Is there natural selection in humans examples. Does natural selection work on humans? Reasons for natural selection

The main purpose of a person is, with the help of our Imagination, the further expansion of the Universe, passing into it the corresponding vibrations or energy that we have accumulated.

The purpose is the same for every soul and different. The difference lies in how the Imagination is realized in the world: someone draws, someone constructs, someone builds, sings, cooks food, teaches children, takes care of animals, etc. The main goal of a person is to be needed by people! The meaning of life for each of us is to turn our whole life, every moment of it, into a kind of creative act! Indeed, in each of us there is a piece of the Creator himself, therefore we are essentially co-creators, and not servants of God.

It is necessary to fill every day with Imagination - be it cleaning the house, washing dishes, peeling potatoes, traveling in transport, talking with others, etc., through all this you can multiply and expand the Divine essence. The main thing is to create everything with the soul and in any business it is necessary to go from creation, and not from destruction!

Any human action must be spiritualized, i.e., it must be based on spiritual and moral principles, and not evil! The biggest goal of life is to live every moment not automatically, half asleep, but with Imagination, with love for what you do!

Thus, we will return our debt to the world. After all, how much they took from life, the same amount must be returned in the form of physical or intellectual labor, otherwise our behavior will be subject to correction through various diseases, troubles and misfortunes.

Any event that happens to us is a sign! Therefore, we must always stop and try to comprehend what is happening to us, because there are no accidents in life.

The main test of our wrong behavior or action is the observable inhibition in the implementation of our goals and plans. At this time, Nature herself, as it were, gives us a pause to comprehend that we are going the wrong way and doing it the wrong way!

It is required to understand and realize the possible reasons for their failures. If this continues further, then the natural principles of natural selection of biological species will turn on, and, due to various circumstances, a person finds himself on the side of the road of life, ending it with a downtrodden homeless person, a drunkard, a drug addict, a chronic loser and suicide!

A person in his life goes through three stages of his development:

Animal stage;

The stage of a rational animal, when in his life he is guided by natural instincts;

And the stage of the person himself, when he consciously continues his development.

A person who is not motivated to develop is subject to slow extinction! He becomes unable to fulfill his mission on Earth, and therefore leaves as unnecessary.

The change in value orientation after the collapse of the USSR led to the fact that money began to play the leading role in people's lives, and not spiritual and moral principles, which are the basis for the development of all human civilization on Earth. Today we do not have a single law that defines the principles of the spiritual and moral development of man and society. All laws are aimed only at satisfying the needs of the body and there is not a single law that concerns the human soul. And this cannot form in our youth the proper respect for their parents and the elderly. After all, there is a good folk wisdom: “He who does not honor parents and elders does not walk in good!” Since young people cannot imagine themselves in old age, they automatically program themselves for a short-term life, so they don’t live to old age, but die young. There is something to think about here!

Today, the majority of our population lives only by the instincts of self-preservation, stuck in its development at the stage of a “reasonable animal”, not actually reaching out to a person. So what do we want from each other - what feelings, what justice, what love and what human relationships? After all, under capitalism, "Man is a wolf to man!" We were taught this in the Soviet school!

A person in life must necessarily have a long-term goal, divided into stages, striving to achieve which he must realize himself more fully and be in demand by people. Since the goal is being energetically fixed “from above”, for this a person is given certain forces and opportunities for its subsequent realization. For the successful phased implementation of the goal, a person determines what he lacks for this: what knowledge, skills, skills, professionalism, etc., trying to acquire and master all this. The universe will always help him in this, it is only necessary that the thoughts of a person be pure.

Currently, the country, and the world as a whole, has an unfavorable economic situation. People lose their minds, lose their jobs, begin to behave inappropriately, the space is saturated with human aggression, manifested in various forms. There is a formation of a resonance of social evil due to the social disorder of people. People who, due to various circumstances, are thrown out today to the backyards of society are ready-made material for protests.

In order to survive in such conditions, one must try to develop strong-willed qualities in oneself, the ability to adapt flexibly to a rapidly changing environment, and you cannot learn this while sitting at a computer. It is necessary to gain life experience, as well as the practice of real, and not virtual, communication with people, not to shy away from any work, but to consider all this as a kind of training for one's endurance and gaining experience. You need to treat any work with soul, develop your personal and business qualities, otherwise you will fall under the millstones of natural selection. We must learn to structure ourselves from the inside and accustom ourselves to order in everything! After all, “God helps those who strive for order!” - so says popular wisdom.

It is high time to understand that no one but ourselves will solve our problems for us! If you don’t have your own brains, then you can’t add strangers! Such people simply do not have an inner core, and over time, if they do not work on themselves, they will fall under natural culling.

And it's good if such people have their own corner and those who can support them in old age? Otherwise, there is only one road - to where souls rest.

Don't be lazy today! Just think now - what will you live on in old age? Pull yourself together and go! Acquire new specialties, take care of your health, because no one needs you in our hospitals! Seek and find! And everyone will be rewarded according to his deeds - so, it seems, is written in the Gospel.

Compiled by B. Ratnikov

A fairly popular discourse today (here, this vomitous word has stuck) is natural selection in modern man, whether it exists at all and, if so, in which direction it pushes us. Well, I'll speculate on this topic. For simplicity, I will proceed from the fact that no serious catastrophes will happen in the near future, civilization will continue to flourish and cover more and more new regions, and the main ethical guidelines will not change dramatically. I will not take into account gene therapy, although it seems to have already become a real prospect. Because it is not far from gene therapy and human genetic engineering, and there you can no longer guess which genes will become the squeak of capricious fashion.

Intelligence. This is what always interests everyone in the first place. How, then, a man is a beacon of reason, rising from the darkness of a meaningless animal existence. Among the broad masses, the myth traditionally circulates that the farther, the more we progress intellectually and degrade physically, and, accordingly, the person of the future will become a kind of jerk with a giant head on thin crooked legs. This has its own logic, this has been the general trend over the past million years. If you don't go into details. But in general, this does not mean at all that the same trends remain relevant now. How are things really?

In primitive times, when groups of people numbering several dozen people roamed the forests and savannahs, intelligence really mattered. It depended on the ingenuity of each person in such a tribe whether this tribe could escape from predators, provide itself with food, water, good shelter and all sorts of other goodies. And this directly determined survival. Thus, evolution went in the direction of increasing intelligence.

In later and advanced times the situation has changed. People began to live in large, complexly organized communities, a division of labor appeared, civilization reached the stage when predators ceased to pose a serious threat, and intraspecific competition became the main selection factor. Reproductive success now depended primarily on social status. Wealthy people in traditional societies acquired a bunch of wives and concubines, and the number of their children sometimes exceeded a hundred. A similar situation persisted in the future, even in the supposedly monogamous era, the rulers of the world managed to make children not only for their wife, but also for all the surrounding maids, maids of honor, slaves and serfs.

With the female gender, things are somewhat more complicated. Women's status has always been rather in a negative relationship with the number of children. But here it is important not to forget that reproductive success over many generations, and not just the next, matters. Any woman could always receive the greatest dividends by raising a successful son - even if only one child, but many grandchildren. Therefore, the best strategy for her was to invest in the quality of the offspring rather than in their quantity.

Social change had an immediate effect. The brain of modern man is smaller than the brain of both Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon. Yes, gentlemen, we are stupid. Difficult childbirth always held back the growth of the cranium, and as soon as the need for high intelligence decreased, the resultant vectors of natural selection turned back.

Nevertheless, in some form, positive selection for high intelligence existed. After all, not only degenerated aristocrats were reproductively successful, but also active, enterprising people who achieved everything on their own. There were also skillful lovers who secretly charmed the ladies, including with beautiful speeches and wit. To what extent is status, material wealth, the ability to seduce connected with intellect? This is an extremely controversial issue, and on any forum it consistently causes an avalanche of furious flames. But still, they are probably somehow connected - in one way or another.

But in the most recent decades, there has been a new turn in the structure of human society: effective contraception has appeared. The popular and wealthy still lead a richer and more varied sex life, but now this no longer turns into a large number of descendants. Of course, there are isolated examples where money and status give an evolutionary advantage. Let's say an extremely ugly but wealthy lady gets plastic surgery, artificial insemination, or simply buys a husband, while her poor sister unfortunately remains childless forever. A wealthy man undergoes complex and expensive infertility treatment, while a rogue simply cannot afford it. A divorced alimony man remarries and has a couple more children in addition to the ones he already has, but another one, just as bald and shabby, but also poor, does not attract ladies.

But these are all separate incidents and they have little effect on the general trend. In general, the wealthy and educated leave fewer offspring. Moreover, the quality of this offspring also suffers, because. they usually give birth to their first child at a fairly late age. Meanwhile, the older the father, the more mutations his sperm carries. After all, spermatogonia actively divide throughout life, and with each division more and more errors accumulate. A 50-year-old father passes on three times as many mutations to his children as a 20-year-old. It is important here to separate the cutlets from the flies. Most of these mutations do not lead to some terrible disease. They may be neutral, some of them may even be useful. But on average, if you look at large samples, the children of older fathers, other things being equal, are slightly less healthy and smart than their peers.

In words, we value the mind, but in fact the only factor of modern reality that works in favor of wiserness is caesarean sections. This operation removes the limitation on the size of the skull in newborns. But this in itself is not enough: in order for people to become smarter, it is not enough that nothing interferes with this process, we still need some forces that would move us in the right direction. Do the smartest survive now? No, thanks to social policy and scientific and technological progress, everyone survives! Maybe smart ones get advantages in reproduction? Again, no, thanks to monogamy, contraceptives, social policies and certain cultural norms, everything breeds in a row, and the smart ones are the worst!

Health, strength, endurance. In some form, natural selection, of course, exists, it simply cannot but exist. First of all, not all women are able to conceive and carry a child even up to six months, when it will already be possible to go out in a ditch. And not all men are capable of producing viable sperm. For those who are still capable of this, selection begins already at the stage of gametes. Most of them simply die, especially when it comes to spermatozoa, and only a select few reach the goal. True, only a small part of the genes is active in germ cells, and therefore many breakdowns remain invisible for the time being. Thus, this is a very narrow selection. The next stage is the embryonic stage of development. Many embryos die before the potential mother even knows she is pregnant. And finally, children and adults, too, sometimes die, despite all the advances in medicine. And very ugly boys and girls may never find a partner.

But the stabilizing selection in terms of physical qualities in humans is, of course, greatly weakened. Only serious defects are cut off, and over time we become more frail and sickly. However, there is nothing particularly new in this. In this direction, people have been moving since their appearance as a species. However, now the process has accelerated. Actually, it does not threaten us with any incredible catastrophes. Yes, people will be unable to survive without civilization. So we are still unable to. That's it, the point of no return has been passed. It's too late to be afraid...

sociality. Here is the only thing that has always been consistently subjected to rigorous selection. Moreover, with the development of society, the enlargement and complexity of human settlements, the selection pressure only intensified. Those who can't communicate don't reproduce. And sometimes they don't even survive. At least that was the case until very recently. Although right now, with the advent of the Internet, perhaps a turning point has come.

Behavior, character, emotions. In fact, everyone who only wants it himself got the opportunity to leave offspring. And ... this is also a selection factor. And very powerful. Previously, wanting children was not at all necessary in order to acquire them. It was enough to want to fuck. There is even an opinion that there is no so-called reproductive instinct at all. The desire to take care of offspring in animals arises (and some males never arise) only by the fact of the presence of this very offspring - appetite comes with eating. But if the instinct of reproduction did not exist before, now it has every chance to appear. According to all the laws of Darwinian selection, childfree will die out, only those who really love and want children will remain. I hope they will at least be good parents. And that desire to have a child does not at all exclude the desire to shove him somewhere when he finally appears.

How else can you eliminate your genes from the human gene pool? For example, from a young age to do something like that and find yourself in the clutches of a punitive system - for a long time or even forever. Impulsivity, physical violence and uncontrolled outbursts of aggression are not held in high esteem today (epileptoids, you are out of luck) and will clearly not be in the character of a person of the future. This does not mean that aggression, cruelty, competition will disappear. No, they will simply take the form of a sophisticated and camouflaged moral violence.

What is the result? Civilization, so to speak, not of valiant straightforward warriors, but of hypocritical crooked intriguers. Silly and frail people, but caring mothers and fathers. If anything, people will not become stupid to the level of a cow. Still, some basic level of intelligence is needed to survive in a man-made environment: not to get under transport, not to grab onto bare wires. Yes, and potential partners will reject obviously defective ones. People will just become very stupid, with an average IQ of about 70, let's say. And in this mode, civilization can exist stably for a long time. To perform its highly specialized functions, a lot of mind is not needed, especially since everything that is possible is automated. It may even develop. Out of the entire population of many billions, somehow there will be a thousand or two random smart people. And you don't need more. And then, of course, they die. Just like all civilizations before us perished. And everything will start over. Our descendants will build a new colossus with feet of clay. Or maybe not our descendants ...

Something like this. Or not. Gene therapy and engineering, sperm banks, eugenics programs, the return of polygamy, environmental disasters or nuclear war - you never know what can disrupt the smooth flow of things.

The doctrine of natural selection was created by C. Darwin and A. Wallace, who considered it as the main creative force that directs the evolutionary process and determines its specific forms.

Natural selection is a process in which individuals with hereditary traits that are useful for given conditions survive and leave offspring.

Evaluating natural selection from the standpoint of genetics, we can conclude that it essentially selects positive mutations and genetic combinations that occur during sexual reproduction that improve survival in populations, and discards all negative mutations and combinations that worsen the survival of organisms. The latter simply die. Natural selection can also act at the level of reproduction of organisms, when weakened individuals either do not give full-fledged offspring, or do not leave offspring at all (for example, males who have lost mating fights with stronger rivals; plants in conditions of light or nutrition deficiency, etc.) .

At the same time, not just some specific positive or negative qualities of organisms are selected or discarded, but the entire genotypes that carry these traits (including many other traits that affect the further course and speed of evolutionary processes).

Forms of natural selection

Currently, there are three main forms of natural selection, which are given in school textbooks on general biology.

Stabilizing natural selection

This form of natural selection is characteristic of stable conditions of existence that do not change for a long time. Therefore, in populations there is an accumulation of adaptations and selection of genotypes (and the phenotypes formed by them) that are appropriate for existing conditions. When populations reach a certain set of adaptations that are optimal and sufficient for survival under given conditions, stabilizing selection begins to act, cutting off the extreme variants of variability and favoring the preservation of some average conservative traits. All mutations and sexual recombinations leading to a deviation from this norm are eliminated by stabilizing selection.

For example, the length of the limbs of hares should provide them with a fairly fast and stable movement, allowing them to get away from a pursuing predator. If the limbs are too short, the hares will not be able to escape from predators and will become their easy prey before they have time to give birth. Thus, carriers of short-legged genes are removed from populations of hares. If the limbs are too long, then the run of the hares will become unstable, they will tip over, and predators can easily catch up with them. This will lead to the removal of carriers of long-legged genes from hare populations. Only individuals with the optimal length of the limbs and their optimal ratio with the size of the body will be able to survive and give offspring. This is the manifestation of stabilizing selection. Under its pressure, genotypes that differ from some average and expedient norm under the given conditions are eliminated. The formation of a protective (masking) color in many species of animals also occurs.

The same applies to the shape and size of flowers, which should ensure stable pollination by insects. If the flowers have a too narrow corolla or short stamens and pistils, then insects will not be able to reach them with their paws and proboscis, and the flowers will be unpollinated and will not produce seeds. Thus, the optimal sizes and shapes of flowers and inflorescences are formed.

With very long periods of stabilizing selection, some species of organisms may arise whose phenotypes remain practically unchanged for many millions of years, although their genotypes, of course, have undergone changes during this time. Examples include coelacanth fish, sharks, scorpions, and some other organisms.

driving selection

This form of selection is typical for changing environmental conditions, when directed selection occurs in the direction of a changing factor. So there is an accumulation of mutations and a change in the phenotype associated with this factor and leading to a deviation from the average norm. An example is industrial melaninogenesis, which manifested itself in butterflies of the birch moth and some other species of Lepidoptera, when, under the influence of industrial soot, birch trunks darkened and butterflies white in color (the result of stabilizing selection) became noticeable against this background, which led to their rapid eating by birds. The winners were dark mutants that successfully reproduced under new conditions and became the dominant form in the populations of the birch moth.

The shift of the average value of the trait towards the acting factor can explain the appearance of heat-loving and cold-loving, moisture-loving and drought-resistant, salt-loving species and forms in different representatives of the living world.

The action of motive selection resulted in numerous cases of adaptations of fungi, bacteria and other pathogens of human, animal and plant diseases to drugs and various pesticides. Thus, forms resistant to these substances arose.

With driving selection, usually there is no divergence (branching) of traits, and some traits and genotypes carrying them are smoothly replaced by others, without forming transitional or evading forms.

Disruptive or tearing selection

With this form of selection, extreme variants of adaptations gain advantages, and intermediate traits that have developed under conditions of stabilizing selection become inappropriate under new conditions, and their carriers die out.

Under the influence of disruptive selection, two or more forms of variability are formed, often leading to polymorphism - the existence of two or more phenotypic forms. This can be facilitated by various habitat conditions within the range, leading to the appearance of several local populations within the species (the so-called ecotypes).

For example, constant mowing of plants led to the appearance of a large rattle of two populations in the plant, actively breeding in June and August, since regular mowing caused the extermination of the average July population.

With prolonged action of disruptive selection, the formation of two or more species can occur, inhabiting the same territory, but showing activity at different times. For example, frequent droughts in the middle of summer, unfavorable for fungi, led to the appearance of spring and autumn species and forms.

Struggle for existence

The struggle for existence is the main operating mechanism of natural selection.

C. Darwin drew attention to the fact that in nature there are always two opposite development trends:

  1. the desire for unlimited reproduction and resettlement and
  2. overpopulation, large crowding, the influence of other populations and living conditions, inevitably leading to the emergence of a struggle for existence and limiting the development of species and their populations.

That is, the species tends to occupy all possible habitats for its existence. But the reality often turns out to be harsh, as a result of which the number of species and their ranges are significantly limited. It is the struggle for existence against the background of high mutagenesis and combinative variability during sexual reproduction that leads to the redistribution of traits, and its direct consequence is natural selection.

There are three main forms of struggle for existence.

Interspecies struggle

This form, as the name implies, is carried out at the interspecies level. Its mechanisms are complex biotic relationships that arise between species:

Combinations of these relationships can improve or worsen the living conditions and reproduction rates of populations in nature.

Intraspecific struggle

This form of struggle for existence is associated with overpopulation of populations, when individuals of the same species compete for a place to live - for nesting, for light (in plants), moisture, nutrients, territory for hunting or grazing (in animals), etc. It manifests itself, for example, in skirmishes and fights among animals and in the shading of rivals due to faster growth in plants.

The same form of struggle for existence also includes the struggle for females (marriage tournaments) in many animals, when only the strongest male can leave offspring, and weak and inferior males are excluded from reproduction and their genes are not transmitted to descendants.

Part of this form of struggle is the care of offspring, which exists in many animals and allows to reduce mortality among the younger generation.

Fight against abiotic environmental factors

This form of struggle is most acute in years with extreme weather conditions - severe droughts, floods, frosts, fires, hail, eruptions, etc. Under these conditions, only the strongest and most enduring individuals can survive and leave offspring.

The role of selection of organisms in the evolution of the organic world

The most important factor in evolution (along with heredity, variability and other factors) is selection.

Evolution can be conditionally divided into natural and artificial. Natural evolution is called evolution, which takes place in nature under the influence of natural environmental factors, excluding the direct direct influence of man.

Artificial evolution is called evolution carried out by man in order to develop such forms of organisms that satisfy his needs.

Selection plays an important role in both natural and artificial evolution.

Selection is either the survival of organisms more adapted to a given habitat, or the rejection of forms that do not meet certain criteria.

In this regard, there are two forms of selection - artificial and natural.

The creative role of artificial selection is that a person creatively approaches the breeding of a plant variety, animal breed, strain of microorganisms, combining different methods of selection and selection of organisms in order to form such traits that best suit human needs.

Natural selection is called the survival of individuals that are most adapted to specific conditions of existence, and their ability to leave offspring that are full-fledged in the given conditions of existence.

As a result of genetic research, it became possible to distinguish two types of natural selection - stabilizing and driving.

Stabilizing is the type of natural selection in which only those individuals whose traits strictly correspond to given specific environmental conditions survive, and organisms with new traits that have arisen as a result of mutations die or do not produce full-fledged offspring.

For example, a plant is adapted for pollination by this particular species of insect (it has strictly defined sizes of flower elements and their structure). There was a change - the size of the cup increased. The insect freely penetrates inside the flower without touching the stamens, due to which the pollen does not fall on the body of the insect, which prevents the possibility of pollination of the next flower. This will lead to the fact that this plant will not give offspring and the resulting trait will not be inherited. With a very small calyx, pollination is generally impossible, since the insect will not be able to penetrate the flower.

Stabilizing selection makes it possible to lengthen the historical period of the existence of a species, since it does not allow the features of the species to “blur”.

Driving selection is the survival of those organisms that develop new traits that allow them to survive in new environmental conditions.

An example of motive selection is the survival of dark-colored butterflies against sooty birch trunks in a population of light-colored butterflies.

The role of driving selection is the possibility of the emergence of new species, which, along with other factors of evolution, made possible the emergence of the modern diversity of the organic world.

The creative role of natural selection lies in the fact that through various forms of the struggle for existence, organisms have signs that allow them to most fully adapt to given environmental conditions. These useful traits are fixed in organisms due to the survival of individuals with such traits, and the extinction of those individuals that do not have useful traits.

For example, the reindeer is adapted to life in the polar tundra. He can survive there and give normal fertile offspring if he can get his food normally. Reindeer moss (reindeer moss, refers to lichens) is food for deer. It is known that the winter is long in the tundra and food is hidden under the snow cover, which the deer needs to destroy. This will become possible only if the deer has very strong legs, equipped with wide hooves. If only one of these signs is realized, then the deer will not survive. Thus, in the process of evolution, only those individuals survive that have the two traits described above (this is the essence of the creative role of natural selection in relation to the reindeer).

It is important to understand the differences between natural and artificial selection. They are:

  1. artificial selection is carried out by man, and natural selection is spontaneously realized in nature under the influence of external environmental factors;
  2. the result of artificial selection are new breeds of animals, plant varieties and strains of microorganisms with traits useful for human economic activity, while natural selection produces new (any) organisms with traits that allow them to survive in strictly defined environmental conditions;
  3. with artificial selection, the traits that have arisen in organisms may not only be not useful, they may be harmful to a given organism (but they are useful for human activity); in natural selection, the characteristics that have arisen are useful for a given organism in a given, specific environment of its existence, since they contribute to its better survival in this environment;
  4. natural selection has been carried out since the appearance of organisms on Earth, and artificial selection - only from the moment of domestication of animals and from the advent of agriculture (growing plants in special conditions).

So, selection is the most important driving force of evolution and is realized through the struggle for existence (the latter refers to natural selection).

Natural selection increases the chances of survival and continuation of the whole genus, it is on the same level as mutations, migrations and transformations in genes. The main mechanism of evolution works flawlessly, but on the condition that no one interferes with its work.

What is natural selection?

The meaning of this term was given by the English scientist Charles Darwin. He established that natural selection is a process that determines the survival and reproduction of only individuals adapted to environmental conditions. According to Darwin's theory, the most important role in evolution is played by random hereditary changes.

  • recombination of genotypes;
  • mutations and their combinations.

Natural selection in humans

In times of underdeveloped medicine and other sciences, only a person with strong immunity and a stable healthy body survived. They did not know how to care for premature newborns, they did not use antibiotics in the treatment, they did not perform operations, and they had to cope with their illnesses on their own. Natural selection in humans has selected the strongest representatives of humanity for further reproduction.

In the civilized world, it is not customary to acquire numerous offspring, and in most families there are no more than two children, who, thanks to modern living conditions and medicine, may well live to a ripe old age. Previously, families had 12 or more children, and no more than four survived under favorable conditions. Natural selection in man has led to the fact that for the most part hardened, exceptionally healthy and strong people survived. Thanks to their gene pool, humanity still lives on earth.

Reasons for natural selection

All life on earth developed gradually, from the simplest organisms to the most complex ones. Representatives of certain forms of life that failed to adapt to the environment did not survive and did not reproduce, their genes were not passed on to subsequent generations. The role of natural selection in evolution has led to the emergence of the ability at the cellular level to adapt to the environment and quickly respond to its changes. The causes of natural selection are influenced by a number of simple factors:

  1. Natural selection works when more offspring are produced than can survive.
  2. In the genes of the body there is hereditary variability.
  3. Genetic differences dictate the survival and ability to reproduce offspring in different conditions.

Signs of natural selection

The evolution of any living organism is the creativity of nature itself and this is not a whim, but a necessity. Acting in various environmental conditions, it is not difficult to guess what signs natural selection preserves, all of them are aimed at the evolution of the species, increasing its resistance to external influences:

  1. The selection factor plays an important role. If in artificial selection a person chooses which features of a species to preserve and which not (for example, when breeding a new breed of dogs), then in natural selection the strongest wins in the struggle for his existence.
  2. The material for selection is hereditary changes, the signs of which can help in adapting to new living conditions or for specific purposes.
  3. The result is another stage of natural selection, as a result of which new species were formed with traits that are beneficial in certain environmental conditions.
  4. The speed of action - mother nature is not in a hurry, she thinks over her every step, and therefore, natural selection is characterized by a low rate of change, while artificial selection is fast.

What is the result of natural selection?

All organisms have their own degree of adaptability and it is impossible to say with certainty how one or another species will behave in unfamiliar environmental conditions. The struggle for survival and hereditary variability is the essence of natural selection. There are many examples of plants and animals that have been introduced from other continents and have adapted better to new living conditions. The result of natural selection is a whole set of acquired changes.

  • adaptation - adaptation to new conditions;
  • variety of forms of organisms - arise from a common ancestor;
  • evolutionary progress - the complication of species.

How is natural selection different from artificial selection?

It can be said with certainty that almost everything that is eaten by humans sooner or later was subjected to artificial selection. The fundamental difference is that by conducting "his" selection, a person pursues his own benefit. Thanks to selection, he received selected products, brought out new breeds of animals. Natural, natural selection is not focused on the benefit for humanity, it pursues only the interests of this particular organism.

Natural and artificial selection equally affect the lives of all people. They fight for the life of a premature baby, as well as for the life of a healthy one, but at the same time, natural selection kills drunkards frozen on the streets, deadly diseases take the lives of ordinary people, the mentally unbalanced commit suicide, natural disasters fall on the earth.

Types of natural selection

Why are only certain representatives of species able to survive in different environmental conditions? The forms of natural selection are not written rules of nature:

  1. Driving selection occurs when environmental conditions change and species have to adapt, it keeps the genetic heritage in certain directions.
  2. Stabilizing selection is aimed at individuals with deviations from the average statistical norm in favor of average individuals of the same species.
  3. Disruptive selection is when individuals with extreme indicators survive, and not with average ones. As a result of such selection, two new species can be formed at once. More common in plants.
  4. Sexual selection - based on reproduction, when the key role is played not by the ability to survive, but by attractiveness. Females, without thinking about the reasons for their behavior, choose beautiful, bright males.

Why is a person able to weaken the impact of natural selection?

Medical progress has come a long way. People who were supposed to die - survive, develop, have their own children. By passing on their genetics to them, they give rise to a weak race. Natural selection and the struggle for existence clash hourly. Nature comes up with more and more sophisticated ways to control people, and man tries to keep up with her, thereby preventing natural selection. Human humanism leads to the weak appearance of people.