Sukhomlinsky and others. Creation of folk pedagogy


Message on the topic: "Sukhomlinsky and his contribution to pedagogy"

Completed by a student

Groups Sh-31

Sarana Victoria

Lecturer: Velikanovskaya L.A.

G. Yeysk, 2016

Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky - an outstanding Soviet teacher-innovator, writer.

Corresponding Member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Honored School Teacher of the Ukrainian SSR, Hero of Socialist Labor

Pedagogical activity

Sukhomlinsky created the original based on the principles , on the recognition of the personality of the child as the highest value, on which the processes of upbringing and education, creative activity should be oriented close-knit team of like-minded teachers and students. The very essence of the ethics of Sukhomlinsky's communist education lay in the fact that the educator believes in the reality, feasibility and attainability of the communist ideal, measures his work by the criterion and yardstick of the ideal.

Sukhomlinsky built the learning process as a joyful labor ; he paid great attention to the formation of the worldview of students; an important role in teaching was assigned to the word of the teacher, the artistic style of presentation, writing fairy tales, works of art, reading books with children .

Sukhomlinsky developed a comprehensive aesthetic program of "beauty education". In the Soviet pedagogy of his time, he began to develop the humanistic traditions of domestic and world pedagogical thought.

In a holistic form, the views of Sukhomlinsky are presented in "Etudes on Communist Education" ( ) and other works. His ideas are embodied in the practice of many schools. The International Association of V. A. Sukhomlinsky and the International Association of Sukhomlinsky Researchers, the Pedagogical Museum of Sukhomlinsky in the Pavlysh school ( ).

Sukhomlinsky is the author of about 30 books and over 500 articles on the upbringing and education of young people. The book of his life - "I give my heart to children" (State Prize of the Ukrainian SSR - , posthumously). His life is raising children, personality. He brought up in children a personal attitude to the surrounding reality, an understanding of their work and responsibility to relatives, comrades and society, and, most importantly, to their own conscience.

In his book " » Sukhomlinsky wrote that a child is a creature that thinks, cognizes the world not only around him, but also cognizes himself. Moreover, this knowledge comes not only with the mind, but also with the heart. The only teacher who truly loves his subject is the one who expounds a hundredth of what he knows in class. The richer the knowledge of the teacher, the brighter his personal attitude to knowledge, science, books, mental work, intellectual life is revealed. This intellectual wealth is the teacher's love for his subject, for science, school, and pedagogy. A teacher is not only a specialist who knows how to transfer knowledge to the next generation, but he also plays a big role in making a person out of a child, namely a person of the future, on which the future of the whole country depends. The teacher must not only be able to analyze the causes of influence on the child, but must also ensure that the study of the subject becomes integral. Work should become the main thing in the life of the student. Folk pedagogy knows what is feasible for a child and what is unbearable. Because it organically combines life wisdom with maternal and paternal love. In order for a child to want to study well, and by doing this he sought to bring joy to his mother and father, you need to cherish, cherish, develop in him a sense of pride as a worker. This means that the child must see, experience his progress in learning. Human relations are revealed most clearly in labor - when one creates something for another. The task of the teacher is not only to be able to correctly determine the causes and consequences in education, but also to influence the life of the child, while sharing his worries with his parents. The teacher needs to work so that the mother and father have a common idea of ​​who they are educating together with the school, and hence the unity of their requirements, first of all - to themselves. To achieve that the father and mother as educators act in unity means to teach the wisdom of maternal and paternal love, the harmony of kindness and severity, affection and exactingness. The teacher becomes a beacon of knowledge - and therefore an educator - only when the pupil has a desire to know incomparably more than he learned in the lesson, and this desire becomes one of the main incentives that encourage the pupil to learn, to master knowledge.

Methods of education and the theory of education of children according to Sukhomlinsky.

Simple truths of the Pavlysh teacher (V. Sukhomlinsky)

Having access to the fabulous palace whose name is Childhood, I have always found it necessary to become somewhat of a child. Only under this condition, the children will not look at you as a person who accidentally penetrated the gates of their fairy-tale world, as a watchman guarding this world, a watchman who is indifferent to what is happening inside this world. (V. Sukhomlinsky)

The path to the profession

Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky has an amazing fate. Recognized by the public and the authorities of the former USSR, a communist, an atheist, an academician, awarded the highest awards, the Pavlysh teacher hardly worked solely for the sake of the communist idea. However, a few years ago, in the work of Sukhomlinsky, they searched for and found the origins of the Marxist-Leninist worldview in the education of schoolchildren and future teachers. But that era is a thing of the past, and the topics of scientific research have also changed: they draw from Sukhomlinsky the ideas of humanism, fostering love for the native land, native language and word, and turning to national sources.

It must be admitted: today both teachers and parents are little familiar with the methods of educating Vasily Alexandrovich. At best, students studied the works of Sukhomlinsky in the course of the history of pedagogy, of which they only remember: “work for the sake of the Motherland and for the sake of victory over imperialism”, and, perhaps, “love for nature, the education of collectivism” ... Few people open it books and is fond of the true ideas of the teacher. That is why today practically none of the teachers remembers Sukhomlinsky (as the same Makarenko). A simple stereotype works: we already know about our own, but read about Montessori pedagogy get to know the ideas Domana , Spock or ibuki much more interesting.

Of course, it's great when each teacher can be interested in various methods, try to implement what he likes. Today, the widest field of opportunities for the introduction of pedagogical educational concepts is open. But for some reason, many create idols from famous foreign teachers, but they no longer notice their own, accessible, wise and progressive ones.

At the center of the educational system, created by Vasily Sukhomlinsky, there is a child with his activity, interests, individual creative abilities. The main task of the teaching staff of the school is to create favorable conditions for the formation and development of the Personality. Education, according to Sukhomlinsky, is not the elimination of the shortcomings of the child, but the development of all the best. Not power and submission, but respect and love should be at the heart of learning. That is, the point is not that the student receives a certain set of knowledge at school, but how this knowledge will live in him in the future.

Few of the teachers know something else: by the end of his life, Sukhomlinsky turned from international education to national education, from atheism to the folk cultural basis, to understanding the diversity of manifestations of the student's personality, to the fact that spirituality plays the main role in the formation of a comprehensively developed person.

As for the praise of the ideals of communism, this really cannot be taken away. But! For Sukhomlinsky, this was not a ritual and an obligation, but faith, sincere and pure. “It must be said with all certainty,” Vasily Alexandrovich wrote, “that the first and most important goal of education is a person, his all-round development, a clear mind, high ideals, a pure noble heart, golden hands, his personal happiness.”

It is quite obvious that we are talking about true humanistic values. It's just that at one time Sukhomlinsky could not operate with other concepts. His understanding of the tasks of education was very different from what was in the textbooks, his view of the role and place of the teacher did not fit into the postulates of official pedagogy.

The future teacher-innovator was born in 1918 in the village of Vasilievka (now the Kirovograd region) in a poor peasant family. Here he spent his childhood and youth. In the summer of 1933, Vasily's mother accompanied him to Kremenchug. After graduating from the workers' faculty, he entered the Pedagogical Institute; at the age of 17 he became a teacher at a correspondence school near his native village. He transferred to the Poltava Pedagogical Institute and graduated from it in 1938, then returned to his native places, where he began to teach Ukrainian language and literature at the Onufriev secondary school.

In 1941 Sukhomlinsky volunteered for the front. In January 1942, he, a junior political instructor, was seriously wounded while defending Moscow, and only miraculously survived. The fragment of the shell remained in his chest forever. After treatment in a hospital in the Urals, he asked to go to the front, but the commission could not recognize him as even partially fit. As soon as his native places were liberated, Sukhomlinsky returned to his homeland. In 1948, he became director of the Pavlysh secondary school, which he continued to lead until the end of his life.

Today, when the work of an outstanding teacher has acquired the features of a complete logical whole, the significance of his books “I give my heart to children”, “Birth of a citizen”, “Letters to my son”, prepared for publication as a kind of trilogy, is especially clearly visible. Each of these works is a separate, independent and complete work. Presented as a trilogy, they reveal the whole range of problems of educating the younger generation.

Written in the last period of Vasily Alexandrovich's life, these books belong to his main, in many respects programmatic works, and together they give an idea of ​​Sukhomlinsky's pedagogical system, and of his personality as a teacher - theorist and practitioner.

Place of Birth Vasilievka village,
Alexandria County,
Kherson Governorate, Ukrainian State, now Onufrievsky District, Kirovohrad Oblast, Ukraine

Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky(ukr. Vasil Oleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky; September 28, p. Vasilievka, Aleksandriysky district, Kherson province, Ukrainian State - September 2, pos. Pavlysh of the Onufrievsky district of the Kirovograd region, Ukrainian SSR) - an outstanding Soviet teacher, innovator, writer.

Corresponding Member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR (), Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (), Honored School Teacher of the Ukrainian SSR (), Hero of Socialist Labor ()


The future teacher-innovator was born in 1918 in the village of Vasilievka (now the Kirovograd region) in a poor peasant family. Here he spent his childhood and youth. Vasily Alexandrovich's father - Alexander Emelyanovich Sukhomlinsky (1893-1930) - before the October Revolution, he worked for hire as a carpenter and joiner in the landowners' economy and piecework - in peasant farms. In Soviet times, Alexander Emelyanovich became one of the foremost people in the village - he was a social activist, took part in the management of consumer cooperatives and the collective farm, appeared in newspapers as a village correspondent, headed the collective farm hut-laboratory, and supervised labor training (on woodworking business) at a seven-year school. The mother of V. A. Sukhomlinsky, Oksana Avdeevna (1893-1931), was a housewife, did small tailoring work, and worked on a collective farm. Together with Alexander Emelyanovich, she raised, in addition to Vasily, three more children - Ivan, Sergey and Melania. All of them became rural teachers.

In the summer of 1933, Vasily's mother accompanied him to Kremenchug. After graduating from the workers' faculty, he entered the Pedagogical Institute; at the age of 17 he became a teacher at a correspondence school near his native village. He transferred to the Poltava Pedagogical Institute and graduated from it in 1938, then returned to his native places, where he began to teach Ukrainian language and literature at the Onufriev secondary school.

In 1941, Sukhomlinsky volunteered for the front. In January 1942, he, a junior political instructor, was seriously wounded while defending Moscow, and only miraculously survived. The fragment of the shell remained in his chest forever. After treatment in a hospital in the Urals, he asked to go to the front, but the commission could not recognize him as even partially fit. As soon as his native places were liberated, Sukhomlinsky returned to his homeland. In 1948, he became director of the Pavlysh secondary school, which he continued to lead until the end of his life.

Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky is the author of 40 monographs and brochures, more than 600 articles, 1200 stories and fairy tales. Vasily Alexandrovich wrote scientific monographs and articles in Russian. Artistic prose - in Ukrainian. The total circulation of his books amounted to about 4 million copies in various languages.

Pedagogical activity

Sukhomlinsky created an original pedagogical system based on the principles of humanism, on the recognition of the personality of the child as the highest value, which should be oriented to the processes of upbringing and education, the creative activity of a close-knit team of like-minded teachers and students. The very essence of the ethics of Sukhomlinsky's communist education lay in the fact that the educator believes in the reality, feasibility and attainability of the communist ideal, measures his work by the criterion and yardstick of the ideal.

Sukhomlinsky built the learning process as a joyful labor; he paid great attention to the formation of the worldview of students; an important role in teaching was assigned to the word of the teacher, the artistic style of presentation, writing fairy tales, works of art, reading books with the children.

Sukhomlinsky developed a comprehensive aesthetic program of "beauty education". In the Soviet pedagogy of his time, he began to develop the humanistic traditions of domestic and world pedagogical thought.

In a holistic form, the views of Sukhomlinsky are presented in "Etudes on Communist Education" () and other works. His ideas are embodied in the practice of many schools. The International Association of V. A. Sukhomlinsky and the International Association of Sukhomlinsky Researchers, the Sukhomlinsky Pedagogical Museum in the Pavlysh school () were created.

Sukhomlinsky is the author of about 30 books and over 500 articles on the upbringing and education of young people. The book of his life - "I give my heart to children" (State Prize of the Ukrainian SSR -, posthumously). His life is raising children, personality. He brought up in children a personal attitude to the surrounding reality, an understanding of their work and responsibility to relatives, comrades and society, and, most importantly, to their own conscience.

In his book “100 Tips for a Teacher”, Sukhomlinsky wrote that a child is a creature that thinks, cognizes the world not only around itself, but also cognizes itself. Moreover, this knowledge comes not only with the mind, but also with the heart. The only teacher who truly loves his subject is the one who expounds a hundredth of what he knows in class. The richer the knowledge of the teacher, the brighter his personal attitude to knowledge, science, books, mental work, intellectual life is revealed. This intellectual wealth is the teacher's love for his subject, for science, school, and pedagogy. A teacher is not only a specialist who knows how to transfer knowledge to the next generation, but he also plays a big role in making a person out of a child, namely a person of the future, on which the future of the whole country depends. The teacher must not only be able to analyze the causes of influence on the child, but must also ensure that the study of the subject becomes integral. Work should become the main thing in the life of the student. Folk pedagogy knows what is feasible for a child and what is unbearable. Because it organically combines life wisdom with maternal and paternal love. In order for a child to want to study well, and by doing this he sought to bring joy to his mother and father, you need to cherish, cherish, develop in him a sense of pride as a worker. This means that the child must see, experience his progress in learning. Human relations are revealed most clearly in labor - when one creates something for another. The task of the teacher is not only to be able to correctly determine the causes and consequences in education, but also to influence the life of the child, while sharing his worries with his parents. The teacher needs to work so that the mother and father have a common idea of ​​who they are educating together with the school, and hence the unity of their requirements, first of all - to themselves. To achieve that the father and mother as educators act in unity means to teach the wisdom of maternal and paternal love, the harmony of kindness and severity, affection and exactingness. The teacher becomes a beacon of knowledge - and therefore an educator - only when the pupil has a desire to know incomparably more than he learned in the lesson, and this desire becomes one of the main incentives that encourage the pupil to learn, to master knowledge.

Vasil Sukhomlinsky is known as a Soviet teacher, writer, publicist, creator of folk pedagogy. Having served almost all his life in a rural school, the teacher managed to turn it into a scientific institution, as well as a laboratory of pedagogical methods.

The childhood of a talented teacher

The great teacher was born on September 28, 1918, in the village of Vasilyevka, Kirovograd region (Ukraine). Vasyl Sukhomlinsky was born into a poor family. His father until the beginning of the October Revolution served as a hired carpenter and joiner. And after the political event, he began to lead the collective farm, served as a rural correspondent and taught children how to work at school.

The childhood years of the Soviet teacher fell on a difficult time: revolution, devastation, hunger, hatred. Already at that time, being quite a child, Sukhomlinsky began to think about how to make childhood the happiest period in the life of children.

Vasily Sukhomlinsky: biography, books

At the age of 7, Vasily went to study at the village seven-grade school, where he was always spoken of as a hardworking and gifted child. After school, Vasily took preparatory courses at the Kremenchug Pedagogical Institute, then entered the Faculty of Language and Literature. However, due to illness, in 1935, he was forced to stop studying.

At the age of 17, the future creator of folk pedagogy had to start teaching. For three years, Vasily taught Ukrainian language and literature to children in the rural schools of Vasilyevka and Zybkovo.

In 1936, Vasil Sukhomlinsky returned to his studies. He continued his studies at the Pedagogical Institute of Poltava at the correspondence department. Two years later, a talented teacher graduated from the university, having received a specialty. After graduation Sukhomlinsky Vasyl Oleksandrovich - a teacher of the Ukrainian language and literature in schools in his native land. Around the same period of time, Vasily Alexandrovich married his colleague teacher. However, during the war, the girl remained in the occupation and, being pregnant, died.

Sukhomlinsky became the author of more than 30 books, 50 monographs, over 1500 fairy tales for children and about 500 articles that were devoted to the upbringing and education of adolescents. The teacher considered the book “I give my heart to children” as his main achievement, for which he was posthumously awarded the State Prize of the Ukrainian SSR in 1974.

Vasily Alexandrovich devoted his whole life to raising children and the manifestation of personality in them. The talented author tried to instill in children a personal attitude to the surrounding reality, to an understanding of their own business and a sense of responsibility to loved ones, and most importantly, to their conscience.

The beginning of the Great Patriotic War

When the war began, Sukhomlinsky Vasil Oleksandrovich went to the front as a volunteer. He went into battle in the rank of junior political officer on the Western and Kalinin fronts, took an active part in the battle of Smolensk and the battle of Moscow.

In the middle of the war, a talented teacher was seriously wounded by a shell fragment to the very heart. From the front they were sent to the Ural hospital. After being discharged, he became the director of the Uva village school of the Udmurt ASSR.

post-war period

In 1944, when the Nazis left the Ukrainian territories, the talented teacher returned to his native land, took the post of head of the district department of public education in Onufrievka.

In the late 40s of the XX century, Sukhomlinsky decided to return to teaching practice, heading a secondary school in his native area. Until the end of his days, the great teacher Vasil Sukhomlinsky served as director in the village of Pavlysh.

Biography and quotes of Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky

Vasily Aleksandrovich shared the ideas of pedagogy of cooperation. Creatively rethinking the works of such great figures as Aristotle, Korchak, Skovoroda, Ushinsky and Comenius, the teacher was engaged in development, deepening and research. He came up with new ideas and thoughts necessary during the education of personality in a child.

Sukhomlinsky has a huge number of quotations and aphorisms that have survived to this day and have not lost their former relevance. His statements are devoted to the norms of life and behavior, education, the formation of the personality of the child and family life. And this is not the whole list of surviving wise and so necessary thoughts of the great teacher today.

Together with Makarenko, Vasil Sukhomlinsky was recognized as the best in the field of pedagogy development not only in his native state, on the territory of the entire Soviet Union, but throughout the world. However, his teachings were often subject to criticism, for the simple reason that they did not fully correspond to the ideology of the Soviet era (they were imbued with the spirit of Christianity). The teacher was an atheist, but in nature he saw the beginning of the Creator.

Creation of folk pedagogy

The innovative pedagogical system, which was created by Vasily Alexandrovich, is based on the principles of humanism, on the recognition of the personality of children as the highest value to which the process of education and upbringing should be oriented. The key idea of ​​this education was that the teacher must believe in the possibility and existence of the communist ideal, must measure his work by the measure of the ideal.

The great teacher tried to build the process of education and training, as a labor that would bring joy.

Sukhomlinsky paid special attention to the development of the worldview of students, assigned a large role to the word of the teacher, the artistic style of presentation, inventing children's fairy tales and works of art together with the children.

Also, the innovative teacher created a complex of aesthetic programs called "Education by Beauty". In the pedagogy of that time, he developed the humanistic traditions of domestic and world pedagogical thought. His program opposed authoritarian parenting and was criticized in official educational circles for "abstract humanism".

The meaning of Sukhomlinsky's life

Projects and work with children were the meaning of the life of the great teacher and his vocation. Without children's voices and emotions, Vasily Aleksandrovich could not imagine his life. Over the years spent at work, Sukhomlinsky brought many new innovative ideas to the methodology of raising children.

Vasily Sukhomlinsky collected his worldview of pedagogy as a science in publications that were published in the periodical press. In addition, a talented teacher created 48 separate scientific papers on the rules of education.

His work, pedagogical activity is evidence of an innovative approach to the emergence and solution of important problems of modern education. The most important value are the developments and ideas of Vasily Alexandrovich, which relate to the formation of the creative individuality of children.

There are introductions and innovative methods of a talented teacher, which the Chinese and residents of European countries are currently using for educational purposes.

Achievements of the great teacher

At the age of 37, Vasily Alexandrovich defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic “The director of the school is the organizer of the educational process.” And three years later he earned the title of Honored Teacher of the Ukrainian SSR.

Vasily Alexandrovich developed a unique pedagogical system based on the principles of humanism. In his work, the author recognized the personality of the child as the highest value, to which all processes of upbringing and education must be aimed.

At the end of his life, a talented teacher was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, the Order of the Red Star. Chosen as a corresponding member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR.

Sukhomlinsky died in September 1970.

The memory of the teacher-innovator

Vasily Alexandrovich owes a lot to the Pedagogical Institute, which is located in Poltava. It was in this university that he was taught pedagogical sciences, working with children, and instilled a culture of communication. The great teacher will remain forever within the walls of his native institute. One of the brightest and most spacious auditoriums in the old building, in which young Vasily studied at one time, was named after him. Also, a memorial museum was opened on the territory of the university, which highlights the life and work of an innovative teacher.

In the early 80s of the XX century on the building of the Institute. VG Korolenko was placed in memory of the great teacher. In memory of Sukhomlinsky, a national university in the city of Nikolaev and a pedagogical college, which is located in the city of Alexandria, were named. On the territory of the educational institution there is a monument to the great teacher. Also, an audience in honor of Sukhomlinsky was named at the National Research University Higher School of Economics in Moscow.

(September 28, 1918, the village of Vasilyevka, Alexandria district, Kherson province, Russian Empire - September 2, 1970, the village of Pavlysh, Onufrievsky district, Kirovograd region, Ukrainian SSR)


Born in the family of a village carpenter. After graduating from the school of peasant youth, he entered the Kremenchug Medical College. In 1939 he graduated with honors from the Poltava Pedagogical Institute. He worked as a teacher of the Ukrainian language and literature in rural schools in the Onufrievsky district of the Kirovograd region.

Member of the Great Patriotic War. In July 1941 he was drafted into the Red Army. In the rank of junior political officer, he fought on the Western and Kalinin fronts, participated in the battle of Smolensk and the battle of Moscow. In January 1942, he was seriously wounded by a shell fragment under the very heart. Miraculously, he survived and after being discharged from the Ural hospital from 1942 to 1944 worked as the director of the school in the village of Uva, Udmurt Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Returning to his homeland, he learned that his wife, who participated in the partisan underground, and her young son were tortured to death by the fascist invaders.

Since 1944 - head of the Onufrievsky district department of public education. From 1948 until the last day of his life, he worked as the director of a secondary school in the village of Pavlysh, Onufrievsky district, Kirovograd region of Ukraine. In 1955 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic: "The director of the school is the organizer of the educational process."

Pedagogical activity

Sukhomlinsky created an original pedagogical system based on the principles of humanism, on the recognition of the personality of the child as the highest value, on which the processes of upbringing and education, the creative activity of a close-knit team of like-minded teachers and students should be oriented. Sukhomlinsky understood communist education as the formation of "thinking individuals", and not obedient performers of party commands.

Sukhomlinsky built the learning process as a joyful labor; he paid great attention to the formation of the worldview of students; an important role in teaching was assigned to the word of the teacher, the artistic style of presentation, writing fairy tales and works of art together with the children.

Sukhomlinsky developed a comprehensive aesthetic program of "beauty education". His system opposed an authoritarian upbringing and was criticized by official pedagogical circles for being "abstract humanism".

In a holistic form, Sukhomlinsky's views are presented in "Etudes on Communist Education" (1967) and other works. His ideas are embodied in the practice of many schools. The International Association of V. A. Sukhomlinsky and the International Association of Sukhomlinsky Researchers, the Pedagogical Museum of Sukhomlinsky in the Pavlysh school (1975) were created.

Sukhomlinsky is the author of about 30 books and over 500 articles on the upbringing and education of young people. The book of his life - "I give my heart to children" (State Prize of the Ukrainian SSR - 1974, posthumously). His life is raising children, personality. In the conditions of severe atheism, a totalitarian system and political xenophobia, he brought up a sense of dignity in children, brought up a citizen.


Hero of Socialist Labor (1968).
- Order of the Red Star.

Abstract on the topic "Sukhomlinsky Vasily Aleksandrovich"
Author(s): Dychko Svetlana Skipina Daria
Moscow City Psychological - Pedagogical University, Moscow, 2005.

was born on September 28, 1918, in the village of Vasilievka, now Onufrievsky district, Kirovograd region, - 2.9.1970, pos. Pavlysh of the same district and region), Soviet teacher, honored school teacher of the Ukrainian SSR (1969), corresponding member of the APN of the USSR (1968, APN of the RSFSR since 1957), Hero of Socialist Labor (1968). Graduated from the Poltava Pedagogical Institute (1939). Member of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. From 1948 until the end of his life he worked as the director of the Pavlysh secondary school.

He created an original pedagogical system based on the principles of humanism, recognizing the personality of the child as the highest value of the processes of upbringing and education, the creative activity of a close-knit team of like-minded teachers and students. Sukhomlinsky understood communist education as the formation of "thinking personalities", and not obedient executors of party commands. Sukhomlinsky built the learning process as a joyful labor; paid much attention to the formation of students' worldview; he assigned an important role in teaching to the word of the teacher, the artistic style of presentation, writing fairy tales, works of art, etc. together with the children (“I give my heart to children”, 1969). Developed a comprehensive aesthetic program "beauty education". Sukhomlinsky's system opposed authoritarian upbringing and was criticized by official pedagogical circles for "abstract humanism". In a holistic form, Sukhomlinsky's views are presented in "Etudes on Communist Education" (1967) and other works.

His ideas have been put into practice. schools. The International Association of V.A. Sukhomlinsky and the International Association of Sukhomlinsky Researchers, Sukhomlinsky Pedagogical Museum in the Pavlysh School (1975). The book of his life is "I give my heart to children." His life is the upbringing of children, personality, the birth of a citizen. In conditions of cruel atheism, a totalitarian system and political xenophobia, he brought up a sense of dignity in children, brought up a citizen. In 1935, Anton Makarenko's book "Start in Life" was published. In 1935, Vasily Sukhomlinsky began his service to the people in the pedagogical field. He is a graduate of the Poltava Pedagogical University. Korolenko, lived a bright pedagogical life, left a rich pedagogical heritage, gave a start to life and success not only for student youth, but also for a whole galaxy of talented teachers. He outlined his research legacy in the book I Give My Heart to Children.

Are his pedagogical achievements exhausted? They are inexhaustible. Many of his ideas turned out to be extremely useful grains for society, which have given and will bear fruit.


Education of collectivism among schoolchildren, M., 1956;
- Formation of communist beliefs of the younger generation, M., 1961;
- I give my heart to children, 5th ed. K., 1974;
- Pavlyshskaya secondary school, M. 1969;
- The birth of a citizen, 3rd ed., Vladivostok, 1974;
- About education, 2nd ed., M., 1975
- A conversation with a young school principal M., 1973;
- Wise power of the collective, M. 1975.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky calls the profession of a teacher human studies, emphasizing that the teacher must constantly penetrate into the complex spiritual world of the student, discover something new in him, admire this new one, see a person in the process of his formation.

VA Sukhomlinsky had his own views on the role and importance of a teacher in a child's life. A teacher must have a calling. Boundless faith in a person, in the power of education.

Sukhomlinsky said: "I see the educational meaning in the fact that the child sees, understands, feels, experiences, comprehends as a great secret, familiarization with life in nature ...". In the book "I give my heart to children," Sukhomlinsky gives teachers advice: "Go in the field, in the park, drink from the source of thought, and this living water will make your pets wise; researchers, inquisitive, inquisitive people and poets. "He notes that" taking children to the lawn, visiting with them in the forest, in the park is a much more difficult matter than conducting lessons. ". Since the teacher needs to devote as much time and attention to organizing an excursion as to organizing a lesson, or even more. It happens that teachers conduct excursions "slipshod", without preparing for it at all. But when preparing, one should take into account that not necessarily all the time of the tour should be occupied with conversations.

Sukhomlinsky notes: “Children do not need to talk a lot, do not stuff them with stories, the word is not fun, but verbal satiety is one of the most harmful satiety. The child needs not only to listen to the word of the educator, but also to be silent; and what he saw. One should not turn children into a passive object of perception of words. But, in the midst of nature, the child must be given the opportunity to listen, look, feel. "

The well-known teacher closely connected the attitude of children to objects of nature with the fact that nature is our native land, the land that raised us and feeds us, the land transformed by our labor.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky repeatedly noted that nature itself does not educate, it educates only the active influence in it. “It amazed me,” Sukhomlinsky says, “that the children’s admiration for beauty was intertwined with indifference to the fate of the beautiful. Admiring beauty is only the first sprout of a good feeling that needs to be developed, turned into an active desire for activity.” Sukhomlinsky suggests creating a living corner where all children will take part in caring for animals, organize "bird" and "animal" clinics, plant trees. In order for a child to learn to understand nature, to feel its beauty, to read its language, to protect its wealth, all these feelings must be instilled from an early age. Sukhomlinsky writes: "Experience shows that good feelings should be rooted in childhood, and humanity, kindness, affection, benevolence is born in work, worries, worries about the beauty of the world around us." And now questions of ecological education are considered by many teachers. Academician I. D. Zverev writes: "The acuteness of modern problems of interaction between society and nature has set a number of new tasks for the school and pedagogy, which are designed to prepare the younger generation, able to overcome the consequences of negative human impacts on nature, to take care of it in the future. It is quite obvious that that the matter cannot be limited to the "education" of schoolchildren in the field of nature protection. The whole complex of environmental problems of our time required a new philosophical understanding, a fundamental, complete and consistent reflection of the multidimensional nature of ecology in school education. " According to the authors, the high culture of educators and the possession of various means of communication is an effective way of influencing pupils and the development of their personality. In the construction of dialogic communication, they saw the essence of education V.A. Sukhomlinsky and J. Korchak, highlighting a number of the following characteristics. Firstly, the equality of the positions of the educator and the educated person, which is expressed in the fact that the student is an active subject of education and self-education, has the ability to influence the educator. Secondly, knowledge, the study of the child is the main core on which all communication with him is built. Thirdly, the results of communication are not limited to assessment, an approach to the pupil through strengthening positive personal qualities and aspirations, strengths to fight against their own weaknesses in such a way that the child, receiving information about himself from the educator, learns to evaluate himself. Fourthly, the need for sincerity and naturalness in the manifestation of emotions is emphasized. The central role in the implementation of the principle of self-education belongs to the educator. Work experience of V.A. Sukhomlinsky shows that communication-dialogue develops in the educator and pupils self-confidence and self-criticism, trust and exactingness towards people around them, readiness for creative solution of emerging problems and faith in the possibility of their solution.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky considered dialogue as a means of “spiritual communication, exchange of spiritual values”, awakening the mutual interest of the teacher and the student.

It can be emphasized once again that V.A. Sukhomlinsky is a talented teacher and a man of great spiritual generosity, who devoted his life to children and thoughts about their upbringing. His books were rare in the 60s and 70s. 20th century an example of humane pedagogy, which found a brilliant embodiment in the practice of his "School of Joy". The pedagogical ideas of Sukhomlinsky seem to be relevant in our time.

Great love and respect for the Ukrainian educator lives in the souls of people from different parts of the Earth.


Sincere love for children, romantic aspirations of the personality, passion and conviction distinguished the outstanding teacher Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky.

A wonderful innovative teacher, a passionate publicist, he continued and creatively developed the best traditions of Soviet teachers. Even during his lifetime, they said about Sukhomlinsky: not a person, but a whole scientific institution. For two decades - 35 books, hundreds of scientific articles and journalistic articles-thoughts. Sukhomlinsky's work is compared to an evergreen tree, which has flexible roots, a strong trunk and a spreading crown, the branches of which give new shoots from year to year.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky was primarily concerned with the problems of individual education of adolescents, the development of a clear worldview position in them, and instilling in them an emotional culture. Until the last day, he remained the director of the Pavlysh school, an ordinary rural school where ordinary village children studied.



Sukhomlinsky, V.A. Selected pedagogical works: in 3 volumes / V.A. Sukhomlinsky. - M .: Pedagogy, 1979.
- Borisovsky, A.M. V.A. Sukhomlinsky: book. for students / A.M. Borisovsky. - M. : Education, 1985. - 128 p. - (People of science).
- Pavlysh secondary school [Onufriev. district]: generalization of the experience of studies. work in the villages. avg. school / Acad. ped. Sciences of the USSR, Sukhomlinsky V.A. - M.: Education, 1969. - 398 p.
- Sukhomlinsky V.A. / comp. G.D. Glaser. - M. : ID Shalva Amonashvili, 1997. - 224 p. - (Anthology of humane pedagogy).
- Sukhomlinsky, V.A. Methods of education of the team / V.A. Sukhomlinsky. - M. : Education, 1981. - 192 p.
- Sukhomlinsky, V.A. Wise power of the team: a methodology for educating the team: Per. from Ukrainian / V.A. Sukhomlinsky. - M. : Mol.guard, 1975. - 240 p.
- Sukhomlinsky, V.A. "Not only with the mind, but also with the heart...": Sat. Art. and fragm. from works / V.A. Sukhomlinsky. - M.: Mol. guard, 1986. - 205 p. - (For those who work with the pioneers).
- Sukhomlinsky, V.A. Moral ideal of the young generation / V.A. Sukhomlinsky. - M.: Acad. ped. Sciences of the RSFSR, 1963. - 152 p.
- Sukhomlinsky V.A. About education: [excerpts from works] / Sukhomlinsky V.A. - 6th ed. - M. : Politizdat, 1988. - 269 p.
- Sukhomlinsky, V.A. Pavlyshskaya secondary school: a generalization of the experience of teaching and education. work in the villages. avg. school / V.A. Sukhomlinsky. - M.: Education, 1979. - 396 p.
- Sukhomlinsky, V.A. Letters to the son: book. for students / V.A. Sukhomlinsky; foreword
- G. Medynsky. - 2nd ed. - M. : Education, 1987. - 120 p.
- Sukhomlinsky, V.A. Human needs in a person / V.A. Sukhomlinsky. - 2nd ed. - M.: Sov. Russia, 1981. - 96 p. - (Man among people).
- Sukhomlinsky, V.A. A conversation with a young school principal / V.A. Sukhomlinsky. - M.: Education, 1973. - 208 p.
- Sukhomlinsky, V.A. Homeland in the heart / V.A. Sukhomlinsky. - 2nd ed. - M .: Young Guard, 1980. - 175 p. : ill.
- Sukhomlinsky, V.A. Parental Pedagogy / V.A. Sukhomlinsky. - M.: Knowledge, 1978. - 96 p.
- Sukhomlinsky, V.A. Birth of a citizen: trans. from Ukrainian / V.A. Sukhomlinsky. - 3rd ed. - M.: Mol. guard, 1979. - 335 p.
- Sukhomlinsky, V.A. I give my heart to children / V.A. Sukhomlinsky. - 2nd ed. - Kyiv. : Glad. school, 1972. - 244 p.
- Tartakovsky, B.S. The Tale of the Teacher Sukhomlinsky / B.S. Tartakovsky. - M .: Mol. Guard, 1972. - 271 p. : ill.


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- Boguslavsky, M. Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky: goals and meanings of education // Public education. - 2008. - No. 9. - S. 261-266.
- Boguslavsky, M. "The World Enters Man": on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the birth of V.A. Sukhomlinsky // Education of schoolchildren. - 1988. - No. 5. - S. 12-14.
- Byblyuk, M.V.A. Sukhomlinsky and Polish teachers: on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the birth of [teacher] // Sov. pedagogy. - 1988. - No. 9. - S. 28-30.
- Valeeva, R.A. Korchak and Sukhomlinsky: how to love a child: [to the 110th anniversary of J. Korchak and the 80th anniversary of V.A. Sukhomlinsky] // Pedagogy. - 1998. - No. 6. - S. 48-52.
- Volkov, B. Cathedral of your soul: to the 70th anniversary of V.A. Sukhomlinsky // Literature at school. - 1988. - No. 5. - S. 2-7.
- Volkov, G.N. Master of a unique experiment: on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the birth of V.A. Sukhomlinsky // Sov. pedagogy. - 1988. - No. 9. - S. 17-23.
- Hartmann, E. Personality and society, initiative and activity: [stud. ped. heritage of V.A. Sukhomlinsky] // Sov. pedagogy. - 1988. - No. 12. - S. 89-91.
- To the 75th anniversary of the birth of V.A. Sukhomlinsky // Public education. - 1993. - No. 7/8. - S. 109-128. - Contents : Why Sukhomlinsky? / M. Boguslavsky; V.A. Sukhomlinsky and the struggle of ideas in Soviet pedagogy of the 60s / A. Dovydova; The phenomenon of Sukhomlinsky / A. Reznik.
- Lebedev, P.A. Thoughts of a Pavlysh teacher: to the 70th anniversary of V.A. Sukhomlinsky // Primary school. - 1988. - No. 9. - S. 71-74.
- Mayevsky, Yu. V.A. Sukhomlinsky and music // Sov. music. - 1988. - No. 9. - S. 97-98.
- Mazur, P. Foreword: [to the study. creative heritage of A.S. Makarenko and V.A. Sukhomlinsky] // National education. - 1988. - No. 1. - S. 86-87.
- Malinin, V.I. Sukhomlinsky about Makarenko: unfinished work // Sov. pedagogy. - 1990. - No. 3. - S. 85-93.
- Mukhin, M.I. V.A. Sukhomlinsky about the education of the mind // Pedagogy. - 1994. - No. 1. - S. 96-100.
- Mukhin, M.I. V.A. Sukhomlinsky on the upbringing of the comprehensive development of the personality // Sov. pedagogy. - 1991. - No. 9. - S. 104-110.
- Mukhin, M.I. V.A. Sukhomlinsky about a differentiated and individual approach to the student // Education of schoolchildren. - 1991. - No. 4. - S. 9-11.
- Plekhanov, A.V. The joy of work is the beauty of being: to the 70th anniversary of the birth of V.A. Sukhomlinsky // School and production. - 1988. - No. 9. - S. 6-8.
- Ravkin, Z.I. Pedagogy of creativity and innovation: [about ped. heritage of V.A. Sukhomlinsky] // Sov. pedagogy. - 1989. - No. 9. - S. 103-109.
- Rodchanin, E.G. On the origins of the philosophical and pedagogical views of V.A. Sukhomlinsky / E.G. Rodchanin, I.A. Zyazyun // Sov. pedagogy. - 1988. - No. 10. - S. 98-103.
- Sakharov, V.A. V.A. Sukhomlinsky and modernity (To the 85th anniversary of the birth of a humanist teacher) // Elementary School. - 2002. - N 9. - S. 20-22.
- Sermyazhko, E.I. Raising children in the family: [to the study. ped. heritage of V.A. Sukhomlinsky] // Sov. pedagogy. - 1988. - No. 2. - S. 113-116.
- Solovkov, I.A. An outstanding teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky // Primary school. - 1998. - No. 9. - S. 3-8.
- Sukhomlinsky, O.V. Ideas and accomplishments of Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky (1918-1970): on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of his birth // Sov. pedagogy. - 1988. - No. 9. - S. 11-17.
- Sukhomlinsky, V.A. Based on the abstract student: [1966 article] // Education of schoolchildren. - 1991. - No. 4. - S. 11-12.
- Sukhomlinsky, V.A. Go forward! : [against formalism in ped. creativity: publ. Art. 1967 / after V. Kumarina] // National education. - 1989. - No. 8. - S. 70-81.
- Sukhomlinsky, V.A. On the issue of organizing boarding schools / publ. and note. O.A. Sukhomlinsky // Sov. pedagogy. - 1988. - No. 12. - S. 22-88.
- Sukhomlinsky, V.A. "The teacher is the conscience of the people...": [publ. letters of the teacher, 1962-1970] / prepared. L. Plesskaya and O. Volodin // National education. - 1988. - No. 9. - S. 73-79.
- Sukhomlinsky, V.A. We continue ourselves in children: [publication of an excerpt from a teacher's article] // Education of schoolchildren. - 1990. - No. 5. - S. 57-59.
- Turbovskoy, Ya. Dialogue in twenty years: [to the study. theoret. heritage of V.A. Sukhomlinsky: in connection with publ. Art. teacher "Go ahead!"] // Public education. - 1989. - No. 8. - S. 81-85.
- Khanbikov, Ya. Parental pedagogy V.A. Sukhomlinsky / Ya. Khanbikov, A. Popova // Public education. - 1988. - No. 7. - S. 80-82.
- Shashlo, T. Educator of the courageous generation: memories of V.A. Sukhomlinsky // Public education. - 1988. - No. 9. - S. 80-81.