Clairvoyance training. How to open clairvoyance with through vision? Conditions for the effective development of clairvoyant abilities

Every person at least once in his life dreamed of looking into his future. Consider how to independently gain magical abilities and learn clairvoyance without anyone's help at home.

What is "clairvoyance"

Before mastering clairvoyance, it is necessary to understand exactly what this gift is.

According to scientists, our universe consists of several dimensions. Each of these worlds exists in close interaction with each other. Sometimes it may happen that two worlds begin to exist on the same plane. The closest to the world of ordinary mortals is the Subtle world, which is also called the energy world.

In this dimension, a person is represented in the form of an astral body. The clairvoyant can see various subtle bodies that exist with us on the same plane.

A person who has the gift to see the invisible is able to see the past and the future, both his own and other people.

Anyone can learn clairvoyance, however, to open the “Third Eye” and develop abilities, you need to make a lot of effort, do a lot of exercises and improve yourself daily.

What is the "Third Eye" or the ability to see the invisible

Many people have heard of such a thing as the “Third Eye”. However, not everyone knows that such astral vision is an innate ability of every person. With the help of such a feature, anyone can not only see their past and future, but also communicate with the entities that inhabit the world of energy, receive the necessary information about everything that interests them, and many other “functions”.

But, before becoming a clairvoyant, you should carefully consider all the pros and cons of such a gift. To discover this feature in yourself just like that, for the sake of interest, is not worth it. Remember that nothing in this life passes without a trace, for everything you need to pay a certain fee.

Before you understand how to learn clairvoyance at home, you need to tune in to a serious mood. Only a responsible approach to learning can bear fruit.

By the way, such an ability can heal a person’s soul, improve the condition of his aura and correct karma.

If a person perceives this ability as some kind of entertainment, then he may suffer terrible consequences. The universe does not like those who do not take their gift seriously. Such a joker can at least have a nervous breakdown, and at the most he will become mentally ill.

Varieties of clairvoyance

The gift to see the invisible has several varieties, each of which is concentrated on a certain area of ​​knowledge.

  1. "Third Eye". If you develop this feature in yourself, a person will be able to see the aura of mere mortals, will know all the subtleties of the world of energy, will be able to see the creatures that inhabit it. This ability is located in the area between the eyebrows, it is also called the Ajna chakra.
  2. The next subspecies of clairvoyance is called Inner Vision. This ability is at a higher level and is not available for beginners. For a better understanding, this feature can be described as a kind of projector that sends a person certain slides with an image of what he will concentrate on. According to practicing magicians, those who have such a vision watch a movie about some event.
  3. At the third level is Clairaudience. Those who master this gift will be able not only to truly see objects and objects located on the other side, but also to hear voices, sounds and music. Also, clairaudients are some kind of conductors between ordinary mortals and supreme patrons. They are able to hear all orders, answers to questions and tips from higher beings.
  4. By the way, there are two more varieties of clairvoyance similar to this power - clairvoyance and clairvoyance. Those who master these features will be able to distinguish energies by smell and taste.
  5. At the highest stage of the development of clairvoyance is the Opening of the Information Channel. To master such a gift quickly will not work. Those who recognize this feature will receive a kind of insight. They will be able to find out the answers to all, even the most complex, questions that interest them. These clear thoughts will be sent to the head of special people by the supreme patrons.

Examples of clairvoyance in real life

Of course, at all times there were people who believed in the existence of other worlds and wanted to learn clairvoyance on their own or with the help of practicing magicians, and those who were skeptical about magic in general.

In fact, in the life of every person there have been some events that cannot be explained from a logical point of view.

So, for example, many people happened to suddenly wake up in the middle of the night as if from a push, after which a certain sound followed. It is difficult to find a logical explanation for such an event.

In fact, in a similar way, the Universe gives a person a certain sign, which is an incentive or, conversely, a warning against some kind of action.

Another proof of the existence of the Higher powers is the phenomenon of prophetic dreams. Agree, everyone, at least once in their life, dreamed of some events that were then repeated in real life.

Rejecting all skepticism, we can say with confidence that all the accidents that occur in our lives are a kind of message from the Universe that a person needs to develop his natural gift.

Celebrities who discovered their gift

Many geniuses who have reached great heights in one area or another have used the gift of clairvoyance. Many of these celebrities concealed their connection with higher powers, but some openly said that their greatest discoveries were facilitated by supreme patrons.

Of course, not every ordinary person can get help from otherworldly beings. In order for an insight to come to a mere mortal, it is necessary to have a special mindset from birth and improve yourself daily.

As an example of the application of superpowers in the field of science, one can cite the famous mathematician Rene Descartes. He never hid his connection with the other world. The scientist said that the supreme patrons sent him tips and guidance for actions in his dreams.

Another famous clairvoyant was the physicist Niels Bohr. The insight came to this scientist also in the night slumber. Higher powers helped him understand how the atom works. They sent a dream physicist in which Bohr was on the surface of the Sun, with the planets revolving around him. Thus, the scientist was able to capture the structural connections of the smallest particle.

How to open a channel of clairvoyance

As mentioned earlier, the gift to see the invisible is an innate feature of a person. However, for this ability to manifest itself, some kind of stressful situation must happen. If a person has managed to discover such a superpower in himself, then he must wonder if he wants to connect the rest of his life with magic.

When a novice magician realizes that clairvoyance is his calling, and not just an occupation for the sake of curiosity, then it is necessary to start daily training.

Just imagine that the greatest minds of mankind got their ideas in a completely random way, and what success can be achieved if you set a goal and improve yourself every day.

Remember that the key to success in all magical actions is sincere faith in your strengths and deeds. Of course, one can meet with misunderstanding or even condemnation of society, however, one should never give up and always strive to achieve the set goals.

It is important to remember that you have to pay for everything in this life. Never use your gift to harm others. Treat everything you do with full responsibility and dedication. If you neglect these rules, you can suffer terrible consequences.

It is also important to realize that clairvoyance training takes place in stages. You cannot quickly jump from one level to another. Only having achieved perfection in one area of ​​this magical science, one should move on to the next step. Beware of scammers who offer their services in teaching magical science and promise high results in a very short time.

It is recommended to independently comprehend each step of the gift. However, it happens that having reached a certain goal, the adept fails to independently move to a new level. In this case, you can resort to the help of a more experienced mentor. Trust only those magicians in whose abilities you are 100% sure.

How is a person trained in clairvoyance?

Possession of the vision of the invisible is available only to those people who have sincere faith, strive for self-knowledge and self-realization, as well as those who are ready to devote their entire lives to communicating with the other worlds. If a person has felt such strength in himself and is ready to sacrifice his own interests, then it is necessary to start daily painstaking training.

Each lesson should begin with meditation. Thus, the adept cleanses his thoughts and soul from negativity, gains concentration and self-confidence. Also, this practice will contribute to the discovery and development of inner vision.
After meditating, you can begin to learn to recognize the aura.

Such lessons are best to start with subjects. For about fifteen minutes it is necessary to concentrate your gaze on a particular thing. If everything is done correctly, then a small outline will appear around the selected object, a kind of haze, this will be the aura of this thing.

When the adept learns to look well at the aura of surrounding objects, one can begin to study the human.

By the way, learning to consider the colors of the human aura should also be done gradually. It is recommended to start viewing from one part of the body, gradually adding another one to it.

The next, more difficult exercise involves the development of an “inner screen”. This type of activity will help the adept in the future to receive the necessary information in the form of images, some pictures that will be the answers to the questions posed. First you should close your eyes tightly and try to peer into the inner wall of the eyelids.

The first thing you need to learn to see is small dots. Then a person will begin to distinguish between lines and various shapes. Over time, these meaningless images will begin to add up to quite realistic pictures.

Surely, many people know about, perhaps, the most popular attribute of all psychics - a crystal ball. For some, such an item may seem like some kind of magical phenomenon from fairy tales. However, in fact, this thing is indeed an indispensable assistant to any clairvoyant.

If it is not possible to purchase such a ball, then you can use any glass surface, a glass filled with water is perfect. After you have completed your meditation session, start looking at your attribute.

Try to consider any images, objects or events. If you train systematically, then over time you can learn to see specific events from the past or future, various inhabitants of the world of energy and receive information from the supreme patrons.

Of course, these exercises are very important for the development of the gift, but if certain conditions are not met, the adept will not be able to know the world of magic.

Under what conditions should lessons take place?

The following conditions are very important, do not neglect them, otherwise, you will not be able to achieve your goal.

  1. Try to clearly define the purpose and motive of your seduction to the world of magic. Remember that the abilities bestowed by the forces of light should never be used for evil. If the adept chooses the dark side for himself, then he must always remember the consequences and the incommensurable price that he will constantly have to pay for his deeds.
  2. A person who has decided to devote his life to clairvoyance must have a large supply of energy. With each contact with the other worlds, a colossal amount of vitality is lost, which constantly needs to be replenished. Meditation or exercise is best for recovery.
  3. Getting rid of bad habits is a prerequisite. Only a person who does not have addictions to various temptations is able to see the invisible.
  4. Clear your karma. To do this, you need not only not to make mistakes in real life, but also to pay for all the misdeeds of your past reincarnations.

Having learned how to learn clairvoyance on your own, you should first of all ask yourself whether this ability is exactly what a person is ready to devote the rest of his life to.

Admit it, would you like to read other people's minds? What about predicting the future? Or know what's to come? And to find out how your friends and relatives really feel about you? Obviously, the overwhelming majority will, of course, answer in the affirmative. The gift of clairvoyance in the world has a very small percentage of people. Some have been given this ability since birth, and many have developed this skill on their own. What exactly is this gift? How to develop clairvoyance in yourself? What does it give and why is it needed? In this article we will consider in detail the phenomenon of clairvoyance, we will try to answer all these and many other questions. Our educational program will give you the opportunity to learn about the phenomenon as a whole, and will also help you competently and correctly plan your first steps towards the development of abilities.

How to open your intuition?

The skill of clairvoyance is very attractive to many. First of all, there are tremendous opportunities for further personal development, as well as for rapid career growth in business or work. You will learn whether it is possible to learn clairvoyance and what is needed for this. This material will help you understand what this ability is, how to develop it, and most importantly, it will warn you against the mistakes that are most often made on the path of development.

Let's make a reservation right away that the path to mastering clairvoyance will not be easy, and it cannot be easy. These are daily practices and workouts, concentration and relaxation exercises, various meditations. The only thing that can be said is that the practice will be easy for some, and a little harder for others. Everything, of course, depends on your innate abilities and yours, yes it is yours, perseverance. After all, nothing in terms of efficiency in mastering something can replace everyday painstaking work. Therefore, when you begin to develop this amazing ability, immediately prepare yourself for productive work on yourself. Perhaps, perhaps, this is the most pleasant thing - to work on yourself, having everyday pleasure to watch your progress. We, in turn, will try to tell you in detail: how to develop, how to learn, what exercises to do, and in general, where to start work.

What gives hypersensitivity?

There are many descriptions of the concept of clairvoyance in the literature, but we will give it a concise and capacious definition as an extrasensory ability to perceive the surrounding reality outside the five main senses. Why dedicate yourself and your time to mastering a skill? How to open the gift of clairvoyance? What can this skill give? We will briefly try to unleash the potential of this wonderful phenomenon and highlight a number of the main advantages that a person who has begun to develop clairvoyant abilities automatically receives (the stronger a person’s abilities, the more effectively he will be able to perform various magical rituals, for example).

So what do you get:

  • Hypersensitivity. Over time, a fabulous ability will begin to appear to notice what the early consciousness did not fix at all. The feeling of people, nature and life will reach a qualitatively new level.
  • Vision of subtle planes. Elements of the subtle world become available for perception. Clairvoyance is the development, first of all, of perception, therefore, over time, elements of the subtle worlds will begin to fall into the field of sensations
  • Seeing the aura of humans and animals. The ability to view the subtle bodies of biological beings opens up. A clairvoyant can easily see diseases, negativity, energy breakdowns and clots of negative energy in the body. Accordingly, it will be possible to diagnose a person.
  • Forecasting various events in your own life, as well as in other people. The quality of the forecast will depend on the sensitivity of perception.
  • The ability to see the surrounding space without the help of the eyes. This is a special skill, it is revealed and trained according to a special technique, which we will describe below.
  • Vision of various events, which can be far removed both in time and space. The services of clairvoyants are often resorted to by various law enforcement agencies.
  • Strengthening your own health. Having mastered this skill, in parallel, he can easily manage his own health. This includes the rapid restoration of vitality, an increase in immunity and resistance to various stresses, both physical and mental. A person of his own free will can significantly increase his strength and endurance in certain situations.
  • Development of intellectual abilities. This is one of the big advantages of practicing clairvoyance. Together with various practices, the student develops memory, attention, concentration. This to a large extent then affects the quality of study and work. A person becomes able to operate with a huge amount of information in his head. The lessons of clairvoyance significantly affect the entire intellect of the student as a whole.

This is not a complete list of everything that the student will receive later. It must be understood that with the development of any one quality, other abilities develop to a large extent. There is no other way, there is no such thing that a person with excellent attention has a bad memory and vice versa. For many, a well-developed intuition is.

Learning principles

In any training, in any training, it is important to follow certain rules. Following the rules or principles allows you to make the learning process as effective and productive as possible. After all, that's what they were made for. In turn, neglecting these principles, the practitioner significantly slows down learning, and at the same time, loses motivation for further work. Now, I hope, the categorical importance of following the plan, rules and principles of any training in general becomes clear. But in this case, we will talk about the basic principles and patterns, knowing which and following which learning clairvoyance for free will become an easy and enjoyable experience for you, bringing only joy and pleasure.

So, the totality of laws and principles, the observance of which will ensure your rapid development of clairvoyance:

  • The stronger and cleaner your energy channels, the faster and better the work will go.
  • In practice and learning, one thing and only one thing is important - stability and regularity. It is this factor that significantly affects the successful end result. It is better to do the exercise incompletely than to postpone it altogether until tomorrow.
  • Dangers lie in wait for bad people, but favor and safety await the good. This is a matter of karma, the cleaner you are, the better things will go. The opening of clairvoyance will require good intentions and pure thoughts from you. The less evil and hatred there is in the heart, the easier and faster you will come to the result.
  • Dive as deep as you can. Do not allow yourself to float on the surface of any teaching, doctrine, or knowledge. Try to study the topic completely and as deeply as possible. Knowledge in this matter plays a very important role. It is not enough to understand the phenomenon from any one side, here multidimensionality is important first of all. Thoroughly seek to know how everything works, what goes where and how it happens. This is one of the most important conditions for success.
  • Don't study just one thing. This principle says that one should also pay attention to the accompanying teachings and knowledge. This is an important point, which will give you a guarantee that you will not leave your mind blinkered by any one system of worldview or world order. At the same time, always do something connected, this will help you see the whole picture of the teaching, and also, maybe, reveal some errors or inaccuracies. So, Anna Belaya (a famous psychic) ​​combined the development of clairvoyance together with diverse classes in energy. As a result, she has achieved great success.
  • Eat right. This is a topic for a separate article, but here it should be said that you need to eat light food that does not burden the stomach. You can not overeat and eat heavy food, especially animal origin. You should get up from the table hungry rather than full.
  • Always stay open to new knowledge. Do not allow yourself to become a slave to any one concept or doctrine. In this world, everything is relative, and therefore it would be a big mistake to state something one hundred percent. On the path of development, do not fall into the trap of conviction and confidence. Always weigh your iron knowledge with the strictest scales. This rule will not only protect you from the illusion of confidence in something, but will warn you against errors of knowledge. It doesn't matter if you are interested in how to develop the gift of clairvoyance, learn to type quickly or cook delicious salads - always be open to everything new.
  • Be humble. A final but very important rule. With the growth of skills, abilities and knowledge, do not let your EGO take over your personality. Always remember, no matter how much you learn, most of the knowledge will still remain a sacred and incomprehensible secret for you.

This is not an exhaustive list of rules to follow. On the way of training, you yourself will come to the rest of the nuances and principles of training. To reveal them now means to deprive you of the opportunity to independently discover more and more new knowledge and patterns.

Most important skill

What do you think is the most important skill needed for the development of intuition and telepathy, clairvoyance to proceed easily and without much difficulty? And what skill plays the most important role in the development of intuitive abilities? And in general in the development of any abilities? The answer is extremely simple and concise - concentration. Without the ability to concentrate, you will not be able to develop or achieve anything in life at all. Attention is the most important thing in any activity. In clairvoyance, this is a critical ability. The development of concentration is the first step in almost any system of teaching. You will find out how important this part of the training is at the very beginning of the lessons. You will be able to develop clairvoyance as much as you can develop the ability to concentrate.

The gain from the development of concentration is truly enormous, perhaps there is no place in the sphere of human activity where the ability to concentrate would not bring success. Even if you abandon your clairvoyant studies, the ability to concentrate will remain with you for the rest of your life. Immediately, we note that the exercise, which will be described below, must be performed every day without exception. The best way to develop concentration is to practice the so-called "trataka". This is one of the best concentration exercises. Very powerful, effective and time-tested remedy. If you have wondered how to develop clairvoyant abilities, then this will be your golden exercise.

/Trataka is an ancient tantric exercise. which came to us from India. In short, it is the practice of focusing attention on one point. You choose to itself any object for concentration. It can be a drawn black dot on a white sheet of paper, any object from the table, a thing, a sensation, an image in the head, an image of the Deity, a part of the body, a part of some space, and so on. It can be anything, but at the very beginning it is best to choose some simple household item: a pen, a cup, a book, a marker, etc. Also, the classic option would be to concentrate on a drawn black dot on a white sheet of paper. Many advise starting their practices with this object.

After choosing an object for concentration, sit in a comfortable position, calm down. The first 5 minutes should be spent on bringing yourself into a calm, peaceful state. You should be completely relaxed, nothing should interfere with you. Then proceed to concentrate on the object. The object should be at eye level and at arm's length - these are optimal conditions for practice. Increased concentration will allow you to perform better.

It is important to follow 2 rules for this exercise:

  1. You can't blink while concentrating. Blinking worsens the effect of the entire exercise. Blinking is allowed if preparatory training is being performed.
  2. The eyes should be relaxed. This is a very important point, because tension in the eyeballs will not allow you to fully concentrate. This should always be kept in mind when doing practice.

From the very beginning, it will be difficult to look at an object without blinking for more than 1 minute. Then, with constant practice, the duration of contemplation without blinking will increase and increase. Over time, the eyes will begin to get used to such a load and the practice will be easy. The main thing here is to understand that clairvoyance and exercises are identical things. Therefore, immediately get used to such loads.

The second important point of trataka is concentration on the inner image. Let's say you've been concentrating on a cup for a month. Now, for the first 10 minutes, you will first need to concentrate on the cup, and then concentrate on its afterimage in your thoughts. This concentration on mental images is a very important aspect of clairvoyance. And the success of the whole undertaking will depend on the success in this lesson. The second exercise should be approached only after its first part is well absorbed. Most importantly, remember that all exercises for the development of clairvoyance are based on your ability to concentrate for a long time. Put this exercise at the head of all others and success will not keep you waiting long.

Do a workout every day for 20-30 minutes. Try not to strain your eyes and get plenty of rest. In addition to training the will, imagination and concentration, the practice has a healing effect on the nervous system and eye organs. Train every day and over time you will begin to notice fabulous results from this exercise. The unsurpassed value of this method will gradually be revealed both in the development of intuition and in daily life.

Basic exercises that develop intuition

Training and education must begin with basic exercises and only then move on to more complex, but also more dangerous exercises for the development of perception. Any manual on how to learn clairvoyance originates in the simplest basic classes. Before each approach, you need to relax and rest well.

A calm and cozy place in the house is chosen for classes, it is very desirable that there are no extraneous noises. Before class, the stomach must be empty, and if alcohol has been consumed, then it is necessary to wait 2 days. Also, don't practice when you're sick.

photography exercise

A very effective and effective exercise for those who are interested in how to open clairvoyance and view the aura of people. Get a photo of any of your acquaintances from whom you can then find out some details of his personal life. The exercise is designed for 1 week for 15-20 minutes of classes per day. The point is that you concentrate on the photo and mentally ask questions that interest you. After the question is asked, you need to stay in complete thoughtlessness for 2-3 minutes, paying all your attention to the incoming images, words, thoughts and sounds. Then another question is asked and the cycle repeats. The goal is to achieve the appearance of stable mental images in relation to the object. Do not worry if you cannot achieve a result for a long time, this only means that you need to pay more attention to concentration and refinement of perception.

Aura viewing exercise

To complete the exercise, you will need a person as an assistant. Sit comfortably in the room, make the lighting so that there is twilight in the room. A completely dark room should not be, the silhouettes of objects and a person should be clearly distinguishable. Then completely relax and with a focused look look at the person in any area of ​​​​10-15 centimeters around the head. In no case do not strain your eyesight, the look should be clear, aspiring, but relaxed. Do not try to consider anything, all sensations will come to you by themselves and gradually. Just concentrate on this area and contemplate it without tension. You need to perform the exercise for 30-40 minutes daily. If you suddenly began to feel tired, then the training should be stopped immediately. This is a clear sign that perceptions are starting to change. The well-known development complex “Your Yoga” recommends doing this practice 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening.

Envelope exercise

Would you like to take a free clairvoyance test? There is a very simple and very visual exercise to test your psychic abilities. Cut out 10 stripes from colored paper: 5 blue and 5 red. Place each stripe in a separate envelope, for a total of 10 multi-colored striped envelopes. Sit comfortably in a chair, relax, concentrate on the envelopes, and as you go through each envelope, try to feel the color of the stripe in the envelope. Do not guess, but try to feel. Accordingly, the more correct answers you get, the better your clairvoyance develops. Try to do this exercise regularly to track your progress. Try persistently to develop clairvoyance and you will soon no longer need a test at all. A strong gift will help you perform rituals such as more effectively!

Vyacheslav Bronnikov's technique

Clairvoyance is not a secret behind seven seals. Our scientists have long been trying to unravel the phenomenon of super-perception, to give it a scientific justification, and most importantly - to put the method on a scientific footing. Russian scientists succeeded well in the study of clairvoyance: Vyacheslav Bronnikov and Mark Komissarov. Researchers have developed a methodology that allows almost anyone to master the skills of clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairvoyance. Clairvoyance is learning, and therefore if you do it systematically, you can learn it sooner or later and get good results. The school of clairvoyance created by V. Bronnikov for teaching visually impaired children is especially popular. New groups are regularly recruited to the school. Some of them are free.

Bronnikov's method is based on the natural capabilities of a person, on his sleeping potential and reserves. In his groups, blind people train themselves in alternative vision, develop perception, and conduct an exercise to develop over-concentration. The method is based on sacred exercises from Taoist yoga.

Interestingly, clairvoyant courses are not limited to one development of intuition. Thanks to daily training according to the Bronnikov system, people improve the functioning of all body systems, the state of energy bodies improves, brain function improves, and the vegetative system heals. The whole complex of training consists of 3 stages, which must be sequentially passed.

At the first stage students learn the basics of autogenic training. They learn to relax and evoke various sensations in the body: lightness, heaviness, heat, cold, weightlessness, and so on. This is the first and most important set of exercises, because. it lays the foundation for safety in more complex and dangerous clairvoyant training.

Second phase is the development of inner vision. The student learns to create a white screen in his head and reproduce various thoughts, images, tactile and taste sensations on it. The main thing is that the student learns to dive deeply into these states. The technique of "closed eyes" is also practiced here. Exercises for clairvoyance at this stage are more in-depth.

At the third stage teach "direct vision". The student's eyes are completely closed, and he learns to recognize objects of the world around him without the participation of his eyes. That is, according to Bronnikov, impulses come directly to the brain, bypassing the organs of vision. Here, students completely rethink their usual perception of the world and learn new ways of contact with reality. At this stage, success depends to a greater extent on the student's ability to rebuild his attitude to reality and believe in the existence of a completely different nature of perception. Remarkably, this stage is much easier for children than for adults.

This technique was successfully tested at the Institute of the Human Brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences by Natalia Bekhtereva herself. And the methodology and a set of exercises were highly appreciated by scientists at a conference dedicated to the development of the brain.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that success from any technique for developing human abilities will primarily depend on the perseverance, faith and desire of the student. No most effective technique can replace regular hard work.

Try to relieve yourself of stress, calm down, turn off your phones and everything that may interfere with you. There should be silence in the house, discard all your thoughts and focus on what you will be doing now. Relax and sit in a comfortable position with a piece of paper and a pencil in front of you.

Close your eyes and you will gradually begin to feel the changes that are happening to you. You transfer your external view to the internal one, and direct it deep into, switch to the internal perception. While in this state, observe the images that arise.

You see different silhouettes and images, you have ideas, some pictures before your eyes, you feel coolness, warmth or cold goosebumps. Feelings can be different. Don't interfere, just watch. Be aware that you are in an unusual state of expanded consciousness.

After that, write the names of three of your friends. Close your eyes and imagine each of your acquaintances separately from each other. Look inward and use your hypersensitive field of vision. Pay attention to what you feel, you appear, images and silhouettes, watch them. Don't interfere, just watch.

You can discover clairvoyance in the form of a feeling, a color, an image. Sometimes people discover clairvoyance only as a feeling. Some may see images and nothing else, and some see only colors. Yes, you can see individually, but you can feel and see images.

It happens differently for everyone. No need to analyze what you saw, you can write it down or just note it for yourself. All this must be done with each of the three names. After that, consider your impressions, images and get useful information about these people for you. What information can you extract for the future.

You must learn to set a goal for yourself every day and strive to achieve it.

You need to calm down, not straining to remember the events of the past day and, staying in the sphere of the supersensible state, concentrate on the ideas. Once you have completed this exercise, you can begin your analysis. For example:

What do the images you see mean to you? How do you share the images you see? Will they help you to learn something new? Was it difficult for you to enter, see or feel anything? If you didn’t succeed the first time, don’t be discouraged, perhaps you didn’t relax and concentrate well. Don't repeat it again. You need to rest well, sleep well and try again.

Intuition and pendulum

The pendulum can be your intuition, don't be surprised, buy yourself a keychain that will not only please you, but also fit. This keychain can be made of stone, such as amber, rock crystal, any of your choice. The stone must be chosen correctly. Take it in your hand, how do you feel? Does your touch on the stone give you pleasant sensations or not? Can you feel the energy coming from him? If the energy is positive, you feel warmth, comfort, you are pleased, then this stone is yours.

Of course, you can also make a pendulum yourself. For example, take a ring, put it on a thread and your pendulum is ready. The main role is always played by your intuition, which makes the pendulum swing.

For example, if we take a clock, the hands are moving, they don't know what time it is, they just move and that's it. It also happens and he swings like a pendulum depending on your intuition, he knows nothing, assumes nothing, he cannot say his opinion. Try to make a pendulum and look at your intuition.

Take the pendulum by the thread, hold the thread with your thumb and forefinger. Focus all your attention on the pendulum. Ask the first question: “How would you respond positively?” Then how do you answer in the negative? Now you can ask questions that interest you. Questions should be formulated precisely and specifically without "maybe, or various other words."

Should I give in to solving the problem?

Feel this question and repeat it until the pendulum begins to move. Make sure it is your intuition that is helping you move the pendulum, not your hand. The hand should be in a calm state. You will probably have doubts and think that the pendulum is easy to control. If you move your hand, then your doubts are obvious, but if the hand deadly holds the thread with the pendulum and does not sway it, only your intuition works. This exercise is simple only at first glance, but in fact it requires your patience and concentration.

You can check the pendulum with a simple question, for example, is the Arctic Ocean in the south? You will get a convincing answer to this question. Watch the energy flow in your body.

If you want to resist the energy, you can see the energy tension, you will feel the force that will not obey you. It is impossible to control this force, it is impossible to subdue it.

Performing the following exercise, you need to create a calm environment for yourself, relax, and focus only on what will surround you now.

You begin to imagine the intuitive world and where it is, that is, and it is for you that you draw it for yourself and see yourself in this world, there is your place. Choose a landscape that you like - it can be warm sand on which you sit and look at the sea or nature, a field with tender grass, trees around, butterflies fly, birds sing. This place may be familiar to you, where you had good memories associated with it, or a completely unfamiliar place that you imagined, in which you will be calm and comfortable.

Now that you have imagined this piece of paradise, you will equip your home in the same way. Make a garden, plant your favorite flowers. If the house is large, then you can redo the design of one room. Your representation must be very accurate.

You need to decide on the size of the room, what the room consists of, maybe there is an arch or something unusual in the layout of the apartment, this should also be taken into account in the design. You need to imagine the color of the walls and ceiling, what kind of furniture do you want to place and how? Take your time, think about what items or books you would like to purchase, what do you lack?

Achieve complete peace and harmony. After you have achieved complete harmony, think about what things or objects you will transfer to your new home from your everyday, familiar environment? Think about what is really dear to you, what do you love?

Now you can imagine your favorite sofa or chair, perhaps it is located on the balcony, and you look into the distance, hear the sound of the sea, or see the field and hear the chirping of birds.

You have created a calm, comfortable environment for yourself, look at yourself, you have moved into the space of intuition, you feel confident and calm. You can be here at any time.

Can you imagine the things you will need here in this space. Leave everything that reminds you of bad or unpleasant events in the past, do not take it with you. Let them remain beyond the intuitive threshold.

When furnishing your home, be able to fantasize, take your time here, it should be cozy and calm for you, feel how changes are taking place in you.

Is the future a dream?

You need a friend or partner to complete this exercise. You need to tell your friend about the present and the future. The main task will be in the interpretation of this story.

Draw in your mind some image in front of you, it should be inspired by the reality of your boundless imagination and intuition.

Now switch roles with your friend and consciously and intuitively perceive this story, about your present and future, which your friend presented. Are you able to learn something or not?

Now you describe some circumstances, and your friend must identify the decisive possibilities in them and describe them. Pay attention to the feelings that visit you during the story, highlight individual moments. You need to highlight the most important statements that bring you pleasure and satisfaction.

Anticipatory mental experience

You must clearly imagine how you improve your intuitive perception. You see how your consciousness is directed to a certain subject, and you perceive your task.

You must feel that you are succeeding. Feel the energy and rush, perhaps you will feel the vibrations that are created by the biofields. You may even hear praises about yourself. Embrace all the good things you feel. All sorts of influences from above begin to open before you. Do not worry, feel, listen and observe everything that happens around you.

You need to tune in gradually until you are sure of your intuitive perception. You may find it easier to tap into your intuition if you think about a particular situation.

For example, you went to a restaurant and met an interesting person there. You want to meet him, but you don't know how. Now you can influence the meeting with him.

You want him to call you first. Relax and in a calm state send all your consciousness to this person. It must be brought before your spiritual gaze. Look at him carefully, his image corresponds to the image in real life. Take your time, look at it carefully:

  1. Does he fit?
  2. Do you hear a phone call?
  3. Do you hear his voice?
  4. What are you hearing at the moment?
  5. Do you hear exactly what you wanted to hear?
  6. Are you listening carefully to yourself?
  7. What do you feel now?
  8. Does energy visit you? What kind of visual image, sound and sensations are around you, what is required?
  9. Does everything match?
  10. How does what you see and feel harmonize?
  11. Do not lose ideas, they should be in front of you.
  12. Feel pleasant experiences, turn off your mind, listen to the long-awaited phone call, rejoice and listen to the long-awaited voice. Live these performances and enjoy.

Your intuition is giving you the right information, listen to it. If your experiences and ideas are adequate, they will definitely call you. But if your intuition gives you a signal of inconsistency, you have tried in vain.

Introduce but don't pretend

To do the following exercise, you need a friend or partner. You need to stand in front of him. Get true consciousness, optimize now you can start.

Your friend tunes in and begins to perceive you intuitively. The main thing is to properly tune in and calm down. Your friend sees not only personal characteristics, but also sees your aura, he perceives the energy that comes from you.

Your friend remembers his impressions and does not interpret them in his own way. You, too, must remember your impressions. Do not hurry.

You need to tune in to each other and your hearts should beat and hear each other equally. Remember all feelings and sensations. After the exercise, share your impressions and what you remember.

This exercise helps to explore each other to establish mutual trust in each other. It finds each other's mutual needs. You are more attracted to each other.

To start meditating, you need to prepare for this exercise. Stay alone in the house, remove unnecessary items, turn off the phone and TV. Create a comfortable environment for yourself.

Close your eyes, calm down, breathe evenly and calmly. You release everything and connect with your intuition, take your time.

You feel the life force of the universe pouring into you with every breath. You gradually leave your old life and fly into a new unknown world.

At this stage, you should calmly come into close contact with your intuition. Listen to what comes from within you. You listen to what your intuition wants to tell you. Don't rush to listen to her. You need to understand what opportunities your intuition gives you. You can look at some situations to consider them with the help of your intuition. You need to feel your intuition and imagine what opportunity it gives you.

Intuitive interpretation of the handshake

The new exercise is called the handshake. For this exercise, you need to shake hands with someone, it can be your friend or a stranger.

You need to reach out and shake, your handshake should be normal, not long. Immediately after the handshake, think about your impressions. How did you feel when you shook hands with your friend? What energy did you feel? If possible, talk to this person and match the handshake with your conversation.

You can repeat this exercise with the same person, just keep their hand in yours for as long as you need. In this case, you consciously open the flow of energy. What do you feel about it? What images and feelings came to you?

You should feel the difference in these two handshakes. Ask your friend how he felt during the first and second handshake.

Writing with an unusual hand

Take a piece of paper and a pencil. If you are right-handed, that is, write with your right hand, then take a pencil in your left hand and write some question? If you are left-handed and write with your left hand, write a question with your right hand. Now, with the other hand you always use to write, write the answer. What did you feel?

You felt that you are a first grader who is learning to write and he does not succeed. However, this method will surprise you greatly. Here it turns out that your mind completely switches to new actions and completely concentrates on it. Here you have a free channel for the true message.

You can complete sentences intuitively. You can start writing a sentence with your right hand and end it with your left, or vice versa.

For example:

  1. I'm unlucky today because...
  2. My health is not very good because...
  3. My friends were late because...


In this exercise, you need to stretch out your hand, point your index finger at some person or at some object. You absolutely consciously need to understand at what distance, he is from you, and what vibrations you receive from his energy field.

Now close your eyes and turn completely, first to the right, then to the left. You feel like you are losing your bearings. Now stop, in any position you should feel in which side of you is the object that you have chosen.

If you feel it, open your eyes and check if you made a mistake or not. Perhaps you have gone astray, then determine what energy you perceived as from your chosen subject. Figure out what energy is blocking you. Repeat the exercise again, you can choose another subject.

If you feel that your psycho-radar is the most reliable, you can close your eyes and perceive what you have not seen before. You need to learn to feel what is - first near, then at a greater distance, then far. You have to train until you have the unique ability to "see" with your eyes closed.

You can always make changes to your exercises to modify them, you must always change your requests to not stand still. If you perceive correctly what you are doing, if you can open up to intuition correctly, you will see how your future life will change.

Gradually, you will begin to get used to the fact that your vision is transcendent, that it differs from other people, only the truth is available to you, which is hidden from the rest behind what is visible - this is called realities. Take this opportunity to study, and you can find true happiness.

Let the divine fire kindle from the spark that flickers within you!

Despite the ridiculous arguments of skeptics, few people today dare to deny the existence of otherworldly forces. But it is one thing to blindly rely on the course of fate, and another to subordinate it to your will. To turn from an object of magic into a subject, you need to know how to develop clairvoyance.

How to develop clairvoyant abilities?

To develop the sixth sense, one should practice for at least six months exercises directed to:

  • To reveal the talent of super-concentration and the subsequent use of extrasensory vision resources;
  • Calling the necessary visual images only by an effort of will during certain rituals;
  • Obtaining information about people and objects located in another room or even a building.

Special printed editions are issued to help novice magicians. Practicing sorcerers can also teach extrasensory perception lessons (although the cost of their services is unlikely to be affordable for everyone). There are also communities where novice magicians help each other for free.

Almost anyone can begin to train their supernatural gift - you just need to gather your will into a fist.

Ability or gift?

Everyone has psychic abilities to one degree or another. The vast majority of the population is unaware of their inner gift.

Depending on the strength, otherworldly skills can be divided into three categories:

  1. Opening immediately after birth. Parents of the baby from the earliest years notice extremely unusual phenomena that occur with their child. Already in adolescence, strong magical abilities begin to take shape. Depending on the characteristics of upbringing and internal character traits, a person can become both on the light and on the dark side;
  2. are being discovered suddenly, in a time of strong shocks and emotional breakdowns. Often there is nothing better for revealing your hidden "I" than a state of passion. Rarely, consciousness-expanding substances are used to achieve such a state;
  3. Located in latent and latent condition. This is the most common situation. The owner of the gift either does not know about it or does not want to develop it. As a result, over the years of inactivity, talent atrophies and is irretrievably lost.

In this video, the teacher of the Russian Academy of Parapsychology will conduct a test that will help you understand if you have psychic inclinations:

For a uniform and purposeful development of the skills given by nature, it is necessary to adhere to a number of tips:

  • Training should not hit either too hard or too sloppy. If you overexert your mental powers, you can lose control of the hidden energy. The latter can break out and absorb the arrogant sorcerer;
  • At first, you can learn on your own, based on materials posted on the Internet and special literature. Only after mastering the fundamental concepts and exercises should you seek help from a “tutor” in magic;
  • The end goal of all training should be positive and uplifting. Anyone who tries to retaliate with his talent runs the risk of turning it against himself;
  • An important component of success is proper nutrition. In a healthy body - a healthy gift. Clumsy, sleepy, lazy people have serious concentration problems;
  • The study of theory must be immediately consolidated with practical skills;
  • You should not talk too much about your training, even to close friends.

How to develop clairvoyance on your own?

Paradoxical as it may seem, but in order to master the skills of inner vision, it is necessary expand the range of your eyes.

Order exercise as follows:

  1. Find a quiet and secluded place. It is better to close the door of the room so that no one can interfere during the session. It is also recommended to dim the lights and turn off the phone;
  2. The best time of the day to exercise is in the morning;
  3. Get comfortable in a chair or lie down on a bed;
  4. Relax all the muscles of the body and close the eyelids;
  5. Move your eyes up and down for one minute;
  6. Take a short break and move the eyeballs left and right for the same amount of time;
  7. Circular eye movements;
  8. As a result of the behavior of all these procedures, the region of the third eye that has not yet opened will receive an influx of energy;
  9. The above movements should be done daily for at least a week before deciding to open your third eye.

How to develop clairvoyance at home?

The complex of independent classes in extrasensory perception includes:

  • Photography exercise. You need to find a picture of a person from the inner circle, put it on a stand at eye level and begin to study it closely. Not a single detail should escape the attention of the future magician. Periodically, you need to close your eyes for centuries and imagine the image in all its details. After that, you need to try to call for help an inner voice that can give important information about the person. The next day, meet with this person and check with him the accuracy of the data obtained by witchcraft;
  • Training the ability to see through walls. Sit at a distance of half a meter from the wall and focus on the area opposite the forehead. If the third eye is already trained, then after a while you can see the blurry outlines of what is happening in another room;
  • The next step is remote vision training. While in your office at the office, close your eyes and imagine what is happening at home. Through a series of such simple exercises, one can learn to correctly guess events at a distance.

Education in parapsychological schools

It can take a lot of time and effort to master magical practices on your own. Often beginners give up after the first failures on the path of witchcraft. It was for them that entire courses and even schools of parapsychology were opened, where recognized magicians teach such subjects:

  • Management of energy flows, the destruction of negative energy;
  • Skills of supersensible knowledge;
  • Opening the third eye, seeing through obstructions, discerning the aura;
  • The beginning of magical healing;
  • The doctrine of karma and rebirth;
  • The main provisions of white magic: making talismans with your own hands, finding a soul mate for lonely people, treating depression, apathy and impotence;
  • Search for portals to another world;
  • Fulfillment of the plan by the power of thought.

Knowing how to develop clairvoyance, you can find the true root of your failures, develop intelligence and gain self-confidence. Someone can study at home and practically for free. But if there is a financial opportunity, then you should seek the advice of professionals. Steam School

Video with exercises to develop the gift of clairvoyance

In this video, the famous healer Alexei Trekhlebov will tell you about several exercises that will help you develop the gift of a soothsayer:

Every day, a sea of ​​questions of interest to him rushes through the mind of a person, knowing the answers to which, he would avoid mistakes and achieve success, gain confidence in his actions, penetrate the world of the mysterious, help himself and others. Fortunately, for those wishing to have clairvoyance, there are many methods for developing this skill, although with the advancement and improvement of talent, a qualified mentor will be required.

Clairvoyance is the ability to receive information in an unconventional way that remains inaccessible to most others. Sometimes a person has clairvoyance from birth. But there is another possibility of gaining clairvoyance, when talent comes after hard training and daily work on oneself. There are several techniques for developing clairvoyance, for which good intuition and sensitivity are desirable. People who see prophetic dreams and foresee danger have advantages in this respect over ordinary people.

With the acquisition of sensitivity, the owner of the gift will become able to notice and understand the hidden. He will expand his vision with a vision of other worlds, energy shells of people and animals, predict important events in life, his own and those close to him. Clairvoyance covers various spheres of life, and with its acquisition, a person moves to a qualitatively different level of thinking, perception, development, and opportunities.

Types of superpowers:

  • The developed ability of the "third eye" allows you to see the energy coloring of a person in real time, the creatures from the subtle world living in him, to observe them.
  • Inner vision is the ability to receive images inside according to incoming information. According to people who practice inner vision, it is as if they are watching a movie in an altered state of consciousness.
  • Clairaudience - allows you to hear sounds from the subtle world, as well as answers to questions.
  • The opening of an information channel, called "insight" - is able to receive ready-made answers to many questions that come in the form of thoughts as if from nowhere.
  • Clairsense of smell, clairvoyance and other abilities - the ability to distinguish the quality of energy by a pleasant or repulsive "smell", "taste", sensations of other organs of perception.

The extraction of information from the information field can be direct and with the help of an intermediary. One of the simple and safe methods of developing clairvoyance is to work with the subconscious, which acts as an intermediary, "colored" only in the personality of the person himself.

People gifted or "punished" by the sudden manifestation of clairvoyant abilities do not have the ability to regulate this process. A systematic approach to learning allows you to control awakening abilities. Daily meditation practices and special exercises will help in the development of intuition and clairvoyance.

The necessary conditions

Before you start learning, you must meet a number of conditions:

  • Be aware of your motives and goals. Depending on them, light or dark entities can connect to the channel of perception. The desire to develop the gift of clairvoyance is justified only by the goal of self-development, redemption of karma, knowledge of the laws of the Universe, and not by simple curiosity. It depends on the purity of thoughts how quickly the practitioner will be able to open the information channel, as well as what the consequences of its development will be. After all, the possession of a gift is a responsibility that cannot be neglected. With the growth of abilities, the ego will try to take over the personality, which is unacceptable. One should maintain modesty, tolerance towards others and exactingness towards oneself.
  • Be careful during the practice to avoid irreversible consequences. The help of an experienced mentor is recommended. First, you should start studying the methods of developing the ability on your own, and after a while, resort to the help of a specialist. He will prevent possible mistakes, tell you how to adjust your workouts in the best way.
  • In the development of superpowers, consistency and confidence in each step are important, not speed. People who promise to develop the gift of clairvoyance in three days offer services of dubious quality.
  • To work in this direction, you will need to be ready for high energy costs, for which you should consider the sources of its replenishment (meditation, physical exercises), reduce untargeted energy costs (stress).
  • To open the information channel, you need to prepare yourself physically: cleanse the body of harmful foods and habits, eat right. Light food of plant origin is preferred. In addition, overeating can close energy channels. And before class, it is better to refuse food.
  • To develop clairvoyance, one should not miss a day of training: constancy, stability and regularity will ensure progress towards the desired goal. Stagnation is destructive in everything. But overexertion is just as destructive as neglect of training.
  • It is recommended to study sciences related to extrasensory perception, maintain an open mind and heart, strive for new knowledge, developing the “multidimensionality” of consciousness, non-standard thinking, which is important in the ability of unbiased perception, understanding the whole picture of the teaching.
  • Clairvoyance should be developed by moving from simple to complex. Having achieved the result as planned, complicate the goal.
  • Karmic background. If in the past a person has harmed others a lot, the likelihood of discovering superpowers remains doubtful until the guilt is redeemed. The initial data determines the possible degree of development of skills: what one is able to comprehend in 7 days, another will have to master several months. Experts also advise paying attention to the astrological inclinations of a person by his date of birth before starting to train clairvoyance.