Regulatory hydraulic structures. Hydraulic structures: types, classification, operating rules, safety requirements

Hydraulic structures

structures designed to use water resources (rivers, lakes, seas, groundwater) or to combat the destructive effects of the water element. Depending on G.'s location with. can be sea, river, lake, pond. Distinguish also ground and underground G. of page. In accordance with the serviced branches of the water economy G. s. There are: water power, reclamation, water transport, timber rafting, fisheries, for water supply and sewerage, for the use of water resources, for the improvement of cities, for sports purposes, etc.

Distinguish G. with. general, used for almost all types of water use, and special, built for any one branch of the water management. To the general G. of page. include: water-retaining, water supply, regulatory, water intake and spillway. Water retaining structures create a pressure or difference in water levels in front of the structure and behind it. These include: dams (the most important and most common type of hydroelectric dam) that block river channels and river valleys that raise the level of water accumulated in the upstream; fencing off the coastal territory and preventing its flooding during floods and floods on rivers, during tides and storms on the seas and lakes.

Water supply structures (water conduits) serve to transfer water to specified points: canals, hydrotechnical tunnels (See Hydrotechnical tunnel), flumes (See Tray), Pipelines. Some of them, such as canals, due to the natural conditions of their location, the need to cross communication lines and ensure the safety of operation, require the construction of other G. with. block, gate, Spillway s, Shugosbros s, etc.).

Regulatory (corrective) G. with. designed to change and improve the natural conditions of the flow of watercourses and protect riverbeds and banks from erosion, sedimentation, ice, etc. , ice-guiding and ice-holding structures.

Water intake (water intake) structures are arranged to take water from a water source and direct it to a water conduit. In addition to ensuring an uninterrupted supply of water to consumers in the right amount and at the right time, they protect water supply facilities from the ingress of ice, sludge, sediment, etc.

Discharge structures are used to pass excess water from reservoirs, canals, pressure basins, etc. They can be channel and coastal, surface and deep, allowing partial or complete emptying of reservoirs. To control the amount of released (discharged) water, spillways are provided with hydraulic gates (See Hydraulic gate). In case of small water discharges, automatic spillways are also used, which automatically turn on when the level of the upper Beef rises above a predetermined level. These include open weirs (without gates), spillways with automatic gates, siphon spillways.

Special G. with. - structures for the use of water energy - buildings of hydroelectric stations (see hydroelectric station), penstocks, etc.; water transport structures - navigable Locks, Ship lift and, Lighthouse and, etc.. structures according to the situation of the ship's passage, boats, log launches, etc.; port facilities - Moles, Breakwaters, Piers, moorings, Docks, Ellings, Slips, etc.; ameliorative - main and distribution canals, sluice-regulators on irrigation and drainage systems; fisheries - fish passages, fish elevators, fish ponds, etc.

In a number of cases, general and special structures are combined in one complex, for example, a spillway and a hydroelectric power station building (the so-called combined hydroelectric power station) or other structures to perform several functions simultaneously. In the implementation of water management measures, G. s., United by a common goal and located in one place, make up complexes called units of G. s. or waterworks (See Waterworks). Several hydro units form water management systems, for example, energy, transport, irrigation, etc.

In accordance with their importance for the national economy of G. with. (objects of hydrotechnical construction) in the USSR are divided by capital into 5 classes. The main constants of G. of page belong to the 1st class. hydroelectric power plants with a capacity of more than 1 million kw; to the 2nd - the construction of hydroelectric power plants with a capacity of 301 thousand - 1 million cubic meters. kW, structures on super-main inland waterways (for example, on the Volga River, the Volga-Don Canal named after V. I. Lenin, etc.) and structures of river ports with a navigational cargo turnover of more than 3 million conventional t; to the 3rd and 4th classes - construction of hydroelectric power plants with a capacity of 300 thousand tons. kW and less, structures on main inland waterways and local routes, structures of river ports with a cargo turnover of 3 million conditional t and less. Temporary G. of page belong to the 5th class. Land reclamation construction objects are also divided into 5 classes according to capital size. Depending on the class, the projects designate the degree of reliability of the gas pipelines, i.e., their margins of strength and stability, establish the estimated maximum water consumption, the quality of building materials, and so on. In addition, according to the capital class of G. s. the volume and composition of survey, design and research work is determined.

Characteristic features of G. of page. are connected with impact on G. of page. water flow, ice, sediment and other factors. This impact can be mechanical (static and hydrodynamic loads, soil suffusion, etc.), physical and chemical (surface abrasion, metal corrosion, concrete leaching), biological (rotting of wooden structures, wood wear by living organisms, etc.). Conditions for the construction of G. s. are complicated by the need to pass through the structures during their construction (usually for several years), the so-called. construction costs of the river, ice, rafted timber, ships, etc. For the construction of G. with. extensive mechanization of construction work is needed. Predominantly monolithic and prefabricated monolithic structures are used, less often prefabricated and standard, which is due to various non-repeating combinations of natural conditions - topographic, geological, hydrological and hydrogeological. The influence of hydrogeological systems, especially water-retaining ones, extends over a vast territory, within which certain areas of land are flooded, the level of groundwater rises, banks collapse, and so on. Therefore, the construction of such facilities requires high quality work and high reliability of structures, because. G.'s accidents with. cause serious consequences - human casualties and loss of material values ​​(for example, the accidents of the Malpasse dam in France and the Vayont reservoir in Italy led to human casualties, the destruction of cities, bridges and industrial structures).

G.'s improvement with. associated with the further development of hydraulic engineering (See Hydraulic engineering), especially theoretical and experimental studies of the effect of water on structures and their foundations (hydraulics of flows and structures, filtration), with the study of the behavior of rocky and non-rocky soils as a foundation and as a material for structures (Soil mechanics, Engineering geology) with the development of new types and designs of G. s. (lightweight high-pressure dams, tidal hydropower plants, etc.), requiring less time and money for their construction.

V. N. Pospelov.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

See what "Hydraulic structures" is in other dictionaries:

    hydraulic structures- hydraulic structures: Structures exposed to the aquatic environment, designed to use and protect water resources, prevent the harmful effects of water, including those contaminated with liquid waste, including dams, ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Hydraulic structures- dams, buildings of hydroelectric power plants, spillways, water outlets and water outlets, tunnels, canals, pumping stations, shipping locks, ship lifts; structures designed to protect against floods, destruction of the coast and bottom ... ... Official terminology

    Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    hydraulic structures- Structures designed to use water resources or prevent the harmful effects of water on the environment, for example, a dam, a reservoir. hydraulic structures Different types of structures (dams, canals, pipelines, ... ... Geography Dictionary

    See Hydraulic structures EdwART. Glossary of terms of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 2010 ... Emergencies Dictionary

    Dams, buildings of hydroelectric power plants, spillways, water outlets and water outlets, tunnels, canals, pumping stations, shipping locks, ship lifts; structures designed to protect against floods and coastal destruction ... ... Ecological dictionary

    Dams, buildings of hydroelectric power plants, spillways, water outlets and water outlets, tunnels, canals, pumping stations, shipping locks, ship lifts; structures designed to protect against floods and coastal destruction ... ... Glossary of business terms

    HYDROTECHNICAL STRUCTURES- (care for them) in fish farms systematic inspection of structures, as well as their protection from damage and destruction, carried out by a hydraulic engineer and a fish farmer. Annually G. with. inspects the commission, which makes up the defective ... ... Pond fish farming

    Designed for the use of water resources, as well as to combat the destructive effect of the water element. There are hydraulic structures: water-retaining (dams, dams, etc.), water-carrying (canals, pipelines, tunnels, etc.), ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Hydraulic structure is an engineered or natural structure for the use of water resources or to combat the destructive effects of water. Hydraulic structures are general and special . General ones are used for almost all types of water use: water-retaining, water supply, regulatory, water intake and spillway.

Water-retaining hydraulic structures create a pressure or difference in water levels in front of the structure and behind it. These include: dams and dikes (or ramparts).

Dams - the most important and most common type of hydraulic structures. They block the river channels and create a level difference along the riverbed. Upstream of the dam, water accumulates and an artificial or natural reservoir is formed. The section of a river between two adjacent dams on a river, or the section of a canal between two locks, is called a pool. The upstream of the dam is the part of the river above the retaining structure, and the part of the river below the retaining structure is called the downstream. Reservoirs can be long-term or short-term. A long-term artificial reservoir is, for example, a reservoir upstream of a hydroelectric dam, an irrigation system. A long-term natural reservoir can be formed as a result of the blocking of the river after such an emergency as the collapse of hard rocks. Short-term artificial dams are created to temporarily change the direction of a river's flow during the construction of a hydroelectric power station or other hydraulic structures. Short-term natural dams arise as a result of blocking the river with loose soil, snow or ice. Dams fence off the coastal area and prevent its flooding during floods and floods on rivers, during high tides and storms on the seas and lakes.

Water-conducting hydraulic structures (water conduits) serve to transfer water to specified points: canals, hydrotechnical tunnels, trays, pipelines. Some of them, for example, canals, due to the natural conditions of their location, the need to cross communication lines and ensure the safety of operation, require the construction of other hydraulic structures that are combined into a special group of structures on canals (aqueducts, siphons, bridges, ferry crossings, gates, spillways, slugs, etc.).

Regulatory (straightening) hydraulic structures designed to change and improve the natural conditions of the flow of watercourses and protect riverbeds and banks from erosion, sedimentation, ice exposure, etc. When regulating rivers, dams, jet guides (semi-dams, shields, dams, enclosing shafts, traverses, bottom rapids, etc.) .), bank protection structures, ice guides and ice retention structures.

Water intake (water intake) hydraulic structures arranged to take water from a water source and direct it to a water conduit. In addition to ensuring an uninterrupted supply of water to consumers in the right amount and at the right time, they protect water supply facilities from ice, sludge, sediment, etc. Water discharge hydraulic structures are used to pass excess water from reservoirs, canals, pressure basins, etc. They can be channel and coastal, surface and deep, allowing to partially or completely empty water bodies. To regulate the amount of released (discharged) water, spillways are provided with hydraulic gates. For small water discharges, automatic spillways are also used, which automatically turn on when the headwater level rises above a predetermined one. These include open weirs (without gates), spillways with automatic gates, siphon spillways.

Special hydraulic structure built for any one branch of the water industry. For water transport: a navigable lock, a ship lift, a pier, a boat, a timber launch (log launch), a lighthouse and other structures according to the situation of the ship's passage, various port facilities (piers, breakwaters, piers, moorings, docks, boathouses, slipways, etc.). For hydropower: HPP building, pressure basin, etc. For hydromelioration: irrigation or drainage (main or distribution) canal, drainage, lock-regulator on the irrigation and drainage system, collector, etc. For water supply and sewerage: capping, pumping station, water pressure tower and reservoir, cooling pond, etc. For fish farming: fish ladder, fish elevator, fish pond, etc. For social organization: swimming pools, water parks, fountains. These hydraulic structures, along with their direct purpose, are used for:

  • protection from floods and destruction of the shores of reservoirs, banks and bottom of riverbeds;
  • fencing of the storage of liquid industrial waste (mining, metallurgical, energy) and agricultural enterprises;
  • erosion protection on channels;
  • prevent the harmful effects of water and liquid waste.

In some cases, general and special hydraulic structures are combined in one complex, for example, a spillway and a hydroelectric power station building (the so-called combined hydroelectric power station) or other structures to perform several functions simultaneously. In the implementation of water management measures, hydraulic structures, united by a common goal and located in one place, constitute complexes called nodes of hydraulic structures or hydroelectric facilities. . Several hydro units form water management systems, for example, energy, transport, irrigation, etc. Depending on the location, hydraulic structures can be sea, river, lake, pond. There are also ground and underground hydraulic structures.

To analyze the potential hazard and capital value, hydraulic structures as objects of hydraulic engineering construction are divided into 5 classes. The 1st class includes the main permanent hydroelectric stations with a capacity of more than 1 million kW. To the 2nd - the construction of hydroelectric power plants with a capacity of 301 thousand - 1 million kW, structures on super-main inland waterways (for example, on the Volga, the Volga-Don Canal, etc.) and the construction of river ports with a navigational cargo turnover of more than 3 million conditional tons . To the 3rd and 4th classes - hydroelectric power plant facilities with a capacity of 300 thousand kW or less, facilities on the main inland waterways and local routes, construction of river ports with a cargo turnover of 3 million conventional tons or less. The 5th class includes temporary hydraulic structures. Accidents at hydraulic structures are diverse. The most dangerous of them are hydrodynamic accidents.

When developing measures to prevent emergency situations at hydraulic structures, depending on their hazard class, the degree of their reliability is assigned in projects, i.e. margins of safety and stability, estimated maximum water consumption, characteristics and quality of building materials, etc. In addition, the scope and composition of survey, design, research and diagnostic work is determined by the hazard class. The characteristic features of hydraulic structures are associated with the impact of water flow, ice, sediment and other factors on it. This impact can be mechanical (static and hydrodynamic loads, soil suffusion, etc.), physical and chemical (surface abrasion, metal corrosion, concrete leaching), biological (rotting of wooden structures, wood wear by living organisms, etc.). The conditions for the construction of hydraulic structures are complicated by the need to pass through the structures during the period of their construction (usually for several years) the so-called construction costs of the river, ice, rafted timber, ships, etc. there is flooding of individual land areas, a rise in the level of groundwater, collapse of banks, etc. Therefore, the construction of such facilities requires high quality work and high reliability and safety of structures, because. accidents at hydraulic structures cause serious consequences - human casualties and loss of material values.

Rice. 5.1. Placement of water-retaining hydraulic structures on the territory of the Russian Federation

The composition of the water management complex of Russia

The water management complex of the Russian Federation includes more than 65 thousand hydraulic structures (HTS), a significant part of which are water structures of small and medium-sized reservoirs and 37 large water management systems used for inter-basin redistribution of river flow from areas with excess river flow to areas with their deficit. The total length of the transfer channels is more than 3 thousand km, the volume of the transferred flow is about 17 billion cubic meters. m.

About 30,000 reservoirs and ponds with a total capacity of more than 800 billion cubic meters have been built to regulate river flow. m, including 2290 reservoirs with a volume of over 1 million cubic meters. m each, of which 110 are the largest with a volume of over 100 million cubic meters. m each. To protect settlements, economic facilities and agricultural land, more than 10,000 km of protective water barrier dams and ramparts have been built.

The distribution of the most significant GTS (complexes) by federal districts and subjects of the federation is presented in tab. 5.1.

Table 5.1

List of hydraulic structures, incl. ownerless, by subjects
Russian Federation

The subject of the Russian Federation

Number of GTS

Incl. ownerless HTS

In general in Russia

Central Federal District

Moscow region

Belgorod region

Bryansk region

Vladimir region

Voronezh region

Ivanovo region

Kaluga region

Kostroma region

Kursk region

Lipetsk region

Oryol region

Ryazan region

Smolensk region

Tambov region

Tver region

Tula region

Yaroslavl region

Northwestern Federal District

Vologda Region

Republic of Karelia

Murmansk region

Arhangelsk region

Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Komi Republic

Pskov region

Novgorod region

Kaliningrad region

Leningrad region and St. Petersburg

Southern Federal District

Rostov region

Volgograd region

Republic of Kalmykia

Astrakhan region

Krasnodar region

Republic of Adygea

Stavropol region

Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

Karachay-Cherkess Republic

Republic of North Ossetia-Alania

The Republic of Dagestan

The Republic of Ingushetia

Chechen Republic

Privolzhsky Federal District

Kirov region

Nizhny Novgorod Region

Penza region

Ulyanovsk region

Mari El Republic

The Republic of Mordovia

Republic of Tatarstan

Udmurt republic

Chuvash Republic

Saratov region

Samara Region

Orenburg region

Perm region

Republic of Bashkortostan

Ural Federal District

Sverdlovsk region.

Kurgan region

Tyumen region


Chelyabinsk region

Siberian Federal District

Novosibirsk region

Kemerovo region.

Omsk region

Tomsk region

Krasnoyarsk region

Tyva Republic

The Republic of Khakassia

Irkutsk region

Zabaykalsky Krai

The Republic of Buryatia

Altai region


Altai Republic

Far Eastern Federal District

Sakhalin region

Jewish Autonomous Region

Kamchatka Krai

The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Primorsky Krai


Khabarovsk region

Amurskaya Oblast

Magadan Region

All hydraulic structures and systems differ in purpose, departmental affiliation, forms of ownership and technical condition.

A little more than 3% of reservoirs with a capacity of less than 1 million cubic meters are in state ownership. m, about 8% of reservoirs with a volume of more than 1 million cubic meters. m and more than 25% of liquid waste storage tanks.

The greatest potential danger is presented by hydroelectric dams with heads from 20 to 250 m, most of which were put into operation over 35 years ago. The vast majority of water-supporting hydraulic structures are represented by dams of small and medium-sized reservoirs, many of which are operated without reconstruction and repair and are objects of increased danger.

The placement of water-retaining hydraulic structures on the territory of the Russian Federation is shown in fig. 5.1.

The distribution of various types of hydraulic structures is shown in fig. 5.2.

Under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, the ameliorative and water management complex of federal property includes more than 60 thousand various hydraulic structures, including 232 reservoirs, 2.2 thousand regulating hydroelectric facilities, 1.8 thousand stationary pumping stations supplying and pumping water, more than 50 thousand km - water supply and waste channels, 5.3 thousand km - pipelines, 3.3 thousand km - protective ramparts and dams, facilities of production bases with a total balance sheet value of 87.0 billion rubles.

The greatest attention should be paid to the implementation of measures to prevent accidents in reservoirs, of which 44 are large (with a capacity of more than 10 million m3) and 155 are medium (from 1 to 10 million m3).

A significant part of these structures was built in the 60-70s of the last century. Thus, before 1970, 24 hydraulic structures were built, forming large reservoirs (54% of the availability), from 1970 to 1980 - 7, and after 1980 - 13 hydraulic structures.

Of the 155 hydraulic structures that form medium-sized reservoirs, 14 structures were put into operation before 1970, 45 from 1970 to 1980, 93 from 1981 to 1990, and 3 structures after 1990.

Rice. 5.2. Distribution of hydraulic structures by types in the Russian Federation, in % of the total

The Ministry of Agriculture of Russia is in charge of many hydraulic structures that are not related to the reclamation complex.

From. 232 hydraulic structures subject to declaration, 1 belongs to the first class of capitality, 18 to the second, 44 to the third, 169 HTS to the fourth.

Water management systems under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia serve to solve the following main tasks:

1) regulation of water-air and thermal regimes in the root layer of soils to obtain high and high-quality crop yields;

2) implementation of irrigation of territories;

3) provision of water supply for water supply of the rural population and industrial needs;

4) protection of the population, economic facilities, as well as agricultural land from the harmful effects of water;

5) interregional distribution of water resources in the southern regions of the country. Of particular importance are those under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia

complex-purpose hydraulic structures designed to protect settlements, economic facilities, fish farming, and power generation from flooding and flooding. Among them are the engineering protection zone of the Kostroma lowland in the Nekrasovsky district of the Yaroslavl region, the engineering protection of the Ozero-Rutkinskaya agricultural lowland in the Republic of Mari El, protective structures on the Neman and Matrosovka rivers in the Kaliningrad region, bank protection, regulatory and protective structures on mountain rivers in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania and in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, on the Kuma River in the Stavropol Territory, the state waterways of the Western Steppe Ilmen zone in the Astrakhan Region.

In the North Caucasus region, a complex of hydraulic structures on the Kuban, Terek, Kuma, Baksan rivers, which is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, operates. The complex includes the first stage of the Great Stavropol Canal, the Tersko-Kumsky Canal, the KumoManych Canal, the system of main canals of inter-republican water distribution.

Big Stavropol Canal with a capacity of 180 cubic meters. m of water per second ensures the supply of water to the irrigated lands of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic and the Stavropol Territory on an area of ​​more than 100 thousand hectares. for watering

2.6 million hectares of arid territories, for water supply of the cities of Ust-Dzheguta, Cherkessk, as well as the resort cities of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, the Nevinnomyssk industrial and energy complex, the Budenovsky plastics plant and five districts of the Stavropol Territory. There are four hydroelectric power stations operating on the watercourse of the canal, generating 1.2 billion kWh of electricity per year.

The Tersko-Kuma main canal with a capacity of 100 cubic meters per second supplies water from the Terek River for irrigation of lands in the republics of North Ossetia, Ingushetia, Stavropol Territory on an area of ​​86 thousand hectares and watering 580 thousand hectares of arid territories. In addition, the generation of 2.6 million kWh of electricity per year by the hydroelectric station built on the Pavlodol dam is ensured.

The Kumo-Manych main canal with a capacity of 60 cubic meters per second supplies water from the Kuma River for irrigation of 58 thousand hectares of irrigated land in the Stavropol Territory and the Republic of Kalmykia, as well as transfers water resources from the Terek River basin to the Chogray reservoir to ensure sustainable water supply of Elista and land irrigation.

Through the system of inter-republican main canals from the rivers Baksan, Malka, Terek, water is supplied for irrigation and watering in the territory of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, the Stavropol Territory, the Chechen Republic and the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania.

The Tikhovsky hydroelectric complex in the Krasnodar Territory (estimated flow rate 1300 m3/sec) provides gravity water intake to the Petrovsky-Anastasievskaya rice irrigation system with an area of ​​more than 40.0 thousand hectares, as well as autonomous ship locking and fish passage into the Kuban and Protoka rivers.

Interregional water distribution of water resources is also provided through the waterways of the Sarpinsky irrigation and watering system of the Volgograd region, the Verkhnee-Salsky irrigation and watering system of the Rostov region, the Rodnikovskaya and Levo-Egorlykskaya irrigation systems of the Stavropol Territory.

Through the waterways of the Pallasovskaya irrigation system of the Volgograd region, water is supplied to the Republic of Kazakhstan.

A significant part of the hydraulic structures under the operational control of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia was built in the 60-70s of the last century.

According to the inventory of water management facilities in the agro-industrial complex, the facilities of 72 reservoirs, 240 regulating hydroelectric facilities and 1.2 thousand km of protective dams and ramparts with depreciation of fixed assets of more than 50 percent are currently subject to reconstruction and restoration.

About 48 billion rubles are required for their reconstruction, including 25 billion rubles in the Southern Federal District.

According to the federal target program (FTP) "Preservation and restoration of soil fertility of agricultural lands and agrolandscapes as a national treasure of Russia for 2006-2010 and for the period up to 2012", capital works were completed, incl. for the reconstruction of hydraulic structures in the amount of: 2006 - 3.1 billion rubles, 2007 - 3.5 billion rubles, 2008 - 5.1 billion rubles, 2009 - 4.9 billion .rubles

And to carry out the required amount of work on the required reconstruction of hydraulic structures, the deficit of financial resources is about 36 billion rubles.

In order to ensure the safe operation of hydraulic structures, their reconstruction must be carried out in the next 10 years, which will require the allocation of financial resources in the amount of 4 billion rubles annually for these purposes, with the level of actual funding being 1.5 - 2 billion rubles.

The most important factor of conservation (improving the reliability of hydraulic structures during operation) is the implementation of preventive measures in the required volumes. The annual need for expenses for current repairs of structures is about 2 billion rubles, while the actual allocation of budget funds for these purposes is about 0.8 billion rubles.

Due to the long-term operation and insufficient volumes of ongoing repair and restoration work, the main structures of structures are destroyed, reservoirs are silted up, and a high probability of emergency situations is created, especially during the passage of spring floods and floods.

In the risk zones of only large reservoirs (with a capacity of more than 10 million cubic meters), there are about 370 settlements with a population of up to 1 million people, as well as numerous economic facilities.

Unpredictable socio-economic consequences may lead to emergencies at other hydraulic structures. Thus, accidents at the facilities of the Great Stavropol Canal will lead to the cessation of household and drinking and industrial water supply to five districts of the Stavropol Territory, the cities of Ust Dzheguta, Cherkessk, the resort cities of the Caucasian Mineral Waters, the Nevinnomyssk industrial and energy complex, the Budenovsky plastics plant.

Administered Ministry of Transport of Russia there are navigable hydraulic structures (SHTS) located on inland waterways, consisting of 113 hydroelectric facilities, including 313 federally owned hydraulic structures. All SGTS are operated by the State Basin Administrations of Waterways and Shipping and Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Canal named after Moscow" of the Federal Agency for Marine and River Transport (Rosmorrechflot). The structure of the main shipping GTS are given in rice. 5.3.

Rice. 5.3. Structure of navigable GTS, in % of the total

Navigable hydraulic structures, which are part of complex energy hydroelectric facilities, are assigned to class I structures, the rest to classes II - IV. 106 navigable hydraulic structures included in the industry Register are classified as critical facilities subject to round-the-clock protection.

The Federal Agency for Water Resources of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia manages 138 federally owned hydraulic structures. According to capital class, the distribution of HTS is as follows: the first class2, the second class - 18, the third - 64, the fourth - 49, and for five HTS the capital class is not defined.

The state of the HTS according to the level of safety is distributed as follows: 85 HTS are in a normal state, 47 are in a reduced state, 4 are unsatisfactory, and 1 is in a dangerous state.

As part of the task of ensuring the safety of hydraulic structures, Rosvodresurs financed the execution of work in the amount of 3.28 billion rubles. Reconstruction, overhaul and current repairs have been completed at 228 facilities, incl. 73 - subordinated to Rosvodresursy, 22 - property of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 113 - municipal property, 20 - ownerless GTS.

Safety supervision of hydraulic structures in Russia

In accordance with the current legislation, the owners of hydraulic structures and operating organizations are responsible for ensuring compliance with the safety standards and rules for hydraulic structures during their construction, commissioning, operation, repair, reconstruction, conservation, decommissioning and liquidation, development and implementation of measures to ensuring the technically sound condition of hydraulic structures and others. Owners of hydraulic structures and operating organizations are responsible for the safety of hydraulic structures.

In 2009, Rostekhnadzor and Rostransnadzor exercise control and supervision over compliance by the owners of hydraulic structures and organizations operating them with the norms and rules for the safety of hydrotechnical structures in accordance with the current regulations.

The maintenance of the Russian register of hydraulic structures is carried out in accordance with the administrative regulations for the execution of the state function for the state registration of hydraulic structures, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia and the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated April 27, 2009 N 117/66 by Rosvodresurs, Rostekhnadzor and Rostransnadzor.

The list of GTS registered in the RRGTS database contains information directly on the GTS complexes included in the RRGTS database: registration code of the GTS complex; name of the complex; building owner; operating organization; authority for supervision over the safety of hydraulic structures; availability of the HTS safety declaration, its number and validity period; information about the hydraulic structures included in the complex, including the code of individual hydraulic structures (if any), the name of the hydraulic structure, an assessment of the safety level of the hydraulic structure.

In 2009, the database included information on 48 hydraulic structures.

Information on the safety level of hydraulic structures in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is contained in the database of the automated information system of the Russian Register of Hydraulic Structures (AIS RRGTS), generalized data on which are given in Supplement "Summarized data of the RRGTS on the subjects of the federal district".

According to the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Center for Register and Cadastre" of the Federal Water Resources Agency, generalized data on the safety level of hydraulic structures by federal supervisory authorities are presented in table. 5.2.

Table 5.2

Summarized data on the bodies supervising the safety of hydraulic structures
(according to the Center of the Register and the Cadastre of the Federal Water Resources)

Supervisory Authority

Number of complexes

GTS entered in the register

Security level




there is no data

according to declarations


according to statements



Supervisory Authority

Number of complexes

GTS entered in the register

Security level




there is no data

according to declarations


according to statements




there is no data

according to declarations


according to statements




there is no data

according to declarations


according to statements




there is no data

according to declarations


according to statements



there is no data

according to declarations


according to statements



Activities of Rostekhnadzor to supervise the safety of hydraulic structures

The Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision exercises supervision and control over compliance by GTS owners and operating organizations with the norms and rules for the safety of GTS of industrial and energy enterprises in all federal districts of the Russian Federation by means of its territorial bodies. In addition, in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 970 dated November 30, 2009, Rostechnadzor transferred the functions of supervision over the safety of hydraulic structures previously performed by Rosprirodnadzor of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia.

Information on the safety level of hydraulic structures supervised by Rostekhnadzor and included in the Russian Register of Hydraulic Structures is presented in tab. 5.2 and in the appendix "Summarized data of the RRGTS for the subjects of the Russian Federation".

State supervision and control over the safety of hydraulic structures was carried out by 31 territorial departments of Rostekhnadzor in 83 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in seven federal districts.

The total number of HTS complexes for industry, energy and water management complex supervised by Rostekhnadzor is 37,250, of which: 748 HTS complexes for liquid industrial waste, including: 336 HTS complexes for tailings and sludge storages in the mining industry; 274 GTS complexes of waste storage facilities of enterprises in the chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries; 100 GTS complexes for storage of waste from the metallurgical industry; 38 GTS complexes of waste storage facilities of other industrial enterprises; 324 GTS complexes of the fuel and energy complex, including: HPP - 113, SDPP - 61, CHPP - 138, PSP - 3, NPP - 9; 36,178 HTS of the water management complex, including: under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia - 281, under the authority of the Federal Water Resources - 310 ( rice. 5.4).

Rice. 5.4. The total number of GTS complexes supervised by Rostekhnadzor

In 2009, the inspectors of the territorial bodies of Rostekhnadzor carried out 3917 measures to exercise state control and supervision over the observance by owners and operating organizations of the norms and rules for the safety of hydraulic structures in supervised organizations, which is two times more than in 2008 (1934).

At the same time, 17,029 norms and rules for the safety of hydraulic structures were identified and ordered to be eliminated, which is two times more than in 2008 (8562).

The main violations are:

lack of relevant working documentation - 3210 cases (18.9%);

the presence of various malfunctions, sludge, reduced throughput capacity of spillways and drainage facilities - 1716 cases (10.0%);

lack of developed and duly approved HTS safety criteria, safety declarations, instructions and safety monitoring projects - 3363 cases (19.7%);

non-compliance with the design and regulatory documents of the qualification level of the operation service - 1190 cases (7.0%);

lack of an agreed plan for the elimination of possible accidents - 1096 cases (6.7%);

absence or non-compliance with the safety monitoring project of control and measuring equipment and instrumentation - 276 cases (1.6%).

According to the results of surveys (inspections), the State Customs Service brought 663 officials to disciplinary and administrative liability, which is 56% more than in 2008 (425), the total amount of fines amounted to 3937 thousand rubles, which is 74% more than in 2008 (2258), 152 heads of organizations were heard at district collegiums and meetings in inspections, 765 employees were tested with the participation of inspectors on the knowledge of the requirements of the rules and regulations for the safety of hydraulic structures, of which 10 people turned out to be untrained.

The territorial departments of Rostekhnadzor constantly monitored the preparation of supervised enterprises and organizations for the passage of spring floods, as well as the level in reservoirs and reservoirs for water management, the flow of water through the gates, as well as changes in levels in the upstream and downstream of the dams of power plants, control over the passage floods at supervised facilities operating GTS.

When preparing for the flood, the supervised enterprises and organizations were also recommended to be guided by the analysis of the effectiveness of flood prevention measures in the controlled areas over the past year and recommendations to reduce the risk of emergencies associated with the 2009 spring flood.

The activities of Rostransnadzor for the control of navigable hydraulic structures

Rostransnadzor is in charge of 313 GTS in 115 complexes. Supervision of navigable hydraulic structures (SHTS) consists of two main areas:

Declaration of safety of navigable hydraulic structures;

Checks for compliance with the requirements for safe operation.

One of the main areas of supervisory activities for SGTS is a set of works related to the declaration of the safety of hydraulic structures.

This set of works includes: approval of safety criteria, participation in the work of the commission for the pre-declaration survey of hydraulic structures, approval of safety declarations and expert opinions, issuance of permits for the operation of navigable hydraulic structures, maintenance of the sectoral section of the Russian Register of hydraulic structures.

All navigable hydraulic structures have valid safety declarations. In 2009, work was carried out to review and approve safety declarations, according to which the validity period of previous declarations was expiring.

In 2009, 34 safety declarations for navigable hydraulic structures were reviewed and approved.

At the beginning of 2009, there were 12 emergency hydraulic structures, pre-emergency - 57 hydraulic structures. At the end of the year - emergency - 6, pre-emergency - 53, limited serviceable - 178, serviceable - 74. In 2009, there was a tendency to reduce the number of emergency and pre-emergency structures.

The analysis of safety declarations shows that in addition to objective reasons for the decrease in the level of safety, such as a long period of underfunding of repair work, there are also subjective reasons. These reasons include:

a) the deadlines for the implementation of the planned activities aimed at improving the reliability and safety specified in the safety declarations are not observed. The execution of works is mainly planned for a later date;

b) when planning and performing work aimed at improving the safety of hydraulic structures, there is no comprehensive approach consisting in the elimination of all defects that determine the unsatisfactory and dangerous level of safety of a hydraulic structure; as a result of this, the implementation of a significant amount of work on a hydraulic structure does not lead to an increase in its safety;

c) for a number of hydraulic structures, there is no timely planning and implementation of repair work to eliminate existing defects, as a result of which the defects progress, and the condition and level of safety of the hydraulic structure worsens;

d) when planning work, the execution of work is unreasonably delayed, which makes it possible to increase the safety of a hydraulic structure and at the same time does not require large financial costs.

Inspections of the safe operation of navigable hydraulic structures are carried out by inspectors of the territorial departments of the sea maritime supervision. In the course of these works, the compliance by operating organizations with the requirements of the rules of technical operation and instructions for observations and studies, the monitoring of the technical condition of hydraulic structures by operating organizations, and the compliance of hydraulic structures with safety declarations are checked. AT

In 2009, 53 inspections of navigable hydraulic structures were carried out, as a result of which 106 violations were identified. To eliminate the identified violations, instructions were issued, including 100 points.

Checks were made of all hydroelectric facilities, which include emergency and pre-emergency hydraulic structures. A total of 181 hydraulic structures were inspected, including 70 with the participation of employees of the Department of State Marine and River Supervision. The remaining facilities will be inspected in 2010. Based on the results of inspections, together with Rosmorrechflot, a plan for the necessary repair work was drawn up.

In 2009, the inspectors of the territorial departments and the Department of State Maritime and River Supervision took part in the work of 80 commissions working on navigable hydraulic structures.

Ownerless hydraulic structures

As of 2009, Rostekhnadzor is in charge of 37,250 HTS, of which 5,791 are ownerless HTS, i.e. GTS that do not have an owner or the owner of which is unknown, or GTS, the ownership of which has been waived by the owner.

Ownerless HTS are mainly agricultural ponds for land reclamation and livestock complexes, small dams that are operated for local needs and are not sources of potential danger. These hydraulic structures were built by liquidated or bankrupt agricultural organizations today to solve local problems, as a rule, without compiling design estimates. Such hydraulic structures were not registered as immovable property, information about them was not entered into the Russian Register of Hydraulic Structures. In the energy sector, industry, and water transport, hydrotechnical structures that do not have an owner have not been identified.

The majority of ownerless hydraulic structures in accordance with SNiP 33-01-2003 “Hydraulic structures. Basic Provisions" refer to IV class (6144 HTS - 99.6%), 22 HTS - to III class, one structure - II class.

In the course of the inventory carried out by Rostechnadzor, 366 potentially dangerous ownerless hydraulic structures were identified, requiring priority measures to be taken to bring them to a normal level of safety.

In terms of safety, ownerless hydraulic structures are characterized as follows: 39.4% - standard, 43.0% - reduced, 12.2% - unsatisfactory, 5.4% - dangerous.

State authorities in more than 40 constituent entities of the Russian Federation have established Interdepartmental commissions on the safety of hydraulic structures, which ensure the coordination of actions of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, territorial bodies of federal executive authorities and local governments on ensuring the safety of hydraulic structures, including the identification ownerless hydraulic structures, ensuring their safety, solving the issues of fixing such structures in the property.

The problem of ownerless hydraulic structures has been completely solved on the territory of the republics: Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Ingushetia, Kalmykia, Komi, Chechen and Kabardino-Balkarian Republics, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Khabarovsk Territory, Lipetsk and Murmansk regions.

In other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the process of registering ownerless GTS and turning them into municipal property is underway. Of the 10 ownerless GTS located in the Republic of Chuvashia, 8 are in the process of registration in accordance with the procedure established by civil law into municipal property. Of the 46 ownerless GTSs in the Sverdlovsk Region, 31 GTSs have been registered as municipal property. In the Moscow Region, 139 out of 543 ownerless HTSs are being transferred to municipal ownership.

In addition, at the expense of subsidies from the federal budget, Rosvodresurs, within the budgetary allocations, finances the overhaul of ownerless hydraulic structures, which require, as a matter of priority, bringing them to a normal level of safety. In 2009, work was completed on 20 ownerless hydraulic structures, for which 111.1 million rubles were spent. federal budget funds and 14.7 million rubles. funds of the subjects of the Federation.


For inter-basin redistribution of runoff, navigation, irrigation and other purposes, artificial channels are used. The largest of them are presented in Table. 5.3

Table 5.3

The largest shipping canals and main canals of the irrigation systems of the Russian Federation

Length, km

Throughput, km/year

River or pool

Year of creation


White Sea-Baltic

White Sea - Lake Onega


Ladoga Canals

Lake Ladoga



Lake Saimaa – Bal-



R. Volga - r. Sev. Dvina



361 (Mariinsky system)

R. Neva - r. Volga


Channel them. Moscow

R. Moscow - r. Volga



R. Volga - r. Don



Volga delta - Caspian


Donskoy main

Don-Sal-Manych river


Big Stavropol

R. Kuban



R. Kuban

Complex purpose


Complex purpose

Nogai State EOS

108 Delta

139 Dzerzhinsky



Kuma river - r. Manych




Volga river - r. Bol. Irgiz

White Sea-Baltic Canal connects the White Sea with Lake Onega. The total length of the route is 227 km, of which 37 km are artificial. The channel originates from the village. Povenets on Lake Onega and near the city of Belomorsk goes into the White Sea. The canal is equipped with 19 locks, 15 dams, 49 dams and 12 spillways. The White Sea-Baltic Canal, like other channels of the North-West region, is operated only during the summer navigation period (115 days).

The composition of the White Sea-Baltic waterway includes the Ladoga canals, designed for the passage of ships bypassing Lake Ladoga with access to the river. Svir. Their total length is 169 km. The first section of the canal begins at the source of the river. Neva near the city of Petrokrepost and connects the Neva and Volkhov near the city of Novaya Ladoga. Its length is 111 km. The second section connects Volkhov and Syas and has a length of 11 km (the city of Novaya Ladoga - the village of Syasskiye ryadki). The third section of the canal is located between the rivers Syas and Svir, its length is 47 km (village Syasskiye ryadki - village Sviritsa).

Channel them. Moscow, connecting river. Moscow from the river Volga, has a total length of the waterway of 128 km, of which 19.5 km passes through reservoirs. The channel originates on the right bank of the river. Volga near the city of Dubna - 8 km above the mouth of the river. Dubna. The Ivankovskoye reservoir was created here. The route of the canal goes south to Moscow, crossing the elevated Klinsko-Dmitrovskaya ridge. There are 9 locks on the canal route. On the Volga slope - from the Ivankovo ​​reservoir to the watershed (124 m above sea level) - 5 steps, on the Moscow slope - 4 steps. In addition to Ivankovsky, the system includes Khimki, Klyazma, Pyalovskoye, Uchinskoye, Pestovskoye and Ikshinskoye reservoirs. There are 8 HPPs and Ivankovskaya TPP on the canal route. The canal solved the problem of water supply for the city of Moscow and provided a waterway from the Baltic to the Caspian and Black Seas.

Volga-Caspian Canal. The total length of the canal is 210 km. It starts from the Bertul channel, 21 km downstream of Astrakhan, and ends in the deep water zone of the Caspian Sea. The canal provides navigation through the Volga delta during low water periods.

The first 90 km of the canal run along the natural channel of the western branch of the river. Volga - Bakhtemir, and then it is developed to the depths for the ship's passage and is limited from the shallow waters of the delta by artificial sand ridges. These are alongshore elevations, reaching a height of 1-2, sometimes up to 3 m above the low water level, or artificial islands. The width of the islands is 150-200 m, the length is from 1 to 10 km. The last 64 km of the canal do not have surface shores, its sides are hidden under water for 1-3 m from the surface.

The hydrological regime of the canal is determined by the Volgograd HPP and the water divider in the Volga delta. The largest annual amplitude of the water level on the river. Volga (Astrakhan) is 4.45 m, and on the Volga-Caspian Canal 137 km below Astrakhan - 1.14 m. On average, the amplitude of the levels on the channel is in the range of 0.5-0.7 m.

Volga-Don Shipping Canal connects the Volga and Don in the place of their greatest convergence. The length of the waterway is 101 km, of which 45 km are in reservoirs. The channel originates from the Sarepta backwater of the Volga (the southern part of Volgograd), goes along the valley of the river. Sarpy, then passes along the watershed of the Volga and Don, goes into the valley of the river. Scarlet. The route of the path then goes through the Varvarovskoye, Bereslavskoye, Karpovskoye reservoirs and near the city of Kalach-on-Don goes to the Don, i.e. to the Tsimlyansk reservoir (near the Tsimlyansk hydroelectric power station).

On the Volga slope, for 20 km, there are 9 single-chamber single-strand locks providing a rise of 88 m, on the Don slope - 4 of the same locks with a descent of 44 m. The canal is fed by Don water supplied by three pumping stations, part of the water is used for irrigation. The dimensions of the locks allow the passage of ships with a carrying capacity of 5 thousand tons.

From the Volga, the canal passes through the valley of the river. Sarpy, then along the Volga-Don watershed, using the valley of the Chervlenaya and Karpovka rivers, it reaches the Don (the bay of the Tsimlyansk reservoir) 10 km below the city of Kalach. Its longitudinal profile is divided into three sections.

The first one is the Volga slope with a length of 21 km, with nine locks, the second dividing pool (Varvarovskoye reservoir) with a length of 26 km. The third one runs along the Donskoy gentle slope, has a length of 54 km, four locks and two reservoirs: Bereslavskoye and Karpovskoye.

Each of the 13 locks is a channel step about 10 m high. The ninth lock is located on the Volga-Don watershed at an altitude of 88 m above the Volga level. There are no locks on the watershed. Here in the valley Scarlet created Varvarovskoye reservoir, covering an area of ​​26.7 km. Its bowl holds 124.8 million cubic meters. m of water, which feeds the entire Volga slope of the navigable canal. A 42 km long canal was dug from this reservoir to the south, and water flows through it to irrigation fields.

The ninth gateway is the first step of the Don Stairs. Behind him is Bereslav reservoir, which has an area of ​​15.2 km and holds 52.5 million m of water. On the banks of the reservoir there are fields and vegetable plantations. The largest reservoir on the canal route - Karpovskoe, its area is 42 km, the volume of water is 154.1 million m. After the 13th lock, the canal enters the Tsimlyansk reservoir.

Big Stavropol Canal- a complex-purpose canal that provides water to four hydroelectric power stations and a group of cities of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody. The canal takes water from the river. Kuban in the amount of up to 180 m / s. The estimated length of the canal is 460 km, at present it is 159 km. Filling depth approx. 5 m, bottom width 23 m.

Power supply Tersko-Kuma Canal is r. Terek. The water intake is equipped with a sediment interception facility with a capacity of up to 300 thousand m3 of bottom sediments per year (150 days per year). In addition to the Terek, the Terek system serves as a canal donor.

The estimated flow rate of the canal is 100 m/s, the length is 148.4 km. The channel was put into operation in 1960 and is intended for complex use.

Nevinnomyssky Canal put into operation in 1948, has a complex purpose. The canal takes water from the river. Kuban, the annual water intake is also provided by releases from the Great Stavropol Canal. The maximum design discharge is 75 m3/s, the length is 49.2 km.

To protect settlements, economic facilities and agricultural land on the territory of the Russian Federation, more than 10 thousand km of protective water barriers and ramparts have been built.

In 2009, reconstruction, overhaul and current repairs were completed at 228 GTS, of which 73 were subordinated to Rosvodresurs, 22 were owned by constituent entities of the Russian Federation, 113 were municipal property, and 20 were ownerless.

Probable prevented damage due to facilities completed in 2009 amounted to 17.2 billion rubles.

To ensure the safe passage of floods in 2009:

– a pre-flood inspection of flood-prone sections of river beds was carried out;

– icebreaking works and work to weaken the strength of ice were carried out in problem areas;

– integrated basin action plans have been formed to prevent and reduce damage from floods;

– the organizations of the Federal Water Resources Agency were equipped with equipment and mechanisms, as well as the creation and replenishment of an emergency stock of the necessary construction and fuel and lubricants;

– organized information exchange with the operational services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Roshydromet, Rosenergo, Rospotrebnadzor, Rosselkhoznadzor, Rosmorrechflot, Rostrasnadzor, Rosprirodnadzor and others.

Water is the source of life. But despite the fact that from time immemorial, settlers settled near rivers and lakes, they did not cease to be afraid of the power of the stream. Floods, high waters, channel changes and other natural calamities can change the whole habitual life at once. To “domesticate” water, it is necessary to build dams and other barrage structures. In this article we will talk about hydraulic structures - what it is and what applies to such objects.

Why are hydraulic structures installed?

SP 58.13330.2012 and SNiP 33-01-2003 will help answer this question - these are the main documents that regulate all design and construction work. In the "Terms" section of the set of rules there is an indication of what water structures are. They may belong to different groups, depending on which they will help to fulfill one of the following goals:

  • Protection of water resources from the negative impact of people and their livelihoods.
  • Preventing the impact of polluted waters on the environment.
  • Coastal damage protection.
  • Storage of liquid waste from production or agriculture.
  • For mooring ships and bathing the population.
  • Communication with production - water supply from a reservoir and discharge of used liquid.

There are many such goals. In fact, any structure that is located partially or completely on a water resource of natural or artificial burial is considered a hydraulic structure. Most often, when, for example, river water is used in production, the sets of measures and tasks do not converge on one production one. Also mandatory are the protective functions of hydraulic engineering, which compensate for the damage caused to the reservoir.

Due to the abundance of structures that can be attributed to this category, it is difficult to give a clear classification of all buildings. We will highlight the main features, and then give examples of projects for hydraulic structures.

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Temporary and permanent hydraulic engineering

Among those hydraulic structures that operate around the clock, there are primary and secondary facilities. The former include all structures, the failure of which will lead to the failure of large enterprises. This may be the binding of a water supply system, an irrigation system, the blocking of a navigable river without such dams, and so on.

The second class of buildings usually does not affect production or any other process, but only regulates it. However, due to a breakdown, work will not completely stop.

In addition to those listed, there are temporary hydroelectric facilities. This is a technique that is installed for a certain period, for example, for the period of repair work on the main hydraulic structure.

Varieties of hydraulic structures depending on the interaction with the water resource

Most structures are a barrier that makes the level between two water streams different. The drop provides the force of pressure, and the area between the two dams can be used as a reservoir. Consider the classification according to the treatment of the river.

Water retaining

Such barriers are built against the channel. They are designed to block the flow, thereby achieving an artificial level difference. This discrepancy between the volume of water and the normal flow leads to the appearance of pressure. This mechanism is used by stations that use a hydraulic structure as an energy facility. The force of water in pressure is converted into energy.

Another function of the water-retaining structure is to create artificial backwaters, reservoirs. The lower and upper pools are the two points with the maximum difference in levels. Such buildings provide control over climate change, which can disrupt the infrastructure of an entire city if flooding occurs. Therefore, such dams are considered the most dangerous in case of improper design or construction, further maintenance.

They are also the most essential. Such an artificial barrier makes it possible to build houses along the riverbed without fear of floods and other misfortunes.

Water intake

From the name it is already clear that the function of such structures is to manage the flow. Not only to take cubic meters of water, but also to move them across certain territories, launching them into locks and diverting them from a certain channel. Such a system is used in shipping when a loaded ship needs to be stranded or, on the contrary, removed from the port.

Small water intakes regulate and remove excess fluid from reservoirs and other artificial water systems. These are small valves that have holes in the drains below.

In addition, the main purpose of water intake hydraulic structures is to supply the necessary volumes of cool river moisture to factories and large enterprises. Cubic meters are needed for cooling, filtration or other functions. A number of industries perform secondary filtration and remove the liquid back to the water canal. For other purposes, only flow is required, for example, for irrigation. Irrigation of large agricultural lands requires large water supplies. At the same time, another function is carried out - cleaning from ice, debris and other impurities. Larger or finer filtration is installed at such intake points, which removes unnecessary elements.

Water intake can be carried out:

  • from the surface of a river or lake - this is easy in the design of a hydraulic structure, but often inefficient due to surface contamination, which requires more thorough cleaning;
  • from depth - the level of the fence goes well below the surface, it is more difficult in construction, but this eliminates the need to build protection against ice, and also ensures that moisture supply will be carried out even during dry periods when the water level drops sharply;
  • from the bottom - this is the most stable and monumental option that will last a long time, but its peculiarity is in the power of the structure (resistance to the pressure of the water mass) and deep filtration from silt; and it also becomes more difficult to carry out repairs and maintenance.

Large enterprises most often make multi-level water intake. So pipes with pumps are installed at different distances, which gives a constant pressure.

According to the method of sampling, there are also various system configurations:

  • Coastal. They are mounted on a steep, steep bank with the removal of the front wall to the ground. Large, massive reinforced concrete half-rings make the cliff suitable for exploitation. Pipes come out of the concrete wall at a certain level, which are designed to pump out liquid.
  • Channel. These are also systems that are located on the banks of the river, but unlike the previous ones, they are less monumental and costly, do not require such large structures. They are located on gently sloping banks, and the tip is carried out into the channel.
  • Floating. Such islands are located on barges. Pumps are mounted on them, they pump water from the surface and send it through a pipeline to the shore.
  • Bucket. In this design, there is a bucket, that is, a large tank for a large number of liters, which lowers and rises. This wicks away moisture.

All of them can be combined with pumping equipment, bring water pipes to them.

Regulatory or straightening structures

They are intended for artificial intervention in the direction of the river, that is, they change the course. Buildings are called jet guides. They are built in several stages - the banks, the width of the river are regulated, then, if necessary, the depth. This can be achieved by lining the bottom in a certain area. Restrictors and jet guides form the flow and its speed in the already prepared framework. This is how the optimal level of the fairway is maintained, the reservoir does not leave its place, and the nearest production can use the water resource.

For the construction of water intake structures or dams that provide a directional flow of high power, it is sometimes necessary to properly lay the channel. To do this, according to the previous scheme, the banks and the bottom are equipped.

By power, there are two types of regulatory structures:

  • permanent - multi-tier installations for the complete straightening of the channel, curvature and flow rate;
  • temporary - lighter devices that help the river find a more optimal bend rather than change it.

The former consist of large dams, dams, dams, ramparts. If necessary, they can also connect a pumping station. Such an integrated approach almost completely makes it possible to take control over the elements into human hands.

The second ones are light embankments, bank fortifications. Such measures rather protect against the wrong flow, slightly change the direction.

Irrigation systems

Among the water intakes, irrigation structures stand separately. The calculation of the hydraulic structure for the irrigation of certain areas is done even for the period of the decision on the location of the reservoir, since ponds are often artificially dug out for these purposes, and dams are also made from the channel of the nearest river. If the hydraulic structure is located on a natural water resource, then two types are distinguished:

  • damless - when an optimal bend is chosen to drain water so that the current does not muddy the liquid;
  • damming - a special dam is being built, which directs the channel and blocks it, forming a pressure.

Culvert systems

These are structures that free closed reservoirs from excess rainfall. When there are too many of them, the liquid flows over the crest of the linear structure. When a wider range of goals is achieved, automated processes can be established - opening and closing the spillway valve.

GTS for special purposes

Among them:

  • fishing;
  • hydropower;
  • shipping;
  • ameliorative;
  • sedimentation tanks for liquid waste.

General norms and basic provisions for the design and construction of hydraulic structures (HTS)

All requirements are presented in the documents:

  • SP 58.13330.2012;
  • SNiP 33-01-2003.

They provide security and technical regulation of buildings. The grounds are draft laws N 117-FZ "On the safety of hydraulic structures", N 184-FZ "On technical regulation" and N 384-FZ "Technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures". Also, references are made to the rules and GOSTs for construction:

  • SP 14.13330.2011 "Construction in seismic regions";
  • SNiP 2.01.07-85 "Loads and impacts";
  • SNiP 2.05.03-84 "Bridges and pipes";
  • SNiP 2.06.07-87 "Retaining walls, shipping locks, fish passage and fish protection structures";
  • SNiP 2.06.15-85 "Engineering protection of territories from flooding and flooding";
  • GOST 19185-73 “Hydraulic Engineering. Basic concepts. Terms and Definitions";
  • GOST 26775-97 "Underbridge dimensions of navigable spans of bridges on inland waterways" and others.

Basic provisions for the design of hydraulic structures

When drawing up a project, you need to consider:

  • urban planning and engineering development scheme;
  • technical indicators of the structure, depending on the purpose;
  • results of design surveys: geological, environmental, seismic, hydrological, meteorological and others;
  • the possibility of carrying out certain methods of work, construction in certain conditions;
  • impact on the environment and population, the level of water pollution, etc.;
  • intensity of exploitation;
  • building materials - reinforced concrete, pipes, etc.;
  • the need to use pumping equipment, which means supplying electricity.

Since the number of varieties of hydraulic structures is very large, it is impossible to single out a typical project and give the conditions for its development. All design decisions will be applied depending on the tasks, goals and purpose.

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    Hydraulic structures(HTS) - a type of engineering structures designed to provide various types of water use (water use) and / or to combat the harmful effects of water by influencing the regime and properties of natural water bodies and the water contained in them.

    The first hydraulic structures

    The construction of the first hydraulic structures dates back to the epoch of the 4th and 3rd millennia BC. e., to the era of the Sumerian civilization. Having settled in Mesopotamia, they gradually mastered irrigation, navigation and navigation along rivers and canals. The Iturungal and I-nina-gena canals, Arakhtu, Apkallatu and Me-Enlila canals, Zubi canal were built. The appearance of the first irrigation systems relatively early formed the economic basis for the emergence of an extensive system of economic relations in Mesopotamia. The construction of canals also resulted in the construction of new cities on their banks, which became the economic, political and cultural centers of the Sumerians. There is a legend that the destruction of Babylon in the 7th century. BC e. by the Assyrian king Sennacherib was produced using a specially created, and then lowered (by destroying the dam) reservoir on the Euphrates.

    In Europe, the first reservoirs, as far as can be judged from the available data, appeared even before our era. So, in Spain, presumably in the II century. BC e. on the river Albarregas built the Carnalbo dam with a reservoir with a volume of 10 million m 3 (still exists). Probably, in this era, reservoirs were created in Greece, Italy, southern France and other Mediterranean countries, but we do not have specific information about them. Indirectly, this can be judged, for example, by the surviving remains of hydraulic structures in the area of ​​Rome. Retaining structures were erected in the 1st millennium AD. e. in connection with the construction of mills and for irrigation. In Gaul, the first mills appeared in the 3rd-4th centuries; so, near the city of Arles, the remains of a complex of 16 mills have been preserved. The construction of mill dams gained wide scope in the 8th-9th and especially in the 12th-13th centuries. The reservoirs formed by mill dams, of course, had a small volume and, according to the modern classification of artificial reservoirs, they can be attributed for the most part to ponds. Larger reservoirs in Europe appeared later, with the development of ore mining, metal processing, sawmilling, etc.

    Significant waterworks were built by the Aztecs, Mayans and Incas in pre-Columbian America. Several reservoirs for collecting melt water existed at the foot of the Andes, such as, for example, a reservoir in the Nepeña Valley, 1.2 km long and 0.8 km wide. Many dams for water intake were built by the Maya people; the reservoir near the ancient city of Tikal is well known. For the water supply of the Mayan cities, numerous open reservoirs were built with an impervious bottom coating; some of them survived until the 19th century. The Aztecs built hydraulic structures, grandiose at that time, for example, the 16 km long Netzoualcoyotl dam, which divided the lake. Texcoco formed the Mexico City Reservoir. The Spanish conquistadors destroyed most of the ancient hydraulic structures of the Aztecs, Incas, Mayans. Similar structures created by the Spaniards were often inferior in complexity and size to the former ones. Nevertheless, some large reservoirs were built during this period: Zhururia with a volume of 220 million m 3 and a mirror area of ​​96 km 2 (still in use) and Chalviri with a volume of 3 million m 3 for water supply to the silver mines in Potosi.

    Russia is rich in water, so in ancient times there was no need for hydraulic structures. However, from the X-XI centuries. water and sewer systems were built in cities. And since the rivers were used as communication routes, there were often canals that straightened the bends - called forgive. Such channels, which have acquired a completely natural look over the centuries, exist in different places to this day. The oldest hydrotechnical project on the Volga was the expansion and deepening of the channel in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bLake Sterzh (the Volga is a small stream here) to ensure the pilotage of ships in the river. Paul and further to Novgorod.

    Since ancient times, hydraulic power plants - water mills - have become widespread. They often set in motion not only flour-grinding mechanisms, but also sawmills, metallurgical and other industries, still retaining the name of the mills (“saw mills”, etc.). The device of the mills involved the construction of a dam blocking the river, which was forbidden on navigable rivers (according to the Council Code of 1649 - “so that the ship’s course is not adopted along those rivers”), however, the abundance of small rivers that are not suitable for use as means of communication opened up great opportunities to use their water energy. There were water mills in the XVIII-XIX centuries. very many, they were such a familiar attribute of life and landscapes that statisticians and geographers simply did not notice them in their descriptions. In the second half of the XIX century. the shallowing of the Volga began to threaten Russia with the loss of its main communication route, "the artery of the Russian land." And the reason for shallowing was definitely called not only the reduction of forests and plowing of land in its basin, but also the destruction after the reforms of 1861 of tens of thousands of mill ponds. Despite this, at the beginning of the twentieth century. in the Volga basin there were 13,326 hydropower plants, and according to their total capacity, Russia, according to GOELRO, ranked third in the world after the USA and Canada.

    Large-scale hydrotechnical construction began under Peter I - the Vyshnevolotsk shipping system was built to supply St. Petersburg with bread from the Volga. It included canals, dams, shipping locks. Since the beginning of the XIX century. up to the railway "boom" of the 1860s-1880s. the construction of navigable hydraulic systems was extremely active. Then the Volga, in addition to the Vyshnevolotsk shipping system, received two more connections with St. Petersburg: the Tikhvin (1811) and Mariinsky (1810) systems (the latter acquired dominant importance from the middle of the 19th century). A canal named after Duke Alexander of Württemberg (now the North Dvina Canal) was built, connecting the Volga with the Northern Dvina (1825–1829); the North Catherine system was completed (the connection between the Kama and the Northern Dvina through the Vychegda River); the construction of the Ivanovsky Canal, begun and abandoned by Peter I in 1711 due to the loss of the Azov Canal (connection of the Oka with the Don), was resumed; a connection between the Volga and Moscow was built along the rivers Sestra and Istra and the canal between them; connections between the Dnieper and the Western Dvina (Berezinskaya system), Neman (Oginskaya system) and Vistula (Dnieper-Bugskaya system) were built. Connections of the Kama with the Irtysh, the Volga with the Don in the Tsaritsyn region, etc. were designed.

    Since both in cargo transportation and in the cares of the government, the Mariinsky system (the current Volga-Baltic Canal) from the middle of the 19th century. dominated, over a century of its repairs and reconstructions, several generations of engineers developed optimal types of wooden hydraulic structures - dams and locks of the "Russian" or "Mariinsky" type.

    In the XVIII-XIX centuries. Russia developed trade and military ports in the Baltic, Black and White Seas. In connection with these, large protective and mooring structures were built.

    HTS classification

    According to the modern classification, hydraulic structures can be divided into the following types and types:

    AT depending on the water body on which the hydraulic structures are located, they can be river, lake, sea.

    By location relative to the earth's surface Distinguish between ground and underground hydraulic structures.

    AT according to the provided types of water use hydrotechnical structures are divided into hydromeliorative (drainage, water supply, irrigation), water transport, hydropower, fisheries, for water supply and sanitation, for the use of water resources, for sports purposes, etc.

    By the nature of interaction with the water body There are water-retaining, water-conducting, regulatory, water intake and spillway hydraulic structures.

    Water-retaining structures, supporting the watercourse, create a pressure or a difference in water levels in the watercourse in front of the structure and behind it and perceive the water pressure resulting from the occurrence of pressure. These are, first of all, dams - structures that block river channels (and often upstream parts of river valleys) in order to raise the water level (for example, for the needs of navigation) or create a reserve volume of water in a reservoir (pond, reservoir). Retaining dams can be protective dams that enclose the coastal area and prevent its flooding during floods, tides, surges and storms on the seas and lakes. Retaining structures are also run-of-river buildings of hydroelectric power stations, shipping locks, and some water intake structures.

    Water supply structures (water conduits) serve to transfer water (its supply or discharge) from one point to another. These are channels, tunnels (hydrotechnical), trays, pipelines.

    designed to purposefully influence the conditions of the flow of watercourses, protect their channels and river banks from erosion, sedimentation, ice exposure, etc. ), structures that regulate the movement of ice and floating bodies (sinks, ice-protective walls, ice cutters, etc.).

    Water intake (water intake) structures are arranged to take water from a water source and direct it to a water conduit. They are usually equipped with devices that protect water supply facilities from ice, sludge, sediment, floating bodies, etc.

    Spillway structures (spillways) are used to release (“discharge”) excess water from reservoirs, canals, pressure basins, etc. They can be channel and coastal, surface and deep, allowing partial or complete emptying of reservoirs. To control the amount of released (discharged) water, spillways are often equipped with hydraulic gates.

    By appointment distinguish between general hydraulic structures that provide all types (or several types) of water use, and special, built for any one type of water use.

    General-purpose hydraulic structures include all water-retaining and spillway structures and, in part, water supply, regulation and water intake structures - if they are not part of special-purpose structures.

    The following are among the special (sectoral) hydraulic structures:

    In some cases, general and special hydraulic structures can be combined: for example, a spillway is placed in the building of a hydroelectric power plant, a hydroelectric power plant is placed in the body of a spillway dam (“combined hydroelectric power station”), a shipping lock can serve as a spillway, etc.

    In the implementation of complex water management measures, hydraulic structures, combined functionally and located in one place, constitute complexes called nodes of hydraulic structures, or hydroelectric facilities.

    At present (since January 1, 2014) there is a classification of hydraulic structures according to their degree of danger. In accordance with it, all hydraulic structures are divided into four classes: low, medium, high and extremely high danger.

    Depending on the class, the degree of reliability of hydraulic structures is assigned, i.e. reserves of their strength and stability, the estimated maximum water consumption, the quality of building materials, etc. are established.

    Hydraulic structures differ from all civil and industrial buildings in that they are affected by water flow, ice, sediment, and other factors. These effects can be mechanical (static and hydrodynamic loads, removal of soil particles by filtration flow (suffusion), etc.), physical and chemical (abrasion of surfaces, corrosion of metals, concrete), biological (rotting of wooden structures, wear of wood by living organisms, etc.). ).

    In addition, unlike civil and industrial buildings, the conditions for the construction of hydraulic structures are complicated by the need to pass through the riverbed and unfinished structures during their construction (usually several years) the so-called construction costs of the river, as well as ice, rafted timber, ships, etc. .

    A feature of the maintenance and functioning of hydraulic structures in the Russian Federation is their fragmentation according to departmental and sectoral affiliation and forms of ownership. So, according to the total book value, agriculture owns 29% of all hydraulic structures, industry - 27%, housing and communal services - 20%, hydropower - about 15%, water transport - about 6%, fisheries - 2%, on the balance sheet of the structures of the Federal Agency for Water resources - less than 2%. In addition, out of 29.4 thousand pressure hydraulic structures, 1931 objects (7%) belong to federal property, 7675 objects (26%) - to regional property, 16087 objects (54%) - to municipal property, about 4 thousand objects (13%) are ownerless.

    Yu.V. Bogatyryova, A.A. Belyakov