Why do we need this psychology? Why do I need knowledge of psychology Psychological knowledge is needed.

Psychology is a fascinating science. It is known that even the thinkers of antiquity sought to understand the world of the human soul. And the further humanity lives on earth, the more people try to unravel the secrets of their own inner world. Psychological knowledge has always been very important and useful. The motives of human behavior, the features of the manifestation of feelings, the relationship between the conscious and the intuitive - this area of ​​​​knowledge has always interested people.

To date, many discoveries have been made in psychology: various mental phenomena have found their explanation, the laws of the development of the human psyche have been defined and described. And yet, some contemporaries are wondering how knowledge in the field of psychology can help them, mere "mortals". Let's consider this question in more detail.

This strange condition is depression

Usually, we begin to be interested in questions of our state of mind when our soul falls ill. The whole body is healthy, life goes on as usual, but the soul hurts and aches. Now this condition is usually called the word "depression", they used to say "longing" or even called it the fashionable word "spleen". But in any case, this state of inner spiritual discord must be overcome. But how?

Depression in terms of life experience

From the point of view of ordinary experience, depression as such simply does not exist: there is fatigue, temporary blues, which can be extinguished by new acquaintances, a plentiful feast or just rest. But what if you still feel a strong and not going anywhere sadness? Imagine that in this state you will try to independently understand what is happening to you, however, this will not lead to anything: after all, everything in life is happening as before, but for some reason you don’t want to live.

You can ask a friend for advice. But what will he say? Most likely, he will try to calm you down, offer to relax and distract from sad thoughts. But if in such a state you turn to a psychologist, what then?

Depression in terms of psychological knowledge

At the reception with a psychologist in the process of talking with him, you can analyze your condition and look at it with different eyes. It will suddenly turn out that your depression is due to conscious or even unconscious motives. It can also be caused by childhood psychological trauma, and experiencing a state of dissatisfaction with marital or parent-child relationships, and hidden phobias, and even extreme nervous exhaustion.

A psychologist will not prescribe medications for you, because this is not within his competence, but he will help you understand the intricacies of your state of mind, offer a course of psychotherapy, and provide support. But the most important thing is that you yourself are aware of what is happening to you, and take responsibility for what is happening. Apparently, you took the wrong step in life, made a mistake that, with the help of knowledge in the field of psychology, you can correct, and start living with renewed vigor.

How does psychology help people?

Psychology is a powerful harmless and safe medicine for many ailments, a wise mentor to overcome problems. It will help you build harmonious relationships with others, understand your own soul, the motives of other people's behavior, maintain family relationships and achieve success. Therefore, a person armed with psychological knowledge will never feel in a state of discomfort, will cease to be helpless, insecure, indecisive.

Therefore, you should read books about psychology, try to constantly improve your level of psychological knowledge, but most importantly, carefully observe people and life phenomena, drawing the right conclusions and correlating them with your own behavior. It is in this case that psychology will become a faithful assistant in solving many difficult issues, and people will be drawn to you, looking for your support and advice as a wise and experienced person and a competent psychologist.




SUBJECT:The subject of psychology, its place in the system of sciences.

The subject of psychology, its main goals, tasks, branches.

The path of development and establishment of psychology as a science was quite complex and lengthy. The development of psychology was influenced by the struggle between the materialistic and idealistic worldview. Depending on which worldview dominated at a particular stage of the historical development of society, the level and quality of research and the interpretation of the results were determined.

The first attempts to understand and explain psychological phenomena arose in primitive society. The worldview of primitive people endows every object with a soul. Animals, man, natural phenomena, they believed, have a soul, which acts as a source of movement and development. The soul is the "double" of a person.

Primitive people spoke of the existence of the soul as a "body in a body", i.e. the soul in their ideas is not clearly separated from the body.

The first known work on psychology belongs to the ancient Greek scientist Aristotle. In his works, he used such concepts as "sensation", "memory", "feelings". He believed that the soul can exist without any connection with the body, because. has a divine origin, and, therefore, it cannot be known, it lies beyond the limits of human capabilities.

The first stage in the development of psychology is psychology as the science of the soul. has an ancient Greek origin ( psyche - "soul", logos - the science). This definition of psychology was given over 2,000 years ago. The presence of the soul tried to explain all the incomprehensible phenomena in human life.

The second stage is psychology as the science of consciousness. It arises in the 17th century in connection with the development of the natural sciences. The ability to think, feel, desire, called consciousness. The main method of study was the observation of a person for himself and the description of the facts.

The third stage is psychology as a science of behavior. Arises in the 20th century. The task of psychology is to experiment and observe what can be directly seen; namely: behavior, actions, reactions of a person.

Fourth stage - psychology - the science of the facts, patterns and mechanisms of the psyche as an image of reality that develops in the brain, on the basis and with the help of which the management of human behavior and activity is carried out (Wilhelm Wundt).

Psychology studies the world of subjective (mental) phenomena, processes, states, conscious and unconscious by the person himself, the world of special ideal phenomena, the most complex of all existing on Earth.

Why study psychology?

Knowledge of psychology will help you cope with life's problems on your own. You will learn to manage yourself. New opportunities will open before you, you will learn how to regulate human relations and influence people.

Psychology will help to understand what people around us want, what people around us can do, how to navigate the characteristics of personality, motives of behavior, memory and thinking, character and temperament.

Psychology is necessary for a medical worker to study the psychological characteristics of the activities of colleagues and the patient's behavior, develop psychological methods of treatment, study the manifestations and causes of various disorders in the psyche and behavior of a person, as well as the mental changes that occur during somatic diseases.

Knowledge of the basics of psychology, including social psychology, is important for every modern person to know himself.

Why do we need social psychology

Knowing yourself is very important, it will teach you to live in harmony with yourself. However, we all live in a society, and therefore, knowledge is also important in social psychology. This is a special section that studies in detail and purposefully the behavior of people within the boundaries of society, as well as special mental phenomena that arise in the process of contacts, interaction or conflicts in certain social groups. There are certain patterns in the behavior of people of certain social groups, the way they think and interact with each other. This is a kind of synthesis of two sciences - sociology and psychology. Social psychologists deal with both intrapersonal processes and relationships between individuals within the same or different social groups.

What is the role of this science

Social psychology is extremely important in modern society, the knowledge possessed by specialists in this field helps in resolving conflicts, difficult situations both within very small groups (families, employees of a small office), and quite global ones - interethnic, interracial. Also, the basics of social psychology help the leaders of large companies to effectively manage people, the leaders of states - to manage the population, and so on.

The groups that are being studied may have a different composition and size, but they must be united by one common action for them. These can be family groups, work collectives, as well as larger associations - nationalities or nations, races. Within each of the groups there are special mechanisms and ways of interaction that psychologists study. This knowledge is then needed in solving various situations - optimizing work, resolving difficult situations, establishing new connections. Often, it is the intervention of specialists that helps in correcting difficult situations, finding the best solution and creating a comfortable environment within the group.

Why study psychology?

A person learns a foreign language in order to expand his social circle, to feel free abroad, to get a more prestigious job. A person gives himself physical activity in order to always be in good shape, feel good. Why is he studying psychology? Most often, this science is turned to when there are some problems. For example, joy has gone out of life, relationships with other people do not add up, it is not possible to get results. Most often, the first step that a person takes is looking for where he can look, reads articles by psychologists, subscribes to publics on social networks, buys special literature in electronic form or in bookstores.

If he has an interest in what can be done to change the state of things, eliminate problems and fulfill a desire, then he begins to look for additional sources of information, for example, he begins watch training courses in psychology. In any case, no matter what source you choose, the most important thing is an honest attitude towards yourself, a willingness to change and work on yourself. . If a person is not ready to change, to take responsibility for his life into his own hands, the information will become a dead weight, and he will not be able to use it, simply because he did not want to.

When choosing material, before starting a serious study, it is advisable to double-check the source of information: who is this psychologist or coach, what does he preach and through the prism of what beliefs does he look at life, because it often happens that from the video screen a person preaches one thing, but lives completely differently.

A separate direction is distance learning psychology, this format is only suitable for those who want to devote their lives to psychology in the future, here psychology is already a vocation.

In general, psychology is a rather broad concept, it is important to understand what exactly you need, depending on the tasks set. But there are a number of things that can greatly simplify the life of any person, enhance his safety and skills.

This is the knowledge of oneself, one's nature, which makes it possible to deal with one's strengths, learn how to apply them so that they bring maximum results and with their shortcomings, which should not be hidden, but transformed into their advantages. Understanding one’s own nature, one’s behavior patterns and the causes of failures in life makes it possible to correct this, which means improving one’s quality of life or even changing life beyond recognition. But you should always start with an analysis of what is currently available.

It is an understanding of the nature of other people. Why do they do this, what motivates them, how to interact with them. The answers to these questions provide opportunities for improving relationships both in your personal life and at work.

In order to get a more complete understanding of how a person himself works, human life and what are the laws of this world, you can see seminars on psychology,, sign up for courses, seminars, find a mentor who could teach you to live differently, etc. The choice of relevant material on the Internet and the media is quite large, so everyone can choose the most suitable option for him.


For self-knowledge, self-understanding, as well as for understanding other people and understanding the relationship between them. A person savvy in psychology is more attentive, observant, insightful; understands the motives of human behavior; he can read a person like an open book. The man just thought, and you know what is on his mind, because it was expressed on his face, facial expressions, gestures, i.e. non-verbally. And what does it give? He knows what can be expected from a person “forewarned is forearmed”, and if there are ready-made models for responding to such situations, then the situation can be kept under control. And perhaps most importantly, a person learns to control his body: his emotions, desires, feelings, which are often OH-HOW not subject to our consciousness. Psychology answers many questions why? Do you understand what drives us? If you want to understand the reasons for what is happening around, and most importantly, to know the answer to the question “what to do about it?”, How to change the situation, thinking, behavior of yourself and loved ones, then welcome to the fascinating world of psychology.

Why do civil engineers need psychological knowledge.

Is it really necessary? The first reaction, of course not ... Why? In my understanding, a psychologist is a person who remains calm in any situation, knows himself and understands others, a reasonable, reasonable person, and psychology is the science of being like that? In this case, of course, every engineer should be a psychologist at least a little. The most serious problem that a person faces in his creative or practical activities is relationships with people. And here it is not enough to know mathematics, economics and cybernetics. Requirements for the personality of a specialist with higher education have changed dramatically. Now, after graduating from a university, you can rely on yourself, your capabilities, abilities, be able to adapt to a new environment, quickly and creatively solve the problems posed by life. It is equally important to be a specialist in working with people: to be able to clearly and intelligibly explain your idea, to be able to build relationships with people, to be understood and pleasant in communication, to be able to listen, to be able to avoid conflicts - such a person makes his career much more successfully.

Each engineer at the end of training comes to work in the team. And whether he can build relationships with other members of the team, whether he picks up the key to each of them, depends on how comfortable he will work. Here, knowledge of psychology in the first place will help to form normal professional behavior. It seems to me that it can be characterized as follows: the employee is well aware of his own official powers, focuses on the image of the organization, the values ​​of corporate culture, is characterized by adequate motivation, the level of individual readiness for self-organization and self-realization in the production process. Many modern organizations are built on the principle of collective creative self-development and act as a single whole, where each employee not only realizes his professional potential, but also takes a creative part in solving production problems at the level of his own official authority, production as a whole. The psychology of mutual support, collective creativity, emotional comfort affects both labor productivity and the economic efficiency of the enterprise.

Psychology of individuality

According to Ananiev's concept, individuality is presented as four unified structures:

1) An individual is a biological structure. A person is born as an individual, in which natural properties are laid down, developing according to a certain genetic program.

2) The subject of activity - the individual is formed as a subject of activity over time. Understanding a person as a subject of activity includes three main components: consciousness as a reflection of reality; activity as a transformation of reality or creativity as the creation of something new or original. In activity, the cognitive sphere of the psyche (perception, memory, thinking, attention), volitional and emotional is formed.

3) Personality - a person who is formed in society. The initial characteristics for a personality are status-role and value orientations, on the basis of which motivation and orientation, the character of a person are formed. Personality is the subject of social relations and conscious activity

4) Individuality is a complex structure, which is a holistic formation with a certain organization of properties. It is formed under the influence of life in society from the subject of activity and personality. Individuality, unlike personality, is a system closed to the world. If we imagine a person in the form of a vessel, his neck will be a personality, and everything inside the vessel will be an individuality: “Personality is the peak of a person, individuality is his depth.”