Classes on UMC in kindergarten. GCD on teaching children the Tatar language in the middle group "Funny games

GCD structure:

1. Introductory part (4-5 min).

Purpose: creation of interest, emotional attitude to GCD.
Organizing time:

1. Hello.

2. Questions:

Sin by whom? Who are you?)

Sina nicha yash? (How old are you?)

2. Main part (18 min)

Purpose: implementation of the tasks of the program content.

Methodical methods:

1. Repeat the topic.

2. Plot - role-playing game "Shop".

3. Competitive game.

4. Musical round dance game.

5. Creative task for children (Drawing).

6. Final part (1-2 min).

Purpose: to summarize the GCD.


G.Z. Garafiev "Children's holidays" Kazan, 2003

UMC “We speak Tatar. Methodological guide for teaching children the Tatar language "Kazan, 2012.

“We dance, sing and play” Kazan, 2007

Lesson progress:

Introductory part:

Teacher: Hello guys! Isanmesez balalar!

Children: Isanmesez Olga Vladimirovna!

Educator: Heller is no good?

Children: Abeth. Rehmet

Teacher: ask me how I'm doing? Haerle con!

Children: haerle con!

Audio recording starts

Educator: And these are my best friends Akbay and Miyau. They are very kind and funny helpers. Akbay and Miyau speak differently, in Tatar. Listen to how they greet each other.

And now guys, let's invite Akbay and Miyau to sit! Utyr Akbay, Utyr Miyau.

Educator: Well done. Akbay and Miyau also want to meet you. Therefore, guys, I offer you the game “Sin whom?”, “Who are you?”. With the help of the ball, asking each other the question "Sin whom" we will get acquainted in the Tatar language.

I pass the ball with the question "Sin who?". Children talk about themselves in the Tatar language.

Main part:

Educator: Bik yakhshy, buldyrdygyz. Guys, Akbay and Miyau brought us a basket of vegetables. Let's find out what kind of vegetables Akbay and Miyau brought us and call them in the Tatar language. I take vegetables out of the basket.

I draw the attention of children to vegetables.

Educator: Bu nәrsә? (pointing to potatoes).

Children: Barange.

Educator: Bu nәrsә? (pointing to a carrot).

Children: Kisher.

Educator: Bu nәrsә? (showing a bow).

Children: Sugan.

Educator: Well done.

Educator: Bu nәrsә?

Children: Kabesta.

Educator: Bu nәrsә?

Children: Kyyar.

Educator: Bu nәrsә?

Children: Tomato.

Educator: The word tomato in Russian and Tatar sounds the same.

Educator: And now, guys, I suggest you play with vegetables in the s / r game "shop".

Educator: Well done. I also propose to hold a competitive game "Harvest".

Children are divided into 2 teams, 2 buckets are placed, dummy vegetables are scattered on the floor, at the expense of 3 the game starts.

Educator: Guys, let's name what vegetables the girls' team has collected.

Educator and children: Barange, sugan, kisher, kyyar, tomato.

Educator: Well done. Let's count vegetables.

We count in Tatar.

Educator and children: Ber, ike, och, durt, bish.

Educator: Let's see what vegetables the boys' team has collected.

Educator and children: Sugan, kabestә, kyyar, kisher, tomato, bange.

Educator: Let's count the vegetables in the Tatar language.

Educator and children: Ber, ike, och, durt, bish, alty, җide.

Teacher: Well done guys. Let's play a musical round dance game "Bar matur bakcha" ("There is a beautiful garden").

For children I wear half masks of vegetables. First, the role is given to an active, strong child, then the role is offered to an insecure, self-contained child.

Bar matur bakcha

Anda usa kisher


(a child with a “carrot” half-mask goes into the middle of the circle and dances).

The game continues with all vegetables learned.

Creative task for children: gouache decoration of vegetables made from salt dough.

Final part:

Educator: Well done. Guys, did you like the Tatar language lesson? What new words did we learn today? What was difficult for you? What would you like to tell parents, friends (Answers of children).

Educator: Guys, let's thank Akbay and Miyau for the vegetables and say goodbye to them.

Educator: Saubulygyz, balalar!

GCD for consolidating the passed material of the teaching materials in the Tatar language

in the senior group №3

Compiled by the educator for teaching children the Tatar language Aglyamova L.A.

GCD ( Abstract - lesson) to consolidate the passed material of the teaching materials in the Tatar language in the senior group No. 3

"Akbay and Miyau visiting the guys"

GCD progress:

Introductory part.

Children enter the group and stand around the teacher.

Educator: Guys today a lot of guests came to visit us and they all want to hear how we can speak the Tatar language! Let's say hello to our guests in Tatar.

Educator: Isanmesez, kunaklar!

Guests: Isanmesez, balalar!

Educator: Let's ask our guests how they are doing?! Approach one of the guests and ask: Khәllar nichek?

Children: Hallar nichek?

Guests: Aybat. Rakhmat.

Educator: So we said hello, and now let's get to know you. (the teacher passes the ball to the children, asks questions, the children answer.)

Sin by whom? - Min Malay.

Sin Malay? - Aye, min malay.

Sin by whom? Sin kyz? - Yuk, min malay.

Sina nicha yash? - I mean yash.

Surprise moment. Knock on the door.

Educator: Let's ask: Who is there?- Who anda? (in chorus).

The teacher opens the door. Akbay and Miyau enter the group.

Educator: - Guys, Akbay and Miyau came to visit us, they are very kind and cheerful helpers. Akbay and Miyau speak differently, in Tatar. Let's say hello to them in Tatar.

Children: Isanme, Akbay!

Akbay: Isanmesez, balalar!

Children: Isanme, Miyau!

Miyau: Isanmesez, balalar!

Educator: Guys, tell me, is Akbay a dog?

Children: Yuk, Akbay at!

Educator: Bik aybat! Look, Akbay and Miyau brought us a basket, guess what's there?

(The teacher takes out vegetables from Akbay's basket, and fruits from Miyau's basket)

Educator: Bu nәrsә?

(Children's answers in Tatar.)

Educator: The words tomato, grapes, pear, banana sound the same in Russian and Tatar.

Educator: Guys, let's count how many vegetables Akbay brought, how many fruits Miyau brought.

Children count fruits in chorus:Ber, ike, öch, durt, bish.

Educator: Well done guys, and now we will play a game: "Harvest".

(Children are divided into 2 teams, 2 baskets are placed, cards with the image of vegetables and fruits or dummies are laid out on the floor, one team collects vegetables, and the other team collects fruits).

Educator: Guys, let's name what vegetables one team collected, what fruits the other team collected.

Children: (Name the vegetables and fruits they have picked).

Educator: Let's count and determine which team scored more fruits or vegetables, who won?

Children: (They count the contents of the baskets in Tatar).

The children are seated at the tables.

Educator: Well done boys. Do you still want to play?

Educator: I have masks of vegetables and fruits. I suggest you play a round dance game called "Bar matur bakcha", you come and ask me for the mask that you like.

Children: Kisher bir...

(Children dance to the music, sing a song, whose vegetable or fruit was named, that child goes into the middle of the circle and dances, the game continues).

bar matur bakcha,

Anda kisher usa...

(kyar, sugan, etc.)

Educator: Well done boys. And now I suggest you go to the tables. You have leaflets with tasks on your tables, you need to color only those vegetables,whose names you can name in Tatar.

Creative task for children.

Educator: What vegetables did you color?

(Children called vegetables in Tatar).

Final part.

Educator: Well done boys. You liked how we spoke Tatar today. Today we coped with all the tasks, Akbay and Miyau liked you very much and they would like to come to us again. Let's thank Akbay and Miyau for the fruits and vegetables they brought us and say goodbye to them.

Educator: Sau Bul Akbay. Sau Bul Miyau.

Author information

Musina Gulia Maulevna

Place of work, position:

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of the combined type "Rodnichok"" of the Spassky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan, teacher of the Tatar language.

Republic of Tatarstan

Characteristics of the lesson (classes)

The level of education:

Preschool education

The target audience:



Native language

The purpose of the lesson:

Target: Consolidation of the passed lexical material on the topic "Vegetables", as well as the skills previously acquired by children in using grammatical structures in known and new educational and game situations.


1. Educational:

  • Activation in speech of words denoting an object, its sign and action.
  • To promote the ability to compose mini-dialogues in speech situations, to consolidate the ability of children to compose short stories-descriptions based on pictures or personal observations of the child.

2. Developing:

  • Continue to develop coherent dialogic speech, the ability to select words according to their meaning.
  • Develop and stimulate memory, attention and thinking, fine motor skills of hands; independently perform tasks, the ability to communicate in the Tatar language with peers and adults in various situations.

3. Educational:

  • Cultivate the ability to carefully listen to the answers of comrades, if you need to correctly correct them.
  • Cultivate the skills of cooperation, independence, goodwill and endurance.
  • Raise interest in learning the Tatar language.

Lesson type:

Knowledge consolidation lesson

Students in the class (audience):

Used textbooks and tutorials:

Used methodological literature:

  1. UMK for children 5-6 years old "Tatarcha soylashabez. We speak Tatar" Z. M. Zaripova, Kazan 2012.
  2. "Regional program of preschool education" R.K.Shaekhov, Kazan 2012.

Used equipment:

For the educator: projector, laptop, audio recordings aged 11-12 for children aged 5-6, demonstration and handouts, presentation, Miyau and Akbay toys;

For kids: models of vegetables, a steering wheel, half masks of vegetables, a ball, 5 baskets, attributes for the role-playing game "Vegetable shop".

Short description:

Main psubject area: Development of speech (Tatar language)

Region Integration:"Social and communicative development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Cognitive development", "Physical development"

Age group: children of the senior group (5-6 years old)

Types of children's activities: communicative, playful, motor.

Preliminary work: creating a language environment, compiling a summary, developing slides, selecting equipment and demonstration material, studying lexical material and the song and dance game "Bar matur bakcha" by children, making half masks.

Vocabulary work: lexical and grammatical material on the topic "Vegetables", song and dance game "Bar matur bakcha".

Lesson progress:

I. Organizational moment (Slide 1)

Educator: The guys came to visit us today, they found out that you speak Tatar very well, and they all want to hear how we can speak Tatar! Let's say hello to them in Tatar, and find out how they are doing.

Children: Isanmesez!

Guests: Isanmesez!

Children: Hallar nichek?

Guests: Aybat, rakhmat!

Educator: So we said hello, and now let's introduce ourselves. Sin by whom? ( the teacher passes the ball to the children, the children answer)

Children: Min - ....

II. Main part

1. Surprise moment. Knock on the door.

Educator: Let's ask: Who is there? - Who anda? (in chorus)

The door opens and Akbay and Miyau come in.

Miyau, Akbay: Isanmesez, balalar.

Children: Isanme, Akbay. Isanme, Miyau. Hallar nichek?

Miyau, Akbay: Aybat.

2. Didactic game "Magic chest".

caregiver: Miyau and Akbay brought a magic chest! Guys, are you wondering what's in it? Let's see what's inside! Bu narse?

Children: Kisher, kәbestә, kyyar, sugan, bәrәңge.

caregiver: Nindi kisher (...)?

Children: Points (tamle, zur, kechkenә, pure, pychrak, matur).

3. Word game "Broken phone".

caregiver: Well done boys! Akbay and Miyau really liked that you named everything correctly. They offer us to play Broken Phone. (Zur kabesta, matur sugan, tamle kyyar, kisher points)

4. Didactic game "Skolhow much? Count!"

caregiver: Oh, children, look, while we were playing, someone made a mess! What to do? Will you help me clean up and arrange all the vegetables in the baskets?

Children collect vegetables and arrange them in baskets.

caregiver: Thanks guys! How wonderful you did, how many vegetables you collected, and let's count them. Sana, nichi kyyar (...)?

Children: 1 (1-10) kyyar (....).

5. Game siTuation "I say, and you show."(Slide 2)

caregiver: Akbay and Miyau want to cook a vegetable salad, but they can't understand the recipe, because they still don't know how to count well, let's read the recipe and help them.

1 child receives a picture-recipe, names what is shown there, the other child shows on the board.

Children: 2 sugan, 1 kәbestә, 4 kyyar, 5 bаrәңge, 3 kisher.

6. Song and dance game "Bar matur bakcha".(Slide 3)

caregiver: Guys, the recipe is there, but there are no vegetables to make a salad, let's go to the vegetable store for shopping. Audio 12.

Children walk in circles, show movements corresponding to the words of the song. Pcharacter, who was called, goes to the center and dances, the children clap. Then two children make a "gate", other children leave through these "gates".

1) Bar matur bakcha,

Anda kisher (sugan, kyyar) үсә. (tүgәrәktә yөrilәr)

Mena shundy kisher (sugan, kyyar) zur, (khәrәkәt belәn

Menә shundy kechkenә. kүrsәtәlәr)


Kisher, kisher, (sugan, kyyar) kil-ale, (1 ball “kisher”(sugan, kyyar)

Biep, biep kit al. urtaga chyga, bii)

Әllә-lә, әllә-lә, (balalar

Biep, biep kit al. kul chabalar)

2) sugan 3) kyyar

4) Chauffeur, driver, kil-ale, (1 ball “chauffeur”

Biep, biep kit al. urtaga chyga, bii,

Әllә-lә, әllә-lә, balalarny “kapkadan”

Biep, biep kit al. alyp chygyp kitә)

7. Role-playing game "Vegetable shop".(Slide 4)

caregiver: Here we are, where is our list of vegetables? Let's buy everything on the list for our salad. Akbay and Miyau will help us. Audio 11.

1 child: Isanme, Olya. 2 child: Isanme, Kolya.

1 child:: Hallar nichek? 2 child: Aybat.

1 child:: Olya, ike kabesta bir. 2 child: Mә, ike kabesta.

1 child:: Rakhmat, Olya. Sau blvd. 2 child: Sau Bul, Kolya.

8. Game situation "Vegetable salad". (Slide 5)

caregiver: What a delicious salad! Thank you! Guys, what else is our salad?

Children: Useful.

caregiver: And why?

Children: Because it has a lot of vitamins.

caregiver: That's right, children, you need to eat a lot of vegetables in order to grow up smart and healthy kids.

III. Summary of activities. Final part.

Educator: Well done boys. How well we worked hard today. Thank you. Guys, were you interested today? What was especially memorable, maybe something was difficult? Will you talk about it at home? Good girls! I also really liked it, I'm very happy and satisfied! But unfortunately for our guests, Akbay and Miyau, it's time to say goodbye to us. And in parting, Akbay and Miyau give us coloring books as a keepsake of our lesson today. Let's thank them and say goodbye to them and our guests. Sau bulygyz!

Children: Rakhmat. Sau Bul, Akbay, Miyau! Sau bulygyz!

P. S. Coloring pictures can be used by the teacher during regime moments to consolidate the material.

Subject: Akbay and Miyau hotels

Main psubject area: Development of speech (Tatar language)

Region Integration:"Social and communicative development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Cognitive development", "Physical development"

Age group: children of the senior group "Fireflies" (5-6 years old)

Types of children's activities: communicative, playful, motor.

Target: Consolidation of the passed lexical material on the topic "Vegetables", as well as the skills previously acquired by children in using grammatical structures in known and new educational and game situations.



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of the combined type "Rodnichok"" of the Spassky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Summary of the lesson on consolidating the material passed by the teaching materials in the Tatar language on the topic "Vegetables" with the children of the senior group "Fireflies" "Hotels of Akbay and Miyau"

(open screening as part of the annual plan of the preschool educational institution)

Tatar language teacher:

Musina Gulia Maulevna


year 2014

Subject: Akbay and Miyau hotels

Main subject area:Development of speech (Tatar language)

Region Integration:"Social and communicative development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Cognitive development", "Physical development"

Age group:children of the senior group "Fireflies" (5-6 years old)

Types of children's activities:communicative, playful, motor.

Target: Consolidation of the passed lexical material on the topic "Vegetables", as well as the skills previously acquired by children in using grammatical structures in known and new educational and game situations.


1. Educational:

  • Activation in speech of words denoting an object, its sign and action.
  • To promote the ability to compose mini-dialogues in speech situations, to consolidate the ability of children to compose short stories-descriptions based on pictures or personal observations of the child.

2. Developing:

  • Continue to develop coherent dialogic speech, the ability to select words according to their meaning.
  • Develop and stimulate memory, attention and thinking, fine motor skills of hands; independently perform tasks, the ability to communicate in the Tatar language with peers and adults in various situations.

3. Educational:

  • Cultivate the ability to carefully listen to the answers of comrades, if you need to correctly correct them.
  • Cultivate the skills of cooperation, independence, goodwill and endurance.
  • Raise interest in learning the Tatar language.

List of used software:

  1. UMK for children 5-6 years old "Tatarcha soylashabez. We speak Tatar" Z. M. Zaripova, Kazan 2012.
  2. "Regional program of preschool education" R.K.Shaekhov, Kazan 2012.

Didactic support for the lesson:

For the educator:projector, laptop, audio recordings aged 11-12 for children aged 5-6, demonstration and handouts, presentation, Miyau and Akbay toys;

For kids: models of vegetables, a steering wheel, half masks of vegetables, a ball, 5 baskets, attributes for the role-playing game "Vegetable shop".

Preliminary work: creation of a language environment, compiling a summary, developing slides, selecting equipment and demonstration material, studying lexical material and the song and dance game "Bar matur bakcha" by children, making half masks.

Vocabulary work:lexical and grammatical material on the topic "Vegetables", song and dance game "Bar matur bakcha".

Lesson progress:

I. Organizational moment (Slide 1)

Educator: The guys came to visit us today, they found out that you speak Tatar very well, and they all want to hear how we can speak Tatar! Let's say hello to them in Tatar, and find out how they are doing.

Children: Isanmesez!

Guests: Isanmesez!

Children: Hallar nichek?

Guests: Aybat, rakhmat!

Educator: So we said hello, and now let's introduce ourselves. Sin by whom? (the teacher passes the ball to the children, the children answer)

Children: Min - ....

II. Main part

1. Surprise moment. Knock on the door.

Educator: Let's ask: Who is there? - Who anda? (in chorus)

The door opens and Akbay and Miyau come in.

Miyau, Akbay: Isanmesez, balalar.

Children: Isanme, Akbay. Isanme, Miyau. Hallar nichek?

Miyau, Akbay: Aybat.

2. Didactic game "Magic chest".

caregiver : Miyau and Akbay brought a magic chest! Guys, are you wondering what's in it? Let's see what's inside! Bu narse?

Children: Kisher, kabestә, kyyar, sugan, barange.

Educator: Nindi kischer (...)?

Children: Points (tamle, zur, kechkenә, pure, pychrak, matur).

3. Word game "Broken phone".

Educator: Well done boys! Akbay and Miyau really liked that you named everything correctly. They offer us to play Broken Phone.(Zur kabesta, matur sugan, tamle kyyar, kisher points)

4. Didactic game "How much? Count!"

Educator: Oh, children, look, while we were playing, someone made a mess! What to do? Will you help me clean up and arrange all the vegetables in the baskets?

Children collect vegetables and arrange them in baskets.

Teacher: Thanks guys! How wonderful you did, how many vegetables you collected, and let's count them. Sana, nichi kyyar (...)?

Children: 1 (1-10) kyar (....).

5. Game situation "I say, and you show."(Slide 2)

Educator: Akbay and Miyau want to cook a vegetable salad, but they can't understand the recipe because they still don't know how to count well, let's read the recipe and help them.

1 child receives a picture-recipe, names what is shown there, the other child shows on the board.

Children: 2 sugan, 1 kәbestә, 4 kyyar, 5 bаrәңge, 3 kisher.

6. Song and dance game "Bar matur bakcha".(Slide 3)

Educator: Guys, the recipe is there, but there are no vegetables to make a salad, let's go to the vegetable store for shopping. Audio 12.

Children walk in a circle, show the movements corresponding to the words of the song. The character who was called comes to the center and dances, the children clap. Then two children make a "gate", other children leave through these "gates".

1) Bar matur bakcha,

Anda kisher (sugan, kyyar) үсә.(tүgәrәktә yөrilәr)

Mena shundy kisher (sugan, kyyar) zur,(khәrәkәt belәn

Menә shundy kechkenә. kүrsәtәlәr)


Kisher, kisher, (sugan, kyyar) kil-ale,(1 bala “kisher” (sugan, kyyar)

Biep, biep kit al.urtaga chyga, bii)

Әllә-lә, әllә-lә, (balalar

Biep, biep kit al. kul chabalar)

2) sugan 3) kyyar

4) Chauffeur, driver, kil-ale,(1 ball “chauffeur”

Biep, biep kit al.urtaga chyga, bii,

Әllә-lә, әllә-lә, balalarny “kapkadan”

Biep, biep kit al.alyp chygyp kitә)

7. Role-playing game "Vegetable shop".(Slide 4)

Educator: Here we are, where is our list of vegetables? Let's buy everything on the list for our salad. Akbay and Miyau will help us. Audio 11.

1 child: Isanme, Olya. 2nd child: Isenme, Kolya.

1 child:: Khәllаr nichek? 2nd child: Aybat.

1 child:: Olya, ike kabesta bir. 2nd child: Mә, ike kabesta.

1 child:: Rakhmat, Olya. Sau blvd. 2nd child: Sau Bul, Kolya.

8. Game situation "Vegetable salad". (Slide 5)

Educator: What a delicious salad! Thank you! Guys, what else is our salad?

Children: Useful.

Educator: Why?

Children: Because it has a lot of vitamins.

Educator: That's right, children, you need to eat a lot of vegetables in order to grow up to be smart and healthy kids.

III. Summary of activities. Final part.

Educator: Well done boys. How well we worked hard today. Thank you. Guys, were you interested today? What was especially memorable, maybe something was difficult? Will you talk about it at home? Good girls! I also really liked it, I'm very happy and satisfied! But unfortunately for our guests, Akbay and Miyau, it's time to say goodbye to us. And in parting, Akbay and Miyau give us coloring books as a keepsake of our lesson today. Let's thank them and say goodbye to them and our guests. Sau bulygyz!

Children: Rakhmat. Sau Bul, Akbay, Miyau! Sau bulygyz!

P.S. Coloring pictures can be used by the teacher during regime moments to consolidate the material.

Lesson on the development of speech

GCD for teaching children the Tatar language in the preparatory group "Journey to the Zoo" under the project "Without khazer inde zurlar - maktapkailta yullar"

Nizamova T.Kh., educator for teaching the Tatar language, Kindergarten / S No. 5, Leninogorsk, Republic of Tatarstan

Used educational program: "Regional program of preschool education" Shaekhova R.K., Kazan 2012.

Age group: preparatory group.

Methods of preschool education: teaching the Tatar language to Russian-speaking children, the use of teaching materials "We speak Tatar" for teaching the Tatar language to children 6-7 years old.


Developing: ability to answer questions Who is it? What is he doing?, addressing each other in the Tatar language, developing dialogical speech.

Tutorials: activation of vocabulary on the topics: “Products”, “Animals”.

Educational: fostering a love for animals.

Preliminary work with children: learning the song "Aidagez, biibez", making half-masks of animals, working with pictograms, didactic game "Call it right", "Commander", role-playing game "Internet store".

Didactic support for the lesson:

  1. For the educator: a laptop, a projector, a presentation, a demonstration material, a toy dog ​​Akbay and a kitten Miyau, animal toys: a hedgehog, a fox, a hare, a bear.
  2. For children: animal half masks, toy camera, pictures of animals.

Lesson structure:

1. Introduction (4-5 min).

Target: creating interest, emotional mood for the lesson.

Surprise moment, the children receive an invitation from Akbay and Miyau to visit the zoo.

2. Main body (18 min)

Target: implementation of program content tasks.

Lesson progress:

Introductory part:

Educator: Isanmesez, balalar! Khallaregez nichek?

Children: Isanmesez!

Educator: Guys, our best friends Akbay and Miyau are invited to the zoo today, and they sent an invitation card. Let's say hello to them and ask how they are doing?

Children: Isenme, Akbay, Miyau. Heller no good?

Akbay, Miyau: heibet. (Slide 1)

(Voice mail from Akbay and Miyau.)

The guys, Akbay and Miyau, offer us to visit the zoo and they give us such a camera. Why do you think we need a camera? (so we can take pictures of the animals).

Guys, do you want to visit the zoo? Good. But before we go, we need to repeat the rules of conduct and safety rules at the zoo. (slide)

In the zoo we have to look at the animals, how they look, observe what they do, take pictures and tell about them.

Children, our bus goes to the zoo.

Development dialogue:

I am your tour guide. I invite you to the bus. Let's get acquainted. Min - Tenzile Khalikovna. Sin by whom? (Min - Sofia. Children in a chain)

While we are driving, we will play the game "Sin whom?" ("Who are you?"). Asking each other the question “Sinen isemen nichek?”, “Sin nich yash?” Let's get acquainted in the Tatar language.

Children talk about themselves in the Tatar language.

Children's answers: Min Alsou. Mina 6 yash, etc.

Main part:

Educator: Here we are at the zoo.

Children watch animals, call them in Tatar and take pictures of them, treat them.

We go back to kindergarten.

Educator: Guys, now name who you photographed in the Tatar language.

Children's answers: Tolke, kuyan, ayu, kerpe.

Educator: Bik yakhshy, buldyrdygyz. The guys got some good photos. Let's play with these pictures (interactive whiteboard included) Guys, repeat the animals. I draw the attention of children to pictures of animals.

Educator: Bu narse? (showing a picture of a fox) .

Children: But tolke.

Educator: Bu nerse? (showing a picture of a bear) .

Children: Boo ayu.

Educator: Bu nerse? (showing a picture of a hedgehog) .

Children: Boo kerpe.

Educator: Well done.

We repeat these words together, divide into syllables, speak in a whisper, sing, pull.

Educator: Game "Nishli?" ("What is he doing? ")

The teacher shows and asks from the pictures.

Kerpe nishli? Kerpe is cool.

Ayu nishli? Ayu yokly.

Tolke nishli? Tolke bar.

Educator: Well done. I offer you a game situation: “Uzen turynda soyla” ("Tell about yourself") .

Children take toys.

Educator: Let's turn into animals and tell - who am I, what am I, what am I doing?

Children: Min bure. Min zur, matur, clean. Min utyram (khәrәkәt belәn kүrsәtә)

Educator: Well done boys. Let's play a musical and round dance game "Aidagez, biibez" ("Let's Dance")

I turn on the song, half-masks of animals are distributed to the children.

1) Bar monda zur tolke.

Zur tolke, matur tolke. (2 tapkyr)

Tolke, tolke kil-ale,

Biep-biep kit әle (2 tapkyr)

2) Bar monda zur ayu,

Zur ayu, matur ayu. (2 tapkyr)

Ayu, ayu kil ale,

Beep-beep kit ele (2 tapkyr)

3) Bar kechkenә kuyan,

Kechkenә, matur kuyan. (2 tapkyr)

Kuyan, kuyan kil ale,

Biep-biep kit әle (2 tapkyr)

4) Bar kechkenә kerpe,

Kechkenә, matur kerpe. (2 tapkyr)

Kerpe, kerpe kil-ale,

Biep-biep kit әle (2 tapkyr)

Educator: Guys, the animals are tired, let's put them to bed.

Final part:

Educator: Well done. Guys, did you enjoy our trip? What words do we remember today? What was difficult for you? What would you like to tell your parents, friends (children's answers).

Educator: Guys, let's thank Akbay and Miyau and say goodbye to them.

Children: Sau Bul, Akbay, Miyau. Rakhmat!

Educator: Sau bulygyz, balalar!

Children: Sau bulygyz!