Universities related to molecular biology. The best biological universities in the world

Biotechnology is one of the fastest growing scientific fields. Biomolecular research, biomedicine, bioengineering - all these areas and specializations are among the most demanded in the world.

In addition to medicine, biotechnology is increasingly being used in environmental protection and energy. In other words, this biotechnology, working at the intersection of biology and technology, provides mind-blowing career opportunities.

Among educational organizations, American universities are leading, but other continents have something to show.

Check out the lists of the strongest medical universities in, and.

Top 10 Biology Universities in the World

  1. Harvard University (USA). Harvard University is ranked number 1 in the world in genetics, genomics, and bioinformatics, and in biochemistry and biophysics, according to US News & World Report in 2014. The Harvard biotechnology educational program allows students to engage in bioengineering and nanotechnology, bioinformatics. The best at Harvard is considered the faculty of molecular and cellular biology. A multidisciplinary approach makes it possible to train not only scientists, but also employees for managerial positions in the fields of biotechnology.
  2. University of Tokyo (Japan). The World Ranking Guide in 2014 ranked the University of Tokyo 2nd in their rankings. The Faculty of Biotechnology offers Master's programs in Biomolecular Research, Biofunctional Studies, Molecular and Cellular Biosciences. Students study DNA, protein engineering and bioinformatics. It is important to note that Master students undergo international internships.
  3. University College London (Great Britain). University College London regularly ranks in the top 10 of various prestigious rankings of the best biotechnology universities. Students receive their first higher education in biochemistry (the study of chemistry, biochemistry, genetics and molecular biotechnology). The most important direction here is experimental biochemistry. The Master in Biotechnology specializes in such critical areas as cellular regulation, molecular cloning and others.
  4. University of California San Francisco (USA). The university offers some of the best programs in the world in biochemistry and biophysics, the areas closest to biotechnology. Master's students have the opportunity to combine scientific research with professional business experience, which allows them to quickly find a job after graduation in the rapidly developing biotechnology sector. Molecular biotechnology programs and internships are in the greatest demand.
  5. University of Pennsylvania (USA). The university offers bachelor's, master's and PhD programs in biotechnology, as well as the so-called "professional master" in biotechnology. Students can choose from the following specializations: Molecular Biotechnology, Biopharmaceuticals/Bioengineering, or Biomedical Technologies. There is also the possibility of obtaining a double degree with Wharton University.
  6. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA). Founded in 1998, the Faculty of Biological Engineering quickly became one of the best in the world - it could not be otherwise in the best technological university on the planet (according to the latest rankings). There are first-class modern laboratory centers for biomedical engineering, environmental and health sciences, microbiology, etc.
  7. Johns Hopkins University (USA). The Center for Biotechnology Education at Johns Hopkins University offers undergraduate and graduate programs in biotechnology. Students receive basic knowledge of biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, genomics and proteomics. Students also study applied science and the application of new technologies in business, as well as the opportunity for foreign internships. There are also part-time and distance learning programs.
  8. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (USA). Founded in 1824, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute is the oldest technological university in the United States. The Center for Biotechnology and Interdisciplinary Sciences offers a range of programs, including a particularly popular program at the intersection of biotechnology and medicine.
  9. Stanford University (USA). One of the best universities in the world - Stanford University - offers an excellent program at the Faculty of Bioengineering. The program was developed in collaboration with the Faculty of Medicine and Engineering and aims to apply engineering approaches to medical problems and biological systems. The university also offers enticing internship opportunities at leading companies in the industry.
  10. University of Rhode Island (USA). This renowned university offers a range of biotechnology programs at undergraduate and graduate levels. Research is largely focused on stem cell biotechnologies, molecular biotechnologies and bioprocesses.

Top Biology Schools in North America

  1. Harvard University (USA).
  2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA).
  3. Stanford University (USA).
  4. University of California, Berkeley (USA).
  5. California Institute of Technology (Caltech) (USA).
  6. Princeton University (USA).
  7. Yale University (USA).
  8. Johns Hopkins University (USA).
  9. University of California, Los Angeles (USA).
  10. Columbia University (USA).

The best biological universities in Europe

  1. University of Oxford (Great Britain).
  2. University of Cambridge (UK).
  3. Imperial College London (Great Britain).
  4. ETH Zürich (Switzerland).
  5. University College London (Great Britain).
  6. University of Edinburgh (Great Britain).
  7. Wageningen University and Research Center (Netherlands).
  8. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Germany).
  9. King's College London (UK).
  10. Uppsala University (Sweden).

Best Biology Universities in Asia

  1. University of Tokyo (Japan).
  2. University of Melbourne (Australia).
  3. The University of Queensland Australia (Australia).
  4. National University of Singapore (Singapore)
  5. Kyoto University (Japan).
  6. Australian National University (Australia).
  7. Osaka University (Japan).
  8. Monash University (Australia).
  9. University of Sydney (Australia).
  10. University of Western Australia (Australia).

Love biology? Do you want to get an education that will be related to this science? You are lucky, experts in biology and related sciences are waiting for the best universities in the country. We will analyze possible areas of study and future professional activities.

Good scores after a biology exam can open many doors for you. Without knowledge in this area, it is impossible to become a doctor, ecologist or study psychology. Veterinarians and agricultural specialists will also be required to provide test results to the selection committee, and in some universities, to pass a separate internal exam.

But let's start with a simple and at the same time very difficult choice. Which educational institution to apply with high scores after the Unified State Examination in Biology and which specialty to choose.

Top universities and faculties in Russia, where biology is a core subject


Specialty/Bachelor's degree

Passing score 2017 (budget/commerce)

06.03.01 Biology


(for four exams and an exam at the university)

06.03.01 Biology


06.03.01 Biology

Information biology

Molecular biology

General biology and ecology


Cytology and genetics


06.03.01 Biology


06.03.01 Biology


06.03.01 Biology


141 / no set

06.03.01 Biology


06.03.01 Biology


205/dial was not

06.03.01 Biology


152 / no set

06.03.01 Biology



High technologies and innovative business systems

Demanded specialties

Biology is a fundamental science, so you can find hundreds of professions in which it will be in demand one way or another. We will talk about the most promising areas in terms of development and the increased interest of HR departments.


These specialists study the structure and function of the chemicals that make up living organisms.

Today, the competition for state-funded places in universities in this specialty is not too high, but experts predict that in a few years the demand for the profession will increase significantly.

The salary of a biochemist starts from 15 thousand rubles, and more experienced specialists can count on 40-50 thousand.


The specialist is engaged in laboratory research that improves production technologies. Also, biotechnologists are working on the creation of new biologically active additives, vitamin complexes, pharmacological preparations.

The profession is consistently in demand in the labor market. A specialist with a degree in biotechnology will quickly find a job in food or cosmetic laboratories, make a career in catering.

The average salary is in the region of 50-60 thousand rubles, but novice specialists will receive about 15 thousand.

This is a specialist who supervises the cultivation and collection of plants. He must be well versed not only in crop production, but also in soil science, geography, geology, and even weather research.

The profession is in demand and well paid, but the agronomist does not have to spend even half of the working day in his office. Its place is in the field, next to the plants.

Salary from 20 thousand rubles. A good agronomist with experience and understanding of his specialization can earn up to 150 thousand.


A specialist in the field of agronomic chemistry studies soil science, agriculture, meteorology, plant biochemistry and much more. The result of the work of the agrochemist will be the improvement of soil fertility, plant breeding and increased yields. Specialists spend their working day in large laboratories, doing research.

The salary of an agrochemist starts from 15 thousand rubles, the upper salary level is 50 thousand rubles, with extensive experience and extensive knowledge in many areas.


The salary in this area starts from 20 thousand rubles, and a specialist with experience and own research will receive about 60 thousand rubles a month. The profession is in demand, a good specialist will find a job very quickly.

Zoologists are focused on the study of various animal species, their interaction with humans, and any aspects of the development of the animal world. Specialists work in research institutes, nature reserves, specialized parks and medical centers. The knowledge of zoologists in agriculture, pharmacology, medicine, and other branches of science and industry is in demand.

The salary starts from 19 thousand rubles, the maximum rate for a professional zoologist is 50 thousand.

Geneticist (specialist in genetic matters)

At the moment, this specialty is more in demand as a scientific activity, involving a large number of human DNA studies. In the future, specialists in genetics will become more interesting to the labor market, and the industry is expected to develop rapidly.

Geneticists will be involved in identifying potential genetic diseases, developing DNA correction programs, preventing birth defects or health problems in children from incompatible couples.

Geneticists earn at the beginning of their career from 25 thousand rubles, the maximum bar is 90 thousand.

Biology for admission to medical school

We deliberately did not mention doctors and those who work in related fields in the list of in-demand professions. We will talk about them in the next article.

Biology is one of the most important subjects in medical schools, so standard school knowledge for admission will not be enough. Evolve:

  • take additional lessons or study the necessary topics on your own;
  • devote time to scientific competitions and olympiads;
  • create your own projects and do a little research;
  • write articles for school or city publications;
  • attend preparatory courses at the chosen university.

If you love biology, then many roads are open to you in a variety of professions. Before deciding on a university, visit an Open Day and spend at least one day in the company of a person who is somehow connected with your future profession. It will give you more than months of thinking.

  • Extract from the protocol No. 1 dated February 14, 2019 of the meeting of the commission of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Health of Russia on the transfer of students from paid education to free education at the Faculty of Medicine and Biology
  • Extract from the protocol No. 1 dated January 30, 2019 of the meeting of the commission of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Health of Russia for the restoration in the number of students at the Faculty of Medicine and Biology

The Faculty of Medicine and Biology (MBF) was founded in 1963 in accordance with the needs of the rapidly developing biomedical science and new challenges for human health that emerged with the expansion of its habitat (space flights, deep-sea expeditions, etc.), the emergence of new viral, bacterial diseases, new chemical compounds and materials that forced a new approach to the issues of biosafety, diagnostics and treatment of humans.

The founders of the IBF were such outstanding medical scientists of our country as academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professors Yu.M. Lopukhin, Yu.A. Vladimirov, Yu. F. Panchenko, P. V. Sergeev, R.V. Petrov, A.I. Archakov, S.B. Seredenin, E.M. Kogan. Their work was continued by their students and followers, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.P. Chekhonin Corresponding Member. RAS V.I. Skvortsova, professors V.A. Petrov, Yu.V. Balyakin, A.N., Osipov, L.V. Gankovskaya, A.G. Kamkin, S.A. Moshkovsky, T.A. Zarubina, O.O. Favorova, S.I. Kutsev, V.N. Akimov, A.A. Lagunin., P.V. Sutyagin, L.V. Gubsky, V.A. Gorsky, S.P. Grigoriev, P.D. Vaganov, Yu.A. Yudin, pilot-cosmonaut O.Yu. Atkov and others. As a result, new fundamental disciplines were added to the classical natural-science clinical disciplines taught in medical universities: experimental and theoretical physics (electrodynamics, optics, atomic physics, medical electronics), experimental and theoretical chemistry (inorganic and organic chemistry, colloidal and physical chemistry), higher mathematics, probability theory, and a number of medical and biological disciplines began to be taught in a new way with the involvement of modern achievements in physical and chemical biology, mathematics and medicine: molecular biology and medical biotechnology, molecular physiology, molecular genetics , molecular pharmacology and radiobiology, pharmacogenomics. Over time, fundamentally new, unparalleled departments appeared, such as the departments of immunology, medical nanobiotechnologies, bioinformatics, instrumental diagnostics, medical cybernetics and informatics, organization of biomedical research, and others.

As a result of cooperation between theoretical and clinical departments, some clinical disciplines also received a powerful impetus for development. At the initiative of the Department of Fundamental Neurology and Neurosurgery (Head Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Skvortsova), the Federal Stroke Center was created, in which a new system was introduced to provide step-by-step assistance to patients with acute cerebrovascular accidents. Since 2005, on the basis of the Federal Center, for the first time in Russia, the Scientific Research Institute of Stroke has been established and is actively functioning, the new building of which will soon be put into operation. Achievements of theoretical departments are successfully implemented by other clinical departments (Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dermatovenereology, Clinical Pharmacology, Therapy, etc.), contributing to the development of personalized medicine.

After graduation from the IBF, graduates have the widest choice of application of their unique education - whether it be research and clinical institutes, medical universities, innovative domestic and foreign pharmaceutical companies, where they can be graduate students, residents, researchers or teachers; clinico-diagnostic centers and medical institutions where they work as doctors of laboratory and functional diagnostics, doctors of ultrasound diagnostics, magnetic resonance imaging and multislice computed tomography, radiologists, geneticists, forensic doctors, introducing in clinical practice the latest high-tech methods of diagnosis and treatment. Subsequently, our best graduates become directors of research institutes, deans of faculties, heads of departments and laboratories both in our country and abroad. Some IBF graduates demonstrated great opportunities in a competitive free economy by organizing a number of science-intensive firms and medical and diagnostic associations. Some of our business graduates successfully help their native faculty. They formed the scientific charitable foundation Green Light to support young scientists involved in promising areas in the field of modern fundamental medicine and biology.

Time has confirmed the correctness and expediency of creating the IBF. The faculty is actively changing in line with changing conditions and scientific discoveries, which gives hope for its future success in the field of biomedical education and science for the benefit of human health.

Dean's Office of the Faculty of Medicine and Biology

The history of the creation of the Faculty of Veterinary Biology (VBF) begins in 1966, when the training of specialists in biochemistry and biophysics of the veterinary profile was opened at the Moscow Veterinary Academy. Unique educational programs combined deep fundamental biological training and basic veterinary education. The urgent need of the developing livestock industry for specialists in physical and chemical biology and biotechnology determined the development of the faculty and the demand for its personnel.

Half a century of history determined the development of well-known scientific schools at the faculty and gave the world the names of great scientists. Academicians V.N. Syurin, A.D. Belov, Professor S.I. Afonsky, A.G. Malakhov, A.N. Golikov, R.Kh. Karmoliev, V.V. Pak, A.I. Zhuravlev and others have enriched biological science and educational methodology with indispensable knowledge.

By order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR No. 58 dated February 13, 1969, “in order to improve educational and scientific work in the field of veterinary biochemistry and biophysics”, the Faculty of Veterinary Biology was organized at the Moscow Veterinary Academy on the basis of the departments of biochemistry and biophysics and appropriate changes were made to the Charter of the Academy . The first dean of the new faculty was Alexander Nikolaevich Golikov, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor, a prominent scientist in the field of animal physiology. In 1970, Alexander Vasilievich Zharov, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, professor, leading scientist in the field of pathological anatomy and forensic veterinary examination, took over the leadership of the young faculty. The specificity of the faculty was filled with new personnel of a fundamental biological profile. Education at the Faculty of Biology MBA corresponded to the classical educational standards of biological specialties, but was distinguished by a special, agricultural and veterinary orientation.

So, in 1972, the department of biophysics was created at the faculty. It was organized by Alexander Ivanovich Zhuravlev, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences, a well-known biophysicist with his own scientific school. A great contribution to the methodology of teaching physics and biophysics was made by the Honorary Worker of Higher Education of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor Alexander Sergeevich Belanovsky, who for a long time headed the Department of Physics.

In 1975, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the USSR for the VBF MBA established new qualifications for specialists: veterinary biophysicist and veterinary biochemist. Such specialists were trained by only one university in a vast country. The faculty laid down its own traditions, scientific schools developed. An indispensable contribution to the development of the faculty was made by the founders of the scientific school of veterinary biochemists - Honored Scientist of the USSR, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor Sergei Ivanovich Afonsky, on whose initiative the faculty was founded, and Honored Scientist of the USSR, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Alexei Grigorievich Malakhov, who headed WBF from 1974 to 1982, and then from 1988 to 1990. “At present, biochemistry and biophysics have turned from descriptive sciences into transforming sciences and form the basis for the further development of all practical veterinary medicine,” these are the words of A.G. Malakhov became the leitmotif of the formation of the faculty (Newspaper "To Knowledge" April 23, 1976, A.G. Malakhov "To the 10th anniversary of the opening of the Academy of Veterinary and Biology Faculty").

Academician A.D. Belov at the faculty in 1977 created a problematic research laboratory for radioimmunological and radioisotope research, which after some time grew into a laboratory of radiobiology. The laboratory scientists made an invaluable contribution to the development of new science, achieving significant results that later served to organize countermeasures to mitigate the consequences of radiation accidents, incl. at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. So, on the basis of the Faculty of Veterinary Biology, the country's first scientific school of veterinary radiobiologists was organized, the founders of which in various areas were: Academician of the All-Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences Alexei Dmitrievich Belov - "Radioisotope and radioimmunological studies", Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field Education, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Vasily Vasilyevich Pak - "Radiohormesis and its application in the national economy", Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology, Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Nikolai Petrovich Lysenko - "Radiation security".

In 1984, in order to further develop physical and chemical biology, new specializations were introduced at the faculty: in the specialty 2033 "Biophysics" - "veterinary biophysics" and "radiobiology", in the specialty 2034 "Biochemistry" - "veterinary biochemistry", "molecular biology of viruses" and "biotechnology". Thus, the science of the 21st century - biotechnology, found its place in the curriculum of the Moscow Veterinary Academy earlier than in eminent specialized universities.

Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Frolova, Dean of the All-Russian Baltic Fleet in 1982-1988, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor, Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Russian Federation, devoted a lot of organizational and methodological work to the development of training areas at the faculty. And, subsequently, Lyudmila Alexandrovna, for many years, working at the faculty, made an indispensable contribution to its history.

Seven departments worked at the VBF, problem laboratories were created in a number of topical areas in science.

As many as five problematic laboratories were devoted to virology. The issues of fundamental virology, viral diseases of animals, laboratory diagnostics, antiviral immunity and biotechnology of antiviral agents were developed by researchers and teachers of the faculty under the guidance of Academician of the All-Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Doctor of Biology, laureate of numerous state prizes and awards Vasily Nikolaevich Syurin , founder of veterinary virology. Already in 1965, Vasily Nikolayevich organized at the Moscow Veterinary Academy the first department of veterinary virology in the country, which became one of the main departments at the new faculty and the methodological basis of the new veterinary discipline "Veterinary Virology".

In 1988, changes took place in the higher education of the USSR and, in accordance with the new requirements, the unified curriculum of the Veterinary and Biology Faculty was seriously revised. There have been changes in educational programs aimed at improving the qualifications of graduates "veterinary biochemist" and "veterinary biophysicist".

In 1990, the baton of the deanship from A.G. Malakhov was picked up by Raisa Vasilievna Belousova, Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Russian Federation, Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor. Student V.N. Syurina, Raisa Vasilievna continued the glorious traditions of the school of veterinary virologists, developing methodological support for biological areas of training.

In 1995, the State Educational Standards for Higher Professional Education (SES) of the 1st generation were introduced in higher education in the Russian Federation. The numbers of specialties have also changed. In accordance with the State Educational Standards, training at the Faculty of Veterinary Biology was carried out in the specialty 012200 - Biophysics with the qualification of a specialist - biophysicist and in the specialty 012300 - Biochemistry with the qualification of a specialist - biochemist. The competencies of graduates were unified under various professional standards, while maintaining their veterinary identity. During this difficult time for the country and higher education, the reform of the higher education system itself began, the name “veterinary medicine” was replaced by “veterinary medicine” in order to emphasize the social significance of the specialty, and the academy fixed biotechnology as a training area in its name - Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and biotechnology them. K.I.Skryabina (MGAVMiB). The underlined inseparable connection between the issues of medicine - humanitarian and veterinary - was also reflected in the training of personnel at the Faculty of Biology. During this period from 1993 to 2003. The Faculty was headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Valentin Vasilyevich Yaglov, combining the work of the dean with the leadership of the Department of Cytology, Histology and Embryology.

Member of the World Association of Veterinary Anatomists, Yaglov V.V. significantly enriched scientific experience and knowledge, methodology of education in the field of morphology, cytophysiology and biology of the endocrine system. In practice at the faculty, Valentin Vasilyevich introduced the reports of the "Act Speech" at the Academic Council from leading scientists on the achievements of science, as well as the questioning of graduate students about the organization and quality of the educational process. This made it possible to improve educational and methodological work and, in conditions of underfunding, not to lose a high educational potential. In 2000, in the higher education of the Russian Federation, GOS-1 was replaced by the State Educational Standards for Higher Professional Education of the 2nd generation. In the specialties 012200 - Biophysics and 012300 - Biochemistry, new federal disciplines and practices have been introduced. The form of designing the curriculum has been changed - in-depth training has been moved to the disciplines of the variable part and electives as disciplines of additional qualifications. This made it possible to produce a cadre of specialists with a biological education and a veterinary and agricultural specialization, for which there was a great demand in the labor market.

In 2002, the numbers of specialties were specified in the higher biological education of the Russian Federation. The Scientific and Methodological Council for Biology of the Educational and Methodological Association of Classical Universities has developed Exemplary Curricula for Biological Specialties. In order to improve interdisciplinary logical connections and more rational organization of the educational process, the schedule of the educational process was changed at the VBF MGAVMiB, the unified Working Curriculum was revised. Under the leadership of the Rector, Academician of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Evgeny Sergeevich Voronin, new departments are being opened - immunology and biotechnology. These departments will further serve to open and develop new educational directions at the faculty. The scientific school of Voronin E.S., continued by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Honored Veterinary Doctor of the Russian Federation, Professor Davudai Abdulsemedovich Devrishov, significantly enriched science and veterinary practice with knowledge and achievements in the field of immunobiotechnology. And the created departments, subsequently in a combined form, are the only ones in the system of agrarian education of the country.

In 2003, the faculty was headed by the Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Larisa Vasilievna Rogozhina. L.V. Rogozhina, student of A.D. Belova is a leading scientist in the field of radioimmunological studies of the function of the endocrine glands in farm animals. With her active support, specializations "Bioorganic Chemistry" (2003), "Immunology" (2007) and a new specialty 020803 - "Bioecology" (2006) with the qualification of a biologist-ecologist were opened at the faculty. In 2005, a special scientific and educational center was created at the faculty, which was headed by Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Sergei Yuryevich Zaitsev, who laid the foundation for the development of teachings in the field of supramolecular biochemistry.

A problematic scientific laboratory of infectious pathology and biotechnology has been created at the faculty, the works of whose employees have been put into practice in the form of significant medicines and biological preparations.

In 2007, on the basis of the Mongolian Agricultural University, a branch of the WBF was opened to train biochemists. During this period, the transition to a two-level training system was carried out.

“... Biological education is of paramount importance in connection with the ecological crisis, the emergence of new diseases of unknown etiology, mutations of microorganisms, the weakening of human and animal resistance ...” (L.V. Rogozhina, L.A. Frolova “Russian Veterinary Journal” No. 3, 2009).

In accordance with the State educational standards of higher professional education in 2008-2009. curricula have been developed and the preparation of bachelors has begun in the direction 020200.62 - Biology with the profiles "Biochemistry", "Biophysics", "Bioecology" with the qualification of a graduate - bachelor of biology; masters in the direction 020200.68 - Biology with the qualification of a master of biology in the master's program "Biochemistry and Bionanotechnologies" (supervisor - Professor Zaitsev S.Yu.)

In 2010, the Faculty was headed by Nikolai Petrovich Lysenko, who strengthened the position of the Faculty of Biology in the field of training biologists, becoming the scientific director of the master's program "Radiobiology and Biophysics". In the eight-year period, the traditions of scientific schools of great scientists - veterinary biologists - continued to develop at the faculty. Another master's program "Molecular Biology and Immunology" was developed and opened, the supervisors of which were Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences Yarygina Elena Igorevna and Associate Professor, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences Brylina Vera Evgenievna. In the preparation of bachelors in the direction of "Biology", elective modules are allocated for internship and research work.

In 2014, the faculty opened a separate area of ​​training 03/19/01 "Biotechnology" (bachelor's degree) and 04/19/01 "Biotechnology" (master's degree) with a master's program "Biotechnological production", the supervisor of which was Doctor of Biology, Professor Mikhail Yurievich Volkov, and , then, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor D.A. Devrishov, Head of the Department of Immunology and Biotechnology.

A lot of work has been done to expand the structure of the branches of the departments of the faculty and use as training centers leading laboratories, research institutes, research and production companies in the field of biotechnology, pharmaceutical, food industry, as well as nature reserves, zoological parks, ecological stations.

During all the years of development, a particularly valuable area in the work of the Faculty of Veterinary Biology was the training of personnel for themselves, for the departments and laboratories of the Moscow Veterinary Academy. The graduates of the VBF are the leaders of E.A. Tinaeva, N.P. Lysenko, L.V. Rogozhina, E.I. Yarygina, A.I. Sapozhnikova, as well as leading teachers of the departments of the Veterinary and Biology Faculty: Professors A.A. Oleshkevich, T.N. Pashovkin, associate professors I.G. Silvestrov, A.A. Lisitsyna, T.V. Kashtigo, V.E. Brylina, Art. teachers T.A. Sadovskaya, I.I. Kovalev, S.A. Komarova and others; teachers of departments of other faculties: professor P.L. Gorelikov, associate professors M.I. Kuznetsova, G.N. Pechnikova, L.N. Adamushkina, G.A. Vetoshkina, S.M. Borunova and others.

More than 2,000 graduates of the VBF successfully work in leading scientific and research-and-production organizations of the agro-industrial complex, medicine, biotechnology, being candidates and doctors of science, leading specialists, and major leaders.

For many years, he has been paying active attention to the development of the faculty (including the opening of the specialty "Bioecology", the direction of "Biotechnology") in the status of Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, and since 2008. - Rector of the Academy, Professor Fedor Ivanovich Vasilevich - Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Russian Federation, Laureate of many state awards.

Since the establishment in the 90s of the Educational and Methodological Associations of the Universities of the Russian Federation (UMO), in specialties and areas of training, the Scientific and Methodological Council for Biology of the UMO has provided constant support and methodological assistance to the unique faculty for classical university education, incl. Deputy Chairman of the Board Olga Petrovna Melekhova - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Embryology, Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education.

A great contribution to the creation of the prestige of the faculty, the popularization of unique areas of training of graduates was made by the long-term chairman of the SAC VBF - Professor Yuri Nikolayevich Fedorov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. A high assessment of the activities and achievements of the faculty is given by the chairman of the State Attestation Committee of the All-Russian Biological Fund of recent years, Vladimir Ivanovich Yeremets, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Laureate of the State Prize in Science and Technology, a graduate of the Faculty of Veterinary Biology.

Currently, the faculty provides training in bachelor's, master's, postgraduate and doctoral studies in the areas of "Biology" and "Biotechnology". Innovative technologies are introduced into the educational process. Educational work is being improved in methodological support and practical orientation.

The direction "Biology" 06.03.01 (bachelor's degree), 06.04.01 (master's degree) provides for the area of ​​professional activity in the study of wildlife and its patterns, the use of biological systems for economic, veterinary and biomedical purposes, in nature protection. The objects of professional activity of graduates are: biological systems of various levels of organization, the processes of their life and evolution; biological, bioengineering, biomedical, environmental technologies, biological expertise and monitoring, assessment and restoration of territorial biological resources and the natural environment.

One of the leading and relevant profiles within the framework of the direction "Biology" is "Biochemistry" - a fundamental scientific discipline that forms the basis of a new direction - physical and chemical biology and in our time serves as a powerful tool for solving many important problems of biology, medicine, veterinary medicine. Students have the opportunity to choose elective modules for practice and research work: "Virology", "Molecular Biology", "Immunology", "Veterinary Biochemistry" and others.

Master's programs consider issues of biochemistry and bionanotechnology - a special field of science that studies the principles of creation and functioning of biological nanoscale systems, new nanotechnologies for diagnosing a condition, therapy and surgery for pathologies, genetic engineering and biotechnology. A distinctive feature of this program is its comprehensive nature, which is based on the theoretical and practical foundation of biochemistry, molecular biology, microbiology and ecology.

The master's program in radiobiology and biophysics is devoted to the study of the biophysical mechanisms of membrane processes; studying the influence of various physical factors (electromagnetic, ultrasonic, radiation, etc.) on living systems; mastering the basics of using physical factors to increase the productivity of farm animals, for diagnostics and therapy in veterinary medicine and medicine; study of the biological effect of various types of radiation on living objects; mathematical modeling of biological processes and other issues of radiobiology and biophysics.

Mechanisms of storage, transfer of genetic information to daughter cells and realization of this information, the structure and functions of irregular biopolymers (proteins and nucleic acids) are the main issues of molecular biology. The Master's program in Molecular Biology and Immunology provides for the study of immunology and immunopathology at the molecular and cellular level.

The direction "Biotechnology" 19.03.01 (bachelor's), 19.04.01 (master's) is highlighted in the specifics of its training at the present stage in the field of high science-intensive technologies for various industries - food, agricultural, pharmaceutical, medical, veterinary, biological, microbiological, chemical , oil, gas and others. Objects of professional activity - technologies of microbial, chemical, biological synthesis and processing of plant and animal raw materials, obtaining biologically active substances, substances for food, pharmaceutical and other industries. Biotechnologists are key specialists in the development and operation of devices, devices, production lines for the production of active substances (antibiotics, vitamins, enzymes, hormones, vaccines, etc.) and pharmacological agents based on them, microbiological raw materials for various sectors of the economy, agricultural and food products, processing of plant and animal raw materials, extraction of non-ferrous, precious metals from ores and industrial waste, enhanced oil recovery and others.

Master's programs provide for the acquisition of competencies in the development and industrial production of biological products for veterinary and medical purposes, the development of methods and biological means to improve the efficiency of agriculture, industrial processing and storage of agricultural products, including through microbiological synthesis, biocatalysis, genetic engineering and nanobiotechnologies, including work with enzymes, viruses, microorganisms, cell cultures of animals and plants, products of their biosynthesis, testing to determine the physical and chemical properties of raw materials and products, quality control of biological products and biologically active agents.

The prestige of specialties determines the requirements for the development of educational technologies implemented at the Faculty of Veterinary Biology. The deanery and teaching and methodological corps, the teaching staff are constantly improving the forms and methods of the educational process, introducing innovative educational technologies. In 2018, the faculty was headed by Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honorary Worker of the Agro-Industrial Complex of Russia, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Nikolai Vasilyevich Pimenov. Much attention is paid to the integration of research work, as well as production and biotechnological activities in the educational process. The faculty widely uses visiting classes for students in educational and scientific centers and research and production institutions, at branches of departments represented in authoritative organizations of the veterinary and biomedical profile, as well as inviting leading domestic and foreign experts to conduct courses and read individual lectures, in including in English. The partners of the faculty are the All-Russian Scientific Research and Technological Institute of the Biological Industry, the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry. academicians M.M. Shemyakin and Yu.A. Ovchinnikov RAS, Institute of Biochemistry. A.N. Bach RAS, Ya. R. Kovalenko All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine, All-Russian State Center for Quality and Standardization of Medicines for Animals and Feed, V. N. Orekhovich Research Institute of Biomedical Chemistry, All-Russian Research Institute of Animal Husbandry, Institute of Molecular Biology. V. A. Engelgardt RAS, Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology. N.F. Gamaleya, All-Russian Scientific Center for Molecular Diagnostics and Treatment, Research Institute of Vaccines and Serums named after A.I. I. I. Mechnikova, National Medical Research Center of Oncology. N. N. Blokhina, Institute of Gene Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Research Institute of Transplantology and Artificial Organs, Federal Medical and Biological Center. A.I. Burnazyan, National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute", research and production associations and firms "Agrovet", "Vetbiohim", "Micromir", "Vettest" and many others.

A wide base of partners allows students of the Faculty of Biology of the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology - MBA named after K.I. Skryabin to be in favor of biological science today, to conduct scientific research at the highest level and to complete final qualifying works.

The level of competencies of a graduate of the Faculty of Veterinary Biology emphasizes their great demand. Faculty graduates occupy leading positions in the labor market, embodying fundamental scientific and applied professional competencies in various fields of veterinary biology, biochemistry, biophysics, bioecology, immunology, biotechnology, agriculture, medicine, food industry, pharmaceuticals, and safety. Biologists of Skryabinka receive employment even at the stages of production and undergraduate practice. Students are actively integrated into research work on scientific grants from the Russian Science Foundation and the Russian Foundation for Basic Scientific Research, government assignments and R&D on a contractual basis. Business games, symposiums and scientific conferences, professional olympiads, high-tech analyzes, etc. are actively used as educational technologies at the present stage. The uniqueness of education at the faculty is in the science-intensiveness and practical orientation, a wide range of communications and active integration into the international educational space with its originality. As before, the WCF is the leader of the academy in terms of academic performance and scientific achievements. So, in 2018, the first in the history of the academy, the Prize of the Government of Moscow for young scientists for developments in the field of biotechnology was awarded to Pimenov N.V. This emphasizes the importance of scientific research conducted at the faculty, not only for the agro-industrial complex, but also for urban infrastructure, solving the social problems of the capital and developing various real sectors of the economy.

Improving educational programs and developing new educational and methodological complexes is a constant work that ensures competitiveness in the market of educational technologies. This responsible work in the dean's office is supervised by the chairman of the educational and methodological commission of the VBF, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Elena Igorevna Yarygina. Repeatedly the main educational programs and curricula developed at the faculty were recognized as the best in the country.

The faculty staff is constantly working to increase human resources and scientific productivity. Doctor of biological sciences, professor Anna Anatolyevna Oleshkevich is responsible for this serious sector. Over the past three years, the personnel potential of the faculty has grown and exceeded 80%. The faculty employs academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professors and associate professors - leading successors of well-known scientific schools and highly qualified teachers of educational areas.

The modern educational process provides for continuous interaction in the "school-university-research institute" system. The Faculty of Veterinary Biology actively works with schoolchildren, involving them in research activities and professional orientation. This sector at the faculty for many years has been successfully led by Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Lisitsyna Alla Anatolyevna. Teaching and research and scientific circles for schoolchildren are constantly functioning at the departments and laboratories of the faculty, and the employees of the biological faculty are actively working on preparatory courses and in specialized classes with a biological bias. Fruitful career guidance and the level of education at the VBF determine its leading position among universities that provide training in biological areas. The competition for the areas of training of the Faculty of Veterinary Biology in our academy surpasses the competition in many eminent universities.

Despite the laboriousness of education, creative and social life is actively developing at the faculty. Faculty of Biology students constantly surprise the audience with professional productions of dramatic works, in which they reveal their many talents. The assembly hall greets with a full house and applause the competitive performances of amateur performances by students of the Faculty of Biology. Much attention is paid to cultural, moral, patriotic work. Achievements in this area are ensured by a team of curators, responsible enthusiasts, advocating for student life in the team of the educational commission, headed by senior lecturer Cherenkova Irina Anatolyevna. In cooperation with the dean's office and the trade union bureau (headed by senior teacher Shcheglakov Ivan Pavlovich), UVK organizes the wide participation of VBF students in events at the regional, all-Russian and international levels.

Forms of student parliamentarism are actively developing at the faculty. The Student Council of the Faculty of Veterinary Biology is an example of an active form of self-government, friendly interaction and mentorship within the student team. The student asset is integrated into the key organizational structures at the faculty - the academic council, the educational commission, the council of young scientists, the trade union organization, the artistic council. The participation of students in the educational and, especially, cultural work of the faculty is distinguished by its originality. Social work unites and makes the student fraternity an informal family, and the friendship that originated within the walls of the faculty remains inseparable outside the academy.

Meeting the 100th anniversary of the Academy, the only Faculty of Veterinary Biology in Russia is full of energy and confidence in further success for the benefit of science and higher education. Here, at the faculty, we study and teach the science of the 21st century, being involved in its development. We take an active life position and develop promising educational areas. We are in demand and unique.

Who looks to the future - he chooses
veterinary biological