Plutchik's test is a psychological defense mechanism. Test questionnaire of psychological defense mechanisms "life style index", "life style index" (lsi) (plutchik, g.

Definition of the main types of ego defense.

Instructions for the test

Read the following statements. These statements describe the feelings that a person usually experiences. If the statement does not match you, put an "x" in the section marked "no". If the statement matches you, put an "x" in the "yes" section, in the space indicated by parentheses.

test material
  1. I am a very easy going person and easy to get along with.
  2. When I want something, I can't wait to get it.
  3. There has always been a person I would like to be like.
  4. People don't see me as an emotional person.
  5. I lose my temper when I watch obscene films.
  6. I rarely remember my dreams.
  7. I'm pissed off by the people who control everything around me.
  8. Sometimes I have a strong desire to punch the wall with my fist.
  9. It annoys me that people ask too much.
  10. In my dreams, I'm always the center of attention.
  11. I am a person who never cries.
  12. The need to use a public toilet makes me make an effort on myself.
  13. I am always ready to listen to both sides of an argument.
  14. It's easy to piss me off.
  15. When someone pushes me in a crowd, I feel ready to push them back.
  16. There are many things about me that fascinate people.
  17. I think it's better to think things over carefully than to be furious.
  18. I get sick a lot.
  19. I have a bad memory for faces.
  20. When I am rejected, I have suicidal thoughts.
  21. When I hear smut, I get very embarrassed.
  22. I always see the bright side of things.
  23. I hate evil people.
  24. It's hard for me to get rid of anything that belongs to me.
  25. I have a hard time remembering names.
  26. I have a tendency to be overly impulsive.
  27. People who get their way by screaming and yelling disgust me.
  28. I am free from prejudice.
  29. I really need people to tell me about my sex appeal.
  30. When I go on a trip, I plan every detail in advance.
  31. Sometimes I wish the atomic bomb would destroy the whole world.
  32. Pornography is disgusting.
  33. When I'm upset about something, I eat a lot.
  34. People never bore me.
  35. I can't remember much of my childhood.
  36. When I go on vacation, I usually take work with me.
  37. In my fantasies, I do great things.
  38. Most people annoy me because they are too selfish.
  39. Touching something slimy, slippery, disgusts me.
  40. Registration required

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    Key to the test
    1 () 50 ()
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    49 () Σ
    Processing and interpretation of test results

    The number of positive responses is counted for each of the 8 scales, in accordance with the key. The raw scores are then converted to percentages. Based on the percentage indicators, a profile of ego defenses is compiled.

    Scale for converting raw scores to percentiles

    "Raw" scoresNegationcrowding outRegressionCompensation
    0 3 2 2 5
    1 13 8 6 20
    2 27 25 19 37
    3 39 42 35 63
    4 50 63 53 78
    5 61 76 70 88
    6 79 87 80 95
    7 84 92 85 97
    8 90 97 88 99
    9 97 98 95
    10 98 99 97
    11 99 99
    "Raw" scoresProjectionsubstitutionIntellectualizationJet formations
    0 1 6 0 7
    1 5 23 3 19
    2 6 37 6 39
    3 7 48 17 61
    4 12 65 28 76
    5 20 77 42 91
    6 27 86 59 97
    7 36 93 76 98
    8 46 97 87 99
    9 64 98 92
    10 72 99 97
    11 90 99
    12 96
    13 99

    Average values ​​of normative data for 8 variants of MPZ

    Protection materialsThe data of the authors of the method approbation
    Data of the authors of the methodology
    M s ±m M s ±m
    ANegation4,5 2,96 0,25 3,81 2,07 0,2
    Bcrowding out4 2,97 0,2 2,59 1,77 0,17
    CRegression4,7 2,96 0,25 5,12 3,09 0,3
    DCompensation3,1 2,13 0,18 4,38 1,86 0,18
    EProjection8,2 3,55 0,3 5,51 3,01 0,3
    Fsubstitution3,8 2,96 0,25 3,12 2,01 0,2
    GIntellectualization5,9 2,6 0,22 6,32 1,95 0,19
    HJet formation3,1 2,13 0,18 2,8 2,35 0,23
    Content characteristics of typologies of psychological defense (life style index)

    Negation. A psychological defense mechanism by which a person either denies some frustrating, anxiety-producing circumstance, or some internal impulse or side denies himself. As a rule, the action of this mechanism is manifested in the denial of those aspects of external reality, which, being obvious to others, are nevertheless not accepted, not recognized by the person himself. In other words, information that disturbs and can lead to conflict is not perceived. This refers to the conflict arising from the manifestation of motives that contradict the basic attitudes of the individual, or information that threatens its self-preservation, self-respect or social prestige.

    As an outward process, negation is often opposed to displacement as a psychological defense against internal, instinctive demands and urges. It is noteworthy that the authors of the IZHS methodology explain the presence of increased suggestibility and gullibility in hysteroid personalities by the action of the mechanism of denial, with the help of which unwanted, internally unacceptable features, properties or negative feelings towards the subject of experience are denied from the social environment. As experience shows, denial as a psychological defense mechanism is realized in conflicts of any kind and is characterized by an outwardly distinct distortion of the perception of reality.

    Crowding out.Z. Freud considered this mechanism (its analogue is suppression) as the main way to protect the infantile "I", unable to resist the temptation. In other words, crowding out- a defense mechanism through which impulses unacceptable to the individual: desires, thoughts, feelings that cause anxiety - become unconscious. According to most researchers, this mechanism underlies the action and other protective mechanisms of the individual. The repressed (suppressed) impulses, not finding resolution in behavior, nevertheless retain their emotional and psycho-vegetative components. For example, a typical situation is when the content side of a traumatic situation is not recognized, and a person represses the very fact of some unseemly act, but the intrapsychic conflict persists, and the emotional stress caused by it is subjectively perceived as externally unmotivated anxiety. That is why repressed drives can manifest themselves in neurotic and psychophysiological symptoms. As studies and clinical experience show, many properties, personal qualities and actions that do not make a person attractive in their own eyes and in the eyes of others are most often repressed, for example, envy, hostility, ingratitude, etc. It should be emphasized that psychotraumatic circumstances or unwanted information is indeed being pushed out of a person's consciousness, although outwardly this may look like an active opposition to memories and introspection.

    In the questionnaire, the authors included in this scale questions related to a lesser known mechanism of psychological defense - isolation. In isolation, the psycho-traumatic and emotionally reinforced experience of the individual can be realized, but at a cognitive level, isolated from the affect of anxiety.

    Regression. In classical concepts, regression is seen as a psychological defense mechanism, through which a person in his behavioral reactions seeks to avoid anxiety by moving to earlier stages of libido development. With this form of defensive reaction, a person exposed to frustrating factors replaces the solution of subjectively more complex tasks with relatively simpler and more accessible ones in the current situations. The use of simpler and more familiar behavioral stereotypes significantly impoverishes the general (potentially possible) arsenal of the prevalence of conflict situations. This mechanism also includes the type of protection mentioned in the literature. implementation in action”, in which unconscious desires or conflicts are directly expressed in actions that prevent their awareness. Impulsiveness and weakness of emotional-volitional control, characteristic of psychopathic personalities, are determined by the actualization of this particular protection mechanism against the general background of changes in the motivational-need sphere towards their greater simplification and accessibility.

    Compensation. This psychological defense mechanism is often combined with identification. It manifests itself in attempts to find a suitable replacement for a real or imagined defect, a defect of an unbearable feeling with another quality, most often with the help of fantasizing or appropriating the properties, virtues, values, behavioral characteristics of another person. Often this happens when it is necessary to avoid conflict with this person and increase a sense of self-sufficiency. At the same time, borrowed values, attitudes or thoughts are accepted without analysis and restructuring and therefore do not become part of the personality itself.

    A number of authors reasonably believe that compensation can be considered as one of the forms protection from an inferiority complex, for example, in adolescents with antisocial behavior, with aggressive and criminal actions directed against the individual. Probably, here we are talking about hypercompensation or a regression close in content with a general immaturity of the MPZ.

    Another manifestation of compensatory defense mechanisms may be the situation of overcoming frustrating circumstances or oversatisfaction in other areas. - for example, a physically weak or timid person, unable to respond to a threat of reprisal, finds satisfaction in humiliating the offender with the help of a sophisticated mind or cunning. People for whom compensation is the most characteristic type of psychological protection often turn out to be dreamers looking for ideals in various spheres of life.

    Projection. The projection is based on the process by which feelings and thoughts that are unconscious and unacceptable to the individual are localized outside, attributed to other people and thus become, as it were, secondary. A negative, socially unapproved connotation of the feelings and properties experienced, for example, aggressiveness, is often attributed to others in order to justify one's own aggressiveness or hostility, which is manifested, as it were, for protective purposes. Examples of hypocrisy are well known, when a person constantly ascribes to others his own immoral aspirations.

    Another type of projection is less common, in which significant persons (more often from the microsocial environment) are assigned positive, socially approved feelings, thoughts or actions that can uplift. For example, a teacher who has not shown any special abilities in his professional activity tends to endow his beloved student with talent in this particular area, thereby unconsciously elevating himself (“winning student from a defeated teacher”).

    Substitution. A common form of psychological defense, which in the literature is often referred to as " bias". The action of this defense mechanism is manifested in the discharge of repressed emotions (usually hostility, anger), which are directed to objects that are less dangerous or more accessible than those that caused negative emotions and feelings. For example, an open manifestation of hatred towards a person, which can cause an undesirable conflict with him, is transferred to another, more accessible and harmless. In most cases, substitution resolves the emotional tension that arose under the influence of a frustrating situation, but does not lead to relief or achievement of the goal. In this situation, the subject can perform unexpected, sometimes meaningless actions that resolve internal tension.

    Intellectualization. This defense mechanism is often referred to as rationalization". The authors of the methodology combined these two concepts, although their essential meaning is somewhat different. So, intellectualization action manifests itself in a fact-based overly "mental" way of overcoming a conflict or frustrating situation without experiencing. In other words, a person stops experiences caused by an unpleasant or subjectively unacceptable situation with the help of logical attitudes and manipulations, even in the presence of convincing evidence in favor of the opposite. The difference between intellectualization and rationalization, according to F.E. Vasilyuk, lies in the fact that it, in essence, represents "a departure from the world of impulses and affects into the world of words and abstractions." At rationalization a person creates logical (pseudo-reasonable), but plausible justifications for his or someone else's behavior, actions or experiences caused by reasons that he (the person) cannot recognize because of the threat of loss of self-esteem. With this method of protection, there are often obvious attempts to reduce the value of experience inaccessible to the individual. So, being in a situation of conflict, a person protects himself from its negative action by reducing the significance for himself and other reasons that caused this conflict or a traumatic situation. In the scale of intellectualization - rationalization was included and sublimation as a psychological defense mechanism, in which repressed desires and feelings are exaggeratedly compensated by others that correspond to the highest social values ​​professed by the individual.

    Reactive formations. This type of psychological defense is often identified with hypercompensation. The personality prevents the expression of thoughts, feelings or actions that are unpleasant or unacceptable for it by exaggerating the development of opposite aspirations. In other words, there is a kind of transformation of internal impulses into their subjectively understood opposite. For example, pity or caring can be seen as reactive formations in relation to unconscious callousness, cruelty, or emotional indifference.

  • Diagnosis of typologies of psychological defense (R. Plutchik adapted by L.I. Wasserman, O.F. Eryshev, E.B. Klubovoy, etc.)/ Fetiskin N.P., Kozlov V.V., Manuilov G.M. Socio-psychological diagnostics of personality development and small groups. - M., Publishing House of the Institute of Psychotherapy. 2002. C.444-452

The Plutchik Kellerman Conte Questionnaire - Life Style Index Methodology (LSI) was developed by R. Plutchik in collaboration with G. Kellerman and H.R. Kont in 1979. The test is used to diagnose various psychological defense mechanisms.

Psychological defense mechanisms develop in childhood to contain, regulate a certain emotion; all defenses are based on a suppression mechanism that originally arose in order to defeat the feeling of fear. It is assumed that there are eight basic defenses that are closely related to the eight basic emotions of psychoevolutionary theory. The existence of defenses makes it possible to indirectly measure the levels of intrapersonal conflict, i.e. maladjusted people must use more defenses than adapted individuals.

Protective mechanisms try to minimize negative, traumatic experiences for the personality. These experiences are mainly associated with internal or external conflicts, states of anxiety or discomfort. Defense mechanisms help us maintain the stability of our self-esteem, ideas about ourselves and the world. They can also act as buffers, trying to keep too close to our consciousness too strong disappointments and threats that life brings us. In cases where we cannot cope with anxiety or fear, defense mechanisms distort reality in order to preserve our psychological health and ourselves as a person.

QuestionnairePlutchik Kellerman Conte. / Methodology Life Style Index (LSI). / Test for the diagnosis of psychological defense mechanisms:


Read carefully the statements below that describe the feelings, behaviors and reactions of people in certain life situations, and if they apply to you, then mark the appropriate numbers with a "+".

Test questions R. Plutchik.

1. I am very easy to get along with.

2. I sleep more than most people I know.

3. There has always been a person in my life that I wanted to be like.

4. If I am being treated, I try to find out what the purpose of each action is.

5. If I want something, I can't wait until my wish comes true.

6. I blush easily

7. One of my greatest virtues is my ability to control myself.

8. Sometimes I have a strong urge to punch a wall.

9. I lose my temper easily.

10. If someone pushes me in the crowd, then I am ready to kill him.

11. I rarely remember my dreams.

12. People who command others annoy me.

13. I am often out of my element.

14. I consider myself an exceptionally fair person.

15. The more things I buy, the happier I become.

16. In my dreams, I am always the center of attention of others.

17. Even the thought that my household members can walk around the house without clothes upsets me.

18. They tell me that I am a braggart

19. If someone rejects me, then I may have thoughts of suicide.

20. Almost everyone admires me

21. It happens that I break or beat something in anger

22. I am very annoyed by people who gossip.

23. I always pay attention to the better side of life.

24. I put a lot of effort and effort into changing my appearance.

25. Sometimes I wish the atomic bomb would destroy the world.

26. I am a person who has no prejudices

27. They tell me that I am overly impulsive.

28. I am annoyed by people who act like manners in front of others.

29. I really dislike unfriendly people

30. I always try not to offend anyone by accident

31. I am one of those who rarely cry

32. Perhaps I smoke a lot

33. It is very difficult for me to part with what belongs to me.

34. I don't remember faces well

35. I sometimes masturbate

36. I have difficulty remembering new surnames

37. If someone interferes with me, then I do not inform him, but complain about him to another

38. Even if I know I'm right, I'm willing to listen to other people's opinions.

39. People never bother me

40. I can hardly sit still even for a short time.

41. I can't remember much from my childhood

42. I do not notice the negative traits of other people for a long time.

43. I think that you should not be angry in vain, but it’s better to think things over calmly

44. Others think I'm overly trusting

45. People who achieve their goals by scandal make me feel bad.

46. ​​I try to put the bad things out of my head

47. I never lose optimism

48. When leaving to travel, I try to plan everything to the smallest detail.

49. Sometimes I know that I am angry with another beyond measure.

50. When things don't go my way, I get gloomy.

51. When I argue, it gives me pleasure to point out to another the errors in his reasoning.

52. I easily accept the challenge thrown by others.

53. Obscene films throw me off balance.

54. I get upset when no one pays attention to me.

55. Others think that I am an indifferent person

56. Having decided something, I often, however, doubt the decision

57. If someone doubts my abilities, then out of the spirit of contradiction I will show my capabilities

58. When I drive a car, I often have a desire to crash someone else's car.

59. Many people piss me off with their selfishness

60. When I go on vacation, I often take some work with me.

61. Some foods make me sick

62. I bite my nails

63. Others say that I avoid problems.

64. I like to drink

65. Dirty jokes confuse me.

66. I sometimes have dreams with unpleasant events and things.

67. I don't like careerists

68. I tell a lot of lies

69. Adult films disgust me.

70. Troubles in my life are often due to my bad temper.

71. Most of all I dislike hypocritical insincere people

72. When I am disappointed, I often become discouraged.

73. News of tragic events does not cause me excitement

74. Touching something sticky and slippery, I feel disgust

75. When I'm in a good mood, I can act like a child

76. I think that I often argue with people in vain over trifles.

77. The dead don't "touch" me

78. I don't like people who always try to be the center of attention.

79. Many people annoy me.

80. Washing in a bath that is not my own is a big torture for me.

81. I have difficulty pronouncing obscene words

82. I get irritated if I can't trust others.

83. I want to be considered sensually attractive.

84. I have the impression that I never finish what I started.

85. I always try to dress well to look more attractive.

86. My moral rules are better than most of my friends.

87. In a dispute, I have a better command of logic than my interlocutors.

88. People devoid of morality repel me

89. I get furious if someone hurts me

90. I often fall in love

91. Others think that I am too objective

92. I remain calm when I see a bloody person

The Key to Robert Plutchik's Technique. Processing the results of the Plutchik Kellerman Conte test.

Eight mechanisms of psychological protection of the personality form eight separate scales, the numerical values ​​of which are derived from the number of positive responses to certain statements indicated above, divided by the number of statements in each scale. The intensity of each psychological defense is calculated according to the formula n / N x 100%, where n is the number of positive responses on the scale of this defense, N is the number of all statements related to this scale. Then the total tension of all defenses (ONZ) is calculated according to the formula n/92 x 100%, where n is the sum of all positive answers on the questionnaire.

Norm of Plutchik's test values.

According to V.G. Kamenskaya (1999), the normative values ​​of this value for the urban population of Russia are 40–50%. The NEO exceeding the 50% threshold reflects real-life, but unresolved external and internal conflicts.

Names of defenses Claim numbers n
crowding out 6, 11, 31, 34, 36, 41, 55, 73, 77, 92
Regression 2, 5, 9, 13, 27, 32, 35, 40, 50, 54, 62, 64, 68, 70, 72, 75, 84
substitution 8, 10, 19, 21, 25, 37, 49, 58, 76, 89
Negation 1, 20, 23, 26, 39, 42, 44, 46, 47, 63, 90
Projection 12, 22, 28, 29, 45, 59, 67, 71, 78, 79, 82, 88
Compensation 3, 15, 16, 18, 24, 33, 52, 57, 83, 85
Hyper compensation 17, 53, 61, 65, 66, 69, 74, 80, 81, 86
Rationalization 4, 7, 14, 30, 38, 43, 48, 51, 56, 60, 87, 91

Interpretation of the Life Style Index.

Negation. A psychological defense mechanism by which a person either denies some frustrating, anxiety-producing circumstance, or some internal impulse or side denies himself. As a rule, the action of this mechanism is manifested in the denial of those aspects of external reality, which, being obvious to others, are nevertheless not accepted, not recognized by the person himself. In other words, information that disturbs and can lead to conflict is not perceived. This refers to the conflict arising from the manifestation of motives that contradict the basic attitudes of the individual, or information that threatens its self-preservation, self-respect or social prestige.

As an outward process, negation is often opposed to displacement as a psychological defense against internal, instinctive demands and urges. It is noteworthy that the authors of the IZHS methodology explain the presence of increased suggestibility and gullibility in hysteroid personalities by the action of the mechanism of denial, with the help of which unwanted, internally unacceptable features, properties or negative feelings towards the subject of experience are denied from the social environment. As experience shows, denial as a psychological defense mechanism is realized in conflicts of any kind and is characterized by an outwardly distinct distortion of the perception of reality.

Crowding out.Z. Freud considered this mechanism (its analogue is suppression) as the main way to protect the infantile "I", unable to resist the temptation. In other words, crowding out- a defense mechanism through which impulses unacceptable to the individual: desires, thoughts, feelings that cause anxiety - become unconscious. According to most researchers, this mechanism underlies the action and other protective mechanisms of the individual. The repressed (suppressed) impulses, not finding resolution in behavior, nevertheless retain their emotional and psycho-vegetative components. For example, a typical situation is when the content side of a traumatic situation is not recognized, and a person represses the very fact of some unseemly act, but the intrapsychic conflict persists, and the emotional stress caused by it is subjectively perceived as externally unmotivated anxiety. That is why repressed drives can manifest themselves in neurotic and psychophysiological symptoms. As studies and clinical experience show, many properties, personal qualities and actions that do not make a person attractive in their own eyes and in the eyes of others are most often repressed, for example, envy, hostility, ingratitude, etc. It should be emphasized that psychotraumatic circumstances or unwanted information is indeed being pushed out of a person's consciousness, although outwardly this may look like an active opposition to memories and introspection.

In the questionnaire, the authors included in this scale questions related to a lesser known mechanism of psychological defense - isolation. In isolation, the psycho-traumatic and emotionally reinforced experience of the individual can be realized, but at a cognitive level, isolated from the affect of anxiety.

Regression. In classical concepts, regression is seen as a psychological defense mechanism, through which a person in his behavioral reactions seeks to avoid anxiety by moving to earlier stages of libido development. With this form of defensive reaction, a person exposed to frustrating factors replaces the solution of subjectively more complex tasks with relatively simpler and more accessible ones in the current situations. The use of simpler and more familiar behavioral stereotypes significantly impoverishes the general (potentially possible) arsenal of the prevalence of conflict situations. This mechanism also includes the type of protection mentioned in the literature. implementation in action”, in which unconscious desires or conflicts are directly expressed in actions that prevent their awareness. Impulsiveness and weakness of emotional-volitional control, characteristic of psychopathic personalities, are determined by the actualization of this particular protection mechanism against the general background of changes in the motivational-need sphere towards their greater simplification and accessibility.

Compensation. This psychological defense mechanism is often combined with identification. It manifests itself in attempts to find a suitable replacement for a real or imagined defect, a defect of an unbearable feeling with another quality, most often with the help of fantasizing or appropriating the properties, virtues, values, behavioral characteristics of another person. Often this happens when it is necessary to avoid conflict with this person and increase a sense of self-sufficiency. At the same time, borrowed values, attitudes or thoughts are accepted without analysis and restructuring and therefore do not become part of the personality itself.

A number of authors reasonably believe that compensation can be considered as one of the forms protection from an inferiority complex, for example, in adolescents with antisocial behavior, with aggressive and criminal actions directed against the individual. Probably, here we are talking about hypercompensation or a regression close in content with a general immaturity of the MPZ.

Another manifestation of compensatory defense mechanisms may be the situation of overcoming frustrating circumstances or oversatisfaction in other areas. - for example, a physically weak or timid person, unable to respond to a threat of reprisal, finds satisfaction in humiliating the offender with the help of a sophisticated mind or cunning. People for whom compensation is the most characteristic type of psychological protection often turn out to be dreamers looking for ideals in various spheres of life.

Projection. The projection is based on the process by which feelings and thoughts that are unconscious and unacceptable to the individual are localized outside, attributed to other people and thus become, as it were, secondary. A negative, socially unapproved connotation of the feelings and properties experienced, for example, aggressiveness, is often attributed to others in order to justify one's own aggressiveness or hostility, which is manifested, as it were, for protective purposes. Examples of hypocrisy are well known, when a person constantly ascribes to others his own immoral aspirations.

Another type of projection is less common, in which significant persons (more often from the microsocial environment) are assigned positive, socially approved feelings, thoughts or actions that can uplift. For example, a teacher who has not shown any special abilities in his professional activity tends to endow his beloved student with talent in this particular area, thereby unconsciously elevating himself (“winning student from a defeated teacher”).

Substitution. A common form of psychological defense, which in the literature is often referred to as " bias". The action of this defense mechanism is manifested in the discharge of repressed emotions (usually hostility, anger), which are directed to objects that are less dangerous or more accessible than those that caused negative emotions and feelings. For example, an open manifestation of hatred towards a person, which can cause an undesirable conflict with him, is transferred to another, more accessible and harmless. In most cases, substitution resolves the emotional tension that arose under the influence of a frustrating situation, but does not lead to relief or achievement of the goal. In this situation, the subject can perform unexpected, sometimes meaningless actions that resolve internal tension.

Intellectualization. This defense mechanism is often referred to as rationalization". The authors of the methodology combined these two concepts, although their essential meaning is somewhat different. So, intellectualization action manifests itself in a fact-based overly "mental" way of overcoming a conflict or frustrating situation without experiencing. In other words, a person stops experiences caused by an unpleasant or subjectively unacceptable situation with the help of logical attitudes and manipulations, even in the presence of convincing evidence in favor of the opposite. The difference between intellectualization and rationalization, according to F.E. Vasilyuk, lies in the fact that it, in essence, represents "a departure from the world of impulses and affects into the world of words and abstractions." At rationalization a person creates logical (pseudo-reasonable), but plausible justifications for his or someone else's behavior, actions or experiences caused by reasons that he (the person) cannot recognize because of the threat of loss of self-esteem. With this method of protection, there are often obvious attempts to reduce the value of experience inaccessible to the individual. So, being in a situation of conflict, a person protects himself from its negative action by reducing the significance for himself and other reasons that caused this conflict or a traumatic situation. In the scale of intellectualization - rationalization was included and sublimation as a psychological defense mechanism, in which repressed desires and feelings are exaggeratedly compensated by others that correspond to the highest social values ​​professed by the individual.

Reactive formations. This type of psychological defense is often identified with hypercompensation. The personality prevents the expression of thoughts, feelings or actions that are unpleasant or unacceptable for it by exaggerating the development of opposite aspirations. In other words, there is a kind of transformation of internal impulses into their subjectively understood opposite. For example, pity or caring can be seen as reactive formations in relation to unconscious callousness, cruelty, or emotional indifference.

Insulation- this is the separation of a traumatic situation from the emotional experiences associated with it. The replacement of the situation occurs as if unconsciously, at least it is not associated with one's own experiences. Everything happens as if with someone else. The isolation of the situation from one's own ego is especially pronounced in children. Taking a doll or a toy animal, a child in the game can allow her to do and say everything that he himself is forbidden: to be reckless, sarcastic, cruel, swear, make fun of others, etc.

Emotion(from lat. emoveo - shake, excite) - an emotional process of medium duration, reflecting a subjective evaluative attitude to existing or possible situations. Emotions are distinguished from affects, feelings and moods and experiences.

Unlike feelings, emotions do not have an object binding: they arise not in relation to someone or something, but in relation to the situation as a whole. "I'm scared" is an emotion, and "I'm scared of this person" is a feeling. In this regard, emotions, unlike feelings, cannot be ambivalent: as soon as the attitude towards something becomes both bad and good at the same time, this something can be called an object, and emotional processes in relation to it can be called feelings.

Unlike affects, emotions can have practically no external manifestations, are much longer in time and weaker in strength. In addition, affects are perceived by the subject as states of his "I", and emotions - as states occurring "in him". This is especially noticeable when emotions are a reaction to an affect, for example, when a person feels fear for their future, as a reaction to a anger outbreak (affect) that they have just experienced.

Unlike sentiments, emotions can change quite quickly and proceed quite intensely.

Under experiences they usually understand the exclusively subjective-psychic side of emotional processes, not including the physiological components.

Ekman's list
The original list of emotions, the so-called. "Big Six":

Later, Ekman expanded his list with the following emotions:

The Psychoevolutionary Theory of Emotions by Robert Plutchik
The psychoevolutionary theory of R. Plutchik was developed in the form of a monographic study in 1962. Having received international recognition, it was used to reveal the infrastructure of group processes and personality interactions.

The essence of the theory is stated by six fundamental postulates:

1. Emotions are communication and survival mechanisms based on evolutionary adaptation. They persist in functionally equivalent forms across all phylogenetic levels. Communication occurs through eight basic adaptive reactions, which are prototypes of the eight basic emotions:
incorporation. Eating food or taking favorable stimuli into the body.
rejection. Ridding the body of something unusable that was previously perceived.
patronage. Behavior designed to ensure the avoidance of danger or harm. This includes flight or any other action that increases the distance between the organism and the source of danger.
Destruction. Behavior designed to break down a barrier that prevents the satisfaction of an important need.
Reproduction. Reproductive behavior, which can be defined in terms of proximity, tendency to maintain contact, and mixing of genetic materials.
Reintegration. Behavioral reaction to the loss of something important that was possessed or enjoyed. Its function is to regain guardianship.
Orientation. Behavioral response to contact with an unknown, novel, or undefined object.
Study. Behavior that provides an individual with a schematic representation of a given environment.

2. Emotions have a genetic basis.

3. Emotions are hypothetical constructions based on obvious phenomena of various classes. Hypothetical models are shown in (Table 1).

Table 1. Stimulus - effect

Table 2. Emotions and their derivatives

The structural model of emotions is the basis for constructing a theoretical model of protection. Theoretical model of protection mechanisms was developed by R. Plutchik in collaboration with G. Kellerman and H. Comte in 1979.

Includes five postulates of the protection model:

Specific defenses are formed to cope with specific emotions.

There are eight basic defense mechanisms that develop to cope with the eight basic emotions.
The eight basic defense mechanisms have the properties of both similarity and polarity.

Certain types of personality diagnoses are based on characteristic defensive styles.

An individual can use any combination of defense mechanisms.

The distortion of reality by means of protection can occur in three ways. Unwanted information may:

to be ignored or not perceived, being perceived, to be forgotten, in case of admission to consciousness and memorization, to be interpreted in a way convenient for the individual.

Manifestations of defense mechanisms depend on age development and features of cognitive processes; in general, they form a scale of primitiveness-maturity.

The first to emerge are mechanisms based on perceptual processes (sensations, perceptions, and attention). Namely, perception is responsible for the defenses associated with ignorance, misunderstanding of information. These include denial and regression, which are the most primitive and characterize the person who “abuses” them as emotionally immature.

Then there are defenses associated with memory, namely with forgetting information, this is repression and suppression.
As the processes of thinking and imagination develop, the most complex and mature types of defenses associated with the processing and reassessment of information are formed, this is rationalization.

The main psychological defenses are reduced to four groups:

- protection with the lack of content processing: denial, repression, suppression.

- protection with the transformation or distortion of the content of thoughts, feelings, behavior: rationalization, projection, alienation, substitution, reactive formation, compensation.

- protection with the discharge of negative emotional stress: realization in action, somatization of anxiety, sublimation.

- manipulative type defenses: regression, fantasy, withdrawal into illness or the formation of symptoms.

The result of the psychoevolutionary theory of emotions Robert Plutchik and structural theory of personality Henry Kellerman became the "Psychodiagnostic system of Kellerman-Plutchik" which formed the basis of the psychodiagnostic methodology "Lifestyle Index"(Life Style Index).

The system is based on the theory that in each person there is a disposition (hereditary predisposition) to a certain mental disorder. The mechanism of psychological defense plays the role of a regulator of intrapersonal balance, due to the suppression of the dominant emotion (Scheme 3).

Scheme. 3. The system of dispositions according to Kellerman and Plutchik.

According to the psychodiagnostic system, the analysis of the leading dispositions characterizes the personal characteristics of the subject.
When interacting with a stimulus, there are experiences characteristic of a certain disposition in the form of emotions. The leading emotion forms a need that is not always included in the framework of acceptable functioning. To maintain adaptation, a protective mechanism is activated designed to extinguish an unacceptable emotion, the individual experiences an unconscious impulse that makes him overestimate the stimulus. Personal balance is achieved through the formation of protective behavior.

Interpreting the Lifestyle Index

crowding out
. Z. Freud considered this mechanism (suppression serves as its analogue) as the main way to protect the infantile "I", unable to resist the temptation. In other words, repression is a defense mechanism through which impulses that are unacceptable to the individual: desires, thoughts, feelings that cause anxiety, become unconscious. According to most researchers, this mechanism underlies the action and other protective mechanisms of the individual. The repressed (suppressed) impulses, not finding resolution in behavior, nevertheless retain their emotional and psycho-vegetative components. For example, a typical situation is when the content side of a traumatic situation is not recognized, and a person represses the very fact of some unseemly act, but the intrapsychic conflict persists, and the emotional stress caused by it is subjectively perceived as externally unmotivated anxiety. That is why repressed drives can manifest themselves in neurotic and psychophysiological symptoms. As studies and clinical experience show, many properties, personal qualities and actions that do not make a person attractive in their own eyes and in the eyes of others are most often repressed, for example, envy, hostility, ingratitude, etc. It should be emphasized that psychotraumatic circumstances or unwanted information is indeed being pushed out of a person's consciousness, although outwardly this may look like an active opposition to memories and introspection. In the questionnaire, the authors included in this scale questions related to a lesser known mechanism of psychological defense - isolation. In isolation, the psycho-traumatic and emotionally reinforced experience of the individual can be realized, but at a cognitive level, isolated from the affect of anxiety.

Regression. In classical concepts, regression is seen as a psychological defense mechanism, through which a person in his behavioral reactions seeks to avoid anxiety by moving to earlier stages of libido development. With this form of defensive reaction, a person exposed to frustrating factors replaces the solution of subjectively more complex tasks with relatively simpler and more accessible ones in the current situations. The use of simpler and more familiar behavioral stereotypes significantly impoverishes the general (potentially possible) arsenal of the prevalence of conflict situations. This mechanism also includes the “realization in action” protection mentioned in the literature, in which unconscious desires or conflicts are directly expressed in actions that prevent their awareness. The impulsiveness and weakness of emotional-volitional control, characteristic of psychopathic personalities, are determined by the actualization of this particular defense mechanism against the general background of changes in the motivational-need sphere towards their greater simplicity and accessibility.

Substitution. A common form of psychological defense, which in the literature is often referred to as "displacement". The action of this defense mechanism is manifested in the discharge of repressed emotions (usually hostility, anger), which are directed to objects that are less dangerous or more accessible than those that caused negative emotions and feelings. For example, an open manifestation of hatred towards a person, which can cause an undesirable conflict with him, is transferred to another, more accessible and harmless. In most cases, substitution resolves the emotional tension that arose under the influence of a frustrating situation, but does not lead to relief or achievement of the goal. In this situation, the subject can perform unexpected, sometimes meaningless actions that resolve internal tension.

Negation. A psychological defense mechanism by which a person either denies some frustrating, anxiety-producing circumstance, or some internal impulse or side denies himself. As a rule, the action of this mechanism is manifested in the denial of those aspects of external reality, which, being obvious to others, are nevertheless not accepted, not recognized by the person himself. In other words, information that disturbs and can lead to conflict is not perceived. This refers to the conflict arising from the manifestation of motives that contradict the basic attitudes of the individual, or information that threatens its self-preservation, self-respect or social prestige. As an outward process, denial is often contrasted with repression as a psychological defense against internal, instinctive demands and urges. It is noteworthy that the authors of the IZHS methodology explain the presence of increased suggestibility and gullibility in hysteroid personalities by the action of the mechanism of denial, with the help of which unwanted, internally unacceptable features, properties or negative feelings towards the subject of experience are denied from the social environment. As experience shows, denial as a psychological defense mechanism is realized in conflicts of any kind and is characterized by an outwardly distinct distortion of the perception of reality.

Projection. The projection is based on the process by which feelings and thoughts that are unconscious and unacceptable to the individual are localized outside, attributed to other people and thus become, as it were, secondary. A negative, socially unapproved connotation of the feelings and properties experienced, for example, aggressiveness, is often attributed to others in order to justify one's own aggressiveness or hostility, which is manifested, as it were, for protective purposes. Examples of hypocrisy are well known, when a person constantly ascribes to others his own immoral aspirations. Another type of projection is less common, in which significant persons (more often from the microsocial environment) are assigned positive, socially approved feelings, thoughts or actions that can uplift. For example, a teacher who has not shown any special abilities in his professional activity tends to endow his beloved student with talent in this particular area, thereby unconsciously elevating himself (“winning student from a defeated teacher”).

Compensation. This psychological defense mechanism is often combined with identification. It manifests itself in attempts to find a suitable replacement for a real or imagined defect, a defect of an unbearable feeling with another quality, most often with the help of fantasizing or appropriating the properties, virtues, values, behavioral characteristics of another person. Often this happens when it is necessary to avoid conflict with this person and increase a sense of self-sufficiency. At the same time, borrowed values, attitudes or thoughts are accepted without analysis and restructuring and therefore do not become part of the personality itself. A number of authors reasonably believe that compensation can be considered as one of the forms of protection against an inferiority complex, for example, in adolescents with antisocial behavior, with aggressive and criminal actions directed against a person. Probably, here we are talking about hypercompensation or a regression close in content with a general immaturity of the MPZ. Another manifestation of compensatory defense mechanisms may be the situation of overcoming frustrating circumstances or oversatisfaction in other areas. - for example, a physically weak or timid person, unable to respond to a threat of reprisal, finds satisfaction in humiliating the offender with the help of a sophisticated mind or cunning. People for whom compensation is the most characteristic type of psychological protection often turn out to be dreamers looking for ideals in various spheres of life.

Hypercompensation (Reactive formations). The personality prevents the expression of thoughts, feelings or actions that are unpleasant or unacceptable for it by exaggerating the development of opposite aspirations. In other words, there is a kind of transformation of internal impulses into their subjectively understood opposite. For example, pity or caring can be seen as reactive formations in relation to unconscious callousness, cruelty, or emotional indifference.

Rationalization. She is intellectualization. This defense mechanism is often referred to as rationalization. The authors of the methodology combined these two concepts, although their essential meaning is somewhat different. Thus, the action of intellectualization manifests itself in an overly “mental” way of overcoming a conflict or frustrating situation based on facts without experiencing. In other words, a person stops experiences caused by an unpleasant or subjectively unacceptable situation with the help of logical attitudes and manipulations, even in the presence of convincing evidence in favor of the opposite. The difference between intellectualization and rationalization, according to F.E. Vasilyuk, is that it, in essence, is “a departure from the world of impulses and affects to the world of words and abstractions”. When rationalizing, a person creates logical (pseudo-reasonable), but plausible justifications for his or someone else's behavior, actions or experiences caused by reasons that he (the person) cannot recognize because of the threat of loss of self-esteem. With this method of protection, there are often obvious attempts to reduce the value of experience inaccessible to the individual. So, being in a situation of conflict, a person protects himself from its negative action by reducing the significance for himself and other reasons that caused this conflict or a traumatic situation. The scale of intellectualization-rationalization also included sublimation as a psychological defense mechanism, in which repressed desires and feelings are exaggeratedly compensated by others corresponding to the highest social values ​​professed by the individual.

Insulation- this is the separation of a traumatic situation from the emotional experiences associated with it. The replacement of the situation occurs as if unconsciously, at least it is not associated with one's own experiences. Everything happens as if with someone else. The isolation of the situation from one's own ego is especially pronounced in children. Taking a doll or a toy animal, a child in the game can allow her to do and say everything that he himself is forbidden: to be reckless, sarcastic, cruel, swear, make fun of others, etc. Sublimation is the most common defense mechanism when we, trying forget about the traumatic event (experience), we switch to various activities that are acceptable to us and society. A variety of sublimation can be sports, intellectual work, creativity. Introspection is the process by which what comes from outside is mistakenly perceived as happening inside. So, young children absorb all kinds of positions, affects and behaviors of people significant in their lives, later passing it off as their opinion.


    Your result

    50% displacement, 5 out of 10

    Regression 52.94%, 9 out of 17

    Substitution 20% 2 out of 10

    Negative 9.09% 1 out of 11

    Projection 75% 9 of 12

    Compensation 20% 2 out of 10

    Overcompensation 20% 2 out of 10

    Rationalization 25% 3 out of 12

    General tension 25%

    I'm mired in projections :o3

    I have complaints about the defenses according to Kellerman, although in general it is still indicative.

    Nav, so did you doubt that this was your leading defense?

    I didn't think about it at all :D
    but, given the fact that I regularly see other people's projections in statements about me, then probably

    I don't always see projections, but not often either. But my projection is not the leading defense either ...

    What is your leader? 8->

    I still don’t even fully understand what and from what protection is here .. perhaps this again confirms ..

    On the other hand, it’s strange .. I didn’t seem to notice that I didn’t notice some of my features (no matter with what sign) in myself, but at the same time I saw purposefully (condemned or praised) in others ..

    Those. I, it seems to me, fully understand where my failures are, and where are my strengths, then what am I defending? :-/

    Those. I can see the world through some of my projections due to the fact that I generally can hardly put myself in someone else's place. In general, I am a little more focused on myself and the world from myself in the hospital, I am a centripetal whirlwind. but I considered it as a property, not as a defense. however, from the point of view of others, this can be perceived as protection, xs

    This is not a projection in some universal human sense, such as a projection of one's reality. Projection in psychotherapy and psychology is a mechanism of psychological protection from stressful situations and unpleasant experiences.

    Ta not, what a displacement :-SS

    Now gone through again. I have a projection of 25, a regression of 23, the rest are even less. Zero compensation at all.
    Actually, my leading defense is regression. <:-P

    Also passed for the company here

    Your result:

    crowding out 10% 1 out of 10

    Regression 11.76% 2 of 17

    substitution 0% 0 out of 10

    Negation 18.18% 2 of 11

    Projection 50% 6 out of 12

    Compensation 10% 1 out of 10

    Hyper compensation 0% 0 out of 10

    Rationalization 25% 3 out of 12

    General tension 25%

    It is not very clear what is good and what is bad. Projections got out - I see, yes. Is the total tension of 25% a lot?

    I love tests) But the general tension is annoying, sorry for the tautology ..

    Questionnaire Plutchik - Kellerman - Conte
    Your result
    40% displacement, 4 out of 10
    Regression 47.06%, 8 out of 17
    Replacement 50% 5 out of 10
    Negative 18.18% 2 out of 11
    Projection 50% 6 out of 12
    Compensation 30% 3 out of 10
    Overcompensated 0% 0 out of 10
    Rationalization 33.33% 4 out of 12
    General tension 33.33%

    It is bad when more than 60% of protection means it is too pronounced. And so - just an occasion to think about which direction you are sharpening.

    There is a reason to think about zero protections: do you own them at all. Because it is bad only when the mechanism becomes automatic and is used unconsciously. If you use the defenses consciously, if they are "elastic", then everything is very good.

    I went to the test in another version (some questions have different wording, there are other questions), the result is as follows:

    Displacement: 19%

    Denial: 10%

    Regression: 20%

    Compensation: 14%

    Projection: 11%

    Substitution: 2%

    Intellectualization: 17%

    Jet formation: 7%

    Still, according to my inner feelings, projections are far from being a favorite in my defenses. :-?

    Your result
    70% displacement, 7 out of 10
    Regression 58.82%, 10 out of 17
    Substitution 60% 6 out of 10
    Denial 54.55% 6 out of 11
    Projection 83.33% 10 out of 12
    Compensation 20% 2 out of 10
    Hypercompensation 30% 3 out of 10
    Rationalization 41.67% 5 out of 12
    General tension 41.67%

    Oh-oh, so I'm the coolest psycho in this sandbox =))

    You had a hard day without lunch B-)

    Yes, probably

    With you, Jules, everything is explained by external distress, so the results of the test are smeared.

    Still, tests, like diagnostics, are tied to the direction of finding a solution to a problem. For example, if a person is surprised that they shun him, then it makes sense to look not just at particulars, but at the whole life style.

    Well, I guessed that such strange results are strongly related to the general background of my existence, so thanks for confirming :)

    It is precisely this circle that corresponds to Plutchik's circle. Reactive formation - joys, and suppression - fear. There is an even more original approach to accentuations. With McWilliams, in principle, almost nothing converges. 8->

    Well, I took test 2 this morning.

    The severity of each type of behavior is presented as a percentage of the total. The total amount is taken as 100%:

    Displacement: 23%
    Repression is activated in the event of a desire that conflicts with other desires of the individual and is incompatible with the ethical views of the individual. As a result of conflict and internal struggle, thought and representation (the carrier of incompatible desire) are forced out, eliminated from consciousness and forgotten.

    Repression is a universal means of avoiding internal conflict by eliminating socially undesirable aspirations and drives from consciousness. However, repressed and repressed drives make themselves felt in neurotic and psychosomatic symptoms (for example, in phobias and fears).

    Denial: 18%
    When reality is very unpleasant for a person, he “turns a blind eye to it”, resorts to denying its existence, or tries to reduce the seriousness of the threat that has arisen for himself. One of the most common forms of such behavior is rejection, the denial of criticism from other people, the assertion that what is being criticized does not really exist.

    In some cases, such denial plays a certain psychological protective role, for example, when a person is really seriously ill, but does not accept, denies this fact. Thus, he finds the strength to continue to fight for life.

    Regression: 18%
    Through this mechanism, an unconscious descent to an earlier level of adaptation is carried out, which allows satisfying desires. Regression can be partial, complete or symbolic. Most emotional problems have regressive features.

    Normally, regression manifests itself in games, in reactions to unpleasant events (for example, at the birth of a second child, the first-born baby stops using the toilet, starts asking for a pacifier, etc.), in situations of increased responsibility, in diseases (the patient requires increased attention and care) .

    Compensation: 10%
    Compensation is a psychological defense mechanism, which consists in the desire of a person who does not have sufficient abilities in one area to turn to such areas of activity where he can succeed. Compensation also means an attempt to hide real or imagined inadequacy behind opposite manifestations.

    Distinguish between direct and indirect compensation. An example of the first is a frail and sickly child in childhood who, at the cost of great effort, becomes an outstanding athlete. An example of the second thirst for power as compensation for short stature or other defects (Napoleon, Hitler). In the latter case, a person seeks to compensate for his inadequacy in something, without realizing it. He boasts and exaggerates his accomplishments to hide his lack of self-confidence and inferiority complex, belittles others to make himself look better, and so on.

    Projection: 2%
    All people have undesirable qualities and personality traits that they are reluctant to recognize, and more often not at all. The projection mechanism manifests itself in the fact that a person unconsciously ascribes his own negative qualities to another person, and, as a rule, in an exaggerated form.

    A well-known proverb says: "In someone else's eye we see a straw, in our own we sometimes do not notice a log." It is believed that a person sees in other people exactly those negative traits that are present in himself.

    Replacement: 14%
    Experiencing a conflict with a stronger, older or significant subject, a person realizes that the direct manifestation of emotions of aggression and anger can lead to a similar response or rejection, which for some reason is unacceptable for him.

    A person relieves stress by turning aggression on a safer object or on himself, there is a shift in responsibility according to the type of "here is who is to blame for everything."

    Intellectualization: 12%
    This is a kind of attempt to get away from an emotionally threatening situation by discussing it, as it were, in abstract, intellectualized terms.

    This defense mechanism involves an exaggerated use of intellectual resources in order to eliminate emotional experiences and feelings. Intellectualization is closely related to rationalization and replaces the experience of feelings by thinking about them (for example, instead of real love, talking about love).

    Jet formation: 3%
    Reactive formations are the replacement of undesirable tendencies with directly opposite ones. For example, a child's exaggerated love for his mother or father may be the result of preventing a socially undesirable feeling - hatred of parents. A child who has been aggressive towards parents develops exceptional tenderness towards them and worries about their safety; jealousy and aggression are transformed into disinterestedness and concern for others.

    Certain social and intrapersonal prohibitions on the manifestation of certain feelings (for example, a young man is afraid to show his sympathy for a girl) lead to the formation of opposite tendencies - reactive formations: sympathy turns into antipathy, love - into hatred, etc.

    Corporal, you still have the first displacement. Do you think it's completely over?

    realfaq .NET- a mirror of the forum where it will be available in case of quirks of Internet regulation in the Russian Federation Copying materials is allowed only with a direct active link to the source!

Scales: psychological defense mechanism denial, suppression, regression, compensation, projection, substitution, intellectualization, reactive formation.

Purpose of the test

Identification of the features of the functioning of the mechanisms of psychological defense of an individual (group).

Test Description

A test questionnaire for measuring the degree of use by an individual (group) of various defense mechanisms was developed by R. Plutchik in collaboration with G. Kellerman and H. R. Comte in 1979.

Psychological defense mechanisms are understood as derivatives of emotions, since each of the main defenses ontogenetically developed to contain one of the basic emotions. It is assumed that there are eight basic defenses that are closely related to the eight basic emotions of psychoevolutionary theory. These defenses must have specific similarity-distinction relationships with each other. Moreover, the existence of defenses should provide an opportunity to indirectly measure the levels of intrapersonal conflict, i.e. maladjusted individuals must use defenses to a greater extent than adapted subjects.

Material: examination form, pen or pencil. The unified survey form includes columns for the last name, initials, age and gender of the subject, as well as the current date. They are filled in by the subjects themselves. If an anonymous group study is conducted, the surname and initials are optional. This is followed by instructions for filling out the form, which, in addition, is reported by the experimenter. The test contains 97 stimulus statements arranged in two columns from top to bottom under the corresponding numbers in the form. When the experimenter reads the next stimulus statement, the subject is asked to make a mark in front of the corresponding number in the leftmost column "No", if the statement is not characteristic of him. If the subject believes that this statement is typical for him, he should make a mark in one of the columns to the right “Yes”, marked with brackets and located on the same dotted line with the corresponding number.

The survey form is also the key, since the eight columns of "Yes" correspond to the eight scales of defense mechanisms, accumulating only affirmative answers. In the upper right corner of the form there is a table for the total "raw" scores for each scale, corresponding to the average normative indicators and percentile scale scores, which are determined from the table of percentiles calculated on the basis of the standardization sample database.

Instructions for the test

You will be presented with statements relating to your state of health and your character. Read each statement and decide if it is true for you. Don't waste time thinking. The most natural reaction is the one that comes to mind first. If you decide that the statement is true, put the number "1" to the right of the question number; if the statement about you is false, put the number "0" to the right of the question number. When in doubt, remember that any statement that you cannot regard as true in relation to yourself should be considered false.

Test Procedure: After giving the instruction, the experimenter should ensure that it is adequately understood and, if necessary, make additional clarifications. Then the experimenter reads the stimulus statements of the test in turn at a medium pace, observing the actions of the subject / subjects and providing assistance in case of difficulties. Testing time 15-30 minutes.

Age range of application: 14 years and above.


1. I am a person who is very easy to get along with.
2. When I want something, I don't have the patience to wait.
3. There has always been a person I would like to be like.
4. People consider me a reserved, reasonable person.
5. I hate obscene movies.
6. I rarely remember my dreams.
7. People who rule everywhere infuriate me.
8. Sometimes I have a desire to punch a wall with my fist.
9. It annoys me a lot when people show off.
10. In my fantasies, I am always the main character.
11. I don't have a very good memory for faces.
12. I feel some embarrassment using a public bath.
13. I always carefully listen to all points of view in a dispute.
14. I lose my temper easily, but calm down quickly.
15. When someone pushes me in a crowd, I feel like responding in kind.
16. Many things in me delight people.
17. Going on a trip, I make sure to plan every detail.
18. Sometimes, without any reason, stubbornness attacks me.
19. Friends almost never let me down.
20. I happened to think about suicide.
21. I am offended by obscene jokes.
22. I always see the bright side of things.
23. I hate unkind people.
24. If someone says that I can’t do something, then I deliberately want to do it to prove him wrong.
25. I have trouble remembering people's names.
26. I tend to be overly impulsive.
27. I can't stand people who get their way by making themselves feel sorry for themselves.
28. I am not prejudiced against anyone.
29. Sometimes I worry that people will think that I am acting strange, stupid or funny.
30. I always find logical explanations for any troubles.
31. Sometimes I want to see the end of the world.
32. Pornography is disgusting.
33. Sometimes, when I'm upset, I eat more than usual.
34. I have no enemies.
35. I don't remember my childhood very well.
36. I'm not afraid to grow old because it happens to everyone.
37. In my fantasies, I do great things.
38. Most people annoy me because they are too selfish.
39. Touching something slimy disgusts me.
40. I often have vivid, plot dreams.
41. I am convinced that if I am not careful, people will take advantage of this.
42. I do not quickly notice the bad in people.
43. When I read or hear about a tragedy, it does not move me too much.
44. When there is a reason to get angry, I prefer to think it over thoroughly.
45. I have a strong need for compliments.
46. ​​Sexual intemperance is disgusting.
47. When someone in the crowd interferes with my movement, I sometimes have a desire to push him with my shoulder.
48. As soon as something is not in my opinion, I am offended and gloomy.
49. When I see a bloody person on the screen, it almost does not excite me.
50. In difficult life situations, I cannot do without the support and help of people.
51. Most people around me consider me a very interesting person.
52. I wear clothes that hide the imperfections of my figure.
53. It is very important for me to always adhere to generally accepted rules of conduct.
54. I tend to contradict people often.
55. In almost all families, spouses cheat on each other.
56. Apparently, I look at things too detachedly.
57. In conversations with representatives of the opposite sex, I try to avoid sensitive topics.
58. When something doesn’t work out for me, sometimes I want to cry.
59. Little things often fall out of my memory.
60. When someone pushes me, I feel strong indignation.
61. I put out of my head what I don't like.
62. In any failure, I always find positive aspects.
63. I can't stand people who always try to be the center of attention.
64. I throw away almost nothing and carefully store a lot of different things.
65. In the company of friends, I like talking about past events, entertainment and pleasures most of all.
66. I am not too annoyed by children's crying.
67. I happened to get so angry that I was ready to smash everything to smithereens.
68. I am always optimistic.
69. I feel uncomfortable when no one pays attention to me.
70. Whatever passions are played out on the screen, I always realize that it is only on the screen.
71. I often feel jealous.
72. I would never specifically go for an explicitly erotic film.
73. The unpleasant thing is that people, as a rule, cannot be trusted.
74. I'm willing to do almost anything to make a good impression.
75. I have never been panicky.
76. I will not miss the opportunity to watch a good thriller or action movie.
77. I think that the situation in the world is better than most people believe.
78. Even a little disappointment can lead me to despair.
79. I don't like it when people openly flirt.
80. I never let myself lose my temper.
81. I always prepare for failure so as not to be taken by surprise.
82. It seems that some of my acquaintances are jealous of my ability to live.
83. It happened to me from evil to hit or kick something so hard that I unintentionally hurt myself.
84. I know that behind my back someone speaks badly of me.
85. I can hardly remember my early school years.
86. When I'm upset, I sometimes act like a child.
87. It is much easier for me to talk about my thoughts than about my feelings.
88. When I am away and I have trouble, I immediately begin to feel very homesick.
89. When I hear about atrocities, it does not move me too deeply.
90. I easily endure criticism and remarks.
91. I do not hide my irritation about the habits of some members of my family.
92. I know that there are people who are against me.
93. I can't handle my failures alone.
94. Fortunately, I have fewer problems than most people have.
95. If something worries me, I sometimes feel tired and want to sleep.
96. It is disgusting that almost all people who have achieved success have achieved it with the help of a lie.
97. Often I feel the desire to feel a pistol or machine gun in my hands.

Processing and interpretation of test results

Question # scale (counting yes answers only)
A - Negation 1, 16, 22, 28, 34, 42, 51, 61, 68, 77, 82, 90, 94
B - Suppression 6, 11, 19, 25, 35, 43, 49, 59, 66, 75, 85, 89,
C - Regression 2, 14, 18, 26, 33, 48, 50, 58, 69, 78, 86, 88, 93, 95,
D - Compensation 3, 10, 24, 29, 37, 45, 52, 64, 65, 74,
E - Projection 7, 9, 23, 27, 38, 41, 55, 63, 71, 73, 84, 92, 96,
F - Substitution 8, 15, 20, 31, 40, 47, 54, 60, 67, 76, 83, 91, 97
G - Intellectualization 4, 13, 17, 30, 36, 44, 56, 62, 70, 80, 81, 87,
H - Jet formation5, 12, 21, 32, 39, 46, 53, 57, 72, 79,

After calculating the total "raw" scores for each scale, the experimenter can compare them with the average normative indicators for the standardization sample (x ± standard deviation) or, using the percentile table, convert the "raw" scores into percentile scores and determine the subject's conditional place in the standardization sample. To compare the indicators of the two groups, it is necessary to calculate the mean scores and standard deviations for each scale in both groups and then evaluate the statistical significance of the differences using Student's t-test.

Protection mechanisms College students (USA) MSGU students (RF)
M x W x r M x W x r

Negative 3.47 4.00 -1.26 5.87 5.41 0.78
Suppression 3.34 2.15 3.48* 4.17 2.86 3.45*
Regression 5.05 5.17 -0.19 5.10 5.77 -1.03
Compensation 4.37 4.40 -0.08 4.63 4.56 0.15
Projection 5.66 5.42 0.39 8.47 8.60 -0.24
Substitution 3.45 2.94 1.25 4.37 3.90 0.85
Intellectualization 6.26 6.35 -0.23 6.70 6.23 1.04
Jet formation 2.60 2.91 -0.64 2.83 4.41 -3.93*

Numbers of degrees of freedom 102; 106
*p< 0.001


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