Cheerful Russian lesson. Extracurricular activity. Musical break "Inseparable friends"

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 2

them. A. A. Arakantseva

Semikarakorsk city

Extra-curricular event in Russian for grade 1

"Fun Lesson"

Prepared by: primary school teacher

Bozhko Anna Anatolievna


    Instilling interest in learning the Russian language.

    Development of creative abilities, curiosity.

    Involving students in active learning activities

    Expanding horizons, the development of children's speech.

5. Education of individual and collective responsibility for the result of work.

Event progress:


Hello, dear experts of the Russian language! Today you have not an ordinary lesson, but a fun lesson at the "School of Literates", which is attended by the most inquisitive students of the first grades. I invite everyone to the Land of words, which are the building material of our language.

The student reads:

Everything has a name -

Both the animal and the object.

There are a lot of things around

And there are no nameless ones.

And all that the eye can see

Above us and below us

And all that is in our memory -

Signified by words.

They are heard here

And there, on the street and at home,

One has long been familiar to us,

The other is unknown.

Words, words, words, words….

And it's so beautiful

In the vast sea, the sea of ​​words,

Bathe daily!


Name the children's favorite pastime. The answer is obvious - it's a game. Although you are students, you also like to play. Let's play and learn Russian. Guess the words whose meanings will be given to you.

1. Third day of the week.
2. An object with which bread is cut.
3. Deciduous tree with white bark.
4. A pet that gives milk.
5. An item worn in winter to keep warm.
6. The season when everything is white around.

You guessed the words quickly and correctly. All these words have only one meaning. But this is not always the case. There are many words that have more than one meaning. What are such words called? Give examples of polysemantic words.

slide 1: work with drawings

(electric hotplate, chocolate hotplate, construction hotplate)

What is the general word for all these objects?

Make a sentence with each word.

Guess the riddle and find the polysemantic word.

He is everywhere - in the field and in the garden,

But it won't get into the house.

And I'm not going anywhere

As long as he goes. (S. Marshak)

What is the ambiguous word here?(going)

Slide 2:

Replace the word "goes" with words that make sense.

The boy is walkingstriding ).

It's raining (pours ).

The car is goingrides ).

What is the meaning of the word "goes"?

- We conclude: withThe word “goes” is multi-valued, since it has three meanings.

Teacher: - It is necessary to distinguish and understand the meaning of words. This will help you better understand the words you read and express your thoughts more accurately.

Any of you know that our speech consists of sentences, and sentences of words. But sometimes it is impossible to understand what the sentence is talking about when we do not know not only the meaning of individual words, but also stable phrases, which are called phraseological units. Consider the phrase"wash your head" in a sentence "Father soaped his son's head ».

slide 3 illustration


1 student: - Well, everything is clear. The father helped wash his son's head and lathered it.

2 student: You always understand everything. This proposal can be understood in a completely different way. The father scolded his son.

1 student: And why are you so smart?

2 student: I, unlike you, listen to the teacher in the lessons, and do not draw boats ... (pulls out a piece of paper with a drawing from him).

Teacher: Calm down you hotheads!

1 student: What are you, Anna Anatolyevna, my head is not at all hot.

Teacher: I didn't mean your head temperature at all! I just wanted to say that both of you are "hotheads", that is, hot-tempered people.

2 student: Well, I'm a man with a head!

1 student: Completely learned! (twists a finger at the temple ). What do you think I am without a head?

2 student: Your head is in the right place, and the wind is walking in it.

1 student: I completely stopped understanding him, he says that I have a draft in my head.

Teacher: Quiet! It looks like you need to clarify your argument. After all, the meaning of these sentences is conveyed by phraseological turns - stable combinations of words.

1 student: It looks like you told us something about it.

2 student: Of course they did! And you were catching a crow at that time! Got it now?

1 student: Got it, but... not really.

Teacher: Guys, let's help Petya and explain the meaning of these phraseological units:

Slide 4:

Man with a head - a smart and thoughtful person.

Slide 5:

The wind is blowing in my head - a frivolous, frivolous person.

Slide 6:

Raven to catch - do not listen.

1 student: Now I will always listen to the teacher and know even more than you.

2 student: Well, we'll see about that! (go away )


What are all words made of? (from sounds)

Slide 7:

Find the same sound in the words: spoon, saw, skis, Christmas tree(l ).

Slide 8:

Game "In the zoo"

Name the zoo animals that have the letter "l" in their names.

(Answer: fox, horse, elephant, donkey, goat, crocodile, lion, wolf, etc.)

I proposegame "The letter got lost" .

(didactic game - presentation)

Drags a mouse into a mink
Huge bread hill (crust).

Didn't learn lessons
And he played football.
That's why in the notebook
There was a goal (count).

The hunter shouted: “Oh!” The doors (animals) are chasing me.

In full view of the children, the Rat (roof) is being painted by painters.

The doctor reminded Uncle Misha: - Do not forget one thing: Be sure to take Ten herons (drops) before going to bed.

Snow is melting. A stream flows. The branches are full of doctors (rooks).

Having dropped the doll from her hands, Masha rushes to her mother: - A huge bow (beetle) with a long mustache is crawling there.

They say one eccentric, In the river he caught a shoe, But then he got a house (catfish) On the hook.

Slide 9:

Game "Find the extra word"

On the board: circle, friend, wolf, tiger, rook (extra word wolf, there is no letter g )

Slide 10:

"Grammatic Arithmetic"

note "Do" + buried values ​​\u200b\u200bin the ground \u003d?

boar - en + bow = ?

kva + cancer - ak + tira =?

c + mooring place = ?

skull - n + fly = ?

measles - b + idol - l + p \u003d?


Guys, I see that you liked our trip to the Land of Words. In the lessons you will continue this journey, and today I want to praise you for your curiosity, for the desire and desire to swim in the vast ocean of Knowledge, where new knowledge and new discoveries await you.

Reverse game:

And the turn has come for you and me

Play the reverse game

I will say a wordHIGH

And you will answer ... (LOW)

I will say a wordFAR

And you will answer ... (CLOSE)

I will say a wordCEILING

And you will answer ... (FLOOR)

I will say a wordLOST

And you say ... (FOUND)

I will tell you a wordCOWARD

You will answer ... (brave)

NowSTART I will tell

Well, answer, ... (END)!


Thanks guys for a great job! I look forward to seeing you at the new classes at the “School of Literates”.



    Lesson summary

    I. Organizing time

    Positive attitude:(silent melody sounds)

    1. "Intellectuals"

    2. "Literates"

    3. "Linguists"

    Warm up:

    Competition No. 1

    Literacy Competition: (correct mistakes).

    Contest №2


    there is no fight

    ... just gird up

    ... there is no science

    ... age learn

    ... and money for trouble

    ...and there will be mice

    Dress for the poor...

    No pain...

    No noise...

    Save bread for food...

    There would be bread...

    Live forever...


    ... but I didn’t get my mind

    ... they give two unbeaten

    ... yes, it’s of little use

    ... and there will be an end

    ... such is the glory

    ... there is a treasure

    As the rope does not twist ...

    Where is the good...

    What's the deal...

    Lived up to baldness.

    For one broken...

    I call a lot...


    The root of the doctrine is bitter.

    Native place - mother dear, ...

    The best gift is mind...

    Snow on the fields...

    An old friend is better...

    Take care of the dress again...

    …and labor is sweet.

    … the worst misfortune is ignorance.

    ... two new ones.

    ... and a foreign land is a stepmother.

    ... bread in the bins.

    ... and honor from a young age.

    Competition No. 3

    1st team captain

    2-team captain

    3-Team Captain

    2. Is the grammatical basis of the sentence an addition and a circumstance?

    Competition No. 4"Humanitarian Mathematics"

    Competition No. 5

    Teams prepare at home descriptions of the main characters of any program works (the first reads out for the second, the second for the third, the third for the first team). You need to name the author of the work, the title of the work and the hero. The team receives 5 points for each correct description.

    Competition No. 6Guess phraseological units

    Competition No. 7Guess the crossword


    Final step of the lesson:

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"Summary of the lesson on the topic: "Cheerful literate""


School-gymnasium No. 30 of the city of Astana


extracurricular activities: "Club of Merry Literates"

Conducted by: Russian language teacher

and literature by M.K. Sultanov

Astana, 2016

Goals of extracurricular activities:

    develop the intellectual abilities of students, expand their horizons;

    develop attentiveness, composure, purposefulness;

    cultivate intelligence and curiosity.

Visibility: interactive whiteboard, envelopes with assignments, posters with


Lesson summary

I.Organizing time

Positive attitude:(silent melody sounds)

When we smile, we are less likely to make mistakes.

And more often we are rewarded with gifts of fate.

Let these gifts be good grades in the lesson. Let's smile at each other and try to keep a good mood for the whole day. (Guys look at each other and smile)

Teacher: Hello, dear children! I am glad to see you in our class, at our game. I present to you three commands:

1. "Intellectuals"

2. "Literates"

3. "Linguists"

Today you will have to fight in an intellectual duel among yourself. First, we should select experts from among the students. Their job is to evaluate teams objectively.

Warm up: teams will have to quickly choose a team captain.

Competition No. 1

Literacy Competition: (correct mistakes). The first team to answer is the one whose captain raises the signal card first.

Sending clear. Taed snack. The snowdrops open their voices. Green leaves have blossomed on the birch. The sat was filled with the voices of rooks and squarrels.

Contest №2

Collect proverbs from two parts:




Competition No. 3 Game for captains "True and false statements."

You read the data on the affirmation slide, answer with "YES" or "NO".

1st team captain

1. The subject answers the questions What to do? What to do?

2. Does the predicate denote an object?

3. The main members of the sentence are the subject and the predicate?

4. Does the subject indicate the action?

2-team captain

1. Is the predicate expressed by the verb?

2. The noun answers the questions Who? What?

3. Is the phrase a sentence?

4. The subject can only be expressed by a noun.

3-Team Captain

1. Does the noun denote a person?

2. Is the grammatical basis of the sentence an addition and a circumstance?

3. A sentence that has both a subject and a predicate is called two-part?

4. Is the subject always expressed only by a noun?

Competition No. 4 "Humanitarian Mathematics"

When Vasilisa the Wise was 18 years old, Koschei the Immortal decided to marry her. Vasilisa asked how many chests of gold Koshchei had. Koschey replied that he had 27,360 chests full of gold. And every year 33 chests are added. Vasilisa promised to marry Koshchei when he had 30,000 chests full of gold. How old will Koshchei's bride be on her wedding day? (98 years).

Competition No. 5 "Guess" (homework)

Teams prepare at home descriptions of the main characters of any program works (the first reads out for the second, the second for the third, the third for the first team). You need to name the author of the work, the title of the work and the hero. The team receives 5 points for each correct description.

Competition No. 6 Guess phraseological units

The slide contains drawings with images of phraseological units, the teams will have to guess how the phraseological unit sounds.

Competition No. 7 Guess the crossword

    The main member of the sentence, which names the one who acts, experiences some state, answers the questions: who? what?

    The main member of the sentence, which names the action, state or sign of the subject and answers the questions: what does the subject do? what is the subject? what is an object?

    Section of the science of language, which studies the phrase and sentence, the rules for their construction?

    An independent part of speech that indicates objects, signs or quantities, but does not name them?

    A conversation between two or more people is called...?

    A branch of the science of language that studies the correct punctuation?

    A punctuation mark that is placed between homogeneous members or between parts of a complex sentence?

Summarizing: experts count points and give an assessment to each team. Presentation of prizes to each team.

Final step of the lesson:

Group singing "Song about kindness". Thanks everyone for the lesson!

Fragments from extracurricular activities

"Club of Merry Literates"

Presentation of the prize to the winning team.

Fun Russian lessons (Grade 2)
Host: Everyone knows that a Russian language lesson is a serious matter. And many of you are upset when you see a lot of mistakes in a notebook. It is very important, when studying Russian, to learn how to write words and sentences correctly and correctly. As you know: words are made up of sounds, and sounds in writing are indicated by icons - letters. And what can happen if you mix up the letters in words, you will find out when you listen to A. Shabaev's poem "Sad News".
A letter came to me, I look, -
From the camp, from Mishka
"Here is a wonderful bow, and I lick," -
Written in a letter.
"Onion licking?! What miracles!
Probably joking rogue "
I read further: “Here is a fox. Beautiful marvelous rod.
And what is he weaving, I can’t figure it out, even crack:
"When the otryat goes into lust, I drink songs"
“The other day I found sadness in the fox and was very pleased”
Not! Not! He doesn't joke. I'm afraid:
My friend is seriously ill.
When he returns, he needs to be treated: to force the rules to be taught.
(write the highlighted sentences on the board)
Host: what rules does the boy not know? Help him fix his mistakes. (For each corrected mistake - 1 point for the team)

LET'S GET TO KNOW the teams and the jury.
1 team "VOYANTS", 2 team "CONSONANTS", 3 team "SIGNS b and b",
Team 4 "WORD" (each team talks about itself)

Team performance:
1. Vowels stretch in a voiced song.
They may cry and scream.
They can cradle a child in a crib,
But they do not want to whistle and grumble.
2. And the consonants agree to rustle, whisper, creak,
Even snort and hiss. But they don't want to sing.
1. Air flows freely through the mouth, there are no obstacles of any kind.
The voice participates, the voice calls. The sound is obtained (vowel)
2. Air breaks barriers, noise is obtained.
There is no voice at all, but the sound breaks through.
What is the name of this sound? This is (voiceless consonant)
4. Vowels are friends with a consonant, they form a syllable together.
"MA" and "SHA" (remember: MASHA), came to us for a lesson.
If the syllables stand side by side, words are obtained.
"YOU" and "KVA", and together - "PUMPKVA"
"SO" and "VA" - read "OWL".
How many vowels in a word - so many syllables.
Every student knows this.
3. A soft sign and a hard sign speak like this:
- How many cakes will I eat?
The soft sign will answer: "Seven!"
A soft sign is a cunning sign. Don't name him.
It is not pronounced, but it is often asked for in a word.
Why did the CORNER at the house immediately turn into COAL?
No fire, just like that. It made a soft sign.
Silent solid sign is not pronounced in any way.
But many words need it, we will have to teach it.
Whether you like it or not, it's in the alphabet.

1 competition. A telegram was sent to us for the holiday, but the syllables are mixed up in it. Swap the syllables and read the text.
(Dear guys! Congratulations on the holiday of the Russian language.)

2 competition. A) Remove the flower and find the name of the vegetable: OGRUOMRAESCHTSKA.
B) Find the trees: TOBPEROYOLZAY.
C) Find two fruits: YABGLROUSHKAO.

Host: Everyone knows that Russian language lessons are a serious matter. However, even in such a serious discipline there is a reason for jokes. There is a joke in Russian based on the comical use of words that sound similar but have different meanings. This is called a pun (translated from French as a pun). Word games can be different. Here is a well-known game with the word "victory":
- What hotel did you live in? (VICTORY)
- What were you waiting for? (dinner)
- What happened? (TROUBLE)
- Missing what? (FOOD)
- Did you scream? (YES)
- What did they shout? (AA A)

Scene "IMPACT" (room, girl Tanya walks around the room and holds her head)
Tanya: My head hurts a lot, but I really want to go to school. Tired of being sick. You need to take medicine. (takes a bottle of medicine and reads) “Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day. After eating - food. (Tanya takes the medicine and starts to squeak: wee-wee-wee)
Brother: What happened, Tanya? Why are you squeaking?
Tanya: I took the medicine. And there it is written (reads)
Brother: Tanya, you misread. Should be taken after a meal! (i.e. after eating)
Tanya: Oh! And it's true. The teacher at school told us that the meaning of the word changes from the placement of stress.

Host: There are many such words in Russian that are like two drops of water. We listen to the poems and try to finish them.
Nobody could enter the house - there was a (lock) on the door
I dig sand with my hands. Royal (castle) formation.
From the wall (carnations) stick out, I'll hang it - like a poster on them.
And for Vika's birthday, I bring (carnations) as a gift
(Squirrels) jump on the branches, brought nuts to the children.
You bake cookies: beat the egg whites

3 competition. riddles for the audience.
A) I don’t know how to read, but I’ve been writing all my life. (feather)
B) Black Ivashka - a wooden shirt. Where he leads his nose, he puts a note there. (pencil)
C) A white bunny jumps on a black field. (chalk and board)
D) Not a bush, but with leaves. Not a shirt, but sewn. Not a person, but tells. (book)
D) Five closets, and one door. (glove)
E) A new vessel, but all in holes. (sieve)
G) They don’t eat me alone, but they rarely eat without me. (salt)
I) A sieve is hanging, not twisted by hand. (web)
K) He was born in the forest, but manages at home. (broom)
L) Not for fish, but sets up nets. (spider)

4 competition. Let's check the knowledge of the alphabet. (each team receives a card with words to be arranged in alphabetical order)
(quince, city, spruce, umbrella, cow, cat, window, pencil case, chair, ear, bread, watch, pike, screen, anchor)

5 competition. Guess the punctuation marks.
1. A curl looks like a tiny ear,
Tells us to stand a little
And get on your way.
He will go out onto the track - he will put his foot on everyone. (comma)
2. Lies with a stick on the line -
Walk across the bridge. (dash)

3. It is big-eyed. Walks, boasting signs.
So I want him to explain to us what's what. (colon)
4. There are three gossips in a row, they are talking, but secretly.
Some distant vague hints. (ellipsis)
5. Always eavesdrop on what others are saying. (quotes)
6. Words open their arms:
- We are waiting for you, dear brothers! (parentheses)

Host: And here is a well-known phrase. Put a comma where necessary.
EXECUTE SHOULD NOT BE PARTY. (write on the board)

6 competition. Guess the name. (write in the empty cells the first letters of the words - pictures. You will get the name of the boy vertically - the famous hero of the work of L. Tolstoy)

Summing up the results of competitions. Winner's reward ceremony.

Attached files

Children's age: 2nd grade.


- develop ingenuity, logical thinking;
- to instill love for the Russian language.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment, communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson

Dear Guys! Today our lesson is not simple, but fun, entertaining. You are not waiting for strict rules and exercises, but funny tales, poems, riddles, games and puzzles. After all, this is all our Russian language - amazing, interesting, fascinating and completely - not boring at all!

2. Warm up

Did you know that sometimes incredible things happen in fairy tales? So, just now a miracle will happen.

(Students appear, they have posters with letters in their hands)

Now you should quickly read what is written on each poster in a beautiful and friendly manner.

1 poster: ABCDEZH - rolled on a hedgehog.
2 poster: IIKLMNO - together they climbed out the window.
3 poster: PRSTUFFH - saddled a rooster.
4 poster: TSCHSHSHCHEYUYA - that's all my friends!

The student reads the poem:

Letters are icons, like fighters on a parade,
In a clear order built in a row.
Everyone stands in the appointed place,
And everything is called - ALPHABET!

3. "Guess what fairy tale"

1. My father had a strange boy,
Unusual wooden.
He had a long nose.
What is a fairy tale? Here is the question.
("Golden Key")

2. Waiting for mom with milk,
And they let the wolf into the house
Who were these
Small children?
("Seven goats")

3. Run away from being dirty
Cups, spoons and pots.
She is looking for them, calling
And tears are shed along the way.
("Fedorino grief")

4. And the road is far,
And the road is not easy
Sit on a stump
I would eat a pie.
("Masha and the Bear")

4. "School riddles"

How many years people live on Earth, riddles live the same number of years. They contain the wisdom of the people.

Guess what is necessary for any student.

1) If the pencil is broken -
I am your faithful assistant.
I, as a doctor, treat him -
Quickly, sharply sharpen.
(Pencil sharpener)

2) Now I'm in a cage, then in a line,
Feel free to write on them!
You can also draw.
What am I?

3) If you sharpen it,
You draw whatever you want.
Sun, sea, mountains, beach.

4) She speaks silently,
But clear and not boring.
You talk more often with her -
You will become four times smarter.

5) The long-awaited call is given,
This ended...

6) I carry a new house in my hand,
The door of the house is locked
There are paper tenants,
All are terribly important.

7) In the black field, the hare is white
Jumped, ran, made loops,
The trail behind him was also white.
Who is this rabbit?

8) I'm sitting, almost crying,
Very difficult…

Well done! You have solved all the riddles.

5. "In the land of cartoons"

Have you ever been to Cartoonland?
- And what cartoons do you know?
- Can you name the characters of your favorite cartoons?

(Carlson appears, holding a quiz)

Quiz questions:

1) Who voiced the role of the Wolf in the m / f “Well, you wait!” (Anatoly Papanov)
2) What was the name of the donkey from the m / f about Winnie the Pooh? (Eeyore)
3) What is the title of Munchausen? (Baron)
4) What was the name of Winnie's friend Pooh? (Piglet)
5) From which city were the famous musicians that we know about from the well-known m / f? (Bremen)
6) How many pigs were in one m / f, and what were their names? (three, Nif - Nif, Naf - Naf, Nuf - Nuf)

6. Puzzles

Guys, there is one task for you, it is very interesting. You need to solve puzzles. Who knows what a puzzle is? (This is a word or sentence that is encrypted using various characters: letters, numbers, drawings, etc.). Let's learn to guess puzzles.

You and I guessed individual words, and now we will try to read the sentence - a rebus.

(White fur coat - protection to the oblique)

7. "Music and Russian language"

Now the first verse of the Troubadour's song from the m / f "The Bremen Town Musicians" will be heard. Task: write down all the nouns you hear.

(path, princess, king, heart, password)

8. "Slovostroy"

Before you encrypted words. You need to unravel the names of fairy-tale characters.

9. "Who is more?"

You need to make as many words as possible from the word GRAMMAR.

(Answers: gram, frame, mat, whale, poppy, darkness, cancer, gamma, tick, shooting range, makeup, peace, mother, mime, hammock, brand, arch, March, rakita, moment, game, caviar, karma, magician , darkness, agate, rhythm, ammonia, frame, tiger, tick, world).

10. "The most - the most"

So, dear guys, I will now read the beginning of proverbs and sayings, and you are finishing.

1. The swallow starts the day, and the nightingale _________________. (cums)
2. Work feeds, and laziness _____________. (spoils)
3. Summer collects, and winter ____________. (eats up)
4. Peace builds, and war ____________. (destroys)
5. The brave wins, but the coward __________. (dies)
6. A person gets sick from laziness, and ______________ from work. (getting healthy)

11. Summing up. Reflection

Who thinks that this lesson was useful?
- Who was satisfied with himself?
- What are your suggestions or comments?
- What would you like to wish yourself and each other today?

Thank you for your work.