Minerals of Kamchatka map. Mineral, water, forest, land resources of the Kamchatka region

Kamchatka is a peninsula located in the northeast of Eurasia. This is the only place in Russia where volcanic eruptions occur. Under their influence, special effusive rocks are formed.


It largely depends on the geological structure of the territory. So, the faults are extended along the peninsula, all the ridges and strips of lowlands are also located along the eastern coast. Mountains are, in addition, active or extinct volcanoes. They can be seen on the map of the peninsula called Kamchatka. The relief of this region is interconnected, since many mineral resources are concentrated in the area of ​​volcanoes.

Their slopes are scree in nature, landslides occur here. located in the eastern part of Kamchatka. The largest of them is Klyuchevskaya Sopka. Boiling lakes and hot springs are often found here. The famous Valley of Geysers is located in this area. There are mud volcanoes. In the river valleys, among which there are alluvial and deluvial deposits.

Geological discoveries in Kamchatka

New unique minerals of Kamchatka were discovered on the Tolbachik volcano. A photo of one of them is presented above. It is the mineral tenorite.

At the beginning of the last century, there was a statement that Kamchatka, whose minerals are numerous, cannot be a significant region for the mining industry. Subsequently, this opinion was not confirmed. The new maps included such minerals as copper, coal, graphite, silver, molybdenum, lead, zinc, and oil. It also contained information about amber and various gems. Subsequently, the Korfi coal deposit was singled out among others. Its mining began in 1929. In the future, many more deposits of coal, oil, natural gas and other minerals were explored.

Geological structure

The eastern part of Kamchatka was formed during the interaction of two lithospheric plates: oceanic and continental. This is where one plate sinks under another. This is evidenced by a deep depression bordering the peninsula - the Kuril-Kamchatka deep-water trench. Volcanic activity is widespread here, earthquakes often occur. This territory is composed of such rocks as basalts, andesites, rhyolites.

The rest of the peninsula is of more ancient origin. Its western half is composed of Cenozoic sedimentary strata. In the southern part of the peninsula there are granites, porphyries, syenites and other intrusive rocks. Fossils of ancient marine animals are found in Tertiary clays and sandstones, which indicates that the area was covered with water. There are also layers of coal with tree trunks, traces of leaves and fossilized resin - amber.

Minerals of Kamchatka

What else can be said on this subject? Mineral resources of the Kamchatka Peninsula are diverse and numerous. There is oil and natural gas here. The most promising reserves of these hydrocarbons are in the Kolpakovskiy oil and gas region in the western part of Kamchatka. There are also reserves of hard and brown coal. In the eastern half of the peninsula, these are the Korfskoye and Khailinskoye brown coal deposits. In the west there are the following Carboniferous occurrences: Tigilskoye, Krutogorovskoye, Gorelovskoye, Podkagernoye. There are huge deposits of peat.

Kamchatka has reserves of both ore and alluvial gold. They are possessed by four large primary deposits: Ametistovoye, Aginskoye, Asachinskoye, Rodnikovskoye. Approximately 198 tons of gold lie here. There are also placers of this precious metal, there are 42 of them. Silver is present in these four deposits to a greater extent - 655 tons. And placers of platinum are open.

There are deposits of cobalt, copper and nickel in the Sredinny crystalline massif of the peninsula.

Kamchatka, whose minerals are associated, among other things, with volcanic activity, has the largest pumice deposit in the Far East region - Ilinskoye.

Kamchatka also has significant reserves of native sulfur. The number of its manifestations found exceeds two hundred. The total reserves are 106 thousand tons.

Fields under development

The mining industry in Kamchatka is only developing. Recently, there has been a decrease in the amount of mined mineral raw materials. This is due to the fact that the deposits of precious metals are depleted. The Kshukskoye gas field is currently being developed. Several small occurrences of bituminous and brown coal are also being developed. The thermal waters are constantly used to generate electricity.

Practical application of mineral resources

For the fuel and energy complex, there are reserves of oil, gas, and brown. Peat is used in economic activities. In the future, it can be widely used in the processing and chemical industries.

Precious metals and minerals used in the jewelry industry are mined. This is, first of all, gold, silver, platinum. A placer of a rare variety of garnet - demantoid was found here.

There is also chrysolite used in jewelry. In addition, there are rubies, amethysts and sapphires. There are ornamental stones - jasper, marble onyx, obsidian, jade, agate. These gems are used for jewelry and other decorative purposes. There is also blue obsidian mined in the area of ​​the Ichinsky volcano.

Kamchatka is provided with building materials. Minerals such as mixtures of sand and gravel, building stone, slag, brick clay, building sand, perlite and zeolite are in abundance here. Ignimbrites and caked tuffs are promising for construction. Perlites are used for water purification and are added to cement. In ecology, they are used to clean soil and water bodies from pollution by industrial waste.

Groundwater, which has a unique composition, is widely used. Among them there are both mineral and hydrothermal springs. They are used in the food industry and for heat and power needs.

Kamchatka, whose minerals are very diverse, is a promising area for the extraction of mineral raw materials.

Kamchatka is rich in minerals. There is coal, precious metals, gemstones, amber. Mined, while in small volumes, gas, coal, gold.

The resource potential of the Kamchatka region within the administrative boundaries of 2006 was estimated by FSUE "VIEMS" (2004) at $ 32.7 billion, including $ 11.7 billion for ore minerals. Deposits of energy raw materials (gas and gas condensate, coal, steam hydrotherms), not being objects of general national importance, are also very significant and are able to meet the energy needs of the region.

Ore gold is localized in three gold ore regions: Central Kamchatsky, South Kamchatsky and East Kamchatsky - located on the territory of four administrative regions - Bystrinsky, Elizovsky, Ust-Kamchatsky and Ust-Bolsheretsky. Explored deposits with a balance reserve are located in Bystrinsky (Aginskoye, Baranievskoye, Zolotoe) and Elizovsky (Rodnikovoe, Asachinskoye, Mutnovskoye) districts. Easily enriched ores of these deposits contain industrial amounts of silver.

Deposits of non-ferrous metals are also located mainly in the Bystrinsky and Elizovsky districts. About 30 ore occurrences and mineralization points have been identified in the central and southern regions of the peninsula. The largest ones are located within the Khim-Kirganik ore zone (Shanuch deposit) and the Dukuk ore cluster near the Dukuk, Kuvalorog and Kvinum groups of ore occurrences. The ores of the Shanuch deposit, which has the largest reserves, due to the high contents of useful components, are a natural concentrate that does not require preliminary enrichment .

The immediate prospects for the development of the mining and ore potential are associated with the development of gas condensate fields in the Kamchatka region and the commissioning of the Aginsky field. The commissioning of the Aginskoye deposit will bring additional tax revenue of at least $24 million, the commissioning of the Baranyevskoye, Rodnikovoye, Zolotoe deposits - another $37.5 million per year, the Shanuchskoye deposit - $11.2 million. Thus, tax revenues by 2010 will increase by $ 72.7 million, which is 40% of the total income of the Kamchatka region. At the same time, up to 7 thousand jobs will be created in the mining industry.

The potential of mineral resources (MSR) of the Koryak Autonomous Okrug (the northern regions of the Okrug and the Asian part within the former borders of the Kamchatka Region) is estimated at $ 25 billion. Coal, placer deposits of platinum and gold are mined in the Okrug. In general, the mining industry provides 25% of domestic revenues to the budget revenues.

In the future, it is planned to involve in the operation of gold ore deposits, primarily Ametistovoe, to increase coal production in order to fully satisfy the district's settlements with local fuel resources. In this regard, there are prospects for building up hard (Gorelovskoye, Khairyuzovskoye, Tigilskoye) and brown (Palanskoye) coal deposits. Prospecting and appraisal work is underway at the Podyomny site of the Tigilskoye coal deposit. In general, the balance reserves of coal deposits in the district are 16.98 million tons. The cost of local hard coal compared to imported coal is 1.5-2 times less.

As of July 1, 2006, 275 licenses are in force in the territory controlled by the Office of Rosprirodnadzor for the Kamchatka Region and the Koryak Autonomous District.


The accumulation of hydrocarbons in Kamchatka has been going on for millions of years. It is possible to single out the Early and Late Cretaceous, Early and Late Paleogene, Miocene and Pliocene-Quaternary epochs of hydrocarbon gas generation. In terms of geological development, Kamchatka has many features in common with about. Sakhalin, which is a large oil-bearing region of the country, therefore, may also be promising for gas and oil production.

Natural resources on the Western Kamchatka shelf amount to 1,753 million tons of reference fuel. According to other data, they exceed 3.5-4.6 billion tons, and in the zone of the highest concentration of resources - about 2 billion tons. The promising oil and gas bearing area reaches 70 thousand square meters. km.

In addition to the shelf, it is assumed that there will be oil and gas in the Voyampolsky licensed area in the basins of the Tigil, Amanina and Voyampolka rivers. It can be summarized that the promising territories for oil and gas are 111 thousand square kilometers. The total gas reserves are estimated at 15-20 billion cubic meters, of which 7 billion cubic meters are protected by projects.

The most promising manifestations of hydrocarbons (oil, gas) are located in Western Kamchatka within the Kolpakovsky oil and gas region on an area of ​​about 10 thousand square meters. km. Four gas condensate fields (Kshukskoye, Nizhne-Kvakchikskoye, Sredne-Kunzhikskoye and Severo-Kolpakovskoye) with total gas reserves of about 16 billion cubic meters have been prepared for operation here. m and 0.52 million tons of condensate.

The list with promising (C 3) resources in the Kolpakovskiy district includes 11 structures (Skhumochskaya, Skhikiyskaya, Severo-Oblukovinskaya, Ust-Oblukovinskaya, etc.). Their total resources are estimated according to VNIGRI from 32.4 to 49.1 billion cubic meters. m of gas. In addition to the Kolpakovsky and Ichinsk oil and gas regions, the Central Kamchatka region (Karakovskaya and Taiga structures - 16.1 billion cubic meters of gas) has localized resources. Of the other promising areas, Eastern Kamchatka is of the greatest practical interest, where it is possible to discover small and medium-sized hydrocarbon deposits.

Large reserves of coal are also expected. The most coal-bearing are Omolonskaya, Penzhinsko-Markovskaya, West Kamchatskaya and East Kamchatskaya areas. In Eastern Kamchatka, these are the Korfskoye and Khailinskoye lignite deposits, in Western Kamchatka, the Krutogorovskoye, Tigilskoye, Podkagernoye, Gorelovskoye coal and Palanskoye lignite deposits.

The Korfi lignite deposit (settlement Medvezhka) is located on the coast of the bay of the same name. The thickness of the seams reaches 28 m, the explored reserves are

258.6 million tons, predicted resources - 1.1 billion tons. This deposit can fully meet the needs of the region in coal.

Palana deposit. At the Ugolnoye site, 13 brown coal seams have been identified, the thickness of which ranges from 0.5 to 8.2 m. Coal reserves reach a depth of 10 m and amount to 323.7 thousand tons. The conditions allow open-pit mining.

In the Krutogorovskoye deposit, coal seams come close to the surface, so their surface mining is possible. Coal-bearing deposits with a thickness of 150 m include 5 working layers, the upper layers are located 5-100 m from the day surface. The ash content of coals is 15-25%, the thermal conductivity is 7.2-7.6 thousand cal/kg of coal. Probable reserves for open-pit mining are estimated at 580-600 million tons, and in total - 35 billion tons.

Industrial development of coal is currently being carried out only at the Korfi deposit (annual production is 40,000 tons) and Tigilskoye (2-3,000 tons are mined at several sites).

The Kamchatka Territory is exceptionally rich in peat, the deposits of which have been established along the western and eastern coasts, on about. Karaginsky, in the basins of the Bystraya and Paratun-ka rivers. More than 10 deposits are being developed. Peat is used mainly for local needs (peat compost mixture for fertilizers and bedding for livestock). In the future, peat can be mined for industrial processing, obtaining valuable chemicals, gas, thermal insulation boards and other products.


Metallic minerals are represented by numerous manifestations of ore and placer gold, platinum, nickel, copper, tin, lead, zinc, mercury, as mentioned above.

Recall that gold reserves have been explored and estimated at four large deposits - Aginsky, Ametistovoe, Asachinsky and Rodnikovsky, totaling 198 tons of gold and 655 tons of silver; for 42 placers of gold - a total of 7.3 tons, for 3 small deposits of mercury (Olyutorsky, Lyapgonaisky and Chempurinsky) - 2.1 thousand tons. There is a scattered deposit in the upper reaches of the river. Ozernaya (Eastern Kamchatka). Small deposits were found in the upper reaches of the river. Karaga, on the right bank in the middle reaches of the river. Tymlat, in the middle course of the river. Kichigi and others. The Kumroch ore field and the Mutnovskoye ore field, the Porozhistoe deposit are promising in terms of gold reserves. A large deposit, already located on the Asian side of the Kamchatka Territory, is Ametistovoe. Previously, in a artisanal way, gold was washed in the spurs of the Valaginsky ridge along the river. Right Shchapina (Dark key, Ozernaya ravine), along Ipuin (the Levaya Shchapina river basin), in the south-west of Kamchatka (Kikhchik river), on the Kamenistom stream near Petropavlovsk, now - in the river basin. Penzhina and other places.

A total of 400 gold occurrences and mineralization points have been explored. They are grouped in 6 gold ore regions: Penzhinsky, Ichigin-Unneivayamsky (Ametistovoe), North Kamchatsky (Ozernovskoye ore field), Central Kamchatsky, South Kamchatsky and East Kamchatsky. All studied deposits belong to the gold-silver formation with an average gold grade of 10-43 g/t, which is a prerequisite for high profitability of future developments.

The ores of almost all deposits do not contain harmful impurities and are easily enriched. Modern technologies can provide extraction of 95-97% of gold and 80-95% of silver.

Along with gold and silver, platinum is one of the most valuable noble metals. Deposits of platinum have been discovered within the Seinav-Galmoenan platinum cluster, 60-90 km north of Korf. The criteria for the formation of placer deposits of platinoids in the mountain ranges of the Koryak-Kamchatka volcano-tectonic belt are revealed.

On the territory of the region there are numerous manifestations of ferrous metals ores of various types, although there are no large deposits. There are placers of titanomagnetite sands containing titanomagnetite - magnetic iron ore and titanium with the inclusion of vanadium.

The Khalaktyrskoye deposit of titanomagnetite sands is located on the east coast, 10 km from the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. The placer stretches along the coast for 32 km. The deposit was formed due to erosion and removal by rivers of loose tuffs, slags of the Avachinsky and Kozelsky volcanoes. From the sands you can get a concentrate, in which the iron content reaches 40.5%, titanium dioxide - 46.9%. However, so far the sand of the Khalaktyrsky beach is used only for construction work.

Deposits and ore occurrences of non-ferrous metals (mercury, copper, lead, molybdenum, zinc, nickel, tungsten, tin) with estimated reserves are relatively few and can be an object of associated mining with gold and silver.

Copper. There are a large number of promising objects of porphyry copper and copper pyrite formations, as well as formations of orthoclase metasomatites. The Kirganikskoye and Sharomskoye deposits are known in the Milkovsky district, where the copper content in ores ranges from 3 to 10.32%. The ores together with copper contain gold, silver and molybdenum.

Mercury. Several previously explored deposits and more than 300 mercury occurrences are known. The main mercury-containing mineral is cinnabar. Of the most promising deposits are Chempurinskoye in the Sredinny Ridge, located at the latitude of the Keys, Lyapganaiskoye in the upper reaches of the river of the same name, and Olyutorskoye, the most studied.

Nickel. More than 100 nickel ore objects have been discovered. Along the right bank of the middle course of the river. Icha known complex sulfide. copper-nickel with cobalt, platinoids and gold Shanuchskoe ore occurrence, attributed to peridotite-pyroxenite-norite formation (the composition of ores is close to Norilsk). It is located 85 km from the village. Krutogorovo. Sulfide copper-nickel ores contain 43.2 thousand tons of nickel, 1.42 thousand tons of cobalt, 6.6 thousand tons of copper with an average metal content of 4.96; 0.126% and 0.76% respectively. Ores contain 0.26 g/t of gold and 0.43 g/t of palladium as associated components. The total predicted estimate of the nickel reserves of this deposit is estimated at no less than 70 thousand tons of nickel.

Another promising object is the Dukuk-Kuvalorog-Kvinumskaya nickel-bearing zone with predicted nickel resources of about 550 thousand tons and PGM - 23 tons. The ores of the deposit have an increased content of gold and platinoids: nickel - 4.9%, cobalt - 0, 1%, copper - 1.6%, platinoids - 3.96 g/t, gold - 0.5 g/t.

In the West Kamchatka metallogenic zone, along with hard and brown coal, germanium is associated.


There are large deposits of native sulfur in Kamchatka. Exploration work revealed more than 200 manifestations of sulfur, including several significant ones.

The Vetrovskoye sulfur deposit is located in the Olyutorsky district (the nearest point is the village of Tilichiki). There are five lots in its area. The thickness of the deposit is from 2.5 to 20 m. The explored reserves are 106 thousand tons.

The Maletoivayamskoye sulfur deposit is located in the upper reaches of the river of the same name in the Olyutorsky district. The deposit combines several groups of sulfur manifestations. The sulfur content is high. Explored reserves - 106.4 thousand tons.


Among non-metallic minerals, local building materials are of great importance. Their deposits are developed mainly near settlements and along highways, although the deposits are located everywhere - we can assume that the region is provided with construction resources in abundance.

Building stones are traded on the Petrovskaya hill (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky). Also known are the deposits of Primorskoye, Polovinka-1 and on the river. Alder (Yelizovsky district). The total reserves of raw materials on them amount to 17594 thousand cubic meters. m.

11 deposits of building sands with total reserves of over 19 million cubic meters have been explored. m. Of these, Tigiya, Ossor, Ust-Kamchatskoye, Khalaktyrskoye are being developed.

Sand and gravel can be mined from 20 or more deposits. The total reserves are 106 million cubic meters. m. While deposits are being developed that are close to settlements and construction sites. The largest of them are Bystrinskoye (Yelizovsky district), Nikolaevka-1, Avachinskoye, lake. Middle,

The reserves of pumice and pumice sands in the region are truly of world importance. The predicted resources of pumice are estimated at more than 20 billion tons. Seven deposits have been explored in detail: Ilyinskoye, Zhupanovskoye, Avachinskoye, Kimitinskoye, Ozerkovskoye, Nalychevskoye.

Ignimbrites and baked tuffs are the building material of the future. They occupy vast areas around the lake. Kurilsky, Gorely volcano, Karymsko-Semyachik group of volcanoes.

More than 100 manifestations of perlite and obsidian are known. Only three deposits are well explored: Nachikinskoye, Yagodinskoye, Paratunskoye.

The Yagodinskoye deposit is located 30 km from the village. Nachiki. In addition to perlite, whose predicted resources are 1 million cubic meters. m, large reserves of zeolitic tuffs have been explored.

Siliceous-carbonate rocks are represented by layers of gray, light green and siliceous shales. The Lekhnovskoye deposit is known, located 70 km northeast of the city of Petropavlovsk. Talovskoye limestone deposit is located 70 km from the village. Kamenskoye. Its reserves are 16 million tons.

In various regions, 10 brick clay deposits have been explored, located near the settlements of Sharomskoye, Kirganikskoye and Paratunskoye, the latter two being actively developed.

Deposits of expanded clay raw materials are located in the Ust-Kamchatsky and Elizovsky regions.

Mineral paint deposits are known in the Milkovsky and Elizovsky districts: limonites and iron oxide mineral pigments. These are high-grade ores suitable for the manufacture of paints, red lead, and umber.

There are gems in Kamchatka. A placer of precious garnet (its variety is demantoid) has been explored and outlined. In nature, such deposits are extremely rare. A stock of jewelry chrysolite was found / there are stocks of chromidopsin. Ruby, sapphire, amethyst are found in placers. Quite often there are jasper, marble onyx, agate, obsidian. In the recent past, the association "Quartssamotsvet" produced ornamental stones and jewelry worth 160 thousand rubles. per year (at old prices).

In the ancient ruined buildings of volcanoes and their craters, hydrothermal zones, there are a small amount of gems - agate, chalcedony, rhodonite, garnet, jade, jasper, obsidian. Gems are used for jewelry, personal crafts and decorative cladding. Stocks of agate, carnelian, chalcedony have been explored in the central part of the Kinkil-sky cape on the western coast, and a rare bright green demantoid garnet is found in the Kuyul mountains (Penzhinsky district). In the Bystrinsky district, deposits of gray, bluish, waxed volcanic glass, suitable for the manufacture of decorative and artistic products, have been discovered. Dark brown, spotted, striped obsidian can be found in the area of ​​the Khangar volcano, blue - in the area of ​​the Ichinsky volcano.

Colored marbles of the Lekhovsky and granites of the Ahomten deposits have high decorative qualities.

On Bering Island, in Buyan Bay, there are pebbles of variegated jaspers, milky white matte chalcedony, and finely patterned agate.

In Kamchatka, amber is found that is inferior to Baltic amber, darker and more fragile. In the north, amber deposits have been identified in the vicinity of Pychginin Bay, north of Cape Bozhedomova and south of Cape Rebro. Amber is found in the surf zone of the bay, as it is washed out from the coastal deposits of the Kinkinskaya suite (there are also brown coals here). Amber is on the river. Empty, its left tributaries - the keys Coal and Tammaivayama 9 and 14 km from the mouth. Coal seams of small thickness also come to the surface here. Above Palana, 8 km along the left bank of the Fekleno spring, amber was also found. It occurs as inclusions in coal seams and bedrock conglomerates.

On the territory of the Kamchatka Territory, 87 deposits of solid minerals were identified, accounted for by the SRB (brown and hard coal, copper, nickel, cobalt, ore and placer gold, ore and placer deposits of platinum group metals, mercury, non-ferrous and precious stones, pearlites, zeolite tuffs) . At present placer and ore gold, silver, nickel, cobalt, perlite, obsidian, placer platinum, chemical and construction raw materials are being mined.

Gold and silver

Ore gold. On the territory of the region, 11 deposits (9 gold ore proper and 2 complex) and more than 150 gold ore occurrences and mineralization points have been identified. The share of 8 deposits accounts for about 95% of the balance reserves of the region. The group of developed deposits includes 6 primary deposits (Aginskoye, Shanuchskoye, Ametistovoye, Asachinskoye, Rudnikovoe, Zolotoe). In the region, ore gold is mined by: Subsidiary CJSC Koryakgeoldobycha-Ametistovoe, CJSC Kamchatskoye Zoloto (CJSC Bystrinskaya Mining Company), CJSC Alarming Glow, CJSC Kamgold, LLC STEPPS IST Company. In 2011, subsoil users extracted 2,821.6 kg of raw materials.

As of January 1, 2012, explored reserves of ore gold (categories A+B+C1+C2) amounted to 203.017 tons, forecast resources (categories P1+P2+P3) amounted to 1,310.5 tons.

Alluvial gold. There are 51 alluvial deposits on the balance sheet, which account for only about 5% of the balance reserves of gold. The undistributed fund includes 45 alluvial deposits, their total reserves are about 4.3%. The main reserves are concentrated within the northern part of the Kamchatka Territory. There are 7 placers in the group being developed (Ryzhik, Grif, Nezhdanny, Tufovy, Hryvna streams, Kichavayam river). Alluvial gold mining in the region is carried out by: CJSC Artel Prospectors Kamchatka and LLC GGP Severnoye. In 2011, subsoil users extracted 150 kg of raw materials.

As of January 1, 2012, the explored reserves of alluvial gold (categories A+B+C1+C2) amounted to 3.663 tons, the forecast resources (categories P1+P2+P3) amounted to 8.9 tons.

Silver. The balance of silver reserves includes 9 deposits. In the region, placer, ore and associated silver is mined by: Kamgold CJSC, Koryakgeoldobycha-Ametistovoye CJSC, Kamchatskoye Zoloto CJSC, Bystrinskaya Mining Company CJSC, Alarming Glow CJSC, STEPPS IST Company LLC. In 2011, subsoil users produced 2.43 tons of raw materials.

As of January 1, 2012, the explored reserves of silver (categories A+B+C1+C2) amounted to 630.21 tons, the forecast resources (categories P1+P2+P3) amounted to 6,700 tons.

Nickel, cobalt, copper

About 30 nickel ore occurrences with commercial grades have been discovered in the region, which makes it possible to highly appreciate the prospects for discovering a number of copper-nickel deposits. To date, only one deposit has been discovered and operated in the region - Shanuch, which is small in terms of reserves, but unique in terms of nickel content. The value of the mineral resource potential of the object is one of the highest in the region. The ore of the deposit is a natural concentrate that does not require enrichment. The Shanuch deposit is complex; it is also the only source of cobalt and copper ores in the region. The extraction of all three types of raw materials is carried out by CJSC NPK Geotechnology. In 2011, the enterprise produced 1.64 thousand tons of nickel, 48.4 tons of cobalt and 0.307 thousand tons of copper. The explored reserves will be enough for the enterprise for 7 years.

  • nickel (categories А+В+С1+С2) — 45.27 thousand tons, predicted resources (categories Р1+Р2+Р3) amounted to 805 thousand tons;
  • cobalt (categories A + B + C1 + C2) - 1,300.87 tons, predicted resources (categories P1 + P2 + P3) amounted to 25,150 tons;
  • copper (categories А+В+С1+С2) — 7.18 thousand tons, predicted resources (categories Р1+Р2+Р3) amounted to 5,265 thousand tons.


Identified 2 deposits (placer and ore), where mining and additional exploration are carried out, are concentrated within the Seinav-Galmoenan platinum-bearing cluster (60-90 km north of the village of Korf). In the area of ​​the node, the study of ultramafic rock massifs continues in order to assess their platinum content. There are prospects for building up platinum reserves. Alluvial raw materials are mined by ZAO Koryakgeoldobycha. In 2011, the enterprise produced 665.5 kg of platinum.

As of January 1, 2012, explored copper reserves (categories A+B+C1+C2) amounted to 7.18 thousand tons, forecast resources (categories P1+P2+P3) amounted to 5,265 thousand tons.

The material was prepared by the editors of the portal "Subsoil use" on the basis of the review "The state of the mineral resource base of solid minerals in the Kamchatka Territory as of 01.01.2012" of the Subsoil Use Department for the Far Eastern Federal District.

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International Journal of Applied and Basic Research. 2014, No. 7, pp. 81–85

The significant potential for the development of the mineral resource base of the Trans-Baikal Territory is confirmed by the fact that significant reserves and resources of uranium, fluorspar, gold, molybdenum, copper, titanium, tungsten, lead, tin, zinc, coal and other minerals are concentrated on its territory ...

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09/23/2010 | Information on the role of the mining complex in the socio-economic development of the Kamchatka Territory (based on the results of work for 6 months of 2010)

The mining and processing industry in the Kamchatka Territory is currently going through the first stage of its development. The determining factors of this stage are:

1. Formation of the mineral resource base of future production.

2. Capital investments in the development of mining, processing and related industries.

3. Development of territorial schemes for the development of industrial, transport and energy facilities.

4. Training of personnel potential of the industry.

The largest subsoil users operating in the Kamchatka Territory are: Koryakgeoldobycha CJSC - mining of alluvial platinum in the Olyutorsky municipal district at the Levtyrinvayam deposit, Zoloto Kamchatka OJSC - gold mining (Aginskoye deposit), geological exploration at the facilities of the Central Kamchatka ore region, Kumrochsky ore field in the Ust-Kamchatsky region, construction of a mining and processing enterprise at the Amethyst deposit in the Penzhinsky municipal region, CJSC "Alarming glow" - completion of the construction of the Asachinsky mining and processing plant, exploration work in the Elizovsky municipal region, CJSC NPK "Geotechnology" - mining copper-nickel ores at the Shanuch deposit in the Bystrinsky municipal district, geological exploration, Siberian Mining and Metallurgical Alliance OJSC - exploration work at the Ozernovsky ore field in the Karaginsky municipal district, Kamchatgazprom OJSC - gas production, geological exploration s, OJSC "Geoterm" - extraction of a steam-water mixture at the Mutnovsky field, State Unitary Enterprise "Kamchatskburgeothermia" - extraction of thermal and heat power waters in the Elizovsky, Bystrinsky, Ust-Bolsheretsky municipal districts, OJSC "Kamchatskstroymaterialy" - extraction of building materials.

The economic performance of the mining industry for 6 months of 2010 is characterized by positive dynamics compared to the same period last year, except for the amount of taxes paid. The decline in the first half of 2010 is due to the untimely sale of marketable products by type of raw materials - precious metals and the debt admitted by CJSC "Kamgold" to pay taxes to all levels of the budget in the amount of 42.2 million rubles. Tax debt, according to the taxpayer, was liquidated during July 2010. The volume of production of marketable products as a whole amounted to 136.6% compared to the same period last year. More natural gas, copper-nickel concentrate, raw materials for the production of building materials have been produced in the region. The volume of extraction of precious metals increased by 92 kg. At the end of the year, it is possible to increase the volume of alluvial gold production due to the work of artisanal artels in the north of the peninsula.

Receipts to the consolidated budget of the Kamchatka Territory for the 1st half of 2010 of payments on the extraction tax of common minerals amounted to (according to the Ministry of Finance of the Kamchatka Territory) 6.642 million rubles, on the tax on the extraction of minerals (except for common minerals) amounted to 43.305 million rub.

A 2.4 times increase in receipts of payments for the extraction tax on the extraction of common minerals compared to the same period in 2009 (RUB 2.751 million) is primarily due to the increased volume of construction work (primarily at the facilities of OOO Gazprom invest Vostok) , reconstruction and repair of roads.

The volume of capital investments in the construction of new subsoil use facilities in the first half of 2010 increased by 20% compared to the same period last year (up to 450 million rubles), which is associated with the start of construction of infrastructure facilities at the Ametistovoye deposit in the Penzhinsky municipal district and the intensification of work to complete construction at Asachinsky field in the Elizovsky municipal district.

The increase in the mineral resource base of future production is due to the active increase in investment in exploration work. During the first half of 2010, the total investment in exploration work in the region more than doubled and amounted to 970,045.6 thousand rubles, including 23,169 thousand rubles from the federal budget. For the same period in 2009, the volume of appropriations for exploration work amounted to about 480,000 thousand rubles, including 24,400 thousand rubles from the federal budget.

Conducting exploration work at subsoil use facilities will allow this year to increase the reserves of copper-nickel ores at the Shanuch deposit located in the Bystrinsky municipal district by 1.5 million tons, prepare materials for entering the state balance of mineral reserves in 2011. The resources of the Baranyevskoye gold deposit , located in the Bystrinsky municipal district, to significantly increase gold reserves within the Kumroch ore field, located in the Ust-Kamchatsky municipal district. Active work continues on the exploration of large-volume reserves of copper and gold ores within the Maletoivayamskaya area, located in the Olyutorsky and Karaginsky municipal districts, where the first positive results were obtained in the first half of the year, indicating confirmation of the forecast for the discovery of an object with reserves of hundreds of tons of gold. A significant intensification of exploration work within the Ozernovsky ore field and the Tymlatskaya prospective area, located in the Karaginsky municipal district, allows us to expect a significant increase (up to 40–60 tons at each site) in the balance reserves of gold at these sites in the coming years and the start of designing mining and processing productions.

In the near future, we should expect the intensification of work on conducting exploratory drilling within the Kolpakovskoye oil and gas trough in the Sobolevsky municipal district in accordance with the license for the right to use the subsoil of Kamchatgazprom OJSC, which will increase the industrial reserves of natural gas and ensure a reliable mineral resource base of the constructed gas pipeline.

The immediate prospects for the development of the mining industry are as follows: before 2015, 6 mines should be built in the Kamchatka Territory and start mining gold and silver: Asachinsky (2011), Baranevsky (2014), Ametistovy (2012), Kumroch (2015 G.), Rodnikovy (2015), Ozernovsky (2015). Gold mining will amount to 16 tons per year, subject to the implementation of projects and the preservation of the emerging positive macroeconomic trends, which consist in maintaining consistently high prices for mineral resources, activating the bank lending sector for large projects with a significant payback period.

The Shanuch Nickel Mine, which operates in the pilot operation mode, should switch to the commercial development mode from 2014. By 2017, at the Kvinumskaya area, located at the junction of the Ust-Bolsheretsky, Elizovsky and Sobolevsky municipal districts, the balance reserves of nickel will be prepared and the second nickel mine in the Kamchatka Territory will be built. The total production of nickel at the two enterprises will reach 15-20 thousand tons per year (in 2009 the enterprise produced about 8 thousand tons of nickel).

Total in the period 2010–2025 in the Kamchatka Territory, while maintaining the current level of prices for mineral raw materials, 238 tons of gold, 44 tons of platinum, 94 thousand tons of nickel, 17 billion m 3 of gas, 6.6 million tons of oil on land and 326.5 million tons of hydrocarbons in oil equivalent on the shelf. The economic performance of the mining industry will allow us to assume an increase in tax revenues to the budget of the Kamchatka Territory from the mineral extraction tax to 3,052 million rubles a year in 2025. The volume of the gross regional product of the industry in the structure of the economy of the Kamchatka Territory can be more than 12%, without taking into account the indicators of the implementation of shelf development projects. Currently, this figure does not exceed 4.2%.

The total investment in additional exploration, the creation of mining and transport infrastructure for the mining industry in the period up to 2025 is estimated at 33 billion rubles. in 2008 prices, excluding the costs of offshore projects.

One of the tasks of managing the mineral resource complex is the creation of a diversified system of nature management that promptly responds to changes in market conditions of functioning. Taking into account the development trend of the world market of natural raw materials, it is necessary to develop the extraction and use of:

precious metals,

hydrocarbon raw materials,

non-ferrous metals,

Balneological resources.

These four directions will significantly enhance the potential of the region. To meet the regional needs and demand of the Far Eastern regions of the Russian Federation, in addition to the above-mentioned industries, full-scale development of underground drinking water resources, building materials, and coal is promising.

The volume of investments in the development of the industry will increase as the commercial exploitation of deposits is launched. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the amount of appropriations allocated to create the necessary conditions for the development of industry - primarily infrastructure facilities. The implementation of projects for the development of deposits of non-ferrous metals, large-volume gold deposits is impossible without the creation of new energy capacities, roads, terminals for receiving and processing cargo. A significant economic effect for the development of the industry can come from the joint work of state authorities and subsoil users to create the necessary initial conditions for the development of new territories. The mechanism of such work is the attraction of funds from the Investment Fund of the Russian Federation to the formation of industrial clusters in the areas of concentration of deposits - the Central Kamchatka ore region and the North Kamchatka ore region. Such work has been started jointly with CJSC NPK "Geotechnology" and OJSC "Zoloto Kamchatka". As a result of the implementation of the projects, it will be possible to build a gas pipeline from the village. Krutogorovo through the Shanuch deposit to the village. Milkovo. In this case, construction is also an important social project.

The work of industrial enterprises for the development of mineral resources in the region faces a number of unresolved issues in ensuring the process of construction and operation of enterprises. First of all, this is the insufficient capacity of construction organizations, the absence of a number of specialized areas of construction activity, for example, the installation of technological equipment.

Another task, the solution of which is impossible without the support of the state authorities of the region, is the problem of staffing the industry. Enterprises are experiencing an acute shortage of specialists in the field of geological exploration, construction, mining, technological processing of ores, providing production both among the engineering and technical level and workers. For some specialties, it is possible to open departments for training specialists directly in the Kamchatka Territory. Collaboration with interested enterprises will help create the necessary training base and attract teaching staff.

Important for the rhythmic work of the industry is the improvement of the necessary supply chain. The technology of processing mineral raw materials is based on the need to use a number of specific components - explosives, chemicals, special equipment. A serious obstacle to the provision of these materials is the unwillingness of transport organizations to ensure the delivery of such materials to the peninsula due to the lack of necessary licenses, permits, special transport, storage facilities.

The experience of developing mineral resources in the current economic conditions has shown the need to intensify work to attract additional investment in the industry and develop new approaches to the implementation of management policy.

The main objects of subsoil use, primarily in terms of liquid types of mineral raw materials - deposits of precious metals, nickel, hydrocarbons, thermal mineral waters, explored and evaluated in previous periods, are in the distributed subsoil fund.

In accordance with the initial conditions for the use of subsoil resources for the main gold deposits, which were granted for use at the end of the last and the beginning of this decade, by now in the Kamchatka Territory, gold mining should be carried out at eight sites - Aginsky, Ametistovoe, Asachinsky, Rodnikovo, Mutnovsky, Baranievskoe, Zolotoe, Kumrochskoe deposits. Over the past period, several changes were made to license agreements related to the postponement of terms and stages of work, a decrease in investment in exploration and capital construction. As a result, the region did not receive about 45 tons of gold, about 1.5 billion rubles of taxes to the regional budget only on the tax on the extraction of minerals. Under these conditions, it is impossible to achieve the planned indicators for the development of the industry.

The reasons are both external factors - changes in the price of mineral raw materials on world markets, bank lending conditions, and internal factors - the extreme underdevelopment of the infrastructure of the Kamchatka Territory, the remoteness of the territory, difficult natural and climatic conditions, the lack of a local labor market, and the lack of construction capacities. To develop fields located in remote and hard-to-reach conditions, enterprises need to design and build a road network, energy and social infrastructure facilities. In this regard, the volume of investments increases significantly, which leads to a deterioration in the economic performance of enterprises and reduces the performance of mineral raw materials.

The main directions of the policy of the state authorities of the Kamchatka Territory in order to develop the economic potential of the enterprises of the industry in the short term should be:

1. Attracting public funds to create the necessary energy and transport infrastructure within the framework of state programs or using the mechanism of public-private partnership.

2. Provision of real state support to the backbone enterprises of the industry, including the establishment of preferential tariffs for the electricity produced in isolated energy centers.

3. Development and implementation of educational programs in the Kamchatka Territory to train specialists for newly developing sectors of the economy.

In order to increase the efficiency of reproduction and use of the mineral resource base in the near future, the state authorities of the Russian Federation should solve the following tasks:

1. Tougher requirements for subsoil users to unconditionally comply with the terms of license agreements.

2. Orientation of the state program for the reproduction of the mineral resource base to increase the degree of geological knowledge of subsoil use objects before the stage of their provision for use.

3. Reducing the rates of one-time (starting) payments for the use of subsoil during auctions in order to redistribute the financial resources of enterprises for work on geological study and exploration of mineral deposits.

4. Establishment of tax incentives for subsoil use facilities located in hard-to-reach and remote areas.

Information source: www.kamchatka.gov.ru

Gas and oil

On the territory of the Kamchatka Territory, at present, one oil and gas bearing basin has been identified - the West Kamchatka (OGB) and three promising basins: the Central Kamchatka, East Kamchatka and South Okhotsk (PNGB).

Commercial reserves of hydrocarbon raw materials have been established only in the Kolpakovskiy region of the West Kamchatka OGB (with total gas reserves of about 16 billion m 3 and 0.52 million tons of condensate). As of January 1, 2012, 4 gas condensate fields were discovered there.

From 4 fields:

Kshukskoe is under development;

Nizhne-Kvakchinskoye is prepared for industrial development;

Sredne-Kunzhinskoye and Severo-Kolpakovskoye are under exploration.

Today, the approved gas reserves at a production level of 750 million m 3 /year are sufficient for use at Kamchatka CHPPs and boiler houses in the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, as well as along the route of the main gas pipeline for 20 years.

Coal and peat

Kamchatka has significant resources of black and brown coal. Preliminary and detailed exploration was carried out at many deposits more than 20 years ago.

To date, 7 deposits and about 300 manifestations of fossil coal have been discovered, but the resource potential of the coal industry is poorly used. Currently, there are 3 coal mines - Korfsky, Gorelovsky, Palansky.

The explored and preliminary estimated coal reserves of Kamchatka amount to 275.5 million tons, the forecast resources exceed 9.7 billion tons.

On the territory of the Kamchatka Territory, coal reserves are distributed unevenly and are concentrated mainly on the western coast of Kamchatka. The most significant is the Krutogorovskoye coal deposit. This is the only object, the reserves of which are taken into account by the State balance of reserves in the amount of 258.6 million tons, the forecast resources are estimated at 1.1 billion tons.

The deposit area is 35 km2. In depth, the subsoil area is limited to a mark of 300 m from the day surface.

The coal content of the Krutogorovskoye deposit is confined to the Neogene deposits of the Ilyinskaya suite, divided into two strata: lower (coal-bearing) and upper (sandstone). The maximum thickness of the formation within the site ranges from 20 to 400 m.

According to the peculiarities of the geological structure, the consistency of the thickness of the main working seams, the complexity of the internal structure, the presence of discontinuous disturbances, the Krutogorovskoye deposit belongs to the 2nd complexity group of the Classification of reserves of coal and oil shale deposits (GKZ USSR, 1982).

The average ash content of the working seams is 31.1-39.6%, the average ash content of the coal mass is 5-10% lower (i.e., within 21.5-30.8%). The calorific value for individual layers varies from 30.8 to 32.2 MJ/kg (7310-7700 Kcal/kg).

In total, as of January 1, 2007, the balance reserves of coal of the Krutogorovskoye deposit are B - 3900 thousand tons, C - 92529 thousand tons and Cr - 162165 thousand tons. 54284 thousand tons of coal are classified as off-balance sheet. Protocol of TKZ No. 46, 1955

According to the combined assessment of the predicted reserves of non-ferrous and precious metals, the Kamchatka Territory is classified as nickel-bearing, gold-bearing and platinum-bearing provinces that are noticeable on a national scale.

Prospects for development are associated with the industrial development of a number of deposits of gold and silver ores in Kamchatka and Koryakia outside the allocated zones. It is expected to complete the additional exploration of the zone of the Asachinskoye deposit and its flanks, the extraction of gold and silver ores from the Rodnikovskoye and Mutnovskoye deposits.

Until 2015, 6 mines should be built in the Kamchatka Territory and start mining. By 2018, the production of ore gold will reach 18 tons, platinum - 3 tons. The total production of nickel at the Shanuch copper-nickel deposit and the Kvinum-Kuvalorog nickel-bearing zone will reach 10,000 tons/year. There are certain prerequisites for the creation of a metallurgical processing of copper-nickel ores with the development of social, transport and energy infrastructure in the area of ​​operation.

Indigenous gold

1. Aginskoye field (Bystrinsky district)

In 2006, industrial gold mining began at the Aginskoye deposit (design capacity - 3 tons of metal per year). The volume of gold mining in 2006 amounted to 1195 kg, in 2007 - 2328 kg. Alluvial gold is mined in the amount of 110–190 kg per year.

From 1994 to the present, about 50 tons of placer platinum have been mined. In 2006 mining systems offered by the Dalrudproekt design institute were reviewed and tested, allowing to increase ore mining and high-quality metal recovery.

The volume of ore extraction for 9 months of 2006 amounted to 81,733 tons, for 9 months of 2007 - 114,869 tons, which was 140.5% compared to the same period last year. Mining and preparatory work continues in order to provide ore reserves for the uninterrupted operation of the factory. Currently, the company employs 630 people, of which 80% are residents of the Kamchatka region.

2. Baranyevskoye field (Bystrinsky district)

Preliminary exploration was carried out at the deposit, in its central part, in 2005-2007. According to preliminary estimates, an increase in reserves and resources of the metal is possible. In connection with the approbation of gold and silver reserves at the deposit in 2007, technological studies of ores are being carried out, a feasibility study of temporary exploration conditions is being developed for approbation of gold reserves and resources in the State Reserves Committee of the Russian Federation, and a summary report is being prepared on the results of the work with the calculation of reserves.

The originally planned commissioning of the GOK is 2010, with an annual output of 3.2 tons of gold. The planned number of staff is 300 people.

3. Asachinskoye field (Yelizovsky district)

Currently, CJSC "Alarming glow" is building a mining and processing enterprise at the Asachinskoye deposit. A new mining and processing plant has begun work at the Asachinsky deposit in Kamchatka, the enterprise has already received the first gold bars. The annual productivity of the enterprise is 3 tons of gold. This is one of the most modern factories in Russia. Her design is based on cutting-edge technology. The factory has already begun to work as planned, and we can talk about reaching the design capacity. After reaching the design capacity, the plant will process about 150 thousand tons of ore per year.

The company has already created 400 jobs. Tax revenues to the regional budget will amount to about 250 million rubles a year, to the federal budget - about 100 million rubles a year.

4. Mutnovskoye field (Yelizovsky district)

In fact, no work was carried out at the deposit, the reserves are not protected. The planned commissioning of the GOK is 2015, with an annual capacity of 2.5 tons. The planned number of staff is 500 people.

5. Rodnikovoe deposit (Yelizovsky district)

Additional exploration is being carried out at the deposit in order to enter the GKZ to protect reserves.

The planned commissioning of the GOK is 2012, with an annual output of 3 tons of gold. The planned number of staff is 500 people.

6. Kumroch deposit (Ust-Kamchatsky region)

The planned commissioning of the GOK is 2012. Reaching the design capacity (2.5 tons) - 2013. The planned number of staff is 500 people.

7. Amethyst deposit (Penzhinsky district)

The planned commissioning of the GOK is 2012, with an annual capacity of 2.5 tons. The planned number of staff is 500 people.

8. Ozernovskoye field (Karaginsky district)

In 2010, the construction of the GOK began. In 2011 - commissioning of the first stage with an annual capacity of 3 tons.

Placer platinum

The volume of platinum mining within the Seinav-Galmoenan node in 2007 amounted to 2000 kg. In accordance with the projects of subsoil user companies, platinum production by 2015 will amount to 3 tons per year and will be maintained at this level until 2025.

Non-ferrous metals

Shanuch deposit (Bystrinsky district)

In 2007, the Shanuch copper-nickel deposit produced: nickel - 2202 tons, copper - 300 tons, cobalt - 50 tons. Currently CJSC NPK "Geotechnology" has started to develop the ore body No. 1 of the "Shanuch" deposit by open pit mining. The project provides for the construction of a mountain-type quarry. The annual productivity of the open pit for marketable ore is 98.5 thousand tons. The number of employees is 542 people.

Quinum-Kuvalorog nickel-bearing zone(Yelizovsky, Ust-Bolsheretsky districts)

By 2012, the balance reserves of nickel will be prepared in the Kvinumskaya area and the second nickel-bearing mine in the Kamchatka Territory will be built.

Talovskoye limestone deposits

The weighted average content of calcium oxide is 51.37%, magnesium oxide is 2.1%, the sum of oxides of silicon, aluminum and iron is 4.2%.

In terms of chemical composition and technological properties, the limestones of the Talovsky deposit meet the requirements of the current standards and technical specifications for the production of building lime, lime flour for soil deoxidation, the production of construction wool and marble chips (“Report on the results of a detailed exploration of deposit No. 3 of the Talovsky limestone deposit”, Peretrukhin V A., 1983).

According to the results of the conducted in 1994-95. technological studies have established the fundamental suitability of limestones from deposit No. 3 of the Talovsky deposit as a raw material for cement production.

A comprehensive analysis of the economic growth opportunities of the Kamchatka Territory shows that the mining industry is currently one of the main infrastructure-forming industries in the region. Thanks to the development of mineral deposits, it is possible to develop a rational energy and transport infrastructure in the Kamchatka Territory, creating the prerequisites for the successful non-subsidized development of the Kamchatka Territory.

One of the most important ore minerals of Kamchatka is gold and silver. More than 400 gold occurrences have been discovered here, most of which have remained unappreciated to this day.

The regions with the highest density of gold deposits are Central Kamchatsky (deposits Aginskoye, Zolotoe, Baranyevskoye, Sukharikovskiye Grebni, ore occurrences Kreruk, Apapel-Aglikich, Verkhne-Kozyrevskoye and many others) and South Kamchatsky (deposits Asachinskoye, Mutnovskoye, Rodnikovoe, Porozhistoe and others) .

All gold deposits of practical interest are confined to volcanogenic formations of various ages and belong to the gold-silver formation of epithermal near-surface mineralization.

Gold deposits of the region are characterized by a number of significant features. These are relatively small, but with rich ores, compactly located objects with a mining period of 7 to 15 years.

To date, in the Kamchatka Territory, 10 deposits and 22 promising sites and areas of native gold with explored and preliminary estimated metal reserves of 150.6 tons and predicted resources of 1171 tons have been identified and studied to varying degrees. Associated silver reserves are accounted for in the amount of 570.9 tons, forecast resources exceed 6.7 thousand tons. Placer gold reserves are estimated in 54 small deposits in the amount of 3.9 tons, predicted resources - 23 tons.

Residual reserves of placer platinum are 0.9 tons, resources - 33 tons. In addition, an ore occurrence of bedrock platinum with predicted resources of more than 30 tons is being studied.

To date, 289 licenses for the right to use subsoil are in force in the Kamchatka Territory. Of these, 56 licenses are for significant subsoil use objects.

The immediate prospects for the development of the mining industry are, first of all, that by 2015 in the Kamchatka Territory 6 mines should be built and mining will begin: Asachinsky (2010), Baranevsky (2011), Ametistovy (2012 G.), Rodnikovy (2013), Kumroch (2013), Ozernovsky (2015). Gold mining will be 16 tons/year, platinum - 3 tons/year. By 2018, the production of ore gold will reach 18 tons, platinum - 3 tons.

The Shanuchsky nickel mine, operating in the pilot operation mode, should switch to the commercial development mode by 2014. By 2017, balance reserves of nickel will be prepared at the Kvinumskaya area and the second nickel mine in the Kamchatka Territory will be built. The total nickel production at the two enterprises will reach 10,000 tons per year.

OAO Gazprom has announced that it will start active gas exploration on the shelf of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, where significant natural gas reserves are expected. However, after the disaster with a floating drilling rig in 2011, all activity in this direction was curtailed. Exploratory drilling is not in progress. There are no proven reserves as of October 2012. In this regard, in our work, we cannot yet reasonably rely on gas production on the shelf near Kamchatka.

One of the tasks of managing the mineral resource complex is the creation of a diversified system of nature management that promptly responds to changes in market conditions of functioning.