Orthodoxy and war 3 elders. Predictions about the third world war of saints and elders

The events of recent months make us recall the predictions of the great prophets about the events that may threaten modern Europe, Turkey and Russia.
The war in Syria, the "stab in the back" from Ankara, the extremely difficult situation in the world political arena - all this testifies to the rapid growth of tension in the world. After Turkey shot down the Russian Su-24, which was performing tasks as part of the anti-terrorist operation in Syria, many started talking about a possible confrontation between the two states.
There are many judgments and predictions about the war between Russia and Turkey. So, the well-known prophet of the 20th century, the Orthodox elder Paisius Svyatogorets, whose predictions are often compared in strength with the predictions of Nostradamus, assured that one day a confrontation would break out between the two states, as a result of which Constantinople (Istanbul) would again become Orthodox. The prophecy says that Turkey will attack Greece, but Russia will intervene in the war and stop the Turkish aggression. At the same time, Turkey will have a sad ending - the collapse of the country.
The great Christian prophet Methodius of Potar predicted back in the 3rd century that Constantinople, which would be captured by the Ottomans in the 14th century, would liberate the northern people.
The liberation of the Greek city by the Russian monarch and the fall of the Byzantine kingdom was predicted by the holy monk Agafangel.
Prophecy of World War III
Another well-known predictor, Elder Joseph of Vatopedi, spoke of Turkey's invasion of Greece. According to him, the war between the two states will develop into a world war. The US will lead the Turks, but neither they nor NATO will initially interfere in the conflict, he assured. When a large part of Greece is captured, powerful Russia will stand up for perishing Greece. After that, a world war will begin, in which the United States "will break like a light ball," and Russia will come out victorious, the elder predicted.
The same scenario for the development of events is predicted by modern elders from Athos. The Athos elder George predicted the start of a world war with Turkey's invasion of Greece, and that Russia would stand up for the Greeks. He warned that the United States at that time would incite Ukraine against its great eastern neighbor.
“Turkey will allow American ships and aircraft to enter its straits and airspace to strike at Russia. From this moment, the countdown for Turkey will begin,” the elder predicted.
According to his prophecy, for the first time Russian and American aviation will meet in battle over the Black Sea, from which Russia will come out with a crushing victory.
It should be noted that there are a lot of prophecies testifying to what will happen to Turkey. To believe in them or not is the personal choice of each. One thing is clear - the prophets who predicted these events have appeared throughout the existence of mankind, and this is a serious message. The predictions of many of them have already come true, and Turkey's latest actions make us believe in something that seemed unbelievable just a few months ago.


After writing this article, I began to understand the prophecies more. As a result, the book "The Future of Russia in Prophecies" was written. Where I cite only verified prophecies, the source of which has been found. This article would have to be rewritten. But I decided to leave it as is, marking those prophecies that I began to doubt.
The last observation concerns the prophecy of Elder Martin Zadek (1769) "Constantinople will be taken by Christians without the slightest bloodshed ..." I came across a Muslim text that the Orthodox could know about. This is a hadith about the capture of Constantinople without a single shot being fired - however, by Muslims. From here I'm only making an assumption that Elder Martin Zadeka might have expressed not a prophecy, but an opinion based on this text, and I wouldn't use it now.
Muslim text that may have influenced Martin's opinion:
"Abu Hurayrah said: "Once, the Messenger of Allah, salaAllahu alayhi wa sallam, asked:" Have you heard about the city, part of which is located on land, and part - in the sea?
When they answered "Yes!" He said the following:
"The Hour of Judgment will not come until seventy thousand of the sons of Ishak organize a military campaign against this city! When they get there, they will take the city without a fight, without firing a single arrow, only saying:" There is no deity worthy worship except Allah and Allah is Great!" and that part of the city that is in the sea will fall. And they will say a second time: "There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and Allah is Great," and that part of the city that is on land will fall. And when they say for the third time: “There is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and Allah is Great!” The gates of the city will open before them. .And after leaving the distribution of trophies, they will return back." "Muslim", "Fitan" 78, 2920."

The same applies to the predictions of Methodius of Patara, which influenced the formation of the opinion of the Greek monks. In particular - Paisius Svyatogorets. Methodius of Patara did not say what was prescribed to him. And we are dealing with the prophecies of a certain monk Methodius, who is supposed to have lived in Syria. In particular, he said: "Under him (the Greek King - John) the Ismailites will be divided into three parts, and he will kill the first part with a sword, baptize the second part, subdue the third part, which is in the East, by force." This was later repeated by Paisius Svyatogorets. At the same time, I also discovered a Muslim hadith, which could serve as a primary source for Methodius, whose prophecy, in this part, is most likely an opinion.
Muslim text:
"Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah said:" The Romans will descend at Amak or Dabiq (two places in Sham, near Halb - p.p.) and an army will come out to them from Medina from the best inhabitants of the Earth on that day. And when they line up in the ranks, the Romans will say: "Give us those who were (with you) in captivity! We will fight them. " Then the Muslims will answer: "No. We swear by Allah! We will not give you our brothers!" And they will start to fight with them. One third of them (Muslims) will run away (run away from the battlefield - p.p.), Allah will never forgive them. Another third of them will be killed - the most worthy witnesses (martyrs) before Allah. And (the last) a third of them will win. They will never be tested and will open (conquer) Constantinople."

In most cases, according to the prophecies, the country should become almost a pillar of peace and faith in a better future. This was talked about by Nostradamus and other great people who left their mark on history.

From time immemorial, the Slavs believed that Russia could become the successor of Byzantium and a highly moral and highly spiritual country, and if the people of Russia united, they would resist any obstacles. Among the elders of Athos there were also seers who declared the great future of our country. We offer to recall the most famous prophecies.

Joseph Jr. at the age of 18 made his prophecy about how exactly it was to begin. Joseph Jr. was a student of the famous Joseph Hesychast and his words were taken quite seriously. The prophecy said that the war would start because of a petty conflict between the Greeks and the Turks, and Europe and America would push Turkey into a full-scale war. According to the prophecy, Russia will intervene in the conflict and, as a result, about 8 percent of all people may disappear from the face of the Earth, the consequences of actions between countries will be so serious.

"Darkness will cover all the Balkans and the Middle East." Most likely, nuclear weapons will be used, but the victory will remain with Russia, the United States of America will “burst like a balloon”, and the Vatican will fall and never regain its influence.

It is also interesting that Joseph spoke about the role of the Vatican in this war and after the victory of Russia in this war, the influence of the Vatican will disappear forever. The date of the beginning of the Third World War was named - 2053.

He also talked about another war that will arise due to sodomy and other sins of people, but the exact countries that will be involved in this conflict are not specified. Joseph argued that after the war, peace would reign for several decades, and then the Antichrist would rule the world.

The Greek schemamonk Anatoly argued that a tsar would rule in modern Russia, and many people compare it with the tsar Vladimir Putin, who has ruled Russia for many years. In the West, his power is compared not with the usual position of the president, but with the power of the tsars under the Russian Empire.

Skimonakh Anatoly also said that Russia would be able to scare even a strong America, which would get away from our country.

Hieroschemamonk Maxim of the Iversky Monastery was also sure of the appearance of a tsar in modern Russia. He lived for about seventy years on the Holy Mountain and many people turned to him for advice and to know the future.

Paisiy Svyatogorets also spoke about Russia and the war between our country and Turkey. He lived in the monasteries of Athos for more than forty years and was a respected elder, whose advice was listened to.

He talked about 2018, when Turkish troops had to block the Euphrates, after which our country had to intervene in the conflict and started a war with the Turks. There are similar lines in the Apocalypse.

“The sixth angel poured out his bowl into the great river Euphrates: and the water dried up in it, so that the way of the kings from the rising of the sun was ready”


Venerable Phodosius of the Caucasus (1948). “There will be a war ... From all sides, like pruzi (locusts), enemies will crawl to Russia. Many countries take up arms against Russia, but she will stand, having lost most of her lands.

Rev. Lawrence of Chernigov (+1950). “There will be a world war. There will be such powerful bombs that the iron will burn, the stones will melt... And then they will start shouting "Down with the war and install one king." “There will be a war in Russia ... Big sorrows are coming, but Russia will not die in the fire. Belarus will suffer greatly. Only then will Belarus unite with Russia... But then Ukraine will not unite with us; and then a lot more crying!

Blessed Pelageya Zakharovskaya (+1966) “The Russian people will be strangled by all means! Still ahead! There will be a war, and then they will choose the Antichrist!”

Elder Matthew Vresfensky (+1950). “There will be persecution, harassment, marks. And then there will be war. It will be short but powerful."

Archimandrite Tavrion (Batozsky) (+1978) “The battle will begin ... Russia will stand in this battle and a revival will begin after complete impoverishment. The Lord will send his help to Russia, but the state will lose most of its mineral deposits. There will be new ones! For Russia, the Lord will leave those lands from which the Great Russian country was once founded.

Schemarichimandrite Christopher (Nikolsky) (+1996). “The war will not be long, but still many will be saved, and if not, then no one will be saved.”

Elder Joseph of Vatopedi (+2009). “There will be wars and we will experience great difficulties. ... Trials should not terrify us, we should always have hope in God. After all, thousands, millions of martyrs suffered in the same way, and the New Martyrs suffered in the same way, and therefore we must be prepared for this and not be horrified. Patience, prayer and hope in the Providence of God must be. Let us pray for the revival of Christianity after all that awaits us, so that the Lord would really give us the strength to be reborn. But this harm must be endured ... "

I cited these predictions only to once again emphasize the inevitability of the course of world history, which is destined for mankind by God. But most importantly, he brought them so that we would not lose heart. The victory will be for Russia. And therefore I give here predictions about the revival of Russia.

Righteous John of Kronstadt (+1909). “I foresee the restoration of a powerful Russia, even stronger and more powerful. On the bones of the martyrs, as on a strong foundation, a new Russia will be erected - according to the old model, strong in its faith in Christ God and the Holy Trinity - and it will be, according to the testament of Prince Vladimir, as a single Church.

Elder Alexy Zosimovsky (+1928). “To those who say that Russia is doomed or has been destroyed for a long time, this is a complete lie. It will not disappear and will never perish, however, for this, everyone will have to go through a complete cleansing of the entire Great Russian people from all filth and vices, which means going through great and difficult trials. Pray to God for repentance. Russia will not perish and will not be destroyed until the end of time!”

Archbishop Feofan (Bystrov) (+1940). “Russia will rise from the dead. And the whole world will be surprised. Orthodoxy will be reborn and triumph in it... The great elders said that Russia would be reborn, the people themselves would restore the Orthodox monarchy. God Himself will put a strong king on the throne.

Rev. Lawrence of Chernigov (+1950). “Russia, together with all the Slavic peoples and lands, will make up a mighty kingdom. The Orthodox Tsar, God's Anointed One, will nourish him. All schisms and heresies will disappear in Russia. There will be no persecution of the Orthodox Church. The Lord will have mercy on holy Russia ... In Russia there will be a flourishing of faith and the former rejoicing ... ".
Equally interesting are van Rensburg's visions of World War III:

The war (the third world war) will start around April or May.
- Russia will attack and advance quickly without any significant resistance all the way to Spain.
- England will conclude a secret agreement with the Russians and give out Western military secrets. (For fear of being attacked by Russia)
- America, having learned about the betrayal, will begin to fight the British in Egypt.
- Within one night, Russia will attack and sweep through Turkey (Iraq) on the way to the Suez region, and Turkey will not offer any resistance.
- The Russians will face the American army in Syria and Palestine (Israel?), where they will be stopped.
- Palestine will be destroyed in the course of hostilities.
- This war will be destructive and everyone will be expected to take part in it, more people will die in this war than in the Great War of 1914.
- The war will be very cruel, fast, destructive and terrible. Many nations will be destroyed by instantaneous air attacks and terrible bombs.
- Some Arab nations will side with the Americans. Many oilfields in the Middle East will be engulfed in flames, the Red Army will be defeated by more technologically advanced US weapons.
- American troops will defeat the Russians in Syria and Palestine, Palestine will be completely destroyed.
More blood will be shed in this war than ever before. Weapons of mass destruction will be used, but the worst of all will be "electric beams" that sow death and destruction, even the earth will be destroyed and only a few will be able to survive.
- British and American troops in Germany will be completely destroyed. This war will be one of the most terrible battles in history - "a great well will be filled with blood"
- "Russians will not have time to think"
- It will seem to the majority that the Russians in Europe will be able to win, thanks to which many will be very gloomy and depressed.
- The Russians will break through to Spain and advance further up to Gibraltar, but when they are stopped there they will turn back and attack England from the air, despite the treaty between them. England will be destroyed - "as it was in Germany, where women and children were destroyed, so it will be with England. She will sink even deeper into poverty, terrible events will not leave people alone and firebombs will rain down on England, where even bunkers won't save people."
- At this moment, a miracle will happen: the Spaniards, Americans and Germans will defeat the enemy. German troops will be equipped with a secret weapon that was hidden at the end of World War II. One German mighty force will come into action that no one expected! The world will say: "God helped the Germans otherwise than Germany could have done it."
- Russian troops retreat and bombard England, despite the treaty.
- Spain takes possession of Gibraltar.
- German and American troops are victorious over the remnants of the Russian army.
- When these events happen, there will be a man in Germany who will take the reins of power into his own hands. They have been preparing this introduction for many years and the weapons that Germany will produce will be of such a nature that many countries will be afraid to attack her. They (the Germans) will also be liberated, will get back all their lands in Europe and will become so powerful that after the end of the third world war they will sit at the head of the table. The English space will be empty. because it will no longer be a nation.
- At that moment, Germany will have the opportunity to avenge all her hanged people, after one war.
Bouvier, Bernhard: That which saves the future for Europe. In: Magazine 2000plus, in 2002, Special 11/171.
"Irlmaier was at one time a frequent visitor to the G. family in Chiemsee. Then young G. said that Irlmaier said that there would be a worldwide earthquake. First of all, the USA was affected. Earthquakes would be strongest along the Rhine valley with us. "However, here" (in Bavaria) it will be possible to feel earthquakes. During the Russian campaign, aftershocks will still occur, namely, in such a force that both offensive and defensive operations will suffer from it. "
“Mr. G. heard the following statements from Irlmayer from his parents:
"Things are going loose with the war in the Middle East."
" Spheres of influence and circles of interests of the United States and Russia are colliding: nevertheless, the tension is already less. "
"US/Russia Peace Conference in Budapest."
"The American president is killed, then the vice president immediately declares war on Russia. By almost the same hour, huge masses of Russian tanks are already rolling along the autobahn near Passau to the west. The inhabitants of Passau froze in surprise and horror."
"In the south, the Austrians on both lanes of the Salzburg autobahn are fleeing in the direction of Munich in tens of thousands in a stampede."
"The Russians are pushing them out of the way with tanks, cars that have blocked the autobahn passage west of Passau and are driving at high speed in the direction of the Rhine."
"After 3 or 4 days, the west wind begins to blow and western planes drop a large amount of yellow dust between Salzburg and the Baltic Sea," under which everything turns black. Nobody survives in Vienna. "
"The remnants of the Bundeswehr - completely taken by surprise - run away, drop their weapons, leave trucks and a few tanks ready for use in a panic."
"The city of Denver is being cremated from a submarine with a missile."
"Russians land in Alaska."
"There is a second moon in the sky."
"3 days of darkness. No one survives in Northern Germany."
"Massive famine after the war, as many did not survive after all this. ""
But more interesting are his predictions that relate to the present and possibly the near future:

The media will deliberately spread disinformation - "the candles of information will be extinguished."
- A new outbreak of communism in Western Europe.
- The USSR will collapse, but in secret this policy will be consistently carried out by Russia.
- Europe will have one government. Although it will look good on the outside, in reality this government will be diabolical and corrupt.
- Countless foreigners will flood Europe, as a result there will be a huge increase in nationalism, riots, arson, heavy clashes up to civil war. (especially in England)
- The financial collapse of Europe will probably be accompanied by famine.
- Representatives of Eastern Europeans will be shot during peace negotiations
- Civil wars in England, France and Russia.
- A ruler from the Near/Middle East "will settle on three haystacks". (occupies or will fight with three neighboring countries)
- Japan will be destroyed by an earthquake.

Predictions of Slavik (Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov), a native of the city of Chebarkul, Chelyabinsk region. Slavik was born in a military family in 1982 and lived a very short life, having died at the age of 11 from cancer. Krasheninnikov’s prophecies were recorded according to the recollections of his mother: “The Israelis were especially surprised by Slavik. He said that a war would begin in Israel, the Israelis, surrounded on all sides by Muslims, would show miracles of courage, they would be defeated anyway. Muslims will desecrate our Christian shrines, which will greatly anger God …".

Vyacheslav Sergeevich Krasheninnikov(March 22, 1982, Yurga, Kemerovo region, USSR - March 17, 1993, Chebarkul, Russia) - a Russian boy who died at the age of 10, whom some people consider a healer and soothsayer who continues to work miracles even after his death; The Russian Orthodox Church, however, evaluates him as a "false saint."

The future has begun. Prophecies of the lad Vyacheslav:

John of Jerusalem, Benedictine monk. It is only known that he was born around the 1040s in the German city of Wesel. Johann traveled a lot in Europe. From 1100 he lived in Jerusalem and may have been a member of the Knights Templar. Prophecy about future wars: “When the millennium comes after the present millennium, the lands will become the prey of war. On the other side of the Roman border, and even in the former Roman power, people will cut each other's throats, the war of tribes and faiths will cover all. The Jews and the children of Allah will not stop trying to beat each other. The land of Christ will be a battlefield. The unbelievers want to defend the purity of their ideas everywhere and everywhere. Doubts and strength will stand against a friend, and death will go forward, like the banner of those new times.

The prediction of the leader of world Freemasonry Albert Pike(1871), founder of the "Church of Satan". In August 1871, the Supreme Council met in Charleston, consisting of 11 main Masons - "the greatest lamps of the world", as they called themselves. At this meeting, the program for the organization of three world wars, developed by Albert Pike, was adopted. According to this program, the Third World War should begin in the Middle East from a conflict between Arabs and Israelis, and it should end with the establishment of a world dictatorship, i.e. the power of a "world government" .

In a letter dated August 15, 1871, Albert Pike outlined a plan to conquer the world through three world wars and establish a "New World Order". The First World War was supposed to be unleashed in order to put Tsarist Russia under the control of the Freemasons. It was necessary to overthrow the tsar in Russia, and then use it as a "scarecrow". The Second World War must be staged, through the manipulation of German nationalists and political Zionists. The ultimate goal of the war is the creation of the State of Israel in Palestine. The Third World War must start because of the differences of opinion caused by the Freemasons between the Zionists and the Arabs. Prediction of A. Pike (“Black Pope”): “For the complete triumph of Freemasonry, three world wars will be needed ... The third world war should be ignited by agents of the Illuminati (associations of an occult-philosophical persuasion, a secret organization that secretly controls world processes - Note by the author), taking advantage of disagreements between the Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic world. The war will be waged in such a way that Islam and the Zionists (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile, other countries, once again divided on this issue, will be forced to fight until complete physical, moral, spiritual and economic collapse. The war must be unleashed by nihilists and atheists, and we will provoke terrible social cataclysms that will clearly show the peoples the full horror of absolute atheism, the source of savagery and bloody riots. Then everywhere citizens will be obliged to defend themselves and the world from revolutionaries, they will exterminate these destroyers of civilization. The people, disillusioned with Christianity, whose ideological spirit from now on will be without a compass indicating the direction ... will receive the pure teaching of Lucifer ... ".

Appearance of the Virgin Mary to the American clairvoyant Veronica Luken:“The Mother of God is now looking sad. I see she points to what looks like a map. My God! I look at the map. Oh, I see Jerusalem and Egypt, Arabia and French Morocco in Africa. Oh my god! These countries are currently in very thick darkness. My God! The Mother of God says: "The beginning of the Third World War, my child." Now another card. I see Israel and neighboring countries. They were all on fire...

The war must escalate, the carnage intensify. The living will envy the dead, so great will be the suffering of mankind.”

There will be a big war in the future. It will coincide with the war in the Middle East.” “Syria will be the key to peace or World War III. It will be the destruction of three quarters of the globe. The world is on fire because of the orb of redemption."

The Ball of Atonement - this is how Veronica Luken calls an unusual star - a comet that will appear in the sky of our planet in the near future.

Veronica Luken's vision of the war unleashed by the Antichrist: “War in punishment for the sins of mankind. My children, my heart is breaking. I watch your path as you go. Many lives are lost in the great war. The forces of evil have gathered in Jerusalem. I'm going there, my children. My house will be destroyed. Much blood will be shed in my house."

According to the prophecies of the American journalist Ruth Montgomery (1971), which she received with the help of "spiritual guides", the confrontation between Israel and Muslim countries will continue almost indefinitely: "Endless disagreement in the Middle East will continue until Israel is openly recognized the bitter truth that he was not always right, and others were wrong. He calls himself "the chosen people," but is he more "chosen" than those who choose their own God? It would be absurd to say that the Middle East crisis will end before people's souls are at peace. The coals will smolder until the person himself changes his way of thinking and overcomes hatred and greed.

Elder Paisios the Holy Mountaineer (Eznepidis, 1924-1994)."The Middle East will become the arena of wars in which the Russians will take part. Much blood will be shed, the Chinese will cross the Euphrates River, having an army of two hundred million, and reach Jerusalem. A characteristic sign that these events are approaching will be the destruction of the mosque of Omar, because its destruction will mean the beginning of work on the reconstruction by the Jews of the temple of Solomon, which was built precisely on this site ... ".

The Jews, since they will have the strength and help of the European leadership, will become insolent and behave with shamelessness and pride, and will try to rule Europe ....

They will build many intrigues, but through the persecution that will follow, Christianity will be wholly united. However, it will not unite in the way that those who arrange a worldwide “unification of churches” by various machinations, wanting to have one religious leadership at the head, will unite. The Christians will unite, because in the present situation there will be a separation of the sheep from the goats. Then "one flock and one Shepherd" will be realized in practice.

“I saw myself as if in Israel. A tall man came, took my hand and said, "Let's go, I'll show you the Holy City." When we reached the Holy City, it was covered in black cobwebs from top to bottom. At the top, not its highest point, a black flag fluttered over the city. Seeing all this, I asked the person who was with me: "What does this mean?"

"Look up and see what it means," he said. Looking up, I saw a black emblem with gold lettering. The inscription read: "Israel! You do not honor Me and mock Me. You trust the strength and power of man. Because you do not want to return to Me, I am against you and I will punish you with great anger. It will also purify those who are willing to call on Me with a pure heart. The shame and blasphemy inflicted by them reached heaven."

“After 8 days of traveling in Israel, I asked myself: “Why did I come here? All I see is the earth and wicked people. Why am I here?" After such thoughts, I prayed and fell asleep.

In a dream, five of us, myself, my two grandchildren and a married couple, were in Israel, on the Sea of ​​Galilee and looked around, noticing how warm and pleasant it was - a good place for a vacation.

"Who are you and why are you crying?" I asked.

“I am Jesus Christ and I look at my blood brothers and the people for whom I gave my life. Their sins have erected a wall between God and them. God decided to bring back all the scattered people and bring them out of other nations. Instead of thanking God for watching over them and giving them a safe way back, they became even more wicked than the nations they came from. I weep because they are in danger of trial and tribulation will come upon them. They say they keep the Sabbath, but they don't. They say they follow my laws, but they don't. All the nations of the world are looking at this place, thinking that this place is holy. They come here to seek holiness and an example for themselves. But this place is defiled. Therefore, God decided to take peace and tranquility from this country. They do not trust the world that God gives, but they try to create the world on their own. God can no longer tolerate their sins. For their wickedness, look and testify what punishment is coming upon Israel.”

Looking up, I saw a cloud of planes from the left of the Golan Heights and a huge army coming around the corner (Yarmouk River Valley) with a variety of weapons. They had horses, carts, cars, tanks, foot soldiers. I started hearing screams from the right, I asked, "Can you stop this?"

"Until they pass through hard times, they will not recognize Me and will not call on Me for help." He replied: "You will be in grief and sorrow when you leave this place." Jesus said, “But after a while your heart will be filled with joy. Tell those who love Me that I loved them first. They will be saved. I am eternal. I don't change. Everything I told you will happen."

“You go in peace,” said Jesus. Then there was a loud roar of thunder and we began to look for a place to hide, as we thought that the war had begun.

Lightning struck right in front of us and Jesus said, “Don't be afraid, you will leave this place in the world. Tell people what you saw."

Dimitru Duduman's prophecy about the USA and Israel: “I asked:

How will God save the church if America is on fire?

Tell them exactly as I say. As he saved the three youths from the fiery furnace, as Daniel from the lions, so he will save them.

Tell them to stop sinning and repent. God has blessed this country because of the Jews who live here. God has 7 million Jews here.

They did not taste war or persecution. God has blessed them more than anyone else. Instead of thanking God, they began to sin and do evil.

Their sins reached the Holy One. God will punish them with fire. Israel does not recognize the Messiah because they rely on the power of the Jews from America. When God strikes America, all nations will be horrified. God will raise up China, Japan and many other countries and they will overcome the Russians. They will push them back to the gates of Paris. They will conclude a peace treaty, but they will make the Russians their head. All nations with Russia as leader will go against Israel. Not that they wanted to. God will force them. Israel will no longer have Jewish support in America. In their horror, seeing what is to come, they will call on the Messiah. The Messiah will come to the aid of Israel. Then the saints will meet Him in the air” (1 Thess 4:16)

Are you ready to meet the Lord? Are your wedding clothes clean? If there are still stains on the garment of your soul, the blood of Jesus Christ has the power to cleanse from sins. Jesus Christ will be with the saints on the Mount of Olives. He himself will fight the army of all nations. I said: - If you are an angel of God, everything you say to me should be written in the Bible. If not, then I can't speak to Americans.

Tell them to read Jeremiah 51:8-15. He calls it the Mystery of Babylon, the Great Whore. Also Revelation 18, the whole chapter. It clearly says what will happen to America.” Quotes from Malcolm Heep's book "The Inevitable Fall of America".

"And now about the most important thing: As you yourself understand, in all this collapse (which happened to America and to the whole world), the Jews will be blamed and the surge of hatred towards them will coincide with the fall of the United States, which for 50 years has been the most important partner and patron Israel.The fall of the United States will produce an unprecedented surge of hatred for Israel, and all the demonic centers of anti-Semitism will sharply increase their activities and behave: impudent, cheeky and defiant! will disappear, then the pressure on Israel and anti-Semitism around the world will intensify like never before.


Then only you will remain among the people of God, but this is enough to gather Jews to Israel from all over the world! First the exodus, then the awakening! First a Jew, then a Greek! At first, Jerusalem was "pricked in the heart", then only Peter and Paul went to the Gentiles! You don't believe all this? Then just wait until the TV shows how the Jews blew up the Al-Aqsa Mosque and began to build a third temple in its place, on Mount Moriah! Then you will “see everything coming true” on your TV! And when you see this, then I beg you, help all the Jews who are around you to reach Israel!

After the American Revolution, perhaps 2015-2017, Israel will have only two reliable and faithful allies, God and His church. What to say about Russia? I can say very seriously, you will see the real "fangs of the Russian bear" only when the US falls. Then you will have to save all Russian Jews already “as if from fire” and then there will be no time for jokes and theological discussions! Then pastors, leaders, just parishioners, get into your cars and travel all over Russia, and take every single Jewish family out of it, no matter what it costs you! Whoever does not have a car, do everything to ensure that all your Jewish neighbors LEAVE! You are welcome! I ask you to! I beg you! For the sake of this time, "Esther is the church", God raised you."

Israeli Kabbalist Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri calls on all Jews scattered around the world to return to Israel to escape natural disasters that threaten all of humanity: “I am making this statement and I want it to be heard throughout the world. Jews must urgently return to Israel, as the world is threatened by terrible natural disasters. In the future, the Holy One, blessed be His Name, will send terrible natural disasters to the countries of the world in order to facilitate the judgment over the Land of Israel. I order that this statement be published as a warning so that Jews in other countries of the world realize the impending danger and return to the Land of Israel for the construction of the Temple and the appearance of our righteous Mashiach (Messiah).”

The vision of the American Samuel Doctorian. This vision was revealed to him on the island of Patmos in 1998: “... I saw the second Angel holding a sickle in his hand, as they hold during the harvest. He said, "The harvest has come in Israel and countries before Iran." In the twinkling of an eye, I saw these countries and heard: "All Turkey and those countries that rejected Me, rejected the message of love, will hate and destroy each other." I saw an Angel lifting a sickle. He moved it over the countries of the Middle East. I saw Iran, Persia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, all of Georgia, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, all of Asia Minor. All these lands were covered in blood. I saw fire. Atomic weapons were used against many of these countries, and smoke rose everywhere to the sky. Strong destruction - people destroyed each other. I heard the words: “Israel, O Israel, the time has come for the great judgment. The angel said, “The elect, the Church and the remnant of the people, will be cleansed. The Holy Spirit will prepare the children of God." I saw a flame of fire rising to the sky. The angel said, “This is the last judgment. My Church will be cleansed, preserved and prepared for the last day. People will die of thirst. There will be very little water in the entire Middle East. The rivers will dry up and the people in these countries will wage war over water." The angel showed me that the UN, through the catastrophic situation in the Middle East, will fall apart, and the UN, as such, will no longer exist. An angel with a sickle will reap the harvest.

Sarah Hoffman attempted suicide in 1979 but was brought back from the dead to end her earthly life.

Sarah was shown the end of the world and what it will be. She describes her vision as follows: “A panoramic view of the Earth came into view, and then it came closer and closer, as if I was flying towards it from space. I knew that this would help me make the decision to return to Earth and my terrible life, but part of my spirit wanted to return to a beautiful paradise. Another part of me felt the need to return to my body and change my life...

As the Earth got closer, I saw the whole world, and then different countries. I don't know the countries of the world well enough, but when I looked at the Earth, I instinctively knew what countries they were. I looked at the Middle East and saw a missile go out of Libya and hit Israel, a big mushroom grew there. I knew that the rocket was actually Iranian, but people from Iran were hiding it in Libya. I knew it was an atomic bomb. Almost immediately, rockets began to fly from one country to another, it quickly spread around the world. I also saw that many explosions were not from rockets, but from some kind of bombs. I knew that in the future there would be a nuclear war around the world, and how it would begin ... ".

Prophecies of the Greek elder George about the seven wars (recording of the conversation):

“Each of the wars will be even more cruel than the previous one. More and more states will be involved in each of the wars, and thus the war will cover more and more space of the globe. Between wars there will be periods of peace. The inhabitants of states involved in wars will pray to God for help, but their prayers will not be heard. The inhabitants of states that do not participate in wars will not be enlightened by the misfortunes of their neighbors, but instead will seek war and destruction in order to take revenge on their enemies. In the end, the war will cover the whole world. Famine, devastation, misfortune, rebellion, robbery and disease will reign everywhere.

The prophecies of the elder George about the seven wars (recording of the conversation): "... by this time, the Americans, after a fierce struggle, will take possession of the entire coast of Iran, but will not be able to move inland, as the Persians will desperately resist.

The Russians will pass through all of Persia and defeat the US-NATO troops. Then they will invade Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Kuwait and finally Israel.

At this time, the US and Israel will make the first attempt to use nuclear weapons, but the Russians neutralize it. This will cause interruptions in energy and communications throughout the world.

Then the Russians will enter Egypt and seize the Suez Canal. During the offensive in the Middle East, Russian troops will also pass through Greece, but will not cause the slightest damage to the Greeks. In addition, troops will pass through Greece very quickly.

This ability to quickly move large troops over long distances will be a great advantage for the Russians. This will be possible thanks to air vehicles of a new unknown design, similar to flying saucers ... ".

The "Revelation of Methodius of Patara" describes in detail the future invasion of the Ishmaelites (Muslims) in Italy, Israel and other countries (translated by L.N. Smolnikova, in square brackets - translator's note):

“And 7,000 more will come out in the last years, and they will conquer the whole earth, and they will reach Rome. And they will be defeated twice by the Romans, and the 3rd time they will take Rome, but they will not conquer other [cities]. And [they] will reach the great Gavat, which [is] beyond Rome ... And they will come, eat the meat of the strong, drink the blood of princes. In the same Gavat the great, all Hellenic [i.e. Greek] nobles, and so will all be taken captive by the Ishmaelites. The battle will be very great, so that the ox will drown in blood, since God also called Ishmael a wild donkey. “I am sent with wrath and fury against people, and against beasts, and against every tree that bears fruit.” And his coming will be - the execution of God without mercy. And four plagues will come upon them [i.e. The Lord will send four punishments on people]: death, pestilence, debauchery, ruin.

The Lord God said to Israel: “You see that, not loving you, I gave power over you to the sons of Izmailov [Ismaelites]. Let [they] take the Christian land, for the sake of the sins of their [Israelis] lawless [I] did so.” For [sins] this is what they do: the men [of Israel] put on the clothes of harlots. How women flaunt themselves, admiring themselves, walk the streets of the city, changing the natural [physiological] needs into unnatural ones, as Paul, the great apostle, said about this. So also their wives, just as their husbands do them. A father, and a son, and a brother copulate with one wife. On this occasion, the wise Paul spoke prophetically, after the descent of the Holy Spirit upon him. For many years before that, he said about them: “God will give them over to shameful passions, because their wives have changed their natural need [physiological], likewise men have left their natural need for a woman, a man has been kindled by a passion for a man, doing an evil deed.” Therefore, God delivers them [the Israelites] into the hands of the lawless Gentiles, and from them [the Gentiles, the Israelites] will fall into sin, [and] they themselves will be defiled, [and] their wives from those [Ismaelites] filthy. And instead of them [the Israelites], these Ishmaelites will be ... ".

In the Qumran manuscripts discovered in 1947 in the Dead Sea region and the caves of the Judean Desert, there is a prophecy about the wars that Israel will have to wage before the last battle of Armageddon.

Since the formation of Israel in 1948, the Jews have been waging almost unceasing wars with neighboring countries for their independence. In the future, the Jewish people will have to fight with Iraq, Iran, the Arabs, the peoples of Africa, the East and the troops of the Antichrist.

A quote from an ancient manuscript of the "War of the Sons of Light" about the coming battles: "... according to the plans of the war, from year to year. But during the years of release, let them not be allocated for entry into the army, for this is rest, peace for Israel. For thirty-five working years the war will be organized: for six years the whole society arranges it together, and the war by separate (armies) - the remaining twenty-nine years. In the first year they will fight with Aram of the Two Rivers, and in the second - with the sons of Lud. On the third day they will fight with the rest of the sons of Aram: with Utz, and Khul, Togar and Massa, which is beyond the Euphrates. On the fourth and fifth, they will fight against the sons of Arphaxad. In the sixth and seventh they will fight with all the sons of Assur and Persia and the eastern (peoples) to the great desert. In the eighth year they will fight against the sons of Elam. On the ninth day, they will fight with the sons of Ismail and Het-tura. And in the ten years following them, there will be a separate war against all the sons of Ham according to their [tribes (?) and their places of residence, and in the ten remaining years there will be a separate war against [the sons of Japheth] according to their places of residence.” ("The Wars of the Sons of Light" 2:8-14).

Prophecy of Lavrenty of Chernigov (1868-1950).

"Russia, together with all the Slavic peoples and lands, will form a mighty Kingdom. It will be nourished by the Orthodox Tsar - God's Anointed One. All schisms and heresies will disappear in Russia. Jews from Russia will leave to meet the Antichrist in Palestine, and there will not be a single Jew in Russia. There will be no Orthodox Church...

Bartholomew Holzhauser (1613-1658) on Satan's rule:“The Antichrist will come as the Messiah from the land between the two seas in the East. Born in the desert, and his mother is a prostitute..., will be a false prophet and a liar. Try to go up to heaven like Elijah. Will begin his service in the East, as a soldier and religious preacher, when he is thirty years old.

The Antichrist and his army will take Rome, kill the Pope, take his throne. Restore the Turkish regime and destroy the Great Monarch. The Jews, knowing from the Bible that the Messiah will come to Jerusalem, will accept the Antichrist as the Messiah. He will be able to fly. His flight will begin from Mount Calvary. He will tell the crowd to seize Enoch and Elijah and kill them again...”.

Armageddon is the place of the last battle between good and evil (Antichrist), which will take place in the "last times", during the Second Coming of the Savior. During this battle, the hordes of Gog from the country of Magog (in Islam - Yajuj and Majuj) will be destroyed. The god Yahweh himself will oppose the invaders, produce a terrible earthquake, strike the troops of Gog “on the mountains of Israel” and send fire to the land of Magog .... Who is Gog from the country of Magog? There are many versions about the origin of this name and people. Various authors considered the people of Gog: Russians, Chinese, Turks, Persians, Libyans, Ethiopians, Indians, Mongols, Tatars, etc. Let's consider this question in more detail.

Pliny assumed that the names of Gog and Magog were called the kings of Assyria and the countries neighboring Assyria.

According to Gesenius, “the words Gog and Magog mean the same northern people that the ancient Greeks called the Scythians” (cf. Joseph. Ancient 1, 6).

St. Ephraim the Syrian and John Chrysostom under Gog and Magog “understood the peoples who oppressed the Jews shortly after their return from Babylon” (Creations of Ephraim the Syrian. T. V. C. 58; Chrysostom. T. V. C. 668).

According to St. Andrew of Caesarea (5th century), the name Gog means Antichrist: “After this, “a man of lawlessness, a son of perdition” will come (2 Thess. 2: 3) ... Then, as it is said, Satan, released from his imprisonment, will deceive all peoples and for the devastation of the universe will raise Gog and Magog to battle ... Others say that Gog, translated from Hebrew, means an assembly or a gathering, and Magog means an exaltation or exalted, and that these names mean an assembly of peoples or their exaltation.

According to the prophecy of Ezekiel, Gog is the prince of Rosh, Mehesh and Tubal in the land of Magog (Ezek. Ch. 38-39). Some authors, referring to the Greek spelling of this name, consider Prince Rosh the ruler of Russia. But we know from the Bible that the names Magog, Meshech and Tubal mean people descended from Japheth, the third son of Noah. Here is the genealogy of the sons of Japheth: Homer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech and Firas.

The Revelation of Methodius of Patara says that Japheth got the western part of the earth:

“In the very first 100 years of the third thousand, a son was born to Noah and he was named Munt. And the sons of Noah were bred: Shem, Ham, Japheth. In the 300th year, the sons of Noah divided the land: and the eastern country was given to Shem, and the south to Ham, and the west to Japheth. The brothers did not allocate units to Muntu. His father sent him to the northern part of the earth.” In his eschatological narration, Methodius of Patara claims that Gog and Magog “will jump out from behind the western mountains” (translated by L.N. Smolnikova): “And after the reign of Michael, for the sins of those people, God will open the mountains western, and Gog, Magog and Aneg, and other 20 kings, will jump out of them, and begin to move around the earth. At the sight of them, people will be confused and [they] will start running and hiding in the mountains and in caves. And in the tombs they will begin to die from fear [at the sight of] them. And there will be no one to bury their sinful bodies. For the people coming from the north will begin to eat human flesh and drink [people's] blood like water. And everything will start to eat unclean and vile snakes and scorpions and other reptiles, and all kinds of animals, and all kinds of carrion. And [these people] will corrupt the earth and defile it, and there will be [no one who] endures on it. All people will run for 3 years, even to Jerusalem. And the Lord God will send His archangel Michael and kill them at night in the valley of Asafatov.

The Valley of Jehoshaphat is a place near Jerusalem where sinners should be gathered to perform the Last Judgment on them.

Based on the prophecy of Methodius of Patara, it can be argued that the Antichrist is Gog from the northwestern country of Magog. A ruler who will come from the northwest and occupy the lands of Jerusalem. The troops of Satan will capture the city and make it their capital. Almost all Israelis will accept the teachings of the Antichrist, and only a few Jews will remain adherents of the true faith and thereby be saved. In the same texts of the prophecies about Armageddon, people from the country "from the north" are also spoken of, who will come along with Gog. From the various predictions of the seers, it follows that the Antichrist will be an American, respectively, the western country of Magog - North America.

In the predictions about the “end times”, another northern people is mentioned who will fight the armies of the Antichrist in the land of Israel. According to prophecies, this will be a union of Slavic peoples from the north. Since two nations will take part in the battle of Armageddon, who will come from the north, it is necessary to distinguish between their role in this battle. One northern nation is the troops of Antichrist from North America, the other nation is the Russians, who will come from the north of Eurasia and destroy Satan.

Prophecy of the Tiburtine Sibyl (Syria, circa 7th century AD) published in Mirabilis Liber: “In those days Judah will be saved and Israel will live in safety. And in those days, the ruler of iniquity will come out of Dan's tribe, who will be called the Antichrist .... With his magical art, he will confuse the true believers, who will see how he brings down fire from heaven. “And years will be reduced to months, months to weeks, weeks to days, and days to hours.” Unclean peoples, Alexander - the Indian king, Gog and Magog will be associated with the North. These twenty-two kingdoms, the number of which is like the sand of the sea...

The Lord will shorten those days for the sake of the elect, and the Antichrist will be killed by the power of God through the archangel Michael on the Mount of Olives.

Prophecies of an unknown monk from Premol (XVII century)."With the peals of thunder, the clouds dispersed, and I saw that Jerusalem fell ill from a terrible storm, the walls fell as if from ramming and blood flowed through the streets. The enemy took possession of the city. The abomination of desolation ruled Jerusalem ..., the spirit lifted me up to heaven and said to me: "It is ordained that Archangel Michael will fight the Dragon for the triune God."

The Bible repeatedly mentions the disasters that will fall on Israel:“When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that its desolation is at hand; Then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains; and whoever is in the city, get out of it; and whoever is in the vicinity, do not enter it. For these are the days of vengeance, may all that is written be fulfilled.” (Warning of Jesus Christ. Luke 21:20-22)

“Zion will be plowed like a field, and Jerusalem will become a heap of ruins, and the mountain of this house a wooded hill (Jeremiah 26:18).

Lois Alexandre. Prophecy about Israel. "Listen, Israel, and I will speak. Unplowed arable land will not bear fruit. The garden is deserted, overgrown with thorns. I told you to keep My laws, but you did not obey Me. You constantly angered Me, walked in vain ways, weaved lies and were zealous in disobedience "Thunder will strike, lightning will flash. Terrible days will come. A storm will pass over the whole Earth. Didn't you say: where is God? The Lord did not tell us anything, why should we serve Him?"

And God saw your fuss. Nothing was hidden from His all-seeing eye. And now he strikes Israel. He will reward with revenge, He will pass and all the Israelites will tremble. they will wriggle like snakes. Thus says the Lord of hosts: you were arrogant. You were in a terrible furnace for this. I gave six million to the Nazis. You did not repent. I have faithful sons, they love My Torah. You, hiding behind their backs, walk in sinful ways.

Grigory Rasputin has an allegorical prediction about the future fate of Israel, Greece, possibly France and Russia:

“The four sisters are dressed in silk, but after three generations they will be dressed in rags. Peter's daughter (Apostle Peter the first Bishop of Rome was born in Galilee - Northern Palestine, Israel - approx. S.V.) stones will be torn out, and sheep will graze on the stones and each stone will be split, burned and scattered, and only glory will remain dust....".

The prophecy of Seraphim of Sarov about the distant future, recorded by the monk Motovilov: “Jews and Slavs are the two peoples of the fates of God, His vessels and witnesses, indestructible arks .... Because the Jews did not accept and did not recognize the Lord Jesus Christ, they are scattered over the face of the whole earth. But at the time of the Antichrist, many Jews will turn to Christ, as they will understand that the Messiah they mistakenly expect is none other than the One about whom our Lord Jesus Christ said: “I came in the name of My Father, and they did not accept Me, another will come in their own name, and they will receive it." So, despite their great crime before God, the Jews were and are a people beloved before God. The Slavs are loved by God because they keep the true faith in the Lord Jesus Christ to the end. At the time of the Antichrist, they are completely rejected and do not recognize him as the Messiah, and for this they will be rewarded with the great blessing of God: there will be an omnipotent language on earth, and there will be no other more omnipotent Russian-Slavic kingdom on earth.

AT In her (most ancient) prophecies, the Eritrean Sibyl also mentions the future fate of Israel. According to her predictions, the Jews who crucified Jesus Christ and accept the teachings of the Antichrist will die in the battle of Armageddon and during the Last Judgment.

Drunken Israel then will not be able to penetrate anything,
It’s hard in the ear, he won’t answer in any way, heavy from hops.
But when the Almighty will bring down his wrath on the Jews
He who strikes with a marksman will take away the faith of their people,
Because they crucified the Son of God.
Canto 1, 360-364.

In the sky, the Lord of hosts Adonai thunders high,
Sitting on His throne, a mighty pillar will establish,
On the clouds, the Immortal will also come to the Immortal
In the glory of Christ and with him flawless angels together.
He will sit at the right hand of the Great God and become
To judge those who lived righteously and people who vegetated in ungodliness.
Friendly with the Most High Himself, Moses will come, clothed
Flesh, as in life, and with him Abraham will appear great,
Here Isaac and Jacob, then Jesus with Elijah,
Habakkuk, Daniel, Jonah and who are from the Jews
Accepted death, will be here. And all the Jews will perish
To repay evil at the word of Jeremiah
And get what you deserve for everything you've done in life.
Canto 2, 239-251.
Here Isaac and Jacob, then Jesus with Elijah, Habakkuk, Daniel, Jonah and those who accepted death from the Jews, will be here - the great biblical prophets are listed.
Jesus is Joshua, in the Bible the helper of Moses, his successor, who led the conquest of Canaan.
To repay the evil according to the word of Jeremiah - a quote from the book of the prophet Jeremiah: “And I will pronounce My judgments on them for all their iniquities, because they forsake Me, and burned incense to foreign gods and worshiped the works of their hands (Jer. 1:16 ).

Compare what is written with reality, is it true?

Who do you think worked on this message? (article and its message to people)

Who was Slavik? (write in the comments)