Complex tongue twisters with the letter c.

The heron chick tenaciously clings to the chain.

The straw was carried by a cart driver. The driver was carrying a cart of straw.

Green-white-lipped cucumbers.

The oblique hare sits behind the sedge-grass. He looks with a scythe, as a mower with a scythe mows the grass with a scythe.

Near the stake, vines and hops curl onto the wattle fence, curl, weave, braid, unwind.

Tongue twisters for working out the sound "sh"

Murder will out.

Lusha washed her neck and ears at the shower.

Puffs like a donut, plump Mishka.

Jasper in suede is mossy.

Timoshka's mongrel barked at Pashka. Pashka beats Timoshka's mongrel with a hat.

Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood. Put on a cuckoo hood. How funny he is in the hood!

Our Grishka does not take a surplus.

Work until you sweat - eat on the hunt!

In a hut, a yellow dervish from Algeria rustles with silks and, juggling with knives, eats a thing of figs.

Boxwood, boxwood, how tightly sewn you are!

Timoshka Troshka crumbles crumbs into okroshka.

The cat at the window is sewing a shirt for Yermoshka.

Your sexton can't reassign our sexton, can't exasperate.

Our river is wide like the Oka, just like the Oka, our river is wide.

Tongue twisters for work on distinguishing sounds "s - sh"

Mice to the bear will wash the bowl.

Sasha dries a bunch of dryers on dry land.

Sasha is perfection itself, and she is also improving herself!

The rustling of leaves is heard in the forest.

There are six rascals in the hut.

Cheer up, Savely, move the hay!

Sasha sewed a hat to Sashka, Sasha knocked a bump off with a hat.

Gleb walked with bread, Olya walked with salt.

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry.

Sasha walked along the highway, carried the dryer on a pole.

The jackal walked, the jackal galloped.

Serum from yogurt.

The old woman listened to the cuckoo on the edge of the forest.

Proshka made a mistake with the bowl.

Fedor was walking along the highway to play checkers with Sasha.

Six mice rustle in the reeds.

Mother Romasha gave whey from yogurt.

Sasha quickly dries drying, Sasha dried about six. And the old women of Sasha's dryers are in a funny hurry to eat.

Taraska was painting the roof of Paraska with red paint, and Paraska was vitrioling Taraska's ceiling.

Proshka with the bowl got a mistake - Proshka turned the bowl over.

Forty mice walked, carrying forty pennies; two worse mice carried two pennies each.

The birch is stocky, at the root - curvileaf, at the middle - knotty, at the top - high curly.

Tongue twisters for work on distinguishing sounds "s - z - ts - sh"

Oak oaky, broad green leaf.

The donkey carried firewood to the village, the donkey felled firewood into the grass.

Well done - that the cucumber, and the cucumber - that well done.

Everyone sat down at the table, ate everything from the table: sour cream with curdled milk, with oatmeal.

The mouse dried the dryers, the mouse invited the mice. Drying mice began to eat, the mice broke their teeth.

For seven days I tried forty, in a hurry, I sewed rawhide boots for myself. The owl said to its neighbor tit: "The magpie strives to become the most beautiful."

Anos drove to sow oats. Sowed oats. Oats were born. Anos came, mowed the oats, tied the oats, threshed the oats, winnowed the oats, Anos picked the oats to the grain, took the oats away.

Tongue twisters for working out the sound "g"

The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the snake has a snake.

A hedgehog lies by the Christmas tree, the hedgehog has needles.

It rained twice once. Eat porridge, but do not cut with a knife.

Tongue twisters for work on distinguishing sounds "s - z - ts - sh - zh"

The reins made of leather fit into the collar.

It's terrible for a beetle to live on a bitch.

A fly buzzed, a spider buzzed.

The wasp has already stung, the hedgehog is terribly sorry for him.

The snake stung the snake, the snake did not get along with the snake.

The ground beetle buzzes, buzzes, spins.

Our Taras is no worse than you.

Centipedes have too many legs.

In the meadow under the hill lies a cheese with a beautiful red crust. Forty forty ate cheese in a short time.

Once upon a time there were three Japanese: Yak, Yak-zedrak, Yak-zedrak-zedrak-zedroni.

From the book A Complete Course in Variety Arts by Garina Zoya

Tongue twisters with the letter A And I don’t feel sick. Arkhip Osip, Osip

From the author's book

Tongue twisters with the letter B Beaver is kind to beavers. Chatterbox chattered until she chatted. Scorer bombarded Brandenburg. Scorer bombarded young ladies with bonbonnieres. Brit Klim brother, Brit Ignat brother, brother Ignat bearded.

From the author's book

Tongue twisters with the letter M Malanya chattered milk, blurted it out - didn’t blurt it out. Mother Romash gave whey from yogurt. They are barely at spruce

From the author's book

Tongue twisters with the letter H On Mount Ararat, Varvara tore grapes. In the yard - grass, in the chest - Savushka. In the yard there is firewood, behind the yard there is firewood, under the yard there is firewood, above the yard there is firewood, firewood along the yard, firewood in the breadth of the yard, the yard will not fit firewood. Drive firewood back to the wood yard.

From the author's book

Tongue twisters with the letter O Near the stake of the bell, near the gate there is a bell. There is no ring near the well. The eagle is on the mountain, the feather is on the eagle. A mountain under an eagle, an eagle under a feather. Osip is hoarse, Arkhip is hoarse.

From the author's book

Tongue twisters with the letter P A couple of birds fluttered, fluttered - and fluttered out. Baldness goes uphill, baldness goes downhill, baldness meets baldness, baldness says: Seven in a sleigh sat themselves. Sasha walked along the highway, Sasha found a sachet on the highway .The weather got wet. The train rushes

From the author's book

Tongue twisters starting with the letter R A nervous constitutionalist (Proprokolokropenko) was found acclimatized in Constantinople. About what about purchases. About shopping, about shopping

From the author's book

Tongue twisters with the letter C Boxwood, boxwood, how tightly sewn you are. The net caught on a twig. Mop under the priest, pop under

From the author's book

Tongue twisters with the letter T Thaler the plate stands. A river flows, a stove bakes, a stove flows, a stove bakes! A river flows, a stove bakes.

From the author's book

Tongue twisters with the letter U The ram's horns are twisted-twisted, twisted-turned. The hedgehog has a hedgehog, the snake has a snake. , but antennae. A wasp does not have a mustache, not a mustache, but antennae. Senya and Sanya have

From the author's book

Tongue twisters with the letter F Pharaohs' favorite changed to sapphire

From the author's book

Tongue twisters with the letter X I praise halva.