Tyutchev how good you are about the sea at night. Analysis of the poem "How good you are, O night sea" by Tyutchev

Behind the lines of many landscapes, F. And Tyutchev hid his feelings. This feature of creativity was reflected in the poem, which is described in the article. At school it is studied in the 11th grade. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with a brief analysis of “How good you are, O night sea” according to the plan.

Brief analysis

History of creation- the work was written in the winter of 1865, at first it was published in the newspaper Den, but Tyutchev did not like the editorial changes. The poet published another version of the poem in Russkiy vestnik. Both versions saw the world in 1865.

Theme of the poem- the beauty and sound of the night sea.

Composition- The poem is not divided into semantic parts, presenting a holistic description of the sea element. The formal organization is four quatrains.

Genre- elegy.

Poetic size- three-foot dactyl, cross rhyme ABAB.

Metaphors“walks, and breathes, and it shines”, “the stars look from above”, “I would drown my soul in their charm.”

epithets– sea "radiant", "gray-dark", "dull glow", "desertion of the night", "sensitive stars".

Comparisons- sea, "as if alive."

History of creation

To understand the meaning hidden between the descriptions of the sea element, one should turn to the history of the creation of the poem. Fyodor Ivanovich wrote it in memory of Elena Denisyeva. The poet's beloved died in 1864. The death of a woman was a heavy blow for Tyutchev. He tried to quench his pain by talking about Denisyeva and writing poetry. It is known that the poet compared Elena with a sea wave. By this fact, literary critics explain the appeal to the sea on "you", which we see in the first line of the analyzed work.

The poem was first published in 1865 in the literary and political newspaper The Day. F. Tyutchev was outraged that the editors published the text with their own corrections. The poet once again published the work (the version without editorial corrections) on the pages of Russkiy Vestnik in 1865.


In the first lines, the man turns to the sea, noticing that it is extraordinary at night. Sea expanses closer to the shore beckon with their radiance, and distant waters frighten with a gloomy gray-dark light. It seems to the lyrical hero that the sea is a living creature that can walk and breathe.

In the second stanza, the hero admires the power of the elements. It is constantly moving, making a roar and thunder. The man is especially pleased that at night there is not a soul near the sea. Stars watch the rumbling and sparkling movement of the sea. Calm heavenly bodies are the exact opposite of waves. This contrast emphasizes the rebellious nature of free waters.

The last quatrain conveys the inner state of the lyrical hero. He admits that he is fascinated by the waves, feels among them, as in a dream. Apparently, the hero’s heart is heavy, as he happily agrees to drown her in the sea.

There are many examples of seascape lyrics in literature. A feature of Tyutchev's poem is the close interlacing of landscape motifs and experiences of the lyrical hero.


The poem is not divided into semantic parts, presenting a holistic monologue of the lyrical hero, describing the beauty of the sea. Formally, the work consists of four quatrains.


The genre is elegy, so sad notes are clearly manifested in the seascape. There are also elements of the message in the poem: an appeal to the sea. The poetic size is a three-foot dactyl. The lines are combined with a cross rhyme ABAB.

means of expression

To convey the inner state of the lyrical hero and reproduce the beauty of the sea, Fedor Ivanovich used artistic means. The text has metaphors- “walks, and breathes, and it shines”, “stars look from above”, “in their charm I would drown my whole soul”; epithets- the sea is “radiant”, “gray-dark”, “dull glow”, “desertion of the night”, “sensitive stars”; comparison- the sea, "as if alive."

The sound of sea waves is transmitted by alliteration"z", "s", "w", "r": "in the free space, shine and movement, roar and thunder". The emotions of the lyrical hero are emphasized by intonation.

“How good you are, O night sea ...” Fyodor Tyutchev

How good are you, O night sea, -
Here it is radiant, there it is gray-dark ...
In the moonlight, as if alive,
It walks and breathes and it shines...

In the endless, in the free space
Shine and movement, roar and thunder ...

How good, you are in the wilderness of the night!

You are a great swell, you are a sea swell,
Whose holiday are you celebrating like this?
Waves are rushing, thundering and sparkling,
Sensitive stars look from above.

In this excitement, in this radiance,
All, as in a dream, I'm lost standing -
Oh, how willingly in their charm
I would drown my whole soul ...

Analysis of Tyutchev's poem "How good you are, O night sea ..."

The first version of the poem "How good you are, O night sea ..." appeared on the pages of the literary and political newspaper Den in 1865. After the publication, Tyutchev expressed dissatisfaction. According to him, the editors printed the text of the work with a number of distortions. So there was a second version of the poem, which became the main one. Readers got acquainted with her in the same 1865 thanks to the magazine "Russian Messenger".

The work is dedicated to the memory of Elena Alexandrovna Denisyeva, Tyutchev's beloved, who died in August 1864 from tuberculosis. The death of an adored woman, an affair with which lasted for fourteen years, the poet experienced extremely hard. According to contemporaries, he did not seek to hide from the people around him the strongest pain of loss. Moreover, Fedor Ivanovich was constantly looking for interlocutors with whom one could talk about Denisyeva. According to some literary critics, it is the dedication to Elena Alexandrovna that explains the appeal of the lyrical hero to the sea on “you” in the first quatrain. A well-known fact - the poet compared his beloved woman with a sea wave.

The poem is divided into two parts. First, Tyutchev draws a seascape. The sea in his image, like nature in general, appears animated, spiritualized. Personifications are used to describe the picture that opens before the lyrical hero: the sea walks and breathes, the waves rush, the stars look. The second part of the work is quite short. In the last quatrain, the poet tells about the feelings experienced by the lyrical hero. He dreams of merging with nature, completely immersing himself in it. This desire is largely due to Tyutchev's passion for the ideas of the German thinker Friedrich Schelling (1775-1854). The philosopher claimed the animation of nature, believed that it has a "world soul".

The works of Fedor Ivanovich, dedicated to nature, in most cases represent a declaration of love for her. It seems to the poet an indescribable pleasure to be able to observe its various manifestations. Tyutchev equally likes to admire the June night, the May thunderstorm, the snow-covered forest, and so on. Often he expresses his attitude to nature with the help of exclamatory sentences expressing delight. This can also be seen in this poem:
The sea drenched in a dull radiance,
How good you are in the emptiness of the night!

Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev was born on December 5, 1803. He lived in the estate and in childhood he received his education in it. Most of the writer liked Latin and poetry from Ancient Rome. After he moved to Moscow, where he already entered the university for literature. Upon graduation, Tyutchev began working at the Collegium of Foreign Affairs. While working, he was sent to Germany as a diplomat. After that, he spent twenty-two years abroad. On his way he met the main flower of his life, namely Eleanor Peterson, with her he had three children.

Starting from 1810, the writer begins to write his youthful poems. They were in the archaic style, then there were many of them, in a decade Tyutchev moves to Russian lyrics and European romanticism. In the forties, Fedor comes to Russia and gets a job at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He also immediately began to participate in Belinsky's circle, where at the same time there were many Russian classics.

In the fifties, Tyutchev already ceased to publish poetry, and more and more wrote political stories. Since the sixties, Fedor has had a difficult period in his life in love and creativity. His last collection of 1868 was a failure. After 5 years, the writer dies, he was buried in St. Petersburg at the Novodevichy cemetery.

For his work, Tyutchev left behind more than four hundred poems. The first poems of the writer were published in such a collection as Urania, here were his first three works “To Nisa”, “Song of the Scandinavian Warriors”, “Glimmer”.

His works were not perceived by the reader for a long time. He gained popularity and recognition when Turgenev wrote about him in Sovremennik. It was indicated there that Tyutchev is one of the best poets of our time and Pushkin himself approved of him. After that, the editors of Sovremennik decided to issue Tyutchev's works in one book - “F. Tyutchev's Poems. St. Petersburg, 1854. The editors also described that here are his early works, which would probably have been rejected.

In 1868, the second edition of the great poet was published, and so it was called the 2nd edition, supplemented. Basically, he gave preference to the theme of nature. He made the theme of nature nature, mobility, power of all phenomena of naturalness. Among such poems and “How good you are, about the night sea ...”, we will consider it in more detail in this article.

Analysis of the poem

F.I. Tyutchev wrote the poem "How good you are, about the night sea ..." in 1865. This work was written in several versions. I.S. Aksakov received from the poet's relatives one of the last versions, which was published on January 22, 1865. Aksakov chose the newspaper The Day for publication. But Tyutchev was outraged by the fact that the text of the work was distorted so that he was simply furious.

After that, he demanded an immediate reworking and did not want the poem to be presented to readers in this way. Already at the beginning of the next month, the magazine "Russian Messenger" received from the poet a poem in a new edition, the version of which can be considered as the final one. This option was the most acceptable, and it suited all parties to the dispute.

This work is written in the style of landscapes and meditative lyrics, at that time it was only gaining popularity, it also contains elements of philosophical reflection. The author chose the style of romance to write a poem in the genre of a lyrical fragment, and its main theme is man and the natural element. After all, he loved nature most of all, so he received incredible pleasure from writing a work.

The first stanza is devoted to the appeal of the lyrical hero to the sea, in which he expresses admiration for how colors shimmer on the sea. As if they are shining. The metamorphic meaning of the work is also noted here, as if he is saying this to his beloved. After all, it was known that Tyutchev compared his love with a sea wave. Here is the desire of the hero to completely merge in another certain creature, in this case with the sea.

It is necessary to note the presence of the pronoun “you” in these lines, therefore, the author refers to the sea as a living creature (a similar situation was in Pushkin’s work “To the Sea”). But in the future, the hero separates from the natural elements, and his impressions are transmitted from the outside. At the same time, the sea is endowed, as it were, with a soul that is alive. Here you can immediately see the theme of the unity of man with nature, and both living things breathe together.

Also, the poem is distinguished by the play of colors, light and shadow transmitted in dynamics, which is accompanied by a symphony and sound accompaniment. According to the researchers, Tyutchev, while writing this work, refused to oppose sound and light, therefore the representation of the water element was not made linearly, but as a surface.

While reading the following lines of the work, one recalls what was written by V.A. Zhukovsky poem "Sea". But the feeling of the real world of the lyrical hero is quite different. According to the researchers, using the lyrical "I", Zhukovsky interprets the meanings of nature, and the interpretation itself acts as an extrapolation of the hero's self-perceptions - the sea becomes his double.

Special features of the work

As for Tyutchev, he performed the sea and romance, together with the lyricism of the hero, are not identical in relation to each other. For him, they are two different units that fill the plot with love and beauty. In addition, it should be noted that Tyutchev refused to contrast the sea with the sky, insisting on their natural unity and harmonious coexistence.

At the same time, it should be noted that in this case the hero of the analyzed poem acts as an element of nature. He is fascinated and mesmerized by the sea, the peaceful swing of his ox can plunge the soul into a mysterious sleep. And while immersed in the sea of ​​his own feelings, the hero strives for complete merging with the sea.

According to some researchers, the poem has a metaphorical meaning. They believe that the first stanza is Tyutchev's appeal to his beloved, E. Denisyeva. Previously, it was already known that the poet allowed a comparison of his beloved with a sea wave. Given the above, the meaning of the final lines of the poem can be interpreted as the hero's desire for complete dissolution in another being, for an inseparable merger with him.

If we consider the poem from a compositional point of view, we can distinguish two of its main parts. The first part is devoted to the formation of the image of the sea element (1-3 stanzas), but the 4th stanza is devoted to describing how the hero feels, who is full of love. Both the first and last lines are devoted to the love confession of the hero, in addition, the landscape, accompanied by the first and fourth stanzas, can also be called quite similar. Given the above, it is appropriate to declare the ring composition of the poem.

It should also be noted the parallelism in the opening and closing lines of the poem. At the beginning, he talks about his warm feelings for this creature, and at the end there is also a declaration of spiritual love for him, and the landscape can also be compared here. It turns out, as it were, a ring composition throughout the poem.

While writing this work, Tyutchev used a four-foot dactyl, quatrains and a cross combination of rhymes. The poet also resorts to the use of various means to display artistic expressiveness in literature: epithets, metaphors and inversions, personifications, comparisons, rhetorical appeals and questions, as well as polyunion. Thanks to color epithets, a picturesque picture of the night sea is formed, which shimmers in the radiance of our endless stars and moon. The use of "high vocabulary" allows you to provide speech with solemn intonations. But based on the analysis of the phonetic structure of the poem, one cannot but note the presence of assonance and alliteration.

Thus, we can say that with his poem “How good you are, about the night sea ...”, the author wanted to convey the relationship between man and nature. According to the critic, Tyutchev was so imbued with physical self-awareness that he managed to feel himself as an inseparable element of nature. This feeling helped to qualitatively describe nature.

Although the writer spent most of his life abroad, his soul was always with Russia, his soul was with his homeland, and this was reflected in his works. All his works have been translated and published in German. At one time, Tyutchev was a great man, educated, witty and knew a lot. Until now, he is remembered and honored by today's descendants, he left a worthy legacy for Russian literature.

This work is an excellent example of landscape lyrics, but philosophical reflections are also present in it. Compositionally, the poem can be divided into two parts: a description of the elements (1-3 stanzas), a description of human feelings (the last stanza).

In the first stanza, the lyrical hero refers to the sea as an old friend who is able to breathe, which is emphasized by the personifications “walks and breathes”, admires its beauty through a series of epithets: “radiant, gray-dark”. However, the comparison “as if alive” suggests that the lyrical hero realizes that this is just an element.

The sea is fraught with the dynamics of "roar and thunder", its expanse is endless, unlike life, which has a beginning and end, its expanse is free, like a free soul, freed from the frailty of the body. The sea appears before us at night, i.e. it carries a mystery, a riddle that cannot be guessed, because the light of the moon is dim. But it is precisely this element that will captivate the lyrical hero. The sea is beautiful when there is not a soul around.

The sea is majestic, it has embraced everything where the gaze extends, it does not stand still, it lives its restless life, which emphasizes the assonance "r" in the words "thundering and sparkling". Using immediately the metaphorical epithet in the description of the stars "sensitive", Tyutchev emphasizes all the fragility of the moment he saw. Twice calling the sea a swell, Tyutchev shows its variability, its instantaneous ability to turn into a raging element, just like the human soul. The soul of the lyrical hero suffers, cries, is full of tears, so there is a desire to "drown his soul." The lyrical hero is inseparable from the elements, he merged with her in the last stanza. The sea is also worried, as if responding to human experiences. The deep sea as death for the lyrical hero is very attractive, it is beautiful and thus deceptive for a person. Philosophical comprehension by the lyrical hero of the world in understanding the key issues of being is emphasized by a rhetorical question.

Most of Fedor Ivanovich's lyrical works describe admiration and love for nature, this poem is no exception. The poet emphasizes his perception of the beauty of the sea with a rhetorical exclamation.

Analysis of the poem How good are you, O night sea ... according to plan

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This fine example of Russian literature can be taught in the classroom or left for independent study by students as homework. You can download it in full, and if necessary, read it in full online, on our website.

How good are you, O night sea, -
Here it is radiant, there it is gray-dark ...
In the moonlight, as if alive,
It walks and breathes and it shines...

In the endless, in the free space
Shine and movement, roar and thunder ...
The sea drenched in a dull radiance,
How good, you are in the wilderness of the night!

You are a great swell, you are a sea swell,
Whose holiday are you celebrating like this?
Waves are rushing, thundering and sparkling,
Sensitive stars look from above.

In this excitement, in this radiance,
All, as in a dream, I'm lost standing -
Oh, how willingly in their charm
I would drown my whole soul ...