Southern coast of the Neva Bay. On the formation of the state nature reserve of regional significance "southern coast of the Neva Bay"


Southern coast of the Neva Bay


Southern coast of the Neva Bay

St. Petersburg

1970 ha, 59°54"N 29°52"E

0 m a.s.l. m.

A4.1, B1.1, B2, B3

Description of the IBA and its ornithological significance.

A strip of shallow waters along the southern coast of the Neva Bay Fins of the Gulf of the Baltic Sea from the dam in the west to the Neva Delta in the east. Composed of three sections interrupted by coastal strips with urban development in the years. Lomonosov and Petrodvorets. All three sectionsThey represent the coast of the bay with sandy and rocky shallow waters, vast tracts of reed beds, areas of coastal marshes, black alder forests, mixed forests and old parks. Significant in length are the sections of ancient landscape parks - Sergievka, Znamenka, Alexandria, where the proportion of broad-leaved species is large. The water area of ​​the bay is desalinated to a very high degree.

An important part of the White Sea-Baltic migration route, where aggregations of migratory birds form in spring (mainly), as well as in summer and autumn. The significance of this territory as a stopover place for birds during the spring migration increased especially after the destruction in the 1970s of part of the shallows at the mouth of the Neva River. Currently, a total of over 30,000 waterfowl and shorebirds stop at the IBA during the spring. The number of birds in the camps may vary from year to year, depending on the timing of the opening of the bay. With prolonged freeze-up, mass overnight stays of geese on the ice are noted. In the spring along the coast there is an intensive passage of land birds - up to 50,000 - 60,000 individuals per morning are recorded. Baleen tit (Panurus biarmicus) and pendulinus (Remiz pendulinus), rare for the region, live on the IBA. In the autumn-winter period, coastal black alder forests attract a significant number of granivorous birds.









black-throated loon

Gavia Arctica



A4.1, B1.1

Great grebe

Podiceps cristatus




A4.1, B1.1

whooper swan

Cygnus cygnus



A4.1, B1.1

small swan

Cygnus bewickii



A4.1, B1.1

white-fronted goose

Anser albifrons




bean goose

Anser fabalis




A4.1, B1.1


Anas clypeata



Black sea

Aythya marila




A4.1, B1.1


Larus fuscus





Little Gull

Larus minutes



A4.1, B1.1

Little Gull

Larus minutes



little tern

Sterna albifrons


reed warbler

Acrocephalus scirpaceus




Main types of habitats: pine forests and black alder forests - 20%; shrubs - 5%; littoral and sea banks - 3%; sand and mud flats overgrown with reeds and other macrophytes- fifty%; sand dunes, beaches and spits - 1%; alloys - 5%; parks, gardens - 20%; urbanized and industrial biotopes - 5%; settling tanks, filtration fields - 1%.

The main types of economic use of the territory: fishing - 25%; tourism/recreation – 30%; settlements, roads, etc. - 5%; slightly used territory – 35%; protected area - at least 2%.

Main threats: development of the infrastructure of the territory (B); construction of settlements (B); cottage construction, garden plots (B); fishing (C); recreational load (A); anxiety factor (A); construction works (various complexes) along the coastline (A).

Conservation status of the territory: The natural monument “Strelnikovsky Bereg” (40 ha), created in 1992, which exists within the IBA, covers only 2% of the total area of ​​the IBA. Part t territory will also be included in the projected complex reserve "Southern coast of the Neva Bay" with an area of ​​950 hectares (it is planned to be created by 2010).

Necessary security measures: expansion of the territory of the natural monument "Strelninsky coast" in the western direction with the inclusion of at least 100 hectares of reed supports; limiting visits to reed beds during nesting time; prohibition of burning reeds; prohibit further expansion of existing horticulture along the coast.

Reserve "South Coast of the Neva Bay", photo - Wikipedia

who team 29 represents: environmental activists Alexander Karpov and Alexei Smirnov
against who: Committee for Nature Management, Environmental Protection and Ensuring Ecological Safety of the Government of St. Petersburg
Who from Team 29 is in business: Maxim Olenichev
What now: The St. Petersburg City Court satisfied our appeal and recognized the conclusion of the State Environmental Expertise Commission and the order that approved it as illegal

In October 2013, the Government of St. Petersburg created the Southern Coast of the Neva Bay, a state natural reserve of regional significance, consisting of three clusters - Kronstadt Colony, Own Dacha and Znamenka, with an area of ​​266 hectares. The reserve is a strategic stop for migratory birds of the White Sea-Baltic migration route. It was created to preserve the nesting and mass camps of waterfowl and shorebirds and coastal plant communities.

But in 2015, the Committee for Nature Management, Environmental Protection and Ensuring Ecological Safety of the St. Petersburg government ordered an ecological survey of the territory of the reserve, conducted an environmental review, which decided: two sites can be withdrawn from the reserve - an area of ​​5 hectares, which is used by the Ministry of Defense, and an area of ​​2.5 hectares at some distance from the railroad tracks. Instead, they proposed to include 2.5 hectares of another territory within the boundaries of the reserve. It, according to environmental activists, is occupied by abandoned gardens and has no environmental value.

According to the Committee, it is necessary to reduce the reserve, because due to the construction and operation of the Bronka marine transshipment complex, which was agreed upon by the federal authorities, the number of birds has decreased anyway.

The survey materials went through public hearings, but the activists were not heard. In February 2016, the site survey materials were approved. The committee approved the conclusion of the commission of the state ecological expertise, it came into force. Until 2021, the Government of St. Petersburg could reduce the territory of the reserve.

Environmental activists Alexander Karpov and Alexei Smirnov and Team 29 lawyer Max Olenichev (center) after winning the St. Petersburg City Court on August 8, 2017

In May 2016, with the legal support of Team 29 lawyer Max Olenichev, environmental activists Alexander Karpov and Alexei Smirnov applied to the Dzerzhinsky District Court of St. Petersburg to have the conclusion of the State Environmental Expertise Commission and the one who approved its order declared illegal.

At first, the court refused to accept the administrative claim, but in July 2016, the St. Petersburg City Court upheld the legal position developed by Team 29 lawyer Max Olenichev and concluded that the administrative plaintiffs correctly applied to the court under the rules of the CAS RF. From November 2016 to February 2017, the Dzerzhinsky District Court of St. Petersburg considered the case and dismissed the administrative claim. Team 29 developed an appeal. The court considered it in three court sessions, annulled the decision of the court of first instance, recognized the conclusion of the State Environmental Expertise Commission and approved its order as illegal.

Chronicle of the case

May 2016- with the legal support of Team 29 lawyer Max Olenichev, environmental activists Alexander Karpov and Alexei Smirnov appealed to the Dzerzhinsky District Court of St. Petersburg to have the conclusion of the State Environmental Expertise Commission and the one who approved its order declared invalid. At first, the court refused to accept an administrative claim - at the time of the appeal, there was still no practice of challenging the conclusions of the State Environmental Expertise Commission on the new Code of Administrative Offenses, Team 29 had to create a precedent.

July 2016- The St. Petersburg City Court upheld the legal position developed by Team 29 lawyer Max Olenichev and concluded that the administrative plaintiffs correctly applied to the court in accordance with the rules of the CAS RF. The first strategic moment was won in the case: cases of contesting the conclusions of the state ecological expertise should be considered according to the rules of disputes with state authorities - according to the RF CAS.

November 2016 - February 2017- The Dzerzhinsky District Court of St. Petersburg considered the case and dismissed the administrative claim.

March 2017- Team 29 developed and filed an appeal to the St. Petersburg City Court

July 4 and 11, August 8, 2017- the court considered the complaint in three court sessions, canceled the decision of the court of first instance, recognized the conclusion of the State Ecological Expertise Commission and approved its order as illegal. Victory!

max Olenichev

Team 29 lawyer

For the first time in St. Petersburg, a precedent has been created at the level of the appellate instance: it is illegal to reduce the territory of reserves. It can help other environmental activists both in St. Petersburg and in other regions. The Southern Coast of the Neva Bay Reserve has been preserved and operates within the previously defined boundaries.

October 22, 2015

Based on the results of a comprehensive environmental survey of three clusters of the state nature reserve "Southern Coast of the Neva Bay" and the adjacent territory, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. The main part of the surveyed area is located within the Littorina terrace, a slightly undulating and almost flat plain with absolute elevations of 0–5 m. The territory also includes sections of the slope and crest of the Littorina scarp with the highest absolute elevations of 18.5 m (“Own Dacha”).

2. For several centuries, the territory has experienced various anthropogenic impacts, as a result of which natural complexes have been significantly changed. There are practically no indigenous forest plant communities on the territory, with the exception of some types of black alder forests, which were once typical and widespread in the territory. Petersburg.

3. Indigenous communities should also include communities of aquatic and coastal aquatic vegetation (floods) of the coast and shallow waters of the Gulf of Finland, and the most ancient, diverse and developed should be considered the floodplains of the western part of the Kronstadt Colony cluster.

4. The territory is characterized by a wide variety of plant communities with a predominance of derived types, often enriched with introduced species. The vegetation map includes 117 map units. The greatest diversity of plant communities was noted for Znamenka, the smallest - for the Kronstadt colony.

5. The cluster "Kronstadt colony", including the adjacent water area of ​​the Gulf of Finland, is characterized by the largest area of ​​indigenous plant communities (floodplains and black alders). The largest number of bird species has been recorded here, as well as several species of bryophytes, lichens and vascular plants included in the Red Books. Petersburg and the Russian Federation.

6. Flora of vascular plants is rich: 462 species are registered, including introduced species. For 12 other existing protected areas Petersburg a total of 740 wild-growing species were recorded (Atlas…, 2013), and 1080 in the Leningrad Region (Illustrated…, 2006). 1 species of plants included in the Red Books of the Russian Federation and Petersburg(eastern part of the "Kronstadt colony") and 8 rare species for the Baltic region. The most diverse flora of the "Kronstadt colony" is 400 species (the richness of the cluster flora is explained by the large number of introduced species growing in the former kitchen gardens).

7. Bryophyte flora includes 99 species of mosses and 7 species of liverworts. 3 species are included in the Red Book Petersburg, of which 2 were found in the Kronstadt colony, 1 in Znamenka. In addition, 8 rare species were noted for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region and 12 species - indicators of old-growth aspen, broad-leaved and spruce forests. The number of species increases from west to east (“Kronstadt Colony” - 63, “Own Dacha” with Mordvinovka - 76, Znamenka - 86).

8. Lichen flora includes 156 species and 8 species are known from historical data. 12 species of lichens included in the Red Book have been identified Petersburg: in "Own Dacha" - 10 (total 113) species, Znamenka - 9 (106) species, "Kronstadt Colony" - 2 (101) species. 8 indicator and specialized types of old-growth forests were noted: in "Own Dacha" - 8, Znamenka - 7, "Kronstadt Colony" - 1; all these species grow on the bark of broad-leaved trees. In terms of the nature of the lichen flora, it is comparable to the floras of the PAs "Park Sergievka" and "Yelagin Island".

9. Amphibians and reptiles. Despite the strong anthropogenic transformation of the territory, 5 species of amphibians and 1 species of reptiles have survived here. The greatest diversity is characterized by the "Kronstadt colony", the smallest - Znamenka.

10. Mammals. Clusters of the reserve differ in natural conditions - from heavily disturbed areas of the "Kronstadt colony" with a noticeably depleted species and quantitative composition of the fauna, to rich (albeit atypical for the southern taiga subzone) old-growth park plantings of Znamenka and "Own Dacha". In total, according to the results of field observations, literature, survey and stock data, 40 species of mammals were noted in the surveyed area, of which 7 species (including 5 bats) are included in the Red Book Petersburg. Secondary small-leaved forests, the almost complete absence of southern taiga coniferous forests, along with the fragmentation of natural complexes, the cut-off of the territory by highways, determines the composition of the mammalian fauna of the area. There are practically no typical southern taiga species, including large predators and ungulates; many of the species present are of very low abundance or occur intermittently in the area.

11. Birds. According to various sources and observations, the avifauna of the reserve is about 170 species. Of these, in 2015, 47 species of birds included in the Red Book were registered. Petersburg, 6 of which are included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. At the same time, nesting in the reserve of 31 protected species has been confirmed or assumed. Other rare species visit this territory during seasonal migrations and various migrations. About 100 species have been recorded during the breeding season. The core of the nesting avifauna is made up of species of wetland and forest complexes. The richness of the avifauna of the reserve is determined by its location and size, but the main factor is the diversity of bird habitats in its different parts.

The year 2015 is not indicative for observations of spring migration due to the early cold and protracted spring. In such conditions, many waterfowl linger for a long time on the approaches to our region (in particular, in the Baltic countries), and then very quickly bypass the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland. In 2015, despite special searches, large concentrations of waterfowl could not be found in the water areas adjacent to the Southern Coast of the Neva Bay nature reserve. Small concentrations (50-100 individuals) of geese and swans were noted only in the water area of ​​Znamenka. Back in the 1990s. and in the early 2000s. the camps of swans and geese in the "Kronstadt colony" and in Znamenka were massive. Previous researchers noted that during the period of spring migrations, the water area adjacent to the modern reserve was used as a resting and feeding place by about 250-300 thousand individuals of various species of waterfowl and near-water birds per season. According to the results of observations of the spring migration in 2015, it must be noted that the results obtained differ significantly from the data of previous years. The number of birds at spring migration sites in the waters of the southern coast of the Gulf of Finland has noticeably decreased. This decrease in numbers is especially noticeable in the "Kronstadt colony". The reasons for the decrease in numbers are as follows: 1) the nature of bird migration was affected by the weather conditions of this season; 2) in all the Baltic countries spring hunting for wetland game is completely prohibited and as a result, for example, in neighboring Estonia, a significant increase in the number of birds has been observed in recent years, while in our region as a whole, on the contrary, a clear decline is noticeable; 3) construction of a port in Bronka. The latter factor causes a serious reduction in the number of not only migratory, but also nesting waterbirds. This becomes apparent when comparing the data of 2015 and a number of previous years with the materials of studies conducted before the start of construction. Firstly, as a result of construction, the area of ​​floodplains has been significantly reduced. Prior to the commencement of work, the main nesting colonies and migratory sites of waterbirds were located in the western part of the water area, opposite the settlement. Kronstadt colony, where there was a channel called the Holguin Canal. Obviously, the distribution of depths and the nature of the vegetation in this area were especially favorable for both migratory and native birds. Now this part of the river does not exist. Currently, the main colonies, nesting sites and migratory camps are located in the eastern part of the floodplains. The western part is now much poorer in birds as a result of the influence of the port under construction: this is a factor of disturbance and turbidity of the water, which worsens the conditions for the existence of aquatic vegetation and foraging for a number of bird species. However, the function of the western part of the reserve and the adjacent water area is extremely important. It plays the role of a kind of buffer that protects the rest of the water area adjacent to the reserve from the impact of the port construction site. In case of its loss, the negative impact of the port can spread to all floodplains and cause a sharp decrease in the number of both nesting and stopping birds during migration.

Fragment from the section "Border Adjustment"

The western part of the reserve (section "Kronstadt Colony"), bordering the territory of the multifunctional marine transshipment complex "Bronka" and the military unit of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, is located within the boundaries of the land plot with the cadastral number 78:40:0000000:4829, formed for the needs of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and registered on March 16, 2015. The functional area in which the specified site is located, in connection with the changes introduced by the Law Petersburg dated 13.07.2015 No. 421-82 to the Law Petersburg dated December 22, 2005 No. 728-99 on the General Plan Petersburg, has changed from P2 - zones of green spaces of general and green spaces of limited use with the inclusion of objects that are permissible in accordance with the legislation on the protection of green spaces, including flat sports facilities, to K3 - a zone of military and other sensitive facilities with the inclusion of public, business and residential buildings , as well as engineering infrastructure facilities associated with the maintenance of this zone.

Full official name of the protected area:

State natural reserve of regional significance "Southern coast of the Neva Bay"

Marine and coastal protected areas

Installation Information

Date of creation:


Total area of ​​protected areas:

Area of ​​specially protected marine area:

Rationale for the creation of protected areas and its significance:

The reserve was established in order to preserve and restore valuable natural complexes of the southern coast of the Neva Bay of the Gulf of Finland and maintain the ecological balance on the territory of St. Petersburg.

The objectives of the formation of the Reserve:

  • conservation of seaside plant communities;
  • conservation of areas of mixed and deciduous forests with broad-leaved species;
  • preservation of nesting sites and mass camps of waterfowl and near-water birds on the White Sea-Baltic migration route;
  • conservation and restoration of biological and landscape diversity on the territory of St. Petersburg;
  • creation of conditions for the study of natural processes in natural complexes and control over changes in their state;
  • creation of conditions for ecological education and enlightenment.

List of main objects of protection:

  • historical landscape compositions of parks;
  • reed and reed communities;
  • black alder forests and thickets of willows with swamp forbs;
  • fragments of old-growth broad-leaved and mixed forests.

Regulatory legal basis for the functioning of protected areas:

Document's name the date Number
! Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg dated June 28, 2005 No. 915
On the draft law of St. Petersburg "On the General Plan of St. Petersburg and the boundaries of the zones of protection of cultural heritage sites on the territory of St. Petersburg"
28.06.2005 915
! Law of St. Petersburg dated December 21, 2005 No. 728-99
About the General Plan of St. Petersburg
21.12.2005 728-99
! Law of St. Petersburg dated December 26, 2005 No. 660-105
On state natural reserves and natural monuments of regional significance
26.12.2005 660-105
! Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg dated May 16, 2006 No. 560
On approval of the Plan for the implementation of the General Plan of St. Petersburg
16.05.2006 560
! Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg dated 04.03.2008 No. 222
On the draft law of St. Petersburg "On Amendments to the Law of St. Petersburg "On the General Plan of St. Petersburg and the boundaries of the zones of protection of cultural heritage sites on the territory of St. Petersburg"
04.03.2008 222
! Law of St. Petersburg dated April 30, 2008 No. 274-44
On Amendments to the Law of St. Petersburg "On the General Plan of St. Petersburg and the Borders of the Zones of Protection of Cultural Heritage Sites on the Territory of St. Petersburg"
30.04.2008 274-44
! Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg dated September 13, 2011 No. 1325
On the main directions of activity of the Government of St. Petersburg for 2012 and for the planned period of 2013 and 2014
13.09.2011 1325
! Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg dated 10.10.2013 No. 766
On the formation of the state natural reserve of regional significance "Southern coast of the Neva Bay"
10.10.2013 766

Territorial structure of protected areas

Geographical position:

It is located in the Petrodvortsovy district of St. Petersburg on the territory of the intracity municipalities of St. Petersburg, the city of Lomonosov (cluster site "Kronstadt colony") and the city of Peterhof (cluster sites "Own Dacha" and "Znamenka").


Number of plots: 3

Lot number Name total area Marine area Without withdrawal from economic use
1 Kronstadt colony 100.8 ha 0.0 ha
2 Own cottage 37.3 ha 0.0 ha
3 Znamenka 127.9 ha 0.0 ha

Explication of lands

Explication of lands of specially protected territories and objects:

Land plot with an area of ​​21379 sq. m, cadastral number 78:20631:1006, at the address: Lomonosov, Transportny lane, section 1 (opposite house N 14, letter A), type of right - lease, state ownership right is not delimited, type of permitted use - for placement transport facilities (for garages and parking lots). Land plot (partially) with an area of ​​1009850 sq. m, cadastral number 78:40:0019155:1, at the address: Peterhof, St. Petersburg Highway, 109, letter B, type of right - permanent (unlimited) use, federal property, type of permitted use - to place the object education. Land plot (partially) with an area of ​​396,790 sq. m, cadastral number 78:40:0019111:33, at the address: Peterhof, Znamenka Park, section 1, type of right - permanent (unlimited) use, federal property, type of permitted use - for recreational purposes. Land area of ​​162 sq. m, cadastral number 78:19111:28, at the address: Peterhof, Nizhnyaya dor., 13a, letter A, type of right - permanent (perpetual) use, federal property, type of permitted use - for the placement of health and social facilities security.

Regimes and zoning of protected areas and buffer zones

Prohibited activities and nature use:

Any activity is prohibited in the protected areas if it contradicts the goals and objectives of the formation of the Reserve and may cause harm to natural complexes and objects, including:

  • construction of buildings, structures, structures, not related to the functioning of protected areas and (or) the preservation and protection of a cultural heritage site, and (or) the operation of a base and maintenance facility for a small fleet located on a land plot, cadastral number 78:20631:1006, for with the exception of the construction of a rescue station within the boundaries of the city of Lomonosov, provided for by Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg dated December 7, 2010 N 1618 "On preparations for the celebration of the 300th anniversary of Oranienbaum (Lomonosov)", laying, replacing and (or) restoring networks of engineering and technical provision and placement of public utility facilities, if there are no options for their placement outside the specially protected natural areas, road activities carried out in relation to the Oranienbaum highway and the Nizhnyaya road, as well as the repair and maintenance of driveways to the land plot, cadastral number 78:19111:28 stations within the boundaries of the city of Lomonosov and the facility for basing and servicing a small fleet; placement of road service facilities;
  • individual housing construction;
  • gardening, horticulture and dacha farming;
  • exploration and extraction of minerals, development of mineral deposits;
  • activities entailing a change in the hydrological regime, with the exception of cases when the specified activity is carried out in order to preserve and restore natural complexes and objects located in specially protected natural areas, and (or) preserve a cultural heritage site;
  • pollution of soils, soils, surface and underground waters, wastewater discharge, including after treatment, the use of pesticides;
  • pollution of the territory, storage of materials, soils, snow, except for cases when the specified activity is connected with construction, which does not contradict this paragraph, disposal of all types of waste;
  • violation of the soil cover, excavation, with the exception of scientific research, cases when the specified activity is carried out in order to preserve and restore natural complexes and objects located in specially protected natural areas, and (or) preserve a cultural heritage site, and is also associated with construction, not contrary to the requirements of this paragraph;
  • felling of trees and shrubs, disturbance of the vegetation cover, collection of plants and their parts, with the exception of scientific research, clearing quarterly clearings from trees and shrubs, removal of emergency and diseased trees and cases when this activity is carried out in order to preserve and restore natural complexes and objects located in protected areas, and (or) the preservation of a cultural heritage site;
  • destruction of objects of the animal world and causing harm to them, hunting, trapping, removal of objects of the animal world from their habitat, as well as causing harm to the habitats of objects of the animal world, including the destruction of objects necessary for the implementation of the life cycles of objects of the animal world, with the exception of scientific research and measures to restore populations of rare, endangered objects of the animal world;
  • making fires, burning dry leaves and grass;
  • movement and parking of motor vehicles and mopeds not related to the functioning of protected areas and (or) the preservation, use, promotion and protection of a cultural heritage site, outside the Oranienbaum highway, Nizhnyaya road, passages to land plots, cadastral numbers 78:20631:1006 , 78:19111:28, 78:40:0000000:3039, except in cases where the movement and parking of motor vehicles are associated with construction that does not contradict the requirements of this paragraph;
  • expansion of the existing road and footpath network;
  • walking domestic animals, driving and grazing farm animals;
  • restlessness of birds during the nesting period from April 15 to July 15;
  • damage to fences, information signs, stands and other infrastructure of protected areas;
  • holding mass sports and entertainment events, organizing and equipping tourist camps.

Significant features and additional information

Additional information:

The following objects of cultural heritage (monuments of history and culture) of the peoples of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - objects of cultural heritage) of federal and regional significance, as well as identified objects of cultural heritage are located on the territory of the Reserve:
Object of cultural heritage of federal significance Palace and park ensemble "Own Dacha": a park (partially) and a pond;
Object of cultural heritage of regional significance "Dacha M.N. Benois" (with territory and services);
Object of cultural heritage of regional importance "Dacha Grube" (with territory and services);
An object of cultural heritage of federal significance The Palace and Park Ensemble of the Znamenskaya Dacha (Znamenka): a park (partially), drainage and reclamation ditches (partially), a pump house;
Object of cultural heritage of federal significance Palace and park ensemble of Mikhailovskaya dacha (Mikhailovka): park (partially), drainage and reclamation canals (partially);
Object of cultural heritage of regional significance garden b. Znamenskaya farm "Kreit" (Shuvalovskaya grove) (partially);
Object of cultural heritage of federal significance Alexandria Park: park (partially);
Identified object of cultural heritage Park of the dacha complex "Bobylsk" ("Enlightenment") (partially);
Identified object of cultural heritage Pavilion "Renella" in the estate "Znamenka" (foundation and bank protection).

Relief, geological structure, hydrological conditions, landscapes. According to the geomorphological zoning of the North-West of the European part of Russia, the territory of the protected area "Southern coast of the Neva Bay" is located in the northern part of the Baltic-Ladoga region of accumulative terraced plains, confined to a depression of the pre-Quaternary relief. This area is bounded from the south by a Carboniferous ledge (glint) and is located in the proximal zone of accumulative and abrasion plains and isolated accumulative uplands. A more fractional geomorphological differentiation makes it possible to attribute the studied region to the northern and northeastern parts of the Kovash geomorphological region, which is mainly a lacustrine-glacial and, to a lesser extent, abraded moraine plains. Site "Kronstadt colony". This territory is a strip along the coast of the Gulf of Finland with a width of 0.4–0.9 km. The coastline is indented to a moderate degree, the coefficient of indentation of the coast (the ratio of the length of the coastline to the length between the start and end points in a straight line) is 1.43. The site is completely located within the littorina terrace with a slight variation in abs. surface marks (0.2–3.8 m). The modern coastal terrace (about 55% of the area) can be traced along the coastline and is the youngest part of the littorina terrace. The width of the seaside terrace varies within 0.3–0.5 km. The lithological structure of the terrace determines the dominance of coarse-grained marine sands with close underlayment of blue Cambrian clay. In general, the coastal terrace is a land area with a rather winding coastline, smoothly turning into a shallow section of the bay. The absolute marks of the surface are only 0.2–0.4 m. Only within the western boundary is there a flat (absolute marks up to 1.6 m) insular elevation 20 m from the coastline. Plot "Own Dacha". Geomorphologically, the site is clearly divided into two regions: the littorina terrace (about 80% of the area) with abs. marks from 0 to 5.0 m and a littorin ledge with a length of 50 to 100 m with abs. the height mark along the upper edge is about 18 m. The landscapes of the territory were subjected to anthropogenic impact to one degree or another, rather large areas of anthropogenically transformed landscapes are represented here. The modern seaside terrace can be traced along the coastline within the littorina terrace. The coastline is distinguished by a rather weak tortuosity of the boundary: the coefficient of indentation of the coastline is 1.33. The width of the coastal terrace varies within 0.1–0.2 km. The lithological structure of the seaside terrace determines the dominance of coarse-grained marine sands with close underlayment of blue Cambrian clays and is characterized by a strong degree of hydromorphism, which is due to frequent flooding by surge waves from the bay. The littorina terrace is dominated by flat low areas composed of marine sands, underlain by Cambrian clays, characterized by a low degree of natural drainage. The absolute elevations of the surface are 1.2–1.9 m. Ridge-like elevations (absolute height up to 4.0 m) composed of littorina sands have a limited distribution within the littorina terrace. The Littorina ledge is well expressed, its average height is 13–14 m. The landscape here is represented by steep slopes composed of lacustrine-glacial clays and deluvial deposits. Under the canopy of broad-leaved forests with forb and grass-forb cover, in conditions of good drainage of the surface, soddy-podzolic soils of various degrees of podzolization with the participation of eroded soils are developed. The Znamenka section is a narrow strip (0.2-0.7 km) along the coast of the bay with a length of about 4.1 km. Within the gently sloping surface of the littorina terrace with a predominance of absolute elevations of 1.8–2.4 m, the modern coastal terrace is clearly distinguished, represented as a narrow (up to 0.1 km) coastal strip formed on marine sands and sandy loam deposits with close underlayment of the Cambrian clay. Constant excessive moisture, as well as periodic flooding of coastal terrace areas by surge waves from the bay, contributes to the formation of marsh soils under reed vegetation. The seaside terrace is replaced by a coastal ridge - an elongated ridge-like rise, composed of sea sands. Flat low areas, composed of marine sandy-sandy deposits with close underlayment of Cambrian clays, have abs. marks are 0.6–1.6 m. The steep and gentle slopes of the littorina ledge are composed mainly of lacustrine-glacial clays with the participation of moraine loams. The height of the littorina ledge is 10–14 m, with an average length of the slope of 60–90 m. The valleys of permanent and temporary watercourses, despite the deep incision up to 6–8 m on average, have a V-shape, which indicates the comparative youth of the local hydrographic network. Here, under the canopy of sparse broad-leaved forests with forb ground cover, soddy-podzolic soils are formed with varying degrees of textural differentiation, as well as combinations of eroded and reclaimed soils. The shallow water area of ​​the Gulf of Finland adjoins the boundaries of the protected area, the depth of which in this area does not exceed 1 m. The bottom near the coast is boulder-pebble-sandy, there are rather large boulders. Due to the shallow water, the water area is actively overgrown with reeds, reeds, and in stagnant zones - also with egg-pods and pondweeds. Fluctuations in the water level in the bay have surge, seiche and seasonal character. The height of floods on the southern coast of the bay is somewhat less than at the mouth of the Neva, but it also reaches significant values. The magnitude of seiche level fluctuations along the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea usually does not exceed 20–30 cm. Vegetation. The area of ​​the Neva Bay belongs to the western province of the southern taiga subzone. The natural vegetation of the reserve has a belt character. Reed communities are located at the lowest elevations of the coast. Black alder forests are common on the coast and on the littorina terrace. On the gently sloping part of the terrace, small-leaved and broad-leaved forests composed of oak (Quercus robur), linden (Tilia cordata), and maple (Acer platanoides) are common. Of great interest from a conservation point of view are black alder and marsh-grass willow forests - native or close to indigenous plant communities that were once characteristic of the coasts of the Gulf of Finland and have now been lost over large areas. Plot "Kronstadt colony". On the coast of the bay and in the eastern part of the site, reed communities are predominant; they form a wide strip along the coast of the bay, occurring both on the swampy shore and in the water. They are characterized by the presence of a second layer of marsh grasses (hygrophytes, helophytes). Large-sedge communities and foxtail-pike meadows are also located along the coast in a narrow strip. Forest vegetation is found in small areas. Of greatest interest are the preserved massifs of black alder forests, which can be attributed to the indigenous types of communities. They are confined to rich soils with abundant flowing moisture. The most widespread are wet grass black alder forests, which are slightly flooded in spring and have a slightly dissected microrelief. The ground cover is dominated by river beetle, marsh skerda (Crepis paludosa), and garden watercress (Cirsium oleracium). Of the forest vegetation, there are also small areas of birch forests, represented by Kalgan-pike communities. They occupy insufficiently drained habitats with flowing moisture and rich soils. A population of Swedish turf (Chamaepericlymenum suecicum), rare in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, was found here. There are also fragments of bird cherry undergrowth, the tree layer of which consists of bird cherry with an admixture of gray alder. In the ground cover - gout, kochedyzhnik, hedgehog team. The willow forests found on the territory are composed of ashy willow (Salix cinerea), blackening willow (S. myrsinifolia), less often philicoleaf (S. phylicifolia), five-stamen (S. pentandra) and eared willow (S. aurita), and are represented by wet grass and marsh grass communities. Pike meadows, characteristic of damp soils, occupy rather large areas. Here, along with the soddy pike (Deschampsia caespitosa), the foxtail (Alopecurus pratensis) dominates. The vegetation of this site is more diverse compared to the vegetation cover of the "Kronstadt colony", which is associated with a large variety of landscapes and the existence of manor parks in this area since the first quarter of the 18th century. Black alder forests occupy the coastal strip of the site. Here there are pike and gray reed communities, often raspberries and nettles grow in black alder forests. The black alder forests are also characterized by the presence of hygrophytic species - meadowsweet, forest bulrush (Scirpus sylvaticus), reed cane (Phalaroides arundinacea) and nemoral species - goutweed, greenfinch (Galeobdolon luteum), lungwort (Pulmonaria obscura), oak chickweed (Stellaria nemorum). Here, a rare species in St. Petersburg and the region was noted - soft mountaineer (Persicaria mitis). Willow forests are found fragmentarily in very small areas near the coast. The largest areas are occupied by birch forests. In damp, poor habitats, pike and gray reed birch forests grow; on rich soils, oxalis and stone-forb birch forests are found. The littorina terrace is also characterized by maple forests with the dominance of goutweed and kochedyzhnik. On the littorine slope, oak trees are common, incl. old-growth, and fake communities. In the ground cover of broad-leaved plantations, nemoral plant species are often found: goutweed, anemone (Anemonoides nemorosa), greenfinch, female nodule. Site "Znamenka". The vegetation of the site largely bears traces of human participation in the formation of the structure of forest stands and the organization of landscape space. The closest to the natural plant communities of the coast of the Gulf of Finland. In the coastal part of the site, along with reed beds, there are meadow communities with moisture-loving forbs: meadowsweet, loosestrife (Lysimachia vulgaris), geranium (Geranium palustre). Communities, including such species as wormwood (Artemisia vulgaris), chin (Lathyrus arvensis), hedgehog (Dactylus glomerata), foxtail (Alopecurus pratensis), tansy (Tanacetum vulgare), watercress (Cirsium arvense), knotweed (Polygonum tomentosa) are noted on the coastal shaft. The widespread distribution of willows is characteristic. Black willow, goat willow (S. caprea), ashy, five-stamen willow are found here. Along the coast there are sporadic bushes of philico-leaved willow. Of particular note are the willow forests of the brittle willow (S. fragilis) in the Znamenka estate. They form stands reaching a height of 17-18 m. Birch, black alder, mountain ash (Sorbus aucuparia) and bird cherry are mixed with willows, maple, aspen (Populus tremula) undergrowth is observed. In the very west, on the coast of the Gulf of Finland, old-growth willow forests grow, formed mainly by three-stamen willow (Salix triandra) with an admixture of black alder and gray alder, common elder (Sambucus racemosa) is often found in the undergrowth. Black alders are widespread. Black alder forests are also characterized by the presence of broad-leaved species in the adult forest stand and undergrowth - maple, ash, oak, elm, linden. Broad-leaved species are found not only in black alder communities, but also form their own forest stands with a small admixture of small-leaved species. Forests with oak, maple, birch, aspen and abundant maple undergrowth were found in Mikhailovka in well-drained areas; in the Znamenka estate, a maple snot forest was described. You can also find free-standing specimens of old large trees. For example, single specimens of the rough elm (Ulmus glabra) are found on the shores of the Gulf of Finland. Traces of the old park layout and planting of broad-leaved trees have been preserved in the Znamenka estate. Park plantings of linden, maple, ash, hazel are located on the slope of the Littorina ledge and on the Littorina terrace. So, to the left of the palace, from the Lower Road to the bay, a maple alley was laid. Now it is represented by single specimens of maple, as well as black alder and aspen. Along the alley, ditches were dug on both sides, along the cavaliers of which at present there is a growth of maple, oak and, extremely rarely, ash. The floristic composition of old plantings is diverse: oak, linden, maple, rough elm. European spruce (Picea abies) and warty birch are sporadically found. In the waters of the Gulf of Finland adjacent to the protected areas, all three sections of the reserve are represented by extensive reed beds, smaller areas are occupied by communities of other species of coastal aquatic and aquatic plants. At a distance of about 700 meters from the shore, sparse thickets of lake reeds (Scirpus lacustris) are located in the water. In the strip of the water area at a distance of 100-400 m from the coast and at a depth of 0.7-2 meters, dense monodominant reed beds predominate. In the water, under the canopy of reeds, duckweeds three-furrowed and small, common pemphigus, yellow egg-pod, marsh bog are swimming. In areas with a silty and clay bottom, there are communities of yellow egg-pods or duckweeds, confined to quiet stagnant areas of the water area. Such vegetation in the recent past occupied significant areas in the Neva delta, but by now these territories are mostly built up. The flora of vascular plants of the protected area includes 260 species. The natural flora has been preserved in the strip along the coast of the bay, where the vegetation is represented by reed and reed floodplains, areas of coastal forbs on sandy, in some places rocky shores, black alder forests with birch-willow undergrowth. In the abandoned parks of ancient estates, a unique combination of elements of natural flora with introduced species is observed, which often makes biological diversity higher than in natural habitats. The listed habitats in different proportions are available in almost all areas of the projected protected area. Fauna. A significant area of ​​protected areas, the diversity and mosaic nature of the presented biotopes contribute to a rather large diversity in the species composition of vertebrates. In total, 6 species of amphibians, 3 species of reptiles, 165 species of birds, 34 species of mammals have been recorded here. Many animals, despite the availability of suitable habitats for breeding, are found here only during seasonal migrations or migrations of young animals. The main reason for this is the strong anthropogenic pressure and, above all, the disturbance factor, which can be reduced through the introduction of a special protection regime. Of the 165 species of birds found on the territory, about 100 were noted during the breeding season. Since the entire Neva Bay is located on the route of passage of waterfowl and near-water birds following the White Sea-Baltic flyway, the ecosystems of its shallow waters are of great importance for birds making seasonal migrations. Highly productive macrophyte communities of the reserve create exceptionally favorable feeding and protective conditions for migrants. In different periods of seasonal migrations, about 70 species of water birds are found here. In all areas, reed and reed thickets serve as mass nesting sites for waterfowl and near-water birds. Of these, the most numerous are Great Grebe (Podiceps cristatus), Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos), Crested Duck (Aythya fuligula), Coot (Fulica atra), Black-headed (Larus ridibundus) and Little (L. minutus) gulls, river (Sterna hirundo) and black (Chlidonias niger) tern. The maximum species diversity and a high number of nesting species were noted in the floodplains at the Kronstadt colony site. Here, in particular, the largest colony of gulls is formed, numbering more than 2000 pairs. All three sections of the reserve play an important role in the passage of land migrants in spring and autumn. A concentrated stream of migrants is formed above the littorina ledge and the coastal strip of preserved natural complexes, who stop in the reserve during the daytime to rest and feed. Due to the concentrations of mass migrants, rare birds of prey, owls, and the common gray shrike (Lanius excubitor) follow the same path and make migratory stops. Among mammals, mainly representatives of the taiga fauna and fauna of broad-leaved forests. Here you can find: forest mouse (Sicista betulina), common hedgehog (Erinaceus eiropaeus), common shrew (Neomys fodiens), Brandt's bat (Myotis brandti), pond bat (M. dasycneme), water bat (M. daubentoni), Nathusius' bat ( Pipistrellus nathusii), red evening (Nyctalus noctula), weasel (Mustella nivalis), forest polecat (M. putorius), etc.