Professions after the medical case. What can education give?

The specialty code of general medicine is 31.02.01 both in universities and colleges.

In universities, the entire educational process takes an average of 6 years. However, after graduating from the Faculty of General Medicine and obtaining a specialty to work in a specific area in the medical field, you need to take an internship course. Then graduates are given the opportunity to choose a practical specialization in specific areas of medicine. It also means that a graduate in general medicine can choose to study deeper and more fundamental areas of science, such as biochemistry or physiology. At present, during the transition to the new Federal State Educational Standard, the conditions for education are somewhat changing.

College medical specialty

The educational process within the framework of the specialty General Medicine 31.02.01 (old code 060101) implies the professional training of specialists in basic medical disciplines that meet the professional standards of secondary education. The term of study in this direction in college is 3 years 10 months.

Upon graduation, students get the opportunity to practice general medicine, which allows them to choose the profession of primary medical care to provide comprehensive medical care. help.

The specifics of education in the specialty medical business in honey. College is such that the course of study represents the fundamental disciplines of broad specialization. Due to the fact that there are no narrow-profile areas, students receive only general training in basic areas of medicine.

Graduate of medical The college is allowed to work in specialties belonging to the category of junior medical personnel, such as the specialty of a medical assistant.

Also, the educational institution trains specialists in the areas of manual therapy. Masseurs can be attributed to this link.

One way or another, studying at a medical college will be an excellent opportunity to decide on a further choice of profession.

What is studied in the specialty of medical business

Speaking about the specialty 31.02.01 medical business, it is worth focusing on the learning process. The training of specialists takes place in two stages. From the 1st to the 3rd year of university, students undergo preclinical training. As a rule, complex theoretical training takes place during this process. It consists in getting acquainted with the medical treatment facility and caring for the sick.

In addition, future doctors receive general knowledge in the direction of "Surgery", as well as study varieties of internal diseases. Upon completion of the training, students are waiting for the passage of clinical practice.

When studying the specialty of general medicine, the next step will be clinical training, which takes place from 4 to 6 courses. This period requires maximum concentration from students, because. in its specificity requires the fullest use of the potential of the studied material. This includes the psychological aspect of the work, because the specialist begins clinical practice as part of an educational program.

First of all, attention is focused on the ability of the future doctor to interact with patients and diagnose possible diseases. At this stage, the educational process is somewhat expanding its scope and extends not only to a medical university, but also to practice in a hospital.

Specialty medical business who to work

When preparing in a hospital, undergraduates in the specialty of general medicine are invited to choose a direction for advanced training. After completing the workshops as part of a residency program or internship, you can choose a number of specialties of a narrow focus, for example, otolaryngology, neuropathology, etc.

Upon completion of training in the specialty of general medicine, specialists need to have skills in working with honey. equipment, as well as, relying on knowledge of pharmacology, fully understand medical preparations. In addition, doctors must have practical knowledge in the field of rehabilitation areas of medicine, which is important when choosing a specialty in general medicine and be prepared to conduct a forensic medical examination.

Graduates of universities can be engaged not only in diagnostic, but also in management activities. A number of institutions where it is possible to practice include hospitals, dispensaries and various medical centers, including emergency care facilities.

Perhaps you will be interested.

The most common entrance exams are:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (basic level)
  • Chemistry - a profile subject, at the choice of the university
  • Biology - at the choice of the university
  • Physics - at the choice of the university
  • Foreign language - at the choice of the university

"General Medicine" is one of the most popular specialties in medical schools and faculties of medicine. Most doctors first study in the "Medicine" and then receive a postgraduate education to become narrow specialists.


A graduate of the specialty "Medicine" can receive a specialization and become:

  • therapist
  • pediatrician,
  • gynecologist (obstetrician-gynecologist),
  • surgeon
  • cardiologist,
  • endocrinologist,
  • neuropathologist, etc.

Specialists of rarer professions, for example, hematologist, nutritionist, cosmetologist, nephrologist, oncologist, etc. also receive basic education in the specialty "Medicine". In total, more than 100 narrow specializations are available to graduates!

Currently, the market especially needs qualified obstetrician-gynecologists, pediatricians, "family" doctors (general practitioners), cardiologists.

Possible places of work

  • public and commercial hospitals,
  • public health authorities,
  • institutions of social protection of citizens,
  • research institutes,
  • medical offices in educational institutions and enterprises,
  • institutions of secondary vocational and higher education (medical faculties, universities, colleges).

A graduate can work as a doctor, head of a department, teacher, become a scientist or open a private office (own business). For further career advancement in institutions, as a rule, it is required to continue education in the field of medicine.

Description of specialty

A graduate in the specialty "Medicine" does not have the right to independently manage patients, prescribe and conduct treatment. He can only perform his work with patients under the supervision of more experienced specialists. At the same time, he can be engaged in scientific activities, he can hold various positions in medical institutions.

To work as a doctor, a graduate in the specialty "Medicine" after graduation must receive a postgraduate education. This is an internship (1 year) or residency (2 years) in the chosen specialization, for example, therapist, obstetrician-gynecologist, resuscitator, etc. After that, he becomes a doctor who has the right and qualification to work independently with patients. You can choose residency and after it go to work as a doctor.

Passing an internship (without choosing a residency) is mandatory for all graduates of a medical university or faculty. During the year, the intern works under the guidance of experienced doctors. They check his activities and save patients from medical errors that an inexperienced specialist can make.

The main subjects in training in the specialty

The first three years of study are studied in the humanities (economics, sociology, history of Russia, etc.), natural sciences (physics, chemistry, etc.) and biomedical disciplines, including human anatomy, physiology, microbiology, pharmacology, etc.

Some humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines are studied in direct connection with medicine and are aimed at the comprehensive development of specialists. For example, psychology for working with patients, jurisprudence for knowledge of the legislation in the field of medicine, the history of medicine and pharmacy.

From the fourth year, the emphasis is on professional disciplines. Students of the specialty "Medicine" study many areas of medicine without a certain bias in one of them. The most deeply studied subjects:

  • obstetrics and gynecology,
  • pediatrics,
  • internal illnesses,
  • infectious diseases,
  • surgical diseases,
  • general surgery and anesthesiology,
  • extreme and military medicine.

Terms of study

The educational standard of the specialty establishes a six-year period of study in full-time form and a period of 6.5 years in part-time form. In practice, the part-time form is valid only for the first 2 years of study; It is impossible to obtain a medical specialty by correspondence form.

It turns out that, taking into account the mandatory internship or residency, the doctor's training period is 7-8 years.

In total, the future doctor studies full-time for 303 weeks, of which 222 weeks are devoted to direct study at the university (lectures, workshops, seminars, laboratory work) and passing exams and tests. At least 41 weeks are allotted for holidays, at least 18 weeks for industrial practice.

Skills and abilities acquired during training

A graduate in the specialty "Medicine" is able to:

  • diagnose patients and prescribe treatment adequate to the diagnosis and state of health,
  • provide medical care in a variety of situations, including emergencies,
  • carry out disease prevention
  • carry out rehabilitation and therapeutic measures for diseases of any body systems, as well as after injuries, surgical operations,
  • conduct various medical examinations, including an assessment of people's ability to work, forensic medical examinations,
  • work with medicines
  • work with medical equipment, equipment, tools that are used to diagnose and treat patients,
  • maintain medical records and much more.

Choosing a profession is a very important matter. The fate, the content of each day, the realization of abilities and interests, the circle of friends depend on the decision. When making a choice, it is recommended to pay attention to professions related to medicine. They are suitable for those people who dream of devoting themselves to caring for other people, their health. Medical professions, list and overviews of all specialties is what we have to consider.

Professions that can be obtained at the university

Many people aspire to higher education. In medical universities, applicants are offered 9 specialties. It:

  • "Medicine".
  • "Pediatrics".
  • "Medical and preventive work".
  • "Dentistry".
  • "Pharmacy".
  • "Sisterhood".
  • "Medical Biochemistry".
  • "Medical Biophysics".
  • "Medical cybernetics".

In the first four specialties, the qualification of a doctor is awarded. At Pharmacy they become pharmacists, and at Nursing Business they become nurses. In the last specialties, the qualifications of a biochemist, a biophysicist and a cybernetics doctor are awarded. Let's take a closer look at the presented list of medical professions and specialties.

"Medicine" and "Pediatrics"

"Medicine" is the most versatile specialty. That is why there are always many applications for it in universities. People with this specialty can be engaged in treatment, diagnosis, prevention, carry out educational, organizational, managerial and research activities.

"Pediatrics" is a specialty, the essence of which is the treatment of children, the diagnosis and prevention of childhood diseases. Doctors monitor the development of babies from birth, refer them, if any problems are identified, to specialists with highly specialized medical professions.

"Medical and preventive business" and "Dentistry"

At Dentistry, students study disciplines related to diseases of the oral mucosa, implantology, caries, etc. In the future, with this specialty, people become general dentists, orthopedists, and hygienists. They are engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the oral cavity, eliminate caries, install implants, removable and fixed dentures, and perform disease prevention.

"Pharmacy" and "Nursing"

An interesting specialty is "Pharmacy". It is suitable for people who love chemistry and understand it. Pharmacy trains specialists who will continue to manufacture medicines, work in the research niche, develop new medicines, and study the effectiveness of drugs. After graduating in this specialty, many work in pharmacies - selling medicines, providing consulting services to visitors.

"Nursing" is an important specialty, a necessary profession. A nurse is required in all branches of medicine. This specialist takes care of sick people, follows the instructions of the doctor. After graduation, you can get a job in any clinic or hospital as an ordinary nurse. In the future, thanks to the presence of higher education, it will be possible to become a senior nurse.

Medical biochemistry, biophysics and cybernetics

The specialty "Medical Biochemistry" is associated with laboratory diagnostics, biochemical, clinical, immunological and medical genetic studies. The direction "Medical Biophysics" involves working with modern medical equipment. Those people who enter here become radiologists, doctors of ultrasound diagnostics in the future.

"Medical cybernetics" is a young specialty. It combines different sciences: biology, physics, computer science, and medicine. People with this specialty can work with computers, use the latest equipment in examinations of sick people, and troubleshoot devices. The future professions of students studying at the "Medical Cybernetics" are a cybernetics doctor, a laboratory doctor for sound and radiation diagnostics, an immunologist, etc.

Medical contraindications to professions

Not all people can have professions related to medicine, because they have contraindications:

  • nervous and mental diseases;
  • severe diseases of hearing and vision;
  • skin and infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • impaired coordination of hand movements.

With serious diseases that pose a danger to others, it will not be possible to enter the above list of professions. A medical examination is what every applicant undergoes when entering any medical school. The results are submitted to the selection committee.

Features of obtaining medical specialties at the university

Our country has long switched to training specialists in a two-level system of education. However, medical universities decided not to abandon the traditions of Russian higher education. All specialties (except "Nursing") belong to the specialty. To become a doctor or pharmacist, it takes 5 to 6 years of full-time university education. "Nursing" refers to the undergraduate degree. The duration of study in this specialty is 4 years in the full-time department.

Correspondence education is allowed only in the direction of "Pharmacy" and "Nursing". The rest of the medical professions can be obtained only at the full-time department. The fact is that you can learn how to treat sick people and perform various medical manipulations only at a university, practicing all the skills on phantoms and mannequins, and in a hospital at the patient's bedside during practice.

Postgraduate education for doctors

In higher education, the duration of doctor's training is the longest. Students who study at non-medical universities receive the right to conduct activities after receiving a diploma. The medical profession is completely different. A doctor's diploma does not give the right to conduct independent medical activities. To obtain it, future specialists undergo primary postgraduate specialization.

The following prospects for further education open up for graduates of medical universities:

  • acquisition of primary medical specialization in internship (after receiving a diploma) within 1 year;
  • acquisition of medical specialization with in-depth training in residency for 2 or 3 years;
  • conducting research activities in the field of theoretical biomedical sciences.

Acquisition of specialization in internship

In an internship, as mentioned above, primary medical specializations are acquired. These include: therapy, gynecology and obstetrics, surgery, infectious diseases, pediatrics, psychiatry, emergency medical care and others. What can you become after an internship? For example, a university graduate, after completing his studies in the specialty "Medicine", having evaluated all medical professions, chose a surgeon. To become one, upon admission to the internship, you will need to choose the specialization "surgery".

After completing the internship, the graduate receives 2 documents: a certificate attached to the diploma, confirming the receipt of postgraduate education and a certificate of a specialist, which gives the right to independent medical practice.

Obtaining specialization in residency and postgraduate studies

Specializations that require advanced training include cardiology, hematology, clinical pharmacology, ultrasound diagnostics, pediatric oncology, surgical dentistry, etc. a neurosurgeon or an oncologist-surgeon.

After 2 or 3 years of residency training, the doctor also receives 2 documents: a certificate and a certificate. Thanks to them, you can work in the chosen specialization. Thus, the path to the profession of a narrow specialist in medicine can be 9 years. For people who are interested in a certain subject and science, the path to graduate school is open. The duration of training is 3 years. The purpose of postgraduate studies is to train highly qualified scientific personnel.

Secondary and primary medical education

Medical professions are obtained not only in universities, but also in colleges - schools, colleges. It trains mid-level specialists. These include:

  • paramedics;
  • obstetricians;
  • nurses;
  • assistant sanitary doctors;
  • epidemiologists;
  • medical laboratory assistants;
  • dental technicians;
  • pharmacists.

There is also the profession of "junior nurse". This is the initial professional medical education. Students of I-II courses begin to earn extra money as junior nurses. Their duties include changing linen on a sick person, his bed, feeding seriously ill patients, assisting in transportation.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that before entering a medical university in order to obtain any profession, it is worth assessing your personal qualities. In future work, attentiveness, emotional stability, accuracy, observation, responsibility, compassion, conscientiousness are important.

Previously, this state standard had the number 040100 (according to the Classifier of areas and specialties of higher professional education)
Appendix N 3 to the order

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

State educational


higher professional education

Specialty 040100 - General Medicine

Qualification Doctor

Entered from the moment of approval

Moscow 2000


040100 - General medicine

1.1. The specialty is approved by the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian

Federation (Order of the State Committee for Higher Education of the Russian Federation dated March 5, 1994 No. 180).

1.2. Graduate qualification - Doctor.

The normative term for mastering the main educational program of training in the specialty 040100 - General Medicine in full-time education is six years, in part-time (evening) education - six and a half years.

1.3.Qualification characteristics of the graduate.

The object of professional activity of graduates is the patient.

A doctor - a graduate in the specialty 040100 General Medicine has the right to carry out medical and preventive activities only under the supervision of certified specialists. He has the right to occupy medical positions that are not related to the independent management of patients. A graduate can engage in research activities in theoretical and fundamental areas of medicine.

Graduates of the specialty 040100 - General Medicine can be prepared to perform the following types of professional activities:

    • preventive,
    • diagnostic,
    • medical,
    • educational,
    • organizational and managerial,
    • research.

A doctor - a graduate in the specialty 040100 General Medicine is prepared to solve the following tasks:

  • carrying out primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of diseases of the population (healthy, sick, members of their families and teams);
  • diagnosis of diseases, primarily early and typical manifestations of the disease, as well as low-symptomatic and atypical variants of the course of the disease based on the possession of propaedeutic and laboratory-instrumental research methods;
  • diagnostics and first aid in emergency conditions;
  • treatment using therapeutic and surgical methods;
  • diagnosis and management of physiological pregnancy, delivery;
  • examination of the working capacity of patients;
  • forensic medical examination;
  • hygienic education of patients and their families;
  • organization of work in medical institutions and maintenance of medical records;
  • medical assistance to the population in extreme conditions of epidemics, in the centers of mass destruction;
  • independent work with information (educational, scientific, normative reference literature and other sources).

The doctor must be able to:

  • to carry out individual and population prevention of diseases, clinical examination of healthy and sick people;
  • to diagnose and treat patients in the provision of planned and emergency medical care with diseases and pathological conditions, the study of which is provided for by the curriculum and study plans at a medical university;
  • maintain medical records;
  • conduct a forensic medical examination;
  • provide medical care in the centers of mass destruction of the population;
  • organize the work of medical personnel subordinate to him in the departments of healthcare institutions, taking into account safety requirements and in accordance with the regulatory documents of the healthcare service;
  • effectively conduct work on medical education of healthy and sick people.

1.4. Opportunities to continue the education of a doctor who has mastered the basic educational program of higher professional education in the specialty 040100 - General Medicine:

The doctor is prepared to continue his education in internship, residency, postgraduate study (at theoretical departments) under the programs of postgraduate professional education.


2.1. The previous level of education of the applicant is secondary (complete) general education.

2.2. The applicant must have a state document on secondary (complete) general education or secondary vocational education, if it contains a record of the bearer receiving secondary (complete) general education, or higher vocational education.



040100 - General medicine

3.1. The main educational program for the preparation of a Doctor is developed on the basis of this state educational standard and includes a curriculum, programs of academic disciplines, programs of educational and industrial practices.

3.2. The requirements for the mandatory minimum content of the main educational program for the training of a Doctor, for the conditions for its implementation and the timing of its development are determined by this state educational standard.

3.3. The main educational program for the preparation of a Doctor consists of disciplines of the federal component, disciplines of the national-regional (university) component, disciplines of the student's choice, as well as optional disciplines. Disciplines and courses of the student's choice in each cycle should substantially complement the disciplines specified in the federal component of the cycle.

3.4. The main educational program for the preparation of a Doctor should provide for the study by the student of the following cycles of disciplines and the final state certification:

GSE cycle - Humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines;

EH cycle - Mathematical, natural science and biomedical


OPD cycle - Professional disciplines;

cycle DS - Disciplines of the specialty;

FTD - Electives.





040100 - General medicine

Name of disciplines and their main sections

Total hours (

total labor intensity)

Humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines

Federal component:

Foreign language

Consolidation of the secondary school program, the study of new lexical and grammatical material necessary for reading and translating original foreign literature in the specialty.

Various types of speech activity, reading, etc., allowing the use of a foreign language as a means of professional communication (written and oral).

Text processing skills in the specialty to use the information received for professional purposes: translation, annotation, summarizing (in native and foreign languages).

Oral communication skills (listening, dialogical and monologue speech), allowing you to participate in professional communication with foreign colleagues in the scope of the topics indicated in the program for the discipline "foreign language" for students of medical and pharmaceutical universities

Physical Culture.

Domestic history. The history of Russia as an integral part of the history of mankind. The main patterns and features of world history through the prism of national Russian history. The impact of Russian history on the world process. Representation

about the history of mankind and its main stages as an important factor in the formation of value orientations and determining the civic position of modern man. Problems

methodology of history; correlation of political, economic, spiritual factors in history; the role of religion and religious beliefs. Criteria for knowledge of history; types and forms of civilizations.

New approaches to the problem of "man in history"; the history of everyday life, lifestyle and customs; political leaders, generals and

reformers in history. Social history, interaction of revolutions

and reforms. The place and role of Russia, Russian civilization and culture in

the history of mankind. Characteristic features of European and Eastern civilizations. The main stages of world history. Ancient world: role

ancient heritage for European culture; the contribution of Eastern civilizations (China, India, the Arab East, etc.); Russia and

nomadic world. Middle Ages: formation of nation-states; authoritarian power and the emergence of class representation; humanism and reformation; the role of Christianity in

European civilization; formation of Orthodoxy in Russia. New

history: the history of geographical discoveries that expanded the boundaries

peace; industrial revolution and its consequences; The 18th century is the century of enlightenment and humanism; Russia opens a window to Europe; Russian reforms and reformers in the 19th century; the contribution of Russian culture to world culture. Modern history (XX century): the role of the XX century in world history; globalization of social processes; the problem of economic growth and modernization; social transformation

society; clash of internationalism and nationalism, integration and separatism, democracy and authoritarianism. World and local

wars; the role of the Soviet Union in the victory over fascism; history of the cold war. Scientific and technological revolution and its impact on the course

community development; integration of science and education. Russian factor in the political, social and spiritual history of the XX century.

Geopolitical changes in the world at the turn of the 1800-90s.

Culturology. Structure and composition of modern cultural knowledge. Culturology and philosophy of culture, sociology of culture, cultural anthropology. Culturology and history of culture. Theoretical and applied cultural studies. Methods of cultural research. Basic concepts of cultural studies: culture, civilization,

morphology of culture, functions of culture, subject of culture, cultural genesis, dynamics of culture, language and symbols of culture, cultural codes, intercultural communications, cultural values ​​and norms, cultural traditions, cultural picture of the world, social institutions of culture, cultural self-identity, cultural modernization.

Typology of cultures. Ethnic and national, elite and mass culture. Eastern and Western types of cultures. Specific and "middle" cultures. local cultures. The place and role of Russia in world culture. Tendencies of cultural universalization in the world modern process. Culture and nature. culture and

society. Culture and global problems of our time. Culture and personality. Enculturation and socialization.

Political science.

Object, subject and method of political science. Functions of political science.

Political life and power relations. The role and place of politics in

life of modern societies. Social functions of politics. History of political doctrines. Russian political tradition: origins,

sociocultural foundations, historical dynamics. Modern political schools. Civil society, its origins and

peculiarities. Features of the formation of civil society in Russia.

Institutional aspects of politics. Political power. Politic system. Political regimes, political parties, electoral systems. Political relations and processes.

Political conflicts and ways to resolve them. political technologies. Political management. Political modernization.

Political organizations and movements. political elites. political leadership. Sociocultural aspects of politics. World

Politics and international relations. Features of the world

political process. National-state interests of Russia in the new geopolitical situation. Methodology of cognition of political reality. Paradigms of political knowledge. Expert political knowledge; political analytics and forecasting.


Medical law, bioethics and deontology are important regulatory systems in the field of protecting the health of citizens. State and law. Their role in society. Rules of law and normative-legal acts.

Legal awareness and legal culture of a doctor. The main legal systems of modernity. International law as a special system of law.Sources of Russian law. Law and regulations. The system of Russian law. Branches of law as guarantors of ensuring the rights of citizens in the field of health protection. Offense and legal responsibility. The value of law and order in modern society. Constitutional state. The Constitution of the Russian Federation is the fundamental law of the state. Constitutional rights of citizens to health care and medical care. Features of the federal structure of Russia. The system of public authorities in the Russian Federation. Legal bases of public health management. Medical law. Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens. The rights of patients and medical workers. The concept of civil law. Individuals and legal entities. Ownership. Obligations in civil law and responsibility for their violation. Compensation for harm caused by improper provision of medical care. Inheritance law. Marriage and family relations. Mutual rights and obligations of spouses, parents and children. Family law liability. Adoption Mysterychild. Family planning concept. Employment contract (contract). Labor discipline and responsibility for its violation. Features of labor regulation of medical workers. Administrative offenses and administrative responsibility. The concept of crime. Criminal liability for committing crimes. Professional and official offenses of medical personnel and their prevention. Environmental law. Features of legal regulation of future professional activity. Legal basis for the protection of state secrets. Medical secrecy. Legislative and normative-legal acts in the field of information protection and state secrets. Actual problems of medicine and law.


Subject, object and methods of psychology. The role of psychological knowledge in the work of a doctor. The main scientific schools of modern psychology. Individual, personality, individuality. The influence of the patient's personality on the onset, course of the disease and the possibility of the disease affecting his psyche. Personality of a doctor as a factor of patient's trust in him. The structure of the psyche. Relationship between consciousness and the unconscious. Behavior levels. Modern ideas about learning. Behavioral approach to understanding abnormal behavior. Behavior modification from the standpoint of learning. Learning and personality. Psychological characteristics of activity as a purely human behavior. Conscious and automated components of activity. Will as a conscious organization and self-regulation by the personality of its activity. The concept of frustration. Mechanisms of intrapsychic protection. Personal development in activity and health. The doctor and the patient as partners in the management of activities aimed at the health of the patient. Behavior motivation. Conscious and unconscious motives. Motives and meaning. Motivation and health. Motivation and disease. The psychological meaning of the disease. Perception of the world. Properties of perception as a subjective image of the world. subliminal perception. Perception in the treatment and diagnostic process. The inner picture of health. Internal picture of the disease. Therapeutic effect. cognitive

processes. emotional processes. Emotional provision of behavior. Emotional factors. The psychology of grief. Prevention of fear and anxiety. Psychology of communication. Peculiarities

medical professional communication.

Transfer and countertransfer. Channels of communication, Psychology of groups. Group structure and its dimension. group dynamics. The doctor as a member

professional group. therapy groups. The family is like a small group. Pedagogy.

Object, subject, tasks, functions, methods of pedagogy. The main categories of pedagogy: education, upbringing, training, pedagogical activity, pedagogical interaction, pedagogical technology,

pedagogical task. Medical Pedagogy. Pedagogical aspects of the doctor's professional activity. Education of patients, medical

personnel. Educational programs in work with the patient's family.

Russian language and culture of speech. Styles of the modern Russian language. Vocabulary, grammar, syntax, functional and stylistic composition of book speech. Terms

functioning of colloquial speech and the role of extralinguistic factors. Linguistic and extralinguistic factors of public speech.

Scope of functioning, species diversity, language features of the official business style. Interpenetration of styles

elements of all language levels in scientific speech. Genre differentiation, selection of language means in a journalistic style. Features of oral public speech. speaker and his audience. Main

kinds of arguments. Speech preparation: choice of topic, purpose of speech, search for material, beginning, deployment and completion of speech. Basic tricks

search for material and types of auxiliary materials. Verbal form of public speaking. clarity, information and

expressiveness of public speech. Language formulas of official documents. Techniques for unifying the language of service documents.

International properties of Russian official business writing

speech. Language and style of administrative documents. Language and style of commercial correspondence. Language and style of instructive and methodological documents. Advertising in business speech. Design rules

documents. Speech etiquette in the document. Basic units of communication (speech event, speech situation, speech interaction).

Normative, communicative, ethical aspects of oral and written speech. Culture of speech and improvement of literate writing and speaking

(literary pronunciation, semantic stress, word order functions,

word usage). Non-verbal means of communication. Speech

norms of educational and scientific spheres of activity.

Sociology. Background and socio-philosophical premises of sociology as a science. Sociological project of O. Kont. classical sociological

Theories. Modern sociological theories. Russian sociological thought. Society and social institutions. World system and processes

globalization. Social groups and communities. types of communities

community and personality. Small groups and collectives. social organization. social movements. Social inequality, stratification and social mobility. The concept of social status. Social interaction and social relations. Public opinion as an institution of civil society. Culture as a factor

social change. Interaction of economy, social relations and culture. Personality as a social type. Social control and deviation. Personality as an active subject. Social

changes. Social revolutions and reforms. The concept of social

progress. Formation of the world system. Russia's place in the world

community. Methods of sociological research.


The subject of philosophy. Place and role of philosophy in culture (medicine). Historical types and trends in philosophy. The main stages of the historical development of philosophical thought. Philosophy in the development of Russian spirituality. The structure of philosophical knowledge Genesis. The concept of spirit, matter and consciousness, space, time and movement. Life as a specific form of motion of matter. Scientific, philosophical and religious pictures of the world. Dialectics, its principles and universal laws. Development, its models and laws. Organic evolution on Earth. Ontological status of earthly life. Man, society, culture. Human and nature. Production and its role in human life. Society and its structure. Man in the system of social relations. Man as a creator and creation of culture. Love and creativity in human life. Man and the historical process, personality and masses, freedom and necessity. The meaning of life and human activity. Cognition. The ratio of opinion, faith, understanding, interpretation and knowledge. Rational and empirical knowledge. Irrational cognition: intuition in medicine. Reflection of the world in consciousness as knowledge. Creative “construction” of knowledge. Practice. The science. Scientific and non-scientific knowledge. Truth and its criteria. The structure of scientific knowledge, its methods and forms. Scientific revolutions and change of types of rationality. Union of Philosophy and Medicine. Philosophical and methodological foundations of medicine. Philosophical and ethical problems in medicine (bioethics)²



The subject of economic science, its sections. Economic systems. Economic institutions. Macroeconomics. Demand. Individual and market demand. Sentence. market mechanism. The role of prices in the economy. Markets of interrelated goods and services. Firm. Accounting and economic costs and profits. Performance. Competition and market structure. Antimonopoly regulation. Labor market. Demand and supply of labor. Human capital. Income. Inequality and income redistribution. Functions and types of money. Inflation and its causes. GDP and GNP. CHNP. national income. Personal income. Aggregate supply and demand. macroeconomic equilibrium. Types and level of unemployment. Unemployment measures. The economic growth. growth models. Economic cycles. fiscal policy. The main items of income and expenditure of the state budget. Banking system. International economy. Development of economic science. Fundamentals of Applied Economics. Entrepreneurship. Types of enterprises. Types of securities. Fundamentals of accounting. Evaluation of the results of economic activity. The concept of bankruptcy. Fundamentals of Marketing. Types of advertising. Taxes. Tax system. financial institutions. The mechanism of action of stock exchanges, insurance and investment companies. Fundamentals of consumer knowledge. Transition economy. Characteristics and structure of the Russian economy.


Moral and ethical norms, rules and principles of professional medical behavior. Rights of the patient and physician. Ethical foundations of modern medical legislation. Application of ethical principles when using new biomedical technologies

History of medicine and pharmacy.

The influence of the environment on human health, the search for effective means of treatment and prevention, diagnosis, the relationship between the doctor and the patient, the place of the doctor in society; understanding of medical systems and medical schools; doctrine of a healthy lifestyle. Folk and traditional medicine. Magical and demonological medicine. Medical education. The first medical institutions. Influence of world religions on medicine. Outstanding figures of medicine and pharmacy. Outstanding medical discoveries, The impact of humanistic ideas on medicine. The impact of the scientific revolution and the technical program on the development of medicine. Features of the national history of medicine. Problems of medical ethics and deontology in the history of domestic medicine and at the present stage.

Latin language and basic terminology

Disciplines and courses at the choice of the student, established by the university:

Natural-science, mathematical and medical-biological disciplines

Federal component:


Mathematical methods for solving intellectual problems and their application in medicine.


Theoretical foundations of informatics. Collection, storage, search, processing, transformation, dissemination of information in medical and biological systems. The use of computers in health care.

Basic laws of physics. Physical phenomena and processes. Physical bases of functioning of the medical equipment. Device and purpose of medical equipment.

Chemistry: general and bioorganic.

The chemical nature of substances. Chemical phenomena and processes. Basic laws and concepts. Chemistry and medicine.

Biology with ecology.

Biomedical disciplines

biological chemistry


The chemical nature of substances and chemical phenomena and processes in the body. Clinical Biochemistry

Human anatomy.

The structure of the human body in relation to the function and topography of systems and organs. Development and individual characteristics


Histology, embryology, cytology.

The main patterns of development and life of the body based on the structural organization of cells, tissues and organs. Histofunctional features of tissue elements. Research methods

normal physiology.

Functional systems of the human body, their regulation and self-regulation under the influence of the external environment. Patterns of functioning of individual organs and systems

Microbiology, virology, immunology.

Classification, morphology and physiology of microorganisms and their identification. The role and properties of microorganisms. Distribution and impact on human health. Methods of microbiological diagnostics. The use of basic antibacterial, antiviral and biological drugs.


Classification and main characteristics of medicines. Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics. Indications and contraindications for the use of drugs, use and side effects.

Pathological anatomy.

Structural bases of diseases and pathological processes. Morphological changes in organs and tissues in pathological

processes .


Causes, main mechanisms of development and outcomes of typical pathological processes. Patterns of violations of the functions of organs and systems

National-regional (university component):

up to 15% of the total

cycle volume

Professional disciplines

Federal component:

Medical and preventive disciplines

Hygiene with the basics of human ecology. VG.

Preventive medicine. Diseases associated with the adverse effects of climatic and social factors. Hygienic aspects of nutrition. Hygiene of medical institutions. Hygiene of children and adolescents. Hygienic problems of health care for workers in industry. Organization and implementation of preventive measures. Ecology and rational nature management


The subject, place and role of public health and health, the health care system. Medical statistics. Population health indicators. The most important diseases and their social and hygienic significance. Financing the health care system. Health insurance. Social insurance and social security. Planning, financing of healthcare institutions. Organization of medical care for various groups of the population.



National-regional (university component):

up to 15% of the total

cycle volume

Clinical disciplines

Collection and analysis of information about the patient's health status, training in a professional algorithm for solving practical problems of diagnosis, treatment of patients and disease prevention, skills of professional medical behavior. Maintaining medical records.

infectious diseases.

Clinical pharmacology.


Therapeutic exercise and medical control.

Radiation diagnostics and therapy.

Sectional course.

Neurology, neurosurgery.

Medical genetics.



Psychiatry and narcology.

Forensic Medicine.

Extreme and military medicine.

Obstetrics and gynecology.


General patient care.

Propaedeutics of internal diseases.

Internal diseases, general physiotherapy, VPT.





General patient care.

General surgery, anesthesiology.

Resuscitation and intensive care.

Operative surgery and topographic anatomy.

Surgical diseases.



Traumatology and orthopedics. VPH.



National-regional (university component):

up to 15% of the total

cycle volume

Specialty disciplines

Internal illnesses.

Surgical diseases.

obstetrics and gynecology


polyclinic therapy.

Occupational diseases


Infectious diseases, epidemiology.

Public health and health.

Disciplines and courses at the choice of the student, established by the university:

Total hours of theoretical training:





040100 - General medicine

5.1. Term of mastering the main educational program

training of a Physician in full-time education is

303 weeks including:

Theoretical training, including student research work, workshops, including laboratory and examination sessions

220 weeks


Educational - p about all clinical disciplines up to 25%


18 weeks

Final state

4 weeks


(including 4(8) weeks of postgraduate leave)

41(46) a week

5.2. For persons with a secondary (complete) general education, the terms for mastering the main educational program for the preparation of a Doctor in a part-time (evening) form of study -

6,5 years.

5.3. The maximum amount of study load (total labor intensity) of a student is set

54 hours a week, including all types of his classroom and extracurricular (independent) educational work.

5.4. The volume of classroom studies of a student in full-time education should not exceed the average for the period of theoretical education

36 hours per week. At the same time, the specified volume does not include classes in optional disciplines.

When forming the main educational program, the university is obliged to allocate

for class sessions with students

2/3 from the amount of time of the total labor intensity,

for laboratory, practical classes - at least

30% from classroom time.

Independent work of students in the study of all disciplines of this educational program should be at least

1/3 the amount of time of the total labor input.

5.5. In case of part-time (evening) form of education, the volume of classroom lessons should be at least

20 hours per week.

5.7. The total amount of vacation time in the academic year should be

6-11 weeks, including at least two weeks in winter.




040100 - General medicine

6.1. Requirements for the development of basic educational

Physician training programs

6.1.1. A higher educational institution independently develops and approves the main educational program of the university for the preparation of a Doctor on the basis of this state educational standard.

The disciplines of the student's choice are mandatory, and the optional disciplines provided for by the curriculum of the higher educational institution are not mandatory for the student to study.

Course papers (projects) are considered as a type of academic work in the discipline and are performed within the hours allotted for its study.

For all disciplines and practices included in the curriculum of higher education institution, a final grade should be given (excellent, good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory or credited, not credited).

6.1.2. When implementing the main educational program, higher education

the institution has the right:

change the amount of hours allocated for the development of educational material for cycles of disciplines, within


Form a cycle of humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines, which should include the following 4 disciplines from the eleven basic disciplines given in this state educational standard: foreign language (in the amount of at least 340 hours), physical culture (in the amount of at least 408 hours ), philosophy, domestic history. The rest of the basic disciplines can be implemented at the discretion of the university. The UMO recommends that disciplines such as psychology and pedagogy, jurisprudence, bioethics, the history of medicine, the Latin language and the basics of terminology should also be included as compulsory. At the same time, it is possible to combine them into interdisciplinary courses while maintaining the mandatory minimum content. If the disciplines are part of general professional or special training (for humanitarian and socio-economic areas of training (specialties), the hours allocated for their study can be redistributed within the cycle;

carry out the teaching of humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines in the form of author's lecture courses and various types of collective and individual practical classes, assignments and seminars according to programs developed at the university itself and taking into account regional, national-ethnic, professional specifics, as well as research preferences of teachers providing qualified coverage of the subjects of the disciplines of the cycle;

establish the required level of teaching of individual sections of disciplines included in the cycles of humanitarian and socio-economic, natural science disciplines;

provide for classes in the discipline "Physical Education" in the full-time (evening) form of education, taking into account the wishes of the student;

to carry out in medical and pharmaceutical universities the teaching of anatomy, physiology, physiotherapy exercises and medical control, provided for in the program "Physical Education" for students of universities of the Russian Federation, only at specialized departments;

to introduce in the 6th year the reading of problematic complex lectures in sections that complete the training in accordance with the State Educational Standard.

6.2. Requirements for staffing the educational process

The implementation of the main educational program for the training of a graduate should be provided by teaching staff with a basic education corresponding to the profile of the discipline taught, and systematically engaged in scientific and / or scientific and methodological activities (at least 3 years); teachers in all biomedical, clinical and specialty disciplines, as a rule, must have an academic degree (at least 60% of candidates and 10% of doctors of science) and experience in the relevant professional field (at least 3 years);

Persons to whom it is prohibited by a court verdict or medical contraindications are not allowed to pedagogical activity in the field of medical and pharmaceutical profile.

6.3. Requirements for educational and methodological support of the educational process

The implementation of the main educational program for the training of a graduate should be provided with access for each student to library funds and databases, according to the content corresponding to the full list of disciplines of the main educational program, the availability of methodological manuals and recommendations for all disciplines and for all types of classes - workshops, course design, practices, as well as visual aids, multimedia, audio and video materials.

The following disciplines should be provided with laboratory workshops: physics, mathematics, computer science, general chemistry, bioorganic chemistry, biology, biological chemistry, human anatomy, histology, embryology, cytology, normal physiology, microbiology, virology and immunology, pharmacology, pathological anatomy, pathophysiology, hygiene , military hygiene, public health and health, epidemiology, military epidemiology.

Practical classes should be provided and provided for in the study of disciplines: physical education, foreign language, Latin and the basics of terminology, physics, mathematics, computer science, computer science.

Clinical practical classes should be provided and provided for in the study of all clinical disciplines and epidemiology, military epidemiology.

The library fund should contain the following journals (2 sets each):

obstetrics and gynecology


Angiology and Vascular Surgery

Anesthesiology and resuscitation

Annals of Surgery

Antibiotics and chemotherapy

Pathology Archive

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine

Bulletin of regulations

Bulletin of dermatology and venereology

Herald of Intensive Care

Bulletin of Otolaryngology

Bulletin of ophthalmology

Bulletin of radiology and radiology

Bulletin of Surgery. I.I. Grekov

Military Medical Journal

Questions of virology

Issues of balneology, physiotherapy and exercise therapy

Issues of medicinal chemistry

Issues of biological, medical and pharmaceutical chemistry

Issues of oncology

Nutrition Issues

Higher education in Russia

Hematology and transfusiology

Hygiene and sanitation

Thoracic and cardiovascular surgery

Journal of questions of neurosurgery

Journal of Higher Nervous Activity

Journal of Microbiology and Epidemiology

Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry

Healthcare of the Russian Federation


Immunology. Allergology

Sexually transmitted infections


Clinical gerontology

Clinical and laboratory diagnostics

Clinical medicine

Clinical pharmacology and therapy

Medical and social expertise

Occupational and industrial medicine

medical newspaper

Medical Radiology

Medical equipment

Medical Gazette

International Medical Journal

Molecular genetics, microbiology and virology





Pathological physiology and experimental therapy


Problems of hematology and blood transfusion

Problems of social hygiene and the history of medicine

Tuberculosis problems

Problems of endocrinology

Psychological journal


Russian Bulletin of Perinatology and Pediatrics

radiation biology

Russian Bulletin of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Coloproctology

Russian journal of skin and venereal diseases

Russian medical journal

Russian journal of oncology

Russian medical journal


Social and Clinical Psychiatry


Forensic-medical examination

Traumatology and Orthopedics

Therapeutic archive

Toxicological Bulletin

Ultrasound diagnostics


Advances in modern biology

Advances in the physiological sciences

Pharmacology. Toxicology


Physiology and morphology

human physiology

Chemical Pharmaceutical Journal

Surgery. Journal them. N.I. Pirogov


Experimental and clinical pharmacology

Endoscopic Surgery

Epidemiology and infectious diseases

The provision of students with compulsory (with the stamp of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation) educational literature for each discipline of the state educational standard of the licensed specialty should be 0.5 copies, and the library fund should be at least 125 units per full-time student.

6.4. Requirements for the material and technical support of the educational process.

A higher educational institution that implements the main educational program for the training of a graduate must have a material and technical base that meets the current sanitary and technical standards and ensures that all types of laboratory, practical, clinical disciplinary, interdisciplinary training and research work of students, provided for by an exemplary curriculum (the number of rooms for the placement of departments is determined at the rate of at least 18 sq.m of educational and educational and laboratory premises per 1 student).

6.5. Requirements for the organization of practices

1.For all clinical disciplines up to

25% hours are devoted to practical training in outpatient clinics.

2. Assistant to the ward and procedural nurse -

4 weeks in the fourth semester.

3. Assistant ambulance paramedic -

4 weeks in the sixth semester.

4. Assistant doctor of the hospital -

6 weeks in the eighth semester.

5. Assistant doctor of emergency and emergency care -

4 weeks in the tenth semester.

Industrial practice after 2 courses

- studying the work of junior medical personnel and performing manipulations to care for patients.

Industrial practice after the 3rd year - studying the work of nursing staff and performing manipulations and procedures of nursing staff.

Industrial practice after the 4th course - the study of the work of a doctor in a hospital of a therapeutic, surgical and obstetric-gynecological profile.

Be able to: examine patients with the most frequent therapeutic, surgical and obstetric-gynecological diseases, assess the data of the examination and questioning of the patient, formulate a preliminary diagnosis, draw up an examination plan, give immediate and long-term prognosis, recommendations for outpatient treatment, treat patients under the guidance of a doctor, correctly draw up medical documentation, participate in the reception of physiological childbirth and perform primary treatment of newborns.

The student must be familiar with:

The procedure for issuing, storing, accounting and prescribing medicines

(especially: potent, narcotic, expensive),

The work of the physiotherapy department, the technique of procedures,

The work of the pathoanatomical department,

Organization and implementation of anti-epidemic work.

Industrial practice after the 5th year - studying the work of a doctor in primary health care in an outpatient clinic

Get Skills:

To provide therapeutic and preventive care to the bulk of the population in a polyclinic,

On the formation of clinical thinking on the early diagnosis of the most common diseases, taking into account the characteristics of their course, treatment, prevention, medical examination, examination of working capacity,

To provide emergency care at the prehospital stage in acute diseases and urgent conditions.



040100 - General medicine

7.1. Professional qualification requirements.

A graduate must be able to solve problems that correspond to his qualifications specified in clause 1.2 of this state educational standard.

As a result of clinical training in therapeutic and surgical disciplines, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, as well as in other clinical disciplines and courses, a specialist should have formed medical behavior and the basics of clinical thinking, as well as skills that ensure the solution of professional problems and the application of the algorithm of medical activities for the provision of medical care in urgent and life-threatening conditions, for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients.

The specialist must be able to:

Carry out preventive, hygienic and anti-epidemic measures;

Provide medical and preventive care to the population;

Analyze and evaluate the state of health of the population, the impact of environmental and industrial factors on it, the quality of medical care;

apply modern methods of scientific knowledge, means and methods of pedagogical influence on the personality, knowledge of the general and individual characteristics of the human psyche;

Solve professional problems using mathematical methods and work with computers;

To promote a healthy lifestyle and lifestyle, the importance of physical education for health.

A specialist in his professional activity must apply knowledge


Basic physical, chemical, biological and physiological patterns, processes and phenomena in normal and pathological conditions, as well as work with medical diagnostic equipment;

Structures, topography and development of cells, tissues, organs and systems of the body in relation to their function in normal and pathological conditions;

general laws of the origin and development of life, the vital activity of the organism and the laws of genetics;

The main characteristics of drugs and forms, their classification, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics, indications and contraindications for prescribing and use for prevention and treatment, prescriptions;

Foreign language for professional communication (oral and written) and work with original literature in the specialty.

7.2. Requirements for the final state certification of a graduate


7.2.1. The final certification tests are designed to determine the practical and theoretical readiness of a doctor to perform professional tasks established by this state educational standard, and continue education in internship, residency or postgraduate studies in theoretical areas of medicine. Certification tests, which are part of the final state certification of a graduate, must fully comply with the main educational program of higher professional education, which he mastered during his studies. The final state attestation of a Doctor includes a three-stage state exam.

7.2.2.Order of conduct,main stages and certification program.

Stage 1 - practical training. The practical professional training of the graduate is evaluated.

It is carried out at the relevant clinical bases, which form the basis of the system of undergraduate training in the specialty 040100 General Medicine.

The duration of the stage should enable the graduate to consistently fulfill all the necessary skills and abilities for professional activities.

The results of practical skills and abilities are evaluated as “completed” or “not fulfilled”.

Stage 11 - certification testing. The test material covers the content of the humanities, mathematics, natural sciences, biomedical and professional disciplines. Various types of test tasks are used to establish and evaluate various aspects of the logic of clinical thinking: comparison, comparison and opposition of medical data, analysis and synthesis of the information provided, establishment of cause-and-effect relationships.

The composition of the test tasks of the final interdisciplinary exam is subject to annual updating in a single bank of interdisciplinary certification tasks approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Test results are evaluated as "passed" or "failed".

Stage 111 - final interview. Checking the integrity of the graduate's professional training, i.e. the level of his competence in using the theoretical basis for solving professional situations. The interview is conducted on the basis of solving situational problems of a generalized nature - clinical, ethical and deontological, analysis of patients, etc. In this case, the degree of the graduate's ability to develop and implement optimal solutions to such situations based on the integration of the content of the disciplines included in the certification test is subject to assessment.

The results of the interview are evaluated on a five-point system.

Based on the results of the three stages, the final grade for the interdisciplinary exam is set



Educational and Methodological Association of Medical and Pharmaceutical Universities

The state educational standard of higher professional education was approved at a meeting of the Educational and Methodological Council in the specialty 040100 General Medicine (November 16, 1999 protocol No. 3)


Chairman of the Council of UMO __________________________________ Paltsev M.A.

Deputy Chairman of the Council of UMO ______________________Denisov I.N.

Head of the department of the UMO __________________________________________ Utkina T.B.


Head of the Department of Educational Medical Institutions and Personnel Policy of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation _________________________________ Volodin N.N.

Department of Educational Programs and Standards of Higher and Secondary Vocational Education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Head of Department ____________________________________ Shestakov G.K.

Deputy Head of Department _________________________ Senashenko V.S.

Chief Specialist of the Department ____________________________ Senatorova N.R.

About specialty:

Description of the specialty medical business, in which universities they teach, admission, exams, what subjects in the specialty.

General medicine is a very popular specialty, both in universities and colleges in Moscow. A huge number of schoolchildren seek to receive a secondary special education. Most see medical colleges as the first step in a long educational ladder. Medical business is a rather complicated specialty and requires full dedication. Many of the students already here understand that they will not be able to study to be a doctor, but they want to devote their lives to medicine. Having received a secondary specialized education in the specialty of general medicine, they become nurses and brothers in hospitals, doctors in polyclinics and occupy other junior medical positions.

What is taught in the medical profession?

This specialty teaches the basics of medicine and pharmacology, physiology and many practical medical skills: giving injections, dressings, putting droppers, taking care of seriously ill patients, prescribing treatment, making diagnoses, conducting first aid, and performing various procedures. Even if after obtaining a secondary special education in the specialty of general medicine, you will not want to continue your education in medical schools, you will have a huge store of medical skills that will allow you to work in this field.

Prospects for teaching medicine

The doctor has a choice: to work in a public hospital or a private clinic. Some doctors combine service in a public medical institution with private practice. In this case, the main thing is to choose a popular direction. Dentistry is very popular, but because of this, an overabundance of specialists in the market has been created, and it will be difficult for a young dentist to find a good place. But there are enough pediatricians, obstetricians and general practitioners, and you can get a job in a decent medical institution for this position. In most areas, you can always engage in private medical activities and open your own business. The specialty of medicine opens many doors and provides a lot of opportunities. In the end, medical knowledge will help both in everyday life and in family life.