Secret dungeons of the Third Reich. Underground and ground Reich

In Poland and Germany, there are still legends about mysterious underground fortifications lost in the forests of northwestern Poland and marked on Wehrmacht maps as the "Earthworm Camp". This concrete and reinforced underground city remains to this day one of the terra incognita of the 20th century. “In the early 1960s, I, a military prosecutor, happened to leave Wroclaw on an urgent matter through Wolów, Glogow, Zielona Góra and Mendzizhech to Kenshitsa,” says retired Colonel of Justice Alexander Liskin. – This small settlement, lost in the folds of the relief of northwestern Poland, seemed to have been completely forgotten.

Around are gloomy, impenetrable forests, small rivers and lakes, old minefields, gouges, nicknamed "dragon's teeth", and ditches of Wehrmacht fortified areas overgrown with thistles that we have broken through. Concrete, barbed wire, mossy ruins - all these are the remains of a powerful defensive rampart, which once had the goal of "covering" the fatherland in case the war rolls back. The Germans called Mendzizhech Mezeritz. The fortified area, which also included Kenshitsa, was called "Mezeritsky". I have been to Kenshitsa before. The life of this village is almost invisible to the visitor: peace, silence, the air is filled with the aromas of the nearby forest. Here, on a patch of Europe little known to the world, the military talked about the secret of the forest lake Kshiva, located somewhere nearby, in the salary of a deaf coniferous forest. But no details. Rather - rumors, speculation ... I remember, along the old, in some places sagging paved road, we were driving the Pobeda to the location of one of the signal brigades of the Northern Group of Forces.

The five-battalion brigade was located in a former German military town, hidden from prying eyes in a green forest. Once it was this place that was marked on the Wehrmacht maps with the toponym "Regenwurmlager" - "Earthworm Camp". The driver, corporal Vladimir Chernov, drills a country road with his eyes and at the same time listens to the work of the carburetor of a passenger car recently returned from overhaul. To the left is a sandy slope overgrown with spruce. Spruces and pines seem to be the same everywhere. But here they look gloomy. Forced stop. I guess near the curb there is a large hazel. I leave the corporal at the raised hood and slowly climb the loose sand. End of July - collection time hazelnuts. Going around the bush, I suddenly stumble upon an old grave: a blackened wooden Catholic cross, on which hangs an SS helmet, covered with a thick web of cracks, at the base of the cross is a white ceramic jar with dried wildflowers. In the sparse grass I guess the swollen parapet of the trench, the blackened spent cartridge cases from the German MG machine gun. From here, this road was probably well once shot through.

I return to the car. From below, Chernov waves his hands to me, points to the slope. A few more steps, and I can see stacks of old mortar shells sticking out of the sand. They seemed to have been pulled apart by melt water, rain, wind: the stabilizers were covered with sand, the heads of the fuses stick out from the outside. Just behind... A dangerous place in a quiet forest. Ten minutes later, the wall of the former camp, built of huge boulders, appeared. About a hundred meters from it, near the road, like a concrete pillbox, a gray two-meter dome of some engineering structure. On the other side are the ruins, apparently of a mansion. On the wall, as if cutting off the road from the military camp, there are almost no traces of bullets and shrapnel.

According to the stories of local residents, there were no protracted battles here, the Germans could not withstand the onslaught. When it became clear to them that the garrison (two regiments, the school of the SS division “Totenkopf” and support units) could be surrounded, he urgently evacuated. It is hard to imagine how it was possible for almost a whole division to escape from this natural trap in a few hours. And where? If the only road we are driving on has already been intercepted by the tanks of the 44th Guards Tank Brigade of the First Guards Tank Army of General M. E. Katukov. The first to “ram” and find a gap in the minefields of the fortified area was the tank battalion of the Guards Major Alexei Karabanov, posthumously a Hero of the Soviet Union. It was somewhere here that he burned down in his wounded car in the last days of January 1945 ...

I remember the Kenshitsky garrison as follows: behind a stone wall - a line of barracks, a parade ground, sports grounds, a canteen, a little further - headquarters, classrooms, hangars for equipment and communications. The important brigade was part of the elite forces that provided the General Staff with command and control in the impressive space of the European theater of operations. From the north, Lake Kshiva approaches the camp, comparable in size, for example, to Cheremenetsky, near St. Petersburg, or Dolgy near Moscow. Amazingly beautiful, Kenshitsa forest lake is everywhere surrounded by signs of mystery, which, it seems, even the air is saturated here.

From 1945 until almost the end of the 1950s, this place was, in fact, only under the supervision of the security department of the city of Mendzizhech - where, as they say, a Polish officer named Telyutko supervised him in his service - and the commander stationed somewhere near the Polish artillery regiment. With their direct participation, the temporary transfer of the territory of the former German military camp to our communications brigade was carried out. A convenient town fully met the requirements and seemed to be all at a glance. At the same time, the prudent command of the brigade decided at the same time not to violate the rules for quartering troops and ordered a thorough engineering and sapper reconnaissance in the garrison and the surrounding area.

It was then that the discoveries began that struck the imagination of even experienced front-line soldiers who were still serving at that time. Let's start with the fact that near the lake, in a reinforced concrete box, an insulated outlet of an underground power cable was discovered, instrumental measurements on the cores of which showed the presence of industrial current with a voltage of 380 volts. Soon the attention of the sappers was attracted by a concrete well, which swallowed water falling from a height. At the same time, intelligence reported that, perhaps, underground power communication was coming from Mendzizhech.

However, the presence of a hidden autonomous power plant and the fact that its turbines were rotated by water falling into the well were not ruled out here. It was said that the lake was somehow connected to the surrounding water bodies, and there are many of them here. The sappers of the brigade were unable to verify these assumptions. Parts of the SS that were in the camp on the fateful days of the 45th, as if sunk into the water. Since it was impossible to bypass the lake around the perimeter due to the impenetrability of the forest, I, taking advantage of Sunday afternoon, asked the commander of one of the companies, Captain Gamow, to show me the area from the water. They got into a boat and, changing in turn at the oars and making short stops, circled the lake in a few hours; we walked very close to the shore. From the eastern side of the lake rose several powerful, already overgrown with undergrowth hills-heaps. In some places, artillery caponiers were guessed in them, facing the front to the east and south. I also managed to notice two small lakes similar to puddles. Shields with inscriptions in two languages ​​towered nearby: “Danger! Mines!

- Do you see the heaps? Like the Egyptian pyramids. Inside them are various secret passages, manholes. Through them, from under the ground, our radio relayers, when arranging the garrison, got facing slabs. They said that "there" are real galleries. As for these puddles, then, according to the sappers, these are the flooded entrances to the underground city, - said Gamov and continued: - I recommend looking at another mystery - an island in the middle of the lake. A few years ago, low-altitude post sentries noticed that this island was not really an island in the usual sense. He swims, or rather, slowly drifts, standing as if at anchor. I looked around. The floating island is overgrown with firs and willows. Its area did not exceed fifty square meters, and it seemed that it really slowly and heavily swayed on the black water of a still reservoir. The forest lake also had a clearly artificial southwestern and southern extension, reminiscent of an appendix. Here the pole went two or three meters deep, the water was relatively clear, but the lush fern-like algae completely covered the bottom. In the middle of this bay, a gray reinforced concrete tower rose gloomily, clearly once having a special purpose. Looking at it, I remembered the air intakes of the Moscow metro, accompanying its deep tunnels. Through the narrow window it was clear that there was water inside the concrete tower. There was no doubt: somewhere below me was an underground structure, which for some reason had to be erected right here, in remote places near Miedzizhech.

But acquaintance with the "Earthworm Camp" did not end there. During the same engineering reconnaissance, sappers revealed the entrance to the tunnel disguised as a hill. Already in the first approximation, it became clear that this is a serious structure, moreover, probably with various kinds of traps, including mines. It was said that once a tipsy foreman on his motorcycle decided to ride through the mysterious tunnel on a bet. They allegedly did not see the reckless driver again. It was necessary to verify all these facts, to clarify, and I turned to the command of the brigade. It turned out that the sappers and signalmen of the brigade as part of a special group not only descended into it, but moved away from the entrance at a distance of at least ten kilometers. In fact, no one got lost. The result - found several previously unknown inputs. For obvious reasons, information about this unusual expedition remained confidential. With one of the headquarters officers, we went beyond the territory of the unit, and the already familiar “steps to nowhere” and a gray concrete dome that looked like a pillbox, faceless sticking out on the other side of the road, immediately caught my eye. “This is one of the entrances to the underground tunnel,” the officer explained. - You understand that such revelations can excite the minds.

This circumstance, taking into account our legal status in the host country, prompted us to weld steel grating and armor plate at the entrance to the tunnel. No tragedy! We were obliged to exclude them. True, the underground entrances known to us make us think that there are others. “So what is there?” “Under us, as far as one can assume, is an underground city, where there is everything necessary for an autonomous life for many years,” the officer replied. “One of the members of the same search group, created on the orders of the brigade commander, Colonel Doroshev,” he continued, “technician-captain Cherepanov, later said that through this pillbox that we see, they descended deep underground along steel spiral staircases. By the light of acid lamps we entered the underground metro. It was precisely the subway, since a railway track was laid along the bottom of the tunnel. The ceiling was without signs of soot. The walls are neatly lined with cables. Probably, the locomotive here was driven by electricity.

The group entered the tunnel not at the beginning. The beginning of the tunnel was somewhere under the forest lake. The other part was directed to the west - to the Oder River. Almost immediately discovered an underground crematorium. Perhaps it was in his ovens that the remains of the dungeon builders were burned. Slowly, with precautionary measures, the search party moved through the tunnel in the direction of modern Germany. Soon they stopped counting the tunnel branches - dozens of them were discovered. Both right and left. But most of the branches were neatly walled up. Perhaps these were approaches to unknown objects, including parts of the underground city. The grandiose underground network remained for the uninitiated a labyrinth filled with many dangers. It was not possible to test it thoroughly. The tunnel was dry, a sign of good waterproofing. It seemed that from the other, unknown, side, the lights of a train or a large truck were about to appear (vehicles could also move there) ... According to Cherepanov, it was a man-made underground world, which is an excellent implementation of engineering. The captain said that the group was moving slowly, and after a few hours of being underground, they began to lose the feeling of really passing.

Some of its participants came up with the idea that the study of a mothballed underground city, laid under forests, fields and rivers, is a task for specialists of a different level. This different level required a lot of effort, money and time. According to our military estimates, the subway could stretch for tens of kilometers and "dive" under the Oder. Where further and where its final station - it was difficult even to guess. Soon the leader of the group decided to return. The results of the reconnaissance were reported to the brigade commander. - It turns out that there were battles from above, tanks and people were burning, - I thought aloud, - and below lived the giant concrete arteries of the mysterious city. This is not immediately possible to imagine, being in this gloomy land. Frankly, the first information about the scale of the secret dungeon was scanty, but it was amazing. As the former chief of staff of the brigade, Colonel P. N. Kabanov, testifies, soon after the memorable first inspection, the commander of the Northern Group of Forces, Colonel-General P. S. Maryakhin, who personally descended into the underground metro, specially arrived from Legnica to Kenshitsa. Later, I had the opportunity to meet and repeatedly talk in detail about the "Earthworm Camp" with one of the last commanders of the Kenshitsk brigade, Colonel V. I. Spiridonov.

Gradually, a new vision of this unusual military riddle took shape. It turned out that in the period from 1958 to 1992, the five-battalion brigade had nine commanders in turn, and each of them - like it or not - had to adapt to the neighborhood with this unsolved underground territory. Spiridonov's service in the brigade took place, as it were, in two stages. At the first, in the mid-1970s, Vladimir Ivanovich was a staff officer, and at the second, a brigade commander. According to him, almost all the commanders of the Northern Group of Forces (SGV) considered it their duty to visit the distant garrison and personally get acquainted with the underground labyrinths. According to the engineering report, which Spiridonov happened to read, 44 kilometers of underground utilities were discovered and examined under the garrison alone. Vladimir Ivanovich still has photographs of some objects of the old German defense near Kenshitsa. On one of them is the entrance to the underground tunnel.

The officer testifies that the height and width of the underground metro shaft are approximately three meters each. The neck smoothly lowers and dives underground to a depth of fifty meters. There, the tunnels branch and intersect, there are transport interchanges. Spiridonov also points out that the walls and ceiling of the metro are made of reinforced concrete slabs, the floor is lined with rectangular stone slabs. He personally, as a specialist, drew attention to the fact that this secret highway was pierced in the thickness of the earth in a western direction, to the Oder, which is 60 kilometers from Kenshitsa in a straight line. He had heard that in the section where the subway dives under the Oder, the tunnel was flooded. With one of the commanders of the SGV, Spiridonov descended deep into the ground and, on an army UAZ, drove through the tunnel towards Germany for at least 20 kilometers. The former brigade commander believes that a taciturn Pole, known in Mendzizhech as Dr. Podbelsky, knew about the underground city.

In the late 1980s, he was almost ninety years old ... A passionate local historian, in the late 1940s and early 1950s, alone, at his own peril and risk, he repeatedly descended underground through a discovered hole. In the late 1980s, Podbelsky said that the Germans began building this strategic facility back in 1927, but most actively since 1933, when Hitler came to power in Germany. In 1937, the latter personally arrived at the camp from Berlin and, as they claimed, along the rails of a secret subway. In fact, from that moment on, the hidden city was considered handed over to the use of the Wehrmacht and the SS. Through some hidden communications, the giant facility was connected to the plant and strategic storage facilities, also underground, located in the area of ​​the villages of Vysoka and Peski, which is two to five kilometers west and north of the lake. Lake Kshiva itself, the colonel believes, is striking in its beauty and purity. Oddly enough, the lake is an integral part of the mystery. The area of ​​its mirror is at least 200 thousand square meters, and the depth scale is from 3 (in the south and west) to 20 meters (in the east). It was in its eastern part that some army fishing enthusiasts managed in the summer, under favorable lighting, to discern something on the silted bottom, in its outline and other features resembling a very large hatch, which received the nickname “the eye of the underworld” from the military.

The so-called "eye" was tightly closed. Was it not at one time that the floating island already mentioned above should have covered him from the gaze of a pilot and a heavy bomb? What could such a hatch be used for? Most likely, he served as a kingston for emergency flooding of part or all of the underground structures. But if the hatch is closed to this day, it means that it was not used in January 1945. Thus, it cannot be ruled out that the underground city is not flooded, but mothballed "until a special occasion." Does its underground horizons store something? Who are they waiting for? Spiridonov noticed that around the lake, in the forest, there are many preserved and destroyed wartime objects. Among them are the ruins of a rifle complex and a hospital for the elite of the SS troops. Everything was made of reinforced concrete and refractory bricks. And most importantly - powerful pillboxes. Their reinforced concrete and steel domes were once armed with heavy machine guns and cannons, equipped with semi-automatic ammunition feed mechanisms. Under the meter-long armor of these caps, underground floors went to a depth of up to 30-50 meters, where sleeping and amenity premises, ammunition and food depots, as well as communication centers were located.

Personally, Spiridonov examined six pillboxes located to the south and west of the lake. As they say, his hands did not reach the northern and eastern pillboxes. The approaches to these deadly firing points were securely covered by minefields, ditches, concrete gouges, barbed wire, engineering traps. They were at the entrance to each pillbox. Imagine, a bridge leads from the armored door inside the pillbox, which will immediately capsize under the feet of the uninitiated, and he will inevitably fall into a deep concrete well, from where he can no longer rise alive. At great depths, the pillboxes are connected by passages to underground labyrinths. During the years of the colonel's service in the brigade, subordinates repeatedly reported to him that the "soldier's radio" reported on secret holes in the foundation of the garrison club, through which unidentified servicemen allegedly went "AWOL". These rumors, fortunately, were not confirmed. However, such reports had to be checked carefully. But now, as for the basement of the mansion in which the brigade commander himself lived, the rumors about the manholes were confirmed.

So, having decided one day to check the reliability of the dwelling, he somehow on Sunday began to tap the walls with a crowbar. In one place, the blows resounded especially dull. Having knocked with force, the officer lost his gun: the steel crowbar “flew” into the void under its own weight. It's up to the "small" - to investigate further ... But, oddly enough, hands do not reach this! "So that's what an earthworm" dug out "in the wilderness! Has he deployed a network of underground cities and communications all the way to Berlin? And isn't it here, in Kenshitsa, the key to unraveling the mystery of the concealment and disappearance of the "Amber Room", other treasures stolen in the countries of Eastern

Europe and, above all, Russia? Perhaps the "Regenwurmlager" is one of the objects of preparation of Nazi Germany for the possession of an atomic bomb? In 1992, the communications brigade left Kenshitsa.

Over the past 34 years of the history of the Kenshitsk garrison, several tens of thousands of soldiers and officers served in it, and turning to their memory, one can probably restore many interesting details of the underground mystery near Mendzizhech. Perhaps the veterans of the 44th Guards Tank Brigade of the 1st Guards Tank Army, their fighting neighbors on the right and left, the former soldiers of the 8th Guards Army at that time, Colonel General V. I. Chuikov, and 5th Army Lieutenant General Berzarin? “Do people in modern Poland know about the “Earthworm Camp?” asks Alexander Ivanovich Lukin at the end of his story. - Of course, to understand it to the end, if possible, is the business of the Poles and Germans. Probably, documentary traces remained in Germany, living builders and users of this military engineering phenomenon.

De Aenigmat / On the Mystery Fursov Andrey Ilyich


A.B. Rudakov


Rudakov Alexander Borisovich - military analyst

Once, within the framework of the intelligence agency of the GDR Stasi (headed by Colonel General Markus Wolf), a special department AMT-X was created (headed by State Security General P. Kretz), which was entrusted with the development of the Underground Reich program.

In its operational and search work, the Stasi relied on archival documents and testimonies of living witnesses of the RSHA AMT-VII "C" 3-abstract "Special scientific research and special scientific assignments. The SS Sturmbannführer Rudolf Levin (born in the city of Pirna in 1909) led the lecture. Levin headed the Sonderkommando X ( Hehen-Sonderkommando), which included researchers: Professor Obenaur (University of Bonn), Ernst Merkel, Rudolf Richter, Wilhelm Spengler, Martin Biermann, Dr. Otto Eckstein, Bruno Brehm. The employees of this secret unit actively studied the knight's castles of the first, second and third echelons. Only on the territory of Poland, about 500 castles were examined, where special underground SS facilities were subsequently placed.

The search for valuables within the framework of this post-war program at the Stasi was carried out by Department IX / II, Lieutenant Colonel Paul Encke (four sectors, 50 operational employees: Colonel of State Security Karl Drechsler, Lieutenant Colonel of State Security Otto Herz, State Security Captains Gerhard Kreipe, Helmut Klink). This closed work, which began to bring good results, was put to an end by the "reformer" M. Gorbachev. The two Germanys were united, a group of Soviet troops (GSVG) was hastily withdrawn from the territory of the GDR, Western special services began to pursue Stasi officers and hunt for their secret archives and developments. This work was started by the American intelligence services much earlier, and in 1987 the German Stasi source Georg Stein, who was studying the Underground Reich and searching for valuables stolen by the Nazis, died. The archive of Georg Stein fell into the hands of Baron Eduard Alexandrovich von Falz-Fein (place of residence Liechtenstein), who handed over the documents to the Soviet Union.

The writer Yulian Semenov was actively involved in the development of this topic, the latter fell ill and slowly died out in his prime. As soon as the GRU General Staff, represented by Colonel-General Yuri Alexandrovich Gusev, deputy head of military intelligence, increased its attention to the Stasi archival documents and underground facilities of the Third Reich, Gusev died in December 1992 in a car accident.

According to the PGU of the KGB of the USSR (source - "Peter" Heinz Felfe - resident of the PGU of the KGB of the USSR Korotkov) in the 1960s. a secret investigation began in the mine of the town of Wansleben aan Zee. Stasi operatives of Department X found SS documents, after which the mine was sealed. It turned out that in 1943 from the most famous scientific institution in Germany, Leopoldina, a collection of rare books on medicine and botany of the 16th–17th centuries was sent for storage in Wansleben. More than 7 thousand books and 13 paintings were hidden underground. The Soviet units, which arrived 11 weeks after the Americans, took the entire assembly to Moscow. As Johan Tamm, director Leopoldina, only 50 books from the missing collection have returned to the library so far. Among the missing books are an early monograph by the astronomer Johannes Kepler, a text by Paracelsus from 1589, and a unique anatomical atlas by Andreas Vesalius from 1543.

Since April 1945, the US State Department has been conducting an all-out hunt for secret underground objects of the Reich.

On August 29, 1945, General McDonald sent a list of six underground aircraft factories to US Air Force Headquarters in Europe. The layout of the underground aircraft factory is standard, each had an area from 5 to 26 km in length. The tunnels were 4 to 20 meters wide and 5 to 15 meters high; shop sizes - from 13 thousand to 25 thousand square meters. m. These parameters tell us about the nature of the products that the plant is capable of producing, and if we link these points to geographical coordinates, we will get a completely different picture. Underground plants were focused on the manufacture of block modules for new generation kriegsmarine submarines on the engines of G. Walter, V. Schauberger, K. Schappeller.

In October 1945, in a secret memorandum on underground factories and laboratories located in Germany and Austria, sent to the US Air Force headquarters, it was stated that the last check revealed a large number of German underground factories. Underground structures have been discovered not only in Germany and Austria, but also in France, Italy, Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Moravia. The document stated: "Although the Germans did not engage in large-scale construction of underground factories until March 1944, by the end of the war they managed to launch about 143 such factories." Another 107 factories were discovered, built or laid down at the end of the war, to which we can add 600 caves and mines in Austria, Germany, East Prussia, the Czech Republic, Moravia, Montenegro, many of which were turned into underground workshops, institutes and laboratories for the production of weapons. “One can only speculate what would have happened if the Germans had gone underground before the start of the war,” concludes the author of the memorandum, clearly struck by the scope of German underground construction.

For the purpose of deep sounding and covert use of underground facilities in Poland in the town of Morong (German: Morungen), 55 km from the border with Russia, in May 2010, the Pentagon deployed its next “Project Myth” - the Patriot medium-range missile defense system. This unfriendly step cannot significantly affect the security of the United States and the alignment of forces in modern military solitaire. So why did the Americans need Poland and the Czech Republic? Let's take a closer look at this strategic issue.

The territory of modern Poland is a strategic stronghold of the "Fourth Reich".

Object No. 1 "Wolfschanze" - "Wolf's Lair", East Prussia, located 7 km from the city of Rastenburg (German), today - the territory of Poland, the city of Kentszyn. Hitler's main headquarters was located in a triangle between objects: Morong Castle - Barczewo Castle - Kętrzyn. Beginning June 24, 1941, Hitler spent 850 days at his main headquarters. The complex included 200 structures for various purposes in the town of Görlitz (reconnaissance school SD "Zeppelin"), surrounded by Masurian lakes (east, north, south), the Boen fortress in the east. The legend says that once there was a well with living water in this place, and the Teutonic Order built a castle here. All objects of the headquarters are placed on ley lines, taking into account sacred geometry, which are amplifiers of psychic and military energy. Fortification protective structures and technologies were borrowed from ancient Tibetan builders. An analogue of such a matrix is ​​the datsan “Keeped by Heaven”, the drawings of which were brought from an expedition to Tibet by Hauptmann Otto Renz. Many of his bunkers and headquarters Hitler designed and drew sketches for projects and fortifications personally.

Headquarters "Wolfschanze" ("Wolf's Lair") in the area of ​​it. Rastenburg (East Prussia) is well known to the GRU General Staff; the construction of this headquarters was disguised under the guise of construction work by the Askania Nova company (owner Baron Eduard Alexandrovich von Falz-Fein, lives in Liechtenstein), for which a recruiting office was opened in Rastenburg and Polish workers were recruited, who then went to different places in Germany. The number of the rate was 2200 people. In 1944, to the north of this headquarters, due to Soviet air raids, a false headquarters was built. In addition, there were fears that, simultaneously with the attack on East Prussia, they would try to land troops in order to capture the headquarters. In this regard, the "Führer escort battalion" was enlarged and transformed into a mixed brigade under the command of Colonel Remer, who distinguished himself during the arrests of the conspirators on July 20, 1944.

Underground communications from Hitler's main headquarters "Wolfschanze", Rastenburg (Polish Kenshin), deployed in the direction of the Polish border hub town of Suwalki, then the territory of modern Russia begins - Krasnolesye - Gusev, the gateway system (German Gumbinnen) - Chernyakhovsk (German castle Insterburg ) - Znamensk - Gvardeysk - Kaliningrad (German: Koenigsberg) - the base of the Russian Navy Baltiysk (German: Pillau, Baltic Sea). The secret underground tunnel was equipped with special sluice chambers, which were filled with water, as the communication constantly ran under the bed of a river or lake. Thus, small submarines were able to leave Hitler's headquarters at low speed in an unsubmerged position into the Baltic Sea. And if you move underground towards East Prussia (Kaliningrad region), then another underground passage is located in the area of ​​Morong Castle and Barchevo Castle (the place of imprisonment of Gauleiter Erich Koch) on Brunsberg (field Braniewo) (the location of the tank di SS vision) - Heiligenbal (Mamonovo) - Balga (Veseloe) castle - Koenigsberg (Kaliningrad) - Pillau (Baltiysk).

In the town of Brunsberg (Branevo), an SS tank division was stationed (and after the war, a Soviet tank unit), so German tanks covered the strategic tunnel from above. One branch went to Heiligenbal (Mamonovo), where an aircraft factory was located deep underground, which is not mentioned in the above-mentioned document; not far away, under Lake Vitushka, there was a unique underwater secret airfield that covered the small stronghold of the Kriegsmarine of the first composition of the Fuhrer's Sonderconvoy. The sluice system could, in a matter of minutes, withdraw water from the river into underground reinforced concrete tanks, freeing the river bed for the runway. The main, main 70-kilometer tunnel originates in Morong, where today the US SEAL special forces (fur seals) are located under the cover of conventional army missile defense units, and goes into the dungeon of Balga Castle (Russia). From Balga Castle, an underwater passage leads to the Baltiysk (Pillau) base. During World War II, an SS division defending the Balga facility was evacuated along this underground highway in a few hours.

Plan-scheme of the city of Koenigsberg (Kaliningrad)

You see 12 forts and underground metro stations. At Fort No. 6, the underground metro goes to Pillau through E. Koch's estate, and, consequently, through his bunker.

Koenigsberg is surrounded by 12 forts, all forts were given names in honor of the famous German commanders and kings: No. I - Stein, No. Ia - Gröben, No. II - Bronzart, No. IIa - Barnekov, No. III - König Friedrich-Wilhelm I, No. IV - Gneisenau, No. V - König Friedrich-Wilhelm III, No. Va - Lendorf, No. VI - Königin Louise, No. VII - Duke von Holstein, No. VIII - König Friedrich-Wilhelm IV, No. IX - Don, No. X - Kanitz, No. XI - Dönhof, No. XII - Eulenburg.

From the forts there are rays-streets - directions (ground and underground communications). The vectors of movement of the ley lines are directed towards the order castles, which create a power magic torus, i.e. a circle to the sacred Koenigsberg. The first frontier of systemic defense is made up of 12 sea castles located on the Baltic sea coast, the main one being Balga Castle.

With the advent of A. Hitler to power in 1933, active underground construction began on the territory of the Third Reich and other strategic places of power.

Where was the rate movement vector directed? First of all, this is Berlin - Hitler's bunker (the main point of the geographical reference of the coordinate axis, the hidden underground direction of communications across Europe and the USSR; the author's version: perhaps to the poles).

This is the "line" Germany - France - Belgium - Switzerland - Austria - Montenegro - Albania - Hungary - Czech Republic - Moravia - Poland - East Prussia (Kaliningrad region) - Ukraine - Belarus - Russia. The “F. Todt Organization” has built a global underground network, which has not yet been systematically studied by military analysts of the GRU of the General Staff of Russia.

The principle of the ancient Tibetan magical Mandala was laid down in a special esoteric design of stakes. The unique network structure of 40 bunkers and rates of A. Hitler was a single plasma generator complex "Thor", each rate was equipped with infrasonic and plasma weapons and had 13 degrees of protection.

All headquarters and strategic underground communications were quickly covered by intelligence schools, Sondergruppen, Sonderkommandos, Abwehr and SD. Not far from Hitler's headquarters were the reconnaissance headquarters of Valli-1, Valli-2, Valli-3 and the 12th department of the Foreign Armies East service.

Smoothly flowing underground communications connected the Fuhrer's headquarters into a single system, one to one, 3 km from Berlin to Smolensk (the town of Krasny Bor), the code name "Berenhalle" ("Bear's lair"), the territory of the Soviet Union. Interestingly, on the territory of the USSR, the Nazis are moving away from the wolf name, moving on to the totem of Russia - the big strong Bear. If you look at the reference point of the coordinate axis, Berlin is an ancient Slavic-Vandal city, on the coat of arms of which there is a bear.

Object No. 4 - "The Berenhalle" ("Bear's Lair") headquarters, 3 km west of Smolensk, on the Smolensk-Minsk highway, was arranged in the same way as the Werwolf headquarters in Vinnitsa (Ukraine). Hitler stayed at this headquarters for no more than 2 hours, and spent the rest of the time at the headquarters of the army group. The main headquarters complex went underground for seven floors, Hitler's armored train approached the third floor-tier. The vector of underground communications was connected to the Werewolf. The SMERSH military counterintelligence did not take seriously the interrogation protocols of Hans Rattenhuber. Why are there no particularly secret headquarters, bunkers and naval bases in the protocols? Today, the US military space group NASA constantly captures UFOs in the strategic locations of the Nazi submarine fleet and Hitler's headquarters, and NASA experts are wondering if these are plasmoids, "flying disks" or UFOs?

At each Fuhrer's headquarters, a Lebensborn field office was organized. Children born in this program from the SS officers who guarded the headquarters, and local beauties, were left by intelligence for deep settling. And today they are major functionaries in the places where mothballed headquarters and bunkers are located. Thus, today on the territory of Europe, Ukraine, Russia and the CIS countries, a hidden fifth block of agents of influence and management of the "New Reality" programs has been formed.

“The choice of the location of the headquarters was always made by the adjutant of the armed forces, General Schmundt, and the commandant of the headquarters, Colonel Thomas. Then the consent of the "imperial security service" headed by me was required. The place was chosen taking into account sacred geometry and tied to the megalithic, castle, power, heraldic component.

The names "Wolfsschlucht", "Wolfschanze" and "Werwolf" were chosen because the name "Adolf" in Old German means "wolf".

Analysis of rates, bunkers, factories, institutions and other underground-underwater communications shows their movement to the Baltic Sea, to the territory of East Prussia, to the main bases of the Kriegsmarine.

The most closed and mysterious underground system is the medieval castle of the masters of the Teutonic Order of Malbork, which is connected by a tunnel to Morong Castle. It is possible that under the castle lake there is a mothballed Fau plant. Malbork Castle connects an underground tunnel with the base - the Elblag shipyard. Frombork Castle is located on the coast of the bay (German: Frisches-Haffen) of the Vistula-Kaliningrad and is connected by a tunnel to Morong Castle. Morong - Malbork - Frombork castles form a small triangle, where the factory was located underground, which today does not appear in any documents.

If you look closely at the geographical map, you can see that Darlowo - Tczew - Malbork - Morong - Barczewo are on the same ley line, that is, all these castles were originally planned to be connected into one underground highway.

The main benchmarks by which we can navigate underground facilities are intelligence schools, SS control centers and prisoner of war camps (labor force).

The reconnaissance and sabotage school in the town of Yablon was created on the territory of South-Eastern Poland to train Russian agents in March 1942 near Lublin (German: Leibus) and was located in the former castle of Count Zamoyski. Officially, the organ was called "Yablon Hauptcamp" or "Special Part of the SS". The school trained agents, saboteurs, radio operators and scouts. The personnel came from special preliminary camps for the Russians and the Zeppelin Sonderkommandos. There were up to 200 activists at the school at the same time. Perhaps the agents were preparing for the operational cover of the underground direction to Brest. These communications are not indicated at all in the documents of the Reich and other sources. But that the underground tunnel goes through the Brest fortress, for sure. The construction of the citadel itself was tied to the tunnel that had already existed since ancient times.

From the testimony of SS Obergruppenführer Jakob Sporrenberg, Polish and Soviet intelligence became aware of the existence of the Kolokol project, which was born as a result of the merger of the top secret Lantern and Chronos projects.

Work within the framework of the Kolokol project began in mid-1944 at a closed SS facility located near Leibus (field of Lublin). After the entry of Soviet troops into Poland, the project was moved to a castle near the village of Fuerstenstein (Kschatz), not far from Waldenburg, and from there to a mine near Ludwigsdorf (Ludvikovichi), 20 km from another outskirts of Waldenburg, on the northern spurs of the Sudetes. I am faced with a difficult task: to link all the disparate historical, geographical, esoteric, technical, intelligence elements into one general picture of the world. Understanding this grandiose Nazi project, namely the future, and not the past, gives us today a unique opportunity to beat our opponents in all areas. Obama tried to impose on us the creation of a European missile defense system and almost persuaded the then President D.A. Medvedev. The purpose of this adventure was to draw us into a global military conflict in the Asia-Pacific region. Afghanistan, North Korea, Iran and other subjects of the emerging global confrontation are only looking for an argument to attribute Russia to their enemies. Obama sought to create a kind of European shield out of Russia, using it as additional cover.

The reference points (places of power) on the territory of Poland were connected by underground communications with the Darlowo castle and other castles, bunkers and headquarters of the Fuhrer "Wolfschanze", the Barczewo castle, the Bialystok castle.

Object No. 5 Darłowo - A. Hitler's favorite castle and naval headquarters, a giant, has an advantageous strategic position, it is located on the Polish coast of the Baltic Sea. Baltic outpost - a masterpiece of castle fortification architecture; Darłowo Castle was founded in 1352 by the Pomeranian prince Bohuslav V at the bend of two rivers flowing into the Baltic Sea. Before the war, German intelligence carried out repairs to the castle under the legend of creating a private museum in it - a common practice for encrypting secret objects. Since the capture of Poland in September 1939, the castle has become the secret residence of A. Hitler, and in this work, for the first time, he publicly appears in this role. Darlowo Castle is the key to unraveling the main secret of the Third Reich. Darlowo Castle is connected by a wormhole, which stretches from north to south, to Poznan, Mendzizhech to Lake Krzyva (Russian: Kotel), where there is an airfield, a system of underground passages, special hydraulic structures located on the western side of the forest lake.

On about. The boiler began a continuous chain of water barriers, which ended only on the river. Oder (territory of Germany), to which about 25 km. North of the lake The cauldron starts directly from the underground citadel itself - a special object of the SS No. 6, codenamed "Earthworm Camp" (North-West Poland). In the direction of Berlin under the river. The Oder ran the shortest route from Poland, the two-way metro channel lies at a depth of 40–68 m. From the Poznań underground plant (one of the entrances to Einhain Castle), the tunnel passes through the Polish city of Mendzizhech (German: Meseritz), then to Berlin. The secret highway under the ground goes in a western direction, to the Oder, to which from Kenshitsa (SS town) in a straight line 60 km. "Earthworm Camp" (" Regenwurmlager"") - the core of the Mezeritsky fortified area, the German name " Oder-Warte Bogen"(Warta-Oder Belt"). In the Soviet documents of the Red Army of the 1930-40s. it passes like the "Oder quadrangle".

In 1937, the Wehrmacht chose the ideal place when laying the foundation for the construction of the citadel. Hard-to-reach hilly landscape, strips of mixed forest, numerous natural water arteries, lakes, canals, swamps. For the strategists of the General Staff of the Wehrmacht and the local population, a visible ground part of the legend of the secret construction was defiantly created. The first line, passing along the river. Obre, consisted of more than 30 pillboxes and bunkers. The main line was several tens of kilometers deep. There were from 5 to 7 pillboxes and bunkers per 1 km of the front. The system of dams and locks was designed to flood any part of the fortified area. The thickness of the walls of the domes, under which mounted machine guns, mortars and flamethrowers were placed, reached 20 cm. On the approaches to the fortified area and along the entire depth of the defense, there were various barriers in 6-7 rows. All this was connected by tunnels that lie at a depth of more than 40 m.

Before the withdrawal of the SGV from Poland, an in-depth engineering and sapper reconnaissance of the SS facility was carried out. A member of the underground expedition, the technician-captain of the Soviet army Cherepanov says:

“In one of the pillboxes, we went down the steel spiral staircases deep underground. By the light of lanterns we entered the underground subway. It was precisely the subway, since a railway track ran along the bottom of the tunnel. The ceiling was without signs of soot. The walls are neatly lined with cables. Probably, the locomotive here was driven by electricity. The group entered the tunnel not at the beginning. The entrance to it was somewhere under the forest lake. The entire route rushed to the west, to the Oder River. Almost immediately discovered an underground crematorium. Perhaps it was in his ovens that the remains of the dungeon builders were burned. Slowly, with precautionary measures, the search party moved through the tunnel in the direction of modern Germany. Soon they stopped counting the tunnel branches - dozens of them were discovered. Both right and left. But most of the branches were neatly walled up. Perhaps these were approaches to unknown objects, including parts of the underground city? It was dry in the tunnel - a sign of good waterproofing. It seemed that on the other, unknown side, the lights of a train or a large truck were about to appear, vehicles could also move there. The group moved slowly and after a few hours of being underground began to lose the feeling of really passed. The study of a mothballed underground city, laid under forests, fields and rivers, is a task for specialists of a different level. This different level required a lot of effort, money and time. According to our estimates, the subway could stretch for tens of kilometers and "dive" under the Oder. Where further and where its final station - it was difficult even to guess. Soon the leader of the group decided to return.”

In the town of Kenynitsk, the SS division "Dead Head", a garrison, two regiments, a school of the SS division and support units were stationed. The location and structure of the town is analogue, i.e. standard, as in Legnica, Friedental or Braniewo. Behind the stone wall - a line of barracks, a heated parade ground, sports grounds, a canteen, a little further - headquarters, classrooms, hangars for equipment and communications. Lake approaches the town from the north. Kshiva (Rus. Cauldron). Lake mirror area Kshiva is at least 200 thousand square meters. m, and the depth scale is from 3 (in the south and west) to 20 m. In the eastern part of the lake at a depth of 20 m there is a large hatch that could be destroyed if necessary and the waters of the lake could flood the entire underground facility. The retreating SS troops had such an opportunity, and even the Gehlen intelligence of the new Germany, but they did not. Why?

The core of the underground facility, which was located under Lake Kshiva, was connected by tunnels to the Fau plant and strategic storage facilities located in the area of ​​the villages of Vysoka and Peski, which is 2-5 km to the west and north of the lake. Just like in Legnica, one of the entrances to the underground complex is located in the barracks of the SS town under the stairs.

SS object No. 2 "Werwolf" ("Armed wolf") - the territory of the Soviet Union. Headquarters in Ukraine, 8 km north of the city of Vinnitsa; nearby were the villages of Kolo-Mikhailovka and Strizhavki. Initially, this headquarters was planned to be built in Lubny, Poltava region, but the activity of the partisans nullified this initiative. The construction of the headquarters began in the autumn of 1941, by April 1942 the main work on the above-ground part was completed. The protection was carried out by part of the SS division "Adolf Hitler". 20 km from the village. Strizhavki at the airfield Kalinovka based two regiments of fighter aircraft. According to documents, A. Hitler visited his headquarters three times, riding a boat along the Southern Bug. The headquarters was designed in such a way that, if necessary, Hitler could move along the river south to Nikolaev, and then to the Black Sea. On December 23, 1943, Hitler ordered the conservation of the headquarters.

On March 7, 1944, the entrances to the underground part of the headquarters were blown up. On March 13, 1944, Soviet troops captured part of the territory of the headquarters, and already on March 16, selected SS units drove out the advanced forces of the Red Army. On February 14, 1945, by a secret decree of I. Stalin, the headquarters was mothballed. The first working name of the headquarters was "Oak Grove" (Eichenheim), not far from Vinnitsa in the village of Voronovitsovo, in the house-museum of Mozhaisky, the headquarters of the Abwehr was located (Valli-1, Valli-2, Valli-3 and "Foreign armies East" - leader Reinhard Gehlen) . The underground city is a complex multifunctional complex stretching south from Nemirov and further north to Zhitomir (Heinrich Himmler's headquarters) and 30 km north of Vinnitsa (Hermann Goering's headquarters). Hitler's headquarters consisted of three underground tiers of protection, A. Hitler's personal train, 12 armored cars, completely entered the station to the third floor-tier of the underground city, to the main 7-storey underground building. The Fuhrer's apartments were located on the 5th floor from above. Room No. 3 was not examined by Soviet intelligence. What is in it and why it was not opened is a big question.

To implement the Lebensborn facility program, 5 thousand of the most beautiful Slavic women in Vinnitsa and nearby villages were selected, and on July 19, 1941, the Lebensborn field office started working at full capacity. Today, the grandchildren of those who were born under the secret program live in the area of ​​the headquarters. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the separation of Ukraine from Russia were implemented by this genetic undercover bookmark.

Special SS facilities located on the territory of Poland cannot be considered separately from similar ones in Germany, since they form a single system. The system is a giant radio board of waveguides and magnetrons capable of generating Vril (giant collider) power.

"Adlerhorst" ("Eagle's Nest") - the ancient castle "Ziegenberg", located high in the mountains near the city of Bad Nauheim at the foot of the Taunus ridge. In 1939, Hitler commissioned Albert Speer to build this headquarters in West Germany; 1 million marks were spent on the construction and modern communication lines.

“In 1945, during the Rundstedt offensive, Hitler temporarily moved to headquarters in the Nauheim area. This rate was called "Adlershorst". The headquarters was located in the castle, around which a group of bunkers was built, adapted to the surrounding mountainous and rocky terrain.

Due to the fact that the castle could be easily detected from the air, several wooden houses were built in the forest two kilometers from the castle, where Hitler was from December 22, 1944 to January 15, 1945. There was only one bunker for Hitler. All the buildings were well camouflaged with trees so that even up close it was difficult to detect anything. The castle at that time housed Field Marshal Rundstedt with his headquarters.

All headquarters for Hitler had a bedroom and a bathroom. If until 1944 these premises were located in wooden barracks near the bunker, then after they were also transferred to the bunker. Constant evaporation of reinforced concrete required additional oxygen supply to the premises. Oxygen cylinders were located outside the bunker to avoid the consequences of their possible explosion. The filling of oxygen cylinders was carried out under the supervision of members of the secret police (Gestapo). Oxygen was supplied to the premises through lead pipes. These cylinders were systematically tested for all types of their technical indicators.

Castle "Felzennest" ("Nest in the rock") was located high in the mountains on the right bank of the river. Rhine. The mountain on which the castle stood was in the immediate vicinity of the village of Rodert near the town of Bad Munstereifel. “The Felsennest headquarters, the Eiskirchen area, 35 km east of the Rhine, was a group of bunkers in the area of ​​​​the western rampart. It was called "The Nest in the Rock" because Hitler's bunker was built in natural rock."

"Tannenberg" ("Spruce Mountain"). “The Tannenberg headquarters was located in a wooded area of ​​the Black Forest. The nature of the surrounding area suggested this name.

"Wolfschlucht" ("Wolf Gorge"). “The headquarters in the Prue de Peche area on the Belgian-French border was called Wolfschlucht. The rate was located in the houses of a small town. The church that used to be there was demolished so that it would not serve as a guide from the air. In addition, there was a bunker for Hitler and one common bunker in case of an air attack.

“Rere” (“Tunnel”), “The headquarters in the Vesnev region (Galicia) was located in a specially built tunnel with reinforced concrete walls and floors 1.5–2 m thick. A railway line was connected to the tunnel so that, if necessary, it could drive up Hitler's special train. The tunnel was built at the foot of a wooded hill and well camouflaged from above so that it could not be detected by air reconnaissance.

In this rate, Hitler stayed only for one night in 1941 during Mussolini's arrival at the front. From here they then flew together to Uman.

In addition, under the camouflage name "Silesian Construction Joint-Stock Company", in the autumn of 1943, construction began on a new Hitler's headquarters in the area of ​​Schweidnitz (Silesia). However, only earthworks were carried out, since the final construction of this rate required at least one more year. The construction of the Frankenstein castle was almost completed, where Ribbentrop and foreign guests coming to Hitler's headquarters were to be accommodated.

In 1941, between the cities of Soissons and Laon (France), there was also Hitler's headquarters, reminiscent of the nature of the buildings (bunkers) there in the region of Rastenburg. This rate was called "West-2".

Construction work was also started on the construction of rates "West-1" and "West-3" in the area of ​​the city of Vandom. In 1943, they fell into the hands of the allied forces in an unfinished state.

"Underground Reich". All three programs under the auspices of the SS were rooted in depth, where underground facilities were integrated into a single complex of factories, institutes, and laboratories. The leadership of the Third Reich was faced with the task of connecting all the sea castles of the "Baltic Bastion" into a single underground-underwater complex, where "flying discs" and the main component of their protection, the Kriegsmarine submarine fleet, could take a key place.

This version makes one think that aircraft factories could produce not only aircraft, but also something else, since the loading of finished products took place on submarines directly in the underground bunker part of the factories.

On the territory of Eastern Poland there was a Heidelager training missile range, the town of Blizna, 150 km northeast of Krakow. From Krakow, the tunnel goes in the direction of Ukraine: Lviv - Vinnitsa (Hitler's headquarters "Werwolf") - Nikolaev - Sudak (Black Sea).

Another secret underground route ran through Bialystok (Poland), Erich Koch's castle, then the territory of Belarus, Grodno - Minsk, Hitler's headquarters "Krasny Bor" ("Bear's Lair"), Smolensk.

The strategic tunnel went in the direction of Berlin along the line Blizna - Krakow - Wroclaw - Legnica - Cottbus - Berlin. In the town of Legnica, the SS Panzer Division "Dead Head" (division commander Theodor Eicke) was based. The entrance to the dungeon starts in one of the division's barracks under the stairs. Not far from the town of Legnica is the town of Tscheben, where the test site for "flying discs" was located, which were manufactured at the underground factory in Wroclaw (Breslau). A very interesting coat of arms near the city of Legnica: two keys that denote two sources - living and dead water.

The tunnels of the fortified area "Lair of the Earthworm" go south and north (52°24'52.47"N 15°29'25.73"E). A large network of tunnels with underground barracks and warehouses and ground pillbox systems. One of the tunnels goes under the river. Oder from Berlin to Stettin and Peenemünde (missile range). All of the above facilities in Poland and East Prussia were secretly connected underground with similar facilities in Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic, Moravia, Slovakia, East Prussia, and France. River channels, locks, metro, other communications, straits, bays of the Baltic Sea were used for the hidden connection of objects.

Object No. 3 "Olga S-III" - East Germany, Thuringia - A. Hitler's reserve underground headquarters began to be built at the end of 1944, was located in a triangle between the cities of Arnstadt, Ohrdruf and Weimar-Buchenwald and the castle of Countess Rudolstadt. One of the bunkers was located in the town of Jonasztal (built in 1942). The curator of the object was the Secretary of State Stuckart - Erich Koch's liaison. From Weimar, the metro tunnel went north to the central control center for all 40 underground structures (bunkers, headquarters, laboratories, factories) of the Third Reich in Berlin. On the territory of the city of Ohrdruf there was a training ground, which was equipped with reinforced concrete underground casemates, pillboxes.

Underground galleries lie at a depth of 3-4 m and connected the town (barracks) of the SS division and the training ground. The floor of the gallery was lined with ribbed metal plates, under which a protected high-voltage cable in 20 rows lay in a niche. Here, underground, there was a workshop equipped with a machine park, a little further there were three high-capacity diesel power plants. One of the exits upstairs went up a spiral staircase in one of the apartments of the military camp of the SS division. The entrances to the underground citadel of the object "Olga S-III" were in the castle of Countess Rudolstadt, a beautiful medieval masterpiece on the mountain, as well as in the castle near the town of Rochlitz, in the Kremsmünster monastery. Not far from Göttingen, Lower Saxony, there are objects of interest to us - the salt mines "Haldasgluk" and "B", "Wittekind", ammunition depots (depth - 700 m), Volprihausen township, Moringen concentration camp. In Weimar, Hitler was simply in love and built a headquarters especially for his girlfriend Olga Knipper-Chekhova. One of the bunkers is under the town square, where his government communications post was.

A very interesting fact is that all the people who served in the GSVG at this special closed communications facility of the 62nd Stalingrad Army in the GDR died under various everyday, or even simply mysterious, circumstances. 25 tunnel entrances pierce into the belly of the mountain, on which the airfield was equipped. Aircraft were brought to the airfield by lifts, like on aircraft carriers. About 70 thousand prisoners of war from the Buchenwald camp, which was located near Weimar, took part in the construction of the underground headquarters. Basically, the underground capital of the Reich was built by Soviet prisoners, who were then destroyed. By the beginning of 1945, 40 thousand apartments for the state, party and military apparatus were ready in the "underground capital", comfortable shelters and numerous food and clothing warehouses were equipped. The transfer of the Fuhrer and his entourage here was planned for the spring of 1945, but was never carried out. However, it was in the "Olga" in the last months of the war that the most valuable treasures of the Reich began to flock.

The fact is that "Berlin-2" was the most powerful in Germany, and perhaps even in Europe, a network of dry, well-equipped dungeons and mines. The following facilities were located here: "Nordhausen" - underground factories for the production of rocket technology ("V-1", "V-2"), In Mount Konstein near Nordhausen on a total area of ​​560 thousand square meters. m at great depth lies the underground missile plant of the Mittelwerk company. The production of V-rockets was concentrated in 19 underground galleries, all underground facilities were connected by a narrow-gauge metro system. Here, underground, work was underway on the Kolokol anti-gravity engine. In Bernterode there were underground storages for ammunition and a storage place for the ashes of Frederick the Great, as well as jewelry. Merkers is an underground repository of Germany's gold reserves, museum valuables. Friedrichrod - Hitler's residence "Wolfsturm"; "Oberhof" - underground Reich Chancellery; "Ilmenau" - the residence of the imperial ministries; "Stadtilm" - a research center for the creation of nuclear weapons; Kala is an underground aircraft factory.

The videotape contains a document certifying that 100 wagons were prepared to send goods to the alternate capital, some of which, including those with Germany's gold reserves, were sent to their destination in March 1945. The most interesting footage from the military chronicle from liberated reserve capital of the Reich: April 19, 1945, US President Eisenhower inspects the object "Olga", visits the prisoner of war camp and the storage of works of art. On the screen - a huge number of paintings, sculptures, items made of precious metals ... And now the same vaults are shown a few weeks after the American troops transferred the territory to the Soviet military administration. They are completely empty! Where have the values ​​gone? Today they are at Fort Knox.

"Dennitz has repeatedly spoken out about the role of the Navy in the development of exotic weapons and the construction of secret military bases far beyond the Reich."

The first program was responsible for the development of new projects of "flying discs", the second - for reconnaissance and esoteric support of strategic agents, and the third - for hidden bases, that is, it was the basis of the control pyramid from the two poles of the world.

In 1942, a special structure was created, which was codenamed "Sonderburo-13". It included 13 research enterprises, institutes, departments. Each enterprise led a separate project "Fergeltung" "V" and had its own secret range in the Arctic and Antarctic, where "flying discs" landed for testing purposes. These ranges were disguised as meteorological stations of the Navy and passed under the agreed names.

The Sonderburo-13 was led by the 12th knight of the Black Order, SS Obergruppenführer Hans Kammler, his deputy was the general director of the Skoda factories, SS Standartenführer Wilhelm Voss.

Within the framework of this bureau, a secret project (“Fergeltung”) was developed - “Weapon of Retribution”: “V-1”, “V-2”, “V-3”, “V-5” and “V-7”, “V -nine". The bureau was an integral part of the Ahnenerbe iceberg.

Reference: SS Obergruppenführer Hans Kammler (Kammler b. 08/26/1901) - a graduate engineer, joined the SS on May 20, 1933. group "S" (construction) of the Main Economic Directorate of the SS). He was the author of the plan for a 5-year program to organize SS concentration camps in the occupied territories of the USSR and Norway. Kammler took part in the design of the Auschwitz death camp (Oswiecim).

On September 1, 1943, Kammler was appointed special commissioner of the Reichsführer SS under the A-4 program (“weapon of retaliation”); was responsible for construction work and the supply of labor from the concentration camps.

In March 1944, Kammler, as Himmler's representative, is included in the "aviation headquarters", consisting of senior officials of the Luftwaffe and the Ministry of Armaments. Reichsmarschall Hermann Goering, head of the Luftwaffe and Hitler's nominal successor, instructs him to move all strategic air installations underground. Since March 1, 1944, Kammler has been directing the construction of underground factories for the production of fighter aircraft.

In 1945 he was awarded the Knight's Cross for military merit with swords, the main participant in the construction of the secret 211th base in Antarctica "New Berlin".

The scientific director of the Uranus project was the physicist Baron Wernher von Braun, a member of the Thule and Vril societies, and his closest assistant was the rocket engineer Willie Ley. The secret group of developers included prominent scientists and employees of Ahnenerbe Viktor Schauberger, Dr. Otto Schumann, Hans Kohler, Rudolf Schriever, A. Busemann, Arthur Sack, Giuseppe Beluntstso, Zimmermann, Klaus Habermol, Richard Mite, Hermann Oberth, Eigen Senger, and Bredt, Helmut Walter, Friedrich Sander, Max Valier, Kurt Tank. Klaus Habermol was taken prisoner by Soviet troops at the Letov factory near Prague.

The Research Center for German Rocket Engineering - the Head Center for Rocket and Disk Engineering - was located on about. Peenemünde in the Baltic Sea, where about 7.5 thousand specialists worked on the implementation of this program.

The secret facilities where work was underway to create and deploy flying discs in the future were located in Northern Italy on Lake. Garda, the town of Volkenrod, and Lake Geneva (an island, the castle of the Baramey family), in the mountains of dwarf Andorra, where there are hot springs.

The main projects of "flying discs"

VRIL (tested in 1939, 4 products were manufactured, the development was carried out by the group of V. Schumann).

VRIL-41 Jngel (tested in 1942, 17 discs made, diameter 11 m).

VRIL-Zerstorer (armament - one cannon, caliber 80 mm; two cannons MK108; two machine guns MG-17).

Haunebu I (disk diameter 25 m).

Haunebu II (disk diameter 23 m).

Haunebu III (disk diameter 71 m, developed in 1945).

Haunebu IV (disk diameter 120 m).

Haunebu Mark V (sample launched in February 1945, underground complex Kala, Thuringia).

Disc "Belonzze" (developed since 1942).

Disc "Rudolf Schriever-Habermohl".

Flying pancake "Zimmerman".

Omega disc by Anders Epp.

Focke-Wulf-500, codenamed "Thunderball" by Kurt Tank.

"Andromeda" - sea container 138 m for the transportation of "flying discs".

Research centers where "flying discs" were developed: Stettin, Nordhausen, Dortmund, Essen, Peenemünde, Breslau (Wroclaw), Prague (Letov plant and the Harz mountain range), Pilsen (Czech Republic), Dresden, Berlin (Spandau) , Stassfurt, Wiener Neustadt (Austria), Unzenburg (underground in old salt mines), Black Forest (underground Zeppelin Werke plant). All these points are key in our study.

At the underground plant "Zeppelin Werke", the town of the Black Forest, they produced plasma weapons " Feuerball"("Fireball") and Kurt Tank's plane " Kugelblitz" ("Fireball"). Development of plasma weapons Feuerball"led by Hermann Goering Air Force FFO ( Flugfimk Forschungsanstalt Oberpfaffenhoffen).

A non-serial disk "Haunebu" was developed for Hans Kohler's engines. The development of "flying discs" or weapons of retaliation "V" was carried out by several research groups (institutes): in Prague (at the factories "Skoda", "Pilsen", "Letov") the development was carried out by the group of Rudolf Schriever - Klaus Habermohl, in Dresden and Breslau, Lower Silesia, today Wroclaw, - a group of Richard Mite - Giuseppe Belontse. The first Prague model was created by engineers Rudolf Schriver and Klaus Habermohl, tested in February 1941 by Klaus Habermohl in 1946–1955. worked in the Soviet Union on secret programs. Their "flying disc" is considered the world's first vertical takeoff and landing aircraft. By design, it resembled a streamlined aerodynamic disk: a wide ring rotated around the cockpit, vertical and horizontal nozzle rudders regulated the pitch angle of attack. The pilot could put the device in the desired position for both horizontal and vertical flight. Soviet designers used these elements and technologies in the creation in 1974 of the Yak-38, then Yak-141, vertical takeoff and landing carrier-based naval aviation on the aircraft-carrying ships "Kyiv" and "Minsk". German scientists have created a "vertical plane", which was an improved version of the previous aircraft. The size of the device was increased to accommodate two pilots lying in chairs. The pilots for this project were recruited by Otto Skorzeny.

Underground Austria

The Bavarian Hirschberg castle near Weilheim, 50 km southwest of Munich, where Hitler was staying in October 1944. Prisoners from the Dachau camp were recruited for underground work. Operation Griffin was planned in this castle. This small bunker was integrated and focused on Salzburg - one of the peaks of the "Alpine fortress". The "Alpine fortress", or "Alpine redoubt", was located in a triangle between the cities of Linz, Salzburg and Graz in the mountainous region of Tyrol. The main entrances to the underground city were located near the lake. Wildesee, in the region of the Dead Mountains, the reference point is the Reichfang mountain. It was here that one of the entrances to the underground state of the Third Reich was equipped.

From the book Aryan Russia [Heritage of ancestors. Forgotten gods of the Slavs] author Belov Alexander Ivanovich

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What is hidden in the dungeons of the former Nazi secret factory, recently discovered in Austria? Maybe laboratories for the manufacture of atomic weapons?

In an underground tunnel. Photo: ZDF

Landslides are not uncommon in Austria, in its mountainous regions. In some cases, they are so powerful that as a result houses are destroyed, large areas of the forest die. Frequent rains in the foothills are the main, but not the only reasons for this. Soil descent also happens in places where there is a gigantic network of underground tunnels and bunkers stretching for tens of kilometers - the former military factories of the "Third Reich".

Austrian find

These secret underground factories are one of the Nazis' most ambitious projects. Work on the creation of a new “wonder weapon”, which was supposed to turn the tide of a long-lost war and bring victory to the Third Reich, did not stop there until the very surrender of Nazi Germany.

According to experts, the largest object of this kind in Austria was an underground complex code-named Bergkristall (“Rock Crystal”). The total area of ​​its mines and adits is, presumably, almost 300 thousand square meters. At the end of last year, the entrance to this underground labyrinth was discovered by the film crew of an Austrian documentary filmmaker Andreas Sulzer(Andreas Sulzer) in the vicinity of the town of Sankt Georg an der Gusen, about 20 kilometers from Linz.

What secrets are hidden in this dungeon? Photo: ZDF

The filmmakers worked there on a project about the V-1 and V-2 rocket program. The film was shot by order of the German television company ZDF. Its creators tried to restore the details of the biography of the SS Obergruppenführer, General Hans Kammler, who was responsible for the Third Reich missile program.

Construction prisoners

According to some experts, it was in these underground laboratories that work was carried out to create an atomic bomb. There are grounds for such assumptions: the level of radiation here and today exceeds the norm.

According to other historians, the network of labyrinths found by Austrian filmmakers was primarily occupied by the Nazi underground factory B 8 Bergkristall, where, in particular, the world's first Messerschmitt ME262 turbojet military aircraft were produced.

According to documents found during archival research, the military facility near St. Georg an der Gusen was built in 1944. It was built by forced laborers from Eastern Europe and prisoners of the nearby Mauthausen concentration camp.

According to the Austrian historian Johannes Saxlehner(Johannes Sachslehner), whose findings are cited by the weekly Spiegel, of the 60-70 thousand prisoners involved in the facility in St. Georg an der Gusen, about 10 thousand died due to the harshest working conditions and ill-treatment. In total, the number of those who died on the construction of Nazi underground factories amounted to about 320 thousand people, scientists believe.

Without documentation

By order of the Austrian authorities after the Second World War, most Nazi underground tunnels (at least their entrances) were filled with concrete or clogged with earth. But a number of labyrinths were simply freed from the equipment, the dismantling of which was carried out by representatives of the victorious powers, and some of them began to be leased. Austrian farmers used the dungeons, for example, to store agricultural equipment and grow champignons.

Most of the labyrinths are walled up. Photo: ZDF

But over time, water began to seep through the arches of the underground halls, they became damp and began to collapse, and repairs required considerable funds. The land on which Austria's network of former Nazi secret sites is located is managed by the Austrian Federal Real Estate Company (Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft, BIG). In total, we are talking about about 150 tunnels. It is not clear what to do with them. Even just using these land plots for residential or office development is dangerous: the risk of landslides is too high.

The 10-kilometer tunnel, where the most secret weapon of the Third Reich was supposedly developed, is almost completely walled up. Only two kilometers of the labyrinth remained untouched. BIG prohibits excavations in it due to increased radiation. And there is no documentation related to the object. According to Andreas Sulzer, based on the information obtained in the archives, it was taken out in 1955 by the command of the Soviet troops stationed here at that time. There is no access to it now.

The underground city, which is not afraid of not only a collapse, but also an atomic war, is an unsurpassed creation of military engineers of the Third Reich. "Earthworm Camp" revealed some of its secrets.

NTV correspondent Viktor Kuzmin for the first time managed to visit one of the most mysterious objects of World War II, which is associated with the disappearance of an entire SS division and even the Amber Room.

It is easy to get lost in the passages and tunnels of the Regenwurmlager reinforced concrete kingdom - there is no exact map of it even today. For diggers, this fortified area in the northwestern part of Poland is a real paradise. True, at the entrance it says something completely different.

Stanislav Vitvitsky, conductor: "Original panzer doors, the wing weighs half a ton."

"Welcome to hell" - an inscription inscribed by some digger meets everyone who enters these structures. Two floors of a combat bunker and a concrete staircase down. About 100 such autonomous points with flamethrowers and grenade launchers were built out of 300 along the entire line. Several hundred steps lead to a depth of 40 meters. “There has never been Russian television here,” our guide remarks.

After the First World War, the border between Germany and Poland ran in the north-west of Poland, and in this area the neighbor seemed to wedged into German territory. From here in a straight line to Berlin - a little more than 100 kilometers.

Fearing a threat from the east, the Germans began to build a unique underground military structure in this area, stretching for tens of kilometers. But as history has shown, this line never became a line of defense.

There is no fortified area equal to this in the world even now. Corridors, casemates, railway stations, railways, power plants - all this is the “Regenwurmlager”, or “Earthworm Camp”, which has torn up an area of ​​​​hundreds of square kilometers with its communications.

Stanislav Vitvitsky, conductor: “We have reached the main road and are at the Hayneris station.”

You need to check the map periodically. It was at this station that Hitler came in 1934. He was then pleased with what he saw, but, having appeared here again four years later, he ordered the construction to be frozen.

Germany was already preparing not to defend, but to attack. By this time, the work was only 30% completed. According to the master plan, the defense line was planned to be launched in 1951. How grandiose the object should have been, even if the third built is amazing in size.

Stanislav Vitvitsky, conductor: “In 1980, they planned to store nuclear waste here, put it directly into bunkers. But the locals all said as one: no, no, no.”

Even after several decades, the mystery of the "Earthworm Camp" has not been fully understood. There is an approximate plan-map of the corridors, compiled by diggers, but it does not give a complete picture. Where some of the passages lead is not clear. It is said that some of them could reach the Reich Chancellery.

There were also a lot of ground objects. For example, a moving island on one of the reservoirs and drawbridges. But the secret construction plan was never discovered.

There is always someone present here, groups of diggers from all over Europe are interested in the object. In the surrounding villages, you can hire a guide for several days, but amateurs are not advised to go underground.

In the 90s, a tourist died here, staying in the tunnels for the night. They say that they did not find the Soviet foreman, who tried to ride a motorcycle here on a dare. German engineers built reliably and with all sorts of secret traps. They were the first to use water-resistant concrete and stringed ceilings, and the drainage and ventilation systems are still working.

In 1944, there was a military aircraft factory of Dymer Benz, which employed more than two thousand prisoners of war. At the end of the war, the object was guarded by boys from the Hitler Youth and old men from the Volkssturm.

In January 1945, a Soviet tank brigade circled the line along a rural road without firing a shot. Although local history buffs claim that there was a battle here, and the remnants of the SS division "Dead Head" then left along the corridors.

However, official figures say that in the entire history of the Regenwurmlager, four young Poles who explored the structure after the war died.

Already 70 years ago, the last shots of the Second World War died down, and its horrors and mysteries haunt us to this day. One of the still unsolved secrets of the Third Reich is the underground fortifications and laboratories built by the Nazis in Poland and modern Kaliningrad, the former Koenigsberg.

In the north of the western border of Poland with Germany, where Berlin is within easy reach - no more than a hundred kilometers - there is an underground city. The grandeur of this structure amazes the audience with its size, and this is only a third of the construction planned by Adolf Hitler. Bunkers, railway stations and even railways stretch for tens of kilometers at a depth of 50-100 meters underground, and the deepest mines are lost in kilometers of darkness. An exact map of the city has not been found, and now the diggers have compiled only an approximate plan of passages and tunnels that go beyond this plan to nowhere. Initially, the dungeon was built by medieval knights and served as a shelter in cases of siege of their castles. German builders of the 20th century tried to turn it into a particularly fortified line of defense: the city's casemates were built from heavy-duty materials that are not afraid of either collapses or explosions. Construction was halted when the decision was made to attack rather than defend.

No less amazing are the underground buildings under the Royal Palace of Kaliningrad, the construction of which began in the 17th century and was brought to perfection by the rulers of the Third Reich. Kaliningrad tunnels lead from the city center far beyond its borders. It was in them that the German top-secret laboratory worked in the early 40s of the last century. Everyone knows Hitler's commitment to the occult sciences and the cherished dream of bringing out an ideal nation in its perfection. This is exactly what the Koenigsberg underground organization of scientists-fans of their work was doing. Their activities seem to have brought some tangible results, since there is genuine evidence of some of the unusual phenomena that took place at that time within the city. So, it is known for certain about the appearances and the same instantaneous disappearances of a whole company of soldiers dressed in the fashion of other eras and acting as if according to a given program. Yes, and until now, Kaliningraders sometimes meet with the "ghosts" of the SS just on the streets or in developed photographs. What is it - the restless souls of the Nazis, or, perhaps, the world's first time machine invented by them almost 100 years ago? This still remains an unsolved mystery. But many unexplored areas of the Kaliningrad dungeons, secret rooms and trap rooms remain a fact, into which amateurs who decide to study them on their own come across.

Polish and Kaliningrad underground bunkers are not the only ones of their kind: the Nazis built something similar in various territories they conquered. There is an assumption that it was the dungeons of the Third Reich that hid both some military units that disappeared without a trace, as well as countless treasures looted by the Nazis during the war.