format, a new one is also being tested. financial and economic mechanism: the basic PC service is determined and its cost is calculated. For example, the basic PC service during the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard includes 72 hours in elementary school and 144 hours in high school. The money is allocated as part of the modernization subsidies. They are brought to the school, and further personification of this money takes place on the basis of the advanced training schedule available in each school.

So, for example, 50,000 rubles were allocated to our school from modernization funds to improve the qualifications of elementary school teachers. And now we are setting the task of training teachers of the basic general education school in order to switch to the Federal State Educational Standard of basic general education. And in this sense, of course, additional money is required. We are convinced that modernization cannot proceed if the personnel are not trained. A teacher cannot switch to a new standard of education without advanced training - otherwise it will be an imitation of the transition to a new standard.

In connection with the modernization of the PC system, there was also a need to create a model of intra-school advanced training to prepare the teaching staff for testing the materials of the Federal State Educational Standard based on a system-activity approach. And our the principal position on this issue is the openness of the PC system. It consists in the fact that we invite colleagues from other schools, cooperate with educational institutions of St. Petersburg, Leningrad region.

Second moment. The policy of our education management. It consists in constantly ensure educational migration, so that teachers can see how and what is being done in other schools.

So, for example, confirming the status of a regional experimental platform on the topic "Variable management of the advanced implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards, as a factor in improving the quality of education" in 2011-2012, the following activities were carried out:

1. 6 speeches at conferences and seminars, coordinating councils of the municipal level;

2. Network training seminar at the municipal level "Educational space of the lesson in accordance with the GEF IEO."

3. Intracorporate training seminars were held.

4. Five open lessons were given to colleagues from the district.

5. Within the framework of intra-school professional development, 21 open lessons were given.

6. Bibik N.Yu. and Ponomarev V.V. shared their experience on the topic "Methods for the formation of self-assessment of reading skills among younger students."

7. Balaban E.V. broadcast her experience "The role of extracurricular activities in the formation of UUD" at the interregional coordinating council for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in the education system of the Leningrad Region.

8. Bibik N. Yu. spoke at LOIRO on the topic “Presentation of a lesson on the Fundamentals of Secular Ethics and its analysis”.

9. The methodical manual “8 Steps for Designing a Modern Lesson” and the promo video “On the Path to Professionalism” were published on the website of the gymnasium, which summarize the experience of the gymnasium teachers in the work of RIP within the framework of internal corporate training.

The innovative product of the gymnasium presented for examination was recommended for use in the schools of the region.

Participants of the municipal experimental site organized on the basis of the senior gymnasium (headed by Yakubovskaya G.F.), Smirnova N.V. and Solopova G.V. within the framework of the regional seminar, master classes were held.

As a result of updating the intra-school model of advanced training, a social effect is observed: such activities allow the qualitative use of the existing human and material resources, and serve as an important factor in increasing the motivation of the teaching staff as a whole.

The main results of testing the new PC system include the following:

    organized methodological support on the design of lessons that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard;

    an intra-school education quality management system is being formed based on the improvement of quality management mechanisms;

    organized both intra-school and network advanced training of administrative and teaching staff based on a competency-based approach;

    advanced training of educators is carried out on the basis of moderation.

PC in the intercourse period is carried out by teachers (moderators) who have mastered the knowledge of the essence of the processes taking place at school, have good theoretical training and experience in applying theoretical knowledge to practical activities, who are able to train their colleagues. Agree that this is a good way to organize a "horizontal" career as a teacher.

As already mentioned, we participated in the network advanced training of the administrative and teaching staff. We held 2 moderator seminars at the municipal level, the tasks of which were, among other things, to increase the managerial competence of leaders and teachers of educational institutions. Each participant of the seminar in elementary school was able to receive a certificate confirming the advanced training on the problem of introducing the GEF IEO. I think that the issuance of such certificates will also change the attitude of educators towards municipal seminars.

Colleagues once complained that we do not have a methodological center (such as those in St. Petersburg). Let's look at the problem from the other side. Each educational institution of the district is interesting in some way. Whether it is an institution of preschool education, school or additional education. Each one specializes in something. Evidence of this is the networking workshops that are systematically held in the region. Seminars are conducted not by theorists, but by practitioners - educators, teachers, teachers of additional education, people who train their colleagues - i.e. act as moderators. And in our opinion, this is the uniqueness of the district's advanced training system, which is built on the basis of author's, moderation network seminars. The point is to consolidate the legal right to use seminars to organize the training of teachers.

Yes, professional development of teachers, of course, should be regional. And at the same time decentralized – as close as possible to the school. Such a division contributes to the realization of the needs of an educational institution in the development and advanced training of teachers, in ensuring that more teachers participate in advanced training events as close as possible to their place of work and residence. In addition, the existing PC system reduces additional costs, contributes to a more economical use of resources, and the creation of a network of strong educational centers in the field, their specialization, as we see, allows achieving optimal results.

1The personalized model of advanced training provides the opportunity for students of education to choose individual educational programs, which are financed from the budget of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (Draft Regulations on conducting an experiment on personalized financing of the advanced training system, see /files/materials/8443/11.04.27-povysh.kval .pdf).: maintenance of a card file of the population, ... distribution; employment, promotion qualifications, creative and professional growth...

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