The employee was rejected under a favorable pretext. Test: Business papers language design and editing

1. These data allowed the author to base the following conclusions and suggestions. 2. It is necessary to calculate all the data again. 3. It should be confirmed at the meeting. 4. I was refused under a favorable pretext. 5. The verdict of the court was proclaimed. 6. This was achieved by the most objectionable means. 7. An unbearable situation arose at the plant.

Form the present and past participles from these verbs.

1) demand, improve, acquire, receive, ask, think, rust, use, form, perform;

2) rust, get wet, win, wither, fade, go out, get stronger.

Form passive participles of the present and past tenses from these verbs.

1) conduct, perform, emphasize, produce, acquire, negotiate, collect, consider, record, approve;

8. Change phrases according to the model:work performed - work that is performed; the work that is being done.

verdict announced; the project being created; spoken speech; policy pursued; issued receipt; observed process; committed provocation; executable instructions.

Indicate cases of incorrect or stylistically unjustified use of the forms of tense and mood of the verb. Correct the suggestions.

1. In the success that the plant has achieved over the past years, the main role belongs to the introduction of the latest technology. 2. During the whitewashing of the ceiling and walls, the floors should be covered with paper. 3. Despite repeated requests, the supply of cement to the construction site has sharply weakened. 4. Recently, the ties between the plant and the enterprises of the country have noticeably weakened. 5. The pusher tug moves the barge, rigidly fastened to it by the bow and stern trusses. 6. Read the text, correct any typos. 7. Pour the contents of the package into a liter of hot water.

10. Make up sentences with the following adverbial phrases.

1. Going on a business trip abroad, ... 2. Relying on our own strength, ... 3. Taking into account your opinion on this issue, ... 4. Starting to consider the next issue, ... 5. Noting certain shortcomings, ... 6. Emphasizing the importance of the project,... 7. In response to your request dated 04/27/2017,... 8. Having considered your proposal to reduce the delivery time, ... .

Edit sentences with adverbial phrases. Write down the correct option.

Referring to our agreement, the payment will be made through the bank. 2. In response to your letter regarding the financial position of the company, we have collected the following information. 3. Taking into account our long-term cooperation, the goods will be delivered to you with a 10% discount. 4. By signing contracts, payment is guaranteed. 5. Directing this issue for consideration, we need to increase the annual fund by at least forty tons. 6. Once you put on shoes in Louboutins, you will not want to buy shoes from other companies. 7. Signing up for an appointment with the city administration, citizens are issued passes.


Summary(from fr. resume) - a document that briefly sets out information about the person applying for a vacant position, a brief questionnaire of an individual submitted to the employer or to an intermediary recruitment firm for absentee professional competitive selection to fill a vacant position when applying for a job.

Basic rules for writing a resume

1. The text of the resume is drawn up in free form in the language that is the "working" language of the institution where the resume is submitted. If necessary, the text of the summary is compiled and accordingly submitted in two languages ​​(Russian and foreign).

2. According to the international standard, the text of the summary is required to be typed on a computer.

3. The total volume of the resume should be no more than one printed page.

5. It is not recommended to indicate in the resume information that is not related to the nature of the job for which the applicant is applying (for example, social origin, religion, political views, nationality, hobbies, etc.).

6. Information in the summary text is arranged according to the principle of importance.

7. It is advisable to supplement the resume with a photo.

8. The resume must be carefully edited. Literacy is a basic indicator when applying for any responsible job.

Basic resume details

1. Name of the type of document (the last name, first name, patronymic of the applicant for a vacant position can act as a name);

2. Text, which usually indicates:

1) full name (in the nominative case);

2) HOME ADDRESS (if the place of registration and place of residence do not match, then the resume should indicate the address that is closer to the place of intended work);

3) CONTACT INFORMATION: telephone number (home and office), e-mail address, fax number, etc., i.e. information that allows you to quickly contact the author of the resume.

4) PERSONAL DATA: citizenship, date and place of birth, marital status (presence of children);

5) PURPOSE OF WRITING A CV: for example, employment for the position of head of the sales department with a salary of at least 25,000 rubles;

6) WORK EXPERIENCE: work experience must be relevant to the intended employment; information about labor activity (place of work and position held) are presented in reverse chronological order. It is recommended to indicate not only the position held, but also the specific functions that the applicant performed (we can say about personal contribution to work), as well as achievements;

7) EDUCATION: information about the basic and additional education received and the specialties that the applicant mastered after graduating from educational institutions and special courses (the list begins with the last educational institution that the author of the resume graduated from, then all educational institutions are listed in reverse chronological order);

8) PROFESSIONAL SKILLS: information about knowledge of foreign languages, computer skills (level, programs), availability of printed works, professional skills but a different specialty, etc. When indicating the degree of knowledge of foreign languages, specify the actual level of language proficiency (for example, basic, reading with a dictionary, fluent, etc.; in relation to English - Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate, Advanced, Fluent);

9) PROFESSIONAL QUALITIES (qualities that characterize the applicant positively and correspond to the desired position, there should be no more than five useful characteristics);

10) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (information that may be of interest to the employer, for example, readiness to work with irregular working hours and business trips).

4. Signature (may be absent in the electronic version of the resume).

Sample resume

SUMMARY Vasilets Artem Viktorovich Address of residence: Makeevka-35, st. Lenina, 153, apt. 68 Contact information: tel. 099-493-55-19 e-mail: [email protected] Personal data: citizen of Ukraine, born in 1985, not married. Purpose: getting a job as a chemical technologist with the condition of career growth and professional improvement. Work experience: 2007-2017 - Chemical Technologist, CJSC Polymers, Donetsk. Functional responsibilities: - Obtaining shiny chrome coatings from low-toxic complex electrolytes; - development of electrolyte compositions, analysis of coatings for corrosion resistance in a salt chamber; - determination of the hardness of coatings. Education: 2002-2007 – Donetsk National Technical University, Faculty of Ecology and Chemical Technology, specialty “Chemical Technology”, specialist diploma with honors. Additional professional skills: - experienced PC user (Auto CAD, ChemOffice, etc.); - I speak English (basic level). Professional qualities: responsibility, sociability, punctuality, creative approach to tasks, no bad habits. Additional information: - readiness for business trips; - Possibility of relocation. 04/15/2017 /signature/


1. Edit the sentences used in the resume to indicate purpose.

1. Purpose of work: my dream is to find a job as an architect and achieve prosperity in the capital - the main city of my country.

2. The purpose of the work: to find a job in which there is a reception and sending of fax messages, as well as an entry in the work book.

3. The purpose of writing a resume: I see myself as a chief energy engineer.

4. The purpose of writing a resume: looking for some well-paid job.

5. Purpose of work: to get a good position in the field of programming and get a bigger salary.

2. Edit the sentences used in compiling the resume, indicate in which paragraphs of the text this information will be presented (professional qualities, education, etc.)

1. Driving experience 4 years, driving license category B, personal mileage 150 thousand km.

2. You can rely on me and I am cheerful.

3.Word, Excel, free orientation in the Internet space.

4. Two or more higher formations. State Agrarian University (full-time education).

5.Negotiating, issuing invoices, plant incoming outgoing invoices to the database; stamping documents.

6. I easily get along in any team. I love to work. Noise-immune.


"Business papers: language design and editing"

Task 1. Read the sentences taken from business papers. Find lexical errors, determine the character, correct them

The nature of the error Corrected version
1. Citizen Sidorova N.F. filed for divorce. Contamination of phrases of various styles: application for divorce (colloquial) and application for dissolution of marriage (official-del.) Citizen Sidorova N.F. filed for divorce.
2. Disputes often reached direct insults in a lie. Mixing phrases to reach direct insults and direct accusations of lying Disputes often reached direct accusations of lying. Disputes often escalated to outright insults.
3. Write your initials in full. Violation of the compatibility of the word "initials", inaccurate understanding of the meaning of the word "initials" Write your full name and patronymic
4. The effectiveness of the savings regime largely depends on how much financial expenses are limited. Violation of lexical compatibility The effectiveness of the savings regime largely depends on what limits are set on financial costs.
5. On the territory entrusted to you, it is also necessary to build a bathhouse for the villagers. A mixture of elements of book and colloquial. styles On the territory entrusted to you, it is also necessary to build a bathhouse for the villagers.
6. We report our details: Moscow, 123298. Street of the People's Militia The details include not only the address, but also other information. The address is formatted incorrectly (incorrect sequence, incorrect punctuation marks, no house number specified) We inform you of our address: 123298, Moscow, Narodnogo militia street, d. No. ?.
7. With this letter we inform you that we are attaching the above-mentioned document to the case. Use of obsolete vocabulary, violation of grammatical norms We hereby inform you that the above mentioned document has been attached to the case file.

Task 2. Read the language turns taken from business correspondence. Suggest a shorter record of these revolutions without losing information

Task 3. Read the sentences taken from business papers. Find words that distort the meaning of the phrase. Determine the nature of the errors and correct them

Sentences containing errors The nature of the error Corrected version
1. We'll have to re-calculate all the data Confusion of paronyms We'll have to re-calculate all the data
2. It remains to confirm this at the meeting Confusion of paronyms It remains to confirm this at the meeting
3. He refused me under a favorable pretext. Confusion of paronyms He refused me under a plausible pretext.
4. The verdict was pronounced. Confusion of paronyms The verdict was announced.
5. This was achieved by the most objectionable means. Confusion of paronyms This was achieved by the most unsuitable means.
6. He gave me mutually ... rubles. Confusion of paronyms He loaned me ... rubles.
7. An unbearable situation arose at the plant. Confusion of paronyms An intolerable situation arose at the plant.

Task 4. Read sentences taken from various documents. Find errors related to lexical compatibility.

Sentences containing errors Corrected version
1. I had to familiarize myself with the conclusions of the commission held a year ago. I had to familiarize myself with the findings of an audit conducted a year ago.
2. This problem is getting worse every day. This situation is getting worse every day.
3. This is the main place of the experienced moment. This is the essence of the moment.
4. He tried to put his ideas into practice He tried to demonstrate in practice his ideas
5. The plant team has committed to accelerate the release of the new model. The plant team has committed to accelerate the release of the new model.

Task 5. Read the sentences, find errors in them. Explain the nature of the mistakes made and correct them

Sentences containing errors The nature of the error Corrected version
1. We considered the issue according to the received application. The preposition ACCORDING governs a noun in the dative case. We have considered the issue, according to the application received.
2. The head of the department of sociology took part in the discussion. The participle MANAGER governs a noun in the instrumental case The head of the Department of Sociology took part in the discussion.
3. A number of project proposals are not supported by calculations. The noun SERIES… agrees with the definition in the masculine gender A number of project proposals not supported by calculations.
4. In 19…21 specialists were hired by the enterprise. The subject TWENTY ONE SPECIALIST agrees with the nominal part of the predicate in the singular. In 19…21 specialists were hired by the enterprise.
5. Young specialists of the 19th grade are assigned to work in our enterprise. The verb DISTRIBUTE cannot be combined with a noun in the accusative case with the preposition B. Young specialists of the 19th grade are assigned to our enterprise.
6. In connection with the preliminary agreement, we send you the necessary documents. Inaccurate use of the compound preposition IN CONNECTION In accordance with the preliminary agreement, we send you the necessary documents.
7. We admit that the design of the machine is unsuccessful. A mixture of colloquial and formal business style We admit that the machine design is a failure.
8. The Institute applies for a permanent residence permit in Moscow to employee Petlak A.I. The verbal noun REGISTRATION governs the noun in the accusative case The Institute applies for a permanent residence permit in Moscow for an employee Petlak A.I.
9. Having taken this equipment from the warehouse without permission, he got into trouble with his superiors. Incorrect construction of a construction with adverbial turnover He got into trouble with his superiors after he took this equipment from the warehouse without permission.
10. Wages were not paid to five hundred and forty-two workers. Error in the declension of a compound number Wages were not paid to five hundred and forty-two workers.
11. The workers who allowed the marriage were reprimanded. Stylistic error The workers who allowed the marriage were reprimanded.

Task 6. In these sentences, find phraseological units. Note cases of non-normative or erroneous use of phraseological units. Explain the nature of the mistakes made

Sentences containing errors The nature of the error Corrected version
1. Social insurance in the area is currently below any criticism. Violation of the lexical composition of a phraseological unit Social insurance in the region is currently below any criticism.
2. The Commission notes that the situation in the construction industry is fraught and needs immediate intervention from higher authorities. The Commission notes that the situation in construction is fraught with serious consequences and requires immediate intervention from higher authorities.
3. The ability to look facts straight in the eye comes with experience, with self-confidence. Distortion of grammatical form, contamination of phraseological units to look straight in the eye and look the facts in the eye The ability to face the facts comes with experience, with self-confidence.
4. The brigadier had long given up on those annoying problems that were discussed at the meeting. Phraseologism is not given completely The brigadier had long ago given up on those annoying problems that had been discussed at the meeting.
5. The master repeatedly assured the assembly that he would do everything to the best of his ability, but the orders remained the same. Contamination of phraseological units to do as far as possible and within the power The master repeatedly assured the assembly that he would do everything possible, but the orders remained the same.
6. Each violator must firmly grasp that even the slightest deviation from the charter and the law will not come down to him. Phraseologisms are not given in full Every violator must firmly grasp that he will not get away with even the slightest deviation from the letter of the law.
7. Such a leader will label any saboteur. Mixing phraseological units to bring under the article and hang a label Such a leader will bring any saboteur under the article.
8. Contamination of phraseological units to swallow resentment and sweeten the (bitter) pill He had to swallow this bitter pill.

Task 7. Read the sentences, find in them a violation of administrative speech etiquette. Explain the nature of the mistakes made. Edit sentences.


"Business papers: language design and editing"

Task 1. Read the sentences taken from business papers. Find lexical errors, determine the character, correct them

The nature of the error Corrected version
1. Citizen Sidorova N.F. filed for divorce. Contamination of phrases of various styles: application for divorce (colloquial) and application for dissolution of marriage (official-del.) Citizen Sidorova N.F. filed for divorce.
2. Disputes often reached direct insults in a lie. Mixing phrases to reach direct insults and direct accusations of lying Disputes often reached direct accusations of lying. Disputes often escalated to outright insults.
3. Write your initials in full. Violation of the compatibility of the word "initials", inaccurate understanding of the meaning of the word "initials" Write your full name and patronymic
4. The effectiveness of the savings regime largely depends on how much financial expenses are limited. Violation of lexical compatibility The effectiveness of the savings regime largely depends on what limits are set on financial costs.
5. On the territory entrusted to you, it is also necessary to build a bathhouse for the villagers.

A mixture of elements of book and colloquial. styles

On the territory entrusted to you, it is also necessary to build a bathhouse for the villagers.
6. We report our details: Moscow, 123298. Street of the People's Militia The details include not only the address, but also other information. The address is formatted incorrectly (incorrect sequence, incorrect punctuation marks, no house number specified) We inform you of our address: 123298, Moscow, Narodnogo militia street, d. No. ?.
7. With this letter we inform you that we are attaching the above-mentioned document to the case. Use of obsolete vocabulary, violation of grammatical norms We hereby inform you that the above mentioned document has been attached to the case file.

Task 2. Read the language turns taken from business correspondence. Suggest a shorter record of these revolutions without losing information

Task 3. Read the sentences taken from business papers. Find words that distort the meaning of the phrase. Determine the nature of the errors and correct them

Sentences containing errors The nature of the error Corrected version
1. We'll have to re-calculate all the data Confusion of paronyms We'll have to re-calculate all the data
2. It remains to confirm this at the meeting Confusion of paronyms It remains to confirm this at the meeting
3. He refused me under a favorable pretext. Confusion of paronyms He refused me under a plausible pretext.
4. The verdict was pronounced. Confusion of paronyms The verdict was announced.
5. This was achieved by the most objectionable means. Confusion of paronyms This was achieved by the most unsuitable means.
6. He gave me mutually ... rubles. Confusion of paronyms He loaned me ... rubles.
7. An unbearable situation arose at the plant. Confusion of paronyms An intolerable situation arose at the plant.

Task 4. Read sentences taken from various documents. Find errors related to lexical compatibility.

Sentences containing errors Corrected version
1. I had to familiarize myself with the conclusions of the commission held a year ago. I had to familiarize myself with the findings of an audit conducted a year ago.
2. This problem is getting worse every day. This situation is getting worse every day.
3. This is the main place of the experienced moment. This is the essence of the moment.
4. He tried to put his ideas into practice He tried to demonstrate in practice his ideas
5. The plant team has committed to accelerate the release of the new model. The plant team has committed to accelerate the release of the new model.

Task 5. Read the sentences, find errors in them. Explain the nature of the mistakes made and correct them

Sentences containing errors The nature of the error Corrected version
1. We considered the issue according to the received application. The preposition ACCORDING governs a noun in the dative case. We have considered the issue, according to the application received.
2. The head of the department of sociology took part in the discussion. The participle MANAGER governs a noun in the instrumental case The head of the Department of Sociology took part in the discussion.
3. A number of project proposals are not supported by calculations. The noun SERIES… agrees with the definition in the masculine gender A number of project proposals not supported by calculations.
4. In 19…21 specialists were hired by the enterprise. The subject TWENTY ONE SPECIALIST agrees with the nominal part of the predicate in the singular. In 19…21 specialists were hired by the enterprise.
5. Young specialists of the 19th grade are assigned to work in our enterprise. The verb DISTRIBUTE cannot be combined with a noun in the accusative case with the preposition B. Young specialists of the 19th grade are assigned to our enterprise.
6. In connection with the preliminary agreement, we send you the necessary documents. Inaccurate use of the compound preposition IN CONNECTION In accordance with the preliminary agreement, we send you the necessary documents.
7. We admit that the design of the machine is unsuccessful. A mixture of colloquial and formal business style We admit that the machine design is a failure.
8. The Institute applies for a permanent residence permit in Moscow to employee Petlak A.I. The verbal noun REGISTRATION governs the noun in the accusative case The Institute applies for a permanent residence permit in Moscow for an employee Petlak A.I.
9. Having taken this equipment from the warehouse without permission, he got into trouble with his superiors. Incorrect construction of a construction with adverbial turnover He got into trouble with his superiors after he took this equipment from the warehouse without permission.
10. Wages were not paid to five hundred and forty-two workers. Error in the declension of a compound number Wages were not paid to five hundred and forty-two workers.
11. The workers who allowed the marriage were reprimanded. Stylistic error The workers who allowed the marriage were reprimanded.

Task 6. In these sentences, find phraseological units. Note cases of non-normative or erroneous use of phraseological units. Explain the nature of the mistakes made

Sentences containing errors The nature of the error Corrected version
1. Social insurance in the area is currently below any criticism. Violation of the lexical composition of a phraseological unit Social insurance in the region is currently below any criticism.
2. The Commission notes that the situation in the construction industry is fraught and needs immediate intervention from higher authorities. The Commission notes that the situation in construction is fraught with serious consequences and requires immediate intervention from higher authorities.
3. The ability to look facts straight in the eye comes with experience, with self-confidence. Distortion of grammatical form, contamination of phraseological units to look straight in the eye and look the facts in the eye The ability to face the facts comes with experience, with self-confidence.
4. The brigadier had long given up on those annoying problems that were discussed at the meeting. Phraseologism is not given completely The brigadier had long ago given up on those annoying problems that had been discussed at the meeting.
5. The master repeatedly assured the assembly that he would do everything to the best of his ability, but the orders remained the same. Contamination of phraseological units to do as far as possible and within the power The master repeatedly assured the assembly that he would do everything possible, but the orders remained the same.
6. Each violator must firmly grasp that even the slightest deviation from the charter and the law will not come down to him. Phraseologisms are not given in full Every violator must firmly grasp that he will not get away with even the slightest deviation from the letter of the law.
7. Such a leader will label any saboteur. Mixing phraseological units to bring under the article and hang a label Such a leader will bring any saboteur under the article.
8. Contamination of phraseological units to swallow resentment and sweeten the (bitter) pill He had to swallow this bitter pill.

Task 7. Read the sentences, find in them a violation of administrative speech etiquette. Explain the nature of the mistakes made. Edit sentences.

Sentences containing errors The nature of the error Corrected version
1. Do not refuse us the courtesy and send, if it does not complicate you, the draft Charter of the company. Speech redundancy that does not correspond to the business style. We ask you to send the draft Charter of the company.
2. The Institute asks you to submit your exhibits for the exhibition in an acceptable form for exhibiting. Tautology: exhibition, exhibits, exposure The Institute asks you to submit your samples for the exhibition in the appropriate form.
3. We are sending you a revised version of the draft new regulation. Word-building inaccuracy, as well as unjustified use of a borrowed word We are sending you a revised version of the draft new regulation.
4. I appeal to you with a convincing request to send urgently necessary documentation. Speech redundancy Please send the required documentation as soon as possible.
5 We would like you to tell us the results of the experiment. Speech redundancy Please report the results of the experiment.

Director of car depot No. 2

From Nikiforov L.N.


Comrade Director, LN Nikiforov, the driver of the depot, is addressing you. on such a question.

I beg you to release me for a while from work on long-haul flights. I am now undergoing treatment in a polyclinic, I can provide a certificate. I beg you not to refuse my request and I subscribe

Corrected version:

Director of car depot No. 2


driver Nikiforov L.N.


Please release me from work on long-haul flights while undergoing treatment. A certificate from the clinic is attached.

Task 9. Find and correct errors in the execution of the power of attorney. Edit the text.

Power of attorney

I, Shevchuk L.A., trust my husband Shevchuk I.S. receive my salary for the first half of December. Due to the fact that I am in the hospital.

L.A. Shevchuk

Corrected version:

Power of attorney

I, Lyudmila Alexandrovna Shevchuk (passport series ..., No. ..., issued ...), trust Shevchuk Ivan Sergeevich (passport series ..., No. ..., issued ...) to receive an advance payment for the month of December 19 ...

Date Signature

Task 10. Find and correct the errors in this autobiography. Do an editorial.


I, Anatoly Potemkin, was born on June 7, 1964. I was born and live in Moscow. From 1972 to 1979 he studied at the school. I completed only six classes. In the same year he entered the school. There I got a job as a fitter. From 1982 to the present I have been working in the construction department. Now I already have the 4th category. In 1986 he graduated from the evening technical school and in the 88th was appointed foreman of the complex brigade. I study at the evening university of culture and work.

Potemkin Anatoly

Corrected version:


I, Potemkin Anatoly (indicate patronymic), was born on June 7, 1964 in Moscow in the family of ... (indicate: employee, worker ...). Father - (indicate full name, occupation). Mother - (indicate full name, occupation).

In 1972, I entered secondary school No. ... in Moscow.

In 1979 he entered vocational school No. ... in Moscow.

In 1982 he went to work in the Construction Department No. ... of Moscow.

In 1986 he graduated from the evening department of the Construction College No. ... in Moscow.

I am currently continuing my studies at the evening department of the University of Culture.

In 1988, he was appointed to the position of foreman of the complex brigade of the Construction Department No. ... of Moscow, where I still work.

Date Signature

Task 11

1. Read the comic order drawn up by K.I. Chukovsky. what is its humorous effect based on?

2. Draw up an order for encouragement, giving an assessment of the work performed and indicating the fact and measure of encouragement.

Our women did a good job and showed themselves well in public life. We must please them, because March 8 will come soon! We consulted and decided to give diplomas ...

Corrected version:

"____" ______________ 200__ No. ___________________

For successful professional activity, as well as active participation in public life of the Department of Foreign Relations of the VEGU Academy and in connection with the celebration of the International Women's Day on March 8


1. To express gratitude to all employees of the department (list full name)

2. Award valuable gifts to the following employees: (indicate full name)

Reason: presentation of the head of the department Ivanova A.A.

Rector: signature

Task 12. Compose a commercial letter in which you inform that you have already received samples of goods, thank you for the timely response to your letter, ask to send you a new price list. At the end of the letter, express your hope for a speedy response.

Sample business letter:


plant "Avangard"

Mr. Ivanov A.P.

Dear Alexander Petrovich!

We inform you that we have received samples of goods manufactured at your plant. Thanks for the prompt delivery and follow up.

Please send new price lists for your products.

We sincerely look forward to further cooperation.


Director of Zvezda LLC Petrov V.V.

Materials ongoing incidents ongoing incidents cooperate with you cooperate with you each individually believes that ... each believes that ... attached statement attached statement exactly matching data exactly matching data still unresolved still unresolved I ask I beg you Task 3. Read the sentences taken from business papers. Find words that distort the meaning of the phrase. Determine the nature of the errors and correct them No. Sentences containing errors Nature of the error Corrected 1. We will have to calculate all the data again Mixing paronyms We will have to calculate all the data again 2. It remains to confirm this at the meeting Mixing paronyms It remains to confirm this at the meeting 3. He refused me under favorable pretext. Confusion of paronyms He refused me under a plausible pretext. 4. The verdict of the court was proclaimed. Confusion of paronyms The verdict of the court was announced. 5. This was achieved by the most objectionable means. Mixing of paronyms This was achieved by the most unsuitable means. 6. He gave me mutually ... rubles. Confusion of paronyms He loaned me ... rubles. 7. An unbearable situation arose at the plant. Confusion of paronyms An intolerable situation arose at the plant. Task 4. Read sentences taken from various documents. Find errors related to lexical compatibility. No. Proposals containing errors Corrected version 1. I had to familiarize myself with the conclusions of the commission held a year ago. I had to familiarize myself with the findings of an audit conducted a year ago. 2. This problem is getting worse every day. This situation is getting worse every day. 3. This is the main place of the experienced moment. This is the essence of the moment. 4. He tried to put his ideas into practice. He tried to put his ideas into practice. 5. The factory team made a commitment to speed up the release of the new model. The plant team has committed to accelerate the release of the new model. Task 5. Read the sentences, find errors in them. Explain the nature of the mistakes made and correct them. No. Sentences containing errors Nature of the error Corrected version 1. We considered the issue according to the received application. The preposition ACCORDING governs a noun in the dative case. We have considered the issue, according to the application received. 2. The head of the department of sociology took part in the discussion. Participle HEAD governs a noun in instrumental case The head of the department of sociology took part in the discussion. 3. A number of project proposals by calculations