The exhibition of viewing sketches of the monument is open daily. Exercises in the style of the Russian language (58 pages)

6. The exhibition-view of the sketches of the monument is open every day except Monday.

7. Late in the evening, two trucks loaded with flour rolled up to the warehouse.

8. A student or female student must come for a certificate.

18. Correct stylistic flaws in the use of nouns, adjectives, numerals.

1. Four ballerinas were invited to participate in the competition.

2. This is how we live: seven in one room.

3. The mining industry is one of the most important branches of the national economy.

4. In this difficult situation, measures are being taken to find the best option.

5. During the break in the hall they continue to argue. Let's get closer to these three students, listen to what they have to say.

6. These two hundred meters separating both institutes, educational and research, are not so difficult to overcome.

7. Living conditions in the village turned out to be more preferable than in the timber industry.

8. These are the most characteristic diseases in children of this age.

9. The composer and I noticed that in both songs the chorus is almost the same.

10. Five researchers are working on this topic, they will report on the results at the meeting.

11. Material incentive funds allow for a more flexible approach to the group as a whole and to its individual representatives.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version 19. Choose the correct form of subject-verb coordination in the following sentences.

12. At the exhibition (exhibited - exhibited) more than 30 different models, each of which is an exact copy of the ship.

13. The overwhelming majority of the electorate that day (went - went) to their summer cottages.

14. With the help of radio transmitters mounted in wolverine collars, the Americans tried to follow the movement of animals and their fate. Of the twenty-five in a short time, eighteen (died - died), in fifteen cases they became (victim - victims) of the hunt.

20. Find a stylistic error (pleonasm) in the passage.

Business etiquette includes two groups of rules:

The norms in force in the field of communication between equal in status, members of the same team (horizontal);

Instructions that determine the nature of the contact between the leader and the subordinate (vertical).

A general requirement is a friendly and helpful attitude towards all work colleagues, partners, regardless of personal likes and dislikes.

21. Choose the correct spelling.

1. a) incident, b) incident, c) incident, d) incident.

2. a) perspective, b) perspective, c) perspective, d) perspective.

3. a) compromise, b) compromise, c) compromise, d) compromise.

4. a) unprecedented, b) unprecedented, c) unprecedented, d) unprecedented.

5. a) applicant, b) applicant, c) applicant, d) applicant.

22. Underline the stressed vowel (if more than one option is allowed, underline all options).

Rose, provision, solicitation, inquire, condolence, catalogue, quarter, phenomenon, meager, newborn, standardized, notify, mention, rewarded, intention, compel, dispersal.

23. Find sentences that contain grammatical errors, underline the fragments that need to be corrected, and indicate your correction option.

1. Judging from this conversation, the director is responsible for what happened.

2. If everyone strictly followed the rules, life would be easier.

4. After some time, we will find out who won this match.

5. If necessary, we will take adequate measures.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version 24. Match the verbs to make stable expressions. (In all cases, the verb has a meaning close to "do", "implement".) ... decorum, ... services, ... preferences, ... signs of attention, ... prescriptions.

25. Find incorrect constructions in sentences and replace them with normative ones.

1. The chief engineer and I discussed the need to improve production efficiency.

2. The President asked to report on everything that is being done in this direction.

3. This project is of great and important importance in our work.

4. Many argue that we do not respect human rights.

5. People got used to the fact that no one is interested in their difficulties.

26. Find sentences in which grammatical errors are made, underline the fragments that need to be corrected, and indicate your version of the correction.

1. I talked to both the shop manager and the engineer, the wallpaper agrees with my proposal.

2. Approaching the house, it seemed to me that I heard a familiar voice.

3. Candidates for deputies help voters solve everyday problems and thus win their votes.

4. After the intervention of the censor, the text underwent minor changes, but nothing significant had to be sacrificed.

27. Write adjectives to make stable expressions. (In all cases, the adjective has a meaning close to "very strong"; in some cases, several suitable options can be suggested.) rain, wind, confidence, evidence, insult.

28. Underline the incorrect constructions in the sentences and replace them with normative ones (if there are several replacement options, write them down with a slash).

1. The chairman of the meeting delicately hinted at the need to comply with the rules.

2. What deputies! What problems the poor face is irrelevant to them.

3. The question is not how old you are, but how you perform your duties.

4. We must not allow an uneducated person to decide our destinies.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version 29. Match each term in the left column with the definition from the right column.

1. Document - a) a document giving authority to its bearer to perform any actions 2. Power of attorney - b) information on a tangible medium that has legal force 3. Inventory - c) list of names 4. Report card - d) a written statement on behalf of enterprise addressed to another enterprise, about readiness to conclude an agreement with him on certain conditions 5. Nomenclature - e) a legally executed list of documents 6. Offer - f) a list of any indicators compiled in a certain order sequential recording of the discussion of issues and decision-making at meetings, meetings, conferences and meetings of collegiate bodies 8. Minutes - h) a copy of the document, compiled to replace the missing original and having the same legal force expressions of actions, processes in the form of a verbal noun:

supplement - make additions; instruct - to give instructions;

answer - be responsible; decide - make decisions; clarify - make clarifications; pay - make a payment, etc.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version LAB 1. Insert missing letters where necessary. Explain the cases of merged and separate spelling of words.

2. Explain the spelling.

3. Insert missing punctuation marks.

4. Explain the signs.

5. Determine which style this text belongs to.

6. Indicate the language means (words, grammatical forms) with which the features of this style are created.

7. Change the text style.

D ... we bring to your attention ... that yesterday after (half) night over the district center ... the city of Nizhny Lomov and the countryside ... lying to it ... about .. a strong thunder rushed ... for about (half) an hour. The wind speed reached 30-35 meters per second. Significant material damage was caused ... to the property of collective farms and villages ... Ivanovka, Shchepilovo and Vyazniki, accrued, according to preliminary data, in tens of thousands of rubles. There were p ... heats that arose (in) ... consequences ...

lightning strike. The building of an eight-year-old school in the village of Burkovo was badly damaged. For restoration, a capital repair ... installation is needed. The Vad River, which overflowed its banks as a result of heavy rain, flooded a significant area. There were (no) human casualties. A special committee ... mission ... has been formed to determine the extent of damage caused by ... a natural disaster and to provide assistance to the affected local ... population.

Measures taken will be (not) delayed reported.

SEMINAR ON THE TOPIC "Lexical norms of business speech" Here is a block of questions and tasks.

1. What are the norms of word usage in business style 2. How to accurately determine the lexical meaning of a word 3. What types of explanatory dictionaries do you know 4. Prepare and talk about English vocabulary in the field of economics, politics, information technology.

5. Tell us about paronyms. Give examples.

6. What is the reason for the inability to distinguish between paronyms 7. Indicate the common and different paronyms and synonyms 8. Tell me what pleonasm is. Give examples.

9. What is a tautology. Develop sentences, dictate them, give students tasks to correct the proposed options.

10. List the lexical errors found in business style texts. Give the necessary examples.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version Choose one of the topics and prepare oral presentations on the topics:

1. The use of colloquial, colloquial, slang words, emotionally colored vocabulary.

2. The main lexical groups of business style.

Issues for discussion:

1. Should words in business speech be used taking into account the lexical meaning and stylistic affiliation 2. What are the most common mistakes in violation of speech norms Answer the questions:

1. What are the names of words that are similar in sound, but differ in meaning 2. What is the name of the type of speech redundancy, which is due to the partial coincidence of words 3. What is the name of the unjustified repetition of words with the same root or similar words in one speech fragment or sentence 30. Prepare and hold a discussion “Media is the source of clichés”.

ADDITIONAL DATA Discussions develop:

Logical and critical thinking;

Skill in organizing your thoughts;

Speaking skills;

Tolerance for different views;

Self confidence;

Ability to work in a team;

The ability to focus on the core of the problem;

Public speaking style.

Discussions develop the skills necessary for effective business communication. One of the skills that is developed through discussions is critical thinking.

By mastering the techniques of critical thinking, you will be able to:

Consider the strengths and weaknesses of opposing points of view and put yourself in the place of the other;

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version 6. Educational and methodological support of the discipline.

A) Basic literature:

1. Rosenthal D.E. Handbook of Spelling and Literary Editing. M., 2. Vvedenskaya L.I., Pavlova L.G. Business Rhetoric: Textbook for Universities, 2nd ed. Rostov-n/D., 2002.

3. Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.G. Culture of speech and art of speech:

Textbook for universities, 2nd ed. Rostov-n/D., 2003.

4. Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.G. Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook for universities, 4th ed. Rostov-n/D., 2002.

5. Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.G., Chikhachev V.P. Speech culture and speech technique: Textbook. - Rostov-n / D., 2002.

6. Golovin B.N. Fundamentals of speech culture. 2nd edition, revised - M., 2001.

7. Golub I.B. Culture of speech and art of speech: Textbook.- M.: Logos, 2001.

8. Manual on the scientific style of speech for universities of a non-humanitarian profile / Proskuryakova I.G., Ganapolskaya E.V. et al. St. Petersburg, 9. Culture of speech and effectiveness of communication / Ed. Prudkina L.K., Shiryaeva E.N. - M., 2001.

10. Culture of Russian speech: Textbook for universities. -M., 2002.

11. Culture of Russian speech: Textbook for universities. Ed. OK. Graudina, prof. E.N. Shiryaev. M., 2001.

12. Culture of oral and written speech of a business person: a Handbook. Workshop. - M., 2000.

13. Koltunova M.V. Language and business communication: norms, rhetoric, etiquette. Textbook for universities. M., 2002.

15. Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook / Ed. prof.

IN AND. Maksimov. M., 2000.

16. Russian language and culture of speech: Textbook for universities / Ed.

prof. D.D. Chernyak. - M., 2002.

B) Further reading:

1. Russian language and culture of speech / Paul ed. IN AND. Maksimova.- M.:

Gardariki, 2000.

2. Rogozhin M.Yu. Documentation management. Practical guide. M., 2002.

3. Ivin A.A. Rhetoric: The art of persuasion. Tutorial. M., 2002.

PDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version 6.2. Means of discipline.

6.2.1. A list of sample questions and tasks for independent work.

Task 1. Determine the stylistic affiliation of the text, indicating the main language features. Write by inserting missing letters and punctuation marks.

The task of power supply ... supply of industry ... and agriculture ..

The economy arose ... at the same time ... temporarily with the wide ... introduction of electricity ... water as the driving force ... of various ... machines ... and mecha ... .. by the power of electrical stations ... th. As electricity consumption develops, so do power supply systems. They include ... high voltage distribution networks. There is a need ... to build a unified energy ... system for the introduction ... of automation and scheduling ... of power supply. In the unified energy system, there is a wide ... possibility of generating electricity ... with minimal costs due to ... due to the most ... rational modes of operation of individual types of electrical .. stations and in the presence of ... powerful ... power lines ... transmission appears in ... the possibility of connecting power ... installations located ... in different hours ... of owls. ..yasakh. The balance of production ... production and consumption of electricity in the system is always characterized by the equality of production and consumption ... taking into account compensation for losses in the system and expenses for own needs.

Task 2. Determine the stylistic affiliation of the text, justify your answer. Write by inserting missing letters and punctuation marks.

CATEGORIES OF RELIABILITY AND RESERVATION The correct determination ... of the required degree of reliability of the power supply of the enterprise as a whole and its individual workshops and electrical receivers is one of the main conditions that have a decisive influence ... on the choice of a rational power supply system .. .bzheniya. The degree of reliability should be determined depending on the purpose of the electrical installation, its capacity, development prospects.

Reliability in general can be oh ... rasterized as the ability of the power supply system and its individual elements to ... ensure the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to them for uninterrupted power supply of this enterprise and a separate departmentPDF created with FinePrint pdfFactory Pro trial version of its facilities that do not lead to disruption of the production plan and to n...admissible accidents in the electrical and technological parts. Reliability can be characterized by damageability, the expected duration of uninterrupted operation, the mathematical expectation of the duration of a power outage, as well as the expected damage from a power outage and other factors.

The magnitude ... or degree of damage ... to the elements of the power supply system is determined by the number of failures per year when performing ...

these elements of normal functions provided for by their purpose at the considered point. Damage ... to the bridge of the system is ... caused by damage ... to the bridge of factory electrical equipment (machines, apparatus, ... or untimely ... r ... vision and pro ... laktics due to erroneous actions of the pers ...Nala due to a power outage..


Uninterrupted power supply should be understood as such a mode in which possible short-term power outages in their duration do not lead to disruption of the technological process and are essential .. .om production damage.

IN 1. Mark the sentences where the word is used without regard to its meaning.

1) Birch trees are beautiful in spring in their wedding shroud.

2) The beauty of Russian nature has always inspired landscape painters.

3) At a halt, we read excerpts from the works of our favorite poets.

4) I decided to become an officer because my father and grandfather are officers and I want to

continue the family dynasty.

5) At the last exhibition, we were presented with a whole galaxy of new


Correct answer: 1, 3, 4, 5

IN 2. Mark the sentences where the word is used without regard to its meaning.

1) In spring, hares and tits molt, and martens have an inheritance.

2) The specialists of our wellness center have both traditional,

and the latest diagnostic methods.

3) And when they tell him about some house assigned for auction, he goes

to this house and court him.

4) The North Pole remained inaccessible to explorers for a long time.

5) During February, the length of the day in the Moscow region increases by two hours.

Correct answer: 1, 2, 3, 5

AT 3. Mark the sentences where the word is used without regard to its meaning.

1) People have long dreamed of conquering these two continents - the Arctic and Antarctic.

2) From potato seedlings, you can grow a crop that is not inferior to the crop,

obtained by the usual method of planting tubers.

4) Long-term traditions of Aeroflot proclaim that each passenger

should be surrounded by attention and honor.

5) The President of the country classified this action as an undisguised international

aggression against their people.

Correct answer: 1, 3, 4, 5

AT 4. Mark the sentences where the word is used without regard to its meaning.

1) And those who come to the festival will not regret the lost time.

2) Often the audience witnesses the sharpest duels of many strong

sports teams in the world.

3) When you read poetry, you meet now unknown words: cheeks, hand,

fire, voice

4) It is necessary to compare the results of the third examination and the previous ones.

5) The beginning of 1992 was marked by worsening climatic conditions - snowstorms,

a sharp drop in temperature.

Correct answer: 1, 2, 3, 5

AT 5. Note the violation of the lexical norm associated with the mixing of paronyms.

1) The girl will play the title role in the film "Portrait of Blue".

2) The examination of the letters was entrusted to an employee of the criminogenic police department.

4) Myopia can continue to increase throughout life - this is progressive myopia.

5) A well-trodden country road was densely dotted with fresh prints of car tires.

Correct answer: 1, 2, 3, 4

AT 6. Note the violation of the lexical norm associated with the mixing of paronyms.

1) This book has a double character.

2) Fashion designers and shoe industry workers always strive to ensure that shoes are beautiful and practical.

3) Due to the large number of visitors, the number of hardened Muscovites is small.

4) Lavrenev's various stories were filmed one after the other.

5) At the beginning of the conference, the rostrum was presented to the guests for


Correct answer: 1, 2, 3, 5

AT 7. From the suggested words, choose the option that matches the context.

1) The collected material suggests that ball lightning is [reality (1)


2) The student felt complete [ignorant(3), ignorant(4)]

3) Before the meeting [rose (5) became (6)] such a fundamental question.

Correct answer: 2, 4, 5

AT 8. From the suggested words, choose the option that matches the context.

1) All [exhibits(1), exhibitors(2)] have been prepared and placed in boxes.

contributions of a particularly large amount.

3) All his strange actions are dictated by exorbitant conceit and [pride(5), pride(6)]

Correct answer: 1, 4, 5

AT 9. From the suggested words, choose the option that matches the context.

1) He does not understand [essence(1), essence(2)] of the events taking place.

2) From the memories in the soul [obviously (3), clearly (4)], a feeling of longing arose.

3) The furniture was [put on (5), dressed (6)] covers.

Correct answer: 1, 4, 5

3) take action

4) earn respect

5) express concerns

Correct answer: 1, 2, 3

AT 10 O'CLOCK. Mark the options where the norms of lexical compatibility of words are violated.

1) recover material damage

2) meet modern needs

3) take action

4) earn respect

5) express concerns

Correct answer: 1, 2, 3

AT 11. Mark the options where the norms of lexical compatibility of words are violated.

1) unrelenting help

2) doesn't matter

3) improve skills

4) covert threat

5) express gratitude

Correct answer: 1, 2, 4, 5

AT 12. Mark the options where the norms of lexical compatibility of words are violated.

1) make an effort

2) make a hypothesis

3) increase capacity

4) detect a pattern

5) portend defeat

Correct answer: 1, 2, 5

B-13. Mark the sentences where the norms of lexical combination of words are violated.

1) Everyone believed in the victory of our hockey players, but they were defeated.

2) Particular attention at the congress was given to the problems of youth.

3) The vast majority of team meetings took place in a bitter struggle.

4) It's time to take stock of the meeting: our team is ahead.

5) The guys built the sports town as the most notorious specialists.

Correct answer: 1, 2, 3, 5

B-14. Mark the sentences where the norms of lexical combination of words are violated.

1) In our work, moral and labor education is of primary importance.

2) A very convenient position: the government does nothing, and measures are developed.

3) In preparing for the performance, we observe strong secrecy.

5) All material presented in the manual is written taking into account the requirements of the new standard.

Correct answer: 1, 2, 3, 4

B-16. Mark the sentences where there is pleonasm.

1) The interior of the rest room was conducive to a pleasant pastime: here one could relax after a day's work.

2) When I returned back to my friends, our joy knew no bounds.

3) The last remnant of free trade are spontaneous bazaars.

4) If this is hypothetically assumed, then the situation is seen in a different light.

5) I had to study at the technical school during the day, and in the evening at the flying club.

Correct answer: 1, 2, 3, 4

B-17. Mark the sentences where there is pleonasm.

1) The area of ​​this vineyard is about five square hectares.

2) His entire theory is built on shifting sand.

3) Where in the recent past there were wastelands and landfills, new high-rise buildings have now risen.

4) Bidstrup created these cartoons nearly 50 years ago.

5) Most of the suppliers are geographically located in the same area as you.

Correct answer: 1, 2, 4, 5

B-18. Mark the sentences where there is pleonasm.

1) In fact, Khlestakov is a person who is very divorced from life's reality.

2) In the novel, Pushkin depicts the life of all social classes and estates in Russia at that time.

3) This event shows that Pechorin is endowed with feelings and emotions hidden under the mask of indifference.

4) The freedom-loving theme is the main leitmotif of all Nekrasov's work.

5) In summary, we can briefly summarize: an attempt was made to compromise

our organization.

Correct answer: 1, 3, 4, 5

B-19. Mark the sentences where there is pleonasm.

1) Nikolai has always been the leading leader of our friendly team.

2) My colleagues in the profession like to discuss, and it is often difficult to convince them of anything.

3) Communication satellites and weather services are constantly operating in near-Earth orbits.

4) The dark darkness of the well did not frighten the boy, and he boldly rushed to help the drowning girl.

5) It is terrible when a person does not remember his relationship, does not remember his origins,

from which it originated.

Correct answer: 1, 2, 4, 5

IN 20. Mark the sentences where there is a tautology.

1) The hero purposefully strives for the intended goal.

2) The clean room of the new school made a pleasant impression with its cleanliness.

3) Yuri Gagarin, who is the first cosmonaut, is also an example for modern youth.

4) Training was easy for Gagarin: he invariably received fives.

5) Rumbled guns deafened with their roar.

Correct answer: 1, 2, 3, 5

AT 21. Mark the sentences where there is a tautology.

1) All students completed the task in a timely manner.

2) The new alloy is an excellent welding material for electric welding of steel products

3) In order to further study the lifestyle of this tribe, the expedition members, led by a specialist in the problems of Brazilian Indians, intend to conduct a detailed study of the life of this tribe.

4) At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century, the first dictionaries appeared, interpreting not only borrowed words, but also the original vocabulary of the Russian language.

5) There are noticeable differences between the various traditions of general language didactics.

Correct answer: 1, 2, 3, 5

B-22. Mark the sentences where errors are made due to the omission of the required word.

1) Compare the results of the first crisis with the second.

2) The beak of the forest hazel grouse does not differ in color from the common hazel grouse.

3) The entire surface of the earth represented a green-golden ocean.

4) Pupils of our sports club performed better than all other clubs.

5) Each specific speech act requires very specific means


Correct answer: 1, 2, 3, 4

B-23. Mark the sentences where errors are made due to the omission of the required word.

1) The student won first place in English.

2) Mayakovsky's work excites the reader in a variety of languages.

3) Cereal proteins are inferior in biological value as livestock products,

as well as leguminous crops.

4) To improve production performance, it is necessary to combine all

economic workers.

5) Due to speech insufficiency, grammatical and logical

connection of words in a sentence, its meaning is obscured.

Correct answer: 1, 2, 3, 4

B-24. Mark the word that is used in the composition of the given phraseological units.

1) The master more than once heart to heart [interpreted (1), spoke (2)] with his subordinates.

2) The path led from the gate to that wing, from which they had just [removed (3), carried away (4)] their feet.

3) He has a desire to study well, but lacks abilities - that's where

dog [buried(5), hidden(6)].

Correct answer: 2, 4, 5

B-25. Mark the word that is used in the composition of the given phraseological units.

1) He did everything to [swipe(1), circle(2)] around his finger.

2) He did not want to say this, but an unexpected word [broke (3), broke (4)] from his tongue.

3) He took the order to disband as a misfortune [falling (5), falling (6)] on his head.

Correct answer: 2, 4, 5

B-26. Mark the word that is used in the composition of the given phraseological units.

1) By the right of the strong, he took the lion's [share (1), part (2)].

2) He is a good artist, but the drawing technique [wish(3), leaves much to be desired(4)] is better.

3) They searched, searched for them, but they never found them, they just fell through [earth (5), water (6)].

Correct answer: 1, 4, 5

B-27. Mark the sentences where phraseological units are used without taking into account their meaning.

1) Gracefully and simply, the skaters solved this difficult problem and put an end to it.

2) We escorted our tourist group on their last journey cheerfully and believed in its imminent return.

3) And this time my friend did not lose his face and emerged victorious in the most difficult boxing match.

4) In those years, in such competitions, our winners were - the cat cried, not like now.

5) The graduates, joyful and happy, sang their farewell swan song.

Correct answer: 1, 2, 5

B-28. Mark the sentences where phraseological units are used without taking into account their meaning.

1) He laughs not alone, but in the company of wonderful actors, to whom you don’t put your finger in their mouths - just let them laugh.

2) The seeds of clover and timothy are stored in the pantry worth their weight in gold.

3) Twisted into a ram's horn, we walked eight hundred meters along the drifts.

4) My plan fell apart at the first meeting with reality.

5) The royal daughter, looking at him, found that he was just her type.

Correct answer: 1, 2, 3

B-29. Mark the sentences where there are errors in the use of phraseological units.

1) It was not easy to climb the mountain, but at the halt the tourists killed the worms and had fun.

3) Although he was not one of the timid dozen, he could not help being frightened here.

4) From the thought that he would have to go through it again, he was thrown into both cold and heat.

5) He put the bag on himself and bent over, as they say, in three deaths, slowly, with many stops, began to climb up.

Correct answer: 1, 2, 3

B-30. Mark the sentences where there are errors in the use of phraseological units.

1) A significant effect on the audience is the use by the people's judge of examples taken from life.

2) These figures play little space for our economy.

3) He shouldn't have been allowed near the public economy for a cannon shot.

4) An experienced engineer quickly became aware of all the affairs related to the construction of the canal.

5) We could ring all the bells, but at first we decided to think things over calmly.

Correct answer: 1, 2, 5

B-31. Mark the sentences where there are errors in the use of phraseological units.

1) Without further ado, I will quote from the report compiled in the wake of the raid.

2) And you are easy to remember - my wife and I were just talking about you.

3) Everyone understood that these words and tears are a fig cover of an adventurer.

4) Vorontsov organized the theater in Andreevsky on a wider scale.

5) I would like these cases not to pass by the attention of the deputies.

Correct answer: 1, 3, 4, 5

B-32. Mark the options where the meaning corresponds to the given phraseological units.

1) stay with the nose - fail, be fooled

2) get into a mess - because of your oversight or ignorance, be in an awkward position

3) by the will of fate - depending on the circumstances

4) lower the curtain - do not take into account, do not take into account anything

5) beaten track - generally accepted, habitual, usual way of acting, way of life

Correct answer: 1, 2, 3, 5

B-33. Mark the phraseological units that are represented by options.

1) put your hands on - put your hand on

2) swallow your tongue - you swallowed your tongue

3) drink the cup to the bottom - drink the bitter cup

4) take on the mind - take on the mind

5) go through fire and water - go through fire and water and copper pipes

Correct answer: 3, 4, 5

G-1. Mark the phrases where mistakes in management were made.

1) explanations about the mistakes made

2) operate with accurate data

3) emphasize the need for construction

4) submit a book review

Correct answer: 1, 2, 3

G-2. Mark the phrases where mistakes in management were made.

1) take a place according to the combat schedule

2) turn in on time due to clear work

3) to do contrary to the unfavorable prognosis

4) act contrary to established principles

5) swim against the current

Correct answer: 1, 2, 4

G-3. Mark the rows where errors in management were made in one of the phrases.

1) be proud of success, rejoice in success

2) pay for an apartment, pay for an apartment

3) desire for activity, need for activity

4) miss you, miss you

5) admiration for a feat, respect for a feat

Correct answer: 3, 4

G-4. Mark the sentences where a mistake was made in the management.

1) The editors received a lot of feedback on this work.

2) The idea of ​​a house arose in the head of a man when he was sitting by the fire.

3) In view of the past rains, the harvest promises to be good.

4) In the department of criticism and bibliography of "thick" journals are systematically published

surveys about the coming novelties of fiction.

5) In his conclusions, the researcher relied on the results of many years of work.

Correct answer: 1, 2, 3, 4

G-5. Mark the sentences where there is a mistake in the harmonization of definitions and applications.

1) This very cute boy was an orphan.

2) Two newly renovated rooms are rented out.

4) She has relatives in the city of Petrozavodsk.

5) One gram-molecule of this substance contains the right amount of proteins.

Correct answer: 2, 3, 4, 5

G-6. Mark the sentences where the grammatical coordination of the main members of the sentence is violated.

1) Most of the miners who received salaries for the first half of the year remained

unsatisfied compensation.

2) Hundreds of guys ran in all directions.

3) In the course of checking the work of the company, many different shortcomings were revealed.

4) The vast majority of our industrial enterprises refused to participate in the exhibition.

5) Last year, 51 people were retrained at teacher training courses.

Correct answer: 1, 2, 3, 5

G-7. Mark the sentences where the grammatical coordination of the main members of the sentence is violated.

1) "Do not get into your sleigh" was published in 1853

2) The village of Pogorelovka is located near the center.

3) Izvestia increased its circulation this year.

4) The Itogi magazine continues to publish a series of essays on the country's economy.

5) "Journeys of the Great Navigators" I remember for the rest of my life.

Correct answer: 2, 4, 5

G-8. Mark the sentences where the grammatical coordination of the main members of the sentence is violated.

1) The exhibition-view of the sketches of the monument is open daily, except Monday.

2) Proofreader Ivanov found many spelling errors in the manuscript.

3) The invoice was signed on the same day by the chief accountant.

4) The cafe-confectionery was closed last year.

5) The Dnieper River overflowed its banks this spring.

Correct answer: 1, 2, 3

G-9. Mark the sentences where a mistake was made when using homogeneous members.

1) The poet has no doubts and believes in victory over the autocracy.

2) The head of administration has the right to distribute and manage finances.

3) All research work is carried out in accordance with and on the basis of the approved plan.

4) Students took part and became winners of the regional review of folklore groups.

5) The scientist himself organized the scientific laboratory and led it all subsequent years.

Correct answer: 1, 2, 3, 4

G-10. Mark the sentences where a mistake was made when using homogeneous terms.

1) Reading science fiction novels instilled in the young man a love of travel, dreams of conquering space.

2) In this new building it will be possible to arrange big concerts, sports competitions, meetings, movies.

3) Many critical comments and valuable suggestions were made during the discussion of the issue.

4) Information about success or failure quickly spread on all fronts.

5) The police fired batons, tear gas grenades, and firearms at the youth.

Correct answer: 1, 2, 3, 5

G-11. Mark the sentences where a mistake was made when using compound conjunctions.

1) My teacher not only subscribed to a huge number of newspapers, but also to all the "thick" magazines.

2) The competition was attended by both students of our school, as well as students of all schools in our district.

3) Christopher Columbus enriched with his discovery not so much Spain as England.

4) Not only new schools, hospitals, but also a drama theater and other cultural and educational institutions have been built in the city.

5) The slowness of movement is explained both by extreme caution and by the presence of seriously wounded in the group.

Correct answer: 1, 2, 4

G-12. Mark the sentences where a mistake was made when using homogeneous members.

1) The terms of lending and foreign exchange transactions are covered in special editions of the newspaper, lectures and brochures, reports and magazines.

2) A prefabricated brick panel can compete with reinforced concrete in terms of strength, frost resistance, and other indicators.

3) Students do practical work at factories, research institutes, kindergartens.

4) Anise is cultivated on large areas in Ukraine, the Volga region, the North Caucasus and Central Asia.

5) Together they carried a large tray with pots of milk, plates, spoons, sugar, berries, bread.

Correct answer: 1, 2, 3, 4

G-13. Mark the sentences where a mistake was made when using homogeneous terms.

1) The arrested person was worried about the family, taken under the supervision of the police and which he left without any means of subsistence.

2) He only thought about playing whist and how to earn big money.

3) The students had an internship in one of the workshops of the plant that manufactured printing presses and which was recently reconstructed.

4) The women, hastily gathering their belongings and absorbed in their occupation, somehow modestly responded to this comforting news.

5) At the meeting, issues of improving product quality and whether it is possible to reduce its cost were discussed.

Correct answer: 1, 2, 3, 5

G-14. Mark the sentences where a mistake was made in the use of adverbial phrases.

1) Sitting by the fire and waiting for the potatoes to be cooked, people shared their memories and problems.

2) Having risen up the Volga, the barge will be unloaded at the berths of Yaroslavl.

3) We haven’t seen Pavel for a long time, but after visiting Moscow, I decided to call him.

4) Approaching the house, I quickly pulled out the keys and opened the front door.

5) Then Sergeev is appointed director of the car depot, working in this position for a year and a half.

Correct answer: 1, 2, 4, 5

Please tell me whether the punctuation marks in this sentence are correct or not, and if not, how it should be. Thank you. Sentence: "But alas, I am a young student, and the only thing I can be content with is that he calls me "darling."

Correctly: But alas, I am a young student, and the only thing I can be content with is that he calls me "darling."

Question No. 302991

Hello. Can you please tell me if a dash should be used in this sentence? I am Marina, a student from Russia.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The dash is not required because the subject is expressed by a pronoun.

Question No. 292282

Good afternoon! How are feminitives formed according to the rules of the Russian language? There is a widespread opinion that the suffixes -sh, -is in the formation of feminitives have a derogatory tone, and the suffixes -ka and -ca should be used so that the resulting words have a neutral connotation. There is also an opinion that the suffix -sh means that a woman is married to a representative of a certain profession (for example, an officer is an officer's wife). In particular, which of the following options correspond to the literary norm: author: author, author doctor: doctor, doctor director: director, director, headmistress general: general, general merchandiser: merchandiser, merchandiser?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

In business speech, there are a number of male names for which there are no parallel female counterparts. These include:

  • administrative and official titles: lawyer, delegate, deputy, consultant, correspondent, minister, mayor, prime minister, assistant (deputy), ambassador, president, referent, leader, adviser, expert;
  • designations of academic degrees: academician, doctor of science, associate professor, candidate of science, professor, corresponding member;
  • names of persons by military specialties: fighter, warrior, general, captain, major, officer, pilot, colonel, sergeant;
  • words on -or, -tor, -er, -ved, -log, -graph, -fil :author, bibliographer, bibliophile, governor, director, lecturer, literary critic, orator, prosecutor, editor, sprinter, philologist, linguist.

Parallel names for designating females have been fixed in cases where a given specialty (profession, occupation, etc.) is equally associated with both female and male labor, for example: obstetrician - midwife, laboratory assistant - laboratory assistant, pilot - pilot, teacher - teacher, seller - saleswoman, student - student, teacher - teacher and many others. etc. The same in the field of art, sports, when designating persons by their relation to a public organization, etc.: an artist is an artist, a Komsomol member is a Komsomol member, a writer is a writer, an athlete is an athlete.

However, despite the free formation of such names in the feminine form, they are not used in all styles of speech. So, in a formal business style, it is preferable to keep the shape male, when it comes to nomenclature job title; cf. in the reference document: "A. V. Petrova works as a laboratory assistant at the Department of Physics ”(in everyday speech - laboratory assistant Petrova); "L. I. Nikolaeva is an English teacher "(in everyday speech - teacher Nikolaeva). Wed household: Head of Department Nikitin and official: manager of the Nikitin trust.

You can check the words you are interested in in electronic dictionaries on our portal. The label "colloquial" or the absence of a word in the dictionary indicate restrictions in word usage.

Question #290919

Write, please, how to draw it up in an official document: for a student Ivanova Darya Petrovna or a student Ivanova Darya Petrovna? Thank you!

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Correct with the word student.

Question #286733

Hello! In an official business speech, the artist Petrova, student Ivanova is preferable, or is it permissible to use the feminine form: artist, student?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The words artist and student quite appropriate in official speech.

Question #283364

How is it correct in the feminine gender: - student or student? - a student or a student? - graduate or graduate? - resident or resident? - seller or saleswoman? - Writer or novelist? The question is caused by the fact that: 1) graduates of our university (both boys and girls) go to the graduation party with a ribbon "GRADUATE the name of the university"; 2) on the board of the best students of the university, under the photo of a girl, the inscription "STUDENT IVANOV ..."; 3) in the program of a local television studio, a woman is interviewed and the subtitles are "RESIDENT OF THE CITY ... IVANOVA ..."; 4) in the "BOUTIQUE" the girl is offended when you call her a SALES WOMAN, says that the SALES WOMAN are in the market, and she is the SELLER; 5) in the programs of the central TV channels there are often subtitles "WRITER IVANOV ..." and many other similar cases.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

All options given are correct. However, there are some stylistic restrictions on the use of feminine words. In the official business style, when it comes to the nomenclature name of the position, it is recommended to keep the masculine form. You can read more about this in the “Handbook of the Russian Language: Spelling, Pronunciation, Literary Editing” by D. E. Rozental, E. V. Dzhandzhakova, N. P. Kabanova, in the paragraph “Genus of female names by profession, position and etc.”

Question #281514
Good afternoon!
I work at a university. We have a student, Olga ShamshUra. Is her last name inflected? How should we write in the diploma of higher education: "Issued to Shamshur O.P." or "Issued to O.P. Shamshur"?
Thank you!

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Surname Shamshur bows down. Correctly: issued to Shamshur O.P.

Question #279712
Hello! Please tell me how to say:
"Policy of the leadership of the People's Republic of China towards the Chinese intelligentsia" or
"The Policy of the PRC Leadership towards the Chinese Intelligentsia"
And why is this option preferred?
Thank you.
Student 1986

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Both options are possible.

Question #277833
How to format the author of the abstract? "Performed by a student of group 10OP1 Ivanova Anna" or "Performed by a student of group 10OP1 Ivanova Anna"?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Better: performed by a student.

Question #272420
Hello! When filling out the table "Database of USE participants", it is necessary to indicate the citizenship of the 11th grade student. The administration insists that if this is a female person, then it is necessary to write - a citizen. But in Russian there is a word citizen. Is it impossible to specify - a citizen of the Russian Federation. How right?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Word citizen, of course, is in the Russian language. However, despite the free formation of words such as citizen, student, teacher etc., they are not used in all styles of speech. In strict official business speech, masculine words are often used in relation to females. Apparently, the administration's requirement is related to the fact that we are talking about a database where everything should be clear, strict and uniform.

Question #266676
Good afternoon!
Is there a rule governing the spelling of the words "student" and "graduate student"
"in official documents in the feminine gender?
That is, is it permissible to write, for example: "Petrova Maria is a student of group 1
Faculty of Informatics" or "post-graduate student of the Department of Economic Informatics and
control automation "or you should use the masculine form of these

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

There is no strict requirement, the options "student" and "graduate student" are correct.

Question #255362
"Victory of an athlete [...] in the finals of (V/V) all-Russian show jumping competitions"
On August 16, 2009, the student [...] became the winner in the finals of the (Вв) all-Russian competitions "Federal Districts Cup - 2009". ...

(Interestingly, is it always like this with you: do you have to ask a question three times to get an answer?)

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

In the first case, the word all-Russian you need to write with a capital letter (as the first word in your own name), in the second - with a small one.

Question #251842
Is it permissible to use the terms "doctoral student", "student", "graduate student", "professor" in an official scientific report? Or is it correct "Student Ivanova, doctoral student Pavlova, graduate student Mikhailov?"

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

In official speech, it is preferable to use the words student, graduate student, doctoral student. Word professor in relation to a female professor is possible only in colloquial speech.

Question #246229
Hello. Tell me, please, is it possible to say "a student of the specialty "Philology"", or do you need any pretexts?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The given combination (with prepositions, without prepositions) is incorrect.

Question #235424
Hello. I am very grateful to you for the existence of an accessible and convenient help service. I want to ask this question. Is the expression "Student Semenov did not appear for the exam" correct? Which word in this sentence should the verb agree with? The university where my mother-in-law works ordered not to use the word "student" in the reporting. The sheet, in which the teacher wrote "Student Semenova did not appear for the exam," was forced to redo, the verbs in such expressions were used in the masculine form. Is such a requirement correct? If not, what source can you refer to?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

In § 2249 "Russian Grammar" (M., 1980) the following is indicated. With the subject - a masculine noun, naming a person by occupation and in this sentence referring to a female person, both forms are possible: _The doctor came / came. The teacher made / made a speech._ Such fluctuations are typical for newspaper, colloquial speech. There is no strict grammatical rule for choosing the generic form in the predicate, except for those cases when the noun has a definition in the feminine form: _Our doctor has come. The new secretary was wrong. Master of Sports Petrova won. The case was heard by a district judge. The line was summed up by the young Wiesbaden judge Petra Unger_.
Thus, the claim is invalid. In the example you gave, there is a definition in the feminine form (Semenov). Therefore, it is correct: _Student Semenova did not appear for the exam_.

1. Norms of approval

1.1. Subject and predicate agreement

When coordinating the predicate with the subject, difficulties arise if the subject is expressed by a phrase.

1. If the subject consists of a collective noun of the majority type (row, part, half, etc.) and a noun in the form of the genitive plural, the predicate usually agrees grammatically with the stem word of the phrase, for example: A number of scientists put forward a new hypothesis; Some of the inhabitants settled here in the 15th century. However, there are a number of reasons why, with the subjects named above, it is preferable to use the predicate in the plural:

1) if there is a “gap” between the main members of the sentence, that is, clarifying turns, connecting constructions, etc.: Even before the revolution, a number of scientists, for example P.N. Sakulin, D.N. Ushakov, put forward the idea of ​​simplifying Russian spelling;

2) if the subject contains homogeneous structures in the form of the genitive plural: Most of the workers, technicians and engineers of the plant have already fulfilled the norm provided for by the plan;

3) if homogeneous predicates are listed: Most of the guests stood in groups, discussed yesterday's event or just chatted;

4) if the sentence contains other grammatical constructions indicating the plurality of the manufacturer of the action: A number of customers who received new products applied to the plant with complaints;

5) if it is necessary to emphasize the activity of the action, which is important in cases where the action is attributed to each person individually: Most of the participants in the meeting have already spoken (but: A number of tables were in the middle of a large room - the subject denotes an inanimate object). On this basis, the predicate in the passive turnover is usually put in the singular, since the subject denotes the object of the action, and not its subject: A number of workers who allowed an inattentive attitude to the needs of passengers were held accountable.

2. With a subject expressed by a quantitative-nominal combination (countable turnover), the predicate can be put both in the singular and in the plural, for example: Seven people of the chase entered, all from count hunters (N.S. Leskov) - Fourteen people pulled towed a heavy barge with bread (A.N. Tolstoy). The singular number of the predicate is used in the following cases:

a) if attention is drawn to the number of persons or objects in question (especially if a large number of objects are meant, since a large group is perceived as one whole, while with a subject denoting few persons, the role of each is more emphasized): ten students showed up for the exam; cf .: One hundred and seventy students of our institute took part in the cross. – Five students of our group took part in the cross. The number can be emphasized by the words total, only, only (with the meaning of limitation): Only ten teams participated in the competition;

b) if the predicate is expressed by a verb with the meaning of being, presence, position in space, action directed at an inanimate object, a passive state of a person, etc.: There were two windows with wide window sills in the room; Six fighters died of wounds;

c) if the joint performance of the action is implied: Five fighters went on reconnaissance (in a group);

d) with a subject denoting a measure of weight, space, time, etc., including nouns of years, days, hours: Twenty-five kilometers remained until the end of the journey; Here are two years of my life crossed out (M.

Bitter). It should be noted that sometimes the influence of the words two (two), three, four is affected, as a result of which the predicate is put in the plural form, for example: So three weeks passed (L.N. Tolstoy);

e) with compound numbers ending in one: It was a major international competition in which 21 representatives from thirteen countries of the world participated. Under the influence of the tendency to agree on meaning in colloquial speech, there are constructions of the type 21 students came to the exam;

f) with the words three, ten, thousand, million, billion, which are closer to nouns than to numerals: A thousand people visited the exhibition. However, since these words are perceived as numerals, constructions such as A thousand fighters rushed to the attack are also possible.

The plural form of the predicate is preferable in the following cases:

a) if counted persons or objects are singled out as producers of action: Ten students graduated from the institute with honors;

b) if the predicate denotes the active action of a person or object: And in the forest ten riders whipped horses (N.A. Ostrovsky);

c) if the separate performance of the action is emphasized: Five fighters went on reconnaissance (each with an independent task);

d) if in the counting turnover there are words all, these or others in the role of definitions: All (these) ten books were bought recently. The regulation also applies to compound numbers ending in one: All twenty-one students participated in the competition;

e) with numerals two, three, four: Three houses are called for the evening (A.S. Pushkin);

f) when indicating an approximate amount (by rearranging a numeral and a noun or by including words about, over, more, less, etc.): Five people began to wash in a cold mountain stream (M. Gorky); After the end of the International Geophysical Year, more than 20 countries decided to organize a joint study of the Indian Ocean.

3. With a subject expressed by a complex noun, the first part of which is the numeral half- (half an hour, half a city, etc.), the predicate is usually put in the singular, and in the past tense - in the middle gender: half an hour will pass, half a year has flown by, half a city participated in the demonstration. However, if these words have a definition in the nominative plural, then the predicate is also plural: The remaining half of the house survived the fire.

4. In the event that the subject includes pronouns and indefinitely quantitative numerals several, how many, many, few, few, many, the predicate can be used both in the singular and in the plural. In the presence of a word, basically the same forms of agreement were established as with quantitative-nominal combinations, that is, the choice of the form of the predicate is due to the lexical and grammatical nature of the sentence: Several bullets screeched over my head (M.Yu. Lermontov) - the subject denotes an inanimate object ; Several people were punished with whips and exiled to a settlement (A.I. Herzen) - the presence of homogeneous predicates; At first, several people spoke vaguely and unsteadily ... (A. Fadeev) - an active action of faces. With the words a lot, a little, a little, a lot, how much, so much, the statement of the predicate in the plural is most often found: Many eyes looked into the wide flattened face of a long line of soldiers with cold, silent curiosity ... (M. Gorky).

1.2. Harmonization of definitions and applications

When using combinations like “definition + noun with application”, the following cases are possible:

a) when combining two nouns expressing a generic and specific concept (the latter is an application), the definition is consistent with the generic word: big cockatoo bird, white Volga car, etc .;

b) when combining two nouns written with a hyphen, the definition is consistent with the one that expresses a broader, general concept: a multi-stage launch vehicle, a beautiful display stand, etc.

Definitions for quantitative-nominal turnovers such as three rooms, four houses are recommended to be used as follows:

a) with masculine and neuter nouns - in the genitive case: two stone houses, three wide windows, etc.; with feminine nouns - in the nominative-accusative case: three spacious rooms, two school notebooks;

b) the definition before the quantitative-nominal turnover is always used in the nominative plural: the last three cartridges, the alarming two nights, etc. The exceptions are the adjectives whole, full, kind, which are put in the genitive case: four whole days, full two months, etc.;

c) the definition after the quantitative-nominal turnover is usually put in the form of the nominative case (if the turnover itself is used in the initial form): four chairs bought (not bought!) for the office.

2. Norms of management

In Russian, control is carried out mainly by verbs and verbal nouns.

2.1. Management with single-root words. With single-root words relating to different parts of speech, the same dependent form can be used: to be friends with a girl - friendship with a girl - friendly with a girl. However, much more often the same-root words require different cases: to thank a friend - grateful to a friend, faith in victory - confidence in victory. This is what often leads to the erroneous use of one dependent construct instead of another.

2.2. Synonym management. The Russian language is dominated by synonymic rows, in which each word controls the same case: to create - to create - to create - to build (what?). But there are also such synonymous series in which words require different dependent forms: to bow (to someone-what?) - to worship (to someone-what?) - to pray (to someone-what?). The presence of semantic proximity sometimes leads to an erroneous substitution of some case constructions for others: a review for a dissertation (instead of: about a dissertation), make sure that ... (instead of: that), decide about it (instead of: this), etc.

2.3. Management with homogeneous members. Homogeneous members of a sentence may carry the same dependent word, expressed in the same case form: The student read and summarized the recommended article. If homogeneous members require different cases, the complement is used twice: with the first control word - in the full lexical and grammatical form, with the second - in the form of the corresponding pronoun, for example: A graduate student collected facts and gave them an original interpretation. Otherwise, there is a violation of management standards: to manage and control work, to greet and rejoice at the victory of the Russian national football team, etc.

3. The use of participial turnover

The participle turnover is considered to be correctly used in the following cases:

1) if it adjoins another verb (personal form, infinitive or participle), together with it denoting an action that is performed by the subject named in the subject: Coming out to the forest edge, the scouts saw the highway;

2) in an impersonal sentence containing an infinitive that denotes the action of an unnamed object: Only by practicing daily can one master a foreign language;

3) if it refers to a participle acting as a definition: She did not answer him, thoughtfully following the play of the waves that ran up to the shore, swaying the heavy longboat.

Errors in the use of adverbial turnover are most often associated with a violation of these rules, for example: Having committed theft, he was immediately captured (logical subjects do not match, because actions are performed by different persons); Going out into the street, he felt cold (there is no main action to which a secondary one could adjoin; in addition, a participial turnover cannot belong to the words of the state category).

Task 1. Indicate the errors associated with the violation of the order of words in the sentence, correct them.

1. Staff turnover generates an inattentive attitude of the administration. 2. The issue of preparations for the elections of the Central Electoral Commission was discussed. 3. In poems, references to inanimate objects are used in order to increase their expressiveness and emotionality. 4. Ivanov refused to take the winter session with all the students. 5. Kutuzov, as shown by L.N. Tolstoy, being on the battlefield, most of all cared about maintaining the morale of the soldiers. 6. The newspaper called this decree a bitter pill for supporters of "shock therapy", which must be swallowed. 7. It can be said without exaggeration that there are millions of gardeners and gardeners in the capital. 8. Heated discussion raises the question of the president's ability to govern the country on medical grounds.

Task 2. Make sentences with the words below that require different cases of the object (circumstance). Note the semantic-stylistic differences between synonymic pairs.

Guarantee - guarantee. Start - get started. Dress - wear. Demand is a need. Worry - worry. Reconcile - reconcile. Advantage is excellence. Faith is certainty. Pack - pack. To slow down - to hinder. Justify - found. Similar - identical. To lean - to be based. To marvel - to be surprised. Full - full. Warn - warn. Appreciate - cherish.

Task 3. Find and correct errors caused by violation of management standards.

1. Among psychologists, the point of view about the creative process as a psychological phenomenon has become widespread. 2. This person has always been unpleasant for me with his selfishness and selfishness. 3. Conclusions are drawn on obtaining various chemical compounds. 4. In the fight to reduce crime, we are not the last. 5. This showed Pechorin's advantage over the environment. 6. Journalists received answers to all their questions. 7. He didn't pay for the bus fare. 8. This fact shows how economically dangerous non-payments are. 9. In our country, women are equal to men. 10. Get an order signed by the director. 11. The beauty of Moscow cannot be described or told. 12. He managed to interest and distract the guys from bad deeds. 13. These caregivers are able to nurture and provide proper care for children.

F Task 4. Put the predicate in the correct form. Explain your choice.

I. 1. Most arrived ... on Thursday. 2. Only a minority of the detachment got out of the forest. 3. A number of domestic films, such as "Mimino", "Wounded Wounds", etc., were successfully shown ... at various festivals. 4. Most of the friends who knew their relationship blamed everything ... Lukin Alexander. 5. Most of the installations were ... sent ... to the Grozny oil refinery. 6. A number of researchers involved in this problem believe that the Ural fold system continues further east through the Novaya Zemlya geosyncline. 7. Part of the detachment took ... a position on this shore. 8. Most of the speakers did not agree with the speaker. 9. The vast majority of the electorate that day went ... to their summer cottages. 10. Most passengers use the services of air fleet agencies.

II. 1. More than thirty different models are exhibited at the exhibition, each of which is an exact copy of the ship. 2. In the sleigh sat ... four men and a woman. 3. Three young trees grow under my window. 4. Ten 12-storey buildings are being built in Izmailovo. 5. Twenty-two different decisions were ... taken ... in Yakutia to defer payments to the Pension Fund. 6. Imperceptibly flashed ... ten days. 7. There were ... several paintings hung on the walls. 8. All five students came ... on time. 9. Several scouts died ... in this risky operation. 10. A lot of our students were preparing ... for the Architectural Institute, entered ... into it and now work ... in their specialty.

III. 1. Living organisms equally need ... moisture and heat. 2. The text of the manuscript is structured in such a way that the interconnection and subordination of its individual parts is clearly seen. 3. Installation of new and reconstruction of existing equipment are carried out simultaneously. 4. I was tormented ... not by hunger, but by thirst. 5. Ancient songs have ... a remarkable richness and variety of rhythmic structure. 6. Every step, every movement caused ... the wounded severe pain. 7. Neither the clatter of hooves, nor the ringing of bells is heard anymore ... on the deserted road. 8. For illustration, the figures show ... a diagram and a general view of the machine with a complete set of equipment. 9. Disappeared ... jealousy and annoyance (A.S. Pushkin). 10. The consumption of material and the weight of parts is reduced ... twice.

Task 5. Analyze the grammatical coordination of the main members of the sentence. Correct spelling errors if necessary.

1. The exhibition-view of the sketches of the monument is open every day except Monday. 2. In the corner, at the card table, sat three of the generals of the picnic: obese, condescending and irritable (I.S. Turgenev). 3. The village seemed to him quite large: it had two forests on the right and left (N.V. Gogol). 4. The Americans, using radio transmitters, tried to follow the movement of animals and their fate. In a short time, eighteen died, in fifteen cases they became a victim of hunting. 5. The gate creaked, several puppies barked in unison (I.S. Turgenev). 6. As of December 1, 1996, citizens own 15,200,000 cars. 7. Most of the people who received the letters, suspecting vileness, did not forward them to me (A.S. Pushkin). 8. There were five horses in the barracks (L.N. Tolstoy). 9. In 1997, 51 people were retrained at teacher training courses. 10. The majority voted before twelve o'clock in the afternoon.

Task 6. Explain the errors in the combination of homogeneous members of the sentence. Give the correct options.

1. Before us is a collection of short but truthful short stories. 2. It seemed to Chopin that in this largest center of European music, literature, and culture he would be able to achieve worthy recognition. 3. The laboratory was replenished with devices, installations and young specialists. 4. In order to make it more convenient to take notes on the lecture, various auxiliary techniques should be used: 1) leave margins in the notebook; 2) subdivide the record; 3) experience justifies the abbreviation of words in the record. 5. Classes will be conducted by scientists, agronomists, foresters, botanists, entomologists and other specialists. 6. Now you can move on to a very necessary and necessary problem. 7. In a short time, not only new schools, a hospital, but also a drama theater and a library were built in the satellite city.

Task 7. Correct the sentences in which different syntactic constructions are connected as homogeneous.

1. Only when he came home, Sasha felt his eyes stick together from fatigue and a terrible ache in his body. 2. I love reading science fiction books that describe travel. 3. The brochure tells about children's diseases and about measures to combat them, how to maintain health and prevent illness. 4. What is new and valuable in this theory is that it shows not only the route of the Polynesians, but also how they sailed to the shores of South America and back. 5. The purpose of the conversation is a general acquaintance with the basic rules of traffic safety on the streets and what harm does the violation of these rules cause. 6. Coming from a noble family and brilliantly starting his career as a lawyer, Jarnfelt broke with secular society and became an apprentice, first in a shoe shop, and then in a railway depot. 7. There are many workers at the plant who have shown themselves well in work and whose nature of work corresponds to their chosen specialty. 8. The meeting discussed the issues of improving the quality of products and whether it is possible to reduce its cost.

Task 8. Identify deviations from grammatical norms caused by the incorrect use of participial forms. Correct the suggestions.

1. Pushkin created the image of a man who did not follow any of these paths. 2. The work performed by the polisher is finishing. 3. World science has so far the only spectrum of the glow of the night sky obtained by the Pulkovo astronomer, which indicates the presence of nitrogen in the atmosphere of Venus. 4. The station located in the city center is well connected by public transport to marinas and maritime stations. 5. The Czech book was at that time a rare phenomenon, a treasure passed from hand to hand, kept and read in a friendly environment. 6. Among the privateers, the British stand out especially, having gained great experience in navigation through fishing on the high seas. 7. The Minister spoke about the changes in the program, which he is preparing for discussion in the Duma. 8. Upon verification, the stated facts in the application were not confirmed. 9. The author has published documents covering events taking place in the 15th century. 10. The colon is placed in sentences with homogeneous members located after the generalizing word.

Task 9. Correct grammatical and stylistic errors in the use of adverbial phrases.

1. Having brought one of the pendulums into oscillatory motion, the second pendulum will also begin to oscillate. 2. The driver must remember that turning right from the avenue, he will have to cross the tram tracks. 3. Having lost a lot of troops near Smolensk, the further advance of the French was difficult. 4. Seeing his father in a serious condition, he felt sorry for him. 5. Arriving in Vladivostok, the young businessman was found dead on the second day. 6. Listening to this exciting music, a picture of a hurricane appears to me. 7. Approaching the city, a strong wind began, raising clouds of dust and tearing off hats from rare passers-by. 8. Using these formulas, dependency graphs were built. 9. Work on the machine is carried out using both shafts at the same time. 10. Having read the manuscript a second time, I think that it needs serious revision.

Task 10. Find adverbial forms that do not correspond to the norms of the modern literary language. What forms are used as a norm in modern Russian?

1. My shoemaker, grabbing a bag, hurry home (Krylov). 2. I stood motionless for a long time, peering into the distant stars (Fet). 3. She, laughing and knitting a stocking, lived for herself carefree and clover (Herzen). 4. Sobakevich agreed willingly and immediately, going up to the bureau, began to write out (Gogol) with his own hand. 5. Birches from the forest, from the huts, run, turning with leaves (Mayakovsky). 6. Here is a beam, roll from the web, lay down in nettles (Pasternak). 7. Not drying the farewell tears and crying the whole evening, the soul leaves the west, she has nothing to do there (Pasternak). 8. The barometer, having reached the truth with its mind that it is hot, is busy with the same business and opinion (Akhmadulina).

Task 11. Read the text. How many violations of grammatical norms are in this poetic parody? Justify your answer.

The sky flares up, waking up the wind, The awakened hubbub of bird voices - Cursing everything in the world, I again run into the untrodden forests. Animals rustle, running out to meet them, Waving their friendly paws: I'll be here in the middle of the whole evening, Writing immortal creations. But, crawling out for a moment from the unsteady mud, Swamp, green creature Shoves me with a caring smile Big Spelling Dictionary.

(A. Matyushkin-Gerke)

Task 12. In the story of L.N. Tolstoy's "Youth" there is the use of adverbial phrases, which does not correspond to the norms of the modern Russian literary language and is associated with the influence of the syntax of the French language. Determine what is the incorrect use of these revolutions from the point of view of modern norms.

1. Having imagined that the pipe was fatal for me, it seemed to me that I was dying. 2. Waking up the next day, my first thought was an adventure with Kolpikov. 3. The second kind of love - selfless love, consists in love for the process of sacrificing oneself for the beloved object, not paying any attention to whether these sacrifices are worse or better for the beloved object.

Task 13 . Rewrite, inserting, where necessary, initial n in personal pronouns.

1. "No, no!" - the maid (Pushkin) shouted after him ... 2. Zakhar returned and, looking askance at Tarantiev, nimbly darted past ... him (Goncharov). 3. The guests were already in the middle of the hall, when the host himself (Granin) came out to meet them .... 4. More than one tear was shed about ... him (Saltykov-Shchedrin). 5. Everything goes past ... her will (Boborykin). 6. Regarding ... her, I had no definite intentions (Chekhov). 1. You see the difference between us and ... them (M. Gorky). 8. Mother, a plump and good-natured lady, looked at all ... them (Chirikov). 9. Despite his thoughts, or perhaps thanks to ... them, he looked at the sergeant with hostility (Kazakevich). 10. And he walked ahead ... them - and was cheerful and clear (M. Gorky).

Task 14. Indicate the shortcomings in the construction of complex sentences. Give correct options. If necessary, simplify the construction by replacing the complex sentence with a simple one.

1. The disciples who had shovels dug holes for trees. 2. These quotes - it is not known where the author took them from. 3. Even worse was the fate of the children who worked in factories, who were doomed to a slow death. 4. A question for Mr. Zakayev, which cannot but excite the Russians... 5. The main thing that needs to be paid attention to is the artistic side of the work. 6. Agapov entered the office with the air of such an employee who had fully completed the assignment. 7. The Commission did not accept a number of facilities for the construction of which funds were allocated, which, however, were used for other purposes. 8. Whoever needs additional classes, it is necessary for him to provide them. 9. All these men were young people of a specific appearance, such as are usually kept by the owners of gambling houses and night bars. 10. - But to arrange with the name of the street and the number of the house, the hands of the commandant Gurov have not yet reached, - said Maximov.

Task 15. Pay attention to the correct use of conjunctions and allied words in complex sentences. Correct the mistakes.

1. We went in the direction where people's voices were heard. 2. If a passenger wants a child to have a separate seat, he must buy a child ticket and a reserved seat, which costs the same as for adult passengers. 3. I know that you will say that I was wrong. 4. And her grief from that is greater than she realizes her guilt. 5. One can agree only with those provisions of the report that do not contain any internal contradictions. 6. I was told that Sergei was allegedly ill. 7. A situation was created when there was little conducive to improving work. 8. We agreed to meet at the very entrance to the theater. 9. Although we did a good job last year, we still have every opportunity to work even better. 10. Since then, when he arrived, he never came to us.

F Task 16. In the following examples, match the definition with the word being defined. Insert the missing letters.

I. 1. There were two small tables in the room, three red chairs and two high... bedside tables. 2. Two bursting ... strings made a plaintive sound. 3. For the expired .. three months, the plan was overfulfilled. 4. The last ... three words were attributed by Sergey's hand. 5. Two letters, sent ... long ago, were lost. 6. Three devices manufactured by different companies are in front of us. 7. Two new... tables... are open in August. 8. Three grandmothers ... shawls have survived to this day.

II. 1. I love speed skating and skiing... 2. Gold and silver medals... were awarded to Russian athletes. 3. The work of the installation in the transitional and emergency mode was studied ... 4. The construction of the first and second stages ... was completed on time. 5. In both teams ... the cult of athleticism seemed to dominate. 6. The occipital and parietal bones ..., located ... in the cranium, are nearby. 7. The script was written not in verse, but in prose... 8. Now on the northern, now on the western stands... thunderous applause broke out.

III. 1. Unusual ... voice and diction of the actor allowed him to become a leading theater artist. 2. Read ... the novel and the story became the subject of a dispute. 3. Young ... birch and aspen leaned towards each other. 4. There were brown chests of drawers and a wardrobe in the room. 5. I want to watch a good ... movie or play. 6. Juicy apple and pear are on the plate. 7. The circle will be taught by an experienced surgeon or therapist. 8. Representatives of foreign medicine and biology were present at the conference as guests.

Task 17. Explain how deviations from morphological and syntactic norms affect the logic of speech.

1. It was early, despite the middle of March, a frosty morning. 2. When workers are in the bodies of cars, hooks and braces for their unloading should be provided. 3. Oily hair causes a lot of trouble. The drug "Londex" will help get rid of them. 4. Our motto is to work without marriages. 5. We ask you to perform mechanical tensile and bending tests of the following electric and gas welders: Artemyev, Kuznetsov, Paramonov. 6. This year it was decided to sow most of the area with converted seeders according to the Cheremisinov method.

F Task 18. Correct the mistakes in the use of participles in the sentence. Fill in the missing commas.

1. Option: 1) Land owners pay land tax to the city treasury, which is established in accordance with the law. 2) Individual enterprises that were very popular in the past have now worsened their work. 3) The buds that swelled on the trees opened. 4) Organizations that are the first to pave the access roads will be awarded a prize. 5) Each student who would like to participate in the work of the circle must submit an application to the dean's office. 6) A person who is accustomed to everyone's attention becomes an egoist. 7) Everyone who sees this picture cannot but be indignant. 8) It is not easy to find a researcher who would take on this complex topic. 9) The problem discussed on the pages of the newspaper is not very simple. 10) The silence of the forest was at times broken by clods of snow falling from high trunks.

2. Option: 1) This year an important event took place for the whole enterprise: we began to produce shoes awarded with a quality mark. 2) A fashionably dressed woman was running towards the bus. 3) The installation of the turbine was completed 3 weeks ahead of schedule. 4) Persons trying to get to the pier at night will be detained. 5) The order carried out by our company is special. 6) Students who manage to complete the assignment on time will be admitted to the session. 7) The daredevils who try to climb to the top of this mountain will pay with their lives. 8) Pigs going to slaughter put on a lot of fat. 9) Mud in the city is carried by trucks entering the asphalt from a country road and cars stopped on the side of the road. 10) Everyone who buys 3 cans of coffee in our store will receive the fourth one for free.

3. Option: 1) He spoke about the order prevailing here before the revolution. 2) There were smiling faces all around me. 3) There are quite a few workers at the factory who would be happy to do aerobics in health groups. 4) Arriving guests want to see the sights of the city. 5) The government has prepared a note urgently sent to the conflict zone. 6) The installation of the turbine was completed 3 weeks ahead of schedule. 7) A person who is accustomed to everyone's attention becomes an egoist. 8) Before us stood a birch swaying in the wind. 9) And here are the domes of the cathedral sparkling in the rays of the sun. 10) Owners of plots contribute to the treasury of the city land tax establishing in accordance with the law.

4. Option: 1) The novel reveals the depth of social inequality prevailing before the revolution in Kazakhstan. 2) The task performed by us does not cause any particular difficulties. 3) The writer spoke about the changes in the book, which is being prepared for reprint. 4) In the near future, a new production will be shown, created by the members of the school circle. 5) Our regularly published wall newspaper provides interesting information about the life of the school community. 6) Daredevils who try to climb to the top of this mountain in winter conditions will pay with their lives. 7) Pupils who write a weak home essay will have to redo it. 8) Each student who would like to participate in the work of the scientific circle must submit an application about this. 9) The lecture given to the participants on the peaceful use of atomic energy aroused great interest. 10) A few days after the quarrel, Dubrovsky caught the peasants of Troekurov stealing firewood in their forests.

5. Option: 1) The nations, previously oppressed by tsarism, did not have their own written language. 2) Parcels sent to Moscow by plane arrive there on the same day. 3) The lecturer explaining his thought drew a diagram. 4) Finally, I got a long-dreamed position. 5) Clouds chasing the wind quickly rushed across the sky. 6) Experts unanimously noted positive developments in this previously lagging branch of the economy. 7) We saw a seagull's nest ruined by predators. 8) Children who have reached the age of seven must study. 9) Wet to the skin, the boy ran to the house. 10) The student reading the book conveyed its contents.

F Task 19. Correct the mistakes associated with the incorrect use of gerunds and participles.

1. Option: 1) After reading the work carefully, everyone will understand its main idea. 2) Having opened the collection of works, I was immediately interested in the story. 3) Listening to music, he had tears in his eyes. 4) Cooperating with us, you are guaranteed success. 50 The trading floor was cleared of people, fearing that the ceiling would collapse. 6) Recalling these meetings, I think that they were an excellent school for me. 7) Having the right to choose their leader, the fate of the team largely depended on the people themselves. 8) Having rested, thoughts come to mind better. 9) Returning home, I was overtaken by rain. 10) Satisfying the request of the driver Dyakonov, the answers of the engineer are published below.

2. Option: 1) Having received a severe wound, the soldier was saved by his comrades. 2) Without taking off, the planes were destroyed by the enemy. 3) Sending our comrades on a business trip to Chechnya, each of us is heartbroken. 4) While in the camp, their diet was richer and more varied. 5) Having found out that the volume of production has decreased, the question arises about the reasons for this. 6) Recalling these meetings, I think that they were an excellent school for me. 7) After graduating from ten years, I was drafted into the army in the fall. 8) Having opened the collection of works, I was immediately interested in the story. 9) When translating a poem into another language, it loses its beauty. 10) Realizing his helplessness, he became afraid.

3. Option: 1) Having punctuated incorrectly, the sentence may lose its meaning. 2) After reading the play, images of the characters hovered in front of me. 3) Having played the role of a strong woman, the actress began to offer similar roles. 4) Studying the process of denationalization, a certain regularity is revealed. 5) Returning to their native lands, their lives will be safe. 6) Reading this comedy, one simply cannot believe that it was written in our day. 7) After the first firing, the product is glazed. 8) The tank, having received a large number of holes, was set on fire. 9) When studying a foreign language, you need to read a lot. ten) . After working for only two months, he had difficulties with the head of the shop.

Option 4: 1) Having finished the work, I felt joy in my soul. 2) Having finished the manuscript, it was handed over to the editor. 3) An explanation can be found by taking recent events as an illustration. 4) The trading floor was cleared of people, fearing that the ceiling would collapse. 5) Having read the manuscript, I think that it needs serious revision. 6) Having found out that the volume of production has decreased, the question arises as to the reason for this. 7) In the World Chess Championship, G. Kasparov, meeting with A. Karpov, won a brilliant victory. 8) Arguing in this way, various options gradually fell away. 9) So, preparing for the campaign, the days passed. 10) They vigilantly read the instructions, taking note of everything new, interesting.

Option 5: 1) The course of treatment is designed for three months of daily intake of two tablets with meals, washed down with water. 2) I think that after graduating from the institute, my dream will come true. 3) Listening to these messages, one thought kept drilling through me. 4) Using nouns in a different gender, the meaning changes. 5) Having gathered for the holiday, do not forget to buy rattles and sparklers. 6) Arriving at the camp site, it was still dark. 7) Rising once again to the podium, the graduate student of our faculty was greeted with applause. 8) Extremely undisciplined, he was expelled as soon as he started work. 9) Coming home, Peter's eyes were stuck together from fatigue. 10) Having had lunch in the student canteen, the headman approached her.

Task 20. Read the sentences. Find grammatical and stylistic errors in them and edit them.

1. The head of administration distributes and manages property and finances. 2. Reading and taking notes on scientific literature is best in the morning. 3. Innovation has become objectively useful, as it regulated and introduced a new order into the relationship between power structures. 4. Bodies authorized by the Mayor independently form and manage extra-budgetary funds. 5. Market relations form independence, interest and responsibility for the final results among producers and consumers. 6. For the successful defense of the dissertation, it is necessary to compile and study the bibliography on your topic. 7. The center-left bloc does not yet have and is in dire need of a leader. 8. Marxism claimed that the state would wither away with the disappearance of classes, since it arose in connection with and as a result of the class split of society. 9. Scientific work requires skillful selection and study of facts.

Exercise 325. Choose the correct form of subject-predicate coordination in the following sentences.

1. At the exhibition (exhibited - exhibited) more than 30 different models, each of which is an exact copy of the ship. 2. In Alaska, two years in a row in autumn, walruses fell off a steep cliff and broke. (Dead - died) 59 animals. 3. When the column approached the bridge, a terrible explosion was heard from the “head” ... The trap slammed shut, and they began to methodically shoot us ... Whoever found himself, shot back, (became-became) (victim-victims) of snipers. Who did not have time to jump out (burned out - burned out) in cars. 4. Still in the convoy (driving - riding) a civilian man and two women, they were looking for their children in Chechnya. 5. The vast majority of the electorate that day (went - went) to their summer cottages. 6. Most of these enterprises (sent - sent) their workers on unpaid leave. 7. We found a hillock, long chosen by badgers, in it (flaunted - flaunted) twenty-six holes and paths to them, along which many generations of badgers went hunting at night. 8. Most badger towns (serve - serve) animals for tens and hundreds of years ... How many human settlements during this time (swept away - swept away) by time, how many all sorts of changes on earth, and generations of badgers live and live in a happily chosen place where they are nothing and no one (does not disturb - do not disturb). 9. When the water begins to subside, the fish rush about in drying puddles. Such places (will not fail - will not fail) to visit the bear, wolves and foxes, tempted by the fish table. 10. From the many tracks in the snow it may seem: a dozen wolverines (running, running, running), but these are the tracks of one lonely beast. 11. The Americans, using radio transmitters mounted in wolverine collars, tried to follow the movement of animals and their fate. Of the twenty-five in a short time, eighteen (died - died), in fifteen cases they became (victim - victims) of the hunt.

Exercise 326. Give a stylistic assessment of the coordination of the main members of the sentence in the examples given. If necessary, eliminate speech errors, edit the text.

1. Most of the miners who received their salaries for the first half of the year remained unsatisfied with compensation. 2. Ten 12-storey buildings are being built in Izmailovo. 3. Late in the evening, two trucks loaded with flour rolled up to the barn. 4. Several books from my father's library were lost. 5. The operation was performed by a young surgeon, Ivanova N.S., who recently defended her PhD thesis. 6. I remember with gratitude those who were my friends in difficult times. 7. No one, even the most trained athletes who participated in the competition, could not beat the record of an African. 8. What will those who turned out to be gullible depositors who gave their savings to crooks say now. 9. None other than parents are primarily responsible for raising teenagers. 10. Installation of new and reconstruction of existing equipment are carried out simultaneously. 11. Living organisms need both moisture and heat equally. 12. Every rustle, every breath, every sound was heard in the tense silence. 13. Should a student or female student come for a certificate? 14. Each new victory of the human mind, each new concept that arose in the process of labor, was fixed in labor. 15. In 1997, 51 people were retrained at our teachers' courses. 16. You and your assistants will be able to cope with this difficult task. 17. Exhibition-viewing sketches of the monument is open daily, except Monday. 18. Proofreader Ivanova found many spelling and punctuation errors in the manuscript. 19. "Do not get into your sleigh" was published in 1853. 20. The village of Pogorelovka is located near the regional center.

Exercise 327. Insert the necessary letters instead of dots, explaining the choice of the form of coordination of the main members of the sentence

1. 22 different decisions were ... adopted ... in Yakutia on benefits and deferred payments to the federal Pension Fund. 2. Among the millionth population of Chechnya, according to the 1989 census, there were 290,000 Russians. Of these, 210 thousand lived ... in Grozny. Today, according to experts, no more than 50 thousand Russians remain in Grozny (it is not known how many throughout the republic). 3. As of December 1, 1996, 15 million 200 thousand cars are owned by citizens, while in 1990 - only 8 million 677 thousand. 4. Of the 60 thousand automobile bridges, more than a third are ... are in emergency condition. Over 11 percent of federal roads are in need of reconstruction, and 655 percent are in need of repair. However, these figures can be considered rather arbitrary, since almost all of the country's roads are in need of repair. 5. Russia has the worst road network in the world. Yes, per thousand sq. km of area comes ... 24 km of roads, while in China - 100 km, in France - 1549 km, and in Germany - 1775 km. Moreover, out of 945 thousand km of Russian roads, more than a third do not meet modern requirements. 6. No less expressive are the indicators of the provision of the population with roads. If in Russia there are about 4,700 km of paved roads per one million inhabitants, then in the European Union, for example, there are about ten thousand kilometers. Back in the 1980s, up to 12,000 km of new roads were built every year. In 1995, ... built ... and reconstructed ... 6.48 thousand km of Russian roads, of which 622 km are federal roads.

Meanwhile, bad roads are not only low transport security for the population, but also a threat to its safety. In 1994, road accidents claimed over 35 thousand human lives, about 190 thousand people ended up ... in hospital beds. 7. Of the 87.5 thousand km of main roads, it is in a deplorable state due to defective rails. Over 720 bridges and tunnels have already worked out ... their service life. 8. Some measures, however, are being carried out in relation to junior and middle officers. As you know, they are not given a salary and do not build housing (68 thousand families of officers are still in dire need ... of living space). As a result, over the past three years, almost 50 thousand officers have retired from the army, and half of the positions of platoon commanders are now vacant... individuals. 10. Since the beginning of the year, about 2.5 thousand Muscovites have left for permanent residence in the United States, which is about 4% more than last year. About 1,800 Muscovites left ... for Germany (18% more than last year), 297 - for Canada (70% more). At the same time, the number of departures for permanent residence in Israel decreased by 10%, which amounted to 1128 people.

7.5. Harmonization of definitions and applications

Exercise 328 Note the cases of violation by writers of modern literary norms.

1. Ivanov was an orphan (G.-M.). 2. And the moon dies over it - this round orphan (Is.). 3. Thank you for not despising my bread and salt (P.). 4. I looked at the bed and saw a black beard and two sparkling eyes (P.). 5. Two or three tombstones stood on the edge of the road (P.). 6. He traded three greyhounds for them (Gr.). 7. The last two words were written in a large and sweeping, resolute handwriting (T.). 8. A gendarme and two young girls were walking along the platform, laughing at something (Shol.). 9. For the first three years, she only came to Zabolotye (S. -Shch.) in fits and starts. 10. To the right of the door were two windows hung with scarves (L.T.). 11. He walked to the threshing floor, cattle and horse yards (L.T.). 12. Let Finnish waves forget their enmity and captivity (P.). 13. Her magnificent fur coat and hat did not make any impression (Ch.). 14. One can imagine what a thunderous blow this letter broke over my father and mother (Ax.). 15. This movement was noticed from the Nizhny Novgorod to the Ryazan, Tula and Kaluga roads (L.T.). 16. Beyond the empty outskirts, beyond the Donets River, the field peace will tremble and split (Surk.). 17. The train stopped at the Zlynka station. 18. We'll have to wait a good half an hour. 19. The organization of the holiday was carried out and formalized in the last three or four days (Furm.). 20. Two tall palm trees appeared in the distance. 21. The hostage-taking took place on a bus in the city of Mineralnye Vody. 22. The regiment reached the city of Rovno (Shol.) in marching order. 23. On the island of Cyprus, you can relax all year round by the sea. 24. It happened near the city of Nis. 25. Atamans gathered outside the Sestrakov farm. 26. Fierce fighting took place near the village of Berestechko. 27. My childhood passed in the town of Yelsk. 28. The dates for the visit to Moscow of the President of the South American Republic of Colombia have been outlined. 29. The World Economic Forum was held in the resort of Davos in Switzerland. 30. The governors of the states of New York and New Jersey, where many Russian emigrants live, demand changes to the law on benefits (from the newspaper).