The influence of color on a person, color therapy. Color therapy - how different colors affect health

Did you know that your mood, physical strength, mental activity, and even your health are largely dependent on the color of the room in which you study or work? There is a whole science - colorology, which studies the degree of impact of various colors on the human body, statistically determining the effect on mood, character and desire to carry out any kind of activity. Consider this fact if you are going to make repairs in the room. Depending on what the room will be used for, it is worth choosing the color of the wallpaper, furniture and curtains.

What effect do colors have?
Red color

This color is considered the most aggressive in the spectrum, all shades of this color are tonic, excite the nervous system, warm, activate the vital forces of the body. This color should not be used by people with high blood pressure and overweight, since a long stay in the room can lead to a hypertensive crisis, fever and deterioration of well-being. You should also not actively use red as the main color in the bedroom, as this can lead to sleep disturbance and insomnia. Ideal for gyms as it tones the muscles. Not bad for offices, as red stimulates brain activity and allows you to make decisions faster.

Orange color

Orange is the color of business. If you want to achieve success in business, then paint your office in the light of the sun. It not only gives you warmth and energy, but also stimulates the brain, creative activity, increases vitality. This color is especially beneficial for those who are prone to depression, often feel depressed and oppressed, since orange itself radiates positive and good mood. In addition, this color has a positive effect on concentration, so orange wallpaper in the room where you work will stimulate brain activity, give you some creative ideas and provide a good mood.


This color is the lightest in the spectrum and therefore the most favorable for the body. It is much less aggressive than red and orange, but it has similar tonic properties. Often used in medical practice to improve mood in people suffering from depression, as well as those who have digestive problems. In addition, there is an opinion that a long pastime in the yellow room will help to cope with strabismus, stop myopia, and even help in the treatment of diabetes.

Green color

Green is the most natural and familiar color to the eye, since it can be constantly observed in nature. It would be logical to assume that being in a room of this color has a calming, pacifying and stabilizing effect. In terms of its effect on the human body, it is the exact opposite of red. It lowers blood pressure by dilating blood vessels, soothes muscles, and actually relieves headaches. In addition to calming, this color is famous for its refreshing effect, it exhibits antiseptic properties. It is recommended to use green in the bathroom or bedroom, in addition, it will be useful for those who suffer from nervous disorders and insomnia.


Blue is the color of patience and tolerance. It is also as close as possible to the natural color of the sky and water and therefore has a calming effect on the human nervous system. In addition, this color lowers blood pressure, slows breathing, lowers body temperature and refreshes. It is not recommended to use this color in the design of the kitchen and dining room, as it has an interesting property to reduce appetite. Unless you're looking to shed a few extra pounds.

Blue color

The effect on the body is highly dependent on the shade. If we talk about light blue, then their effect is akin to the effect of blue, as for dark blue, it affects the body negatively. The fact is that dark colors have a depressing effect and can drive a person into a depressive state. It contributes to a very strong slowdown in the functions of the human body, disrupts digestion. It is recommended for interior decoration of overly emotional and aggressive people, as it calms the nervous system.


Surprisingly combines the properties of red and blue, causing a strong depression of the nervous system. Can cause bouts of depression.

Thus, a good choice of color design for living rooms will not only give you a positive mood, but will also prevent many diseases.

Did you know that color affects the human psyche, thoughts and feelings? It can please and grieve, soothe and irritate its possibilities are simply amazing!

AT Have you noticed that you get more attention when you wear a red sweater? Or that a group of people dressed in black looks extremely gloomy? Or that your colleague, wearing a white skirt, gives the impression of a very active person? If yes, then you will definitely be interested in the principles of color therapy and the effect of color on a person.


  • Each color emits electromagnetic waves that affect a person in different ways.
  • Its healing effect is instantaneous, because we perceive its energy not only with our eyes, but also with our skin.
  • By choosing the right shades for yourself, you will become healthier and more fun. Colors are sometimes referred to as emotional food, and our bodies require a diet of a wide variety of colors to function properly.
  • Restoring peace of mind, colors also have a positive effect on the human psyche and health.
  • Food, clothes, makeup, furniture - all this can have a beneficial effect on you with the right choice of color.
  • Color and health. Knowing how different colors affect the human body, you can improve your well-being, appearance and even life itself.

The effect of color on a person


Warm, exciting, and also provocative. The color of blood, fire, energy and passion.

  • HEALING PROPERTIESStimulates all types of energy, helps to gather mental and physical strength when you are tired, increases heart rate.
  • EXCESSred causes overeating, irritability and overexcitation.
  • APPLICATIONSuitable for the living room and in small quantities for the bedroom. Red clothes inspire confidence.
  • COMPENSATED green.


The color of the bright sun, which means optimism, energy and joy.

  • HEALING PROPERTIESA very strong healer, it improves mental abilities, improves mood, gives confidence, energizes.
  • EXCESStoo bright yellow can cause mental fatigue.
  • APPLICATIONIn the kitchen, this warm color will create a pleasant atmosphere. Wear sunny yellow clothes on gloomy days.
  • COMPENSATED purple.


Calming and harmonious color, helps to feel one with nature.

  • HEALING PROPERTIESSoothes, relieves stress. Green furniture and light green décor in hospitals promote patient recovery.
  • EXCESSdark green can cause depression.
  • APPLICATIONCalm green shades are suitable for the bedroom, and bright ones for the kitchen or hallway. Green clothes give peace.


This powerful combination of energetic red and optimistic yellow has a very strong effect on the human psyche.

  • HEALING PROPERTIESOrange color uplifts and stimulates creative thinking, helps to bring ideas to life.
  • EXCESSorange can make you distracted.
  • APPLICATIONSuitable for living room and office. Orange scarves or carnelian jewelry inspire optimism.


This color helps to express your personality and also relaxes.

  • HEALING PROPERTIESTurquoise has always been valued for its protective and healing qualities. Color therapists believe that it stimulates the immune system. In addition, according to studies, turquoise helps to relax muscles.
  • EXCESSturquoise promotes stubbornness and peremptoryness.
  • APPLICATIONTurquoise in the bathroom and turquoise decorations enhance the feeling of peace.


The combination of red and blue is a very powerful color affecting human health, which enhances intuition and empathy.

  • HEALING PROPERTIESpurple is used for meditation or physical enhancement. Healers use amethyst to relieve headaches.
  • EXCESSlight purple will make you dreamy, and an excess of purple will inspire fear.
  • APPLICATIONIt is appropriate in the bedroom, as it promotes relaxation. Wear purple if you have difficult people to deal with.
  • COMPENSATED yellow.


Blue represents peace and harmony. It also helps to learn new things.

  • HEALING PROPERTIESShades of blue are very soothing. They are used to reduce pressure and improve sleep. And this color relieves joint pain.
  • EXCESSdark blue brings melancholy.
  • APPLICATIONBlue makes the bathroom the perfect place to unwind. Wear blue when you expect trust, respect, and attention from people.
  • COMPENSATED orange.


Pink is the color of love and, thanks to the combination of red and white, balance and energy.

  • HEALING PROPERTIESVisualize yourself surrounded by pink in stressful situations to inspire confidence. Pink also promotes responsiveness.
  • EXCESShot pink is exciting.
  • APPLICATIONSoft pink shades are good for the bedroom. Wear light pink when you want to express love and care or ask for forgiveness.
  • COMPENSATED turquoise.

color tricks

  1. SMALL ACCENTIt is not necessary to dress up in one color from head to toe: a red scarf or handbag is quite able to increase your vitality.Scatter bright pillows around the living room so that their colorful energy is concentrated in the right parts of the room.
  2. COLORED LAMPSHADES Use colorful light bulbs or lampshades to fill the room with an energizing shade.
  3. RAINBOW ON THE WINDOWS Bright transparent stickers on windows produce the same useful effect as skillfully executed stained-glass windows.
  4. DEEP SLEEP If you don't sleep well, change the color of your bedroom to a calmer one: soft pink, light blue, soft purple.
  5. GOOD MOODAre you overwhelmed by hopelessness and constant fatigue? Orange clothes and a bouquet of sunflowers will instantly cheer you up.
  6. STONE POWER Arrange colored decorative crystals around the house and wear jewelry to enhance the influence of flowers on a person and his psyche.
  7. THE POWER OF PETALS A bouquet composed of one or more shades that suit your needs is a great way to lift your spirits.
  8. COLORED MENUBeautiful food is easier to digest. Include more colored foods in your daily diet.
  9. THEATER EFFECTMulti-colored filters for theater spotlights can be easily adapted to home lamps.
  10. SMART COSMETICS Learn to influence others with lipstick or varnish. For example, use pink tones if you want to look friendly.
  11. FLAVOR OF COLOR Essential oils of bright colors can bring energy into your life in different shades, such as blue (lavender) or red (geranium).

The influence of other colors on a person and his psyche

Color therapists also use the following colors in their practice:

WHITE He includes all colors of the spectrum. In white clothes, you will look organized, sincere and innocent. In combination with other colors, white does not look so strict.

BLACK Not being essentially a color, it is still used in color therapy. Wear black when you don't want to stand out, and wear black when you want to be lost in thought.

GOLD It not only gives peace of mind, but also enhances self-confidence. Wear gold rings, jewelry with amber or yellow topaz.

Hi all! Nadezhda Vasilyeva is in touch with you. And in this article we will analyze the topic - The influence of color on a person. I will tell you simply and in detail on this very interesting topic for life and marketing. And also consider a few basic colors.

Everyone knows that in order to achieve a certain goal in life, it is necessary to make maximum efforts. But now the goal is clear, and the forces are applied, but the work is worth it. Why do we rarely reach the end result? Why do we lose interest in the case in the middle of work? Probably because we are not activating our visual centers.

If you influence them in a special way (using color signals), you can achieve incredible performance. The main thing is to know what color should be used for a particular task. This science is called color therapy. It appeared relatively recently, but has already proved its viability.

In modern society, a huge number of theories have been put forward about the effect of color on a person. And they are all true in their own way. Color can cause both positive and negative emotions, slow down and enhance human activity, cause aggression and peace.

Different colors have different effects on the human psyche. It's pouring rain outside the window, the whole world is gray and that's it, the mood is at zero, performance is reduced. And when it's a sunny day, the abundance of colors makes us smile and move towards our goals.

Some skeptics will say that the effect of color on a person has not been proven and is not used in practice. But color therapy has been widely used, both in medicine and in psychology.

The main point in the application of this technique is the use of color to influence the mental state of a person. This article provides examples of the effect of color on a person. Let's consider each of them separately.

Red color- bright saturated shade. It is he who activates all the centers of a person, increasing his tone and productivity. It evokes positive emotions. Helps a person facing a choice to determine the situation. The red color, as it were, "turns on" a dormant organism. Even if the situation is hopeless, this color will make the human brain work to its fullest.

The body releases adrenaline, which increases blood circulation and delivers fresh blood to the brain, providing it with oxygen.

Orange color- Helps with business. This is the color of career growth.

Soft, warm, at the same time rich shade, will help to achieve the desired heights in the workplace. If red triggers the instincts of self-preservation, forcing a person to act immediately, then orange sharpens a person’s basic instincts, helping him find the perfect way to solve a problem.

By surrounding yourself with orange, a person is capable of much, as it helps to increase a person’s self-esteem.

Yellow- has a calming effect, relaxes a person.

It enhances mental activity, promotes the training of memory, attention, gives vitality to the body. Promotes the intellectual growth of the individual.

If orange has the ability to influence the digestive system, then yellow is responsible for the process of assimilation of nutrients by the body. Thanks to him, the body absorbs calcium in sufficient quantities. After all, it's no secret that the sun's rays are directly related to the production of vitamin D in the body.

Green color- refreshes, gives peace, tranquility.

Helps people achieve long-term goals. For example, learning languages ​​or to perform regular sports. It contributes to the development of organization in a person. That is, it affects the achievement of the final result, and not the preservation of existing skills.

Green color has a positive effect on the human cardiovascular system, helping a person get rid of negative thoughts and strengthening the nervous system, it affects the heart like a balm. Improves mood without causing excessive activity.

Blue color- has a calming effect, dulls emotions and relieves irritability.

It has a very positive effect on people prone to impulsive decisions. It is difficult for such people to control their emotions, and so the blue color for them is a solution to problems. It helps to focus. Gives peace and serenity.

The darker the shade of blue, the more it depresses the nervous system, it is not recommended for people prone to depression. The psychological effect of color on a person is able to cause illusions in a person, dip him into a fantasy world, taking him away from the real world.

Purple- it is difficult to call a solid color, it is associated with luxury, mystery.

It consists of red and blue, while it perfectly combines the opposite influence of these colors. Perfectly copes with panic, gives confidence and knowledge. The positive influence of color on the human psyche is noted.

White color- associated with purity, infinity.

This is the color of people who are self-confident and accustomed to getting their way. This is the beginning of all beginnings, the cradle of other colors. Can be the basis for any color.

Black color- a companion of depression, depression, negative emotions, can develop a sense of inferiority and insecurity of the individual.

But at the same time, it gives humanity the opportunity to get to the truth and fish out everything that was hidden to the surface. If a person plunges into the world of his own thoughts, he surrounds himself with black, which gives not only depression, but also rest from excessive emotions.

Thus, we see that the influence of color on a person is enormous. And the course of our life depends on how competently we use colors.

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It's no secret that all colors and colors have a certain effect on people, and colors have long been used for people. How familiar colors affect the human psyche, we will consider further.

Did you know? Red hues improve digestion and are perfect for decorating a dining room.

Red tones act obsessively, excite, induce the person to. In humans, the pulse and breathing changes (as with excitement). With a short-term effect of red color on a person, it increases. But this effect does not last long and soon comes.

In the interior of children's rooms, the use of red shades is not recommended (or at least limited), as this can be the cause. For red tones, it is better to completely exclude them.

Everyone noticed that orange tones cause fun and. So the effect of orange on a person is only positive. It favorably influences and plays a special role in negotiations. The main associations associated with orange tones:

  • leadership;
  • courage;
  • vitality;
  • Adventures.
The energy of this tone is so much that it drowns out discontent, helps to cope with fears, softens a pessimistic mood and increases.

You can use orange tones in the treatment of certain diseases:, and the endocrine system.

Important! Orange shades symbolize career growth and business success.

The main associations that yellow evokes are knowledge, fertility, wisdom, maturity, self-sufficiency. It gives people optimism and is one of the soothing colors.

Yellow is called intellectual paint - it has a positive effect on creative activity, has a positive effect on the thought process.

A variety of shades of yellow affects the human psyche in different ways. Honey, for example, is associated with the evening and therefore not everyone likes it. At the same time, lemon has only a positive effect, since it is associated with the morning.

The influence of yellow tones is especially acute on the nervous system. With the help of these shades you can.


Physiologically optimal paint. If you're wondering what color is soothing, green is the way to go. It dilates blood vessels, increases muscle activity for a long time.

Experts say that those who do not like green shades are afraid of difficulties and any changes.

But those who have green as a favorite are afraid to be under any influence and regularly assert themselves. Such people are distinguished by perseverance, stubbornness, which helps to overcome various difficulties and obstacles. People who love green shades are characterized by softness and tenderness, a willingness to help their neighbor.

Green tones are used in the treatment of the nervous, cardiovascular system, insomnia,.


This is the color of the sky and therefore it pacifies, somewhat reduces activity.

Blue is a passive paint that can cause weakening and some slowing down of vital processes. It causes coolness and relieves emotional stress.

Blue tones express lightness, weightlessness, freshness. It has a calming, relaxing effect on the psyche, can reduce pressure.

Important! Too much blue tones in a room can make you feel cold and alienated.


Psychologists characterize the effect of this color on a person’s mood as entirely positive, it has a calming effect on the psyche and helps to get rid of problems such as bleeding,.

Blue color gives a person restraint, gives self-confidence.

Different shades of blue have different effects:

  • saturated - peacefulness, calmness, serenity;
  • Navy blue - .


This color cannot be called natural, so some kind of unnaturalness is felt from it. The main association with purple is prosperity, luxury, wealth, greatness. And this tone looks mysterious.

The basis of purple is blue and red, and in terms of psychological actions they are complete opposites. Violet tones are responsible for intuition and insight.

Violet is able to drive away any fears and doubts, helps to cope with melancholy.


White symbolizes purity. It is associated with the manifestation of truth, truth, innocence, purity, divine powers. The solemnity of white tunes in a lyrical mood, strengthens morally and energizes.

Lovers of light colors easily fall into ecstasy, they are dreamy people with a well-developed imagination.

A person perceives white paint as the absence of any color; it, as it were, symbolizes a world without colors and material properties. Therefore, psychologically white acts like silence.

Did you know? Too much white has a negative effect on labor activity.


The darkest color associated with death, rebirth, transition to another period. In design, black means power, strength, humility.

Black paint acts on the human psyche as something without a future, as a dead spot without possibilities. Like white, it calms psychological activity, relieves tension, and sets the level down.

Colors can be used to decorate rooms, to improve mood, increase working capacity, create conditions for relaxation. At the same time, psychologists advise not to follow fashion, but to use knowledge about how a particular color affects the psyche.

People strive to create coziness and a comfortable atmosphere in the house. But their success largely depends on what colors they use when. After all, each color and specific shade has its own characteristics. Color therapy allows you to evaluate the effect of interior color on the emotional state of a person.

The psychological influence of color in the interior

When creating, designers will certainly think about what colors can and should be used in a specific room. Only having knowledge of the impact of individual shades, you can confidently paint the walls of an apartment or house in the chosen color. Very often people turn to their favorite colors which negatively affect the final result. After all, each of them has its own characteristics and characteristics, they all have a specific and not always a favorable effect on the psyche.

pick up individual colors need tailored to the target purpose of the premises, character and psychological residents' status, as well as the degree of illumination. The influence of colors in the interior on a person largely depends on the last point. You need to choose a shade not in the store, but in the room itself. It's best to do it in bright daylight and subdued evening Sveta. This is the only way you can appreciate the real color that will turn out in the end. Often people, choosing a specific shade, are surprised at the result. They find that with less or more light intensity, not only the brightness changes, but also the color itself. Such a seemingly insignificant deviation can play a very important role and have the opposite effect on the human psyche.

So the designers recommend be careful in choosing the right shade and carefully check the sample before finishing work. However, before that, you need to decide what color is needed for a particular interior. So, what are the special characteristics of colors and shades? Can all of them be used for living quarters?


It is traditionally called "color of life" for its resemblance to blood, but far from every house, red can inhale this very life and energy. The abundance of red can adversely affect the nervous system lead to overwork, stress and even depression. But in small quantities and with short contact red color very useful. It energizes, tones and activates the body. The heart begins to beat faster, feelings become more acute and the need for physical contact with another person increases.

Designers are advised to use as additional, giving the interior juiciness and brightness. It will look great in the kitchen or in. But for a nursery, bedroom or bathroom, it is best to choose a different, less aggressive color. However, dark shades of red, which are on the verge of brown, give the interior of the bedroom bohemian luxury. This finish should not be strongly highlighted, the boudoir should be surrounded by a mysterious twilight.

The peculiarity of red is that the rooms in the interior of which it is used seem to be several degrees warmer. The reason lies in the accelerated blood circulation.


This cheerful color seems appropriate in any space, but this approach can lead to anxiety, irritability and...obesity. All shades of orange charge with positive encourage immediate action and build trust. The desire to communicate and share their feelings arises even among those people who are used to keeping "everything in themselves." So orange is appropriate in the interior and kitchens where families gather for lunch and dinner.

Another advantage (all shades except orange) - concentration increase. Do you want to increase labor productivity? Add some orange to . You can also do with . It is important not to overdo it, because with prolonged contact and large volume orange acts just the opposite.

Be careful orange enhances appetite, so you can gain a few kilograms unnoticed. If problems with excess weight do not bother you, then the kitchen in this color will look interesting and unusual.


A great option for rooms that lack natural light. Warm saturate the room with light will create a cozy atmosphere. This color is also energizes and inspires action, but to a lesser extent than orange. Therefore, it can often be found in light yellow tones. But it is worth remembering that such combinations are strictly contraindicated in people suffering from insomnia or nervous excitability. Even the lightest shades will affect them negatively.

Juicy yellow can be entered as complementary color for the kitchen as well as in the children's room. It helps to improve concentration, increases the ability to self-organize than beneficial effect on the psyche both teenagers and adults.


Such "natural" colors have a beneficial effect on a variety of people. Green calms and allows you to concentrate on the main thing, discarding the fuss and minor details. This color is often "basic" for bedrooms, offices and living rooms. Its indisputable advantage is the ability refresh and soothe simultaneously. It carries the depth of knowledge, the power of nature and complete security. In interiors made in green, you can completely to relax. That is why it is ideal for both office and office.

In addition, it provides beneficial effect on the nervous system a person with prolonged contact: it relieves irritability and even depression. In the living room, it can be used both as a primary and as an additional color to help people distract themselves from problems and have a heart-to-heart talk.


Another color that associated with nature, also often found in interiors. Light blue is capable of "pushing back" the walls, so it looks good in small rooms. It is worth noting that this color is best used in warm sunny rooms, as it has an amazing property. temperature drop. This effect is explained lowering blood pressure in a person.

The advantage of blue is that it is not only increases working capacity but it's also very soothing. The feeling of spaciousness and boundless space allows you to escape from worries, fuss and stress, and the pleasant coolness allows you to concentrate on the tasks at hand.

Blue is often used in because it has the ability to quickly and effectively reduce muscle tone. This color is ideal for people suffering from insomnia., because it allows you to completely relax and immerse yourself in an unconscious state.


It would seem that blue and blue are very close, but they have different effects on the human psyche. are much less common. And the reason is that the slightest mistake in choosing a shade can seriously affect the final result. All light variations Suitable for bedroom and bathroom decoration. They contribute relaxation, soothe and even help faster recover and heal wounds. But the dark blue color, striking in its depth and luxury, designers are advised to use with caution. Such shades with prolonged contact can negatively affect the psyche, causing apathy and depression. To a person who spends a lot of time in such interiors, hard to concentrate, he is despondent.


Mystical and mysterious is rarely found in interiors, because it needs handle very carefully. Exciting and romantic light colors can be seen as accents in the rooms of teenage girls as well. The thing is that such combinations tune in the right way, allow you to relax and give free rein to your dreams. In “small doses”, violet promotes the formation of love mood.

Designers do not advise using darker tones in interiors, as they negatively affect the psyche of people. Calming is not about relaxing the muscles, but about being distracted. This is leads to rapid fatigue, decreased attention and ability to concentrate.


This color can be safely attributed to "neutral" which can be used in any room. It is worth remembering that dark and light shades affect the perception of the size of the room in different ways, since this is especially noticeable in the example. Great for both bedroom interior as well as for finishing the kitchen.

This natural color gives self-confidence, sense of security and resilience. It is perfect for those people who want to become more determined and self-sufficient. Besides brown color is very soothing helps to cope with nervous shocks and stress.


This color can always be found in, photographs of which are published in glossy magazines. But this design of the apartment is not suitable for everyone. No matter how attractive, mysterious and alluring black may be, it still creates a “pressing” and tense atmosphere.

Designers recommend using it in moderate amounts and only as an additional color. Thanks to its high contrast ratio, black can be the perfect way to accentuate and emphasize everything that matters. In small quantities, it will give the interior refined elegance, and in large ones it can create tense and uncomfortable atmosphere in room.


Advantages of white the list seems to be endless. He not only charges with positive and awakens the desire to live, but also favorably changes the perception of the room. White color - the best way to increase space to make it lighter and cleaner. It is often used as a background in a variety of rooms from the bedroom to the hallway, often. Numerous combinations can significantly change the overall perception of colors. So, for example, classic, where the last color is used as the background, as a result, leads to the creation of a stylish but light interior.

In addition, subconsciously convinces of the quality and safety of dishes, their compliance with sanitary standards. This property is actively used by restaurateurs.

And yet there are certain limitations. So, for example, an abundance of white in the nursery and bedroom is not the best option. Cold and not complemented by bright accents, it will look boring and even a little depressing.


This universal color looks great in combination with other, brighter and more saturated colors. He acts as perfect background, allowing you to ennoble even the smallest room with a modest finish. Neutral gray suitable for any room: from the kitchen to the living room. This color promotes calm and the search for harmony.

However, without additional colors, it may seem too boring and monotonous, cause depression and apathy. Therefore, designers recommend "dilute" it with bright shades.

What is color therapy?

The influence of flowers on the human body has long ceased to be a myth. Behind the mysterious concept "color therapy" hiding the whole medical direction which studies the effect of different colors on psycho-emotional state of a person. But how are certain dependencies formed? Some developed and took root for thousands of years and are in no way connected with the history of a particular individual. So, for example, to red color raises blood pressure increases the heart rate and tones the entire body. The reason is that for many millennia, red has symbolized a challenge (volcanic eruptions, fires, etc.). But there are also separate "conditioned reflexes" that are formed in an individual due to his positive or negative life experience. The influence of color on the human psyche in the interior can be very strong, so you need to select shades carefully and accurately.

How to influence color on the physical and psycho-emotional state of a person?

The right selection of colors for certain rooms will create a comfortable atmosphere for rest and work. Certain shades should be “introduced” into the interior only after making sure that they really have the desired effect on a particular person.

To create a cozy and stylish interior that will have a beneficial effect on the human body, its psycho-emotional state and life in general, you need to pay attention to the color scheme.