Revolutionary names with decoding. Kukutsapol and Dazdraperma: strange names of Soviet children (3 photos)

The revolution of 1917 influenced not only the further political events of the country, but also children's names. Some of them today cause distrust (such as Perkosrak or Waterpezhekosma), as they are more like outright name-calling. However, many so-called revolutionary names did occur in the Soviet Union.

Names of geographical objects

Such “name-making” was most popular in the thirties of the last century. These dates just fall the peak of the shock associated with the formation and functioning of the country occupying one-sixth of the land. It is significant (according to the observations of old-timers) that for the most part people called their children this way without any compulsion from the authorities.

The basis of such names was geographical features, the names of which served to create a new name for the "progressive" youth. The name of a person could be a mountain, a river, the name of a city; curious that not only Soviet, but also foreign names of objects were used as a basis.

Among such male names, the most famous are Himalaya, Ural, Altai, Cairo, Irtysh, Paris. Female names in the same style - Neva, Lima, Angara, Volga, Florence, Taigina (from the word "taiga"). Avksoma stands apart - the name of the capital is the opposite.

Names by month

The dates of the events of past years (especially those that were in one way or another connected with the revolution) were celebrated by the whole friendly country; in those days it was considered a special honor to be born, for example, in October or November. Of course, this contributed to the fact that ordinary Soviet citizens called their sons and daughters names "by months":

  • January, January and Janvarina.
  • Fevralin and Fevralina.
  • Martha, Martyn, Martimian, Marcin, Vosmart (March 8).
  • Aprelin, April (changed from "Aurelius").
  • Maya, May, May Day, Maina.
  • Julius (consonant with Julius).
  • Augustine, August.
  • September.
  • October, October. Unusual October names include those derived from Lenin, Stalin, and revolution.
  • Noyabrina (who is the notorious Nonna Mordyukova).
  • Dekabrina (the first world chess champion in Moldova - Dekabrina Volfovna Kazatsker).

In addition, in the USSR of that time, a child could bear the name of a tree. The boy could well “be” Oak, Cedar or Ash, and individual girls were called Azalea, Birch, Chrysanthemum, Carnation or Alder. And the names Rose and Lily are still very common.

Connection with science and the army

The scientific achievements of the Soviet Union even today inspire pride in their country; and in those days it was an incredibly powerful rallying factor. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the appearance of small Perkosrakov (stands for the First Space Rocket), Uryurvkosov (meaning - "Hurray, Yura in Space"!) and similar names.

Technical advances

The implementation of such large-scale events throughout the country as industrialization and electrification led to the emergence of such names as Elektrina, Elektromir, Elina, Industrialan, Energiy, Industrina and Natta. Interest in the exact sciences, as well as an increase in the level of education of the population, predetermined the birth of girls and boys with wonderful, albeit not very original, names:

  • Algebrina.
  • Hypotenuse.
  • Median
  • Ampere.
  • Curie.
  • Micron.
  • Electron.
  • Volt.
  • Minor (in honor of the musical mode in music). "Major" as a name, by the way, was not used in the Soviet Union.
  • Granite, Lapis lazuli and Basalt (the influence of geologists in the family is noticeable).

Chemists generally have a whole table of elements, in which there are sonorous names worthy of the builders of communism - Radium, Ruthenium, Vanadium, Iridium, Columbia (now this element is called niobium), Tungsten, Argent, Helium; some of them are still in use today.

The release of the Soviet electric plow (or tractor) "Kommunar" in 1924 predetermined the appearance of Tractorins and Tractors among girls and boys, respectively. Of course, the name "Kommunar" was also not left without attention, adding perhaps minor changes to the word - Kommunar, Kommuner, Kommunell. According to unconfirmed reports, in the early years of the founding of the USSR, there were such names as Combine, Turbine, Railcar, Diesel; some lucky ones could be named after a walking excavator (Shaes) or a central pharmacy warehouse (Tsas).

Scientific expeditions

The achievements and exploits of scientists who went to explore the Arctic, as well as the exploits of the expedition of Otto von Schmidt and Ivan Dmitrievich Papanin, not only instilled enthusiasm and pride in people, but also inspired them to create unusual names, the purpose of which was to perpetuate the activities of folk heroes (well, , to some extent, become complicit in their success). Among them stands out Sevmorputin is not what first comes to mind, but the "Northern Sea Route".

The events that developed as a result of the operation to rescue the Chelyuskin steamship contributed to the appearance among the people of the name Oyushminald (O. Yu. Schmidt on ice), as well as Chernald (Chelyuskin on ice) and the like (Lapanalda, Lagshminalda, Lagshmivar, Lachekamora, Zipanalda, Drepanald, meaning the same).

Successes in the space industry

The historic flight of Yuri Gagarin, as well as other cosmonauts, caused a flurry of various newly invented Soviet names (the abbreviations of which are not so easy to decipher for a modern person) as well as some slogans addressed to the people.

A striking example of such a name is Waterpezhekosma, or "Valentina Tereshkova, the first female cosmonaut." There is an analogue of such a name (although it is difficult to call it a name) - Valterperzhenka, the essence is the same.

Gagarin, who conquered the Soviet people not only with his feat, but also with his charming smile, became the "culprit" of such names as Uryurvkos, Yuralga (cosmonaut's initials), Yuravkos, Yurvkosur, Yurgag, Yurgoz (Yuri Gagarin circled the Earth) and Urgavneb (cheers, Gagarin in the sky).

Red Army

No less than science, in the USSR they revered their army, the day of formation of which was February 23, 1918. Children were called not only the abbreviation of the Red Army, but also abbreviated slogans and slogans of those years:

  • Lenar, Arville - Lenin's army. The female version is Lenara.
  • Langvard - Lenin's guard.
  • Krarmiya, Krasarmiya and Krasarmiya - the red army.
  • Flame, Krasarmeets.
  • Star, Starfish.
  • Voenmore - a military sailor.
  • Pobysk is a generation of fighters and builders of communism.

In those days, the name Kaleria could occur, meaning "an easy victory of the Red Army over the Japanese imperialists." Such long abbreviations, as you know, are not uncommon in Soviet times.

Some people at that time could be called Tovarishch and Tovarishtai (they were worn, for example, by the Tuvan sculptor Ondar Tovarishtai Chadambayevich and the politician Khovalyg Vladislav Tovarishtaiovich). You can also add equipment designations and specific army terms to this list - Aviation, Vanguard (there was such an actor - Leontiev Avangard Nikolaevich), Avia, Avietta, Aurora and Aurora, Barricade (scientist Zamyshlyaev Barrikad Vyacheslavovich), Barricade, as well as the wonderful name Glavspirt and other.

Patriotic appeals and slogans

The vast field of propaganda of the Soviet Union was built on short slogans and slogans expressing certain ideas of communism in a short form; many ridiculous and strange names of Soviet origin are an abbreviated phrase calling to remember the Lenin case or reminiscent of Soviet holidays.

One of these holidays was the day of spring and labor - May 1, which was celebrated throughout the USSR. Perhaps the most famous unusual name is associated with this particular holiday - Dazdraperma, which means "Long live the First of May!".

They wished to say hello not only to such memorable dates, but also to the movement of the revolution, and even to some foreign countries. The following names fit this:

  • Dazdrasmygda - the name glorifies the "bow" or the union of village and city dwellers into a single people.
  • Dazvemir is a glorification of the World Revolution, the onset of which was eagerly expected every year.
  • Dazdrasen - denotes the memorable date of the October Revolution (November 7).

Dazdranagon wished hello to the entire population of Honduras (of course, first of all - to the figures of communism such as Padilla Rush), Dalis - the first letters of the names of Lenin and Stalin, and Dasdges - to the builders of the DneproGES. Such appeals could also have an educational character, for example, “Down with illiteracy!” transformed into the female name Dolonegrama. In 1925, the name Lyubistina (love the truth) and others like him were recorded.

Political figures

After the great victory over the Nazis, names appeared, one way or another connected with this memorable date. Pofistal - a male name glorifying Stalin(“I. Stalin defeating the fascists”), Pobeda, Pravdina, Svoboda, Sostager (soldier - Stalin's hero), Stalber (Stalin, Beria), Stator (Stalin triumphs); and sometimes just Stalin, Socialina, Stalen, Stalenita, Stalenberia, Stalik, Staly, Staliv.

However, the desire to name their children in an original way was present not only under Lenin and Stalin; the Khrushchev era also distinguished itself by some pearls in the field of names. For example, Kukutsapol (stands for "corn - the queen of the fields"), Kinemm, derived from the word "cinema", Sickle-and-Hammer or simply the Sickle (or simply the Hammer, the meaning is clear without explanation), Glasp (publicity of the press), and also Niserkh (the first letters of Khrushchev's full name).

An interesting example of a name, the purpose of which is not to glorify a figure or a field of science, but to stigmatize a person; in particular, Solpred stands for "Solzhenitsyn is a traitor." And the successes in fulfilling the economic plan were reflected in names like Uspepya (successes of the first five-year plan), Pyatvchet and Piachegod - “five in four” or a five-year plan in four years.

Lenin and his ideology

Undoubtedly, the leader of the world proletariat and one of the main ideologists of communism is the leader as the basis for popular name-creation. Some of the names are still used by people today; others have sunk into oblivion due to the collapse of the USSR, and also because of their outright absurdity. These names are divided into three main groups:

  • Full name of the leader: Vladlen and Vladlena, Vladil, Vladilen, Viulen, Vlail, Violen, Viorel, Vil (initials), Vilenin, Velenin, Vilorik, Villior, Vileor, Vilork, Vilor (father of the revolution or liberator of workers and peasants), and also simply Leader.
  • Abbreviations meaning the initials of politicians, famous communists or slogans associated with Vladimir Ilyich: Vinun (Vladimir Ilyich will never die), Volen (Lenin's will), Delezh (Lenin's cause lives on), Ledrud (Lenin is a friend of children), Lengenmir (Lenin is the genius of the world), Leundezh (Lenin died, but his work lives on), Mels (Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin) and the like.
  • Names indirectly associated with the leader, which were most popular in the 20s and 30s of the 20th century. Rem (World Revolution), Rem (Revolution, Engels, Marx), Tomik (triumph of Marxism and Communism), Tomil (triumph of Marx and Lenin), Rome (Revolution and Peace), Roblen (born to be a Leninist), Revmark (revolutionary Marxism) , Maenlest (the initials of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin), Marlene (a combination of Marx and Lenin), as well as the name-call Lyublen (love Lenin).

Among the most popular names in the USSR are Ninel (the surname of the leader is vice versa) and Luigi, which was borrowed from abroad. The decoding of some names is truly amazing: Trolebuzina is a name that includes the letters of the names of four political figures - Trotsky, Lenin, Bukharin and Zinoviev.

Wanting to stand out among other families (or maybe wanting to please the Soviet authorities), individual citizens called their sons names like Pridespar (hello to the delegates of the party congress), Yasleik (I am with Lenin and Krupskaya), Izil (follow the precepts of Ilyich), Kim (the communist ideal of youth ), Istmat (historical materialism) and the unsurpassed Vydeznar (which means - hold the banner of the revolution higher!).

Of course, the girls were also “not offended” by a mediocre name, calling them in addition to Dazdraperma and other revolutionary names: Isaida (follow the precepts of Ilyich, baby), Doner (daughter of a new era), Dotnar (daughter of the working people), Bukharin (of course, in honor of the figure), Budyon, Zheldor (railway), Zaklimen (the first lines of the International), Capitalla, Laila (Ilyich's light bulb), the less funny Lucius, as well as all derivatives of the word "revolution" (Revolla, Remira, Revolda, Revoluta, Revita).

Attention, only TODAY!

The fantasy of Soviet parents truly knew no bounds. But all new names and derived forms can be conditionally divided into several groups.

Place names and seasons

It was also possible to choose a name by the month of birth: December, Dekabrina, November, September, Fevralin, Aprelin. Well, those who were called Oktyabrenko were especially lucky.

Often parents were inspired by rivers, cities and mountains. Children were given names: Neva, Cairo, Lima, Paris, Himalaya, Altai, Angara, Ural and even Avksoma - Moscow on the contrary.

In the film "Heart of a Dog" the names of the girls were chosen at a general meeting. (

Nature and resources

A child born in the USSR could easily be dubbed Oak, Birch, Azalea, Alder or Carnation.

Mathematics, physics, chemistry and technology

Science, which was developing at an active pace, suggested good names to parents: Algebrina, Ampère, Hypotenuse, Netta (from "net"), Drezina, Om, Electrina, Elina (electrification + industrialization). Minerals and chemical elements were also in honor: Granite, Ruby, Radium, Tungsten, Helium, Argent, Iridium.


Of course, what is the Soviet Union without slogans, in honor of which children came up with abbreviation names:

Dazvemir - from "Long live the world revolution!".
Dazdranagon - from "Long live the people of Honduras!".
Dazdraperma - from "Long live the First of May!".
Dazdrasmygda - from "Long live the bond between the city and the countryside!".
Dazdrasen - from "Long live the Seventh of November!".
Dalis - from "Long live Lenin and Stalin!".
Damir (a) - from the slogans "Give the world revolution!", "Long live the world revolution" or "Long live the world."
Dasdges - from "Long live the builders of the DneproGES!"
The division - from the reduction of the slogan "The cause of Lenin lives."
Deleor - from "The Case of Lenin - the October Revolution."
Demir - from the reduction of the slogan "Give the world revolution!".

May Day slogan. (

Revolutionary ideology and professions

The Russian language is indebted to the revolution for many new words and concepts that are firmly entrenched in everyday life. Ideology became another source of inspiration for finding names for their children: the boy could well have received a name:

Avtodor - from the abbreviated name "Society for the Promotion of Motoring and Improvement of Roads."
Agitprop - from the abbreviated name (until 1934) of the Department of Agitation and Propaganda under the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks.
Barricade (the female version of the name is Barricade).
Fighter - from fighters for the just cause of the revolution and not only.
Voenmor - from the reduction of the phrase "military sailor".
Leader - everything is clear here.
Glasp - presumably from "publicity of the press".
Karmiy, Karmiya - from the abbreviation of the name Red Army
Kid - from the reduction of the phrase "communist ideal."
Kim - from the name of the organization Communist Youth International.
Kravasil - (The Red Army is the strongest of all)
Kukutsapol - from the reduction of the slogan of the reign of N. S. Khrushchev "Corn is the queen of the fields."
National - from the abbreviation of the word international.
Piachegod is an abbreviation for the slogan "Five-year plan - in four years!".
Revvol - from the reduction of the phrase "revolutionary will."
Revdar - from the reduction of the phrase "revolutionary gift".
Sickle-And-Hammer - a compound name; from the Soviet heraldic emblem.

Women's names often repeated men's, but with the addition of the letter "a" at the end. There were some original ones too.

Kommuner - from the reduction of the phrase communist era.
Spark - from a common noun (this is the name of the main character of Boris Vasiliev's story "Tomorrow there was a war").
Laila - from the abbreviation of the phrase "light bulb of Ilyich."
Lucia - from the Revolution.
Victory is from a common noun.
Idle Light - from the abbreviation of the phrase "holiday of Soviet power."
Revvola - from the reduction of the phrase "revolutionary wave".

Leaders, revolutionary figures and heroes of the USSR

Revolutionary figures, leaders and "simple heroes" of the USSR, gave, perhaps, the most abundant ground for new names. As a rule, they were made up of the first letters of the first name and surname, or from the surnames of several people, and sometimes it was a surname + slogan:

Bestrev - from the reduction of the phrase "Beria - the guard of the revolution."
Bukharin - from the name of N.I. Bukharin.
Budyon - from the name of S. M. Budyonny.
Valterperzhenka - from the abbreviation of the phrase "Valentina Tereshkova - the first woman cosmonaut."
Dzerzh - by the name of F. E. Dzerzhinsky.
Dzefa - from the name and surname Dzerzhinsky, Felix.
Kollontai - from the name of the party and statesman Alexandra Kollontai.
Ledat - from Lev Davidovich Trotsky.
Malis (Mels) - short for the names Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin.

In the movie Stilyagi, the protagonist ends up in a Komsomol court after he discards the last letter of his name.

Hipster Mel. (

Niserha - from the abbreviation of the name, patronymic and surname Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev.
Ordzhonika - from the name of G.K. Ordzhonikidze.
Yurgoz - Yuri Gagarin circled the Earth.


Standing apart were the names, which were based on the name of Lenin:

Varlin - Lenin's Great Army
Vidlen - from the reduction of the phrase "Lenin's great ideas.
Vil (a) - from the initials of the name, patronymic and surname Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.
Vilen (a) - short for Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.
Vilenor - from the reduction of the slogan "V. I. Lenin is the father of the revolution.”
Willian - from the abbreviation of the phrase "V. I. Lenin and the Academy of Sciences.
Vilivs - from the initials of the name, patronymic and surname Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin.
Vilik - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and Communism.
Vilich is an abbreviation for the name and patronymic of Vladimir Ilyich.
Vilyur (a) - the name has several decoding options: from the reduction of the phrases “Vladimir Ilyich loves workers”, “Vladimir Ilyich loves Russia” or “Vladimir Ilyich loves the Motherland”.
Vinun - from the reduction of the slogan "Vladimir Ilyich will never die."
Zamvil - from the reduction of the phrase "deputy of V. I. Lenin."
Idlen - from the reduction of the phrase "Lenin's ideas."
Izael, Isil - from the reduction of the phrase "executor of the precepts of Ilyich."
Lelyud - from the reduction of the slogan "Lenin loves children."
Lengenmir - from the reduction of the slogan "Lenin - the genius of the world."
Lennor (a), Lenora - from the reduction of the slogan "Lenin is our weapon."
Ninel - from the reverse reading of the name Lenin.
Plint - from the reduction of the phrase "Lenin's party and the people's labor army."

Sometimes, next to Lenin, other surnames, no less native and familiar to the Soviet people, were placed (some of which, however, were later called traitors):

Lentrobuh - from the abbreviation of the names Lenin, Trotsky, Bukharin.
Lentrosh - from the abbreviation of the names Lenin, Trotsky, Shaumyan.
Forest - by the first letters of the names Lenin, Stalin.
Lestak - from the reduction of the slogan "Lenin, Stalin, communism!".
Lestaber - by the first letters of the names Lenin, Stalin, Beria.


The number of names formed on behalf of Stalin is much less than similar ones - from Lenin. However, they all sound loud:

Stalber - from the abbreviation of the names Stalin and Beria.
Stalen - from the abbreviation of the names Stalin, Lenin.
Stalinberia - from the reduction of Stalin, Lenin, Beria.
Stalenita - from the abbreviation of the names Stalin, Lenin.
Stalet - from the abbreviation of the names Stalin, Lenin, Trotsky.
Staliv - from the abbreviation of the surname and initials Stalin I.V.
Stalik - from the name of I. V. Stalin.
Stalin - also by the name of Stalin.

Actress Irina Cherichenko as Iskra Polyakova in the film "There Was a War Tomorrow". (

Borrowed names

It has become quite popular to name children in honor of foreign heroes related either to the cause of the revolution or to art and science. So, in the USSR, girls began to appear named Angela (in honor of the American human rights activist Angela Davis), Zarema (a borrowed name, which was attributed to the meaning “for the revolution of the world”), Rosa (in honor of Rosa Luxembourg), Clara - like Zetkin. The boys were called John or Jonrid (after the name of the writer), Hume - in honor of the philosopher David Hume, Ravel (as the French composer Maurice Ravel) or Ernst - in honor of the German communist Ernst Thalmann.

Names of Soviet origin are personal names that exist in the languages ​​of the peoples of the former USSR, for example, in Russian, Tatar and Ukrainian, which appeared after the October Revolution of 1917 during the heyday of neologisms and abbreviations in the Soviet Union.

The breakdown of the former social foundations and traditions of naming, associated primarily with the obligation to choose a name for a newborn according to the calendar during the rite of baptism, provided parents with greater freedom in choosing names for their children. Various common words began to be used as personal names: plant names (Birch, Carnation, Oak), minerals (Ruby, Granite), chemical elements (Radium, Tungsten, Iridium), toponyms (Volga, Himalaya, Kazbek, Onega), technical and mathematical terms (Median, Diesel, Combine, Railcar), professions (Tankman), and other words colored by revolutionary ideology (Idea, Decembrist, Comrade, Will, Dawn, Atheist, Freedom). Derivative forms were also formed (Noyabrina, Traktorina). Such name-creation is sometimes called semantic anthroponymization.

A large array of personal neologism names was formed from revolutionary slogans, the names of some bodies of the new government, as well as from the names and surnames of revolutionary leaders and communist leaders (Vladlen, Damir, Kim, Roy, Elina).

The names of Soviet origin also include many borrowed names. It was after the October Revolution that there was a significant influx of foreign names into the Russian language. Some of them were directly associated with the leaders of the international communist movement (Rose - in honor of Rosa Luxembourg, Ernst - in honor of Ernst Thalmann), some were associated with the heroes "progressive" translated literary works or historical figures (Joan, Eric, Rudolf, Robert).

In the post-revolutionary era, non-canonical (not marked in church calendars) Old Russian and Old Slavic names, as well as names that exist in other Slavic languages ​​(Svetozar, Peresvet, Mstislav, Miloslava, Lubomir, Wanda, Vladislav) came into use.

Most of the names of Soviet origin - especially the newly formed ones - were rarely used and did not take root, remaining rather a historical and linguistic curiosity; many carriers of exotic names, having reached the age of majority, applied for a name change. However, some of these names, composed successfully, have survived and have become quite widely known.

Arvil- the army of V. I. Lenin.

Vector- Great communism triumphs.

Weor- The Great October Revolution.

Vidlen- the great ideas of Lenin.

vilaine- IN AND. Lenin.

Whelan- IN AND. Lenin and the Academy of Sciences.

vilord- IN AND. Lenin is the organizer of the labor movement.

wil- IN AND. Lenin.

Vilyur- Vladimir Ilyich loves Russia.

Winun- Vladimir Ilyich will never die.

Whist- The great historical force of labor.

Vladlen- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

Volen- the will of Lenin.

Pile- Voroshilov Sharpshooter.

Gertrude- Hero of Labor.

Dazdraperma Long live the First of May!

Dalis Long live Lenin and Stalin!

division- Lenin's work lives on.

Isaida- Follow Ilyich, baby.

Kim- Communist Youth International.

Lapanalda- Papanin's camp on an ice floe.

Flipper- Latvian shooter.

Ledat- Lev Davidovich Trotsky.

Lenior- Lenin and the October Revolution.

Ribbon- Lenin's labor army.

Forest- Lenin, Stalin.

Sheet- Lenin and Stalin.

Luigi- Lenin is dead, but the ideas are alive.

Marlene- Marx, Lenin.

October- in honor of the Bolshevik coup in October 1917

paper party pyramid.

Benefit- remember Lenin's precepts.

Revmira- revolution world army.

Rosik- Russian Executive Committee.

Silenus- the power of Lenin.

Stalin- Stalinist.

Tomil- the triumph of Marx, Lenin.

Tomik- Marxism and communism triumph.

Trick(om)- three "TO"- Komsomol, Comintern, communism.

Fed- Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky.

woodruff- I'm with Lenin and Krupskaya.

Vanguard; appeared in the 1930s.

Leontiev, Avangard Nikolaevich- actor


Aviette- from French aviette, aviette.

Avia- from the morpheme air (that is, related to aviation).

Auxoma- from the reverse reading of the word Moscow.

Aurora)- by name of the cruiser "Aurora".

aurory- by name of the cruiser "Aurora".

Avtodor- from the abbreviated name "Societies for the Promotion of Motoring and Road Improvement".

Agit- from an abbreviated common noun.

Agitprop- from the abbreviated name (until 1934) of the Department of Agitation and Propaganda under the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks.

adium- from the truncation of some traditional male names (cf. Gennady, Arkady).

Azalea- from the name of the plant.

Aida- on behalf of the main character of the opera of the same name by G. Verdi.

Air- by the initials of A. I. Rykov, the second chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR after Lenin.

Academy- from a common noun.

Aldan- from the toponym Aldan.

Algebrina- from algebra.

Allegro (male), Allegra (female)- from a musical term.

Diamond- from the name of the mineral diamond.

Altai- from the toponym Altai.



Amur- from the toponym Amur.

Angara- from the toponym Angara.

Aprilina- from the name of the month April.

Ararat- from the toponym Ararat.

Arvil "Army of V. I. Lenin".

Argent- from lat. argentum (silver).

Aria- from a common noun.

Harlequin- from a common noun.

Arlen- from abbreviation of the phrase "Army of Lenin". Homonymous with the name of Celtic origin Arlen.

Army- from a common noun

Artaka- from abbreviation of the name "Artillery Academy". Consonant with the Armenian name Artak.

Artillery Academy- compound name; cf. Artak.

Assol- on behalf of the main character of the story by A. Green "Scarlet Sails".

Aster- from Greek - star.

Astrela- from Greek. - star.

Atheist- from a common noun.

Aelita- the name of the main character of the story of the same name by A. N. Tolstoy, which became a personal name.

Ayan- from the toponym Ayan.


Barricade- from a common noun.

White Night- a compound name, from the concept of white nights.

Birch- from a common noun.

Bestrev- from abbreviation of the phrase "Beria is the guardian of the revolution"

Beta- from the name of the letter of the Greek alphabet.

Bonaparte- from the name of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Bolsovenets- Great Soviet Encyclopedia.

Fighter- from a common noun.

Bosphorus- from the toponym Bosporus.

Diamond (female)- from the name of the precious stone diamond.

Budyon- from the name of S. M. Budyonny.

Rebel- from a common noun.

Bukharin- from the name of N. I. Bukharin.


Valterperzhenka- from abbreviation of the phrase .

Vanadium- from the name of the chemical element vanadium.

Vanzetti- from the name of Bartolomeo Vanzetti.

Varlin- Lenin's Great Army.

Waterpagecosmos- from abbreviation of the phrase "Valentina Tereshkova - the first female cosmonaut".

Vector- from shortening the slogan "Great Communism Triumphs".

Velior- from abbreviation of the phrase .

Velira- from abbreviation of the phrase "great worker".

Weor- from abbreviation of the phrase "Great October Revolution".

Spring- from the name of the season.

Vidlen- from abbreviation of the phrase "Lenin's great ideas"


Vilen(a)- short for Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. The male name Vilen, borrowed from Russian, is also known in the Tatar language.

Vilenin(a)- from the initials and surname Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

Vilenor- from shortening the slogan "AT. I. Lenin - the father of the revolution ".

Vileor(V. I. Lenin, the October Revolution or V. I. Lenin - the organizer of the revolution.

Willian- from abbreviation of the phrase "AT. I. Lenin and the Academy of Sciences».

Willy, Willy- from the initials of the name, patronymic and surname Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

vilior- from abbreviation of the phrase "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and the October Revolution".

Vilic- short for name and patronymic Vladimir Ilyich.

Vilor(a)- from the slogan "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - Organizer of the Revolution"

vilord- from shortening the slogan "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - the organizer of the labor movement".

Vilorius (Viloria)- the same as Vilor (a).

Viloric- from shortening the slogan "AT. I. Lenin - the liberator of the workers and peasants ".

vilorg- from a phrase "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - organizer".

Vilork- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - the organizer of the revolutionary commune.

Vilort- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - the organizer of labor.

Viluza- from abbreviation of the phrase "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin-Ulyanov testaments". Borrowed from Russian, the name is also known in the Tatar language.

wil- by the initials of V. I. Lenin

wilgeny- Vladimir Ilyich - a genius

Vilnur- from Russian. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin and Tat. nury (translated - ) (Tatar name).

Wilsor- from shortening the slogan "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - the creator of the October Revolution". Borrowed from Russian, the name is also known in
Tatar language.

Vilyur(a)- the name has several decoding options: from the reduction of phrases "Vladimir Ilyich loves the workers", "Vladimir Ilyich loves Russia" or "Vladimir Ilyich loves his Motherland". Borrowed from Russian, the names are also known in the Tatar language.

Winun- from shortening the slogan "Vladimir Ilyich will never die".

Violaine- from abbreviation of the phrase "Vladimir Ilyich, October, Lenin".

Viorel- from abbreviation of the phrase "Vladimir Ilyich, October Revolution, Lenin".

Whist- from abbreviation of the phrase "the great historical force of labor".

Vitim- from the toponym Vitim.

Viulen(a)- from the abbreviation of the name, patronymic, surname and pseudonym Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov-Lenin.

Vladilen(a)- from the abbreviation of the name, patronymic and surname Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. Phonetic options - Vladelin, Vladelina.

Vladil- from the abbreviation of the name, patronymic and surname Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

Vladlen(a)- from the abbreviation of the name and surname Vladimir Lenin. The male name Vladlen, borrowed from Russian, is also known in the Tatar language.

Vlail- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

warmore- from abbreviation of the phrase "military sailor".

Leader- from a common noun.

Volga- from the toponym Volga.

Volen- from abbreviation of the phrase "Lenin's will".

Volodar- from the name of the revolutionary V. Volodarsky.

Tungsten- from the name of the chemical element tungsten.

Will, Will- from a common noun.

Volt- from from physical unit of measurement.

Pile- from the reduction of the honorary title "Voroshilov Sharpshooter".

Vosmart- March 8th (International Women's Day).


world- from shortening the ideologeme "world revolution".

Nominee- from a common noun.

Vydeznar- Hold the banner of revolution higher

Vykraznar- Above the red banner of the revolution


Gaidar- from the name of the writer Arkady Gaidar.

Gamma- from the name of the letter of the Greek alphabet.

Garibaldi- from the name of Giuseppe Garibaldi.

Harrison- from the English surname Harrison.

Carnation- from the name of the flower, which has become one of the revolutionary symbols.

Hegelin- from the name of G. W. F. Hegel.

Helian- from the Greek sun.

Helium, Helium

Gem- from a common noun.

Genius, genius- from a common noun.

Geodar- from the combination of phonemes "geo-" and "gift".

Dahlia- the name of the flower.

Coat of arms- from a common noun.

heroida- from a common noun.

Hero- from a common noun.

Gertrude)- from "hero (heroine) of labor". Appeared in the 1920s. Homonymous with the Western European female name Gertrude.

Himalaya- from the toponym Himalayas.

Hypotenuse- from the mathematical term hypotenuse.

Glavspirt- from the abbreviated name of the Main Directorate of the alcohol and alcoholic beverage industry.

Glasp- presumably from "publicity of the press".

Horn- from a common noun.

Granite- from the name of the mineral.

Dream- from a common noun.


Dazworld- from shortening the slogan "Long live the world revolution!"

Dazdraperma- from shortening the slogan "Long live the First of May!". The most famous example of ideological name-creation.

Dazdrasmygda- from shortening the slogan "Long live the bond between town and country!"

Dazdrasen- from shortening the slogan "Long live the Seventh of November!"

Dazdrugag- Long live Yuri Gagarin

Dalis- from shortening the slogan "Long live Lenin and Stalin!".

Dal, Dalina- from a common noun.

dalton- from the name of the English physicist John Dalton.

Damir(a)- from slogans "Long live the world revolution" or "Long live the world". Borrowed from Russian, the names are also known in the Tatar language.

Danelia- from the Georgian surname Danelia.

Gift- from a common noun.

Darwin- from the name of the naturalist Charles Darwin.

Dusdges- from shortening the slogan “Long live the builders of the DneproGES!”.


December(a)- from the name of the month of December.

Decembrist- from a common noun.

division- from shortening the slogan "Lenin's case lives on".

Deleor- from shortening slogans "Lenin's Case - October Revolution" or "Ten Years of the October Revolution".

Delhi (Women)- from the toponym Delhi.

Demir- from shortening the slogan "Give the world revolution!"

Democrat- from a common noun.

Jonrid- from the name and surname of John Reed.

Dzerzh- by the name of F. E. Dzerzhinsky.

Dzermen- according to the first syllables of the names of the leaders of the Cheka-OGPU F. E. Dzerzhinsky and V. R. Menzhinsky. The phonetic variant is Jermaine.

Zefa- from the name and surname Dzerzhinsky, Felix.

Diamara- from abbreviation of words "dialectics" and "Marxism".

Diesel- from the everyday name of the diesel engine.


Diner(a), Ditnera- from abbreviation of the phrase "Child of the New Age".

Dognat-Peregnat, Dognat-Peregnat- a compound name derived from a slogan "Catch up and overtake". The names of the twins Dognat and Peregnat are known.

Dolonegrama- from shortening the slogan "Down with illiteracy!".

Blast furnace- pre-revolutionary name (abbreviation from Dominic), homonymous with the name of the melting furnace.

Donara- from abbreviation of the phrase "daughter of the people".

Donera- from abbreviation of the phrase "daughter of a new age".

Dora, Dorina- Decade of the October Revolution.

Dotnara- from abbreviation of the phrase "daughter of the working people".

Daughter- from a common noun.

Railcar- from a common noun.

Drepanald- from abbreviation of the phrase "Drift of Papanintsev on an ice floe".

Thought- from a common noun.

Devil- from abbreviation of the phrase "child of the era of V. I. Lenin".

Davis- from the name of the American communist Angela Davis.


Eurasia- from the toponym Eurasia.


Jean Paul Marat- compound name; in honor of the figure of the Great French Revolution, J.P. Marat.

Zheldora- from the abbreviation of the concept of the railway.

Jaures, Jaures- from the name of the French socialist Jean Jaurès.


Zaklymena- from the word "branded", from the first line of the anthem "International": "Get up, damned".

Zamvil- from abbreviation of the phrase "Deputy V. I. Lenin".

West- from the name of one of the cardinal directions.

Zarema- short for slogan "For the Revolution of the World". Borrowed from Russian, the name is also known in the Tatar language. Homonymous with the Turkic name Zarema (used by A. S. Pushkin in the poem "Bakhchisarai Fountain").

Zares- short for slogan "For the Republic of Soviets"

Zarina, Zorina- from a common noun.

Dawn, Zorya- from a common noun. Borrowed from Russian, the name is also known in the Tatar language.

Star- from a common noun. The red star is one of the heraldic symbols of the Soviet era.

Zoreslava, Zorislava- from phonemes "dawn" and "glory". Formed according to the traditional model of Slavic names (cf. Vladislav, Yaroslav).


Ibiza- Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin was common in the Caucasian republics.

Ivista- Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin.

Idea, Idea- from a common noun.

Idyll- from a common noun.

idlen- from abbreviation of the phrase "Ideas of Lenin".

Isaida- from abbreviation of the phrase "follow Ilyich, baby".

Isael, Izil- from abbreviation of the phrase "the executor of the precepts of Ilyich". Borrowed from Russian, the names are also known in the Tatar language.

Izzvil- from shortening the slogan "Study the precepts of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin".

Isili- the same as Isaiah.

Isolde- from a phrase "out of ice"; given to a girl who was born during the wintering of polar explorers in Taimyr. Homonymous with the Western European name Isolde.

Isotherm- from the physical term.

Ikki- from the abbreviation ECCI (Executive Committee of the Communist International).

Ilkom- from the abbreviation Ilyich, commune.

Imels- by the name of the Institute of Marxism-Leninism, which in 1954-1956 was called the Institute of Marx-Engels-Lenin-Stalin. The phonetic variant is Imels.

indus- from the toponym Indus.

industrial- from a common noun.

Industry- from a common noun.

Interna- from international.

Iridium- from the name of a chemical element.

Irtysh- from the toponym Irtysh.

Spark- from a common noun. Appeared in the 1920s-1930s. "Spark"- Revolutionary newspaper founded by Lenin.

Istalina- from the name and surname of Joseph Stalin. Appeared in the 1920s-1930s.

Eastmat- from the abbreviation of the name of the scientific discipline historical materialism.

July, July- from the name of the month of July. Consonant with the traditional names Julius, Julia.


Kazbek- from the toponym Kazbek. It is also known in the Tatar language.

Cairo- from the toponym Cairo.

Potassium- from the name of a chemical element.

Kama- from the toponym Kama.

Camellia- from the name of the plant.


Karina- from the name of the Kara Sea. That was the name of the girl who was born during the first (and last) voyage of the steamer "Chelyuskin" along the Northern Sea Route (1933). The name is homonymous with the Western European Karina, and also consonant with the Eastern Karine and the Western European Korinna.

Karm, Karmy

Karmia- from the abbreviation of the name Red Army.

Karlen- (Karl (Marx), Lenin.

Kid- from abbreviation of the phrase "communist ideal".

Kim(s)- from the name of the organization Communist Youth International. The male name Kim, borrowed from Russian, the name is also known in the Tatar language.

Kinemm- from the reduction of the word "cinema".

Cyrus- from the abbreviation of the name Communist International. Homonymous to the Orthodox name of Greek origin Cyrus.

Kirina- formed on the model of traditional female names.

Clover- from a common noun.

Club- from a common noun.

Kollontai- from the name of the party and statesman Alexandra Kollontai.

Columbia- from the name of a chemical element (its modern name is niobium) or from the name of the navigator Christopher Columbus.

Colchis- from the toponym Colchis.

Commander- from a common noun. It was recorded in the 1920s-1930s in the Altai Territory.

harvester- from a common noun.

Comintern- from the abbreviated name of the Communist International.

Commissioner- from a common noun.


Kommuner- from the abbreviation of the phrase communist era.

Compart- from the abbreviation of the phrase communist party.

Komsomol- from one of the names of the Komsomol, a youth communist organization.

Kravsil- The Red Army is the strongest of all

Krarmiya- from the abbreviation of the name Red Army - the armed forces of Soviet Russia.

Krasarm(a)- from the name of the Red Army. Recorded in the 1920s-1930s.

Krasnomir- was recorded in the 1920s-1930s. Formed according to the model of Slavic names (cf. Lubomir).

Krasnoslav- was recorded in the 1920s-1930s. Formed according to the model of Slavic names (cf. Yaroslav).

Cromwell- from the name of the leader of the English Revolution, Oliver Cromwell.

Kukutsapol- from the reduction of the slogan of the reign of N. S. Khrushchev "Corn is the queen of the fields".

Curie- from a physical unit of measurement or from the names of French physicists.


Lavansaria- from the toponym Lavensaari.

Lagshmivar(a), Lashmivar(a)- short for "Camp Schmidt in the Arctic". It appeared in the 1930s in connection with the epic of saving the Chelyuskinites.

Lagshminald(a)- from abbreviation of the phrase "Schmidt's camp on an ice floe".

lapis lazuli- from the name of the mineral.

Laila- from abbreviation of the phrase "Ilyich's lamp".

Lapanalda- from abbreviation of the phrase "Papanin's camp on an ice floe".

Lasmai- from the abbreviation of the group name "Tender May"

Flipper- from abbreviation of the phrase "Latvian shooter".

Lachecamora- from abbreviation of the phrase "Camp of the Chelyuskinites in the Kara Sea"

Levanna- from a combination of parents' names: Leo and Anna.

Legrad(a)- Leningrad

Ledav- according to the first syllables of Trotsky's name and patronymic - Lev Davidovich.

Ledat- from Lev Davidovich Trotsky.

Ledrud- from shortening the slogan "Lenin is a friend of children".

Ledict- Lenin and the dictatorship

Lelude- from shortening the slogan "Lenin loves children".

Lemar(a), Lemark- from the abbreviation of the names Lenin and Marx. Borrowed from Russian, the names are also known in the Tatar language.

Lemir(a)- from abbreviation of the phrase "Lenin and the World Revolution". Borrowed from Russian, the name is also known in the Tatar language.

Lena- from the toponym Lena. Homonymous to the short form of some traditional Orthodox names (Elena, Leonida, Leontina, Leontiya, etc.).

Lenar(a)- from abbreviation of the phrase "Lenin's army". Borrowed from Russian, the names are also known in the Tatar language.

Lenvlad- according to the first syllables of the surname and name Lenin Vladimir.

Langward- from abbreviation of the phrase "Lenin Guard".

Lengenmeer- from shortening the slogan "Lenin - the genius of the world".

Lengerb- from abbreviation of the phrase "Lenin coat of arms".

Lange- Lenin is alive.

Lenian(a)- from the name of Lenin.

Leniz(a)- from abbreviation of the phrase "Lenin's testaments". Borrowed from Russian, the names are also known in the Tatar language.


Leniniana- from the name of Lenin. Recorded in the 1920s-1930s.

Leninid- from abbreviation of the phrase "Leninist ideas".

Leninism- from abbreviation of the phrase "Lenin and the Banner of Marxism".

Leninir- from abbreviation of the phrase "Lenin and the Revolution".

Lenior- from abbreviation of the phrase "Lenin and the October Revolution".

Lennor(a), Lenora- from shortening the slogan "Lenin is our weapon".

Lenst- Lenin, Stalin

Ribbon- from abbreviation of the phrase "Lenin's Labor Army".

Lentrosh- from the abbreviation of the names Lenin, Trotsky, Shaumyan.

Lenuza- from abbreviation of the phrase "Lenin-Ulyanov testaments". Borrowed from Russian, the name is also known in the Tatar language.

Lenur(a)- from abbreviation of the phrase "Lenin founded the revolution". Borrowed from Russian, the names are also known in the Tatar language.

Lenar- from abbreviation of the phrase "Lenin era".

Lermont- from the name of M. Yu. Lermontov.

Forest- by the first letters of the surnames Lenin, Stalin.

Lestaber- by the first letters of the surnames Lenin, Stalin, Beria.

Lestak- from shortening the slogan "Lenin, Stalin, communism!"

Leungege, Leunge- from shortening the slogan "Lenin is dead, but his cause lives on".

Libert(a)- from the French liberte, freedom. Consonant with some names borrowed from Western European languages.

Livady- from the toponym Livadia.

League- from a common noun.

Lily, Lily- the name of the flower.

Lima- from the toponym Lima.

Lina- from the abbreviation of the name of the international organization League of Nations. Homonymous with the well-known name Lina in European languages, which is a short form of some names (for example, Angelina, Carolina).

Lira, Lira

Sheet- by the first letters of the surnames Lenin and Stalin.

Lausanne- from the toponym Lausanne.

Laura- from abbreviation of the phrase "Lenin, October Revolution". Homonymous with the well-known name Laura in European languages, which is a form of the name Laura.

lorix- Lenin, October Revolution, industrialization, collectivization, socialism

Loricaric "Lenin, the October Revolution, industrialization, collectivization, electrification, radio and communism".

Lorieks- an abbreviation for a phrase "Lenin, October, Revolution, Industrialization, Electrification, Collectivization of the Country".

Lorieric- an abbreviation for a phrase "Lenin, the October Revolution, industrialization, electrification, radio and communism".

Lunio- from shortening the slogan “Lenin died, but the ideas remained”.

Luigi(a)- from shortening the slogan "Lenin is dead, but ideas are alive". Consonant with the Italian name Luigi (Italian Luigi).

Lunachara- from the name of A. V. Lunacharsky.

Lundezhi- Lenin died, but his work lives on

Lga- from the truncation of the traditional name Olga.

Lyubistina- from abbreviation of the phrase "love the truth". First recorded in 1926 in Leningrad.

Lublen- from abbreviation of the phrase "Love Lenin".

Luxen(s)- from lat. lux, light.

Alfalfa- from a common noun.

lucia- from Revolution. - Recorded in the 1920s-1930s. Homonymous with the name of Latin origin Lucius, known from pre-revolutionary Orthodox saints.


Magnet- from a common noun.


May, May- from the name of the month of May. The name is associated with the May Day holiday.

Main(a)- from the toponym Main.

Maislav, Mayeslav- from the name of the month May and the phoneme glory

Mayan- (female name; in honor of the first, International Workers' Day). Maya's name was known before.

Marat- from the name of J. P. Marat.


Marklen- from the addition of the initial letters of the names Marx and Lenin.

Marx(a)- from the name of Karl Marx. Fixed in the 1920s-1930s.

Marxana, Marxina- from the name of Karl Marx.

Marksen- from the names of Marx and Engels.

Marlene- from the addition of the initial letters of the surnames Marx and Lenin: Borrowed from Russian, the name is also known in the Tatar language.

Martin- from the common name of the open-hearth furnace.


Mauser- from the brand of weapons.

Maels- by the first letters of the surnames Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin. The phonetic variant is Maels.


Maenlest- by the first letters of the surnames Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin.


Mezhenda- from the abbreviation of the name of the holiday "International Women's Day".

Micron- from the name of the unit of measurement.

Police- from the name of the Soviet law enforcement agencies.

Minor- from a musical term.

Miol, Miolina- from the abbreviation of the names of the parents: the male name Mikhail and the female Olga.

World(s)- from a common noun or from an abbreviation of a phrase "world revolution".

Myrrh- from shortening the ideologeme "World Revolution".

The hammer

Monolith- from a common noun.

Mopr- from the abbreviation MOPR (International Organization for Assistance to the Fighters of the Revolution).

mora- from the name of Thomas More.

Motwil- from abbreviation of the phrase "we are from V. I. Lenin".

Mela- by the first letters of the surnames Marx, Engels, Lenin.

Malice- an abbreviation for the names Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin.

Malor- an abbreviation for slogans "Marx, Engels, Lenin, the October Revolution" or "Marx, Engels, Lenin - the organizers of the revolution". Borrowed from Russian, the name is also known in the Tatar language.

Mels- an abbreviation of the names Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin.

melsor- Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, October Revolution.

marlis- Marx, Engels, Revolution, Lenin and Stalin.

Myslis- from abbreviation of the phrase "Thoughts of Lenin and Stalin".

Myud(a), Myund- from reduction "International Youth Day".


Nancy- from the toponym Nancy.

Narcissus- from the name of the flower.

The science- from a common noun.

National- from the abbreviation of the word international.

Neva- from the toponym Neva.

Ninel- from the reverse reading of the name Lenin. Borrowed from Russian, the name is also known in the Tatar language.

Niserha- from the abbreviation of the name, patronymic and surname Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev.

Novomir- from a phrase "new world". Formed according to the model of Slavic names.

North- from the marine term, which denotes the north, the northern direction.

November- from the name of the month.

Nurvil- from tat. nury and Russian. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (translated - "the light of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin").

Nera- from abbreviation of the phrase "new era". Borrowed from Russian, the name is also known in the Tatar language.

netta- from the term net.


Odvar- from the abbreviation of the name Special Far Eastern Army.

October- from a common noun.

Oktyabrin(a)- in honor of the October Revolution. The female name Oktyabrina, borrowed from Russian, is also known in the Tatar language.

October- by the name of the month of October; in honor of the October Revolution. Borrowed from Russian, the name is also known in the Tatar language.

October- in honor of the October Revolution. It was recorded in the 1920s-1930s in the Altai Territory.

Ohm- from a physical unit of measurement.

Onega- from the toponym Onega.

Or- an abbreviation for the October Revolution.

Ordzhonika- from the name of G.K. Ordzhonikidze.

Orletos- from shortening the slogan "The October Revolution, Lenin, labor is the basis of socialism".

Osoaviakhim- from the name of the public organization OSOAVIAKHIM.

Oyushminald- from reduction "Otto Yulievich Schmidt on an ice floe". It appeared in the 1930s in connection with the epic of saving the Chelyuskinites. Also recorded in 1960.


paper- from abbreviation of the phrase "party pyramid"

Paris- from the toponym Paris.

Partizan- from a common noun.

The consignment- from a common noun (meaning CPSU).

may day- from the name of the May Day holiday (the official name in the USSR is the Day of International Solidarity of Workers).

perkosrak- the first space rocket.

Persostratus, Persovstratus- from a phrase "The first Soviet stratospheric balloon". The first Soviet stratospheric balloon "USSR-1" flew in 1933.

Pioneer- from a common noun. Recorded in the 1920s-1930s.

Poster- from a common noun. Recorded in the 1920s-1930s.

flame- from a common noun.

plinth- from abbreviation of the phrase "Party of Lenin and the People's Labor Army".


Pobysk- abbreviation for "October winner, fighter and builder of communism"

Poles- from abbreviation of the phrase "remember Lenin, Stalin".

polygraph- from the term polygraphy.

Benefit- from abbreviation of the phrase "remember Lenin's precepts".

Pores- from abbreviation of the phrase "remember the decisions of the congresses".

Briefcase- from a common noun.

Pofistal- from abbreviation of the phrase "the winner of fascism / fascists Joseph Stalin".

Pravdina- from a common noun.

Board- from abbreviation of the phrase "the truth of Lenin".

Pravles- from abbreviation of the phrase "the truth of Lenin, Stalin".

Prazat- from Russian. the proletariat and abbreviations Tat. Azatlygy (in translation - "freedom of the proletariat"). Tatar name.

Idlelight- from abbreviation of the phrase "holiday of Soviet power".

Pridespar- from shortening the slogan “Greetings to the delegates of the Party Congress!”

Proletcult- from the name of the cultural and educational organization Proletkult.

Friday- an abbreviation for the slogan of the participants in socialist competition "Five-year plan - in four years!".

Piachegod- short for slogan "Five-year plan - in four years!".

Drunk- from the toponym Pyana.


Ravel- from the name of the French composer Maurice Ravel.

glad- from reduction "working democracy". Recorded in the 1920s-1930s. Homonymous to the Slavic non-church name Rada. Borrowed from Russian, the name is also known in the Tatar language.

Radamès- on behalf of the character of the opera G. Verdi Aida.

radian- from a mathematical term.

Radium- from the name of the chemical element radium.

Radik- a diminutive form of the name Radiy. Borrowed from Russian, in the Tatar language it became an independent name.

Radiola- from the common noun radio. It was fixed in the first years of Soviet power.

Radischa- from the name of A. N. Radishchev.

Raithia- from the abbreviation of the phrase district printing house.

Ramil- from abbreviation of the phrase "Working Police". Borrowed from Russian, the name is also known in the Tatar language.

Ranis- from the word "early" in the meaning of the first child, or born early in the morning. Borrowed from Russian, the name is also known in the Tatar language.

Rannur- a name formed from the male name Ranis and the female Nurania. Tatar name.

Rev(s)- from Revolution. Recorded in the 1920s-1930s. The names of the twin girls Reva and Lucia are known. The male name Rev, borrowed from Russian, is also known in the Tatar language.

Revvola- from abbreviation of the phrase "revolutionary wave".

Revvol- from abbreviation of the phrase "revolutionary will".

Revdar- from abbreviation of the phrase "revolutionary gift". Borrowed from Russian, the name is also known in the Tatar language.

Revdit- from abbreviation of the phrase "revolutionary child".

Revel- from the toponym Revel.

Revlit- from a phrase "revolutionary literature".

Revmark- from abbreviation of the phrase "revolutionary marxism".

Revmir(a)- from abbreviation of the phrase "world revolution". The male name Revmir, borrowed from Russian, is also known in the Tatar language.

Revo (male and female name)- from the first syllables of the word "the revolution". Borrowed from Russian, the names are also known in the Tatar language.

Revola, Revolla- from the revolution. Mentioned in a poem by Alexander Prokofiev.

Revold(a)- from abbreviation of phrases "revolutionary movement" or "revolutionary child".

Revolt(s)- (from the French Revolte) - a rebel.

revolution- from the revolution.

The revolution- from a common noun.

Reworg- from abbreviation of the phrase "revolutionary organizer".

Revput- from abbreviation of the phrase "revolutionary path".

Rem(a)- from abbreviation of the phrase "world revolution". The names are homonymous to the pre-revolutionary church names of Latin origin Rem and Rem. The male name Rem, borrowed from Russian, is also known in the Tatar language.

Remizan- from abbreviation of the phrase "The world revolution has begun".

Remir- from abbreviation of the phrase "world revolution". Borrowed from Russian, the name is also known in the Tatar language.

Renas- from abbreviation of the phrase "revolution, science, union". Borrowed from Russian, the name is also known in the Tatar language. The phonetic version of the Tatar name is Rinas.

Renat- from shortening the slogan "Revolution, Science, Labor". The names are homonymous with pre-revolutionary church names of Latin origin.

Reny, Reny- from the name of the chemical element rhenium.

Reomir- from the abbreviation of the word revolution and peace.
Res- from abbreviation of the phrase "decisions of congresses".

Ref- from abbreviation of the phrase "revolutionary front". Borrowed from Russian, the name is also known in the Tatar language. The phonetic version of the Tatar name is Reef.

Refnur- from Russian. revolutionary front and Tat. nury (translated - "light of the revolutionary front"). Tatar name; phonetic variant - Rifnur.

Reid(s)- from the name of the writer J. Reed.

Rome- from abbreviation of the phrase "revolution and peace". Borrowed from Russian, the name is also known in the Tatar language.

Ricks- from abbreviation of the phrase "Workers and Peasants Union".

Riorita- from the name of the popular foxtrot in the 1930s "Rio Rita".

Rhythmina- from a common noun.

Robespierre- from the name of Maximilian Robespierre.

Roblin- from abbreviation of the phrase "Born to be a Leninist".

Rodwark- from abbreviation of the phrase "Born in the Arctic".

Roy- October Revolution International.

Romblin- from abbreviation of the phrase "born able to be a Leninist".

Rosik- from abbreviation of the name "Russian Executive Committee".

Ruby- from the name of the mineral.

Rousseau- from the name of the French thinker J.-J. Rousseau.

Ruthenium- from the name of the chemical element ruthenium.

Rem(a)- the name has several decoding options: from the reduction of slogans "Revolution, electrification, mechanization", "Revolution, Engels, Marx" or "Revolution, Electrification, Peace".

Remo- from shortening slogans "Revolution, Electrification, World October" or "Revolution, electrification, mobilization".


Sakmara- from the toponym Sakmara.

Sayana- from the toponym Sayan.

Light- from a common noun.

Svetoslav(a)- from the combination of phonemes "light" and "glory". Formed according to the traditional model of Slavic names (cf. Svyatoslav, Vladislav).

freedom- from a common noun.

Severina- from the name of one of the cardinal directions. Formed according to the traditional model of female personal names.

Northerners- from a common noun "northerner".

Sevmorputin- from the abbreviation of the concept of the Northern Sea Route. Recorded in the 1930s-1940s.

November 7- compound name; from the everyday name of the October Revolution holiday.

September- from the name of the month of September.

Sickle- from a common noun. Recorded in the 1920s-1930s. The names of the Hammer and Sickle brothers are known (1930) - from the Soviet heraldic emblem.

Hammer and sickle- compound name; from the Soviet heraldic emblem.

Silenus- from abbreviation of the phrase "the power of Lenin".

Lilac- from the name of the plant.

Slavina- from a common noun. Formed according to the traditional model of female personal names.

Slacela- from shortening the slogan "Glory to the Chelyuskinites!".

Smersh- death to Spies.

Advice- from a common noun.

Sovl- Soviet authority.

Sonar- the Soviet people.

Composer- from abbreviation of the phrase "Soldier - Stalingrad hero". The name is associated with the Battle of Stalingrad.

social, socialina- from a common noun.

Union- from the name of the Soviet Union. Recorded in the 1920s-1930s.

Spartacus- on behalf of Spartacus.

Spartakiad- from the name of mass sports competitions regularly held in the USSR.

stalber- from the reduction of the names Stalin and Beria.


Stalenita- from the abbreviation of the names Stalin, Lenin.

steelet- from the abbreviation of the names Stalin, Lenin, Trotsky.

Staliv- from the abbreviation of the surname and initials Stalin I.V.

steel- from a common noun.

Stalik- from the name of I.V. Stalin.

Stalin- from the name of I. V. Stalin. Stalingrad.

Steel (female)- from a common noun. Fixed in the 1930s.

stator- from abbreviation of the phrase "Stalin triumphs".

Capital- from a common noun. Recorded in the 1920s-1930s.

Shipyard- from a common noun.


Taigina- from a common noun.

Secret- from a common noun.

Takles, Taklis- from abbreviation of the phrase "Tactics of Lenin and Stalin".

Talina- from a common noun.

Tamerlane- from the Europeanized name of the commander and conqueror Tamerlane.

Tankman- from a common noun. It was recorded in the 1920s-1930s in the Altai Territory.

Telman- by the name of Ernst Thalmann. The name is known in the Tatar language and has been used since the 1930s.

Telmina- from the name of Ernst Thalmann.

Tiksi (female)- from the toponym Tiksi.

Comrade- from a common noun. It was recorded in the 1920s-1930s in the Altai Territory.

Tomik- from abbreviation of the phrase "Marxism and communism triumph".

Tomil- from abbreviation of the phrase "The Triumph of Marx and Lenin".

Thorez- by the name of the French communist Maurice Thorez.

Thorium, Thorium- from the name of the chemical element thorium.

Dot- from a common noun.

La Traviata- from the name of the opera by G. Verdi "La Traviata".

Tractor, Tractorina- from a common noun. It was fixed in the first years of Soviet power. The name is associated with the release of the first domestic tractor (1923).

Tribune- from a common noun.

Trick, Tricom- decoded as "three" K "" ("three" com ""): Komsomol, Comintern, Communism.

trolebusina- from the abbreviation of the names Trotsky, Lenin, Bukharin, Zinoviev.

Troled- Trotsky Lev Davidovich.

Trolezin- from the abbreviation of the names Trotsky, Lenin, Zinoviev.

Trollene- from the abbreviation of the names Trotsky, Lenin.

Trudomir- from the combination of phonemes "work" and "world". Formed according to the traditional model of Slavic names.

Tullius- from the ancient Roman generic name Tullius (example: Mark Tullius Cicero).

Turbine- from a common noun. Fixed in the 1920s.


Ural- from the toponym Ural. Fixed in the 1920s.

Urgavneb- from shortening the slogan "Hooray! Gagarin in the sky! The name is associated with the first manned flight into outer space (April 12, 1961).

Uryuvkosm, Uryurvkos, Uyukos- Hooray, Yura in space!

Delight- from a common noun.

having time- from abbreviation of the phrase "Successes of the First Five-Year Plans".


fevralin- from the name of the month February.

Felds, Felds- Felix Dzerzhinsky.

Feliksana- feminine from the male name Felix (before the October Revolution, the canonical name Felix was used).

Philadelphia- from the toponym Philadelphia.

Florence- from the toponym Florence.

Frunze- from the name of M. V. Frunze.

Fed- by the initials of F. E. Dzerzhinsky.


Chrysanthemum- from the name of the flower.


Tsas- an abbreviation for "Central Pharmacy Warehouse". Recorded in the 1920s-1930s.

Colors- from a common noun.


Chara- from a common noun.

Chelnaldin(a)- from abbreviation of the phrase ""Chelyuskin" (or Chelyuskintsy) on an ice floe".

Cherkaz- from abbreviation of the name "Red Cossacks".

Chermet- ferrous metallurgy.

Chilina- from the name of the state of Chile.


Shaes- Walking excavator.

Schmidt- from the name of the Arctic explorer O. Yu. Schmidt.


Evir- The era of wars and revolutions.

Edie- This is a child of Ilyich.

Edil (female)- an abbreviation for a phrase "this girl is named after Lenin".

Edison- from the name of the American inventor Thomas Edison.

Electrician- from the name of the profession. Recorded in the 1920s-1930s.

electrina- from a common noun. The name is associated with the GOELRO plan.

Electrolenina- from the abbreviation of the word electricity and the surname Lenin. The name is associated with the GOELRO plan.

Electroworld- from abbreviation of the phrase "electric world". The name is associated with the GOELRO plan.

Electron- from the name of the elementary particle.

electrification- from a common noun; the name is associated with plans for the electrification of Russia, see GOELRO; unlike the prototype word, the name is written through "about").

Elina- electrification and industrialization - a name known before.

Elite- from a common noun

El- by the name of the letter of the killille.

Elbrus- from the toponym Elbrus.

Elmar(a)- from the reduction of the names Engels, Lenin, Marx. Borrowed from Russian, the names are also known in the Tatar language. Phonetic variants of Tatar names - Ilmar (a).

Elmira- from abbreviation of the phrase "electrification of the world".

Elf- from the name of mythological characters.

Emil- from the names Engels, Marx and Lenin. Homonymous with the Western European name of Greek origin Emil (in the Orthodox calendar - Emilius).

Engelen, Englen- from abbreviation of the phrase "Engels and Lenin". Recorded in the 1920s-1930s.

Engel, Engels, Engelsina- from the name of Friedrich Engels. Fixed in the 1920s-1930s. The female name Engelsina, borrowed from Russian, is also known in the Tatar language.

Aeneid- from the name of the ancient epic "Aeneid".

Energy, Energy- from a common noun.

Enmar- Engels, Marx.

Erg- from the name of the physical unit of measure.

Ery, Era- from a common noun.

Erislav- from the combination of phonemes "era" and "glory". Formed according to the traditional model of Slavic names.

Ercoma- from abbreviation of the phrase "era of communism".

Erlen- from abbreviation of the phrase "era of Lenin".

Ether- from the name of a class of chemical compounds.


Anniversary- from a common noun. The name is associated with the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the October Revolution in 1927.

Hume- from the name of the Scottish philosopher David Hume.

Humanita- consonant with the name of the French communist newspaper "Humanite".

Yunir- from abbreviation of the phrase "young revolutionary". Borrowed from Russian, the name is also known in the Tatar language.

Yunkoma- from abbreviation of the phrase "young communard".

Yunna- from a common noun "youth".

Unovlad- from the combination of morphemes "young-"(cf. youth) and "Vlad"(cf. own). Formed according to the model of Slavic names.

Unpion- from abbreviation of the phrase "young pioneer".

Yunpibook- a young pioneer - a future member of the Komsomol.

Yuravkos- from abbreviation of the phrase "Yura in space".

Yuralga- from the abbreviation of the name, patronymic and surname Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

Jurvkosur- from abbreviation of the phrase "Yura in space, hooray!"

Yurgag- Yuri Gagarin.

Yurgoz- Yuri Gagarin circled the Earth.


Yaatea- from abbreviation of the phrase "I'm an atheist".

Jarek- nuclear reactor - the name is consonant with the diminutive "Yarik" from "Yaroslav"

Yaroslavna- from the patronymic of the heroine "Words about Igor's Campaign" Euphrosyne Yaroslavna.

Yaslen - "I'm with Lenin".

Jaslenik, Jaslik- from abbreviation of the phrase "I am with Lenin and Krupskaya".

Arville - V. I. Lenin's Army (France, 18th century ... what the fuck is Lenin's army?)
Artaka - Artillery Academy
Waterpezhekosma - Valentina Tereshkova - the first female cosmonaut (... and her mother Dazdraperma)
Vector - Great Communism triumphs (and at school they taught some kind of directional segments)
Velior - The Great October Revolution (Was Tolkien a Communist???)
Velira - Great worker (... and Valera too)
Veor - The Great October Revolution (Ivanov Veor wore Dior)
Vidlen - Lenin's Great Ideas

Vilan - V. I. Lenin and the Academy of Sciences (Yeah, Dima Vilan with the song "I'm a night fucker" ...)
Vilen - V. I. Lenin
Vilenor - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin? father of the revolution (I already asked about Tolkien...)
Vilora - V. I. Lenin - the organizer of the revolution (Milor oil was poured in the kitchen of Vilora)
Vilord - V. I. Lenin - the organizer of the labor movement (Warlord, Skylord, Vilord ...)
Vilorik - V. I. Lenin - the liberator of the workers and peasants (Epic picture - the Vikings liberate the workers and peasants ...)
Vilyur - Vladimir Ilyich loves his Motherland (and he also loves velor)
Wil - V. I. Lenin
Vinun - Vladimir Ilyich will never die (communist action "Name your son Vinun and don't waste money on the funeral"
Whist - The Great Historical Force of Labor (How much do you play whist?)
Vladilen: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
Vladlen: Vladimir Lenin
Volen - Will of Lenin (Volen Semenovich was free in everything. Even in his name.)
Vors - Voroshilovsky shooter (all this is nonsense about wool)
Gertrude - Heroine of labor (Do not drink wine, heroine of labor ...)
Dazvemir - Long live the world revolution
Dazdrasen - Long live the seventh of November
Dazdrasmygda - Long live the bond between the city and the countryside (Dazdraperma is resting.oga)
Dazdraperma - Long live the first of May
Dalis - Long live Lenin and Stalin (and they were given to you ...)
Division - Lenin's case lives on (and Dahl's explanatory dictionary somehow disagrees)
Diner (a) - Child of a new era (Soviet elves have already appeared ...)
Donera - Daughter of a new era
Dotnara - Daughter of the working people
Idlen - Ideas of Lenin
Isaida - Follow Ilyich, baby
Izili - Executor of the precepts of Ilyich
Isil - Fulfill the precepts of Ilyich (a name for a Jewish boy. Not otherwise)
Kid - The Communist ideal (Kid translated according to the opinion of the Komsomol)
Kim - Communist Youth International (Kim Il Sung there too)
Krarmiya - Red Army
Kukutsapol - Corn - the queen of the fields (Yeah, Quetzalcoatl ...)
Lagshmiwara - Schmidt's camp in the Arctic
Last - Latvian shooter (competitor to Vors, Voroshilov shooter)
Lapanalda - Papanin's camp on an ice floe
Ledat - Lev Davidovich Trotsky
Ledrud - Lenin? friend of children
Lelyud - Lenin loves children
Lenar (a) - Lenin's army (Not a word about elves!)
Lengenmire - Lenin? genius of the world
Leninid - Leninist ideas
Leninir – Lenin and the Revolution
Lenior – Lenin and the October Revolution
Lenore - Lenin is our weapon (I wonder if McCaffrey knows about this?)
Ribbon - Leninist Labor Army
Lentrosh - Lenin, Trotsky, Shaumyan
Forest - Lenin, Stalin (trees, pines ...)
Lestak - Lenin, Stalin, communism
Leundezh - Lenin is dead, but his work lives on
Fox-Lenin and Stalin (A fox in a zoo in a cage is funny)
List - Lenin and Stalin (find the difference with the Fox)
Lorierik - Lenin, the October Revolution, industrialization, electrification, radio and communism
Luigi (a) - Lenin is dead, but the ideas are alive (you can’t say otherwise ...)
Lunio - Lenin died, but the ideas remained
Lyublen - Love Lenin
Marlene - Marx, Lenin (Marx, Lenin Dietrich ...)
Maels - Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin
Maenlest - Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin
Mezhenda - International Women's Day (Eighth March in other words)
Malor - Marx, Engels, Lenin, October Revolution (Milord stand and envied)
Münd - International Youth Day
Ninel - Lenin (on the contrary and with a soft sign) (In general, this dish is like that ...)
Niserha - Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev (clear kid)
Odvar - Special Far Eastern Army (Vikings are coming!)
Orletos - October Revolution, Lenin, labor? basis of socialism
Oyushminald (a) - O. Yu. Schmidt on an ice floe
Papir - Party Pyramid
Perso(in?) Strat - The first Soviet stratospheric balloon
Gender (s) for - Remember Lenin's precepts (it's certainly useful to remember Lenin's precepts. yes)
Pores - Remember the decision of the congresses
Pofistal - The winner of fascism Joseph Stalin (Is this medicine?)
Revised - Lenin's Truth
Pridespar - Greetings to the delegates of the party congress
Pyatvchet - Five-year plan at four years
Raitia - District Printing House
Revmark - Revolutionary Marxism
Revmira - Revolutions of the world army (revolution of the world)
Remus - World Revolution
Rome - Revolution and peace (he would be the mayor of the Italian capital)
Roblin - Born to be a Leninist
Rosik - Russian Executive Committee
Rem - Revolution, Engels, Marx
Strong - Lenin's strength (Lenin's strength is strong. yes)
Stalen - Stalin, Lenin (there was no sex in the USSR, but there was an Olban dialect)
Stator - Stalin triumphs (I carefully study the device of the electric motor ...)
Taqlis - Tactics of Lenin and Stalin
Tomik - Marxism and communism triumph
Tomil - The Triumph of Marx and Lenin
Trick (om) - Three "K"? Komsomol, Comintern, communism
Trolleybusina - Trotsky, Lenin, Bukharin, Zinoviev (And I thought it was the trolleybus that was so insulted ...)
Trolen - Trotsky, Lenin
Uryurvkos - Hooray, Yura in space (And the orcs are here too ...)
Fed: Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky
Chelnaldin (a) - Chelyuskin on an ice floe
Erlen - Era of Lenin
Yuralga: Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin
Yaslenik - I was with Lenin and Krypskaya ... (... I played in the kindergarten in the sandbox)

Each era was characterized by its own fashion for clothes, hairstyle, communication style and even names. In the Soviet Union, after the revolution of 1917 and until its collapse, children were very often given names formed from the symbols of that time. Take at least the well-known Dazdraperma - a name created from the slogan "Long live May 1!" This review presents the funniest names derived from geographical names, sciences, revolutionary symbols.

The townsfolk, who were fond of the advanced achievements of Soviet science, were happy to name their children: Wolfram, Helium, Hypotenuse, Dresina. Even the harmonious "Elina" is an abbreviation for "electrification and industrialization."

Abbreviations derived from patriotic slogans were especially popular. People twisted them as best they could:
Dazvemir - Long live the world revolution!
Dazdranagon - Long live the people of Honduras!
Dazdrasmygda - Long live the bond between town and country!
Divide - Lenin's cause lives on!
Deleor - The Case of Lenin - The October Revolution!

Various social organizations also inspired citizens to create new names:
Avtodor - short for "Society for the Promotion of Motoring and Improvement of Roads."
Voenmore - "Sailor"
Kid - "Communist ideal"
Kukutsapol - the slogan of the Khrushchev era: "Corn is the queen of the fields"
Idle Light - "The holiday of Soviet power"
Piachegod - "Five-year plan - in four years!"

Party leaders aroused almost reverence among the common people, and in order to somehow be involved in the powerful of this world, parents called their children by combinations of names, patronymics and surnames of leaders:
Varlin - Lenin's Great Army
Vidlen - Lenin's Great Ideas
Vilyur - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin loves Russia
Izael - Executor of the precepts of Ilyich
Lelyud - Lenin loves children
Plinta – Party of Lenin and People's Labor Army
Another unusual name, Yurgag, is derived from This man conquered millions of hearts not only by being the first to fly into space, but also by his extraordinary charisma, sense of humor and charm.