Why women are better teachers than men essay. How to win the heart of a teacher

Svetlana ROZHKOVA,
candidate of pedagogical sciences

Features of pedagogical culture
male and female teachers

Research results show:
the gender characteristics of the teacher affect the ways
and learning outcomes

At the February-March school holidays, congratulations are again addressed to dear male teachers and beloved teachers; skits are held in honor of "our boys" and "the best girls". What did the girls think? What will surprise us boys? What is the best way to congratulate the director, what to write to the officer and what surprise to organize for the classroom? And - "do not look, it is impossible here, do not eavesdrop, please" - a conspiracy, an exciting secret, strict secrecy.
It would seem that this is just a tradition. But why? For some reason, children need this: to unite all the girls to surprise and delight the boys; boys - in order to show themselves in front of girls from the best side; all together - for a thunderous-choral festive greeting of the teacher on the day of February 23 or March 8?
Or is this archaic memory working: male dance, female half of the house, division of labor, social roles. We are different and we are for each other. And we have a need to manifest it. That is why these pre-spring holidays are so noisy at school.
There is reason to think: after all, the style of teaching is also largely determined by socially determined differences between men and women. Until recently, the influence of these differences was not taken into account in pedagogical practice.

How do we present ourselves

Male teachers describe themselves as understanding, independent, calm, direct, caring and strong. They find themselves prone to making quick decisions, defending their views, and helping others.

Female teachers describe themselves as empathetic, truthful and direct, cheerful, conscientious and reliable, sincere and considerate. They believe that they are able to analyze the situation, have a clear position of their own, and can defend their interests.

But answering questions is one thing, and real life is quite another. The results of many studies indicate the existence of a noticeable disproportion between how teachers position themselves and how they act in a real pedagogical situation.

We, through the prism of research

Many female teachers are distinguished by excessive demands on students, addiction to control. They are not ready for change. They often blame others, such as students, for their failures. A typical explanation for declining performance is the argument that students have gotten worse.

Determining the features of the pedagogical culture of a female teacher and a male teacher, the researchers not only questioned, but also observed, studied how the teacher himself analyzes the style of his pedagogical activity. This diagnostic technology made it possible to identify hidden problem points in the professional activities of teachers of different sexes.

Problem points of female pedagogy

Personal and semantic: the contradiction between the need for professional growth and the need to fulfill one's gender role leads to internal conflicts, the emergence of a sense of guilt in relation to the family; great suggestibility, sensitivity to social pressure; orientation towards external evaluation and support. Not always receiving support, female teachers often take on other people's duties, which creates additional stress, depletes emotional and physical resources, and causes resentment towards others. They really need a positive assessment of their work, its absence leads to feelings of uselessness, unfulfillment, uselessness. They often experience disappointment at work, professional dissatisfaction caused by personal relationships, low wages, low status of the profession, and a large amount of work performed. Anxiety, self-doubt, fear of success, envy are characteristic.

Socio-cultural features: a wide range of socio-cultural interests, however, knowledge is often unsystematic, superficial. A tendency was found to hide interest in typically male areas of knowledge or activity, for example, politics, computer technology, technology. This comes from the fear of appearing unfeminine.

In professional research activities for female teachers, relationships in the team, working conditions, personal relationships at work are more important and, to a lesser extent, the content of the activity. They prefer well-known, familiar activities, and even their research is mostly reproductive. They prefer practical activity to theoretical one.

In the communicative sphere, female teachers are characterized by an interpersonal way of self-actualization; they do not use other forms of realizing their potential, and this reduces their professional productivity. They are more inclined to verbal activity and regulate their emotional state worse than male teachers.

Information difficulties are associated with the predominance of verbal intelligence over visual-spatial, and this complicates the mastery of modern search technologies. When processing information, they prefer quantity to quality.

Problematic points of male pedagogical culture

Personal and semantic: the activities of male teachers are less effective due to the fact that they often do not link their long-term life plans with the school and more often than female teachers work part-time. They are not inclined to consider the success of students as their own personal success, therefore they are less interested in it. They explain the failures of their students by their laziness, stupidity, but not by blunders in their activities. Dissatisfaction with pedagogical work is mainly due to material conditions. They have a poorly developed need to improve their general cultural level and expand their knowledge.

The socio-cultural problems of male teachers are that they are less tolerant in social, personal and intercultural terms, more conservative in gender and national issues.

In professional research activities, they seek to manage students, and not to cooperate with them. In their work, they are more focused on global goals and are not always able to correctly formulate intermediate goals and objectives of their activities. It is more difficult for them to establish joint work in the teaching staff, it is more difficult to build relationships with the administration of educational institutions, which consists mainly of women, and men do not want to know their psychological characteristics.

In the communicative sphere, visual-spatial intelligence predominates in men, while verbal intelligence is less developed, which hinders freedom of communication. They prefer professional communication to interpersonal communication, therefore they are not very eager to establish close contact with students during extracurricular time.

In the information field of activity, the quality of the material is preferred to the volume, they are inclined to research work and problem solving, and not to the search for a ready-made template or solution algorithm.

... We hope that knowledge of these features will help the teacher in improving his own pedagogical culture and will give the key to understanding the pedagogical culture of colleagues.

Admit it, which of you in your school years did not fantasize about a stormy romance with a pretty young teacher? Which of you at university lectures has not made eyes at mature bearded teachers? And having become a mother of a first-grader, you must have been surprised to find that charming male teachers are still found in schools. Today we will try to figure out how to attract the attention of these intelligent representatives of the male breed.

Benefits of a relationship with a teacher

With an educated man it is so nice to appear in society. In the opera, he will not pester you with the question of when the girls in tutus will finally start dancing. And before going to bed, he can please your ear by reading poetry or manipulating three-digit numbers.

Where else can you find a man with almost three months of paid summer vacation?

The questions “who and what school will take the child” and “how to monitor progress” disappear by themselves.

If he is not a physical education teacher, then fan-beer gatherings with friends are alien to him. Outside school hours, it's all yours.

He works in a total female environment of students and colleagues, so be sure that any "leaps to the side" will be reported to you in a timely manner and not without pleasure.

Disadvantages of a relationship with a teacher

He works in a total female environment, so regular “jumps to the side” are, alas, provided to you.

If you are not ready to put up with the existence of middle-class representatives, the function of the "breadwinner" will have to be taken over.

As a rule, teachers are people of fine mental organization, who are above the "trash can problem".

Be prepared for the fact that in the evenings he will often check stacks of tests.

In the handset, you will periodically hear the heavy breathing of students in love with your spouse.

Where to look

And you don't even have to search. Teachers are present at certain stages in the life of every woman. There are several options: either you are a high school student (a university student), or a mother of a schoolchild, or you yourself are a teacher, director, secretary, cleaning lady in the same place. In any case, our conversation is already substantive, if you have an “object for exercises” in mind.

Representatives of the profession of a teacher have a lot of subspecies: romantic philologists, pedantic teachers of the exact sciences, mysterious chemists-physicists, homely labor teachers and eternally fit athletes - in general, for every taste. It is clear that, depending on their specialization and measures of influence, different ones are applicable to them. But they all have one thing in common - they are available and open for communication. In addition, they are patient, attentive and caring. Almost disappearing.

How to look

If you belong to the group of students...
then do not make the main mistake - do not try to look like your mother or an art teacher with whom your subject smokes during recess. That is, do not need high heels, deep cleavage (especially if there is nothing to demonstrate in this area), complex hairstyles and makeup.

Being like an adult woman, you will look ridiculous. In addition, it is stupid to compete with them in the same weight category - they will crush you. Play your field. Your trump cards are youth and freshness, which you are now diligently trying to retouch, and in 10 years you will not be able to recreate for any money. Remember: teachers, like most men, prefer naturalness and naturalness to all the delights of fashion. And at your age, you can just afford to limit yourself from the entire arsenal of cosmetics to lip gloss and mascara (in one layer, not three!).

Yes, and the fashion trends of this season are created as if especially for you: flowers, ruffles, short skirts, multi-colored golfs, shoes with round toes - you can wear all this boldly (unlike an art teacher), without the risk of looking like a fruit cake with whipped cream . But camouflage outfits and tattoos with piercings will impress your classmates, who you don’t care about. Men (well, except for latent homosexuals) prefer to see women in the image of Demi Moore from the movie "Ghost" or "Striptease", and not from "GI Jane". They are seduced by femininity, even if only nascent.

If you are a mother or a colleague...
then you yourself already know your strengths, which you need to skillfully emphasize. The main thing is not to overdo it with femininity. If you think that your essence cannot be fully manifested without a hat with a veil and gloves to the shoulders, wait for the appropriate occasion - going to the theater with the children or prom. And it is better to come to school meetings in casual clothes and with moderate makeup. You don't want to impress, excuse me, a fool who does nothing in life except shopping, and therefore has a lot of time to create her refined image. Even if you are sitting at home and suffering from doing nothing, bring a slight negligence into your image, as if you ran to the meeting after a series of important matters and were slightly out of breath and disheveled. Educated men can forgive a lady everything except stupidity and worthlessness. In addition, without earning fabulous money, teachers in a potential spouse expect to find an economically equivalent partner. And the ladies who live on the content (even if they have an ex-husband and the father of her children), they deeply despise.

What to talk about

If you are a mother, and there is nothing smart to say, then it is better to keep silent at all (see the previous paragraph). At least you seem mysterious. And if you have correctly implemented the first part of the program for creating an external image, your chosen one may want to unravel you. In addition, teachers are men who are used to speaking themselves, and you, as a diligent student, need to listen to them carefully. By the way, they can really tell a lot of interesting things. And if you still decide to join the conversation, do not hesitate to ask him questions, to be interested in his opinion on world events, scientific theories, books and concerts. Enlightenment is the vocation of male teachers. Otherwise, why else would they go to work in a school - not because of the money ... Although, I hasten to dispel the delusion of many ladies, as if the teachers are poor as church mice. With a normal seniority and a decent workload, a teacher is able to earn no less than some middle manager. Plus holiday pay for the whole summer.

If you are a student, it is advisable to speak during the lesson and on a given topic. It is unlikely that anything can win over your idol more than success in studying the subject he teaches. To completely close his attention to yourself (at least within the class), show interest: ask where to find additional information on the subject, take a difficult topic for an essay or scientific work - you can turn to your “subject of sighs” more often with questions. Become a joy to your teacher, let him feel that he did not waste his time on obtaining a pedagogical diploma. And be sure that, having discovered such zeal on your part, he will periodically become interested in your progress. In my school, for example, one teacher for students who undertook to write extracurricular work, appointed additional consultations before or after lessons in his laboratory. He spared no time for bright heads, and even tea and buns. For some students, this was a great opportunity to talk with him in private, not only about scientific work...

How to behave

Adequately. The key word for both students and their mothers.

Young seductresses should carefully consider why they risk the reputation and career of their adored teacher. There are many examples of love that originated in the school years between teachers and their students. Some of these novels, overcoming the resistance of colleagues and parents, have grown into a stable strong feeling and happy families. But there are other options, when girls, just out of curiosity, overcome by hormones, test the moral foundations of adult men for durability. And when teachers lose their vigilance, everything ends with scandals, dismissals and other troubles.

If you are really in love with your teacher (unmarried, hopefully), ask under the plausible pretext of a personal audience and, making sure that there are no extra ears, just tell about your feeling. If you did not make a mistake in choosing and did not fall in love with a uniform bastard (alas, these are found among representatives of any profession), an adult man will find a way to delicately respond to your confession. Or he also feels sympathy for you and then your happy future is only a matter of time (for example, until graduation). Or, if you mistakenly took his professional interest in you for personal, he, without offending you in the best of feelings, will explain why such a relationship has no future. What you definitely shouldn’t do is be obsessive and fall into childishness - write notes, confess your love in essays and spread your feelings to everyone in a row. All this can turn against your object of adoration.

If you are a mother, then you have an equally vast field for maneuvering. You can always ask the teacher to talk about the progress and behavior of your offspring. And if your child is unlucky, consider yourself lucky: you will be regularly called “on the carpet” even without any effort on your part. And since male teachers are patronizing by nature, it will not be difficult for you to arouse their sympathy and hint how hard it is for a woman to raise a child alone. Ask the teacher to personally call you if he notices another decline in his studies. And who knows...

It is very good if your subject likes to go hiking with children and go on short trips. In these cases, 2-3 more parents are always required to help. All you have to do is clear a path for yourself to take one of these privileged places. Participate in school life, become an "irreplaceable mother." Well, and at all kinds of discos and graduation parties, where moderate libations are allowed and dancing is welcome, you generally have all the cards in your hands. Indeed, in such situations, you are just a woman, and he is just a man, who at the same time already have something in common: your lazy son or your smart daughter.

Bogdana Shpontak

The teacher is one of the dominant professions in the life of society, which arose as a desirability of training and educating subsequent generations so that they enter the life of society faster and more successfully. teachers and teaching have been well known since ancient times, but the most popular profession has become not so long ago. One century ago, most of the population of developed countries was forced to solve the problems of education and upbringing with the help of, so to speak, family pedagogy, which carried both positive and negative aspects.

Some representatives of this profession were hired, provided supervision, training, education, only by wealthy people. Such work was carried out either as needed or for specific purposes. Previously, in those days and in many countries, everything related to the upbringing and education of children was entrusted to different people.

woman teacher

A familiar picture, familiar from an early age: the first of September, first-graders and first-graders go to school, bows, the first school bell and the first teacher. Everyone in childhood had their first teacher, with whom school years passed side by side. But it is interesting how the school line and school life would change if the first teacher was a man. Today, in the countries of the post-Soviet space, no one needs to be told that a teacher and educator of a preschool institution is a female profession. One might think that this will always be the case.

Take, for example, the data for Russia for 2008. Almost eighty-five percent of the entire teaching staff are women teachers, this is only in the middle classes, and in urban schools the percentage is even higher. If we talk about teachers of elementary grades, then the number of women there generally rolls over. There is the most interesting and popular hypothesis about why it so happened that there are more women in the profession, the truth is hidden in the division of duties. Everything is connected: upbringing and education and housework - with a mother, with a woman.

If in those days you could still see a man teachers or a physicist, or a Trudovik, or a physical education teacher, now it is practically impossible. There are a couple of reasons for this: a very low level of wages, and the same level of recognition of the profession in society. Today, only in some educational institutions you can meet men as teachers, these are universities where they perform teaching and research functions.

Teachers in other countries

The “female teacher” orientation is familiar not only to the inhabitants of Russia, but also to a large number of people in other countries. For example, over the past fifty years in North America and Europe, the number of women participating in both preschool and secondary education has grown exponentially. In American schools, from 65% to about 85% of the teaching staff are representatives of the weaker sex. As for Germany, out of ten teachers of primary education there is only one male teacher, secondary - every fourth. Approximately the same situation is observed in higher educational institutions, for twenty years the number of men in such specialties has halved.

But what about male teachers?

At some point in life, we all come across such a science as pedagogy, and if this is the case, then this issue concerns everyone. Imagine a simple situation where a young man, after graduating from a university, having received an education, goes to work in a school. And there he is faced with the fact that he is not accepted as teachers, while motivation is a female profession. But those who attended classes at the university and took a course on the history of education understand that the profession has been truly masculine since ancient times, from Greece to Russia during the years of the revolution.

If we analyze the history of pedagogy from a practical point of view, it becomes clear that it was in the USSR that pedagogy became female. Then the slogans of the Bolsheviks sounded like a call for universal literacy, but how they came to power: a coup, a civil war that claimed millions of lives, the lives of men. It was then that the country felt a shortage of men, and after all, the army also needed men. It was then that pedagogical courses for girls were formed. Since then, men in education are a rarity, and this concept began to disappear very quickly.

Teachers and education

Let's touch on the early period of education. What is a family, spouses, mom, dad, children. Having been born, the child sees both mom and dad. When the parents were still children themselves and their feeling was only in its infancy, then they already knew how different they were from each other. They differ in many features and qualities, this is their desire to build a family, where they will complement each other, forming harmony. And already their child begins to vary between dad and mom in their characters, so human qualities and concepts are instilled in him.

Dad is the head of the family, he is strict, and mom is kind and gentle. It was perfect. And now let's imagine that a child enters a school with a female team, he completely falls under female influence and receives everything based only on female behavior. And at this stage of development, he simply needs to communicate with both a man and a woman. This is how weak men appeared in society, and no army will fix this. The state itself has raised for itself not strong full-fledged boys and girls, but strong women and weak men.

After all, as it was before, in the nineteenth century, in a gymnasium or school, it teachers men met the child, and women's upbringing was at home. Boys were often brought up by an old man, then they moved to an older house, where they were raised by real men, and girls were raised by women, helping them become full-fledged wives, housewives, teaching them not only to cook and sew, but also to communicate and understand men. Then, in those days, with that upbringing, there was harmony in life and family. Later it all collapsed in education as well.

Teacher, what kind of profession?

teachers present at all times, teaching the truth to the young. The teacher has always been, most importantly, an educator, guided into reality, developed a personality, prepared for life. After all, it is not in vain that they argue that the most important thing in school, one of the most interesting subjects and a living example is the teacher himself. From history it follows that the best, most successful teachers were men. After all, he is the best everywhere: a cook, a musician, an artist, it is impossible to deny.

For example, in the post-war years, only men worked as teachers, this was because many, participating in the war, were injured, injured and could not fully physically work, and although there was no pedagogical knowledge, they still could teach and taught a lot. In those years, being a teacher was respectful, study for four years and get a job where you are loved and appreciated. You have a significant profession - a guide, what you tell them about, give them, will play an important role for them, in fate, will help determine the profession. This situation could not but rejoice, the teachers made good money, they were given housing, not immediately, but they did. You were significant to society. And today the situation has changed dramatically, there are no men in schools.

Today, it is not easy for a man, the head of a family, to feed his family on a meager salary. Now there are a lot of other professions, who will go to work as a teacher, if you can do business? From so many today you can hear a lot of praise for the male teachers of those times who taught, managed to instruct, give ground, decide in life. Many are no longer alive, but they are still remembered and loved.

Any work related to people is considered hard, and work with children even more so. But to be a teacher is a calling, a calling from God, it is he who forms the core of generations. It is impossible to determine exactly who our parents had the most influence on us, teachers, peers - we are teachers for ourselves. One of the priority tasks of a teacher is to entice with his subject, with regards to this they say that a bad teacher presents the truth, and a good one teaches to find it.

modern school

It so happens that in a modern school both female staff and female education and views prevail, there is nothing left for boys to express themselves, but they are not like girls, they don’t go to talk with the teacher, they would test their own strength - compete with other guys , withstand the confrontation as required. The complete lack of authority is a consequence of the lack of male teachers, the male role in life is lost. Yes, and annual changes in school programs lead to a decrease in hours in disciplines that would be really interesting for boys. Now is the time for some people to think about school programs and how they can change someone's little life.

From all that I have written, only one thing can be said: I assure a male teacher - this is not only normal, but it is simply necessary, this is a vital component of the modern educational process. Because as soon as a man can explain a lot, what a woman will not tell, many components of life, only a man can instill certain qualities, this applies to both boys and girls.

There is only one conclusion: both men and teachers education really needs men, but in the situation that has developed, there is little that can be corrected, and no one is trying, because in our state everyone has the same rights for both men and women, if you support one, you will accordingly infringe on the rights of the other . That is life.

No related posts.

Pedagogy originated in ancient times. Its foundations were laid by Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, Democritus, Quintilian. Do you notice anything? Yes, you are right, they were all men!

The schools are predominantly run by women. For some reason it happened in our country. And not only because of the low salary, but at some stage of development, for some reason, everyone decided that education is a woman's business. But schools have not always been women's territory. Remember the names of Pestalozzi and Ushinsky, Sukhomlinsky and Shatalov - they did not believe that pedagogy was not worthy of men, but, on the contrary, they saw their civic duty in this service to the future.

And it was tutors, not governesses, who took the heroes of Russian classics for walks in the Summer Garden. No, I am not trying to reduce the role of women, but the fact remains: mothers, nannies, the first teachers laid the foundation, but in the life of everyone who in pre-revolutionary Russia passed through a lyceum, gymnasium or college, there were male teachers. According to statistics, in those days the bulk of youth mentors were men. And the state supported the desire of men to go into pedagogy.

Before the revolution, teachers, for example, were exempted from military service. This is despite the fact that men in pedagogy then made up the vast majority. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers were well versed in education, the real interests and needs of their state, its people. Under Emperor Nicholas II, spending on education was increased seven times. No other country of that time, even the most developed and rich, can boast of such statistics.

It was all a long time ago, and today more and more people are trying to send their children to study abroad. Why? They say education is better... Why is it better? Maybe because men teach?

In the countries whose welfare level we strive to grow to (the United States, Western European countries, Japan), the composition of the teaching corps is clearly demarcated: there are more women teachers in elementary schools, and men in secondary schools. Psychologists consider this to be correct: in the lower grades, the child still needs the care of his mother, who during the lessons can only be replaced by a woman. But in high school, most Western psychologists advise to transfer the reins of power to male hands. Men almost completely "occupied" the schools of Great Britain - a country with a recognized classical education. The reputation of English education has evolved over the centuries, its history begins in the VI century. And today in the most famous educational institutions, such as Eton, Harrow, Rugby, 80 percent of the teachers are men.

Despite the asceticism of English schools recognized by all, one cannot but recognize the high quality of education received in them. The profession of a teacher in England, of course, does not reach the level of a Japanese sensei, but still remains one of the most prestigious. The British are especially anxious about acquiring this profession. With each student of a pedagogical university, in addition to the main classes, a teacher in pedagogy - a "tutor" is individually engaged. Such classes create a stable contact between teachers and students. A tutor attached to a student not only transfers knowledge, but also teaches them to think and act independently.

Before that, we talked about prestigious educational institutions. In ordinary schools in Europe, the situation is not so cheerful. In France in 2011, for example, many private schools started classes late or refused to enroll students altogether because they did not fill a vacancy for teachers. In the same year, there was a need for 200,000 teachers in the United States, and only 130,000 graduates with a teaching diploma turned out to be. Recently, the prestige of the teaching profession, unfortunately, has been declining. This is also evidenced by statistics, according to which in Germany students of pedagogical universities are graduates of secondary schools who do not stand out for high academic achievements. In connection with the decline in the prestige of the profession, the main composition of teachers in ordinary, non-privileged schools in Europe is actively feminized today. However, like us.

The only exception seems to be Ireland. This is a small but very energetic country, "the land of saints and scientists," as they call it in Europe. Here they are rightly proud of the fact that today the proportion of people with higher education in the country is 15% higher than the average for the European Union. Schoolchildren study more subjects here than their German, British, and French peers, and the teaching profession is one of the most popular.

But back to the men at school. For some reason, all of Europe today dreams of returning them there. Psychologists say that in relations with students, the principle of partnership can be realized more fully in a man. If a man puts “bad”, the children are not offended. Because he puts “failure” for work, and not because of malice or impotence (one can argue with this, by the way; as they say, history knows cases ...). German scientists prove that in the "female" model of education there are no masculine qualities - strength, energy, militancy. Teachers, even good ones, lack the understanding that young twelve-year-olds should fight. This is a normal male thing. By the way, psychologists also respect that the presence of a male teacher is necessary not only for boys, but also for girls. The way male teachers treat female teachers (give a hand, skip ahead), students perceive as an example of the relationship between men and women in general.

Oh, I so wanted to write about “advanced Europe”, where male teachers are not museum pieces, but it turned out that everything is the same with them as with us. Therefore, we can be proud: in the case of education, our problems are completely European. Low wages scare men away from such a good deed as pedagogy. It would seem that the issue can be resolved: raise the salary - and men will immediately come to school. After all, as the experience of world pedagogy testifies, the most rational variant of the placement of personnel in the education system is the one in which the highest percentage of the representatives of the fair half is in the primary grades. At the middle level, the most productive is an equal ratio of women and men, and in the upper grades, there should be no more than 15–25% of female teachers. To achieve such a ratio, one salary increase, apparently, is not enough. We need to restore the prestige of the teaching profession. In Europe, they have been thinking about this for more than ten years. You can try to think together: what if something valuable is born?