Rocket drawing by dots and numbers. Abstract of a lesson in mathematics

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Program content:

  • Generalization of knowledge, skills and abilities: determining the time by the clock, solving expressions for addition and subtraction within 10, solving the problem of finding the sum;
  • To consolidate knowledge about quantitative and ordinal counting, reverse counting;
  • Focus on a sheet of paper;
  • To fix the concept of mathematical signs “+”, “-”;
  • Form an idea of ​​true and false judgments.
  • Continue to teach children to answer questions in full sentences;
  • Develop attention, memory, thinking;
  • Develop fine motor skills, visual-spatial perception and hand-eye coordination.
  • Build independent work skills.
  • To increase children's interest in knowledge about space, planets.

Dictionary activation: solar system, planets: Mercury, Mars, Venus, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.

Preliminary work: conversation with children about the holiday “Day of Cosmonautics”, drawing “Aliens from Space”, application “Our Cosmodrome”.

Materials for the lesson: a demonstration model of the solar system (colored balloons with the names of the planets on black fabric), pictures - Smeshariki, envelopes with assignments, a globe.

Handout: cards for d / and “What time is it”, cards “Paratroopers”, cards “Connect by dots”

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

- Guys, today we will go on a space journey. Our friends are in trouble. Smeshariki wanted to go to space like Belka and Strelka, they ended up on different planets and cannot find their way home - to planet Earth. Let's help them?

II. Main part.

1. D / and “Connect by dots”

Purpose: repetition of forward and backward counting.

- First we need to choose a vehicle on which we can fly into space. Connect the dots in order, starting with the number 1, and you will have a model of an aircraft.

– What did you get?

Fast rockets are waiting for us
To travel to planets.
What we want
Let's fly to this one!
But there is one secret in the game:
There is no room for latecomers!

Let's launch the rocket!
connect contacts,
Start engines.
We start the countdown: 10, 9,8,7, ... 2,1. Start.

2. Work on cards “What time is it”

Purpose: to be able to determine the time by the clock, correlate the readings on the clock with the numbers.

So, guys, we are going to the planet Mercury. The first planet closest to the Sun is Mercury. It is very hot on this planet, why do you think? Mercury hurries after the Sun, as if afraid to fall behind him. During the Earth year, this planet manages to run around the Sun 4 times. The ancient Greeks said: “Who needs to hurry somewhere, let them learn from Mercury.”

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun.
The heat is unbearable! Roast into a cutlet!
Turned to the sun on one side,
On the other - a terrible cold and dead peace.

– To complete all scientific space missions, astronauts must be able to tell the time by the clock. We must complete the task and help Nyusha get to planet Earth.

3. D / and “Air bridge”

Target: form the concept of mathematical signs “+” and “-”

Venus is the second planet from the Sun. We will go to this planet and save the Hedgehog.

The gas is poisonous in the atmosphere of Venus.
It's impossible to breathe!
Frying without measure!
The sun is not visible through the clouds.
Life is impossible!
But maybe for now?

The planet Venus is next to the planet Earth. Let's build an air bridge and help Smeshariki get to our planet.

4. Tasks-jokes.

Purpose: development of logic, attention.

We are going to the planet Mars. Barash asks for our help. Mars is the fourth planet in the solar system. It is half the size of the Earth. Look at this planet, it differs from other planets in its reddish glow, which is why it is often called the red planet. Mars is named after the god of war.

Mars is a mysterious planet.
It is slightly larger than the moon.
Because of the blood red color.
The planet was named after the god of war.

Joke tasks.

  • Grandma Dasha has a granddaughter Masha, a cat Fluff, a dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does the grandmother have?
  • I conceived a number, if you add 3 to it, you get 6. What number did I conceive?
  • 4 birds are sitting on a tree: 2 sparrows, the rest are crows. How many crows?


- Fasten your seat belts, we are going to the planet Jupiter. On this planet, we must help Kopatych.

Jupiter is the king of the planets!
He's very heavy.
And swim slowly.
And step foot
It's just so impossible
After all, a liquid planet,
And you can drown in it!

D / and "stars"

Purpose: to form in children the concept of set and subset.

On floor two, two hoops are arranged so that three areas of intersection are formed.

- Inside the red cloud all the red stars wanted to live, inside the blue - all the round ones. What stars will settle in the area where the two clouds intersect? (color - red, shape - round).

What stars lie outside both clouds? (Stars: blue, yellow, triangular, square, but not red or round)

– Count how many stars are inside the red cloud?

– Count how many stars are in the intersection area?

Which cloud has more stars and by how much?

6. Work on cards “Paratroopers”

Goal: solve examples within ten. To form the ability to navigate the numerical segment.

- Dear astronauts, I ask everyone to take their seats, we are going to the planet Saturn. Urgent message: “Moose is waiting for the guys. He hopes they can help him meet his friends.

Every planet has something different
What makes her stand out the most.
Saturn will certainly recognize in the face -
It is surrounded by a large ring.
It is not continuous, from different bands.
Here is how the scientists solved the problem:
Once upon a time, the water froze there,
And Saturn's rings of snow and ice.

Uranus, Neptune, Pluto -
Here are cold worlds.
There is no light and no heat.
Eternal winter and night...
I wanted to leave immediately.
Ice-bound Uranus, Neptune,
And on Pluto there is a thumper!

7. Physical education "Cosmonaut"

Uranus is located behind Saturn. Tell me, guys, what is the number of this planet? This is the only planet that rotates lying on its side. Therefore, one side of it, then the other, is turned to the Sun. Each hemisphere is illuminated by the Sun for 40 years, and then night reigns there for 40 years.

Uranus is a couch potato and he is too lazy to get up.
The planet can not rise:
Forty years last there a day
And the fortieth is the night.

And so we continue our journey through the solar system. Next stop on the planet Uranus. Krosh is waiting for our help.

8. Working with geometric material.

Purpose: to improve the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, to know geometric shapes and colors.

Neptune is the eighth planet from the Sun. It appears blue because it is surrounded by methane gas.

The planet Neptune is far from Earth,
It is not easy to see it through a telescope.
The eighth planet from the Sun
An icy winter reigns on it forever.

“Kar Karych is waiting for our help. In order for him to return to Earth, you must complete a task that requires special attention from you.

- Place a yellow figure that has no corners in the upper right corner of the sheet.

- Take a non-red square and place it in the lower left corner of the sheet.

- In the upper left corner, place any shape, but not a circle.

- In the lower right corner, place a blue figure with three corners.

- In the middle of the sheet, lay out the figures like this: a red circle between a yellow and green triangle.

9. D / and “True and false statement”

We are going to the planet Pluto. Pluto is the most distant planet from the Sun. It is the coldest and very small planet.

Distant Pluto rushes in space,
It is barely illuminated by the rays of the sun.
And so that he does not get bored in loneliness,
With him, the satellite flies under the name Charon.

- On this planet, Sovunya is waiting for us. You need to identify a false or true statement and give an explanation.

- Our kindergarten is called “The Sun”, and the group is called “Cornflower” (false)

– We have girls and boys in the group (true)

– All people live in the city of Zainsk (false)

– Our Republic of Tatarstan is part of Russia (true)

– This year all kindergarten children go to school (false)

III. Summary of the lesson.

What tasks did you like?

What tasks gave you trouble?


- Guys, try to evaluate your work. If you are in a good mood, you were interested in the lesson, everything worked out for you, then raise the “sun”. If you found it difficult to complete tasks, you were uncomfortable in class, raise the “cloud”.

- Smeshariki thank you for the help you gave them. As a token of gratitude, a good job is given to you by coloring prizes.


  • Peterson L.G., Kholina N.P. “One-step, two-step” A practical course in mathematics for preschoolers. M.: “Juventa”; year 2009.
  • Peterson L.G., Kholina N.P. “One-step, two-step” Mathematics for children 5-6 years old. M.: “Juventa”; year 2009.

Elena Moliboga
Abstract of a lesson in mathematics

« Entertaining mathematics»

Area integration: Communication, socialization.



Teach children the skills of addition and subtraction within 10.

Develop orientation skills on a piece of paper. Improve knowledge about geometric shapes, about the composition of the number of two smaller ones within 10.


To improve the ability to analyze objects and isolate the superfluous from the presented series according to a characteristic feature; develop mental operations, attention, the ability to navigate in space, fine motor skills of hands, attention, memory, creative imagination, self-esteem skills.


Cultivate an interest in mathematics.


Dispensing material, task cards, Geocontacts, envelopes with geometric shapes, "Voskobovich's honeycombs", "Voskobovich squares"

Lesson progress

Guys, today we will go on a trip to the country « Mathematics» . But, to choose a transport for the trip, we need to solve a riddle:

wonder bird tail

Arrived in a flock of stars (rocket)

I propose to draw a rocket point by point connecting the numbers from 1 to 9.

And now, to go on a trip, we count down from 10.

Launch and we will fly into space, what will we see there? (stars)

Guys, you know what stars are in the sky, let's build a star on the Geocont.

The next station is our city "Unresolved Examples": here is a letter for you in which the words are encrypted.

We can only decipher them if we solve the examples correctly. Having received the answer, you need to find the letter corresponding to the answer and write it down. Having solved all the examples, we will read the words. HOUSE; FAMILY


4-3=1 5-3=2 6-3=3 5-1=4 3+2=5 3+3=6 5+2=7 4+4=8

Physical education minute: "Live numbers"

Children get funny numbers from 1 to 10, on command "get in line" become in order.

next station "Funny little people"(honeycomb "Voskobovich")

You have envelopes with various figures on your tables, you have to put funny little men out of them.

The task is running.

next station: "Number City"

The task is called "Put the house in tenants". Cheerful little men were so amused that they confused who lives where. Let's put things in order with you, and for this you need to remember the composition of the numbers written on the roof of the houses of cheerful little men. Get started.

Well, we settled the little men, it's time for us to return home. Let's give envelopes as a keepsake, they will send us letters.

I propose to make envelopes from squares "Voskobovich". We give envelopes, count to 10 and return home.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten of a general developmental type with a priority implementation of activities

on artistic and aesthetic development of children "Cheburashka"

Alyabyevsky village

Direct educational activities

Cognition (famp)

in preschool group.

Topic: "With mathematics in space flight"

Educator: N. A. Podolyuk

year 2013

Topic: "With mathematics - in space flight."

Program content:

Identify and clarify: the ability to compose arithmetic problems in 1 action for addition and subtraction using numbers and arithmetic signs (+, -, =), the ability to highlight a condition, question, answer in a task, to make a silhouette of a figure from geometric shapes, counting within 10 and further (quantitative within 20), call numbers in forward and reverse order, children's knowledge of geometric shapes, the sequence of days of the week, seasons, months of the year, the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper in a cage, the composition of the number 5 from two smaller ones.

Develop attention, thinking, fine motor skills of hands.

  • Develop the ability to work independently.
  • Cultivate a desire to help.

Preliminary work with children:guessing riddles, solving logic problems, solving simple arithmetic problems.

Material: Demo material:

King Count (picture); telegram; two sheets with numbers up to 20 near the dots (rocket); little man scheme ("Tangram"); "stones" with numbers; cards with numbers and mathematical signs (+, -, = , ?) for flannelgraph; house for the game "Russell neighbors", multimedia equipment.


Cards with numbers from 1 to 10; game "Tangram"; houses number 5; a set of numbers; signs +, -, =; the pencils.

And let's start our lesson with a poem.

Memorize everything without an exact count

No work will budge

Without an account there will be no light on the street,

Without an account, a rocket cannot rise,

And the guys will not be able to play hide and seek.

Get to work guys

TEACHER: (Children sit at tables)

Children! We received a telegram today. It was sent by Tsar Count from the planet "Mathematics". Some kind of trouble happened there and the King Count asks us to help him.

Do you agree to go on a journey and help the King I Think? (Yes).

Getting to the planet "Mathematics" is not easy. We have to overcome many obstacles, answer many questions, solve difficult problems. And on what we will get to the planet, you will find out if you complete the first task. Are you ready for this? (Yes!)

Exercise 1.

(There is a piece of paper with dots and numbers up to 20 next to them on the table. A large copy of the assignment is on the flannelgraph).

Game: Connect the numbers in ascending order.

Connect the dots in order from 1 to 20 and you will find out the mode of transport.

(At different tables, the rockets are slightly different from each other).

At the board, the same task will be performed by two representatives from different tables.

(After completing the task, we compare the result with the sample on the board, count up to 20).

caregiver : That's right, it's a rocket! Silence and order must be observed on the rocket.

caregiver : Now we are ready to travel. In order for the rocket to fly, we need to count from 1 to 10 (children count one at a time)

(children consider the slide turns on, rockets at the start, and the image of the starry sky)

Space music sounds.

caregiver : - We are flying with you on the fastest mode of transport - a rocket. Guys, here we are with you and a real team, and I'm your captain.

Task number 2.

In the meantime, we are flying with you - a small"Mental workout".

- How many days in a week? (7)

Can you name all the days of the week? (Mon, Tue, Wednesday, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun)

What is the 8th day of the week called? (he is not)

What day of the week was yesterday? (Wednesday)

What day of the week will be tomorrow? (Friday)

What day of the week is between Friday and Sunday? (Saturday)

What season is it now? (Spring)

How many months are in each season? (for 3 months)

What are the spring months (summer, autumn, winter)?

How many months in a year? (12)

Can you list the parts of the day? What part of the day is it?

Here we are on the planet. Who is meeting us?

Task number 3.

(On the board is a diagram of a little man for the game "Tangram").

What interesting aliens. Let's make their portraits. Lay out the same man from geometric shapes on the table. But first, take a close look at the diagram.

What geometric shapes does the body consist of? Head? Legs? Arms?

(Children collect the figure on their table. Children who quickly completed the task can be asked to help other children).

Everyone did their job. The portraits turned out great.

This stranger will lead us to the King I believe.

Task number 4.

(On the flannelgraph "stones" with numbers from 1 to 10 depicted on them).

We can dismantle the blockage of stones if you complete the task correctly. Show the number that will correspond to this stone.

  • Remove the stone with the number that comes after the number 3;(4)
  • Remove a stone with a number between 7 and 9;(8)
  • Remove a stone with a number that is 1 more than 8;(9)
  • Remove a stone with a number that is 1 less than 6; (5)
  • Remove the stone with a number that is 1 more than 2;(3)
  • Remove a stone with a number that is 1 less than 8; ( 7)
  • Remove the stone with the number between 5 and 7;(6)
  • Remove the stone with a number that is 1 more than 9;(10)
  • Remove the stone with a number between 1 and 3.(2)
  • With what number will you remove the last stone. (one)

(Children come up and remove the desired “stone”).

The road has been cleared, but what sign stands in our way? (Question mark).

Educator: Tsar Count appears (on flannelgraph).

Well done boys! It was I who invited you to the country of Mathematics. And I see that you managed to do a lot on the way to me. Now rest a little.

Fizkultminutka: "Do as I do."

Task number 5.

Guys, what sign met on our way?Correct (question mark).

This sign means that it's time to solve problems.

What are the parts of the task? (condition, question, decision, answer)

What can be used to create tasks? (using the model)

1. 5 fish swam in the aquarium. They let 3 more in. How many fish are in the aquarium?

Solution: 5+3=8 (model)

2. Tanya had 6 sweets. She gave two to Sasha. How many sweets does Tanya have left?

Solution: 6-2= 4 (model)

Task number 6. game “Russell neighbors.

King Count: - A new house No. 5 was built in my kingdom

(Put the house on the board).

But the inhabitants-numbers quarreled. They cannot agree on who, where should live in this house?

A new house has appeared

Numbers settled in it,

Who are my neighbors?

Help me friends!

There is a demonstration house on the board, the children have their own house).

Settle neighbors on each floor of the house.

(Children who completed the task quickly can help others).

King Count.

Thanks guys! We were able to properly accommodate the neighbors.

Task number 7.

And now it's time for us to return to kindergarten. But in order to fly back, we need to find other buttons. Now take a piece of paper and a pencil in hand.

Mathematical dictation.

Draw a square in the upper left corner.

Oval in the lower right corner.

Rectangle in the lower left corner.

Circle in the upper right corner.

And in the middle is a triangle.

Let's start again. Counting: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0.

Start! Let's fly! .

(Space music sounds).


Here we are in kindergarten.

Guys, did you enjoy your trip?

What did you find the most difficult?

Do you know what is the best grade in school? (5).

I invite you to evaluate yourself. You have the numbers 5 and 4, think about how you did today, whether you completed all the tasks, and rate yourself.